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NGCP assures stable power

LEGAZPI CITY --- The National Grid Corporation NGCP is continuously monitoring the situation and will
(NGCP) in Southern Luzon reported normal power trans- provide updates for significant developments, the advisory
mission despite Mayon Volcano’s phreatic eruptions start- added.
ing Saturday afternoon. An updated bulletin from Philippine Institute of Volca-
In an advisory, the NGCP said the grid maintained its stable nology and Seismology said a degassing event at 11:07 a.m.
power transmission services in Albay despite Mayon’s increas- Monday that lasted for eight minutes produced a grayish to
ing volcanic activity. dirty white ash column with a maximum of height of approxi-
"Ashfall has been recorded in the 1st and 3rd districts of Al- mately 1,000 meters above the summit before drifting west-
bay served by NGCP's Daraga-Ligao 69kV line. Line crews have southwest.
been mobilized to inspect its effect on the said line," it said. (Turn to page 6)

do everything "to keep the Mayon Volcano
evacuees free from harm”.
This, according to Presi-
dential Spokesperson Atty.
Harry Roque, is what Presi-
dent Rodrigo Duterte would
like to convey to the Albaya-
Roque said during his
visit here Thursday that the
concerns of every resident of
the province affected by the
restiveness of Mayon Vol-
cano would be immediately ROQUE
relayed to the President. here shows that Malacanang
“Ang pagpunta natin ngay- is now here in Legazpi). The
on ay isang pagpapahayag na national government will al-
ang Malacanang ay nandito ways take care of you,” he
na sa Legazpi (Our coming (Turn to page 7)

Naga launches
Tabang Mayon drive
The City Government of
Naga, led by Mayor John
Bongat, together with the
Naga City People’s Coun-
cil (NCPC), Metro Naga
Chamber of Commerce
and Industry (MNCCI)
and the Lingkod Barangay The program was tagged
Office (LBO), launched a #TabangMayon2018— a
donation drive to help the Naga City humanitarian mis-
evacuees in several cit- sion in Albay which will be
ies and municipalities in heading in the province, par-
the province of Albay who ticularly in Camalig, Guino-
ON CLOUD NINE CIRIACO SANTIAGO III/KERBY ROSANES were forced to leave home batan and Ligao City, on
TOP PHOTO: Bicol’s ill-fated legendary lovers, Panganoron and Daragang Magayon, seem to be reminding for safety reasons with the Tuesday, January 23, 2018.
watchers of the volcano of their story in this cloud formation taken during its current eruption. ABOVE Mayon Volcano magmatic The mission will be help-
PHOTO: An artist’s re-imagination of the legend of Panganoron and Daragang Magayon. eruption. (Turn to page 6)

K-960 Aries St., Villa Grande Homes, Con. Grande, Naga City • TEL. (054) 884-93-76 • CP 0921-318-3720 / 0929-245-7353 / 0920-533-7766


Signs of the Times – on “Siege” Atty. TONY (APA) ACYATAN

We do not want to sound alarmist, but we (Atty. APA – chairs Acyatan & Co., net inflow of $404.43M same period ter way to do it is to continue with
also do not want to say later, that “we told you CPAs-DFK International – is past chair in 2016, BSP said. Foreign portfolio your usual transactions and let your
so.” of ASEAN Federation of CPAs, PIC- investments are often referred to as money’s worth find its own “level”.
PA past president and Hall-of-Famer, “hot money” because these can enter Holding back on transactions is akin
So from reading the recent signs from
and ACPAPP Lifetime Achievement and leave a market very easily. BSP to “gambling’ – sometimes you win,
Malacanang, particularly the order of the
Awardee). reported that aggregate FX portfolio sometimes you lose! Doing it the
Securities and Exchange Commission to
MEDIA PROTEST: Journalists investments amounted to $16.1B in natural way keeps you away from
revoke the license of the digital news media and their supporters came out in 2017, 8.9% lower than the $17.6B in headaches and self-blaming later
outfit, Rappler; we say, we should be worried. “black” last Friday in protest against 2016. on.
We should worry that this appear to be like what they described as a “siege” on Nearly 82% of the investments in PHL GLOBAL BONDS: The
a déjà vu. press freedom. This is a sequel to 2017 were channeled to PSE-listed Phl Bureau of the Treasury (BTr)
Remember when military men shut down the SEC decision to close down an securities, with the rest going to pe- formally commenced this week
papers and broadcast networks critical of the online news site operated by a media so-denominated government issues. its plan to issue $2billion worth of
Marcos regime. organization – RAFFLER. After the The bulk (74.8%) of the portfolio in- global bonds to become due in
questioned SEC decision came the vestments came from UK US, Singa- 2018. This is a support to prop up
We should worry that this seems to be
“coincidental” summons from the NBI pore, Luxembourg and Malaysia. On the country’s program and liability
happening all over again.
to the same outfil for a news account monthly basis, the lowest gross in- management efforts. Half of the of-
We should worry that President Duterte once that happened some four years ago! flow in 2017 were recorded in August fering volume will be used to raise
said he is an admirer of the deposed dictator; The twin actions were interpreted by ($936M), while the peak was in June new money, while the remaining $1
and it looks he is walking his talk. press advocates as government “at- ($2.0B). On quarterly basis, largest in- billion are to be swapped with ma-
We should worry that the other bastion tack’ against media. flow was in second quarter ($4.8B) = turing securities. BTr said the rate-
of democracy, like the Supreme Court, is The SEC action consisted in the to 30% of 2017 total hot money. setting auction for the new 10-year
also under siege as shown by the filing of cancellation of the corporate registra- WEAKER PESO: The Phl peso bonds is expected to occur shortly.
impeachment charges against the Chief tion of Raffler – an on line news agency continued to weaken this week - clos- According to the BTr, the gov-
Justice. which allegedly is NOT entirely owned ing at P50.80 = US$1.00. BSP de- ernment has tapped Citigroup
by Filipinos – thus, violative of our scribed the currency’s behavior as “or- Global Markets Inc., Credit Suisse
We should worry that our supposed to be
constitutional mandate. The NBI sum- dinary, regular movement of the peso” Securities (USA) LLC, Deutsche
representatives in Congress, in both chambers, Bank Securities Inc., Morgan Stan-
mons referred to a complaint by busi- BSP explained that the movement of
seem to have turned their sworn duty to the nessman Benjamin Keng for a news the peso reflects the currency’s flexi- ley & Co. LLC, Standard Chartered
people in ways more canine than patriotic in item written by a Raffler journalist way bility to adjust depending on economic Bank and UBS AG HK Branch as
this Year of the Dog. back in 2012. Maria Ressa Raffler condition at certain points, albeit with the joint lead managers for the new
We should worry that women leaders appear chief executive claimed that they are limited volatility. This remark should bond offering. Treasury also issued
to be the target of this siege– thus aside being “haunted’ for their critical news discourage people from speculating an invitation to holders of existing
from CJ Sereno, Senator Leila de Lima and handling about the administration. on their FX holdings which worsens global bonds to sell them back for
Ombudsman Carpio Morales – are also at the The local protesters received massive the PhP exchange situation. cash and any accrued interest on
firing line. global support! In times like this – those with FX the debt papers will be paid in cash
We should worry that most of the staff of FX OUTFLOWS – Phl foreign equity funds may try to hold on with their on January 25.
investments or “hot money” recorded dollars, while those who need FX for PROVERB: He who conceals his
Rappler, a millennial media, are young; and
overall net outflow of $205.03M in No- their purchases might decide to hold sins does not prosper, but whoever
whose youth are threatened to be wasted.
vember 2017. This is a reversal of the back awaiting “better” times. The bet- confesses them finds true mercy!
We should worry that there seem to be a
disturbing and spreading apathy among our
people. Where there are concerns, they light
up and die as fast. Ningas cogon, we put it. TRAIN Wreck TIP OF AN
We should worry that our Fair Lady, Mt.
Mayon, is making her presence felt; not as the
legendary docile princess (which poet Merlinda

