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World Development Vol. 28, No. 2, pp.

319±331, 2000
Ó 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Printed in Great Britain 0305-750X/00/$ - see front matter
PII: S0305-750X(99)00126-6

Generating Disaggregated Poverty Maps: An

Application to Vietnam
International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, USA
Summary. Ð Previous research shows that geographic targeting in poverty programs is not
accurate unless the geographic units are small. Household surveys, however, can rarely estimate
poverty rates for more than 5±10 regions. This study uses data from Vietnam to illustrate a method
for generating disaggregated poverty maps. First, the relationship between poverty and household
indicators is estimated using survey data. Then, census data on those same indicators are used to
estimate poverty rates for each of the 543 rural districts. The results indicate that Vietnamese
poverty is concentrated in the north and in districts furthest from the coast and cities. Ó 2000
Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Key words Ð Asia, Vietnam, poverty, targeting, welfare measures

1. INTRODUCTION allocate public spending on social programs

and may be a criterion in the allocation of
Over the past 15 years, researchers and poli- public investment in rural infrastructure.
cymakers have become increasingly interested Ravallion and Wodon (1997) use data from
in the use of targeting to improve the cost-ef- Bangladesh to show that poverty varies across
fectiveness of programs to alleviate poverty and regions even after controlling for spatial vari-
food insecurity. This interest has been stimu- ation in observable household characteristics
lated by e€orts to streamline government such as education, occupation, civil status, and
expenditures while protecting the poor, as well composition of the household.
as by studies showing that a substantial share of The accuracy of regional targeting, however,
the bene®ts of untargeted programs accrue to varies substantially depending on the size of the
nonpoor households (see Pinstrup-Andersen & geographic unit. Studies of India and Indonesia
Alderman, 1988; Grosh, 1994). suggest that the potential for reducing poverty
Given the diculty of measuring and veri- through redistribution among a small number
fying income, particularly in developing coun- of large regions is relatively modest (Datt &
tries, one of the critical issues in designing Ravallion, 1993; Ravallion, 1993). Baker and
targeted programs is the tradeo€ between the
cost of collecting information to determine eli-
gibility and the cost associated with inaccurate * This paper is a revised version of Discussion Paper
targeting (Glewwe and van der Gaag, 1990; No. 25 of the Markets and Structural Studies Division of
Besley & Kanbur, 1993). One approach is to the International Food Policy Research Institute. The
use easily-observed household characteristics as research was funded by the United Nations Develop-
poverty indicators. For example, Glewwe ment Programme, Capacity Building for Rural Devel-
(1990) compares the targeting accuracy of opmentÐPhase I. The author thanks Chris Delgado,
various household indicators. Glewwe and Francesco Goletti, Gaurav Datt, and an anonymous
Kanaan (1989), Grosh and Baker (1995), and reviewer for comments on various versions of the paper.
Wodon (1997) use regression analysis to ``pre- He also thanks Philippe Berry for assisting with data
dict'' poverty as a function of various house- processing, Nguyen Van Pham and Nguyen Dinh Chung
hold characteristics. They ®nd that ``proxy at the General Statistics Oce for processing the
means tests'' using household characteristics Agricultural Census data, and Hoang Teung Lap and
can be useful for targeting. Ngo The Hien at the National Institute for Agricultural
One obvious poverty indicator is the place of Planning and Projection for assistance with the GIS
residence. Geographic targeting is often used to processing. Final revision accepted: 24 June 1999.

