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From the orchard

From garden adjacent to front plaza

From across the pond, at night

Full Building Axon

Upper Level Plan
3 Scale: 1/16” = 1’-0” FFE: 872’-0”
0’ 8’ 16’ 32’

Shared Family Room

Upper Level Axon


Main Level Plan

2 Scale: 1/16” = 1’-0” FFE: 863’-0”
0’ 8’ 16’ 32’

Guest Bedroom

Main Level Axon


0’ 8’ 16’ 32’
Lower Level Plan
Scale: 1/16” = 1’-0” FFE: 854’-0”
Meditation Hall

Lower Level Axon Views of a Monastery
Views are one of the most determining factors in how one experiences a space.
It is this fact that drives the derivation of the form for the G.S.L Monastery design. The
Final Model, placed upon side model: images shown here are the final product of a series of iterations; several designs and
models were built in order to explore the potential for views into and out of the existing
site, each one building upon the other until all views had been addressed properly. The
Section A final outcome responds primarily to the initial view (the first thing a visitor sees while
approaching the site). The remaining wings of the building are responses to other
intrinsic views within the site itself, such as the restored pond, existing farmhouse, and
the gardens and natural vegetation spread throughout. This form is then carried out
across the site, creating spaces designated as driveways and footpaths.
In order to capture the high spiritual necessity of a monastery this form is lifted
off the ground, clad in a lightweight zinc finish, and placed upon a heavy, concrete
base. This gives the appeal of a building that floats majestically over the terrain, while
Water Retention Basin
Water Level: 844’ - 0”
still respecting the traditional heavy lower construction of Tibetan monasteries. Upon
entering the site, vehicles are lead on a direct path toward the building, before being
set aside into the parking lots. From here, the walkways bring pedestrians back to the
Garden Spaces Natural Vegetation direct approach, and as one closes in on the entryway the path begins to drop down,
seemingly elevating the building off the ground. Once inside the building visitors must
immediately elevate themselves up the grand staircase to the main level in order to
FFE: 854’ - 0” access the meditation hall, simulating a spiritual journey. The staircase follows the
Orchard Plantings
Natural Vegetation same direct line vehicles and pedestrians approach from the exterior. This carries
throughout the entire building and site, creating a powerful core of circulation. The
other programmatic spaces are allotted accordingly in order to accommodate this circu-
lation path to the Gompa, with public spaces on the western side, and private spaces
Existing Structures such as bedrooms on the east.
While the focus of the design lies with views and form, sustainable aspects are
Garden not ignored. The zinc and concrete insulated panels are two examples of sustainable
Elev: 856’ - 0”
materials used, shading of windows during the warmer months is an important aspect
of the design, as well as allotting natural daylight to the spaces that need it most. In
Natural Vegetation producing a three story building the disturbance to the site was minimal (including

Elev: 860’ - 0”
Previous Iterations: the parking lots and walkways, only 33% of the site is disturbed for construction). The
creation of a water retention pond (restoring a condition that had previously existed) will
1 2 allow for proper storm water runoff, preventing harm to the surrounding ecosystem.

Elev: 861’ - 0”

3 4

Natural Vegetation
Primary Site Plan
0 Scale: 1/64” = 1’-0”
0’ 32’ 64’ 128’
College of Design, Architecture, Art, & Planning
Site Section, looking west
School of Architecture & Interior Design

Zachery Fein
A Scale: 1/32” = 1’-0”

0’ 16’ 32’ 64’

GSL Monastery: Cincinnati, Ohio


1 Architecture Studio 301: Fall 2007

Rathod & Russell

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