Bobis says is a male construction and gaze), The Duterte administration’s Tax were the latter, the TRAIN law should annual gross salary of not more
or as the serene mountain in the 100-Peso bill; Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion be declared null and void. than PhP250,000 will be exempted
but as a deadly eruptive and disruptive natural (TRAIN) program is a disaster waiting According to the website of the from income tax. This would mean
reality. to happen. It is actually a disaster that Department of Finance, the TRAIN has approximately PhP2,500 per
We should worry that the current Peso=US has already started to happen since the goal of the first package of TRAIN month additional take-home pay
Dollar exchange rate is PhP53 to $1. January 1, 2018, the start date of the is “to create a simpler, fair, and more for those who are earning not more
implementation of its first package. efficient system, as per the constitution, than PhP22,000 per month. The
We should worry that this weakening of our The government is expected to collect where the rich will have a bigger downside, however, is that the tax
currency had been the upward trend since an additional PhP130 billion through contribution and the poor will benefit exemptions for legal dependents
August last year. TRAIN at primarily the expense of the more from the government’s programs (children below 18 years old) are
We should worry that tomorrow at the filling lower middle class and the poor. and services.” The package intends to now removed. Married individuals
station or at the market, your peso will be like As if adding insult to intentional reform six aspects of taxation, namely, with children will be at the same
the Mickey Mouse during the Japanese time. injury, the Duterte administration personal income tax, estate donor’s taxation footing as single individuals
heralded the TRAIN as a “gift to the tax, the value added tax system or VAT, without dependents.
Don’t tell us we did not tell you. Filipino people.” As expected, the choir the excise tax of petroleum products, Those who are receiving
of pro-administration propagandists the excise tax of automobiles, and the minimum wage will definitely not
(bloggers, trolls and fake news tax of sugar-sweetened beverages. benefit from the new tax exemption
purveyors) sang in unison, promoting The claim of simplifying the tax simply because they are already
this anti-poor and economically system is partly true but the claim exempted under Republic Act No.
disastrous tax law. that the poor will benefit more is an 9504. Hence, TRAIN would actually
The ratification of the TRAIN law outright lie. On the contrary, the poor mean additional financial burden for
in the House of Representatives – particularly the poorest lower 10% of breadwinners, particularly for those
last December 13, 2017 was also society – will be the ones who will suffer who are earning minimum wage and
full of controversies. It didn’t have most because of the inflationary effects below.
the required number of physically of excise taxes on petroleum products. Families of five members earning
present congressmen according to The middle class won’t fare any better PhP10,000/month or below are
some observers and lawmakers from either even with the adjusted bracket considered by NEDA as belonging to
the opposition. Neither debates nor of taxable income. The supposedly the poorest sector of society. They will
deliberations took place. However, as additional take-home pay will barely definitely suffer the economic impact
if by some magic or telepresence, the offset the higher utility bills and higher of TRAIN. Additional excise taxes
official journal was approved indicating prices of consumer goods. The tax on on petroleum and sugary products
a quorum. So, either the opposition lower-end automobiles will also be mean that the basic commodities,
congressmen were inventing stories or higher but the tax on luxury vehicles including rice, will become less
the pro-Duterte lawmakers were lying will be cut as much as PhP337,000. affordable to these poor families who
through their teeth and committed a Personal Income Tax are merely subsisting.
grave violation of the constitution. If it Under TRAIN, those who have (to be concluded…)

Decongest evacuation centers: Mayor Rosal orders
LEGAZPI CITY- The the foot of Mt. Mayon. Fifteen (15) families cur- The Philippine Red Cross medical needs of the people.
city mayor here on Wednes- Mayor Noel E. Rosal rently occupy one room at the has earlier pledged to give The mayor ordered a pre-
day directed to decongest tasked the City Social Wel- evacuation centers but Rosal sufficient potable water to the emptive evacuation on Mon-
all the city’s evacuation cen- fare and Development Office wants it reduced to eight families affected by the May- day evening of the residents
ters occupied by residents (CSWDO) and the City Risk families. on volcanic activity. of five barangays numbering
covered by the 6-kilometer Reduction and Management The mayor also asked the Rosal also urged the city to 2,686 families or 12,957
Permanent Danger Zone Office (CRRMO) to maintain CSWDO to make sure all health office (CHO) to put people.
(PDZ) and the extended cleanliness in the evacuation the evacuees are given relief up a medical station includ- He also suspended all agri-
2-km danger zone in the centers to prevent spread of goods including clean drink- ing an ambulance in each of cultural and other farming ac-
city’s northern villages at diseases. ing water. the evacuation centers for the tivities as well as golf games,

Mayon not a trigger for other

ATV (all terrain vehicle) rid-
ing and mountain climbing
inside the danger zone.
The evacuees from Ba- be transferred to Buraguis

