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Search for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay with the Upgraded EXO-200 Detector

J.B. Albert,1 G. Anton,2 I. Badhrees,3, a P.S. Barbeau,4 R. Bayerlein,2 D. Beck,5 V. Belov,6 M. Breidenbach,7
T. Brunner,8, 9 G.F. Cao,10 W.R. Cen,10 C. Chambers,11 B. Cleveland,12, 13 M. Coon,5 A. Craycraft,11
W. Cree,3 T. Daniels,7 M. Danilov,6, b S.J. Daugherty,1 J. Daughhetee,14 J. Davis,7 S. Delaquis,7
A. Der Mesrobian-Kabakian,12 R. DeVoe,15 T. Didberidze,16, c J. Dilling,9 A. Dolgolenko,6 M.J. Dolinski,17
W. Fairbank Jr.,11 J. Farine,12 S. Feyzbakhsh,18 P. Fierlinger,19 D. Fudenberg,15 R. Gornea,3, 9 K. Graham,3
G. Gratta,15 C. Hall,20 E.V. Hansen,17 J. Hoessl,2 P. Hufschmidt,2 M. Hughes,16 A. Jamil,2, 15 M.J. Jewell,15
A. Johnson,7 S. Johnston,18, d A. Karelin,6 L.J. Kaufman,1, e T. Koffas,3 S. Kravitz,15 R. Krücken,9 A. Kuchenkov,6
K.S. Kumar,21 Y. Lan,9 D.S. Leonard,22 G.S. Li,15 S. Li,5 C. Licciardi,3, f Y.H. Lin,17 R. MacLellan,14 T. Michel,2
B. Mong,7 D. Moore,23 K. Murray,8 R. Nelson,24 O. Njoya,21 A. Odian,7 I. Ostrovskiy,16 A. Piepke,16 A. Pocar,18
F. Retière,9 P.C. Rowson,7 J.J. Russell,7 S. Schmidt,2 A. Schubert,15 D. Sinclair,3, 9 V. Stekhanov,6 M. Tarka,21
T. Tolba,10 R. Tsang,16, g P. Vogel,25 J.-L. Vuilleumier,26 M. Wagenpfeil,2 A. Waite,7 T. Walton,11 M. Weber,15
arXiv:1707.08707v2 [hep-ex] 26 Feb 2018

L.J. Wen,10 U. Wichoski,12 G. Wrede,2 L. Yang,5 Y.-R. Yen,17 O.Ya. Zeldovich,6 J. Zettlemoyer,1 and T. Ziegler2
(EXO-200 Collaboration)
Physics Department and CEEM, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47405, USA
Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics (ECAP),
Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen 91058, Germany
Physics Department, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6, Canada
Department of Physics, Duke University, and Triangle Universities
Nuclear Laboratory (TUNL), Durham, North Carolina 27708, USA
Physics Department, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois 61801, USA
Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, Russia
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, California 94025, USA
Physics Department, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
TRIUMF, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 2A3, Canada
Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing, China
Physics Department, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523, USA
Department of Physics, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario P3E 2C6, Canada
SNOLAB, Sudbury, Ontario P3Y 1N2, Canada
Department of Physics, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota 57069, USA
Physics Department, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, USA
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487, USA
Department of Physics, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA
Amherst Center for Fundamental Interactions and Physics Department,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, USA
Technische Universität München, Physikdepartment and Excellence Cluster Universe, Garching 80805, Germany
Physics Department, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University, SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11794, USA
IBS Center for Underground Physics, Daejeon 34047, Korea
Department of Physics, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06511, USA
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220, USA
Kellogg Lab, Caltech, Pasadena, California 91125, USA
LHEP, Albert Einstein Center, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
(Dated: February 27, 2018)
Results from a search for neutrinoless double-beta decay (0νββ) of 136 Xe are presented using
the first year of data taken with the upgraded EXO-200 detector. Relative to previous searches
by EXO-200, the energy resolution of the detector has been improved to σ/E=1.23%, the electric
field in the drift region has been raised by 50%, and a system to suppress radon in the volume
between the cryostat and lead shielding has been implemented. In addition, analysis techniques
that improve topological discrimination between 0νββ and background events have been developed.
Incorporating these hardware and analysis improvements, the median 90% confidence level 0νββ
half-life sensitivity after combining with the full data set acquired before the upgrade has increased
2-fold to 3.7 · 1025 yr. No statistically significant evidence for 0νββ is observed, leading to a lower
limit on the 0νββ half-life of 1.8 · 1025 yr at the 90% confidence level.

