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Balance sheet as at 31st march,2012 common size statement

previous yr C.Y P.Y
current yr
Particulars Note
(2012) Rs'ooos
(2011) percentage percentage
RS"000s (%) (%)
equity and liabilities

shareholders funds
(a) share capital 2.1 173,075 433,075 16.7987 40.1204888
(b) reserves and surplus 2.2 308,103 158,321 29.9045 14.6670113

Non-current liabilities
(a) long-term borrowings 2.3 72,325 133,919 7.01987 12.4063863
(b) deferred tax liabilities(Net) 2.4 7,941 65,782 0.77075 6.0941084
(c) other long-term liabilities 2.5 46,018 11,285 4.46651 1.04545337

Current liabilities
(a) short-term borrowings 2.6 191,896 164,433 18.6254 15.23
(b) trade payables 2.7 38,896 34,723 3.77525 3.21677246
(c)other current liabilities 2.8 187,217 70,376 18.1713 6.51970103
(d) short-term provisions 2.9 4,819 7,523 0.46773 0.69693803

Total 1,030,290 1,079,436 100 100

Non-current assets
(a) fixed assets 2.1
(i) tangible assets 461,990 522,661 44.8408 48.42
(ii) intangible assets 0 0 0 0

(b) Non-current investments 2.11 90 640 0.00874 0.05929022

( c) long term loans & advances 2.12 213921 205,420 20.7632 19.0303084

current assets
(a) inventories 2.13 262,538 232,776 25.482 21.5645948
(b) trade receivables 2.14 42,459 69,161 4.12107 6.41
( c) cash & cash equivalents 2.15 9,028 7,715 0.87626 0.71
(d) short-term loans & advances 2.16 38,243 39,461 3.71187 3.66
(e) other current assets 2.17 2,021 1,601 0.19616 0.15

Total 1,030,290 1,079,436 100 100

profit & loss statement for the year ended 31st march 2012 comparative statement

current previous
Particulars Note yr (2012) yr (2011) percentage (%)
Rs'000s RS"000s
revenue from operations 2.18 422188 672022 -249,834 -59.176007
other income 2.19 8990 6422 2,568 28.5650723

Total revenue 431178 678444 -247,266 -57.346618

cost of materials consumed 2.2 240125 202555 37,570 15.6460177

changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in- 2.21 -35800 25163

progress & stock-in-trade -60,963 170.287709
employee benefit expense 2.22 60670 54039 6,631 10.9296193
other expenses 2.23 176479 279147 -102,668 -58.17576
finance costs 2.24 60856 35904 24,952 41.001709
depreciation & aumortization expense 2.1 53559 52180 1,379 2.57473067

total expenses 555889 648988 -93,099 -16.747768

profit before exceptional & extraordinary items and tax -124711 29455 -154,166 123.618606
exceptional items 0 0
profit before extraordinary items and tax -124711 29455 -154,166 123.618606
extraordinary items 0 17552 -17,552

profit before tax -124711 11903 -136,614 109.544467

tax expense:
(1) current tax 0 20164 -20,164
(2) deferred tax -57841 -11722 -46,119 79.7340986
(3) taxes relating to prior yrs 20035 -1873 21,908 109.34864

