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一 [イチ]@one

一丈六像 [イチジョウロクゾウ]@sixteen foot form of the Buddha

一三昧 [イチザンマイ]@one pointed concentration
一乘 [イチジョウ]@(term) single vehicle
一乘三乘 [イチジョウサンジョウ]@single vehicle and three vehicles
一乘分教 [イチジョウブンキョウ]@partial teaching of the single vehicle
一乘家 [イチジョウケ]@advocates of the single vehicle
一乘滿教 [イチジョウマンキョウ]@complete teaching of the single vehicle
一乘菩薩 [イチジョウボサツ]@single vehicle bodhisattva
一九 [イチクウ]@(name) Amit■bha
一代 [イチダイ]@one age
一代三段 [イチダイサンダン]@(term) three periods
一佛世界 [イチフツセカイ]@Buddha-realm
一來 [イチライ]@(term) once-returner
一來向 [イチライコウ]@one who is entering onto the stage of the once-returner
一來果 [イチライカ]@one who has fully consummated the stage of the once-returner
一個半個 [イチゴハンゴ]@particle
一兎毛塵 [イチトモウジン]@An atom of dust on a hare's down
一刀三禮 [イチトウサンライ]@at each cut thrice to pay homage
一分 [イチブン]@(term) partial
一分家 [イチブンケ]@one-part school
一分菩薩 [イチブンボサツ]@partial bodhisattva
一切 [イッサイ]@all
一切一心識 [イッサイイッシンシキ]@All things are nothing but consciousness
一切三界但唯有識 [イッサイサンガイダンイウシキ]@everything in the three
realms is nothing but consciousness
一切世俗智 [イッサイセゾクチ]@the wisdom that understands all mundane
一切世尊最尊特身 [イッサイセイソンサイソントクシン]@most honored of the
一切人中尊 [イッサイニンチュウソン]@most honored among human beings
一切佛心印 [イッサイブッシンイン]@sign of the Buddha-mind
一切佛會 [イッサイブツエ]@assembly of all the Buddhas
一切偏智印 [イッサイヘンチイン]@sign of omniscience
一切功■莊嚴王經 [イッサイクドクショウゴンノウキョウ]@(title)
一切■一 [イッサイソクイチ]@all things are (contained in) one
一切如來 [イッサイニョライ]@all tath■gatas
一切如來定 [イッサイニョライジョウ]@concentration of the tath■gatas
一切如來寶 [イッサイニョライホウ]@talismanic pearl of all Buddhas
一切如來心祕密全身舍利寶篋印陀羅尼經 [イッサイニョライシンヒミツゼンシン
Sarvatath■gatadhi■■h■nah■dayaguhyadh■tu kara■■amudr■-dh■ra■■
一切如來必定印 [イッサイニョライヒツジョウイン]@sign of the assurance of
attaining Buddhahood.
一切如來智印 [イッサイニョライチイン]@sign of the wisdom of all buddhas
一切如來眼色如明照三摩地 [イッサイニョライゲンシキニョミョウショウサンマ
一切如來諸法本性■淨蓮華三昧 [イッサイニョライショホウホンショウショウジ
ョウレンゲザンマイ]@concentration on the lotus-like fundamental purity of existence
一切如來諸法本性滿淨蓮華三昧 [イッサイニョライショホウホンショウマンジョ
一切如來金剛誓誡 [イッサイニョライコンゴウセイカイ]@adamantine vow of all
一切性 [イッサイショウ]@all natures
一切智 [イッサイチ]@(term) omniscience
一切智人 [イッサイチニン]@person of omniscience
一切智地 [イッサイチジ]@(term) stage of omniscience
一切智相 [イッサイチソウ]@Omniscience
一切智者 [イッサイチシャ]@omniscient one
一切智舟 [イッサイチシュウ]@vessel of omniscience
一切智船 [イッサイチセン]@vessel of omniscience
一切智藏 [イッサイチゾウ]@repository of all wisdom
一切有 [イッサイウ]@all existent things
一切有部 [イッサイウブ]@all-exists school
一切皆空 [イッサイカイクウ]@all is empty
一切祕密最上名義大教王儀軌 [イッサイヒミツサイジョウミョウギダイキョウオ
ウギキ]@(title) Secret Meanings of All the Names: Great King of Tantras.
一切禪 [イッサイゼン]@meditation on achieving the development of self and all
others to the utmost
一切種 [イッサイシュ]@all seeds
一切種子識 [イッサイシュシシキ]@consciousness containing all seeds
一切種智 [イッサイシュチ]@(term) all-inclusive wisdom; universal wisdom
一切種識 [イッサイシュシキ]@consciousness containing all seeds
一切經 [イッサイキョウ]@complete Buddhist canon
一切菩薩戒 [イッサイボサツカイ]@full set of bodhisattva precepts
一切行 [イッサイギョウ]@(term) all (compounded) things
一切行禪 [イッサイギョウゼン]@meditation on all Mah■y■na practices and actions
一切見住地 [イッサイケンジュウジ]@hypostasis of all views
一切諸法 [イッサイショホウ]@all phenomena
一切門禪 [イッサイモンゼン]@meditation on the entrance to all the (superior) dhy■na
一化 [イチケ]@one life's teachings
一叉鳩王 [イッシャクオウ]@(person) Ik■v■ku Vir■■haka
一向 [イッコウ]@entirely; exclusively
一向一揆 [イッコウイッキ]@single-minded (sect) rebellions
一向出生菩薩經 [イッコウシュッショウボサツキョウ]@(title) Yixiang chusheng
pusa jing
一向宗 [イッコウシュウ]@(school) Fervent sect
一向記 [イッコウキ]@direct answer, conclusive answer
一向■ [イッコウセツ]@Buddha always taught the same thing
一向門 [イッコウモン]@gate of one-pointedness
一味 [イチミ]@(term) single taste
一味蘊 [イチミウン]@skandha of a single taste
一囘周 [イッカイシュウ]@first anniversary of a death
一囘忌 [イッカイキ]@(term) first anniversary of a death
一大藏教 [イチダイゾウキョウ]@(term) one great tripitaka
一如 [イチジョ]@(term) oneness
一字三禮 [イチジサンライ]@three bows for each word
一字奇特佛頂經 [イチジキトクブッチョウキョウ]@(title) Tantra of the Benevolent
One-Syllable Buddha-Corona
一字心呪經 [イチジシンジュキョウ]@(title) Yizi xinzhou jing
一字經 [イチジキョウ]@(title) Yizi jing
一字頂輪王經 [イチジチョウリンオウキョウ]@(title) Yiziding lunwang jing
一實圓宗 [イチジツエンシュウ]@school of the single, real perfection
一寶 [イッポウ]@singular treasure
一往 [イチオウ]@simply, only, solely
一微塵法 [イチミジンホウ]@a tiny particle of the dharma
一心 [イシン]@(term) one mind
一心不亂 [イッシンフラン]@one-pointed concentration without scattering
一念 [イチネン]@(term) thought-moment
一念三千 [イチネンサンゼン]@one thought to survey or embrace the three thousand
一念多通 [イチネンタツウ]@a single thought penetrating everywhere
一方 [イッポウ]@one side
一時 [イチジ]@one time; at the same time
一朝 [イッチョウ]@Overnight
一枝庵 [イチシアン]@(person) Iljiam
一法中道 [イッポウチュウドウ]@single dharma of the middle way
一法界 [イチホッカイ]@single reality realm
一然 [イチネン]@(person) Iry■n
一生菩薩 [イッショウボサツ]@bodhisattvas in their last lifetime before attaining
一生補處 [イッショウホショ]@limited to (only) one (more) birth, bound to one more
life, one hindered by one birth
一生補處 [イッショウフショ]@limited to (only) one (more) birth, bound to one more
life, one hindered by one birth
一異 [イチイ]@one and many
一白三羯磨 [イチビャクサンコンマ]@an announcement or reading, and three
responses, or promises of performance
一相 [イッソウ]@one aspect; uniformity
一禪 [イチゼン]@(person) Ils■n
一紙小消息 [イチシショウショウソク]@one-sheet response
一行 [イチギョウ]@single practice; single-minded practice
一行三昧 [イチギョウサンマイ]@(foreign) One-practice sam■dhi
一行禪師 [イチギョウゼンシ]@(person) Yixing Chanshi
一■部 [イッセツブ]@(school) Ekavyavah■rik■■
一身 [イッシン]@a single person
一遍 [イッペン]@all thoughts
一道義 [イチドウギ]@(title) Doctrine of the Single Path
一闡提 [イッセンダイ]@(term) icchantika
一音教 [イチオンキョウ]@(term) one-voice teaching
一顆明珠 [イッカミョウジュ]@(title) One Bright Pearl
一體 [イッタイ]@single body; single substance
丁午 [チョウゴ]@(person) Ch■ngo
丁岸■ [チョウガンタ]@verb endings in Sanskrit
七七日 [シチシチニチ]@forty-nine days
七佛 [シチブツ]@(term) seven past buddhas
七佛名經 [シチブツミョウキョウ]@short title for the 受持七佛名號所生功■經
七佛名號功■經 [シチブツミョウゴウクトクキョウ]@short title for the 受持七佛
七佛經 [シチブツキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Seven Buddhas
七倶胝佛母所■准提陀羅尼經 [シチグチブツモショセツシュンダイダラニキョウ]
@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the Goddess Cund■ [Spoken by Seven Ko■is of Buddha-Mothers]
七僧 [シチソウ]@(term) seven monks
七僧法會 [シチソウホウエ]@Soothill: "An assembly of a monasterial fraternity
七八行 [シチハチギョウ]@seven and eight practices
七加行 [シチケギョウ]@seven preparatory practices
七加行位 [シチケギョウイ]@seven stages of preparation
七十 [シチジュウ]@Seventy
七十三尊 [シチジュウサンソン]@Seventy-three honored ones
七十二天 [シチジュウニテン]@(term) seventy-two devas
七十二字 [シチジュウニジ]@(term) seventy-two words
七十二歳 [シチジュウニサイ]@Seventy-two years old
七十五 [シチジュウゴ]@Seventy-five
七十五法 [シチジュウゴホウ]@seventy-five phenomena
七善 [シチゼン]@Seven excellences
七喩 [シチユ]@seven metaphors
七地 [シチジ]@(term) seventh bh■mi ; seventh ground
七垢 [シチク]@Seven contaminants
七堂伽藍 [シチドウカラン]@seven-hall temple
七夢 [シチム]@(term) seven dreams
七夢經 [シチムキョウ]@Sutra of the Seven Dreams
七大 [シチダイ]@seven elements
七如來寶塔 [シチニョライホウトウ]@Jeweled pillar of the seven tath■gatas
七如眞 [シチニョシン]@Seven aspects of thusness
七如衆 [シチニョシュ]@(term) seven tath■gatas
七姉妹 [シチシマイ]@Seven sisters
七子 [シチシ]@(term) seven sons
七宗 [シチシュウ]@Seven schools
七寶 [シチホウ]@(term) seven jewels
七寶樹林 [シチホウジュリン]@grove of the seven jewels
七微 [シチミ]@Seven atoms; seven particles
七心界 [シチシンカイ]@(term) seven mental realms
七情 [シチジョウ]@seven emotions
七惡 [シチアク]@(term) seven evil karmas
七慢 [シチマン]@seven kinds of pride
七摩怛里 [シチマタンリ]@Seven divine mothers
七支 [シチシ]@(term) seven branches
七支念誦 [シチシネンショウ]@Seven part invocation
七支業 [シチシゴウ]@Karma of the seven sins
七方便 [シチホウベン]@(term) seven expedients
七方便位 [シチホウベンイ]@seven stations of expedient means
七星 [シチショウ]@Ursa major
七曇 [シチドン]@siddham
七曜 [シチヨウ]@seven celestial bodies
七曜攘災決 [シチヨウニョウサイケチ]@(title) Expelling the Seven Planets' Fated
七有 [シチウ]@seven existences
七有依福業 [シチウエフクゴウ]@Seven bases of fortuitous karma
七條 [シチジョウ]@(term) seven-piece robe
七條衣 [シチジョウエ]@Seven-piece robe
七條袈裟 [シチジョウケサ]@Seven-piece robe
七■蛇 [シチホダ]@Seven step snake
七毘尼 [シチビニ]@(term) seven vinaya
七法 [シチホウ]@seven dharmas
七法財 [シチホウザイ]@seven riches
七淨華 [シチジョウケ]@Seven pure flowers
七滅諍 [シチメツジョウ]@(term) seven kinds of vinaya for ending disputes
七滅諍法 [シチメツジョウホウ]@(term) seven rules for settling disputes
七災難 [シチサイナン]@Seven calamities
七無上道 [シチムジョウドウ]@Seven unsurpassed paths
七珍 [シチチン]@(term) seven treasures
七珍 [シッチン]@(term) seven treasures
七生 [シチショウ]@seven lifetimes
七百結集 [シチヒャクケツジュウ]@(term) council of the seven hundred
七百賢聖 [シチヒャクケンジョウ]@(term) seven hundred sages
七百集法 [シチヒャクシュウホウ]@Second Buddhist Council.
七知 [シチチ]@Seven knowledges
七祖 [シチソ]@seven ancestors
七種不淨 [シチシュフジョウ]@Seven kinds of impurity
七種懺悔心 [シチシュザンゲシン]@seven kinds of repentant mental states
七種捨 [シチシュシャ]@(term) seven kinds of detachment
七種災難 [シチシュサイナン]@seven calamities
七種無上 [シチシュムジョウ]@seven kinds of peerlessness
七種無常 [シチシュムジョウ]@seven kinds of impermanence
七種生死 [シチシュショウジ]@seven kinds of birth and death
七種眞如 [シチシュシンニョ]@(term) seven kinds of suchness
七種禮佛 [シチシュライブツ]@seven kinds of Buddha worship
七種自性 [シチシュジショウ]@(term) seven kinds of self-nature
七種般 [シチシュハツ]@seven kinds of non-returning
七種衣 [シチシュエ]@(term) seven kinds of clothing
七種語 [シチシュゴ]@(term) seven modes of discourse
七種辯 [シチシュベン]@(term) seven rhetorical powers
七種食 [シチシュシキ]@(term) seven kinds of food
七空 [シチクウ]@(term) seven emptinesses
七等覺支 [シチトウカクシ]@seven branches of enlightenment.
七羯磨 [シチコンマ]@seven punishments.
七聖 [シチショウ]@(term) seven sacred graces.
七聖財 [シチショウザイ]@seven jewels of the ■ holy treasures.sevenfold
sublime treasures.
七聚 [シチジュ]@seven groups of precepts.
七菩提分 [シチボダイブン]@seven characteristics of bodhi.
七華 [シチケ]@(term) seven flowers.
七葉巖 [シチショウガン]@seven-leaf cliff.
七葉窟 [シチヨウクツ]@cave of the seven leaves.
七衆 [シチシュ]@(term) seven groups (of Buddhist disciples).
七衆人 [シチシュニン]@(term) seven groups of people.
七衆溺水 [シチシュデキスイ]@seven groups of beings who fall into the water.
七見 [シチケン]@seven views.
七覺支 [シチカクシ]@(term) the Seven Factors of Enlightenment.
七證 [シチショウ]@(term) seven witnesses.
七證師 [シチショウシ]@seven witnessing teachers.
七識 [シチシキ]@(term) seven consciousnesses.(term) seventh consciousness.
七識住 [シチシキジュウ]@seven abodes of consciousness.
七識十名 [シチシキジュウミョウ]@(term) ten names of the seventh consciousness.
七財 [シチザイ]@seven riches.
七賢 [シチケン]@seven virtuous (stages).
七賢七聖 [シチケンシチショウ]@seven worthies and seven sages.
七賢位 [シチケンイ]@seven virtuous (stages).
七躬醫王 [シチクイオウ]@seven arrow medicine kings.
七轉九例 [シチテンクレイ]@(term) seven cases and nine conjugations.
七逆 [シチギャク]@seven heinous crimes.
七逆罪 [シチギャクザイ]@seven heinous crimes.
七遮罪 [シチシャザイ]@concealing the seven crimes.
七重 [シチジュウ]@seven layers.
七重行樹 [シチジュウゴウジュ]@seven rows of trees.
七金山 [シチキンザン]@seven gold mountains.
七金山 [シチコンザン]@seven gold mountains.
七金山 [シチコンセン]@seven gold mountains.
七難 [シチナン]@seven calamities.
丈 [ジョウ]@ten feet.
丈六 [ジョウロク]@sixteen feet.
丈六金身 [ジョウロクノコンジン]@(term) sixteen-foot diamond-body.
丈夫 [ジョウブ]@energetic disciple.
丈夫國 [ジョウブコク]@(place) Puru■apura.
丈夫志幹 [ジョウブシカン]@(term) firm-willed person.
三 [サン]@three.
三一二乘 [サンイチニジョウ]@(term) two vehicles of the three and the one.
三七日 [サンシチニチ]@twenty-one days.
三七日思惟 [サンシチニチシユイ]@(term) twenty-one days of thought.
三三摩 [サンサンマ]@three sam■dhis.
三三摩地 [サンサマジ]@three sam■dhis.
三三昧地 [サンザンマイチ]@three sam■dhis.
三不三信 [サンブサンシン]@three non-faith, three faith.
三不善根 [サンフゼンゴン]@(term) three unwholesome roots.
三不堅法 [サンフケンホウ]@three uncertain phenomena.
三不失 [サンフシツ]@three never lost.
三不淨肉 [サンフジョウニク]@(term) three unclean kinds of flesh.
三不能 [サンフノウ]@three incapacities.
三不護 [サンフゴ]@three unguarded (activities).
三不退 [サンフタイ]@three non-backslidings.
三世 [サンセイ]@(term) three times; triple world.
三世三千佛 [サンゼサンゼンブツ]@three thousand buddhas of each of the kalpas.
三世不可得 [サンゼフカトク]@the triple world is unobtainable.
三世了達 [サンゼリョウダツ]@complete understanding of the triple world.
三世佛 [サンゼブツ]@buddhas of the three times.
三世假實 [サンゼケジツ]@provisionality or actuality of the things in the three times.
三世因果 [サンゼインガ]@causality spanning the three periods.
三世實有法體恒有 [サンゼジツウホッタイゴウウ]@the three times are real, as are
the essences of phenomena.
三世心 [サンゼシン]@mind of the triple world.
三世心不可得 [サンゼシンフカトク]@the mental states of the three times are
三世成佛 [サンゼジョウブツ]@accomplishment of buddhahood in the three times.
三世成佛 [サンショウジョウブツ]@accomplishment of buddhahood in the three
三世智 [サンゼチ]@perfect understanding of past, present, and future.
三世無障礙智戒 [サンゼムショウゲチカイ]@precepts that engender the wisdom that
is unimpeded in regard to the three times.
三世覺母 [サンゼノカクモ]@mother of enlightenment in the three times.
三世間 [サンセケン]@three container worlds.
三世間 [サンゼケン]@three container worlds.
三乘 [サンジョウ]@(term) three vehicles.
三乘別教 [サンジョウベッキョウ]@specific teaching of three separate vehicles.
三乘家 [キンジョウケ]@adherents of the three-vehicle teaching.
三乘眞實一乘方便 [サンジョウシンジツイチジョウホウベン]@the three vehicles
are real, and the single vehicle is an expedient.
三乘聖人 [サンジョウ]@(term) sages of the three vehicles.
三乘聖人 [ショウニン]@(term) sages of the three vehicles.
三乘通教 [サンジョウツウギョウ]@the teachings of the three vehicles in terms of
their commonality.
三事 [サンジ]@(term) three affairs ; three circumstances; three phenomena.
三事戒 [サンジカイ]@precepts for the three activities.
三事練磨 [サンジレンマ]@three kinds of training.
三事衣 [サンジエ]@three-piece robe.
三事衲 [サンジノウ]@three-piece robe.
三事衲 [キンジリウ]@three-piece robe.
三仙二天 [サンセンニテン]@three sages and two celestials.
三伐持 [サンバジ]@Sa■vaji.
三住 [サンジュウ]@(term) three loci of the mind.
三佛 [サンブツ]@(term) three buddhas.
三佛土 [サンブツド]@three buddha-lands.
三佛子 [サンブッシ]@three kinds of buddha-sons.
三佛性 [サンブッショウ]@three kinds of buddha-nature.
三佛栗底 [サンブツリテイ]@conventional.
三佛菩提 [サンブツボダイ]@enlightenment of the three buddha-bodies.
三佛語 [サンブツゴ]@three modes of the Buddha's discourse.
三佛身 [サンブッシン]@three bodies of the Buddha.
三佛陀 [サンブツダ]@truly enlightened.
三使 [サンシ]@three messengers.
三修 [キンシュ]@three ways of cultivation.
三修 [サンシュウ]@three ways of cultivation.
三倒 [サントウ]@three delusions.
三假 [サンケ]@three provisional phenomena.
三假施設 [サンケシセツ]@three false assumptions.
三假觀 [サンケカン]@contemplation of the three false assumptions.
三僞一眞 [サンギッシン]@three pretenders and one real.
三僧祇 [サンソウギ]@three incalculable eons.
三僧祇劫 [サンソウギコウ]@three incalculable eons.
三光 [サンコウ]@three illuminators.
三光天 [サンコウテン]@three luminous heavenly bodies.
三八日 [サンパチニチ]@eighth, eighteenth, and twenty-eighth days.
三六 [サンロク]@eighteen.
三六九 [サンロクク]@three, six, and nine people worshipping together.
三具足 [サングソク]@three implements for worship.
三具足 [ミツグソク]@three implements for worship.
三分別 [サンフンベツ]@(term) three-part distinguishing.
三分科經 [サンブンカキョウ]@(term) three textual divisions of a sutra.
三力 [サンリキ]@(term) three powers.
三力偈 [サンリキゲ]@verse of the three powers.
三劫 [サンコウ]@Three kalpas, three eons.
三劫三千佛 [サンコウサンゼンブツ]@the thousand buddhas in each of the three eons.
三十 [サンジュウ]@thirty.
三十七分法 [サンジュウシチブンホウ]@(term) thirty-seven aids to enlightenment.
三十七助道品 [サンジュウシチジョドウホン]@thirty-seven aids to enlightenment.
三十七品 [サンジュウシチホン]@(term) thirty-seven aids to enlightenment.
三十七尊 [サンジュウシチソン]@thirty-seven honored ones.
三十七尊四大輪 [サンジュウシチソンシダイリン]@four large circles of the thirty-
seven honored ones.
三十七菩提分 [サンジュウシチボダイフン]@(term) thirty-seven aids to
三十七菩提分法 [サンジュウシチボダイブンポウ]@(term) thirty-seven aids to
三十七菩提分法 [サンジュウシチボダイブンホウ]@(term) thirty-seven aids to
三十七覺支 [サンジュウシチカクシ]@the thirty-seven factors of enlightenment.
三十七道品 [サンジュウナナドウヒn]@(term) thirty-seven aids to enlightenment.
三十三 [サンジュウサン]@thirty-three.
三十三天 [サンジュウサンテン]@(term) heaven of the thirty-three celestials, or thirty-
three celestials.
三十三尊觀音 [サンジュウサンソンカンノン]@(term) thirty-three representations of
三十三觀音 [サンジュウサンカンノン]@(term) thirty-three representations of
三十三身 [サンジュウサンシン]@(term) thirty-three forms of Avalokite■vara.
三十三過 [サンジュウサンカ]@(term) thirty-three fallacies.
三十二 [サンジュウニ]@thirty-two.
三十二大人相 [サンジュウニ]@(term) thirty-two marks.
三十二大人相 [ノ]@(term) thirty-two marks.
三十二大人相 [ダイニンソウ]@(term) thirty-two marks.
三十二應 [サンジュウニオウ]@(term) thirty-two adaptations.
三十二相 [サンジュウニソウ]@(term) thirty-two marks.
三十二相經 [サンジュウニソウキョウ]@(title) Sutra on the Thirty-two Marks.
三十二相經願 [サンジュウニソウキョウガン]@vow of the Sutra on the Thirty-two
三十二身 [サンジュウニシン]@thirty-two bodies.
三十五佛 [サンジュウゴブツ]@(term) thirty-five buddhas.
三十六物 [サンジュウロクモツ]@(term) thirty-six parts of the human body.
三十六神 [サンジュウロクシン]@thirty-six guardian deities.
三十六部神 [サンジュ]@thirty-six departmental guardian deities.
三十六部神 [ゥロクブシン]@thirty-six departmental guardian deities.
三十尼薩耆波逸提法 [サンジュウニサツキハイツダイホウ]@rules of forfeiture of
the things that a monk or nun possesses superfluously.
三十捨墮 [サンジュウシャダ]@thirty prohibitions regarding possessions.
三十捨隨 [サンジュウシャズイ]@(foreign) thirty nai■sargik■■-p■yattik■■.
三十生 [サンジュウショウ]@thirty productions.
三千 [サンゼン]@three thousand.
三千佛 [サンゼンブツ]@three thousand buddha (worlds).
三千塵點劫 [サンゼンジンデンゴウ]@kalpa of three thousand dust motes.
三千大千世界 [サンゼンダイセンセカイ]@(term) one billion worlds.
三千威儀 [サンゼンノイイギ]@three thousand regulations.
三千威儀經 [サンゼンイギキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Three Thousand Regulations.
三千實相 [サンゼンジッソウ]@reality of the three chiliocosms.
三千年一現 [サンゼンネンイチゲン]@(foreign) udumbara flower.
三印 [サンイン]@(term) three seals of the dharma.
三受 [サンジュ]@(term) three feelings.
三受業 [サンジュゴウ]@three experiences of karma.
三古 [サンコ]@trident.
三句 [サンク]@three phrases.
三味 [サンミ]@three flavors.
三和 [サンワ]@union of the three.
三品 [サンボン]@three classes.
三品悉地 [サンボンシッジ]@three classes of attainment.
三品成就 [サンボンジョウジュ]@three classes of attainment.
三品沙彌 [サンボンシャミ]@(foreign) three grades of ■r■ma■era.
三品聽法 [サンボンノチョウホウ]@three grades of listening to the teaching.
三唱伽陀 [サンショウカタ]@three repetitions of a verse.
三善根 [サンゼンコン]@(term) three good roots.
三善知識 [サンゼンジシキ]@three reliable teachers.
三善趣 [サンゼンシュ]@three good destinies.
三善道 [サンゼンドウ]@(term) three good destinies.
三■ [サンバ]@obstruct.
三因 [サンイン]@(term) three causes.
三因三果 [サンインサンカ]@(term) three causes and three effects.
三國土 [サンコクド]@(term) three lands.
三國遺事 [サンコクユイジ]@Legends and History of the Three Kingdoms.
三土 [サンド]@three lands.
三地 [サンチ]@(term) third bh■mi.
三垢 [サンク]@three pollutions.
三堅 [サンケン]@three certainties.
三報 [サンポウ]@three retributions.
三塗 [サンズ]@three destinies.
三多 [サンタ]@three kinds of quantity.
三大 [サンダイ]@(term) three greatnesses.
三大部 [サンダイブ]@three great works.
三天 [サンテン]@three celestials.
三天使 [サンテンシ]@three divine messengers.
三天四仙 [サンテンシセン]@three celestials and four sages.
三契 [サンカイ]@three repetitions.
三妙行 [サンミョウギョウ]@three marvelous activities.
三婆 [サンバ]@obstruct.
三子 [サンシ]@three sons.
三字 [サンジ]@three letters.
三季 [サンキ]@three seasons.
三學 [サンガク]@(term) three practices.
三安居 [サンアンゴ]@three months of the summer retreat.
三宗 [キンシュウ]@three schools.
三定 [サンジョウ]@three sam■dhis.
三定聚 [サンジョウジュ]@three determined groups.
三密 [サンミツ]@three mystical things.
三密六大 [サンミツロクダイ]@three mystic things and the six elements.
三密栗底尼迦耶 [サンミリテイニカヤ]@School of Correct Logic.
三密相應 [サンミツソウオウ]@three mystical associations.
三寳 [サンぼウ]@three treasures.
三寶 [サンボウ]@three treasures.
三寶大荒神 [サンホウダイコウジン]@wild deity of the three treasures.
三寶物 [サンボウモツ]@three things associated with the three treasures.
三寶紀 [サンボウキ]@(title) Sanbaoji.
三寶荒神 [サンボウコウジン]@wild deity of the three treasures.
三寶藏 [サンボウゾウ]@treasury of the three jewels.
三寶衣 [サンボウエ]@three treasure garments.
三寶身 [サンホウシン]@three treasure-bodies.
三寶院 [サンボウイン]@(temple) Sanb■in.
三尊 [サンぞン]@three world-honored ones.
三尊佛 [サンゾブツ]@three honored buddhas.
三尊來迎 [サンゾンライゴウ]@three honored ones who come to greet.
三岐 [サンキ]@(term) three masters of Qi.
三■ [サンソウ]@to circle three times.
三師 [サンシ]@(term) three preceptors.
三師七證 [サンシシチショウ]@three leaders and seven witnesses.
三平等 [サンビョウドウ]@three karmic agents are equal.
三平等地 [サンビョウドウチ]@three universal positions.
三平等戒 [サンビョウドウカイ]@precepts that engender the wisdom that is
unimpeded in regard to the three times.
三平等觀 [サンピョウドウカン]@three universal contemplations.
三平等護摩壇 [サンビョウドウゴマダン]@three equal essentials of the sacrifice.
三彌勒經疏 [サンミロクキョウショ]@Commentary on the Three Maitreya Sutras.
三彌叉 [サンミシャ]@investigation.
三彌底 [サンミテイ]@School of Correct Logic.
三彌提 [サンミダイ]@(name) Sa■miti.
三形 [サンギョウ]@the form of samaya.
三律儀 [サンリツギ]@three types of vows.three kinds of deportment.
三從 [サンジュウ]@three subordinations.
三從 [キンジュウ]@three subordinations.
三從 [サンショウ]@three subordinations.
三■ [サントク]@three virtues.
三心 [サンシン]@(term) three minds.
三忍 [サンニン]@three kinds of tolerance.
三念住 [サンネンジュウ]@(term) three bases of mindfulness.
三念處 [サンネンジョ]@(term) three bases of mindfulness.
三思 [サンシ]@three aspects of thought.
三性 [サンショウ]@(term) three natures.
三性分別 [サンショウフンベツ]@differentiation of the three moral natures.
三惑 [サンワク]@(term) three delusions,' three afflictions.'.
三惡 [サンアク]@three evil (destinies).
三惡 [サンマク]@three evil (destinies).
三惡覺 [サンアクカク]@three evil forms of awareness.
三惡趣 [サンアクシュ]@the three evil paths, three bad migrations.three evil destinies.
三惡趣 [サンナクシュ]@the three evil paths, three bad migrations.three evil destinies.
三惡趣 [サンマクシュ]@the three evil paths, three bad migrations.three evil destinies.
三惡道 [サンアクドウ]@three evil destinies.
三惡道 [サンナクドウ]@three evil destinies.
三惡道 [サンマクドウ]@three evil destinies.
三想 [サンソウ]@three thoughts.
三愛 [サンアイ]@(term) three kinds of attachment.
三慕達羅 [サンモダラ]@ocean.
三慧 [サンエ]@(term) three kinds of wisdom.
三慧經 [サンネキョウ]@(title) Sutra on the Three Wisdoms.
三憶家 [サンオクケ]@300,000 families.
三應供養 [サンオウクヨウ]@three worthy of offerings.
三懺 [サンサン]@three kinds of remorse.
三懺 [サンセン]@three kinds of remorse.
三戒 [サンカイ]@(term) three categories of self-restraint.
三所依 [サンショエ]@three kinds of support.
三拔諦 [サンバテイ]@to prosper on the path.
三摩 [サンマ]@equal, same.
三摩半那 [サンマハンナ]@concentration; equipoise.
三摩■多 [サンマキタ]@tranquil.
三摩■叱 [サンマタチツ]@Samata■a.
三摩地 [サンマジ]@absorption.
三摩地 [サマジ]@absorption.
三摩地念誦 [サンマジネンジュ]@meditative repetition.
三摩婆夜 [サンマパヤ]@combination.
三摩帝 [サンマダイ]@absorption.
三摩底 [サンマテイ]@absorption.
三摩拔提 [サンマバツダイ]@arrival (to meditative equipoise).
三摩提 [サンマジ]@(term) sam■dhi.
三摩曳 [サンマエイ]@samaya.
三摩皮陀 [サンマヒダ]@s■ma-veda-sa■hit■.
三摩竭 [サンマカ]@Sum■gadh■.
三摩耶 [サンマヤ]@samaya.
三摩耶道 [サンマヤドウ]@samaya path.
三摩若 [サンマニャ]@in common.
三摩越 [サンマオツ]@meditative equipoise.
三摩跋提 [サンマバツダイ]@arrival (to meditative equipoise).
三摩近離 [サンマゴンリ]@festival at the end of the summer retreat.
三摩鉢底 [サンマパッテイ]@(term) sam■patti.
三摩鉢提 [サンマハパッテイ]@(term) sam■patti.
三摩難■■ [サンマナンダラ]@immediately following.
三擧 [サンコ]@three exposures.
三攝提 [サンショウダイ]@three false assumptions.
三支 [サンシ]@three parts of a syllogism.
三支作法 [サンシサホウ]@(term) three part syllogism.
三支比量 [サンシヒリョウ]@three parts of a syllogism.
三教 [サンキョウ]@(term) three teachings.
三教法師 [サンギョウホウシ]@master of the three teachings.
三斷 [サンダン]@three eliminations.
三方便 [サンホウベン]@three expedients.
三施 [サンセ]@three forms of giving.
三日齋 [サンニチサイ]@ceremony of the third day.
三明 [サンミョウ]@(term) three awarenesses.
三明智 [サンミョウチ]@three wisdoms.
三明鑒達 [サンミョウカンダツ]@triple mirror knowledge.
三昧 [サンマイ]@(term) sam■dhi.
三昧佛 [サンマイブツ]@(name) Sam■dhi Buddha.
三昧月輪相 [サンマイガツリンソウ]@moon-wheel sam■dhi.
三昧正取 [サンマイショウシュ]@great concentration.
三昧火 [ザンマイカ]@(foreign) sam■dhi-fire.
三昧相應 [サンマイソウオウ]@(foreign) sam■dhi-association.
三昧耶 [サンマイヤ]@time.meeting.
三昧耶形 [サンマイヤギョウ]@shape or object that serves as a symbol.
三昧耶戒 [サマヤカイ]@precepts that engender the wisdom that is unimpeded in
regard to the three times.
三昧耶智 [サンマヤチ]@(foreign) samaya wisdom.
三昧耶曼荼羅 [サンマヤマンダラ]@(foreign) samaya-ma■■ala.
三昧耶會 [サマヤエ]@(foreign) samaya assembly.
三昧耶界 [サマヤカイ]@(foreign) samaya world.
三昧耶身 [サンマヤシン]@(foreign) embodiment of samaya.
三昧門 [サンマイモン]@(foreign) sam■dhi-gate.
三昧魔 [サンマイマ]@(foreign) sam■dhi-mara.
三時 [サンジ]@(term) three times.
三時坐禪 [サンジザゼン]@three meditation periods.
三時年限 [サンジネンゲン]@three periods of the dispensation.
三時性 [サンジショウ]@the times of the three natures.
三時教 [サンジキョウ]@three periods of the teaching.
三時業 [サンジゴウ]@three times of karma.
三時業 [キンジゴウ]@three times of karma.
三智 [サンチ]@three kinds of wisdom.
三暮多 [サンボタ]@god of the wind.
三曼多 [サンマンダ]@universal.
三曼跋陀 [サンマンバツダ]@Samantabhadra.
三曼陀 [サンマンダ]@universal.
三曼陀■提 [サンマンダケンダイ]@universally fragrant.
三曼陀■陀 [サンマンダケンダ]@universally fragrant.
三曼陀■陀羅 [サンマンダバダラ]@Samantabhadra.
三曼■陀 [サンマンバツダ]@Samantabhadra.
三有 [サンウ]@(term) three kinds of existence.
三末多 [サンマタ]@unanimously accorded.
三果 [サンカ]@third realization.
三株 [サンシュ]@three main stems.
三根 [サンコン]@(term) three capacities.
三條椽下 [サンジョウエンカ]@under three rafters.
三梵 [サンボン]@three Brahma heavens.
三業 [サンゴウ]@three activities.
三業供養 [サンゴウクヨウ]@offering of the three karmic activities.
三業相應 [サンゴウソウォウ]@offering of the three karmic activities.
三極少 [サンゴクショウ]@three most minute.
三樂 [サンラク]@three joys.
三機 [サンキ]@three kinds of proclivities.
三檀 [サンダン]@three kinds of giving.
三權一實 [サンゴンイチジツ]@three provisional and one real.
三欲 [サンヨク]@three desires.
三武 [サンブ]@three Wus.
三歸 [サンキ]@(term) three refuges.
三歸五戒 [サンキゴカイ]@ceremony for the acceptance of the five precepts.
三歸依 [サンキエ]@three refuges.
三歸受法 [サンキジュホウ]@receiving the dharma of the three refuges.
三歸戒 [サンキカイ]@ceremony for the acceptance of the five precepts.
三母捺羅娑■羅 [サンモナタラサガラ]@ocean.
三毒 [サンドク]@(term) three poisons.
三毒尸利 [サンドクシリ]@goddess of the three poisons.
三治 [サンジ]@three antidotes.
三法 [サンホウ]@(term) three kinds of dharma.
三法印 [サンボウイン]@(term) three seals of the dharma.
三法妙 [サンボウミョウ]@three marvels of the dharma.
三法忍 [サンボウニン]@three tolerances.
三法無差 [サンボウムシャ]@no distinction between three dharmas.
三法輪 [サンボウリン]@three wheels of the dharma.
三波多 [サンハタ]@consummated; complete.
三波羅聶提 [サンハラショウダイ]@three provisional phenomena.
三涅槃 [サンネハン]@three nirv■■as.
三涅槃門 [サンネハンモン]@three gates to nirvana.
三淨肉 [サンジョウニク]@three kinds of pure flesh.
三滿多 [サンマンタ]@universal.
三滿多跋捺■ [サンマンタバツダラ]@Samantabhadra.
三漏 [サンロ]@(term) three kinds of contamination.
三漸 [サンゼン]@three progressive developments.
三火 [サンカ]@three fires.
三災 [サンサイ]@three calamities.
三無差 [サンムシャ]@three non-differences.
三無差別 [サンムシャベツ]@three non-differences.
三無性 [サンムショウ]@(term) three non-natures.
三無性論 [サンムショウロン]@(title) Treatise on the Three Non-natures.
三無數大劫 [サンムシュダイコウ]@Three incalculably long great kalpas.
三無漏學 [サンムロガク]@three uncontaminated studies.
三無漏根 [サンムロウコン]@(term) three undefiled faculties.
三無盡莊嚴藏 [サンムジンショウゴンゾウ]@treasury of the three inexhaustible
三照 [サンショウ]@three illuminators.
三熱 [サンネツ]@three distresses.
三牟尼 [サンムニ]@a sage who is in control of the three activities.
三牟提耶 [サンムデイヤ]@accumulation.
三猿 [サンエン]@three monkeys.
三獸 [サンジュウ]@three animals.
三獸 [キンジュウ]@three animals.
三甜 [サンカン]@three sweets.
三生 [サンショウ]@(term) three lives.
三生死 [サンショウシ]@three [realms of] life and death.
三田 [サンデン]@three fields.
三界 [サンガイ]@(term) three realms.
三界九地 [サンガイクジ]@three realms and nine levels.
三界六道 [サンガイロクドウ]@three realms and six destinies.
三界唯一心 [サンガイユイイッシン]@the triple realm is nothing but the one mind.
三界尊 [サンガイソン]@honored one of the three worlds.
三界慈父 [サンガイノジフ]@compassionate father of the three worlds.
三界火宅 [サンガイカタク]@burning house of the triple world.
三界牀 [サンガイショウ]@sick-bed of the triple world.
三界皆苦 [サンガイカイク]@three realms are nothing but suffering.
三界眼 [サンガイゲン]@eye of the triple world.
三界萬靈牌 [サンガイバンレイハイ]@tablet for all the spirits of the triple world.
三界藏 [サンガイゾウ]@three realms as the matrix for all of the afflicted karma of
sentient beings.
三界道 [サンガイドウ]@the (six) destinies of the three realms.
三界雄 [サンガイノオウ]@hero of the triple world.
三疑 [サンギ]@(term) three doubts.
三病 [サンビョウ]@three diseases.
三發心 [サンホッシン]@three resolves.
三白法 [サンビャクホウ]@rule of the three white foods.
三白食 [サンビャクジキ]@three white foods.
三百六十會 [サンビャクロクジュウエ]@360 teaching assemblies.
三百四十一戒 [サンビャクシジュウイッカイ]@341 precepts.
三百四十八戒 [サンビャクシジュウハッカイ]@348 precepts.
三百由旬 [サンビャクユジュン]@(foreign) 300 yojanas.
三皈 [サンキ]@three refuges.
三監 [サンカン]@three subordinations.
三目 [サンモク]@three eyed.
三相 [サンソウ]@three aspects.
三相 [サンゾウ]@three aspects.
三相續 [サンソウゾク]@three links.
三眉底 [サンミテイ]@School of Correct Logic.
三眉底與部 [サンミテイヨブ]@School of Correct Logic.
三眞如 [サンシンニョ]@(term) three suchnesses.
三祕密 [サンヒミツ]@three mysteries.
三祕密身 [サンヒミツシン]@body of the three mysteries.
三祗百劫 [サンシヒャクコウ]@three great eons.
三祗百大劫 [サンシヒャクダイコウ]@three great eons.
三福 [サンプク]@three kinds of blessings.
三福業 [サンフクゴウ]@three meritorious kinds of behavior.
三禪 [サンゼン]@third meditation.
三禪天 [サンゼンテン]@third meditation heaven.
三禮 [サンライ]@three forms of reverence.
三禮師 [サンライシ]@(term) director of the three ceremonies.
三科 [サンカ]@(term) three categories.
三種 [サンシュ]@three kinds.
三種三世 [キンシュサンゼ]@three kinds of the three times.
三種三觀 [サンシュサンガン]@three types of contemplation.
三種世間 [サンシュセケン]@three types of worlds.
三種世間 [サンジュセケン]@three types of worlds.
三種供養 [サンシュクヨウ]@three kinds of offerings.
三種光明 [サンシュコウミョウ]@three kinds of light.
三種分別相 [サンシュフンベツソウ]@Three kinds of imaginary character of
三種善根 [サンシュゼンコン]@three kinds of good roots.
三種圓融 [サンシュエンュウ]@three kinds of interpenetration.
三種地獄 [サンシュジゴク]@three kinds of hells.
三種大智 [サンシュダイチ]@three kinds of great wisdom.
三種天 [サンシュテン]@three kinds of heavens.
三種常 [サンシュノジョウ]@three kinds of eternality.
三種心苦 [サンシュシンク]@three kinds of mental suffering.
三種忍行 [サンシュニンギョウ]@three kinds of practices of forbearance.
三種悉地破地獄轉業障出三界祕密陀羅尼法 [サンシュシッチハチゴクテンゴッシ
ョウシュツサンガイヒミツダラニホウ]@(title) Secret Dh■ra■i Method of Three
Attainments which Destroy Hell and Reverse Karmic Hindrances in the Three Worlds.
三種悔法 [キンシュケホウ]@three kinds of repentance.
三種慈悲 [サンシュジヒ]@three kinds of compassion.
三種懺法 [サンシュセンボウ]@three kinds of repentance.
三種教相 [サンシュキョウソウ]@three aspects of the teaching.
三種教相 [キンシュキョウソウ]@three aspects of the teaching.
三種斷 [サンシュダン]@three kinds of elimination.
三種智 [サンシュチ]@three kinds of wisdom.
三種有 [サンシュウ]@three kinds of existence.
三種欲 [サンシュヨク]@three kinds of desire.
三種止觀 [サンシュシカン]@three kinds of stilling and insight.
三種法輪 [サンシュホウリン]@three kinds of dharma-wheels.
三種波羅蜜 [サンシュハラミツ]@three kinds of perfections.
三種淨業 [サンシュジョウゴウ]@three kinds of pure activities.
三種■淨 [サンシュショウジョウ]@three kinds of purity.
三種灌頂 [サンシュカンジョウ]@three kinds of baptism.
三種煩惱 [サンシュボンノウ]@(term) three kinds of afflictions.
三種生 [サンシュノショウ]@three kinds of production.
三種生 [サンシュショウ]@three kinds of production.
三種相 [サンシュソウ]@three kinds of appearance.
三種示導 [サンシュジドウ]@three means of guidance.
三種■慈 [サンシュエンジ]@three kinds of compassion.
三種■生 [サンシュエンショウ]@(term) three kinds of causes.conditions for rebirth.
三種色 [サンシュシキ]@three kinds of form.
三種■習 [サンシュクンシュウ]@three kinds of perfumation.
三種見惑 [サンシュケンワク]@three kinds of delusive views.
三種身 [サンシュシン]@three kinds of bodies.
三種身苦 [サンシュシンク]@three afflictions of the body.
三種闡提 [サンシュセンダイ]@(foreign) three kinds of icchantika.
三種香 [サンシュコウ]@three kinds of scent.
三空 [サンクウ]@(term) three levels of apprehension of emptinesses.
三空觀門 [サンクウガンモン]@three approaches to emptiness.
三空門 [サンクウモン]@three approaches to emptiness.
三空門觀 [サンクウモンカン]@three contemplations of the aspect of emptiness.
三等 [サントウ]@three equal characteristics.
三等持 [サントウジ]@three sam■dhis.
三等流 [サントウル]@three kinds of continuities.
三節 [サンセツ]@three divisions.
三篋 [サンキョウ]@three baskets.
三精氣 [サンショウケ]@three auras.
三細 [サンサイ]@(term) three subtleties, three subtle marks.
三細六麁 [サンザイイロクソ]@(term) three subtle and six coarse aspects.
三細染 [サンサイゼン]@three subtle defilements.
三細相 [サンサイソウ]@(term) three subtle marks.
三結 [サンケツ]@three bonds.
三經 [サンギョウ]@three scriptures that are considered definitive for a given tradition.
三經一論 [サンギョウイチロン]@(term) three scriptures and one treatise.
三經疏釋 [サンキョウショシャク]@commentaries on the three s■tras.
三經義疏 [サンキョウギショ]@commentaries on the three s■tras.
三經義疏 [サンギョウギショ]@commentaries on the three s■tras.
三綱 [サンコウ]@three cords.
三綱 [サンゴウ]@three cords.
三■ [サンエン]@(term) three kinds of causes (or conditions).
三練磨 [サンレンマ]@three kinds of refinement.
三縛 [サンバク]@three tethers.
三罰業 [サンバツゴウ]@three activities that incur punishment.
三羯摩 [サンコンマ]@three acts.
三羯磨 [サンコンマ]@three times ceremony.
三耶三菩 [サンヤサンボ]@correct enlightenment.
三聖 [サンショウ]@three sages.
三聚 [サンジュ]@three kinds of groups.
三聚圓戒 [サンジュエンカイ]@three groups of Mahayana precepts.
三聚戒 [サンジュカイ]@three sets of precepts.
三聚淨戒 [サンジュジョウカイ]@(term) three sets of pure precepts.
三聚■淨戒 [サンジュショウジョウカイ]@three groups of pure precepts.
三股 [サンコ]@trident.
三胡 [サンコ]@trident.
三能三不能 [サンノウサンフノウ]@three capabilities and three incapabilities.
三■門 [サンダツモン]@three gates of liberation.
三自 [サンジ]@three divisions.
三般若 [サンハンニャ]@three kinds of wisdom.
三色 [キンシキ]@three kinds of form.
三苦 [サンク]@(term) three kinds of suffering.
三草二木 [サンソウニボク]@three grasses and two trees.
三草二木 [サンソウニモク]@three grasses and two trees.
三莊嚴 [サンショウゴン]@three adornments.
三菩伽 [サンボカ]@Sa■bhoga.
三菩伽迦耶 [サンボカカヤ]@reward-body.
三菩提 [サンボダイ]@perfect awareness.
三萬陀■陀 [サンマンダケンダ]@universally fragrant.
三落叉 [サンラクシャ]@three marks.
三藏 [サンゾウ]@(term) buddhist canon.(term) three baskets.
三藏學者 [サンゾウガクシャ]@(foreign) a student of the tripi■aka.
三藏學者 [サンゾウノガクシャ]@(foreign) a student of the tripi■aka.
三藏教 [サンゾウキョウ]@tripi■aka teachings.
三藏法師 [サンゾウホウシ]@(foreign) tripi■aka master.
三藏法師 [サンゾウホッシ]@(foreign) tripi■aka master.
三藏法師 [サンゾウホッシ]@(foreign) tripi■aka master.
三藐三佛陀 [サンミャクサンブッダ]@perfectly and fully enlightened buddha.
三藐三菩提 [サンミャクサンボダイ]@(term) correct enlightenment.
三蘊 [サンウン]@three kinds of aggregates.
三處傳心 [サンショデンシン]@three places of mind-to-mind transmission.
三處木叉 [サンショモクシャ]@three places of liberation.
三處阿蘭若 [サンショアランニャ]@three abodes of ascetics.
三蜜栗底尼迦耶 [サンミリテイニカヤ]@School of Correct Logic.
三行 [サンギョウ]@(term) three karmic activities.
三衍 [サンエン]@three vehicles.
三術 [サンジュツ]@three techniques.
三衣 [サンエ]@three garments.
三衣 [サンネ]@three garments.
三衰 [サンスイ]@three afflictions.
三補■ [サンフタ]@bringing the hands together without touching.
三補■ [サンホタ]@bringing the hands together without touching.
三覆 [サンフク]@three reports.
三覆八校 [サンフクハッキョウ]@three reports and eight investigations.
三見 [サンケン]@(term) three mistaken views.
三覺 [サンカク]@three kinds of enlightenment.
三觀 [サンガン]@(term) three contemplations.
三角壇 [サンカクダン]@three-cornered altar.
三角山 [サンカクサン]@(place) Samgaksan.
三解■ [サンゲダツ]@three liberations.
三解■門 [サンカイダツモン]@(term) three gates of liberation.
三語 [サンゴ]@three modes of discourse.
三請 [サンショウ]@(term) three requests.
三論 [サンロン]@(term) three Treatises.
三論宗 [サンロンシュウ]@(school) Three-Treatise school.
三論玄義 [サンロンゲンギ]@(title) Profound Meaning of the Three Treatises.
三諦 [サンダイ]@(term) threefold truth.(term) triple truth.
三諦圓融觀 [サンダイエンユウカン]@observation of the real principle that allows
one to be aware of the perfect interfusion of the three truths of voidness, temporariness
and the mean simultaneously.
三諦相■ [サンタイソウソク]@unity of the three truths.
三諾 [サンナク]@(person) Samnak.
三識 [サンシキ]@three types of consciousness.
三變 [サンペン]@three transformations.
三賢 [サンゲン]@(term) three degrees of worthies.(term) three Worthies.
三賢位 [サンケンイ]@stages of the three kinds of worthies.
三賢十地 [サンケンジュウチ]@thirty stages of worthies and ten stages of sages.
三賢十聖 [サンゲンジッショウ]@thirty stages of worthies and ten stages of sages.
三跋羅 [サンバッラ]@obstruct.
三跋羅 [サンバラ]@obstruct.
三跋致 [サンバッチ]@prosper on the way.
三跋諦 [サンパッタイ]@prosper on the way.
三身 [サンシン]@(term) three bodies.
三身三■ [サンシンサンドク]@three bodies and three merits.
三身佛性 [サンシンブッショウ]@three bodies of the buddha-nature.
三身如來 [サンシンニョライ]@three-bodied tath■gata.
三身業 [サンシンゴウ]@three bodily karmas.
三車 [サンシャ]@three carts.
三車家 [キンシャケ]@philosophers of the three vehicles.
三軌 [サンキ]@three principles.
三輩 [サンパイ]@three kinds of disciples (of Amit■bha).
三輪 [サンリン]@three wheels.
三輪世界 [サンリンセカイ]@three-wheel world.
三輪化導 [サンリンケドウ]@three wheels of guidance.
三輪教 [サンリンキョウ]@three wheels of the teaching.
三輪相 [サンリンソウ]@three-wheel condition.
三轉 [サンテン]@three turns of the wheel.
三轉法輪 [サンテンボウリン]@three turns of the wheel.
三轉法輪十二行 [サンテンボウリンジュウニギョウ]@twelve applications in the
three turns of the wheel of the law.
三轉法輪十二行相 [サンテンホウリンジュウニギョウソウ]@twelve applications in
the three turns of the wheel of the law.
三迦葉 [サンカショウ]@(term) three K■■yapa brothers.
三迷 [サンメイ]@equal.
三退屈 [サンタイクツ]@three feelings of oppression.
三逆 [サンギャク]@three heinous crimes.
三途 [サンズ]@three destinies.
三通力 [サンツウリキ]@three supernatural powers.
三道 [サンドウ]@(term) three sagely paths.
三道眞言 [サンドウシンゴン]@three mystical utterances.
三達 [サンダツ]@three kinds of penetrating insight.
三那三佛 [サンナサンブツ]@perfect enlightenment.
三部 [サンブ]@three divisions.
三部主色 [サンブシュシキ]@colors of the three divisions.
三部大法 [サンブノダイホウ]@three divisions of the great pantheon.
三部經 [サンブキョウ]@(term) three principal scriptures.
三醫 [サンイ]@(term) three kinds of medical diagnosis.
三重三昧 [キンジュウザンマイ]@three sam■dhis.
三重法界 [サンジュウホッカイ]@three stages of reality-realms.
三重玄義 [サンジュウゲンギ]@Three Layers of Profound Meaning.
三重等持 [サンジュウトウジ]@three sam■dhis.
三量 [サンリョウ]@(term) three ways of knowing.
三金 [サンコン]@three metals.
三鈷 [サンコ]@trident.
三鉢羅■■ [サンパラキャタ]@arriving well; arriving in a timely fashion.
三銖 [サンシュ]@three twenty-fourths of a tael.
三長月 [サンチョウガツ]@three whole months of abstinence.
三長齋月 [サンチョウサイゲツ]@three whole months of abstinence.
三長齋月 [サンチョウサイガツ]@three whole months of abstinence.
三門 [サンモン]@three gates.
三門三大侍者 [サンモンノサンダイジシャ]@three main monastic officials.
三阿僧祇劫 [サンアソウギコウ]@(term) three incalculable eons.
三階佛法 [サンカイブッポウ]@(title) Three Stages of the Buddha-Dharma.
三階教 [サンカイキョウ]@(term) teaching of the three levels.
三階法 [サンカイホウ]@three stages teaching.
三際 [サンザイ]@(term) three time periods.
三際時 [サンサイジ]@three seasons.
三際時 [キンザイジ]@three seasons.
三障 [サンショウ]@(term) three hindrances.
三雜染 [サンゾウゼン]@three pollutions.
三離欲 [サンリヨク]@(term) three stages of freedom from desire.
三難 [サンナン]@three difficulties.
三面大■ [サンメンダイコク]@three-faced great black deva.
三■倒 [サンテンドウ]@three inversions.
三類境 [サンルイキョウ]@(term) three kinds of objects..
三餘 [サンヨ]@three remainders.
三馬 [サンメ]@three horses.
三魔 [サンマ]@three demons.
三默堂 [サンモクドウ]@three rooms of silence.
三點 [サンテン]@three dots.
三齋月 [サンサイガツ]@three months of abstinence.
上 [ジョウ]@upper, above, superior.
上上人 [ジョウジョウニン]@most excellent person.
上上品 [ジョウジョウホン]@best of the best.
上下八諦 [ジョウゲハッタイ]@(term) higher and lower eight truths.
上中下法 [ジョウチュウゲホウ]@superior, middling, and inferior teachings.
上乘 [ジョウジョウ]@(term) great vehicle.
上乘密宗 [ジョウジョウミッシュウ]@higher vehicle esoteric school.
上乘禪 [ジョウジョウゼン]@superior-vehicle Chan.
上二衆 [ジョウニシュ]@upper two groups of practitioners.
上人 [ショウニン]@excellent personage.
上人 [ジョウニン]@excellent personage.
上供 [ジョウグ]@offer up.
上元 [ジョウゲン]@fifteenth day of the first lunar month.
上元燒燈 [ジョウゲンショウトウ]@(term) lantern festival at the first full moon.
上品 [ジョウボン]@(term) higher level.
上品上生 [ジョウボンジョウショウ]@highest of the highest stage.
上品下生 [ジョウボンゲショウ]@lowest of the highest three levels.
上品中生 [ジョウボンチュウショウ]@middle of the highest three levels.
上品煩惱 [ジョウホンボンノウ]@most virulent of the afflictions.
上品蓮臺 [ジョウボンレンダイ]@lotus dais of the highest stage.
上品衆生 [ジョウホンシュショウ]@superior class of sentient beings.
上地 [ジョウチ]@(term) higher levels of consciousness.
上坐 [ジョウザ]@(school) Sthavira.
上坐部 [ジョウザブ]@(school) Sthavira.
上堂 [ジョウドウ]@(term) ascend to the hall.
上士 [ジョウシ]@superior disciple.
上宮 [ジョウグウ]@Upper-Prince.
上宮太子 [ジョウグタイシ]@Prince of the Upper Palace.
上宮太子拾遺記 [ジョウグウタイシシュウイキ]@(title) A Record of Gleanings of
J■g■ Sh■toku.
上宮法王 [ジョウグウホウオウ]@Dharma-King of the Upper Palace.
上宮王 [ジョウグウオウ]@King of the Upper Palace.
上宮皇太子 [ジョウグウコウタイシ]@Prince of the Upper Palace.
上宮皇子 [ジョウグウコウシ]@Prince of the Upper Palace.
上宮聖■太子傳補缺記 [ジョウキュウショウトクタイシデンホケツキ]@(title) A
Supplemental Record to the Biography of J■g■ Prince Sh■toku.
上宮聖■法王帝■ [ジョウグショウトクホウオウテイセツ]@(title) J■g■ Sh■toku
H■■ Teisetsu.
上座 [ジョウザ]@ecclesiastical officials.
上座部 [ジョウザブ]@(school) Sthavira; ■rya-sthavira-nik■ya.
上心 [ジョウシン]@mental state of the formless meditation heaven.
上心煩惱 [ジョウシンボンノウ]@(term) afflictions of those of advanced states of
mind.afflictions that are re-arisen even after experiencing insight into the noble truths.
上手 [ジョウシュ]@abbot.
上手 [カミテ]@abbot.
上方 [ジョウホウ]@(term) abbot.
上早殿 [ジョウソウデン]@morning devotions.
上晩殿 [ジョウバンデン]@afternoon devotions.
上根 [ジョウコン]@superior faculties.
上求本來 [ジョウグホンライ]@seek the above original source.
上求菩提 [ジョウグボダイ]@seek bodhi above.
上流 [ジョウル]@traverse upwards against the flow.
上流般 [ジョウルハツ]@traverse upwards against the flow.
上煩惱 [ジョウボンノウ]@severe affliction.
上生 [ジョウショウ]@be reborn into s superior state of existence.
上界 [ジョウカイ]@heavenly realms above.
上界天 [ジョウカイテン]@celestials of the upper realms.
上祭 [ジョウサイ]@place offerings on the altar.
上綱 [ジョウゴウ]@highest cord.
上肩 [ジョウケン]@upper shoulder.
上肩順轉 [ジョウケンジュンテン]@(term) circumambulate.
上臈 [ジョウロウ]@senior monk.
上茅城 [ジョウボウジョウ]@(place) Ku■■grapura.
上茅宮城 [ジョウボウグジョウ]@(place) Ku■■grapura.
上著衣 [ジョウチャクエ]@outer robe.
上行 [ジョウギョウ]@flow upward.
上行菩薩 [ジョウギョウボサツ]@(name) Vi■i■■a-c■ritra Bodhisattva.
上衍 [ジョウエン]@superior vehicle.
上衣 [ジョウエ]@upper, or outer robe.
上趣 [ジョウシュ]@higher destinies.
上足 [ジョウソク]@superior disciple.
上輩 [ジョウハイ]@higher level.
上輩觀 [ジョウハイカン]@superior contemplation.
上轉 [ジョウテン]@upward turn.
上間 [ジョウカン]@superior rooms; superior monk.
上首 [ジョウシュ]@most excellent.
下 [ゲ]@lesser.
下三果 [ゲサンカ]@lesser three realizations.
下三途 [ゲサンズ]@(term) three lower destinies.
下下 [ゲゲ]@(term) least of the least.
下下品 [ゲゲホン]@(term) inferior of the inferior.
下乘 [ゲジョウ]@lesser vehicle.
下乘涅槃障 [ゲジョウネハンショウ]@(term) hindrance of the lesser vehicle notion of
下元 [ゲゲン]@fifteenth day of the tenth moon.
下八地 [ゲハチジ]@(term) lower eight regions.
下劣 [ゲレツ]@inferior.
下劣乘 [ゲレツジョウ]@(term) inferior vehicle.
下化 [ゲケ]@transform those below.
下化衆生 [ゲケシュジョウ]@(term) transform sentient beings below.
下口食 [ゲコウジキ]@making a living by cultivating the land.
下口食 [ゲクジキ]@making a living by cultivating the land.
下品 [ゲボン]@(term) lower level.
下品上生 [ゲボンジョウショウ]@highest of the three lowest classes.
下品下生 [ゲボンゲショウ]@lowest of the lowest class.
下品中生 [ゲボンチュウショウ]@middle of the lowest class.
下地 [ゲジ]@lower levels.
下地■苦障 [ゲジソクショウ]@coarse hindrances in the lower stages.
下堂 [アドウ]@descend from the hall.
下塵 [ゲジン]@lower realms.
下士 [ゲシ]@inferior disciple.
下根 [ゲコン]@(term) lesser capacity.
下棒 [アボウ]@(term) hitting novices with a stick.
下濟衆生 [ゲサイシュジョウ]@(term) save sentient beings below.
下火 [アコ]@light the fire.
下炬 [アコ]@light the fire.
下生經 [ゲショウキョウ]@(title) Xiasheng jing.
下界 [ゲカイ]@lower realm.
下祭 [アサイ]@place offerings on the altar.
下種 [ゲシュ]@sow the seed.
下種 [アシュ]@sow the seed.
下肩 [ゲケン]@shoulder to shoulder.
下臈 [ゲロウ]@junior monk.
下■ [ゲロウ]@inferior candles.
下衆 [ゲシュウ]@lower order.
下衣 [ゲエ]@lower garments.
下語 [アギョ]@to state a case.
下輩 [ゲハイ]@inferior group.
下輩觀 [ゲハイカン]@observation of inferiors.
下轉 [ゲテン]@devolution.
下間 [ゲカン]@inferior rooms.
不 [フ]@not.
不一不異 [フイツフイ]@neither the same nor different.
不久 [フク]@not long.
不久詣道場 [フクケイドウジョウ]@not long before visiting the site of enlightenment.
不了 [フリョウ]@not comprehending.
不了佛智 [フリョウブッチ]@incomprehensible wisdom of the Buddha.
不了義經 [フリョウギキョウ]@scriptures that do not reveal the complete teaching.
不二 [フニ]@not-two.(term) non-duality.
不二不異 [フニフイ]@neither two nor many.
不二之法 [フニノホウ]@the dharma that is not two.
不二法門 [フニホウモン]@dharma-gate of non-duality.
不他生 [フタショウ]@nothing is produced from other things.
不休息 [フクソク]@apply oneself unstintingly.
不但空 [フダンクウ]@not merely empty.
不來 [フライ]@non-returner.
不來不去 [フライフコ]@neither coming nor going.
不來迎 [フライゴウ]@not coming to greet.
不信 [フシン]@no faith.
不修外道 [フシュゲドウ]@non-Buddhists who eschew cultivation.
不偸盜 [フチュウトウ]@injunctions against stealing.
不偸盜戒 [フチュウトウカイ]@injunctions against stealing.
不共 [フグ]@incompatible; distinct.
不共三昧 [フグザンマイ]@variant sam■dhi.
不共不定 [フグウフジョウ]@neither shared nor determined.
不共中共 [フグウチュウノグウ]@general among particulars.
不共佛法 [フグブツホウ]@(term) special characteristics of the Buddha that are not
shared by sentient beings.
不共依 [フグエ]@basis that is not shared by another entity.
不共所依 [フグショエ]@basis that is not shared by another entity.special support(s).
不共教 [フグキョウ]@distinct teachings applicable to a certain group of students.
不共業 [フグゴウ]@(term) individual karma.
不共法 [フグホウ]@characteristics peculiar to each individual person.
不共無明 [フグウムミョウ]@unique ignorance.
不共生 [フグショウ]@nothing is produced of itself or both other things.
不共相 [フグソウ]@distinct characteristics.
不共般若 [フグハンニャク]@teachings of emptiness that are practiced and
experienced only by bodhisattvas.
不共變 [フグウヘン]@distinctive transformations.
不分別 [フブンベツ]@undiscriminated.
不動 [フドウ]@unmoving; immovable.
不動佛 [フドウブツ]@Ak■obhya-buddha.
不動使者 [フドウシシャ]@Acalace■■.
不動使者祕密法 [フドウシシャヒミツホウ]@Esoteric spells of the messengers of
不動使者陀羅尼祕密法 [フドウシシャダラニヒミツホウ]@(foreign) esoteric
dh■ra■■ spells of the messengers of Ak■obhya.
不動咒 [フドウジュ]@Ak■obhya-dh■ra■■.
不動地 [フドウジ]@(term) stage of immovability.
不動如來 [フドウニョライ]@Ak■obhya-tath■gata.
不動如來使 [フドウニョライシ]@messengers of Ak■obhya.
不動尊 [フドウソン]@Acala.
不動慈救咒 [フドウジクジュ]@Ak■obhya-dh■ra■■.
不動慈護咒 [フドウジゴジュ]@Ak■obhya-dh■ra■■.
不動明王 [フドウミョウオウ]@Acala.
不動業 [フトウゴウ]@activity (karma) which is neither negative not positive.
不動法 [フドウホウ]@dharma of Acala.
不動無爲 [フドウムイ]@(term) undisturbed.
不動生死 [フドウショウジ]@the unmoving is life and death.
不動義 [フドウギ]@the meaning of immovability.
不動解■ [フドウゲダツ]@immovable liberation.
不動講 [フドウコウ]@dharma lecture on the merits of the unmoving tath■gata.
不動金剛明王 [フドウコンゴウミョウオウ]@Unmoved Vajra Radiant King.
不動阿羅漢 [フドウアラカン]@(term) immovable arhat.
不動陀羅尼 [フドウダラニ]@Ak■obhya-dh■ra■■.
不■不離 [フソクフリ]@neither the same nor different.
不取正覺願 [フシュショウガクガン]@vow not to attain perfect enlightenment.
不受一切法 [フジュイッサイホウ]@not sensing all phenomena.
不受三昧 [フジュザンマイ]@sam■dhi of no sensation.
不可 [フカ]@cannot.
不可 [ベカラズ]@cannot.
不可得 [フカトク]@(term) unobtainable.unknowable.(term) unachievable.
不可得空 [ベカラズトククウ]@(term) ungraspable emptiness.
不可得空 [フカトククウ]@(term) ungraspable emptiness.
不可得言 [フカトクゴン]@you cannot say....
不可思議 [フカシギ]@inconceivable, unfathomable.
不可思議光如來 [フカシギコウニョライ]@unfathomable Radiant Tath■gata.
不可思議尊 [フカシギソン]@Unfathomable Honored Ones.
不可思議經 [フカシギキョウ]@Unfathomable Sutra.
不可思議解■法門 [フカシギゲダツホウモン]@dharma-gate of unfathomable
不可思議解■法門 [ベカラズゲダツホウモン]@dharma-gate of unfathomable
不可思議解■經 [フカシギゲダツキョウ]@Unfathomable Liberation Sutra.
不可有 [フカウ]@the existence of the doers of the forbidden..
不可有 [ベカラズウ]@the existence of the doers of the forbidden..
不可棄 [フカキ]@Cannot be Cast Away.
不可棄部 [フカキブ]@Mah■■■saka school.
不可知 [フカチ]@unknowable.
不可稱智 [フカショウチ]@ineffable wisdom.
不可見 [フカケン]@invisible.
不可見有對 [フカケンウタイ]@invisible and materially obstructive.
不可見有對色 [フカケンウタイシキ]@form [objects] that are invisible yet materially
不可見無對色 [フカケンムタイシキ]@invisible and materially insubstantial [or
unobstructive] form.
不可■ [フカセツ]@ineffable; inexpressible; inexplicable.
不可■佛 [フカセツブツ]@Ineffable Buddha.
不可越守護 [フカオツシュゴ]@intranscendable guardians.
不同分 [フドウブン]@factors of dissimilarity.
不和合性 [フワゴウショウ]@(term) non- harmonization.(term) disharmony.
不問輒取 [フモンチョウシュ]@to snatch quickly without asking.
不善 [フゼン]@evil, wrong, mistaken.
不善律儀 [フゼンリツギ]@evil forms of discipline.
不善性 [フゼンショウ]@unwholesome quality; evil, bad.
不善業 [フゼンギョウ]@(term) unwholesome activity.
不善行 [フゼンギョウ]@(term) evil karma.
不坐高廣大牀 [フザコウコウダイショウ]@not to sit on a high, broad, large bed.
不■不減 [フゾウフゲン]@neither increase nor decrease.
不■不減經 [フソウフゲンキョウ]@(title) Sutra of Neither Increasing nor Decreasing.
不■減眞如 [フゾウゲンシンニョ]@thusness as neither increasing nor decreasing.
不壞 [フエ]@(term) indestructible.
不壞句 [フエク]@indestructible syllable.
不壞四禪 [フエノシゼン]@four indestructible meditations.
不壞法 [フエホウ]@indestructible meditation.
不壞相 [フエソウ]@indestructible in one's character.
不壞金剛 [フエコンゴウ]@indestructible adamantine.
不壞金剛光明心殿 [フエコンゴウコウミョウシンデン]@luminous mind-temple of
the indestructible vajra.
不如密多 [フニョミッタ]@(person) Pu■yamitra.
不如實 [フニョジツ]@incorrect.
不如實知 [フニョジッチ]@awareness that does not cognize thusness.
不如實簡擇 [フニョジツケンチャク]@draw incorrect conclusions.
不如慢 [フニョマン]@pride of not being inferior.
不如理 [フニョリ]@incorrect.
不如眞 [フニョシン]@Incorrect.
不如蜜多 [フニョミッタ]@(person) Puryamitra.
不妄語 [フモウゴ]@not speaking falsely.
不婬 [フイン]@no sexual excessiveness.
不婬慾 [フインヨク]@not engaging in licentious sexual behavior.
不婬戒 [フインカイ]@precept forbidding sexual misconduct.
不學 [フガク]@not studying; not practicing..
不定 [フジョウ]@(term) indeterminate.
不定受業 [フジョウジュゴウ]@indefinite karma.
不定地法 [フジョウチホウ]@(term) indeterminate mental functions.
不定性 [フジョウショウ]@indeterminate nature.
不定教 [フジョウキョウ]@indeterminate teaching.
不定止觀 [フジョウシカン]@indeterminate meditation.
不定法 [フジョウホウ]@(term) undetermined elements.
不定種性 [フジョウシュショウ]@indeterminate nature.
不定聚 [フジョウシュ]@indeterminate class.
不定聲聞 [フジョウショウブン]@(foreign) ■r■vakas, who do not have the
predetermination for enlightenment.
不定觀 [フジョウカン]@indeterminate meditation.
不害 [フガイ]@(term) non-injury, non-harming.
不實 [フジツ]@unreal.
不審 [フシン]@unattended.
不審 [イブカシ]@unattended.
不廻 [フエ]@non-returner.
不律儀 [フリツギ]@perverted discipline.
不得 [フトク]@impossible; unobtainable.
不得故殺 [フトクコせツ]@killing unintentionally.
不得飮酒戒 [フトクオンシュカイ]@precept forbidding the consumption of alcohol.
不忘禪 [フモウゼン]@meditation of not forgettiing.
不思議 [フシギ]@(term) inconceivable.
不思議乘 [フシギジョウ]@inconceivable vehicle.
不思議心 [フシギシン]@inconceivable mind.
不思議慧童子 [フシギエドウシ]@child of inconceivable wisdom.
不思議易生死 [フシギイショウシ]@(foreign) sa■s■ra of inconceivable
不思議智 [フシギチ]@inconceivable wisdom.
不思議業相 [フシギゴッソウ]@inconceivable mark of activity.
不思議界 [フシギカイ]@inconceivable realm.
不思議眞言相道法 [フシギシンゴンソウドウホウ]@(foreign) practice of the
presence of the invisible dharmak■ya in the esoteric word.
不思議空 [フシギクウ]@inconceivable emptiness.
不思議空智 [フシギクウチ]@inconceivable wisdom of emptiness.
不思議經 [フシギキョウ]@Inconceivable Sutra.
不思議■ [フシギクン]@(term) inconceivable impregnation.inconceivable
不思議解■經 [フシギゲダツキョウ]@(title) Sutra of Inconceivable Liberation.
不思議變 [フシギヘン]@inconceivable transformations.
不■ [フエツ]@unhappy; uneasy.
不惜身命 [フシャクシンミョウ]@not sparing one's life.
不惡乘 [フアクジョウ]@(term) no-evil vehicle.
不慳戒 [フケンカイ]@precept against harming others by one's own stinginess
不應 [フオウ]@not associated with.
不懺擧 [フザンコ]@excommunication of an unrepentant monk.
不才淨 [フサイジョウ]@neither talented nor pure.
不拜 [フハイ]@not paying homage.
不捉持生像金銀寶物 [フサクジショウゾウコンギンホウモツ]@not to possess
uncoined or coined gold and silver, or jewels.
不捨 [フシャ]@not rejecting.
不捨誓約 [フシャノセイヤク]@vow of non-abandonment.
不放逸 [フホウイツ]@(term) no laxity, vigilance; no negligence.
不斷 [フダン]@unceasing; non-ceasing.
不斷光 [フダンコウ]@unceasing radiance.
不斷光佛 [フダンコウブツ]@Incessantly Radiant Buddha.
不斷常 [フダンジョウ]@unbroken continuity.
不斷念佛 [フダンネンブツ]@unbroken mindfulness.
不斷相應染 [フダンソウオウゼン]@defilement that is concomitant with non-
不斷經 [フダンキョウ]@unceasing recitation of the sutras.
不斷讀經 [フダンリン]@unceasing reading of the sutras.
不斷輪 [フダンリン]@uninterrupted chanting.
不易 [フイ]@not easy; not simple.
不易 [フエキ]@not easy; not simple.
不昧 [フマイ]@not obscured.
不時解■ [フジゲダツ]@liberation not contingent on time.
不更惡趣願 [フキョウアクシュノガン]@vow to prevent rebirth in the evil destinies.
不染 [フゼン]@undefiled; unpolluted; unsullied.
不染世間法 [フゼンセケンホウ]@undefiled worldly phenomena.
不染汚無知 [フゼンラムチ]@undefiled ignorance.
不染無知 [フゼンムチ]@(term) undefiled ignorance.
