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Food Hydrocolloids 49 (2015) 104e117

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Quantitative analysis of the network structure that underlines the

transitioning in mechanical responses of pea protein gels
Claire D. Munialo a, b, *, Erik van der Linden a, b, Komla Ako c, d, Harmen H.J. de Jongh a, e
Top Institute Food and Nutrition, P.O. Box 557, 6700 AN Wageningen, The Netherlands
Laboratory of Physics and Physical Chemistry of Foods, Department of Agrotechnology and Food Sciences, Wageningen University, P.O. Box 17,
6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands
University of Grenoble Alpes, LRP, F-38000 Grenoble, France
CNRS, LRP, F-38000 Grenoble, France
ProtIn Consultancy, Nepveulaan 112, 3705 LG Zeist, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The objective of this study was to analyze quantitatively the network structure that underlines the
Received 6 January 2015 transitioning in the mechanical responses of heat-induced pea protein gels. To achieve this, gels were
Received in revised form prepared from pea proteins at varying pHs from 3.0 to 4.2 at a fixed 100 mg/mL protein concentration.
28 February 2015
Gels were also prepared by varying the protein concentration from 100 to 150 mg/mL at a fixed pH 3.0.
Accepted 17 March 2015
Available online 24 March 2015
Mechanical deformation properties of the gels were determined. An increase in protein concentration at
a fixed pH resulted in an increase in fracture stress and Young's modulus. Variation of the pH at a fixed
protein concentration resulted in transitioning in mechanical responses such as fracture stress, fracture
Pea proteins
strain, and the recoverable energy. The network structures were visualized by the use of confocal laser
Gel formation scanning and scanning electron microscopy, and the characteristic length scales of these structures were
Correlation length quantitatively analyzed in terms of the pair correlation function. Variation of the protein concentration at
Length scale a fixed pH did not significantly alter the microstructure of the gels, whereas variation of the pH at a fixed
Structural transitioning protein concentration resulted in significant changes in the gel structure. Structural transitioning was
Recoverable energy shown to occur around pH 3.7. The findings from this study show transitioning in rheological responses
Chemical compounds studied in this article:
of pea protein gels occur as a result of structural changes. The results from this study offer opportunities
Dimethyl sulfoxide (PubChem CID: 679) to broaden the application of pea proteins in food products, as products with desirable rheological
Rhodamine B (PubChem CID: 6694) (textural) and structural properties can be designed from pea proteins.
Acetone (PubChem CID: 180) © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Glutaraldehyde (PubChem CID: 3485)
Sodium hydroxide (PubChem CID: 14798)
Hydrochloric acid (PubChem CID: 313)
Sodium chloride (PubChem CID: 5234)

1. Introduction Gel formation by globular proteins is of great importance in the

generation of texture in food. Heating globular proteins above their
Storage proteins of pea (Pisum sativum L.) have a considerable denaturation temperature results in partial unfolding of the pro-
potential to be used in the food industry for the formulation of new teins. This exposes interaction sites, giving rise to intermolecular
food products as a better accessible and sustainable alternative to interactions, eventually resulting in clustering of protein aggregates
animal proteins supplies (Gharsallaoui, Saurel, Chambin, & Voilley, to form a spatial gel network (Clark, Kavanagh, & Ross-Murphy,
2012; Pimentel & Pimentel, 2003). However, the inability to 2001). At sufficiently high protein concentrations, these gels can
structure plant proteins such as from pea into desirable textures be self-supporting, and large deformation and fracture behavior
can limit their application (Manski, van der Goot, & Boom, 2007). can be studied (Munialo, van der Linden, & de Jongh, 2014). Large
deformation and fracture properties are important quality charac-
* Corresponding author. Laboratory of Physics and Physical Chemistry of Foods, teristics that determine the functional properties of gels such as
Department of Agrotechnology and Food Sciences, Wageningen University, P.O. Box cutting, handling, oral processing, and sensory/mouthfeel percep-
17, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands. Tel.: þ31 317 485208.
tion (van den Berg et al., 2008; van Vliet, 1996).
E-mail address: (C.D. Munialo).
0268-005X/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C.D. Munialo et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 49 (2015) 104e117 105