Grosh (1994) show that state-level targeting in level poverty rates. Finally, Section 6 summa-
Mexico provides only small improvements over rizes and discusses the results of the study.
untargeted (uniform) transfers of the same
amount of money, but district- or neighbor-
hood-level targeting is signi®cantly more accu- 2. DATA AND METHODS
rate. In fact, Grosh (1994) demonstrates that
programs in Latin America that focus on clinics The Vietnam Living Standards Survey
and schools in poor neighborhoods can be as (VLSS) was carried out in 1992±93 by the
well targeted as programs that screen for eligi- Vietnamese State Planning Committee (SPC)
bility based on household income. and the General Statistical Oce (GSO) with
It is not easy, however, to obtain information assistance from the Swedish International
on poverty for a large number of small Development Agency and the World Bank. The
geographic units (e.g., districts or villages) VLSS used a strati®ed random sample of 4,800
throughout a country. Sample size constraints households, including 3,840 rural households
generally prevent the use of household surveys and 960 urban households. The 110-page ques-
for estimating poverty at the neighborhood, tionnaire collected information on household
city, or even district level. Most household members, housing, fertility, assets, employment,
budget surveys have samples of 2,000 to 6,000 agricultural production, income, and expendi-
households, allowing estimates of poverty for ture (World Bank, 1995; SPC/GSO, 1994).
just ®ve to 10 regions (Grosh & Mu~ noz, 1996). In 1994, the GSO conducted an Agricultural
This study develops a method to generate Census covering 11.5 million rural households
geographically disaggregated estimates of (including nonagricultural households). The
poverty by combining survey and census data. ®ve-page questionnaire collected information
In the ®rst step, I use data from the Vietnam on household members, housing, land use,
Living Standards Survey (VLSS) to estimate animal ownership, and assets (GSO, 1995).
the relationship between poverty and 25 indi- Although the Census did not collect informa-
cators (including household characteristics and tion on income or expenditure, it provides data
regional dummy variables). In the second step, on a number of household characteristics likely
the average values of these same 25 indicators to be correlated with poverty. Table 1 compares
for each rural district are extracted from the the data on household characteristics available
1994 Agricultural Census and are substituted from the VLSS with those available from the
into the estimated equation to generate district- Agricultural Census.
level estimates of the poverty rate. The results In the ®rst step of the procedure, I use probit
are presented in the form of district-level regression analysis with the VLSS data to esti-
poverty maps using geographic information mate the probability that a rural household is
system (GIS) software. poor as a function of 19 household character-
A similar approach was concurrently devel- istics and six regional dummy variables. 1 In
oped by Hentschel, Lanjouw, Lanjouw and probit analysis, the data are assumed to re¯ect
Poggi (1998) to examine the geographic distri- the following relationship:
bution of poverty in Ecuador. Having access to !
the household-level census data, they are able X
to calculate standard errors for the poverty y ˆU a‡ Bi Xi ‡ e ; …1†
estimates. On the other hand, by using a
general census rather than an agricultural where y is a dependent variable taking values
census, the number of potential poverty indi- between 0 and 1, U…† represents the cumulative
cators is more limited, as is the level of density function for the standard normal curve,
geographic disaggregation. Other methodolog- and the Xi are the independent variables.
ical di€erences are discussed below. In this study, the dependent variable (y) is
The paper is divided into six sections. Section 0 or 1 depending on whether the household
2 describes the data and methods used in this is below or above the 30th percentile of per
study. Section 3 presents an overview of the capita consumption expenditure among rural
patterns in various poverty indicators in Viet- households. Consumption expenditure was
nam. Section 4 examines the relationship calculated by the author as the sum of
between poverty and the poverty indicators consumption purchases, the market value of
using regression analysis. Section 5 uses this home produced food, and the rental equivalent
relationship to obtain estimates of the district- of owner-occupied housing and major consumer

Table 1. Description of poverty indicatorsa

Variable Description Available in
VLSS Agricultural
EXPPC Value of consumption expenditure per capita (Dong/ X
HHSIZE Number of persons in the household X X
PCTAD Percentage of household members that are adults X X
TAY 1 if head of household is Tay, 0 otherwise X
THAI 1 if head of household is Thai, 0 otherwise X
HOA 1 if head of household is Hoa (Chinese), 0 otherwise X
KHMER 1 if head of household is Khmer, 0 otherwise X
NUNG 1 if head of household is Nung, 0 otherwise X
OTHMIN 1 if head of household is other minority, 0 otherwise X
MINOR 1 if head of household is a minority, 0 if Kinh X X
MALESCH Years of education of male adult X
FEMSCH Years of education of female adult X
FEMHEAD 1 if head of household is female, 0 if male X X
FARMER 1 if main occupation is farming, 0 otherwise X X
FISHER 1 if main occupation is ®shing, 0 otherwise X X
LANDPC Annual and perennial crop land per person X X
(sq. meters)
PCTPER Percentage of farmland allocated to perennial crops X X
PCTIRR Percentage of annual cropland that is irrigated X X
FOODPC Food production per capita (kg of paddy eq. per year) X (b )
CATTLE Number of cattle per household X X
CHICKEN Number of chickens per household X X
PIGS Number of pigs per household X X
HOUSARE A Area of house (square meters) X X
PERM 1 if house is of permanent materials, 0 otherwise X X
SEMI 1 if house is of semi-permanent materials, 0 otherwise X X
TAP 1 if household uses water from tap, 0 otherwise X X
WELL 1 if household uses water from well, 0 otherwise X X
ELECTRIC 1 if household has electricity, 0 otherwise X X
RADIO 1 if household owns a radio, 0 otherwise X (c )
TV 1 if household owns a television, 0 otherwise X (c )
MBIKE 1 if household owns a motorbike, 0 otherwise X (c )
REG1 1 if household is in the Northern Uplands region, 0 X X
REG2 1 if household is in the Red River Delta region, 0 X X
REG3 1 if household is in the N. Central Coast, 0 otherwise X X
REG4 1 if household is in the S. Central Coast, 0 otherwise X X
REG5 1 if household is in the Central Highlands, 0 otherwise X X
REG6 1 if household is in the Southeast, 0 otherwise X X
REG7 1 if household is in the Mekong River Delta, 0 X X
Source: Questionnaires for Vietnam Living Standards Survey (VLSS) and Agricultural Census.
The Agricultural Census collected crop areas but not production statistics. I have estimated per capita food
production using Census data on the areas planted and provincial yield estimates for 1994.
The Agricultural Census refers to the number of radios, televisions, and motorbikes per 100 households. The
di€erence between this and the percentage of households owning each good is small because few households have
more than one (according to the VLSS, fewer than 1% of rural households have more than one radio, and the
corresponding percentages for televisions and motorbikes are 0.1% and 0.3%, respectively.

durables. A regional price index, calculated as Bank, 1995). The independent variables (Xi ) are
part of the VLSS study, was used to adjust for selected from the household characteristics
regional di€erences in the cost of living (World listed in Table 1.