不染著諸法三昧 [フゼンジャクショホウサンマイ]@concentration of no defiled
attachment to any phenomena.
不欲行障 [フヨクギョウショウ]@(term) hindrance of no desire to act.
不歌舞倡伎不往觀聽 [フカブショウギフオウカンチョウ]@no taking part in, or
watching, singing, dancing, or plays.
不正知 [フショウチ]@(term) non-discernment.(term) incorrect knowing.
不正食 [フショウジキ]@not food proper; not under the formal definition of a meal; a
不死 [フシ]@undying, immortal.
不死甘露 [フシカンロ]@nectar of immortality.
不死矯亂宗 [フシキョウランシュウ]@(school) Amar■vikkhepa.
不死矯亂論 [フシキョウランロン]@amar■vikkhepa.
不死藥 [フシヤク]@medicine of immortality.
不死覺 [フシカク]@awareness toward not dying.
不死門 [フシモン]@gate of immortality.
不殺戒 [フセツカイ]@precept of not-killing.
不殺生 [フセツショウ]@abstinence from killing.
不殺生 [フセッショウ]@abstinence from killing.
不殺生戒 [フセッショウカイ]@precept forbidding the taking of life.
不法 [フホウ]@unlawful.
不活恐怖 [フカツキョウフ]@fear of lacking a means of living.
不活畏 [フカツイ]@fear of lacking a means of livelihood.
不淨 [フジョウ]@impure; defiled.
不淨想 [フジョウソウ]@meditation on impurity.
不淨施 [フジョウセ]@impure donation.
不淨肉 [フジョウニク]@impure meat.
不淨行 [フジョウギョウ]@impure behavior.
不淨觀 [フジョウカン]@meditation on impurity.
不淨觀經 [フジョウカンキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Contemplation on Impurity.
不淨■法 [フジョウセッボウ]@impure teaching.
不淨輪 [フジョウロン]@impure wheel.
不淨金剛 [フジョウコンゴウ]@Ucchu■ma.
不滅 [フメツ]@(term) unextinguishable.
不滅不生 [フメツフショウ]@neither annihilated nor arisen.
不無因生 [フムインショウ]@nothing is produced without cause.
不■ [フセツ]@not killing.
不■戒 [フセツカイ]@precept of not killing.
不爭有無 [フショウウム]@not disputing about existence or non-existence.
不爾 [フニ]@not so; (or, at the end of a sentence:) is it not so?.
不生 [フショウ]@(term) unproduced.(term) unarisen.
不生不滅 [フショウフメツ]@(term) neither arising nor ceasing.
不生斷 [フショウダン]@cessation through non-arising.
不男 [フダン]@eunuch.
不疑殺 [フギセツ]@no doubt about killing.
不盜戒 [フトウカイ]@injunctions against stealing.
不相應 [フソウオウ]@(term) not associated with.
不相應心 [フソウオウシン]@mind not associated with affliction.
不相應行 [フソウオウギョウ]@phenomena (dharmas) not associated with mind (or
不相離 [フソウリ]@mutually inclusive.
不空 [フクウ]@not empty.
不空三藏 [フクウサンゾウ]@Amoghavajra.
不空三藏表制集 [フクウサンゾウヒョウセイシュウ]@Collected Documents.
不空供養菩薩 [フクウクヨウボサツ]@(name) ■ry■mogha-p■r■ama■i.
不空如來藏 [フクウニョライゾウ]@(term) non-empty tath■gatagarbha.
不空成就佛 [フクウジョウシュウブツ]@(name) Amoghasiddhi.
不空法 [フクウホウ]@non-empty dharmas; non-empty phenomena.
不空眞如 [フクウシンニョ]@(term) non-empty thusness.
不空眼菩薩 [フクウゲンボサツ]@(name) Amogha-dar■ana.
不空羂索 [フクウケンジャク]@unerring lasso.
不空羂索呪心經 [フクウケンサクジュシンキョウ]@(title) Infallible Lasso
不空羂索毘盧遮那佛大灌頂光眞言 [フクウケンジャクビロシャナブツダイカンジ
ョウコウシンゴン]@(title) Light Mantra of the Great Consecration of the Infallible
Lasso Vairocana.
不空羂索王 [フクウケンジャクオウ]@(name) Amoghap■■a.
不空羂索神咒心經 [フクウケンサクジンジュシンキョウ]@(title)
不空羂索神變眞言經 [フクウケンサクジンヘンシンゴンキョウ]@(title) Infallible
Lasso's Mantra and Supernatural Transformations: King of Ritual Manuals.
不空羂索菩薩 [フクウケンジャクボサツ]@(name) Amoghap■■a.
不空羂索觀音 [フクウケンジャクカンノン]@(name) Amoghap■■a.
不空見菩薩 [フクウケンボサツ]@(name) Amogha-dar■ana.
不空金剛 [フクウコンゴウ]@(person) Amoghavajra.
不空金剛菩薩 [フクウコンゴウボサツ]@Amoghavajra-bodhisattva.
不空鉤觀音 [フクウコウカンノン]@(name) Amogh■■ku■a.
不立文字 [フリュウモンジ]@no establishment of words and letters.
不立文字教 [フリュウモジキョウ]@teaching that does not establish words and letters.
不綺語 [フキゴ]@unrefined speech.
不■身 [フケシン]@unfettered body.
不聞惡名願 [フモンアクミョウガン]@vow to not hear of evil repute.
不能 [フノウ]@incapable; unable.
不臈次 [フロウジ]@not in order of age.
不臘次 [フロウジ]@not in order of age.
不自在 [フジザイ]@insovereign.
不自生 [フジショウ]@nothing is produced by itself.
不與取 [フヨシュ]@(term) taking that which has not been given.
不若多羅 [フニャタラ]@Pu■yat■ra.
不苦不樂受 [フクフラクジュ]@reception of neither pleasure nor pain.
不著香華鬘不香塗身 [フジャクコウケマンフコウズシン]@abstention from self-
adornment with scents or cosmetics.
不蘭迦葉 [フランカショウ]@(person) P■ra■a-k■■yapa.
不■妄性 [フコモウショウ]@nature that is not void.
不行而行 [フギョウニギョウ]@doing without doing.
不見 [フケン]@not seen; unseen.
不覺 [フカク]@(term) non-enlightenment.
不覺現行位 [フカクゲンギョウイ]@stage of activity of non-enlightenment.
不覺相 [フカクソウ]@aspects of non-enlightenment.
不誑 [フキョウ]@non-deception.
不誦戒 [フショウカイ]@non-recitation of the precepts.
不■四衆過罪戒 [フセツシシュカザイカイ]@abstention from speaking of the faults
of members of the sa■gha.
不請 [フショウ]@not requested.
不請 [フシン]@not requested.
不請之友 [フショウノトモ]@uninvited friend.
不請友 [フショウノトモ]@uninvited friend.
不請求 [フショウグ]@not requesting; not seeking.
不請法 [フショウホウ]@unrequested teaching.
不變 [フヘン]@immutable, unchanging, eternal.
不變易性 [フヘンニャクショウ]@unchanging nature.
不變易性 [フヘンヤクショウ]@unchanging nature.
不變異性 [フヘンイショウ]@immutability (of thusness).
不變眞如 [フヘンシンニョ]@unchanging thusness.
不變隨■ [フヘンズイエン]@unchanging accordance with conditions.
不起法忍 [フキホウニン]@patience based on the realization of the non-arising of
不輕 [フキョウ]@not despising.
不輕行 [フキョウギョウ]@the practice of not despising others.
不返 [フヘン]@not returning; never return.
不退 [フタイ]@(term) non-backsliding , non-retrogression.
不退位 [フタイイ]@(term) stage of non-backsliding.
不退住 [フタイジュウ]@(term) the abiding of no-backsliding.
不退土 [フタイド]@land of no-retrogression.
不退地 [フタイノジ]@ground of non-retrogression.
不退菩薩 [フタイノボサツ]@non-backsliding bodhisattva.
不退輪 [フタイリン]@never turning-back wheel.
不退轉 [フタイテン]@non-retrogression.
不退轉法輪 [フタイテンボウリン]@never turning-back wheel of the dharma.
不退轉法輪經 [フタイテンボウリンキョウ]@(title) Butuizhuan falun jing.
不還 [フゲン]@(term) non-returner.
不還向 [フゲンコウ]@entry into the stage of the non-returner.
不還果 [フゲンカ]@(term) stage of the consummation of the non-returner.
不邪婬 [フジャイン]@prohibition of sexual misconduct.
不邪淫 [フジャイン]@prohibition against sexual misconduct.
不■酒戒 [フコシュカイ]@precept forbidding dealing in alcohol.
不釐務侍者 [フリムジシャ]@an attendant who has no special responsibilities.
不靜地 [フジョウチ]@states which lack mental stability.
不非時食 [フヒジシキ]@abstention from eating at inappropriate times.
不須 [フシュ]@not necessary.
不須現 [フシュゲン]@non-necessary manifesation.
不顧論宗 [フコロンシュウ]@school denying the necessity of care for others.
不顯 [フガン]@unmanifest.
不食肉 [フジキニク]@abstention from eating meat.
不飮酒 [フオンジュ]@abstention from the consumption of alcohol.
且 [シャ]@temporarily.
且 [かつ]@temporarily.
且 [しばらく]@temporarily.
且喜 [シャキ]@so be it.
且喜 [ショキ]@so be it.
且喜 [スラクハ]@so be it.
且如 [ショニョ]@it is like.
且擧 [シャキョ]@to provisionally offer; to hypothesize.
且約 [シャアク]@from the perspective of.
世 [セ]@(term) world.
世世 [セゼ]@age after age.
世世生生 [セセショウショウ]@transmigration after transmigration through the
世主 [セシュ]@lord of the world.
世代 [セダイ]@generation.
世來 [セライ]@From the past time.
世依 [セエ]@he on whom the world relies.
世俗 [セゾク]@(term) mundane.
世俗智 [セゾクチ]@(term) worldly wisdom.
世俗苦 [セイゾクク]@ordinary suffering.
世俗諦 [セイゾクタイ]@(term) conventional truth.
世典 [セテン]@secular classics.
世友 [ショウウ]@(person) Vasumitra.
世善 [セゼン]@worldly goodness.
世尊 [セソン]@(term) world-honored one.
世智 [セチ]@(term) mundane wisdom.
世法 [セホウ]@(term) mundane phenomena.
世流布 [セルフ]@conventional; commonplace; fashionable; accepted.
世流布名 [セルフミョウ]@generic terminology; generic language; accepted
世流布語 [セルフゴ]@conventional language; commonplace speech; accepted
terminology; generic terminology.
世界 [セカイ]@world, universe.
世界主 [セカイシュ]@lord of a world.
世界悉檀 [セカイシッダン]@worldly truth.
世界悉檀 [セカイシツダン]@worldly truth.
世相 [セソウ]@marks of the world.
世福 [セフク]@mundane virtue.
世第一法 [セダイイッポウ]@(term) highest mundane dharma.
世羅 [セラ]@crag.
世耶那薩喃 [セヤナサナン]@lying and sitting.
世自在王 [セイジザイオウ]@(name) Loke■varar■ja.
世自在王佛 [セイジザイオウブツ]@(name) Loke■varar■ja.
世英 [セエイ]@world hero.
世英 [セオウ]@world hero.
世英 [セヨウ]@world hero.
世親 [セシン]@(person) Vasubandhu.
世論 [セロン]@mundane theories.
世諦 [セタイ]@(term) worldly truth, relative truth ; conventional truth.
世路 [セロ]@worldly path.
世間 [セケン]@(term) conventional; mundane; ordinary people.
世間乘 [セケンジョウ]@mundane vehicle.
世間位 [セケンイ]@mundane status.
世間天 [セケンテン]@gods of the world.
世間天院 [セケンテンイン]@court of the earthly kings.
世間慧 [セイケンエ]@(term) conventional wisdom.
世間智 [セケンチ]@worldly wisdom; conventional wisdom.
世間業智 [セケンゴウチ]@karmic wisdom of the conventional world.
世間檀 [セケンダン]@mundane alms.
世間治道 [セケンジドウ]@conventional corrective practices.
世間法 [セケンホウ]@mundane laws.
世間法 [セケンボウ]@mundane laws.
世間相常住 [セケンソウジョウジュウ]@marks of the world are permanent.
世間相違 [セケンソウイ]@contradictory to worldly experience.
世間眼 [セケンゲン]@eye of the world; worldly eyes.
世間自在王 [セケンジザイオウ]@Loke■varar■ja.
世間般若 [セケンハンニャ]@mundane wisdom.
世間解 [セケンゲ]@(term) knower of the Secular World.
世間言■ [セイケンゴンセツ]@(term) conventional explanation.
世間難信捷徑 [セケンナンシンノショウケイ]@direct path to enlightenment that is
hard for the mundane to believe.
世間靜慮 [セケンジョウリョ]@(term) mundane meditation.
世雄 [セユウ]@world hero.
世雄 [セオウ]@world hero.
世雄兩足尊 [セオウリョウソクソン]@hero among the two-legged beings.
世饒王 [セニョウオウ]@(name) Loke■varar■ja.
世饒王佛 [セニョウオウブツ]@Loke■varar■ja.
丘 [ク]@mound.
丘井 [クショウ]@well on a hill.
丘慈 [キュウジ]@(place) Kuche.
丙 [ヒョウ]@third (in order).
丙丁 [ヒョウチョウ]@junior.
丙丁童子 [ヘイテイドウジ]@boy who takes care of the lamps.
丙丁童子 [ヒョウチョウドウジ]@boy who takes care of the lamps.
丙丁童子 [ビョウジョウドウジ]@boy who takes care of the lamps.
丙子椒林銅大刀 [ヒョウシショウリンドウダイトウ]@Heishi-Mountain Ash-Grove-
中乘 [チュウジョウ]@middle vehicle.
中價衣 [チュウゲエ]@middle garment in value.
中元 [チュウゲン]@fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month.
中劫 [チュウコウ]@medium-length eon.
中千世界 [チュウセンセカイ]@medium-length chiliocosm.
中千界 [チュウセンカイ]@middling chiliocosm.
中印 [チュウイン]@Central India.
中印度 [チュウインド]@Central India.
中含 [チュウゴン]@Middle Length ■gama.
中品 [チュウボン]@middle rank.
中唄 [チュウバイ]@middle chanting.
中因 [チュウイン]@middle cause.
中國 [チュウゴク]@middle kingdom.
中士 [チュウシ]@middling disciple.
中天 [チュウテン]@North-Central India.
中天竺 [チュウテンジク]@North Central India.
中天竺寺 [チュウテンジクジ]@(temple) Zhongtianzhu si.
中宗 [チュウシュウ]@school of the mean.
中宿依 [チュウシュクエ]@inner garment.
中實 [チュウジツ]@true aspect of the middle way.
中尊 [チュウソン]@central honored one.
中尊 [チュウゾン]@central honored one.
中心 [チュウシン]@inner mind.
中悔 [チュウケ]@stopping in the middle and regretting it later.
中有 [チュウウ]@(term) intermediate state.
中有之旅 [チュウウノタビ]@a spirit in the transitional stage.
中根 [チュウコン]@middling capacity.
中梵 [チュウボン]@North Central India.
中洲 [チュウシュウ]@middle continents.
中流 [チュウル]@in the midst of the flow.
中着依 [チュウチャクエ]@inner garment.
中胎 [チュウタイ]@central Garbhadh■tu.
中胎藏 [チュウタイゾウ]@central Garbhadh■tu.
中臺 [チュウタイ]@central dais; central stand.
中臺八葉院 [チュウダイハチヨウインチュウタイハチヨウノイン]@(foreign) court
of the eight-petaled lotus in the middle of the garbhadh■tu.
中般 [チュウハン]@intermediate state.
中草 [チュウソウ]@medium-sized vegetation.
中華傳心地禪門師資承襲圖 [チュウケデンシンチゼンモンシシショウシュウズ]
@(title) Chart of the Master-Disciple Succession of the Chan Gate that Transmits the
Mind Ground in China.
中觀 [チュウカン]@contemplation of the mean.
中觀 [チュウガン]@contemplation of the mean.
中觀派 [チュウガンハ]@(school) M■dhyamika.
中觀論疏 [チュウカンロンソ]@(title) Commentary on the M■dhyamika-■■stra.
中論 [チュウロン]@(title) Madhyamaka-■■stra.
中論性教 [チュウロンショウキョウ]@teaching of the character of the middle way.
中諦 [チュウタイ]@middle truth.
中輩 [チュウハイ]@middle rank.
中輩觀 [チュウハイカン]@contemplation on the middle rank.
中道 [チュウドウ]@(term) middle way.
中道■法界 [チュウドウソクホッカイ]@the middle way is the reality-realm.
中道宗 [チュウドウシュウ]@(school) Middle Way School.
中道實相 [チュウドウジッソウ]@true character of the middle way.
中道應本 [チュウドウノオウホン]@middle way of according with the source.
中道教 [チュウドウキョウ]@(term) teaching of the middle way.
中道第一義 [チュウドウダイイチギ]@middle way as the highest truth.
中道觀 [チュウドウカン]@contemplation of the middle way.
中邊分別論 [チュウベンフンベツロン]@(title) Analysis of the Middle and the
中邊論 [チュウベンロン]@(title) Madhy■nta-vibh■ga.
中間三昧 [チュウゲンザンマイ]@intermediate state of meditation.
中間定 [チュウゲンジョウ]@intermediate state of meditation.
中間禪 [チュウゲンゼン]@intermediate state of meditation.
中間靜慮 [チュウゲンジョウリョ]@intermediate state of meditation.
中阿含經 [チュウアゴンギョウ]@(title) Middle Length ■gama Sutras.
中陰 [チュウイン]@(term) intermediate existence.
中陰法事 [チュウインホウジ]@practices for treatment of the spirit during the
intermediate stage.
中食 [チュウジキ]@midday meal.
中體 [チュウタイ]@central body.
串習 [ゲンシュウ]@(term) habituate.
丸香 [ガンコウ]@incense balls.
丹 [タン]@cinnabar.
丹田 [タンデン]@lower stomach area.
主 [ヌシ]@lord.
主 [シュ]@lord.
主事 [シュジ]@director.
主伴 [シュバン]@principal and secondary.
主伴無礙 [シュハンムゲ]@(term) no obstruction between subject and object.
主宰 [シュサイ]@director, controller.
主習 [シュシュウ]@to emphasize practice.
主首 [シュシュ]@abbot.
乃往 [ナイオウ]@as far as the past is concerned.
乃至 [ナイシ]@up to; as far as.
乃至一念 [ナイシイチネン]@even a thought.
乃至廣■ [ナイシコウセツ]@and so forth...
久 [キュウ]@long time.
久 [ク]@long time.
久 [ひさし]@long time.
久住者 [クジュウシャ]@long-abiding one.
久成正覺 [クジョウショウガク]@perfect enlightenment long acquired.
久習 [キュウジュウ]@veteran practitioner.
久遠 [クオン]@very long time.
久遠實成 [クオンジツジョウ]@truly attained in the distant past.
乏 [ボウ]@lacking.
乖 [ケ]@to be contrary to.
乘 [ジョウ]@vehicle.
乘戒 [ジョウカイ]@(term) awakening and discipline.
乘論 [ジョウロン]@a digression; a meandering discussion.
乙乳 [イツニュウ]@(person) ■ryu.
九 [ク]@nine.
九上■惑 [クジョウエンノワク]@nine kinds of delusion.
九世 [グセ]@(term) nine times.
九世間 [クセケン]@nine worlds.
九住心 [クジュウシン]@nine stages of meditation.
九儀 [クギ]@nine postures.
九入 [クニュウ]@(term) nine orifices.
九劫 [クコウ]@nine eons.
九十八使 [クジュウハッシ]@(term) ninety-eight proclivities.
九十六種外道 [クジュウロクシュゲドウ]@ninety-six kinds of non-Buddhist
九十六術 [クジュウロクジュツ]@ninety-six arts.
九十單墮 [クジュウタンダ]@ninety offenses requiring expiation.
九十單提 [クジュウタンダイ]@ninety offenses requiring expiation.
九十波逸提 [クジュウハイツダイ]@(foreign) ninety pr■ya■cittik■■.
九厄 [クヤク]@(term) nine pitfalls.
九參上堂 [クサンジョウドウ]@nine ascents to the hall.
九參上堂 [キュウサンジョウドウ]@nine ascents to the hall.
九句因 [ククイン]@nine examples.
九品 [クホン]@nine levels.
九品上 [ココノシナノカミ]@highest of the nine classes.
九品大衣 [クホンノダイエ]@nine grades of the great robe.
九品安養 [クホンアンニョウ]@nine grades of the Pure Land.
九品安養之化生 [クホンアンヨウノケショウ]@born into the ninth rank of paradise.
九品彌陀 [クホンノミダ]@(term) nine forms of Amit■bha.
九品往生 [クホンオウジョウ]@(term) ninefold future life.
九品惑 [クホンワク]@(term) nine kinds of affliction.
九品淨刹 [クホンジョウサツ]@nine grades of the Pure Land.
九品淨土 [クホンノジョウドクホンノジョウド]@nine grades of the Pure Land.
九品蓮臺 [クホンレンダイ]@(term) nine levels of practitioners reborn in the Pure
Land.(term) nine levels of lotus seats.
九品行業 [クホンノギョウゴウ]@nine classes of karma.
九品覺王 [クホンノカクオウ]@the enlightened king of the nine classes (of the Pure
九喩 [クユ]@nine tropes.
九因一果 [クインイッカ]@nine causes and one effect.
九土生地 [クトショウチ]@birthplace of nine scholars.
九地 [クジ]@(term) nine levels of existence.
九地 [クチ]@(term) nine levels of existence.
九地九品思惑 [クジクホンノシワク]@nine levels of nine classed of delusion.
九域 [クイキ]@nine realms.
九執 [クシュウ]@nine upholders.
九士生地 [クシショウチ]@Ku■inagara.
九子山 [クシセン]@Nine Child Mountain.
九孔 [クク]@(term) nine orifices.
九字 [クジ]@nine words.
九字曼荼羅 [クジマンダラ]@nine character mandala.
九宗 [クシュウ]@nine sects.
九尊 [クソン]@(term) nine honored ones.
九山八海 [キュウセンハッカイ]@nine mountains and eight seas.
九山八海 [クセンハッカイ]@nine mountains and eight seas.
九山八海 [クセンハッカイ]@nine mountains and eight seas.
九山八海 [クセンハッカイ]@nine mountains and eight seas.
九山八海 [クサンハッカイ]@nine mountains and eight seas.
九山八海 [クセンハッカイ]@nine mountains and eight seas.
九山八海 [クセンハッカイ]@nine mountains and eight seas.
九■知 [クヘンチ]@nine forms of complete awareness.
九徹 [クテツ]@nine penetrations.
九心輪 [クシンリン]@nine evolutions.
九惱 [クノウ]@(term) nine vexations.
九想 [クソウ]@(term) nine kinds of meditation.
九想觀 [クソウカン]@nine kinds of meditation (on a corpse to quell desire).
九慢 [クマン]@nine forms of pride.
九方便 [クホウベン]@nine expedient methods.
九方便十波羅蜜菩薩 [クホウベンジッパラミツボサツ]@bodhisattva of the nine
expedient means and ten p■ramit■s.
九曜 [クヨウ]@nine luminaries.
九會 [クエ]@(term) nine assemblies (ma■■ala).
九會曼陀羅 [クエマンダラ]@(term) nine assemblies ma■■ala.
九會■ [クエセツ]@(term) nine assemblies theory.
九有 [キュウウ]@nine existences.
九有 [クウ]@nine existences.
九有情居 [クウジョウコ]@(term) nine abodes of sentient being.
九有情處 [クウジョウショ]@(term) nine abodes of sentient beings.
九條衣 [クジョウエ]@ninth rank of the patch-robe.
九條袈裟 [クジョウケサ]@ninth rank of the patch-robe.
九梵 [クボン]@(term) nine heavens.
九業 [クゴウ]@nine kinds of karma.
九■ [クオウ]@(term) nine vexations.
九■死 [クオウシ]@nine kinds of irregular death.
九■經 [クオウキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Nine Difficulties.
九次第定 [キュウシダイジョウ]@(term) nine graduated concentrations'.
九流 [キュウリュウ]@(term) nine outflows.
九流 [クル]@(term) nine outflows.
九流 [クリシュナ]@(term) nine outflows.
九漏 [クロ]@(term) nine leakages.
九無學 [クムガク]@nine post-learners.
九無爲 [クムイ]@nine (meditations on) the unconditioned.
九無礙道 [クムゲドウ]@(term) nine unobstructed paths.
九無間道 [クムケンドウ]@nine uninterrupted paths.
九瑜伽 [クユガ]@(term) nine yogas.
九界 [クカイ]@nine realms.
九界情執 [クカイノジョウシュウ]@nine realms of retribution of passions.
九瘡 [クソウ]@(term) nine orifices.
九皐 [キュウゴウ]@nine marshes.
九相 [クソウ]@(term) nine marks.
九祖 [クソ]@(term) nine patriarchs.
九祖相承 [クソソ]@(term) nine patriarch lineage.
九祖相承 [ウジョウ]@(term) nine patriarch lineage.
九種大禪 [クシュダイゼン]@nine kinds of Mah■y■na meditation.
九種瑜伽 [クシュユガ]@nine yogas.
九竅 [クキョウ]@(term) nine orifices.
九結 [クケツ]@nine bonds.
九結 [キュウケツ]@nine bonds.
九經 [クキョウ]@nine part canon.
九縛一■ [クバクイチダツ]@nine states of bondage and the one state of liberation.
九罪報 [クザイホウ]@(term) nine vexations.
九華山 [クケセン]@Nine Flower Mountain.
九蓮 [クレン]@(term) nine lotus stands.
九衆 [クシュ]@(term) nine groups (of disciples).
九衆生居 [クシュショウキョ]@nine abodes of sentient beings.
九解■道 [クゲダツドウ]@nine paths of liberation.
九識 [クシキ]@(term) ninth consciousness.
九輪 [クリン]@nine wheels.
九轍 [クテツ]@nine divisions of the meaning.
九轍法師 [クテツホウシ]@nine track dharma master.
九道 [キュウドウ]@nine truths.
九道 [クドウ]@nine truths.
九部 [クブ]@(term) nine divisions of the canon.
九部經 [クブキョウ]@(term) nine divisions of the canon.
九門 [クモン]@nine abodes.
九陰 [クオン]@nine elements (of the Vai■e■ikas).
九難 [クナン]@(term) nine difficulties.
九類生 [クルイショウ]@nine kinds of birth.
九鬼 [クキ]@(term) nine kinds of ghosts.
九齋日 [クサイニチ]@nine days of fasting.
乞 [コツ]@pray for.
乞丐 [コツガイ]@beggar.
乞叉 [キシャ]@finality.
乞士 [コッシ]@(term) begging knight.
乞士女 [コッシニョ]@nun.
乞察 [キッサツ]@finality.
乞灑 [キシャ]@finality.
乞眼婆羅門 [コツゲンバラモン]@eye-begging brahman.
乞食 [コツシキ]@(term) begging for food.
乞食四分 [コツジキシブン]@four parts of a renunciant's dole.
乞食鉢 [コツシキハツ]@(term) ration bowl.
乳 [ニュウ]@milk.
乳味 [ニュウミ]@milk flavor.
乳木 [ニュウモク]@milk-wood.
乳經 [ニュウキョウ]@Milk Scripture.
乾城 [ケンジョウ]@city of the Gandharvas.
乾度 [カンド]@collections of rules.
乾栗■ [ケンリダ]@heart.
乾栗■ [ケンリツダ]@heart.
乾沓和 [カントウワ]@(foreign) gandharva.
乾沓婆 [カントウバ]@(foreign) gandharva.
乾闥婆 [ケンダツバ]@(term) gandharva.
乾陀呵晝 [ケンダカチュウ]@(name) Gandhahastin.
乾陀訶提 [ケンダカダイ]@(name) Gandhahastin.
亂 [ラン]@confused.
亂識 [ランジキ]@(term) false discrimination; scattering consciousness.
了 [リョウ]@cognize.
了世 [リョウセイ]@(person) Yose.
了了 [リョウリョウ]@perfectly clear.
了了見 [リョウリョウケン]@perfectly penetrating vision.
了別 [リョウベツ]@perceive, cognize; perception, cognition.
了別境 [リョウベツキョウ]@perceive objects.
了因 [リョウイン]@(term) awareness-cause.
了因佛性 [リョウインブッショウ]@revealing cause of buddha-nature.
了徹禪定 [リョウテツゼンジョウ]@penetrating meditation.
了悟 [リョウゴ]@full awakening.
了教 [リョウキョウ]@ajñ■ta-Kau■■inya.
了本際 [リョウホンザイ]@Ajñ■ta-Kau■■inya.
了知 [リョウチ]@fully realize.
了義 [リョウギ]@clear matter or principle.
了義教 [リョウギキョウ]@fully explained teaching.
了義經 [リョウギキョウ]@revealed (or complete) doctrine scripture.
了達 [リョウダツ]@enlightenment.
事 [ジ]@(term) affair, event.
事事無礙 [ジジムゲ]@non-obstruction between individual phenomena.
事實 [ジジツ]@the facts.
事師法五十頌 [ジシホウゴジュウジュ]@(title) Fifty Verses on the Teacher.
事惑 [ジワク]@sensory and physical afflictions.
事愚癡 [ジグチ]@folly in regard to phenomena.
事教 [ジキョウ]@teaching dealing with phenomena.
事業 [ジゴウ]@action, function.
事法 [ジホウ]@Individual phenomena.
事法界 [ジホッカイ]@realm of phenomena.
事煩惱 [ジボンノウ]@afflictions derived from confusion regarding phenomena.
事理 [ジリ]@phenomena and principle.
事理五法 [ジリゴホウ]@five categories of phenomena and principle.
事用 [ジユウ]@phenomena and functions.
事究竟 [ジクキョウ]@ultimate in phenomena.
事護摩 [ジゴマ]@external fire ritual.
事迹 [ジシャク]@biography.
事障 [ジショウ]@(term) phenomenal hindrances.
二 [ニ]@two.
二三 [ニサン]@two groups of three.
二不定法 [ニフジョウホウ]@two rules for indeterminate behavior.
二世 [ニセ]@two worlds.
二世尊 [ニセソン]@two world-honored ones.
二世尊二師 [ニセソンニシ]@two honored ones, two preceptors.
二世間 [ニセケン]@(term) two realms.
二乘 [ニジョウ]@(term) two vehicles.
二乘作佛 [ニジョウサブツ]@two vehicles attain buddhahood.
二乘惡人 [ニジョウアクニン]@evil adherents of the two vehicles.
二乘解■ [ニジョウゲダツ]@liberation experienced by the adherents of the two
二九五部 [ニクゴブ]@eighteen nik■ya schools and five vinaya schools.
二九韻 [ニクノイン]@eighteen Sanskrit verb endings.
二二合■ [ニニゴウエン]@joining the two and the two.
二五食 [ニゴシキ]@two groups of five kinds of food.
二人倶犯 [ニニングボン]@including both with harmful error.
二佛並坐 [ニブツビョウザ]@two buddhas sitting together.
二佛中門 [ニブツチュウモン]@period between two buddhas.
二佛性 [ニブッショウ]@two kinds of Buddha-nature.
二佛身 [ニブッシン]@two buddha-bodies.
二依 [ニエ]@(term) two kinds of pollution.
二依處 [ニエショ]@Two loci of reliance.
二修 [ニシュ]@two kinds of practice.
二倶犯過 [ニクボンカ]@including both with harmful error.
二假 [ニケ]@two hypotheses.
二光 [ニコウ]@two lights.
二入 [ニニュウ]@(term) two entrances to enlightenment.
二八 [ニハチ]@two sets of eight.
二六 [ニロク]@two sets of six.
二六之■ [ニロクノエン]@twelve conditions.
二六之願 [ニロクノガン]@twelve vows.
二六時中 [ニロクジチュウ]@during all twelve time periods of the day.
二凡 [ニボン]@two kinds of worldlings.
二凡夫 [ニボンブ]@(term) two kinds of worldlings.
二出 [ニシュツ]@two modes of escape.
二利行 [ニリコウ]@(term) two kinds of improvements.
二力 [ニリキ]@two powers.
二加 [ニカ]@two kinds of aid.
二勝果 [ニショウカ]@two excellent realizations.
二十 [ニジュウ]@twenty.
二十一種禮讃經 [ニジュウイッシュライサンキョウ]@(title) Ershiyizhong lizan
二十七賢聖 [ニジュウシチケンジョウ]@twenty-seven sages.
二十二品 [ニジュウニホン]@(term) twenty-two components of enlightenment.
二十二根 [ニジュウニコン]@(term) twenty-two faculties.
二十二種愚癡 [ニジュウニシュグチ]@(term) twenty-two kinds of folly.
二十二門 [ニジュウニモン]@twenty-two aspects.
二十五圓通 [ニジュウゴエンヅウ]@twenty-five kinds of perfect understanding.
二十五方便 [ニジュウゴホウベン]@twenty-five expedients.
二十五有 [ニジュウゴウ]@(term) twenty-five (stages of) existence (s).
二十五條 [ニジュウゴジョウ]@twenty-five patch garment.
二十五神 [ニジュウゴシン]@twenty-five deities.
二十五菩薩 [ニジュウゴボサツ]@(term) twenty-five bodhisattvas.
二十五點 [ニジュウゴテン]@twenty-five checkpoints.
二十億耳 [ニジュウオクニ]@■ro■ako■■vi■■a.
二十八天 [ニジュウハッテン]@(term) twenty-eight heavens.
二十八宿 [ニジュウハッシュク]@twenty-eight constellations.
二十八有 [ニジュウハチウ]@twenty-eight forms of existence.
二十八生 [ニジュウハッショウ]@twenty-eight forms of existence.
二十八祖 [ニジュウハッソ]@twenty-eight patriarchs.
二十八藥叉 [ニジュウハチヤクサ]@(foreign) twenty-eight yak■as.
二十八部衆 [ニジュウハチブシュウ]@twenty-eight groups.
二十唯識 [ニジュウイシキ]@Twenty [verses on] Consciousness-only.
二十唯識論 [ニジュウユイシキロン]@(title) Vim■atik■-■■stra.
二十唯識順釋論 [ニジュウユイシキジュンシャクロン]@The Jewel-Arising Treatise
on Setting Forth Consciousness-only.
二十四不相應法 [ニジュウシフソウオウボウ]@twenty-four phenomena (dharmas)
not associated with mind (or matter).
二十四重戒 [ニジュウシジュウカイ]@twenty-four grave precepts.
二十天 [ニジッテン]@(term) twenty celestials.
二十智 [ニジュウチ]@(term) twenty kinds of wisdom.
二十■度 [ニジュウケンド]@twenty chapters.
二十空 [ニジックウ]@twenty kinds of emptiness.
二十部 [ニジュウブ]@twenty nik■ya schools.
二卷傳 [ニカンデン]@(title) Two-fascicle biography.
二取 [ニシュ]@two kinds of grasping.
二受 [ニジュ]@two sensations.
二吉羅 [ニキラ]@two evil actions.
二和 [ニワ]@(term) two kinds of harmony.
二善 [ニゼン]@two goodnesses.
二嚴 [ニゴン]@dual adornment.
二因 [ニイン]@(term) two causes.
二圓 [ニエン]@two perfect doctrines.
二土 [ニド]@(term) two grounds.
二地 [ニチ]@the second bodhisattva ground.
二執 [ニシュウ]@(term) two attachments.
二報 [ニホウ]@two karmic rewards.
二■菩薩 [ニゾウボサツ]@(term) two superior bodhisattvas.
二天 [ニテン]@(term) two celestials.
二天三仙 [ニテンサンセンニテンサンセン]@(term) two celestials and three sages.
二女 [ニニョ]@(term) two sisters.
二如 [ニニョ]@(term) thusness in two aspects.
二妙 [ニミョウ]@two marvels.
二始 [ニシ]@two beginnings.
二字 [ニジ]@two letters.
二字文殊 [ニジモンジュ]@two-character Mañju■r■.
二學 [ニガク]@two kinds of study.
二宗 [ニシュウ]@two schools.
二密 [ニミツ]@two esoteric aspects.
二尊 [ニソン]@(term) two honored ones.
二尊一教 [ニソンイッキョウ]@two honored ones, one teaching.
二尊一致 [ニソンイッチ]@two honored ones, one teaching.
二尊二教 [ニソンニキョウ]@two honored ones, two teachings.
二序 [ニジョ]@two kinds of preface.
二往 [ニオウ]@once again.
二■ [ニトク]@(term) two virtues.
二心 [ニシン]@(term) two minds.
二忍 [ニニン]@two endurances.
二悟 [ニゴ]@(term) two kinds of awakening.
二惑 [ニワク]@(term) two kinds of affliction.
二愛 [ニアイ]@two kinds of love.
二慧 [ニエ]@(term) two wisdoms.
二應身 [ニオウジン]@two kinds of response body.
二我 [ニガ]@two views of self.
二我執 [ニガシュウ]@two kinds of attachment to self.
二我見 [ニガケン]@(term) two views of self.
二戒 [ニカイ]@(term) two kinds of precepts.
二持 [ニジ]@two kinds of discipline.
二挾侍 [ニキョウシ]@two attendants.
二教 [ニキョウ]@(term) two kinds of teaching.
二時 [ニジ]@(term) two time periods.
二智 [ニチ]@(term) two kinds of wisdom.
二智圓滿 [ニチエンマン]@two kinds of wisdom, perfect and complete.
二果 [ニカ]@second fruit.
二根 [ニコン]@(term) two faculties.
二業 [ニゴウ]@(term) two kinds of karmic reward.
二檀 [ニダン]@two kinds of donation.
二死 [ニシ]@(term) two kinds of death.
二求 [ニグ]@two kinds of seeking.
二河白道 [ニガビャクドウ]@two rivers and the white path.
二法執 [ニホッシュウ]@two kinds of attachment to phenomena.
二法身 [ニホッシン]@two kinds of dharma-body.
二流 [ニリュウ]@(term) two currents.
二流 [ニル]@(term) two currents.
二涅槃 [ニネハン]@(term) two kinds of nirvana.
二滅 [ニメツ]@(term) two kinds of extinction.
二漏 [ニロ]@two states in regard to contamination.
二無常 [ニムジョウ]@two kinds of impermanence.
二無我 [ニムガ]@(term) two forms of selflessness.
二無我智 [ニムガチ]@(term) wisdom of the two kinds of selflessness.
二無記 [ニムキ]@(term) two kinds of morally indeterminate obstructions to
二煩惱 [ニボンノウ]@(term) two kinds of afflictions.
二犯 [ニボン]@two kinds of transgressions.
二王 [ニオウ]@two guardian kings.
二現 [ニゲン]@two kinds of manifestation.
二百五十戒 [ニヒャクゴジッカイ]@two hundred and fifty precepts.
二益 [ニヤク]@two benefits.
二相 [ニソウ]@two characteristics.
二眞如 [ニシンニョ]@(term) two kinds of suchness.
二礙 [ニゲ]@(term) two obstructions.
二祖 [ニソ]@second patriarch.
二祖斷臂 [ニソダンピ]@second patriarch severed his arm.
二福 [ニフク]@two kinds of fortune.
二福田 [ニフクデン]@two fields of merit.
二禪天 [ニゼンテン]@(term) second meditation heaven.
二種 [ニシュ]@two kinds.
二種一闡提 [ニシュノイッセンダイ]@(term) two kinds of icchantika.
二種佛境 [ニシュノブッキョウ]@(term) two kinds of buddha-realms.
二種供養 [ニシュノクヨウ]@two kinds of offerings.
二種光明 [ニシュコウミョウ]@two kinds of light.
二種因果 [ニシュインガ]@two aspects of cause and effect.
二種子 [ニシュウジ]@(term) two kinds of seeds.
二種寂靜 [ニシュジャクジョウ]@two kinds of quiesence.
二種布施 [ニシュフセ]@(term) two kinds of charity.
二種心相 [ニシュシンソウ]@two kinds of characteristics of mind.
二種忍辱 [ニシュニンニク]@(term) two kinds of patience.
二種性 [ニシュショウ]@(term) two kinds of seed-nature.
二種授記 [ニシュジュキ]@(term) two kinds of predictions.
二種施 [ニシュノセ]@two kinds of donation.
二種死 [ニシュノシ]@two kinds of death.
二種比丘 [ニシュノビク]@two kinds of monks.
二種涅槃 [ニシュネハン]@(term) two kinds of nirvana.
二種■淨 [ニシュショウジョウ]@two kinds of purity.
二種灌頂 [ニシュカンジョウ]@two kinds of abhi■eka.
二種無明 [ニシュムミョウ]@(term) two kinds of ignorance.
二種煩惱 [ニシュボンノウ]@two kinds of affliction.
二種生死 [ニシュショウジ]@(term) two kinds of sams■ra.
二種病 [ニシュノヤマイ]@(term) two kinds of sickness.
二種■生 [ニシュエンショウ]@(term) two kinds of causes-conditions for rebirth.
二種聖 [ニシュショウ]@(term) two kinds of sages.
二種舍利 [ニシュノシャリ]@(term) two kinds of relics.
二種舍利 [ニシュシャリ]@(term) two kinds of relics.
二種菩薩 [ニシュノボサツ]@two kinds of bodhisattvas.
二種菩薩身 [ニシュボサツシン]@(term) two kinds of bodhisattva bodies.
二種資糧 [ニシュシリョウ]@(term) two kinds of provisions.
二種邪見 [ニシュノジャケン]@two mistaken views.
二種闡提 [ニシュノセンダイ]@(term) two kinds of icchantika.
二空 [ニクウ]@(term) two kinds of emptiness.
二空眞如 [ニクウシンニョ]@thusness of the two kinds of selflessness.
二空眞理 [ニクウシンリ]@the truth of the two kinds of selflessness.
二空觀 [ニクウカン]@(term) two meditations on emptiness.
二答 [ニトウ]@(term) two kinds of reply.
二經體 [ニキョウタイ]@two essences of a scripture.
二■ [ニエン]@(term) two kinds of conditions.
二縛 [ニバク]@(term) two kinds of fetters.
二罪 [ニギイ]@(term) two kinds of crimes.
二美 [ニミ]@two excellent things.
二義 [ニギ]@two explanations of the doctrine.
二翼 [ニヨク]@two wings.
二聖 [ニショウ]@(title) two sages (of the Lotus Sutra).
二脇士 [ニキョウジ]@(term) two attendants.
二般若 [ニハンニャ]@two kinds of wisdom.
二色身 [ニシキシン]@(term) two form bodies.
二苦 [ニク]@(term) two kinds of suffering.
二藏 [ニゾウ]@(term) two canons.
二處三會 [ニショサンエ]@(term) two venues and three assemblies.
二衆 [ニシュ]@two groups.
二行 [ニギョウ]@two activities.
二衣 [ニエ]@(term) two kinds of clothing.
二見 [ニケン]@(term) two views.
二覺 [ニカク]@(term) two enlightenments.
二觀 [ニカン]@two kinds of meditation.
二解■ [ニゲダツ]@two kinds of liberation.
二詮 [ニセン]@two kinds of statements.
二語 [ニゴ]@double-tongued.
二諦 [ニタイ]@(term) twofold truth.
二護 [ニゴ]@Two protectors.
二資糧 [ニシリョウ]@(term) two necessary provisions for the path to enlightenment.
二超 [ニチョウ]@two transcendences.
二足 [ニソク]@two legs.
二足尊 [ニソクソン]@most honored among the two-legged.
二身 [ニシン]@(term) two bodies.
二輪 [ニリン]@(term) two wheels.
二轉 [ニテン]@(term) two transformations.
二道 [ニドウ]@two paths.
二邊 [ニヘン]@(term) two extremes.
二部五部 [ニブゴブ]@Two divisions and five divisions.
二量 [ニリョウ]@two assessments.
二門 [ニモン]@two teachings.
二際 [ニサイ]@two kinds of reality.
二障 [ニショウ]@(term) two hindrances.
二障義 [ニショウギ]@(title) Doctrine of the Two Hindrances.
二障體■ [ニショウタイセツ]@(title) Explanation of the Substance of the Two
二隨眠 [ニズイミン]@two propensities.
二頓 [ニトン]@two kinds of suddenness.
二類各生 [ニルイカクショウ]@two kinds of rebirth (in the Pure Land).
二類種子 [ニルイシュジ]@two kinds of seeds.
二食 [ニジキ]@two kinds of food.
二鳥 [ニチョウ]@two birds.
二鼠 [ニソ]@two rats.
于 [ウ]@at, in, on.
于■ [ウデン]@Khotan.
于栗駄 [ウリダ]@heart.
于殿 [ウテン]@Khotan.
于遁 [ウトン]@Khotan.
于遮那摩羅 [ウシャナマラ]@K■ñcana-m■l■.
于闍羅 [ウジャラ]@Kuñjara.
于闍那 [ウジャナ*]@Kuñjara.
于■ [ウテン]@Khotan.
云 [ウン]@say.
云云 [ウンウン]@and so forth...
云何 [イカン]@why is it.
云何 [ウンガ]@why is it.
云何 [イカンガ]@why is it.
互 [ゴ]@mutually.
互用罪 [ゴヨウザイ]@fault of using one for another.
互胡跪 [ゴコキ]@kneeling with both knees at once.
互跪 [ゴキ]@kneeling with both knees at once.
五 [ゴ]@five.
五三八二 [ゴサンハチニ]@five, three, eight, two.
五上分結 [ゴジョウブンケツ]@five higher-level bonds.
五下分結 [ゴゲブンケツ]@five lower-level bonds.
五不可思議 [ゴフカシギ]@five unfathomables.
五不正食 [ゴフショウジキ]@five improper foods.
五不還天 [ゴフゲンテン]@five heavens of no-return.
五不還果 [ゴフゲンカ]@five kinds of non-returners.
五乘 [ゴジョウ]@(term) five vehicles.
五乘居天 [ゴジョウキョテン]@celestials of the five vehicles.
五乘居衆 [ゴジョウキョシュ]@five celestials.
五乘齊入 [ゴジョウサイニュウ]@five vehicles equally enter.
五事妄語 [ゴジノモウゴ]@five things explained fallaciously; five false teachings of
五事毘婆沙論 [ゴジビバシャロン]@Five Phenomena Vibh■■a Treatise.
五五百年 [ゴゴヒャクネン]@five periods of five hundred years.
五五菩薩 [ゴゴノボサツ]@twenty-five bodhisattvas.
五人■經 [ゴニンセッキョウ]@five kinds of people who expound the scriptures.
五位 [ゴイ]@(term) five ranks.(term) five stages.
五位三昧 [ゴイザンマイ]@(foreign) five levels of sam■dhi.
五位無心 [ゴイムシン]@(term) five instances of no-mind.
五住 [ゴジュウ]@five hypostases of affliction; five hypostatic afflictions.
五住地 [ゴジュウジ]@five hypostases of affliction; five hypostatic afflictions.
五住地惑 [ゴジュウジノワク]@five hypostases of affliction; five hypostatic
五住地煩惱 [ゴジュウジボンノウ]@five hypostases of affliction; five hypostatic
五佛 [ゴブツ]@(term) five buddhas.
五佛五身 [ゴブツゴシン]@five buddhas in five bodies.
五佛冠 [ゴブツカン]@jeweled crown of the five buddhas.
五佛子 [ゴブッシ]@five kinds of Buddhists.
五佛寶冠 [ゴブツホウカン]@jeweled crown of the five buddhas.
五佛性 [ゴブッショウ]@five characteristics of a buddha's nature.
五佛灌頂 [ゴブツカンジョウ]@consecration by five buddhas.
五佛羯磨印 [ゴブツコンマイン]@(foreign) mudr■s of the five buddhas.
五佛頂 [ゴブッチョウ]@five buddha attendants.
五佛頂尊 [ゴブッチョウソン]@five buddha attendants.
五佛頂法 [ゴブッチョウホウ]@the forms of the five buddha attendants.
五佛頂經 [ゴブッチョウキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Five Buddha-Attendants.
五作業根 [ゴサゴウコン]@five organs of activity.
五使者 [ゴシシャ]@five messengers.
五供養 [ゴクヨウ]@five kinds of offerings.
五倶 [ゴグ]@five comrades.
五倶倫 [ゴクリン]@five comrades.
五倶輪 [ゴグリン]@five comrades.
五停四念 [ゴジョウシネン]@five meditations and four bases of mindfulness.
五停心觀 [ゴジョウシンカン]@five approaches to meditation; five objects of
五八 [ゴハチ]@five eights.
五八十具 [ゴハチジュウグ]@five, eight, ten, and complete precepts.
五八尊 [ゴハチソン]@forty forms of Avalokite■vara.
五八識 [ゴハチシキ]@five and eighth consciousnesses.
五具足 [ゴグソク]@full set of five implements.
五刀 [ゴトウ]@five swords.
五分 [ゴブン]@five parts.
五分作法 [ゴブンサホウ]@five-part syllogism.
五分律 [ゴブンリツ]@(title) Vinaya of the Five Categories.
五分戒本 [ゴブンカイホン]@(title) Vinaya of the Five Categories.
五分法身 [ゴブンホウシン]@(term) five-part dharma body.
五分香 [ゴブンコウ]@five kinds of fragrance.
五別境 [ゴベッキョウ]@five mental factors that function only with specific objects.
五利使 [ゴリシ]@(term) five afflictions of advanced practitioners.
五利煩惱 [ゴリボンノウ]@five subtler afflictions.
五力 [ゴリキ]@(term) five powers.
五功■門 [ゴクドクモン]@five meritorious gates.
五劫思惟 [ゴコウシユイ]@five eons of deliberation.
五十三佛 [ゴジュウサンブツ]@fifty-three buddhas.
五十三參 [ゴジュウサンサン]@fifty-three wise teachers.
五十三尊 [ゴジュウサンゾン]@fifty-three honored ones.
五十三智識 [ゴジュウサンチシキ]@fifty-three wise teachers.
五十二位 [ゴジュウニイ]@fifty-two stages.
五十二尊 [ゴジュウニソン]@images of the fifty-two honored ones.
五十二種供物 [ゴジュウニシュノクモツ]@fifty-two kinds of offerings.
五十二衆 [ゴジュウニシュ]@fifty-two groups of beings.
五十二身像 [ゴジュウニシンゾウ]@images of the fifty-two attendants.
五十二類 [ゴジュウニルイ]@fifty-two kinds of beings.
五十五善知識 [ゴジュウゴゼンチシキ]@fifty-five genuine teachers.
五十五聖 [ゴジュウゴショウ]@fifty-five sages.
五十八戒 [ゴジュウハチカイ]@fifty-eight precepts.
五十六億七千萬歳 [ゴジュウロクオクシチセンマンザイ]@56, 070, 000 years.
五十功■ [ゴジュウクドク]@fifty meritorious virtues.
五十天供 [ゴジュウテンク]@fifty heavenly offerings.
五十字母 [ゴジュウジモ]@Sanskrit alphabet in fifty letters.
五十字門 [ゴジュウジモン]@Sanskrit alphabet in fifty letters.
五十小劫 [ゴジュウショウコウ]@fifty minor eons.
五十展轉 [ゴジュウテンデン]@the fiftieth time around.
五十心菩薩 [ゴジュウシンボサツ]@bodhisattvas of the fifty (stages of) mind.
五十惡 [ゴジュウアク]@fifty evils.
五十法 [ゴジュウホウ]@fifty methods.
五千上慢 [ゴセンジョウマン]@the five thousand most arrogant.
五千起去 [ゴセンキコ]@the five thousand (arhats) who got up and left.
五印 [ゴイン]@five Indias.
五印度 [ゴインド]@five Indias.
五參上堂 [ゴサンジョウドウ]@worship on the fifth day.
五參日 [ゴサンニチ]@worship on the fifth day.
五叉地獄 [ゴシャジゴク]@hell of the five-pronged forks.
五取蘊 [ゴシュウン]@five skandhas as something that is mistakenly attached to.
五受 [ゴジュ]@(term) five sensations.
五古 [ゴコ]@five-pronged vajra.
五台山 [ゴダイサン]@(place) Wutai shan.
五周因果 [ゴシュウインカ]@five circuits of cause and effect.
五味 [ゴミ]@five flavors.
五味禪 [ゴミゼン]@five kinds of meditation.
五味粥 [ゴミシュク]@five-flavored congee.
五味粥 [ゴミジュク]@five-flavored congee.
五品 [ゴホン]@five classes.
五唯 [ゴユイ]@five rudimentary elements.
五唯量 [ゴユイリョウ]@five rudimentary elements.
五善 [ゴゼン]@five good (practices).
五執 [ゴシュウ]@five planets.
五堅固 [ゴケンゴ]@five hardnesses.
五塵 [ゴジン]@(term) objects of the five sense organs.
五境 [ゴキョウ]@(term) five external objects.
五■上■ [ゴゾウジョウエン]@five excellent causes.
五壇法 [ゴダンホウ]@five ceremonies on the altar.
五夢 [ゴム]@five dreams.
五大 [ゴダイ]@five elements.
五大使者 [ゴダイシシャ]@five great messengers.
五大力尊 [ゴダイリキソン]@five bodhisattvas of great power.
五大力菩薩 [ゴダイリキボサツ]@five bodhisattvas of great power.
五大尊 [ゴダイソン]@five great honored ones.
五大形 [ゴダイギョウ]@the shapes of the five great elements.
五大施 [ゴダイセ]@five great gifts.
五大明王 [ゴダイミョウオウ]@five great guardian kings.
五大月輪 [ゴダイゲツリン]@five great moon wheels.
五大色 [ゴダイシキ]@five great colors.
五大觀 [ゴダイカン]@meditation on the five elements.
五大院 [ゴダイイン]@fifth great court.
五大龍王 [ゴダイリュウオウ]@five great dragon kings.
五天 [ゴテン]@five celestials.
五天使者 [ゴテンシシャ]@five heavenly messengers.
五天子 [ゴテンシ]@five celestials.
五天竺 [ゴテンジク]@five regions of India.
五如來 [ゴニョライ]@five tath■gatas.
五妙 [ゴミョウ]@five marvels.
五妙境界樂 [ゴミョウキョウガイラク]@bliss in the Pure Land.
五妙欲 [ゴミョウヨク]@five subtle desires.
五字咒法 [ゴジジュホウ]@(title) Wuzi zhoufa.
五學處 [ゴガクショ]@five points of learning.
五宗 [ゴシュウ]@five schools.
五官 [ゴカン]@five organs.
五官王 [ゴカンオウ]@ruler of the five officials.
五家 [ゴケ]@five masters; five philosopher.
五家七宗 [ゴケシチシュウ]@five houses and seven schools.
五家所共 [ゴケショグ]@offerings of the five families.
五家解 [ゴケカイ]@(title) Ogahae.
五家解■誼 [ゴケカイセツギ]@(title) Ogahae s■r■i.
五寶 [ゴホウ]@five treasures.
五寶天冠 [ゴホウテンカン]@jeweled crown of the five celestials.
五寶■ [ゴホウビョウ]@five jeweled vases.
五專 [ゴセン]@five devotions.
五居 [ゴコ]@five abodes.
五山 [ゴザン]@five mountains.
五山 [ゴサン]@five mountains.
五峯光明 [ゴホウコウミョウ]@five pronged vajra.
五峯金剛杵 [ゴホウコンゴウショ]@five pronged vajra.
五峰光明 [ゴホウコウミョウ]@five pronged vajra.
五峰金剛杵 [ゴホウコンゴウショ]@five pronged vajra.
五帖袈裟 [ゴチョウゲサ]@five patches monks robe.
五師 [ゴシ]@five masters.
五師子 [ゴシシ]@five lions.
五年大會 [ゴネンダイエ]@quinennial assembly.
五度 [ゴド]@five perfections.
五律 [ゴリツ]@the vinaya of the five vinaya schools.
五微塵 [ゴミジン]@five subtle elements.
五■ [ゴトク]@five virtues.
五心 [ゴシン]@five states of mind.
五忍 [ゴニン]@(term) five tolerances.
五忍法 [ゴニンホウ]@five tolerances.
五念門 [ゴネンモン]@five gates of mindfulness.
五忿怒 [ゴフンヌ]@five angry ones.
五怖畏 [ゴフイ]@five fears.
五性 [ゴショウ]@five natures.
五性各別 [ゴショウカクベツ]@(term) five natures distinction.
五性宗 [ゴショウシュウ]@five natures school.
五悔 [ゴケ]@five kinds of remorse.
五悔 [ゴゲ]@five kinds of remorse.
五悔 [ゴカイ]@five kinds of remorse.
五悔 [ゴゲ]@five kinds of remorse.
五情 [ゴジョウ]@(term) five desires.
五惑 [ゴワク]@five delusions.
五惡 [ゴアク]@five evil activities.
五惡趣 [ゴアクシュ]@five evil destinies.
五慳 [ゴケン]@five kinds of stinginess.
五戒 [ゴカイ]@(term) five precepts.
五戒■信女 [ゴカイショウシンニョ]@women of pure faith who adhere to the five
五戒賢 [ゴカイケン]@worthies adhering to the five precepts.
五所依土 [ゴショエド]@five grounds of reliance.
五扇提羅 [ゴセンダラ]@five neutered beings.
五拔刀賊 [ゴバツトウゾク]@five bandits with drawn swords.
五拘鄰 [ゴクリン]@(term) five comrades.
五攝論 [ゴショウロン]@Five Summary Treatise.
五支作法 [ゴシサクホウ]@(term) five-part syllogism.
五支戒 [ゴシカイ]@five moral principles.
五教 [ゴキョウ]@(term) five teachings.
五教九山 [ゴキョウクサン]@(term) five doctrinal schools and "nine mountain"
五教兩宗 [ゴキョウリョウシュウ]@(term) five doctrinal schools and two
(meditational) schools.
五散亂 [ゴサンラン]@five kinds of distraction.
五數 [ゴシュ]@five objects.
五方五智 [ゴホウゴチ]@five buddhas of the five directions.
五族如來 [ゴゾクニョライ]@five families of tath■gatas.
五旬 [ゴジュン]@(term) five supernatural powers.
五明 [ゴミョウ]@five sciences.
五星 [ゴショウ]@five planets.
五時 [ゴジ]@(term) five teaching periods.
五時八教 [ゴジハッキョウ]@five periods and eight teachings.
五智 [ゴチ]@five wisdoms.
五智冠 [ゴチカン]@jeweled crown of the five wisdoms.
五智如來 [ゴチニョライ]@five buddhas as incarnations of distinct types of wisdom.
五智寶冠 [ゴチノホウカン]@jeweled crown of the five wisdoms.
五智所生三身 [ゴチショショウサンシン]@three bodies produced by each of the five
五智月輪 [ゴチゲツリン]@five wisdom-moon wheels.
五智輪 [ゴチリン]@meditation on the five elements.
五智金剛杵 [ゴチコンゴウショ]@five pronged vajra.
五更 [ゴコウ]@five night watches.
五會念佛 [ゴエネンブツ]@five ways of chanting the Buddha's name.
五月輪 [ゴゲツリン]@five moon wheels.
五果 [ゴカ]@fivefold aspects of cause and effect.
五根 [ゴコン]@(term) five faculties.
五根本 [ゴコンボン]@five basic afflictions.
五根色 [ゴコンジキ]@five colors of the faculties.
五條 [ゴジョウ]@five patches monks robe.
五條衣 [ゴジョウエ]@five patches monks robe.
五條袈裟 [ゴジョウゲサ]@five patches monks robe.
五業 [ゴゴウ]@five kinds of karma.
五樂 [ゴラク]@five pleasures.
五欲 [ゴヨク]@(term) five desires.
五正色 [ゴショウジキ]@five normative colors.
五正行 [ゴショウギョウ]@five correct practices.
五正食 [ゴショウジキ]@(term) five proper foods.
五比丘 [ゴビク]@(term) five bhik■us.
五法 [ゴホウ]@five kinds of dharmas.
五法人 [ゴホウニン]@adherents of the five rules.
五法藏 [ゴホウゾウ]@(term) five categories of dharmas.
五法身 [ゴホッシン]@five (part) dharma-body.
五波羅密 [ゴハラミツ]@five perfections.
五海 [ゴカイ]@five seas.
五淨 [ゴジョウ]@five pure products.
五淨居天 [ゴジョウゴテン]@(term) five pure heavenly abodes.
五淨食 [ゴジョウジキ]@five pure foods.
五濁 [ゴジョク]@(term) five defilements.
五濁■時 [ゴジョクゾウジゴジョクゾウノトキ]@period of the increase of the five
五無量 [ゴムリョウ]@(term) five immeasurables.
五無間 [ゴムケン]@(hell of the) five kinds of non-remission.
五無間業 [ゴムケンゴウ]@five kinds of evil acts leading to rebirth in the unremitting
五無間罪 [ゴムケンザイ]@five kinds of evil acts leading to rebirth in the unremitting
五燈■ [ゴトウロク]@five records of the transmission of the lamp.
五燒 [ゴショウ]@five burnings.
五■ [ゴビョウ]@five vases.
五■智水 [ゴビョウノチスイ]@five vases and the water of wisdom.
五■智水 [ゴビョウチスイ]@five vases and the water of wisdom.
五■灌頂 [ゴビョウカンジョウ]@consecration with the water of the five vases.
五生 [ゴショウ]@five rebirths.
五畏 [ゴイ]@five fears.
五痛 [ゴツウ]@five kinds of pain.
五百 [ゴヒャク]@five hundred.
五百世 [ゴヒャクセ]@five hundred generations.
五百世無手 [ゴヒャクセムシュ]@five hundred generations without hands.
五百問 [ゴヒャクモン]@five hundred questions.
五百問事 [ゴヒャクモンジ]@five hundred questions.
五百大羅漢 [ゴヒャクダイラカン]@five hundred great arhats.
五百小乘 [ゴヒャクショウジョウ]@five hundred lesser vehicle (sects).
五百戒 [ゴヒャクカイ]@five hundred precepts.
五百生 [ゴヒャクショウ]@five hundred generations.
五百由旬 [ゴヒャクユジュン]@(foreign) five hundred yojanas.
五百異部 [ゴヒャクイブ]@five hundred sects.
五百結集 [ゴヒャクケツジュウ]@(term) council of the Five Hundred.
五百羅漢 [ゴヒャクラカン]@(term) five hundred arhats.
五百部 [ゴヒャクブ]@five hundred sects.
五百集法 [ゴヒャクシュウホウ]@(term) council of the Five Hundred (Arhats).
五盛陰苦 [ゴジョウォンク]@suffering from the flourishing of the five skandhas.
五盛陰苦 [ゴセイインク]@suffering from the flourishing of the five skandhas.
五相 [ゴソウ]@five characteristics.
五相成身 [ゴソウジョウシン]@achieving the body of Vairocana through the fivefold
五相成身觀 [ゴソウジョウシンカン]@achieving the body of Vairocana through the
fivefold meditation.
五眼 [ゴゲン]@(term) five eyes.
五知根 [ゴチコン]@five faculties of cognition.
五礙 [ゴゲ]@five obstructions.
五祕 [ゴヒ]@five esoteric ones; five vajra bodhisattvas.
五祕密 [ゴヒミツ]@five esoteric ones; five vajra bodhisattvas.
五祕密曼荼羅 [ゴヒミツマンダラ]@mandala of the five vajrasattvas.
五祖 [ゴソ]@five patriarchs.
五神通 [ゴジンツウ]@(term) five supernatural powers.
五禁 [ゴゴン]@five prohibitions.
五種 [ゴシュ]@five kinds.
五種三歸 [ゴシュノサンキ]@five modes of the three refuges.
五種不女 [ゴシュノフニョ]@five kinds of non-females.
五種不男 [ゴシュノフナン]@five kinds of impotent men.
五種不男 [ゴシュフナン]@five kinds of impotent men.
五種不翻 [ゴシュノフホン]@five kinds of untranslated terms.
五種不翻 [ゴシュフホン]@five kinds of untranslated terms.
五種住地 [ゴシュジュウジ]@five kinds of hypostases.
五種修法 [ゴシュシュホウ]@five kinds of esoteric ceremony.
五種印 [ゴシュノイン]@five kinds of signs.
五種■上■ [ゴシュゾウジョウエン]@five excellent causes.
五種壇法 [ゴシュダンポウ]@five kinds of altar ceremonies.
五種天 [ゴシュテン]@five kinds of celestials.
五種布施 [ゴシュフセ]@five kinds of almsgiving.
五種性 [ゴシュショウ]@five kinds of natures.
五種惡病 [ゴシュアクビョウ]@five kinds of epidemics.
五種所■ [ゴシュショエン]@Five kinds of objectifications.
五種散亂 [ゴシュサンラン]@five kinds of distraction.
五種比量 [ゴシュヒリョウ]@inference.
五種法師 [ゴシュホッシ]@five kinds of authorities of the doctrine.
五種法界 [ゴシュホッカイ]@five kinds of reality realm.
五種法身 [ゴシュホッシン]@five kinds of dharma-body.
五種淨食 [ゴシュジョウジキ]@five pure foods.
五種灌頂 [ゴシュカンジョウ]@five kinds of consecration.
五種般 [ゴシュハツ]@five kinds of nirvana.
五種藏 [ゴシュゾウ]@five kinds of stores.
五種行 [ゴシュノギョウ]@five kinds of acts.
五種行 [ゴシュギョウ]@five kinds of acts.
五種■人 [ゴシュセツニン]@five kinds of people who testify for Buddhism.
五種通 [ゴシュツウ]@five kinds of supernatural power.
五種那含 [ゴシュナゴン]@five kinds of non-returners.
五種金剛使 [ゴシュコンゴウシ]@five kinds of adamantine messengers.
五種鈴 [ゴシュリョウ]@five kinds of bells.
五種雜行 [ゴシュノゾウギョウ]@five kinds of practices.
五種魔 [ゴシュマ]@devils of the five aggregates.
五種■重 [ゴシュソジュウ]@Five connotations of the "dense," "debilitating" or
"anchoring" aspects of affliction.
五空 [ゴクウ]@(term) five Emptinesses.
五箭 [ゴセン]@five arrows.
五篇 [ゴヒン]@five categories of precepts.
五篇 [ゴヘン]@five categories of precepts.
五納衣 [ゴノウエ]@five patch garment.
五結 [ゴケツ]@five bonds.
五結樂子 [ゴケツガクシ]@Musician of the Five Bonds.
五■ [ゴエン]@five conditions.
五■ [ゴケ]@five suspensions.
五翳 [ゴエイ]@five cataracts.
五聲 [ゴセイ]@five sounds.
五股 [ゴコ]@five-pronged vajra.
五股杵 [ゴコショ]@five-pronged vajra.
五股金剛 [ゴココンゴウ]@five-pronged vajra.
五股金剛杵 [ゴココンゴウショ]@five pronged vajra.
五臟 [ゴゾウ]@(term) five viscera.
五臺山 [ゴダイザン]@(place) Wutai shan.
五色 [ゴシキ]@five colors.
五苦 [ゴク]@five kinds of suffering.
五菩提 [ゴボダイ]@five kinds of enlightenment.
五葷 [ゴクン]@five pungent roots.
五蓋 [ゴガイ]@(term) five coverings.
五蘊 [ゴウン]@(term) five skandhas.(term) five aggregates.(term) five clusters.
五蘊世間 [ゴウンセケン]@world of the five aggregates.
五蘊宅 [ゴウンタク]@house of the five aggregates.
五蘊皆空經 [ゴウンカイクウキョウ]@(title) Sutra on the Emptiness of the Five
五蘊論 [ゴウンロン]@(title) Treatise on the Five Aggregates.
五蘊譬喩經 [ゴウンヒユキョウ]@(title) Sutra on the Metaphor of the Five
五蘊魔 [ゴウンマ]@devils of the five aggregates.
五處供養 [ゴショクヨウ]@five objects of offerings.
五處加持 [ゴショカジ]@touching of the five points of the body.
五處眞言 [ゴショシンゴン]@the touching of five parts of the body in esoteric ritual.
五衆 [ゴシュウ]@five skandhas.
五衆世間 [ゴシュセケン]@world of the five aggregates.
五衆魔 [ゴシュマ]@devils of the five aggregates.
五行 [ゴギョウ]@(term) five practices.
五衍 [ゴエン]@five vehicles.
五衰 [ゴスイ]@five signs of decay.
五衰相 [ゴスイソウ]@five signs of decay.
五見 [ゴケン]@(term) five views.
五覺 [ゴカク]@five kinds of enlightenment.
五觀 [ゴカン]@five contemplations.
五解■輪 [ゴゲダツリン]@five wheels of liberation.
五■ [ゴセツ]@five teachings.
五調子 [ゴチョウシ]@five harmonizations.
五論 [ゴロン]@five treatises.
五諦 [ゴタイ]@five truths.
五識 [ゴシキ]@(term) five consciousnesses.
五趣 [ゴシュ]@(term) five destinies.
五趣生死輪 [ゴシュショウジリン]@wheel of the five destinies of birth and death.
五身 [ゴシン]@five bodies.
五輪 [ゴリン]@five wheels.
五輪三摩地 [ゴリンサンマジ]@meditation on the five elements.
五輪三摩地 [ゴリンサマジ]@meditation on the five elements.
五輪九字明祕密釋 [ゴリンクジミョウヒミツシャク]@(title) Commentary on the
Secrets of the Five Cakras and Nine Syllables.
五輪倶屈 [ゴリングクツ]@elbows and knees on the ground.
五輪六大 [ゴリンロクダイ]@five elements and six elements.
五輪塔婆 [ゴリントウバ]@(foreign) five wheeled st■pa.
五輪成身觀 [ゴリンジョウシンカン]@meditation on the five elements.
五輪率塔婆 [ゴリンソトウバ]@(foreign) five wheeled st■pa.
五輪率都婆 [ゴリンソトバ]@(foreign) five wheeled st■pa.
五輪觀 [ゴリンカン]@meditation on the five elements.
五輪際 [ゴリンサイ]@limits of the fifth wheel.
五轉 [ゴテン]@five evolutions.
五轉色 [ゴテンジキ]@five evolutions of the colors.
五辛 [ゴシン]@five pungent roots.
五逆 [ゴギャク]@(term) five heinous crimes.
五逆罪 [ゴギャクザイ]@five heinous crimes.
五通 [ゴツウ]@(term) five supernatural powers.
五通仙 [ゴツウセン]@magician of the five powers.
五通曼荼羅 [ゴツウマンダラ]@mandala of the five supernatural powers.
五通神 [ゴツウジン]@five magical spirits.
五遍行 [ゴヘンギョウ]@five omnipresent mental factors.
五道 [ゴドウ]@(term) five destinies.
五道六道 [ゴドウロクドウ]@five destinies and six destinies.
五道冥官 [ゴドウミョウカン]@officer of the hells of the five destinies.
五道將軍 [ゴドウショウグン]@general of the five destinies.
五道輪 [ゴドウリン]@wheel of the five destinies.
五邉 [ゴヘン]@five extremes.
五那含天 [ゴナゴンテン]@five heavens of the non-returners.
五那含天子 [ゴナゴンテンシ]@five celestials.
五邪 [ゴジャ]@five kinds of evil livelihood.
五邪命 [ゴジャミョウ]@five kinds of evil livelihood.
五部 [ゴブ]@five groups.
五部合斷 [ゴブゴウダン]@eliminate five classes together.
五部大乘經 [ゴブダイジョウキョウ]@five great Mah■y■na sutras.
五部尊法 [ゴブソンボウ]@five-part esoteric ceremonies.
五部座 [ゴブザ]@five wisdom tath■gatas.
五部律 [ゴブリツ]@five major h■nay■na sects.
五部心觀 [ゴブシンカン]@(title) Essential Meditations on the Five Families.
五部忿怒 [ゴブフンヌ]@five great guardian kings.
五部悉地 [ゴブシッチ]@five-part esoteric ceremonies.
五部教主 [ゴブキョウシュ]@five authorities of the teaching.
五部秘藏 [ゴブヒゾウ]@five part secret store.
五部護摩 [ゴブゴマ]@five-part esoteric ceremonies.
五部雜斷 [ゴブゾウダン]@eliminate five classes together.
五重世界 [ゴジュウセカイ]@five graduated series of universes.
五重唯識 [ゴジュウユイシキ]@(term) five-fold Consciousness-only.
五重滯 [ゴジュウタイ]@five heavy bondages.
五重雲 [ゴジュウノクモ]@five layers of clouds.
五鈍使 [ゴドンシ]@(term) five afflictions that affect beginning practitioners.
五鈷 [ゴコ]@five-pronged vajra.
五鈷金剛 [ゴクコンゴウ]@five pronged vajra.
五鈷金剛杵 [ゴクコンゴウショ]@five pronged vajra.
五門禪 [ゴモンゼン]@five approaches to meditation; five objects of meditation.
五間色 [ゴケンジキ]@five compound colors.
五闡提羅 [ゴセンダイラ]@five neutered beings.
五阿含 [ゴアゴン]@five ■gamas.
五阿含經 [ゴアゴンキョウ]@five ■gamas.
五陰 [ゴオン]@(term) five skandhas.
五陰世間 [ゴオンセケン]@world of the five aggregates.
五陰盛 [ゴオンジョウ]@suffering from the flourishing of the five skandhas.
五陰盛苦 [ゴオンジョウク]@(term) suffering due to the five skandhas.
五陰苦 [ゴオンク]@suffering of the five aggregates.
五陰譬喩經 [ゴオンヒユキョウ]@(title) Sutra on the Metaphor of the Five
五陰魔 [ゴオンマ]@devils of the five aggregates.
五障 [ゴショウ]@(term) five hindrances.
五障三從 [ゴショウサンジュウ]@five hindrances and three subordinates.
五障三從 [ゴショウサンショウ]@five hindrances and three subordinates.
五隱 [ゴオン]@five skandhas.
五音 [ゴオン]@five tones.
五音 [ゴイン]@five tones.
五頂 [ゴチョウ]@five locks of hair.
五頂山 [ゴチョウサン]@five peaks.
五頂輪王 [ゴチョウリンノウ]@five buddha attendants.
五類天 [ゴルイテン]@five kinds of celestials.
五類聲 [ゴルイショウ]@five kinds of sounds.
五類■法 [ゴルイセッポウ]@five kinds of preaching.
五類龍王 [ゴルイリュウオウ]@five great dragon kings.
五食 [ゴジキ]@five kinds of nourishment.
五香 [ゴコウ]@five aromas.
五體 [ゴタイ]@(term) five parts of the body.
五體投地 [ゴタイトウジ]@throwing five parts of the body to the ground.
五髻 [ゴケイ]@five topknots.
五髻冠 [ゴケイカン]@five pointed crown.
井 [イ]@well.
井中撈月 [ショウチュウロウゲツ]@scooping the moon out of well water.
井河 [ショウカ]@the well and the river.
井華 [セイカ]@flower of the well.
亙■ [コウセン]@(person) K■ngs■n.
亞 [ア]@second.
亟縛■ [キャバシ]@leather sandals.
亡 [モウ]@gone.
亡五衆物 [モウゴシュモツ]@things left behind at death by the five kinds of Buddhist
亡心 [モウシン]@forget the mind; abandon thinking.