profit/(loss) for the period 86905 5335 81,570 93.8611127


Balance sheet as at 31st march,2013 comparative statement

current yr previous yr
Particulars Note (2013) (2012) percentage (%)
Rs'ooos RS"000s
equity and liabilities
shareholders funds
(a) share capital 2.1 283,195 173,075 110,120 38.8848673
(b) reserves and surplus 2.2 290,029 308,103 (18,074) -6.23179061
Non-current liabilities
(a) long-term borrowings 2.3 - 72,325 (72,325)
(b) deferred tax
2.4 21,025 7,941 13,084 62.2306777
(c) other long-term
2.5 180,744 46,018 134,726 74.5396804
Current liabilities
(a) short-term borrowings 2.6 216,767 191,896 24,871 11.4736099
(b) trade payables 2.7 35,784 38,896 (3,112) -8.69662419
(c)other current liabilities 2.8 109,240 187,217 (77,977) -71.3813621
(d) short-term provisions 2.9 8,122 4,819 3,303 40.6673233
Total 1,144,906 1,030,290 114,616 10.0109528
Non-current assets
(a) fixed assets 2.10
(i) tangible assets 407,142 461,990 (54,848) -13.4714669
(ii) intangible assets - -
(iii) capital work-in-
106,969 - 106,969 100
(b) Non-current
2.11 90 90
( c) long term loans &
2.12 209,860 213,921 (4,061) -1.93509959
current assets
(a) inventories 2.13 311,360 262,538 48,822 15.68024152
(b) trade receivables 2.14 47,886 42,459 5,427 11.33316627
( c) cash & cash equivalents 2.15 8,571 9,028 (457) -5.331933263
(d) short-term loans &
2.16 50,270 38,243 12,027 23.92480605
(e) other current assets 2.17 2,757 2,021 736 26.69568371
Total 1,144,906 1,030,290 114,616 10.01095286
profit & loss statement for the year ended 31st march 2013 comparative statement
current yr previous
Note (2013) yr (2012) percentage (%)
Particulars Rs'000s
Rs'ooos RS"000s

revenue from operations 2.18 321,718 424,252 (102,534) -31.87076881

other income 2.19 2,108 6,926 (4,818) -228.5578748

Total revenue
323,827 431,178 (107,351) -33.15072554


cost of materials consumed 2.2 237,446 240,125 (2,679) -1.12825653

changes in inventories of finished goods, 2.21
work-in-progress & stock-in-trade (62,623) (35,800) (26,823) 42.83250563

employee benefit expense 2.22 81,539 60,670 20,869 25.59388759

other expenses 2.23 133,510 176,479 (42,969) -32.18410606

finance costs 2.24 46,819 60,856 (14,037) -29.9814178

depreciation & aumortization expense 2.1 45,006 53,559 (8,553) -19.00413278

total expenses 481,696 555,889 (74,193) -15.402453

profit before exceptional &
extraordinary items and tax (157,869) (124,711) (33,158) 21.00349024

exceptional items - -

profit before extraordinary items and tax (157,869) (124,711) (33,158) 21.00349024

extraordinary items - -

profit before tax (157,869) (124,711) (33,158) 21.00349024

tax expense:

(1) current tax - -

(2) deferred tax 13,084 (57,841) 70,925 542.0742892

(3) taxes relating to prior yrs - 20,035 (20,035)

profit/(loss) for the period (170,953) (86,905) (84,048) 49.16439021


Balance sheet as at 31st march,2014 comparative statement

current yr
previous yr
Particulars Note (2014) Amount Rs'000s percentage (%)
(2013) RS"000s
equity and liabilities

shareholders funds
(a) share capital 1 324,550 283,195 41,355 12.74225851
(b) reserves and surplus 2 227,344 290,029 (62,685) -27.57275318

Non-current liabilities
(a) long-term borrowings 3 71,027 - 71,027 100
(b) deferred tax liabilities(Net) 4 - 21,025 (21,025)
(c) other long-term liabilities 5 297,574 180,744 116,830 39.26082252

Current liabilities
(a) short-term borrowings 6 148,233 216,767 (68,534) -46.23396949
(b) trade payables 7 28,550 35,784 (7,234) -25.3380035
(c)other current liabilities 8 111,374 109,240 2,134 1.916066586
(d) short-term provisions 9 7,859 8,122 (263) -3.346481741

Total 1,216,511 1,144,906 71,605 5.886095563

Non-current assets
(a) fixed assets 10
(i) tangible assets 368,325 407,142 (38,817) -10.53879047
(ii) intangible assets - -
(iii) capital work-in-progress 261,360 106,969 154,391 59.072161
(b) Non-current investments 11 90 90 0
( c) long term loans & advances 12 209,023 209,860 (837) -0.400434402
(d) deferred tax assets (Net) 4 25,426 - 25,426 100
current assets
(a) inventories 13 271,073 311,360 (40,287) -14.86204823
(b) trade receivables 14 34,763 47,886 (13,123) -37.74990651
( c) cash & cash equivalents 15 3,860 8,571 (4,711) -122.0466321
(d) short-term loans & advances 16 40,101 50,270 (10,169) -25.35846986
(e) other current assets 17 2,489 2,757 (268) -10.76737646

