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Position statement 1

Position statement
on preventing
catastrophic failure of
tailings storage facilities
December 2016
2 Position statement

ICMM members recognise that they have a

significant role to play in creating a safer and more
sustainable mining and metals industry. Through
their commitments they work together, alongside
governments and local communities to improve
quality of life beyond the provision of the minerals
and metals that sustain modern living.
All member companies are represented on
ICMM’s council by their CEO.

Our members
African Rainbow Minerals
AngloGold Ashanti
Antofagasta Minerals
BHP Billiton
Gold Fields
JX Nippon
Mitsubishi Materials
Newcrest Mining
Rio Tinto
Sumitomo Metal Mining
Position statement 3

Preventing catastrophic failure

of tailings storage facilities
1 Sustainability Reporting Framework and to
obtain independent external assurance that
Overview the ICMM commitments are being met
This position statement sets out ICMM (this framework is described in detail at
members’ approach to the governance of
tailings storage facilities (TSFs) for the mining ICMM principles of particular relevance to
and metals industry to minimise the risk of preventing catastrophic failure of TSFs are:
catastrophic failure of tailings facilities.
• Principle 1: Apply ethical business
Tailings are the solid material plus varying practices and sound systems of corporate
degrees of runoff and process water (waste) governance and transparency to support
remaining after the recoverable metals sustainable development
and minerals have been extracted from
mined ore. The physical and chemical • Principle 2: Integrate sustainable
characteristics of the tailings vary with the development in corporate strategy and
nature of the ore, its geological setting and decision-making processes
the climate where the tailings are placed. • Principle 4: Implement effective risk-
Tailings are most commonly stored in surface management strategies and systems
facilities, which can represent a significant based on sound science and which account
area of disturbance at mining operations. for stakeholder perceptions of risks
The foundation for this position statement is • Principle 5: Pursue continual improvement
a tailings storage facility (TSF) governance in health and safety performance with the
framework which enhances focus on those ultimate goal of zero harm
key elements of management and governance
necessary to maintain integrity of TSFs and • Principle 6: Pursue continual improvement
minimise the risk of catastrophic failures. in environmental performance issues,
The six key elements of this TSF governance such as water stewardship, energy use and
framework are: climate change

1. Accountability, Responsibility and • Principle 7: Contribute to the conservation

Competency of biodiversity and integrated approaches
to land-use planning
2. Planning and Resourcing
• Principle 10: Proactively engage key
3. Risk Management stakeholders on sustainable development
4. Change Management challenges and opportunities in an open
and transparent manner. Effectively report
5. Emergency Preparedness and Response and independently verify progress and
6. Review and Assurance performance.
In accordance with the principles, ICMM
2 has also developed a number of position
Background on ICMM principles and statements that further elaborate member
position statements commitments to particular issues. Company
members comply with these statements by
All ICMM member companies implement the incorporating them into their operational
ICMM Sustainable Development Framework practices.
as a condition of membership.1 This includes
commitments to implement 10 principles
throughout their businesses, to report in line
with the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI)
1. Members are expected
to implement the
commitments in this
position statement by
November 2018. The
position statement will not
apply retroactively
4 Position statement

Preventing catastrophic failure of tailings storage facilities

3 4 ‘The purpose
Recognition statements Commitments of the Tailings
ICMM members recognise that: In addition to existing commitments under
the ICMM Sustainable development framework framework is to
1. Tailings production is inherent to mining enable enhanced
ICMM member companies commit to
and minerals processing and will remain
so for the foreseeable future. These
implement practices consistent with the focus on those
materials require engineered solutions
Tailings governance framework key elements
(the ‘Framework’) so that the risk of
for their long-term safe storage and of management
catastrophic failure of tailings storage
sustainable management.
facilities is minimised. and governance
2. TSFs undergo ongoing changes over their necessary
Tailings governance framework
life cycle which must be considered and to prevent
managed to ensure continued TSF safety The purpose of the Tailings Governance catastrophic
and structural integrity. Framework is to enable enhanced focus
failures of
3. Catastrophic TSF failures are unacceptable on those key elements of management
and governance necessary to prevent tailings storage
and owners and operators of such facilities
catastrophic failures of tailings storage facilities.’
should ensure systems, standards and
resources are in place to prevent failures. facilities (TSFs).