Neutrinoless double-beta decay (0νββ), in which a nu- decay (A, Z) → (A, Z + 2) + 2e− with the emission of
cleus with mass number A and charge Z undergoes the no neutrinos [1], provides the most sensitive test of the

Majorana nature of neutrinos [2]. While the correspond- 0.2 0.4

Data/MC Normalized counts
ing two-neutrino double-beta decay (2νββ) has been ob-
served for several nuclides [3], the observation of 0νββ 0.3
would provide direct evidence for a beyond-the-Standard- 0.2
Model process that violates lepton number conservation 0.1 0.1
and constrain the absolute neutrino mass scale [4]. Mo- 1000 1400 1800 2200 2600
tivated by these implications, a variety of experiments Energy [keV]
are searching for 0νββ in a number of nuclides, reaching
half-life sensitivities in excess of 1025 years (e.g. [5–7]), 0.0
with the most stringent for 136 Xe at 5.6 · 1025 yr [6]. 1.2 Energy [keV]
EXO-200 is searching for 0νββ in 136 Xe (see [5, 8, 9] for
a detailed description). The detector consists of a cylin-
1000 1400 1800 2200 2600
drical time projection chamber (TPC) filled with liquid Energy [keV]
xenon (LXe) enriched to 80.6% 136 Xe. The TPC is split
into two drift regions by a common cathode, each with FIG. 1. (Color online) Comparison between SS events in
radius ∼18 cm and drift length ∼20 cm. Energy depo- Phase II data (open markers) and MC (lines) for calibrations
sitions in the LXe produce both scintillation light and using 60 Co (green), 226 Ra (blue), and 228 Th (red) sources
ionization. The ionization charge is read out after being positioned near the cathode. The bottom shows the ratio be-
drifted to crossed-wire planes at each anode by an electric tween data and MC. The inset compares the corresponding
SS fraction, SS/(SS+MS), for the calibration data and MC.
field, while the scintillation light is collected by arrays of
avalanche photodiodes (APDs) [10] located behind the
wire planes. For each interaction, the location of the de-
posited charge in the directions perpendicular to the drift MC simulation, runs are taken using γ sources positioned
field (x and y) is determined from the wire signals. The within 10 cm of the LXe vessel at locations around the
z position is reconstructed from the time delay between cathode plane and at both anode planes. Figure 1 shows
the prompt light signal and the delayed charge signals, the agreement between the MC simulation and data ac-
using the measured ionization drift velocity [11]. The to- quired with 60 Co, 226 Ra, and 228 Th sources.
tal energy deposited is determined from the combination EXO-200 has previously reported results on a search
of the charge and light signals, optimally accounting for for 0νββ [5] using 80% of the data from its first run
their anticorrelation [12]. (“Phase I”), which spans from Sept. 2011 to Feb. 2014.
The LXe is housed in a thin-walled copper vessel, and In Feb. 2014, EXO-200 was forced to suspend operations,
surrounded by several layers of passive and active shield- because of accidents at the WIPP facility and recover the
ing, including ∼50 cm of HFE-7000 cryofluid [13] and Xe from the detector. After access to the experiment was
∼25 cm of lead in all directions [9]. A plastic scintillator regained in early 2015, the detector was recommissioned
muon veto surrounds the experiment on four sides [8, 14]. and refilled with LXe in Jan. 2016. Between Jan. and
The detector is located at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant May 2016 the detector was upgraded with new electronics
(WIPP) near Carlsbad New Mexico, which provides an primarily aimed at improving the APD read-out noise. In
overburden of 1624+22 −21 meters water equivalent [14].
addition, a system was installed to suppress radon in the
To reconstruct events in the TPC, charge and light air gap between the copper cryostat and the lead shield.
signals are first grouped into individual energy deposits After installation of this system, direct sampling of the
within each event. Events with a single reconstructed air indicated that the average radon level was reduced by
deposit are identified as “single-site” (SS), while events more than a factor of 10. Fits to the energy and loca-
with multiple, spatially-separated deposits are denoted tion of backgrounds in physics data also indicated a lower
as “multi-site” (MS). This topological SS/MS classifica- best-fit value for this background component, although
tion has been used in previous EXO-200 analyses and more data are required to demonstrate a statistically sig-
provides discrimination between γ backgrounds, which nificant reduction. Finally, the electric field in the drift
are primarily MS, and the 0νββ signal, which is primar- region of the detector was raised from 380 V/cm (cath-
ily SS. A detailed detector Monte Carlo (MC) simula- ode voltage, VC = −8 kV) to 567 V/cm (VC = −12 kV).
tion based on Geant4 [15] is used to model the energy The data taking run with the upgraded detector began
deposits produced in the LXe by various backgrounds in May 2016 (“Phase II”).
and the 0νββ signal. The MC simulation propagates the The primary goal of the electronics upgrade was to
charge deposits through the detector and produces sim- minimize the APD read-out noise observed in Phase I.
ulated waveforms for each readout channel and event. While this noise was accounted for in previous analyses
The MC waveforms are processed using the same analysis and partially suppressed using a software “de-noising”
framework as the data waveforms. In order to calibrate algorithm [16], the hardware upgrade provides substan-
the detector energy scale and validate the accuracy of the tially improved performance. The effect on the energy