亡者 [モウジャ]@dead.
亡語 [モウゴ]@false speech.
亡語戒 [モウゴカイ]@precept forbidding false speech.
亡魂 [ボウコン]@soul of the dead.
交 [キョウ]@intersect.
交 [コウ]@intersect.
交代 [キョウタイ]@to exchange.
交徹 [キョウテツ]@interpenetration.
交絡 [キョウラク]@entangle each other.
交蘆 [キョウロ]@bundle of rushes.
交露 [キョウロ]@jeweled curtain.
亦 [エキ]@also.
亦 [ヤク]@also.
亦有亦空門 [ヤクウヤククウモン]@the perspective that admits of both existence and
享 [キョウ]@offer up.
享堂 [キョウドウ]@ancestral hall.
人 [ニン]@human being.
人中分陀利華 [ニンチュウブンダリケ]@lotus among men.
人中尊 [ニンチュウソン]@the most revered among men.
人中師子 [ニンチュウシシ]@lion among men.
人中樹 [ニンチュウジュ]@tree among men.
人乘 [ニンジョウ]@human vehicle.
人人 [ニンニン]@people.
人人本具 [ニンニンホング]@originally possessed by all people.
人仙 [ニンセン]@immortal among men.
人吉庶 [ニンキツショ]@demons shaped like men.
人因 [ニンイン]@causes of human rebirth.
人執 [ニンシュウ]@(term) attachment to selfhood.
人天 [ニンテン]@men and gods.
人天乘 [ニンテンジョウ]@vehicles of men and gods.
人天勝妙善果 [ニンテンショウミョウゼンカ]@men and gods, the most sublime
good rebirths.
人天教 [ニンデンキョウ]@(term) teaching for humans and gods.
人定 [ニンジョウ]@the time when people are asleep.
人寳 [ニンボウ]@treasure of men.
人尊 [ニンソン]@honored among men.
人尊三惡 [ニンソンサンアク]@three most wicked among men.
人尊牛王 [ニンソンギュウオウ]@ruler of the herd.
人師 [ニンシ]@teacher of men.
人師子 [ニンシシ]@(term) lion among men.
人我 [ニンガ]@conception of self.
人我執 [ニンガシュウ]@(term) inherently existent self.
人我見 [ニンガケン]@view of attachment to an inherently existent self.
人摩娑 [ニンマサ]@human flesh.
人有 [ニンウ]@human existence.
人樹 [ニンジュ]@tree among men.
人民 [ニンミン]@common people.
人法 [ニンホウ]@person and dharma.
人無我 [ニンムガ]@the person lacks true essence.
人無我智 [ニンムガチ]@the wisdom of selflessness.
人物 [ジンブツ]@human possessions.
人物 [ニンモツ]@human possessions.
人獅子 [ニンシシ]@lion among men.
人界 [ニンカイ]@(term) realm of human existence.
人界 [ニンガイ]@(term) realm of human existence.
人相欲 [ニンソウヨク]@sexual attraction to human features.
人空 [ニングウ]@(term) emptiness of person.
人空觀 [ニングウカン]@meditation on the lack of existence of a perduring, definitive
ego or personality of living beings.
人莽娑 [ニンボウサ]@human flesh.
人藥王 [ニンヤクオウ]@human healing king.
人趣 [ニンシュ]@(term) destiny of human rebirth.
人身 [ニンシン]@person.
人身 [ニンジン]@person.
人身牛 [ニンシンゴ]@human cattle.
人道 [ニンドウ]@rebirth as a human being.
人間 [ニンゲン]@human beings.(term) human being.
人間界 [ニンゲンカイ]@world of human beings.
人雄師子 [ニンオウシシ]@lion among men.
人雄師子 [ニンノウシシ]@lion among men.
人非人 [ニンヒニン]@human-yet-not-human.
人鬼 [ニンキ]@men and ghosts.
什 [ナニ]@what.
什 [ジュウ]@what.
什器 [ジュウキ]@things in general.
什寶 [ジュウホウ]@things in general.
什物 [ジュウモツ]@things in general.
什肇 [ジュウジュウ]@Kum■raj■va and Sengzhao.
什譯 [ジュウヤク]@Kum■raj■va translation.
什■ [ナニ]@what?.
什■ [ジュウモ]@what?.
什■ [インモ]@what?.
什■ [ジュウマ]@what?.
什■ [ソモ]@what?.
仁 [ジン]@altruism.You.
仁和寺 [ニンナジ]@(temple) Ninnaji.
仁尊 [ニンソン]@honored one.
仁海 [ニンカイ]@(person) Ningai.
仁王 [ニンノウ]@(term) humane kings.
仁王 [ニンオウ]@(term) humane kings.
仁王供 [ニンノウク]@offering to the humane king.
仁王供 [ニンノウグ]@offering to the humane king.
仁王咒 [ニンオウジュ]@(foreign) dh■ra■■ for humane kings.
仁王尊 [ニオウソン]@vajra-wielding guardian spirits.
仁王經 [ニンオウギョウ]@(title) Scripture for Humane Kings.
仁王般若波羅蜜經 [ジンノウハンニャハラミツキョウ]@(title) The Humane Kings
Perfection of Wisdom Sutra.
仁王護國般若波羅蜜多經陀羅尼念誦儀軌 [ニンオウゴコクハンニャハラミッタキ
ョウダラニネンショウギキ]@Instructions for the Rites, Chants, and Meditations of the
Prajñ■p■ramit■ Dh■ra■■ Scripture for Humane Kings Who Wish to Protect Their
仁王陀羅尼 [ニンノウダラニ]@(foreign) dh■ra■■ for humane kings.
仁者 [ジンシャ]@you.
仁讓 [ニンジョウ]@benevolent.
今 [コン]@now, present.
今圓 [コンエン]@presently perfect.
今家 [コンゲ]@my school.
介 [カイ]@bring together.
介爾 [ケニ]@thought-moment.
他 [タ]@other.
他世 [タセ]@another life.
他事 [タジ]@other matters.
他作 [タサ]@created based upon other things.
他力 [タリキ]@(term) other-power.
他力宗 [タリキシュウ]@other power teaching.
他勝 [タショウ]@(term) grave offenses.
他化自在天 [タケジザイテン]@heaven where one can partake of the pleasures of
created in other heavens.
他受用身 [タジュユウシン]@manifest body of the Buddha, for the enjoyment of the
beings in the world.
他寳 [タホウ]@another's treasures.
他己 [タコ]@another and oneself.
他心智 [タシンチ]@knowledge of other's minds.
他心通 [タシンツウ]@(term) supernatural ability to read the minds of others.
他悟 [タゴ]@be awakened by someone else.
他方 [タホウ]@other lands.
他方釋迦 [タホウシャカ]@■■kyamunis of other lands.
他毘利 [タビリ]@(school) Sthavir■■.
他毘梨與部 [タビリヨブ]@(school) Sthavira.
他相 [タソウ]@Marks of otherness.
他■ [タエン]@external conditions.
他聚落淨 [タシュラクジョウ]@after finishing one meal, going to another town for
another meal.
他身 [タシン]@other persons.
他那 [タナ]@locus.
付 [フ]@attach.
付囑 [フゾク]@entrustment of the buddhas with the transmission of the teaching.
付屬 [フショク]@entrust to.
付屬 [フゾク]@entrust to.
付法藏 [フホウゾウ]@transmission of the Buddhist teachings.
仙 [セン]@renunciant.
仙人 [センニン]@immortal.
仙人鹿園 [センニンロクオン]@park of the sages.
仙人鹿野苑 [センニンロクヤオン]@deer park of the sages.
仙城 [センジョウ]@Kapilavastu.
仙女 [センニョ]@(term) female sage.
仙經 [センキョウ]@Daoist classics.
仙苑 [センオン]@park of the sages.
仙音 [センオン]@voice of the Buddha.
仙駕 [センガ]@carriage of a recluse sage.
仙鹿王 [センロクオウ]@sage deer king.
■ [キツ]@heroic, valiant, brave.
■那 [キツナ]@birth.
代 [ダイ]@in place of.
代宗朝贈司空大辯正廣智三藏和上表制集 [ダイソウチョウゾウシクウダイベンシ
ョウコウチサンゾウワジョウヒョウセイシュウ]@Collected Documents.
代理方丈 [ダイリホウジョウ]@(term) deputy abbot.
以 [イ]@by means of.
以心傳心 [イシンデンシン]@(term) transmission from mind to mind.
仰 [ギョウ]@look up.
仰山 [ギョウサン]@Yangshan.
任 [ニン]@acceptance.
任性 [ニンショウ]@yielding to the nature.
任持 [ニンジ]@maintain, preserve, support.
任病 [ニンビョウ]@(term) naturalism sickness.
任自 [ニンジ]@of its own accord; innately, spontaneously.
任運 [ニンウン]@resigned to fate.
任運所起 [ニンヌンショキ]@that which is produced naturally (spontaneously,
任運煩惱 [ニンウンボンノウ]@(term) inborn afflictions.
任運起 [ニンウンキ]@innate.
■佛 [ホウフツ]@resemble closely.
伊 [カレ]@he.
伊 [イ]@he.
伊字 [イジ]@i sound.
伊尼延 [イニエン]@black antelope.
伊帝目多伽 [イタイモクタカ]@accounts of the past lives of the disciples of the
伊提目多伽 [イダイモクタカ]@biographical stories.
伊梨沙掌拏 [イリシャショウナ]@man impotent due to lack of control of emissions.
伊梨沙般荼迦 [イリシャパンダカ]@eunuchs.
伊沙陀羅 [イサャダラ]@(place) ■■■dhara.
伊沙■羅 [イシャダラ]@Ii■■dhara.
伊泥延■相 [イニエンセンソウ]@slender calves.
伊蒲塞 [イボソク]@lay male practitioner.
伊蒲塞 [イブソク]@lay male practitioner.
伍 [ゴ]@rank of five.
伎 [ギ]@skill, art.
伎兒 [ギジイ]@actor, actress.
伎巧 [ギコウ]@skill, art.
伎樂 [ギガク]@music.
伎藝 [ギゲイ]@skill, art.
伏 [フク]@to subdue.
伏心菩提 [ブクシンボダイ]@(foreign) enlightenment of mind control, i. e. of the
passions and observance of the p■ramit■..
伏忍 [ブクニン]@(term) subduing forbearance.
伏斷 [フクダン]@suppression and elimination.
伏滅 [ブクメツ]@extinguish.
伏藏 [ブクゾウ]@bury, cover.
伏虎 [フッコ]@(term) subduer of lions.
伏陀 [フクダ]@Veda.
伏駄蜜多 [フダミッタ]@(person) Buddhamitra.
伏駄蜜多 [フクダミッタ]@(person) Buddhamitra.
伐折羅 [バサラ]@(term) vajra.
伐折羅陀羅 [バザラダラ]@vajra-holder.
伐施迦■軌 [バッセカラキ]@esoteric ritual for seeking the aid of buddhas and
伐蘇槃度 [バチソハンド]@(person) Vasubandhu.
伐蘇畔度 [バチソハンド]@Vasubandhu.
伐蘇蜜多羅 [バッソミッタラ]@Vasumitra.
伐那婆斯 [バナバシ]@(name) Vanavasin.
伐里沙 [バリシャ]@rain.
伐闍羅 [バジャラ]@(term) vajra.
伐闍羅弗多羅 [バトラプタラ]@(name) Vajraputra.
休 [キュウ]@rest.
休屠 [キュウト]@Buddha; Buddhists.
休歇 [キュウガツ]@stop, end, finish.
休靜 [キュウジョウ]@(person) Hyuj■ng.
估 [コ]@sell.
伴 [ハン]@accompany.
伴陀羅縛子尼 [バンダラバシニ]@White Clothed Avalokite■vara.
伴題 [バンダイ]@obeisance.
伺 [シ]@to investigate, inquire.
伺察 [シサツ]@deep, subtle analysis that penetrates to the core of things.
似 [ジ]@seem; appear; resemble.
似塵 [ジジン]@resembling objects; seeming to be objects.
似我 [ジガ]@apparent self.
似比量 [ジヒリョウ]@seemingly inferential proposition.
似法 [ジホウ]@apparent dharmas; apparent phenomena.
似現量 [ジゲンリョウ]@seemingly evidential proposition.
似能破 [ジノウハ]@seemingly invalid proposition.
似能立 [ジノウリュウ]@seemingly valid proposition.
似解 [ジゲ]@(term) apparent understanding.
伽 [ガ]@ga sound.
伽他 [カダ]@verse.
伽他 [ガタ]@verse.
伽婆達摩 [カバダマ]@Bhagavaddharma.
伽彌尼 [ガミニ]@Gamini.
伽憊 [ガハイ]@Lokavit.
伽梵 [ガボン]@lord.
伽梵波提 [ガボンハダイ]@Gav■■pati.
伽■黎 [カビライ]@Kapilavastu.
伽羅尼 [カラニ]@odor.
伽耶舍多 [ガヤシャタ]@(person) Gay■■ata.
伽耶迦葉 [ガヤカショウ]@(person) Gay■-K■■yapa.
伽藍 [ガラン]@a Buddhist convent or monastery; a temple.
伽車提 [カシャダイ]@go.
伽陀 [ガタ]@the poetry or verse of the Buddhist scriptures.
但 [タン]@only, merely, whenever.
但三衣 [タンサンネ]@wearing the three dharma robes.
但持毳衣 [ダンジゼイエ]@wearing robes made only of wool.
但空 [タンクウ]@(term) only empty.
■畏 [ホイ]@(being) terrify at; frighten and fill with awe.
■ [キャ]@fruits and sweetmeats.
■加 [カケ]@rhinoceros.
■■羅 [キャチュウラ]@couch.
■梨 [キャリ]@bushel.
■闍尼 [キャジャニ]@not food proper; not under the formal definition of a meal; a
■陀尼 [キャダニ]@not food proper; not under the formal definition of a meal; a snack.
位 [イ]@rank.
位不退 [イフタイ]@non-retrogression in terms of level attained.
位居 [イキョ]@Position; abode.
位牌 [イハイマクリ]@memorial tablet.
低 [テイ]@low; base, bottom.
住 [ジュウ]@(term) abiding.
住位 [ジュウイ]@stage of abiding.
住前菩薩 [ジュウゼンボサツ]@bodhisattvas prior to the ten abidings.
住劫 [ジュウコウ]@aeons of its persistence.
住因 [ジュウイン]@cause of abiding in the present condition.
住地 [ジュウジ]@hypostasis; underlying basis; ground; entrenchment; seed.
住地無明 [ジュウチムミョウ]@hypostatic ignorance.
住地煩惱 [ジュウチボンノウ]@hypostatic afflictions.
住持 [ジュウジ]@maintain.
住持一切世界智 [ジュウジイッサイセカイチ]@understanding of omnipotence, or
universal control.
住煩惱 [ジュウボンノウ]@abiding afflictions.
住生 [ジュウショウ]@abiding production.
住相 [ジュウソウ]@mark of abiding.
住胎 [ジュウタイ]@stay in the womb.
住著 [ジュウジャク]@attachment.
住處 [ジュウショ]@abode.
住處淨 [ジュウショジョウ]@holding several confession ceremonies within the same
monastic boundary.
住觀察 [ジュウカンサツ]@to abide in analytical meditation.
住阿練若處 [ジュウアレンニャショ]@dwelling in a hermitage.
佐助 [サジョ]@assist, aid, support.
何 [ナンゾ]@what.
何 [カ]@what.
何 [ナニ]@what.
何似生 [カジジョウ]@what is it?.
何夷摩柯 [カイマカ]@Haimaka.
何履那 [カリナ]@deer.
何必 [カヒツ]@why.
何況 [カキョウ]@how much more...
何等 [カドウ]@how much.
何羅怙羅 [カラコラ]@R■hula.
何耶 [カヤ]@Haya.
何耶■■婆 [カヤカリバ]@(name) Hayagr■va.
佗 [タ]@that.
佛 [ブツ]@(term) Buddha.(term) awakened.(term) enlightened.
佛 [ほとけ]@(term) Buddha.(term) awakened.(term) enlightened.
佛七 [ブツシチ]@Buddha-week.
佛世 [ブッセ]@buddha-age.
佛世尊 [ブツセソン]@(term) world-honored Buddha.
佛乘 [ブツジョウ]@Buddha-vehicle.
佛事 [ブツジ]@(term) Buddha-work.
佛五姓 [ブツノゴショウ]@the Buddha's five surnames.
佛位 [ブツイ]@buddhahood.
佛使 [ブッシ]@messenger of the Buddha.
佛供 [ブック]@buddha-offering.
佛供 [ブツグ]@buddha-offering.
佛像 [ブツゾウ]@an image of the Buddha.
佛光 [ブッコウ]@light of the Buddha.
佛具 [ブツグ]@articles for worship.
佛具十身 [ブツグノジュッシン]@ten perfect buddha-bodies.
佛凡一體 [ブツボンイッタイ]@buddhas and worldlings are of the same essence.
佛刹 [ブッサツ]@buddha field.
佛前 [ブツゼン]@presence of the Buddha.
佛力 [ブツリキ]@Buddha-power.
佛印 [ブツイン]@buddha-seal.
佛印 [ブッチン]@buddha-seal.
佛印靜照 [ブツインジョウショウ]@(person) Purin Ch■ngjo.
佛吼 [ブツク]@buddha's roar.
佛器 [ブッキ]@articles for worship.
佛器 [ブツキ]@articles for worship.
佛因 [ブツイン]@causes of buddhahood.
佛國 [ブッコク]@buddha-land.
佛國土 [ブッコクド]@Buddha-lands.
佛圖澄 [ブットチョウ]@(person) Fotucheng.
佛土 [ブツド]@Buddha land.
佛地 [ブツジ]@(term) buddha-stage.
佛地經 [ブツジキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Buddha-stage.
佛地經論 [ブツジキョウロン]@(title) Treatise on the Buddha-bh■mi Sutra.
佛塔 [ブットウ]@buddha-st■pa.
佛境 [ブッキョウ]@buddha-sphere.
佛境界 [ブツキョウカイ]@(term) Buddha-realm.
佛壽 [ブツジュ]@the Buddha's life span.
佛大先 [ブツダイセン]@(person) Buddhasena.
佛如來 [ブツニョライ]@(term) Buddha-tath■gata.
佛婆提 [ブツバダイ]@P■rvavideha.
佛婆提訶 [ブツバダイカ]@(place) P■rvavideha.
佛婆羅部 [ブツバラブ]@(school) V■ts■putr■y■■.
佛子 [ブッシ]@children of the Buddha.
佛宗 [ブツシュウ]@Buddhism.
佛家 [ブッケ]@the Buddha's family.
佛家 [ブツケ]@the Buddha's family.
佛寳 [ブッポウ]@Buddha treasure.
佛寶 [ブッポウ]@(term) buddha treasure.
佛寺 [ブツジ]@Buddhist temple.
佛弟子 [ブツデシ]@disciple(s) of the Buddha.
佛後普賢 [ブツゴノフゲン]@Samantabhadra after the Buddha.
佛■ [ブットク]@Jñ■nagupta.
佛心 [ブッシン]@(term) buddha-mind.
佛心印 [ブッシンイン]@seal of the Buddha-mind.
佛心天子 [ブッシンテンシ]@emperor with the Buddha-mind.
佛心宗 [ブッシンシュウ]@(school) Buddha-mind sect.
佛性 [ブッショウ]@(term) buddha-nature.
佛性佛 [ブツショウブツ]@(term) Buddha as Buddha-nature.
佛性常住 [ブッショウジョウジュウ]@the buddha-nature is eternally abiding.
佛性常住妙果 [ブツショウジョウジュウミョウカ]@marvelous realization of the
eternally abiding buddha-nature.
佛性戒 [ブッショウカイ]@buddha-nature precepts.
佛性正因 [ブツショウショウイン]@buddha-nature of direct cause.
佛性論 [ブッショウロン]@(title) Buddha-nature Treatise.
佛想佛 [ブツソウブツ]@(term) Buddha perceived as a Buddha.
佛意 [ブッチ]@the Buddha's intention.
佛意 [ブツイ]@the Buddha's intention.
佛慧 [ブツエ]@(term) buddha's wisdom.
佛慧 [ブッテ]@(term) buddha's wisdom.
佛戒 [ブッカイ]@Buddhist precepts.
佛所行讚 [ブツショギョウサン]@(title) Acts of the Buddha.
佛教徒 [ブッキョウト]@Buddhists.
佛教復興 [ブッキョウフクコウ]@revival of Buddhism.
佛教教典 [ブッキョウキョウテン]@the Buddhist scriptures.
佛教梵語 [ブッキョウボンゴ]@Buddhist Sanskrit.
佛日 [ブツニチ]@Buddha-sun.
佛智 [ブッチ]@(term) buddha's wisdom.
佛智慧 [ブッチエ]@(term) buddha's wisdom.(term) wisdom of the buddha.
佛書解■大辭典 [ブツショゲセツダイジテン]@(title) Bussho kaisetsu daijiten.
佛月 [ブツゲツ]@Buddha-moon.
佛月 [ブツガツ]@Buddha-moon.
佛本行集經 [ブツホンギョウシュウキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Collection of the
Original Acts of the Buddha.
佛果 [ブッカ]@(term) Buddha-fruit.
佛槃勢羅 [ブッパンセイラ]@P■rva■ail■■.
佛樹 [ブツジュ]@(term) bodhi-tree.
佛殿 [ブツデン]@(term) buddha-hall.
佛母 [ブツモ]@buddha mother.
佛母 [ブツボ]@buddha mother.
佛母寶悳藏般若波羅蜜經 [ブツモホウトクゾウハンニャクヒラミツキョウ]
@(title) Prajñ■p■ramit■ ratnagu■a sa■cayag■th■.
佛母眞三昧 [ブツモシンサンマイ]@true sam■dhi of the Buddha-mother.
佛氏 [ブッシ]@(term) Buddhists.
佛氏雜辨 [ブツシゾウベン]@(title) Arguments Against the Buddhists.
佛法 [ブッポウ]@the Buddha's teaching.
佛法僧 [ブッポウソウ]@(foreign) the buddha, the dharma, and the sa■gha.
佛法大海信爲能入 [ブッポウダイカイシンイノウニュウ]@the great ocean of the
Buddhist teaching is entered through faith.
佛海 [ブッカイ]@buddha ocean.
佛滅 [ブツメツ]@■■kyamuni's death.
佛無差別 [ブツムシャベツ]@non-distinction between buddhas.
佛無礙慧 [ブツムゲエ]@the Buddha's unimpeded wisdom.
佛物 [ブツモツ]@the things belonging to the Buddha.
佛生日 [ブッショウニチ]@Buddha's birthday.
佛田 [ブツデン]@buddha field.
佛界 [ブッカイ]@sphere of Buddha;.buddha-realm.
佛眼 [ブツゲン]@(term) Buddha-eye.
佛眼尊 [ブツゲンソン]@goddess of the Buddha's eye.
佛知見 [ブッチケン]@Buddha's insight.
佛祖 [ブッソ]@buddhas and patriarchs.
佛祖統紀 [ブツソトウキ]@(title) Chronicle of the Buddhas and the Patriarchs.
佛祖通載 [ブッソツウサイ]@(title) Chronicle of Buddhas and Patriarchs.
佛種 [ブツシュ]@seed of buddhahood.
佛種 [ブッシュ]@seed of buddhahood.
佛種姓 [ブッシュショウ]@buddha lineage.
佛立三昧 [ブツリュウザンマイ]@concentration of the Buddha's appearance.
佛經 [ブッキョウ]@Buddhist sutras.
佛臨涅槃記法住經 [ブツリンネハンキホウジュウキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the
Abiding Dharma Recorded Just Prior to Buddha's Nirvana.
佛舍 [ブッシャ]@Buddhist temple.
佛舍利 [ブッシャリ]@Buddha's remains.
佛舎利 [ブツシャリ]@(term) remains of the Buddha.
佛般泥■經 [ブツハツナイオンキョウ]@Mahaparinibbanasuttanta.
佛菩薩化生 [ブツボサツノケショウブツボサツノケショウ]@birth by
transformation done by buddhas and bodhisattvas.
佛號 [ブツゴウ]@the Buddha's name.
佛見 [ブッケン]@buddha view.
佛見 [ブツケン]@buddha view.
佛記 [ブッキ]@buddha's prediction.
佛記 [ブツキ]@buddha's prediction.
佛誕會 [ブツタンエ]@The ceremony held to commemorate the Buddha's birthday.
佛語 [ブツゴ]@the words of the Buddha.
佛■ [ブッセツ]@Buddha's sermon.
佛■七佛經 [ブツセツシチブツキョウ]@The Sutra of the Seven Buddhas.
佛■五蘊皆空經 [ブッセツゴウンカイクウキョウ]@(title) Sutra on the Emptiness of
the Five Aggregates.
佛■佛地經 [ブッセツフツチキョウ]@(title) Sutra on the Buddha-stage.
佛■作佛形像經 [ブッセツサブツギョウゾウキョウ]@Sutra on the Production of
Buddha Images.
佛■八師經 [ブッセツハチシキョウ]@Sutra of the Eight Teachers.
佛■八正道經 [ブッセツハッショウドウキョウ]@(title) Sutra on the Eightfold
Noble Path.
佛■六道伽陀經 [ブッセツロクドウカダキョウ]@Sutra of Verses on the Six
佛■十二遊經 [ブッセツジュウニユキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Life of ■■kyamuni
to His Twelfth Year.
佛■四諦經 [ブッセツシタイキョウ]@Sutra on the Four Noble Truths.
佛■大乘無量壽莊嚴經 [ブッセツダイジョウムリョウジュショウゴンキョウ]
@Sutra of Immeasurable Life.
佛■太子和休經 [ブッセツタイシワクキョウ]@Sutra of the Relaxation of the Crown
佛■救拔■口餓鬼陀羅尼經 [ブッセツキュウバチエンクガキダラニキョウ]
@(title) Dh■ra■■ Sutra for Saving the Burning-Mouth Hungry Ghosts.
佛■文殊師利巡行經 [ブッセツモンジュシリジュンギョウキョウ]@(title) Sutra of
Mañju■r■'s Tour.
佛■末羅王經 [ブッセツマラオウキョウ]@Sutra of King Malla.
佛■無量清淨平等覺經 [ブッセツムリョウショウジョウビョウドウカクキョウ]
@Sutra of Immeasurable Life.
佛■阿彌陀三耶三佛薩樓佛檀過度人道經 [ブッセツアミダサンヤサンブツサツロ
ウブツダンカドニンドウキョウ]@(title) Sutra of Immeasurable Life.
佛■阿彌陀經疏 [ブッセツアミダキョウショ]@(title) Commentary on the Amit■bha
佛調 [ブッチョウ]@(person) Fodiao.
佛護 [ブツゴ]@(person) Buddhap■lita.
佛跡 [ブッセキ]@the Buddha's teachings.
佛身 [ブッシン]@buddha's (physical) body.(term) buddha-body.
佛迹 [ブッシャク]@the Buddha's teachings.
佛道 [ブツドウ]@buddha-way.
佛陀 [ブッダ]@buddha.
佛陀什 [ブッダジュウ]@Buddhaj■va.
佛陀伽耶 [フツタカヤ]@(place) Buddhagay■.
佛陀僧訶 [ブッダソウカ]@Buddhasi■ha.
佛陀多羅 [ブッダタラ]@(person) Buddhatr■ta.
佛陀多羅多 [ブッダタラタ]@(person) Buddhatr■ta.
佛陀扇多 [ブッダセンタ]@(person) Buddha■■nta.
佛陀■多 [ブッダキクタ]@(person) Buddhagupta.
佛陀波利 [ブッダハリ]@Buddhap■la.
佛陀耶舍 [ブッダヤシャ]@(person) Buddhaya■as.
佛陀蜜多羅 [ブッダミッタラ]@(person) Buddhamitra.
佛陀跋陀羅 [ブッダバッダララ]@(person) Buddhabhadra.
佛陀難提 [ブッダナンダイ]@(person) Buddhanandi.
佛隨念 [ブツズイネン]@recollection of Buddha.
佛隴 [ブツロウ]@(place) Folong.
佛音 [ブツオン]@(person) Buddhagho■a.
佛頂印 [ブッチョウイン]@tuft; excrescence.
佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經 [ブツチョウソンショウタラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the
Jubilant Corona.
佛頂放無垢光明入普門觀察一切如來心陀羅尼經 [ブッチョウホウムクコウミョウ
ニュウフモンカンサツイチサイニョライシンダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of
the [Immaculate Buddha-Corona's Emitted Light Beaming Through Ubiquitous Portals
Contemplated as the] Essence of the Tath■gatas.
佛頂骨 [ブツチョウコツ]@excrescence.
佛願 [ブツガン]@buddha vow.
佛■ [ブッダ]@buddha.
佛■耶舍 [ブッダヤシャ]@(person) Buddhaya■as.
佛駄 [ブッダ]@buddha.
佛駄先 [ブッダセン]@(person) Buddhasena.
佛骨 [ブッコツ]@buddha's bones.
佛鳴 [ブツミョウ]@Buddhagho■a.
作 [サ]@create.
作亂 [サラン]@disturbing.
作佛 [サブツ]@to become a buddha.
作佛事 [サブツジ]@to do Buddha-works.
作佛形像經 [サブツギョウゾウキョウ]@(title) Sutra on the Production of Buddha
作像因■經 [サゾウインネンキョウ]@Sutra on the Production of Buddha Images.
作四諦 [サシタイ]@(term) four created (established) noble Truths.
作得 [サクトク]@attained through activity.
作得住地 [サトクジュウチ]@constructed hypostases.
作惡 [サアク]@do evil.
作意 [サクイ]@focus(ing) attention; pay(ing) attention.
作意修習 [サイシュシュウ]@cultivation of attention.
作戒 [サカイ]@expressed precepts.
作持 [サジ]@to do good actions.
作持戒 [サジカイ]@precepts that engage the cultivation of good behavior.
作持門 [サジモン]@precepts concerned with cultivation of positive behavior.
作業 [サゴウ]@activity.
作法 [サホウ]@rules of behavior.
作法得 [サホウトク]@(term) ordination.
作犯 [サクボン]@to do evil.
作用 [サクヨウ]@function.
作病 [サビョウ]@The sickness of the belief that one can contrive to gain
作禮 [サライ]@make obeisance.
作禮 [キライ]@make obeisance.
作禮方便 [サライホウベン]@salutation to the universal Triratna.
作續 [サゾク]@action tantra.
作羯磨得 [サケツマトク]@(term) ordination.
作翼 [サヨク]@lend assistance (?).
作者 [サシャ]@(term) doer, actor, creator.
作者 [サクシャ]@(term) doer, actor, creator.
作行 [サギョウ]@application.
作諦 [サタイ]@established truth(s).
作證 [サショウ]@to personally experience final enlightenment.
作集法 [サシュウホウ]@Buddhist council.
作願門 [サガンモン]@vowing to be reborn in the Pure Land.
作■ [ソモ]@how? what?.
作■生 [ソモサン]@how? what? how about you?.
作■生 [サマショウ]@how? what? how about you?.
佶提羅 [キツダイラ(?)]@(place) Khadiraka.
使 [シ]@(term) affliction.(term) proclivities.
使者 [シシャ]@agent.
來 [ライ]@come.
來世 [ライセ]@the next life.(term) next rebirth.
來意 [ライイ]@the gist.
來生 [ライショウ]@next lifetime.
來迎 [ライコウ]@welcoming.
來迎 [ライゴウ]@welcoming.
例證 [レイショウ]@examples and testimony.
侍 [シ]@attendant.
侍從 [シジュウ]@to attend on; wait on.
侍者 [ジシャ]@(term) acolyte.
供 [ク]@offer.
供具 [クグ]@offerings.
供天 [クテン]@celestials serving Indra.
供奉 [グブ]@inner offerer.
供奉 [クブ]@inner offerer.
供帳 [クチョウ]@Tang register.
供施 [クセ]@make offerings.
供物 [クモツ]@offerings.
供給 [クキュウ]@make offerings.
供養 [クヨウ]@(term) offering and sustaining.
供養主 [クヨウシュ]@person in charge of making offerings.
依 [エ]@basis.
依主釋 [エシュシャク]@compound words that contain a principle component and
qualifying component.
依了義經不依不了義經 [エリョウギキョウフエフリョウギキョウ]@relying on the
fully explained teachings and not on the incomplete teachings.
依他 [エタ]@other-dependent.
依他性 [エタショウ]@other-dependent in nature.
依他起 [エタキ]@arising in dependence on other things.
依他起性 [エタキショウ]@nature of dependent arising.
依因 [エイン]@supporting cause.
依因■生 [エインエンショウ]@generated based on causes and conditions.
依地 [エジ]@basis, ground.
依報 [エホウ]@circumstantial reward.
依士釋 [エジシャク]@compound words that contain a principle component and
qualifying component.
依怙 [エコ]@rely on.
依據 [エキョ]@Dependence.
依智不依識 [エチフエシキ]@relying on wisdom and not on the ordinary mind.
依果 [エカ]@effects that are directly attributable to a certain cause as a basis.
依止 [エジ]@dependence.
依止力 [エシリキ]@strength of reliance.
依止師 [エシシ]@teacher of a junior monk or nun.
依止師 [エジシ]@teacher of a junior monk or nun.
依止性所隨 [エジショウショズイ]@what is followed or accompanied by the nature of
the basis.
依止眞如 [エジシンニョ]@The suchness of the bases of practice.
依止阿闍梨 [エジアジャリ]@teacher of a junior monk or nun.
依法 [エホウ]@g rounds, authority.
依法不依人 [エホウフエニン]@relying on the teachings and not on the person.
依版 [エハン]@leaning board.
依義不依語 [エギフエゴ]@relying on the meaning and not on the words.
依自起派 [エジキハ]@Sv■tantrika.
依處 [エショ]@basis, locus, standpoint.
依言眞如 [エゴンシンニョ]@truth expressed in language.
依通 [エツウ]@dependent power.
依附 [エフ]@to attach to as a basis.
依附依止性 [エフエジショウ]@sticking to the nature of the basis.
侶 [リョ]@follower, disciple, companion.
便 [ベン]@readily, promptly.
便利 [ベンリ]@conveniet.
俄 [ガ]@sudden, abrupt, unexpected.
俄那鉢底 [ガナパチ]@(name) Ga■apati.
俊寛 [シュンカン]@(person) Shunkan.
俗 [ゾク]@worldly, secular.
俗人 [ゾクジン]@worldling.
俗人 [ゾクニン]@worldling.
俗妄眞實宗 [ゾクボシンジツシュウ]@all secular things are illusory.
俗智 [ゾクチ]@(term) mundane wisdom.
俗流 [ゾクル]@wordly trends.
俗諦 [ゾクタイ]@mundane truth.
保守派 [ホウシュハ]@a conservative school.
信 [シン]@(term) faith,conviction.
信不退 [シンフタイ]@non-backsliding in terms of faith.
信伏 [シンプク]@believe and submit.
信光 [シンコウ]@light of faith.
信力 [シンリキ]@power of faith.
信受 [シンジュ]@to receive (the teachings) with confidence.
信受奉行 [シンジュブキョウ]@to receive the Buddha's teaching with conviction and
understanding and then truly practice these teachings.
信士信女 [シンジシンニョ]@male and female lay believers.
信奉 [シンブ]@belief, faith, conviction.
信宿 [シンシュク]@to stay over for two nights.
信度國 [シンドコク]@India.
信■ [シントク]@virtue of faith.
信心 [シンジン]@faith.
信愛 [シンアイ]@devotion.
信慧 [シンエ]@faith and wisdom.
信成就 [シンジョウジュ]@perfection of faith.
信成就發心 [シンジョウジュホッシン]@the resolve to consummate faith.
信根 [シンコン]@faculty of faith.
信樂 [シンギョウ]@to have faith in and aspire for.
信爲道元功■母 [シンハドウノモトクドクノハハタリ]@faith is the source of the
path and the mother of merit.
信相應地 [シンソウオウジ]@the stage where faith is applied.
信知 [シンチ]@believe and know.
信者 [シンジャ]@believer.
信藏 [シンゾウ]@store of faith.
信行 [シンギョウ]@faith and practice.
信解 [シンゲ]@faith and understanding.
信解■ [シンゲダツ]@liberation through faith.
信解行證 [シンゲギョウショウ]@faith, understanding, practice, and realization.
信證 [シンショウ]@(person) Shinsh■.
信財 [シンザイ]@jewel of faith.
信順 [シンジュン]@to believe and follow.
修 [シュ]@cultivate.
修他羅 [シュタラ]@(term) s■tra.
修伽陀 [シュガダ]@well-gone.
修利 [シュリ]@success, good fortune, virtuous.
修善 [シュゼン]@(term) cultivation of goodness.
修善門 [シュゼンモン]@precepts related to the cultivation of good phenomena.
修多羅藏 [シュタラゾウ]@sutra collection.
修學 [シュガク]@the study and cultivation of enlightenment.
修得 [シュトク]@attained by practice.
修得善 [シュトクゼン]@virtue based on present effort.
修惑 [シュワク]@afflictions countered in the path of cultivation.
修慧 [シュエ]@correct wisdom that is attained through practice.
修所成慧 [シュショジョウノエ]@wisdom acquired through meditation.
修所斷 [シュウショダン]@[afflictions] eliminated through cultivation.
修所斷 [シュショダン]@[afflictions] eliminated through cultivation.
修持 [シュジ]@to practice according to, and cleave to a certain scripture.
修斷 [シュダン]@cultivate goodness.
修治 [シュジ]@to be purified by practice.(term) purification.
修治 [シュチ]@to be purified by practice.(term) purification.
修羅 [シュラ]@(term) asura.
修習 [シュシュウ]@cultivation.
修習位 [シュシュウ]@(term) stage of practice.
修習力 [シュジュウリキ]@power of practice and performance.
修行 [シュギョウ]@carry out or perform.
修行住 [シュギョウジュウ]@stage of practice.
修行地不淨觀經 [シュギョウチフジョウカンキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Stages of
Practice of the Meditation on Impurity.
修行方便禪經 [シュギョウホウベンゼンキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Cultivation of
Expedient Meditations.
修行者 [シュギョウジャ]@renunciant practitioner.
修行道地經 [シュギョウドウジキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Path of Stages of
修觀 [シュカン]@practice of clear observation.
修證 [シュショウ]@realization resultant of practice.
修證一如 [シュショウイチニョ]@the identity of practice and realization.
修道 [シュドウ]@(term) path of cultivation.
修道位 [シュドウイ]@stage of the path of cultivation.
修道所斷 [シュドウショダン]@[afflictions] eliminated in the path of cultivation.
修集 [シュジュウ]@cultivate and gather (virtue).
俯首示敬 [フシュジキョウ]@bowing the head.
■ [グ]@tool.
個我 [カガ]@individual self.
倍■ [バイゾウ]@more and more.
倍離欲 [ハイリヨク]@double separation from desire.
倒 [トウ]@confused, inverted; a fallacy.
倒執 [トウシュウ]@Mistaken attachment.
倒本 [トウホン]@To be in error in regard to the fundamentals.
倒等流 [トウドウル]@to err by producing the karma of desire.
倒遍 [トウヘン]@counter pervasion.
倒體 [トウタイ]@To erroneously believe in the existence of an inherent ego.
値 [チ]@meet and revere.
倫理 [リンリ]@ethics.
倶 [ク]@together with.
倶住 [グジュウ]@to live together; abide together.
倶分解■ [グブンゲダツ]@liberated in both ways.
倶利 [グリ]@a million.
倶助尼 [グジョニ]@(place) God■n■ya.
倶時 [クジ]@simultaneously.
倶有 [クウ]@inherent.
倶有因 [クウイン]@simultaneously arising cause, coexistent cause.
倶槃荼 [グハンダ]@Kumbh■■■a.
倶滅 [グメツ]@cessation of both.
倶生 [グショウ]@inherent.
倶生乘 [グショウジョウ]@the innate vehicle.
倶生人我執 [グショウニンガシュウ]@innate grasping of self and person.
倶生喜 [グショウキ]@innate joy.
倶生我見 [グショウガケン]@(term) the innate view of self.
倶生法執 [グショウホウシュウ]@innate attachment to phenomena.
倶生法我執 [グショウホウガシュウ]@innate grasping at the self of a phenomenon.
倶生煩惱 [グショウボンノウ]@innately produced afflictions.
倶生神 [クショウジン]@innate spirits.
倶生神 [グショウジン]@innate spirits.
倶生起 [クショウキ]@inborn, innate.
倶生障 [クショウショウ]@innate hindrances; inborn hindrances.
倶■彌 [クセンミ]@(place) Kau■■mb■.
倶舍 [クシャ]@include, keep, store.
倶舍宗 [クシャシュウ]@Abhidharma-ko■a School.
倶舍彌 [グシャミ]@(place) Kau■■mb■.
倶行 [クギョウ]@occurring simultaneously.
倶解■ [グゲダツ]@simultaneous liberation.
倶輪 [グリン]@(person) Kau■■inya.
倶鄰 [グリン]@(person) ■jñ■ta-kau■■inya.
假 [ケ]@provisional or temporary.
假合 [ケゴウ]@provisional combination.
假名 [ケミョウ]@provisionally established name.
假名 [カナ]@provisionally established name.
假名宗 [ケミョウシュウ]@schools that hold to the doctrine that all naming is
假名有 [ケミョウウ]@provisionally-named existence.
假名空 [ケミョウクウ]@conventionally designated emptiness.
假名菩薩 [ケミョウボサツ]@(term) provisionally-named bodhisattvas.
假名言相 [ケミョウゴンソウ]@provisional words.
假和合 [ケワゴウ]@provisional synthesis.
假境 [ケキョウ]@conventionally (provisionally) established realm.
假寄 [ケキ]@a semblance.
假施設 [ケセセツ]@provisionally establish; metaphorical construction.
假有能取分別 [ケウノウシュフンベツ]@grasping at imputed phenomena.
假根謗 [ケコンホウ]@undue denunciation of a good monk by an indirect and
allegorical method.
假構 [ケコウ]@fabricated.
假法 [ケホウ]@provisional, temporary existence or thing.
假立 [ケリュウ]@provisionally establish; that which is provisionally established; a
metaphor, example.
假者菩薩 [ケシャボサツ]@provisionally-named bodhisattvas.
假■ [ケセツ]@provisionally explain, provisional explanation; metaphor.
偈 [ゲ]@poetic verse.
偈經 [ゲキョウ]@verses.
偈頌 [ゲジュ]@verse.
偏 [ヘン]@partial, prejudiced.
偏執 [ヘンシュ]@bias.
偏正 [ヘンショウ]@Prejudiced and impartial.
偏空 [ヘンクウ]@imbalanced emptiness.
偏袒右肩 [ヘンダンウゲン]@to bare the right shoulder and turn it toward (the
停 [チョウ]@stationary.
停止 [チョウシ]@stop.
■殺爾耶虞■ [バイサツニヤグロ]@(term) bhai■ajya-guru.
健行三摩地 [ケンギョウサンマジ]@meditative stabilization going as a hero.
健行定 [ケンギョウジョウ]@meditative stabilization going like a hero.
健達縛 [ケンダツバ]@(foreign) gandharva.
健■羅 [ケンダラ]@(place) Gandh■ra.
偶諧 [グカイ]@tally with each other.
偸盜 [トウトウ]@(term) stealing.
偸盜戒 [チュウトウカイ]@precept (forbidding) stealing.
偸羅遮 [チュウラシャ]@serious crime.
偸蘭 [チュウラン]@serious crime.
偸蘭遮 [チュウランシャ]@serious crime.
偸蘭遮耶 [チュウランシャヤ]@serious crime.
傍 [ホウ]@second meaning.
傍生 [ボウショウ]@animals.
傍生界 [ボウショウカイ]@animals.
傍生趣 [ボウショウシュ]@rebirth as an animal.
傍行 [ボウギョウ]@destiny as an animal.
傍論 [ボウロン]@digression.
備 [ビ]@(be) provided with.
催板 [サイバン]@(term) starting board.
傳 [デン]@(term) transmit.
傳心法要 [デンシンホウヨウ]@Dharma Essentials for Mental Transmission.
傳持 [デンジ]@transmit.
傳教大師 [デンギョウダイシ]@(person) Dengy■ daishi.
傳暦 [デンリャク]@Biography.
傳法 [デンポウ]@dharma-transmission.
傳法 [デンボウ]@dharma-transmission.
傳衣 [デンエ]@(term) transmission of the robe.
傳道 [デンドウ]@dissemination of the teaching.
傷 [ショウ]@wound.
僊 [セン]@immortal.
像 [ゾウ]@image.
像法 [ゾウホウ]@(term) semblance dharma.
像法決疑經 [ゾウホウケツギキョウ]@(title) Sutra of Resolving Doubts During the
Age of the Semblance Dharma.
僕 [ボク]@slave.
僞經 [ギキョウ]@spurious scriptures.
僧 [ソウ]@community of monks and nuns.
僧中有佛 [ソウチュウウブツ]@the Buddha does exist within the sa■gha.
僧中無佛 [ソウチュウムブツ]@the Buddha does not exist within the sa■gha.
僧休 [ソウキュウ]@(person) Sengxiu.
僧伽 [ソウギャ]@(term) sa■gha.
僧伽利依 [ソウギャリエ]@temple or monastery.
僧伽婆尸沙 [ソウギャバシシャ]@crimes for which one may not necessarily be
僧伽婆尸沙法 [ソウギャバシシャホウ]@(foreign) crimes against the sa■gha.
僧伽寺 [ソウギャジ]@(temple) S■nggasa.
僧伽藍摩 [ソウギャランマ]@a Buddhist convent or monastery; a temple.
僧伽難提 [ソウギャナンダイ]@(person) Sa■ghanandi.
僧■派 [ソウカハ]@(school) Sa■khya school.
僧侶 [ソウリョ]@the members of the Buddhist order.
僧地 [ソウチ]@the land held by the sa■gha.
僧堂 [ソウドウ]@monk's hall.
僧塞迦羅 [ソウソクカラ]@(term) samsk■ra.
僧威儀經 [ソウイギキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Regulations for Monks.
僧官 [ソウカン]@superintendent monk.
僧寶 [ソウボウ]@sa■gha treasure.
僧寺 [ソウジ]@the sa■gha and the monastery.
僧尼 [ソウニ]@monks and nuns.
僧帳 [ソウチョウ]@Tang register of monks.
僧戒八段 [ソウカイハチダン]@(foreign) eight parts of the pr■timok■a.
僧房 [ソウボウ]@(term) monk's dormitory.
僧服 [ソウフク]@sacerdotal robes.
僧朗 [ソウロウ]@(person) S■ngnang.
僧正 [ソウジョウ]@the first rank in the Buddhist hierarchy.
僧殘 [ソウザン]@crimes for which one may not necessarily be excommunicated.
僧海 [ソウカイ]@(person) Senghai.
僧物 [ソウモツ]@property of the sa■gha.
僧■ [ソウサン]@(person) Sengcan.
僧祇 [ソウギ]@incalculable.
僧祇劫 [ソウギコウ]@incalculably long eon.
僧祇律 [ソウギリツ]@Mah■s■■ghika-vinaya.
僧祐 [ソウユウ]@(person) Sengyou.
僧籍 [ソウセキ]@Tang register of monks.
僧綱 [ソウゴウ]@superintendent monk.
僧肇 [ソウジョウ]@(person) Sengzhao.
僧藍 [ソウラン]@a Buddhist convent or monastery; a temple.
僧衆 [ソウシュウ]@(term) sa■gha.
僧衣 [ソウエ]@sacerdotal robes.
僧跋 [ソウバツ]@bestowed equally or universally.
僧跋 [ソハ]@bestowed equally or universally.
僧■ [ソウユウ]@(person) Sengyong.
僧■ [ソウロウ]@(person) S■ngnang.
價 [カ]@price, value, worth.
儀 [ギ]@deportment, manners.
儀式 [ギシキ]@protocol or etiquette.
儀軌 [ギキ]@commentary; ritual commentary.
億 [オク]@100,000,000.
■荼夜 [ピンダヤ]@food given as alms.
儒 [ジュ]@Confucian.
儒果 [ジュカ]@(person) Ruguo.
儒釋質疑論 [ジュシャクシツギロン]@(title) Treatise on Questions Between
Confucianism and Buddhism.
優 [ユウ]@(transcription) u.
優 [ウ]@(transcription) u.
優劣 [ウレツ]@superior and inferior.
優填王作佛形像經 [ウテンオウサブツギョウゾウキョウ]@Sutra on the Production
of Buddha Images.
優婆塞 [ウバソク]@(term) layman.
優婆塞戒本 [ウバソクカイホン]@(title) Book of the Upasaka Precepts.
優婆塞戒經 [ウバソクカイキョウ]@(title) Sutra on Up■saka Precepts.
優婆夷 [ウバイ]@adult female lay disciple.(term) laywoman.(term) laywomen.
優婆提舍 [ユウバダイシャ]@(term) discuss.
優婆■多 [ウバキクタ]@(person) Upagupta.
優婆■多 [ウバキクタ]@(person) Upagupta.
優婆離 [ウバリ]@(person) Up■li.
優曇 [ウドン]@(person) Udam.
優曇婆羅 [ウドンバラ]@(term) udumbara flower.
優曇波羅 [ウドンバラ]@(term) udumbara flower.
優曇華 [ウドンゲ]@(term) udumbara flower.
優曇鉢華 [ウドンハツゲ]@(term) udumbara flower.
優樓■ [ウルカ]@(person) Ul■ka.
優樓頻螺 [ウルビンラ]@(place) Uruvilv■.
優樓頻螺迦葉 [ウルビンラカショウ]@(person) Uruvilv■-K■■yapa.
優波提舍 [ウバダイシャ]@finalized teachings; delineations.
優波離 [ウパリ]@(person) Up■li.
優波難陀 [ウパナンダ]@(person) Upananda.
優畢叉 [ウヒッシャ]@(term) upek■a.
優畢捨 [ウヒツシャ]@abandon, renounce, reject.
優鉢羅 [ウハツラ]@blue lotus flower.
優陀夷 [ウダイ]@(person) Ud■yin.
優陀那 [ウダナ]@(term) ud■na.
兀兀 [ゴツゴツ]@determined, unmoving.
允 [イン]@genuine, real.
允堪 [インタン]@Yunkan.
允若 [インニャ]@(person) Yunruo.
元 [ガン]@original.
元吉樹 [ゲンキツジュ]@(term) bodhi-tree.
元品無明 [ガンポンノムミョウ]@intrinsic ignorance.
元因 [ガンイン]@original cause.
元妙 [ゲンミョウ]@primal mystery.
元始 [ガンシ]@primordial.
元心 [ゲンシン]@original mind.
元明 [ゲンミョウ]@original luminosity.
元曉 [ガンギョウ]@(person) W■nhyo.
元杲 [ゲンゴウ]@(person) Geng■.
元照 [ガンジョウ]@Yuanzhao.
元照 [ゲンジョウ]@Yuanzhao.
元祖 [ガンソ]@founder of a sect.
元興寺伽藍■起■流記資材帳 [ガンコウジカランエンチンヘイルキシサイチョウ]
@(title) Composite Register of the History and Materials of the Gang■ Temple Complex.
元藏 [ガンゾウ]@Yuan Canon.
元藏目■ [ゲンゾウモクロク]@(title) Catalog of the Yuan Canon.
元首 [ガンシュ]@head, leader, chief.
兄 [キョウ]@elder brother.
兄弟 [ヒンデイ]@brothers.
兄弟 [キョウダイ]@brothers.
充滿 [ジュウマン]@be filled with.
充滿一切智 [シュウマンイッサイチ]@understanding of ubiquity.
充足 [ジュウショク]@be full, be whole.
兆 [チョウ]@sign.
先世 [センゼ]@prior lifetime.
先世業 [センセゴウ]@karma accumulated from previous lives.
先來 [センライ]@originally.
先業後果 [センゴウゴカ]@Prior action (karma) and subsequent effect.
先止後食 [センシゴジキ]@not accepting food after having risen from one's seat.
先達 [センダツ]@senior pracititioner of the path.
先陀婆 [センダバ]@four necessities.
光 [コウ]@light, brightness; splendor.
光世音 [コウセイオン]@Avalokite■vara.
光嚴寺 [コウゴンジ]@(temple) Guanyan si.
光宅 [コウタク]@(person) Another name for Fayun.
光宅四乘 [コウタクシジョウ]@(person) the establishment of the doctrine of one
vehicle (fourth vehicle) by Guangzhai.
光寳 [コウホウ]@Guang and Bao.
光影 [コウヨウ]@shadow.
光■ [コウトク]@(person) Kwangd■k.
光■國 [コウトクコク]@Avabh■sa.
光明 [コウミョウ]@radiance.
光明土 [コウミョウド]@brightly shining land.
光明壇 [コウミョウダン]@fire altar.
光明寺 [コウミョウジ]@(temple) Guangming si.
光明心殿 [コウミョウシンデン]@palace of the luminous mind.
光明無量 [コウミョウムリョウ]@limitless light.
光明眞言 [コウミョウシンゴン]@mantra of light.
光明遍照 [コウミョウヘンショウ]@Mah■vairocana Tathatagata.
光智 [コウチ]@Prabh■karamitra.
光統 [コウズ]@(person) Guangtong.
光聚佛頂 [コウジュブッチョウ]@Tejor■■i-cakravartt■.
光音天 [コウオンテン]@heaven of radiant sound.
克 [コク]@subdue.
克勤 [コクゴン]@(person) Keqin.
克恩 [コクオン]@Kern, Johan Hendrik Caspar.
免 [メン]@avoid.
免僧 [メンソウ]@excused monk.
免輪廻 [メンリンネ]@escape from cyclical existence.
兎毛塵 [トモウジン]@speck of dust on a hare's down.
兎角 [トカク]@(term) horns of a rabbit.
兜 [ト]@Helmet.
兜率 [トソツ]@(term) Tu■ita.
兜率天 [トソツテン]@(term) Tu■ita Heaven.
兢讓 [キョウジョウ]@(person) K■ngyang.
入 [ニュウ]@enter.
入不二門 [ニュウフニモン]@enter the gate of non-duality.
入住 [ニュウジュウ]@enter and abide.
入住出三心 [ニュウジュウシュツ]@three mental states of entering, abiding, and
入住出三心 [[の]]@three mental states of entering, abiding, and departing.
入住出三心 [サンシン]@three mental states of entering, abiding, and departing.
入佛 [ニュウブツ]@bringing in the buddha.
入佛供養 [ニュウブツクヨウ]@bringing in the buddha image for offerings.
入來 [ニュウライ]@trespass.
入信 [ニュウシン]@enter into belief.
入出二門 [ニュウシュツニモン]@the two gates of entering and leaving.
入唐八家 [ニットウ]@eight monks who went to Tang.
入唐八家 [ハッケ]@eight monks who went to Tang.
入唯識 [ニュウユイシキ]@entering cognition only.
入■羅 [ジンバラ]@glowing.
入堂 [ニュウドウ]@entering the hall.
入堂五法 [ニュウドウゴホウ]@five rules for entering the hall.
入塔 [ニュウトウ]@(foreign) put in st■pa.
入塔 [ニュットウ]@(foreign) put in st■pa.
入壇 [ニュウダン]@go to the altar.
入定 [ニュウジョウ]@enter into concentration.
入室 [ニュウシツ]@enter the room.
入寂 [ニュウジャク]@enter into extinction.
入心 [ニュウシン]@enter the mind.
入我我入 [ニュウガガニュウ]@entering the self; the self entering.
入文解釋 [ニュウモンゲシャク]@entering the text and explaining.
入楞伽經 [ニュウリョウガキョウ]@(title) La■k■vat■ra-s■tra.
入正 [ニュウショウ]@properly enter.
入涅槃 [ニュウネハン]@passing into nirv■■a.
入滅 [ニュウメツ]@enter into nirvana.
入王宮聚落衣 [ニュウオウグジュラクエ]@robe for entering the palace or the town.
入眞 [ニュウシン]@enter into reality.
入聖 [ニッショウ]@enter sagehood.
入胎 [ニュウタイ]@to enter a mother's womb.
入胎 [ニッタイ]@to enter a mother's womb.
入胎相 [ニュウタイソウ]@descent from Tu■ita Heaven into the womb of his mother
入衆 [ニュッシュ]@enter the sangha.
入衆 [ニッシュ]@enter the sangha.
入衆五法 [ニュッシュ]@five rules for entering the sangha.
入衆五法 [(ニッシュ)]@five rules for entering the sangha.
入衆五法 [ゴホウ]@five rules for entering the sangha.
入見道 [ニュウケンドウ]@to enter the path of insight (path of seeing).
入觀 [ニュウカン]@to enter into meditation.
入道 [ニュウドウ]@to enter the way.
入重玄門 [ニュウジュウゲンモン]@to enter again into the mysterious gate.
入阿毘達磨論 [ニュウアビダツマロン]@(title) Treatise on Entering Abhidharma.
入骨 [ニュウコツ]@inter the bones.
入龕 [ニュウガン]@encoffin.
■ [ウチ]@within, inner.
■ [ナイ]@within, inner.
■乞 [ナイコツ]@inner monk.
■住 [ナイジュウ]@setting the mind.
■供 [ナイグ]@inner offerer.
■供 [ナイク]@inner offerer.
■供奉 [ナイクブ]@inner offerer.
■供奉 [ナイグブ]@inner offerer.
■六處 [ナイロクショ]@(term) six internal sense bases; six internal sense fields.
■典 [ナイテン]@canonical scriptures.
■凡 [ナイボン]@(term) higher ranks of ordinary disciples.
■史 [ナイシ]@monastery clerk.
■向 [ナイコウ]@to face within.
■塵 [ナイジン]@mental objects.
■外 [ナイゲ]@internal and external.
■外兼明 [ナイゲケンミョウ]@inner and outer sciences.
■外空 [ナイゲクウ]@internal and external emptiness.
■外道 [ナイゲドウ]@Buddhists and non-Buddhists.
■學 [ナイガク]@inner study.
■宿 [ナイシュク]@kept overnight.
■寺 [ナイジ]@palace temples.
■心 [ナイシン]@mind within.
■心曼荼羅 [ナイシンマンダラ]@internal mandala.
■我 [ナイガ]@internal self.
■教 [ナイキョウ]@canonical teachings.
■明 [ナイミョウ]@inner studies.
■智 [ナイチ]@inner wisdom.
■有色想觀外色多 [ナイウシキソウカンゲシキタ]@imagining himself having form,
he sees large external forms, and overcomes them.
■有色想觀諸色解■ [ナイウシキソウカンショシキゲダツ]@liberation of the
embodied looking at a form.
■根 [ナイコン]@internal realm.
■法 [ナイホウ]@inner dharma.
■無爲 [ナイムイ]@inner unconditioned.
■無色想觀外色多 [ナイムシキソウカンゲシキタ]@imagining himself lacking form,
he sees large external forms, and overcome them.
■無色想觀外色少 [ナイムシキソウカンゲシキショウ]@imagining himself lacking
form, he sees small external forms, and overcome them.
■煮 [ナイシャ]@cooked food kept in the room.
■界 [ナイカイ]@inner realm.
■祕 [ナイヒ]@inner and secret.
■種 [ナイシュ]@inner seeds.
■空 [ナイクウ]@internal emptiness.
■等淨 [ナイトウジョウ]@internal clarity.
■經 [ナイキョウ]@inner scriptures.
■■ [ナイエン]@internal perception.
■胎 [ナイタイ]@inner garbhadh■tu.
■■ [ナイクン]@inner perfumation.
■■ [ナイコ]@inner emptiness.
■衆 [ナイシュ]@inner group.
■衣 [ナイエ]@inner garment.
■觀 [ナイカン]@internal observation.
■記 [ナイキ]@monastery clerk.
■證 [ナイショウ]@inner realization.
■識 [ナイシキ]@internal consciousness.
■護摩 [ナイゴマ]@internal fire ritual.
■道塲 [ナイドウジョウ]@inner practice hall.
■門轉 [ナイモンテン]@internal transformations.
■院 [ナイイン]@inner court.
■陣 [ナイジン]@inner ranks.
■障 [ナイショウ]@internal hindrances.
■願堂 [ナイガンドウ]@(person) Naew■ndang.
■食 [ナイジキ]@internal food; internal sustenance.
■齋 [ナイサイ]@ceremonies within the court.
全分受 [ゼンブンジュ]@full ordainment.
全分戒 [ゼンブンカイ]@full ordainment.
全正 [ゼンショウ]@perfectly correct.
全無 [ゼンム]@completely absent; totally non-existent.
全知 [ゼンチ]@full understanding.
全跏趺坐 [ゼンカフザ]@full lotus position.
兩 [リョウ]@two.
兩卷經 [リョウカンキョウ]@(title) Two Fascicle Sutra.
兩宗 [リョウシュウ]@Two sects.
兩權 [リョウゴン]@two provisional approaches.
兩河 [リョウガ]@two rivers.
兩界 [リョウガイ]@two realms.
兩腋圓滿相 [リョウエキエンマンソウ]@his shoulders are broad.
兩舌 [リョウゼツ]@backbiting; equivocation.
兩財 [リョウザイ]@two assets.
兩足尊 [リョウソクソン]@supreme among all two-legged creatures.
兩足尊 [リョウゾクソン]@supreme among all two-legged creatures.
兩部 [リョウブ]@two realms.
兩門 [リョウモン]@Two approaches.
兩頭 [リョウトウ]@two heads.
兩鼠 [リョウソ]@two rats.
兪旬 [ユジュン]@(term) yojana.
八 [ハチ]@eight.
八不 [ハチフ]@(term) eight negations.
八不中觀 [ハップチュウカン]@eight views outside of the middle path.
八不中道 [ハップチュウドウ]@(term) eight negations of the middle way.
八不可越 [ハチフカオツ]@eight untranscendables.
八不可越法 [ハチフカエツホウ]@(term) eight commandments.
八不可過法 [ハチフカカホウ]@(term) eight commandments.
八不定 [ハチフジョウ]@eight changeable mental factors.
八不思議 [ハチフシギ]@eight inexpressibles.
八不正見 [ハチフショウケン]@(term) eight incorrect views.
八不正觀 [ハップショウカン]@correct meditation on the eight negations.
八不淨 [ハチフジョウ]@(term) eight impurities.
八不顯實 [ハチフケンジツ]@disclosing reality through the eight negations.
八中洲 [ハチチュウシュウ]@eight included continents.
八乾 [ハッケン]@(term) eight aggregates.
八事隨身 [ハチジズイシン]@eight possessions.
八五三二 [ハチゴサンニ]@eight, five, three and two.
八交道 [ハッキョウドウ]@eight intersections.
八人 [ハチニン]@(term) eight tolerances.
八位 [ハチイ]@eight ranks.
八位胎藏 [ハチイタイゾウ]@eight stages of the human fetus.
八佛 [ハチブツ]@(term) eight buddhas.
八倒 [ハットウ]@eight errors.
八億四千萬念 [ハチオクシセンマンネン]@eight billion, four hundred million
八功■ [ハチクドク]@eight attributes.
八功■水 [ハックドクスイ]@waters with eight attributes.
八功■水 [ハチクドクスイ]@waters with eight attributes.
八勝處 [ハチショウショ]@(term) eight victorious stages.
八勝處 [ハッショウジョ]@(term) eight victorious stages.
八勝解 [ハチショウゲ]@(term) eight excellent liberations.
八十 [ハチジュウ]@eighty.
八十一品思惑 [ハチジュウイッポンシワク]@eighty-one kinds of illusion.
八十一法 [ハチジュウイッポウ]@eighty one teachings.
八十八使 [ハチジュウハッシ]@(term) eighty-eight afflicted mental states.
八十種好 [ハチジッシュゴウ]@(term) eighty minor marks.
八十華嚴經 [ハチジュウケゴンキョウ]@Eighty fascicle Huayan Sutra.
八十誦律 [ハチジュウショウリツ]@(term) eighty recitation vinaya.
八十隨形好 [ハチジュウズイギョウコウ]@(term) eighty minor marks.
八句義 [ハチクギ]@(term) eight phrases.
八名普密陀羅尼經 [ハチミョウフミツダラニキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Dh■ran■
of the Universal and Esoteric Eight Names.
八味 [ハチミ]@eight flavors.
八味水 [ハチミスイ]@waters with eight tastes.
八囀 [ハッテン]@eight cases of nouns.
八囀聲 [ハッテンショウ]@eight cases of nouns.
八圓 [ハチエン]@eight aspects of completion.
八地 [ハチジ]@eighth of the ten bh■mis.
八塔 [ハットウ]@eight st■pas.
八墮 [ハチダ]@eight falls.
八多羅樹 [ハチタラジュ]@eight talas tall.
八大 [ハチダイ]@eight great hells.
八大在我 [ハチダイザイガ]@eight great powers of sovereign self.
八大地獄 [ハチダイチゴク]@eight great hells.
八大執事 [ハチダイシュウジ]@(term) eight great officers.
八大明王 [ハチダイミョウオウ]@eight great luminous kings.
八大童子 [ハチダイドウシ]@eight great children.
八大自在我 [ハチダイジザイガ]@(term) eight kinds of great unimpeded subjectivity.
八大菩薩 [ハチダイボサツ]@eight great bodhisattvas.
八大菩薩曼荼羅經 [ハチダイボサツマンダラキョウ]@(title) Ma■■ala of the Eight
Great Bodhisattvas.
八大觀音 [ハチダイカンオン]@eight great Avalokite■varas.
八大辛苦 [ハチダイシンク]@eight kinds of great bitter suffering.
八大金剛明王 [ハチダイコンゴウミョウオウ]@(foreign) eight great illustrious vajra
八大靈塔 [ハチダイリョウトウ]@(foreign) eight great sacred st■pas.
八天 [ハチテン]@eight devalokas.
八天 [ハッテン]@eight devalokas.
八妄想 [ハチモウソウ]@(term) eight kinds of deluded perception.
八字 [ハチジ]@eight words.
八字文殊法 [ハチジブンジュホウ]@(foreign) eight word dh■ra■■ of Mañju■r■.
八宗 [ハッシュウ]@(term) eight schools.
八宗九宗 [ハッシュウクシュウ]@eight schools and nine schools.
八宗綱要 [ハッシュウコウヨウ]@(title) Outline of the Eight Schools.
八定 [ハチジョウ]@eight trances.
八定水 [ハチジョウスイ]@waters with eight attributes.
八家 [ハッケ]@(term) eight schools.
八家九宗 [ハッケクシュウ]@eight philosophies and nine schools.
八寒八熱 [ハチカンハチネツ]@eight cold and eight hot.
八寒冰地獄 [ハッカンヒョウジゴク]@(term) eight cold hells.
八寒地獄 [ハッカンジゴク]@(term) eight cold hells.
八尊重法 [ハチソンジュウホウ]@eight grave precepts.
八尊重法 [ハッソンジュウホウ]@eight grave precepts.
八師 [ハッシ]@(term) eight teachers.
八師經 [ハッシキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Eight Teachers.
八■ [ハットク]@eight virtues.
八忍 [ハチニン]@eight tolerances.
八念法 [ハチネンホウ]@eight patterns of mindfulness.
八念門 [ハチネンモン]@eight patterns of mindfulness.
八慢 [ハチマン]@(term) eight kinds of pride.
八■ [ハッキョウ]@eight kinds of pride.
八成 [ハチジョウ]@eight factors of a Buddhist syllogism.
八戒 [ハチカイ]@eight precepts.
八戒齋 [ハチカイサイ]@eight precepts.
八支 [ハッシ]@eight stems.
八支■水 [ハチシトクスイ]@waters with eight attributes.
八支齋 [ハッシサイ]@eight precepts.
八教 [ハッキョウ]@(term) eight teaching classifications.
八敬戒 [ハッキョウカイ]@(term) eight commandments.
八敬法 [ハチキョウホウ]@(term) eight commandments.
八敬法 [ハッキョウホウ]@(term) eight commandments.
八方上下 [ハッポウジョウゲ]@(term) eight directions above and below.
八方天 [ハッポウテン]@(term) heavens in the eight directions.
八時 [ハチジ]@eight hours.
八智 [ハッチ]@eight wisdoms.
八校 [ハッキョウ]@(term) eight investigations.
八棄 [ハッキ]@eight renunciations.
八正道 [ハッショウドウ]@eightfold path.
八正道經 [ハッショウドウキョウ]@(title) Sutra on the Eightfold Noble Path.
八正門 [ハッショウモン]@eightfold correct path; eightfold holy path; eightfold noble
八水 [ハッスイ]@eight rivers.
八法 [ハッポウ]@eight dharmas.
八波羅夷 [ハチハライ]@(term) eight misbehaviors.
八海 [ハッカイ]@eight oceans.
八游行 [ハチユウギョウ]@eightfold correct path; eightfold holy path; eightfold noble
八無暇 [ハチムカ]@eight conditions of no leisure time.
八無礙 [ハチムゲ]@(term) eight non-obstructions.
八熱地獄 [ハチネツジゴク]@(term) eight burning hells.
八■度 [ハチケンド]@(term) eight aggregates.
八■度論 [ハッケンドロン]@(title) Treatise on the Eight Aggregates.
八王子 [ハチオウジ]@eight princes.
八王日 [ハチオウニチ]@eight royal days.
八由行 [ハチユギョウ]@eightfold correct path; eightfold holy path; eightfold noble
八直行 [ハチジキギョウ]@eightfold correct path; eightfold holy path; eightfold noble
八直道 [ハチジキドウ]@eightfold correct path; eightfold holy path; eightfold noble
八相 [ハッソウ]@eight aspects.
八相成道 [ハッソウジョウドウ]@(term) eight aspects of the Buddha's life.
八相示現 [ハッソウジゲン]@eight aspects of the Buddha's life.
八祖相承 [ハッソソウジョウ]@eight patriarch lineage.
八神變 [ハチジンヘン]@eight transformations.
八禁 [ハチゴン]@eight prohibitions.
八福生處 [ハチフクショウショ]@(term) eight fortunate rebirths.
八福田 [ハチフクデン]@eight fields of merit.
八種分別 [ハッシュフンベツ]@(term) eight kinds of discrimination; eight kinds of
false imputations.
八種別解■戒 [ハチシュベツゲダツカイ]@differentiated rules of liberation for the
eight orders.
八種勝法 [ハチシュショウホウ]@eight kinds of surpassing things.
八種妄想 [ハッシュモウソウ]@eight kinds of deluded, or mistaken notions.
八種布施 [ハッシュフセ]@eight causes of giving.
八種授記 [ハッシュジュキ]@(term) eight kinds of prediction.
八種施 [ハッシュノセ]@eight causes of giving.
八種法 [ハッシュホウ]@eight kinds of rules.
八種■風 [ハッシュノショウフウ]@eight kinds of fresh winds.
八種粥 [ハッシュノカユ]@eight kinds of gruel.
八種粥 [ハッシュジュク]@eight kinds of gruel.
八穢 [ハチエ]@(term) eight defilements.
八童子 [ハチドウジ]@eight children.
八筏 [ハチバツ]@eight rafts.
八纏 [ハチデン]@eight fetters.
八聖 [ハッショウ]@eight sages.
八聖道 [ハッショウド]@(term) noble eightfold path.
八聖道支 [ハチショウドウシ]@eightfold correct path; eightfold holy path; eightfold
noble path.
八背捨 [ハチハイシャ]@eight abandonments.
八臂天 [ハッピテン]@(term) eight-armed celestial.
八自在 [ハチジザイ]@eight kinds of unimpededness.
八自在我 [ハチジザイガ]@eight kinds of unimpeded subjectivity.
八色幡 [ヤイロノハタ]@(term) eight colored pennants.
八苦 [はっく]@(term) eight kinds of suffering.
八菩薩 [ハチボサツ]@(term) eight bodhisattvas.
八萬 [ハチマン]@eighty thousand.
八萬十二 [ハチマンジュウニ]@eighty-thousand and twelve.
八萬四千 [ハチマンシセン]@eighty-four thousand.
八萬四千法蘊 [ハチマンシセンホウウン]@eighty-four thousand teachings or lessons
credited to the Buddha as a cure of all sufferings.
八萬四千法門 [ハチマンシセンノホウモン]@the eighty-four thousand kinds of
八萬威儀 [ハチマンノイギ]@eighty-thousand duties.
八葉 [ハチヨウ]@(term) eight petals.
八葉院 [ハチヨウイン]@(term) eight petal court.
八藏 [ハチゾウ]@(term) eight kinds of matrices.
八覺 [ハチカク]@eight awarenesses.
八解■ [ハチゲダツ]@(term) eight kinds of liberation.
八觸 [ハッソク]@eight sensations.
八論 [ハチロン]@(term) eight treatises.
八諦 [ハチタイ]@(term) eight noble truths.
八識 [ハチシキ]@(term) eight consciousnesses.
八識心王 [ハッシキシンノウ]@(term) mind-king of the eight consciousnesses.
八識規矩頌 [ハッシキキクショウ]@(title) Verses on the Structure of the Eight
八識體一 [ハッシキタイイチ]@eight consciousnesses are one in essence.
八變化 [ハチヘンゲ]@(term) eight supernatural powers.
八輩 [ハッパイ]@eight ranks.
八輪 [ハチリン]@(term) eight spoke wheel.
八辯 [ハチベン]@eight kinds of eloquence.
八迷 [ハチメイ]@(term) eight misleading concepts.
八道 [ハチドウ]@eightfold path.
八道船 [ハチドウセン]@eightfold correct path; eightfold holy path; eightfold noble
八道行 [ハチドウギョウ]@eightfold correct path; eightfold holy path; eightfold noble
八遮 [ハッシャ]@eight negations.
八部大衆 [ハチブダイシュ]@eightfold beings that form the assemblies of the buddha's
八部衆 [ハチブシュ]@(term) eight kinds of beings.
八部鬼神 [ハチブキジン]@eight kinds of spiritual beings.
八部鬼衆 [ハチブノキシュ]@eight groups of demon followers.
八重無價 [ハチジュウムゲ]@(term) eight truly precious things.
八重眞寶 [ハチジュウノシンポウ]@(term) eight truly precious things.
八門 [ハチモン]@(term) eight syllogisms.
八門二悟 [ハチモンニゴ]@eight syllogisms.
八門兩益 [ハチモンリョウヤク]@eight syllogisms.
八關齋 [ハチカンサイ]@eight precepts.
八關齋 [ハッカンサイ]@eight precepts.
八關齋戒 [ハッカンサイカイ]@eight precepts of a one day vow holder.
八難 [ハチナン]@(term) eight difficulties.
八音 [ハチオン]@(term) eight tones.
八音 [ハットン]@(term) eight tones.
八■倒 [ハチテンドウ]@eight inverted views.
八風 [ハップウ]@(term) eight winds.
八風 [ハチフウ]@(term) eight winds.
八邪 [ハチジャ]@(term) eight kinds of evil (errors).
八魔 [ハチマ]@(term) eight M■ras.
八齋 [ハッサイ]@eight purifications.
八齋戒 [ハチサイカイ]@eight precepts.
八齋戒 [ハッサイカイ]@eight precepts.
公 [コウ]@public; fair.
公案 [コウアン]@public case.
公界 [クガイ]@public realm.
公界 [クカイ]@public realm.