The second step in the procedure is to hand, the error is likely to be small, and it is the
combine the equation obtained from the ranking of districts and provinces, not the
regression analysis with the district-level mean poverty rate itself, that is important for policy
values of the same poverty indicators from the purposes.
Agricultural Census to generate a poverty index Third, in using continuous variables for
for each district. Because of di€erences in the poverty indicators, this approach assumes that
values of the indicators between the VLSS and variation in poverty across districts will be
the Agricultural Census, a regional adjustment re¯ected in variation in the district-level means
factor is added to ensure that the average of the indicators rather than in the distribution
poverty rate for each region as derived from the within districts. If di€erences in poverty are due
Census data is equal to the corresponding mainly to di€erences in the distribution within
poverty rate in the VLSS data. Thus, poverty districts, the continuous variables used in this
estimates are calculated as follows: study will not be very accurate. This limitation
! does not apply to binary (dummy) variables
X used in the regression.
Pd ˆ U a^ ‡ ^
Bi X id ‡ Ar ; …2†
Finally, because I did not have access to the
household-level census data, it was not possible
where Pd is the district-level estimate of the to estimate the standard errors for the district-
poverty rate, a^ and B^i are the estimated level poverty estimates. In their study of
parameters from the regression analysis, X id is Ecuador, Hentschel et al. (1998) show how to
the average value of the Xi household indicator calculate these standard errors when the
in district d, and Ar is the regional adjustment household data are available.
factor. Given the large number of rural districts, Three of the four limitations listed above are
it is convenient to present the results as a map associated with the use of district-level means
using GIS software. Sensitivity analysis is used from the census rather than original household-
to see whether the classi®cation of districts varies level data. Although the use of household data
depending on the choice of the poverty line. is preferable, this will often not be possible due
Four quali®cations need to be made regard- to problems of data access or processing
ing this method. First, the estimated coecients capacity. For example, the Agricultural Census
a^ and B^i are not necessarily consistent. The of Vietnam collected data from 11.5 million
probit regression model does not generally households.
provide consistent estimates of the coecients
in the presence of heteroskedasticity. More
seriously, some of the variables on the right- 3. CHARACTERISTICS OF RURAL
hand side of the regression equation, such as the HOUSEHOLDS
ownership of consumer durables, are endoge-
nous, being partly determined by per capita Table 2 presents the mean value of each
expenditure. In econometric terms, the error poverty indicator available in both the VLSS
term (e) is likely to be correlated with some of and the Agricultural Census. Regarding the
the ``independent'' variables (Xi ), so the esti- poverty indicators, the two surveys yield
mated coecients are subject to simultaneity remarkably similar results regarding the aver-
bias. This problem is common to all studies age value of household size, the proportion of
using regression analysis to combine poverty adults, the percentage of farm households, the
indicators (see Glewwe & Kanaan, 1989; Grosh percentage of ®shing households, food
& Baker, 1995; Wodon, 1997). This approach production, the percentage of land in perennial
can, however, be partially justi®ed by the fact crops, the percentage of irrigated annual crop-
that the objective is not to study the determi- land, the type and size of housing, source of
nants of poverty or the magnitude of the coef- water, and ownership of all three consumer
®cients but rather to develop a descriptive tool durables (radio, television, and motorbike).
to identify poor households. There are some di€erences between the two
The second quali®cation is that, because sources, particularly in land per capita, the
equation (2) is nonlinear, the district-level number of livestock, and electri®cation. These
poverty rate will not be exactly equal to the rate di€erences may be due to sampling error in the
obtained by inserting district-level means into VLSS, di€erent de®nitions of the variables, or
the equation, even if the equation describes di€erent criteria used to select households to
household poverty without error. On the other interview.

Table 2. Average value of poverty indicators in rural areasa

Indicator VLSS Agricultural Census
Expenditure per capita (1000 Dong/year) 100.4 NA
Number of persons in household 5.0 4.8
Percentage of adults 16±60 years 51.8 52.6
Percentage of female heads 22.6 22.3
Percentage of minority heads 14.2 12.4
Education of male adults (years) 6.7 NA
Education of female adults (years) 4.9 NA
Percentage of farming households 78.5 79.5
Percentage of ®shing households 2.4 1.9
Agricultural land per capita (meters2 ) 1009.3 870.7
Percentage of land in perennial crops 13.2 13.6
Percentage of households without land 7.8 14.5
Percentage of annual cropland irrigated 50.4 46.6
Food production (kilogram paddy equivalent/person/yr) 418.0 442.6b
Number of cattle per household 0.6 0.3
Number of chickens per household 13.2 7.5
Number of pigs per household 1.6 1.3
Area of house (meters2 ) 41.6 39.3
Percentage in permanent houses 10.8 11.8
Percentage in semi-permanent houses 48.4 43.3
Percentage with water from tap 1.2 1.1
Percentage with water from well 62.4 64.8
Percentage with electricity 38.8 52.4
Percentage with a radio 33.8 37.0c
Percentage with a television 15.3 21.0c
Percentage with a motorbike 6.0 8.5c
Percentage living in Northern Uplands 17.5 17.3
Percentage living in Red River Delta 25.0 23.4
Percentage living in N.C. Coast 15.0 15.3
Percentage living in S.C. Coast 10.0 10.7
Percentage living in C. Highlands 3.3 4.2
Percentage living in Southeast 8.3 8.2
Percentage living in Mekong Delta 20.8 21.0
Source: Vietnam Living Standards Survey and Agricultural Census.
See note 1 in Table 1.
See note 2 in Table 1.

