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KPMG Forensic Pty Ltd ABN: 91 055 053 417

20 Brindabella Circuit Telephone: +61 2 6248 1111

Brindabella Business Park Facsimile: +61 2 6248 1122
Canberra Airport ACT 2609

PO Box 7396
Canberra Business Centre ACT 2610

Private and confidential Our ref 23570701 1

Sue Chapman
Deputy Director-General
Community Services Directorate
By email:

19 May 2015

Dear Sue


1. Introduction
We refer to our engagement to provide the Community Services Directorate (CSD) with
investigation services in connection with the allegations received about the activities of a
number of CSD staff members, primarily employed at the Bimberi Youth Justice Centre
(BYJC) and S38 FOI Act 1989 & S44 PID Act 2012; S41 FOI Act 1989 The purpose of this final report is to assist the
Director-General of the CSD to fulfil their obligations under the Public Interest Disclosure Act
2012. This repmt provides CSD with a summary of evidence and other intelligence gathered
from the investigation in regard to the allegations, the risk to young persons in detention and the
risk to public confidence in CSD.

2. Purpose and scope

The purpose of the engagement was to assist CSD with an investigation into allegations made
by S38 FOI Act 1989 & S44 PID Act 2012; S41 FOI Act 1989

. Additionally, the investigation covered the potential risk

to young persons in detention and the risk to public confidence in CSD, resulting from the
allegations. Details of the issues are set out at 4 below.
The scope of the Engagement was agreed as follows:
• Conduct an investigation of a public interest disclosure for the purpose of enabling the
Director-General of the CSD to fulfil their obligations under the Public Interest Disclosure
Act 2012 (ACT).
• Forensic Data capture of all BYJC Hard Disk Drives.
• Capture of network share drives and email accounts of nominated personnel.

KPMG Forensic Pty Ltd is affiliated with KPMG.

KPMG is an Australian partnership and a member

firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Liability limited by a scheme
Cooperative (" KPMG International"), a Swiss approved under Professional
entity. Standards Legislation.
Communi(l' Services Directorate
Investigation Report

• Targeted review of emails, network share drives and local hard disks at BYJC.
• Preparation of interview plans.
• Interviews with S38 FOI Act 1989 & S44 PID Act 2012; S41 FOI Act 1989

• Further investigation of matters following interviews.
• Verbal update of findings and preparation of an interim findings rep mi.
• Completion of a final repmi.

Project Leather Final Report 19 May 2015.docx 2

Co111111u11i(11 Services Directorate
Investigation Report
19 May2015

3. Executive Summary
The purpose of this repo1t is to provide the Community Services Directorate (CSD) with a
summary of evidence and other intelligence gathered from our investigation in regard to the
allegations as outlined in the Terms of Reference. KPMG has analysed electronic information
provided by CSD, including but not limited to a targeted review of emails and electronic
documents. Interviews were conducted by KPMG with the whistle-blower and various current
and former employees of CSD.

S38 FOI Act 1989 & S44 PID Act 2012; S41 FOI Act 1989

Project Leather Final Report 19 May 2015.docx 3

Community Services Directorate
Investigation Report

S38 FOI Act 1989 & S44 PID Act 2012; S41 FOI Act 1989

Project Leather Final Report 19 May 2015.docx 4

Communi(v Services Directorate
Investigation Report

S38 FOI Act 1989 & S44 PID Act 2012; S41 FOI Act 1989

Project Leather Final Report 19 May 2015.docx 5

Co1111111111ity Services Directorate
Investigation Report

4. Issues
The issues for investigation as set out in the Terms of Reference are as follows:

4.1. Allegations
S38 FOI Act 1989 & S44 PID Act 2012; S41 FOI Act 1989

4.3. Potential risks to young persons and the CSD

The Terms of Reference set out issues concerning young persons and the CSD as follows:
S38 FOI Act 1989 & S44 PID Act 2012

Project Leather Final Report 19 May 2015.docx 6

Community Services Directorate
Investigation Report

5. Investigation completed to date

The following is a summary of the work unde1iaken:
• Meetings and discussions with the CSD regarding the investigation undertaken.
• Review of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012 (ACT).
• Review of the Public Interest Disclosure Guidelines 2014.
• Review of documentation provided by CSD.
• Forensic Data capture of all BYJC Hard Disk Drives (69).
• Capture of network share drives and email accounts of nominated personnel ( capture
performed by ACT ICT Security).
• Analysis of electronic information provided by the CSD S38 FOI Act 1989 & S44 PID
. Act 2012
• Targeted email and electronic document review relating to the allegations and identified
relevant emails and documents. This information was also used for the witness and subject
officer interviews.
• Interviews of witnesses and subject officers.
• Collection and review offmiher data as provided by the witnesses.

5.1. Witness and Subject Officer Interviews

We have undertaken the following witness interviews:

Interviewee Employment Interview Date

S38 FOI Act 1989 & S44 PID Act 2012; S41 FOI Act 1989

Project Leather Final Report 19 May 2015.docx 7

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