Bicol volcanoes – geologist rangay Mabinit have occu-

pied 16 classrooms of the
Bogtong Elementary School
evacuation center to make
them more comfortable.
Presently, Mayon Volcano
“There is no such link BY FRANK PEÑONES JR. certain signs such as an explo-
while the people from is still under alert level 3,
Buyoan have occupied 38 according to the Philippine
except that they are part sive eruption or lava ‘foun-
classrooms of the Bagum- Institute of Volcanology and
of the 260-kilometer long taining,’ which can be seven-
bayan Central School. Seismology.
Bicol volcanic arc, and no, kilometers high,” Phivolcs
The affected families from Meanwhile, Smart Com-
the eruption of Mayon will chief Renato Solidum said.|
Barangay Bonga have oc- munications Inc. is providing
not cause them to erupt as More than 25,000 people
cupied 26 classrooms of the free calling and charging ser-
well,” said Chris Newhall, a were evacuated from 25 vil-
Gogon Central School and vices to the affected villagers
retired volcanologist of the lages in the towns and cit-
14 classrooms at the Gogon in Albay.
US Geological Survey as he ies of Camalig, Guinobatan,
High School while the resi- The "Libreng Tawag" ser-
allayed fears and popular Ligao, Daraga, Tabaco and
dents of Barangay Padang vices and “Libreng Charging”
belief that the current activ- Malilipot.
have occupied the Albay stations were at the Lower
ity of Mayon will generate “Collapse events and some
Central School. Binogsacan Elementary
a chain reaction among the degassing events at the sum-
But Rosal said that the School in Guinobatan and
region’s volcanoes. mit crater generated ash that
evacuees from Barangay Ma- Cabangan Elementary School
He told participants of the rose to two kilometers and
binit would be transferred to in Camalig, said Ramon Is-
2nd Fr. Frank Lynch, SJ. Lec- fell on villages of Camalig,
Bitano Elementary School berto, head of the Smart Pub-
ture Series at the Ateneo de Guinobatan and Polangui,”
while the affected families lic Affairs department. -Em-
Naga University that unlike (Turn to page 4) from Barangay Padang would manuel Solis/PNA
earthquakes, volcanoes show
tell-tale signs of their impend-
ing eruption, like changes in
surrounding vegetation or in
animal behavior.
Taxi driver returns lost phone
At 10 p.m. on Monday, Mr. Noel Marquises, a Just in time of
Lava cascades the slopes of Mayon in this photo
Mayon had a “lava fountain- taxi cab driver from Ba- his return, the taxi
taken in Legazpi City
ing,” spraying jets of lava into rangay Balatas, Naga City, dispatcher called
the air in rapid formation. 3 and said on Tuesday morn- lava collapse events in the last received a certificate of him to inquire of
The Philippine Institute of ing there were nine tremors, 24 hours. commendation from the any phone possibly
Volcanology and Seismology three other short-duration “Level 4 is possible any- City Government of Naga, left on his cab and
(Phivolcs) raised Alert Level “lava fountaining,” and 75 time soon once we observe January 15, during the flag inform him that the
raising ceremony of the city
Road projects blamed for floods
passenger- owner
hall employees. of the property was
The commendation awards already waiting for
Eusebio Valledor, Mu- nin lupa kaya mas madali na barangays are now among the and congratulates Marquises his arrival in the
nicipal Disaster Risk Reduc- bahaon”, Valledor explained. total 10 barangays affected by for his act of honesty in re- area.
tion Management Officer of Valledor described the the flooding, according to the turning a lost cellular phone Marquises suc-
Panganiban, considered the flood as ‘mala delubyo’ data of MDRRMO. property accidentally left on cessfully returned the
government road widening which started from the heavy Mercelina Villamor, 55 the taxi cab by one of his pas- phone to the owner
projects to be the cause of the rains of the night of January years old, mother of 8 and sengers. identified as Mr. Karl
floods and landslides in cer- 11 around 7 PM. At around 7 resident of barangay Salva- Marquises, upon finding Llorin, a faculty member of encountered as a taxi driver,
tain barangays of the town AM in the morning of Janu- cion, said that the last flood out of the phone left in his the Ateneo de Naga Univer- yet he took every effort in
“Kaidto pag minaulan nin ary 12, the flood started surg- they experienced was about cab, proceeded immediate- sity. each situation to make sure
makusog dai man gabaha uya. ing at some barangays like two decades ago. ly back to the SM taxi bay According to Marquises, that the owner gets back his
Ngunyan, ang salog hababaw Salvacion which tallied 74 The MDRRM officer is where remembered picking the incident is only one of rightful property. -Armie B.
na, because of the widening affected households. now asking support for a up his last passenger. the many same instances he Gunay, CEPPIO
projects sa taas nin barangay He added that barangays flood control project for Pan-
San Miguel. Ang mga de- like Salvacion, San Vicente, ganiban. He also added that at
bri yapalalaag sa pangpang, and Sta. Ana are usually present, they are in dire need
syempre pag maulan mapunta flooded only when there is a of mitigation project, and to
ito sa salog. Mataas su level super typhoon, but the three dredge the river.

Pursuant to the mandate by the National Disaster Risk Reduction Management
Council (NDRRMC), the Department of Public Works and Highways, 5th District
Engineering Office conducted the 4th National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill
(NSED) last Dec. 15, 2017. Said activity is being done in all government agency
for their employees awareness to the dangers of having an earthquake and
even fires. This was also witnessed by some personnel from the Bureau of Fire
DANGEROUS ROAD MARY JOY VALLEDOR Protection (BFP) as evaluator, over-all team leader is acting District Engineer
Continuous rain flooded the roads in Cabuyoan, Panganiban, making them Ferdinand E. Joven with Engineer Edgar R. Briagas as brigade commander and
almost impassable for cars. Benjie Pasano as ground commander.

KANTONG Kontemporaryong

PUTIKON! Ngirhat
May nakakatakot na kiling, kun Martial Law; magpoon sa Europa

nin mga kahoy, an pagtugdok nin

bako man helang, an mga yaon sa abot sa Afghanistan, magin sa mga subdibisyon sa inaagihan
Naga College Foundation puesto na garo sinda lang an tama. Mindanao. nin tubig, o an konsumerismong
An isip ninda asin an sinasabi ninda Nakakatakot na tawo. In-humanity, kultura ngonyan; sasabihan na
pro urban poor iyo an syertong katotoohan. Dai sinda sabi kan sarong para-surat. “overnight expert.” Ay ta sinda
nasasala. An nagkokontra, sa hiling Nagigibo ini maski may mga lang palan kaya an tama, an may
January is Birthday Mönth of Legendary Mediamen in Bicol. ninda, bigla o bagong nagin eksperto medisina na asin teknolohiya na syertong kasimbagan.
They are all Capricornians as their Zodiac Sign. Ay ta nalilingaw sinda sa
sa sarong isyu. Mas maorag asin nagpapalaba kan buhay nin tawo
1) Jan 9 RUFO TUY JR.
2) JAN 10 D LATE mas syerto pa sainda mantang sinda harani na ki Melchezidek; o mabulong simpleng adal kan naturalesa, an
DADS SILVESTRE lang an syertong tama. an sararadit na mga mikrobyo sa tubig hinahanap an saiyang lebel;
3) JAN 11 CONG SAL Asin an kasyerto-han na ini an paagi nin nanotechnology; o mahiling o an sabi kan Desiderata: Listen to
FORTUNO nakakatakot ta an siring na pag-iisip an iba pang mga galaksiya sa satong others, even the dull and ignorant.
4) JAN 12 D LATE an nagpamartsa nin rinibong Hudyo uniberso. For they too have their own story.
sa Auschwitz sa mga gas chambers. Alagad, mayong nakakapagsabi Binabaha na kami digdi sa
5) JAN 13 D LATE
MARIO OCHOA O nagpuho kan buhay kan mga dai o nakakaresolbar kan mga suanoy bukid, kadto sa kapatagan lang
6) JAN 14 JOE F. OBIAS nagtutubod sa ki isay man na Diyos nang problema kan paglangkaw nin ‘yan. Sabi ni Tata. Kun siring na
******** o diyos-diyosan; magpoon kan tubig na mayong pagkasyerto. an istorya, siisay an may syertong
After the sudden, heavy and continued downpour of rain panahon nin persekusyon abot sa An masabing huli ini sa pagputol simbag?
and consequent flooding, I realized one great lesson. Inspite

