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“Bait than, \orvany other mak Wall-Eyes, and Great No nr ree ee DTIC Tru SCL Lae A*spory” ile lure you can est anywhere and JAMES HEDDON’S SONS _ Dowagiac, Mich. and Jobbers: Why Heddon Tackle Is Profitable for You ta We OMICFEY syed ote FAME Wotan tas vee Hoku Ton ble by ou the “HiverRuntspok” tanuly hes sold by the hundred: ol thousands everywhere — Freshwater ond > in will be “the-baitcl-the-yeor” lor 1942 The new "No-Snag River Rant remecdous sale: possibilities, at every one ol the milions of rogulcr usere “Roe meget el oan es OF mice of these vc snagless baits (Note the new Display Box fo! then The name “River Bunt” is Registered ix U§ Patent Office by Imitations under eonvity of law. "Spook" Baits are patented, wwely dulanding tao pratents wil fr vigorously enlorees Hoy PHEATEAMLT 4 you push Flernon don, and must not be used 10 designate Haddon wall known policy of aggres PUSH QUALITY TACKLE That miaans “Heddon's’ of course. “Cheap” tackin is unprofitable lor hale igor tictory 0 use Millions of anglers will buy GOOD tackle i you wil enly shook Ie thom “IGE? wil he aneshor big Hodne Tarkie You Games Heddon's Sous Tackle Terms, Prices, Taxes, etc. PRICES and TERMS ~All goods oro Io b Dewagine, 2% lor eash 19 deyn EO. M. (2% 0th prox) oF ne! 80 days “Prices o:* guaranteed agains! our line tp to July Ist, 18:2. and subject to change wits ou notice Cash aiscount is @ premium earned by payment within the discoum period, ad: wil’ nol ke Gllawed ltr the discoun' period has expired Al: quotations are based on ur cost Unde excang wav T recent 10%, Feder=i Tax is included in there lis! prices an all taxable ilema, Shoold easton oes hace gllechve ‘prices will be adjusted accordingly Siders are accepted subject 19 our abil’ 0 anata RETURNED GOODS to gocds will be accepted lor credit or exchange w and such goad: must be in slock conaition In accepting. goods lor credit oon a ‘deduct rom the ciedit memo a percentage sullicien! to cover cost a handlicg. ths 1ongine ieee Goods made sperisl are never subject to retuen, We siard ready ara immer to weeaid Genr & SHIPPING — 1 ins:-uctions are not gi EXPORT DEPT. Agdress 4919 OvBor we oped we wil ship by the cheapest way or use our best judgment Gonaress Park (Chicago) Ill In charge of Me. Edward Torres cxpurienced wervien Gable gédreos Hedoncon Chi Heddon Display Boxes— Effective Silent Salesmen Handy te Buy. Handy to Show. Handy to Soll New! “No-Snag—RIVER-RUNT-SPOOK” Display Boxes Two Selections of § Baits Assorted Colors (3110 Body) ‘This attractive box shows in use, just how weedless and snagless this new lure i Abhondsom pockayn and @ nice unit el salo Every "River Runt” owner is respective purchaser Display Box is printed in lout colors, with each bait in individual box No, NBHIOBK 6 Br lar" Colors, Assorted sao No, NSLIOSMBX ~§ Baite, “Shore-Minaew" Colors Astorted eo ‘Au sctive voloted Distlay Box containing 12 astorted beat seller: A coumprict geeokiwis that ssa allgetive stent salaman. ach boat in realy lve BAIOCN — 17 in Bos, amoried color si020 (See Page 12) Heddon Mupcrr-Dictt” 1 Dealer Supplement More Display Boxes and Display Cards “GO-DEEPER" River-Runt-Spook Display Box Showa how these Deep-Running baits eperate Standard Size No. D110 Series D.SII0BXSM 6 Shore-Minnow Colors Dsi0Bx 6 Regular Fs Midget Size No. D-3010 Se D-S010BXSM_ 6 Shote-Minnow Colors D-SOL0BX 6 Regular Colors ita in 6 Bost Colora 80 seo . 2.00 hose em Boge § 2u0nx Sina size Bois a0 "Two Special “RIVER-RUNT-SPOOK” Display Boxes “Shore-Minnow” Colors (12 Baits) “Regular” Colors (12 Baits) Another Handaome Package for “River Run's” other than Shore:Minaow Colors 12 Bolu, all ot some sere. Ease afte € Sheela: ‘innow Cosa)” 1320 {GEN 12 Ban 910 fue (Regier Color) shove 41238 Misngw Sits) iE us Seis (Mspsics stor} chews "138 Minnow Esters) 13 ulster) stove. 