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ST3232: Design and Analysis of Experiments

2012/2013: Semester II

Quiz 2

In a process development study on yield, four factors were studied, each at two levels: time
(A), concentration (B), pressure (C), and temperature (D). A single replicate of a 24 design
was run. The resulting data are given below:
Run Number Treatment Combination Yield
1 (1) 12
2 a 18
3 b 13
4 ab 16
5 c 17
6 ac 15
7 bc 20
8 abc 15
9 d 10
10 ad 25
11 bd 13
12 abd 24
13 cd 19
14 acd 21
15 bcd 17
16 abcd 23

(i) Compute the scaled estimated effects of AB and BCD.

(ii) Suppose that the experiments were run in two blocks with ABCD as the defining effect.
Classify the treatment combinations into the two blocks.

(iii) Suppose that the experiments were run in four blocks with ABC and BCD as defining

(iiia) How many effects are confounded with the blocks? Give all the effects which are
confounded with the blocks.

(iiib) Give the two defining contrasts. For each of the following treatment combinations
a, c, ac, bd, bcd, abd, abcd,
determine which block it belongs by using the defining contrasts.
(iv) The normal probability plot of the estimated effects is given on page 3. Can you identify
a tentative reduced model from the plot? If yes, what is that model?
(v) The ANOVA table of the full model is provided below.
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
A 1 81.00 81.00
B 1 1.00 1.00
C 1 16.00 16.00
D 1 42.25 42.25
A:B 1 2.25 2.25
A:C 1 72.25 72.25
B:C 1 0.25 0.25
A:D 1 64.00 64.00
B:D 1 9.334e-31 9.334e-31
C:D 1 1.172e-31 1.172e-31
A:B:C 1 4.00 4.00
A:B:D 1 2.25 2.25
A:C:D 1 0.25 0.25
B:C:D 1 2.25 2.25
A:B:C:D 1 4.00 4.00
Residuals 0 0.00
Using the table, compute the sum of squares due to blocks if the experiments were run
in four blocks with ABC and BCD as defining effects.
(vi) Suppose that the experiments were run in four blocks with ABC and BCD as defining
effects and that the significant factorial effects are only A, C, D and AC. Using the
available information, compute the following ANOVA table:
Source DF SS

Figure 1: Normal probability plot of the estimated effects

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