Total 1,216,511 1,144,906 71,605 5.886095563

profit & loss statement for the year ended 31st march 2014 comparative statement

current previous
Not percentag
Particulars yr (2014) yr (2013) Amount Rs'000s
e e (%)
Rs'ooos RS"000s
revenue from operations 18 329,173 321,718 7,455
other income 19 2,375 2,108 267

Total revenue 331,548 323,827 7,721

cost of materials consumed 20 210,262 276,966 (66,704) 31.724229
changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in- 340.43231
21 26,046 (62,623) 88,669
progress & stock-in-trade 21
employee benefit expense 22 36,140 81,539 (45,399) 125.61981
other expenses 23 125,213 93,990 31,223
finance costs 24 39,796 46,819 (7,023) 17.647502
depreciation & aumortization expense 10 41,453 45,006 (3,553) 8.5711528

total expenses 478,911 481,696 (2,785) 0.5815276

profit before exceptional & extraordinary items and
(147,362) (157,869) 10,507 7.1300606
exceptional items 25 27,941 - 27,941 100
profit before extraordinary items and tax (175,304) (157,869) (17,435)
extraordinary items - -

profit before tax (175,304) (157,869) (17,435)

tax expense:
(1) current tax - -
(2) deferred tax (46,451) 13,084 (59,535)
(3) taxes relating to prior yrs - -

profit/(loss) for the period (128,853) (170,953) 42,100 32.672890

Balance sheet as at 31st march,2015 comparative statement

current previous
Particulars Note yr (2015) yr (2014) Amount Rs'000s percentage (%)
.Rs'ooos RS"000s
equity and liabilities

shareholders funds
(a) share capital 1 333,780 324,550 9,230 2.765294505
(b) reserves and surplus 2 154,912 227,344 (72,432) -46.75686842

Non-current liabilities
(a) long-term borrowings 3 56,628 71,027 (14,399) -25.42735043
(b) deferred tax liabilities(Net) 4 - -
(c) other long-term liabilities 5 429,916 297,574 132,342 30.78322277

Current liabilities
(a) short-term borrowings 6 152,180 148,233 3,947 2.593639112
(b) trade payables 7 26,711 35,014 (8,303) -31.0845719
(c)other current liabilities 8 80,518 111,374 (30,856) -38.32186592
(d) short-term provisions 9 11,363 7,859 3,504 30.83692687

Total 1,246,008 1,222,975 23,033 1.848543509

Non-current assets
(a) fixed assets 10
(i) tangible assets 331,538 368,325 (36,787) -11.09586231
(ii) intangible assets - -
(iii) capital work-in-progress 382,349 261,360 120,989 31.6436031
(b) Non-current investments 11 90 90
( c) long term loans & advances 12 121,640 209,023 (87,383) -71.83738902
(d) deferred tax assets (Net) 4 59,018 25,426 33,592 56.91822834
current assets
(a) inventories 13 270,879 271,073 (194) -0.071618693
(b) trade receivables 14 31,384 34,763 (3,379) -10.76663268
( c) cash & cash equivalents 15 2,449 3,860 (1,411) -57.61535321
(d) short-term loans & advances 16 44,847 46,565 (1,718) -3.830802506
(e) other current assets 17 1,813 2,489 (676) -37.28626586

Total 1,246,008 1,222,975 23,033 1.848543509

profit & loss statement for the year ended 31st march 2015 comparative statement

Particulars Note yr (2014) Amount Rs'000s percentage (%)
revenue from operations 18 360850 329,173 31,677 8.778439795
other income 19 2332 2,375 (43) -1.843910806