Twilight in a quiet field

of its great accomplishments in modern times, science has
not yet discovered adequate controls for a number of national
phenomena, including climate change, storm surge, tsunamis,
flooding and politicians!
Appointed na si Dante sa anti corruption commission! By TESSA F.
******** SANTIAGO -REY
C mayor tom bongalonta an binotohan alkalde kn pili capital
town, gana, proclamado. Binotohan kn mga tga pili bko ni lray/
migz o kn mga bokal. Mayo nganing member kn sp na tga pili. I love evenings. It makes
Irespeto an desisyon kn korte suprema. me savour the many mean-
Justice without force is powerless: force without justice is ings of life in how God truly
tyrannical. May justice + force be with you.. blesses and completes each
******** of our unfulfilled dreams
Organizado na an asosasyon kn mga naguin alkalde kn
camsur. Sa mghapon mtng kn core group kn FUMA o former
and wishes unsaid, those
untiring mayors assn of camsur, pgpili an imterim board sa only whispered in the silence
pamamayo n xmayor ruben medroso kn calabanga komo pres & of the night; completely for-
xmayor romy gontang kn gainza an vp. Ngpili man kn dist reps gotten in the rush of day. I
: ricky aquino kn ragay 4 1st dist, ernie verdadero mlaor kn 2nd am deeply grateful for the
dist, joel abante canaman kn 3rd dist, jun pilapil kn lagonoy 4th darkest of nights in our
dist & rey lacoste kn buhi 5th district.
lives, the loneliest, saddest
Congrats 2 mlaor natl hs, mlaor camsur! D Best ICT/ and most painful moments
Innovation for governance, camsur division winner, regional when God never leaves our
winner, going to national, ICT Summit sa national, this yr 20ì8! side and stays really close
******** and awake, keeping watch
Paguiromdom sa gabos- - pobre o mayaman, madunong o to catch each tear and turn
mangmang, poderoso o ordinaryong tao, an mga kalamidad,
bagyo, baha, landslides, pagpungot kn mga bulkan, gyera, etc it into a star or a rainbow,
na may dyos na kaglalang. Rilingaw na an tao. to make us smile again, and the greatest enterprise in the happy is to stop feeling like sensitivity to say, "I need
******** believe, trust and hope once world. Only you can stop it a victim and become your you". It is to have the ability
Trivia pagkaaga, kun dae nindo aram, an mga taga mlaor more… from going bust. Many ap- destiny's author. It is to cross to say "I love you".
na mga bistadong brodkasters (radyo/tv): ruben ‘ben’ d ocampo When you become the preciate you, admire you and deserts, yet to be able to find May your life become a
alyas lolo beloy (+), joven ‘ben’ saavedra alyas amigong shadow of the person you love you. Remember that to an oasis in the depths of our garden of opportunities for
tsokolate (+), felipe tena bio kn apat na tagulipdan alyas biyo-
biyo (+), jojo ‘eldy’ amador (otoy), melvie avanceña, alex parfan love, does this make you a be happy is not to have a sky soul. It is to thank God for happiness ... That in spring
& ernie verdadero lesser person? ... No! You without a storm, a road with- every morning, for the mir- may it be a lover of joy; in
Dapat surogon n lray & migz c emin imperial. Ska kn sp. truly become a reflection of out accidents, work without acle of life. Being happy is winter, a lover of wisdom.
******** the light that creates the shad- fatigue, and relationships not being afraid of your own And when you make a mis-
An oic vm kn pili rodel divinagracia an nagorder nin ow… the person you love without disappointments. To feelings. It's to be able to talk take, start all over again. For
katuninongan sa pili na patukawon pagkaalkalde c tom
has become a source of light be happy is to find strength in about you. It is having the only then will you be in love
bongalonta bko an oic mayor nonoy rdgondola. Ano man sbi
ni migz & SP? because of how uncondition- forgiveness, hope in battles, courage to hear a "no". It is with life. You will find that
******** ally you have helped him or security in fear, and love in confidence in the face of crit- to be happy is not to have
The best leader is the one who has sense enough to pick her grow into the person God discord. It is not only to enjoy icism, even when unjustified. a perfect life. But use the
good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough planned him or her to be…a the smile, but also to reflect It is to kiss your children, tears to irrigate tolerance.
to keep from meddling with them while they do it. mirror of His love…an image on the sadness. It is not only pamper your parents, to live Use your losses to train pa-
of God’s likeness and great- to celebrate the successes, poetic moments with friends, tience. Use your mistakes to
Atty angel ojastro 4 mayor?
******** ness… and the choice to be but to learn the lessons from even when they hurt us. To be sculptor serenity. Use pain
Tierra de ibalon travel & tours thru elmer & erik platon is that mirror took on the form the failures. It is not only to happy is to let live the crea- to plaster pleasure. Use ob-
offering 1 unit aircon bus to ferry the relief goods & officials of some wise words from a feel happy with the applause, ture that lives in each of us, stacles to open windows of
of tabang mayon, a relief operation for d evacuees of mayon modern day guru that must but to be happy in anonymity. free, joyful and simple. It is intelligence. Never give up
volcano eruption. The TABANG MAYON spearheaded by naga not gather dust... Being happy is not a fatality to have maturity to be able .... Never give up on people
city mayor john g. Bongat will hev its 1st delivery of assistance
"You can have flaws, be of destiny, but an achieve- to say: "I made mistakes". It who love you. Never give up
on jan. 23 (tuesday) at 5am at d naga city hall.
******** anxious, and ever angry, but ment for those who can travel is to have the courage to say on happiness, for life is an in-
Bareta: Sarong bago asin dakulang programa pang economia do not forget that your life is within themselves. To be "I am sorry". It is to have the credible show. "
para sa mga urban poor kan ciudad kan Naga ang poponan
para sa taon 2018.
Nag pirmahan ning memorandum of understanding ang Naga
City People’s Council saka ang Naga College Foundation na Phivolcs said. gon and Isarog and Iriga in He clarified that the re- again, we cannot tell. Maybe
tatabangan kan Naga College ang Urban poor sector na nasa It advised the public to Camarines Sur. corded 1642 eruption of not even in our lifetime, but
irarom kan NCPC sa pagkaigua ning kakayahan asin sistema desist from entering the six- Mount Bulusan, he said, Mount Parker in South Co- certainly the Philippine Insti-
sa pag pili asin pag gibo ning mga project proposal tanganing
makakoa kan pondo sa pag negosyo.
kilometer permanent danger is a quaint case as it is but a tabato was wrongly ascribed tute of Volcanology will know
Ang systema asin mga guidelines o manual na itatao o zone and the seven-kilometer small volcano in an otherwise to Mount Iriga, which he said with the help of modern moni-
gagamiton sa programa mga simply asin probado na sa 14 extended danger zone on the large one, the Irosin volcano, had erupted at a much earlier toring equipment, as they did
nationes sa kinaban para sa mga pobre. southern flanks because of whose eruption 41,000 years time, a thousand years before with the Pinatubo,” said Ne-
Maguigiromdoman na ang gobyerno asin mga pribadong danger of rockfalls, landslides ago may have been much more the coming of the Spaniards. whall, who now lives in Santo
sector igua man kuta ning pondo para sa mga pagnegosyo and sudden explosions. | extensive and explosive than Isarog, on the other hand, Domingo, Albay with his
kan kasariditan alagad dai naitataong maray dahil sa mau
ning systema asin detalyadong metolohiya na hinahanap kan Newhall, who is married the 1814 or 1897 eruption of had histories of eruptions wife, Glenda.
bureaucracya. Iyo ini ang itataong tabang kan Naga College to a Bicolana and who studied Mayon, but which is now just 25,000 years ago as evi- The lecture series is named
Foundation sa NCPC asin iba pang LGU o NGO na may volcanoes in the US, Gua- a large caldera of its old self. denced by the debris deposits after the late Jesuit anthro-
programa para sa mga pobre sa linya ning rural economic asin temala, Indonesia, Ecuador, Newhall aded that the Isa- in Tinambac town, another pologist whose study on the
enterprise development. the Democratic Republic of rog and Iriga mountains are one which occurred some “sadit” and “dakulang tawo”
Hapot: May garantiya pa daw na an urban poor pgm sa 19ng Congo and Japan, related the also active volcanoes based 5,300 to 5,600 years ago, and in Canaman town placed it
barangays sa naga na mapagana pa an ubos kun ubos tcket
kn city hall sa masunod na eleksyon? histories of three other Bicol on their eruptive behavior in in 1914-1916. and the region in the academic
volcanoes, Bulusan in Sorso- the past 10,000 years. “When they will erupt map of the country.