330 agulat Clore) cbove 130 “PUNKINSEED” { «, 2 Display Box ‘Chugger-Spook 2 Modole Display Box 6 Baits i 6 Best Colors Floating Model 740 Series | 6 Bolts Accord in No MOBX—8 Bait. $880} ¢ Bost Colors Fr — Cellophane-Top Display Boxes for “Spook” gla ¢ avec earsnoas al and “Flap-Tail” Baits (6 Baits) Bomx 5 fiverRantSponts Floating... 682 7 gene Saa8x 6 River Runt Spooks lentes tio SSSR 5 RiverRunt Spooks Tailed Sinking 11 Sou § Dowasiae Spots i yeo0sx § Flop Tos Bat $0 MORE § FopTall Ir. Bat te Dealer Supplement “Ace” — “King” — “Queen” Display Boxes Each Bait in Individual Box. Seo Page Tt The “Heddon-Staniay” Ba tery popuior sellers ana need. Can be had 12 Baits ell of one Series erred FurFinished “Mouse” and "Munk-Mouse’ “Standard Sin ‘Size Musk Size” Shows Fezeule Cement in ech way that over SB0CN Per box of 12 Bait A handsome Teen in six best siocN s0cN 12 5 st advantage. Boch Du: No. s10c3 n° ond “Queen few Disslay Sor hills @ long-telt ckega that te “WES) cards "Each box contains two eae ol “Bass-Bug-Spook” Display Boxes ‘Transparent Bodies. Two Sizes ome packages display the ins ima ban two nach of in best colors 2 Standard Packager: ‘eg.t2 — Conan of « No 9 KQ-12 12 Bove Kings ant § Curens.& Nich Junior No. 7 Winona “Touchy Bobber” Card Celluloid Float Card Heddon-Winona “Ever-Fresh” Fish-Stringer Box No, 614-6 An atractve counter die Phy Scotictoing im cord Shisoeee Fly-Rod Lures in Display Boxes Handsome Packages with Instructions how to operate No. 980CN “Punkie-Spook” Display Box ive Display Box, Each bait on individual detachable card, 2 each ust $7.80 NEWEST OF NEW IN FLY.ROD LURES *Wilder-Dilg-Spoo! Display Boxes Two Sizes how lo use these lures s7a0 780 new lures to 9 card ond 12 ol one s7a0 720 4 Dealer Supplement More Fly Rod Lure Display Boxes No. 940 Series can No. 950 Series “Popper-Spook” “River-Runtie-Spook” Transparent Body mi] Now a fly-rod size of the alte in Soe put cut tranaparo Ren tan cont do wie Beasts onde ock hele Gut several of hans peal of a tiny Shors eee aD Gass nthandoome bot Wo, 95068 s7a0 1 Page 23 Cotk Bodies, See Page 29 Heddon 4 : “Rod Pop-Eye Frog” | wily-Rod , No, 88 Sees Bag A FiyRod “Frog” ine} 2 gay very srking package of 6 best colors. including 12 Froge on cords Mouse Color. 68 Yellow Frogs 12 on Card 8 Groon Frogs mcd 97.80, SCN 12 Baits... $10.20 Catalog for Fishermen sent direct, { Free “Liars’ Licenses for Fishermen” also supplied to Dealers furnished to Dealers and Anglers ingainoanaons ot A good Iough, tand a geod ad fer your store when “counter signed” by ‘you. Yourlisher will want sv ral of these to hill ou! ond send to their Iriends. Just the thing to give oway whea selling other State Licenses, of far pls Sportsmen's dinaers Pads of 25. Free Faber Also Small Catalogs in color Book Matches with Dealer's Name Imprinted on Cover Tackle,” Not to ba confused with cheap “matches.” 0 pills” ete. Your men customers will appreciate your own, jon doclers alia vely low cosl under our co-operative They odve he ‘The Cost per 1000 “Books” or Packags er see ee z ® ©) 1000 Books ot $3.78 per M sors 0 2500 Books ot $350 per M 875 Cy Sond Racks ot $225 pee M e2s Why Heddon Baits? Because they do catch more Prize Bass and Wall-Eyed Pike, as proven by their Leadership in National Fish Contests for many years. Been There” Fishermen preter H aes ‘dor Baits because they are the original st quality They atm now improved an ta the Toes Haddon otter of Heddon wold not ‘under ishing conditions Bows ah Pa ciewe Vai L umesw aad wate’ Bata Heddoa Baits cost slightly more than 1 2 jusiiied by the dilerence del emparen eddon baw vd each model is te nerous imitations, a diference that is more ly, their serviceability, ond ish-getting bility Nothing ‘but the ‘est hem The choicest of seasoned cedar and Gumwood, and transparent molded bedies, the fastest colors and the highest graves Gl paints Gnd enamels; and