Total revenue 363182 331,548 31,634 8.710233437

cost of materials consumed 20 224667 210,262 14,405 6.411711555
changes in inventories of finished goods, work-
21 15106 26,046 (10,940) -72.42155435
in-progress & stock-in-trade
employee benefit expense 22 39789 36,140 3,649 9.170876373
other expenses 23 121537 125,213 (3,676) -3.024593334
finance costs 24 37985 39,796 (1,811) -4.767671449
depreciation & aumortization expense 10 41223 41,453 (230) -0.557940955

total expenses 480307 478,911 1,396 0.29064744

profit before exceptional & extraordinary items and tax -117125 (147,362) 30,237 -25.81600854
exceptional items 25 3666 27,941 (24,275) -662.1658483
profit before extraordinary items and tax -120791 (175,304) 54,513 -45.13001796
extraordinary items 0 -

profit before tax -120791 (175,304) 54,513 -45.13001796

tax expense:
(1) current tax 0 -
(2) deferred tax -33592 (46,451) 12,859 -38.27994761
(3) taxes relating to prior yrs 0 -

profit/(loss) for the period -87200 (128,853) 41,653 -47.76720183


Balance sheet as at 31st march,2016 comparative statement

current previous
Particulars Note yr (2016) yr (2015) Amount Rs'000s percentage (%)
Rs'ooos RS"000s
equity and liabilities

shareholders funds
(a) share capital 1 344,980 333,780 11,200 3.246565018
(b) reserves and surplus 2 (94,167) 74,276 (168,443) 178.8768889

Non-current liabilities
(a) long-term borrowings 3 42,261 56,628 (14,367) -33.99588273
(b) deferred tax liabilities(Net) 4 - -
(c) other long-term liabilities 5 503,660 429,916 73,744 14.64162332

Current liabilities
(a) short-term borrowings 6 147,914 152,180 (4,266) -2.884108333
(b) trade payables 7 13,137 26,711 (13,574) -103.3264825
(c)other current liabilities 8 88,400 80,599 7,801 8.824660633
(d) short-term provisions 9 15,558 11,363 4,195 26.96362

Total 1,061,743 1,165,452 (103,709) -9.767806334

Non-current assets
(a) fixed assets 10
(i) tangible assets 318,093 344,847 (26,754) -8.4107478
(ii) intangible assets - -
(iii) capital work-in-progress 382,985 382,975 10 0.002611068
(b) Non-current investments 11 90 90
( c) long term loans & advances 12 23,093 27,146 (4,053) -17.55077296
(d) deferred tax assets (Net) 4 59,018 59,018
current assets
(a) inventories 13 240,749 270,879 (30,130) -12.5151091
(b) trade receivables 14 951 31,384 (30,433) -3200.105152
( c) cash & cash equivalents 15 406 2,450 (2,044) -503.4482759
(d) short-term loans & advances 16 35,564 44,850 (9,286) -26.11067371
(e) other current assets 17 794 1,813 (1,019) -128.3375315

Total 1,061,743 1,165,452 (103,709) -9.767806334

profit & loss statement for the year ended 31st march 2016 comparative statement

current previous
Particulars Note yr (2016) yr (2015) Amount Rs'000s percentage (%)
Rs'ooos RS"000s
revenue from operations 18 170,412 360,850 (190,438) -111.7515198
other income 19 1,940 2,332 (392) -20.20618557

Total revenue 172,352 363,181 (190,829) -110.7205022

cost of materials consumed 20 109,685 224,667 (114,982) -104.8292839
changes in inventories of finished goods,
21 37,639 15,106 22,533 59.86609634
work-in-progress & stock-in-trade
employee benefit expense 22 46,393 39,789 6,604 14.23490613
other expenses 23 101,232 122,301 (21,069) -20.8125889
finance costs 24 36,734 37,985 (1,251) -3.405564327
depreciation & aumortization expense 10 27,032 42,084 (15,052) -55.68215448

total expenses 358,715 481,932 (123,217) -34.34955327

profit before exceptional &

(186,363) (118,750) (67,613) 36.28027023
extraordinary items and tax
exceptional items 25 - 3,666 (3,666)
profit before extraordinary items and tax (186,363) (122,416) (63,947) 34.31314156
extraordinary items - -

profit before tax (186,363) (122,416) (63,947) 34.31314156

tax expense:
(1) current tax - -
(2) deferred tax - (33,592) 33,592
(3) taxes relating to prior yrs - -

profit/(loss) for the period (186,363) (88,825) (97,538) 52.33764213

Balance sheet as at 31st march,2012 common size statement
current yr previous yr C.Y P.Y
Particulars Note (2012) (2011) percentage percentage
Rs'ooos RS"000s (%) (%)
equity and liabilities

shareholders funds
(a) share capital 2.1 173,075 433,075 16.7987 40.1204888
(b) reserves and surplus 2.2 308,103 158,321 29.9045 14.6670113