2.2 Phase I Phase II The inefficiency is dominated by the 1 s anticoincidence

Resolution, σ/E [%]
cut and by incomplete reconstruction of 0νββ events with
2.0 Non-denoised small, separated energy deposits from bremsstrahlung.
1.8 Elec. upgrade Its errors are determined from the difference in the ob-
12 kV
1.6 served absolute rate for calibration source data and MC
using the known source activity, and measurements of
1.4 the individual cut efficiencies for low-background 2νββ
1.2 events. It includes the estimation of the uncertainty in
1.0 the FV, 2.8% in Phase I (2.6% in Phase II), the dominant

b 2 012g 2012 b 2013 2013 2014 r 2016 2016c 2016r 2017 term in this error.
Fe Au Fe Aug Feb Ap Aug De Ap This analysis introduces a cut to reduce the rate of
background events arising from cosmogenically produced
FIG. 2. (Color online) Measured energy resolution, σ/E, for 137
Xe [14], which decays via β emission with a total en-
the 2615 keV 208 Tl γ line in calibration data taken at the cath- ergy of 4173 keV [18]. Events in coincidence with the
ode position throughout Phase I and Phase II. The measured
muon veto detector, and depositing energy consistent
resolution before (blue) and after (red) applying the software
de-noising algorithm in Phase I are shown. The data acquired with the cascade γs emitted after the neutron capture
between restart of operations and the start of Phase II, when on 136 Xe, are used to veto subsequent events in the same
VC was raised to -12 kV, were not used in the current analysis. TPC half within 19.1 min, corresponding to 5 · T1/2Xe .
This cut was estimated to reduce the number of 137 Xe
events by 23 ± 8%, with a loss in exposure of 3.5%
resolution is shown in Fig. 2. In Phase I, the SS res- (2.8%) in Phase I (Phase II). This reduction is consis-
olution at the 0νββ decay energy of Qββ = 2457.83 ± tent with the 137 Xe rate entirely attributed to cosmogenic
0.37 keV [17] after applying the software de-noising algo- sources [14].
rithm is σ/E(Qββ ) = 1.38%, averaged over live time and New techniques have been developed to further im-
position. In Phase II, this figure is 1.23% and its time prove γ-background rejection among events classified as
variation is greatly reduced. These values account for the SS by using the detailed topological information available
spatial variation of the resolution, including events taken for each interaction in the TPC. By implementing trans-
with the calibration source behind the anodes. Because verse electron diffusion (coefficient Dt = 55 cm2 /s [11])
of the source’s proximity to the readout when at the an- and the three-dimensional geometry of the wire planes in
ode, these events present better energy resolution than the detector model, the number of channels that collect
those in Fig. 2. charge signals (denoted as “number of channels”) is now
The selection cuts for this analysis closely follow those accurately simulated. Figure 3 (a) shows that SS γ back-
used in previous EXO-200 analyses [5]. Both Phase II grounds are more likely to deposit energy on more than
data and the previously examined Phase I data were one neighboring channel than the ββ signal. In addition,