the highest grade of hocks made to out specifications Heddon hooks are nov & jo make them ae rustproo! ae possible — not just nlekeled or pain Why Heddon Anglers DON'T LOSE Prize-Winners Heddon "Fish-saver" Hool:lastoners are had by TWO Screws instead of one, thoy are doubly secured with bbe removed 19 replace a broken Hooks will nt covaive or twist oll or the Heddon patented hook-tuste hook. Hooks are held in best postion to insure hooking the lish, and seldom fovct ordamage the bolt. Upon request any Heddon bait wil be luraished with single Hooks of to otherwise comply with special State law Pood lis Hemakable Pecord:— 2 cit the years of Fivid & Stream's’ nese ontest, MORE Prize Rass on va Bt than on aay other make of es Also many Prine Muskies, Wall on Heddon Bails 4 Hodaen Roe Buother # ord for 1941 Cootwat of Field $ Sean ener n Zoue Par Winrar, 20, Wall Svea, Great Northen need Mu x. Hedda: wads the entire field Hive thm. as meuy Prize Winners as vaderahip is positive proof of uni- The Weddon Guarantee Heddon Tackle is made fo give "Value received — plux” and to meet the demands of quality and service. I is made as nea? 100% perfect ax skill, enowledge, ond ingenuity will permit Every article is made of tho bes! materials ablainable, and suitable for he purpose, and should ony {ackle prove defective in manulacture, ef lol 1o render the service which should reasonably, bs expected, Hodilon ugrens 10 teplive ot repair I or adjunt W ectintactonlyyor selund se islew 3 Owing to unusual conditions prices are subject to change at any time. iedden SRIVER-RUNT” Baits at And + milli 2 atari sare yo got "Remarkable Gah. gelter”—"Better than live minnows”— all else failed”~"Made my vacation « success —ete shore-Minnow” Colors (X-ray Design) “See-the-Ribs” Decoration Originated by Heddon sant YE Bre Wo NEW ONES: _ . RIVER-RUNT-SPOOK Catches ALL Kinds New! The “NO-SNAG — RIVER-RUNT-SPOOK” — No. N-9110 Series 1942-43 A Dead-sure Hooker. Snagless and Extremely Weedless A last 9 sporty itl: “plug thet ve thes you cn se 1a ah those Tout ‘places witere ihe lng ones Me™ plaras you have had to. ventatore The tnd athe beat aind tle ty Don't budge Mh Until You Try It Hever fiat Spit,” standund wath ons. double hook Vast Hew get ser Rant fae mos! popiny lahgeller ever made” Length ol Baty 2 in Weighty oF Each $1.35 Comes through end Nails ‘em! Unsolicited Sortie’ ter wetie peitraied Testimoniats tng Wa Soy %ana hou he ENE Pe” ' Nanowra Fits Contes! last year ve ait! No. D9010 Series “Midget GO-DEEPER River-Runt” For Light Rods. Goes Deep and Stays Deep. Goes deep for lary big ones ideal lor We ack Sshnon}, and Bass when im decir water Th un large spoon lip hve 10 the, bottom Sven in 19 10 20 feat o ‘oy thove for entire ese SY SRE Se Sananol iesiy dar“ nnn {Combines the luring auates teint ‘sgcue Tpoon ond minnow body” Leng overall eluding idige up Dm inches Wesght 3/7 or Tw Treble No. D9110 “Standard Size GO-DEEPER River-Runt” Some ax above except « litle larger. Length overall 3 in. Weight 3/$ ox. All colors as above, 1 Transpatent Bodies More River-Runt-Spooks james, 1942-43 No. 9110 Series “River-Runt-Spook” Original Sinking Model ‘The original model’ « slow-sinker and the most popul _ No, 9010 Series “Midget River- Runt: Spook” eo! tor « VERY light Red and Line No. 400 * "Floating River-Runt-Spook” sexi No. 9430 “Floating Jointed River-Runt-Spook” Transparent Body. Indestructible Finish why "8 Transparent Bodies ALL KINDS — fans, Muskie, Great Northern Pike, Tout ete More Heddon “Spook” or “Fish-flesh” Baits No. 9540 Series. “Chugger-Spook.” & top-water tantalizer [A specicl beit for “popping.” “chugging” or “plunking.” Has ne action on tetvieve except whon “jerked. We. A SCHUGL ip FresnWater ond Salt-Woter 1942-43 No. 9900 “Crab-Spook” (Floater) Famous “Crab-Wiggler” in Transparent Mater Wp ame a Two “Wounded-Spooks” (Wounded-Minnow Type) 2 