Non-current liabilities
(a) long-term borrowings 2.3 72,325 133,919 7.01987 12.4063863
(b) deferred tax liabilities(Net) 2.4 7,941 65,782 0.77075 6.0941084
(c) other long-term liabilities 2.5 46,018 11,285 4.46651 1.04545337

Current liabilities
(a) short-term borrowings 2.6 191,896 164,433 18.6254 15.23
(b) trade payables 2.7 38,896 34,723 3.77525 3.21677246
(c)other current liabilities 2.8 187,217 70,376 18.1713 6.51970103
(d) short-term provisions 2.9 4,819 7,523 0.46773 0.69693803

Total 1,030,290 1,079,436 100 100

Non-current assets
(a) fixed assets 2.1
(i) tangible assets 461,990 522,661 44.8408 48.42
(ii) intangible assets 0 0 0 0

(b) Non-current investments 2.11 90 640 0.00874 0.05929022

( c) long term loans & advances 2.12 213921 205,420 20.7632 19.0303084

current assets
(a) inventories 2.13 262,538 232,776 25.482 21.5645948
(b) trade receivables 2.14 42,459 69,161 4.12107 6.41
( c) cash & cash equivalents 2.15 9,028 7,715 0.87626 0.71
(d) short-term loans & advances 2.16 38,243 39,461 3.71187 3.66
(e) other current assets 2.17 2,021 1,601 0.19616 0.15

Total 1,030,290 1,079,436 100 100

profit & loss statement for the year ended 31st march 2012 common size statement

current previous
yr yr
Particulars Note percentage percentage
(2012) (2011)
(%) (%)
Rs'ooos RS"000s
revenue from operations 2.18 422188 672022 97.915 99.0534222
other income 2.19 8990 6422 2.08499 0.94657776

Total revenue 431178 678444 100 100

cost of materials consumed 2.2 240125 202555 55.6905 29.8558171
changes in inventories of finished goods, work-
2.21 -35800 25163 -8.3028 3.70892808
in-progress & stock-in-trade
employee benefit expense 2.22 60670 54039 14.0708 7.96513787
other expenses 2.23 176479 279147 40.9295 41.1451793
finance costs 2.24 60856 35904 14.1139 5.29210959
depreciation & aumortization expense 2.1 53559 52180 12.4216 7.69112852

total expenses 555889 648988 128.923 95.6583005

profit before exceptional & extraordinary items and tax -124711 29455 -28.923 4.34155214
exceptional items 0 0 0 0
profit before extraordinary items and tax -124711 29455 -28.923 4.34155214
extraordinary items 0 17552 0 2.58709636

profit before tax -124711 11903 -28.923 1.75445578

tax expense:
(1) current tax 0 20164 0 2.97209497
(2) deferred tax -57841 -11722 -13.415 -1.7277771
(3) taxes relating to prior yrs 20035 -1873 4.64657 -0.2760729

profit/(loss) for the period 86905 5335 20.1552 0.7863582

Balance sheet as at 31st march,2013 common size statement
current yr previous yr C.Y
Particulars Note (2013) (2012) percentage
percentage (%)
Rs'ooos RS"000s (%)
equity and liabilities

shareholders funds
(a) share capital 2.1 283,195 173,075 24.73521844 16.79866834
(b) reserves and surplus 2.2 290,029 308,103 25.33212334 29.90449291

Non-current liabilities
(a) long-term borrowings 2.3 - 72,325 0 7.019868192
(b) deferred tax liabilities(Net) 2.4 21,025 7,941 1.836395302 0.770753865
(c) other long-term liabilities 2.5 180,744 46,018 15.78679822 4.466509429

Current liabilities
(a) short-term borrowings 2.6 216,767 191,896 18.93317006 18.62543556
(b) trade payables 2.7 35,784 38,896 3.125496766 3.775247746
(c)other current liabilities 2.8 109,240 187,217 9.541394665 18.17129158
(d) short-term provisions 2.9 8,122 4,819 0.709403217 0.467732386