公界 [クハ]@public realm.
公界 [コウカイ]@public realm.
六 [ロク]@six.
六事成就 [ロクジジョウジュ]@six affairs of completion.
六位 [ロクイ]@six stages.
六住 [ロクジュウ]@sixth stage of abiding.
六作 [ロクサ]@six sensations.
六供具 [ロックグ]@six articles for worship.
六依 [ロクエ]@six senses.
六入 [ロクニュウ]@six bases of the senses.
六■處 [ロクナイショ]@six internal sense-fields.
六八弘誓 [ロクハチグゼイ]@forty-eight extensive vows.
六八超世本願 [ロクハチチョウセノホンガン]@forty-eight world-transcending
六决定 [ロクケツジョウ]@six determinations.
六凡 [ロクボン]@(term) six non-enlightened realms.
六凡四聖 [ロクボンシショウ]@(term) ten realms.
六到彼岸 [ロクトウヒガン]@(term) six perfections.
六劍 [ロッケン]@six swords.
六十 [ロクジュウ]@sixty.
六十二見 [ロクジュウニケン]@(term) sixty-two (mistaken) views.
六十六衆學法 [ロクジュウロクシュガクホウ]@sixty-six occasions for the training
of behavior.
六十卷 [ロクジュッカン]@sixty fascicles.
六十四書 [ロクジュウシショ]@sixty-four writings.
六十四梵音 [ロクジュウシボンオン]@sixty-four brahmanic sounds.
六十四眼 [ロクジュウシゲン]@sixty-four eyes.
六十心 [ロクジッシン]@sixty mental states.
六十心 [ロクジュウシン]@sixty mental states.
六■ [ロクソク]@six [bodhisattva] stages.
六■佛 [ロクソクブツ]@buddha in six forms.
六受 [ロクジュ]@six sensations.
六句義勝論派 [ロクコウギショウロンハ]@six principles of the Vai■e■ikas.
六合 [リクゴウ]@six meetings.
六合釋 [リクガッシャク]@six types of compounds in Sanskrit grammar.
六合釋 [ロクガッシャク]@six types of compounds in Sanskrit grammar.
六味 [ロクミ]@six flavors.
六和合 [ロクワゴウ]@six combinations.
六和敬 [ロクワキョウ]@six ways that Buddhist practitioners should live in harmony
and be sensitive and caring towards each other.
六喩 [ロクユ]@(term) six metaphors.
六因 [ロクイン]@(term) six kinds of causes.
六地 [ロクチ]@six grounds.
六垢 [ロクク]@six defiling factors.
六垢 [ロック]@six defiling factors.
六垢法 [ロックホウ]@six defiling factors.
六城部 [ロクジョウブ]@Six Cities School.
六塵 [ロクジン]@six data fields.
六境 [ロッキョウ]@six objects.
六外處 [ロクゲショ]@six external sense-fields.
六大 [ロクダイ]@six elements.
六大法性 [ロクダイホッショウ]@the real natures of the six elements.
六大無礙 [ロクダイムゲ]@no obstruction among the six elements.
六大煩惱 [ロクダイボンノウ]@six great afflictions.
六大界 [ロクダイカイ]@six elements.
六大神 [ロクダイジン]@spirits of the six elements.
六大觀 [ロクダイカン]@meditation on the six elements.
六大體大 [ロクダイタイダイ]@the six elements in their greater whole.
六天 [ロクテン]@six heavens.
六夷 [ロクイ]@six forbidden crimes.
六如 [ロクニョ]@six metaphors.
六妄 [ロクモウ]@six deluders.
六妙行 [ロクミョウギョウ]@six marvelous practices.
六字 [ロクジ]@six syllables.
六字名號 [ロクジノミョウゴウ]@six syllable name.
六字文殊 [ロクジモンジュ]@(foreign) six syllable dh■ra■■ of Mañju■r■.
六字神呪王經 [ロクジジンジュオウキョウ]@(title) Six Syllable Incantation.(title)
六宗 [ロクシュウ]@six schools.
六宗教 [ロクシュウキョウ]@six schools.
六師 [ロクシ]@six [non-Buddhist] teachers.
六師外道 [ロクシゲドウ]@six non-Buddhist masters.
六年苦行 [ロクネンクギョウ]@six years of austerities.
六度 [ロクト]@(term) six perfections.
六度果報 [ロクドカホウ]@rewards of the six perfections.
六度無極 [ロクドムゴク]@unlimited six perfections.
六■ [ロクトクロクトク]@six attributes.
六念 [ロクネン]@six kinds of mindfulness.
六念法 [ロクネンボウ]@six kinds of mindfulness.
六念處 [ロクネンジョ]@six bases of mindfulness.
六情 [ロクジョウ]@six emotions; six sense-organs.
六慧 [ロクエ]@six kinds of wisdom.
六成就 [ロクジョウジュ]@six completions.
六方 [ロッポウ]@six directions.
六方 [ロクホウ]@six directions.
六方禮 [ロッポウライ]@homage to the six directions.
六方護念 [ロッボウゴネン]@maintenance of mindfulness in the six directions.
六時 [ロクジ]@six hours or periods in a day.
六時三昧 [ロクジザンマイ]@six periods of meditation.
六時不斷 [ロクジフダン]@six periods of unremitting devotions.
六時懺 [ロクジサン]@six periods of penance.
六時禮讚 [ロクジライサン]@six periods of worship.
六染心 [ロクネンシン]@(term) six kinds of defiled mind.
六根 [ロッコン]@six sense-organs;.six faculties.
六根 [ロクコン]@six sense-organs;.six faculties.
六根五用 [ロッコンゴヨウ]@substitution of function of the sense faculties.
六根功■ [ロッコンクドク]@powers of the six faculties.
六根懺悔 [ロッコンサンゲ]@confession for the sins of the senses.
六根本煩惱 [ロクコンホンボンノウ]@six basic mental defilements.
六根■淨 [ロッコンショウジョウ]@purity of the six senses.
六根■淨位 [ロッコンショウジョウイ]@stage of the purity of the six faculties.
六欲 [ロクヨク]@six desires.
六欲四禪 [ロクヨクシゼン]@six desire heavens and four meditation heavens.
六欲天 [ロクヨクテン]@(term) six heavens of the desire realm.
六殺 [ロクせツ]@six kinds of cases concerning crime related to killing.
六法 [ロッポウ]@six dharmas that practitioners are to be mindful of.
六法事 [ロッポウジ]@(term) six precepts.
六法戒 [ロッポウカイ]@Six precepts.
六波羅蜜 [ロッパラミツ]@(term) six perfections.
六波羅蜜多 [ロッパラミッタ]@six perfections.
六煩惱 [ロクボンノウ]@(term) six primary afflictions.
六物 [ロクモツ]@six personal belongings of a monk.
六現觀 [ロクゲンカン]@six ways of clearly perceiving presently existent objects.
六瑞 [ロクズイ]@six portents;.six wonders.
六界 [ロクカイ]@six elements.
六界 [ロッカイ]@six elements.
六界聚 [ロッカイジュ]@aggregate of the six elements.
六畜 [ロクチク]@six animals.
六相 [ロクソウ]@six characteristics observable in existent things.
六祖 [ロクソ]@the six patriarchs.
六祖壇經 [ロクソダンキョウ]@(title) Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch.
六祖壇經 [ロクソダンギョウ]@(title) Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch.
六神通 [ロクジンヅウ]@(term) six supernatural powers.
六種住 [ロクシュジュウ]@six bodhisattva stages.
六種印 [ロクシュイン]@six seals.
六種因 [ロクシュイン]@six kinds of causes.
六種外道 [ロクシュゲドウ]@six kinds of non-Buddhist philosophers.
六種妄想縛 [ロクシュモウソウバク]@Six kinds of deluded conceptual bondage.
六種巧方便 [ロクシュギョウホウベン]@six kinds of skillful means.
六種性 [ロクシュショウ]@six natures.
六種正行 [ロクシュショウギョウ]@six kinds of correct practice.
六種殺 [ロクシュサツ]@six kinds of cases concerning fault related to killing.
六種殺生 [ロクシュセッショウ]@six kinds of circumstances related to killing.
六種決定 [ロクシュケツジョウ]@six kinds of certainty.
六種觀 [ロクシュカン]@meditation on the six natures.
六種震動 [ロクシュシンドウ]@six earthquakes.
六窗一猿 [ロクソウイチエン]@six windows and one monkey.
六箭 [ロクゼン]@six arrows.
六篇 [ロクヒン]@six grades of crimes.
六結 [ロクケツ]@six knots.
六結 [ロッケツ]@six knots.
六罪人 [ロクザイニン]@six kinds of offenders.
六羅漢 [ロクラカン]@six arhats.
六群比丘 [ロクグンビク]@(foreign) group of six bhik■us.
六聚戒 [ロクジュカイ]@six grades of crimes.
六聚罪 [ロクジュザイ]@six grades of crimes.
六自在王 [ロクジザイオウ]@six sovereign rulers.
六舟 [ロクシュウ]@six boats.
六般神足 [ロクハンノジンソク]@six portents.
六苦行 [ロックギョウ]@six [non-Buddhist] austerities.
六萬藏 [ロクマンゾウ]@sixty thousand verses.
六著 [ロクジャク]@six kinds of attachment of mind.
六著心 [ロクジャクシン]@six kinds of attachment of mind.
六蔽 [ロクヘイ]@six obstacles.
六處 [ロクショ]@six internal sense bases.
六衆 [ロクシュ]@group of six.
六衆生 [ロクシュジョウ]@six living beings.
六行 [ロクコウ]@six practices.
六行觀 [ロクギョウカン]@six types of contemplation.
六術 [ロクジュツ]@six [ascetic] techniques.
六衰 [ロクスイ]@six decayers.
六裁 [ロクサイ]@six decisions.
六親 [リクシン]@six kinds of blood relations, for which there are various definitions.
六親 [ロクシン]@six kinds of blood relations, for which there are various definitions.
六觀 [ロクカン]@six kinds of contemplations.
六觀法 [ロクカンボウ]@six kinds of contemplations.
六觀音 [ロクカンノン]@six forms of Avalokite■vara.
六觀音 [ロッカンノン]@six forms of Avalokite■vara.
六解一亡 [ロクゲイチモウ]@when the six are untied, the one disappears.
六觸 [ロクソク]@six contacts.
六論 [ロクロン]@six [non-Buddhist] treatises.
六諦 [ロクタイ]@six logical categories.
六識 [ロクシキ]@six consciousnesses.
六譬 [ロクヒ]@six metaphors.
六譬 [ロッピ]@six metaphors.
六賊 [ロクゾク]@(term) six thieves.
六趣 [ロクシュ]@(term) six destinies.
六輪 [ロクリン]@six wheel-turners.
六通 [ロクツウ]@(term) six supernatural powers.
六道 [ロクドウ]@(term) six destinies.
六道伽陀經 [ロクドウカダキョウ]@Sutra of Verses on the Six Destinies.
六道佛菩薩 [ロクドウノブツボサツ]@buddhas and bodhisattvas of the six destinies.
六道佛菩薩 [ロクドウノブツボサツ]@buddhas and bodhisattvas of the six destinies.
六道四生 [ロクドウシショウ]@four kinds of birth in the six destinies.
六道四聖 [ロクドウシショウ]@six [mundane] destinies, and four holy rebirths.
六道集經 [ロクドウシュウキョウ]@Sutra on the Collection of the Six Destinies.
六部大乘經 [ロクブダイジョウキョウ]@six great Mah■y■na scriptures.
六門陀羅尼經 [ロクモンダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the Six Gates.
六門陀羅尼經論 [ロクモンダラニキョウロン]@(title) Commentary on the Dh■ra■■
of Six Gates.
六阿也怛那 [ロクアヤタンナ]@six bases of the senses.
六阿耶怛那 [ロクアヤタンナ]@six bases of the senses.
六離合釋 [リクリガッシャク]@six interpretations of compound terms.
六離合釋 [ロクリガッシャク]@six interpretations of compound terms.
六難 [ロクナン]@six difficult attainments.
六麁 [ロクソ]@(term) six coarse marks.
六齋 [ロクサイ]@six days of purification.
六齋日 [ロクサイノヒロクサイニチ]@six days of purification.
共 [グウ]@in common with.
共不定 [グウフジョウ]@both indeterminate.
共十地 [グウジュウジ]@shared ten stages.
共同成就 [グウドウジョウシュウ]@common attainments.
共報 [グウホウ]@shared retribution.
共境 [グキョウ]@To share the same realm.
共宗 [グウシュウ]@shared doctrine.
共宿 [グウシュク]@to stay (overnight) in the same place.
共法 [グウホウ]@shared dharma.
共生 [キョウセイ]@production from both.
共生 [グウショウ]@production from both.
共相 [キョウソウ]@shared characteristics.
共相 [グウソウ]@shared characteristics.
共相惑 [グウソウワク]@delusion in regard to common characteristics.
共結 [グケツ]@shared bonds.
共般若 [グウハンニャ]@shared wisdom.
共般若 [グハンニャ]@shared wisdom.
共許 [グウコ]@commonly accepted.
共許 [グウゴ]@commonly accepted.
具 [グ]@endowed with.
具分 [グブン]@(term) pervade.
具史羅 [グシラ]@(person) Gho■ira.
具四十齒相 [グシジュウシソウ]@he has a total of forty teeth.
具戒 [グカイ]@full set of precepts.
具戒地 [グカイチ]@(term) stage of the full possession of discipline.
具有 [グウ]@to be intact.
具生 [グショウ]@arise together with.
具知根 [グチコン]@faculty of the power of perfect knowledge (of the Four Noble
具■ [グエン]@fulfillment of conditions.
具■成業 [グエンジョウゴウ]@fulfillment of the conditions for the completion of an
具■派 [グエンハ]@(school) Pr■sa■gika.
具縛 [グバク]@to be fettered, bound.
具聲 [グショウ]@instrumental case.
具見地 [グケンチ]@seeing ground.
具■ [グセツ]@explain fully.
具足 [グソク]@complete.
具足■本願 [グソクトクホンガン]@vow for the full attainment of virtue.
具足戒 [グソクカイ]@taking the precepts.
具陳 [グチン]@describe in detail.
具顯 [グケン]@fully express.
典 [テン]@canon.
典座 [テンゾ]@(term) temple chef.
典座 [テンザ]@(term) temple chef.
兼帶 [ケンタイ]@the use of one thing for two or more purposes.
圓仁 [エンニン]@(person) Ennin.
圓成寺 [エンジョウジ]@(temple) Enj■ji.
再 [サイ]@again.
再往 [サイオウ]@once again.
冒地質多 [ボウジシッタ]@mind of enlightenment.
冥 [ミョウ]@darkness.
冥一 [ミョウイチ]@harmoniously unified so as to be indistinguishable.
冥界 [ミョウカイ]@(term) dark realm(s).
冥合 [ミョウゴウ]@match perfectly; fit perfectly; unite.
冥合 [メイゴウ]@match perfectly; fit perfectly; unite.
冥庭 [ミョウテイ]@courts of darkness.
冥然 [ミョウネン]@dark, obscure, unclear.
冥道罔象 [ミョウドウモウショウ]@the dark way is formless.
冬 [トウ]@winter.
冬夜 [トウヤ]@evening before the winter solstice.
冬安居 [トウアンゴ]@winter retreat.
冬安居 [フユアンゴ]@winter retreat.
冬瓜鬼 [トウカキ]@Demon shaped like a winter melon.
冰 [ヒョウ]@ice.
冲 [チュウ]@profound.
冲彦 [チュウゲン]@(person) Ch'ung■n.
冲止 [チュウシ]@(person) Ch'ungji.
冲鏡 [チュウキョウ]@(person) Ch'ungky■ng.
决 [ケツ]@decide.
决了 [ケツリョウ]@clarify.
决定 [ケツジョウ]@determined.
决擇 [ケッチャク]@selection.
决疑 [ケツギ]@resolve doubts.
况 [キョウ]@not to mention.
冷 [リョウ]@cold.
冷 [レイ]@cold.
冷暖 [リョウダン]@cold and warm.
冷河 [リョウカ]@Cold River.
准 [ジュン]@pattern after, liken to, imitate..
凝 [ギョウ]@congeal.
凝然 [ギョウネン]@firmly.
凡 [ボン]@(term) worldling.
凡僧 [ボンソウ]@ordinary monk.
凡夫 [ボンブ]@(term) worldling.
凡夫人 [ボンブニン]@ordinary man.
凡夫十重妄 [ボンブジュウジュウモウ]@ten serious errors of worldlings.
凡夫境界 [ボンブキョウカイ]@range of mental activity of ordinary man.
凡夫性 [ボンブショウ]@nature of ordinary beings.
凡夫生死 [ボンフショウシ]@life-and-death as it is experienced by unenlightened
sentient beings.
凡夫異生 [ボンブイショウ]@ordinary unenlightened person.
凡夫菩薩 [ボンフボサツ]@worldling bodhisattva.
凡小 [ボンショウ]@ordinary unenlightened people.
凡小八倒 [ボンショウハチトウ]@eight confusions.
凡師 [ボンシ]@ordinary teachers.
凡性 [ボンショウ]@nature of ordinary beings.
凡情 [ボンジョウ]@ordinary passions.
凡愚 [ボング]@(term) unenlightened people.
凡慮 [ボンリョ]@ordinary anxieties.
凡福 [ボンプク]@ordinary merit.
凡種 [ボンシュ]@ordinary type.
凡習 [ボンシュウ]@ordinary practices.
凡聖 [ボンショウ]@(term) ordinary man and sage.
凡聖一如 [ボンショウイチニョ]@worldling and sentient being are the same in their
basic buddha-nature.
凡聖不二 [ボンショウフニ]@worldling and sage are the same in essence.
凡聖依正 [ボンショウイショウ]@The difference between worldling and sage is in
their correctness.
凡聖同居土 [ボンショウドウゴト]@this world, where ordinary beings and sages
dwell together.
凡識 [ボンシキ]@ordinary consciousness.
凶 [キョウ]@bad fortune.
凶戲 [クケ]@(term) dangerous amusements.
出 [スイ]@come out; manifest; go out of.
出 [シュツ]@come out; manifest; go out of.
出三界 [シュツサンカイ]@to escape from the three realms.
出三藏記集 [シュツサンゾウキシュウ]@(title) Compilation of Notes on the
Translation of the Tripitaka.
出世 [シュッセ]@(term) supramundane.
出世大事 [シュッセノダイジ]@the great matter for which the buddhas appear in the
出世心 [シュッセシン]@the world-transcending mind.
出世成就 [シュツセジョウシュウ]@supramundane attainments.
出世智 [シュッセチ]@supramundane wisdom.
出世服 [シュッセフク]@supramundane clothing.
出世本懷 [シュッセノホンガイ]@the sole purpose for appearing in the world.
出世果 [シュッセ]@fruit of leaving the world.
出世果 [ノ]@fruit of leaving the world.
出世果 [カ]@fruit of leaving the world.
出世業 [シュッセゴウ]@supramundane activities.
出世法 [シュッセホウ]@(term) transmundane dharmas.
出世舍 [シュッセシャ]@supramundane abode.
出世藏 [シュッセゾウ]@store of the eternal spiritual nature, free from earthly errors.
出世語言部 [シュッセゴゴンブ]@(school) Lokottara-v■da.
出世■部 [シュッセセツブ]@(school) Lokottara-v■da.
出世部 [シュッセブ]@(school) Lokottara-v■da.
出世間 [シュッセケン]@supramundane, transmundane.
出世間智 [シュッセケンチ]@supramundane wisdom.
出世間法 [シュッセケンホウ]@supramundane dharma(s).
出世間般若 [シュッセケンハンニャ]@supramundane wisdom.
出世間■部 [シュッセケンセツブ]@(school) Lokottara-v■da.
出世間道 [シュッセケンドウ]@supramundane paths.
出佛血 [シュツブツケツ]@shed a buddha's blood.
出佛身血 [シュツブッシンケツ]@(term) spilling a buddha's blood.
出佛身血 [スイブッシンケツ]@(term) spilling a buddha's blood.
出假行 [シュッケノギョウ]@entry into provisional activity.
出入息觀 [シュツニュウソクカン]@mindfulness of breathing.
出出世間 [シュツシュッセケン]@beyond the supramundane.
出到菩提 [シュットウボダイ]@enlightenment of mental expansion.
出坂 [シュツハン]@monastery chores.
出塵 [シュツジン]@to leave the dust of the secular world.
出夫家 [シュツフケ]@leave the secular life.
出定 [シュツジョウ]@to emerge from meditation.
出家 [シュッケ]@renounce the secular life.
出家作法 [シュツケサホウ]@admission to the order.
出家修行 [シュツケシュギョウ]@renunciant practitioners.
出家者 [シュッケシャ]@renunciant monk.
出家菩薩 [シュッケボサツ]@renunciant bodhisattvas.
出嶺 [シュツリョウ]@To descend from the mountain.
出弟 [シュツダイ]@to treat people in a fraternal way when out in society.
出息 [シュッソク]@exhale.
出息不待入 [イズルイキハイルヲマタズ]@breathless.
出慧 [シュツエ]@wisdom of leaving.
出普坂 [シュツフハン]@monastery chores shared by everyone.
出曜經 [シュツヨウギョウ]@Sutra of the Appearance of Light.
出期 [イズルゴ]@period of going forth.
出期 [シュツゴ]@period of going forth.
出現 [シュツゲン]@manifestation of a body in this world by a buddha or high-rank
出生 [シュッサン]@taking birth.
出生 [スイサン]@taking birth.
出生 [シュッショウ]@taking birth.
出生一切如來法眼遍照大力明王經 [シュツショウイチサイニョライホウゲンヘン
ショウダイリキミョウオウキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Greatly Powerful Mantra King
[The Universally Shining Dharma-Eye from which All Tath■gatas Arise].
出生無邊門陀羅尼經 [シュッソウムヘンモンダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the
[Birth of the] Infinite Portal.
出纏供養 [シュツデンクヨウ]@offerings to those who have escaped from the toils,
e.g. Buddhas.
出纏眞如 [シュツデンシンニョ]@unfettered thusness.
出罪 [シュツザイ]@rehabilitation.
出罪方便 [シュツザイホウベン]@repentance and confession.
出聖 [シュッショウ]@transmundane holy path.
出胎 [シュッタイ]@birth.
出觀 [シュッカン]@emerge from meditation.
出道 [シュツドウ]@leave the world and enter the path.
出門 [シュツモン]@going out of the gate.
出離 [シュツリ]@renunciation, escape, free from.
出離煩惱 [シュツリボンノウ]@leave affliction.
出離生死 [シュツリショウジ]@leave birth and death.
函蓋乾坤 [ゲンカイカンコン]@what contains and covers heaven and earth?.
凾 [カン]@box.
刀子 [トウス]@pocket-knife.
刀子 [トウシ]@pocket-knife.
刀山 [トウセン]@(term) mountain of swords.
刀途 [トウズ]@destiny of (animal.hungry ghost).
刀風 [トウフウ]@sword-wind.
刃 [ニン]@sword.
刃葉林 [ニンショウリン]@forest of swords.
分 [フン]@branch, section or limb.
分 [ブン]@branch, section or limb.
分位 [ブンイ]@state.
分別 [フンベツ]@(term) discriminate; imagine; impute.
分別事識 [フンベツジシキ]@mano (sixth) consciousness.
分別事識熏習 [フンベツジシキクンジュウ]@permeation into the object
discriminating consciousness.
分別人我執 [フンベツニンガシュウ]@attachment to the imputation of a self.
分別力 [フンベツリキ]@(term) discrimination power.
分別性 [フンベツショウ]@nature of existence according to the discriminating mind.
分別我見 [フンベツガケン]@the discriminated view of a self.
分別智 [フンベツチ]@discriminated knowledge.
分別智相應染 [フンベツチソウオウゼン]@defilement associated with discriminating
分別果 [フンベツカ]@distinct effects.
分別法執 [フンベツホウシュウ]@(term) discriminated attachment to phenomena.
分別法我執 [フンベツホウガシュウ]@attachment to the imputation of inherent
existence of phenomena.
分別相 [フンベツソウ]@(term) the imagined characteristic.
分別■起初勝法門經 [フンベツエンギショショウホウモンキョウ]@(title) Sutra on
The Primacy of the Dharma Gate Distinguishing Conditioned Arising.
分別■三 [フンベツセツサン]@discriminatingly explained as three.
分別識 [フンベツシキ]@discriminating consciousness.
分別起 [フンベツキ]@(term) afflictions produced from discrimination.
分別障 [フンベツショウ]@(term) hindrances due to discrimination.
分喩 [ブンユ]@partially applicable metaphor.
分散 [ブンサン]@dismiss; be dismissed.
分明 [ブンミョウ]@see clearly.
分析 [ブンシャク]@to divide, separate.
分析 [ブンセキ]@to divide, separate.
分析觀 [ブンシャクカン]@analytical observation.
分■ [ブンサイ]@new year's eve.
分段 [ブンダン]@discrimination.
分段三道 [ブンダンノサンドウ]@three samsaric destinies.
分段同居 [ブンダンドウゴ]@dwelling together in samsaric existence.
分段死 [ブンダンシ]@(foreign) fragmentary sa■s■ra.
分段生死 [ブンダンショウジ]@(term) fragmentary sams■ra ; limited birth-and-
分段變易 [ブンダンヘンニャク]@(foreign) limited sa■s■ra and miraculous sa■s■ra.
分段身 [ブンダンシン]@limited body.
分段輪廻 [ブンダンリンネ]@limited cyclical existence.
分界 [ブンカイ]@delimitation, a demarcation, boundary, border.
分相門 [フンソウモン]@the single vehicle is absolute, independent.
分荼利華 [フンダリカ]@white lotus flower.
分荼利迦 [フンダリカ]@white lotus flower.
分衛 [ブンエイ]@food given as alms.
分衞 [ブンエ]@food given as alms.
分衞 [ブンエイ]@food given as alms.
分衞 [ブンネイ]@food given as alms.
分衞 [ブンネ]@food given as alms.
分裂 [ブンレツ]@schism.
分解 [ブンカイ]@Analysis, parting, decomposition.
分身 [ブンジン]@dividing the body.
分量 [ブンリョウ]@degree.
分陀利 [フンダリ]@great lotus flower.
分陀利迦 [フンダリカ]@white lotus flower.
分院 [ブンイン]@(term) branch temples.
分際 [ブンザイ]@Distinction.
分離識 [ブンリシキ]@separating consciousness.
分齊 [ブンザイ]@difference, distinction.limit, extent, range.
切 [セツ]@cut.
切勝 [セッショウ]@(person) A■vagho■a.
刊 [カン]@to cut; hew; engrave.
初 [ショ]@beginning.
初中後 [ショチュウゴ]@beginning, middle, and after.
初中後際 [ショチュウゴサイ]@beginning, middle, and later periods.
初二果 [ショニカ]@The first two fruits of the four fruits of the lesser vehicle path.
初位 [ショイ]@first stage.
初修觀菩薩 [ショシュカンボサツ]@Novice bodhisattvas.
初僧祗 [ショソウシ]@first incalculable eon.
初刹那識 [ショセツナシキ]@first moment of conciousness.
初善 [ショゼン]@good in the beginning.
初地 [ショジ]@(foreign) The first of the ten bh■mis.
初夜 [ショヤ]@the first watch of the night.
初學 [ショガク]@A beginner.
初心 [ショシン]@beginner's mind.
初時教 [ショジキョウ]@first teaching period.
初期佛教 [ショキブッキョウ]@early Buddhism.
初果 [ショカ]@first realization.
初果向 [ショカコウ]@ascending to stream winner.
初歡喜地 [ショカンギジ]@the first, the stage of joy.
初正信 [ショショウシン]@first stage of correct faith.
初發心 [ショホツシン]@first arousal of the determination for enlightenment.
初發心 [ショホッシン]@first arousal of the determination for enlightenment.
初發意 [ショハツイ]@initial arousal of the intention for enlightenment.
初發意 [ショホッチ]@initial arousal of the intention for enlightenment.
初發意菩薩 [ショホツイボサツ]@bodhisattva in the initial stage of aspiration.
初知 [ショチ]@The first to know.
初禪三天 [ショゼンサンテン]@three levels of the first concentration.
初禪天 [ショゼンテン]@(term) first meditation heaven.
初禪定 [ショゼンジョウ]@the first of the four meditative concentrations.
初■ [ショエン]@first condition.
初起 [ショキ]@the initial activation of something.
初轉法輪 [ショテンボウリン]@(term) first turning of the wheel of the dharma.
初靜慮 [ショジョウリョ]@the first concentration.
判 [ハン]@divide, separate.
判教 [ハンキョウ]@teaching classification.
別 [ベツ]@distinguish, discriminate.
別他那 [ベッタナ]@(name) Ve■■ana.
別傳 [ベツデン]@separate transmission.
別別解■ [ベツベツゲダツ]@code of vinaya precepts.
別劫 [ベツコウ]@lesser eons.
別報 [ベッポウ]@distinct karmic reward.
別報業 [ベツホウゴウ]@particularizing karma.
別境 [ベッキョウ]@distinct states; special objects.
別尊雜記 [ベツソンザッキ]@(title) Assorted Notes on Individual Divinities.
別惑 [ベツワク]@special delusions.
別教 [ベッキョウ]@separate teaching.
別教一乘 [ベッキョウイチジョウ]@(term) distinct teaching of the single vehicle.
別業 [ベツゴウ]@specific karma; particularizing karma.
別法 [ベッポウ]@separate teaching.
別申 [ベッシン]@(term) detailed explanation.
別當 [ベットウ]@steward.
別相 [ベッソウ]@distinctive characteristics.distinct characteristic.
別總 [ベッソウ]@specific and general.
別義 [ベツギ]@special meaning.
別習氣 [ベツジッケ]@habit energies that are specific in their function.
別行 [ベツギョウ]@specially functioning.
別解■ [ベツゲダツ]@(foreign) pr■timok■a.
別解■律儀 [ベツゲダツリツギ]@vows of individual liberation.
別記 [ベッキ]@(title) Expository Notes.
別釋 [ベッシャク]@specific explanation; explanation of the details.
別門 [ベツモン]@narrow approach; limited perspective.
別願 [ベツガン]@special vows.
刧 [コウ]@eon.
刧 [キョウ]@eon.
刧火 [コウカ]@The conflagration of the universe at the end of time.
刧盡火 [コウジンカ]@The conflagration at the end of the age.
利 [リ]@profit, advantage.
利人 [リニン]@to improve the condition of others.
利他 [リタ]@to work for the benefit of others.
利劍 [リケン]@sharp sword.
利嚴 [リゴン]@(person) I■m.
利智 [リチ]@sharp wisdom.
利根 [リコン]@(term) sharp faculties.
利樂 [リラク]@benefit and joy.
利機 [リキ]@(term) sharp faculties.
利波波 [リババ]@(person) Revata.
利潤 [リジュン]@profit, benefit, gain, increase.
利益 [リヤク]@(term) efficacy.
利益衆生 [リエキシュウジョウ]@to bring benefit to sentient beings.
利讚毀 [リサンキ]@profiting through praise and disparagement.
利讚毀戒 [リサンキカイ]@precept forbidding profit by praising oneself and
disparaging others.
利讚■ [リサンキ]@profiting through praise and disparagement.
利讚■戒 [リサンキカイ]@precept forbidding profit by praising oneself and
disparaging others.
利辯 [リベン]@sharp discernment.
利鈍 [リドン]@practitioners of sharp faculties and dull faculties.
利養 [リヨウ]@profit.
刪闍夜 [サンジャヤ]@Sañjaya.
到 [トウ]@reach to.
到彼岸 [トウヒガン]@(term) p■ramit■.
到頭 [トウトウ]@finally.
制 [セイ]@restrain.
制地 [セイチ]@tumulus.
制多 [セイタ]@tumulus.
制多山部 [セイタサンブ]@Caitikav■din.
制底 [セイチ]@tumulus.
制底 [セイテイ]@tumulus.
制底耶 [セイテイヤ]@tumulus.
制戒 [セイカイ]@restraining rules.
制教 [セイキョウ]@restraining teachings.
制止 [セイシ]@(term) restraint.
制衣 [セイエ]@regulation clothing.
制門 [セイモン]@disciplinary approach.
刹 [セツ]@realm.
刹利 [セツリ]@(term) k■atriya.
刹土 [セツド]@world.
刹拏 [セツナ]@instant, moment.
刹摩 [セツマ]@abode.
刹海 [セッカイ]@land and sea.
刹那 [セツナ]@a moment.
刹那三世 [セツナノサンゼ]@the three times are contained in a moment.
刹那不住 [セツナフジュウ]@not even abiding for an instant.
刹那刹那 [セツナセツナ]@every single moment.
刹那心 [セツナシン]@momentary mind.
刹那滅 [セツナメツ]@momentariness.
刹那無常 [セツナムジョウ]@momentary, impermanent.
刹那生滅 [セツナショウメツ]@moment-to-moment production and disapparance.
刺那尸棄 [セキナシキ]@Ratna■ikhin.
刻 [コク]@carve.
刻藏 [コクゾウ]@a woodcut canon.
剃刀 [カミソリ]@razor.
剃刀 [ソリ]@razor.
剃刀 [テイトウ]@razor.
剋 [コク]@to reflect back on; to pay attention to.
剌瑟胝 [ラシテイ]@staff.
剌竭節 [ラカセツ]@staff.
剌那 [ラナ]@jewel.
剌那尸棄 [ラナシキ]@(name) Ratna■ikhin.
剌闍 [ラジャ]@dirt.
前 [ゼン]@front.
前世 [サキノヨ]@previous life.
前世 [ゼンゼノコト]@previous life.
前世 [サキノヨ]@previous life.
前世 [ゼンセ]@previous life.
前世 [ノコト]@previous life.
前中後 [ゼンチュウゴ]@before, in between, and after.
前佛 [ゼンブツ]@former buddha(s).
前境 [ゼンキョウ]@(term) manifest object.
前後際斷 [ゼンゴサイダン]@negation of past and future.
前念 [ゼンネン]@preceeding instant of thought.
前正覺山 [ゼンショウガクセン]@(place) Pr■gbodhi.
前生 [ゼンショウ]@previous lifetime.
前生習氣 [ゼンショウジッケ]@previously-arisen habit energies.
前非 [ゼンピ]@One's prior mistake(s) or error(s).
剛 [ゴウ]@enduring.
剛強 [ゴウゴウ]@stiffness; rigidity.
副富値 [フクフチ]@(term) deputy.
劇 [ゲキ]@castrated man.
劉■ [リュウキュウ]@(person) Liuqiu.
劍下分身 [ケンゲブンシン]@To cut a body in half with a single swing of a sword.
劍蒲 [ケンボ]@(place) Kamboja.
力 [リキ]@power.
力到彼岸 [リキトウヒガン]@(term) perfection of powers.
力士 [リキシ]@demigod.
力波羅蜜 [リキハラミツ]@the perfection of one's powers of discernment and
力波羅蜜多 [リキハラミッタ]@perfection of vigor.
力波羅蜜菩薩 [リキハラミツボサツ]@(name) V■rya-p■ramit■ Bodhisattva.
力無所畏 [リキムショイ]@powers and fearlessness.
力無畏 [リキムイ]@(term) powers and fearlessness.
力生 [リキショウ]@power-born.
力者 [リキシャ]@demigod.
力者法師 [リキシャホウシ]@fighting monk.
功 [ク]@efficacy.
功力 [クリキ]@efficacy.
功嘉葛刺思 [クカカセキシ]@Kun-dg■grags.
功夫 [クフウ]@work, effort.
功巧論 [クコウロン]@Treatise on the Arts and Sciences.
功■ [クドク]@meritorious virtue (s).
功■力 [クドクリキ]@the power of the merit gained through religious practice.
功■叢林 [クドクソウリン]@grove of excellent attributes.
功■天女 [クドクテンニョ]@the sister "merit" or "achieving.
功■水 [クドクスイクドクスイ]@lake of the eight excellent attributes.
功■池 [クドクチ]@lake of the eight excellent attributes.
功■田 [クドクデン]@field of merit and virtue.
功■聚 [クドクジュ]@possessed of all merits.
功■莊嚴 [クドクショウゴン]@The adornments of merit.
功■華 [クドクケ]@(person) Pu■yat■ra.
功■衣 [クドクエ]@garment of merits.
功■賢 [クドクケン]@Gu■abhadra.
功用 [クヨウ]@function.function.
功能 [クノウ]@function.
加 [カ]@add.
加備 [カビ]@divine aid.
加力 [カリキ]@added energy.
加尸 [カシ]@splendor.
加持 [カジ]@assistance, blessings, grace, empowerment.
加持身 [カジシン]@body of the Buddha that responds to sentient beings.
加沙 [カシャ]@brownish color; the Buddhist surplice.
加祐 [カユウ]@divine aid.
加私 [カシ]@splendor.
加蘭伽 [カランガ]@Kalavi■ka.
加行 [ケギョウ]@preparatory practice; added effort.
加行位 [ケギョウイ]@(term) stage of preparation; stage of initial application; stage of
added effort.
加行善 [ケギョウゼン]@virtue based on present effort.
加行智 [ケギョウチ]@preparatory wisdom.
加行道 [ケギョウドウ]@(term) path of initial application; path of added effort.
加被 [カビ]@to bring in, include, accept.
加護 [カゴ]@divine protection.
劣 [レツ]@inferior.
劣應身 [レツオウジン]@Buddha's inferior human body as seen by ordinary people.
劣智 [レッチ]@inferior wisdom.
劣者 [レッシャ]@inferior person.
助 [ジョ]@to aid, help, assist, benefit, bless.
助伴 [ジョバン]@assistance.
助因 [ジョイン]@contributing cause.
助發 [ジョホツ]@aiding and uplifting.
助破僧違諫 [ジョハソウイカン]@(foreign) assistance to the violators of the sa■gha
助謗三寶戒 [ジョホウサンボウカイ]@precept forbidding the slander of the three
劫 [コウ]@(term) kalpa.
劫■那 [コウヒナ]@(person) Kapphi■a.
劫布■那 [コウフタナ]@(place) Kapotana.
劫布咀那 [コウフダナ]@(place) Kebudhana.
劫布羅 [コウフラ]@(term) camphor.
劫比 [コウヒ]@(person) Kapila.
劫比他 [コウヒタ]@(person) Kapittha.
劫比拏 [コウヒナ]@(person) Kapphi■a.
劫比羅 [コウヒラ]@(person) Kapila.
劫比羅伐■堵 [コウビラバソト]@(place) Kapilavastu.
劫比羅國 [コウヒラコク]@(place) Kapilavastu.
劫波杯 [コウハハイ]@skull.
劫海 [コウカイ]@an ocean of kalpas.
劫濁 [コウジャク]@(term) age of impurity.
劫火 [コウカ]@conflagration at the end of the age.
劫灰 [コウカイ]@ashes remaining after the kalpa-ending conflagration.
劫畢羅 [カピラ]@(person) Kapila.
劫盡 [コウジン]@the end of this age (eon, kalpa).
劫盡火 [コウジンカ]@the conflagration at the end of the age that destroys the physical
劫譬那 [コウヒナ]@(person) Kapphi■a.
劫賓那 [コウヒンナ]@(person) Kapphi■a.
劬 [ク]@labor.
劬嬪 [クヒン]@(person) Kapphi■a.
劬嬪陀 [クヒンダ]@(person) Kapphi■a.
勃陀 [ボツダ]@(term) buddha.
勃■ [ボダ]@(term) buddha.
勃■ [ボツダ]@(term) buddha.
勇 [ユウ]@brave.
勇伏定 [ヨウフクジョウ]@(foreign) ■■r■mgama-sam■dhi.
勇健 [ヨウケン]@powerful.
勇施 [ヨウセ]@Heroic Giving.
勇猛 [ユウモウ]@vigor, energy, boldness.
勇猛 [ユウミョウ]@vigor, energy, boldness.
勇猛 [ユミョウ]@vigor, energy, boldness.
勉出 [メンスイ]@Rescuing and releasing.
勒沙婆 [ロクシャバ]@(person) ■■abha.
勒那摩提 [ロクナマダイ]@(person) Ratnamati.
動 [ドウ]@movement.
動則有苦 [ドウソクウク]@once there is movement, there is suffering.
動念 [ドウネン]@movement of thought; moving thoughts.
動息 [トウソク]@(foreign) ■rama■a.
動搖 [ドウヨウ]@tremble.
動轉 [ドウテン]@movement and change.
動靜 [ドウジョウ]@movement and stillness.
勝 [ショウ]@superior.
勝乘 [ショウジョウ]@(term) great vehicle.
勝人 [ショウニン]@outstanding person; excellent person.
勝佛 [ショウブツ]@(name) Mah■bhijñ■bhibh■.
勝勢 [ショウセイ]@superior power.
勝勢用 [ショウセイヨウ]@superior power and function.
勝受 [ショウジュ]@(person) ■r■labdha.
勝妙 [ショウミョウ]@most excellent, marvelous.
勝宗十句義論 [ショウシュウジュウコウギロン]@(title) Treatise on the Ten
勝密 [ショウミツ]@■r■gupta.
勝幢臂印陀羅尼經 [ショウトウヒインだラニキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Dh■ran■
for Bearing the Banners and Seals.
勝■ [ショウトク]@(name) ■r■garbha.
勝應身 [ショウオウジン]@Buddha's surpassing body as seen by bodhisattvas.
勝業 [ショウゴウ]@excellent behavior; good activities.
勝法 [ショウホウ]@excellent teaching.
勝流眞如 [ショウルシンニョ]@ubiquity of thusness.
勝生 [ショウショ]@rebirth in a superior circumstance.
勝相 [ショウソウ]@(term) predominant characteristics.
勝群 [ショウグン]@greater than the herd.
勝義 [ショウギ]@ultimate truth; highest meaning.
勝義無性 [ショウギムショウ]@(term) non-nature of ultimate reality.
勝義皆空宗 [ショウギカイクウシュウ]@the ultimate truth that all is emptiness.
勝義苦因 [ショウギクイン]@supramundane causes of suffering.
勝義諦 [ショウギタイ]@ultimate reality.
勝觀 [ショウカン]@Vipa■yin.
勝解 [ショウゲ]@(term) determination; resolve.
勝解行地 [ショウゲギョウジ]@stages of excellent understanding and practice..
勝論 [ショウロン]@(title) Vai■e■ika-■■stra.
勝論宗 [ショウロンシュウ]@Vai■e■ika.
勝論師 [ショウロンシ]@A Vai■e■ika teacher or philosopher.
勝躅 [ショウチョク]@excellent examples; excellent precedents.
勝軍 [ショウグン]@Vi■uddhasi■ha.
勝進 [ショウシン]@advancing onto the next level.
勝進分 [ショウシンブン]@the advancing portion.
勝進道 [ショウシンドウ]@(term) path of superb advancement.
勝過 [ショウカ]@surpass, transcend.
勝鬘寶窟 [ショウマンホウクツ]@(title) Room of Treasures of the ■r■m■l■-s■tra.
勝鬘師子吼一乘大方便方廣經 [ショウマンシシコイチジョウダイホウベンホウコ
ウキョウ]@(title) ■r■m■l■ Sutra.
勝鬘經 [ショウマンギョウ]@(title) ■r■m■l■-s■tra.
勝鬘經寶窟 [ショウマンギョウホウクツ]@(title) Room of Treasures of the
勝鬘經義疏 [ショウマンキョウギショ]@(title) Commentary on the
勝鬘經義疏本義 [ショウマンギョウギショホンギ]@Original Text of the
Commentary on the ■r■m■l■dev■si■han■da-s■tra.
勞 [ロウ]@hardship.
勞捺哩 [ロウツリ]@(name) Raudr■.
勢 [セイ]@(term) power; momentum; impetus.
勢力 [セイリキ]@momentum.
勢羅 [セイラ]@crag.
勢至 [セイシ]@ultimate activity.
勢至菩薩 [セイシボサツ]@(name) Mah■sth■mapr■pta.
勢速 [セイソク]@instantaneousness.
勤 [ゴン]@strive; vigor.
勤修 [ゴンシュ]@to endeavor.
勤苦 [ゴンク]@difficult exertion.
勸 [カン]@exhort.
勸令 [カンリョウ]@exhort.
勸信 [カンシン]@encouragement of faith.
勸修 [カンシュウ]@encouragement to practice.
勸善 [カンゼン]@to encourage goodness.
勸學 [カンガク]@exhortation to study.
勸持 [カンジ]@the exhortation to preserve, revere, and follow the teachings of certain
勸物 [カンモツ]@to encourage others.
勸請 [カンジョウ]@persuaded; beseech.
勸請 [カンセイ]@persuaded; beseech.
勸請方便 [カンジョウホウベン]@beseeching (all Tath■gatas to rain down the saving
勾 [ク]@hook.
勿 [モツ]@no; not.
勿伽 [モッカ]@kidney beans.
勿伽羅 [モガラ]@(person) Maudgaly■yana.
勿伽羅子 [モッカラシ]@Maudgaly■yana.
勿力迦 [モチリキカ]@■igala■■ika.
化 [ケ]@to teach, to guide.transformation.
化主 [ケシュ]@master of transformation.
化人 [ケニン]@transformed beings.
化他 [ケタ]@teach others.
化他壽 [ケタジュ]@buddha's long life of teaching others.
化作 [ケサ]@create with supernormal power.
化俗結■ [ケゾクケチエン]@for the sake of converting people.
化儀 [ケギ]@the method, or format of the Buddhist teaching.
化制二教 [ケセイニキョウ]@two teachings of enlightenment and discipline.
化前 [ケゼン]@before the teaching.
化前序 [ケゼンジョ]@(title) Preface to the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra.
化前方便 [ケゼンノホウベン]@expedients used before the Contemplation Sutra.
化功歸己 [ケクキコ]@the merit of converting others returns to oneself.
化去 [ケコ]@disappear.
化土 [ケド]@land of transformation.
化地部 [ケジブ]@(school) Mah■■■saka.
化城 [ケジョウ]@conjured city.
化境 [ケキョウ]@transformation realm.
化壇 [ケダン]@altar of cremation.
化女 [ケニョ]@transformed female.
化宮殿 [ケクウデン]@magical palace.
化導 [ケドウ]@instruct and guide.
化導力 [ケドウリキ]@power to teach and guide.
化尼 [ケニ]@transform into a nun.
化屬 [ケゾク]@converted followers.
化度 [ケド]@to convert and convey to salvation.
化度寺 [ケトジ]@(temple) Huadu si.
化心 [ケシン]@transformed mind.
化教 [ケキョウ]@to guide and transform.
化樂天 [ケラクテン]@creation of enjoyment heaven.
化法 [ケホウ]@instruction in the teachings.
化源 [ケゲン]@origin of the teaching.
化現 [カゲン]@provisional manifestation.
化現 [ケゲン]@provisional manifestation.
化理 [ケリ]@principle of change.
化生 [ケショウ]@born miraculously.
化生八相 [ケショウハッソウ]@eight phases of the Buddha's life.
化疏 [ケショ]@prospectus.
化相 [ケソウ]@transformation aspect.
化相三寶 [ケソウサンボウ]@three jewels of the transformation aspect.
化色 [ケシキ]@metamorposis of form.
化菩薩 [ケボサツ]@transformed bodhisattva.
化行 [ケアン]@two lines of the teaching.
化行 [ケギョウ]@two lines of the teaching.
化行二教 [ケギョウ]@two lines of the teaching.
化行二教 [ニキョウ]@two lines of the teaching.
化誘 [ケユウ]@convert and entice.
化身 [ケシン]@(term) transformation body.avatar.(term) response body.(term)
transformation Buddha.
化轉 [ケテン]@convert.
化迹 [ケシャク]@traces of the teachings.
化道 [ケドウ]@to teach and transform sentient beings.
北 [ホク]@north.
北京三會 [ホッキョウサンエ]@(term) three rituals of the northern capital.
北倶盧洲 [ホクグロシュウ]@(term) Uttara-kuru.
北宗 [ホクシュウ]@northern school.
北山住部 [ホクセンジュウブ]@(school) Uttara■ail■■.
北度 [ホクド]@facing north.
北拘盧洲 [ホククルシュウ]@northern continent.
北斗 [ホクト]@Ursa Major.
北斗七星 [ホクトシチショウ]@Ursa Major.
北方佛教 [ホッポウブッキョウ]@northern Buddhism.
北方毘沙門天王隨軍護法眞言 [ホクホウヒシャモンテンオウズイグンゴホウシン
ゴン]@(title) Mantra for Protection of the Northern King Vai■rav■na, whom Armies
北本涅槃經 [ホッポンネハンギョウ]@(title) Northern Edition of the Nirvana Sutra.
北枕 [キタマクラ]@northern pillow.
北洲 [ホクシュウ]@(term) Uttarakuru.
北羅 [ホクラ]@Valabh■.
北臺 [ホクダイ]@Northern Tai.
北藏 [ホクゾウ]@Northern Canon.
北遠 [ホクオン]@Yuan of the North.
匝 [ソウ]@(term) circumambulate.
十 [ジュウ]@ten.
十一 [ジュウイチ]@eleven.
十一切處 [ジュウイッサイショ]@ten universals.
十一善 [ジュウイチゼン]@eleven good mental factors.
十一地 [ジュウイチチ]@eleven stages.
十一智 [ジュウイチチ]@(term) eleven wisdoms.
十一種麁重 [ジュウイチシュ]@(term) eleven coarse and heavy hindrances.
十一種麁重 [ソジュウ]@(term) eleven coarse and heavy hindrances.
十一空 [ジュウイチクウ]@(term) Eleven kinds of emptiness.
十一識 [ジュウイチシキ]@(term) eleven consciousnesses.
十一面神咒心經 [ジュウイチメンジンジュシンキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Spiritual
Mantra of the Eleven-Faced [Avalokite■vara].
十一面觀世音神呪經 [ジュウイチメンカンゼイオンシンジュキョウ]@(title)
Avalokite■vara-ekada■amukha-dh■ra■■.(title) Dh■ra■■ of the Eleven-Faced
Contemplator of the World's Sounds.
十一面觀音 [ジュウイチメンカンノン]@(term) eleven-faced Avalokite■vara.
十一麁重 [ジュウイチソジュウ]@(term) eleven coarse and heavy hindrances.
十七地 [ジュウシチジ]@seventeen stages.
十七天 [ジュウシチテン]@(term) seventeen dhy■na heavens of the form realm.
十七尊曼荼羅 [ジュウシチソンマンダラ]@mandala of the seventeen sages.
十三 [ジュウサン]@thirteen.
十三佛 [ジュウサンブツ]@(term) thirteen buddhas.
十三僧殘 [ジュウサンソウザン]@thirteen crimes against the sa■gha.
十三僧殘戒 [ジュウサンソウザンカイ]@prohibitions of thirteen crimes against the
十三力 [ジュウサンリキ]@thirteen powers.
十三宗 [ジュウサンシュウ]@thirteen major Buddhist sects.
十三殘 [ジュウサンザン]@(foreign) thirteen sa■gh■vase■a.
十不二門 [ジップニモン]@approach of the ten non-dualities.
十不二門 [ジュウフニモン]@approach of the ten non-dualities.
十不可悔戒 [ジュウフカカイカイ]@ten grave precepts.
十不善業 [ジュウフゼンゴウ]@ten not-good actions.
十不善道 [ジュウフゼンドウ]@ten not-good paths.
十不悔戒 [ジュウフケカイ]@ten no-regret precepts.
十乘 [ジュウジョウ]@ten vehicle (meditation).
十乘床 [ジュウジョウノユカ]@ten vehicle couch.
十乘觀 [ジュウジョウカン]@(term) ten vehicle (meditation).
十乘風 [ジュウジョウノカゼ]@ten vehicle breeze.
十事 [ジュウジ]@ten immoral practices.
十事功■ [ジュウジクドク]@ten works' merit.
十事非法 [ジュウジヒホウ]@ten immoral practices.
十二 [ジュウニ]@twelve.
十二上願 [ジュウニジョウガン]@twelve superior vows.
十二不律儀 [ジュウニフリツギ]@twelve evil occupations.
十二佛 [ジュウニブツ]@(term) twelve buddhas.
十二佛名神呪校量功■除障滅罪經 [ジュウニブツミョウシンジュキョウリョウク
ドクジョショウメツザイキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Twelve Buddha Names.(title)
十二光佛 [ジュウニコウブツ]@twelve buddhas of light.
十二入 [ジュウニニュウ]@twelve sense fields.
十二分教 [ジュウニブンキョウ]@twelve parts of the teaching.
十二因■ [ジュウニインネン]@(term) twelve limbs of dependent origination.
十二地 [ジュウニジ]@(term) twelve stages.
十二大願 [ジュウニダイガン]@(term) twelve great vows.
十二天 [ジュウニテン]@twelve celestials.
十二宮 [ジュウニグウ]@(term) twelve zodiacal mansions.
十二惡律儀 [ジュウニアクリツギ]@(term) twelve evil occupations.
十二支 [ジュウニシ]@(term) twelve limbs of dependent origination.
十二有支 [ジュウニウシ]@twelve limbs of conditioned arising.
十二棘園 [ジュウニコクオン]@twelve limbs of conditioned arising.
十二法人 [ジュウニホウニン]@twelve practices of the ascetics.
十二火天 [ジュウニカテン]@twelve fire celestials.
十二火尊 [ジュウニカソン]@twelve fire deities.
十二無爲 [ジュウニムイ]@twelve unconditioned (aspects).
十二燈 [ジュウニトウ]@(term) twelve lamps.
十二獸 [ジュウニジュウ]@twelve animals.
十二率連 [ジュウニソツレン]@twelve limbs of conditioned arising.
十二眞如 [ジュウニシンニョ]@twelve aspects of thusness.
十二神 [ジュウニシン]@twelve deities (who serve Bhai■ajyaguru).
十二神將 [ジュウニジンソウ]@(term) twelve divine generals.
十二神明王 [ジュウニシンミョウオウ]@twelve deities.
十二禽 [ジュウニキン]@twelve animals.
十二種火法 [ジュウニシュカホウ]@twelve fire deities.
十二空 [ジュウニクウ]@(term) twelve aspects of emptiness.
十二■起 [ジュウニエンギ]@twelve limbs of conditioned arising.
十二■起圖 [ジュウニエンギト]@illustration of the twelve limbs of dependent
十二藥叉大將 [ジュウニヤクシャダイショウ]@twelve great yak■a generals.
十二處 [ジュウニショ]@(term) twelve sense fields.
十二見縛 [ジュウニケンバク]@(term) twelve binding views.
十二輪 [ジュウニリン]@twelve limbs of conditioned arising.
十二遊經 [ジュウニユキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Life of ■■kyamuni to His Twelfth
十二部經 [ジュウニブキョウ]@(term) twelve divisions of the Buddhist canon.
十二重城 [ジュウニジュウジョウ]@twelve limbs of conditioned arising.
十二門論 [ジュウニモンロン]@(title) Treatise of the Twelve Aspects.
十二頭陀 [ジュウニドウタ]@(term) twelve disciplines of restraint concerning food,
clothing and shelter.
十二頭陀經 [ジュウニドウタキョウ]@(title) Sutra on the Twelve Disciplines.
十二願 [ジュウニガン]@twelve vows.
十二願王 [ジュウニガンオウ]@(term) twelve-vow king.
十五 [ジュウゴ]@fifteen.
十五尊 [ジュウゴソン]@(term) fifteen honored ones.
十五尊觀音 [ジュウゴソンカンノン]@(term) fifteen images of Avalokite■vara.
十五智斷 [ジュウゴチダン]@(term) fifteen kinds of wisdom and elimination.
十住 [ジュウジュウ]@(term) ten abidings.
十住心 [ジュウジュウシン]@ten mental stages.
十住毘婆沙論 [ジュウジュウ]@(title) Da■abh■mika-vibh■■■.
十住毘婆沙論 [ビバシャロン]@(title) Da■abh■mika-vibh■■■.
十佛 [ジュウブツ]@(term) ten buddhas.
十使 [ジュウシ]@(term) ten fetters.
十來 [ジュウライ]@(foreign) ten rhymes in lai.
十來偈 [ジュウライゲ]@(foreign) ten rhymes in lai.
十信 [ジッシン]@(term) ten taiths.
十信位 [ジッシンイ]@stage of the ten faiths.
十八 [ジュウハチ]@(term) eighteen.
十八不共法 [ジュウハチフグウホウ]@(term) eighteen distinctive characteristics of
the Buddha.
十八圓淨 [ジュウハチエンジョウ]@(term) eighteen perfections of a buddha's
十八圓滿 [ジュウハチエンマン]@eighteen perfections of a buddha's sambhogak■ya.
十八境界 [ジュウハチキョウカイ]@eighteen worthies.
十八大經 [ジュウハチダイキョウ]@eighteen (non-Buddhist) classics (of Indian
十八天 [ジュウハチテン]@(term) eighteen heavens.
十八宗 [ジュウハッシュウ]@eighteen sects.
十八應眞 [ジュウハチオウシン]@eighteen arhats.
十八明處 [ジュウハチミョウショ]@eighteen (non-Buddhist) classics (of Indian
十八有學 [ジュウハチウガク]@(term) eighteen learners.
十八梵 [ジュウハチボン]@eighteen Brahm■ heavens.
十八梵天 [ジュウハチボンテン]@eighteen brahma heavens.
十八物 [ジュウハチモツ]@eighteen possessions of a monk.
十八生處 [ジュウハチショウショ]@(term) eighteen brahmalokas.
十八界 [ジュウハッカイ]@(term) eighteen compositional elements of human
十八空 [ジュウハチクウ]@(term) The eighteen aspects of emptiness.
十八空論 [ジュウハチクウロン]@(title) Treatise on the Eighteen Emptinesses.
十八經 [ジュウハチキョウ]@eighteen (non-Buddhist) classics (of Indian philosophy).
十八羅漢 [ジュウハチラカン]@eighteen arhats.
十八賢 [ジュウハチケン]@eighteen worthies.
十八賢聖 [ジュウハチケンジョウ]@(term) eighteen wise sages.
十八道 [ジュウハチドウ]@(term) eighteen paths.
十八部 [ジュウハチブ]@eighteen nik■ya schools.
十八重地獄 [ジュウハチジュウチゴク]@(term) eighteen layers of hells.
十八願 [ジュウハチガン]@eighteenth vow.
十六 [ジュウロク]@sixteen.
十六善神 [ジュウロクゼンジン]@sixteen good deities.
十六善神 [ジュウロクゼンシン]@sixteen good deities.
十六國王 [ジュウロクコクオウ]@sixteen kingdoms (of ancient India).
十六大力 [ジュウロクダイリキ]@sixteen great powers.
十六大國 [ジュウロクダイコク]@sixteen great states.
十六大士 [ジュウロクダイシ]@sixteen bodhisattvas.
十六大天 [ジュウロクダイテン]@(term) sixteen celestials.
十六大阿羅漢 [ジュウロクダイアラカン]@(term) sixteen great arhats.
十六天 [ジュウロクテン]@(term) sixteen celestials.
十六師 [ジュウロクシ]@(term) sixteen teachers.
十六心 [ジュウロクシン]@(term) The sixteen minds.
十六心行 [ジュウロクシンギョウ]@sixteen practices.sixteen lessons.
十六想觀 [ジュウロクソウカン]@sixteen contemplations.
十六正士 [ジュウロクショウジ]@sixteen bodhisattvas.
十六沙彌 [ジュウロクシャミ]@(foreign) sixteen ■r■maneras.
十六王子 [ジュウロクオウジ]@(term) sixteen princes.
十六王子佛 [ジュウロクオウジブツ]@(term) sixteen princes.
十六知見 [ジュウロクチケン]@sixteen views (of self and self-objects).
十六神我 [ジュウロクシンガ]@sixteen views (of self and self-objects).
十六羅漢 [ジュウロクラカン]@(term) sixteen arhats.
十六菩薩 [ジュウロクボサツ]@(term) sixteen bodhisattvas.
十六行 [ジュウロクギョウ]@sixteen moments.
十六行相 [ジュウロクコウソウ]@sixteen moments.sixteen aspects of practice.
十六觀 [ジュウロッカン]@(term) sixteen meditations.
十六觀 [ジュウロクカン]@(term) sixteen meditations.
十六諦觀 [ジュウロクタイカン]@(term) sixteen meditations on the truths.
十六資具 [ジュウロクシグ]@(term) sixteen necessities.
十利 [ジュウリ]@(term) ten profitable things.
十到彼岸 [ジュウトウヒガン]@(term) ten perfections.
十力 [ジュウリキ]@(term) ten powers.
十力尊 [ジュウリキソン]@honored possessor of the ten powers.
十力教 [ジュウリキキョウ]@doctrine of the possessor of the ten powers.
十力明 [ジュウリキミョウ]@ten powers and ten understandings.
十力無等 [ジュウリキムドウ]@peerless possessor of the ten powers.
十力迦葉 [ジュウリキカショウ]@(person) Da■abala-K■■yapa.
十功■ [ジュウクドク]@(term) ten merits.
十劫 [ジッコウ]@(term) ten eons.
十勝行 [ジッショウギョウ]@ten p■ramit■s.
十名 [ジュウミョウ]@ten epithets.
十問 [ジュウモン]@ten questions.
十善 [ジュウゼン]@ten good acts.
十善位 [ジュウゼンノクライ]@ten good stages.
十善巧 [ジュウゼンギョウ]@ten skills.
十善心 [ジュウゼンシン]@mind of the ten good qualities.
十善戒 [ジュウゼンカイ]@ten good precepts.
十善戒力 [ジュウゼンノカイリキ]@ten good powers of the precepts.
十善業 [ジュウゼンゴウ]@(term) ten good acts.
十善業道 [ジュウゼンゴウドウ]@(term) ten good acts.
十善正法 [ジュウゼンノショウボウ]@ten good principles.
十善王 [ジュウゼンオウ]@ten good stages.
十善王 [ジュウゼンノウ]@ten good stages.
十善菩薩 [ジュウゼンノボサツ]@ten excellent bodhisattvas.
十喩觀 [ジュウユカン]@meditation on the ten illusions.
十四 [ジュウシ]@fourteen.
十四佛國往生 [ジュウシブッコクオウジョウ]@fourteen other-world realms of
fourteen Buddhas.
十四神九王 [ジュウシシンクオウ]@(term) fourteen deities and nine kings.
十四變化 [ジュウシヘンゲ]@(term) fourteen transformations.
十四難 [ジュウシナン]@(term) fourteen difficult questions.
十地 [ジュウジ]@(term) ten stages; ten grounds.
十地品 [ジュウジボン]@(title) Chapter of the Bodhisattva Stages.
十地心 [ジュウジシン]@ten stages of mind.
十地經 [ジュウジキョウ]@(title) Da■abh■mika-s■tra.
十地經論 [ジュウジキョウロン]@(title) Da■abh■mikas■tra-■■stra;
十地菩薩 [ジュウジノボサツ]@tenth-stage bodhisattva.
十地論 [ジュウチロン]@(title) Da■abh■mikas■tra-■■stra.
十地願行 [ジュウジガンギョウ]@vow to attain the ten bh■mis.
十堅 [ジュウケン]@(term) ten firmnesses.
十境 [ジッキョウ]@(term) ten objects.
十夜 [ジュウヤ]@ten nights (of mindfulness of the Buddha).
十夜念佛 [ジュウヤネンブツ]@ten nights of mindfulness of the Buddha.
十大弟子 [ジュウダイデシ]@(term) ten principal disciples.
十大惑 [ジュウダイワク]@ten major passions.
十大願 [ジュウダイガン]@(term) ten great vows.
十如來地 [ジュウニョライジ]@ten tath■gata stages.
十如是 [ジュウニョゼ]@ten factors, or ten "suchnesses".
十妙 [ジュウミョウ]@(term) ten marvels.
十宗 [ジュウシュウ]@(term) ten schools.
十寶 [ジッポウ]@ten jewels.
十寶山 [ジッポウセン]@ten precious mountains.
十山王 [ジュウセンオウ]@(term) spirit kings of the ten mountains.
十師 [ジッシ]@ten preceptors.
十度 [ジュウド]@(term) ten Perfections.
十度三行 [ジュウドノサンギョウ]@(term) three implementations of each of the ten
十廻向 [ジュウエコウ]@(term) Ten dedications (of merit).
十弟子 [ジュウデシ]@(term) ten disciples.
十■ [ジュットク]@(term) ten virtues.
十■ [ジットク]@(term) ten virtues.
十心 [ジッシン]@ten minds.
十快 [ジッケ]@(term) ten joys.
十念 [ジュウネン]@ten moments of mindfulness.
十念往生 [ジュウネンオウジョウ]@transport to a future rebirth by the ten
十念成就 [ジュウネンジョウジュ]@ten invocations bringing about completion.
十念處 [ジュウネンショ]@ten objects of mindfulness.
十念血脉 [ジュウネンケツミャク]@arteries of the ten invocations.
十忿怒明王 [ジュウフンヌミョウオウ]@ten irate deities.
十恩 [ジュウオン]@(term) ten kinds of kindness.
十惑 [ジュウワク]@ten afflictions.
十惡 [ジュウアク]@(term) ten evils.
十惡業 [ジュウアクゴウ]@(term) ten evil deeds.
十惱亂 [ジュウノウラン]@ten disrupters.
十成 [ジュウジョウ]@complete.
十戒 [ジッカイ]@(term) ten precepts.
十支論 [ジュッシロン]@(term) ten principal Yog■c■ra treatises.
十教 [ジュッキョウ]@(term) ten doctrines.
十方 [ジッポウ]@ten directions.
十方 [ジュウホウ]@ten directions.
十方世界 [ジッポウセカイ]@worlds of the ten directions.
十方佛土 [ジッポウブツド]@buddha-lands of the ten directions.
十方常住僧物 [ジッポウジョウジュウソウモツ]@eternally present monks
implements in the ten directions.
十方常住物 [ジッポウジョウジュウモツ]@items of universal everyday use.
十方現前僧物 [ジッポウゲンゼンソウモツ]@eternally present monks implements in
the ten directions.
十方現前物 [ジッポウゲンゼンモツ]@universally shared personal belongings.
十普門 [ジュウフモン]@ten universal practices.
十智 [ジッチ]@(term) ten wisdoms.
十智 [ジュウチ]@(term) ten wisdoms.
十根本煩惱 [ジュウコンポンボンノウ]@(term) ten basic afflictions.
十樂 [ジュウラク]@ten joys.
十止 [ジュウウシ]@ten reposes.
十殊勝語 [ジュウシュショウゴ]@(term) ten excellent terms.
十殿閻王 [ジュウテンエンオウ]@ten courts of the Yama kings.
十法 [ジッポウ]@ten completions of the great vehicle standards.
十法界 [ジュウホウカイ]@ten realms.
十法行 [ジュウホウギョウ]@(term) ten teaching practices.
十波羅夷 [ジュウハライ]@(term) ten unpardonable crimes.
十波羅蜜 [ジュウハラミツ]@(term) ten p■ramit■s.
十波羅蜜多 [ジッパラミッタ]@(foreign) ten p■ramit■s.
十淨 [ジュウジョウ]@ten immoral practices.
十無二 [ジュウムニ]@(term) ten non-dualities.
十無盡戒 [ジュウムジンカイ]@ten inexhaustible prohibitions.
十無盡藏 [ジュウムジンゾウ]@ten boundless stores.
十無礙 [ジュウムゲ]@(term) ten kinds of non-obstruction.
十煩惱 [ジュウボンノウ]@ten afflictions.
十牛圖 [ジュウギュウズ]@(painting) Ten Oxherding Pictures.
十牛圖 [ジュウゴズ]@(painting) Ten Oxherding Pictures.
十牛圖序 [ジュウギュウズジョ]@(painting) Ten Oxherding Pictures.
十物 [ジュウモツ]@things in general.
十玄 [ジュウゲン]@ten mysterious gates.
十玄■起 [ジュウゲンエンギ]@ten mysterious aspects of dependent origination.
十玄門 [ジュウゲンモン]@ten mysterious gates.
十王 [ジュウオウ]@(term) Ten Kings.
十甘露王 [ジュウカンロオウ]@(term) King of the Ten Kinds of Nectar.
十界 [ジッカイ]@(term) ten realms.
十界修行 [ジッカイシュギョウ]@rituals of the ten realms.
十界皆成佛 [ジュッカイカイジョウブツ]@(term) all beings in the ten realms attain
十界能化菩薩 [ジュッカイノウケノボサツ]@bodhisattvas capable of transforming
all beings in the ten directions.
十發趣 [ジュウホッシュ]@ten stages of the arousal of clear destiny.
十發趣心 [ジュウホッシュシン]@(term) ten decisions of inclination.
十相 [ジュウソウ]@(term) ten aspects.
十眞如 [ジュウシンニョ]@ten aspects of thusness.
十眞實 [ジュウシンジツ]@ten principles.
十眼 [ジュウゲン]@(term) ten eyes.
十禪支 [ジュウゼンシ]@ten universals.
十科 [ジュッカ]@(term) ten rules for translation.
十種 [ジッシュ]@ten kinds.
十種 [ジュッシュ]@ten kinds.
十種不淨 [ジュッシュフジョウ]@(term) ten kinds of impurity.
十種所觀法 [ジュッシュショカンボウ]@ten kinds of dharmas that are the subject of
十種方便 [ジュッシュホウベン]@(term) ten kinds of expedient means.
十種智力 [ジッシュチリキ]@ten kinds of wisdom and power.
十種智明 [ジュッシュチミョウ]@(term) ten kinds of illumination through wisdom.
十種煩惱 [ジッシュボンノウ]@(term) ten kinds of affliction.
十種行願 [ジッシュギョウガン]@ten kinds of vows of practice.
十種觀法 [ジュッシュカンボウ]@ten kinds of observation of dharma.
十種非律 [ジッシュヒリツ]@ten kinds of wrong precepts.
十種魔軍 [ジュッシュマグン]@ten kinds of demonic armies.
十結 [ジュウケツ]@ten fetters.
十■生句 [ジュウエンショウク]@(term) ten kinds of illusions produced from
十■觀 [ジュウエンカン]@(term) meditation on the ten illusions.
十纒 [ジュッテン]@(term) ten bonds.
十羅刹女 [ジュウラセツニョ]@(term) ten r■k■as■s.
十萬 [ジュウマン]@one hundred thousand.
十萬億佛土 [ジュウマンオクブツド]@ten thousand million Buddha-realm land.
十處定 [ジュウショジョウ]@ten bases of meditation.
十■ [ジュウコ]@(term) ten directions of space.
十號 [ジュウゴウ]@(term) ten epithets of the Buddha.
十行 [ジュウギョウ]@(term) ten practices.
十見 [ジュッケン]@(term) ten views.
十解 [ジュウゲ]@(term) ten Understandings.
十誡 [ジュウカイ]@ten precepts.
十誦律 [ジュウジュリツ]@(title) Ten Recitations Vinaya.
十護 [ジュウゴ]@(term) ten guardians.
十身 [ジュウシン]@(term) ten bodies of the Buddha.
十軍 [ジュウグン]@ten armies.
十輪 [ジュウリン]@ten wheels.
十通 [ジュッツウ]@(term) ten supernatural powers.
十進九退 [ジッシンクタイ]@(term) ten advance, nine fall back.
十遍處 [ジッペンジョ]@ten totally pervasive concentrations.
十遍處定 [ジュッペンショジョウ]@ten universals.
十過 [ジュッカ]@(term) ten faults.
十道 [ジュウノミチ]@ten kinds of moral behavior.
十重 [ジュウジュウ]@ten grave prohibitions; ten grave crimes.
十重戒 [ジュウジュウカイ]@ten grave precepts.
十重法界 [ジュウジュウホウカイ]@Ten realms.
十重禁 [ジュウジュウキン]@ten grave prohibitions.
十重禁戒 [ジュウジュウキンカイ]@ten grave prohibitions.
十重罪 [ジュウジュウザイ]@(term) ten grave crimes.
十重障 [ジュウジュウショウ]@(term) ten heavy obstacles.
十金剛 [ジュウコンゴウ]@ten indestructible [minds].
十金剛心 [ジュウコンゴウシン]@ten diamond-like states of mind.
十金剛心向果 [ジュウコンゴウシンコウカ]@ten realizations of diamond-like mind.
十長養 [ジュウチョウヨウ]@ten nurturings; ten maturations.
十長養心 [ジュウチョウヨウシン]@ten kinds of well-nourished mind.
十門 [ジュウモン]@(term) ten aspects (of Huayan doctrine).
十門和諍論 [ジュウモンワソウロン]@(title) Reconciliation of Disputes in Ten
十障 [ジッショウ]@ten hindrances.
十非事 [ジュウヒジ]@ten immoral practices.
十非律 [ジュウヒリツ]@ten wrong precepts.
十願王 [ジュウガンオウ]@(term) King of the Ten Vows.
十齋 [ジッサイ]@(term) ten days of fasting.
十齋佛 [ジュッサイブツ]@(term) Buddhas of the ten days of fasting.
十齋日 [ジッサイニチ]@(term) ten days of fasting.
十齋日佛 [ジュッサイニチブツ]@Buddhas of the ten days of fasting.
千 [セン]@thousand.
千二百五十人 [センニヒャクゴジュウニン]@twelve hundred and fifty people.
千二百意功■ [センニヒャクイクドク]@twelve hundred merits of mind.
千二百耳功■ [センニヒャクニクドク]@twelve hundred merits of the ear.
千二百舌功■ [センニヒャクゼツクドク]@twelve hundred merits of the tongue.
千佛 [センブツ]@(term) thousand buddhas.
千佛名經 [センブツミョウキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Thousand Buddhas.
千佛大戒 [センブツダイカイ]@great precepts of the thousand buddhas.
千化 [センケ]@thousand petals.
千如是 [センニョゼ]@thousand suchnesses.
千差 [センシャ]@Innumerable differences.
千手 [センシュ]@thousand hands.
千手千眼 [センジュセンゲン]@thousand hands and thousand eyes.
千手千眼觀世音菩薩大悲心陀羅尼 [センシュセンゲンカンセイオンボサツダイヒ
シンダラニ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the Bodhisattva With a Thousand Hands and Eyes
Who Regards the World's Sounds with Great Compassion.
千手千眼觀世音菩薩廣大圓滿無礙大悲心陀羅尼呪本 [センシュセンゲンカンセイ
オンボサツコウダイエンマンムゲダイヒシンダラニジュホン]@(title) Dh■ra■■
Spellbook of the Thousand-Eyed, Thousand-Armed Bodhisattva Who Regards the
World's Sounds with a Vast, Wholly Perfect, Unimpeded, Greatly Compassionate Heart.
千手千眼觀世音菩薩治病合藥經 [センシュセンゲンカンゼオンボサツジビョウゴ
ウヤクキョウ]@(title) Sutra on the Use of Medicinal Herbs for Healing by the
Thousand-eyed, Thousand-hands Avalokite■vara.
千手千眼觀音 [センジュセンゲンカンノン]@Thousand Hands, Thousand Eyes
千手合薬經 [センシュゴウヤクキョウ]@(title) Sutra on the Use of Medicinal Herbs
for Healing by the Thousand-eyed Avalokite■vara.
千手經 [センシュキョウ]@(title) Thousand Hands Sutra.