The fracture and macroscopic breakdown properties of gels can transitioning of pea protein gels over a narrow range of pH, and at
be explained by the energy balance in materials (Çakir et al., 2012). varying protein concentrations have not yet been reported.
When gels are subjected to deformation, all supplied energy is To be able to determine the transitioning in mechanical re-
either stored (van Vliet, 1996) or dissipated during deformation sponses of pea protein gels as a result of changes in the network
(van Vliet, Luyten, & Walstra, 1991). Some of the processes that lead structure, various microstructures were generated in this study.
to dissipation of energy are via fracturing events at length scales The aim of this study was to quantitatively characterize the
larger than that of microstructures that make up the spatial network structure that underlines the transitioning in the me-
network, the de-bonding of physical contacts that form the chanical responses of heat-induced pea protein gels. To realize the
network, friction between microstructural elements during applied structural changes, two approaches were chosen to affect the
deformation, viscous serum flow of the liquid that is entrapped by morphology, (i) via pH variations from pH 3.0 to pH 4.2 at a fixed
the network, plastic deformation, and the relaxation of the struc- protein concentration (100 mg/mL) (where electrostatic in-
ture elements. The detailed explanation of how these dissipation teractions are changed as a result of changes in the pH), and (ii) via
modes contribute to energy loss can be found elsewhere (de Jong, changes in the protein concentration from 100 to 150 mg/mL at a
van Vliet, & de Jongh, in press). The energy that is stored elasti- fixed pH 3.0 (where kinetics of gel formation may be altered due to
cally during deformation is referred to as the recoverable energy. changes in protein content). The variation of the pH prior to gela-
The recoverable energy is one of the main characteristics that tion was chosen based on a preceding study where gels prepared at
define the fracture characteristics of food gels by controlling energy pH 3.0 were reported to be translucent, and to have somewhat low
balance within the gel structure during deformation (Çakir et al., fracture stress, high fracture strain values, and high recoverable
2012; Munialo, van der Linden, et al., 2014). The recoverable en- energy, characteristics of a fine-stranded network (Munialo, van
ergy has been correlated to crumbly perception of food gels (van der Linden, et al., 2014). Subsequently, the rheological and struc-
den Berg et al., 2008). tural properties of the formed gels were evaluated.
The properties of protein gels are influenced by a number of
interrelated factors such as: protein concentration, pH, and ionic 2. Material and methods
strength during gel formation (Vardhanabhuti, Foegeding,
McGuffey, Daubert, & Swaisgood, 2001). The strength of protein 2.1. Material
gels has been shown to increase with an increase in protein or solid
matter content (Thompson, Boland, & Singh, 2009). Whereas, Pre-dried de-hulled commercial green pea seeds with a protein
depending on the gelling conditions, globular proteins such as pea content of 22 g/100 g (dry weight basis) were purchased from a
proteins form gels varying in appearance from transparent to local supermarket. Rhodamine B, acetone, dimethyl sulfoxide
opaque (Munialo, van der Linden, et al., 2014). With increasing the (DMSO), glutaraldehyde, NaOH pellets, HCl, and NaCl were all
pH towards the isoelectric point (IEP) of the protein, the formation purchased from SigmaeAldrich (Steinheim, Germany). Paraffin oil
of gels with coarse-strands is promoted. Coarse-stranded gels are was purchased from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). Omnifix® sy-
composed of particulate aggregates (Ikeda & Morris, 2002), and ringes were obtained from Braun (Melsungen, Germany). All ma-
have an opaque appearance (Munialo, van der Linden, et al., 2014). terials were of analytical grade and used without further
Contrarily, gels formed at a low ionic strength, and at pH away from purification. All solutions were prepared with MilliQ water.
IEP are fine-stranded with transparent appearance (Langton &
Hermansson, 1992).
The mechanical deformation properties of protein gels at vary- 2.2. Pea protein extraction
ing conditions have been reported before. A significant increase in
stiffness of gels made from whey protein was reported with an Pea protein isolate was extracted from commercial green peas
increase in protein concentration from 60 to 100 g/L (w/v) by isoelectric precipitation according to a previously described
(Hongsprabhas, Barbut, & Marangoni, 1999). Changes in fracture procedure (Munialo, Martin, van der Linden, & de Jongh, 2014;
properties of protein gels with changes in pH have also been re- Munialo, van der Linden, et al., 2014). The pea protein isolate
ported. At pH < 4.5, whey proteins were shown to form particulate extracted in this way will be referred to as ‘native’ pea protein. The
gels that had a rather adhesive texture (Gwartney, Larick, & protein content of native pea protein was determined using the
Foegeding, 2004). Whey protein gels prepared at pHs 2e4 were Kjeldahl method with a nitrogen-to-protein conversion factor of
reported as being weak, and brittle, whereas gels that were formed 6.25, and found to be 123.9 ± 1.3 mg/mL. The dry matter content of
around neutral pH were described as being strong and elastic native pea protein was 12.6 ± 1.2%. Conductivity measurements
(Errington & Foegeding, 1998). Pea protein gels formed at varying showed that native pea protein isolate at pH 7.0, following the
pH and ionic strength that showed differences in the rheological washing steps during protein extraction had an ionic strength
behavior have also been reported (Gueguen, Chevalier, And, & comparable to that of about 0.02 M NaCl. Stock solutions of pea
Schaeffer, 1988; Munialo, van der Linden, et al., 2014; Shand, Ya, protein were prepared by concentrating native pea protein isolate
Pietrasik, & Wanasundara, 2007; Sun & Arntfield, 2010, 2011). to a final concentration of 150 mg/mL by ultrafiltration using a
However, the precise pH range at which structural transitioning of Merck Millipore Amicon stirred cell fitted with a 30 kDa molecular
pea protein gels occurs, and the effect of varying pH and protein weight cut-off membrane (Darmstadt, Germany).
concentration on the resultant rheological responses of the formed
gels has not yet been reported. 2.3. Characterization of pea proteins
The structural changes between fine and coarse-stranded gels
have been reported to occur over a range of pH and ionic strength in The thermal denaturation of the proteins in native pea protein
systems containing globular proteins such as whey proteins (Ako, solutions was evaluated by a TA Q100-Tzero™ differential scanning
Nicolai, Durand, & Brotons, 2009; Mehalebi, Nicolai, & Durand, calorimetry thermal analyzer (TA Instruments, New Castle, DE,
2008). A sharp transition from transparent to opaque gels was USA) according to a previously described procedure (Munialo, van
observed in 10% w/v beta-lactoglobulin (b-lg), when pH was der Linden, et al., 2014). The calorimetric analysis of native pea
increased from pH 4.1 to 4.3 or decreased from 5.7 to 5.3 (Ako, proteins showed a single peak denaturation temperature (Td) of
Nicolai, et al., 2009). However, studies on the structural 84.9 ± 1.6  C, on-set temperature of denaturation (Tm) of 74.3 ± 2.1,
106 C.D. Munialo et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 49 (2015) 104e117