Sizes Sie etree’ Stted nd at test ped HN ip et chs Tame tn thm ry to Hse Wate buck. Allow than to lie atl, then move very slighty, toluwed by eewsanal sharp jerk ip seth No, 9140 “Wounded-Spook” 2Hlook Smal Size Caer hath Diee eae Hg 1942-43 sesh No. 9160 “Wounded-Spook’ (2-Hoo% Model) Famous “Zaragossas” of Florida —Fish-geiters everywhere Now with Tresapureat "Spook Models (Also wit wood bodies) No, 9260 “Zara-Spook" (3 Hooks) Tonsperent body AyrELeneerat koe patra tata BR EehtG, WORN Wid Sec kes tg table Hooks No. 6500 Series “Old Zara’ (wood Bey) 9 trebles HM ounes. Two webleg, ach S100 See SHR h tte EB Evel ESM EEE Egy Seer ece SHR neartemn dena ok Sheet ia ata No. 9210 «(smait size) Darting-Zara-Spook a. We. 9/5 a2. 1.00 No. 6600 Series sgmgr putntvgg ths tour bat as2 one “Darting Zara’(Wood Body) fmiss SilverScale Body! “there iebies, each Heddon “CRAZY CRAWLER?” © Sizes) Liveliest and most thrilling Surface Bait ever made Would you like to get new thrills through Savage Surlace Smashes thal you will never forget? Ones that Wa Ske you exclaim. “Holy Mackerell: What's that?” — thea try this "WOW" of @ bit! hich ate suin so ate a lure on the suflace in quiet water, wnen wiggling ane kicking up a areat I fcc skesp with eaty 1 normal swiinmiayy action Iv is brleved that most Cie wa HSB seo | [Rnglers hove come fo realize the extea til f sur ack lures Tha "Crozy-Crowler™ has a Buoyant fy, eauipned wilh Iwo. metal arms or flippers which give fe ihat crawl-atake, swinming action fist ike g small crevture splashing and swimming loe'deor ile. Big Bass lust can't rest i neither ean, Great Korthern Pike, Muskios, et, also Salt Water Float, Snook, Smell Torpon, eis.” Casts easily Operates auiomaticaly et slow ot fest speeds — tonyene cca operate Made in 2 Sin 2100 “Regular Each S135 ZReaylar” eset aie Lenmin 24 suche Weight % ounce 1a ashi. ae ai “Sat Ethos HEP Sipe eee Bg atl ches Weigh 3/5 cone SHER Sey re 2180 “Musky” Each $1.50 HGR —fedisralWnte shore Minnow HES, 21525 HEN See Ber thon 1B TERS Ai eine ae 4iOGKRY —Yellow Shore-Minnow. Baaxay What Anglers say about “Crazy-Crawler” and Big Ones caught on it ©. A Loltch, Chelsea, Mich “Ws « killer and sure handles avell, — and I know my, baits” Siilip Renoid. Chicos, il. “1D bass in on how, best bait I ever had in 26 yours.” E'B ‘Shaw, Rocelle H. }: “7 base in 90 minutes sold me Bowey Ht iewia, Ho! Springs, Ark."Oh boy. dows Ht have action, The answer to tho fisherman's dream.” E'E eter, In Shelbyville. Teno "Does an advertised. T landed an €-poundes.” FB Muligte lnetyanlia, Caht "I'got my limit ia @ short time. Have ordored somo extraa Unsolicited Photo —Testimonials of Catches on “Crazy-Crawler” No. 740 Series “PUNKINSEED” (Fioating-ané-Diving) New in sive uid colors thot hare 6 ytrat appl Just ke @ Buby Bluegill boby Crupnic, Sunt we Floats with back owt ol wales, dives @nd swims Just under surlace. Fools wise one: that hove resisted Hondard-shoped fures. Colors natural ae lle Operated with Sige retrieve os occasional jerk Lengllt 2 inches. Weight eine au i Ge. hapa, Be. Ma PRC eE aa No. 730 "PUNKINSEED” (sinks) Slightly smaller thon No. 740 and weighted slighty to make ilank dowiy. Weight % ounce Each $1.10 Ha 1 ENS 2a'ala White Shore Minnow i Heddon “FLAPTAIL” Baits 0 sizes) 4 These lively Surlace-action Tantalizers bring up the ai: 1942-43 big ones with a rush 5 0 sauince lure with the most entrancing action, More en sealize the greater thrill that can be obtained when they oth SEE and HEAR the sire The "Flaptoil” travels wall oul of he water The large spoon makes one ot two tputlering evolutions ane wat wator. then reverses Thon it flaps lem ide. Io side and Zommotion’ Ths gives @ rolling wiggling aeion, and every some creature swimming lor dear le ded primarily for Boss, tis very ellecive for Pickerel, Great Northern luskies. ole. The Mushy size’ in, Wiseons Eake'stthn Wooo