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Date Explanation of Fieldwork (Solo) Time

16 Sep Today, I began work on my first poem, “Dive Into Stupor”. I was derived from a 1 hr
concept I had in an earlier poem, and adapted some of the language to make it a
more slam friendly poem. I drew inspiration for this piece from putting as many
metaphors and double entradas into a piece as possible.

22 Oct Today, I dug through the archives of poems I have written in the past to find 2 hr
those that would be suitable for editing and that I could incorporate in my book.
This was a fun experience looking back on years of writing but also difficult
selecting certain poems deemed to a high enough standard to incorporate in my
book. I found about 3-4 poems I felt strongly about and edited them for inclusion
in the book.

24 Oct Today, I began writing the poems “An Ode To Awkward” and “On Weddings”. 2 hr

27 Oct Today, I spent time taking a break from writing, and analyzed the work of Harry 1 hr
Baker, 2012 World Slam Champion. I noticed many of his works took place in a
world outside of our own, in a place he created for the reader to go to. Many of
his poems also focused on topics not many people would typically focus on, such
as prime numbers.

28 Oct Today, I wrote the poem “Sodium Pentothal” and went back to revise a poem I 1 hr
had previously written called “Where I’m From (from George Ella Lyon)”.
Where I’m from is a poem written by Mr. Lyon and is one I had to adapt to
myself in sophomore year english class. I though the poem I had written in
homage to him would be a good way to open up my book, instead of a long
winded introduction, and will be sure to include all credit for the format to Mr.

1 Nov Today, I watched videos on the Button Poetry youtube page. I was hoping to 1 hr
gain a deeper understanding of what kinds of topics people right about to
perform. Everything is extremely close to home for the writer, and something
they feel extremely deeply about.

14 Nov Today, I wrote the poem “Getting The Band Back Together”. This poem is 1 hr
inspired by mental illness, and personifying the narrators symptoms and
disorders onto members of a rock band.

23 Nov The holiday got me inspired to look outside, and try to write some seasonal 1hr
poetry. This lead me to write “Haiku 4 The Seasons”, and attempted play on
words for the four seasons of the year.

25 Nov Today was a revision day, and was meant to decide which poems I would make 1hr
into spoken word, and which would be meant to just be read in a book. The
spoken word poems will also be in the book, not just read out loud.

3 Dec Today, I wrote the poem “Death: An Autobiography”. This poem was derived in 1 hr
all honesty from my selfishness. I was watching people around me grow sicker
and older and I found that my heart became to grow heavy, and I felt as if it was
to much to bear, so I wrote a poem about it.

6 Dec Today I wrote the poem “Headphones”. 1 hr

10 Dec Today I began work on the poems “Walnut Street” and “Star Trek”, both in 1hr
honor of my stepfather

17 Dec Today, I began practicing for the poetry slam I will be attending in February, 1hr
April, and/or May. This included doing vocal warm up exercises, as well as
practicing reading my poems out loud in front of a mirror.

18 Dec Today, I wrote the poem “Eclipsed”. 1hr

26 Dec Today was not a good day. My stepfather lost his battle with cancer and lost his 2hr
life at 9:31 AM. The second I heard the news I became filled with so much anger
that the only way I knew how to get it out was through writing. I wrote the poem
“cancer.”. I have never invested so much into a poem before because I want it to
be as perfect as possible.

As of 18 Jan: This poem has gone over numerous edits and is in a good place as
of right now, definitely a far way to go however.

7 Feb Today, I practiced for my first performance at Poetry Out Loud tomorrow. I will 2hr
be reciting poems off the poetry out loud website, which are not mine but are
performance poems. They are I am trying to break your heart by Kevin Young
and Violins by Rowan Ricardo Phillips.

8 Feb Tonight was the Poetry Out Loud performance. It was great to listen to other 2hr
people with similar passions as me, and listen to poems I would not typically
read on my own. It was a great show and helped me calm my nerves for the next
poetry slam.

26 Feb “Tanka For Fire” and “The Poet” 1hr

15 Feb Today I attended my first ever poetry slam. It was everything I had hoped it 5hr
would be and nothing I didn’t. I really enjoyed meeting other poets and hearing
the stories they had to tell. I ranked 4 or 5 out of 8, and I am excited to go back at
some point in the near future. It is a loving community, and one I now consider
myself a part of.

Date Explanation of Fieldwork (With Mentor) Time Taken

Sep 12 Today was my first meeting with my mentor. I gave him a brief 1 hr
outline of what senior project was, as well as giving him the
paperwork to look over. This meeting was where the idea of

Dec 12 Today, after school I went down to the library to see if they had any 2hrs
book in the library of poetry, so I could see how they were
formatted. After this, I made my way to FLO to have another
meeting with my mentor. We discussed how teaching would work,
and came up with the idea of 2-3 lessons taught to two different
classes. This lesson plan would start to take shape at the start of the
third term, and I will be using my field trip days to go teach the
classes at FLO

All Jan Writing Lesson Plans 2hr

12 Mar Today, I presented my first lesson to Mr. Chase and Mrs. Dorment’s 5hr
5th grade class. It was great to experience being in the classroom for
the first time, and get feedback from both teachers after the lesson is
over. Between teaching, I got to watch a math lesson and see how a
class is conducted by a true professional.

19 Mar Today, I presented the second lesson to Mr. Chase and Mrs. 2hr
Dorment’s 5th grade class. With a previous visit under my belt, I felt
this lesson went exponentially better than the first time around. The
kids had a lot of fun with the assignment, and I was glad to garner a
lot of positive feedback from the class, as well as the teachers.

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