Final Eval Megan S

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NURS1020 Clinical Course Evaluation

Final Evaluation

Student: Megan Scott

Clinical Instructor: Kortney Deal

Missed Clinical Hours: ______ Missed Lab Hours: ______

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Please circle the appropriate box

NURS 1020 Course Learning
Objective Evidence/Indicators of Progress: (The student has ...) Progress
Satisfactory Unsatisfac-
Established therapeutic nurse-resident 1. I was able to communicate thoroughly with relevant information
relationships in residential /long-term care to my resident and establish a relationship
settings. 2. Interacted more than three times with my resident throughout the
day, whether it was in their room, or at dinner
3. Understood and respected resident’s ability to decline a
conversation or certain topic that would bring up certain emotions
4. Was able to communicate many times a day with my resident
about her care, but also able to talk about her history and family,
as well as other residents I was not caring for
Performed skills relevant to situating an 1. I was able to have open-ended conversations with my resident
individual within his/her personal, familial about cues that were in her room, such as paintings
and community context 2. Shortly discussed their perceptions of living in Peterborough as
well as living in a retirement home
3. I was able to show empathy towards my resident regarding
broken relationships and family hardships
4. Ensured I was positioned in front of my resident while delivering
verbal directions about AM/PM care, so she could have better
visualization and understanding of what I was saying
Developed and demonstrated skills in 1. Assisted multiple residents with dysphasia for all three meals of
basic assessment techniques relevant to the day, recognizing which residents have different consistencies
the long-term care population in their food and drink
2. Observed the mobility the residents and looked at their care plan
to decide how it would be best to help them
3. Took part in morning and night routines with the residents,
including washing, brushing teeth and getting dressed
4. I was able to identify that my resident was and has been
experiencing pain in her shoulders, and low range of motion after
performing a musculoskeletal assessment
Demonstrated skills in providing resident- 1. Successfully assisted multiple residents with dysphasia for a
centered support for activities of daily meal(s) in the long-term care facility while respecting the needs
living of the resident
2. Provided assistance with my partner with personal care and
observing what they were able to do by themselves
3. Assisted residents with safety and accessibility aids when leaving
or returning to room
4. Applied feeding techniques such as watching portion size,
watching for swallowing movements, and adjusting them to be in
the best position they could be in, to ease the swallowing process
Developed knowledge about the 1. I was able to interact and ask questions to the staff and gain
experience of residents living in a long- further knowledge regarding resident’s routines and facility
term care setting procedures
2. Engaged with residents and was able to learn about their families,
social supports and why they decided to move into a long-term
3. Developed an understanding how my resident’s morning and
night routines, adapting to the level of assistance that is needed
4. My resident was very unsteady to move her feet when she wanted
to, sometimes they wouldn’t move for about 5-15 seconds,
however, I managed to assist her by holding her hands, using the
walker, as well as a two-person lift and transfer
Demonstrated safe and ethical clinical 1. Reviewed and practiced safe bed lifts and transfers, as well as
practice at the level appropriate for a year lifts in and out of a chair
one nursing student 2. Employed the use of personal protective equipment when
assisting the residents and hand hygiene to follow – to reduce the
spreading of infections
3. I was able to take knowledge and experience from our weekly
labs and apply them to my residents with tasks such as transfers,
making beds and proper positioning while eating
4. Ensured that my residents shoes were on before transferring her,
otherwise would have more difficulty standing up
Participated in professional development 1. Participated and discussed with my peers and clinical instructors
based on reflective practice and clinical about my positive and negative outcomes of the day
inquiry 2. Reflected on areas for improving my morning and night personal
care routines and how to make it easier for my partner and I
3. Participated with my peers in exercises in the classroom such as

recording blood pressure, pulses, respirations and lung
4. I was able to watch and assist the PSW with baths in the morning
and see how the different lifts were used for different residents
along with personal grooming
Examined personal attitudes regarding the 1. I would like to sit down and have an in-depth conversation with
elderly and other residents of long-term my resident and perform a spices assessment, as I have not had
care homes time to yet
2. Examined my resident’s family tree and the importance of them,
and compared it to my personal values of my family
3. Discussed with my resident what it was like living in a retirement
home and their thoughts about it
4. I found that I had more interest in my grandmother’s case of
dementia once I had learned about it, as well as wanted to have
more social interactions with my residents then I did at the
beginning of the semester
Developed a basic knowledge of the 1. I would like to understand the differences between some of the
clinical manifestations and relevant diagnoses of the residents and the symptoms for it
nursing interventions of chronic diseases 2. Discussed how to properly dress the resident in compression
socks and understood the purpose for them
3. I was able to assist my resident with strengthening her gait and
encouraged her to find her strength in confidence as well
4. Noticed how comorbidities have varying effects on risk diagnosis
(hypertension, dementia, risk for falls, etc,.) and how different
interventions were developed for each


Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
Week 7 Week 8 Week 9
Week 10 Week 11 Week 12

Total number of clinical hours completed_____________

Peer Evaluation Completed ____________ _____________________

Clinical Instructor Comments Please include strengths as well as needs for improvement. There must be comments to elaborate on any
objective marked “unsatisfactory”.

Great work this semester Megan! Megan demonstrates professionalism by coming to clinical practice each and every week on time, prepared and
dressed appropriately. Megan demonstrates accountability by taking responsibility for her actions, seeking the necessary assistance in a timely
manner and sharing knowledge about the residents in the long-term care facility to the appropriate person. Megan demonstrates responsibility for her
professional development and competence by reflecting, utilizing a variety of resources to further her knowledge and seeking and applying
constructive feedback by her peers, instructor and the health care staff. Megan builds and maintains therapeutic relationship by ensuring the
confidentiality of each client, following up with commitments and providing the highest level of respect to each resident living at the facility. Megan
is a self-directed learner and an excellent role model to her peers in the clinical setting. Megan demonstrates a readiness for evolving her knowledge,
skills and judgment in future placements. It was a pleasure having the opportunity to work with Megan this semester!

Student Comments:
Identify 3 personal strengths developed in this placement.
1. I was able to develop and demonstrate various communicating techniques with many residents and staff at the LTC facility
2. I am comfortably able to perform different assessments on my residents (respiratory assessment, SPICES, blood pressure)
3. I feel better with feeding residents who may have difficulty, I am able to recognize when they are having a problem

Identify 3 areas requiring further development.

1. I want to be able to complete a head-to-toe assessment on a resident and be able to see cues regarding certain questions such as facial
expressions or subjective data
2. I want to be able to put on a brief on my resident with more confidence
3. I want to be more confident in my practice, and if I am ever stuck, to feel that I am able to ask someone in charge for assistance

Signature of Instructor___________________________________________________ Date____________________

Signature of Student_____________________________________________________ Date____________________

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