“blinded” to remove candidate 0νββ events in the energy extending this concept to the z-direction, the distribu-
region between 2345 keV and 2570 keV. After data qual- tion of the rise time of the charge pulse (defined as the
ity cuts [8], the total exposure considered here is 596.7 d time between collection of 5% to 95% of the total signal)
and 271.8 d for Phase I and Phase II, respectively. is more likely to extend to large values for γ backgrounds
Only a fiducial volume (FV) within the detector is con- relative to ββ events (Fig. 3 (b)). Finally, the “stand-
sidered. The FV selection requires the position of all off distance,” denoting the minimum distance between a
charge deposits in an event to be reconstructed within a cluster and the closest TPC surface, excluding the cath-
hexagon with apothem of 162 mm and more than 10 mm ode, is used to constrain backgrounds originating from
away from the anode and cathode wire planes, as well sources external to the LXe (Fig. 3 (c)).
as from the cylindrical PTFE reflector inside the field- A multivariate discriminator was developed by com-
shaping rings. This FV corresponds to 74.7 kg of 136 Xe, bining these topological variables in a boosted decision
i.e. 3.31 · 1026 atoms, resulting in a total exposure of tree (BDT) using the TMVA software package [19]. The
177.6 kg·yr or 1307 mol·yr. The individual exposure in separation between SS 0νββ and the most prominent γ
Phase I and Phase II are 122 kg·yr and 55.6 kg·yr, re- backgrounds (238 U, 232 Th, and 60 Co) was maximized us-
spectively, or 898 mol·yr and 409 mol·yr. ing a subset of the MC. Its performance was then tested
To suppress backgrounds correlated in time, events are on a statistically independent MC data set. Agreement
required to have only a single reconstructed scintillation between data and MC for calibration sources for both the
signal and to occur > 1 s from all other reconstructed BDT and its constituent variables was used to validate its
events. The corresponding 0νββ signal reconstruction ef- performance for the main backgrounds with high statis-
ficiency is found to be consistent between phases within tics, while the corresponding distributions for signal-like
errors, 82.4 ± 3.0% (80.8 ± 2.9%) for Phase I (Phase II). events were investigated using a pure sample of 2νββ SS

0.8 1
Normalized counts (a) (b) (c) 0.25 (d)
0.15 0.20
0.1 0.15
0.4 0.10
0.2 0.01 0.05
0.0 1 2 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 0.000 50 100 150 0.00 0.5 0.0 0.5
Number of channels Rise time [µs] Standoff [mm] 0ν discriminator
FIG. 3. (Color online) Comparison between data (dots) and MC (solid/dashed lines) for the individual variables used in the
BDT and the overall discriminator distribution. Both source calibration data using the 226 Ra source at the cathode (blue
dashed) and the background-subtracted 2νββ spectrum from low background data (black solid) are shown. Only SS events are
depicted in the plots. Statistical error bars on the data points are included, but are typically smaller than the marker size. The
expected BDT discriminator distribution for a 0νββ signal from MC is indicated by the red filled region. All distributions are
normalized by the area, and the edge bins account for overflow.