Suzuki PH closes 2017 with

strong sales growth, awards
Manila, Philippines. Janu- porates modern elements with over Category. The Ciaz was
ary 17, 2018 – Pioneer com- strong personalization features named Best Personal Commuter
pact car distributor Suzuki to make city driving even more in the 12th C! Magazine awards
Philippines (SPH) ends the enjoyable for Filipino driv- for its fuel efficiency, roomy
year remarkably, posting 34 ers, specifically millennials. interiors and enhanced driving
percent year-on-year (YOY) This was proven in a success- experience.
growth, expanding in key cities ful media drive that showcased In the 13th DOE Fuel Econ-
across the country and receiv- the new Vitara’s top-of-the-line omy Run organized by the De-
ing back-to-back recognitions driving and safety features and partment of Energy (DOE) in
from renowned award-giving stylish design. partnership with Petron Corpo-
bodies. Recognitions from several ration, Suzuki Philippines’ en-
The strong performance of award-giving bodies affirmed tries—hatchbacks Alto 800 M/T
several of the company’s best- SPH’s efforts to offer only in- and Swift M/T, Euro-4 equipped
selling vehicles fueled the con- novative and reliable vehicles. light commercial vehicle Super
tinued sales growth. The popu- Seven of the company’s popu- Carry and the recently launched
lar life utility vehicle (LUV) lar, well-loved vehicles won ac- subcompact SUV Suzuki Vitara
Ertiga was SPH’s chart-topping colades in the annual DOE Fuel GLX A/T—were recognized in
vehicle last year, contributing Economy Run, 2017–2018 Auto their respective categories.
the biggest to sales with a 34 Focus People’s Choice Awards The Alto 800 M/T and Swift
percent share. The all-time fa- (AFMCA), Car Awards Group, M/T placed fourth and sixth,
vorite hatchbacks Celerio and Inc.’s Car of the Year (COTY) respectively, in the gasoline cat-
Swift followed, contributing 15 awards and the 12th C! Maga- egory with fuel economy ratings
percent and 13 percent, respec- zine Awards. of 24.81km/L and 23.27km/L. Continued growth in 2018 ward to an equally, if not more, “We look forward to another
tively. Stronger foothold in the The all-new Vitara was the sec- Backed by its strong perfor- fruitful 2018. “It has been a great great year. With the contin-
Continued expansion initia- PH market ond subcompact SUV to enter mance in 2017, Suzuki Philip- year for Suzuki Philippines. We ued support of the Philippine
tives brought the total number The significant growth in the top 15 gasoline-powered pines is confident of sustaining saw our efforts of bringing the automotive industry, the Su-
of dealerships opened last year sales, continuous market expan- vehicles with a 20.57km/L fuel market momentum this year. Suzuki Way of Life closer to zuki teams and our network
to 11. Suzuki now has 66 dealer- sion, and successive awards and economy rating. The company is gearing up more Filipinos bear more fruits. of partners and dealers, we are
ship outlets across the country. accolades prove Suzuki Philip- In the diesel category, the for more product launches and As we move forward to another confident of reaching more
Strategic brand-building efforts pines’ stronger foothold in the Super Carry performed well dealership openings as it aims year, we shall bring with us the milestones and delivering more
throughout the year also en- PH automotive market. among the pickups and placed to continue brand-building and successes we achieved and the innovative vehicles to the mar-
abled the company to increase The Celerio, one of Suzuki second with a fuel economy rat- expansion initiatives. lessons we learned from last ket.”
awareness about the different Philippine’s best-selling hatch- ing of 19.19km/L. SPH General Manager for year, and use them to continue For more information about
vehicles and their respective backs, bagged the Best Value- The 2017 event, which ran Automobile Shuzo Hoshikura doing better, bringing more in- Suzuki Philippines and their
features. These brand-building for-Money award in the standard by the theme “E-Power Mo” acknowledges the continued novative vehicles to the Philip- automobiles, please visit www.
projects include SPH’s influenc- mini category in last year’s Auto from November 20 to 21 in support given to Suzuki Philip- pines,” Hoshikura added. and like them on
er marketing campaign and sus- Focus People’s Choice Awards Clark, Pampanga, identifies pines as the company marks a Cecil Capacete, SPH Assis-
tained efforts such as those for (AFMCA). The AFMCA aims fuel efficiency ratings for cars successful 2017 and looks for- tant General Manager, added: toPH.
the company’s car clubs, Team to recognize the efforts of the recently sold and made avail-
Suzuki Philippines (TSP).
Before closing the year, Su-
zuki successfully launched the
automobile industry to provide
best on-board features, style,
performance and overall value.
able in the Philippines. It aims
to encourage car manufacturers
and distributors to bring in more
Bicol-bred CPA–Lawyer heads
highly anticipated new Vitara.
Known for enhanced driving
The Suzuki Vitara GLX won
in the recently concluded 2017
fuel-efficient vehicles in line
with the common goal of envi- Phl External Auditors
performance, this new-gener- CAGI Car of the Year awards ronment conservation and wiser The 2018 national presi- counting and consultancy
ation subcompact SUV incor- under the Subcompact Cross- use of energy. dent of the Association of firms and individual practic-
CPAs in Public Practice ing CPAs.
CARD MRI releases P18 M disaster (ACPAPP) is a Bicolana by
birth. She is CPA-Lawyer
It aims to consolidate the
ranks of all CPAs in Public
aid for Urduja, Vinta victims Arminda (Barbie) T. Acya-
Practice, enhance their pro-
fessional competencies and to
Atty. Barbie, as she is fond- strictly adhere to the Profes-
A total of P18-million ly called by friends and asso- sion’s Code of Ethics.
assistance was released by ciates is the youngest daughter To realize this vision,
CARD Mutually Reinforc- of the former Lilia Federizon ACPAPP shall strengthen its
ing Institutions (CARD
Tena of Milaor, CamSur and linkages with all regulatory
MRI) to its more than Atty. GUERRERO
50,000 microfinance clients San Mateo, Penafrancia, Naga agencies of the government,
affected by typhoon Urduja City. Her father is CPA-Law- leading to her ascension as energize its advocacy role and
and tropical storm Vinta. yer Antonio P. Acyatan former Executive Vice President in come out with activities that
In the January 11, 2018 popular student leader at the 2017. will solidly unite its members
claims settlement report of University of Nueva Caceres Atty. Acyatan-Guerrero is and develop their technical
CARD Mutual Benefit As- who rose to become a senior an alumnae of Sacred Heart and professional competen-
sociation (CARD MBA), executive of the Philippine College (Lucena City) and cies.
34,000 CARD clients in Min- National Bank and Republic cum laude graduate in Ac-
doro, Samar, Leyte, Cebu, It is ACPAPP’s vision
Planters Bank. countancy of the University to see all Filipino CPAs in
Batangas, Capiz, Masbate,
and Antique have been af- Both enterprising daughter of Santo Tomas. She com- Public Practice elevated to a
fected by typhoon Urduja and father are stalwarts of the pleted her Bachelor of Laws group of highly esteemed pro-
and more than 16,000 from sponse chair, adding that 17 fected clients. Philippine accountancy pro- degree at the San Beda Col- fessionals, competently and
Agusan del Norte, Agusan of its clients and their depen- We are glad to have re- fession, capped by their lead- lege. She is married to Atty. excellently performing their
del Sur, Misamis Oriental, dents did not survive the ca- sponded immediately to the erships in the ASEAN Fed- Stephen P. Guerrero and they assigned tasks in the world
Davao, North Cotabato, La- tastrophe. needs of our clients. “Stra- eration of Accountants (AFA) have a loving daughter – Han- of business and governance.
nao, Zamboanga del Norte, The total number of af- tegically, all our unit offices and Philippine Institute of nah from St. Paul (Pasig).
within the areas crossed by It will provide the necessary
and Zamboanga Sibugay fected policy holders for re- ACPAPP is the national
the typhoon and tropical CPAs. Atty. Barbie was AFA professional development
were strucked by Vinta. house reached to 1,773 with
“Majority of the affected claims payment amounting to storm were packing relief Assistant Secretary General organization of external audi- programs and training facili-
clients came from those ar- P2.518 million. Also, more goods enough to cover the for three years and national tors and practicing financial ties that would insure to the
eas strucked by Urduja,” said than P15 million was allot- clients they serve,” added officer of the Assn. of CPAs consultants. It is composed benefit of government and
Marilyn Manila, disaster re- ted for relief packs for all af- (Turn to page 7) in Public Practice (ACPAPP) of the various Philippine ac- business in general.

