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Recommendation for Sean Rogers:

I have recently had the pleasure of being the University Supervisor for Sean Rogers. He served exceptionally well
during his weeks of student teaching at Coventry High School, Coventry, CT. The NEAG Program he is involved
with is very selective, so acceptance speaks of Sean's aptitude for subject and potential as an Educator. His Student
Teaching experience greatly expanded his view of the role he will play in his career. Sean was eager to take on the
responsibilities of teaching and progressed rapidly in many key areas. He had a supportive Cooperating Teacher to
guide him, and he absorbed many of the important lessons given to him. He taught History to sophomores.

Classroom management: Sean approaches students with high energy and enthusiasm and exudes the importance of
their learning. As a result, he gains his students attention and pay close focus throughout the learning. Combined with
the rapport he invested in gaining his classes are orderly and well managed. He interacts comfortably, showing his
students acceptance and interest. They, in return, feel valued and genuine contributors to the class. He anticipates
problems and is proactive to solve them. He sees the positive in his students and has shown consistent fairness to all.
With control in this manner, time is efficiently used and maximized.

Planning: Sean is a careful planner in lesson design. He translates standards, strands and objectives into solid
classroom instruction. He has used a variety of sources. He makes good choices as to the length and difficulty of his
sources chosen, thus the learning is rigorous without being overwhelming for student ability. Sean supported teaching
initiatives that were school and department wide. Sean’s regular inclusion of skills gave continuity and reinforcement
to students that will expand throughout their educational experience in other subjects.
Instruction: He has built lessons that incorporate content and skill building. His activities reflect careful thought. He
deals well with the importance of being flexible and having the ability to change gears when the situation demands it.
At the same time, he is most comfortable building student routines that are consistently and efficiently followed. Sean
is aware that variety within a lesson structure is important. He has tailored student groupings and cooperative learning
to most effectively meet the lesson design. Sean is very energetic and dramatic with leading class discussions. He
effectively uses analogies that connect with his students and chooses media that is appropriate and interesting for them.
Assessing: Sean was involved in the student evaluation process and did quarterly grades. He is consistent in grading,
effectively uses rubrics and works to hand back papers in a timely fashion. He understands that data in some form is
the basis for knowing if students have met his goals. Students are given specific suggestions on how to be successful in
written assignments and in project work.
Communication: Sean adjusted questions and written directions to fit his clientele (sophomores). He is specific and
gives clear step-by-step directions and models procedures for his students. He developed good questioning techniques,
probing for more insightful answers, giving positive reinforcement, and is an interested listener. He made good use
with technology and brought creative visuals in to his lesson.

Professional Conduct: Sean serves as an important and positive role model for his students. He models good speech
patterns and dresses neatly. He has acted in a professional manner performing assigned teacher duties, and has taken
opportunities to be involved in the wider school experiences. He has a very good insight into education, is inquisitive
and learns from his experiences.

Self Reflection: He is a willing listener to suggestions and takes suggestions seriously. Sean is perceptive and
reflective about the career and strives to improve. He regularly questions and self evaluates his progress. He makes
adjustments and improvements during the course of a day. I enjoyed his willingness to learn and achieve and respect
his desire to be a successful educator.
I believe that Sean has become a very solid, creative and knowledgeable teacher. Further experience will make him
an excellent educator. Were I in a position to, I would feel fortunate to hire Sean Rogers, as he would be a positive
force in a school. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.

Scott Tinti

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