events with energy near the Qββ . The ranked impor- ization constrained to unity is included to account for the
tance of the individual discriminator variables—defined error on the detection efficiency.
as the weighted fraction of decision tree cuts for which The balance between SS and MS events, parameter-
each variable was used—was found to be 42%, 39%, and ized by the “SS fraction,” is allowed to vary around the
19% for the rise time, standoff distance, and number of expected value from MC for each component within a
channels, respectively. systematic error. This error was determined by compar-
Figure 3 shows a comparison between the simulated ing the SS fraction for source calibration data and MC,
and observed data distributions for calibration sources, as shown in the inset to Fig. 1. Averaging over all cali-
and for the measured background-subtracted 2νββ dis- bration positions acquired throughout Phase I (Phase II)
tribution. Overall, the data and MC distributions for gives a relative error on the SS fraction of 5.0% (8.8%).
the input variables and the overall discriminator agree An 85% correlation between the SS fractions of the γ-
to better than 10% at every bin. The detailed binning like components is included in the constraint, justified
and range used for each variable was optimized to mini- by similar levels observed in calibration source data.
mize systematic errors arising from imperfections in the Since the ML fit relies on accurately modeling the
MC simulation, while maintaining as much discriminat- shapes of the various background components, the im-
ing power as possible. As described below, the system- pact of shape differences between data and MC was inves-
atic errors resulting from the differences between the data tigated for each fit observable (see Figs. 1 and 3). In these
and MC distributions are evaluated using toy MC stud- studies, the shapes of the γ-originated background com-
ies. These residual differences contribute a sub-dominant ponents are corrected by using the residual differences
uncertainty to the backgrounds and signal efficiency. between calibration source data and simulation, while
To search for a 0νββ signal, the Phase I and Phase II the shapes of the SS β components are corrected by us-
data are separately fit to models using a binned ing the residual differences of the measured background-
maximum-likelihood (ML) fit. These models consist of subtracted 2νββ spectrum. A large number of simulated
the 0νββ signal and backgrounds originating from the data sets were drawn from the best-fit background model
detector and surrounding materials. The background using the corrected PDFs, and were fit with the original
model closely follows that used in previous EXO-200 simulated shapes. The resulting bias between the fitted
analyses [5]. The shape of the spectrum for each of and true value of backgrounds near Qββ is included as an
the fit observables is determined from the MC simulation additional systematic error on the normalization of the
for each background and signal component. The energy background components. Toy studies indicate that these
spectra for the SS and MS data are fit simultaneously, shape errors are 2.1% (1.7%) for Phase I (Phase II). The
and unlike the previous analysis of Phase I data [5], the contribution to this error caused by spatial and temporal
BDT variable (including the standoff variable) is added energy resolution variations that are not fully accounted
as a fit dimension for the SS data. Toy studies indicated for by the MC simulation was determined to be 1.5%
that the addition of the BDT or standoff to the MS fit (1.2%) in Phase I (Phase II).
did not enhance sensitivity for this search. Systematic U, Th, and Co background components simulated at
errors are included in the ML fit as nuisance parameters, locations different from the default ones were individu-
constrained by normal distributions. An overall normal- ally inserted into the fit, and the resulting variation in

105 Data Best Fit

20 Phase I, SS Component Counts
12 BQββ ±2σ
104 BDT discrim
232 Th 15.8

8 BQββ ±2σ
238 U 9.4
103 4.4
137 Xe
4 Total 30.7 ±6.0
Phase I, SS 0

2350 2450 2550 Data 43
Energy [keV]
10 0 Phase II, SS Component Counts
232 Th 4.8
1 4 BDT discrim
BQββ ±2σ
238 U 4.2
137 Xe 3.6
3σ 2 Total 13.2 ±1.4

1σ Data 8
1σ 0 0.6 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6

105 232 Th Other Bkgds 6
120 0ν discriminator
BQββ ±2σ
104 238 U 136 Xe 2νββ
4 Phase I, MS

137 Xe 136 Xe 0νββ

103 2

Counts/(15 keV)
Phase II, SS 0
102 2350 2450
Energy [keV]
2550 40
10 0
1 Phase II, MS