and the enthalpy change of the major endotherm (DH) of (19.7 mm in diameter and 20 mm in height) using a Texture
9.4 ± 2.8 J/g protein (thermograms not shown). Analyzer fitted with a 5 kg load cell and P/75 probe (TA.XTPlus,
Protein aggregation was followed by measuring the turbidity of Stable Micro Systems, Surrey, UK). The fracture properties were
the samples in a Cary 4000 UVevis spectrophotometer (Varian, studied by a uniaxial compression test up to a 90% deformation of
Nederland BV, the Netherlands), accordingly to a previously the specimen height at a rate of 1 mm/s according to the previously
described procedure (Munialo, van der Linden, et al., 2014). The described procedure (Munialo, van der Linden, et al., 2014). The
intensity of the transmitted light was measured using quartz cu- true fracture stress and strain which will be designated as the
vettes with a 10 nm path length at 20  C following heating of 2 mg/ fracture stress and fracture strain throughout this paper were
mL pea protein solutions at varying pHs from pH 3.0 to pH 4.2, at calculated according to a previously described procedure (Munialo,
95  C for 30 min and the absorbance calculated. The turbidity of the van der Linden, et al., 2014). The Young's modulus was calculated
samples was obtained by dividing the absorbance at 500 nm by the from the slope of the linear region of the stressestrain curve as
optical path length of 10 nm. Typically, three measurements were previously described (Çakir et al., 2012).
carried out on each sample and averaged. The recoverable energy measurements were carried out on the
specimen described above according to the previously described
2.4. Preparation of pea protein gels procedure (Munialo, van der Linden, et al., 2014). Compression and
decompression of the specimen was analyzed on the above
All gelation experiments were carried out without further described Texture Analyzer. Fifty percent of the strain before frac-
adjustment of the ionic strength of the protein solutions. Prior to ture was applied to determine the energy release during decom-
gelation, the pH of the native pea protein solutions was adjusted pression at a deformation speed of 1 mm/s. The percentage of
using 2 M HCl to pHs 3.0 to 4.2 ± 0.01 in steps of 0.2 and the final recoverable energy of the gels was calculated from the area under
protein concentration was kept at 100 mg/mL, as well as the protein the forceedeformation curve as being the ratio of the amount of
concentration was varied from 100 to 150 mg/mL at a fixed pH energy that was recovered after applying the stress over the
3.0 ± 0.01. Following adjustment of the pH and the concentration of amount of energy that was applied during the compression of the
the pea protein solutions, the samples were degassed and subse- gels (van den Berg et al., 2008).
quently poured into 20 mL Omnifix® syringes with an internal
diameter of 19.7 mm, which were coated with paraffin oil, and 2.6. Characterization of the microstructure
closed at the bottom. The solutions were heated at 95  C in a water
bath for 30 min, followed by cooling at room temperature 2.6.1. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM)
(20 ± 2  C) overnight. Each sample was prepared in triplicate. It is CLSM was used to visualize the microstructure of pea protein gels
however important to note that due to inability to extract large according to a previously described procedure (Munialo, van der
amounts of pea proteins at once, the pH and protein concentration Linden, et al., 2014) with modifications. Pea protein solutions were
studies were carried out on separate batches of pea proteins. Hence, labeled with 20 mL/mL of sample aqueous solution of the fluoro-
the pH and protein concentration are treated in this case as two chrome Rhodamine B (0.2% w/w) prior to heat treatment. Solutions
different sets of experiments. of pea protein þ Rhodamine B were then inserted between a concave
slide and a coverslip and hermetically sealed. Subsequently, the
2.5. Rheological characterization of pea protein gels samples were heated at 95  C for 30 min. Visualization of the
microstructure was performed using a Leica TCS SP5 microscope
2.5.1. Dynamic rheological measurements (Leica Microsystems (CMS) GmbH, Mannheim, Germany) config-
Rheological characterization of pea protein gels was carried out ured with an inverted microscope using an Ar/Kr laser for excitation
according to the previously described procedure (Munialo, de in the fluorescence single-photon mode. Pictures were taken with
Jongh, Broersen, van der Linden, & Martin, 2013). An Anton Paar two different objective lenses: HCx PL APO 63  NA ¼ 1.2 and HC PL
MCR 502 rheometer (Anton Paar, Graz, Austria) was used to APO 20  NA ¼ 0.7, at a scan depth of 20 mm. The incident light was
determine rheological changes which occurred during in situ emitted by a laser beam at 561 nm, and the emission of Rhodamine
thermal processing of pea protein solutions. The Anton Paar C- was recorded between 570 and 725 nm.
CC17/T200/TI concentric cylinder measuring system was used in all
experiments. The measuring system consisted of an oscillating cup 2.6.2. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
and a fixed bob attached to a 13.2 torque bar. The pea protein so- Gels for SEM were prepared in cut pipette tips according to a
lutions were carefully poured into the cup at 20  C, and covered previously described procedure (Munialo, van der Linden, et al.,
with a thin layer of paraffin oil to prevent water evaporation during 2014). In summary, the solvent exchange was performed
experiments. Gels were formed by heating the samples from 20  C following gelation of the samples as previously outlined (Munialo,
to 95  C at a constant rate of 5  C/min, holding at 95  C for 30 min, van der Linden, et al., 2014) after which, the samples were dried
cooling down to 20  C at a constant rate of 1  C/min, and then by critical point drying (CPD 030 BalTec, Liechtenstein) and glued
holding at 20  C for 30 min. An angular frequency of 6.28 rad/s and onto a SEM sample holder using carbon glue (Leit-C, Neubauer
a maximum strain of 0.5 was used to measure the storage modulus Chemicalien, Germany), and subsequently stored overnight under
(G0 ) and loss modulus (G00 ) of the samples during the entire thermal vacuum. After drying of the carbon cement, the samples were
treatment. The experiments were performed in triplicate and the sputter coated with 10 nm iridium in SCD 500 (Leica EM VCT 100,
obtained results were averaged. Testing frequency and strain dur- Leica, Vienna, Austria) prior to imaging. All samples were analyzed
ing gelation process was selected based on preliminary experi- with a field emission scanning electron microscope (Magellan XHR
mental results from strain and frequency sweeps of thermally 400L FE-SEM, FEI, Eindhoven, the Netherlands) at room temper-
induced gels to minimize damage to the gel network and to ensure ature (20 ± 2  C) at a working distance of 4 mm with SE detection
that the linear visco-elastic behavior of the samples was retained. at 2 kV.

2.5.2. Uniaxial compression 2.6.3. Image analysis

To determine the fracture properties of pea protein gels, To determine the characteristic length scales at which structural
compression tests were performed on cylindrical gel samples transitioning from fine to coarse-stranded networks occur in pea
C.D. Munialo et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 49 (2015) 104e117 107

proteins, quantitative analyses in terms of the pair correlation 3.1. Characterization of pea protein at varying pHs
function (g(r)) of both CLSM and SEM images of heat-induced pea
protein gels was carried out as previously described (Ako, Durand, To study the aggregation behavior of pea proteins, the changes
Nicolai, & Becu, 2009). Six images were used for CLSM analysis and in turbidity for pea proteins at varying pHs were determined from
3 images for SEM analysis, over pairs of 1024  1024 pixels rep- the absorbance values recorded following heating of the pea pro-
resenting one CLSM image and 874  874 pixels representing one tein solutions at 95  C for 30 min as presented in Fig. 2. It is how-
SEM image. The g(r) presented is an average of these images. It is ever not sensible to measure the changes in absorbance as a
however important to note that a dimensional or shadowing effect function of protein concentration at a fixed pH given that these
on an image can result in high density images and thus decreasing measurements were carried out in diluted system.
the true contrast of the 2D SEM images given that out-of-focus Changes in absorbance after heat treatment of pea protein so-
beam is not eliminated during the imaging of SEM samples, lutions at different pHs at the same protein concentration can be
which is basically suppressed in CLSM (Fredrich, 1999). In order to related to aggregate size. No differences in absorbance were
reduce the dimensional effect, an average of the dark intensity from observed at pH 3.0 and pH 3.2 which shows that the size of ag-
the raw images (RIs) represented by the threshold level (TL) was gregates at these pHs is comparable. The absorbance increased with
measured and subtracted from the images as previously described an increase in pH towards the IEP (Fig. 2). The higher absorbance
(Munialo, Ortega, van der Linden, & de Jongh, 2014). An example of values at higher pHs shows the predominance of coarser structures
the intensity distribution of the raw images and the threshold in comparison to lower pHs. Higher pHs are closer to the isoelectric
image (TI) from SEM micrographs is shown in Fig. 1. point (IEP) of pea protein, which is in the range of 4.8e5.5
(Danielsson, 1949), where more coarser structures are expected to
be formed. At lower pHs, one expects finer structures, resulting in
2.7. Statistical analysis
lower absorbance values.
Data are reported as mean values with standard deviations (SD)
for all data points. The significance of the differences in mechanical 3.2. Dynamic visco-elastic properties of pea protein gels
properties were evaluated by determining the correlation between
experimental data using paired sample test with minimum signif- To study the visco-elastic properties of pea protein gels, the
icance set at the 5% level (P < 0.05) using SPSS (version 19, Inter- small deformation rheological responses of pea protein gels were
national Business Machines, Armonk, NY, USA). Principal determined as a function of varying protein concentration at a fixed
component analysis (PCA) (Biosystemes, V2.41b) was used to pH 3.0, and at varying pHs at a fixed 100 mg/mL protein concen-
analyze the relationships between pH, correlation length and tration. During the thermal treatment of pea protein solutions at
rheological responses of heat-induced pea protein gels. these conditions, the storage modulus (G0 , Pa), and loss modulus
(G00 , Pa) were recorded as a function of pH and protein concentra-
3. Results and discussion tion. For all samples, the G0 values were considerably greater in
magnitude than G00 (tan d values were in the range between 0.15
The aim of this study was to quantitatively characterize the and 0.2 for heat-induced pea protein gels (results not shown)),
network structure that underlines the transitioning in the me- suggesting that predominantly elastic gels were formed. Only G0
chanical responses of pea protein gels. To quantitatively analyze the values are discussed hereafter.
network structure that underlines the transitioning in the me- The G0 (Pa) development of pea protein for various protein
chanical responses of pea protein gels, gels at varying pH from pH concentrations at a fixed pH was monitored over time (Fig. 3A). The
3.0 to pH 4.2 and protein concentration were prepared, because G0 values increased with an increase in protein concentration. In all
they gave essentially fine to coarse-stranded networks, and hence conditions G0 values became higher and continued to increase
offers a possibility to relate structural changes of pea protein net- while maintaining the samples at 95  C. A subsequent increase in
works to the transitioning in mechanical responses of pea protein the G0 was observed during cooling of the samples to 20  C. Holding