Total 1,144,906 1,030,290 100 100

Non-current assets
(a) fixed assets 2.10
(i) tangible assets 407,142 461,990 35.56117271 44.84077299
(ii) intangible assets - - 0
(iii) capital work-in-progress 106,969 - 9.343037769
(b) Non-current investments 2.11 90 90 0.007860907 0.008735405
( c) long term loans & advances 2.12 209,860 213,921 18.32988909 20.76318318

current assets
(a) inventories 2.13 311,360 262,538 27.19524572 25.48195168
(b) trade receivables 2.14 47,886 42,459 4.182526775 4.121072708
( c) cash & cash equivalents 2.15 8,571 9,028 0.748620411 0.876258141
(d) short-term loans & advances 2.16 50,270 38,243 4.390753477 3.711867532
(e) other current assets 2.17 2,757 2,021 0.240805795 0.196158363

Total 1,144,906 1,030,290 100 100

profit & loss statement for the year ended 31st march 2013 common size statement

current previous C.Y P.Y

Particulars Note yr (2013) yr (2012) percentage percenta
Rs'ooos RS"000s (%) ge (%)
revenue from operations 2.18 321,718 424,252 99.34872633
other income 2.19 2,108 6,926 0.650964867
Total revenue 323,827 431,178 100 100
cost of materials consumed 2.2 237,446 240,125 73.32495437
changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-
2.21 (62,623) (35,800) -19.33841218 8.302835
progress & stock-in-trade
employee benefit expense 2.22 81,539 60,670 25.1798028
other expenses 2.23 133,510 176,479 41.22880427
finance costs 2.24 46,819 60,856 14.45802852
depreciation & aumortization expense 2.1 45,006 53,559 13.89816167

total expenses 481,696 555,889 148.7510306

profit before exceptional & extraordinary items and tax (157,869) (124,711) -48.75103064 28.92332
exceptional items - - 0
profit before extraordinary items and tax (157,869) (124,711) -48.75103064 28.92332
extraordinary items - - 0

profit before tax (157,869) (124,711) -48.75103064 28.92332

tax expense:
(1) current tax - - 0
(2) deferred tax 13,084 (57,841) 4.040428994 13.41464
(3) taxes relating to prior yrs - 20,035 0
profit/(loss) for the period (170,953) (86,905) -52.79145964 20.15524
Balance sheet as at 31st march,2014 common size statement
current yr previous yr C.Y P.Y
Particulars Note (2014) (2013) percentage percentage
Rs'ooos RS"000s (%) (%)
equity and liabilities

shareholders funds
(a) share capital 1 324,550 283,195 26.67875588 24.73521844
(b) reserves and surplus 2 227,344 290,029 18.68819928 25.33212334

Non-current liabilities
(a) long-term borrowings 3 71,027 - 5.838582635 0
(b) deferred tax liabilities(Net) 4 - 21,025 0 1.836395302
(c) other long-term liabilities 5 297,574 180,744 24.46126669 15.78679822

Current liabilities
(a) short-term borrowings 6 148,233 216,767 12.18509327 18.93317006
(b) trade payables 7 28,550 35,784 2.346875614 3.125496766
(c)other current liabilities 8 111,374 109,240 9.155198761 9.541394665
(d) short-term provisions 9 7,859 8,122 0.646027862 0.709403217

Total 1,216,511 1,144,906 100 100

Non-current assets
(a) fixed assets 10
(i) tangible assets 368,325 407,142 30.27716149 35.56117271
(ii) intangible assets - -
(iii) capital work-in-progress 261,360 106,969 21.48439266 9.343037769
(b) Non-current investments 11 90 90 0.007398207 0.007860907
( c) long term loans & advances 12 209,023 209,860 17.18217098 18.32988909
(d) deferred tax assets (Net) 4 25,426 - 2.090075634
current assets
(a) inventories 13 271,073 311,360 22.28282358 27.19524572
(b) trade receivables 14 34,763 47,886 2.857598493 4.182526775
( c) cash & cash equivalents 15 3,860 8,571 0.317300871 0.748620411
(d) short-term loans & advances 16 40,101 50,270 3.296394361 4.390753477
(e) other current assets 17 2,489 2,757 0.20460152 0.240805795