LEGAZPI CITY -- The Department of Trade and In- priced basic necessities like canned sardines, evaporated
dustry (DTI) in Bicol has warned traders against increas- and condensed milk, coffee, laundry bar, detergent powder,
ing the prices of basic commodities after the province was candles, bread, salt, bottled water, and instant noodles, Be-
placed under a state of calamity due to the Mayon volcanic rango said.

activity. She added, however, that “we have so far not noticed any
Jocelyn Berango, DTI regional information officer, in an exorbitant pricing in various markets in Albay”.
interview Wednesday said, businessmen must not take ad- Berango said there must be no price increase within the
vantage of the situation of the evacuees and other people af- 60-day period upon declaration of a state of calamity for Al-

fected by the multi-hazard -volcanic eruption, flood and heavy bay on Tuesday afternoon.
rains. "We are closely monitoring the price and supply of basic She asked the traders to show compassion especially to
necessities in stores throughout the province of Albay," she those who were affected by the calamity. "They are already
said. out of comfort so let us help them by being compassionate,"
DTI would make sure there was sufficient and reasonably- she added. -CONNIE CALIPAY/PNA

ACTO FIRMS UP 2018 TOURISM . . . ings for local guides. Since tour to conceptualize and implement
guiding trainings are expensive the establishment of a city mu-
will push through this year, and To date, the city has more than
hopefully it will improve the ac- 40 travel agencies and around
which results in increase in ser- seum as this city don’t have yet WITH SALE
vice charges and tour packages, a museum of its own that really Notice is hereby given that the named parties are
cess to Mt. Isarog,” Santos stated. half of it are already DOT accred-
ACTO will then give opportunity focuses on Naga itself.
With the expected increase in ited and are clamouring for tour- the legitimate and sole heirs of the late ROWENA B.
to working students, especially The ACTO chief reported that
tourist arrivals, ACTO pushes for ist guides because of the increas- AGORITA who died in Calabanga, Camarines Sur
the tourism students with Nation- they have already coordinated
the setting-up of a Tourist Infor- ing clients, but unfortunately, the on April 10, 2015 left a parcel of land situated in Bgy.
al Certificate II (NC II) on tour with the National Historical
mation Center with tourist guides city lacks tourist guides.
guiding. Commission of the Philippines Lugsad, Calabanga, Camarines Sur; that pursuant
to cater to the needs of the visi- ACTO have already formu-
“They will be trained on first (NCHP) on this matter, have to the provisions of Section 1, Rule 74 of the Re-
tors. lated a program to conduct train-
aid so that their training will be conducted trainings, coordinat- vised Rules of Court, the parties hereby agreed to
complete, and then they can be ed with Bicol historian Danny divide and adjudicate the real properties described
Sunday Gospel: Jn 1:35-42 hired on a part-time basis or on- Gerona, history advocates and in equal shares; that for and in consideration of the
call basis of the travel agencies. potential stakeholders who can
That way, we are able to help the sum of SEVENTY THOUSAND (P70,000.00) pesos
Gospel: Mk 10:13-16 loan their artefacts that can be
People were bringing their little children to him to have students and at the same time fill- paid in hand by ANNIE B. SARTE, the parties do
displayed in the museum.
him touch them; and the disciples rebuked them for this. in the requirement of our travel
The plan is to put up the city
hereby SELL, CONVEY and TRANSFER by way of
When Jesus noticed it, he was very angry and said, “Let the agencies,” Santos said. ABSOLUTE SALE unto Annie B. Sarte, her heirs and
museum at the second floor of the
children come to me and don’t stop them, for the kingdom of For a city as old as Naga, assigns their rights and interests to the parcel of land
ACTO is given the responsibility Raul Roco Library located at the
God belongs to such as these. Truly, I say to you, whoever described, as acknowledged before Notary Public
City Hall Compound.
does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter
Santos is requesting the sup- Atty. Francisco R. Velasco, Doc. No. 23, Page No. 7,
it.” Then he took the children in his arms and, laying his hands
on them, blessed them.
NAGA . . . port of the other departments Book No. XXI, Series of 2018.
Lectio Divina ing the evacuees with hygiene such as the CEPPIO and the En-
Read: Isaiah captures the joy and delight of the people kit supplies and food items— vironment and Natural Resources
at the birth of the child of the promise, and how this child toothbrushes, toothpastes, Office (ENRO) to achieve their
would redefine their destiny. Paul highlights how the birth of
Published: Jan. 21, 28; Feb. 4, 2018
target. -JRM-PIA5/CamSur
Christ Jesus births us into the identity of God’s own children.
sanitary napkins, body soaps,
Mark reports that Jesus was “very angry” when children were diapers, face towels, canned
prevented from coming to him. goods, rice, noodles and bot-
Reflect: We celebrate the feast of St. Niño today, and tled water.
fittingly, the readings revolve around the theme of birth and Cash donations under the


