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64  Measurement Automation Monitoring, Mar. 2015, vol. 61, no.


Ireneusz URBANIEC, Paweł FRĄCZ

Prószkowska 76, Budynek 2, 45-578 Opole

Application of UV camera for PD detection

on long rod HV insulator
Abstract disadvantages of the use of optical methods for diagnosis of high
voltage equipment and gave examples of typical defects. Similar
The aim of the research works, results of which are presented in this paper, studies using the CoroCAM camera are presented in [9, 11-13].
was to determine the feasibility and to indicate the application scope of
The problem of calibration of the measurement system when using
optical method in the diagnosis of high-voltage (HV) long rod insulators.
Diagnosis of technical condition of HV insulators is critical, because the this type of camera for to measure the UV radiation emitted by
insulation system undergoes aging processes, which cause deterioration of corona discharges is considered in a diploma thesis in [14]. Also
the insulating properties. The measurements were performed during test other camera types are applied for the measurement of UV
under laboratory conditions using an UV camera. Corona partial radiation applied to the PD detection: Lilin6, CornoaScop and
discharges occurring on the long rod insulator were registered, while the DayCor [9]. Construction and operation of the DayCor camera,
supply voltage value was increased. The presented analyses consider which enables the detection and measurement of corona PD, at
dependencies of the supply voltage value on the count number of UV a distance of 100 m from the emission source in daylight is
photons emitted by partial discharges occurring in long rod insulator made
described in detail in the paper [15]. In the paper [16] design,
of porcelain.
basic parameters and functional properties of a camera applied for
Keywords: surface partial discharges, PD measurement, optical method, measurement of electromagnetic waves emission in the infrared,
UV camera, HV insulator diagnosis. visible light and ultraviolet are presented. Authors have performed
these studies during diagnostic testing of high voltage overhead
1. Introduction lines and electrical equipment. In the opinion of the authors the
described camera can successfully be used for diagnosis of
In recent years, more and more research centers are involved in electrical insulators, for the presence of corona and detection of
the measurement of partial discharges (PD) that may be generated local overheating.
on devices for transmission and distribution of high voltage The aim of the research works, results of which are presented in
electricity. Corona discharges are one of the three PD types, which this paper, was to determine the feasibility and to indicate the
are connected with voltage breaks, not causing, however, short application scope of UV camera type DayCor from Ofil Ltd for
circuit in the device. There exist also surface discharges (SPD), detection of corona discharges generated on long rod HV insulator
associated mainly with contamination on the insulator surface and made of porcelain.
inner discharges, associated with degradation inside the insulation
material. Corona discharges are created by flow of electrical 2. Measuring setup and methodology
current, e.g. in the air, from the discharge electrode, which is at
high voltage. The high voltage is producing ionization of air The measurements were performed during tests under laboratory
causing plasma around the electrode. The ions carry the load in conditions using an UV camera. The applied UV camera (Fig. 1),
place of a lower potential. For diagnostic tests related to the DayCor Superb, enables for corona and arcing detection by
assessment of the technical condition of high-voltage transmission daytime. The camera has the following parameters: minimum UV
lines and power equipment, professional cameras that allow sensitivity: 31018 W/cm2, minimum discharge detection: 1.3 pC
registration of UV radiation are widely used. [1-8]. These cameras at 10 m, minimum RIV detection: 10.7 dBµV at 10 m. The camera
enable for detection and localization of corona, arc and surface uses detectors that simultaneously record images in two bands:
partial discharges, which occur on high and medium voltage UV (in the range from 250 nm to 280 nm) and visible. The
devices. Such discharges generate among others ultraviolet (UV) measurement principle is based on counting the number of PD
radiation. The most unfavorable effect of corona discharges is using an UV radiation sensitive matrix, and imposing the image
their negative impact on the insulation, which leads to damage the on the visible picture of the tested object, which is obtained by
insulating elements, and thus, to the immobilization of whole using standard CCD matrix that is sensitive to visible light. After
energy transmission systems. Hence, the aim is to prevent the one image is imposed to another, the precise image of PD intensity
corona and eliminate them at the early stage. In the next phase is obtained, while the remaining part of the picture represents the
arcing and permanent damage occur. Even the presence of small picture in visible light. The lens and optical filter that are used in
discharges in one place can cause adverse effects. This is because the camera have been optimized to illustrate the PD effect and its
the current flow and pollution cause the formation of corrosive surroundings in the visible light. During measurements, the
substances, which enhance deterioration of the insulators and recorded pictures were displayed directly on a color LCD screen,
allow moisture to access inside the material and faster progressive and then recorded on the SD memory card as images.
degradation. Localization of corona discharge is a useful warning The object studied – a long rod HV insulator (Fig. 1), was
message prior to their visualization, similar to detection of powered by an assay system enabling continuous adjustment of
problems using infrared techniques. UV camera detects and the applied voltage in the range from 0 to 60 kV. The power
locates corona by detecting the UV signal generated during supply consisted of a control panel and testing transformer. The
discharges. The discharges are counted and the number of counts control panel (Fig. 2) consisted of the following elements:
is given as result. This allows one to determine the level of autotransformer, overcurrent protection and a digital voltmeter to
discharge from a safe distance without the need of turning off the measure the voltage value. The voltage regulated by the
object. autotransformer was forwarded to the primary winding of the
In following some examples of similar research is stated here. single phase testing transformer of type TP60, rated with
The authors of paper [9] used a CoroCAM camera, produced by 220/100000 V/V. From its secondary winding through the water
the CSIR from South Africa, in order to determine the relationship resistor used for limiting the short-circuit current the tested long
between the number of UV radiation photons, and the size of the rod insulator was powered. In experiments a standard control
amplification of the supply system, and the distance between the panel which allows for manual adjustment of the voltage was
source of PD, and the place of positioning the recording camera. applied.
In [10], the same authors discuss the advantages and
Measurement Automation Monitoring, Mar. 2015, vol. 61, no. 03  65