Total 1,216,511 1,144,906 100 100

profit & loss statement for the year ended 31st march 2014 common size statement

current previous C.Y P.Y

Particulars Note yr (2014) yr (2013) percentage percentage
Rs'ooos RS"000s (%) (%)

revenue from operations 18 329,173 321,718 99.2836633 99.34872633
other income 19 2,375 2,108 0.716336699 0.650964867

Total revenue 331,548 323,827 100 100

cost of materials consumed 20 210,262 276,966 63.41826824 85.5290016
changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-
21 26,046 (62,623) 7.855876072 -19.33841218
progress & stock-in-trade
employee benefit expense 22 36,140 81,539 10.90038245 25.1798028
other expenses 23 125,213 93,990 37.76617564 29.02475705
finance costs 24 39,796 46,819 12.00308854 14.45802852
depreciation & aumortization expense 10 41,453 45,006 12.50286535 13.89816167

total expenses 478,911 481,696 144.4469579 148.7510306

profit before exceptional & extraordinary items and tax (147,362) (157,869) -44.44665629 -48.75103064
exceptional items 25 27,941 - 8.427437354
profit before extraordinary items and tax (175,304) (157,869) -52.87439526 -48.75103064
extraordinary items - -

profit before tax (175,304) (157,869) -52.87439526 -48.75103064

tax expense:
(1) current tax - -
(2) deferred tax (46,451) 13,084 -14.01033938 4.040428994
(3) taxes relating to prior yrs - - 0

profit/(loss) for the period (128,853) (170,953) -38.86405588 -52.79145964

Balance sheet as at 31st march,2015 common size statement
current yr previous yr C.Y
Particulars Note (2015) (2014) percentage
percentage (%)
Rs'ooos RS"000s (%)
equity and liabilities

shareholders funds
(a) share capital 1 333,780 324,550 26.78795 26.53774607
(b) reserves and surplus 2 154,912 227,344 12.43266496 18.58942333

Non-current liabilities
(a) long-term borrowings 3 56,628 71,027 4.544754127 5.807722971
(b) deferred tax liabilities(Net) 4 - - 0
(c) other long-term liabilities 5 429,916 297,574 34.50347028 24.33197735

Current liabilities
(a) short-term borrowings 6 152,180 148,233 12.21340473 12.1206893
(b) trade payables 7 26,711 35,014 2.143726204 2.863018459
(c)other current liabilities 8 80,518 111,374 6.46207729 9.106809215
(d) short-term provisions 9 11,363 7,859 0.911952411 0.6426133

Total 1,246,008 1,222,975 100 100

Non-current assets
(a) fixed assets 10
(i) tangible assets 331,538 368,325 26.60801536 30.1171324
(ii) intangible assets - -
(iii) capital work-in-progress 382,349 261,360 30.68591855 21.37083751
(b) Non-current investments 11 90 90 0.007223068 0.007359104
( c) long term loans & advances 12 121,640 209,023 9.762377128 17.0913551
(d) deferred tax assets (Net) 4 59,018 25,426 4.736566699 2.079028598
current assets
(a) inventories 13 270,879 271,073 21.73974806 22.16504835
(b) trade receivables 14 31,384 34,763 2.518763924 2.842494736
( c) cash & cash equivalents 15 2,449 3,860 0.196547695 0.315623786
(d) short-term loans & advances 16 44,847 46,565 3.599254579 3.807518551
(e) other current assets 17 1,813 2,489 0.145504684 0.203520105

Total 1,246,008 1,222,975 100 100

profit & loss statement for the year ended 31st march 2015 common size statement

current previous C.Y P.Y

Particulars yr (2015) yr (2014) percentage percentage
Rs'ooos RS"000s (%) (%)
revenue from operations 18 360850 329,173 99.35789769 99.2836633
other income 19 2332 2,375 0.642102307 0.716336699