The Agricultural Census provides informa- durables, re¯ecting its urbanized population
tion on the geographic patterns in household and relatively high income. Finally, the
characteristics that are used as poverty indica- Mekong River Delta is relatively land abund-
tors. Table 3 shows the mean values of the ant and highly irrigated, contributing to its per
poverty indicators for the seven regions of capita food production which is substantially
Vietnam. For example, the Northern Uplands higher than that of any other region.
region has the highest concentration of minor- The advantage of the VLSS data is that it
ity households, farmers, and small livestock. By allows us to examine the relationships between
contrast, the Red River Delta has the least land poverty and household characteristics. Table 4
per capita, but its per capita food production shows the average value of the poverty indica-
(predominantly rice) is the second highest as a tors for rural households in di€erent expendi-
result of very intensive irrigation. The two ture quartiles 2, based on the VLSS data. Poor
central coast regions are notable for the rela- households are characterized by larger size, a
tively large proportion of ®shing households smaller proportion of working-age adults, and
(3.5 and 6%). The Central Highlands has a less schooling among male adults. They are also
large minority population, abundant land, and much more likely to be ethnic minorities.
a high proportion of land allocated to perennial While the bulk of rural households have
crops (mainly co€ee). The Southeast has a large farming as their main occupation, the propor-
nonagricultural population and the highest tion is highest among the two poorer catego-
rates of ownership of the three consumer ries. Not surprisingly, the amount of land per

Table 3. Poverty indicators in rural areas by regiona

Indicator Northern Red North South Central South- Mekong
Uplands River Central Central High- east River
Delta Coast Coast lands Delta
HHSIZE (number) 5.1 4.1 4.7 4.8 5.2 5.0 5.1
PCTAD (% hh 50.3 53.3 49.2 52.8 50.2 56.2 55.3
FEMHEAD (% hh) 17.0 23.6 19.6 26.8 17.7 28.2 23.2
MINOR (% hh) 38.9 0.3 9.0 6.3 36.6 5.5 7.8
FARMER (% hh) 91.2 91.1 83.3 74.4 76.8 49.0 69.9
FISHER (% hh) 0.3 0.3 3.5 6.0 0.1 1.7 2.3
LANDPC (meters2 ) 787.8 519.8 550.7 661.7 1232.0 996.6 1438.8
PERPCT (% land) 6.0 2.2 4.2 6.6 35.2 41.9 13.8
FOODPC (kilogram/ 255.3 383.7 251.2 313.8 187.2 209.9 772.7
IRRIG (% land) 26.6 82.5 51.5 36.8 8.6 19.0 54.2
CATTLE (number/ 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.7 0.7 0.2 0.1
CHICK (number/hh) 12.4 7.9 9.0 4.8 5.0 6.1 4.3
PIGS (number/hh) 1.8 1.3 1.4 1.2 1.2 0.8 0.8
HOUSAREA 44.6 33.2 39.1 37.7 33.1 42.8 42.8
(meters2 )
PERM (% hh) 9.6 24.5 10.4 7.2 4.6 3.4 7.6
SEMI (% hh) 51.9 49.4 56.3 45.0 48.2 43.2 18.7
TAP (% hh) 0.3 1.0 0.4 0.9 0.3 4.7 1.2
WELL (% hh) 70.6 67.1 85.5 89.8 72.8 84.7 22.3
ELECTRIC (% hh) 50.3 89.0 55.5 46.3 18.8 44.1 24.2
RADIO (number/ 43.9 35.7 34.3 31.3 31.6 44.8 35.8
100 hh)
TV (number/100 hh) 20.1 23.4 11.0 14.8 14.7 33.3 26.3
MBIKE (number/ 6.7 5.9 3.7 11.1 13.1 27.0 7.4
100 hh)
Source: 1994 Agricultural Census.

capita, food production per capita, and the Then a probit analysis is used to ``predict''
number of pigs per household tend to be lower poverty as a function of all the indicators,
among poor households. These households also based on the 3,840 rural households in the
devote a smaller share of their crop land to 1992±93 Vietnam Living Standards Survey
perennial crops. (VLSS).
House size, electri®cation, access to tap water
are all positively associated with expenditure
(a) Targeting with individual indicators
per capita. Similarly, the ownership of consu-
mer goods (radios, televisions, and motorbikes)
Table 5 shows the two measures of the
is strongly correlated with expenditure per
targeting accuracy of 22 poverty indicators
capita. Thus, Table 4 provides tentative
taken individually. The targeting criterion, in
support for the idea that these variables may
the second column, is the rule used to predict
serve as poverty indicators. In the next section,
which households are poor. For continuous
regression analysis is used to study the strength
variables, the criterion is set so that the
of these relationships, while controlling for
proportion of household that qualify is 30%,
other variables.
equal to the de®ned poverty rate (this is not the
only possible criterion; Wodon (1997) proposes
graphs that illustrate the tradeo€s involved in
4. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN POVERTY alternative targeting criteria). ``Leakage,'' in the
AND INDICATORS third column, is the proportion of VLSS rural
households predicted to be poor by the target-
What is the relationship between poverty and ing rule that are in fact not poor. ``Undercov-
various poverty indicators? First, we examine erage'' refers to the proportion of poor
the accuracy of using each indicator separately. households that are not identi®ed as poor by