waters proved “killer” for big Musties when nothing elae would produce No. 7110 cilia Tail, Jr.” (“Minnow” and “Mouse” Shapes) ‘double of ear “One asia only desned) ienath 3 nchae “Wont My sunée “Mowee Each $1.10 tibet Capone No. 7000 “Flap-Tail” (Standard Size) (2 Teeble Hoses) ust Uke 9 ame creature aiimming lor decr Ile. A Surlece lure that kicks up a groat com motion that brings smashes that surprise and thei you. The Mouse and “Chipmunk ore very llelike, with furnish and ears. A sure hhogker. Lengih 4 Inches, woight 4/3 ounce swith wie leoer Two freble hooks, Each $1.10 fio. 2008 White, Red Head No. TOR Dace He. 0B Frog No. Fo0ass Silver Seale Ao Bae eck Sete meee han No. 7050 “FLAPTAIL MUSKY“ (Sturdy Built) Alig speed, tho “Flap me creates the liveliest ng . ts kay pot See < - Muskies which only “‘fol- er Mlle rch ce ik Gar. a No. esta eben Sista ated ly are"andehiexert ona fe (ao Two “FUR”-Finished Baits — “CHIPMUNK” and “MOUSE” Heddon “MUNK-MOUSE” Heddon “MEADOW-MOUSE” No. F4200 Series ‘ Aurdniged “Chipmnt” or Movte” 1947.43 No. F400 Series by quince A Floater-and-Diver ao he Gg rm GF, Lille io dhape ears ayes ond tll thie naw Fastin Ghd dhogle, Weg pounce. Length 2% Were eed | pach 1 Famous Heddon “Vamps” crite shaped — Wood Body) ad Was boosters at these bon AN Heddon “BABY VAMP” 7400 Series Heddon “VAMP“ No. 7500 Series “SWIMMING VAMP” (Jointed) No. 7300 Series ee ae anes Satng toe 1942-43 Special Underwater Baits «vaca When fish are deep cnd will not rise to “top-water" lures, these baits should be used. They will sink of their own cord. Recotd catches have been made nn Boss, Pike, cle, when other lures feiled. [:Hective in tale swimmer. cand aniglily tiuod «at all ines NEW! “Midgit-Digit-River-Runt” No. 3-110 Series Lila ~ But what @ Fak geen 1 Sedat rene Medo especially or light, whippr rode, Users of this ny, snubby bat Sy, “Ts cute ona Bags ears todl tahepeter ‘fou must have an MD (Midi Digit) ieeyour tackle bor fa hust hon the Beton rdecd lor Base, Buch Coan Aan wanker, wih tvaty avinuning deton. Length Tig! Weight only 28 or yet cau oanty, Tue Ne" $ ase i " Each $0.85 “River-Runt” No. 110 Series (wood-Body) Pioneated ond Populatized by Heddon, this Luce han cevolutionized bail industry. Hay saris Higxas Siter Store diene RAPES scale OWAGIAC-MINNOW” No. 150 Series More than 40 years ago, “lim Heddon” orig hecame s2 nationclly ‘popular that all plug Dowagiaes "Ii ie atll'a mighty good Mire and ar Mo 10 Saves hos th re heats, mah Bh a sen oo hooks; waldhe Me nace naa By Original * sony called ggat Heddon “Torpedo” No. 130 Serien body” Holds ward. moutlied a 49 Fanay Green Dock Yalow teh Scale Gaste straight. Has a weed Grawling appearance “saps ciatly in steanta Three weblen Mpincher. ounce, Each $1.10 Heddon Surface Baits Produce “Smashes” teeing the bia ones come te the sutlace and Suny ihren ces nothing ut srl ir Pike and ropor! great success 2 (tot every sherman should A Deadly Old-Timer, “Old 210", the “Super-Surface” 1942 43 wuedless, iy nek pods na" ‘handy ter, Gnd grout 7 hydropiane action. ‘8 short twitch © 3p in. lone, wi fe drab Retneve feces. The special curve in this propellers to fide patly out of the water [ng'a purring sound asd surlace com te pontetarly luring White, fa Hea hen Sea! No, 220 "Weedless Widow" x surface Wiggler. A Pork-chunk Plua thet in Weedless Bg itteroa esd “2g Hee: Salen ase 74 rete long, Ma ety -Use Baits combining tively Swimming with Surlace “Plunking” ucey 10° (2500) “Basser” (9800 and “Zig Was” (800) geremerr 2) ye Bonet SF cua SOG Sharp Bee stan meet #® TOR Bie CESS sortase 1942-43 Heddon “Lucky 13” No. 2500 Series and 2400 Series coe No, 2400 \ bucky 18, fe" ise 2Hook Model sonia bi Boat PSE nea Ha Heddon “Basser” No. 8500 Series isin Noor surloce, xtra ag Salmon, Striped Bass, and Musky Baits New and Improved Salmon “ZiG-WAGS" and “BASSERS” with Twine hooking arrangements. Rubber Flippers and “Shore-Minnow” Colors cae ne? yt BYE EES, Heddon "KING-BASSER” Nos. 8540, 8550 and 8560 Series Thee Sas ra * Thee east = 1 Rea Se Same as “Zig Was (above) but not Jointed . BE es AUREEORT. SURED us nate smc, ar i Ba" hart cet Healt, tt Heddon “Giant Jointed Vamp” No. 7350 Series (Wood) Woy, Cannot Pi Roar or Rear Hook pall ow! ae tl Reta by bolt running clear dhrough. 