千手觀音 [センシュカンノン]@Thousand Handed Avalokite■vara.
千手軌 [センジュキ]@Thousand Hands Standard.
千泉 [センセン]@Bingheul.
千法明門 [センホウミョウモン]@gate of understanding of all teachings.
千百億身 [センヒャクオクシン]@trillion bodies.
千眼 [センゲン]@Thousand eyes. A name of ■akra Dev■n■m-Indra.
千眼千臂觀世音 [センゲンセンヒカンセオン]@Thousand Eyes Thousand Arms
千眼天 [センゲンテン]@thousand eyed deity.
千輻輪相 [センフクリンソウ]@thousand spoked wheel sign.
千轉陀羅尼觀世音菩薩呪 [センテンダラニカンセイオンボサツジュ]@(title)
Dh■ra■■ of a Thousand Turns [A Spell of the Bodhisattva who Heeds the Sounds of the
千部論主 [センブロンシュ]@master of a thousand treatises.
千部論師 [センブロンシ]@master of a thousand treatises.
千里駒 [センリク]@thousand-li colt.
升沈 [ショウジン]@Rising and falling.
午 [ゴ]@noon.
午供 [ゴク]@noon offering.
牛車 [ギュウシャ]@(term) oxcart.
半 [なかば]@half.
半 [ハン]@half.
半他迦 [ハンタカ]@Panthaka.
半只 [ハンシ]@P■ñcika.
半嗟■ [ハンサナ]@(place) Punaca.
半天婆羅門 [ハンテンバラモン]@(foreign) half deva brahmans.
半娜 [ハンダ]@breadfruit.
半娜裟 [ハンダサ]@breadfruit.
半字 [ハンジ]@half-word.
半拏■■悉寧 [ハンダラバシネイ]@White Clothed Avalokite■vara.
半■迦 [ハンタカ]@eunuch.
半擇 [ハンタク]@eunuch.
半擇迦 [ハンタカ]@eunuch.
半支 [ハンシ]@P■ñcika.
半月 [ハンゲツ]@half a month.
半月半月 [ハンゲツハンゲツ]@every half a month; every fifteen days.
半月半月誦 [ハンゲツハンゲツジュ]@recite [the precepts] every fifteen days.
半滿二教 [ハンマンニキョウ]@the two teachings of half and full word.
半滿教 [ハンマンキョウ]@partial teachings and complete teachings.
半■嗟 [ハンナサ]@(place) Punaca.
半者■但尼 [ハンシャカダンニ]@five chewing foods.
半者珂但尼 [ハンシャカタンニ]@five chewing foods.
半者蒲膳尼 [ハンシャホゼンニ]@(term) five proper foods.
半者蒲闍尼 [ハンシャホジャニ]@five proper foods.
半自截 [ハンジセツ]@eunuch.
半託伽 [ハンダカ]@(person) C■■a-panthaka.
半託迦 [ハンタクカ]@(name) Panthaka.
半跏趺坐 [ハンカフザ]@half-lotus posture.
半齋 [ハンサイ]@half a day's fast.
卍 [マン]@ten thousand; myriad.
卍海 [マンカイ]@Manhae.
卑 [ヒ]@inferior.
卑帝利 [ヒテイリ]@hungry ghost.
卑慢 [ヒマン]@pride in regarding oneself as only a little inferior to those who far
surpass one.
卑摩羅叉 [ヒマラシャ]@Vimal■k■a.
卒爾心 [ソツニシン]@immediate or instantaneous, the first impression.
南 [ナン]@south.
南京三會 [ナンキョウノサンエ]@(term) three rituals of the southern capital.
南天 [ナンテン]@southern India.
南天竺 [ナンテンジク]@southern India.
南宗 [ナンシュウ]@Southern School.
南宗 [シ]@Southern School.
南山 [ナンザン]@(place) Nanshan.
南山宗 [ナンセンシュウ]@(school) Nanshan zong.
南嶽讓 [ナンガクジョウ]@(person) Nanyue rang.
南方 [ナンポウ]@south; southerly.
南方佛教 [ナンホウフツキョウ]@(term) Southern Buddhism.
南本涅槃經 [ナンホンネハンキョウ]@(title) Southern Edition of the Nirvana Sutra.
南泉普願 [ナンセンフガン]@(person) Nanjuan Puyuan.
南能北秀 [ナンノウホクシュウ]@in the south, Neng; in the north, Xiu.
南藏 [ナンゾウ]@Southern Canon.
南行 [ナンギョウ]@southern course.
南贍部 [ナンセンブ]@Jamb■-dvipa.
南贍部洲 [ナンセンブシュウ]@(term) Jamb■-dvipa.
南陽 [ナンヨウ]@(person) Nanyang.
南頓北漸 [ナントンホクゼン]@sudden in the south, gradual in the north.
博 [ビャク]@encyclopedic; wide, extensive.
博 [ハク]@encyclopedic; wide, extensive.
博叉 [ハクシャ]@a man who is impotent for half a month at a time.
博施 [ハクセ]@to extend broadly.
博覽 [ハクラン]@to have broad master of philosophy and the arts.
卜 [ボク]@divination.
卜度 [ボクタク]@conjecture, presume.
卜羯姿 [ボッカッシ]@scavenger caste.
占 [ウラナイ]@divination.
占匐華 [センフケ]@(term) campaka.
占博迦 [センバカ]@(term) campaka.
占察 [センザツ]@divination.
占察善惡業報經 [センザツゼンアクギョウホウキョウ]@(title) Sutra on the
Divination of the Effect of Good and Evil Actions.
印 [イン]@seal, stamp, trace.
印佛 [インブツ]@a buddha-figurine.
印光 [インコウ]@halo.
印可 [インカ]@approval of the enlightenment of the disciple by the teacher.
印土 [インド]@India.
印域 [インイキ]@region of India.
印契 [インゲイ]@(term) mudr■.
印度 [インド]@India.
印度佛教 [インドブツキョウ]@Indian Buddhism.
印捺哩 [インナリ]@(name) Indr■■■,.
印相 [インゾウ]@(term) mudr■.
印紙同時 [インシドウジ]@a single page is printed at one time.
危 [キ]@perilous.
危城 [キジョウ]@perilous castle.
危害 [キガイ]@(term) endangering.
■傳 [ソクデン]@(person) Sokuden.
却 [キャク]@eliminate, eradicate, remove, exclude.
卵生 [ランショウ]@oviparous.
卷 [カン]@roll.
卷舒 [ケンジョ]@expand and contract.
■ [ソク]@to become one.
■得 [ソクドク]@directly apprehend.
■心■佛 [ソクシンソクブツ]@this mind is precisely buddha.
■心成佛 [ソクシンジョウブツ]@this mind is precisely buddha.
■心是佛 [ソクシンゼブツ]@this mind is in itself buddha.
■是 [ソクゼ]@namely.
■有■空 [ソクウソックウ]@all existent things are emptiness.
■離 [ソクリ]@identity and difference.
■非 [ソクヒ]@identity and difference.
厚 [コウ]@thick, dense, heavy.
厚■ [コウトク]@abundantly virtuous.
厚葬 [コウソウ]@a lavish funeral.
原人論 [ゲンニンロン]@(title) Inquiry into the Origin of Humanity.
原因 [ゲンイン]@original cause.
厭 [エン]@to be wearied with, be bored with.
厭下 [エンゲ]@to weary of the base things; to weary of lower desires.
厭心 [エンシン]@disgusted mind.
厭惡 [エンオ]@to dislike, hate, detest, loathe.
厭背 [エンバイ]@to grow weary of (affliction).
厭逆 [エンギャク]@disgust, distaste; to develop at disliking for.
厭逆想 [エンギャクソウ]@thoughts of disgust.
厭離 [エンリ]@renunciation.
厭離 [オンリ]@renunciation.
厭離心 [エンリシン]@mental state of turning away.
厭魅鬼 [エンミキ]@Demon who casts spells.
■鬼 [ライキ]@vengeful ghosts.
去 [コ]@to leave, to go away. To pass.
去 [キョ]@to leave, to go away. To pass.
去來 [コライ]@to go away.
去來今 [コライコン]@past, future, present.
去就 [キョシュウ]@course of action.
去情顯性 [コジョウケンショウ]@abandon discriminations and return to one's original
參 [サン]@to convene.
參 [シン]@to convene.
參學 [サンガク]@to be involved in study.
參差 [サンシャ]@irregular, uneven.
參徹 [サンテツ]@to awaken under the guidance of a Buddhist master.
參■ [サンジョウ]@visiting card.
參辰 [シンシン]@Orion and Mercury.
參頭 [サントウ]@contemplative.
參頭 [サンジュウ]@contemplative.
參飽 [サンポウ]@to have gotten one's fill.
叉 [サ]@to clasp the hands; to interlock the fingers.
叉 [シャ]@to clasp the hands; to interlock the fingers.
叉手 [サシュ]@folding the palms of the hands together with the fingers crossed.
叉拏 [シャナ]@moment.
叉磨 [シャマ]@repentance.
叉耶 [シャヤ]@decay.
反 [ハン]@return.
反出生死 [ヘンシュツショウジ]@(foreign) the sa■s■ra of escape.
反叉合掌 [ホンシャガッショウ]@hands folded with interlocking fingers.
反流 [ホンル]@to go against the flow; reverse the habituation of karma.
反流歸源 [ホンルキゲン]@(foreign) to go against the flow of sa■s■ra and return to the
original fount of nirvana, or enlightenment.
反流索源 [ホンルサクゲン]@(foreign) to go against the flow of sa■s■ra and return to
the original fount of nirvana, or enlightenment.
反流達源 [ホンルダツゲン]@(foreign) to go against the flow of sa■s■ra and return to
the original fount of nirvana, or enlightenment.
反顯 [ハンケン]@to express the opposite.
叔叔摩羅 [シュクシュクマラ]@crocodile.
取 [シュ]@obtain, take, hold, seize, grasp, gather.
取像 [シュゾウ]@to grasp to images.
取境 [シュキョウ]@(term) to cognize an external object (graha■a).
取捨 [シュサ]@selecting and rejecting.
取盜 [シュトウ]@snatch, steal.
取相悔 [シュソウケ]@repentance according to marks.
取能 [シュノウ]@subjective grasping; grasper.
取舍 [シュシャ]@selecting and rejecting.
取著 [シュジャク]@attach to; attachment.
取證 [シュショウ]@to realize; actualize.
受 [ジュ]@(term) sensation.
受五戒 [ジュゴカイ]@receiving the five precepts.
受位心 [ジュイシン]@mind of perfect receptivity.
受具 [ジュグ]@to receive complete precepts.
受名 [ジュミョウ]@To receive a name; to be named.
受善法戒 [ジュゼンホウカイ]@precepts related to the cultivation of good phenomena.
受念處 [ジュネンジョ]@(term) mindfulness of sensation.
受想行識 [ジュソウギョウシキ]@perception, conception, volition, consciousness.
受戒 [ジュカイ]@receive the precepts.
受持 [ジュジ]@to receive and uphold.
受果 [ジュカ]@to receive the fruits.
受決 [ジュケツ]@(term) prediction of future buddhahood.
受熏 [ジュクン]@undergo perfumation.
受生 [ジュショウ]@to be born.
受用 [ジュユウ]@to experience.
受用身 [ジュユウシン]@enjoyment of the dharma and causing others to receive this
受者 [ジュシャ]@an experiencer.
受苦樂 [ジュクラク]@experience pain and pleasure.
受菩提心戒義 [ジュボダイシンカイギ]@(title) Taking the Precepts of Bodhi-Mind.
受蘊 [ジュウン]@(term) feeling.
受記 [ジュキ]@to receive a prediction from the Buddha.
受識 [ジュシキ]@(term) experiential consciousnesses.
受隨 [ジュズイ]@to receive and follow.
叡智 [エイチ]@Wise, farsighted, intelligent.
叢林 [ソウリン]@a gathering of the sangha.
口 [ク]@mouth, speech.
口傳 [クデン]@(term) oral transmission of the buddhadharma.
口力外道 [クリキゲドウ]@voice power heretics.
口力論師 [クリキロンシ]@exponents of mouth power.
口印 [クイン]@mouth sign.
口和 [クワ]@unity of voices.
口和敬 [クワキョウ]@reverent harmony in oral unity in chanting.
口四 [クシ]@(term) four sins of speech.
口大行二道 [クダイギョウニドウ]@two organs of mouth and anus.
口密 [クミツ]@esoteric speech.
口忍 [クニン]@forbearance in speech.
口授 [クジュ]@oral transmission.
口業 [クゴウ]@oral activity.
口業供養 [クゴウクヨウ]@offering through verbal action.
口業殺 [クゴウせツ]@killing by words.
口疏 [クショ]@esoteric commentary.
口稱 [クショウ]@invocation.
口稱三昧 [クショウザンマイ]@concentration by invocation.
口訣 [クケツ]@the oral transmission of the inner kernel of the dharma from master to
口輪 [クリン]@wheel of speech.
口頭禪 [クトウゼン]@meditation in name only.
古 [コ]@old.
古今目■抄 [コキンモクロクショウ]@(title) Catalogue of Ancient and Modern
(Prince Sh■toku Biographies).
古教照心 [コキョウショウシン]@the ancient teachings illuminate the mind.
古聖主 [コショウシュ]@connected with the sages.
古鏡 [コキョウ]@ancient mirror.
句 [ク]@a phrase, a verse, sentence.
句句 [クク]@line by line.
句義 [コウギ]@a name, term, noun.
句身 [クシン]@the gathering of two or more phrases.
只底舸部 [シテイカブ]@Caitya■aila.
叫 [キョウ]@cry.
叫喚 [キュウカン]@cry, wail.
召 [ジョウ]@summon.
召請童子 [ジョウショウドウシ]@inviter.
可 [カ]@may, can, might, able.
可呵法 [カカホウ]@repenting crimes to others.
可廢 [カハイ]@can be rejected.
可得 [カトク]@obtainable, possible, knowable, apprehendable.
可意 [カイ]@pleasing, attractive, agreeable.
可愛 [カアイ]@agreeable.
可易 [カイ]@alterable; changeable.
可歸 [カキ]@can be returned to; can be depended upon.
可汗 [カカン]@(foreign) khan.
可熏 [カクン]@perfumable.
可知 [カチ]@knowable.
可見 [カケン]@visible.
可見不對色 [カケンフタイシキ]@form that is visible but materially non-obstructive.
可見有對色 [カケンウタイシキ]@objects that are visible and materially obstructive.
可解 [カゲ]@can be understood; is understandable; should be understood.
可■ [カセツ]@explicable; effable.
可謂 [カイ]@can be interpreted as; can be called.
可賀敦 [カガトン]@queen, princess.
可進相 [カシンソウ]@capable of further advance.
台 [タイ]@platform.
台 [ダイ]@platform.
台密 [タイミツ]@Tendai as esoteric school.
右 [ウ]@right side.
右 [ミギ]@right side.
右手 [ウシュ]@right hand.
右旋 [ウセン]@turn right.
右繞 [ウニョウ]@moving while facing the right shoulder toward the object.
■ [ハ]@cannot.
■■虞那■洗 [ハラグナマセン]@February-March.
吃 [キツ]@stutter.
吃栗多 [キリタ]@menial.
吃灑 [キッサイ]@finality.
各 [カク]@each, every.
各別 [カクベツ]@separately distinguished.
各各 [カクカク]@each, every, respectively, individually.
各對應■ [カクタイオウセツ]@repenting crimes to others.
各種 [カクシュ]@every kind.
合 [ゴウ]@to unite, or combine two things.
合十 [ゴウジュウ]@to make salutation with the two palms together.
合喩 [ゴウユ]@matching a metaphor to its application.
合壇 [ゴウダン]@united altar.
合婚樹 [ゴウコンジュ]@marriage tree.
合掌 [ガッショウ]@the gesture of joining one's palms and putting them to the breast as
an expression of reverence.
合掌平拱 [ガッショウビョウキョウ]@bowing with folded hands.
合爪 [ゴウソウ]@to make salutation with the two palms together.
合用 [ゴウヨウ]@necessity.
合部金光明經 [ゴウブコンコウミョウキョウ]@(title) Sutra of Golden Light.
吉 [キチ]@good, lucky, auspicious.
吉凶 [キチク]@fortune and misfortune.
吉凶 [キッキョウ]@fortune and misfortune.
吉利 [キチリ]@vulture.
吉利 [キツリ]@vulture.
吉庶 [キッシャ]@type of demon.
吉慶 [キッキョウ]@auspicious.
吉日 [キチニチ]@good day; auspicious day.
吉河 [キッカ]@Ganges.
吉祥 [キチジョウ]@good, auspicious, promising.
吉祥天 [キチジョウテン]@(name) Lak■m■.
吉祥天女 [キチジョウテンニョ]@(name) Mah■■r■.
吉祥果 [キチジョウカ]@auspicious fruit.
吉祥海雲 [キチジョウカイウン]@auspicious sea-cloud.
吉祥茅國 [キチジョウボウコク]@Ku■■grapura.
吉祥草 [キチショウソウ]@auspicious grass.
吉羅 [キラ]@sin.
吉蔗 [キッシャ]@type of demon.
吉藏 [キツゾウ]@(person) Jizang.
吉護 [キチゴ]@■r■gupta.
吉迦夜 [キッカヤ]@Ki■kara.
吉遮 [キッシャ]@type of demon.
同 [ドウ]@the same, one, identical.
同事 [ドウジ]@to cooperate, to work together.
同依釋 [ドウエシャク]@compound words that where there is equality of dependence
between the terms.
同分 [ドウブン]@the factors that make things similar to each other.
同參 [ドウサン]@a fellow student under the same teacher.
同學 [ドウガク]@fellow students.
同戒 [ドウカイ]@same precepts.
同教 [ドウキョウ]@The connotative aspect of the Single Vehicle.(term) shared vehicle.
同教一乘 [ドウキョウイチジョウ]@(term) same teaching of the single vehicle.
同歸 [ドウキ]@concluding in the same intention.
同法 [ドウホウ]@same dharma.
同法喩 [ドウホウユ]@Homogenous example; the same kind of metaphor.
同泰寺 [ドウタイジ]@(temple) Tongtai si.
同生 [ドウショウ]@to be born together.
同相 [ドウソウ]@identity.
同聽異聞 [ドウチョウイモン]@hear the same thing and understand it differently.
同處相違 [ドウショソウイ]@conflicts in the simultaneous presence (of opposites).
同行 [ドウアン]@practice together.
同行 [ドウギョウ]@practice together.
同行 [ドウコウ]@practice together.
同體 [ドウタイ]@same body.
同體 [ドウテイ]@same body.
同體智力 [ドウタイチリキ]@wisdom power based on [the awareness that] all beings
have the same original nature.
名 [ミョウ]@names, concepts, non-physical phenomena.
名別義通 [ミョウベツギツウ]@different in name but same in meaning.
名利 [ミョウリ]@fame and profit.
名字 [ミョウジ]@(term) name and form.
名字比丘 [ミョウジビク]@a monk in name only.
名字沙彌 [ミョウジシャミ]@(foreign) ■r■ma■eras who have ordination names.
名字菩薩 [ミョウジボサツ]@(term) bodhisattvas in name only.
名■ [ミョウトク]@known for virtue.
名想 [ミョウソウ]@concepts; notions; names.
名想言■ [ミョウソウゴンセツ]@words and speech; concepts and language; terms
and concepts.
名月 [ミョウゲツ]@(name) Rare Moon.
名目 [ミョウモク]@title.
名相 [ミョウソウ]@name and form.
名籍 [ミョウジャク]@register of names.
名義 [ミョウギ]@words, speech.
名義不離 [ミョウギフリ]@no difference between word an meaning.
名聞 [ミョウモン]@fame.
名聞利養念處 [ミョウモンリヨウネンショ]@(term) mindfulness of the cultivation of
good reputation.
名聲 [ミョウショウ]@fame.
名臈 [ミョウロウ]@reknown and age.
名色 [ミョウシキ]@(term) name and form.
名號 [ミョウゴウ]@epithet.
名衲 [メイノウ]@name and robe.
名言 [ミョウゴン]@verbal expressions.
名言種子 [ミョウゴンシュウジ]@(term) verbal expression seeds.
名身 [ミョウシン]@(term) name and form.
吐 [ト]@proclaim.
向 [コウ]@to tend toward, proceed toward.
向上 [コウジョウ]@upwards.
向下 [コウゲ]@downwards.
向女人歎身索供 [コウニョニンタンシンサクク]@complaining about a monk's life to
court a woman's sympathy.
向彼悔 [コウヒカイ]@repenting crimes to others; individual confessions.
■婆 [タバ]@obstruction.
■那 [タナ]@locus.
君子 [クンシ]@(term) superior man.
君持 [クンジ]@pitcher, flask.
君荼 [クンダ]@hole for the fire altar.
君遲 [クンチ]@pitcher.
吟 [ギン]@chant.
吟詠 [ギンエイ]@chant.
吟諷 [ギンプウ]@chant.
吠世史迦 [ベイセイシカ]@(school) Vai■e■ika.
吠世師 [ベイセシ]@(school) Vai■e■ika.
吠奢 [ハイシャ]@merchant caste.
吠琉璃 [バイルリ]@(term) Lapiz lazuli.
吠瑟拏微 [ハイシチナミ]@(name) Vai■■av■.
吠瑠璃 [バイルリ]@lapis lazuli.
吠瑠璃 [ベイルリ]@lapis lazuli.
吠瑠璃耶 [ハイルリヤ]@lapis lazuli.
吠舍 [ベイシャ]@merchant caste.
吠舍■ [ベイシャキャ]@second month.
吠舍釐 [ベイシャリ]@(place) Vai■■l■.
吠舍離 [ハイシャリ]@(place) Vai■■l■.
吠路者那 [ハイロシャナ]@(name) Vairocana.
吠陀 [ハイタ]@(term) veda.
含 [ゴン]@contain.
含一 [ゴンイチ]@embrace the one; embody the one.
含情 [ガンジョウ]@containing sentience.
吸 [キュウ]@inhale.
吹光 [スイコウ]@blow out a light.
吼 [コウ]@(term) lion's roar.
吼 [ク]@(term) lion's roar.
吽 [ウン]@(term) The Sanskrit syllable h■■.
吽吽 [ウンウン]@Moo!.
吽字義 [ウンジギ]@(title) Unjigi.
■ [コク]@to address, to tell, to talk, say, speak.
■ [コウ]@to address, to tell, to talk, say, speak.
■示 [コクジ]@proclamation.
■喚 [キョウカン]@(term) Raurava.
周 [シュウ]@go around, send around, revolve.
周利槃特 [シュリハンドク]@(person) C■■a-panthaka.
周利槃特伽 [シュウリハントカ]@(person) C■■a-panthaka.
周利槃特迦 [シュリハンダカ]@(person) C■■apanthaka.
周林般特 [シュウリンハントク]@(person) C■■apanthaka.
周梨槃陀伽 [シュウリハンダカ]@(person) C■■a-panthaka.
周稚般他伽 [シュウチパンダカ]@(person) C■■a-panthaka.
周羅般陀 [シュウラパンダ]@(person) C■■a-panthaka.
周遍 [シュウヘン]@extensive, universal.
周遍含容觀十門 [シュウヘンガンヨウカンジュウモン]@(term) ten aspects of
contemplation on universal inclusion.
周陀 [シュウダ]@(person) ■uddhipanthaka.
呪 [ジュ]@(term) mantra.(term) dh■rani.
呪殺 [ジュセツ]@killing through curse.
呪盜 [ジュトウ]@stealing through charms, spells, etc..
味 [ミ]@taste, flavor.
味塵 [ミジン]@gustatory objects.
味境 [ミキョウ]@(term) taste.
味欲 [ミヨク]@taste desire.
味著 [ミジャク]@addiction to flavor.
呵 [カ]@to criticize, rebuke.
呵責 [カシャク]@(term) criticize, rebuke.
呼呼婆 [ココバ]@(term) Raurava.
呼魔 [コマ]@(foreign) homa.
呼■ [コマ]@(foreign) homa.
命 [ミョウ]@life, life span.
命根 [ミョウコン]@(term) life force; life potential.
命求 [ミョウグ]@seeking long life.
命濁 [ミョウジョク]@impurity of human life.
命盡死 [ミョウジンシ]@natural death.
命禪 [ミョウゼン]@(person) My■zen.
命終 [ミョウジュウ]@to reach the end of one's life.
命終心 [ミョウシュウシン]@the state of one's mind as a one approaches death.
命者 [ミョウシャ]@living being.
和 [ワ]@to be soft, flexible, gentle, pliant, obedient, gentle.
和上 [ワジョウ]@a senior monk (a teacher-monk) who has the authority to administer
the precepts.
和休經 [ワキュウキョウ]@Sutra of the Relaxation of the Crown Prince.
和伽羅 [ワガラ]@(term) vy■kara■a.
和伽羅那 [ワカラナ]@(term) prediction of future buddhahood.
和修吉 [ワシュキツ]@(name) V■suki.
和南 [ワナン]@obeisance.
和合 [ワゴウ]@unified, harmonized, combined.
和合因 [ワゴウイン]@intermingling cause.
和合性 [ワゴウショウ]@harmonization.
和合識 [ワゴウシキ]@(term) combining consciousness.
和夷羅■■叉 [ワイラオンエサ]@(name) Vajrap■■i.
和尚 [ワショウ]@(term) preceptor.(term) priest.
和羅那 [ワラナ]@(term) prediction of future buddhahood.
和輪 [ワリン]@(name) Varu■a.
和■ [ワテン*]@Khotan.
和雅音 [ワガオン]@harmonious sounds.
和須蜜 [ワシュミツ]@(person) Vasumitra.
和須蜜多 [ワシュミッタ]@Vasumitra.
咎 [キュウ]@fault, blame, mistake, error, offense, sin.
咒 [ジュ]@(term) dh■ra■■ or mantra.
咒五首經 [ジュゴシュキョウ]@(title) Mantra of Five Heads Sutra.
咒利般陀伽 [ジュリハンダカ]@(person) C■■a-panthaka.
咒珠 [ジュシュ]@A rosary.
咒術 [ジュジュツ]@sorcery.
咒願師 [ジュガンシ]@Invoker.
咥哩若底 [チリシャチ]@three stages of birth.
哀 [アイ]@sympathize with, to pity, to wail, to mourn.
哀愍 [アイミン]@pity, compassion, sympathy.
哀歎 [アイタン]@sadness, mournfulness.
品 [ヒン]@type, class, category, kind, species group.
品 [ホン]@type, class, category, kind, species group.
品攝 [ホンショウ]@to be included in the category of.
品類 [ホンルイ]@type, kind, class, category, group.
哉 [サイ]@isn't it so?.
員師 [インシ]@W■nsa.
員教師 [インキョウシ]@(person) W■n kyosa.
哩始 [リシ]@immortal.
唄 [バイ]@a song praising the virtues of the Buddha.
唄師 [バイシ]@(term) Intoner.
■■ [カンタ]@male slave or servant.
■致 [カンチ]@female slave or servant.
唯 [タダ]@only.
唯 [ユイ]@only.
唯佛與佛 [ユイブツヨブツ]@nobody but the buddhas.
唯識 [ユイシキ]@(term) consciousness-only.
唯識三十論 [ユイシキサンジュウロン]@(title) Thirty Verses on Vijñapti-m■tra
唯識三十論頌 [ユイシキサンジュウロンショウ]@(title) Thirty Verses on
唯識二十論 [ユイシキニジュウロン]@(title) Twenty Verses on Consciousness-only.
唯識宗 [ユイシキシュウ]@(school) Consciousness-only.
唯識派 [ユイシキハ]@(school) Consciousness-only school.
唯識百法 [ユイシキヒャクホウ]@(term) one hundred elements (dharmas).
唯除 [ユイジョ]@only except for....
唯願 [ユイガン]@politely order or request.
唱 [ショウ]@to call out, to shout out.
商羯羅主 [ショウカラシュ]@(person) ■a■karasv■min.
商那和修 [ショウナワシュ]@(person) ■■■akav■sa.
啓 [ケイ]@To teach, enlighten, open up, clarify, explain.
啓白 [ケイビャク]@a report to the Buddha or a bodhisattva.
■密哩達 [アミリタ]@nectar of immortality.
善 [ゼン]@good, virtuous, goodness, right, virtue.
善人 [ゼンジン]@a good person.
善人禪 [ゼンニンゼン]@meditation on the good.
善修 [ゼンシュ]@correct practice.
善取 [ゼンシュ]@to grasp well.
善名 [ゼンミョウ]@a good reputation.
善夜經 [ゼンヤキョウ]@(title) Sutra of Fine Night.
善女人 [ゼンニョニン]@good women.
善學 [ゼンガク]@to study well.
善容 [ゼンヨウ]@(person) Vakkula.
善導 [ゼンドウ]@(person) Shandao.
善巧 [ゼンギョウ]@(term) skillful (means).
善快 [ゼンケ]@Joyful.
善性 [ゼンショウ]@the quality of (moral) goodness.
善惡 [ゼンアク]@good and evil; wholesome and unwholesome.
善惡 [ゼンナク]@good and evil; wholesome and unwholesome.
善惡 [ゼンマク]@good and evil; wholesome and unwholesome.
善意 [ゼンイ]@good intentions.
善慧 [ゼンネ]@excellent wisdom.
善慧 [ゼンエ]@excellent wisdom.
善慧地 [ゼンエジ]@(term) stage of excellent wisdom.
善戒經 [ゼンカイキョウ]@(title) Sutra of Good Precepts.
善染 [ゼンゼン]@good and (or) defiled.
善染依 [ゼンゼンエ]@the basis of good and defiled phenomena.
善根 [ゼンコン]@(term) Good roots.(term) virtuous roots.
善業 [ゼンギョウ]@(term) good actions.
善法 [ゼンポウ]@good dharma(s); good phenomena.
善法 [ゼンボウ]@good dharma(s); good phenomena.
善法堂 [ゼンポウドウ]@hall of the fine dharma.
善法堂 [ゼンボウドウ]@hall of the fine dharma.
善法方便陀羅尼經 [ゼンボウホウベンダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the Fine
Means of Access.
善法行 [ゼンホウギョウ]@(term) skillfully teaching the dharma.
善淨 [ゼンジョウ]@well-purified.
善無畏 [ゼンムイ]@(person) ■ubh■karasi■ha.
善珠 [ゼンジュ]@(person) Zenj■.
善現天 [ゼンゲンテン]@(term) heaven of skillful manifestation.
善現行 [ゼンゲンギョウ]@(term) skillful appearance.
善生 [ゼンショウ]@S■■g■laka.
善男子 [ゼンナンシ]@(term) good sons.
善知識 [ゼンチシキ]@good and virtuous friend.
善神 [ゼンジン]@good deities.
善神 [ゼンシン]@good deities.
善至 [ゼンシ]@arriving well; arriving in a timely fashion.
善薩 [ゼンサツ]@good bodhisattva.
善行 [ゼンギョウ]@practice of good deeds.
善見 [ゼンケン]@excellent vision.
善見城 [ゼンケンジョウ]@City of ■akra.
善見天 [ゼンケンテン]@(term) heaven of good sight.
善■法 [ゼンセッポウ]@good explanations of the dharma.
善趣 [ゼンシュ]@(term) good destiny.
善通 [ゼンツウ]@To commune well.
善逝 [ゼンゼイ]@(term) well gone.
喇嘛 [ラマ]@(term) lama.
喇嘛教 [ラマキョウ]@(school) Lamaism.
喚醒 [カンショウ]@(person) Hwans■ng.
喜 [キ]@to enjoy; enjoyment, satisfaction, happiness.
喜受 [キジュ]@the feeling of joy.
喜捨 [キシャ]@(term) joyful giving.
喜根 [キコン]@faculty of joy.
喜樂 [キガク]@joy, delight, pleasure.
喜滿 [キマン]@to be filled with joy.
喜見 [キケン]@to see joyfully.
喜見城 [キケンジョウ]@City a Joy to Behold.
喝 [カツ]@To threaten, menace, intimidate.
喝食 [カツシキ]@a young attendant who announces mealtimes in a Chan.S■n.Zen
喧 [ケン]@clamour; noise.
喧動 [ケンドウ]@disturb, agitate, motivate.
喩 [ユ]@realize, understand.
喩法 [ユホウ]@metaphor and principle.
喪 [ソウ]@(term) funeral rites.
喪意 [ソウイ]@to abandon thought.
喬答摩 [コウトウマ]@(person) gautama.
單 [タン]@one, single, simple, singular; simply, merely, only solely.
單三衣 [タンサンネ]@the only proper garments.
單墮 [タンダ]@offenses requiring expiation.
單墮九十二事法 [タンダクジュウニジホウ]@ninety-two offenses requiring
expatiationfruits and sweetmeats.
單拏 [タンナ]@(foreign) da■■a.
單■ [タンダ]@(foreign) da■■a.
嗔 [シン]@anger, to be angry.
嗟 [サ]@To polish.
■ [ウン]@(foreign) transcription of Sanskrit u sound.
■ [ウ]@(foreign) transcription of Sanskrit u sound.
■ [ウツ]@(foreign) transcription of Sanskrit u sound.
■ [オツ]@(foreign) transcription of Sanskrit u sound.
■■羅 [オタラ]@upper, above, superior.
■■南 [ウダナン]@statements on doctrine by the Buddha that are not made as as a
response to a prompt from one of his disciples.
■瑟尼沙 [ウシツニシャ]@tuft; excrescence.
嗣 [シ]@To connect; to inherit.
嗣法 [シホウ]@inherit the dharma from one's teacher.
嘉 [カ]@Good, excellent, beautiful, pleasing, fortunate.
嘉祥大師 [カショウダイシ]@(person) Jiaxiang Dashi.
嘉祥寺 [カジョウジ]@(temple) Kaj■ji.
嘔侯侯 [ウコウコウ*]@sounds made by frozen throats.
嘔露迦 [ウルカ]@(person) Ul■ka.
嘗 [ジョウ]@to taste, to prove, to experience.
器 [キ]@a vessel, tool, implement, utensil.
器世間 [キセケン]@(term) natural world.(term) non-sentient world.
器界 [キカイ]@(term) natural world.
■ [バ]@(term) Transcription of the sound of va.
■日羅 [バザラ]@(foreign) vajra.
■蘇磨底 [バソマテイ]@Vasumat■.
■ [シン]@(term) donation.
嚴 [ゴン]@to adorn.
嚴佛調 [ゴンブッチョウ]@(person) Yan Fodiao.
嚼食 [シャクジキ]@not food proper; not under the formal definition of a meal; a snack.
囀 [テン]@(xref) Seen used in Buddhist texts as a variant of 轉.
■■拏■救療小兒疾病經 [ラハクナセツキュウリョウショウジシツビョウキョウ]
@(title) R■va■a Explains the [Wandering Seizers'] Alleviation of Children's Illnesses.
■惹 [ラジャ]@dirt.
囑累 [ゾクルイ]@transmission, entrustment.
囑累 [ショクルイ]@transmission, entrustment.
囘 [カイ]@to turn, revolve.
囘互 [エゴ]@mutual dependence.
囘向 [エコウ]@dedication of merit.
囘小向大 [エショウコウダイ]@to turn from the lesser to the greater.
囘心 [エシンエシン]@conversion.
囘心 [カイシン]@conversion.
囘忌 [カイキ]@days of remembrance.
囘悟 [エゴ]@to turn and awaken.
囘禮 [ウイレイ]@to return a courtesy.
囘禮 [カイレイ]@to return a courtesy.
囘趣 [エシュ]@reorientation to the Buddhist path.
囘頭換面 [カイトウカンメン]@when you turn your head, your face turns.
四 [シ]@four.
四一 [シイチ]@four ones.
四七品 [シシチホン]@four times seven chapters.
四上 [シジョウ]@four times of worship.
四不可得 [シフカトク]@four unattainables.
四不可思議 [シフカシギ]@four unfathomables.
四不可輕 [シフカキョウ]@four things not to be taken lightly.
四不壞淨 [シフエジョウ]@the four objects of indestructible faith.
四不定法 [シフジョウホウ]@four indeterminate mental factors.
四不寄附 [シフキフ]@four to whom one does not entrust valuables.
四不成 [シフジョウ]@four kinds of incomplete statements.
四不生 [シフショウ]@four kinds of non-production.
四不見 [シフケン]@four invisibles.
四世 [シセ]@four periods.
四主 [シシュ]@four lords.
四乘 [シジョウ]@four carts.
四事 [シジ]@four necessities.
四事供養 [シジクヨウ]@four provisions.
四事法門 [シジホウモン]@four methods of preparation.
四人觀世 [シニンカンセ]@four human worldviews.
四仙 [シセン]@four sages.
四仙避死 [シセンヒシ]@four ascetics who sought escape from death.
四位 [シイ]@Four stages.
四住 [シジュウ]@four abodes.
四住地 [シジュウチ]@four hypostases of affliction.
四住地煩惱 [シジュウジボンノウ]@four hypostases of affliction.
四佛 [シブツ]@four buddhas.
四佛土 [シブツド]@four buddha lands.
四依 [シエ]@(term) four reliances.
四依八正 [シエハッショウ]@four supports and eightfold path.
四信 [シシン]@four kinds of faith.
四信五行 [シシンゴギョウ]@four kinds of faith and five practices.
四倒 [シトウ]@four errors.
四偸羅遮 [シチュウラシャ]@four levels of serious crimes.
四偸蘭遮 [シチュウランシャ]@four levels of serious crimes.
四儀 [シギ]@(term) four postures.
四優檀那 [シウダンナ]@four principles.
四八相 [シハチソウ]@four times eight marks.
四兵 [シヒョウ]@four kinds of troops.
四兵 [シヘイ]@four kinds of troops.
四分 [シブン]@(term) four aspects.
四分宗 [シブンシュウ]@School of the Four Part (Vinaya).
四分家 [シブンケ]@adherents of the four-aspect theory.
四分律 [シブンリツ]@(title) Four-Part Vinaya; Vinaya of the Four Categories.
四分羯磨 [シブンケツマ]@(title) Four Part Vinaya.
四力 [シリキ]@four powers.
四加行 [シケギョウ]@four preparatory practices.
四劫 [シコウ]@four epochs.
四勝身 [シショウシン]@four excellent bodies.
四化法 [シケホウ]@four methods of teaching.
四十一位 [シジュウイチイ]@forty-one stages.
四十一地 [シジュウイチジ]@forty-one stages.
四十九僧 [シジュウクソウ]@forty-nine monks.
四十九日 [シジュウクニチ]@forty-nine days.
四十九重如意殿 [シジュウクジュウニョイデン]@forty-nine story jewel palace.
四十九重摩尼殿 [シジュウクジュウマニデン]@forty-nine story jewel palace.
四十二位 [シジュウニイ]@forty-two stages.
四十二使者 [シジュウニシシャ]@forty-two messengers.
四十二品無明 [シジュウニホンムミョウ]@forty two levels of ignorance.
四十二字門 [シジュウニジモン]@forty-two siddham letters.
四十二章經 [シジュウニショウキョウ]@(title) Sutra in Forty-two Chapters.
四十位 [シジュウイ]@forty stages.
四十八 [シジュウハチ]@forty-eight.
四十八執事 [シジュウハチシュウジ]@forty-eight positions.
四十八年 [シジュウハチネン]@the forty-eight years.
四十八輕 [シジュウハチキョウ]@forty-eight minor offenses; forty-eight minor
四十八輕戒 [シジュウハチキョウカイ]@forty-eight minor precepts.
四十八願 [シジュウハチガン]@forty-eight vows.
四卷楞伽經 [シカンリョウガキョウ]@(title) Lank■vat■ra-s■tra.
四卷經 [シカンキョウ]@Four Fascicle Sutra.
四取 [シシュ]@(term) four kinds of clinging.
四句 [シク]@(term) four phrases.
四句偈 [シクゲ]@four-line (Chinese) verse.
四句分別 [シクフンベツ]@(term) fourfold negation.
四句執 [シクシュウ]@four statements of attachment.
四句成道 [シクジョウドウ]@four phrases on the attainment of enlightenment.
四向 [シコウ]@(term) four accesses.
四向四果 [シコウシカ]@(term) four accesses and four accomplishments.
四含 [シゴン]@four ■gamas.
四味 [シミ]@four tastes.
四唱 [シショウ]@four commanders.
四善根 [シゼンコン]@(term) four good roots.
四喩 [シユ]@four metaphors.
四園 [シエン]@four parks.
四土 [シド]@four lands.
四執 [シシュウ]@four mistaken attachments.
四執金剛 [シシュウコンゴウ]@four vajra-rulers.
四堅信 [シケンシン]@four firm beliefs.
四塔 [シトウ]@(foreign) four st■pas.
四墮 [シダ]@four falls.
四墮落法 [シダラクホウ]@four falls from the dharma.
四夜八晝 [シヤハッチュウ]@four hours of the night and eight hours of the day.
四大 [シダイ]@(term) four gross elements.
四大不調 [シダイフチョウ]@to be ill; to be out of sorts.
四大元無主 [シダイガンムシュ]@the four elements are originally impermanent.
四大名山 [シダイミョウサン]@four famous mountains.
四大堂口 [シダイドウク]@four departments of a monastery.
四大天王 [シダイテンオウ]@four celestial kings.
四大師 [シダイシ]@four monastic heads.
四大廣律 [シダイコウリツ]@four comprehensive vinaya texts.
四大弟子 [シダイデシ]@four principal disciples.
四大律 [シダイリツ]@four great vinayas.
四大洲 [シダイシュウ]@(term) four continents.
四大王 [シダイオウ]@four heavenly kings.
四大王衆天 [シダイオウシュテン]@four heavenly kings.
四大種 [シダイシュ]@four elements.
四大聲聞 [シダイショウモン]@four principal disciples.
四大菩薩 [シダイボサツ]@four great bodhisattvas.
四大護 [シダイゴ]@four great guardians.
四大部洲 [シダイブシュウ]@four continents.
四大部經 [シダイブキョウ]@four great scriptures.
四天 [シテン]@the heavens of the four directions.
四天下 [シテンゲ]@four continents.
四天下 [シテンカ]@four continents.
四天王 [シテンノウ]@(term) four heavenly kings.(term) four guardian gods.
四天王寺 [シテンノウジ]@(temple) Shitenn■ji.
四夷 [シイ]@four p■r■jikas.
四夷戒 [シイカイ]@four p■r■jikas.
四如實觀 [シニョジツカン]@four contemplations on reality.
四如意足 [シニョイソク]@the four bases of supernatural power.
四姓 [シセイ]@four castes.
四姓 [シショウ]@four castes.
四威儀 [シギ]@(term) four postures.
四孟月 [シモウゲツ]@four prime months.
四安樂 [シアンラク]@four means of attaining peace.
四安樂行 [シアンラクギョウ]@four means of attaining peace.
四宗 [シシュウ]@four schools of thought.
四定 [シジョウ]@four meditation heavens.
四家 [シケ]@four doctrinal positions.
四家 [シカ]@four doctrinal positions.
四家大乘 [シケダイジョウ]@four schools of Mah■y■na.
四山 [シザン]@four mountains.
四山 [シセン]@four mountains.
四州 [シシュウ]@(term) four great continents.
四度加行 [シドケギョウ]@four kinds of initiation in esoteric Buddhism.
四弘誓願 [シグセイガン]@four great vows of bodhisattvahood.
四弘誓願 [シクセイガン]@four great vows of bodhisattvahood.
四律五論 [シリツゴロン]@four vinaya and five treatises.
四微 [シミ]@four minutest forms.
四■ [シトク]@(term) four virtues.
四■樂邦 [シトクラクホウ]@realm of the bliss of the four virtues.
四■波羅蜜 [シトクハラミツ]@realm of the bliss of the four virtues.
四心 [シシン]@(term) four thoughts.
四忘 [シボウ]@four kinds of indifference.
四忘 [シモウ]@four kinds of indifference.
四念住 [シネンジュウ]@(term) four stations (or bases) of mindfulness.
四念處 [シネンジョ]@(term) four bases of mindfulness.
四性行 [シショウギョウ]@four kinds of conduct kin to the bodhisattva nature.
四怨 [シオン]@four enemies.
四恒 [シゴウ]@four Ganges.
四恩 [シオン]@(term) four kinds of compassion.
四悉檀 [シシツダン]@(term) four siddh■ntas.
四悔 [シケ]@four kinds of remorse.
四患 [シカン]@(term) four afflictions.
四惑 [シワク]@four kinds of fundamental afflictions.
四惡 [シアク]@four evil (destinies).
四惡比丘 [シアクビク]@(foreign) four evil bhik■us.
四惡趣 [シアクシュ]@(term) four evil destinies.
四惡道 [シアクドウ]@four evil destinies.
四慕流 [シボル]@(term) four raging currents.
四慧 [シエ]@four kinds of wisdom.
四提舍尼 [シダイシャニ]@(term) four pratide■an■ya.
四摩 [シマ]@separate dwelling.
四摩室 [シマシツ]@separate dwelling.
四攝 [シショウ]@four methods of winning people over.
四攝法 [シショウホウ]@(term) four methods of winning (people) over.
四教 [シキョウ]@four teachings.
四教三密 [シキョウサンミツ]@four teachings and three mysteries.
四教三觀 [シキョウサンガン]@four teachings and three contemplations.
四教五時 [シキョウゴジ]@four teachings and five periods.
四教儀 [シキョウギ]@Doctrine of the Four Teachings.
四教地 [シキョウジ]@four teaching stages.
四教義 [シキョウギ]@(title) The Doctrine of the Four Teachings.
四料簡 [シリョウケン]@four kinds of outlook.
四方 [シホウ]@four directions.
四方四佛 [シホウシブツ]@buddhas of the four directions.
四方大將 [シホウタイショウ]@generals of the four directions.
四方易處 [シホウショ]@To be disoriented.
四施 [シセ]@four benefactions.
四日 [シニチ]@four suns.
四明山 [シメイザン]@(place) Siming shan.
四智 [シチ]@(term) four wisdoms.
四智印 [シチイン]@four wisdom signs.
四智讚 [シチサン]@praise of the four wisdoms.
四暴流 [シボウル]@(term) four raging currents.
四月 [シガツ]@fourth month.
四月八日 [シガツハチニチ]@eighth day of the fourth month.
四月八日灌經 [シガツハチニチカンキョウ]@(title) Sutra on the Consecration of the
Eighth Day of the Fourth Month.
四有爲相 [シウイソウ]@four conditioned marks.
四本止觀 [シホンシカン]@four books on calming and observation.
四本相 [シホンソウ]@four fundamental marks.
四果 [シカ]@(term) four Fruits.
四枯四榮 [シコシエイ]@four withered, four teemed.
四根本性罪 [シコンポンショウザイ]@four fundamental heavy crimes.
四根本極惡 [シコンポンゴクアク]@(term) four p■r■jika.
四根本重罪 [シコンポンジュウギイ]@four fundamental heavy crimes.
四梵 [シボン]@(term) Four Brahman Heavens.
四梵住 [シボンジュウ]@the four pure abodes.
四梵堂 [シボンドウ]@four pure abodes.
四棄 [シキ]@four grave crimes.
四業 [シゴウ]@four types of admixture of good and evil karma.
四極重感墮罪 [シゴクジュウカンダザイ]@four grave crimes.
四欲 [シヨク]@(term) four desires.
四正勤 [シショウゴン]@(term) four correct endeavors.
四比丘 [シビク]@(foreign) four bhik■us.
四河 [シカ]@four rivers.
四河 [シガ]@four rivers.
四法 [シホウ]@four dharmas.
四法不懷 [シホウフエ]@four imperishables.
四法印 [シホウイン]@seals of the four principles.
四法界 [シホウカイ]@(term) four dharmadh■tu.(term) four realms of reality.
四波 [シハ]@four perfect bodhisattvas.
四波羅夷 [シハライ]@(term) four grave offenses.
四波羅夷法 [シハライホウ]@(term) four grave offenses.
四波羅蜜菩薩 [シハラミツボサツ]@four perfect bodhisattvas.
四洲 [シシュウ]@four continents.
四流 [シル]@four (raging) currents.
四海 [シカイ]@four oceans.
四海論主 [シカイロンジュ]@Treatise Master of the Four Oceans.
四淨定 [シジョウジョウ]@four pure concentrations.
四漏 [シロ]@(term) four kinds of outflow.
四無常偈 [シムジョウゲ]@four stanzas on impermanence.
四無所畏 [シムショイ]@(term) four forms of fearlessness.
四無礙解 [シムゲゲ]@four unimpeded understandings.
四無礙辯 [シムゲベン]@(term) four abilities of unhindered understanding and
四無色 [シムシキ]@four states (abodes, awarenesses, contemplations) of the formless
四無色定 [シムシキジョウ]@(term) four formless concentrations.
四無色蘊 [シムシキウン]@(term) four skandhas outside of form; four formless
四無覆無記 [シムフクムキ]@four kinds of undefiled morally indeterminate states of
四無記 [シムキ]@(term) four kinds of undefiled moral indeterminacy.
四無量心 [シムリョウシン]@(term) four immeasurable minds.
四爐 [シロ]@four furnaces.
四王 [シオウ]@four kings.
四王天 [シオウテン]@four heavenly kings kings.
四王■利 [シオウトウリ]@four kings and Indra's heaven.
四生 [シショウ]@four kinds of birth.
四生百劫 [シショウヒャッコウ]@four lives or a hundred eons.
四田 [シデン]@four fields.
四界 [シカイ]@four realms.
四病 [シビョウ]@four maladies.
四百 [ヨンヒャク]@four hundred.
四百四病 [シヒャクシビョウ]@four hundred and four illnesses-all illnesses.
四百戒 [シヒャクカイ]@four hundred rules.
四相 [シソウ]@(term) four marks of existence.
四眞諦 [シシンタイ]@four noble truths.
四眼 [シゲン]@four powers of vision.
四知 [シチ]@knowledge of the four.
四神足 [シジンソク]@(term) four bases of supernatural power.
四禪 [シゼン]@(term) four meditations.
四禪九天 [シゼンクテン]@nine heavens of the fourth meditation heaven.
四禪八定 [シゼンハチジョウ]@four meditations and eight concentrations.
四禪天 [シゼンテン]@(term) four meditation heavens.
四禪定 [シゼンジョウ]@four meditations of the form realm.
四禪定 [シゼンジョウ]@four concentrations.
四種 [シシュ]@four kinds.
四種三昧 [シシュザンマイ]@(foreign) four kinds of sam■dhi.
四種三昧耶 [シシュサマヤ]@four grave crimes.
四種住地 [シシュジュウジ]@four kinds of hypostases.
四種信心 [シシュシンジン]@four kinds of faith.
四種僧物 [シシュソウモツ]@four kinds of property of the sa■gha.
四種天 [シシュテン]@four kinds of celestials.
四種悉地 [シシュシッジ]@four kinds of altar worship.
四種成就法 [シシュジョウジュホウ]@four kinds of altar worship.
四種我見 [シシュガケン]@(term) four kinds of self-view.
四種授記 [シシュジュキ]@(term) four kinds of prediction of Buddhahood.
四種根本罪 [シシュコンポンザイ]@four grave crimes.
四種檀法 [シシュダンポウ]@four kinds of altar worship.
四種死生 [シシュシショウ]@four kinds of rebirth.
四種法 [シシュノホウ]@four kinds of dharmas; four kinds of phenomena.
四種法 [シシュホウ]@four kinds of dharmas; four kinds of phenomena.
四種法熏習 [シシュホウクンシュウ]@(term) Four kinds of perfumation of dharmas.
四種法界 [シシュホッカイ]@four realms of reality.
四種涅槃 [シシュネハン]@(term) four kinds of Nirv■na.
四種無記 [シシュムキ]@four kinds of indeterminate [perfumations].
四種煩惱 [シシュボンノウ]@(term) four kinds of afflictions related to the view of self.
四種總持 [シシュソウジ]@(foreign) four kinds of dh■ra■■.
四種觀行 [シシュカンギョウ]@four kinds of contemplation practice.
四種謗 [シシュホウ]@(term) four kinds of errors.
四種障 [シシュショウ]@(term) Four kinds of hindrances.
四種■倒 [シシュテンドウ]@(term) four kinds of errors.
四空 [シクウ]@four kinds of formlessness.
四空定 [シクウジョウ]@four formless concentrations.
四空處 [シクウショ]@(term) four locations in the formless realm.
四第一偈 [シダイイチゲ]@verse on the four bests.
四等 [シトウ]@four virtues.
四答 [シトウ]@four answers.
四箇大乘 [シカダイジョウ]@four kinds of great vehicle.
四結 [シケツ]@four bonds.
四絶 [シゼツ]@four [ways of] cutting off [thought].
四■ [シエン]@(term) Four conditions',.(term) four causes.
四縛 [シバク]@four fetters.
四翳 [シエイ]@four cataracts.
四聖 [シショウ]@(term) four kinds of sages.
四聖行 [シショウギョウ]@(term) four holy actions.
四聖諦 [シショウタイ]@four noble truths.
四股 [シコ]@four arms.
四自侵 [シジシン]@four kinds of self-inflicted harm.
四自在 [シジザイ]@four kinds of unhinderedness.
四良藥 [シリョウヤク]@four good medicines.
四良藥 [シロウヤク]@four good medicines.
四花 [シケ]@four flowers.
四苑 [シエン]@four gardens.
四苑 [シオン]@four gardens.
四苦 [シク]@four basic forms of suffering.
四苦八苦 [シクハック]@(term) four and eight kinds of suffering.
四菩薩 [シボサツ]@four bodhisattvas.
四■習 [シクンジュウ]@four kinds of perfumation.
四處 [シショ]@(term) four great locations of ■■kyamuni's religious career.
四處十六會 [シショジュウロクエ]@four locations and six assemblies.
四■蛇 [シゲンジャ]@four vipers.
四蛇 [シジャ]@four vipers.
四蛇 [シダ]@four vipers.
四衆 [シシュ]@four types of monastic community, four assemblies.
四衆 [シシュウ]@four types of monastic community, four assemblies.
四行 [シギョウ]@four practices.
四衍 [シエン]@four vehicles.
四術 [シジュツ]@four arts.
四衢 [シク]@(term) four crossings.
四要品 [シヨウボン]@four essential chapters.
四見 [シケン]@Four perspectives.(term) four views.
四覺 [シカク]@four kinds of enlightenment.
四觀 [シカン]@four contemplations.
四記 [シキ]@four responses.
四記問 [シキモン]@the Buddha`s four methods of dealing with questions.
四記答 [シキトウ]@the Buddha`s four methods of dealing with questions.
四評家 [シヒョウカ]@four critics.
四論 [シロン]@four treatises.
四諦 [シタイ]@(term) four noble truths.
四諦法 [シタイホウ]@the law of the four truths.
四諦經 [シタイキョウ]@Sutra on the Four Noble Truths.
四車家 [シシャケ]@four vehicle adherents.
四軛 [シヤク]@four yokes.
四輩 [シハイ]@(term) four groups of Buddhist disciples.
四輩弟子 [シハイデシ]@four groups of Buddhist disciples.
四輪 [シリン]@four wheels.
四輪王 [シリンオウ]@four wheel-turning kings.
四辨 [シベン]@(term) four unobstructed knowledges.
四迷 [シメイ]@four mistaken attachments.
四運 [シウン]@four phases of a thought.
四運心 [シウンジン]@four phases of a thought.
四道 [シドウ]@four paths.
四達 [シタツ]@four necessities.
四部 [シブ]@four groups of Buddhist disciples.
四部之會 [シブノエ]@four groups of Buddhist disciples.
四部之衆 [シブノシュウ]@four groups of Buddhist disciples.
四部僧 [シブソウ]@four kinds of disciples.
四部弟子 [シブデシ]@four groups of Buddhist disciples.
四部律 [シブリツ]@four sections of vinaya.
四部經 [シブキョウ]@four scriptures of Pure Land.
四部衆 [シブシュウ]@four groups of Buddhist disciples.
四部衆會 [シブシュウエ]@four groups of Buddhist disciples.
四重 [シジュウ]@(term) four grave (crimes).
四重八重 [シジュウハチジュウ]@four and eight grave prohibitions.
四重圓壇 [シジュウエンダン]@(foreign) four encircling rings of st■pas.
四重戒 [シジュウカイ]@four grave prohibitions.
四重曼荼羅 [シジュウマンダラ]@four rings of mandala.
四重禁 [シジュウキン]@(term) four grave prohibitions.
四重禁 [シジュウゴン]@(term) four grave prohibitions.
四重罪 [シジュウザイ]@(term) four grave crimes.
四鉢 [シハツ]@four bowls.
四鎭 [シチン]@four guardians.
四鏡 [シキョウ]@four mirror metaphors.
四門 [シモン]@four gates; four aspect; four approaches.
四門出遊 [シモンシュツユウ]@(term) excursions out of the four gates.
四阿含 [シアゴン]@four ■gamas.
四阿含經 [シアゴンギョウ]@Four ■gama Sutras.
四阿笈摩 [シアゴウマ]@four ■gamas.
四階 [シカイ]@four stages.
四階成佛 [シカイジョウブツ]@(term) four stages in the attainment of buddhahood.
四階成道 [シカイジョウドウ]@four stages in the attainment of enlightenment.
四靜慮 [シジョリョ]@four meditations.
四面毘盧遮那 [シメンビルシャナ]@four faced Vairocana.
四韋 [シイ]@four Vedas.
四韋陀 [シイダ]@four Vedas.
四須臾 [シシュユ]@four grades of instantaneity.
四■倒 [シテンドウ]@(term) four falls.(term) four inverted views.
四食 [シジキ]@four kinds of food.
四食時 [シジキジ]@four eating times.
四邪 [シジャ]@four mistaken attachments.
四馬 [シメ]@four horses.
四齋日 [シサイニチ]@four days of abstinence.
回 [カイ]@turn.
回施 [カイセ]@devote oneself to saving others.
因 [イン]@(term) cause.
因人 [インニン]@(term) causal stage.
因位 [イン]@causal condition.
因修 [インシュ]@causal cultivation.
因分 [インブン]@(term) causal portion.
因分可■ [インブンカセツ]@The causal aspect of the Buddha's enlightenment can be
因分可■果分不可■ [インブンカセツカブンフカセツ]@the causal aspect can be
explained, but the fruition cannot be explained.
因力 [インリキ]@causal power.
因力論師 [インリキロンシ]@exponents of causation power.
因地 [インチ]@(term) causal stage.
因性 [インショウ]@innate nature as the cause of something.
因成 [インジョウ]@that which is established according to causes and conditions.
因■陀 [インケイタ]@(name) A■gaja.
因明 [インミョウ]@clarification of causes.
因明 [インメイ]@clarification of causes.
因明入正理論 [インミョウニッショウリロン]@(title) Introduction to Logic.
因明正理門論 [インミョウショウリモンロン]@(title) Yinmingzhengl■menlun.
因明正理門論本 [インミョウショウリモンロンホン]@(title) Gateway to Logic.
因時 [インジ]@causative period of buddhahood.
因果 [インカ]@(term) cause and effect.
因果應報 [インガオウホウ]@causes and effects bring are concomitant in their
因果比量 [インガヒリョウ]@inference from cause and effect.
因果皆空宗 [インガカイクウシュウ]@the doctrinal position that both cause and
effect are empty.
因■ [インネン]@(term) causes and conditions.
因■依 [インネンエ]@the support of a condition as a cause.
因■分 [インネンブン]@section on causes and conditions.
因■和合 [インエンワゴウ]@the union of causes and conditions.
因■生 [インネンショウ]@generated from causes and conditions.
因■觀 [インネンカン]@meditation on causes and conditions.
因行 [インギョウ]@(term) causal practices.
因行果 [インギョウカ]@cause, action, effect.
因言遣言 [インゴンケンゴン]@using language to negate language.
因達羅大將 [インダラダイショウ]@Indra the General.
因陀■達婆門佛 [インダラダツバモンブツ]@Indradhvaja.
因陀羅 [インダラ]@(name) Indra.
因陀羅網 [インタラモウ]@(term) Indra's Net.
困厄 [コンヤク]@distress, difficulty, dire straits.
困苦 [コンク]@to be made subject to hardship, distress.
國 [コク]@a country, a state.
國土身 [コクトシン]@the body of lands.
國育 [コクイク]@(person) Kugyuk.
圍繞 [イニョウ]@surround; enclose; encircle.
圍遶 [ニョウ]@(term) circumambulate.(term) encircle.
園 [オン]@gardens, grove, park.
圓 [エン]@(term) Round.(term) complete.(term) perfect.
圓位 [エンイ]@(person) En'i.
圓光 [エンコウ]@(person) W■n'gwang.
圓具 [エング]@to be replete with.
圓勝寺 [エンショウジ]@Ensh■ Temple.
圓妙了世 [エンミョウリョウセ]@(person) W■nmyo yose.
圓悟 [エンゴ]@(person) Yuanwu.
圓悟克勤 [エンゴコクゴン]@(person) Yuanwu Keqin.
圓成實性 [エンジョウジツショウ]@(term) perfectly accomplished nature of reality.
圓明論 [エンミョウロン]@The Treatise on the Perfect Luminosity.
圓極 [エンゴク]@inclusive to the uttermost.
圓海 [エンカイ]@round ocean.
圓測 [エンジキ]@(person) W■nch'uk.
圓滿 [エンマン]@to complete.
圓滿經 [エンマンキョウ]@(title) The complete, or All-inclusive Sutra.
圓滿門 [エンマンモン]@gate of perfect completion.
圓照 [エンショウ]@To completely illuminate.
圓爾 [エンニ]@(person) Enni.
圓相 [エンソウ]@a drawing of a circle.
圓眞國師 [エンシンコクシ]@(person) W■njin kuksa.
圓融 [エンユウ]@'perfect and fused together'.
圓融宗 [エンユウシュウ]@(school) Yuanrong zong.
圓融自在 [エンユウジザイ]@unifying opposing forces, allowing complete freedom.
圓覺 [エンカク]@(term) perfect Enlightenment.
圓覺經 [エンカクキョウ]@(title) Yuanjue jing.
圓覺經慶讚疏 [エンカクキョウキョウサンソ]@(title) W■n'gakky■ng ky■ngch'an
圓陀陀 [エンタタ]@round and smooth like a pearl.
圓音 [エンオン]@(term) perfect voice.
圓頓宗 [エンドンシュウ]@perfect and sudden school.
圓頓成佛論 [エントンジョウフツロン]@(title) W■ndon s■ng pullon.
圖像抄 [ズゾウショウ]@(title) Iconographic Selections.
團墮 [ダンダ]@food given as alms.
圜悟 [エンゴ]@(person) Yuanwu.
土 [ド]@earth, ground, land, soil.
土地神 [トチジン]@earth deity.
土星 [トショウ]@■anai■cara.
土曜 [トヨウ]@■anai■cara, Saturn.
土波 [トバ]@Tibet.
土砂供養 [トサキョウヨウ]@offering of placing earth on the grave.
土砂加持 [トサカジ]@offering of placing earth on the grave.
土羅遮 [トラシャ]@serious crime.
土饅頭 [ドマンジュウ]@earthen loaf.
土■ [ドジョウ]@sand as grain.
在 [ザイ]@to be, to exist.
在世 [ギイセ]@in the world.
在俗 [ザイゾク]@in the secular world.
在前 [ザイゼン]@To be manifest;.
在在處處 [ザイザイショショ]@everywhere.
在家 [ザイケ]@lay practice.
在家中心 [ザイケチュウシン]@focus on the laity.
在家二戒 [ザイケニカイ]@the two sets of precepts for lay practitioners.
在家信者 [ザイケシンジャ]@lay followers, lay believers.
在家信衆 [ザイケシンシュ]@lay followers, lay believers.
在家菩薩 [ザイケボサツ]@lay followers, lay believers.
在實 [ザイジツ]@To reside on the inside, as do certain types of coarse hindrances.
在握 [ザイアク]@To be in one's hand;.
在皮 [ザイヒ]@to lie on the skin, or external part of something, as do some types of
coarse hindrances.
在纏 [ザイテン]@fettering, binding.
在纏供養 [ザイデンクヨウ]@offerings to those still in bondage.
在纏眞如 [ザイデンシンニョ]@bound thusness.
在膚 [ザイフ]@to abide on the outer layer etc.
圭山 [ケイセン]@(person) Guishan.
圭峰 [ケイホウ]@(person) Guifeng.
地 [チ]@a stage in the progression on the path towards enlightenment.
地 [ジ]@a stage in the progression on the path towards enlightenment.
地上 [ジジョウ]@the rank of the bodhisattva grounds and above.
地中 [ジチュウ]@within the grounds.
地位 [ジイ]@position, place.
地■ [ジナイ]@within the grounds.
地前 [ジゼン]@the stages in the bodhisattva path that are prior to the ten grounds.
地動 [ジドウ]@earthquake.
地地 [チチ]@each stage; every stage.
地壇 [ジダン]@earth-altar.
地大 [ジダイ]@element earth.
地天 [ジテン]@(name) P■thiv■.
地天 [チテン]@(name) P■thiv■.
地婆訶羅 [ジバカラ]@(person) Div■kara.
地婆達多 [チバダッタ]@Devadatta;.
地底迦 [ジチカ]@(person) Dh■tika.
地慧童子 [チエドウシ]@(name) Vasumati.
地持 [チジ]@Earth-holder.
地持論 [ジジロン]@(title) Dichi lun.
地獄 [ジゴク]@hell.
地珂 [ジガ]@long.
地瑟■曩 [チシチミノウ]@assistance, blessings.
地界 [ジカイ]@earth, element of earth.
地神 [ジシン]@(name) P■thiv■.
地神 [ジジン]@(name) P■thiv■.
地神 [チジン]@(name) P■thiv■.
地種 [ジシュ]@earth-seed.
地臈脾 [ジロウビ]@substance.
地藏 [ジゾウ]@K■itigarbha.
地藏十輪經 [チゾウジュウリンキョウ]@(title) Ten Cakras of K■itigarbha,
Mah■y■na Great Collection Sutra.
地藏菩薩本願經 [ジゾウボサツホンガンキョウ]@Sutra on the Fundamental Vows of
K■itigarbha Bodhisattva.
地藏菩薩經 [チゾウボサツキョウ]@(title) Sutra of K■itigarbha Bodhisattva.
地論宗 [チロンシュウ]@(school) Stages Sect.
地輪 [チリン]@earth wheel.
地輪 [ジリン]@earth wheel.
均 [キン]@equal; balanced.
均如 [キンニョ]@(person) Kyuny■.
坊 [ボウ]@a monk or priest's residence.
坊主 [ボウズ]@monk in charge of the monk's quarters.
坊主 [ボウシュ]@monk in charge of the monk's quarters.
坐 [ザ]@to sit.
坐中 [ザチュウ]@sitting in meditation.
坐具 [ザグ]@a meditation instrument.
坐堂 [ザドウ]@meditation hall.
坐時 [ザジ]@when one sits in meditation.
坐禪 [ザゼン]@sitting meditation.
坐禪人力 [ザゼンニンリキ]@the power of people's meditation.
坐禪堂 [ザゼンドウ]@meditation hall.
坐證 [ザショウ]@sitting meditation.
坐高廣大牀 [ザコウコウダイショウ]@The usage of a high, wide bed;.
坦文 [タンブン]@(person) (900-975) Tanmun;.
垂 [スイ]@to suspend, hang down, droop, lower, dangle.
垂示 [スイジ]@teach, give instruction.
垂語 [スイゴ]@give instruction.
垂迹 [スイジャク]@manifested form.
垂迹 [スイシャク]@manifested form.
垢 [ク]@impurity, pollution, defilement.
垢有 [クウ]@defiled existence.
垢罪 [クザイ]@Defiling crimes.
垢習 [クジュウ]@defiled habituation.
垢識 [クシキ]@defiled consciousness.
城 [ジョウ]@a (walled) city, castle, citadel.
執 [シュウ]@(term) attachment.
執取相 [シッシュソウ]@mark of attachment; coarse mark of attachment.
執受 [シュウジュ]@(term) cognize.
執持 [シュウジ]@to appropriate; hold firmly.
執持識 [シュウジシキ]@(term) maintaining consciousness.
執相應染 [シュウソウオウゼン]@defilement associated with attachment.
執著 [シュウジャク]@(term) attachment.
執行 [シュウギョウ]@temple executor.
執行 [シギョウ]@temple executor.
執金剛 [シュウコンゴウ]@Vajra-holder.
執金剛神 [シュウコンゴウシン]@vajra-wielding spiritis.
執金剛神 [シッコンゴウジン]@vajra-wielding spiritis.
執金剛神 [シュウコンゴウジン]@vajra-wielding spiritis.
執金剛神 [シュウコンゴウジン]@vajra-wielding spiritis.
堂 [ドウ]@a hall, a reception room; a meeting place.
堂達 [ドウタツ]@(term) distributor of missals.
堅 [ケン]@hard, strong, solid, firm, rigid.
堅固 [ケンゴ]@solid, firm.
堅執 [ケンシュウ]@rigid attachment.
堅實心 [ケンジツシン]@the real mind which all sentient beings are endowed with. The
mind of true thusness;.
堅牢地神 [ケンロウジシン]@(name) P■thiv■.
堅牢地神 [ケンロウジジン]@(name) P■thiv■.
堪忍 [カンニン]@forbearance.
堪能 [カンノウ]@(term) skill, mastery, flexibility, adaptability. (karmanya);.
報 [ホウ]@(term) retribution.(term) result.
報事 [ホウジ]@retributive events.
報化佛 [ホウケブツ]@The reward-body buddha and the transformation-body buddha.
報命 [ホウミョウ]@life as retribution.
報因 [ホウイン]@cause of retribution.
報女 [ホウニョ]@a (real) female body obtained based on karmic retribution.
報得 [ホウトク]@to attain by retribution.
報恩院 [ホウオンイン]@(temple) H■onin.
報應 [ホウオウ]@(term) karma.
報身 [ホウシン]@(term) reward body; body of bliss.
報通 [ホウツウ]@recompense power.
塔 [トウ]@(term) st■pa, pagoda.
塔婆 [トウバ]@(term) st■pa.
塔寺 [トウジ]@st■pa.
塔廟 [トウビョウ]@pagodas and temples.
塔記 [トウキ]@memorial-stele biography.
塗飾香鬘 [ズショクコウマン]@decorating oneself with jewelry and and perfume.
塞建陀 [サイケンダ]@aggregate.
塞建陀羅 [サイケンダラ]@(person) Skandhila.
塞頗胝迦 [サイパチカ]@water crystal.
塵 [ジン]@(term) Defilement.(term) Impurity.(term) Object.(term) pollution.
塵世 [ジンセイ]@The defiled realm; secular world.
塵中格外 [ジンチュウカクガイ]@mundane and transmundane.
塵勞 [ジンロウ]@(term) defilement.
塵垢 [ジンク]@(term) defilement.
塵寰 [ジンカン]@defiled realm, or objective realm.
塵沙 [ジンジャ]@'Dust and sand,' i.e., 'numberless as atoms.
塵沙惑 [ジンジャワク]@the lack of ability to correctly discern the true nature of the
numberless phenomena of the world.
塵芥 [ジンケ]@dust, dirt, trash;.
境 [キョウ]@(term) object.
境上 [キョウジョウ]@Within the world.
境事 [キョウジ]@manifest object.
境唯識 [キョウユイシキ]@consciousness-only in wisdom or insight in objective
境地 [キョウチ]@Condition, state, situation, circumstance;.
境智 [キョウチ]@objects and wisdom.
境界 [キョウカイ]@(term) sphere, state, viewpoint (visaya, gocara).
境界念處 [キョウカイネンショ]@(term) mindfulness of the objective realm.
境界愛 [キョウガイアイ]@the attachment to the things around oneself.
境界■ [キョウカイエン]@contact with the external world.
境空識有 [キョウクウシキウ]@The "objective realm is empty, consciousness exists.
境識倶泯 [キョウシキグビン]@"object and consciousness are both denied.
■ [ゾウ]@(term) accelerate.(term) increase.
■一阿含經 [ゾウイチアガンキョウ]@(title) Increased by One ■gama Sutras.
■上 [ゾウジョウ]@increase.dominant.
■上力 [ゾウジョウリキ]@overwhelming power; predominating power.
■上慢 [ソウジョウマン]@(term) overweening pride; extreme arrogance; full of
arrogance (adhim■na).
■上果 [ゾウジョウカ]@(term) dominant effects.
■上生 [ゾウジョウショウ]@rebirth in grades of kingship.
■上■ [ゾウジョウエン]@(term) causes beyond those of immediate motivation;
dominant condition.
■上■依 [ゾウジョウエンネ]@support in the form of a dominant condition.
■品 [ソウホン]@A class, or category of something that is above, better, more refined,
■強 [ソウキョウ]@To strengthen.
■減 [ゾウゲン]@increase and decrease.
■減二執 [ゾウゲンニシュウ]@two attachments (extremes) of increase and decrease.
■益 [ゾウエキ]@to increase, enlarge, enhance.
■益執 [ゾウエキシュウ]@Attachment to the view of existence.
■盛 [ソウジョウ]@(term) To increase, enlarge, develop, gain in power, be energized.
(Skt. udrika;.
■譽 [ゾウヨ]@Z■yo.
■進 [ゾウシン]@to enlarge and develop;.
■過 [ゾウカ]@increase error; enhance transgressions.
■長 [ゾウジョウ]@(term) increase.
■長因 [ゾウチョウイン]@causes of development.
■長天 [ゾウジョウテン]@(name) Vir■■haka.
■長天王 [ゾウチョウテンノウ]@(name) Vir■■haka.
墮 [ダ]@fall, drop, descend.
墮不如 [ダフニョ]@an unequalled fall; grave offense.
墮獄 [ダゴク]@fall into hell.
墮落 [ダラク]@descend.
壇法儀則 [ダンホウギソク]@(title) Tanfayize.
壞 [エ]@to ruin, to spoil, destroy, wipe out.
壞 [カイ]@to ruin, to spoil, destroy, wipe out.
壞劫 [エゴウ]@eon of annihilation.
壞劫 [エコウ]@eon of annihilation.
壞相 [エソウ]@characteristics of disintegration.
壞苦 [エク]@the suffering that people experience when they lose things that they are
attached to.
壤相金剛陀羅尼經 [エソウコンゴウダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the
Smashing Vajra.
士 [シ]@elite.
士夫 [シフ]@soul.
士夫見 [シフケン]@view of a spiritual soul.
士饅頭 [シマントウ*]@crematory.
壽命無量 [ジュミョウムリョウ]@limitless life.
夏首 [ゲシュ]@the first day of the summer retreat.
夕 [ジャク]@evening.
夕座 [ユウザ]@evening service.
外 [ゲ]@outside, external to, other than.
外乞 [ゲコツ]@externally disciplined.
外六處 [ゲロクショ]@(term) six external sense bases; six external sense fields.
外凡 [ゲボン]@(term) worldling.(term) outside worldling.
外化 [ゲケ]@to face outward, teaching and transforming sentient beings.
外向 [ゲコウ]@To face the outside; to pay attention to external things.
外塵 [ゲジン]@external objects.
外塵 [ガイジン]@external objects.
外境 [ゲキョウ]@(term) external world; external realm; external objects.
外外道 [ゲゲドウ]@beyond non-Buddhist.
外子 [ゲシ]@external sons.