Table 4. Poverty indicators for rural households by expenditure categorya

Variable Poorest Second Third Richest All rural
quartile quartile quartile quartile households
REXP_PER (d/mon) 46.9 70.8 98.3 185.6 100.4
HHSIZE (number) 5.5 5.1 4.8 4.3 4.9
PCTAD (% hh members) 45.8 50.4 54.0 56.7 51.7
MINOR (% hh) 26.4 14.6 9.9 5.7 14.1
FEMHEAD (% ) 22.4 20.1 20.9 27.0 22.6
MALESCH (years) 5.8 6.7 7.1 7.4 6.7
FEMSCH (years) 4.3 5.1 4.4 5.1 4.8
FARMER (% hh) 84.9 84.3 76.2 68.4 78.4
FISHER (% hh) 1.8 2.3 3.0 2.4 2.4
LANDPC (meters2 ) 734.2 845.8 1038.1 1418.9 1009.2
PCTPER (% land) 11.6 13.0 13.0 15.0 13.1
FOODPC (kilogram/year) 263.8 359.2 461.8 586.9 417.9
CHICKEN (number/hh) 10.1 14.8 14.3 13.2625 13.1
CATTLE (number/hh) 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.5
PIGS (number/hh) 1.3 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.6
HOUSAREA (meters2 ) 36.1 40.3 42.8 46.8 41.5
SEMI (% hh) 38.0 49.1 51.3 54.9 48.3
PERM (% hh) 5.1 10.3 12.8 15.1 10.8
TAP (% hh) 0.1 0.5 1.4 2.9 1.2
ELECTRIC (% hh) 25.3 38.4 42.9 48.4 38.7
TV (% hh) 4.1 10.0 18.7 28.2 15.2
RADIO (% hh) 21.3 30.0 38.9 44.9 33.8
MBIKE (% hh) 1.3 3.7 5.0 14.0 6.0
Northern Uplands (%) 24.0 20.2 14.8 10.1 17.5
Red River Delta (%) 18.4 27.0 30.6 23.4 25.0
N. Central Coast (%) 20.7 17.3 12.2 9.8 15.0
S. Central Coast (%) 10.6 7.0 9.9 12.5 10.0
Central Highlands (%) 4.0 3.3 2.4 3.6 3.3
Southeast (%) 5.9 6.6 8.4 12.4 8.3
Mekong River Delta (%) 15.4 18.1 21.7 28.1 20.8
Source: Vietnam Living Standards Survey.

the targeting rule. An untargeted program Food production per capita, expressed in
(providing bene®ts to all households) would paddy equivalent, is a commonly used indicator
have a leakage rate of 70%, given our de®ned of to assess trends in food security (see GSO,
poverty rate of 30%, and an undercoverage rate 1995, pp. 59±60). Although per capita food
of 0%. Perfect targeting would imply no leak- production is correlated with household
age and no undercoverage. expenditure (see Table 4), the correlation is not
The table reveals that none of the indicators close enough to make it a good indicator of
is, by itself, very successful at identifying poor poverty. If a program targeted the 30% of rural
households. The leakage rates suggest that 60± households with the least per capita food
70% of the bene®ciaries under these targeting production, 64% of the bene®ciaries would be
rules would not be poor. The best leakage rate nonpoor households and 64% of the poor
is achieved by targeting ethnic minority would be left out. According to Table 5, simply
households since only 48% of them are not targeting households by the size of the dwelling
poor (in other words, 52% of the rural ethnic or by the mother's education level would be no
minority households fall below the 30th less accurate.
percentile of rural households). Only two other
indicators (region and proportion of working- (b) Targeting with combined indicators
age adults) also achieve leakage rates below
60%. The rates of undercoverage vary widely, A probit regression model is used to ``pre-
from less than 5% to over 75%. The lowest rates dict'' household poverty in rural areas as a
are achieved by using targeting rules that cover function of a group of indicators. Model 1
the vast majority of rural households, thus includes the full range of potential poverty
generating high leakage rates. indicators in the ®rst column of Table 1. Model 2