Fig. 1. An example of gray level distribution of the raw image (RI) and the threshold Fig. 2. Changes in absorbance in pea protein solutions at pHs 3.0e4.2 at a protein
image (TI) for SEM images. The threshold level (TL) is an average of the intensity of the concentration of 2 mg/mL. The measurements were carried out at 20  C following the
RI dark domain. heating of the samples at 95  C for 30 min.
108 C.D. Munialo et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 49 (2015) 104e117

Fig. 3. A: G0 (Pa) development in 100 mg/mL (:), 110 mg/mL ( ), 120 mg/mL (-), 130 mg/mL (), 140 mg/mL (B), and 150 mg/mL (C) pea protein samples at constant pH 3.0.

B: G0 (Pa) development in pea protein at pH 3.0 (B), pH 3.2 (C), pH 3.4 ( ), pH 3.6 (), pH 3.8 ( ), 4.0 (-), and pH 4.2 (C) at constant protein concentration of 100 mg/mL. The
dotted lines in Fig. 3A and B represent the temperature history. Changes in G0 * versus gelation time for pea protein gels formed at pH 3.0, varying protein concentration from 110 to
150 mg/mL (Fig. 3C) and at pHs 3.0 to 4.2 at 100 mg/mL protein concentration (Fig. 3D). These values were obtained from fitting of the G0 data plotted in Fig. 3A and B to Eq. (1).

the samples at 20  C resulted in a further increase in the G0 at all To study the kinetics of gel formation in order to establish the
protein concentrations. structural transitions, the small deformation data based on varia-
The G0 development of pea protein at varying pH at a fixed tion of protein concentration at a fixed pH 3.0, and variation of pH
protein concentration of 100 mg/mL was monitored over time as at a fixed 100 mg/mL protein concentration shown in Fig. 3A and B,
shown in Fig. 3B. As in the case of varying protein concentration at a were fitted on to a master curve using the Eq. (1):
fixed pH 3.0, the G0 values became higher and continued to increase
during the holding of the samples at 95  C. A subsequent increase in G0 ðtÞ
G0* ðtÞ ¼ (1)
the G0 was observed during cooling of the samples to 20  C but G0 ðt ¼ t* Þ
holding the samples at 20  C did not result in remarkable changes
in the final G0 . This is especially true at pH 4.0 and 4.2 (Fig. 3B). The where t* is the time at which the G0 does not change any more
G0 values increased with an increase in pH. The higher G0 at pH 4.2 which is set here at 7220 s. This time corresponds to the end of the
could be related to an earlier onset of gelation (see Fig. 3B), as well cooling phase initiating the holding temperature (20  C). Fig. 3C
as the structural influence of the coarse networks on the stiffness of and D shows the G0 * as a function of time for pea protein gels. The
the gels. Coarse-stranded networks can be formed at higher pHs results show that gels prepared at varying protein concentration at
closer to IEP and are composed of thicker strands and thicker a fixed pH can be superimposed to a master curve within experi-
strands are more difficult to bend than thin (finer) strands which mental error by a scaling factor (Fig. 3C). The gels prepared at pHs
imply higher G0 values for coarser networks than more fine net- 3.0e3.4 can also be superimposed to the master curve within
works (Renkema, 2004). experimental error by a scaling factor, which show that the kinetics
The fact that G0 values for pH 4.2 are higher than pH 3.0 suggests and mechanism of gel formation at these pHs are also similar
that variation in aggregation behavior plays an important role in (Fig. 3D). Although the pH 4.0 curve fits on the master curve,
the determination of the type of network that is formed, which in beyond t*, the G0 * value is lower than that of pHs 3.0e3.8. Whereas,
turn influences the stiffness of the gels. Thus, it can be hypothesized for pH 4.2 data, there is no superposition as the shape of the master
that for gels prepared at pH 4.2, the various subunits that precipi- curve varied to some extent compared to the other pHs. This sug-
tate, participate in the network formation than for pH 3.0, possibly gests that with an increase in the pH towards the IEP, gelation ki-
due to more electrostatic repulsion at pH 3.0 than pH 4.2, and thus a netics and the mechanism of gel assembly/formation differ due to
less efficient incorporation of the protein in the network at pH 3.0 differences in the aggregates that participate in the network
than for pH 4.2. formation.
C.D. Munialo et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 49 (2015) 104e117 109

3.3. Mechanical deformation of pea protein gels As expected, the fracture stress increases with an increase in
protein concentration (Fig. 4A). This is attributed to how much
Following heating of pea proteins at varying pHs and protein protein participates in the network formation. Increased concen-
concentrations, self-supporting gels were formed, and the me- tration and enhanced connectivity between protein aggregates lead
chanical deformation (large deformation) properties of these gels to increased gel strength (Weijers, van de Velde, Stijnman, van de
were evaluated. The fracture stress, fracture strain and the Young's Pijpekamp, & Visschers, 2006).
modulus for the gels were determined as presented in Fig. 4. A decrease in the fracture stress with an increase in pH from pH
3.0 to pH 4.2 was observed with samples prepared at pH 4.2 having
the lowest fracture stress (Fig. 4B). This may be related to reduction
3.3.1. Fracture stress
in the connectivity of the network structures with increasing pH.
The fracture stress, a measure of the gel strength, was deter-
However, given that the structural changes as a result of changes in
mined for pea protein gels at a constant pH 3.0 at varying protein
protein concentration or pH are discussed later on in this paper, the
concentrations (Fig. 4A), and at varying pHs at a constant protein
observed changes in fracture stress observed here will be explained
concentration (Fig. 4B).