The number of counts, associated with corona discharges In Fig. 4 the count number values gathered from all performed
occurring on the long rod insulator was registered, while the trails are presented in dependence from the supply voltage value.
supply voltage value was decreased. The performed analyses One can recognize a characteristic exponential growth of the cont
consider estimation of dependency of the voltage value on the number with accordance to rising voltage value. This dependence
number of discharges, generated on the object. A single was confirmed by regression analysis using Gauss-type model
measurement, for each voltage value, lasted for 3 minutes. given by eq. (1). In Fig. 4 we can also recognize two outliers: one
in the positive and the other in the negative direction. These values
were taken in the analysis, but had not a significant impact on the
achieved result.
The applied Gauss-type model is given by eq. (1). The estimates
were calculated using a data set containing arithmetical means
over all data samples gathered for each voltage value. The
gathered result is depicted in Fig. 5.

 tB 
 
 C 
GaussModel (t )  A  exp (1)

where: t - time, independent quantity, min, A,B,C – model

coefficients, which were estimated in the regression analysis.

Fig. 1. The object under study and UV camera for measurement of optical signals

Fig. 4. Spectra of UHF band for 28 kV: a) background; b) PD spectra

Fig. 2. The view of the applied control panel
The values of model coefficients were estimaed by means of the
Least Squares method. The estimates and the 95% confidence
3. Analysis of gathered signals bounds are given in Table 1.