外學 [ゲガク]@non-Buddhist studies.
外我 [ゲガ]@external self.
外智 [ゲチ]@outer wisdom.
外法 [ゲホウ]@non-Buddhist doctrines.
外海 [ゲカイ]@outer ocean.
外海 [ガイカイ]@outer ocean.
外淨 [ゲジョウ]@external purity.
外相 [ゲソウ]@external marks.
外經 [ゲキョウ]@a work that is classified as non-Buddhist, or as Buddhist but not truly
ascribed to the Buddha.
外■死 [ガイエンシ]@death from external conditions.
外護 [ゲゴ]@external protection.
外護摩 [ゲゴマ]@external fire ritual.
外道 [ゲドウ]@(term) heretic; non-Buddhist.
外道惡人 [ゲドウアクニン]@evil non-Buddhists.
外金剛部 [ゲコンゴウブ]@external Vajradh■tu group.
外食 [ゲジキ]@external sustenance.
多 [タ]@most, very.
多他 [タタ]@thus.
多伽羅 [タガラ]@aromatic tree.
多寳 [タホウ]@(name) Prabh■taratna.
多寶 [タホウ]@Abundant treasures.
多摩羅跋 [タマラハツ]@(term) A kind of fragrant plant called tam■la-pattra, which is
used for making incense.
多生 [タショウ]@many lifetimes;.
多羅 [タラ]@(term) p■tra.
多羅夜登陵舍 [タラヤトウリョウシャ]@heaven of the thirty-three celestials.
多羅夜登陸舍 [タラヤトウリクシャ]@Heaven of the Thirty-three.
多羅樹 [タラス]@(term) t■la.
多聞 [タモン]@to learn much through listening extensively.
多聞天 [タモンテン]@(name) Vai■rava■a.
多聞天王 [タブンテンノウ]@(name) Vai■ravana.
多聞比丘 [タブンビク]@monks of extensive learning.
多聞第一 [タモンダイイチ]@(xref) The most learned (among ■■kyamuni's ten
principal disciples)-■nanda 阿難.
多聞部 [タモンブ]@(school) Bahu■rut■y■■.
多語毘尼 [タゴビニ]@decision by majority vote.
多貪 [タトン]@many desires.
多體 [タタイ]@many bodies.
多髮 [タホツ]@(name) Ke■■n■.
夜 [ヤ]@night.
夜叉 [ヤシャ]@yak■a.
夜叉女 [ヤサニョ]@(foreign) a female yak■a.
夜合樹 [ヤゴウジュ]@evening joining tree.
夜摩 [ヤマ]@(term) yama.
夜摩天 [ヤマテン]@(xref) the heaven of the god Y■ma, which is one of the six heavens
in the desire realm 六欲天.
夢 [ム]@to dream.
夢想 [ムソウ]@that which is seen in a dream.
夢者 [ムシャ]@a dreamer.
大 [ダイ]@great.
大不可棄子部 [ダイフカキシブ]@school of the unabandonable son.
大不善地法 [ダイフゼンチホウ]@two great characteristics.
大乘 [ダイジョウ]@(term) great vehicle.
大乘二十二問 [ダイジョウニジュウニモン]@Twenty-two Dialogues on the Great
大乘二種成佛 [ダイジョウニシュジョウブツ]@two kinds of accomplishment of
大乘五蘊論 [ダイジョウゴウンロン]@(title) Mah■y■na Treatise on the Five
大乘會 [ダイジョウエ]@ritual of the Great Vehicle.
大乘入楞伽經 [ダイジョウニュウリョウガキョウ]@(title) Lank■vat■ra-s■tra.
大乘句義菩薩 [ダイジョウコウギボサツ]@(name) Mah■y■na-supravi■■a.
大乘唯識論 [ダイジョウユイシキロン]@(title) Vimsatik■.
大乘善根界 [ダイジョウゼンコンカイ]@realm of great vehicle good roots.
大乘四果 [ダイジョウシカ]@four realizations of the great vehicle.
大乘因 [ダイジョウイン]@cause of the great vehicle.
大乘基 [ダイジョウキ]@basis of the great vehicle.
大乘天 [ダイジョウテン]@Great Vehicle God.
大乘妙經 [ダイジョウミョウキョウ]@Marvelous Great Vehicle Sutra.
大乘宗 [ダイジョウシュウ]@(school) Great Vehicle School.
大乘廣百論本 [ダイジョウコウヒャクロンホン]@(title) Mah■y■na-Vaipulya One
Hundred Treatise.
大乘廣百論釋論 [ダイジョウコウヒャクロンシャクロン]@(title) Dasheng guang
bai lun shi lun.
大乘悲分陀利經 [ダイジョウヒブンタリキョウ]@(title) Dasheng bei fentuoli jing.
大乘成業論 [ダイジョウジョウゴウロン]@(title) Mah■y■na Treatise Establishing
大乘戒 [ダイジョウカイ]@(term) great vehicle precepts.
大乘戒經 [ダイジョウカイキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Great Vehicle Precepts.
大乘掌珍論 [ダイジョウショウチンロン]@(title) Karatala-ratna.
大乘教 [ダイジョウキョウ]@teachings of the great vehicle.
大乘教九部 [ダイジョウキョウクブ]@nine divisions of the great vehicle teaching.
大乘方廣曼殊室利菩薩華嚴本教閻曼■迦忿怒王眞言大威■儀軌品 [ダイジョウホ
ゴンダイイトクギキホン]@(title) Ritual Chapter on Yam■ntaka, Ferocious King of
Mantras and Great Intimidating Righteousness, from the ■ryamañju■riyam■lakalpa-
大乘方等經典 [ダイジョウホウトウキョウテン]@Mah■y■na Vaipulya scriptures.
大乘楞伽經唯識論 [ダイジョウリョウカキョウイシキロン]@(title) Great Vehicle
La■k■vat■ra-s■tra Treatise on Consciousness-only.
大乘法師 [ダイジョウホウシ]@dharma-master of the great vehicle.
大乘法界無差別論疏 [ダイジョウホッカイムシャベツロンソ]@(title) Dasheng
fajie wu chabie lun shou.
大乘法相教 [ダイジョウホウソウキョウ]@refuting the marks of the great vehicle.
大乘無上法 [ダイジョウムジョウホウ]@peerless great vehicle teaching.
大乘無作大戒 [ダイジョウムサダイカイ]@unmanifest great vehicle extensive
大乘無量壽經 [ダイジョウムリョウジュキョウ]@(title) Great Vehicle Sutra of
Immeasurable Longevity.
大乘瑜伽金剛性海曼殊室利千臂千鉢大教王經 [ダイジョウユカコンゴウショウカ
イマンシュシツリセンヒセンパツダイキョウオウキョウ]@(title) Mah■yana Yoga
of the Adamantine Ocean, Mañjusr■ with a Thousand Arms and Thousand Bowls: Great
King of Tantras..
大乘百法明門論 [ダイジョウヒャッポウミョウモンロン]@(title) Lucid
Introduction to the One Hundred Dharmas.
大乘純界 [ダイジョウジュンカイ]@pure realms of the great vehicle.
大乘經 [ダイジョウキョウ]@(term) great vehicle scriptures.
大乘義章 [ダイジョウギショウ]@(title) Essay on the Meaning of Mah■y■na.
大乘莊嚴寶王經 [ダイジョウショウゴンホウオウキョウ]@(title) K■ra■■avy■ha.
大乘莊嚴經論 [ダイジョウソウゴンキョウロン]@(title) Treatise on the Scripture of
Adorning the Great Vehicle.
大乘觀想曼拏羅淨諸惡趣經 [ダイジョウカンソウマンナラジョウショアクシュキ
ョウ]@(title) Tantra of the Mah■y■na Meditation Ma■■ala which Purifies
[Transgressions and Halts] the Evil Transmigrations.
大乘論 [ダイジョウロン]@great vehicle abhidharma.
大乘起信論 [ダイジョウキシンロン]@(title) Awakening of Mah■y■na Faith.
大乘起信論別記 [ダイジョウキシンロンベッキ]@(title) Expository Notes on the
Awakening of Faith.
大乘起信論義疏 [ダイジョウキシンロンギソ]@(title) Commentary on the
Awakening of Faith.
大乘遍照光明藏無字法門經 [ダイジョウヘンショウコウミョウゾウムジホウモン
キョウ]@(title) Great Vehicle S■tra of the No-Letter Casket from the Store of Vairocana.
大乘阿毘達磨集論 [ダイジョウアビダツマシュウロン]@(title) Treatise on the Great
Vehicle Abhidharma.
大乘阿毘達磨雜集論 [ダイジョウアビダツマゾウシュウロン]@(title) Exegesis on
the Collection of Mah■y■na Abhidharma.
大乘頂王經 [ダイジョウチョウオウキョウ]@Scripture of the Utmost King of the
Great Vehicle.
大事 [ダイジ]@(term) great matter.
大事因■ [ダイジインエン]@great matter of causes and conditions.
大亡語 [ダイモウゴ]@great falsehood.
大人相印 [ダイニンソウイン]@sealed with the sign of adulthood.
大仙 [ダイセン]@great sage.
大仙戒 [ダイセンカイ]@precepts of the sages.
大休歇底 [ダイキュウケッテイ]@ended, finished.
大佛頂 [ダイブツチョウ]@great buddha-peak.
大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經 [ダイブツチョウニョライミツイン
大佛頂如來放光悉怛多鉢怛陀羅尼 [ダイブッチョウニョライホウコウシツタンタ
ハツタンダラニ]@Dh■ra■■ of ■it■tapatra, Great Corona of All Tath■gatas, Radiating
Light [The Great Queen of Vidy■ called Apar■jit■.
大佛頂如來放光悉憺多鉢憺陀羅尼 [ダイブツチョウニョライホウコウシツタンタ
ハツタンダラニ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of ■it■tapatra, Great Corona of All Tath■gatas,
Radiating Light [The Great Queen of Vidy■ called Apar■jit■].
大佛頂首楞嚴經 [ダイブツチョウシュリョウゴンキョウ]@(title) ■■ra■gama-s■tra.
大信心 [ダイシンシン]@mind of great faith.
大信心海 [ダイシンジンカイ]@ocean-like mind of great faith.
大僧 [ダイソウ]@fully ordained monk.
大僧威儀經 [ダイソウイギキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Regulations for Great
大僧正 [ダイソウジョウ]@director of monks.
大僧統 [ダイソウトウ]@director of monks in the capital.
大元帥明王 [ダイゲンスイミョウオウ]@great commander.
大光明王 [ダイコウミョウオウ]@great shining bright king.
大光普照觀音 [ダイコウフショウカンノン]@great universally shining
大光音天 [ダイコウオンテン]@great luminous sound heaven.
大入滅息 [ダイニュウメツソク]@great extinction.
大准提陀羅尼經 [ダイシュンダイダラニキョウ]@(title) Da zhunti tuoluoni jing.
大刧 [ダイコウ]@great eon.
大力 [ダイリキ]@great power or energy.
大力王 [ダイリキオウ]@King of Great Power.
大力金剛 [ダイリキコンゴウ]@vajra of great power.
大功■天 [ダイクドクテン]@(name) Lak■m■.
大劫 [ダイコウ]@(term) eon.
大勇 [ダイヨウ]@■rya■■ra.
大勝心 [ダイショウシン]@mind of mastery.
大勝金剛 [ダイショウコンゴウ]@great victorious vajra.
大勢 [ダイセイ]@great activity.
大勢佛 [ダイセイブツ]@Buddha of great power.
大勢至 [ダイセイシ]@possessor of great energy.
大勢至菩薩 [ダイセイシボサツ]@Mah■sth■mapr■pta.
大勤勇 [ダイゴンヨウ]@greatly zealous and brave.
大化 [ダイケ]@great transformation.
大千 [ダイセン]@chiliocosm.
大千世界 [ダイセンセカイ]@major chiliocosm.
大叫喚地獄 [ダイキョウカンジゴク]@hell of great wailing.
大叫地獄 [ダイキョウジゴク]@(term) hell of great screaming.
大召 [ダイジョウ]@great inviter.
大吉大明菩薩 [ダイキチダイミョウボサツ]@great auspicious great bright
大吉祥天 [ダイキチジョウテン]@good fortune celestials.
大吉祥天女十二名號經 [ダイキツショウテンジョジュウニミョウゴウキョウ]
@(title) Twelve Names of the Great Auspicious Goddess.
大吉祥天女十二契一百八名無垢大乘經 [ダイキチジョウテンジョジュウニカイイ
チヒャクハチミョウムクダイジョウキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Exalted Goddess
[and Her Twelve Mudras and One Hundred and Eight Names] in the Immaculate
大吉祥明菩薩 [ダイキチショウミョウボサツ]@great auspicious bright bodhisattva.
大吉祥金剛 [ダイキツショウコンゴウ]@great auspicious indestructibility.
大吉變菩薩 [ダイキチヘンボサツ]@great auspicious transformation bodhisattva.
大■ [ダイキョウ]@hell of great wailing.
大周刊定衆經目■ [ダイシュウカンジョウシュウキョウモクロク]@(title)
Catalogue of Scriptures, Authorized by the Great Zhou.
大周■ [ダイシュウロク]@(title) Dazhou lu.
大呼 [ダイコ]@hell of great wailing.
大命 [ダイミョウ]@great destiny.
大和尚 [ダイオショウ]@great venerable.
大和竭羅 [ダイワケツラ]@(name) D■pa■kara.
大品 [ダイホン]@(title) Tapin.
大品經 [ダイホンキョウ]@full edition scripture.
大品般若經 [ダイホンハンニャキョウ]@(title) Mah■prajñ■paramit■-s■tra.
大哉解■服 [ダイサイゲダツフク]@great is the robe of liberation.
大唐■典■ [ダイトウナイテンロク]@(title) Catalogue of Buddhist Works in the
Great Tang.
大唐西域記 [ダイトウサイイキキ]@(title) Record of Travels to Western Lands.
大善利 [ダイゼンリ]@great good improvement.
大善地法 [ダイゼンチホウ]@ten mental conditions for cultivation of goodness.
大善知識 [ダイゼンチシキ]@great Buddhist friend.
大喜 [ダイキ]@(person) Upananda.
大■ [ダイシン]@great offerings.
大因陀羅壇 [ダイインダラダン]@(term) Indra's altar.
大因陀羅座 [ダイインダラザ]@(term) Indra's throne.
大圓寂入 [ダイエンジャクニュウ]@great extinction.
大圓覺 [ダイエンカク]@great perfect enlightenment.
大圓鏡智 [ダイエンキョウチ]@(term) great perfect mirror wisdom.
大圓鏡智觀 [ダイエンキョウチカン]@meditation on the great perfect mirror-wisdom.
大地 [ダイジ]@earth; great earth; great ground.
大地法 [ダイジホウ]@mental function factors that operate everywhere.
大城 [ダイジョウ]@a great castle; a great city.
大域龍 [ダイイキリュウ]@(person) Mah■-Dign■ga.
大堅固婆羅門 [ダイケンコバラモン]@(foreign) great reliable br■hma■a.
大壇 [ダイダン]@great altar.
大士 [ダイシ]@bodhisattva.
大士籤 [ダイシセン]@bodhisattva divination slips.
大夜 [ダイヤ]@great night.
大夢 [ダイム]@great dream.
大天 [ダイテン]@(term) mah■deva.
大妄語 [ダイモウゴ]@great lie.
大妙金剛大甘露軍拏利■鬘熾盛佛頂經 [ダイミョウコンゴウダイカンログンナリ
エンマンシジョウブツチョウキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Excellent Vajr■mbrosia
Ku■■ali, Yama and the Blazing Buddha-Corona.
大■ [ダイシ]@elder sister.
大威力烏樞瑟摩明王經 [ダイイリキウスサマミョウオウキョウ]@(title) Daweili
wushusemo mingwang jing.
大威■ [ダイイトク]@great authority.
大威■陀羅尼經 [ダイイトクダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the Greatly
Powerful One.
大婆羅門 [ダイバラモン]@(foreign) great br■hma■a.
大婆羅門經 [ダイバラモンキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Great Br■hma■a.
大孔雀王 [ダイクジャクオウ]@great peacock king.
大安 [ダイアン]@great peace.
大安慰 [ダイアンイ]@great pacifier.
大安慰 [ダイアンニ]@great pacifier.
大安達羅 [ダイアンダツラ]@Mahendra.
大宋僧史略 [ダイソウソウシリャク]@(title) Da Song sengshi lue.
大定智悲 [ダイジョウチヒ]@great concentration, wisdom, pity.
大寂定 [ダイジャクジョウ]@concentration of great quiesence.
大寂滅 [ダイジャクメツ]@great extinction.
大寂王 [ダイジャクオウ]@king of great quiesence.
大寂靜 [ダイジャクジョウ]@great quiescence.
大寒林 [ダイカンリン]@great cold forest.
大寒林聖難拏陀羅尼經 [ダイカンリンショウナンナダラニキョウ]@(title)
Dh■ra■■ of the Holy Da■■a [for the Great Cold Forest].
大寶 [ダイホウ]@great jewel.
大寶坊 [ダイホウボウ]@great precious region.
大寶廣博樓閣善住祕密陀羅尼經 [ダイホウコウハクロウカクゼンジュウヒミツダ
ラニキョウ]@(title) Most Secret, Well-Established Dh■ra■i of the Vast, Gem-Encrusted
大寶摩尼 [ダイホウマニ]@(foreign) great precious ma■i.
大寶法王 [ダイホウホウオウ]@great precious dharma king.
大寶海 [ダイホウカイ]@great precious ocean.
大寶積經 [ダイホウシャクキョウ]@(title) Ratnak■■a-s■tra.
大寶華 [ダイホウケ]@great precious flower.
大寶華王 [ダイホウケオウ]@great jewel lotus king.
大寶華王座 [ダイホウケオウザ]@great jewel lotus king throne.
大寶藏 [ダイホウゾウ]@great precious treasury.
大寺 [ダイジ]@great monastery.
大導師 [ダイドウシ]@great guide.
大小 [ダイショウ]@(term) large and small (alpa-mah■).
大小乘 [ダイショウジョウ]@(xref) greater vehicle Buddhism 大乘 and lesser vehicle
Buddhism 小乘.
大小二乘 [ダイショウニジョウ]@two greater and lesser vehicles.
大小二惑 [ダイショウニワク]@The two categories of affliction of greater and lesser.
大師 [ダイシ]@great teacher.
大幻師 [ダイゲンシ]@great magician.
大度師 [ダイトシ]@great savior.
大廣律 [ダイコウリツ]@(foreign) the four comprehensive vinaya texts..
大廣智三藏 [ダイコウチサンゾウ]@great vast wisdom tripi■aka.
大弟子 [ダイデシ]@chief disciple.
大■ [ダイトク]@great virtue.
大心 [ダイシン]@great, expansive mind.
大心力 [ダイシンリキ]@great mental power.
大心海 [ダイシンカイ]@great mind ocean.
大忍力 [ダイニンリキ]@(term) great tolerance.
大忍法界 [ダイニンホウカイ]@reality realm of great forbearance.
大志焚身 [ダイシフンシン]@great intention to burn the body.
大念 [ダイネン]@great mindfulness.
大念佛 [ダイネンブツ]@great mindfulness of the Buddha.
大恩 [ダイオン]@The great mercy, or great grace, of the Buddha.
大恩教主 [ダイオンキョウシュ]@sovereign of great compassionate teaching.
大悟 [ダイゴ]@great enlightenment.
大悲 [ダイヒ]@great compassion.
大悲三昧 [ダイヒザンマイ]@concentration of great compassion.
大悲代受苦 [ダイヒダイジュク]@compassionately enduring suffering for others.
大悲咒 [ダイヒジュ]@(foreign) dh■ra■■ of great compassion.
大悲四八之應 [ダイヒシハチシオウ]@four times eight responses of great
大悲壇 [ダイヒダン]@altar of great compassoin.
大悲弓 [ダイヒキュウ]@bow of great compassion.
大悲普現 [ダイヒフゲン]@great compassionate universal manifestation.
大悲生心三昧耶 [ダイヒショウシンサンマイヤ]@concentration arisen from great
大悲者 [ダイヒシャ]@great compassionate one.
大悲胎藏 [ダイヒタイゾウ]@great compassionate womb-store.
大悲胎藏三昧 [ダイヒタイゾウザンマイ]@concentration of the greatly
compassionate womb-store.
大悲胎藏曼荼羅 [ダイヒタイゾウマンダラ]@mandala of the great compassionate
大悲菩薩 [ダイヒボサツ]@greatly compassionate bodhisattva.
大悲觀世 [ダイヒカンセ]@greatly compassionate Avalokite■vara.
大悲鎧冑門 [ダイヒカイチュウモン]@greatly compassionate armor.
大悲闡提 [ダイヒセンダイ]@(foreign) greatly compassionate icchantika.
大惑 [ダイワク]@great afflictions.
大意 [ダイイ]@the drift of, the scope of, outline.
大意經 [ダイイキョウ]@(title) Sutra of Great Meaning.
大愛道 [ダイアイドウ]@Mah■ praj■pat■.
大愛道比丘尼經 [ダイアイドウヒクニキョウ]@(title) Daaidao biqiuni jing.
大慈 [ダイジ]@great kindness.
大慈大悲 [ダイジダイヒ]@great mercy and great pity.
大慈尊 [ダイジソン]@honored one of great kindness.
大慈恩三藏 [ダイジオンサンゾウ]@Tripi■aka [Master] of Da Cien [Temple].
大慈恩寺 [ダイジオンジ]@Great Compassion Temple.
大慈悲 [ダイジヒ]@great compassion.
大慢 [ダイマン]@extreme arrogance, great pride.
大慧 [ダイエ]@great wisdom.
大慧刀印 [ダイエトウイン]@seal of the great sword of wisdom.
大慧宗杲 [ダイエシュウコウ]@(person) Dahui Zonggao.
大慧普覺禪師宗門武庫 [ダイエフガクゼンシシュウモブコ]@(title) Chan Master
Dahui Pu jue's Arsenal for the Chan Lineage.
大慧普覺禪師語■ [ダイエフガクゼンシゴロク]@The Teaching Record of Dahui.
大應供 [ダイオウキョウ]@great worshipful.
大我 [ダイガ]@(term) great self.
大戒 [ダイガイ]@all of the precepts.
大拏 [ダイナ]@Sud■na.
大拘■那 [ダイクチナ]@(person) Mah■kau■■hila.
大捨 [タイシャ]@great offering; great donation.
大捨 [ダイシャ]@great offering; great donation.
大摩里支菩薩經 [ダイマリシボサツキョウ]@(title) Sutra of Great M■r■c■, the
大攝受 [ダイショウジュ]@great inclusion.
大教 [ダイキョウ]@great teaching.
大教經 [ダイキョウキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Great Teaching.
大教網 [ダイキョウモウ]@net of the great teaching.
大方便 [ダイホウベン]@great expedient means.
大方廣 [ダイホウコウ]@(term) vaipulya.
大方廣佛如來不思議境界經 [ダイホウコウブツニョライフシギキョウカイキョウ]
@(title) Dafangguang fo rulai busiyi jingjie jing.
大方廣佛花嚴經入法界品頓證毘盧遮那法身字輪瑜伽儀軌 [ダイホウコウブツケゴ
@(title) Ritual Procedure for the Syllable-Wheel Yoga of Suddenly Realizing the
Dharma-Body of Vairocana, from the Ga■■avy■ha Chapter of the Buddh■vata■saka-
大方廣佛華嚴經 [ダイホウコウブツケゴンキョウ]@(title) Dafangguangfo huayan
大方廣佛華嚴經中卷卷大意略敍 [ダイホウコウブツケゴンキョウチュウカンカン
ダイリャクジョ]@(title) Dafangguang fo huayan jingzhong juanjuan dayi lueshou.
大方廣佛華嚴經搜玄分齊通智方軌 [ダイホウコウブツケゴンキョウソウゲンブン
セイツウチホウキ]@(title) Dafangguang fo huayan jing suxuan fenqi tongzhi fanggui.
大方廣佛華嚴經疏 [ダイホウコウブツケゴンキョウソ]@(title) Dafangguang fo
huayan jing shou.
大方廣佛華嚴經隨疏演義鈔 [ダイホウコウブツケゴンキョウズイソエンギショウ]
@(title) Dafangguang fo huayan jing suishou yanyi chao.
大方廣圓覺修多羅了義經 [ダイホウコウエンガクシュタラリョウギキョウ]
@(title) Dafangguang yuanjue xiuduoluo liaoyijing.
大方廣圓覺修多羅了義經■誼 [ダイホウコウエンガクシュタラリョウギキョウセ
ツギ]@(title) Taebanggwang w■ngak sudara yo■igy■ng s■r■i.
大方廣如來祕密藏經 [ダイホウコウニョライヒミツゾウキョウ]
大方廣如來藏經 [ダイホウコウニョライゾウキョウ]@(title) Tath■gatagarbha-s■tra.
大方廣曼殊室利童眞菩薩華嚴本教讚閻曼■迦忿怒王眞言阿毘遮迦■儀軌品 [ダイ
フンヌオウシンゴンアヒシャケロギキホン]@(title) Ritual Chapter on Yam■ntaka,
Ferocious King of Mantras and Abhic■raka, from the Bodhisattvapi■ak■visara-
大方廣總持寶光明經 [ダイホウコウソウジホウコウミョウキョウ]@(title)
Dh■ra■■ of Jewel Light.
大方廣菩薩藏經中文殊室利根本一字陀羅尼經 [ダイホウコウボサツゾウキョウチ
ュウモンジュシツリコンポンイチジダラニキョウ]@(title) Mañju■r■'s Fundamental
One-Syllable Dh■ra■■ from the Mah■vaipulya-bodhisattvapi■aka.
大方等 [ダイホウドウ]@greatly extended.
大方等大集經 [ダイホウドウダイシュウキョウ]@(title) Mah■samnipata-s■tra.
大方等如來藏經 [ダイホウドウニョライゾウキョウ]@(title) Tath■gatagarbha-s■tra.
大方等檀持陀羅尼經 [ダイホウドウダンジダラニキョウ]@Pratyutpanna-buddha-
大方等陀羅尼經 [ダイホウドウダラニキョウ]@(title) Pratyutpanna-buddha-
大方等頂王■經 [ダイホウドウチョウオウセツキョウ]@(title) Vimalak■rti-
大施太子 [ダイセタイシ]@princely almsgiver.
大施會 [ダイセエ]@(term) great gathering for almsgiving.
大族王 [ダイゾクオウ]@Mihirakula.
大日 [ダイニチ]@Mah■vairocana, the Buddha who is the center of Esoteric Buddhism,
who represents the reality of the universe, or the embodiment of light.
大日三部經 [ダイニチサンブキョウ]@The three principal texts of the cult of
Mah■vairocana, or Esoteric Buddhism.
大日供 [ダイニチキョウ]@(term) Vairocana meeting.
大日如來 [ダイニチニョライ]@(name) Mah■vairocana.
大日宗 [ダイニチシュウ]@(school) Vairocana Sect.
大日經 [ダイニチキョウ]@(title) The abbreviated title for
大日經疏 [ダイニチキョウソ]@(title) Commentary on the Vairocana-abhisa■bodhi-
大日經義釋 [ダイニチキョウギシャク]@(title) Explanation of the Meanings of the
大日經義釋演密鈔 [ダイニチキョウギシャクエンミツショウ]@(title) Esoteric
Extracts from the Presentations in the Abridged Commentary to the Vairocana-
大日覺王 [ダイニチカクオウ]@Vairocana, the king of enlightenment.
大日遍照 [ダイニチヘンショウ]@Mah■vairocana.
大明三藏聖■目■ [ダイミョウサンゾウショウキョウモクロク]@(title) Ming
Catalogue of the Buddhist Canon.
大明王 [ダイミョウオウ]@great shining kings.
大明白身菩薩 [ダイミョウビャクシンボサツ]@great white-bodied bodhisattva.
大明續入藏諸集 [ダイミョウゾクニュウゾウショシュウ]@Ming Collection of
Supplementary Canonical Texts.
大普寧寺大藏經目■ [ダイフネイジダイゾウキョウモクロク]@(title) Catalog of
the Yuan Canon Printed at Dapuning Temple.
大普寧寺版 [ダイフネイジハン]@Dapuning Temple Edition.
大智 [ダイチ]@great wisdom.
大智度論 [ダイチドロン]@(title) Mah■prajñ■p■ramit■-■■stra.
大智慧門 [ダイチエモン]@entry of great compassion.
大智灌頂地 [ダイチカンジョウチ]@stage of anointing of great wisdom.
大智藏 [ダイチゾウ]@store of great wisdom.
大曼 [ダイマン]@(term) great ma■■ala.
大曼荼羅 [ダイマンダラ]@(term) great ma■■ala.
大會 [ダイエ]@great assembly.
大會衆 [ダイエシュ]@great assembly.
大有經 [ダイウキョウ]@Scripture of the Great Existence.
大本 [ダイホン]@main text.
大林精舍 [ダイリンショウジャ]@Ve■uvana monastery.
大染法 [ダイゼンホウ]@great polluted dharma.
大梵 [ダイボン]@mah■br■hma■as.
大梵天 [ダイボンテン]@great brahman heaven.
大梵天王 [ダイボンテンノウ]@(term) king of the Brahman-heaven.
大梵如意天 [ダイボンニョイテン]@heaven of great brahma according to intention.
大樂不空 [ダイガクフクウ]@unceasing great joy.
大樂■ [ダイガクセツ]@Mah■pratibh■na.
大樂金剛不空眞實三昧耶經般若波羅蜜多理趣釋 [ダイガクコンゴウフクウシンジ
ツサンマイヤキョウハンニャハラミツタリシュシャク]@(title) Dale jingang
bukong zhenshi sanmeiye jing banruoboluomiduo liqushi.
大樂金剛薩■修行成就儀軌 [ダイラクコンゴウサツタシュギョウジョウシュウギ
キ]@(title) Ritual Procedure for the Successful Cultivation of the Vajrasattva of Great
大樓炭經 [ダイロウタンキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Great Conflagration.
大機 [ダイキ]@(term) great capacity.
大樹仙人 [ダイジュセンニン]@(name) Mah■v■k■a ■■i.
大樹緊那羅 [ダイジュキンナラ]@great tree ki■nara.
大樹緊那羅王所問經 [ダイジュキンナラオウショモンキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the
Questions of The King of the Mah■druma Kinnaras.
大權 [ダイゴン]@great potentiality.
大權修利菩薩 [ダイゴンシュリボサツ]@great authority of the benefits of practice
大權善經 [ダイゴンゼンキョウ]@(title) Daquanshan jing.
大死底人 [ダイシテイニン]@person who has fathomed the great death.
大殿 [ダイデン]@great shrine hall.
大比丘 [ダイ]@(foreign) great bhik■u.
大比丘 [ビク]@(foreign) great bhik■u.
大比丘三千威儀 [ダイビクサンゼンイギ]@(title) Three Thousand Regulations for
Great Bhik■us.
大毘婆沙論 [ダイビバシャロン]@(title) Abhidharma-mah■vibh■s■-■■stra.
大毘盧遮那 [ダイビロシャナ]@Mah■vairocana.
大毘盧遮那佛■要略念誦經 [ダイヒロシャナブツセツヨウリャクネンショウキョ
ウ]@(title) Sutra Abridged for Recitation Explained by the Buddha Mah■vairocana.
大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經 [ダイヒロシャナジョウブツジンヘンケジキョウ]
@(title) Manifest Enlightenment of the Grand Resplendent One, His Transformations and
Empowering Presence: Lord Indra of the Broader S■tras.
大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經蓮華胎藏菩提幢標幟普通眞言藏廣大成就瑜伽 [ダイヒ
ツウシンゴンゾウコウダイジョウジュウユガ]@(title) Yoga of Enormous Success:
the Lotus-Matrix Bodhi, Symbols, Banners, and Store of Common Mantras in the
大毘盧遮那成佛經疏 [ダイビロシャナジョウブツキョウソ]@(title) Commentary
on the Vairocana-abhisa■bodhi-tantra.
大水火 [ダイスイカ]@great conflagration.
大水災 [ダイスイサイ]@great conflagration.
大沙門 [ダイシャモン]@great monk.
大沙門統 [ダイシャモントウ]@director of the order.
大河 [ダイガ]@great river, often used as a metaphor for the extensive power of the
大法 [ダイホウ]@(term) the great dharma; great teaching; the teaching of the Buddha
大法慢 [ダイホウマン]@great pride in the dharma.
大法炬陀羅尼經 [ダイホウコダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the Lamp of
大法王 [ダイホウオウ]@King of the Sudharma Kinnaras.
大法螺 [ダイホウラ]@conch of the great teaching.
大法雨 [ダイホウウ]@great dharma-rain.
大法鼓 [ダイホウコ]@drum of the great teaching.
大波羅密 [ダイハラミツ]@great perfections.
大洲 [ダイシュウ]@great continent.
大海 [ダイカイ]@ocean.
大海八不思議 [ダイカイハチフシギ]@(term) eight amazing characteristics of the
大海印 [ダイカイイン]@great ocean seal.
大海衆 [ダイカイシュ]@great ocean congregation.
大涅槃 [ダイネハン]@great nirvana.
大清 [ダイショウ]@great clarity.
大滅度 [ダイメツド]@great extinction.
大滅諦金剛智 [ダイメッタイコンゴウチ]@great adamantine wisdom of the truth of
大滿 [ダイマン]@Great completion; great fullness.
大滿願義 [ダイマンガンギ]@great completion of wish-meaning.
大灌頂 [ダイカンジョウ]@greater baptism.
大炎熱 [ダイエンネツ]@(term) hell of great heat.
大無量壽經 [ダイムリョウジュキョウ]@Great Sutra of Limitless Life.
大然 [ダイネン]@great suchness; great thusness.
大煩惱地法 [ダイボンノウチホウ]@major basic factors of affliction.
大熱地獄 [ダイネツジゴク]@extremely scorching hot hell.
大熾盛光 [ダイシジョウコウ]@great blazing perfect light.
大燒炙獄 [ダイショウセキゴク]@great burning hell.
大牛車 [ダイギュウシャ]@(term) great ox cart.
大牛音 [ダイギュウオン]@lowing of a great ox.
大王 [ダイオウ]@great king.
大生主 [ダイショウシュ]@Mah■praj■pat■.
大用 [ダイユウ]@great function; marvelous function.
大用 [タイヨウ]@great function; marvelous function.
大界 [ダイカイ]@great realm.
大界外相 [ダイカイゲソウ]@four characters marking the boundary.
大疏 [ダイソ]@a 'large commentary.
大白傘蓋佛母 [ダイビャクサンガイブツモ]@mother of buddhas with the great
radiant umbrella.
大白光神 [ダイビャッコウシン]@Great Radiant Celestial.
大白團華 [ダイビャクダンケ]@great white flower.
大白牛車 [ダイビャクゴシャ]@great white ox cart.
大白華 [ダイビャクケ]@great white flower.
大白衣 [ダイビャクエ]@great white-robed one.
大目乾連 [ダイモクケンレン]@(person) Mah■maudgaly■yana.
大目■連 [ダイモッケンレン]@(person) Mah■-Maudgaly■yana.
大相 [ダイソウ]@the four great marks.
大相國寺 [ダイソウコクジ]@(temple) Da xiangguo si.
大相看 [ダイショウカン]@great reception.
大相看 [ダイソウカン]@great reception.
大相看 [ダイショウケン]@great reception.
大磬 [ダイケイ]@large bronze bowl.
大磬 [ダイキン]@large bronze bowl.
大神力 [ダイジンリキ]@supernatural powers.
大神咒 [ダイジンジュ]@great dh■ra■■s.
大神王 [ダイジンオウ]@great deva king.
大神通 [ダイジンヅウ]@the great supernatural powers of the Buddha.
大祥忌 [ダイショウキ]@great auspicious anniversary.
大秦寺 [ダイシンジ]@Great Qin Monastery.
大種 [ダイシュ]@great elements.
大空 [ダイクウ]@great emptiness.
大笑明王 [ダイショウミョウオウ]@great laughing radiant king.
大粗■ [ダイソコク]@(name) K■lod■yin.
大精進菩薩 [ダイショウジンボサツ]@Hero Bodhisattva.
大紅蓮 [ダイグレン]@great red lotuses.
大統 [ダイトウ]@head of the order.
大經 [ダイキョウ]@Great Sutra.
大經卷 [ダイキョウカン]@great scripture fascicle.
大綱 [タイコウ]@great doctrine.
大總法門 [ダイソウホウモン]@great comprehensive dharma-gate.
大罪 [ダイザイ]@serious crime.
大義 [ダイギ]@great import.
大義城 [ダイギジョウ]@great city of meanings.
大義王 [ダイギオウ]@great king of meanings.
大聖 [ダイショウ]@a great sage.
大聖曼殊室利 [ダイショウマンジュシリ]@Great Sage Mañju■r■.
大胸腹行 [ダイキョウフクコウ]@(foreign) mahoraga.
大膝 [ダイシツ]@large knees.
大臣 [ダイシン]@(term) a high minister (Skt. mah■m■tra.
大自在 [ダイジザイ]@great freedom; great unhinderedness.
大自在天 [ダイジザイテン]@the god who creates and controls the world--also known
as ■iva.
大自在宮 [ダイジザイグウ]@palace of Mahe■vara.
大興善寺 [ダイコウゼンジ]@(temple) Da xingshan si.
大般涅槃 [ダイハンネハン]@(term) great Nirv■na.
大般若供養 [ダイハンニャクヨウ]@(title) offerings to the Mah■parinirv■■a-s■tra.
大般若波羅蜜多經 [ダイハンニャハラミッタキョウ]@(title) Mah■-prajñ■-
大般若波羅蜜經 [ダイハンニャハラミツキョウ]@(title) Mah■prajñ■paramit■-s■tra.
大般若經 [ダイハンニャキョウ]@Sutra of Great Wisdom.
大船 [ダイセン]@great vessel.
大船師 [ダイセンシ]@captain of the great ship.
大苦海 [ダイクカイ]@great bitter sea.
大莊嚴 [ダイショウゴン]@great adornment.
大莊嚴世界 [ダイショウゴンセカイ]@greatly adorned realm.
大莊嚴經 [ダイショウゴンキョウ]@(title) Da zhuangyan jing.
大莊嚴經論 [ダイショウゴンキョウロン]@S■tr■la■k■ra-■■stra.
大莊嚴論經 [ダイショウゴンロンキョウ]@S■tr■la■k■ra-■■stra.
大菩提 [ダイボタイ]@the enlightenment of the Buddha.
大菩提幢 [ダイボダイドウ]@banner of great bodhi.
大菩提心 [ダイボダイシン]@great mind of enlightenment.
大菩薩 [ダイボサツ]@great bodhisattva.
大菩薩藏經 [ダイボサツゾウキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Scriptural-Basket of the
Great Bodhisattva.
大蓮華 [ダイレンゲ]@great white lotus.
大蓮華智慧三摩地智 [ダイレンゲチエサマジチ]@(foreign) wisdom of the great
lotus sam■dhi.
大蓮華法藏界 [ダイレンゲホウゾウカイ]@world of the dharma treasure of the great
大薩遮尼乾子 [ダイサツシャニカンジ]@(person) Mah■satyanirgrantha.
大薩遮尼乾子所■經 [ダイサツシャニカンジショセツキョウ]@(title) Mah■satya-
大薩遮尼■子 [ダイサツシャニケンシ]@Mah■satya-nirgrantha.
大藏一覽 [ダイゾウイチラン]@(title) Tripi■aka at a Glance.
大藏目■ [ダイゾウモクロク]@Catalogue of the Buddhist Canon.
大藏經 [ダイゾウキョウ]@tripi■aka.
大號■ [ダイゴウキョウ]@hell of great wailing.
大衆 [ダイシュウ]@(term) sa■gha.
大衆印 [ダイシュイン]@seal of a monastery.
大衆威■畏 [ダイシュイトクイ]@fear of speaking to a large audience.
大衆部 [ダイシュブ]@(school) Mah■s■■ghika; Mah■s■■ghika.
大衣 [ダイエ]@great robe.
大袍 [ダイホウ]@full-sleeved gown.
大覺寺 [ダイカクジ]@(temple) Daikakuji.
大覺 [ダイカク]@great enlightenment.
大覺 [ダイガク]@great enlightenment.
大覺世尊 [ダイカクセソン]@greatly enlightened world-honored one.
大覺國師墓詰銘 [ダイカクコクシボキツメイ]@(title) T'aegak kuksa myoh■my■ng.
大覺國師文集 [ダイカクコクシブンシュウ]@(title) Collected Writings of the
National Teacher Taegak.
大覺尊 [ダイカクソン]@Most honored enlightened one.
大覺母 [ダイカクモ]@mother of great enlightenment.
大覺金仙 [ダイカクコンセン]@greatly enlightened golden sage.
大論 [ダイロン]@Great Treatise.
大論師 [ダイロンシ]@great treatise master.
大護印 [ダイゴイン]@great protective sign.
大護明大陀羅尼經 [ダイゴミョウダイダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the Great
Mantra Protector.
大護明經 [ダイゴミョウキョウ]@(title) Dahuming jing.
大谷派 [おおたには]@■tani Branch.
大象 [ダイゾウ]@great schemata.
大象藏 [ダイショウゾウ]@great elephant treasure.
大賢 [ダイケン]@(person) Taehy■n.
大赤華 [ダイシャクケ]@red flower (used for dye).
大路邊生 [ダイロヘンショウ]@born by the side of the road.
大身 [ダイシン]@great body of the buddha.
大車 [ダイシャ]@great cart.
大輪 [ダイリン]@(person) Taeryun.
大輪金剛 [ダイリンコンゴウ]@Great Wheel Vajra.
大轉輪佛頂 [ダイテンリンブッチョウ]@peak of the great wheel-turning buddhas.
大轉輪王 [ダイテンリンオウ]@great wheel-turning king.
大辯功■天 [ダイベンクドクテン]@Sarasvat■.
大辯天 [ダイベンテン]@Sarasvat■.
大辯才功■天 [ダイベンザイクドクテン]@Sarasvat■.
大辯才天 [ダイベンザイテン]@(name) Sarasvat■.
大辯才女 [ダイベンザイニョ]@Sarasvat■.
大辯正三藏表集 [ダイベンショウサンゾウヒョウシュウ]@Collected Documents.
大迦葉 [ダイカショウ]@Mah■k■■yapa.
大通 [ダイツウ]@great penetration.
大通智 [ダイツウチ]@Mah■bhijñ■bhibh■.
大通智勝 [ダイツウチショウ]@Mah■bhijñ■ Jñ■n■bhibhu.
大道 [ダイドウ]@great way.
大道心 [ダイドウシン]@mind of great enlightenment.
大道心衆生 [ダイドウシンシュショウ]@sentient beings with greatly enlightened
大遠 [ダイオン]@Great Yuan.
大醫王 [ダイイオウ]@great king of doctors.
大醫禪師 [ダイイゼンシ]@Great doctor Chan master.
大重戒 [ダイジュウカイ]@great grave precepts.
大金剛妙高山樓閣陀羅尼 [ダイコンゴウミョウコウセンロウカクダラニ]@(title)
Dh■rani of the Pavilion Crowning Meru, the Great Adamantine Mountain.
大鐘 [ダイショウ]@great bell.
大鐘 [オオガネ]@great bell.
大鐵圍 [ダイテツイ]@great ring of iron.
大鐵圍山 [ダイテツイサン]@great ring of iron mountains.
大鐵圍山 [ダイテツチセン]@great ring of iron mountains.
大鑑 [ダイカン]@great mirror.
大鑑禪師 [ダイカンゼンシ]@Great Model Teacher.
大阿彌陀經 [ダイアミダキョウ]@(title) Sutra of Immeasurable Life.
大阿羅漢 [ダイアラカン]@great arhat.
大阿羅漢難提蜜多羅所■法住記 [ダイアラカンナンダイミッタラショセツホウジ
ュウキ]@(title) Nandimitr■vad■na.
大陀羅尼末法中一字心呪經 [ダイダラニマツホウチュウイチジシンジュキョウ]
@(title) Great Dh■ra■■ Incantation of One Syllable for the Age of Terminal Dharma.
大陰界入 [ダイオンカイニュウ]@elements, aggregates, realms, and fields.
大障善道 [ダイショウゼンドウ]@great impediment to the virtuous way.
大隨求陀羅尼經 [ダイズイグダラニキョウ]@(title) Da suiqiu tuoluoni jing.
大雄 [ダイユウ]@great hero.
大雄 [ダイオウ]@great hero.
大雄寶殿 [ダイユウホウデン]@great shrine hall.
大集 [ダイシュウ]@great collection.
大集月藏經 [ダイシュウゲツゾウキョウ]@(title) Candragarbha-s■tra.
大集法門經 [ダイシュウホウモンキョウ]@(title) Daji famen jing.
大集經 [ダイジッキョウ]@(title) Great Collection Scripture.
大集部 [ダイシュウブ]@(term) Mah■sa■nip■ta.
大■珠 [ダイショウシュ]@sapphire.
大願 [タイガン]@great vow.
大願 [ダイガン]@great vow.
大願業力 [ダイガンゴウリキ]@karmic power of the great vows.
大願■淨報土 [ダイガンショウジョウノホウド]@reward of the pure land as a result
of the vows of Amit■bha.
大願船 [ダイガンセン]@vessel of the great vow.
大■ [ダイテン]@(person) Dadian..
大風災 [ダイフウサイ]@catastrophe of great winds.
大飮光 [ダイオンコウ]@Mah■k■■yapa.
大高王 [ダイコウオウ]@great august monarch.
大魚 [ダイギョ]@monster fish.
大■■ [ダイソコク]@(name) K■lod■yin.
大■天 [ダイコクテン]@Mah■k■la.
大■神 [ダイコクシン]@Mah■k■la.
大■飛礫法 [ダイコクヒリャクホウ]@flying shard magic of the black celestial.
大鼓 [ダイコ]@large drum.
大齋 [ダイサイ]@feast for monks.
大齋會 [ダイサイエ]@feast for monks.
大龍權現 [ダイリュウゴンゲン]@Provisionally Manifesting as a Great Dragon.
天 [テン]@heaven.
天上 [テンジョウ]@(term) heavenly realm.
天上天下唯我獨尊 [テンジョウテンゲユイガドクソン]@I alone am the honored one
in the heavens and on earth.
天上界 [テンジョウカイ]@heavenly realm.
天中天 [テンチュウテン]@celestial among celestials.
天主 [テンシュ]@a transcription of ■akra Dev■n■m-indra.
天乘 [テンジョウ]@vehicle of the celestials.
天人 [テンニン]@celestials and humans.
天人五衰 [テンニンゴスイ]@five signs of decay in celestials and humans.
天人五衰 [テンニンノゴスイ]@five signs of decay in celestials and humans.
天人師 [テンニンシ]@teacher of gods and men.
天人道師 [テンニンドウシ]@teacher of the celestials.
天仙 [テンセン]@heavenly sages.
天使 [テンシ]@heavenly messengers.
天供 [テンク]@celestials serving Indra.
天光 [テンコウ]@heavenly illumination--the sun.
天冠 [テンカン]@celestial crown.
天力士 [テンリキシ]@heavenly warrior.
天口 [テンク]@celestial mouth.
天台三教 [テンダイノサンギョウ]@three kinds of teaching according to Tiantai.
天台九神 [テンタイクジン]@nine patriarchs of Tiantai.
天台八教 [テンダイハッキョウ]@eight divisions of the teaching according to Tiantai.
天台八教大意 [テンダイハッキョウダイイ]@(title) Tiantai bajiao dayi.
天台四教 [テンダイシキョウ]@four divisions of the teaching according to Tiantai.
天台四教義 [テンダイシキョウギ]@(title) Tiantai sijiao yi.
天台大師 [テンダイダイシ]@Great Master Tiantai.
天台宗 [テンダイシュウ]@(school) Tiantai zong.
天台山 [テンダイザン]@Mt. Tiantai.
天台山 [テンダイサン]@Mt. Tiantai.
天台律 [テンダイリツ]@Tiantai precepts.
天台菩薩戒明曠疏 [テンタイボサツカイミョウコウショ]@Mingkuang's
Commentary to the Tiantai Bodhisattva Precepts.
天台菩薩戒疏 [テンタイボサツカイショ]@Supplement to the Tiantai Commentary
on the Bodhisattva Precepts.
天台韶國師 [テンタイショウコクシ]@Tiantai Shao guoshi.
天后 [テンゴウ]@queen of heaven.
天因 [テンイン]@(person) Ch'■nin.
天地鏡 [テンチキョウ]@mirror of heaven and earth.
天堂 [テンドウ]@celestial palace.
天堂地獄 [テンドウチゴク]@heavens and hells.
天女 [テンニョ]@goddess.
天子 [テンシ]@lowest level of gods.
天宮寳藏 [テングウホウゾウ]@treasury of the sutras.
天寂 [テンジャク]@Devak■ema.
天帝 [テンテイ]@Indra.
天帝 [テンタイ]@Indra.
天帝 [テンタイ]@Indra.
天帝弓 [テンタイキュウ]@celestial bow.
天帝釋 [テンタイシャク]@■akra Dev■n■m-indra.
天帝釋城 [テンタイシャクジョウ]@City of ■akra.
天弓 [テンキュウ]@celestial bow.
天■■ [テントクビョウ]@celestial vase.
天意樹 [テンイジュ]@celestial wish tree.
天愛 [テンアイ]@beloved of the gods.
天愛 [テンナイ]@beloved of the gods.
天授 [テンジュ]@Devadatta.
天有 [テンウ]@heavenly existence.
天枩 [テンショウ]@(person) Ch'■nsong.
天根 [テンコン]@heavenly organ.
天梯山 [テンダイサン]@Heavenly Ladder Mountain.
天樂 [テンガク]@celestial music.
天樹王 [テンジュオウ]@p■rij■ta tree.
天機 [テンキ]@natural abilities.
天潼山 [テンドウザン]@Mountain of the Children of the Gods.
天熱 [テンネツ]@Devadatta.
天物 [テンモツ]@all the living things in the world.
天狗 [テング]@meteor.
天獄 [テンゴク]@heavens and hells.
天王 [テンノウ]@king of heaven.
天王如來 [テンノウニョライ]@Devar■ja-tath■gata.
天王寺祕決 [テンノウジヒケツ]@(title) Secrets of Tenn■ji.
天王殿 [テンノウデン]@hall of the guardian kings.
天界 [テンカイ]@heavenly realm.
天界 [テンガイ]@heavenly realm.
天界力士 [テンカイリキシ]@warrior of the heavenly realm.
天畫 [テンガ]@celestial drawings.
天皇 [テンコウ]@(person) Tianhuang.
天皇 [テンノウ]@(person) Tianhuang.
天眞 [テンシン]@as it originally is.
天眞佛 [テンシンブツ]@the original buddha.
天眞獨朗 [テンシンドクロウ]@original Buddhahood is the only illumination.
天眼 [テンゲン]@(term) divine vision.
天眼力 [テンゲンリキ]@power of the divine eye.
天眼明 [テンゲンミョウ]@clarity of the divine eye.
天眼智 [テンゲンチ]@wisdom of the divine eye.
天眼智證通 [テンゲンチショウツウ]@knowledge of the divine eye.
天眼智通 [テンゲンチツウ]@knowledge of the divine eye.
天眼智通願 [テンゲンチツウガン]@vow for the attainment of the wisdom of the
divine eye.
天眼第一 [テンゲンダイイチ]@most eminent in terms of possession of the divine eye.
天眼通 [テンゲンツウ]@(term) divine vision.
天督 [テントク]@India.
天瞽 [テンコ]@heavenly darkness.
天神 [テンジン]@celestials.
天神 [インドテンジン]@celestials.
天神地祇 [テンジンジギ]@celestials and earthbound spirits.
天童 [テンドウ]@children of the gods.
天童山 [テンドウザン]@Mountain of the Children of the Gods.
天竺 [テンジク]@(term) India.
天竺三時 [テンジクサンジ]@three seasons of the Indian year.
天竺三際 [テンジクサンサイ]@three seasons of the Indian year.
天竺九儀 [テンジクノクギ]@nine ways of showing respect in India.
天竺五山 [テンジクノゴザン]@five mountains of India.
天竺國 [テンジクコク]@India.
天竺寺 [テンチクジ]@India Temple.
天羅國 [テンラコク]@Kingdom of Devala.
天耳 [テンジ]@divine ear.
天耳 [テンニ]@divine ear.
天耳 [テンニ]@divine ear.
天耳智 [テンニチ]@wisdom of divine hearing.
天耳智證通 [テンニチショウツウ]@knowledge of the divine ear.
天耳智通 [テンニチツウ]@wisdom of divine hearing.
天耳智通願 [テンニチツウガン]@vow not to become a buddha until all sentient
beings attain the divine ear.
天耳通 [テンニツウ]@supernatural power of divine hearing.
天耳通 [テンジツウ]@supernatural power of divine hearing.
天耳通 [テンジツウ]@supernatural power of divine hearing.
天臂城 [テンヒジョウ]@City of Divine Indication.
天花 [テンゲ]@heavenly flowers.
天英 [テンエイ]@(person) Ch'■ny■ng.
天華 [テンゲ]@divine flower.
天華 [テンカ]@divine flower.
天蓋 [テンガイ]@heavenly canopy.
天■ [テンコ]@great void.
天衆 [テンシュ]@the group of heavenly beings; celestial beings.
天衆五相 [テンシュノゴソウ]@five marks of demise.
天行 [テンギョウ]@heavenly behavior.
天衣 [テンエ]@celestial garments.
天衣 [テンネ]@celestial garments.
天衣拂千■ [テンエブセンサイ]@swept by a celestial garment once every thousand
天親 [テンジン]@(person) Vasubandhu.
天語 [テンゴ]@Sanskrit.
天請問經 [テンショウモンキョウ]@(title) Questioning Devas Sutra.
天識 [テンシキ]@original consciousness.
天趣 [テンシュ]@heavenly destiny.
天道 [テンドウ]@path of the gods.
天部善神 [テンブゼンジン]@the good among the celestials.
天須菩提 [テンシュボダイ]@Deva Subh■ti.
天食 [テンジキ]@divine nourishment.
天香 [テンコウ]@divine incense.
天鬼 [テンキ]@celestials and demons.
天魔 [テンマ]@(foreign) the demon deva-m■ra.
天魔外道 [テンマゲドウ]@demons and non-Buddhists.
天鼓 [テンコ]@heavenly drum.
天鼓雷音佛 [テンクライオンブツ]@(name) Divyadundubhimeganirgho■a.
天鼓音 [テンコオン]@Dundubhisvara-r■ja.
天龍 [テンリュウ]@celestials and snake spirits.
天龍八部 [テンリュウハチブ]@eight groups of transmundane beings.
天龍夜叉 [テンリュウヤサ]@three of the eight groups of beings.
太 [ハナハダ]@great.
太 [タイ]@great.
太古 [タイコ]@(person) Taego.
太子 [タイシ]@crown prince.
太子傳古今目■抄 [タイシデンコキンモクロクショウ]@(title) Catalogue of
Ancient and Modern Prince Sh■toku Biographies.
太子傳補缺記 [タイシデンホケツキ]@(title) A Supplemental Record to the
Biography of Prince (Sh■toku).
太子和休經 [タイシワクキョウ]@Sutra of the Relaxation of the Crown Prince.
太昏 [タイコン]@(person) T'aehon.
太祖 [タイソ]@great ancestor.
太能 [タイノウ]@(person) T'aen■ng.
太■空 [タイコクウ]@space.
太賢 [タイゲン]@(person) T'aehy■n.
太■生 [タイソセイ]@ruffian.
夫 [フ]@man.
夫人 [ブニン]@(term) wife.
夫人經 [フニンキョウ]@(title) ■r■m■l■-s■tra.
央 [オウ]@middle, center.
央仇魔羅 [オウクマラ]@A■guli-m■lya.
央倶捨 [オウグシャ]@(name) Amogh■■ku■a.
央掘 [オウクツ]@A■guli-m■lya.
央掘摩羅 [オウクツマラ]@A■guli-m■lya.
失 [シツ]@to be lost, to disappear.
失 [トガ]@to be lost, to disappear.
失守摩羅 [シツシュマラ]@child-killer.
失心 [シツシン]@cattered mind.
失念 [シツネン]@(term) forgetting.
失戒 [シツカイ]@lose sight of the precepts; transgress [a] precept[s].
失收摩羅 [シツシュウマラ]@child-killer.
夾山 [キョウサン]@(person) Jiashan.
奇 [キ]@extraordinary.
奇哉 [キナルカナ]@amazing!.
奇哉 [キサイ]@amazing!.
奇特 [キトク]@rare; amazing.
奇特 [キドク]@rare; amazing.
奇特法 [キドクホウ]@never before experienced.
奇異 [キイ]@extremely rare.
奈落 [ナラク]@hell.
奉 [ブ]@receive with both hands.
奉事 [ブジ]@to serve (one's superiors).
奉事 [ホウジ]@to serve (one's superiors).
奉持 [ブジ]@put into practice.
奉教 [ブキョウ]@to do real practice according to the teachings.
奉玩 [ブガン]@(person) Pongwan.
奉■ [ブキ]@(person) Ponggi.
奉聞 [ブモン]@(person) Pongmun.
奉行 [ブギョウ]@to practice with sincerity and reverence for the Buddha, for the
teachings, etc..
奉請法身方便 [ブジョウホウシンホウベン]@praying for the Buddha-nature in self
and others for entry in the Pure Land.
契 [カイ]@agree, meet, tally.
契 [ケイ]@agree, meet, tally.
契印 [ゲイイン]@sign.
契此 [カイシ]@(person) Qici.
契經 [カイキョウ]@scripture.
契線 [カイセン]@the scriptures.
奔■跋多國 [ホンタバタコク]@(place) Pu■yavardhana.
奔茶 [ホンチャ]@great white lotus.
奔荼 [ホンダ]@white lotus.
奔荼利迦 [ホンダリカ]@white lotus flower.
奢摩他 [シャマタ]@(term) calm abiding.
奢摩他力 [シャマタリキ]@power of ■amatha.
奢摩他■婆舍那 [シャマタビバシャナ]@calm and insight.
奢摩他■鉢舍那 [シャマタビパシャナ]@calm and insight.
奢舍磨奢 [シャシャマシャ]@cemetery.
奥 [オウ]@hidden.
奥疏 [オウショ]@esoteric commentary.
奪 [ダツ]@to snatch, to grasp, to take away.
奪一切衆生精氣 [ダツイッサイシュウジョウショウキ]@(name) Sarvasattvojah■r■.
女 [ニョ]@woman, female.
女人 [ニョニン]@woman.
女人六欲 [ニョニンロクヨク]@six feminine attractions.
女人往生願 [ニョニンオウジョウノガン]@vow regarding women's rebirth.
女人拜 [ニョニンハイ]@woman's salutation.
女人眷屬論師 [ニョニンケンゾクロンジ]@sect that believes that Mahe■vara created
the first woman.
女人禁制 [ニョニンキンセイ]@forbidden to women.
女人禁制 [ニョニンキンゼイ]@forbidden to women.
女僧 [ニョソウ]@nun.
女國 [ニョコク]@women-state.
女天 [ニョテン]@female celestials.
女子出定 [ジョシシュツジョウ]@the girl to be aroused from absorption.
女子出定 [ニョシシュツジョウ]@the girl to be aroused from absorption.
女子出定 [ニョシジョウヲイズ]@the girl to be aroused from absorption.
女宿 [ニョシュク]@(term) Abhijit.
女居士 [ニョコジ]@female lay follower.
女■ [ニョトク]@nun.
女情 [ニョジョウ]@sexual desire.
女根 [ニョコン]@female organ, faculty of the feminine.
女母 [ニョモ]@mother.
女犯 [ニョボン]@offences of the precepts related to sexual contact with women.
女病 [ニョビョウ]@woman sickness.
女色 [ジョショク]@female beauty.
女色 [ニョシキ]@female beauty.
女賊 [ニョゾク]@woman as thief.
女■ [ニョサ]@woman as chain.
奴 [ヌ]@slave.
奴僕 [ヌボク]@slave.
奴婢 [ヌヒ]@male and female slave.
奴隸 [ヌレイ]@slave.
奴隸 [ドレイ]@slave.
好 [コウ]@good, fine, desirable.
好惡 [コウアク]@good things and bad things.
好樂 [コウギョウ]@delight in.
好照 [コウショウ]@mirror.
好相 [コウソウ]@auspicious mark.
好聲鳥 [コウショウチョウ]@nice sounding bird.
好色 [コウジキ]@a good appearance; an attractive form or shape.
如 [ニョ]@like, such as, as if.
如似 [ニョジ]@to appear; to seem.
如來 [ニョライ]@(term) tath■gata.
如來乘 [ニョライジョウ]@tath■gata vehicle.
如來住 [ジョライジュウ]@stage of tathagatahood.
如來使 [ニョライシ]@tath■gata messenger.
如來善巧呪經 [ニョライゼンコウジュキョウ]@(title) Rulai shanqiaozhou jing.
如來地 [ニョライチ]@stage of tath■gatatath■gata stage.
如來地 [ニョライジ]@stage of tath■gatatath■gata stage.
如來學問念處 [ニョライガクモンネンショ]@(term) mindfulness of Buddhist studies.
如來室 [ニョライ]@abode of the tath■gata.
如來室 [ノ]@abode of the tath■gata.
如來室 [シツ]@abode of the tath■gata.
如來常住 [ニョライジョウジュウ]@the eternality of the tath■gata.
如來應供正遍知 [ニョライオウクショウヘンチ]@thus-come, worthy of offerings,
perfectly enlightened.
如來應供等正覺 [ニョライオウグトウショウガク]@the tath■gata who deserves
offerings and possesses perfect enlightenment.
如來應正遍智 [ニョライオウショウヘンチ]@the tath■gata who has omniscience and
is worthy of offerings.
如來本起 [ニョライホンキ]@tath■gata as originally arisen.
如來示教勝軍王經 [ニョライジキョウショウグンオウキョウ]@(title) Sutra where
Tath■gata Reveals Teachings to King Prasenajit.
如來藏 [ニョライゾウ]@(term) womb of the tath■gata.(term) matrix of the thus come
如來藏佛 [ニョライゾウブツ]@teaching of the "universal Buddha".
如來藏性起 [ニョライゾウショウキ]@(foreign) The arising of all phenomena
dependent upon or due to tath■gatagarbha.
如來身 [ニョライシン]@tath■gata body.
如去 [ニョコ]@one who has gone to thusness, thus-gone (one).
如夢 [ニョム]@like a dream.
如如 [ニョニョ]@thusness, suchness.
如如智 [ニョニョチ]@wisdom of suchness.
如實 [ニョジツ]@true, real.
如實了知 [ニョジツリョウチ]@true realization.
如實智 [ニョジツチ]@wisdom apprehending the real.
如實相 [ニョジッソウ]@Phenomena in their true aspect.
如實知 [ニョジツチ]@to really comprehend.
如實知者 [ニョジツチシャ]@knower of reality.
如實知見 [ニョジツチケン]@insight accordant with reality.
如實解 [ニョジツゲ]@correct understanding.
如幻 [ニョゲン]@like an illusion.
如影 [ニョヨウ]@like a shadow.
如意 [ニョイ]@as one wishes.
如意佛 [ニョブツ]@the 'as he intends' Buddha.
如意寶珠 [ニョイホウジュ]@ma■i-jewel.
如意寶總持王經 [ニョイホウソウジオウキョウ]@(title) Ruyibao zongchi wang jing.
如意摩尼陀羅尼經 [ニョイマニダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■i of the Wish-fulfilling
如意珠 [ニョシュ]@a gem that appears as any rare jewel that one thinks of.
如意足 [ニョイソク]@power of ubiquity.
如意輪 [ニョイリン]@talismanic wheel.
如意輪陀羅尼經 [ニョイリンダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the Wish-Fulfilling
如意金剛 [ニョイコンゴウ]@(name) ■ry■mogha-p■r■ama■i.
如所有性 [ニョショウショウ]@the thusness of the nature of things.
如是 [ニョゼ]@(term) like this, such, in this way (evam).
如是作 [ニョゼサ]@such-like activity of phenomena.
如是力 [ニョゼリキ]@such-like of the power of phenomena.
如是因 [ニョゼイン]@the such-like primary causes of phenomena.
如是報 [ニョゼホウ]@the such-like rewards and retributions of phenomena.
如是如是 [ニョゼニョゼ]@just as it is.
如是性 [ニョゼショウ]@the such-like nature of phenomena.
如是我聞 [ニョゼガモン]@thus have I heard.
如是果 [ニョゼカ]@the such-like effects of phenomena.
如是相 [ニョゼソウ]@the such-like marks of phenomena.
如是■ [ニョゼエン]@the such-like conditions of phenomena.
如是體 [ニョゼタイ]@the such-like substance of phenomena.
如智 [ニョチ]@wisdom of suchness.
如泡 [ニョホウ]@like a bubble.
如海 [ニョカイ]@like the ocean; ocean-like.
如■ [ニョエン]@like smoke.
如理 [ニョリ]@truth, reality; reality-principle.
如理師 [ニョリシ]@master of reality.
如理智 [ニョリチ]@non-discriminating, innate wisdom.
如眞 [ニョシン]@suchness, thusness, true reality.
如空 [ニョクウ]@space-like; like space.
如■空 [ニョコクウ]@space-like.
如語 [ニョゴ]@true teaching.
如■ [ニョセツ]@as was explained.
如量智 [ニョリョウチ]@experiential wisdom.
如雲 [ニョウン]@like a cloud.
如電 [ニョデン]@like lightning.
如響 [ニョキョウ]@like an echo.
妃 [ヒ]@(term) Queen or princess (r■jñ■).
妄 [モウ]@to lie.
妄取 [モウシュ]@clinging.
妄取境界 [モウシュキョウカイ]@to deludedly grasp to the objective realm.
妄執 [モウシュウ]@erroneous attachment.
妄執 [モウジュウ]@erroneous attachment.
妄塵 [モウジン]@false objects.
妄境界 [モウキョウカイ]@erroneously conceived external world, the unreal world.
妄境界 [モウキョウガイ]@erroneously conceived external world, the unreal world.
妄心 [モウジン]@deluded mind.
妄心 [モウシン]@deluded mind.
妄念 [モウネン]@deluded thought.
妄情 [モウジョウ]@false discriminations; delusions.
妄想 [モウソウ]@mistaken thought or conceptualization.
妄想 [モウゾウ]@mistaken thought or conceptualization.
妄想分別 [モウゾウフンベツ]@deluded conceptualization.
妄想心 [モウゾウシン]@deluded conceptualization.
妄染 [モウゼン]@delusion and defilement.
妄法 [モウボウ]@delusive concept.
妄現 [モウゲン]@erroneous appearance.
妄知 [モウチ]@deluded knowledge.
妄■ [モウエン]@false objects, deluded conditioning.
妄舌 [モウゼツ]@false speech.
妄見 [モウケン]@false views.
妄言 [モウゲン]@lie.
妄言 [モウゴン]@lie.
妄計 [モウケイ]@mistaken discrimination.
妄語 [モウゴ]@(term) false speech.
妄語戒 [モウゴカイ]@precept forbidding false speech.
妄雲 [モウウン]@clouds of delusion.
妄風 [モウフウ]@winds of ignorance.
■ [ト]@envy.
■■門 [トコウモン]@man impotent due to lack of control of emissions.
妓 [キ]@courtesan.
妓樂 [ギガク]@music.
妖 [ヨウ]@charming.
妖通 [ヨウツウ]@demonic powers.
妙 [ミョウ]@marvelous, wonderful.
妙中 [ミョウチュウ]@sublime middle.
妙乘 [ミョウジョウ]@(term) marvelous vehicle.
妙吉祥大教經 [ミョウキツショウダイキョウキョウ]@(title) Miaojixiang dajiao ing.
妙吉祥最勝根本大教經 [ミョウキツショウサイショウコンホンダイキョウキョウ]
@(title) Secret Tantra of the Auspicious Triumph [of Rage].
妙喜 [ミョウキ]@Joyful.
妙喜世界 [ミョウキセカイ]@the world of the abhirati.
妙因 [ミョウイン]@marvelous cause.
妙土 [ミョウド]@marvelous land.
妙好 [ミョウコウ]@exquisite, excellent.
妙好人 [ミョウコウニン]@excellent person.
妙安寺 [ミョウアンジ]@My■an Temple.
妙■ [ミョウトク]@marvelous virtue(s); sublime virtue(s); excellent virtue(s).
妙心 [ミョウシン]@marvelous mind.
妙心寺 [ミョウシンジ]@(temple) My■shinji.
妙意菩薩 [ミョウイボサツ]@(name) M■navaka.
妙應 [ミョウオウ]@marvelous response.
妙教 [ミョウキョウ]@profound teaching.
妙旨 [ミョウシ]@excellent teaching.
妙明 [ミョウミョウ]@excellent wisdom.
妙智 [ミョウチ]@excellent wisdom.
妙有 [ミョウウ]@marvelous existence.
妙果 [ミョウカ]@the marvelous fruits of practice.
妙樂 [ミョウガク]@sublime bliss.
妙法 [ミョウホウ]@wonderful law.
妙法一乘 [ミョウホウイチジョウ]@single vehicle of the fine dharma.
妙法堂 [ミョウホウドウ]@hall of the fine dharma.
妙法船 [ミョウホウセン]@ship of the fine dharma.
妙法華 [ミョウホッケ]@flower of the fine dharma.
妙法蓮華經 [ミョウホウレンゲキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Lotus of the Wonderful
妙法蓮華經憂波提舍 [ミョウホウレンゲキョウウバダイシャ]@(title)
妙法蓮華經玄義 [ミョウホウレンゲキョウゲンギ]@Profound Meaning of the Sutra
on the Lotus of the Marvelous Dharma.
妙法藏 [ミョウホウゾウ]@treasury of the fine dharma.
妙法輪 [ミョウホウリン]@wheel of the fine dharma.
妙■ [ミョウショウ]@(person) Myoch'■ng.
妙無 [ミョウム]@profound non-existence.
妙理 [ミョウリ]@wondrous principle.
妙相 [ミョウソウ]@marvelous attributes.
妙翅鳥 [ミョウジチョウ]@(foreign) garu■a.
妙色 [ミョウシキ]@subtle form.
妙色陀羅尼經 [ミョウシキダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the Well-Formed One.
妙莊嚴王 [ミョウショウゴンオウ]@(name) The king Marvelous Adornment (■ubha-
妙蓮華 [ミョウレンゲ]@wonderful lotus.
妙行 [ミョウギョウ]@marvelous activity.
妙見 [ミョウケン]@wondrous vision.
妙覺 [ミョウカク]@the stage of wondrous enlightenment.
妙覺 [ミョウガク]@the stage of wondrous enlightenment.
妙覺地 [ミョウカクチ]@stage of marvelous enlightenment.
妙覺地 [ミョウガクチ]@stage of marvelous enlightenment.
妙覺地 [ミョウカクジ]@stage of marvelous enlightenment.
妙覺性 [ミョウカクショウ]@marvelously enlightened nature.
妙覺性 [ミョウガクショウ]@marvelously enlightened nature.
妙觀 [ミョウカン]@subtle contemplation.
妙觀察智 [ミョウカンザッチ]@(term) wondrous observing wisdom.wisdom of
unerring cognition.
妙輪上樂王祕密不思議大教王經 [ミョウリンジョウガクオウヒミツフシギダイキ
ョウオウキョウ]@(title) Inconceivable Secret of the Wheel of Ecstasy: Great King of
妙門 [ミョウモン]@marvelous teaching.
妙音 [ミョウオン]@wonderful Voice.
妙音天 [ミョウオンテン]@Sarasvat■.
妙音樂天 [ミョウオンガクテン]@Sarasvat■.
妨 [ホウ]@To hinder, to oppose.
妬 [ト]@jealous, envious.
妻子 [サイシ]@wife and children.
始 [シ]@beginning.
始生 [シショウ]@initial production.
始終 [シジュウ]@beginning and end.
始興宗 [シコウシュウ]@(school) Sih■ng chong.
始覺 [シガク]@(term) initial enlightenment.
姑 [コ]@aunt.
姑尸草 [コシソウ]@fortuitous grass.
姑臧 [コソウ]@(place) Guzang.
姓 [ショウ]@family.(term) gotra.
委悉 [イシツ]@in great detail.
■栗陀 [キリダ]@(place) G■dhrak■■a.
■栗陀羅矩■ [キリダラクタ]@(place) G■dhrak■■a.
■ [ガイ]@ten million; one hundred million.
威 [イ]@power, authority, influence.
威儀 [イギ]@deportment; conduct; etiquette.
威儀師 [イギシ]@ceremony master.
威儀欲 [イギヨク]@sexual attraction to carriage, or deportment.
威儀法師 [イギホッシ]@ceremony master.
威儀無記 [イギムキ]@the morally neutrality and non-impedimentary character of the
four modes of deportment.
威儀路 [イギロ]@(xref) that which is related to the deportments 威儀.
威儀路無記 [イギロムキ]@moral indeterminacy of deportments.
威力 [イリキ]@supernatural powers.
威■ [イトク]@power (in the sense of the authority held by a ruler) and virtue.
威■自在 [イトクジザイ]@'Superb Power,' 'Superb Influence'.
威神力 [イジンリキ]@majestic power.
威音王佛 [イオンオウブツ]@(name) Bh■■ma-garjita-svara-r■ja.
娑 [シャ]@to dance, lounge around, saunter, walk around.
娑伽羅 [サガラ]@(name) Sagara.
娑婆 [シャバ]@the secular world.
娑婆世界 [シャバセカイ]@(term) the sah■ world (sah■-loka-dh■tu).
娑婆婆 [サババ]@(name) Sahass■kkha.
娑■圖 [サケント]@(foreign) A transcription of the Sanskrit skandha.
娑■圖 [サコンド]@collections of rules.
娑羅樹林 [シャラジュリン]@(place) ■■la Forest.
娑羅雙樹林 [サラソウジュリン*]@■■la Forest; Crane Forest.
娜拏 [ダナ]@(foreign) Transcription of the Sanskrit.Pali da■■a.
娜■ [ダマ]@name; noun.
娯樂 [ゴラク]@playthings; toys.
婆 [バ]@(transcription) transliteration for Sanskrit ba and bha sounds.
婆伽婆 [バガバ]@(term) bhagavat.
婆修槃豆 [バシュバンンズ]@Vasubandhu.
婆修槃陀 [バシュバンダ]@Vasubandhu.
婆修盤頭 [バシュバンズ]@Vasubandhu.
婆南 [バナン]@obeisance.
婆■賀磨拏 [バラガマナ]@Br■hman.
婆娑妥 [バサダ]@Sahass■kkha.
婆娑婆 [バサバ]@Sahass■kkha.
婆婆 [ババ]@Sahass■kkha.
婆拘羅 [バクラ]@Bakkula.
婆槃豆 [バハンズ]@A Chinese transliteration of the name of Vasubandhu.
婆樓那 [バロウナ]@Varu■a.
婆檀陀 [バダンダ]@great virtue.
婆私瑟侘 [バシシチタ]@Vasi■■ha.