1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 1600 2000 2400 2800
Energy [keV] Energy [keV]
FIG. 4. (Color online) Best fit to the low background data SS energy spectrum for Phase I (top left) and Phase II (bottom
left). The energy bins are 15 keV and 30 keV below and above 2800 keV, respectively. The inset shows a zoomed in view
around the best-fit value for BQββ . (top right) Projection of events within BQββ ± 2σ on the BDT fit dimension. (bottom
right) MS energy spectra above the 40 K γ-line.

the number of expected events near Qββ was determined. β-like components, Eβ = BEγ , which is allowed to float
These studies estimate the error due to uncertainty in freely in the fit. B is highly constrained by the 2νββ
the location of the background model components to be spectrum, and consistent with unity to the sub-percent
5.6% (5.9%) in Phase I (Phase II). All sources of system- level.
atic uncertainty on the background model near Qββ are After “unblinding” the combined data set, no statisti-
treated as uncorrelated and result in a total error of 6.2% cally significant evidence for 0νββ was observed. A lower
for both Phase I and Phase II, as summarized in Tab. I. limit on the half-life of T1/2 > 1.8 · 1025 yr at the 90%
confidence level (CL) was derived from the ML fits af-
TABLE I. Systematic errors on the determination of the num- ter profiling over nuisance parameters. The data from
ber of events near Qββ . each phase is fit separately and the profiles added to-
gether considering the difference in live time and sig-
Source Phase I Phase II
nal detection efficiency. No correlation was considered
Signal detection efficiency 3.0% 2.9%
Background errors between these two profiles. This conservative assump-
Spectral shape agreement 2.1% 1.7% tion was estimated to negligibly change the expected
Background model 5.6% 5.9% sensitivity. The profile-likelihood distribution was de-
Energy scale and resolution 1.5% 1.2% termined from toy MC simulations, following the same
Total 6.2% 6.2% procedure to combine phases, and found to be in good
agreement with Wilks’s theorem [20, 21]. Under the
Two final constraints on the measured radon concen- assumption that neutrinos are Majorana particles, this
tration in the LXe and relative rate of cosmogenically corresponds to an upper limit on the Majorana neutrino
produced backgrounds were included in the fit, but veri- mass, hmββ i < (147−398) meV [2], using the nuclear ma-
fied to be unchanged from previous analyses [5] for both trix elements of [22–26] and phase space factor from [27].
Phase I and Phase II. The best-fit value for the 0νββ component is consistent
The analysis further accounts for a possible difference with the null hypothesis at 1.5σ, corresponding to a p-
in the reconstructed energy for β-like events, Eβ , rela- value of 0.12.
tive to the energy scale determined from the γ calibra- The results of the ML fits are presented in Fig 4. The
tion sources, Eγ . This difference is expressed through a measured 2νββ rates were found to be consistent with [8].
multiplicative constant, B, that scales the energy for all The best-fit contributions from the primary background

components within BQββ ± 2σ are summarized in the Washington, USA

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uses resources of the National Energy Research Scientific [19] A. Hoecker et al., PoS(ACAT), 040 (2007),
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the KARMEN collaboration for supplying the cosmic-ray [21] G. Cowan, Statistical Data Analysis, Oxford science pub-
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[23] T. R. Rodriguez and G. Martı́nez-Pinedo, Phys. Rev.
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Permanent position with King Abdulaziz City for Science [24] J. Engel, F. Šimkovic, and P. Vogel, Phys. Rev. C 89,
and Technology, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 064308 (2014).
Now at P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian [25] J. Menéndez, A. Poves, E. Caurier, and F. Nowacki,
Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Nucl. Phys. A 818, 139 (2009).
Now University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, USA [26] M. T. Mustonen and J. Engel, Phys. Rev. C 87, 064302
Now at Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, (2013).
USA [27] J. Kotila and F. Iachello, Phys. Rev. C 85, 034316 (2012),
Now at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo arXiv:1209.5722 [nucl-th].
Park, California, USA [28] J. B. Albert et al. (nEXO), arXiv:1710.05075 [nucl-ex]
Corresponding author: (2017).
Now at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland,

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