Table 5. Targeting accuracy of various poverty indicatorsa; b

Variable Targeting criterion Leakage (%) Undercoverage (%)
HHSIZE Household has 6 or more members 61.2 53.6
PCTAD Less than 40% of the members are of working age 59.0 67.0
MINOR Household head is ethnic minority 47.7 75.3
MALESCH Head male has 4 years or less of education 61.8 67.1
FEMSCH Head female has 2 years or less of education 63.5 60.9
FEMHEAD Household head is female 69.5 77.0
FARMER Main occupation of household is farming 67.7 15.5
FISHER Main occupation of household is not ®shing 69.8 1.9
LANDPC Household has less than 477 ares/person of 63.8 63.8
PCTPER Household has no perennial crops 67.3 49.0
FOODPC Household produces less than 175 kg/person of 63.9 63.9
CATTLE Household has no cattle 72.0 39.3
CHICKEN Household has less than 2 chickens 67.2 69.4
PIGS Household has no pigs 66.4 67.1
HOUSAREA Area of the house is less than 29 m2 62.9 62.8
PERM Household does not have permanent housing 68.4 6.0
SEMI Household does not have semi-permanent hous- 65.1 39.8
TAP Household does not get water from a tap 69.7 0.3
TV Household does not have a television 66.3 4.9
RADIO Household does not have a radio 64.8 22.3
MBIKE Household does not have a motorbike 68.6 1.6
REGION Household lives in N. Uplands or N. Central 58.7 55.3
Source: Calculated from the Vietnam Living Standards Survey.
Leakage refers to the proportion of bene®ciaries (households meeting the targeting criterion) that are not poor
(households below the 30th percentile). Undercoverage refers to the proportion of poor households that are not
bene®ciaries ``Food'' is the amount of paddy, maize, cassava, and sweet potatoes expressed in paddy equivalent.

uses a subset of indicators that were useful in physical isolation, quality of agricultural land,
helping to predict whether or not a household is and other missing variables.
poor. Model 2 is also limited to indicators that Model 1 shows that households in which the
are available from the Agricultural Census, male adult has more education are less likely to
since only variables that are in both the VLSS be poor. On the other hand, the association
and the Agricultural Census can be used to between poverty and female education is not
generate the district-level poverty map. statistically signi®cant in this analysis. It should
Table 6 provides the results of Models 1 and be recognized, however, that female education
2. For each model and for each poverty indi- may a€ect household welfare in ways not
cator, the table gives the coecient (B^i from captured by our measure of poverty, such as
Eq. 1), the statistical signi®cance, and the through better nutrition or health. Model 2
marginal e€ect of the variable (oy=oX i ) eval- excludes education because this indicator is not
uated at the means of the independent vari- available in the Agricultural Census data.
ables. Holding other factors constant, female-
In both models, large households and headed households are about ®ve percentage
households with a small proportion of work- points more likely to be poor than are male-
ing-age adults are more likely to be poor. For headed households. Farming households are
example, the third column indicates that more likely to be poor, whereas ®shing house-
increasing the household size by one is associ- holds are less likely to be poor. Poverty is
ated with an ®ve percentage point increase in associated with having less land per capita,
the probability that a household is poor. Being lower food production per capita, and a smaller
an ethnic minority is associated with a 17 share of land allocated to perennial crops.
percentage point increase in the probability Similarly, households with small numbers of
that a household is poor. These ethnic di€er- chickens, pigs, and cattle are more likely to be
ences presumably re¯ect language barriers, poor.

Table 6. Probit regression analysis of povertya; b

Variable Model 1 Model 2
Coecient Prob Marginal Coecient Prob Marginal
(b) (b ˆ 0) e€ect (b) (b ˆ 0) e€ect
Constant 0.1883 0.1887 0.0621 0.4428 0.0008 0.1461
HHSIZE ÿ0.1543 0.0000 ÿ0.0509 ÿ0.1535 0.0000 ÿ0.0506
PCTAD 0.7049 0.0000 0.2326 0.7311 0.0000 0.2413
MINOR ÿ0.5277 0.0000 ÿ0.1742
TAY 0.0005 0.9973 0.0002
THAI ÿ0.5656 0.0139 ÿ0.1867
HOA 0.5371 0.2914 0.1773
KHMER ÿ0.6535 0.0002 ÿ0.2157
NUNG ÿ0.5190 0.0061 ÿ0.1713
OTHMIN ÿ0.6133 0.0000 ÿ0.2024
MALESCH 0.0496 0.0000 0.0164
FEMSCH ÿ0.0340 0.6711 ÿ0.0112
FEMHEAD ÿ0.1967 0.0015 ÿ0.0649 ÿ0.1368 0.0212 ÿ0.0451
FARMER ÿ0.3532 0.0000 ÿ0.1166 ÿ0.4140 0.0000 ÿ0.1366
FISHER 0.5512 0.0008 0.1819 0.4316 0.0077 0.1424
LANDPC 0.0002 0.0000 0.0001 0.0002 0.0000 0.0001
PCTPER 0.2103 0.0368 0.0694 0.3188 0.0013 0.1052
FOODPC 0.0006 0.0000 0.0002 0.0007 0.0000 0.0002
CATTLE 0.0480 0.0294 0.0158 0.0416 0.0543 0.0137
CHICKEN 0.0029 0.0288 0.0010 0.0032 0.0162 0.0010
PIGS 0.0219 0.0598 0.0072 0.0250 0.0273 0.0083
HOUSAREA 0.0069 0.0000 0.0023 0.0064 0.0000 0.0021
PERM 0.6479 0.0000 0.2138 0.6652 0.0000 0.2195
SEMI 0.3252 0.0000 0.1073 0.3739 0.0000 0.1234
TAP 0.9495 0.0034 0.3134 0.8989 0.0053 0.2966
WELL 0.0833 0.1648 0.0275
ELECTRIC 0.0854 0.1699 0.0282
RADIO 0.3218 0.0000 0.1062 0.3492 0.0000 0.1152
TV 0.3880 0.0000 0.1280 0.4271 0.0000 0.1409
MBIKE 0.4059 0.0052 0.1340 0.4583 0.0013 0.1512
REG1 ÿ0.8804 0.0000 ÿ0.2905 ÿ0.6039 0.0000 ÿ0.1993
REG2 ÿ0.4677 0.0000 ÿ0.1544 ÿ0.2517 0.0042 ÿ0.0831
REG3 ÿ0.7296 0.0000 ÿ0.2408 ÿ0.5354 0.0000 ÿ0.1767
REG4 ÿ0.2242 0.0561 ÿ0.0740 ÿ0.1313 0.2048 ÿ0.0433
REG5 0.0978 0.5824 0.0323 0.1009 0.5069 0.0333
REG6 ÿ0.3105 0.0074 ÿ0.1025 ÿ0.2218 0.0418 ÿ0.0732
Log likelihood 0.222 0.2100
Signi®cance level 0.000 0.0000
Source: Data from Vietnam Living Standards Survey. Regression carried out with LIMDEP and SPSS software.
The number of observations is 3,840. The dependent variable is 0 if the household is among the poorest 30%; 1 if
otherwise. The variables are de®ned in Table 1.