婆稚 [バチ]@Balin.
婆羅必利他伽闍那 [バラヒリタカジャナ]@(term) worldling.
婆羅必栗託■那 [バラヒリタキナ]@(term) worldling.
婆羅提木叉 [ハラダイモクシャ]@(term) pr■timok■a.
婆羅■末拏 [バラコウマナ]@br■hman.
婆羅蜜 [バラミツ]@(foreign) A transcription of the Sanskrit p■ramit■.
婆羅門 [バラモン]@Br■hman.
婆羅阿迭多 [バラアイッタ]@(person) B■l■ditya.
婆耆子 [バギシ]@Vajjiputta.
婆致迦 [バチカ]@water crystal.
婆舍新多 [バシャシンタ]@(person) Basiasita.
婆藪槃豆 [バスバンズ]@Vasubandhu.
婆蹉婆 [バサバ]@Sahass■kkha.
婆須蜜 [バシュミツ]@(person) Vasumitra.
婆須蜜多 [バシュミッタ]@(xref) Transcription of the name of Vasumitra, which is
translated into Chinese as 世友.
婬 [イン]@desire, especially sexual desire.
婬戒 [インカイ]@precept regarding sexual misconduct.
婬欲 [インヨク]@(term) sexual desire.
媒人 [バイニン]@match-making.
媒介 [バイカイ]@Intermediary, agency, medium.
媒嫁 [バイカ]@matchmaking, (pandering?).
嫉 [シツ]@(term) Jealousy, envy.
嫉■ [シット]@Envy.
嫉妬 [ジット]@jealousy.
嫌 [ケン]@dislike, hate, detest.
嫡子 [テキシ]@a rightful heir.
嫡子 [チャクシ]@a rightful heir.
嬌吠哩 [キョウハイリ]@(name) Gaur■.
嬌■哩 [キョウマリ]@(name) Kaum■r■.
子 [シ]@child.
子 [ナンジ]@child.
子 [コ]@child.
子 [ス]@child.
子 [ドモノタメ]@child.
子合國 [シゴウコク]@Kukyar.
子斷 [シダン]@elimination of seeds.
子果 [シカ]@seed and fruit.
子滿果 [シマンカ]@(term) pomegranate.
子■ [シセン]@(person) Zixuan.
子縛 [シバク]@seed bond.
子院 [シイン]@small courts and buildings.
孔 [ク]@hole.
孔目章 [コウモクショウ]@(title) Kongmu zhang.
孔雀 [クジャク]@the peacock.
孔雀城 [クシャクジョウ]@(place) Madhur■.
孔雀明王經 [クシャクミョウオウキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Great Peahen, Queen
of Mantras.
字 [ジ]@word.
字母 [ジモ]@Sanskrit alphabet.
字■ [ジエン]@Sanskrit vowels.
字輪 [ジリン]@wheel of words.
存 [ソン]@exist; remain.
存生 [ゾンショウ]@preserve life.
存見 [ゾンケン]@keep views in mind.
孝 [コウ]@filial piety.
孝子 [キョウシ]@filial son.
孝宗 [コウソウ]@(person) Xiaozong.
孤 [コ]@solitary.
孤園 [コオン]@(place) Jetavana An■thapi■■ada-■r■ma.
孤地獄 [コジゴク]@solitary hells.
孤山 [コザン]@(place) Gushan.
孤獨地獄 [コドクジゴク]@solitary hells.
孤起頌 [コキショウ]@(foreign) Chinese translation of the Sanskrit g■th■, usually
transcribed as 伽陀.
孤閑 [コゲン]@(person) Kohan.
學問 [ガクモン]@(person) Gakumon.
孫陀羅難陀 [ソンタラナンタ]@(person) Sundarananda.
學 [ガク]@study, to learn.
學人 [ガクニン]@a student [of the way].
學人田 [ガクニンデン]@field of merit of those still engages in practice.
學斷 [ガクダン]@eliminate afflictions through study of the Buddhist doctrine.
學道 [ガクドウ]@to study the way.
宅 [タク]@abode.
宅識 [タクシキ]@store consciousness; home consciousness.
宇宙 [ウチュウ]@universe.
守 [シュ]@keep, preserve, maintain.
守一 [シュイツ]@guard the one.
守其 [シュキ]@(person) Sugi.
守初 [シュショ]@(person) Such'o.
守寺 [シュジ]@caretaker.
守常 [シュジョウ]@to maintain eternal principles.
守心 [シュシン]@guard the mind.
守法 [シュホウ]@observe the law.
守訥 [シュトツ]@(person) Sunul.
守護 [シュゴ]@(term) protect.
守護主 [シュゴシュ]@guard on duty.
守護國界主陀羅尼經 [シュゴコクカイスダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■s for
Safeguarding the Nation, the Realm and the Chief of State.
守護大千國土經 [シュゴダイセンコクトキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Great Thousand
[Destructions, Defender of the Land].
守護根門 [シュゴ]@guarding the gates of the senses.
守護根門 [コンモン]@guarding the gates of the senses.
守護相 [シュゴソウ]@maintainer of one's realization.
守護經 [シュゴキョウ]@(title) shouhujing.
守門天 [シュモンテン]@gate guardian god.
守門尊 [シュモンソン]@gate guardian god.
安 [アン]@quiet, still.
安下 [アンゲ]@put down.
安下處 [アンゲショ]@rest-house.
安世高 [アンセイコウ]@(person) An shigao.
安住 [アンジュウ]@(term) existence, subsistence (sthiti).
安凜 [アンリン]@(person) Anlin.
安受苦忍 [アンジュクニン]@patience under suffering.
安名 [アンミョウ]@assign a dharma-name.
安含 [アンゴン]@(person) Anham.
安■羅縛 [アンタラバク]@(place) Andarab.
安土 [アンド]@dwell contentedly on one's own native soil.
安土地 [アントチ]@pacify the land.
安多婆沙 [アンタバシャ]@waistcoat.
安宅陀羅尼呪經 [アンタクダラニジュキョウ]@(title) Anzhai tuoluonizhou jing.
安居 [アンゴ]@(term) peaceful dwelling.
安底羅 [アンテイラ]@(name) A■■■ra.
安廩 [アンリン]@(person) Anlin.
安心 [アンジン]@stable mind.
安忍 [アンニン]@bear adversity with calmness.
安忍子 [アンニンシ]@Yuanzhao.
安怛婆沙 [アンタンバシャ]@waistcoat.
安息 [アンソク]@Parthia.
安息國 [アンソクコク]@transliteration of the Persian Arsakes.
安息香 [アンソクコウ]@Persian incense.
安慧 [アンネ]@(person) Sthiramati.
安明山 [アンミョウセン]@Mt. Sumeru.
安明由山 [アンミョウユセン]@Mt. Sumeru.
安樂 [アンラク]@(term) peace of mind (sukha).
安樂國 [アンラクコク]@paradise.
安樂堂 [アンラクドウ]@hall for disabled monks.
安泰 [アンタイ]@Peace, serenity.
安■ [アンショウ]@(person) Anqing.
安濕縛竭拏 [アンシバコンナ]@(place) A■vakar■a.
安祥寺 [アンショウジ]@(temple) Anj■ji.
安祥寺 [アンジョウジ]@(temple) Anj■ji.
安禪 [アンゼン]@sitting meditation.
安禪那 [アンゼンナ]@eye-medicine.
安穩 [アンノン]@peace and comfort.
安立 [アンリュウ]@set up, establish, provisionally establish.
安立眞如 [アンリュウシンニョ]@posited teaching of suchness.
安立眞實 [アンリュウシンジツ]@posited reality.
安立行 [アンリュウギョウ]@Stable Practice.
安立諦 [アンリュウタイ]@posited reality.
安立門 [アンリュウモン]@certain teaching that is posited.
安繕那 [アンゼンナ]@eye medicine.
安置 [アンチ]@leave (something) peacefully as it is.
安膳那 [アンゼンナ]@eye-medicine.
安處 [アンチョ]@stick to; cling to; abide in.
安遠 [アンエン]@An and Yuan.
安那般那 [アンナハンナ]@expiration and inspiration.
安■ [アンロク]@An's Catalogue (of Buddhist Texts).
安陀林 [アンダリン]@cemetery.
安■會 [アンダエ]@waistcoat.
安隱 [アンノン]@calm tranquility.
安養 [アンヨウ]@paradise.
安養世界 [アンヨウセカイ]@realm of paradise.
安養淨土 [アンヨウジョウド]@pure land of paradise.
安養淨土 [アンニョウジョウド]@pure land of paradise.
宋 [ソウ]@Song.
宋高僧傳 [ソウコウソウデン]@(title) Sung version of the Biographies of Eminent
完 [カン]@to perfect.
宏智 [ワンシ]@(person) Hongzhi.
■庵 [ミチアン]@(person) Ch'ungji.
宗 [シュウ]@ancestor, origin.
宗奉 [シュウブ]@to revere.
宗密 [シュウミツ]@(person) Zongmi.
宗師 [シュウシ]@an eminent monk who possesses learning and virtue, and serves as an
instructor and guide for a practitioner, especially in the Chan school.
宗憲 [シュウケン]@(person) Chongh■n.
宗旨 [シュウシ]@basic meaning, aim, motive or gist.
宗派 [シュウハ]@sects.
宗義 [シュウギ]@the doctrine of a particular school or sect.
宗致 [シュウチ]@main point; central teaching.
宗要 [シュウヨウ]@basic doctrine of a particular scripture.
宗鏡■ [スギョウロク]@(title) Record of the Mirror of Orthodoxy.
宗骨 [シュウコツ]@essential teachings of a school.
宗體 [シュウタイ]@essence of the teaching; essence of the doctrine.
宗體 [シュウテイ]@essence of the teaching; essence of the doctrine.
官 [カン]@An officer; a government clerk, official.
官長 [カンチョウ]@office head.
定 [ジョウ]@establish, decide, lay down, stipulate, determine, fix, settle, arrange;
definitely, certainly.
定位 [ジョウイ]@determined position.
定光佛 [ジョウコウブツ]@(name) D■pa■kara Buddha.
定力 [ジョウリキ]@power of meditation; power of concentration.
定命 [ジョウミョウ]@one's fate (karma) in this lifetime as determined by the effects of
the activities in previous lifetimes.
定品 [ジョウホン]@chapter on meditation.
定善 [ジョウゼン]@the good character that arises from meditation or contemplation.
定學 [ジョウガク]@learning through meditation.
定心 [ジョウシン]@(term) mind of meditative concentration (ak■ubhita-citta.
定忍 [ジョウニン]@forbearance of concentration.
定性 [ジョウショウ]@fixed nature.
定性聚 [ジョウショウシュ]@those who nature is determined for enlightenment.
定慧 [ジョウエ]@meditation and wisdom.
定慧社 [ジョウエシャ]@(term) " sam■dhi and prajñ■ society.
定散 [ジョウサン]@settled mind and distracted mind.
定根 [ジョウコン]@faculty of meditation, or trance.
定業 [ジョウゴウ]@particular forms of karma.
定業 [テイギョウ]@particular forms of karma.
定水 [ジョウスイ]@still waters.
定照 [ジョウショウ]@(person) J■sh■.
定生喜樂地 [ジョウショウキラクチ]@paradise of cessation of rebirth.
定異 [ジョウ]@distinction of good and evil (causes).
定眼 [ジョウゲン]@enter concentration.
定聚 [ジョウシュ]@the determined class of beings.
定覺支 [ジョウカクシ]@branch of enlightenment of meditation.
定起 [ジョウキ]@destined to arise; predilection to come into being.
宜 [ギ]@right.
實慧 [ジチエ]@(person) Jichie, Jitsue.
實慧 [ジツエ]@(person) Jichie, Jitsue.
實範 [ジッパン]@(person) Jippan.
客 [キャク]@guest.
客堂 [カクドウ]@guest department.
客塵 [カクジン]@accidental, fortuitous, by chance.
客塵煩惱 [カクジンボンノウ]@adventitious affllictions.
宣 [セン]@tell.
宣吐 [セント]@proclaim, extol, explain.
宣揚 [センヨウ]@enhance.
宣流 [センル]@proclaim widely.
宣■ [センゼツ]@explain or transmit the teachings.
室 [シツ]@abode.
室利 [シリ]@success, good fortune, virtuous.
室利差■羅 [シリシャタラ]@(place) ■r■k■etra.
室利提婆 [シリダイバ]@(person) ■r■deva.
室利■婆 [シリカバ]@(name) ■r■garbha.
室利■ [シリギク]@(person) ■r■gupta.
室利■多 [シリキクタ]@■r■gupta.
室利羅 [シリラ]@relics.
室利羅多 [シツリラタ]@(person) ■r■labdha.
室利訖栗多底 [シリキリタチ]@(place) ■r■kr■tati.
室利邏多 [シリラタ]@(person) ■r■labdha.
室哩 [シリ]@success, good fortune, virtuous.
室拏 [シツナ]@monk.
室灑 [シッシャ]@those who are taught.
室獸摩羅 [シッシュウマラ]@child-killer.
室生寺 [ムロウジ]@(temple) Mur■ji.
室的侍者 [シツ]@(term) abbatial acolyte.
室的侍者 [の]@(term) abbatial acolyte.
室的侍者 [シシャ]@(term) abbatial acolyte.
室羅伐 [シラバ]@(place) ■r■vast■.
室羅末尼羅 [シラマニラ]@novice monk.
室羅筏國 [シラバコク]@(place) ■r■vasti.
室羅筏悉底 [シツラバツシッチ]@(place) ■r■vast■.
室羅筏拏 [シラバナ]@July-August.
室羅縛拏 [シツラバナ]@July-August.
室離 [シリ]@success, good fortune, virtuous.
宮 [キュウ]@a palace.
宮毘羅 [キュウビラ]@(name) Kumbh■ra.
宮生 [キュウショウ]@palace-born.
宰 [サイ]@rule.
害 [ガイ]@to harm.
害心 [ガイシン]@harmful mental state.
害母 [ガイモ]@killing one's mother.
害父 [ガイフ]@killing one's father.
害阿羅漢 [ガイアラカン]@killing a saint.
宴 [エン]@rest, quiet, repose.
宴坐 [エンザ]@(foreign) sitting meditation (zazen).
宴寂 [エンジャク]@serene quiescence.
宴默 [エンモク]@(term) verbal silence.
家 [カ]@house.
家 [ケ]@house.
家擯謗違僧諫 [ケヒンホウイソウカン]@partiality to a particular person with the
hope of receiving a donation.
家風 [ケフ]@(term) family style.
容 [ヨウ]@put in; to put.
容受 [ヨウジュ]@to contain.
容易 [ヨウ]@easy.
宿 [シュク]@prior lifetimes and their karmic residue.
宿世 [シュクセ]@prior world.
宿住通 [シュクジュウツウ]@supernatural knowledge of the past lifetimes of oneself
and others.
宿命 [シュクミョウ]@prior world; one's previous life(s).
宿命智通 [シュクミョウチツウ]@supernatural power of knowing the past lifetimes of
oneself and others.
宿命通 [シュクミョウツウ]@supernatural power of knowing the past lifetimes of
oneself and others.
宿夜 [シュクヤ]@night before the funeral.
宿智 [シュクチ]@wisdom attained by the efficacy of one's religious practice in prior
宿植 [シュクショク]@to plant in a previous lifetime.
宿業 [シュクゴウ]@past karma.
宿王華菩薩 [シュクオウケボサツ]@Constellation Flower King.
宿種 [シュクシュ]@seeds of karma planted in prior lifetimes.
宿■ [シュクエン]@remaining karma.
宿願 [シュクガン]@long-term aim.
宿食 [シュクジキ]@a meal that lasts an entire evening.
寂 [ジャク]@become quiet.
寂定 [ジャクジョウ]@meditation.
寂念 [ジャクネン]@silenced thought.
寂淨 [ジャクジョウ]@quiet.
寂滅 [ジャクメツ]@become tranquil.
寂滅平等 [ジャクメツビョウドウ]@extinction of all differences in the equality of
寂然 [ジャクネン]@quiescent.
寂照 [ジャクショウ]@silent and luminous.
寂照神變三摩地經 [ジャクショウジンヘンサンマチキョウ]@(title) Sutra on the
Sam■dhi of Singularly Radiant Spiritual Alterations.
寂靜 [ジャクジョウ]@(term) stillness, quiescence, mental equipoise.(term) calm
寂默 [ジャクモク]@ascetic practice of dwelling in silence among the gravies.
寄 [キ]@basis, standpoint.
寄位 [キイ]@teach according to the level of the practice of the bodhisattva.
密修力士 [ミッシュリキシ]@bodhisattvas of the secret practices.
密印 [ミツイン]@(term) mudr■,.
密嚴國 [ミツゴンコク]@land of mystic glorification.
密宗 [ミツシュウ]@(school) Esoteric Buddhism.
密意 [ミッチ]@not clearly explained.
密授 [ミツジュ]@secret instruction.
密教 [ミツキョウ]@esoteric Buddhism.
密有 [ミツウ]@mysterious existence.
密林山 [ミツリンセン]@(school) Sa■■agarik■■.
密林山部 [ミツリンセンブ]@Hidden Forest Mountain School.
密號 [ミツゴウ]@(foreign) mantra or dh■ra■■.
密行第一 [ミツギョウダイイチ]@most eminent in terms of subtle observance of the
密言 [ミツゴン]@esoteric teachings.
密語 [ミツゴ]@esoteric instruction.
密跡力士大權神王經偈頌 [ミツシャクリキシダイゴンジンノウキョウゲジュ]
@(title) Stanzas on the Sutras of the Esoteric One's, Mighty Kings of Great Supernatural
密跡菩薩 [ミッシャクボサツ]@bodhisattvas with the hidden traces.
富伽羅 [フガラ]@personal identity.
富婁沙富羅 [プルシャプラ]@(place) Puru■apura.
富族 [フゾク]@wealthy family.
富樓那 [フルナ]@(person) Purna Maitr■yaniputra.
富留那 [フルナ]@(person) Sanskrit P■r■a, Pali Pu■■a.
富蘭迦葉 [フランカショウ]@(person) P■ra■a-k■■yapa.
富蘭那 [フランナ]@(person) P■ra■a-k■■yapa.
富蘭那迦葉 [フランナカショウ]@(person) P■ra■a-k■■yapa.
寒林 [カンリン]@cemetery.
寛助 [カンジョ]@(person) Kanjo.
寛照 [カンショウ]@(person) Kansh■.
寛空 [カングウ]@(person) Kang■.
寛遍 [カンペン]@(person) Kanpen.
察 [サツ]@examine; investigate.
寡淺比丘 [ケセンビク]@monks of little learning.
寢 [シン]@sleep.
實 [ジツ]@validity, in reality, certainly, in fact, actual.
實修 [ジツシュ]@true practice.
實叉難陀 [ジッシャナンダ]@(person) ■ik■■nanda.
實女 [ジツニョ]@real woman.
實實 [ジツジツ]@Param■rtha's translation of parinispanna.
實■ [ジットク]@real quality.
實我 [ジツガ]@real self; true self.
實智 [ジッチ]@(term) real wisdom.
實法 [ジッポウ]@(term) real dharmas; real factors; real phenomena.
實煩惱 [ジツボンノウ]@substantial afflictions.
實理 [ジツリ]@true principle; true reality.
實相 [ジッソウ]@true form of all things as they are.
實相印 [ジッソウイン]@seal of reality-marks.
實相山 [ジッソウザン]@School of the Marks of Reality.
實相義 [ジッソウギ]@truth of the reality of all things.
實相般若波羅蜜經 [ジッソウハンニャハラミツキョウ]@(title) Shixiang boruo
boluomi jing.
實義 [ジツギ]@true meaning.
實行 [ジツギョウ]@action that accords with reality.
實際 [ジッサイ]@thusness as the bounds of all reality.
寧 [ニョウ]@to stop, to stay.
寧 [ネイ]@to stop, to stay.
寧 [ナンゾ]@to stop, to stay.
寧 [ムシロ]@to stop, to stay.
審希 [シンキ]@(person) Simh■i.
寮房 [リョウボウ]@(term) monk's apartment.
寶 [ホウ]@(term) jewelratna).
寶光天子 [ホウコウテンシ]@(name) Ratnaprabha.
寶冠 [ホウカン]@bejewelled crown.
寶地 [ホウチ]@jeweled land.
寶塔 [ホウトウ]@(foreign) jeweled st■pa (ratna-naya-st■pa).
寶帶陀羅尼經 [ホウタイダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the Precious Belt.
寶幢 [ホウトウ]@temple banner.
寶幢如來 [ホウトウニョライ]@(name) Ratnaketu.
寶性 [ホウショウ]@precious nature.
寶性論 [ホウショウロン]@(title) Jewel-Nature Treatise.
寶悳藏經 [ホウトクゾウキョウ]@(title) Baodezang jing.
寶意 [ホウイ]@(xref) Ratnacitta 羅陀那質多.
寶慶記 [ホウキョウキ]@(title) H■ky■ki.
寶所 [ホウショ]@jewel land.
寶掌 [ホウショウ]@Jeweled Palm.
寶月 [ホウゲツ]@(name) Ratnacandra.
寶林寺 [ホウリンジ]@(temple) Porim-sa.
寶欄 [ホウラン]@jeweled railings.
寶生 [ホウショウ]@(term) place where jewels are produced (ratnak■ra).
寶相 [ホウソウ]@excellent marks of the Buddha.
寶積 [ホウシャク]@Accumulator of Jewels--the name of a bodhisattva.
寶積經 [ホウシャクキョウ]@(title) Baoji jing.
寶篋印陀羅尼經 [ホウキョウインダラニキョウ]@(title) Baoqieyin tuoluoni jing.
寶蓋 [ホウガイ]@(term) ceremonial canopy.jeweled canopy.
寶藏 [ホウゾウ]@repository for precious treasures.
寶藏神大明曼拏羅儀軌經 [ホウゾウシンダイミョウマンナラギキキョウ]@(title)
Ritual Procedure of the Great Illuminating Ma■■ala of the Wealth God.
寶藏論 [ホウゾウロン]@(title) Baozang lun.
寶賢陀羅尼經 [ホウケンダラニキョウ]@(title) Auspicious Gem Dh■ra■■.
寶鏡三昧 [ホウキョウザンマイ]@(title) Jewel-mirror Sam■dhi.
寶鏡三昧歌 [ホウキョウサンマイカ]@(title) Song of the Jewel Sam■dhi.
寶雲 [ホウウン]@(person) B■oyún.
寶雲經 [ホウウンキョウ]@(title) Jewel Cloud Scripture.
寶頂 [ホウチョウ]@(name) Ratna■ikhin.
寸 [スン]@inch.
寸絲不掛 [スンシフケ]@one does not hang things on an inch of thread.
寺 [ジ]@buddhist temple; monastery, nunnery.
寺僧 [ジソウ]@Monks and nuns of Buddhist temples..
寺務 [ジム]@temple administrator.
寺監 [ジケン]@(term) temple superintendent.
寺舍 [ジシャ]@temple halls; temple lodgings.
寺觀 [ジカン]@Buddhist temples and Daoist shrines.
寺院 [ジイン]@monasteries , temples.
將導 [ソウドウ]@to lead, guide.
將生 [ソウショウ]@(xref) sentient being in the intermediate state between death and
rebirth 中有, who is soon to be reborn into this world.
將發 [ソウホツ]@about to appear.
專修 [センジュ]@sole or singleminded practice.
專修 [センシュウ]@sole or singleminded practice.
專名 [センミョウ]@devotion to invocation.
專念 [センネン]@(term) single-minded meditation (sm■ti), meditate wholly,
concentration in the practice.
專禮 [センライ]@devotion to worship.
專精 [センショウ]@focus one's energies.
專觀 [センカン]@devotion to meditation.
專讀 [センドク]@devotion to reading.
專讚嘆 [センサンタン]@devotion to praise.
尊 [ソン]@(term) honorable, to honor, to venerate (p■jita).
尊勝寺 [ソンショウジ]@(temple) Sonsh■ji.
尊卑 [ソンヒ]@noble and base.
尊者 [ソンジャ]@worthy.
尊者衆賢 [ソンジャシュウケン]@Sa■ghabhadra.
尊重 [ソンジュウ]@revere, respect.
尋 [ジン]@(term) discursive thought.
尋伺 [ジンシ]@discursive thought and investigation.
尋名 [ジンミョウ]@inquire into [the meaning of] names.
尋思 [ジンシ]@discursive thought.
尋求 [ジング]@discursive thought.
尋求心 [ジングシン]@discursive thought.
尋言 [ジンゴン]@investigate the words (of the scriptures).
尋言相違 [ジンゴンソウイ]@contradictions that arise in the investigation of the texts.
尋道 [ジンドウ]@inquire into the Way.
尋香主 [ジンコウシュ]@'Perfume seeker.
尋香行 [ジンコウギョウ]@'perfume seeker.
對 [タイ]@reply, to respond, to answer.
對他■ [タイタセツ]@repenting crimes to others.
對反 [タイホン]@opposite.
對待 [タイタイ]@deal with.
對意 [タイイ]@mental object.
對根起行法 [タイコンキギョウホウ]@(term) teachings and practices that arise in
accordance with the capacity.
對治 [タイジ]@correct, to fix, to overcome.cure; purify.
對治正行 [タイジショウギョウ]@the correct practices that counteract afflictions.
對法 [タイホウ]@(term) abhidharma.
對法論 [タイホウロン]@(title) Mah■y■n■bhidharma-samuccaya-vy■khy■.
對辨 [タイベン]@contrastively compare.
導 [ドウ]@guide, lead, teach, instruct, serve as a master to.
導師 [ドウシ]@a (spiritual) guide.
導生 [ドウショウ]@to lead into life; to lead into rebirth.
導首 [ドウシュ]@guide, the leader--as wisdom is the guide for all practices.
小 [ショウ]@small.
小乘 [ショウジョウ]@(term) Small vehicle (h■nay■na).
小乘三印 [ショウジョウサンイン]@three seals of the lesser vehicle.
小乘九部 [ショウジョウクブ]@nine categories of lesser vehicle writings.
小乘二十部 [ショウジョウニジュウブ]@twenty schools of lesser vehicle Buddhism.
小乘二部 [ショウジョウニブ]@two divisions of the lesser vehicle.
小乘偏漸戒 [ショウジョウヘンゼンカイ]@gradual and partial observance of the
precepts in the lesser vehicle.
小乘十八部 [ショウジョウジュウハチブ]@eighteen lesser vehicle schools.
小乘四門 [ショウジョウシモン]@four divisions of lesser-vehicle teachings.
小乘外道 [ショウジョウゲドウ]@lesser vehicle and the non-Buddhists.
小乘戒 [ショウジョウカイ]@(term) lesser vehicle precepts.
小乘教 [ショウジョウキョウ]@(term) teaching of the lesser vehicle.
小乘經 [ショウジョウキョウ]@scriptures of the lesser vehicle, usually a reference to
the four ■gamas.
小乘論 [ショウジョウロン]@lesser vehicle treatises.
小乘阿■達磨 [ショウジョウアビダツマ]@lesser-vehicle abhidharma.
小五條 [コゴジョウ]@lesser five patches.
小使 [ショウシ]@urination.
小便 [ショウベン]@urination.
小劫 [ショウゴウ]@(foreign) minor kalpa.
小千 [ショウセン]@lesser chiliocosm.
小千世界 [ショウセンセカイ]@lesser chiliocosm.
小參 [ショウサン]@literally "small gathering.
小品 [ショウホン]@small division.
小品經 [ショウボンキョウ]@(title) shorter version of the Mah■-prajñ■-p■ramit■-
小品般若波羅蜜經 [ショウボンハンニャハラミツキョウ]@(title) shorter version of
the Mah■-prajñ■-p■ramit■-s■tra.
小妄 [ショウモウ]@minor falsehood.
小妄語 [ショウモウゴ]@minor lie; trivial lie.
小婢 [ショウヒ]@slave.
小宗 [ショウシュウ]@lesser teachings.
小師 [ショウシ]@junior monk.
小律儀 [ショウリツギ]@lesser vehicle ordinances.
小惑 [ショウワク]@(term) secondary afflictions.
小戒 [ショウカイ]@lesser precepts.
小本 [ショウホン]@short text.
小果 [ショウカ]@lesser fruits; lesser realization.
小根 [ショウコン]@lesser faculties.
小樹 [ショウジュ]@small trees.
小機 [ショウキ]@lesser faculties.
小段 [ショウダン]@minor classifications.
小水穿石 [ショウスイイシヲウガツ]@dripping water wears away stone.
小法 [ショウホウ]@"lesser dharma"--h■nay■na teachings.
小法師 [コボウシ]@junior teacher.
小無量壽經 [ショウムリョウジュキョウ]@(title) Xiao wuliangshou jing.
小煩惱地法 [ショウボンノウジホウ]@ten lesser afflictions.
小王 [ショウオウ]@small kings.
小界 [ショウカイ]@small assembly.
小白華 [ショウビャクゲ]@small white flower.
小目連 [ショウモクレン]@the Lesser Maudgaly■yana.
小祥忌 [ショウジョウキ]@lesser anniversary.
小空 [ショウクウ]@lesser teaching of emptiness.
小經 [ショウキョウ]@(title) Small Sutra.
小聖 [ショウショウ]@lesser-vehicle sage.
小草 [ショウソウ]@smaller herbs.
小菩薩 [ショウボサツ]@lesser bodhisattvas.
小行 [ショウギョウ]@lesser practices.
小解 [ショウカイ]@urination.
小赤華 [ショウシャッケ]@(term) Mañj■■aka.
小路 [ショウロ]@(person) C■■a-panthaka.
小過 [ショウカ]@(minor) misdeeds.
小道 [ショウドウ]@lesser path.
小遠 [ショウオン]@the Lesser Yuan.
小遺 [ショウイ]@urination.
小野流 [オノリュウ]@Ono School.
小長床 [ショウチョウショウ]@couch.
小阿師 [ショウアシ]@junior monk.
小院 [コイン]@junior teacher.
小院 [ショウイン]@junior teacher.
小食 [ショウジキ]@small meal.
小食 [コヅケ]@small meal.
小食 [コズケ]@small meal.
少 [ショウ]@few.lack.
少光 [ショウコウ]@little light.
少光天 [ショウコウテン]@(term) heaven of lesser light (Par■tta-■bha).
少分 [ショウブン]@partial; a part; a small amount.
少分煩惱 [ショウブンボンノウ]@secondary afflictions.
少室六門集 [ショウシツロクモンシュウ]@Six Section Collection from the Small
少康 [ショウコウ]@(person) Shaokang.
少林寺 [ショウリンジ]@(temple) Shaolin Temple (Shaolin si).
少林武藝 [ショウリンムゲイ]@(person) Shaolin Wuyi.
少欲知足 [ショウヨクチソク]@content with few desires.
少淨 [ショウジョウ]@heaven of lesser purity.
少淨天 [ショウジョウテン]@(term) heaven of lesser purity.
少財鬼 [ショウザイキ]@hungry ghosts of little means.
尚 [ショウ]@beg, request, entreat, beseech.
尚在 [ショウザイ]@still remains; still exists.
尚爾 [ショウニ]@if this is the case even here....
就 [シュウ]@then, thereupon; in consequence, according to.
就 [ジュ]@then, thereupon; in consequence, according to.
就實 [ジュジツ]@in truth.
就實論之 [シュウジツロンシ]@in truth.
尸 [シ]@corpse, dead body.
尸利 [シリ]@success, good fortune, virtuous.
尸利佛逝 [シリブッセイ]@(place) ■r■bhuja.
尸利夜 [シリヤ]@■r■ya■as.
尸利崛多 [シリクツタ]@■r■gupta.
尸利■多 [シリキクタ]@■r■gupta.
尸利沙 [シリシャ]@acacia sirissa.
尸利沙迦 [シリシャカ]@■ir■■aka.
尸利灑 [シリサイ]@acacia sirissa.
尸利蜜多羅 [シリミタラ]@(person) ■r■mitra.
尸利駛 [シリシ]@acacia sirissa.
尸城 [シジョウ]@(place) Ku■inagara.
尸多婆那 [シタバナ]@cemetery.
尸怛羅 [シタンラ]@moral discipline.
尸摩舍那 [シマシャナ]@cemetery.
尸摩■那 [シマシャナ]@cemetery.
尸林 [シリン]@cemetery.
尸梨伽那 [シリガナ]@abundantly virtuous.
尸棄 [シキ]@■ikhin.
尸棄佛 [シキブツ]@(name) ■ikhin Buddha.
尸棄尼 [シキニ]@Chighn■n.
尸棄那 [シキナ]@■ikhin.
尸毘伽 [シビカ]@■ivi.
尸毘略 [シビリャク]@■ivi.
尸毘迦 [シビカ]@(name) ■ivi.
尸波羅蜜 [シハラミツ]@(term) ■■la-p■ramit■--the bodhisattva's unattached practice
of moral discipline.
尸羅 [シラ]@(term) ■■la.
尸羅不■淨 [シラフショウジョウ]@not pure in terms of the precepts.
尸羅婆羅蜜 [シラハラミツ]@perfection of morality.
尸羅幢 [シラドウ]@curtain of pure gems.
尸羅拔陀提 [シラバダダイ]@(person) ■■labhadra.
尸羅波羅蜜 [シラハラミツ]@perfection of discipline.
尸羅■淨 [シラショウジョウ]@pure in the precepts.
尸羅跋提 [シラバダイ]@■r■vast■.
尸羅跋陀羅 [シラバダラ]@■■labhadra.
尸羅達摩 [シラタツマ]@(person) ■■ladharma.
尸羅達磨 [シラダルマ]@■■ladharma.
尸羅鉢頗 [シラバハ]@■■laprabha.
尸羅阿迭多 [シラアイッタ]@■■l■ditya.
尸■拏伐底 [シラナバチ]@Hira■yavat■.
尸迦羅越 [シカラオツ]@S■■g■laka.
尸陀 [シダ]@cemetery.
尸陀婆 [シダバ]@cemetery.
尸陀林 [シダリン]@cemetery.
尼 [ニ]@(term) nun.
尼 [あま]@(term) nun.
尼乾子 [ニケンシ]@(person) Nirgrantha-jñ■niputra.
尼健 [ニケン]@(school) Nirgrantha.
尼僧 [ニソウ]@nun.
尼刺部陀 [ニセキブダ]@nirarbuda.
尼壇 [ニダン]@nun's altar.
尼夜摩 [ニヤマ]@restraint.
尼姑 [ニコ]@nuns; female renunciant practitioners.
尼寺 [アマデラ]@convent.
尼寺 [ニジ]@convent.
尼師但那 [ニシダンナ]@a mat.
尼師壇 [ニシダン]@a mat.
尼延他柯 [ニエンダカ]@(foreign) throatless yak■a.
尼延底 [ニエンテイ]@covet.
尼建他迦 [ニケンダカ]@(foreign) throatless yak■a.
尼彌留陀 [ニミルダ]@extinction.
尼律 [ニリツ]@(foreign) precepts for bhik■u■■s.
尼戒 [ニカイ]@nuns' vinaya.
尼拘律 [ニクリツ]@nyag-rodha.
尼■子 [ニケンシ]@naked mendicant.
尼民達羅 [ニミンダラ]@(place) Nemi■dhara.
尼民陀羅 [ニミンダラ]@(place) Nemi■dhara.
尼民陀羅山王 [ニミンダラセンオウ]@(name) Nemindhara.
尼沙陀 [ニシャダ]@Upani■ad.
尼法師 [アマホウシ]@female Buddhist teacher.
尼法師 [アマホッシ]@female Buddhist teacher.
尼波羅 [ニハラ]@Nepal.
尼■子 [ニケンシ]@naked mendicant.
尼■陀弗咀羅 [ニケンダホタラ]@(person) Nirgrantha-putra.
尼羅浮陀 [ニラブダ]@(term) nirarbuda.
尼羅烏鉢羅 [ニラウハラ]@blue lotus.
尼羅蔽荼 [ニラヘイダ]@blue collection.
尼薩祇貝逸提 [ニサツギハイイツダイ]@rules of forfeiture of the things that a monk
or nun possesses superfluously.
尼薩耆 [ニサギ]@crimes requiring expiation.
尼薩耆 [ニサツギ]@crimes requiring expiation.
尼薩耆波夜提 [ニサツギハヤダイ]@crimes requiring expiation.
尼薩耆波逸提 [ニサツギハイツダイ]@rules of forfeiture of the things that a monk or
nun possesses superfluously.
尼薩耆波逸提法 [ニサツギハイツダイホウ]@rules of forfeiture of the things that a
monk or nun possesses superfluously.
尼藍婆 [ニランバ]@(term) Blue Vajra.
尼衆主 [ニシュシュ]@chief of the nuns.
尼衛 [ニエイ]@inner garment.
尼近底 [ニゴンテイ]@covet.
尼連禪 [ニレンゼン]@Naira■jan■.
尼連禪河 [ニレンゼンカ]@(place) Nairañj■na river.
尼連禪那 [ニレンゼンナ]@Naira■jan■.
尼陀那 [ニダナ]@(term) historical narratives.
尾 [ビ]@tail.
尾覲那得迦 [ビキンナトカ]@(name) Vighn■ntaka.
居 [キョ]@be.
居 [ゴ]@be.
居倫 [コリン]@(person) ■jñ■ta-kau■■inya.
居士 [コジ]@householder, a man of wealth.
居處 [キョショ]@place of abiding.
居鄰 [コリン]@(person) ■jñ■ta-kau■■inya.
屈 [クツ]@bend, bend over; give in, submit to, yield.
屈丹 [クッタン]@Khotan.
屈屈■播陀 [ククタハダ]@Kukku■ap■dagiri.
屈屈■波陀 [ククタバダ]@(place) Kukku■ap■dagiri.
屈支 [クッシ]@Kuche.
屈曲教 [クツゴクキョウ]@gradually chipping away.
屈膝 [クッシツ]@bending the knee.
屈露多 [クロタ]@(place) Kul■ta.
屍陀 [シダ]@cemetery.
屍陀林 [シダリン]@cemetery.
屍黎密 [シライミツ]@■r■mitra.
屎 [シ]@dung, excrement, shit.
屎糞地獄 [シフンジゴク]@excrement hell.
展 [テン]@expand, stretch out, open, unroll, extend.
展事投機 [テンジトウキ]@reveal the understanding of one's own phenomenal
situation to that the true teacher can adapt to one's level and teach them appropriately.
展轉 [テンデン]@in order, in sequence.
屬耳 [ゾクニ]@listen with full attention.
屯 [トン]@collect.
屯崙摩 [チュンロンマ]@Druma.
山 [コク]@(term) mountain.
山 [ヤマ]@(term) mountain.
山 [サン]@(term) mountain.
山 [セン]@(term) mountain.
山世 [サンセ]@mountain world.
山僧 [サンゾウ]@mountain monk.
山外宗 [サンガイシュウ]@Sect outside the mountains.
山家 [サンゲ]@mountain school.
山家宗 [センゲシュウ]@Mountain school.
山■那伽梨柯部 [サンタナカリカブ]@Six Cities School.
山斤 [サンキン]@weight of a mountain.
山林 [サンリン]@mountains and forests.
山林 [センリン]@mountains and forests.
山毫 [サンゴウ]@writing brushes as numerous as moutains.
山水衲 [サンスイノウ]@mountain and water robe.
山海惠 [サンカイエ]@Mountain-See Wisdom.
山海慧 [サンカイエ]@Mountain-See Wisdom.
山海慧自在 [サンカイエジザイ]@Mountain-See Wisdom Sovereign.
山海慧自在通王如來 [サンカイエジザイツウオウニョライ]@Tathataga-King
whose Wisdom Freely Penetrates the Mountains and Seas.
山海慧菩薩經 [サンカイエボサツキョウ]@(title) Shanhaihui pusa jing.
山海空市 [サンカイクウシ]@mountains, seas, sky, and marketplace.
山王 [サンオウ]@mountain-king.
山王 [サンノウ]@mountain-king.
山王 [センオウ]@mountain-king.
山門 [サンモン]@mountain gate.
崇 [スウ]@venerate, respect, revere, adore.
崇■ [スウトク]@revere virtue.
崑努鉢陀那 [コンドパダナ]@(person) C■■a-panthaka.
嵐毘尼 [ランビニ]@(place) Lumbin■.
川 [セン]@rivers.
川施餓鬼 [カワセガキ]@offering to spirits at the river.
巡山 [ジュンサン]@grounds patrol.
巡案 [ジュンアン]@to make the rounds inspecting the monk's hall.
巡行 [ジュンギョウ]@to tour.
工 [ク]@work.
工伎鬼 [クギキ]@artful spirit.
工夫 [クフウ]@work, effort.
工巧 [クギョウ]@art, technique, skill.
工巧明 [クギョウミョウ]@knowledge of the arts.
工巧無記 [クコウムキ]@arts and crafts (technology).
左問拏 [サモンナ]@(name) C■mu■■■.
左溪 [サケイ]@Zuoqi.
巧 [コウ]@skillful.
巧妙 [ギョウミョウ]@skillful and wondrous;.
巧妙智 [ギョウミョウチ]@excellent wisdom.
巧智慧 [ギョウチエ]@excellent wisdom.
巧業明 [コウゴウミョウ]@knowledge of the arts.
巨 [キョ]@great.
巨海 [コカイ]@Great sea, or great ocean.
巨益 [コヤク]@great benefit.
巨賞彌 [キョショウミ]@(place) Kau■■mb■.
巨龍 [キョリュウ]@(person) K■ryong.
巫 [フ]@sorceress, shamaness.
差別分別 [シャベツフンベツ]@mistaken discrimination of distinction.
差別妄想 [シャベツモウソウ]@falsely imputed notion of difference.
差別正行 [シャベツショウギョウ]@ten layers, or levels of distinct practices that are
carried out sequence, such as the ten p■ramit■s practiced by the bodhisattvas.
差別相 [シャベツソウ]@distinctive characteristics.
己 [コ]@self, personal, private.
己利 [コリ]@personal advantage.
己和 [キワ]@(person) Kihwa.
己心 [コシン]@one's own mind.
己心中所行法門 [コシンチュウショギョウノホウモン]@the method of seeing the
function of one's own mind.
己心法門 [コシンホウモン]@the method of seeing the function of one's own mind.
己證 [コショウ]@self-realization.
己身彌陀唯心淨土 [コシンノミダユイシンノジョウド]@I am Amit■bha, only
mind, the Pure Land.
己身彌陀唯心淨土 [コシンノミダユイシンノジョウド]@I am Amit■bha, only
mind, the Pure Land.
已 [イ]@already; this, here.
已今當 [イコントウ]@past, present, future.
已來 [イライ]@heretofore; before this; up till now.
已定 [イジョウ]@predetermined.
已生 [イショウ]@already born, already produced.
已生善 [イショウゼン]@good character already evolved.
已盡 [イジン]@already exhausted.
已知 [イチ]@has understood.
已知根 [イチコン]@faculty of the power of having learned (the Four Noble Truths),.
已覺 [イカク]@already enlightened.
已覺悟 [イカクゴ]@already enlightened.
已■ [イセツ]@Have (already) explained.
已過大■ [イカダイトク]@already gone on to great virtue.
已還 [イゲン]@already returned.
已離欲 [イリヨク]@freed from desire.
已離欲人 [イリヨクニン]@one who is free from desire.
已離欲者 [イリヨクシャ]@one who is free from desire.
已離欲聖者 [イリヨクショウシャ]@Sages who are free from desire.
巴 [ハ]@open hand.
巴利 [ハリ]@Pali.
巴利語 [パーリゴ]@(term) Pali language.
巴臂 [ハヒ]@hook an arm.
巴連弗 [ハレンフツ]@P■■aliputra.
巴陵三轉語 [ハリョウサンテンゴ]@three cryptic sayings of Haojian.
巴鼻 [ハビ]@hook a nose.
市 [シ]@market.
市演得迦 [シエントカ]@Jetaka.
布 [フ]@to spread.
布■阿偈 [フニアゲ]@purgatives.
布利迦 [フリカ]@p■rik■.
布刺拏 [フセナ]@P■ra■a-K■■yapa.
布剌拏迦葉波 [フラツナカショウパ]@(person) P■ra■a-k■■yapa.
布史 [フシ]@Pau■a.
布■婆■提訶 [フロバビダイカ]@P■rva-videha.
布■那跋陀羅 [フロナハダラ]@P■r■abhadra.
布如鳥伐耶 [フニョチョウバツヤ]@Pu■yop■ya.
布■ [フキョウ]@Teaching.
布教 [フキョウ]@disseminate the teachings.
布施 [フセ]@(term) donation.(term) charity.
布瑟■迦 [フシチチョウカ]@esoteric ritual for bringing prosperity.
布瑟波 [フシハ]@flower.
布薩 [フサツ]@precepts meeting.
布袋和尚 [ホテイ]@(person) Budai heshang.
布袋和尚 [オショウ]@(person) Budai heshang.
布袋師 [フタイシ]@(person) Budaishi.
布路沙 [フロシャ]@soul.
布路沙布羅 [フロシャフラ]@Puru■apura.
布達拉 [フダロウ]@Potala.
希 [ケ]@rare, unusual.
希奇 [ケキ]@extremely rare.
希有 [ケウ]@exceedingly rare.
希求 [けグ]@strive for, seek for, long for.
希法 [ケホウ]@never before experienced.
希連河 [ケレンカ]@(place) Nairañjan■.
帝利耶瞿楡泥伽 [テイリヤクユニカ]@destiny as an animal.
帝弓 [タイキュウ]@Indra's bow: the rainbow.
帝心 [テイシン]@(person) Dixin.
帝沙 [タイシャ]@Ti■ya.
帝網 [タイモウ]@Indra's Net.
帝釋 [タイシャク]@(name) Indra.
帝釋天 [タイシャクテン]@(name) ■akra Dev■n■m-indra.
帝釋巖 [タイシャクガン]@Indra's cave.
帝釋弓 [タイシャクキュウ]@rainbow.
帝釋■ [タイシャクビョウ]@Indra's vase.
帝釋窟 [タイシャククツ]@Indra's cave.
帝釋網 [タイシャクモウ]@(term) Indra's Net.
師兄 [スヒン]@senior disciple.
師兄 [シヒン]@senior disciple.
師兄 [シケイ]@senior disciple.
師兄弟 [シキョウダイ]@(term) brother (tonsure) disciples.
師公 [シコウ]@grandfather-master.
師利 [シリ]@Shili.
師子 [シシ]@(xref) synonym of 獅子, meaning "lion.
師子奮迅菩薩所問經 [シシフンシンボサツショモンキョウ]@(title) Shizi fenxun
pusa suowen jing.
師子尊者 [シシソンジャ]@(person) ■rasi■ha.
師家 [シケ]@reliable master.
帶數釋 [タイスウシャク]@numerative compound words.
常 [ジョウ]@permanent, eternal, always.
常不輕 [ジョウフギョウ]@never despise.
常不輕菩薩 [ジョウフキョウボサツ]@Never Despising Bodhisattva.
常住 [ジョウジュウ]@(term) eternally abiding.
常住常住物 [ジョウジュウジョウジュウモツ]@items of continual everyday use as
the communal property of the monastic community.
常光 [ジョウコウ]@constant halo.
常啼 [ジョウテイ]@(name) Sad■prarud■ta.
常恒 [ジョウゴウ]@always, constantly, ceaselessly.
常樂我淨 [ジョウラクガジョウ]@permanence, bliss, self, and purity.
常然 [ジョウネン]@eternal, changeless.
常精進 [ジョウショウシン]@to make constant effort.
常見 [ジョウケン]@eternalistic view--the notion that the self and the objects of the
world exist and persist.
常靜 [ジョウジョウ]@always quiescent.
幡蓋 [バンガイ]@banners and shrouds.
幢幡 [ドウバン]@(term) hanging banner.
干 [カン]@shield.
干栗太 [カンリツタイ]@heart.
干栗■ [カリダ]@heart.
干栗■ [カンリツダ]@heart.
干遮那摩羅 [カンシャナマラ]@(name) K■ñcana-m■l■.
干闍那 [カンジャナ]@golden.
平 [ビョウ]@level.
平常 [ビョウジョウ]@ordinary.
平常 [ヘイジョウ]@ordinary.
平生 [ヘイゼイ]@ordinarily.
平等 [ビョウドウ]@equality.
平等力 [ビョウドウリキ]@omnipotent.
平等大慧 [ビョウトウダイエ]@great universal wisdom.
平等心 [ビョウドウシン]@impartiality.
平等性 [ビョウドウショウ]@equal in nature.
平等性智 [ビョウドウショウチ]@'wisdom of knowing the nature of (essential)
平等教 [ビョウドウキョウ]@"teaching of equality.
平等智 [ビョウドウチ]@wisdom of the equality in nature.
平等法 [ビョウドウホウ]@universal truth.
平等法身 [ビョウドウホッシン]@undifferentiated reality-body; the essence-body.
平等王 [ビョウドウオウ]@Yama.
平等義 [ビョウドウギ]@meaning of universal.
平等覺 [ビョウドウカク]@universal enlightenment.
平等覺 [ビョウドウガク]@universal enlightenment.
平等覺經 [ビョウドウカクキョウ]@Sutra of Immeasurable Life.
平等觀 [ビョウドウカン]@meditation on equality.
平等院 [ビョウドウイン]@(temple) By■d■in.
平等風輪 [ビョウドウフリン]@Wind-wheel of Impartial [Abode].
平袈裟 [ヒラゲサ]@one-colored robe.
平論 [ビョウロン]@S■ma-veda-sa■hit■.
年 [ネン]@year.
年三 [ネソウ]@three months of the year when purity is practiced.
年三長齋月 [ネンサンチョウサイゲツ]@three months of the year when purity is
年分度者 [ネンブンドシャ]@annual ordinand.
年忌 [ネンキ]@anniversary of a death.
年星 [ネソウ]@astrological year.
年星 [ネンショウ]@astrological year.
年滿受具 [ネンマンジュグ]@full ordainment upon coming of age.
年臘 [ネンロウ]@a year.
幻 [ゲン]@illusion, illusory.
幻人 [ゲンニン]@magician.
幻作 [ゲンサ]@created from illusion.
幻力 [ゲンリキ]@power of illusion.
幻化 [ゲンケ]@illusory transformation.
幻垢 [ゲンク]@illusory and defiled.
幻士 [ゲンシ]@magician.
幻差別 [ゲンシャベツ]@illusory discrimination.
幻師 [ゲンシ]@conjurer.
幻師■陀所■神呪經 [ゲンシバダショセツシンジュキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ Spell
Spoken by the Magician Bhadra.
幻心 [ゲンシン]@illusory mind.
幻惑 [ゲンワク]@illusory afflictions.
幻日王 [ゲンニチオウ]@(person) B■l■ditya.
幻有 [ゲンウ]@illusory existence.
幻法 [ゲンポウ]@magical techniques.
幻相 [ゲンソウ]@illusory marks.
幻者 [ゲンシャ]@the illusory.
幻身 [ゲンシン]@illusory body.
幻野 [ゲンヤ]@realm of illusions.
幻門 [ゲンモン]@methods of illusion.
幽 [ユウ]@Obscure, obscured.
幽深 [ユウシン]@mysterious and deep.
幽玄 [ユウゲン]@subtle, profound, mysterious.
幽致 [ユウチ]@Subtle.
幽顯 [ユウケン]@the recondite and the manifest.
幾 [キ]@how many, how much, how long, however.
廣隆寺 [コウリュウジ]@(temple) K■ry■ji.
床 [ショウ]@(raised) bed, especially used by a sick person.
序 [ジョ]@precedence, order, orderly.
序分 [ジョブン]@preface.
序正流通 [ジョショウルズウ]@preface, main text, and exhortation (dissemination,
底哩 [テイリ]@three.
底哩三昧耶不動尊聖者念誦祕密法 [テイリサンマイヤフドウソンショウジャネン
ジュヒミツホウ]@(title) Trisamaya: Esoteric Recitation Method of Immovable, the
Sacred One.
底哩三昧耶經 [テイリサンマイヤキョウ]@(title) Dili sanmeiye jing.
底沙 [テイシャ]@(name) Vipa■yin.
度 [ド]@cross over (to the shore of liberation).
度一切世間苦惱 [ドイッサイセケンクノウ]@(name) Sarval■kadh■tupadravodvega-
度世 [ドセイ]@pass through the world.
度世 [ドセ]@pass through the world.
度僧 [ドソウ]@regulation of monk and nun ordination by the government.
度得 [トトク]@attainer of the perfections.
度沃焦 [ドヨウショウ]@saver from the burning rock.
度洛叉 [ドラクシャ]@ten lakhs.
度無極 [トムゴク]@save without limit.
度牒 [ドチョウ]@government license allowing one to become a Buddhist monk or nun.
度生 [ドショウ]@save sentient beings.
度疑 [ドギ]@overcoming doubt.
度疑淨 [ドギジョウ]@the purity of overcoming doubt.
度科 [ドカ]@essential portion.
度者 [ドシャ]@one who has crossed over to the other shore.
度■ [ドダツ]@liberate oneself.
座主 [ザス]@(term) prelate.
座具 [ザグ]@mat.
庫司 [クス]@(term) supervisory clerk.
庫房 [クボウ]@(term) temple business office.
庫院 [クイン]@kitchen hall.
庫頭 [クジュウ]@(term) monastery clerk.(term) accounts officer.
庫頭 [コジュウ]@(term) monastery clerk.(term) accounts officer.
庵摩羅識 [アンマラシキ]@(term) The ■mala-vijñ■na.
庶子 [ショシ]@secondary sons.
康僧鎧 [コウソウガイ]@(person) Sa■gha-varman.
■天 [オウテン]@heaven of little light.
廉纖 [レンセン]@subtle, fine, minute, detailed.
廐戸皇子 [うまやとのみこ]@Crown Prince Umayato.
廓如 [カクニョ]@vast; limitless.
廓然大悟 [カクネンダイゴ]@sudden and great enlightenment.
廚庫 [ズク]@temple kitchen hall.
廚庫 [チュウク]@temple kitchen hall.
廟 [ミョウ]@mausoleum.
廢 [ハイ]@fall into disuse.
廢權立實 [ハイゴンリュウジツ]@discard relative truths in favor of the ultimate truth.
廢立 [ハイリュウ]@discard a (worn-out, lesser) teaching from the standpoint of a (new,
more correct, deeper) teaching.
廣 [コウ]@width, breadth, range.
廣大 [コウダイ]@excellent, magnificent.
廣大心 [コウダイシン]@vast mind.
廣大智 [コウダイチ]@vast wisdom.
廣大智慧 [コウダイチエ]@vast wisdom.
廣大智慧觀 [コウダイチエカン]@contemplation on vast wisdom.
廣弘明集 [コウグミョウシュウ]@(title) Guang hongming ji.
廣律 [コウリツ]@complete vinaya.
廣果天 [コウカテン]@(term) heaven of extensive rewards.
廣■涼傳 [コウショウリョウデン]@(title) Guang Qingliang zhuan.
廣澤流 [ヒロサワリュウ]@Hirosawa school.
廣百論 [コウヒャクロン]@(title) Catuh■ataka-■■stra-k■rik■.
廣目天 [コウモクテン]@(name) Vir■p■k■a.
廣目天王 [コウモクテンノウ]@(name) Vir■p■k■a.
廣解 [コウゲ]@extensive explanation.
廣■ [コウセツ]@explain in detail.
廣辯 [コウベン]@extensively explain.
廣釋菩提心論 [コウシャクボダイシンロン]@(title) Extensive Explanation of the
Treatise on Bodhi-mind..
廣顯 [コウケン]@broadly clarify.
延命 [エンメイ]@prolonged life.
延壽 [エンジュ]@prolonged life.
延壽經 [エンジュキョウ]@(title) Yanshou jing.
延年 [エンネン]@prolonged life.
建 [ケン]@establish.
建 [コン]@establish.
建佗歌 [ケンダカ]@Ka■■haka.
建圖 [ケンズ]@collections of rules.
建志城 [ケンシジョウ]@K■ñc■pura.
建志補羅 [ケンシポラ]@K■ñc■pura.
建折那 [ケンセツナ]@golden.
建立 [ケンリツ]@foundation, groundwork, base, basis.
建陀 [ケンダ]@collections of rules.
廻 [エ]@upset, overturn, turn over, invert, reverse.
廻向 [エコウ]@return (transfer) one's merit to another.
廻大入一 [エダイニュウイチ]@turn and enter the single vehicle.
廻廻 [エエ]@Go round and round.
廻心 [エシン]@conversion.
廻施 [エセ]@to devote oneself to the salvation of others.
廻諍論 [エジョウロン]@(title) Vigrahavy■vartan■.
廻轉 [エテン]@to function variously.
廻避 [エヒ]@avoid, to escape.
廿二根 [ジュウニコン]@twenty-two faculties.
廿四 [ジュウシ]@twenty-four.
廿四種不相應 [ジュウシシュフソウオウ]@twenty-four factors not associated with
弄 [ロウ]@play with.
弄業識 [ロウゴッシキ]@'playing' karmic consciousness.
弊迦蘭陀 [ヘイカランタ]@(term) prediction of future buddhahood.
式 [シキ]@ritual.
式匿 [シキニョク]@Chighn■n.
式叉 [シキシャ]@study.
式叉尼 [シキシャニ]@female novice.
式叉摩那 [シキサマナ]@(term) ■ik■am■■■.
式叉摩那尼 [シキシャマナニ]@female novice.
式棄 [シッキ]@■ikhin.
式葉 [シキショウ]@■ikhin.
式詰 [シッキッ]@■ikhin.
弓 [キュウ]@a bow.
引 [イン]@lead.
引例 [インレイ]@cite an example.
引入 [ヒキイレ]@introduce.
引出佛性 [インシュツブッショウ]@buddha-nature drawn out.
引化 [インケ]@initiate.
引喩 [インユ]@to draw upon a metaphor.
引因 [インイン]@directive causes; overarching causes; species causes.
引導 [インドウ]@to lead and guide people [into the Buddhist Way].
引座 [インザ]@to ask a Chan master to give a sermon.
引座 [インゾ]@to ask a Chan master to give a sermon.
引接 [インジョウ]@accept, receive.
引接 [インセツ]@accept, receive.
引攝 [インジョウ]@accept, receive.
引業 [インゴウ]@directive karma.
引正太子 [インショウタイシ]@(person) S■tav■hana.
引生 [インショウ]@projection into rebirth.
引發 [インホツ]@bring about, cause, result in, induce.
引發因 [インボツイン]@causes that tend to induced related effects.
引磬 [インキン]@hand-bell.
引磬 [インケイ]@hand-bell.
引總報 [インソウホウ]@directive karma that produces results of a general character.
引請闍梨 [インジョウジャリ]@priest in charge of novices.
引證 [インショウ]@induce realization.
引飯大師 [インパンダイシ]@club used to call the monks to the meals.
弗于毘婆提訶 [ホツウビバダイカ]@P■rva-Videha.
弗于逮 [ホツウタイ]@P■rva-Videha.
弗伽羅 [フツガラ]@personal identity; individual existence.
弗多羅 [プッタラ]@child.
弗如檀 [フニョダン]@(person) Pu■yadar■a.
弗婆勢羅 [フバセイラ]@(temple) P■rva■aila.
弗婆呵羅 [フバカラ]@flower-eater.
弗婆提 [フバダイ]@(place) Purvavideha.
弗栗特 [フリトク]@(place) V■ji.
弗毘提訶 [フビダイカ]@P■rva-Videha.
弗沙 [フシャ]@Vipa■yin.
弗沙 [ホッシャ]@Vipa■yin.
弗沙蜜羅 [ホシャミッラ]@Pu■yamitra.
弗若多羅 [フニャタラ]@(person) Pu■yat■ra.
弘 [コウ]@broad; to spread out.
弘忍 [グニン]@(person) Hongren.
弘忍 [コウニン]@(person) Hongren.
弘明集 [クミョウシュウ]@(title) Hongming ji.
弘法 [コウホウ]@to spread the teachings.
弘法大師 [コウボウダイシ]@(person) K■b■ daishi.
弘誓 [グゼイ]@great vow.
弘誓願 [グセイガン]@great vow.
弘誓願 [グゼイガン]@great vow.
弘願 [コウガン]@(xref) great vow, such as that of Amit■bha Buddha 阿彌陀 to save
all sentient beings.
弟子 [デシ]@student.
弟子十■ [デシジュットク]@(term) ten virtues of a disciple.
弩達■灑 [ドダラシャ]@(name) Durdhar■a.
弭 [ミ]@stop; desist.
弭也竭羅 [ミヤキャラ]@tiger.
弭曼差 [ミーマーンサー]@M■m■■sa.
張乖 [チョウカイ]@go against.
強翻之 [キョウホンシ]@if I am forced to translate it....
彌 [ミ]@long time.
彌勒 [ミロク]@(name) Maitreya.
彌勒三部經 [ミロクサンブキョウ]@three principal scriptures of the Maitreya sect.
彌勒上生經 [ミロクジョウショウキョウ]@(title) Mile shangsheng jing.
彌勒下生經 [ミロクゲショウキョウ]@(title) Sutra on the Descent of Maitreya.
彌勒菩薩 [ミロクボサツ]@Maitreya Bodhisattva.
彌勒菩薩所問本願經 [ミロクボサツショモンホンガンキョウ]@(title) Mi-le p'u-sa
so-wen pen-yüan ching.
彌勒菩薩所問經論 [ミロクボサツショモンキョウロン]@(title) Treatise on the Sutra
of the Questions Asked by Maitreya.
彌勒菩薩發願王偈 [ミロクボサツホツガンオウゲ]@(title) Verses on Bodhisattva
Maitreya's Vow.
彌天 [ミテン]@all of space.
彌底 [ミテイ]@School of Correct Logic.
彌息伽 [ミソクカ*]@M■m■■sa.
彌曼差派 [ミマンシャハ]@Analyzer School.
彌曼蹉 [ミマンサ]@M■m■■sa.
彌栗頭 [ミリズ]@benign, friendly.
彌沙塞 [ミシャサイ]@(school) Mah■■■saka.
彌沙塞部 [ミシャソクブ]@Mah■■■saka school.
彌沙塞部和醯五分律 [ミシャソクブワケゴブンリツ]@Vinaya of the Mah■■■saka
彌遮迦 [ミシャカ]@(person) Mikkaka, or Miccaka, or Micchaka.
彌離底 [ミリテイ]@School of Correct Logic.
形 [ギョウ]@form, shape.
形像 [ギョウゾウ]@sculptured image.
形山 [ギョウサン]@mountain of form.
形段 [ギョウダン]@form, shape, outward manifest appearance.
形相 [ギョウソウ]@form, mark.
形色 [ギョウシキ]@shape and form.
形貌欲 [ギョウボウヨク]@sexual attraction to form.
■ [ゲン]@refined.
■■ [ゲンソウ]@(person) Yancong.
■■ [ゲンソウ]@(person) Yancong.
■達縛 [ガンダバ]@Gandharva.
彦機 [ゲンキ]@■ngi.
彰所知論 [ショウショチロン]@(title) Clarification of What Should be Known.
影 [ヨウ]@shadow.
影像 [ヨウゾウ]@image and shape.
影海 [ヨウカイ]@(person) Y■nghae.
影響 [エイキョウ]@shadows and echoes.
影響 [ヨウキョウ]@shadows and echoes.
役行者 [エンノギョウジャ]@(person) En no Gy■ja.
彼 [ヒ]@that, the other.
彼岸 [ヒガン]@(term) other shore.
彼彼 [ヒヒ]@this and that.
彼彼身 [ヒヒシン]@Various bodies.
彼鳩度河 [ヒクドカ]@(place) Vaggumud■ river.
往 [オウ]@go, to advance, go towards, to depart, to pass.
往上地生 [オウジョウチショウ]@rebirth into a higher stage of existence.
往往 [オウオウ]@Always, constantly, occasionally.
往復 [オウフク]@going and returning.
往昔 [オウシャク]@antiquity.
往生 [オウジョウ]@be reborn, reincarnated.
往生淨土論 [オウショウジョウドロン]@(title) Treatise on Rebirth in the Pure Land.
往生論 [オウジョウロン]@Treatise on Rebirth.
待 [タイ]@wait, wait for.
待 [ダイ]@wait, wait for.
待對 [タイダイ]@related to.
律 [リツ]@rule, law, precept, condition, norm.
律乘 [リツジョウ]@precepts vehicle.
律儀 [リツギ]@control, restrain, suppress, prevent, ward off, resist.
律儀戒 [リツギカイ]@disciplinary precepts.
律宗 [リッシュウ]@Vinaya school.
律師 [リッシ]@preceptor.
律懺 [リツサン]@precepts-governed repentance.
律法 [リッボウ]@rules and laws.
律派 [リツハ]@precepts tradition.
律相 [リツソウ]@characteristics of the precepts.
律禪 [リツゼン]@two schools of discipline.
律經 [リツキョウ]@(title) Vinayas■tra.
律經註 [リツキョウチュウ]@(title) Vinayas■tra-v■tti.
律藏 [リツゾウ]@precepts collection.
律行 [リツギョウ]@practicing the precepts.
後 [ゴ]@after.
後世 [ゴセ]@subsequent age.
後世 [ゴセイ]@subsequent age.
後世 [コウセイ]@subsequent age.
後五 [ゴゴ]@following five (hundred years).
後五百年 [ゴゴヒャクネン]@following five hundred years.
後五百年 [ノチノゴヒャクネン]@following five hundred years.
後五百歳 [ゴゴヒャクサイ]@following five hundred years.
後光 [ゴコウ]@background halo.
後唄 [ゴバイ]@subsequent chant.
後報 [ゴホウ]@(term) subsequent retribution.
後夜 [ゴヤ]@latter part of the evening.
後得 [グトク]@attained after awakening.
後得智 [グトクチ]@(foreign) a posteriori wisdom.
後得■淨世智 [ゴトクショウジョウセチ]@pure worldly knowledge obtained after
(non-discriminative knowledge).
後念 [ゴネン]@subsequent instant of thought.
後所得 [ゴショトク]@subsequently attained.
後所得世間智 [ゴショトクセイケンチ]@Subsequently attained conventional wisdom.
後所得世間淨智 [ゴショトクセケンジョウチ]@subsequently attained purified
conventional wisdom.
後所得智 [グショトクチ]@Subsequently attained wisdom.
後所得諸世間慧 [ゴショトクショセケンエ]@(term) subsequently attained worldly
後有 [グウ]@that which is later existent.
後法 [ゴホウ]@latter dharma.
後生 [ゴショウ]@later birth.
後生 [コウショウ]@later birth.
後生 [コウセイ]@later birth.
後■ [コウセツ]@spoken after.
後■ [ゴセツ]@spoken after.
後身 [グシン]@body taken on after.
後際 [コウサイ]@future time, end of time.
後際 [ゴサイ]@future time, end of time.
徑山 [ケイサン]@Jingshan.
徒 [ト]@follower, a disciple, a crowd.
徒孫 [トソン]@grandson-disciples.
徒然 [トゼン]@in vain.
徒衆 [トシュウ]@multitude of disciples.
得 [トク]@obtain, get, acquire, gain.
得善知識 [トクゼンチシキ]@gaining access to a reliable teacher.
得大勢 [トクダイセイ]@Possessing Great Strength--the name of bodhisattva.
得大勢菩薩 [トクダイセイボサツ]@Mah■sth■mapr■pta.
得度 [トクド]@save.
得成 [トクジョウ]@able to establish.
得求 [トクグ]@seeking to get (e.g. pleasure).
得法 [トクホウ]@attain the dharma.
得物 [トクモツ]@to gain property; obtain things.
得通 [トクツウ]@attainment of supernatural power(s).
從 [ジュウ]@follow, accord with, comply.
從地涌出 [ジュウチヨウシュツ]@Welling up out of the earth.
從■ [ジュウシン]@(person) Congshen.
御 [ギョ]@to steer.
御齋會 [ゴサイエ]@ritual for the Sutra of Golden Light performed at the Imperial
■ [ヘン]@universal.
■參 [ヘンザン]@travel around to various teachers to engage with them on questions of
■探 [ヘンタン]@pervasively fathom.
■智 [ヘンチ]@omniscience.
■破 [ヘンハ]@pervasively refute.
復現 [フクゲン]@reappear.
循環 [ジュンカン]@circulation, rotation.
微 [ミ]@subtle, minute, insignificant, trifling.
微劣 [ミレツ]@week, feeble, powerless; ineffective.
微塵 [ミジン]@particle, bit, atom.
微塵數 [ミジンシュ]@extremely numerous.
微塵衆 [ミジンシュ]@congregations as numerous as atoms.
微妙 [ミミョウ]@subtle, fine, delicate, profound, wondrous, excellent.
微妙 [ビミョウ]@subtle, fine, delicate, profound, wondrous, excellent.
微妙字 [ミミョウジ]@subtle seed-syllable.
微妙音 [ミミョウオン]@sublime sounds.
微密 [ミミツ]@subtle and mysterious.
微煩惱 [ミボンノウ]@subtle afflictions.
微細 [ミサイ]@subtle, minute, insignificant.
微細障 [ミサイショウ]@extremely subtle hindrance.
微薄 [ミハク]@subtle and light (thin, insipid).
微鉢尸 [ミハツシ]@Vipa■yin.
徳行 [トッコウ]@virtuous behavior.
■ [チョウ]@sign, symptom, omen.
■ [トク]@virtue, merit, power, goodness.
■叉迦 [トクサカ]@(name) Tak■aka.
■安 [トクアン]@(person) Dean.
■志 [トクシ]@Jñ■nagupta.
■本 [トクホン]@roots of virtue.
■■ [トクショウ]@(person) Deqing.
■用 [トクヨウ]@function.
■田 [トクデン]@(term) field of virtue.
■祥■ [トクショウビョウ]@Indra's vase.
■薄 [トクハク]@meager in virtue.
■護 [トクゴ]@■r■gupta.
■進 [トクシン]@(person) Gu■av■ddhi.
徹 [テツ]@Penetrating, discerning, clear, intelligible.
徹底 [テッテイ]@thoroughness, completion.
徹悟 [テツゴ]@Chewu.
心 [シン]@heart, mind, spirit, motive, sense, mentality, idea.
心一境性 [シンイッキョウショウ]@mind fixed in one condition.
心不相應行 [シンフソウオウギョウ]@factors not directly associated with mind.
心不相應行法 [シンフソウオウギョウホウ]@phenomena (dharmas) not associated
with mind (or matter).
心乘 [シンジョウ]@mind-vehicle.
心亭 [シンテイ]@pavilion of the mind.
心佛 [シンブツ]@buddha in the mind.
心作 [シンサ]@karmic mental function.
心光 [シンコウ]@light from a Buddha's mind.
心光明 [シンコウミョウ]@mental light.
心冰 [シンピョウ]@mind like ice.
心刹那 [シンセツナ]@momentariousness of the mind.
心動 [シンドウ]@motion of the mind.
心印 [シンイン]@mind-seal.
心印 [シンニン]@mind-seal.
心命 [シンミョウ]@mind-life.
心咒 [シンジュ]@(foreign) the mind-dh■ra■■.
心器 [シンキ]@mind as container.
心地 [シンチ]@mind ground.
心地 [シンジ]@mind ground.
心垢 [シンク]@mental pollution.
心城 [シンジョウ]@citadel of the mind.
心塵 [シンジン]@mind dust.
心境界 [シンキョウガイ]@objective realm of the mind.
心宗 [シンシュウ]@(school) Mind School.
心師 [シンシ]@mind as master.
心心 [シンジン]@every mind.
心心 [シンシン]@every mind.
心心所 [シンシンジョ]@mind and mental factors.
心心數 [シンシンジュ]@mind and mental factors.
心心法 [シンシンボウ]@mind and mental factors.
心念不空 [シンネンフクウ]@mindful and not vacant.
心念處 [シンネンジョ]@(term) mindfulness of thought.
心性 [シンショウ]@mind-nature.
心性三千 [シンショウサンゼン]@the mind-nature pervading a trichiliocosm.
心想 [シンソウ]@thought in the mind.
心意 [シンイ]@(foreign) mind (manas, cetas).
心意意識 [シンイイシキ]@the base mind, mind, and mental consciousness.
心意識 [シンイシキ]@mind, thought, and consciousness.
心慧 [シンエ]@wisdom of the mind.
心懷戀慕 [シンエレンモ]@mind yearning for the Buddha.
心所 [シンショ]@mental factors.
心所有法 [シンショウホウ]@(term) mental functions; mental factors.
心數 [シンジュ]@mental functions; mental factors.
心數法 [シンジュホウ]@mental functions; mental factors.
心智 [シンチ]@wisdom of mind.
心月 [シンゲツ]@mind as the moon.
心月 [シンガツ]@mind as the moon.
心月輪 [シンガチリン]@turnings of the mind-moon.
心根 [シンコン]@mental faculty.
心極 [シンゴク]@mind's extreme.
心機 [シンキ]@activation of the mind.
心水 [シンスイ]@mind like water.
心法 [シンボウ]@mind.mental factors.
心法智 [シンホウチ]@wisdom of mental factors.
心法身 [シンホッシン]@mind as reality-body.
心波 [シンパ]@mind waves.
心海 [シンカイ]@mind-sea.
心淨 [シンジョウ]@purity of mind.
心■淨 [シンショウジョウ]@mind's (original) purity.
心源 [シンゲン]@fountainhead of mind.
心滅 [シンメツ]@cessation of mind.
心無所住 [シンムショジュウ]@the mind lacks a set place of abiding.
心燈 [シントウ]@mind-lamp.
心猿 [シンエン]@monkey-like mind.
心王 [シンオウ]@(term) mind-king.
心王如來 [シンノウニョライ]@mind-king tath■gata.
心王心所 [シンノウシンジョ]@mind and mental factors.
心珠 [シンジュ]@mind-jewel.
心生 [シンショウ]@arising of mind.
心生滅心 [シンショウメツシン]@mind of arising and ceasing.
心生滅門 [シンショウメツモン]@arising and ceasing aspect of the mind.
心田 [シンデン]@mind-field.
心目 [シンモク]@mind and eye.
心相 [シンソウ]@mind as it is.
心相應行 [シンソウオウギョウ]@factors associated with mind.
心眞 [シンシン]@true nature of the mind.
心眞如門 [シンシンニョモン]@(term) true thusness aspect of the mind.
心眼 [シンガン]@mind's eye.
心眼 [シンゲン]@mind's eye.
心神 [シンジン]@mind as spirit.
心經 [シンギョウ]@(title) Heart Sutra.
心■ [シンエン]@mental cognition of the environment.
心縛 [シンボク]@fettered mind.
心自在 [シンジザイ]@unobstructed mind.
心自在地 [シンジザイチ]@stage of unimpeded mental function.
心自在者 [シンジザイシャ]@he whose mind is free.
心苦 [シンク]@(term) mental suffering (m■nasa■ du■kham).
心華 [シンゲ]@mind-flower.
心蓮 [シンレン]@(person) Shinren.
心藥 [シンヤク]@medicine for the mind.
心處 [シンショ]@mind-field.
心行 [シンギョウ]@function of the mind.
心行不離 [シンギョウフリ]@non-separation of the mind and its functions.
心要 [シンヨウ]@core, essence.
心證 [シンショウ]@witnessing the mind.