Fig. 4. Mechanical deformation properties (fracture stress, fracture strain, and Young's modulus) of pea protein gels. The error bars are derived from the SE calculated from the SD of
the variations of 5e6 samples.
110 C.D. Munialo et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 49 (2015) 104e117

in relation to previous findings. A shift in the network structure 3.3.4. Elastically stored (recoverable) energy of pea protein gels
from finer to coarser results in less dense networks with larger and The recoverable (stored) energy of the pea protein gels was
inhomogeneous pore sizes (Munialo, van der Linden, et al., 2014). determined as a function of varying protein concentrations at fixed
Less dense b-lg gels have been reported to have lower fracture pH and as a function of varying pH at a fixed protein concentration

stress (Ohgren, Langton, & Hermansson, 2004). Particulate whey as shown in Fig. 5. There was an initial steady increase in the
protein gels also showed discontinuous crack propagation during recoverable energy up to 130 mg/mL, followed by a decrease at
tensile fracture as visualized by CLSM (Brink, Langton, Stading, & higher protein concentrations (Fig. 5A).
Hermansson, 2007). Additionally, the porous nature of pea pro- The recoverable energy of pea protein gels at a fixed 100 mg/mL
tein gels with an increase in pH to pH 4.2 could cause a stepwise protein concentration at varying pHs is shown in Fig. 5B. The
crack growth due to micro-scale inhomogeneities between protein recoverable energy is similar for pHs between 3.0 and 3.8 and de-
clusters in the form of flaws, pores, or weak regions, resulting in creases with an increase in the pH above pH 3.8. The gels prepared
lower fracture stress (Munialo, van der Linden, et al., 2014). at pH 4.2 had the lowest recoverable energy.
Moreover, the increased porosity within the protein network re- The lower ability to elastically store energy is postulated to be
duces the actual fracture surface, resulting in lower fracture stress related to coarser networks with large and inhomogeneous pore
values (Walstra, 2002) for pea protein gels with an increase in pH to sizes. Coarser networks can result in higher water (serum) release/
higher pHs (such as pH 4.0 and pH 4.2). flow during compression, as water becomes able to move more
freely from the network (Munialo, Ortega, et al., 2014), and as a
3.3.2. Fracture strain result the energy applied is lost more via viscous dissipation (due to
An increase in the protein concentration at a fixed pH did not serum flow).
result in significant changes in the fracture strain (Fig. 4C). Changes The dissipation of energy at the expense of energy storage was
in the fracture strain as a function of pH at a fixed 100 mg/mL confirmed when the recoverable energy obtained for each pH at a
protein concentration are shown in Fig. 4D. The fracture strain for fixed 100 mg/mL protein concentration was subtracted from the
pea protein gels prepared at pH 3.0e3.6 was almost similar. The total applied energy, assumed implicitly to be 100%. The difference
fracture strain was the lowest at pH 3.8. Changes in the fracture in the energy i.e. 100% minus measured recoverable energy was
strain can be related to structural changes. As the pH increases, a taken to represent the relative dissipated energy via the 6 modes
change in the strand thickness of pea proteins gels can occur, which described in the introduction. The most probable means by which
results in changes in brittleness of the gels. The influence of strand energy is lost may be via fracture events, relaxation of the structural
thickness of protein gels on the fracture strain has been reported for elements, and the serum flow, as the contribution towards energy
soy protein gels (Renkema, Gruppen, & van Vliet, 2002). dissipation via friction, plastic deformation, and de-bonding of
The increase in the fracture strain at pHs 4.0 and 4.2 also coin- physical contacts between microstructural elements that make up
cided with an increase in turbidity (Fig. 2) which all suggest that the network (see introduction), are all considered to be small and
different structures arise for the pH values around pH 3.8e4.2. negligible in this work. Assuming that during the measurements of
recoverable energy the fracture events are avoided, there remain 2
3.3.3. Young's modulus main dissipation modes that contribute substantially to the energy
An increase in the protein concentration at a fixed pH resulted in balance. These are the relaxation of the structural elements, and the
an increase in the Young's modulus which is the measure of the viscous serum flow. From the stress relaxation measurements
stiffness of a material as shown in Fig. 4E. The Young's modulus as a carried out according to a previously described procedure (de Jong
function of pH at fixed protein concentration showed a maximum et al., in press), the obtained dissipated fraction amounts to around
value around pH 3.4 (Fig. 4F). The maximum in the Young's 0.2 at a deformation speed of 1 mm/s deformation speed, which is
modulus suggests that there may be several contributions that set an equivalent of about 20% of the applied energy (data not shown).
the Young's moduli of pea protein gels at different length scales, Thus, the remaining proportion of energy loss accounts for the
similar to what has been previously reported (Munialo, van der energy dissipated via viscous serum flow. This contribution was
Linden, et al., 2014). observed to increase with an increase in pH (data not shown).

Fig. 5. The recoverable energy of pea protein gels prepared at a fixed pH (3.0) at varying protein concentration and at a fixed protein concentration (100 mg/mL) and at varying pHs.
The error bars are derived from the SE calculated from the SD of the variations of 5e6 samples.
C.D. Munialo et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 49 (2015) 104e117 111

3.4. Gel microstructure with a diameter of a few microns. Further away from the IEP (pHs
3.0e3.6), the gels are homogenous on lengths scales larger than
To relate the transitioning in the rheological responses of pea 0.5 mm, and therefore show no distinguishable features by CSLM.
protein gels to the changes in the network structure that were Some protein aggregates can be observed at objective 63 which
formed, the microstructure of pea protein gels was evaluated. increase in size with an increase in the pH. The presence of large
Translucent gels were formed at pH 3.0e3.6 whereas at pH 3.8e4.2, aggregates at higher pHs, suggests that the protein aggregates at
opaque (white) gels were formed from pea protein at 100 mg/mL higher pHs grow to the size of a few microns and subsequently,
protein concentration. There were no visual differences in the these aggregates randomly rearrange into large domains that
appearance of the samples at a fixed pH 3.0 at varying protein cluster to form a particulate gel structure. Such large aggregates
concentrations. The microstructure of all gels was visualized by formed at higher pHs were also observed when the changes in the
SEM (sub-micron range) and CSLM (mm range) as shown in Fig. 7. turbidity of pea protein samples at varying pHs were measured
following heating of protein solutions in dilute concentrations (see
3.4.1. SEM Fig. 2).
From SEM micrographs, differences in the coarseness, defined as From the visualization of the network structure by both SEM
the heterogeneity of the density of the aggregates that span the and CLSM, it was shown that varying pH of pea protein prior to
network, were observed from samples prepared at varying protein gelation results in the formation of gels that can be ranked as fine to
concentration at fixed pH 3.0 (Fig. 7). SEM images show that the coarse-stranded. There is a remarkable difference between these
networks are composed of small spherical aggregates (“bead”) two types of networks in terms of aggregate size as evaluated from
connected with thin thread-like strands/filaments (“string”) as the turbidity measurements (Fig. 2). Varying the protein concen-
illustrated in Fig. 6, with a short distance between the junctions tration at a fixed pH does not result in major structural differences
(Fig. 7). There are no remarkable changes in thickness of the strings in pea protein gels whereas varying pH at fixed protein concen-
with an increase in protein concentration, although an increase in tration results in structural changes (Fig. 7).
protein concentration beyond 130 mg/mL results in more dense
networks composed of smaller aggregates. 3.5. Quantitative analysis of CLSM and SEM images
For gels prepared at varying pHs (from pH 3.0 to pH 4.2), at a
fixed protein concentration (100 mg/mL) (Fig. 7), the SEM images To quantify the network structures obtained from pea proteins,
show that the network structures prepared at lower pHs are finer the characteristic length scales were analyzed (from both CLSM and
than network structures formed at pHs closer to the IEP. The net- SEM images) in terms of the pair correlation function (g(r)) ac-
works at pH 3.0 are regular and have a dense structure, with rela- cording to
tively small pores connected with thin strings. There is no b