Housing characteristics also show a statisti- Ownership of the three consumer durables
cally signi®cant relationship with the likelihood is also a signi®cant indicator of poverty. One
that a household is poor. Families living in would expect this indicator to be particularly
permanent houses are less likely to be poor useful because it is less a€ected by occupa-
than those in semi-permanent houses, while the tion, farm type, and region than are the
latter are less likely to be poor than those in agricultural indicators such as animal
temporary houses. House size is also negatively ownership, food production, and perennial
correlated with poverty. The very large coe- crop area. Finally, the regional dummy
cient of the variable indicating tap water variables in the probit model indicate that,
suggests that it is very unlikely that a household even after controlling for the above factors,
with tap water is poor. the north and central coast of Vietnam are

poorer than Mekong River Delta, the refer- water is small, so access to well water is not a
ence region. 3 good indicator of poverty.
A few variables did not have a statistically If we simulate a program that targets the
signi®cant relationship to poverty after poorest 30% of households based on their
controlling for the other indicators: irrigation, predicted poverty rate according to these two
access to electricity, and access to well water. models, the leakage and undercoverage rates
The e€ect of irrigation is probably already are just 17.3% with Model 1 and 17.6% with
captured by the variable representing per capita Model 2. These rates are dramatically better
food production. Similarly, electricity only than those associated with the individual indi-
becomes statistically signi®cant when the tele- cators (see Table 5). Overall, 89±90% of the
vision variable is excluded from the analysis. rural households in the sample are correctly
Moreover, the di€erence between households identi®ed as poor or not poor by these two
using well water and those using river or lake models.

Figure 1. Estimated incidence of poverty.


Table 7. Sensitivity of the poverty classi®cation of districts to the poverty linea

Classi®cation of districts using a poverty line at the 30th percentile Percentage of districts with same
Poverty line at 25th Poverty line at 35th
percentile (%) percentile (%)
Poorest group (50 districts) 86 92
2nd poorest group (100 districts) 85 94
3rd poorest group (100 districts) 80 95
Least poor group (293 districts) 95 99

Total 90 97
Source: Regression analysis of VLSS data at di€erent poverty lines combined with poverty indicators from Agri-
cultural Census.