Tab. 1. The estimated coefficient values

Example result showing optical signals represented by count
number registered by the UV camera during one trail by which the
Coefficient name Estimated value 95% confid. bounds
supply voltage was set to 0.82%Up (16.8 kV) is presented in Fig.
3. The dots in the figure depict the particular values measured by A 175900 67970; 283800
the camera. The bold line depicts the arithmetical mean over the B 51.75 46.28; 57.23
C 12.25 10.29; 14.22

In order to evaluate the goodness of the estimated model

parameters statistic measures were calcutated, as given in Table 2.
The SSE - summed square of residuals value, measures the total
deviation of the response values from the fit to the empirical
response values. A value closer to 0 indicates that the model has a
smaller random error component, and that the fit will be more
useful for prediction. In our case this value is high what indicated
that the model is not appropriate for prediction purposes. The R2
value measures the variation of the data. This value is the square
of the correlation between the response values and the predicted
response values. A value close to one indicate that a greater
proportion of variance is accounted by the model. In out case the
fit explains 99.86% of the total variation in the data about the
average. The RMSE – root mean square error, is the standard error
of the regression. Similar to SSE this value if closer to one
Fig. 3. Example of registered count number values registered during experiment indicates a more usful model for prediction.
where the supply voltage value was equal to 0.82%Up
66  Measurement Automation Monitoring, Mar. 2015, vol. 61, no. 03

Tab. 2. The estimated goodness parameter values

Two examples of the achieved results depicted histograms and
Name of the goodness parameter Value
the model estimated through regression are presented in Fig. 6-7.
SSE  t  yt  ~
yt  First example depict a bad correlation and the second one a good
correlation. In Fig. 8 all determination coefficient calculated for
t  yt  ~yt  all datasets are presented. Basimg on the results it was stated that

R2  1  0.9986 despite good correlated trend (Fig. 5), not always are the particular
t  yt  yt 
data samples normally distributed (using Normal Distribution).

RMSE  t  yt  ~
yt  / n  m 

where: yt - empirical data registered at time t, ~

yt - estimated data
at time t, yt - mean over empirical data, n – number of data points
(n=31), m –number of coefficients (m=3), where n-m is the
residual degrees of freedom.

Fig. 6. Example graph showing histogram and estimated probability distribution over
dataset recorded during trail by constant supply voltage equal to 16.8 kV

Fig. 5. The measurement data in form of arithmetical mean values and the estimated
Gauss-type model

The next step in the analysis performed, regarded determination

and the stochastic nature of the considered phenomena. Each data
set gathered from particular trails was subjected to normal
distribution analysis. The histograms were calculated and then the
probability distribution was estimated. For this purpose the same
Gauss-type model was applied in this analysis with some
modifications regarding the coefficient values, as given in Table 3.
The equation (1) was modified to reduce the number of
coefficient. The new parameters which were estimated in the
regression analysis, was the µ and σ, which were different for each
dataset. For estimation the MVUE (minimum variance unbiased
estimator) algorithm was applied. Fig. 7. Example graph showing histogram and estimated probability distribution over
dataset recorded during trail by constant supply voltage equal to 32.8 kV
Tab. 3. The coefficients calculated in the dataset distribution analysis

Name of the coefficient and its form

A B C  2
 2π

The goodness of the applied model was evaluated using the square
of the correlation coefficient r, the so called determination
coefficient (2).


r 

i yi  y ~yi  ~y   

 , (2)
   y  y 2  ~
 i i
i yi  y  

where: r - value of the correlation coefficient, ~

yi - estimates of
the regression function, ~y - average over estimates ~ yi , yi –
Fig. 8. Example graph showing histogram and estimated probability distribution over
empirical data, yi - average over empirical data yi , i = 1..31 – dataset recorded during trail by constant supply voltage equal to 32.8 kV
number of samples.
Measurement Automation Monitoring, Mar. 2015, vol. 61, no. 03  67

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Furthermore, a significant dependency of rising voltage on the [14] Zang C., Lei H., Jiang Z., Ye H., He S., Zhao X., Jiang Z.: Study on
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The presented results will be applied in further studies where insulation faults of electric device. Annual Report Conf. on EI and
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number dependance is linear. _____________________________________________________
Received: 24.01.2015 Paper reviewed Accepted: 02.02.2015
The work was co-financed from funds of the National Science Centre (NCN) as
part of the OPUS program, project no.: 2013/09/B/ST8/01736.

M.Sc. Ireneusz URBANIEC

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