children. The birth of a child is more than the birth of a child; Naga City Government bank
it is the harbinger of many new beginnings – often it brings
along with it hope, redemption, forgiveness, re-union, love. account is also encouraged
The presence of children in our lives keeps us alive to the among contributors.
possibilities within and around us. Children prevent the The City Social Welfare
ossification of our souls. No wonder Jesus was furious that the and Development Office (peacefully joined her Creator on December 29, 2017
disciples blocked the presence of children with him. And great (CSWDO) will serve as the at the age of 93)
is the need for us to nurture the presence and connection to
drop- off and coordinating
the little babe of Bethlehem within us, for he can give us light
and hope when we walk in the shadow of death. center for the donations. Beloved wife to Ramon (deceased). Loving mother
Pray: Pray to Santo Niño to be ever present to you as the About 30,000 individuals
to Daisy, Cynthia, Perry, Jose Noel (deceased)
Prince of your heart. have already been staying
Act: Reach out and do an act of charity to a child in distress. in the evacuation centers in and Ramon. Will be sadly missed by all her family,
Be a blessing. the province of Albay, as re- extended family and friends.
ported, which has now been Relatives and friends of Mary were invited to
EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE WITH WAIVER declared under the State of Celebrate her life
Notice is hereby given that the named parties are the at Mary Mother of Mercy Chapel, Rookwood
Meanwhile, the Philippine
legal and surviving heirs of the late MERLE P. LAZARO
Institute of Volcanology and Catholic Crematorium, Lidcombe
who died on July 24, 2005 at Philippine Heart Center, Seismology (PHIVOLCS) (Metropolitan Sydney), Australia,
East Avenue, Quezon City, left a parcel of land situated has been continuing their ef- last January 4, 2018.
at San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur covered by Transfer forts in the monitoring of the
Certificate of Title No. 20851; that pursuant to the volcanic eruptions of Mt.
provisions of Secion 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, Mayon. -Armie B. Gunay
We request the pious readers to pray for the
the parties mentioned hereby adjudicate, as co-heirs eternal repose of her soul.
of the undivided share of the property described in NGCP ASSURES. . .
equal share pro-indiviso; that the heirs HONORATO G. We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude
LAZARO and AMADO P. LAZARO III, hereby WAIVE, Alert Level 3 remains in
effect over Mayon Volcano, and sincerest appreciation to all who offered Masses
RENOUNCE and QUITCLAIM their rights and partici-
pation over the described property in favor of co-heir which means that it is cur- and prayers, sent flowers and messages of sympathy
NATHALIE P. LAZARO , as acknowledged before No- rently in a relatively high and who in countless ways, condole with
tary Public Atty. Florencio R. Rosales, Doc. No. 1263, level of unrest. Magma is at and comforted us in our hour of
the crater and a hazardous
Page No. 253, Book No. VI, Series of 2017.
eruption is possible within
weeks or even days. -CON-
Published: January 14, 21 and 28, 2018

eightyear-old Republic Act ous stakeholders during a di- “Now more than ever, we
10121, which created the Na- saster as well as post-disaster feel the need to create a su-
tional Disaster and Risk Re- or calamity. per government agency, see-
duction Framework, a land- Under the concept, the ing the devastation around us
mark legislation but which DRR will be separate from the every time a disaster strikes,”
falls short in creating “an Office of Civil Defense, which Salceda said.
institution that is sufficiently will continue to perform its In the face of the onslaught
in a position to oversee the original mandate, particu- of disasters, the country needs
implementation of stream- larly its duty to administer a “strategic and systematic ap-
lined disaster risk reduction comprehensive national civil proaches to disaster preven-
and management policies na- defense and assistance pro- tion, mitigation, preparedness,
tionwide. gram, training of community response and the effective
Salceda said the DRR will volunteers for civil defense programs on rehabilitation
have the necessary authority, and assistance, and other and recovery handled by an
mandate and resources to lead mechanisms for community agency with its own man-
and coordinate efforts of vari- preparedness, he said. date,” he said.

“the cash incentives serve as als for bringing the honor and “We are very honored THE MARONITE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA brought in doctors, dentists, nurses and volunteers
a token of appreciation for at their own expense, free medicines and medical supplies, for their 6th medical mission in
the prestige not only to their to bring this triumph to the
Naga. Their yearly mission started in 2013 in partnership with the Missionaries of the Poor (in
their excellent performance parents and CSU but also to province,” Aldave said. Brgy. Cararayan) when Fr. Joseph Ssali was still its Rector, and continued to this day by their
and being pride of Catan- every Catandunganon. According to them, the new Rector, Fr. Lawrence Mendoza.
duanes.” The topnotchers were money would be of great
He disclosed that the fund
for the award both came from
grateful upon receiving the
incentives. For them it serves
help to their studies now that
they are taking up Nursing at
his office and the Office of as recognition of their hard- CSU. Manila. said May Dawat, chief exec- for the request of our opera-
the Governor. work and determination in at- They did not expect to top Strengthening 8-24 hour utive officer of CARD MBA. tions staff on list of members
Governor Cua likewise taining such achievement. the exam, the three affirmed. claims settlement Time for rehabilitation who will be under morato-
lauded the young profession- What they truly hope for is With the success of its 1-3- The day after Urduja and rium,” said Vicente Briones,
all of them would pass the 5 day claims settlement strat- Vinta left the Philippine Area deputy executive director of
TODAY IS THE FEAST OF STO. NIÑO . . . MLE since it is required of egy, CARD MBA launched a of Responsibility (PAR), all CARD, Inc.
them to pass the exam to be new strategy in mid 2017, the the executive heads of CARD Affected clients may
of the two. The statue is clothed is an annual feast every January
8-24 hour claims settlement. went straight to the affected also avail calamity loan and
in rich fabrics, wears jewelry on the third Sunday which is able to pursue nursing.
“Para sa amin mas ok na The new strategy aims to areas to check the status of its housing improvement loan
such as gilded neck chain and marked by fiesta, sinulog danc-
yung nakapasa kaming lahat pay all the claims due of its clients and operations. with longer terms. More-
bears imperial regalia including ing in the streets, and prayers to
magkaklase kaysa may na- policy holders within eight “That was also our way over, CARD MRI, through
a gold crown, globus cruciger, Senor Santo Nino statue]
katop nga, may bagsak na- hours and maximum of 24 of listening to our clients es- the CARD-MRI Develop-
and various sceptres mostly do- The Holy Child's image
man so, yung pagiging top hours right after any incident pecially on the things they ment Institute (CMDI), is
nated by devotees. is liturgically celebrated dur-
blessing na rin siya kung that would cost their lives need, which we do not cover also working on the possible
The image received papal ing weekly Mass, novenas and
baga,” Soriao stated. and properties. at the moment but might be modules that would assist the
recognition on 28 April 1965, Christian holidays. Along with
The full support of their The Urduja and Vinta in- a welcome initiative for us to clients of CARD in coping up
when Pope Paul VI issued a pa- the Black Nazarene statue of Je-
parents and their class’ team- cident marked 96.5% accom- consider in the future,” said with the situation.
pal bull for the Canonical Coro- sus Christ, it is the most popular
work helped them to over- plishment. “What we have Dr. Jaime Aristotle B. Alip, “The module will also
nation of the statue and raised object of devotion in the Philip-
come shortcomings and be achieved is already worth founder and chair of CARD help our clients in thinking
the church that houses it to a ba- pines. The Santo Niño image is
successful to attain their goal, celebrating. We will, howev- MRI. alternative efforts, in case
silica status to mark the 400th replicated in many homes and
they added. er, continue to push ourselves For the meantime, mora- their major source of income
anniversary of the first Chris- business establishments, with
It could be remembered more and do the best efforts torium of loan collections is damaged, to sustain their
tian mission and rediscovery of different titles reinterpreted in
various areas of the country. It that on July 7, 2017, the said we can to pay all the claims have been raised for affected daily living,” Dr. Alip con-
the statue in Cebu. The image
within the given time-frame,” clients. “We are just waiting cluded.
has historically attracted devo- is one of the most beloved and batch from the Realized Lad-
tional worship in Philippines, recognizable cultural icons in derized Program-BSN of
attracting devotional worship, the Philippines, with the origi- CSU who got 100% passing
processions and pilgrimage, nal permanently encased within rate (20 out of 20) paid cour-
with numerous Filipino pil- bulletproof glass in a chapel at tesy on Governor Cua and
grims touching or kissing the the Basílica Menor del Santo EBMC BOT members, at the
foot of the statue's stand. There Niño. provincial hospital days after
the release of the result of the
Republic of the Philippines Midwifery Board Exam giv-
LOCAL CIVIL REGISTRY OFFICE en by the Professional Regu-
Province: Camarines Sur lations Commission (PRC)
City/Municipality: Libmanan last April 10-11, 2017.


