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Group :2(two)

Member : Annisa Husnun as doctor P3.

Hafshoh Susadma P3.

Lulu Afifah Octavia as nurse P3.

Rafika Puspita Sari as Medical P3.

Laboratoty Technology

Xioe Astri as P3.

Medical Laboratory Technology

Receptionist : ”Good morning,miss.May I help You? ”

Mrs.Dina : ”Good morning.I want to meet general doctor. ”

Receptionist : ”Can You shoe patient ID? ”

(Mrs.Dina gives her patient ID and receptionist write Mrs.Dina’s data)

Receptionist : ”Wait in waiting room,please. ”

Mrs.Dina : ”Ok,thanks. ”

(Mrs.Dina goes to waiting room,the waiting room in front of the doctor’s room)

Nurse : ”Mrs.Dina. ”

Mrs.Dina : ”Yes,I am here. ”

Nurse : ”Please,enter the doctor’s room. ”

(Mrs.Dina enter the doctor’s room)

Doctor : ”Good morning,miss.Sit down,please. ”

Mrs.Dina : ”Good morning,sir(Mrs.Dina pull the chair and sit

down on it)

Doctor : ”What is your problem,miss? ”

Mrs.Dina : ”My body feel cold,headache,and the mouth taste

bland.It happened 2 days. ”

Doctor : ”Ok,I will check it. ”

(Mrs.Dina lie on the bed and the doctor check her body)

Doctor : ”I think,you must go to medical laboratory for

blood test. ”

(The doctor gives the recommend letter)

Mrs.Dina : ”Thank you,doc. ”

(Mrs.Dina left the room and She walks to medical laboratory)

Mrs.Dina : ”Excuse,me.I want to blood test. ”

Medical Laboratory Technology : ”Sure.Can You gives the recommend letter? ”

(Mrs.Dina gives the recommend letter to Medical Laboratory Technology)

Medical Laboratory Technology : ”Come in and sit down,please. ”

(Medical Laboratory Technology is preparing clinical instruments an do blood test)

Medical Laboratory Technology : ”finish.You can take the result 1 hour later”

1 hour later

Medical Laboratory Technology : ”Mrs.Dina? ”

Mrs.Dina : ”Yes,I am. ”

Medical Laboratory Technology : ”This is your result. ”

(Medical Laboratory Technology gives the result to Mrs.Dina)

Mrs.Dina : ”Thank you,miss. ”

(Mrs.Dina meets the doctor)

Mrs.Dina : ”Excuse me,I want to give the laboratory result. ”

Nurse : ”What is your name? ”

Mrs.Dina : ”I am Dina Ladiana. ”

Nurse : ”Wait a minute,miss. ”

(Nurse enter to doctor’s room)

Nurse : ”Mrs,Dina come in,please. ”

Patient : ”This is the result,doc. ”

(Doctor reads the result)

Doctor : ”Don’t woory,miss.You only exhausted.I want

give to you vitamin.Please take it in dispensary. ”

Mrs.Dina : ”Thank you,doc. ”

(Mrs.Dina go to dispensary)
Mrs.Dina : ”Ma’am I want to take medicine. ”

Pharmacist : ”Yes,wait a moment,please. ”

5 minute later

Pharmacist : ”Miss Dina? ”

Mrs.Dina : ” This is your medicine.Drink it twice a day after

eat and this one,once a day before breakfast. ”

Mrs.Dina : ”How much? ”

Pharmacist : ”You can pay it at cashier. ”

Mrs.Dina : ”Thank you. ”

2 days later

Mrs.Dina : ”What’s wrong with this?My body itchy after

consumed this medicine.I must Go to hospital,now.

(Mrs.Dina goes to hospital)

Mrs.Dina : ”Miss,is the medicine that I got suit the

prescription? ”

Pharmacist : ”Can I see it,miss? ”

(Mrs.Dina gives it)

Pharmacist : ”Right.The medicine that you got it’s right. ”

Mrs.Dina : ”But,Why my body like this after I used it? ”

Pharmacist : ”I am sorry miss.We just give the medicine that

suit with prescription.Maybe,You can ask to the
doctor. ”

Mrs.Dina : ”How is this? ”

(Mrs.Dina goe to doctor’s room)

Mrs.Dina : ”Excuse me,can I talk to the doctor that examined

me yesterday? ”
Nurse : ”I am so sorry,miss.The doctor is not here.Is there
any problem? ”

Mrs.Dina : ”Look!After I consumed this medicine,I felt


(Mrs.Dina gives the medicine to the nurse)

Nurse : ”I will see the medical record.According to the

result,this medicine is suit with your disease that
you suffer. ”

Mrs.Dina : ”So,why it happened like this? ”

(Suddenly the doctor come)

Doctor : ”What’s going on? ”

Nurse : ”I am sorry doc,this patient complained that after

She used this medicine,She got itchy. ”

Doctor : ”Ok I will check it again.Miss could you entered

my room? ”

Mrs.Dina,Nurse an doctor enter the room

Doctor : ”sit down,please.Can I see the medical

prescription? ”

Mrs.Dina gives the prescription and the doctor read it

Doctor : ”Ok,I give this prescription according the

laboratory’s result.I think,It’s better to you to meet
the staff laboratory. ”

Mrs.Dina : ”How is this?I have go to dispensary,after that

they ask me to ask the doctor and after I arrived
here,I have to go to the laboratory.What should I
do? ”

Doctor : ”Like this,miss…

Mrs.Dina : ”Stop it!I will go to laboratory now.Thank you! ”

Finally,Mrs,Dina goes to the laboratory

Mrs.Dina : ”I want to meet the laboratory’s staff named Ika. ”

Medical Laboratory Technology : ”Yes,I am.can I help you? ”

Mrs.Dina : ”I want to do blood test again. ”

Medical Laboratory Technology : ”What is happen,miss? ”

Mrs.Dina : ”There is a mistake with result.Two days

also do to the blood test to me. ”

Medical Laboratory Technology : ”Sit down,please miss. ”

(Medical Laboratory Technology is preparing tools)

Medical Laboratory Technology : ”Finished.You can back to here again 1 hour later”

Mrs.Dina : ”What?!I must to wait again? ”

Medical Laboratory Technology : ”Yes,miss.To get the must wait for 1
hour. ”

Mrs.Dina :”Ok,I will waiting for the result.”

1 hour later

Medical Laboratory Technology :”With Mrs.Dina?This is your result

miss.According to the result and examining,You got

Mrs.Dina :”Typus?yesterday,I just got exhausted.But,now I

got typus.”

Medical Laboratory Technology :”I will try to see the result yesterday”.

“I am so sorry miss.What is your fullname?”

Mrs.Dina :”Dina ladiana”.

Medical Laboratory Technology :”I am sorry,miss.There is a minute.The result is

swapped with other patient.”

Medical Laboratory Technology :Why can?

Mrs.Dina :”When mis check,many sample which must

checked in our laboratory.I am mistake in give
name patient’s sample.I am sorry about my

Mrs.Dina :”So,how your responsibility?”

Medical Laboratory Technology :”We will evaluation our helath service.’

Mrs.Dina :”Okay,I hope this accident not repeat again.”

Medical Laboratory Technology :”Thank you your attention,miss.”

Mrs.Dina :My pleasure

Finally,the problem can be finished.

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