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March 28, 2018

Government of
New Zealand


New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy with a
parliamentary system of government. The head of The Legislature (Parliament)
state is currently Queen Elizabeth II. As queen she The legislature consists of the House of
is represented by Governor-General Dame Patsy Representatives. It includes select committees. The
Reddy. role of the house is to supply the government with
New Zealand uses a Mixed Member Proportional Members of parliament, make new laws and update
voting system which makes it unlikely that one old ones by carefully looking at and talking about
political party will win majority of the seats I the bills that when passed become laws, represent New
house. Zealanders by giving a voice to different idea from
New Zealand’s government can only be made up of people and organizations, examine and approve the
ministers who are first elected members of the governments taxes and spending, and to check the
House of Representatives. The government can actions of the executive.
only stay in power while it has confidence in the The Executive Branch
house. This means majority of the members of the
House of Representatives must be present. The Executive Branch is the actual government. This
branch runs the country and makes the day to day
decisions on how and what New Zealand should
spend its money on. It brings proposed laws to the
parliament and decides policies that get put into
practice by government departments.
The Judiciary Branch
The judiciary branch are the judges who interest the
law in cases that come before them. They hear and
decide cases and can review decisions made by the

The image above is of Queen Elizabeth II, the

executive of New Zealand.

The Image to the right is of Dame Patsy Reddy,

the Governor-General of New Zealand.

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