noticeable difference in thickness of the strands that span the gðrÞ ¼ g0 $eðr=xÞ þ 1 (2)
networks for gels prepared at pH 3.0e3.4, while the distances be-
tween the junctions connecting the various aggregates appear where g0 is the contrast value at r / 0, x is the correlation length
larger with an increase in the pH towards pH 3.4. At pHs 3.6e4.2, characterizing the size of the domains, and b a stretched expo-
there is an increase in number as well as size of the pores which are nential factor. The b can show how structural transitions relate to
distinguishable in the images with 100 nm scale bar. The network correlation function decay as a result of variation of the pH or
structures at pH 3.8 and pH 4.0 are more stretched, more open, less protein concentration.
dense, and have larger pores. At pH 4.2, rather open, coarser
network structures were formed, having relatively large pores 3.5.1. Quantitative analysis of images based on CLSM
sizes, and numerous spherical aggregates which are organized into From the analysis of CLSM images, variations in the shape of
local clusters (domains) (Fig. 7). g(r)  1 data (Fig. 8) are correlated to the structure of the gels at mm
scale. For gels that are homogenous at length scales larger than the
resolution of the CLSM, g(r) is unity at all values of r larger than the
3.4.2. CLSM
resolution (Ako, Durand, et al., 2009). Examples of such gels are
The appearance of large-scale inhomogeneities was observed by
those formed at pH 3.0. Gels prepared at pHs 3.2, 3.4 and 3.6 show a
CLSM for gels prepared at varying pHs at a fixed protein concen-
very weak amplitude but the g(r)  1 decreases slowly towards zero
tration of 100 mg/mL (Fig. 7). The confocal laser scanning micro-
at r larger than 3 mm (Fig. 8a). This illustrates that pea protein gels
graphs show variations in the spherical aggregates that are the
are formed with large homogenous domains at these pHs. The
structural building blocks of pea protein spatial gel networks. The
concentration in the domains at pHs 3.0e3.6 is close to the average
gels formed at pHs 3.8e4.2 consist of spherical protein aggregates
concentration of the gels (about 5% more than the average con-
centration see Fig. 8b). For gels made at pH 3.8, the amplitude of
g(r)  1 shows an increase in the concentration of the domains
(about 10% protein more than the average concentration). The do-
mains at pH 3.8 are about 6 mm, and appear to be bigger and more
concentrated than those at pH < 3.6. At pH 4.0 and 4.2, a further
increase in the amplitude of g(r)  1 was observed, suggesting a
further increase in the concentration of the domains. The results
suggest that varying the pH toward IEP leads to the formation of
more concentrated domains and bigger domain size at mm scale
(Fig. 8c and d). The increase in the concentration and size of the
domains observed here can be corroborated by the increase of the
turbidity when the pH is increased toward the IEP (see Fig. 2). The
concentration of the domains is proportional to Cg(r) at short dis-
Fig. 6. Representation of the local domains (“bead”) and (“string”) that characterize tance where C is the average concentration of the protein (Ako,
pea protein network structure. Durand, et al., 2009). Thus, the power law variation of g0 as a
112 C.D. Munialo et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 49 (2015) 104e117

Fig. 7. Microstructural changes in pea protein gels at varying pHs from 3.0 to 4.2 at a fixed 100 mg/mL protein concentration and pea protein gels at fixed pH 3.0 at varying protein
concentration from 100 to 150 mg/mL as visualized using CLSM and SEM.

function of the domain size from different pHs shown in Fig. 8d can fixed 100 mg/mL protein concentration (Fig. 9c and d), that shows
suggest that domains are formed by self-similar aggregation pro- the domain sizes of network structures represented as “string” in
cess. There is rather a clear transition between pH 3.8 and 4.0: the Fig. 6, at the r values for which g(r) / 1. The domain sizes of gels at
curve shape and the concentration of the domain are highly constant pH 3.0 range between 100 nm and 270 nm when the
different from pH 3.8 and below. The transition between “weak” protein concentration is varied, although no clear influence on the
and “strong” concentration fluctuations however occurs around pH domain sizes is observed (Fig. 9b). Whereas, changes in pH at a
3.6/pH 3.8, which is thought to correspond to pH around which fixed protein concentration result in a significant change in the
fine-stranded to coarse-stranded transition occurs. domain sizes (Fig. 9d). From Fig. 9d, the domain sizes remain almost
The changes in the concentration and size of domains that make constant between pH 3.0 and pH 3.6, after which a sharp increase is
up the gel networks suggests that the characteristics that deter- observed between pH 3.6 and pH 3.8, which further increases when
mine structural and functional changes of pea protein gels can be the pH is increased up to pH 4.2. A sharp increase in x with an in-
characterized at a mm scale. To find out whether the transitioning crease in the pH towards IEP was also reported when quantitative
also occurs at a nm scale, quantitative analysis was also carried out analysis was carried out on CLSM micrographs of gels made from b-
on scanning electron micrographs. lg (Ako, Nicolai, et al., 2009).
The insets of Fig. 9a and c show the superimposed plots by
3.5.2. Quantitative analysis of images based on SEM vertical and horizontal shift of g(r)  1 data. The vertical dash line in
To analyze typical correlation length at the sub-micron length the inset of Fig. 9a and c represents the correlation length scale for
scale, quantitative analysis in terms of the shape of the g(r) and the pea protein gels at 100 mg/mL at pH 3.0 for which xb ¼ 1, where xb is
size of the domains was carried out based on SEM images. The a scaling factor. The insets are the linear-log representation of the
white domains in the images in Fig. 7 show the presence of protein length scale (x)/xb on which the different gels are correlated for the
aggregates, their shape and sizes, and how these domains are local domains represented as “bead” in Fig. 6 and are plotted as
interconnected, which are the parameters that we expected to function of protein concentration at a fixed pH 3.0 (Fig. 9b) and pH
obtain from the image analysis. These parameters are all well at a fixed 100 mg/mL protein concentration (Fig. 9d). The average of
described by the g(r) profile plotted in log-linear plot as function of the local domain sizes at which the different gels as function of
protein concentration at a fixed pH 3.0 (Fig. 9a and b), and pH at a protein concentration and as function of the pH are correlated to
C.D. Munialo et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 49 (2015) 104e117 113