Total revenue 363182 331,548 100 100

cost of materials consumed 20 224667 210,262 61.86071997 63.41826824
changes in inventories of finished goods, work-
21 15106 26,046 4.159347104 7.855876072
in-progress & stock-in-trade
employee benefit expense 22 39789 36,140 10.9556641 10.90038245
other expenses 23 121537 125,213 33.46448888 37.76617564
finance costs 24 37985 39,796 10.45894345 12.00308854
depreciation & aumortization expense 10 41223 41,453 11.35050746 12.50286535

total expenses 480307 478,911 132.249671 144.4469579

profit before exceptional & extraordinary items and

-117125 (147,362) -32.24967096 -44.44665629
exceptional items 25 3666 27,941 1.009411259 8.427437354
profit before extraordinary items and tax -120791 (175,304) -33.25908222 -52.87439526
extraordinary items 0 - 0

profit before tax -120791 (175,304) -33.25908222 -52.87439526

tax expense:
(1) current tax 0 -
(2) deferred tax -33592 (46,451) -9.249357072 -14.01033938
(3) taxes relating to prior yrs 0 -

profit/(loss) for the period -87200 (128,853) -24.0100005 -38.86405588

Balance sheet as at 31st march,2016 common size statement
current yr previous C.Y
Particulars Note (2016) yr (2015) percentage
percentage (%)
Rs'ooos RS"000s (%)
equity and liabilities

shareholders funds
(a) share capital 1 344,980 333,780 32.49185537 28.63953213
(b) reserves and surplus 2 (94,167) 74,276 -8.86909544 6.373149645

Non-current liabilities
(a) long-term borrowings 3 42,261 56,628 3.980341759 4.858887367
(b) deferred tax liabilities(Net) 4 - -
(c) other long-term liabilities 5 503,660 429,916 47.43709165 36.8883489

Current liabilities
(a) short-term borrowings 6 147,914 152,180 13.93124325 13.05759482
(b) trade payables 7 13,137 26,711 1.237305073 2.291900482
(c)other current liabilities 8 88,400 80,599 8.325931982 6.915685931
(d) short-term provisions 9 15,558 11,363 1.465326355 0.974986529

Total 1,061,743 1,165,452 100 100

Non-current assets
(a) fixed assets 10
(i) tangible assets 318,093 344,847 29.95950998 29.58912079
(ii) intangible assets - -
(iii) capital work-in-progress 382,985 382,975 36.07134683 32.86064119
(b) Non-current investments 11 90 90 0.008476628 0.007722326
( c) long term loans & advances 12 23,093 27,146 2.175008453 2.329225056
(d) deferred tax assets (Net) 4 59,018 59,018 5.55859563 5.063958018
current assets
(a) inventories 13 240,749 270,879 22.6748846 23.24239866
(b) trade receivables 14 951 31,384 0.089569698 2.692860796
( c) cash & cash equivalents 15 406 2,450 0.038239009 0.210218868
(d) short-term loans & advances 16 35,564 44,850 3.349586482 3.848292336
(e) other current assets 17 794 1,813 0.074782692 0.155561962

Total 1,061,743 1,165,452 100 100

profit & loss statement for the year ended 31st march 2016 common size statement

current previous C.Y P.Y

Particulars Note yr (2016) yr (2015) percentage percentage
Rs'ooos RS"000s (%) (%)
revenue from operations 18 170,412 360,850 98.87439658 99.35817127
other income 19 1,940 2,332 1.125603416 0.642104075

Total revenue 172,352 363,181 100 100

cost of materials consumed 20 109,685 224,667 63.64010861 61.8608903
changes in inventories of finished goods,
21 37,639 15,106 21.8384469 4.159358557
work-in-progress & stock-in-trade
employee benefit expense 22 46,393 39,789 26.91758726 10.95569427
other expenses 23 101,232 122,301 58.73561084 33.67494445
finance costs 24 36,734 37,985 21.31335871 10.45897225
depreciation & aumortization expense 10 27,032 42,084 15.68418121 11.58761059

total expenses 358,715 481,932 208.1292935 132.6974704

profit before exceptional & extraordinary

(186,363) (118,750) -108.1292935 -32.69719506
items and tax
exceptional items 25 - 3,666 0 1.009414039
profit before extraordinary items and tax (186,363) (122,416) -108.1292935 -33.7066091
extraordinary items - - 0

profit before tax (186,363) (122,416) -108.1292935 -33.7066091

tax expense:
(1) current tax - -
(2) deferred tax - (33,592) 0 -9.249382539
(3) taxes relating to prior yrs - -

profit/(loss) for the period (186,363) (88,825) -108.1292935 -24.45750191

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