7950 Series Giant Jointed Vamp nse st Eyes and Tat Baan itera No. 3151 De Luxe “PAL” Steel C eee Vistar Tabe-Wall at Bind Tapered Farrule TipeLecking Serow al Bott Cop on Waterpro! Lectbered Cerryng Case = — A revolution in Casting Reds thet will amaze and delight you with their light oss, power, balance, whip and action. The sleel tip is drawn by the Heddon Patented tapering process Iroi tho lineal nnd lomigheal vtech to the, sxect bavae and heat-treated to produce the dosired action, diplicating the linest cl beatog lg, tapering toa tinaner wall at the upper port which "eras eecedtent Balance and leet found in Heddon “Pat! Rode able (1) —Non-Sticting Tapered Ferrule 9 Nalable (3 Sone cane ee “ (3) — Screw-locking Reel-seat rear 3" HE you want a rod that will add to your lishing joys: one thal will gve you exten Black distance with litile effort; that will handle a light lure or line as well as q With re! heavy one; that will igh! and conguer any iresh water fish that swi Tip prot 4 ond Mth. Salmon gel a Haddon "Pal" ihe lied ol Tosa of ieday Sat eee eee Beek oneA son Fronsreo Cali No. 14 “Thorobred” ar Serswetacking Reel Seat No. 14 “Thorobred” Red is just what its name implies, an all-value red al! Heddon rods. Three-piece consi that thousands of anglers swear by —a rod that has lived up to its name nickel-ailve tal finish "Hold in every way. Made of a superior grade af Tonkin cane, “tempered” by rial with screw-locting band. Solid Heddon’s exclusive process, it has that rich brown color characteristic of tungsten steel intermediate guises. 6 No. 20 “Bill Stanley’s Fav: ah. ia ita nn SL The Standard of Values in Fly Rods The, Jole Wiliam Now a national favorite vision singh wl kaw quod My. red Fectnlag MONE Orignnally marke w spwovshirshons ol Hive kane Wea Stanley, Clem What eases pion of Champion Fly Casters, No 20 hein boen improved tach peor Thomescnahipe lunhl it now elfers everything that can be desired ina good ily ro Bent ever in the at a moderate Thousands are in use ond are giving @ world Bee way 16 eel pleasure and satisfaction. Their proud owners tell us thet thes Fenbe"G" Headen ody are unequalled by olor rods Costing much mote, ie te led by oft é h No. 20 has a now type “Hold-tite” locking reel-seat of hard plastic material, very handsome, which acrews fast all resle. “A selected grade of “tempered” brown tone bamboo goss into these rods 10 (161 asting Rod “The Rod of Steel with Bamboo Feel” wh ae 4 unnar Wall at UBPER portion niet Linhiness, Raat al A Few of the Many Testimonials From Prominent Angler “CAL” JOHNSON Using “Pal” Rods ZANE GREY HAWES BERT CLAFLIN sd Champion Fisherman 1 Waller ed _ nd Champion Fuhermes Outdoor Wile, Edler and Angler tngler. Ouldacramaa aad Wri you! have \perlecied “That Pel Costing Rod is @ “t om gteatiy pleated with the “Iam simply etacy over my "Pelt i. tha will revolus “noney:t dt hos lightness: Galaneg and aetlon of mip I would nat toke Si06 tori tf of ine ly sods. cnc line bamboo with marvelous ‘Bal Costing Hed —'in fact have could not get aration. Ee ete fare aettng service ation, balance, end’ power and purchared quile © number ‘of tea (A waleseeT aches and ates sas "* fate ge @ milion dolor! Bey eis aes yg marvelous rod" Tere Ole esto Sage sing tno be up Son ; phate “Heted, Cresson Wall ood ote) dist teaum, te, § i ae otawn-tone grained enamel finish Chrome-metai guides. 