4. Potential for TSF failures must be 4.1

considered and addressed through a
facility’s life cycle, which includes design, Accountability, responsibility and
construction, operation and closure. competency
5. Technical guidance exists to support Accountabilities, responsibilities and
preventing catastrophic failures of TSFs associated competencies are defined to
through appropriate design, construction, support appropriate identification and
operation and closure. Owners and management of TSF risks.
operators utilise this along with the • Accountability for the overall governance of
judgement of competent designers and tailings facilities resides with the owners
experts. Some extreme natural events are and operators.
impossible to predict.
• Organisational structures and roles are
6. Each TSF is unique. Site conditions, established to support management of TSF
mineral characteristics and other aspects risks and governance accountability.
of each mine site dictate appropriate
tailings technology and storage solutions. • Communication processes are maintained
Although no single design or operating to ensure that personnel understand their
practice can be adopted universally, the responsibilities. Training is conducted to
industry continually seeks to improve and maintain currency of knowledge and skills.
develop techniques and new technologies • Role competency and experience
and implement them as appropriate. requirements are defined for critical roles
within the established organizational

Planning and resourcing
The financial and human resources needed
to support continued TSF management and
governance are maintained throughout a
facility’s life cycle.
Position statement 5

December 2016

• TSF operating and capital costs, and 4.5 ‘Risk

human resource needs, are included in management
relevant business planning processes. Emergency preparedness &
response associated with
• Resources necessary to implement and TSFs includes
maintain activities within this governance Processes are in place to recognize and
respond to impending failure of TSFs and risk
framework are provided.
mitigate the potential impacts arising from a identification,
4.3 potentially catastrophic failure. an appropriate
Risk management • Action thresholds and their corresponding control regime
response to early warning signs of and the
Risk management associated with TSFs potential catastrophic failure are verification
includes risk identification, an appropriate established.
control regime and the verification of control of control
performance. • Emergency preparedness and response performance.’
plans are established commensurate
• Risk controls and their associated with potential failure consequences. Such
verification activities are identified based plans specify roles, responsibilities and
on failure modes and their associated communication procedures.
consequences, and evaluated on a TSF-
specific basis considering all phases of the • Emergency preparedness and response
TSF life cycle. plans are periodically tested.

• Suitably qualified and experienced experts 4.6

are involved in TSF risk identification and
analysis, as well as in the development and Review & assurance
review of effectiveness of the associated Internal and external review and assurance
controls. processes are in place so that controls for
• Performance criteria are established TSF risks can be comprehensively assessed
for risk controls and their associated and continually improved.
monitoring, internal reporting and • Internal performance monitoring and
verification activities. inspections and internal and external
reviews and assurance are conducted
4.4 commensurate with consequences of
Change management TSF failure to evaluate and to continually
improve the effectiveness of risk controls.
Risks associated with potential changes are
assessed, controlled and communicated • Outcomes and actions arising from TSF
to avoid inadvertently compromising TSF review and assurance processes are
integrity. recorded, reviewed, closed-out and
• Processes are applied that involve the
identification, assessment, control and • Performance of risk management
communication of risks to TSF integrity programs for TSFs is reported to executive
arising from both internally-driven management on a regular basis.
and externally-driven change, to avoid
introducing uncertain, unacceptable, and/
or unmanaged risks.
• Documents and records that support TSF
planning, design, construction, operation,
surveillance, management and governance
are maintained and kept suitably current
and accessible.
I6CMM is an international organisation Position statement
dedicated to enabling a safe, fair and
sustainable mining and metals industry.
Bringing together 25 mining and metals
companies and over 30 regional and
commodities associations we strengthen
environmental and social performance.
We serve as a catalyst for change;
enhancing mining’s contribution
to society.

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