Fig. 8. Semi-logarithmic representation of the pair correlation functions (g(r))  1 of pea protein gels formed at pHs 3.0e4.2 at 100 mg/mL protein concentration plotted in log-
linear representation (a), linear-log representation (b). The g(r)  1 shown in Fig. 8a and b were obtained from analyzing the microstructure of pea proteins gels based on CLSM
micrographs shown in Fig. 7. The solid lines in Fig. 8a and b represent fits to Eq. (2). Changes in the aggregate size (x) as a function of pH are shown in Fig. 8c and the g0 is plotted as a
function of size in Fig. 8d. The solid line in Fig. 8d is a fit to g0 ¼ 0.05 (size)0.5.

each other is about 60 ± 10 nm (for protein concentration) and observed when the pH is increased above pH 3.4, coinciding with
25 ± 10 nm (for pH variation). The correlation length decreased an increase in domain size (Fig. 10b). The pH at which this micro-
from 60 nm to 25 nm when the pH was increased toward the IEP. structural transition occurs was found to be around pH 3.7 and this
corresponds to a string size about 100 nm. Changes in b value
(1e1.5) have been observed in the case of b-lg gels when the pH was
3.6. Changes in the structure in terms of the b value of pea protein
varied below the IEP (Ako, Nicolai, et al., 2009) which suggest a
general behavior in terms of globular proteineprotein interaction
below the IEP but the pH at which the structural transitioning
The superposition of the different g(r) will give information
between fine and coarse-strand/particulate gels occurs will depend
about structural change when the pH or the protein concentration
on the type of the globular proteins.
is varied. If the length scale on which different g(r) are correlated to
From SEM image analysis, it can be concluded that no clear
each other, i.e. the g(r) from different gels can be superimposed
trend on the domain sizes is observed when the protein concen-
within this length scale, then domain size (both “beads” and
tration is varied at a fixed pH, whereas the variation of the pH at a
“string”) of the gel structures are similar to each other. A similar b
fixed protein concentration results in significant changes in pea
value for different gels means that g(r)  1 could be superimposed
protein network structures. Increase of pH from 3.0 to 4.2 promotes
within the experimental error by horizontal and vertical shifts of
self-assembly of beads into strings rather than the growth of beads.
the domain size. The value of b used to fit the g(r) with acceptable
Changes in the network structure of pea protein gels are correlated
experimental error of ±0.05 is plotted as a function of the protein
to changes in the domain sizes as function of pH.
concentration and pH (Fig. 10). Fig. 10 shows that changes in protein
concentration do not significantly affect the b value given that the
average of b value for the variation of the protein concentration is 3.7. A summary of rheological transitioning in pea proteins gels
0.87 ± 0.06. In this case, the standard deviation is close to the related to structural changes
experimental error of ±0.05 and this explains why the gels struc-
ture as function of protein concentration at constant pH 3.0 are The relationship between rheological properties of heat-
similar at a larger correlation length (see inset of Fig 9a). induced pea protein gels and the structural changes was deter-
The dependence of b as function of pH is shown in Fig. 10. It is mined using SPSS, where paired sample test were performed with
clear from Fig. 10b that changes in the structure are correlated to minimum significance set at the 5% level (P < 0.05). The changes in
changes in the domain size (P < 0.05). From Fig. 10b, the b remains the recoverable energy were related to the changes in the network
constant between pH 3.0 and pH 3.4 which means that the gels at structure. The changes in the recoverable energy (Fig. 5) correlate
these pHs have comparable domain sizes. A sharp decrease of b is to the changes in the string and bead sizes (x, nm) and the xb
114 C.D. Munialo et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 49 (2015) 104e117

Fig. 9. Semi-logarithmic representation of the pair correlation functions of samples at varying protein concentrations at fixed pH (3.0) (Fig. 9a) and varying pHs at a fixed 100 mg/
mL protein concentration (Fig. 9c). The inset in Fig. 9a and c represents the data obtained by normalizing g(r)  1 with the amplitude (g0) and r/xb. The solid lines represent fits to Eq.
(2). The pair correlation was calculated based on SEM images presented in Fig. 7. Dependence on the concentration at fixed pH 3.0 (Fig. 9b) and pH at a fixed 100 mg/mL protein
concentration (Fig. 9d) of local domain “bead” and “string” sizes. The error bars are the size of the nanoparticles (10 nm iridium) used for coating the samples which is not more than
±5 nm.

observed in the quantitative analysis of the images based on SEM the recoverable energy measurements, structural differences
shown in Figs. 9 and 10. Beyond string size of 117 nm (corre- (based on string size) were shown to result in a significant impact
sponding to gels made at pH 3.8 at 100 mg/mL), the recoverable on recoverable energy (P < 0.05).
energy was shown to reduce significantly. The string size is closer to An increase in the total energy directed towards dissipation
100 nm (around pH 3.7) where structural transitioning of the pea increased with an increase in string size (Fig. 11B) and xb (Fig. 11D)
protein networks was observed (Fig. 9). The results show that a at a deformation speed of 1 mm/s. There was however, no clear
structural changes from fine to coarse networks results in a lower trend in the dissipation contribution for gels prepared at a fixed pH
ability to elastically store energy within pea protein networks. From at varying protein concentration as a function of string size

Fig. 10. Dependence on the protein concentration at fixed pH 3.0 (a) and pH at a 100 mg/mL fixed protein concentration (b) of b value and the domain size obtained from the g(r)
data. The error bars of b value and the domain size are the acceptable experimental error of the fit to Eq. (2) and the size of the nanoparticles (10 nm iridium) used for coating the
samples which is not more than ±5 nm. It is important to note that the string size curves in Fig. 10a and b have already been presented in Fig. 9b and d.
C.D. Munialo et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 49 (2015) 104e117 115

Fig. 11. The proportion of energy that is directed towards dissipation as a function of correlation length based on the string sizes (A) and for gels prepared at varying protein
concentration at a fixed pH and at a fixed 100 mg/mL protein concentration (B) and as a function of xb for protein variation at fixed pH (C) and pH variation at a fixed concentration
(D). The measurements were performed at a deformation speed of 1 mm/s. The error bars indicate SE calculated from SD of the variation of n ¼ 5e6 samples.