3181S Sturdy, § ft. only. Each Split Bamboo Fly Rod stion with extra tip. All metel ring. Wound in ted silk trimmed with black, In cloth bag in sturdy seat ol slurdy plastic mate. Fibre Cose. Six weights — "Extra Light Trout,’ "Light Trout "Standard $2900 F arip. chrome-metal frst guide. Trout.” "Bavs Trout.” "Power-Plus’ and "Heavy Duly.” All lengths. See {i perlection tiptop. Keepwr lly chart on page 18 for weights, lines, ele: wite”, Fly Rod 27 e.c eee? =. sure strength, action, and costing power. Hand-welt nickelsilver pit ferrules water-light, All metal nickel-silver. gunmeial linish, eG 3uldes Wound in maroon trimmed wilh gold. invailt poplin bag aadem "Taare © Fibre Case rgpotte, Me” keanein 1¢ Chart page 18, for Lines, etc. EP FShna ‘Six Weights Ninbow from Board: {ake oh Tiga 14 taal, 1 apd 8 man fiver, Michoan standard trout" Nov? ferrule in 8 8 ft and 8 sgqo0 ays Botstrout Mo, ip teria in St. Sie fend Mp Povwer Bas" Mo, Ha Tareule tnd fof 3 Mo. Saeecie'n' 9 8 a7 poy Ary ,,Ainpeg yopIg,, LT ‘ON O0'0ZS (1 Pur s1 se6eq presds soiH9D 295) Poy ALJ PeqooU, pI “ON ogais 203, Brae) SepDip TY “Soda 9 (Uoyonasuey e5014-6) spoy A, J coquieg uoppozy 9 Heddon Bamboo Rods tnieFishermen's Sweethearts You will be proud to own one in any company and under all conditions fled Hon Bamboo Rod es @ true lisharmen’'s pe, hit pte, hes sowsethesat Wis 90m asure Selden will he lend i, ane even after yours ot iat service: hw still keeps It the mumonas of finay battles won and lost. Tus! to grasp ene and ond feel its balance, action and suppleness, inakes you tealiza lost word in Bamboo Rod construction, and truly “The Rods wil et Haddon Special Features Are: Split nt sawed) — All Heddon Somboo se SPLIT» (NOT sowed), becouse Pio weed te foiowed. Mor weat "panty deltcive bapgbus Sarat ja . sate Sein hm ude tedcon why Heaen SPL Fighting Hearts. Mr, itvin Cobb. Tempered Bembap llektan hos ariguttnd yin sien lar the “ten nt tompotts weiter, says. aise gives te Heddon Hous twit beauliul“Brownctone color It me HOT cae bol a a “That Rod The slick. "stove! tata o” by ihe Sembee which Hoe sae shugh nd rou! Jomo -: fue aie prt she, baminon The smenges! typical hon, aheicn to Gul pacer, Wom FeRtin eae Hekacn product "Tent wel iy sata with te Heaton More Points of Superiority and Painstaking Care In addition. Heddon Sods hove been relined each year unl we have po:lected tapers in a ithe various agtions to give dence, Ged ue boianee” With ail ‘heie Manse guolise a ashes, Bey eke ight valet sicnale Siseighing cs's in aking the Bambee sections ol each sie of £94 10 ey ize of tral it fot nicenea'y {ores down ine bembon, 2 pot Soke Tefal Th Staton aeignale od Brogrenste bend Fly Rods for Many Kinds of Fish, in Fresh Water and Salt Thousands of anglers with @ By red. Tish will their use, and find 11101 agreeable change and olten 0 prolitable one No matter what type ol fly rod you want, Irom a light “fairy wand,” for sme rod, Heddon makes it as shawn on Chart below Weights and Actions of Rods, and Lines to Balance Them Frag Halnnes mo hy oth par wai of ling Jot the action gl enaih ol ie tr st ype of hing File acton‘end would cai for s heave ine to'bring Sut thet ve was Hiss! diferent toetseate Slee Ihe weight by ane-hall Sunee or more epee : i ounce heavier than loin wood onan or thote oa tre tee cory ell k ve come to appreciate the sport that can be had in Kable caiches of large bass are made with Heddon Bugs, o (Sdaitonal wg ie not noice Sis ra slae ih butt and istection and hove « quite: acinz Teuchont Asmat anglers preter iy ty Specie "Tryp" ochum's wstable ot bet aye: Heddon Fly-Rod Chart for o.iece Rods with Locking Reel Seats Heddon rods can sland the tutta weight which makes lor sarier conn Heddon Rods are marked on the butt to identify the Number, Length and Ferrule size. (18) i qinee and strong) 'nat Heddon Reds are the ting, the natural ar auch a2 "209.24," aa @ No. 20 Grade. 9M. long on a 24 Ferrule. Line-size also given. uv catelully designed. 