5. ESTIMATING DISTRICT-LEVEL This map conforms quite closely with

POVERTY RATES provincial poverty estimates (Huu, 1997) and
with the perceptions of government ocials and
In this section, the district-level mean values foreign specialists with experience in rural Viet-
of 19 poverty indicators from the Agricultural nam, though it does challenge some aspects of
Census and 6 regional dummy variables are the conventional wisdom. For example, some
inserted into the regression equation from view the Central Highlands as uniformly poor,
Model 2 described in Table 6. These calcula- while the map shows the impact of recent co€ee
tions yield estimates of the poverty rate for 543 development in the southern districts of this
rural districts (there are 545 rural districts, but region. Others expected more poor districts in
some data for two districts were missing from the Mekong Delta, perhaps because south, being
the Agricultural Census). The districts are then more developed, uses a higher poverty line.
ranked to identify four poverty categories and The regression analysis that generated our
mapped using GIS software. poverty map uses a poverty line set at the 30th
Figure 1 shows the resulting district-level percentile of rural households. This is a
poverty map for Vietnam. The lightest shade reasonable but arbitrary poverty line, so it is
identi®es the poorest 50 districts. The map worth asking whether the results are sensitive to
reveals that these 50 districts are concentrated alternative poverty lines. The regression anal-
in the northern and western edges of the ysis was repeated using poverty lines at the 25th
Northern Uplands region, the western edge of and 35th percentile of consumption expendi-
the North Central Coast, and in the northern ture. Some variables (such as electricity)
part of the Central Highlands. In general, these become statistically signi®cant while others
are hilly areas that are far from the large cities (such as cattle) lose their statistical signi®cance,
and far from the coast. They are also areas with but the results and the overall explanatory
large ethnic minority populations. power of the di€erent versions are similar. As
The darkest shade represents the least poor shown in Table 7, using poverty lines at the
rural districts. In the north, these districts 25th and 35th percentile has little e€ect on the
correspond largely to the Red River Delta classi®cation of districts into poverty groups.
region, with its intensive irrigated rice sector. In Using a poverty line at the 25th percentile gives
the Central Highlands, the least poor districts the same classi®cation for 489 (90%) of the 543
are in the south, corresponding roughly to the rural districts. Using a poverty line at the 35th
area where co€ee production has expanded percentile gives the same classi®cation for 526
rapidly in recent years. In the Southeast, most (97%) of the 543 districts.
of the districts are relatively prosperous,
re¯ecting proximity to Ho Chi Minh City.
Similarly, in the Mekong River Delta most of 6. CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION
the districts are relatively well o€ except for a
few coastal districts and one on the Cambodian Five general conclusions can be drawn from
border (these are known as poor areas with this study. First, highly disaggregated maps of
large numbers of Khmer farmers). the incidence of poverty can be generated by

combining household survey data and census Fifth, this study highlights the value of census
data. The approach requires two databases data in studying the geographic distribution of
with an overlapping set of household variables, poverty. To maximize its usefulness for this
but is otherwise relatively easy to implement. In purpose, a census should include a wide range of
this exercise, we generate a map classifying 543 questions on household characteristics that are
rural districts in Vietnam, but the same method correlated with income and it should adopt
and data could, in principle, be used to classify de®nitions that are consistent with those used in
the 8,800 rural communes, providing an even the most recent household budget survey.
more detailed view of the geographic patterns Although the approach described in this
of poverty. paper shows potential for wider application,
Second, household characteristics are, indi- several caveats should be mentioned. First,
vidually, fairly weak predictors of rural since most countries conduct a census only
poverty. Even per capita food production is not every 5±10 years, this method cannot be used
a very good indicator of household poverty. for annual poverty monitoring. An important
This result is somewhat surprising given the research question is the degree to which the
overwhelming dominance of rice both as a spatial patterns of poverty change over time.
staple food and as a cash crop (Vietnam is Clearly, this approach is more useful if, as
among the three largest rice exporters in the seems likely, the geographic distribution of
world). This ®nding also contradicts the wide- poverty is relatively stable over time.
spread view in Vietnam that the degree of food Second, it is important to verify the accuracy
self-suciency is a good measure of the well- of poverty maps generated using the method
being of a household or region. described in this paper. The results presented
Third, household characteristics are much here generally conform to the perceptions
more accurate in predicting rural poverty when of Vietnamese ocials and international
combined using probit regression analysis. A experts with experience in rural Vietnam,
program targeting households using a poverty but a more systematic assessment would be
index combining 19 household characteristics useful.
and six regional dummy variables could reduce Third, even if we assume the maps are
leakage and undercoverage rates to 18%. accurate, it is an empirical issue whether
Fourth, the district-level poverty map geographic targeting is preferable to alterna-
suggests that rural poverty in Vietnam is tive targeting methods. The cost-e€ectiveness
strongly associated with distance from cities of any targeted program depends on the
and the coast. It is tempting to suggest that this administrative costs, the targeting criteria, the
re¯ects the economic value of access to markets distribution of income across and within
and that improved transportation infrastruc- targeting units, and the potential for the
ture would reduce poverty in these remote program to in¯uence household behavior. The
areas. But, this spatial pattern may also re¯ect availability of a disaggregated poverty map is
the in¯uence of other variables, such as not sucient to justify the use of geographic
topography, on the income-generating oppor- targeting, but it is a necessary ®rst step in
tunities facing rural households. evaluating this option.


1. In contrast, Hentschel et al. (1998) use the logarithm 2. As above, ``expenditure'' refers to per capita
of per-capita expenditure as the dependent variable. The consumption expenditure, including the value of
advantage of their approach is that it provides consistent home-produced food and the rental equivalent of
estimates even in the presence of heteroskedasticity (as owner-occupied housing and consumer durables. The
noted below, probit estimation does not). But the quartiles are de®ned in terms of the number of
weakness is that it gives substantial weight to the ability households.
of the model to predict expenditure levels among
nonpoor households. For example, the value of the
coecients will be in¯uenced by their ability to predict 3. Provincial dummy variables were not used for
whether a household is in the middle quintile or the several reasons. First, there are 54 provinces but only
richest quintile, an ability which may be irrelevant to its 120 clusters of households, implying that many prov-
ability to distinguish poor and nonpoor households. inces would be represented by just one or two villages.

Second, three provinces were not represented at all in the characteristics (such as ethnicity) that are spatially
VLSS sample. Third, provincial dummy variables would concentrated.
remove much of the variation in those household


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