(Fig. 11A) and xb (Fig. 11C). The increase in dissipated energy with an on Young's modulus of the gels. The changes in the gel strength and
increase in pH towards IEP is related to an increase in the pore sizes brittleness as a result of changes in the correlation length of the
(Fig. 7) and the correlation length (Fig. 9) of the network structure. network structure were also confirmed when paired sample test
From the small deformation results, it was shown that structural was performed on correlation length, fracture stress, and fracture
changes quantified by changes in x of pea protein networks as a strain data giving P < 0.05 (for fracture stress) and P < 0.05 (for
result of changes in pH coincides with changes in G0 , and the ki- fracture strain). A lack of a correlation between correlation length
netics of gel formation, although the G0 is not significantly affected and the Young's modulus was also observed from the statistical
by an increase in the correlation length (P > 0.05). An increase in x analysis of these data (P > 0.05).
up to 233 nm (pH 3.0, 120 mg/mL) results in stiffer networks when To determine the relationship between the rheological proper-
the protein concentration was varied. For the kinetics of gel for- ties of heat-induced pea protein gels and the pH as well as the
mation (Fig. 3C and D), a slight shift in the curves of Fig. 3D was correlation length (based on string size), the results were subjected
observed for structures with a x of 74 (gels made at pH 3.6 at to PCA. The data presented in Tables 1 and 2 is the result of the first
100 mg/mL protein concentration) and 117 nm (gels made at pH two (PC1 and PC2) principal components. PC1 and PC2 accounted
3.8, 100 mg/mL protein concentration), although the structural for 74 and 92% cumulative variation respectively for varying the
characterization of network structures that have a x of 74 nm (gels protein concentration at a fixed pH 3.0. Whereas, PC1 and PC2
made at pH 3.6 at 100 mg/mL protein concentration) did not show accounted for 80 and 92% cumulative variation respectively for
significant difference with network structures that have a x be- varying pHs at a fixed protein concentration (100 mg/mL) (Table 1).
tween 59 and 71 nm (gels made at pH 3.0e3.4 at 100 mg/mL The relevance here was in deriving a correlation between rheo-
protein concentration) (Fig. 9), suggesting a mismatch between logical properties of pea protein gels and the protein concentration
microstructural versus mechanistic transitions. and pH. Despite a diversity of relationships found (Tables 1 and 2),
In relating the changes in the large deformation properties to here only the relationship between pH, protein concentration and
the changes in the network structures, an increase in x resulted in a the rheological properties of pea protein gels are discussed.
concurrent increase in the fracture strain. A decrease in the Young's The communalities between protein concentration and rheo-
modulus was observed which coincided with an increase in the logical properties of pea protein gels were all above 50% of the
coarseness of the gels (Fig. 7) and the x (Fig. 9). From the rheological variance in the original variables (results not shown). Overall, PCA
measurements at large deformation, it can be concluded that showed that changes in protein concentration are positively
changes in the coarseness of pea protein gels have an influence on correlated to the fracture stress, Young's modulus, recoverable
the gel strength (fracture stress) and brittleness (fracture strain) of energy, and the G0 . The positive correlation shows that an increase
the gels due to variations in the correlation length of the domain in protein concentration results in an increase in fracture stress,
sizes (Fig. 9). Whereas, changes in xb do not have an explicit impact Young's modulus, recoverable energy, and the G0 . There was
116 C.D. Munialo et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 49 (2015) 104e117

Table 1
The correlation matrix among protein concentration and the rheological responses of heat-induced pea protein gels.

Protein Fracture Fracture Young's Recoverable G0 xb x

concentration stress strain modulus energy

Correlation Protein 1.000 .969 .481 .990 .537 .884 .682 .626
Fracture stress .969 1.000 .527 .972 .436 .933 .731 .694
Fracture strain .481 .527 1.000 .499 .769 .343 .946 .805
Young's modulus .990 .972 .499 1.000 .502 .924 .720 .705
Recoverable energy .537 .436 .769 .502 1.000 .163 .698 .527
G0 .884 .933 .343 .924 .163 1.000 .617 .682
xb .682 .731 .946 .720 .698 .617 1.000 .928
x (string size) .626 .694 .805 .705 .527 .682 .928 1.000

Table 2
The correlation matrix among pH and the rheological responses of heat-induced pea protein gels.

pH Fracture Fracture Young's Recoverable G0 xb x

stress strain modulus energy

Correlation pH 1.000 .949 .679 .311 .827 .881 .817 .871

Fracture stress .949 1.000 .710 .434 .888 .897 .873 .920
Fracture strain .679 .710 1.000 .681 .925 .940 .449 .907
Young's modulus .311 .434 .681 1.000 .644 .576 .469 .662
Recoverable .827 .888 .925 .644 1.000 .966 .702 .984
G0 .881 .897 .940 .576 .966 1.000 .656 .971
xb .817 .873 .449 .469 .702 .656 1.000 .779
x (string size) .871 .920 .907 .662 .984 .971 .779 1.000

however, a negative correlation between changes in the protein (based on string size), whereas the fracture stress, Young's
concentration, fracture strain, and xb and x (based on string size). modulus, and the recoverable energy decreases.
The results show that a decrease in fracture strain, xb, and x (based A summary of the rheological responses that are influenced by
on string size) occurs with an increase in protein concentration. structural changes of pea protein gels as a result of variation of
The communalities between pH and rheological properties of protein concentration at a fixed pH, and variation of pH at a fixed
pea protein gels were also above 50% of the variance in the original protein concentration are shown in Table 3.
variables (results not shown). The pH was positively correlated to
the fracture strain, G0 , xb and x (based on string size), and negatively 4. Conclusions
correlated to the fracture stress, Young's modulus, and the recov-
erable energy (Table 2). The positive correlations means that an The objective of this study was to analyze quantitatively the
increase in pH results in an increase in fracture strain, G0 , xb and x network structure that underlines the transitioning in the

Table 3
Summary of rheological properties that change with structural changes of pea protein spatial gel networks from fine to coarse-stranded.
C.D. Munialo et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 49 (2015) 104e117 117

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Acknowledgment 11628e11635.
Munialo, C. D., Martin, A. H., van der Linden, E., & de Jongh, H. H. J. (2014). Fibril
Jos Sewalt is acknowledged for the help with the milling of pea formation from pea protein and subsequent gel formation. Journal of Agricul-
tural and Food Chemistry, 62(11), 2418e2427.
protein into flour. SEM imaging was carried out by Tiny Franssen- Munialo, C. D., Ortega, R. G., van der Linden, E., & de Jongh, H. H. J. (2014). Modi-
Verheijen. Jan Klok is appreciated for his help with CLSM imaging fication of ovalbumin with fructooligosaccharides: consequences for network
and Carsten Ersch for help with statistical analysis. Laurice Pouv- morphology and mechanical deformation responses. Langmuir, 30(46),
reau is acknowledged for critically reading of the manuscript. Munialo, C. D., van der Linden, E., & de Jongh, H. H. J. (2014). The ability to store
energy in pea protein gels is set by network dimensions smaller than 50 nm.
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