10 nde of lish, ‘don Fly Rods when ich no other lure Conlirmed “baitcaslers” who used to laugh at ily ‘=. se now converted (0 19 9 powerlul sclmon The oP oP harnished “wales, Ip, doubt os to which of to Hines to wen if neatly the same weight. Heddon recommends the heavier. up Beds Approx tr Female Length Weight Exea Light Tro Nol Mal 43502, All numbers Ena Light Trou! Nog 8 48502 All numbers Light Trout Nol% 8 ft 47502 All numbers & Nol Balt Soe All numbers Standord Trout No.2 Bt $.0er, All numbers Standard Trou No.2 Bk $2008, AML numbers Standard Tout No.2 Soh $5008 All numbers Bit. 36002 All numbers 9" 58002 All numbers ay 8 on Al puntbe All numb 2 6M er Ane oe Alt oye a ae (Salmon) Mo 2p WN a Nie a Heavy Duty Nog 9 6 800r AIL numbors Heavy Duty Noa et 67506 punkers Heavy Duty (Selmon).. No.3 10h 95552 Bs and on spoy Aly ,,WouNDS,, Sf “ON :,882]100q,, SE “ON (201 ) uonses ting Buoiday (e6ununow pro 641 \sSuyunowr pro Bus uo sized :eweno{des uo puD "i958 yj} 2 bt por ay) Ue Feud fotoeds Bus ‘Aop:n200 ‘en aDoy fist "piog Lolls:e9, poplaand ospyaind jo slpp We tptiok ispun sBerDe-= feutoBo SpouALL 1S ,1¥d HOPPAH 291% Aoyeg wouopjdey pun Sojupsrp $Ss Ah Pon ngomedy Dorm wal tui to "out F504 pus uibns tale of uses pee pus ng so ps a oth (papususoos: =) RCH = foeaqee e239 395) 2 oder poe (oppurwojsng) spoy coquing ,;ybremroyyweg,, e201g-2 UOppeH{ (21 (2 "oN apoanos) ores poo 90, "uod biomioy pus woot oss ie9: panies: ned ywesowinoy ‘eaguod , aol quo 05 laoene ox! daze ony 50420 Seu 20peik got Wee TREN kay us NY on asst. 50 ons Spang Spogy Buyseo-1eg ooquieg HIdg woppezy BPRS) S|PUDH Poyonjeg ‘eve1g-euo ,,uoppeyy Unf, ose “ lo} 209 Puno} og HM SHELL} 9 PUD Tg HF HON ABT, SUL —-WOIBE AIMS, pu .cABNIpEME «MER, So[pUPH WEIPAS PeyPHY Pur poyopjeg—SPOx OOqUIeG s0eTg-2euC (set omy) 06 “on 661 suisush® Bo sigys ws 609 sx044 48 P2 indi pus ravine (aise poubbnp srabadae aie mod y sy wo sop ox FN SS Poy Suyspp ,,JoDedg s0\sPW-AFSNPL,, 006 “ON (231 overs ieser99y ,% “Aowebiowo uo ut 20-24 so 1yBy] so Fam) [fom Kye: ajput ms B MR U0 194 ‘site KaDay 809 ¢: setae pul lence fOUrewoi}D “TINGS! YOM JoBUo| say>U! 7 st r —siste “oN— poy Aysnyy x0 Suory, ! stems siete Jom owOspUDY © UE pautoIus: “9q" spoy Buysng-1IDg [epow exN'Jeq — I9TE “ON AyBusudine © yim au J04 si1ee A4cay : 18DD 6} por 15} — Siste ON — poy Aysnyy 10 Buyjos, 144 pom toag-jooy Buryooy 93> if eampey eg —S Tieg powaoy a ta — SIPUDH 19S7O WIA poy HunsnD 4g Jepow oxnjod — ISTE “ON sTapoW eer oe 181g aga peaoudury POH ,,AHI-XOLA. TXISTI "ON. AIUTXA14, ONY .XONTACY'. — SCOU LHOIT-YELXE OML SdOM ARS om. i Jo. 810409 OM UF PURO . a ee $$$ << TT STOPOW Pd. ,JOSIOATUN, ISL “ON PUD ,[PSieaUN AAS-en[g, TSZ-G ‘ON siqousnieg 18 ~ f _ SeTPUDH 1°SYO ,,PIMpunig,, Spoy SuysyD-wg ,,TWd., 1S01-D “ON PUP SOT “ON winweg SaRDOT Hodder nee be (5) Heddon’s “Lone Eagle” No. 206 Lovel-Winding —Easy-Canting A handsome, sturdy rect of Hed ‘atk That wien ther Reusiplae i ol och. $8.06 Companion tor any Heddon Fly Red. “Free Stripping of ‘ine—Eaay as Single Action Licensed under Perna farce Hom oll the biratan of a 3 Hae esSapinontlly ong ope nsw toe tor lousngt Speci © Permits stnpring sha na" Sinping afin om ta taet a Double Spring Anchor os oy ol ior *Sitinicee ise ine Sil ey pehogeny olumiite finah. very a No. 37 “CAPACITY —30 yards ““G" line mye} DUMAL sumsiom Ighten iy che cana Wardier SMITE 80, yores "Stine: #8 yards, “D” or “E™ Level, 30 yatds HEH o: “Light Bugapen* on mane WEIGHT ~'8 ounces. Ini the most pepuler Sie ling Since tic ® ck lb No. 7 = CAPACITY — 80 yards “G" line, 2$ yarda “C10 yards ‘llr. WEIGHT "8% curves" The aise’ ties eauy sess lay Bug-laper”. and 78 fo0! No. 9 Cultyhunk Hor volling. ee. where iets at ine a aanett Each 5.00 Heddon “Imperial” Fly Reel No. 125R 5.24 tah ed oti Fawn ay trees i Tha shiek and ratchet near ove heat-treated tool slow! Grea! care i: tiken

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