ROQUE . . .
In compliance with Section No. 5 of R.A. No. 9048, The Palace official said he
a Notice is hereby served to the public that ROBERTO D. would recommend to Presi-
SARALDE has filed with this Office, a Petition for Change dent Duterte to visit Albay the
of First Name from “RAUL” to “ROBERTO” in the birth soonest possible to personally
certificate of RAUL DIESTRO SARALDE, who was born see and talk to the evacuees af-
on January 22, 1963 at Libod No.1, Libmanan, Camarines fected by the Mayon eruption.
Sur and whose parents are CRISPIN SALARDE and This means, he said, that
FLORENTINA DIESTRO. the President is with Albay res-
idents in this time of calamity.
Roque said all the depart-
Any person adversely affected by said petition may
ments of the national govern-
file his written opposition with this office not later than
ment are simultaneously mov-
January 27, 2018.
ing to respond to the needs of
the people of the province.
(Sgd.) EMILIE S. AGNES-DAIRAO The Philippine National
Municipal Civil Registrar Police is also assisting the gov-
ernment in all its efforts to help
the needy and ensure security
Published: January 14 and 21, 2018
in the affected municipalities
and cities, he added.
Likewise, the Department
of Education was responding
to the needs of the education
sector while the Department of
Social Welfare and Develop-
ment was supplying food packs
to the evacuees, Roque said.
The DSWD, he added, has
standby funds amounting to
PHP18 million to cover the
needs of those Albayanos
temporarily staying in public
Roque said it was a “whole
government” approach that
was being implemented by the
national government in Albay
down to the city, municipal
and barangay levels. -Connie

2018 TOURISM PUSH NAGA CITY -- With just a few months to go before summer comes
in, the Arts, Culture and Tourism Office (ACTO) here, is gearing up to
attract more local and foreign visitors to experience what the city and
the province of Camarines Sur has to offer for them.
In a press conference held last week at the City month the total tourist arrivals
Events Protocol and Public Information Office in the city. But based on our
(CEPPIO), ACTO Chief Alec Santos briefed the estimate, we have an increase
local media on the developments and accomplish- of about 10 percent, which is
ments of the office with regards to the promotion higher by the national average
of the tourism industry in the city. of eight (8) percent. So more
Santos revealed that in 2016, there were 1.21 or less, our conservative esti-
million tourist arrivals in Naga and it is expected mate increase in 2017 is be-
that there is an increase in 2017, although they are tween 1.3 to 1.4 million tour-
still in the process of collecting the data for the last ists,” Santos explained.
quarter of that year. The same increase is ex-
“When ACTO started collecting data in 2013, pected of them for 2018 as
there were only 859,000 annual tourist arrivals. Al-
though we are still collecting the data for the last
they will intensify their pro-
motion as per directive of City Today is the Feast
SANTOS quarter of 2017, we will know by the end of the Mayor John Bongat and the
Sangguniang Panlungsod to of Sto. Niño de Cebu
House eyeing Disaster Department
promote the city aggressively.
The Santo Niño de Cebú landed on the island.
As to the development of
(Cebuano: Balaang Bata sa The statue measures ap-
roads and infrastructures to
Sugbo, Filipino: Batang Ba- proximately twelve inches
Congress is consolidating said Rep. Joey Salceda, who tourist spots, ACTO have fa-
nal ng Cebu, Spanish: Santo tall, is made of a dark wood in
43 legislative proposals on heads the technical working cilitated with the Department
Niño de Cebú) is a Roman baroque style and depicts the
disaster response to create a group on the disaster agency of Tourism (DOT) and the
Catholic title of the Child Child Jesus as a king dressed
“super government agency” legislation. Department of Public Works
Jesus based on a religious like Spanish royalty. The ex-
that will be tasked to carry Congress would likely and Highways (DPWH) on
relic icon in Cebu City of pressions, accessories and
out a consistent calamity de- prioritize and expedite the the request for funding for the
the Philippines. The image hand posture of Santo Nino de
fense program in the coun- passage of a pending bill that improvement of roads going
is venerated as miraculous Cebu are similar to the Infant
try. seeks to create the proposed to destinations particularly
by many Filipino Catholics. Jesus of Prague now located
“Since typhoons and other Department of Disaster Resil- going to Mt. Isarog.
It is one of the oldest Chris- in Czech Republic. It is be-
calamities have been getting ience (DRR), he said. “There is already a bud-
tian relics in the Philippines, lieved that both statues origi-
stronger and broader in impact Salceda had earlier filed get allocated for this by the
originally given in 1521 as a nated from the same Europe-
in recent years, the creation of House Bill 6075 seeking the national government and we
a well structured agency to creation of the DRR. gift by explorer Ferdinand an source, with the devotion
have complied the require-
manage a broad climate-di- The bill seeks to amend the Magellan to Rajah Huma- to Santo Nino starting earlier
ments, so the implementation
saster program is necessary,” bon and his wife when he (Turn to page 7)
(Turn to page 7) Cong. SALCEDA (Turn to page 6)

4 Catanduanes Board
Placers get rewards
Four Catanduanes State 89.25%, and Alben Brizo Ber-
University’s Midwifery Board nal who ended up 10th place
Exam placers received cash with 88.75%. However, Vil-
incentives from the Provincial lamor was unable to come to
Government at the Office of the the awarding.
Governor last January 16, 2017. Provincial Board Member
Governor Joseph C. Cua and Rafael Zuniega, SP Chair of
PBM Rafael Zuniega person- Committee on Health spon-
ally handed the cheque worth sored the SP Resolution on
P15,000 to Kathryn Avery A. granting cash incentives to to-
Aldave who topped the board pnotchers of CSU – College of
with 91.45%, while P10,000 Health Sciences (CHS) in the
each to Claudine C. Villamor Midwifery Licensure Exami-
who ranked 3rd with 90.45%, nation.
John Nicholas Anton C. So- As stated in the resolution,
riao who got the 6th place with (Turn to page 7)


Catanduanes Gov. Joseph C. Cua and Board Member Rafael
Zuniega handed the cash incentives to Midwifery Board
placers from the Catanduanes State University.

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