心識 [シンシキ]@mind and consciousness.
心趣 [シンシュ]@inclinations of the mind.
心跡 [シンセキ]@marks of the mind.
心路 [シンロ]@mind-road.
心量 [シンリョウ]@mental deliberation.
心鏡 [ココロノカガミ]@mind-mirror.
心鏡■ [シンキョウロク]@(title) Xinjing lu.
心靈 [シンリョウ]@mental luminosity.
心願 [シンガン]@mental resolve.
心■倒 [シンテンドウ]@subtle wrong notions.
心香 [シンコウ]@fragrance of the mind.
心馬 [シンメ]@horse-like mind.
心體 [シンタイ]@essence of mind.
心鬼 [ココロノオニ]@perverse mind.
心魔 [シンマ]@demons of the mind.
心魔賊 [シンマゾク]@demons of the mind.
必 [ヒツ]@must, necessary.
必定 [ヒツジョウ]@keep one's mind fixed.
必栗託■那 [ヒリタキツナ]@worldling.
必■家 [ヒタカ]@basket.
必然 [ヒツネン]@necessary.
必至 [ヒッシ]@certainly will.
■ [トウ]@anxious, worried.
■利天 [トウリテン]@(term) Heaven of the Thirty-three (gods).
忌日 [キジツ]@anniversary of a death.
忌日 [キニチ]@anniversary of a death.
忌日 [イミノヒ]@anniversary of a death.
忍 [ニン]@bear, endure, stand, put up with.
忍仙 [ニンセン]@forbearing sage.
忍俊 [ニンシュン]@outstanding intelligence.
忍俊不禁 [ニンシュンフキン]@to be unhandleable.
忍到彼岸 [ニントウヒガン]@(term) perfection of forbearance.
忍力 [ニンリキ]@(The power of) tolerance, endurance, forbearance.
忍土 [ニンド]@land of sufferance.
忍法 [ニンボウ]@stage of patience in regard to phenomena.
忍法位 [ニンボウイ]@stage of patience in regard to phenomena.
忍波羅蜜 [ニンハラミツ]@perfection of patience, or forbearance.
忍波羅蜜多 [ニンハラミッタ]@perfection of forbearance.
忍辱 [ニンニク]@(term) patience.(term) forbearance.
忍辱仙 [ニンニクセン]@the monk k■■ntiv■din.
忍辱鎧 [ニンニクガイ]@patience as armor.
忍鎧 [ニンガイ]@patience as armor.
志 [シ]@resolution.
志安 [シアン]@(person) Chian.
志崇 [シスウ]@(person) Chisung.
志■ [シトク]@Jñ■nagupta.
忘 [ボウ]@forget.
忘得失 [ボウトクシツ]@forget about gain and loss.
忘想 [ボウソウ]@forget thoughts.
忙 [ボウ]@hurried.
忙忙六道 [ボウボウロクドウ]@rushing about in the six destinies.
忙忙鷄 [ママケイ]@(name) M■mak■.
忙莽鷄 [モウマケイ]@mother of the Vajra group.
快 [ケ]@pleasure, enjoyment, comfortability.
快意 [ケイ]@pleasure.
快樂 [ケラク]@joy, pleasure, enjoyment, satisfaction.
念 [ネン]@(term) mindfulness, memory.
念不退 [ネンフタイ]@non-backsliding in terms of mindfulness.
念住 [ネンジュウ]@base of mindfulness.
念佛 [ネンブツ]@be mindful of the meritorious virtues of the Buddha.
念佛三昧寶王論 [ネンブツサンマイホウオウロン]@(title) Nianfo sanmei baowang
念佛堂 [ネンブツドウ]@(term) buddha recitation hall.
念佛宗 [ネンブツシュウ]@School of Mindfulness of the Buddha.
念僧 [ネンソウ]@(foreign) to be mindful of the sa■gha.
念力 [ネンリキ]@force of mindfulness.
念報佛恩心 [ネンホウブットンシン]@Gratitude to the Buddha.
念失 [ネンシツ]@loss of mindfulness.
念心 [ネンシン]@mindfulness.
念念 [ネンネン]@every thought-moment; successive thought-moments.
念念無常 [ネンネンムジョウ]@moment-to-moment impermanence.
念念相續 [ネンネンソウゾク]@practice of constantly remembering the Buddha,
without break for even a single thought-moment.
念慮 [ネンリョ]@thought; cogitation.
念根 [ネンコン]@faculty of memory.
念法 [ネンポウ]@recollection of the dharma, meditation on the dharma.
念法 [ネンボウ]@recollection of the dharma, meditation on the dharma.
念珠 [ネンジュ]@rosary.
念珠 [ネンズ]@rosary.
念處 [ネンジョ]@(term) base of mindfulness (smrty-upasth■na).
念覺支 [ネンカクシ]@branch of enlightenment of mindfulness.
念誦 [ネンジュ]@chanting.
念起 [ネンキ]@thought arises.
忽 [コツ]@instantly, immediately, suddenly.
忿 [フン]@(term) wrath.
忿怒 [フンヌ]@angry.
忿怒拳 [フンヌケン]@adamantine fists.
忿怒王大威■儀軌品 [フンヌオウダイイトクギキホン]@(title) Fennuwang daweide
yigui pin.
忿結 [フンケツ]@anger as fetter.
怒 [ヌ]@to become angry, be offended, be excited.
怖 [フ]@fear.
怖畏 [フイ]@fear.
怖魔 [フマ]@to frighten demons.
怛利夜登陵奢 [タリヤトウリョウシャ]@heaven of the thirty-three celestials.
怛利耶怛利奢 [タリヤタリシャ]@heaven of the thirty-three celestials.
怛梨天 [タンリテン]@heaven of the thirty-three celestials.
怛荼 [タンダ]@staff.
思 [シ]@to think, contemplate, consider, imagine; volitional impulse.
思惑 [シワク]@sensory and physical afflictions.
思惟 [シユイ]@to think, to consider or discriminate an object.
思慧 [シエ]@wisdom attained through contemplation.
思所成地 [シショジョウチ]@the stage completed by thought.
思擇 [シチャク]@ponder, think deeply about.
思擇力 [シチャクリキ]@power of thought in choosing (right principles).
思數 [シシュ]@volition.
思案 [シアン]@To think.
思議 [シギ]@(term) to think about the meaning of the words of the scriptures (artha-
思議路 [シギロ]@path of conceptualization.
思辯 [シベン]@To speculate.
思量 [シリョウ]@to think about, consider, contemplate on; thought.
思量無我 [シリョウムガ]@to contemplate selflessness.
怠 [タイ]@idle, remiss.
怠慢 [タイマン]@Disrespectful.
怡 [イ]@happy, joyful.
急速 [コウソク]@rapid.
性 [ショウ]@nature, essence, substance, self-nature.
性具 [ショウグ]@intrinsic inclusiveness.
性勝 [ショウショウ]@an attitude of pride; disdain for others.
性命 [ショウミョウ]@essence and life.
性唯識 [ショウユイシキ]@true principle of consciousness-only.
性善 [ショウゼン]@good by nature; goodness as a fundamental endowment.
性境 [ショウキョウ]@real objects.
性宗 [ショウシュウ]@nature school.
性得 [ショウトク]@natural attainment.
性■ [ショウトク]@virtues possessed by nature.
性海 [ショウカイ]@The ocean of original (true) nature.
性海果分 [ショウカイカブン]@The extent of the sphere of the Buddha.
性淨 [ショウジョウ]@purity of nature.
性相 [ショウソウ]@essential nature and characteristic.
性相 [ショウゾウ]@essential nature and characteristic.
性種子 [ショウシュシ]@original good seed-nature.
性種性 [ショウシュショウ]@innate proclivity.
性空 [ショウクウ]@empty in nature.
性空 [セイクウ]@empty in nature.
性空宗 [ショウクウシュウ]@(school) Empty Nature School.
性空觀 [ショウクウカン]@contemplation of emptiness in nature.
性罪 [ショウザイ]@wrong by nature.
性聰 [ショウソウ]@(person) S■ngch'ong.
性覺 [ショウカク]@innate enlightenment.
性覺 [ショウガク]@innate enlightenment.
性起 [ショウキ]@arising from the original nature.
性靈集 [ショウリョウシュウ]@(title) Sh■ry■sh■.
性靈集 [セイレイシュウ]@(title) Sh■ry■sh■.
性靜 [ショウジョウ]@the nature that is quiescent.
怨 [オン]@bitterness, enmity, resentment, grudge, hatred, malice.
怨家 [オンケ]@an enemy.
怨憎會 [オンゾウエ]@to be associated with persons and things that one dislikes.
怨憎會苦 [オンゾウエク]@(term) the suffering experienced when we are forced to
associate with people and things that we disklike (apriya-sa■prayoga-du■kha).
怨敵 [オンテキ]@an enemy (toward whom one holds resentment).
怨敵相違 [オンテキソウイ]@the conflict caused by enmity.
怪 [カイ]@Strange, weird, extraordinary.
怯劣 [コウレツ]@weakness.
怯弱 [キョウジャク]@cowardice.
怯弱 [コニャク]@cowardice.
怯弱 [コウニャク]@cowardice.
恁 [ニン]@In this way.
恁 [イン]@In this way.
恁■ [インモ]@in this (that) way.
恃 [ジ]@to depend on.
恃擧 [ジキョ]@to await stimulation; to depend on motivation.
恆水 [ゴウスイ]@Ganges river.
恆河 [ゴウガ]@Ganges river.
恍 [コウ]@Dim, obscure, vague, formless, muddled.
恐 [キョウ]@fearful, apprehensive.
恐 [ク]@fearful, apprehensive.
恐怖 [キョウフ]@frighten; fear; dreadful.
恐怖 [クフ]@frighten; fear; dreadful.
恐怖 [クフ]@frighten; fear; dreadful.
恐毘林 [キョウビリン]@cemetery.
恒 [ゴウ]@permanent.
恒寂 [コウジャク]@(person) K■jaku.
恒有 [ゴウウ]@always existent; eternally real.
恒沙 [ゴウジャ]@As numerous as the grains of sand in the Ganges.
恒河 [ゴウガ]@The Ganges River.
恒河沙 [ゴウガシャ]@as numerous as the sands of the Ganges.
恚 [イ]@anger.
恥 [チ]@to be ashamed.
恨 [コン]@(term) enmity, grudge, resentment.
恩 [オン]@love, affection, compassion.
恩愛 [オンアイ]@affection (for one's parents, spouse, child, etc.
恭敬 [クギョウ]@(term) revere.
息 [ソク]@to become quiet, calm down, grow still, subside.
息心 [ソクシン]@to do seated meditation.
息災 [ソクサイ]@The prevention of disasters and calamities.
息苦生 [ソックショウ]@rebirth for the purpose of stopping suffering.
息諸■務 [ソクショエンム]@cessation of all kinds of administrative involvements.
■叉 [エツシャ]@(foreign) A transliteration of the Sanskrit term yak■a 夜叉.
悉 [シツ]@all, one and all; entirely, fully.
悉備 [シツビ]@replete with.
悉利 [シリ]@success, good fortune, virtuous.
悉地 [シッジ]@attainment, consummation.
悉地 [シッチ]@attainment, consummation.
悉多太子 [シツタタイシ]@Prince Siddh■rtha.
悉多■他 [シッタアタ]@Siddh■rtha.
悉曇字記 [シツタンジキ]@(title) Xitan ziji.
悉耻羅末底 [シチラマチ]@(person) Sthiramati.
悉達多 [シッダッタ]@(person) Siddh■rtha.
悉陀 [シツダ]@(place) S■t■.
悌 [テイ]@Obedient, tame, docile, compliant.
悔 [ケ]@(term) remorse, regret.
悔 [カイ]@(term) remorse, regret.
悔過法 [ケカホウ]@repenting crimes to others.
■ [ケ]@hope.
■望 [ケモウ]@longing, yearning.
■求 [ケグ]@secret desire; hidden longing.
悟 [ゴ]@to awaken to, apprehend, perceive, become aware.
悟修 [ゴシュ]@(Sudden) awakening and (gradual) practice.
悟空通慧 [ゴクウツウエ]@(person) Ogong T'onghye.
悟迹 [ゴシャク]@The marks of enlightenment.
患 [ゲン]@to suffer; be subject to.
悲 [ヒ]@sad, sorrowful, mournful.
悲■菩薩 [ヒゾウボサツ]@(term) bodhisattva superior in pity for others and devotion
to their salvation.
悲田 [ヒデン]@field of merit of the pitiable.
悲觀 [ヒカン]@contemplation on pity.
情 [ジョウ]@feeling, emotion, passion.
情事無礙 [ジョウジムゲ]@(term) no obstruction between manifest phenomena.
情塵 [ジョウジン]@(xref) The six faculties (六根) and the six objects (六塵).
情生智隔 [ジョウショウチカク]@when a thought arises, wisdom is obstructed.
情累 [ジョウルイ]@accumulation of emotions.
情見 [ジョウケン]@discrimination.
情量 [ジョウリョウ]@thought, calculation, conceptualization.
惑 [ワク]@affliction.
惑亂 [ワクラン]@confuse, delusion and confusion.
惑智二障 [ワクチニショウ]@The afflictive and noetic hindrances.
惑趣 [ワクシュ]@to be in confusion regarding the message of the teachings.
惑迷 [ワクメイ]@delude, deceive, confuse.
惑障 [ワクショウ]@(term) delusional hindrances.
■沈 [コンジン]@(term) Torpor, depression.(term) melancholy.
惜 [シャク]@be sparing of; frugal; stingy.
惟政 [イセイ]@(person) Yuj■ng.
惠 [エ]@(term) bless.(term) wisdom.
惠 [ケイ]@(term) bless.(term) wisdom.
惠伸 [エシン]@(person) Hyesin.
惠施 [エセ]@confer blessings.
惠施 [ケイセ]@confer blessings.
惠果 [ケイカ]@(person) Huiguo (746-806).
惠永 [エヨウ]@(person) Hyey■ng.
惠眼 [エゲン]@Wisdom eye.
惠解■ [エゲダツ]@liberation through wisdom.
惠輪 [エリン]@Hyeryun.
惡 [アク]@evil, bad, wrong.
惡人 [アクニン]@evil person.
惡作 [アクサ]@remorse, repentance.
惡作 [オサ]@remorse, repentance.
惡名畏 [アクミョウイ]@fear of a bad reputation.
惡律儀 [アクリツギ]@perverted discipline.
惡心 [アクシン]@evil thoughts; evil mind.
惡戒 [アクカイ]@perverted discipline.
惡■■ [アケイロ]@fragment aloe-wood.
惡業 [アクゴウ]@evil karma.
惡行 [アクギョウ]@(term) evil behavior.
惡見 [アッケン]@(term) wrong view.
惡語 [アクゴ]@verbal misdeeds.
惡■ [アクセツ]@mischievous talk.
惡■ [アクゼツ]@mischievous talk.
惡趣 [アクシュ]@(term) evil destinies.
惡趣苦苦 [アクシュクク]@ordinary suffering in the evil destinies.
惡道 [アクドウ]@evil destiny.
惡道畏 [アクドウイ]@fear of falling into evil.
惡邪尼 [アクジャニ]@agni.
惡鬼 [アクキ]@evil demon.
惡鬼 [アッキ]@evil demon.
惱 [ノウ]@(term) vexation.(term) anxiety.
惱亂 [ノウラン]@anxiety and confusion.
想 [ソウ]@perception, conceptualization, ideation.
想受滅 [ソウジュメツ]@mental functions of feeling and perception are extinguished.
想受滅無爲 [ソウジュメツム]@(term) concentration of cessation.
想慮 [ソウリョ]@discursive thought.
想數 [ソウシュ]@mental factor of conceptualization.
想縛 [ソウバク]@conceptual bondage.
想蘊 [ソウウン]@(term) perception.(term) symbolic function.
惹那 [ジャナ]@wisdom, knowledge.
惺牛 [セイギュウ]@(person) S■ngwu.
愍 [ミン]@sympathy, pity.
愍念 [ミンネン]@thoughts of pity, concern.
意 [イ]@consideration, mind, thought, idea.
意三 [イサン]@three evils of the mind.
意力 [イリキ]@(foreign) power of the mind (manas).
意和敬 [イワキョウ]@reverent harmony in mental unity in faith.
意地 [イジ]@stage of mind.
意境界 [イキョウカイ]@(foreign) realm of the function of the sixth (mano)
consciousness (mano-gati).
意學 [イガク]@mental cultivation.
意安樂行 [イアンラクギョウ]@calm and joyful functioning of the mind.
意念往生 [イネンオウジョウ]@reborn from mindfulness.
意恂 [イジュン]@(person) ■isun.
意憤天 [イフンテン]@resentful celestial.
意成 [イジョウ]@mental completion.
意成天 [イジョウテン]@celestials developed from mind.
意根 [イコン]@faculty of thought mind.
意業 [イゴウ]@intentional activity; mental activity.
意業殺 [イゴウサツ]@killing by mind.
意樂 [ガク]@(term) wish.(term) hope.
意水 [イスイ]@mind as still as water.
意猿 [イエン]@mind like a monkey.
意生 [ショウ]@arise intention.
意生身 [ショウシン]@mind-made body(ies).
意界 [カイ]@realm of consciousness.
意致 [イチ]@objective; intention.
意處 [ショ]@faculty of consciousness among the six consciousnesses.
意見 [イケン]@views.
意解 [イゲ]@mental liberation.
意言 [イゴン]@(term) verbal expressions.
意識 [シキ]@thought consciousness.
意識流 [イシキル]@stream of consciousness.
意趣 [イシュ]@will, intention.
意趣難解 [イシュナンゲ]@the meaning is difficult to fathom.
意車 [イシャ]@mind-vehicle.
意陰 [イオン]@intention-cluster.
意馬 [イバ]@mind like a horse.
意馬心猿 [イバシンエン]@mind like a horse and a heart like a monkey.
愚 [グ]@foolish, stupid.
愚俗 [グゾク]@foolish (gullible) worldly people.
愚夫 [グフ]@(term) a fool.
愚夫種性 [グフシュショウ]@seed-nature of the foolish.
愚癡 [グチ]@(term) worldling.
愚禿 [グトク]@ignorant, bald-headed one.
愚見 [グケン]@foolish views.
愛 [アイ]@desire, yearn for, crave.
愛不愛 [アイフアイ]@that which is liked and that which is disliked.
愛分別 [アイフンベツ]@discrimination of the appealing.
愛別離 [アイベツリ]@be separated from the things that one loves.
愛別離苦 [アイベツリク]@suffering experienced when we are separated from the
persons and things which we love.
愛刺 [アイシ]@thorn of attachment.
愛取 [アイシュ]@grasping.
愛味 [アイミ]@attachment; craving, desire.
愛執 [アイシュウ]@attachment; love and attachment.
愛心 [アイシン]@mind of desire and attachment.
愛恚 [アイイ]@two afflictions of attachment and aversion, or craving and anger.
愛恨 [アイコン]@falseness of desire.
愛惑 [アイワク]@affliction of attachment.
愛惜 [アイシャク]@sorrow of parting.
愛惜 [アイセキ]@sorrow of parting.
愛憎 [アイゾウ]@love and hatred.
愛數住地 [アイシュジュウジ]@hypostases of the afflictions that are associated with
愛果 [アイカ]@fruit of attachment.
愛染 [アイゼン]@be caught by desire.attachment.
愛染王 [アイゼンオウ]@King Pollute By Desire.
愛根 [アイコン]@root of desire.
愛業 [アイゴウ]@karma of desire.
愛樂 [アイガク]@Rudita Buddha.
愛欲 [アイヨク]@(term) attachment and desire.
愛欲海 [アイヨクカイ]@ocean of desire.
愛毒 [アイドク]@poison of attachment.
愛水 [アイスイ]@water of love.
愛河 [アイカ]@river of desire.
愛法 [アイホウ]@attachment to the dharma.
愛流 [アイル]@current of desire.
愛海 [アイカイ]@ocean of desire.
愛涎 [アイエン]@drooling with desire.
愛■ [アイカツ]@desire and thirst.
愛潤 [アイニン]@nourishment of desire.
愛火 [アイカ]@flame of desire.
愛煩惱 [アイボンノウ]@emotional afflictions.
愛獄 [アイゴク]@prison of desire.
愛界 [アイカイ]@realm of desire.
愛眼 [アイゲン]@eye of love.
愛種 [アイシュ]@seed of desire.
愛結 [アイケツ]@tethers of desire.
愛■ [アイエン]@condition of attachment.
愛■ [アイケ]@tethers of desire.
愛繭 [アイケン]@cocoon of desire.
愛羂 [アイケン]@net of desire.
愛羅刹女 [アイラセツニョ]@female demon of desire.
愛習氣 [アイジッケ]@habit energies of attraction.
愛者 [アイシャ]@desirer.
愛著 [アイジャク]@love and attachment; strong attachement.
愛著生死 [アイジャクショウジ]@bondage to rebirth by attachment.
愛著迷 [アイジャクメイ]@delusion from attachment.
愛行 [アイギョウ]@emotional behavior.
愛見 [アイケン]@attachment (or desire) and views.
愛見二行 [アイケンニギョウ]@afflictions of views and emotions.
愛語 [アイゴ]@(term) loving words.
愛論 [アイロン]@talk of love.
愛身天 [アイシンテン]@heaven of lovely form.
愛輪 [アイリン]@wheel of desire.
愛非愛 [アイヒアイ]@likes and dislikes.
愛鬼 [アイキ]@demon of desire.
感 [カン]@feeling, sensation, influence, sentiment, impression.
感應 [カンオウ]@moved to response through feelings.
感生 [カンショウ]@bring about birth.
感生之業 [カンショウ ノ ゴウ]@karma (activity) that brings about rebirth.
感生業 [カンショウゴウ]@karma (activities) that bring about rebirth.
愧 [キ]@(term) shame, scruple.
慈 [ジ]@love.
慈定 [ジジョウ]@meditation on compassion.
慈尊 [ジソン]@(person) Maitreya.
慈心 [ジシン]@compassion.
慈恩 [ジオン]@compassionate blessings of Amit■bha Buddha.
慈恩宗 [ジオンシュウ]@(school) Cha■n chong.
慈悲 [ジヒ]@compassion.
慈悲觀 [ジヒカン]@mindfulness of compassion.
慈愛 [ジアイ]@love affectionately; love tenderly.
慈氏 [ジシ]@(person) Maitreya.
慈氏菩薩誓願陀羅尼經 [ジシボサツセイガンダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the
Merciful one's Promise.
慈水 [ジスイ]@merciful waters.
慈無量 [ジムリョウ]@immeasurable compassion.
慈生菩薩 [ジショウボサツ]@producer of mercy bodhisattva.
慈眼 [ジゲン]@compassionate eye.
慈興 [ジコウ]@(person) Jik■.
慈航 [ジコウ]@vessel of compassion.
慈藏 [ジゾウ]@(person) Chajang.
慈觀 [ジカン]@contemplation on compassion.
慈誨 [ジカイ]@compassionate teaching.
慈辯 [ジベン]@compassionate explanation.
慈門 [ジモン]@gate of compassion.
慈門寺 [ジモンジ]@(temple) The Cimen si.
慈雲 [ジウン]@cloud of compassion.
慈霪 [ジイン]@rain of compassion.
慕雲 [ボウン]@(person) Moun.
慚 [ザン]@conscience.
慚愧 [ザンキ]@shame; conscience and a sense of shame.
慚愧 [ザンギ]@shame; conscience and a sense of shame.
慚愧心 [ザンゲシン]@Mental state of shame.
慚財 [ザンザイ]@jewel of shame.
慢 [マン]@(term) pride.(term) conceit.
慢慢 [マンマン]@pride of superiority among superiors.
慢我 [マンガ]@inherently arisen self.
慢■ [マンエン]@in the condition of pride; conditioned by pride.
慢習氣 [マンジッケ]@habit energies of pride.
慢過慢 [マンカマン]@(term) pride in feeling superior to manifest superiors (m■na-
慣 [カン]@become accustomed to, get used to.
慧 [エ]@(term) wisdom.
慧上菩薩問大權善經 [エジョウボサツモンダイゴンゼンキョウ]@(title) Huishang
pusa wendaquanshan jing.
慧了 [エリョウ]@(person) Huiliao.
慧光 [エコウ]@wisdom light.
慧光心 [エコウシン]@mind of wisdom-radiance.
慧力 [エリキ]@wisdom power.
慧勤 [エゴン]@(person) Hyeg■n.
慧可 [エカ]@(person) Huike.
慧命 [エミョウ]@life power as a metaphor for wisdom.
慧如 [エニョ]@(person) Huiru.
慧學 [エガク]@learning through wisdom.
慧宿 [エシュク]@(person) Hyesuk.
慧寂 [エジャク]@(person) Huiji.
慧徹 [エテツ]@(person) Hyech'■l.
慧忍 [エニン]@forbearance of wisdom.
慧思 [エシ]@(person) Huisi.
慧悟 [エゴ]@(person) Hyeo.
慧數 [エシュ]@(xref) mental function of wisdom, or knowing, which, functioning in
the 7th consciousness, discriminates an ego 我.
慧日寺 [エニチジ]@(temple) The Huiri si.
慧明 [エミョウ]@illumination of wisdom.
慧月 [エゲツ]@(person) Maticandra.
慧根 [エコン]@faculty of wisdom.
慧沼 [エショウ]@(person) Huizhao.
慧灌 [エカン]@(person) Hyegwan.
慧燦 [エサン]@(person) Hyech'an.
慧琳音義 [エリンオンギ]@(title) Huilin's Sounds and Meanings.
慧■ [エザン]@(person) Huizan.
慧目 [エモク]@(term) wisdom eye.
慧眼 [エゲン]@(term) wisdom eye.
慧空 [エクウ]@(person) Hyegong.
慧能 [エノウ]@(person) Huineng.
慧蘊 [エウン]@aggregate of wisdom.
慧觀 [エカン]@Huiguan.
慧解■ [エゲダツ]@liberation attained through wisdom.
慧■ [エシン]@(person) Hyesim.
慧財 [エザイ]@jewel of knowledge; jewel of wisdom.
慧■ [エグ]@(person) Huiyong.
慧遠 [エオン]@Huiyuan.
慮 [リョ]@think, to plan.
慮知 [リョチ]@discriminating knowledge.
慳 [ケン]@(term) stinginess, parsimony.
慳加毀戒 [ケンケキカイ]@precept against harming others by one's own stinginess
慳惜加毀 [ケンシャクケキ]@bringing harm to others through one's own stinginess.
慳惜加毀戒 [ケンジャクカキカイ]@precept against harming others by one's own
stinginess (parsimony).
慳惜加■ [ケンシャクケキ]@bringing harm to others through one's own parsimony.
慳惜加■戒 [ケンシャクケキカイ]@precept forbidding Buddhist practitioners from
bringing harm to others through one's parsimony.
慳惜財法戒 [ケンシャクザイホウカイ]@precept against stinginess with one's
material assets or with the dharma.
慳戒 [ケンカイ]@precept against harming others by one's own stinginess (parsimony).
慳生毀辱戒 [ケンショウキジョクカイ]@precept against harming others by one's own
stinginess (parsimony).
慶友 [キョウユウ]@(person) Nandimitra.
慶喜 [ケイキ]@happiness; joy.
慶喜 [キョウキ]@happiness; joy.
慶州 [キョウシュウ]@(place) Ky■ngju.
慶■ [キョウエツ]@joy, happiness, bliss.
憂 [ウ]@sorrow, trouble, anxiety.
憂怖 [ウフ]@Anxiety and fear.
憂患 [ウゲン]@(term) anxiety, worry, care, distress (upasarga).
憂悲 [ウヒ]@sorrow and distress.
憂惱 [ウノウ]@(term) worry, anxiety, stress, alarm (du■kha).
憂根 [ウコン]@faculty of sorrow.
■ [キョウ]@(term) haughtiness.(term) arrogance.
■奢 [キョウシャ]@proud, arrogant, haughty.
■恣 [キョウシ]@arrogant selfishness.
■慢 [キョウマン]@(term) pride.
■梵 [キョウボン]@Gav■■pati.
■梵波提 [キョウボンハダイ]@(name) Gav■■pati.
■■彌國 [キョウセンミコク]@(place) Kau■■mbi.
■薩羅國 [キョウサツラコク]@(place) Kosala.
■賞彌 [キョウショウミ]@(place) Kau■■mb■.
■陳如 [キョウチンニョ]@(person) Kau■■inya.
憎 [ゾウ]@hate, detest, loathe.
憎嫉 [ゾウシツ]@be hateful and envious.
憎愛 [ゾウアイ]@hate and attachment.
憐愍 [レンビン]@compassion, pity, mercy.
■山 [カンザン]@(person) Hanshan.
憩 [ケイ]@rest; repose; relax.
憶 [オク]@think.
憶念 [オクネン]@remember, to memorize, recall.
憶想分別 [オクソウフンベツ]@(term) to think about, conjecture, speculate (sa■jñ■-
憶聞 [オクブン]@to remember what one hears.
憺梨天 [タンリテン]@heaven of the thirty-three celestials.
憾 [カン]@resent, bear a grudge, be remorseful, regret.
懃 [ゴン]@strive, endeavor, make effort toward (goodness, enlightenment).
懈怠 [ケダイ]@(term) negligence.
應 [オウ]@concomitant with.
應作 [オウサ]@manifestation of a body by a Buddha or a bodhisattva for the purpose of
teaching sentient beings.
應供 [オウグ]@(term) arhat.
應化 [オウケ]@manifestation of a body by a buddha or bodhisattva.
應化土 [オウゲド]@land of transformation.
應化法身 [オウゲホウシン]@response, transformation and dharma-bodies of the
應器 [オウキ]@begging bowl.
應報 [オウホウ]@retribution.
應形 [オウギョウ]@response body.
應果 [オウカ]@(foreign) result of practice in attaining the level arhat.
應法沙彌 [オウホウシャミ]@(foreign) ■r■ma■eras who should follow the dharma.
應無所住 [オウムショジュウ]@in accordance with non-abiding.
應現 [オウゲン]@manifestation of a body by a buddha or a bodhisattva in response to
the mental condition of sentient beings.
應理 [オウリ]@reasonable.
應理圓實宗 [オウリエンジツシュウ]@school that responds to all doctrinal problems
with correct theoretical reasoning.
應當 [オウトウ]@should, must.
應眞 [オウシン]@arhat.
應知 [オウチ]@(term) knowable.
應知依止 [オウチエシ]@support of the knowable.
應知勝相 [オウチショウソウ]@distinguishing characteristics of the knowable.
應變 [オウヘン]@adapt to changes; accord with the situation.
應赴僧 [オウフソウ]@(term) call monks.
應身 [オウジン]@(term) transformation body.(term) reward-body.
應迹 [オウジャク]@transformation-body.
應量器 [オウリョウキ]@alms-bowl.
應頌 [オジュ]@(term) geya.
懊惱 [オウノウ]@Distress, anguish, mental agony.
懶翁 [ランオウ]@(person) Naong.
懷 [エ]@yearning.
懷 [カイ]@yearning.
懷讓 [エジョウ]@(person) Huairang.
懸 [ケン]@to hang; to attach to.
懸蓋 [ゲンガイ]@floral canopy.
懺悔 [ザンゲ]@repent.
懺謝 [ザンシャ]@apology; repentance.
懿師摩 [イシマ]@Ik■v■ku Vir■■haka.
戀慕 [レンボ]@thoughts of yearning.
戈 [カ]@spear.
戈追 [カツイ]@a very large number.
戊達羅 [シュダラ]@■■dra.
戌 [ジュツ]@7-9 p.m..
戌婆■羅僧訶 [ジュバキャラソウカ]@■ubhakarasi■ha.
戌捺羅 [ジュダラ]@servant.
戌羯羅 [ジュツキャラ]@Venus.
戌迦 [ジュカ]@parrot.
戌迦羅博乞史 [シュキャラハキシ]@waxing phase of the moon.
戌達 [ジュダ]@servant.
戌陀 [ジュダ]@servant.
戌陀戰達羅 [ジュダセンダラ]@■uddhacandra.
戌陀羅 [ジュダラ]@labourer caste.
戍博迦 [ジュハクカ]@(name) J■vaka.
成 [ジョウ]@accomplish.
成人 [ジョウニン]@consummated person.
成人 [セイジン]@consummated person.
成佛 [ジョウブツ]@becoming a buddha.
成佛得■ [ジョウブツトクダツ]@to become a buddha and obtain liberation.
成佛道 [ジョウフツドウ]@(term) perfect enlightenment (bodha).
成劫 [ジョウコウ]@aeons of the formation.
成勝寺 [ジョウショウジ]@(temple) J■sh■ji.
成唯識寶生論 [ジョウイシキホウショウロン]@The Jewel-Arising Treatise on
Setting Forth Consciousness-only.
成唯識論 [ジョウユイシキロン]@(title) Discourse on the Theory of Consciousness-
成唯識論了義燈 [ジョウユイシキロンリョウギトウ]@(title) Cheng weishi lun
成唯識論樞要 [ジョウユイシキロンスウヨウ]@(title) Cheng weishi lun shouyao.
成唯識論演祕 [ジョウユイシキロンエンビ]@(title) Cheng weishi lun yanmi.
成唯識論述記 [ジョウユイシキロンジュッキ]@(title) Cheng weish■un shouji.
成壞無礙 [ジョウエムゲ]@(term) no obstruction between composition and
成實 [ジョウジツ]@accomplishment of truth.
成實宗 [ジョウジツシュウ]@(school) Satyasiddhi school.
成實論疏 [ジョウジツロンショ]@(title) Commentary on the Satyasiddhi-■■stra.
成就 [ジョウジュ]@possessed in the body.
成就法 [ジョウジュホウ]@method for establishing something.
成就衆生 [ジョウジュシュジョウ]@to perfect sentient beings.
成所作智 [ジョウショサチ]@(term) wisdom of unrestricted activity.
成業 [ジョウゴウ]@create karma, develop karma.
成業論 [ジョウゴウロン]@(xref) Shortened title of the 大乘成業論.
成滿 [ジョウマン]@perfection.
成然 [ジョウネン]@(person) J■nen.
成熟 [セイジュク]@maturation.
成相 [ジョウソウ]@characteristics of completion.
成立 [ジョウリツ]@consist of, be composed of.
成章 [ジョウショウ]@complete affair.
成等正覺 [ジョウトウショウガク]@attain perfect enlightenment.
成辨 [ジョウベン]@perfection of a result.
成道 [ジョウドウ]@enlightenment, awakening.
我 [ガ]@self; ego; basis of existence.
我人四相 [ガニンシソウ]@four marks of self.
我倒 [ガトウ]@the fallacy of positing a self.
我執 [ガシュウ]@(term) egocentrism.
我塵 [ガジン]@self and the objects of self.
我妄想 [ガモウソウ]@falsely imputed notion of "'I".
我■ [ガトク]@virtue of self.
我愛 [ガアイ]@self-love.
我慢 [ガマン]@identity; self-pride, pride; conceit.
我我 [ガガ]@individual ego (self) that is attached to.
我我所 [ガガショ]@self and the things possessed, or attached to, by the self.
我我所執 [ガガショシュウ]@self and the things to which self becomes attached.
我所 [ガショ]@possessions of the self--"mine.
我所執 [ガショシュウ]@that which is mistakenly adhered to by the false self.
我所妄想 [ガショモウソウ]@falsely imputed notion of "mine".
我所見 [ガショケン]@view of possessivity.
我法 [ガホウ]@self and phenomena.
我法倶有宗 [ガホウクウシュウ]@teaching that self and elements both exist.
我法執 [ガホウシュウ]@attachment to self and phenomena.
我癡 [ガチ]@delusion regarding the self.
我相 [ガソウ]@(term) appearance of self, or self-aspect (■tma-sa■jñ■).
我空 [ガクウ]@emptiness of self.
我空眞如 [ガクウシンニョ]@emptiness of self as the ultimate reality.
我聞 [ガモン]@I have heard....
我見 [ガケン]@(term) self-view.
我語取 [ガゴシュ]@attachment to the theory of the existence of an inherent, eternal
戒 [カイ]@precepts.
戒乘四句 [カイジョウシク]@four different ways of combining wisdom.
戒到彼岸 [カイトウヒガン]@(term) perfection of morality.
戒力 [カイリキ]@power of the precepts.
戒取見 [カイシュケン]@mistaken attachment to precepts; or attachment to mistaken
戒和上 [カイワジョウ]@direct preceptor.
戒和尚 [カイオウショウ]@preceptor monk.
戒和敬 [カイワキョウ]@reverent harmony in moral unity in observing the
戒品 [カイホン]@set of precepts.
戒器 [カイキ]@vessel of the precepts.
戒因■經 [カイインネンキョウ]@Sutra on the Causes and Conditions of Vinaya.
戒場 [カイジョウ]@hall of ordination.
戒壇 [カイダン]@ordination platform.
戒學 [カイガク]@learning through precepts.
戒定慧 [カイジョウエ]@morality, meditation, and wisdom.
戒師 [カイシ]@preceptor.
戒師五■ [カイシゴトク]@five virtues of the preceptor.
戒律 [カイリツ]@rules and disciplines.
戒律宗 [カイリツシュウ]@(school) Vinaya sect.
戒律藏 [カイリツゾウ]@Vinaya Pi■aka.
戒■ [カイトク]@virtue of the precepts.
戒忍 [カイニン]@forbearance of discipline.
戒日 [カイニチ]@■■l■ditya.
戒本 [カイホン]@pr■timok■a.
戒果因■經 [カイカインネンキョウ]@Sutra of the Fruits, Causes, and Conditions of
戒法 [カイホウ]@■■ladharma.
戒波羅蜜 [カイハラミツ]@(term) perfection of morality (■■la-p■ramit■).
戒波羅蜜多 [カイハラミッタ]@perfection of morality.
戒淨 [カイジョウ]@purity of the precepts.
戒牒 [カイチョウ]@certification of ordination.
戒疏 [カイショ]@Commentary on the Precepts.
戒疏刪補 [カイショサンホ]@Supplement to the Commentary on the Precepts.
戒相 [カイソウ]@characteristics of the precepts.
戒禁 [カイキン]@rules and prohibitions.
戒禁 [カイゴン]@rules and prohibitions.
戒禁取 [カイゴンシュ]@imbalanced attachment to the precepts.
戒禁取見 [カイゴンシュケン]@view of attachment to discipline.
戒藏 [カイゾウ]@rules collection.
戒賢 [カイケン]@(person) ■■labhadra.
戒門 [カイモン]@precept.
戒驗 [カイケン]@certification of ordination.
戒體 [カイタイ]@(term) essence of the precepts.
或 [ワク]@somebody, someone, something, some, some people.
截斷衆流 [セツダンシュル]@what is it that stops the flow of all transmigration?.
戯論智 [キロンチ]@conceptual wisdom.
戰達羅 [センダラ]@moon.
戰達羅鉢刺婆 [センダラハセバ]@(name) Candraprabha.
戲 [ケ]@play, frolic, sport.
戲論 [ケロン]@conceptual elaboration(s).idle discourse.frivolous talk.intellectual
play.ideational proliferation.
戲論想 [ケロンソウ]@discursive thought.
戲論智 [ケロンチ]@wisdom of intellectual play; intelligence in idle discourse.
戸摩 [コマ]@(foreign) Transcription of the Sanskrit homa.
戸隱山 [トガクサン]@(place) Togakusan.
房 [ボウ]@monk's quarters.
房主 [ボウズ]@monk in charge of the monk's quarters.
房主 [ボウシュ]@monk in charge of the monk's quarters.
房宿 [ボウシュク]@Kapphi■a.
房舍 [ボウシャ]@matters concerning the boarding, bedding, etc. of monastic dwellers.
所 [ショ]@an indicator of the object or the passive.
所以 [ショイ]@hence, therefore.
所以然 [ショイゼン]@reason for, the cause.
所住 [ショジュウ]@abode.
所作 [ショサ]@that which should be done.
所依 [ショエ]@a support; basis, a ground, a foundation.
所依所■ [ショエショエン]@bases and objects.
所依止 [ショエシ]@a basis, ground, support.
所依■ [ショエエン]@those thing that are taken as bases and objects.
所別 [ショベツ]@that which is distinguished.
所取 [ショシュ]@that which is known.
所句迦 [ショコウカ]@Chakoka.
所得 [ショトク]@Acquisition, realization, cognition.
所應 [ショオウ]@act accordingly, respond appropriately.
所教 [ショキョウ]@those who are taught.
所有 [ショウ]@all.
所望 [ショモウ]@that which is expected, hoped for, waited for, or anticipated.
所期 [ショキ]@That which is waited for, hoped for, expected, anticipated.
所歸 [ショキ]@that which is depended upon.
所求 [ショグ]@that which is sought after.
所治 [ショジ]@that which is counteracted (corrected).
所熏 [ショクン]@that which is perfumated.
所熏性 [ショクンショウ]@perfumable; penetrable.
所生 [ショショウ]@that which produces.
所知 [ショチ]@known.
所知境 [ショチキョウ]@objective realm that is known by the consciousnesses.
所知礙 [ショチゲ]@obstructions to wisdom.
所知障 [ショチショウ]@(term) noetic hindrances.(term) hindrance by the known.
所立 [ショリュウ]@that which is established; that which is posited.
所■ [ショエン]@(term) Objects of perception or conception.
所■境 [ショエンキョウ]@objects of consciousness.
所■■ [ショエンエン]@(term) object as cause.
所■縛 [ショエンバク]@Binding afflictions that arise in connection with external
所習淨 [ショシュウジョウ]@carrying out an act improperly and justifying it by its
habitual performance in this way.
所聞 [ショモン]@that which one hears.
所■ [ショクン]@that which is perfumated.
所行 [ショギョウ]@that which is practiced.
所行處 [ショギョウショ]@extent or limit of function.
所被 [ショヒ]@that which is transformed by the teaching.
所計 [ショケ]@that which is imagined; that which is supposed.
所詮 [ショセン]@that which is explained in the sutras.
所■ [ショセツ]@that which is explained.
所證 [ショショウ]@that which is realized.
所變 [ショヘン]@that into which something has been transformed.
所造 [ショゾウ]@creation (of objects) out of basic (four) elements 四大.
所遍計 [ショヘンゲ]@objectively discriminated objects of self and elements.
所願 [ショガン]@that which one desires.
扇底迦 [センチカ]@esoteric ritual for stopping calamities.
扇提羅 [センダラ]@a neuter human.
扇■ [センタ]@man without reproductive capacities.
扇繩 [センジョウ]@door-rope.
手 [テ]@hand.
手 [シュ]@hand.
手印 [シュイン]@(foreign) mudr■.
手巾 [シュキン]@handkerchief.
手爐 [シュロ]@portable incense burner.
手磬 [シュケイ]@hand-bell.
手膝據地 [シュシツコチ]@hands and knees on the ground.
手輪 [シュリン]@whorls.
打 [タ]@strike.
打 [ダ]@strike.
打供 [タク]@make offerings.
打包 [タホウ]@package.
打包 [トウホウ]@package.
打坐 [タザ]@sit for meditation.
打板 [タハン]@strike a board.
打眠衣 [タミンエ]@monk's bedclothes.
打眠衣 [タメンゴロモ]@monk's bedclothes.
打聽 [チョウチョウ]@make inquiries.
打鍾 [チョウショウ]@to strike the bell.
打鍾食 [チョウショウシキ]@ringing the mealtime bell.
打飯 [タハン]@eat a meal.
托 [タク]@entrust.
托塔天王 [タクトウテンノウ]@Vai■rava■a.
托生 [タクショウ]@to incarnate.
托胎 [タクタイ]@entering the womb.
托鉢 [タクハツ]@religious mendicancy.
承 [ショウ]@receive, to accept, to inherit.
承智 [ショウチ]@Consent, assent, acknowledgement.
承習 [ジョウシュウ]@br■hman.
承迥 [ジョウケイ]@(person) S■nghy■ng.
承露盤 [ショウロバン]@dew receivers.
技人 [ギニン]@magician.
技工士 [ギクシ]@[Modern] A dental technician..
技藝 [ギゲイ]@art, technique.
抄 [ショウ]@extract and annotate from a text.
把鼻 [ハビ]@hook a nose.
抑 [ヨク]@stop, check.
抑揚教 [ヨクヨウキョウ]@modulated teaching.
抑止 [オクシ]@suppression, cessation.
抑止 [ヨクシ]@suppression, cessation.
抑止攝取 [オクシセッシュ]@rejection and acceptance.
投 [トウ]@throw.
投機 [トウキ]@seize the opportunity.
投淵 [トウエン]@ascetic practice of naked cave-dwelling.
投胎 [トウタイ]@(term) enter a mothers womb in preparation for rebirth into this world
投華 [トウケ]@casting flowers.
投身 [トウシン]@offer one's life.
抖 [ト]@to shake.
抖■ [トソウ]@(term) dh■ta.
折 [シャク]@fold, bend.
折 [セツ]@fold, bend.
折伏 [セップク]@subdue.
折蘆 [セツロ]@broken reed.
抱 [ホウ]@embrace.
抱觸 [ボウソク]@embrace.
抵彌 [テイミ]@a kind of large fish.
抽大解 [チュウダイゲ]@defecation.
抽■ [チュウダツ]@go to the toiler.
拂 [ホツ]@expel.
拂子 [ホッス]@fly whisk.
拂石 [フッシャク]@dusting a rock [eon].
拂石劫 [フッシャクコウ]@dusting a rock [eon].
拂袖 [ホッシュウ]@shake one's sleeves.
■杖 [シュジョウ]@staff, crutch.
■杖 [チュジョウ]@staff, crutch.
■杖子 [シュジョウス]@staff, crutch.
拆句迦 [タコウカ]@Chakoka.
拈 [ネン]@to pick up and handle something with the fingers.
拈來 [ネンライ]@hold or twirl in one's fingers.
拈古 [ネンコ]@raise the ancient precedent.
拈提 [ネンテイ]@raise a matter for question and analysis.
拈華微笑 [ネンゲミショウ]@holding a flower and subtly smiling.
拈香 [ネンコウ]@burn incense.
拍手 [ハクシュ]@clapping hands.
拍掌 [ハクショウ]@clapping hands.
拓鬪提舍 [タクトウダイシャ]@the four quarters.
拔合思巴 [バッゴウシハ]@(person) Phags-pa.
拔底耶 [バテイヤ]@spiritual guide.
拔思發 [バシホツ]@(person) Phags-pa.
拔提 [バツダイ]@(person) Bhadrika.
拔提達多 [バダイダッタ]@(person) Bhadradatta.
拔濟 [バッサイ]@rescue.
拔濟苦難陀羅尼經 [バッサイクナンタラニキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Dh■ran■s
that Remove Suffering and Adversity.
拔羅魔■ [バラマラ]@black bee.
拔舌地獄 [バツゼツジゴク]@hell where the tongue is pulled out.
拘利 [クリ]@a million.
拘■彌 [クエンミ]@(place) Kau■■mb■.
拘勿頭 [クモツズ]@white lotus.
拘含牟尼 [クゴンムニ]@(name) Kanakamuni.
拘夷那竭 [クイナケツ]@Ku■inagara.
拘尸城 [クシジョウ]@Ku■inagara.
拘尸那 [クシナ]@(place) Ku■inagara.
拘尸那城 [クシナジョウ]@Ku■inagara.
拘尸那■羅 [クシナガラ]@(place) Ku■inagara.
拘尸那竭 [クシナケツ]@(place) Ku■inagara.
拘摩羅 [クマラ]@prince.
拘牟頭 [クムズ]@white lotus.
拘物度 [クモツド]@white lotus.
拘物陀 [クモツダ]@white lotus.
拘物頭 [クモツズ]@white lotus.
拘瑟底羅 [クシッテイラ]@Kau■■hila.
拘留孫佛 [クルソンブツ]@Krakucchanda.
拘留泰佛 [クルタイブツ]@Rakucchanda-buddha.
拘■彌 [クセンミ]@(place) Kau■■mb■.
拘■羅 [クチラ]@(person) Kau■■hila.
拘胝 [クチ]@a million.
拘蘇摩補羅 [クソマフラ]@(place) Kusumapura.
拘貿頭 [クボウズ]@white lotus.
拘輪 [クリン]@(person) ■jñ■ta-kau■■inya.
拘那牟尼 [クナムニ]@(name) Kanakamuni.
拘那羅他 [クナラタ]@(person) Gu■arata.
拘那羅陀 [クナラダ]@(person) Gu■arata.
拘鄰 [クリン]@(person) Kau■■inya.
拘鄰隣 [クリンリン]@Ajñ■ta-Kau■■inya.
拙 [セツ]@clumsy.
拙具羅 [セツグラ]@Persian incense.
招 [ショウ]@invite.
招召 [ショウジョウ]@■kar■a■■.
招提 [ショウダイ]@the four quarters.
招杜羅 [ショウトラ]@(name) Catura.
招殃 [ショウオウ]@to invite disaster.
拜 [ハイ]@worship, adore, pray to.
持 [ジ]@verify, validate, confirm; judge, decide.
持世陀羅尼經 [ジセイダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the World Upholder.
持因 [ジイン]@maintaining cause.
持國天 [ジコクテン]@(name) Dh■tr■■■ra.
持國天王 [ジコクテンノウ]@Dh■tar■■■ra.
持地 [ジチ]@Earth Holder.
持地菩薩 [ジチボサツ]@Earth-holding bodhisattva.
持律第一 [ジリツダイイチ]@Most eminent in terms of observance of the precepts.
持戒 [ジカイ]@observe precepts.
持戒■淨 [ジカイショウジョウ]@pure observance of the precepts.
持業釋 [ジゴウシャク]@compound words that where there is equality of dependence
between the terms.
持業釋 [ジゴッシャク]@compound words that where there is equality of dependence
between the terms.
持法 [ジホウ]@cleave to the buddha-dharma.
持犯 [ジボン]@keep the precepts and break the precepts.
持瓔珞 [ジヨウラク]@(name) M■l■dh■ri (Necklace Holder).
持經 [ジキョウ]@practice of continuous chanting of s■tra text.
持衞 [ジエイ]@To guard and take care of.
持誦 [ジジュ]@Upholding or maintaining (in memory) by chanting.
持■ [ジセツ]@to embrace (for oneself) and teach (others).
持金剛 [ジコンゴウ]@vajra-holder.
持鉢 [ジハツ]@carry one's begging bowl.
指 [シ]@(term) finger (a■guli), a thumb.
指南 [シナン]@teach, guide, instruct.
指掌 [シショウ]@point to one's palm.
指摘 [シテキ]@point out.
指歸 [シキ]@import, gist.
指空 [シクウ]@(person) Zhikong.
指端 [シタン]@fingertip.
指那 [シナ]@(place) China.
振丹 [シンタン]@(place) China.
振旦 [シンタン]@(place) China.
捨 [シャ]@(term) throw away, relinquish, give up, discard, abandon, forsake, renounce
捨受 [シャジュ]@perception of neither pleasure nor pain.
捨墮 [シャダ]@offenses which require expiation and forfeiture.
捨心 [シャシン]@mental state of detachment.
捨心障 [シャシンショウ]@hindrance of detachment.
捨念■淨地 [シャネンショウジョウチ]@Pure Land of abandonment of thought.
捨施 [シャセ]@donate; offer freely.
捨根 [シャコン]@faculty of abandoning.
捨濫留純識 [シャランルジュンシキ]@expulsion of confusion (the dependently arisen
objective aspects of consciousness) and the retention of the dependently arisen subjective
捨身 [シャシン]@abandon oneself (to something).
捨離 [シャリ]@discard; be free from; get rid of.
据稚迦 [コチカ]@pitcher, flask.
据穉迦 [コチカ]@pitcher, flask.
捷徑 [ショウケイ]@shortcut.
捷疾鬼 [ショウシツキ]@(term) yak■a.
捺地迦葉波 [ナッチカショウパ]@Nad■-K■■yapa;.
授 [ジュ]@give, grant, confer, invest with, impart, teach.
授戒 [ジュカイ]@imparting the precepts.
授決 [ジュケツ]@(term) prediction of future buddhahood,.
授記 [ジュキ]@the conferral by the Buddha of the prediction of the attainment of
Buddhahood in the future.
掉亂 [トウラン]@to be agitated, disturbed, confused.
掉擧 [トウコ]@(term) restlessness.
排拔 [ハイバツ]@To leave out; omit; ignore, cast aside..
掘具羅 [クツグラ]@Persian incense.
接引 [ショウイン]@Buddha's guidance of people to the Pure Land.
探玄記 [タンゲンキ]@Record of the Search for the Profundities.
推以及人 [スイイゴンイン]@extend (compassion, enlightenment) to others after
achieving a viable degree of enlightenment for oneself.
推求 [スイグ]@to inquire into in detail.
揀 [ケン]@choose, select, pick up.
揀擇 [ケンジャク]@(term) investigate, analyze, research (pravicaya).
揄旬 [ユジュン]@(term) yojana.
提 [テイ]@carry in the hand.
提 [タイ]@carry in the hand.
提 [ダイ]@carry in the hand.
提多迦 [ダイタカ]@(person) Dh■■aka.
提婆 [ダイバ]@celestial, god.
提婆五法 [ダイバノゴホウダイバゴホウ]@the five rules of Devadatta.
提婆設摩 [ダイバセツマ]@(person) Devak■ema.
提婆跋多國 [ダイバハタコク]@(place) Dev■t■ra.
提婆達兜 [ダイバダツト]@devadatta.
提婆達多 [ダイバダッタ]@(person) Devadatta.
提樹 [ダイジュ]@bodhi-tree.
提波羅惹寺麻訶所生祕決 [ダイハラジャクジマカショショウヒケツ]@(title)
Secrets of Deva R■ja Temple and the Great Birth.
提波羅惹祕決 [ダイハラジャクヒケツ]@(title) Secrets of the Deva R■ja.
提綴 [テイセツ]@pick up and compose.
提舍尼 [ダイシャニ]@minor injunctions regarding meals.
提舍那 [ダイシャナ]@disclosive language.
提謂波利經 [ダイイハリキョウ]@Sutra of Trapusa and Ballika.
提謂經 [タイキョウ]@(title) Diwei jing.
提起 [テイキ]@present, submit, hold out, offer.
揚 [ヨウ]@give, hand up, lift up, hoist, raise, rise.
■ [ガ]@lift high; to hang.
■ [ケイ]@lift high; to hang.
■帝 [ガテイ]@to go.
■度 [ケンド]@collections of rules.
損 [ソン]@lose that which one possesses.
損伏 [ソンフク]@be weakened and overcome.
損伏斷 [ソンブクダン]@incapacitate, quell, and eliminate.
損害 [ソンガイ]@harm, damage, wound, incapacitate.
損惱 [ソンノウ]@suffer.
損減 [ソンゲン]@negate, reject, deny.
損滅 [ソンメツ]@negate, get rid of, annihilate.
損滅執 [ソンメツシュウ]@attachment to the view of nihilism.
摧碎 [ザイサイ]@break, smash, crush, pulverize.
摩 [マ]@polish.
摩伽陀國 [マカダコク]@(place) Magadha.
摩偸羅 [マチュウラ]@(place) Mathur■.
摩利支天 [マリシテン]@(name) Mar■ci.
摩奴闍 [マドト]@(term) manu■ya.
摩娑 [マシャ]@cornelian.
摩尼 [マニ]@(foreign) ma■i.
摩尼寶珠 [マニホウジュ]@(foreign) ma■i-jewel.
摩尼珠 [マニシュ]@(term) ma■i.
摩尼羅亶經 [マニラタンキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Ma■ila Platform.
摩度羅 [マドラ]@(place) Mathur■.
摩得伽 [マトッカ]@mother.
摩得勒伽 [マトクロクガ]@mother.
摩得勒伽 [マトロガ]@mother.
摩得勒伽 [マトロッカ]@mother.
摩拏羅 [マヌラ]@(person) Manorhita.
摩■陀 [マガダ]@(place) Magadha.
摩沙 [マシャ]@beans.
摩男倶利 [マダングリ]@(person) Mah■n■man.
摩男拘利 [マナンクリ]@(person) Mah■n■ma-Kulika.
摩登伽經 [マトウカキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the M■ta■g■ Girl.
摩■羅迦 [マゴラガ]@(term) snake spirit.
摩突羅 [マトラ]@(place) Mathur■.
摩竭羅 [マケラ]@monster fish.
摩竭陀 [マガダ]@Magadha.
摩羅 [マラ]@m■ra.
摩羅迦陀 [マラカダ]@emerald.
摩羅難陀 [マラナンタ]@(person) M■l■nanda.
摩耶 [マヤ]@(term) (m■y■) Illusion (幻).
摩耶夫人 [マヤフジン]@Queen M■y■.
摩虎羅 [マコラ]@(name) Mahoraga.
摩裕羅 [マユウラ]@peacock.
摩觸女人 [マソクニョニン]@touching touching a woman's body.
摩訶 [マカ]@(term) mah■.
摩訶倶瑟祉羅 [マカグシチシラ]@Mah■-Kau■■hila.
摩訶倶祉羅 [マカグシラ]@Mah■kau■■hila.
摩訶倶■羅 [マカグチラ]@Mah■-Kau■■hila.
摩訶僧祇 [マカソウギ]@(school) Mah■s■■ghika.
摩訶僧祇律 [マカソウギリツ]@(title) Mah■s■■ghika-vinaya.
摩訶僧祇部 [マカソウギブ]@Mah■s■■ghika.
摩訶室利 [マカシリ]@(name) Mah■■r■.
摩訶尼羅 [マカニラ]@sapphire.
摩訶拘■羅 [マカクチラ]@(person) Mah■-kau■■hila.
摩訶摩底 [マカマテイ]@(name) Mah■mati.
摩訶曼珠沙 [マカマンジュシャ]@red flower (used for dye).
摩訶止觀 [マカシカン]@(title) Mohe zhiguan.
摩訶毘盧遮那 [マカビロシャナ]@(name) Mah■vairocana.
摩訶波闍婆提 [マカハジャバダイ]@Mah■praj■pat■.
摩訶波闍波提 [マカパジャパダイ]@(person) Mah■-praj■pati.
摩訶目乾連 [マカモッカンレン]@Mah■-Maudgaly■yana.
摩訶目■連 [マカモッケンレン]@(person) Maudgaly■yana.
摩訶羅夜那 [マハラヤナ]@(person) Maudgaly■yana.
摩訶般若 [マカハンニャ]@(term) great wisdom.
摩訶般若波羅蜜多心經 [マカハンニャハラミッタシンギョウ]@(title) Heart Sutra.
摩訶薩 [マカサツ]@(term) mah■sattva.
摩訶薩■ [マカサッタ]@great sentient being.
摩訶衍 [マカエン]@(term) mah■-y■na.
摩訶謌羅 [マカカラ]@Mah■k■la.
摩訶迦旃延 [マカカセンエン]@Mah■-k■ty■yana.
摩訶迦栴延 [マカカセンエン]@Mah■-k■ty■yana.
摩訶迦羅 [マカカラ]@Mah■k■la.
摩訶迦葉 [マカカヨウ]@(person) Mah■k■■yapa;.
摩賀羅惹 [マガラジャ]@great king.
摩達那 [マダナ]@madana.
摩那斯 [マナシ]@(name) Manasvin.
摩■女經 [マトウジョキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the M■ta■g■ Girl.
摩醯羅矩羅 [マケイラクラ]@(person) Mihirakula.
摩醯首羅 [マケイシュラ]@(person) Mahe■vara.
摩陀那 [マダナ]@madana.
摩頭 [マトウ]@(term) madhuka--a kind of plant.
摩頭羅 [マトウラ]@(place) Madhur■.
撰 [セン]@write; compose.
擇 [タク]@select (the good part); to choose; to pick out.
擇 [チャク]@select (the good part); to choose; to pick out.
擇 [ジャク]@select (the good part); to choose; to pick out.
擇滅 [チャクメツ]@annihilation of defilements through the power of analysis.
擇滅無爲 [チャクメツム]@destruction of defilements through the wisdom of
擒從 [キンショウ]@capture and release, grasp and let go.
據坐 [コザ]@slightly move one's seat.
擧 [コ]@lift up, to advance, to praise, to recommend, to elevate.raise, offer up.expose.
擧世 [キョセ]@the whole world.
擧心 [コシン]@one's whole mind.
擧手高揖 [コシュコウユウ]@holding high the hands.
擧示 [コジ]@show, express, raise up for attention.
擧身 [コシン]@whole body.
擧體 [コタイ]@all, completely.
擾 [ジョウ]@torment; annoy; vex.
擾亂 [ウラン]@scattered; disordered; dissolute.
擾惱 [ジョウノウ]@torment and vex; annoy and bring anxiety to.
攀■ [ハンエン]@climb up, clamber up; scale.
攝 [ショウ]@contain, hold, have, include.
攝入無礙 [ショウニュウムゲ]@contain and enter each other without obstruction.
攝取 [セッシュ]@collect; to select; selection.
攝受 [ショウジュ]@receive, accept, take in.
攝受積聚妄想 [ショウジュシャクシュ]@falsely imputed notions of generic
攝受積聚妄想 [モウソウ]@falsely imputed notions of generic compounds.
攝善法戒 [ショウゼンホウカイ]@(term) precepts related to the cultivation of good
攝大乘論 [ショウダイジョウロン]@(title) Summary of the Great Vehicle.
攝大乘論世親釋 [ショウダイジョウロンセイシンシャク]@(title) Vasubandhu's
Commentary on the Mah■y■nasa■graha.
攝大乘論本 [ショウダイジョウロンホン]@(title) Mah■y■na sa■parigraha-■■stra.
攝大乘論無性釋 [ショウダイジョウロンムショウシャク]@(title) Commentary on
the Mah■y■nasa■graha.
攝大乘論釋 [ショウダイジョウロンシャク]@(title) Commentary to the Summary of
the Great Vehicle.
攝律儀 [ショウリツギ]@observance of all precepts.
攝律儀戒 [ショウリツギカイ]@observance of the full gamut of precepts.
攝持 [ショウジ]@gather and keep.
攝持一切菩提道戒 [ショウジイッサイボダイドウカイ]@precepts related to the
cultivation of good phenomena.
攝末歸本法輪 [ショウマツキホンホウリン]@dharma-wheel assimilating the
derivative into the original.
攝末歸本識 [ショウマツキホンシキ]@consciousness of holding the function and
returning to the essence.
攝正法 [ショウショウホウ]@cultivation of good mental states.
攝正法戒 [ショウショウホウカイ]@precepts for the cultivation of good mental states.
攝相歸性 [ショウソウキショウ]@within the reality that is the basis for all things and
situations, all distinctive aspects are included.
攝衆生戒 [ショウシュジョウカイ]@precepts that are aimed for the improvement of
other beings.
攝論 [ショウロン]@(title) Mah■y■na-sa■parigraha-■■stra.
攝論宗 [ショウロンシュウ]@Mah■y■na-sa■graha school.
攝論釋 [ショウロンシャク]@Commentary to the Summary of the Great Vehicle.
攝養 [セツヨウ]@care of health, recuperation.
支 [シ]@branch off, to separate.
支伐羅 [シバラ]@mendicant's garment.
支佛 [シブツ]@solitary realizer.
支具 [シグ]@articles used for worship.
支分 [シブン]@part, a limb, a section.
支婁迦讖 [シルカセン]@(person) Lokak■ema.
支度 [シタク]@articles used for worship.
支■ [シチョウ]@tumulus.
支提 [シダイ]@tumulus.
支提 [シテイ]@tumulus.
支提加部 [シダイカブ]@Caitya■aila.
支提山部 [シダイセンブ]@Caitya■aila.
支樓迦讖 [シロウカシン]@(person) Lokak■ema.
支用 [シヨウ]@distribute.
支謙 [シケン]@(person) Zhiqian.
支讖 [シシン]@(person) Lokak■ema.
支那 [シナ]@(place) China.
支那提婆瞿恒羅 [シナダイバグゴウラ]@C■nadeva gotra.
支■ [シロウ]@Zhilang.
支鄰陀 [シリンダ]@Mucilinda.
支陀 [シダ]@tumulus.
收 [シュウ]@collect.
收骨 [シュウコツ]@collect bones.
改宗 [カイシュウ]@conversion.
改悔 [カイケ]@repent.
改悔 [ガイケ]@repent.
放 [ホウ]@set free, release, fire, shoot, emit, give out.
放下 [ホウゲ]@cast off attachment as the result of awakening to the truth of no-self.
放光 [ホウコウ]@emission of light.
放光佛頂 [ホウコウブッチョウ]@Tejor■■i-cakravartt■.
放捨 [ホウシャ]@abandon, give up on, throw away, release.
放棄 [ホウキ]@Renunciation, esp.
放生 [ホウジョウ]@releasing caged animals for merit.
放生 [ホウショウ]@releasing caged animals for merit.
放逸 [ホウイツ]@negligence.(term) indolence, dissipation.
政 [ショウ]@government.
政教 [ショウキョウ]@political teaching.
故 [コ]@reason, cause, circumstances.
故二 [コニ]@former spouse.
故作業 [コサゴウ]@karma of former intention.
故出精 [コシュッショウ]@(term) onanism.
故思業 [コシゴウ]@karma of former intention.
故意 [コイ]@intentionally.
故意方行位 [コイホウギョウイ]@from emission of light to far reaching.
故殺 [コセツ]@intentional killing.
故瞋戒 [コシンカイ]@precept forbidding the holding of resentments and not accepting
the apologies of others.
故紙 [コシ]@waste paper.
故苦 [コク]@old suffering.
敍 [ジョ]@converse, speak, to say.
救 [ク]@save, to succor, to aid.
救世 [クセ]@save the world.
救世 [グセ]@save the world.
救世大士 [クセイダイシ]@World-saving bodhisattva.
救世菩薩 [クセイボサツ]@world-saving bodhisattva.
救世薩■ [クセイサッタ]@World-saving bodhisattva.
救世觀音 [クセカンノン]@(sculpture) Avalokite■vara the Savior.
救拔■口餓鬼陀羅尼經 [キュウバチエンクガキダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■
Sutra for Saving the Burning-Mouth Hungry Ghosts.
救苦觀音 [ククカンノン]@Avalokite■vara who saves world from suffering.
救護衆生離衆生相 [クゴシュウジョウリシュウジョウソウ]@stage where one,
while using the mind of no aspects to save sentient beings, is still separated from the
aspects of 'not-yet-saved' beings.
救面然餓鬼陀羅尼神呪經 [キュウメンネンガキダラニジンジュキョウ]@Dh■ra■■
Sutra for Saving the Burning-Mouth Hungry Ghost.
教 [キョウ]@buddhist teaching.
教主 [キョウシュ]@one who teaches--the Buddha.
教人 [キョウニン]@to teach others.
教人妄語 [キョウニンモウゴ]@instigating another to speak falsely.
教人婬 [キョウニンイン]@to instigate, or influence another to engage in sexual
教人殺 [キョウニンセツ]@to instigate, or encourage another to commit murder.
教人盜 [キョウニントウ]@instigating others to steal.
教人瞋 [キョウニンシン]@instigating someone else to anger.
教人■過 [キョウニンセッカ]@to instigate someone to accuse a third party of their
教人讚毀 [キョウニンサンキ]@instigating someone to self-praise and disparagement
of others.
教人讚■ [キョウニンサンキ]@instigating someone to self-praise and disparagement
of others.
教令 [キョウリョウ]@an established decision.
教判 [キョウハン]@doctrinal classification.
教化 [キョウケ]@guidance, edification.
教唯識 [キョウユイシキ]@consciousness-only in interpretation.
教授 [キョウジュ]@guide, impart, teach.catechist.
教授師 [キョウジュシ]@(term) instructional preceptor; judge of qualifications.
教授阿闍梨 [キョウジュアジャリ]@judge of qualifications.
教授阿闍■ [キョウジュアジャリ]@judge of qualifications.
教授阿闍黎 [キョウジュアジャリ]@judge of qualifications.
教攝 [キョウショウ]@Doctrinal classification.
教敕譯典 [キョウチョクヤクテン]@(term) K■` gyur.
教相判釋 [キョウソウハンジャク]@doctrinal classification.
教相門 [キョウソウモン]@aspect of the theoretical study of the Buddha's teaching.
教義 [キョウギ]@teaching and meaning.
教觀 [キョウカン]@scripture study and meditation practice.
教迹 [キョウシャク]@traces, or marks of the Buddha's teachings.
教門 [キョウモン]@aspect of the Buddha's "explained teachings"; the theoretical
教體 [キョウタイ]@essence of ■■kyamuni's teachings.
敢 [カン]@dare, to presume, to venture.
散 [サン]@"Scattering." The opposite of concentration.
散亂 [サンラン]@(term) distraction; mental aberration.
散善 [サンゼン]@scattered goodness.
散心 [サンシン]@scattered mind.
散脂迦 [サンシカ]@(name) Pañcika.
散花師 [サンゲシ]@Flower-scatterer.
散香 [サンコウ]@disperser's rod.
散香師 [サンコウシ]@disperser.
敬 [キョウ]@(term) respect, honor, revere, venerate (gaurava).
敬愛 [キョウアイ]@revere and love.
敬愛 [ケイアイ]@revere and love.
敬田 [ケイデン]@field of merit of the revered.
敬田 [キョウデン]@field of merit of the revered.
敬禮 [キョウライ]@worship.
敬禮 [ケイレイ]@worship.
敬順 [キョウジュン]@respect and obey.
整容 [セイヨウ]@tidy the appearance; shaving, fixing the hair, etc..
敵對 [テキタイ]@to oppose each other.
敷演 [フエン]@To lay out; to set forth.
數 [シュ]@habituation by repetition.
數 [スウ]@habituation by repetition.
數 [シャク]@habituation by repetition.
數息觀 [シュソクカン]@breath counting meditation.
數數 [サクサク]@often, repeatedly, frequently,.
數數誦 [シュシュショウ]@recite repeatedly.
數珠 [ジュジュ]@(term) rosary.
數珠 [ジュズ]@(term) rosary.
數珠 [ズズ]@(term) rosary.
數■滅 [シュエンメツ]@extinguishing afflictions by analytical meditation.
數■盡 [シュエンジン]@extinguishing afflictions by analytical meditation.
數習 [サクシュウ]@repeatedly enact the same habit or custom; to be habituated by
數論 [スロン]@(school) S■■khya.
數論師 [スロンシ]@(person) Kapila.
文 [モン]@syllable, letter.sentence; text.
文來 [ブンライ]@portfolio.
文句 [モング]@textual explanation.
文字 [モンジ]@words.
文字 [モジ]@words.
文字人 [モンジニン]@literalist.
文字法師 [モンジホッシ]@a master of the law whose focus is on texts.
文字法師 [モジホッシ]@a master of the law whose focus is on texts.
文字法師 [モンジホウシ]@a master of the law whose focus is on texts.
文尼 [モンニ]@sage.
文意 [ブンイ]@meaning of the text.
文殊 [モンジュ]@(name) Mañju■r■.
文殊三昧 [モンジュザンマイ]@(foreign) sam■dhi of Mañju■r■.
文殊五使者 [モンジュゴシシャ]@five messengers of Mañju■r■.
文殊八大童子 [モンジュハチダイドウジ]@eight pages of Mañju■r■.
文殊巡行經 [モンジュジュンギョウキョウ]@Sutra of Mañju■r■'s Tour.
文殊師利 [モンジュシリ]@The bodhisattva Mañju■r■.
文殊師利一百八名梵讚 [モンジュシリイッピャクハチミョウボンサン]@(title)
Sanskrit Praises of the One Hundred and Eight Names of Mañju■r■.
文殊師利巡行經 [モンジュシリジュンギョウキョウ]@Sutra of Mañju■r■'s Tour.
文殊師利菩薩根本大教王經金翅鳥王品 [モンジュシリボサツコンポンダイキョウ
オウキョウコンジチョウオウホン]@(title) Chapter on the Golden-Winged King of
Birds from the Mañju■r■m■lakalpa.
文殊悔過 [モンジュケカ]@repentance of Mañju■r■.
文殊支利 [モンジュシリ]@Mañju■r■.
文殊院 [モンジュイン]@court of Mañju■r■.
文池 [モンチ]@Mucilinda's pond.
文理 [モンリ]@text and principle.
文益 [ブンエキ]@(person) Wenyi.
文證 [モンショウ]@textual evidence.
文身 [モンシン]@gathering of syllables.
斑鳩宮 [いかるがのみや]@(place) Ikaruganomiya.
斑鳩寺 [いかるがでら]@(temple) Ikarugadera.
斗 [ト]@bushel.
斗姥 [トモ]@dame of the bushel.
斗帳 [トチョウ]@bushel-shaped curtain.
斗■ [トソウ]@leave home; to leave the defilement of the secular world.
料簡 [リョウカン]@idea, thought, intention, motive, decision.
斟酌 [シンシャク]@act appropriately to the situation.
斤 [キン]@axe.
斤斗 [キント]@somersault.
斫 [シャク]@ca, cha sounds.
斫乞芻 [シャコシュ*]@eye.
斫句迦 [シャコウカ]@Chakoka.
斫芻 [シャシュ]@eye.
斫託羅 [シャクタラ*]@(foreign) cakra.
斫迦羅 [シャカラ]@(place) Cakrav■da.
斫迦羅伐辣底 [シャカラバラテイ*]@cakravart■-r■ja.
斫迦羅婆 [シャカラバ]@mandarin duck.
斫迦羅婆迦 [シャクカラバカ]@mandarin duck.
斫迦羅山 [シャカラセン*]@Cakrav■la.
斫迦羅山王 [シャカラセンオウ]@(name) Cakrav■■a.
斬釘截鐵 [ザンテイセッテツ]@lit. "To cut through nails and steel.
斯 [シ]@this; here.
斯那 [シナ]@(place) China.
斯陀含 [シダゴン]@(term) once-returner.
新 [シン]@new.
新學 [シンガク]@someone newly learning.
新學菩薩 [シンガクボサツ]@newly awakened bodhisattvas.
新戒 [シンカイ]@novice.
新歳 [シンサイ]@new year.
新熏 [シングン]@new perfumation of seeds in the store conscoiusness.
新熏家 [シングンケ]@a Buddhist philosopher who advocates the theory of newly
perfumated seeds.
新熏■ [シングンセツ]@theory of newly perfumated seeds.
新發意 [シンハツイ]@newly resolved.
新發意 [シンボチ]@newly resolved.
新發意 [シンボッチ]@newly resolved.
新舊兩譯 [シングリョウヤク]@(term) new 新譯 and old 舊譯 translations of the
Buddhist canon into Chinese.
新舊醫 [シンクイ]@old and new methods of healing.
新華嚴經論 [シンケゴンキョウロン]@(title) Treatise on the New Translation of the
Flower Ornament Scripture.
新■種子 [シンクンシュウジ]@newly perfumated seeds.
新譯 [シンヤク]@(term) "new standard" for the translation of Sanskrit terms into
斷 [ダン]@eliminate (permanently); to cut off, to sever, to destroy, to end.
斷命 [ダンミョウ]@to kill.
斷善根 [ダンゼンコン]@(term) the cutting off of one's good roots of meritorious
practice (m■laccheda).
斷常 [ダンジョウ]@nihilism and eternalism.
斷常二見 [ダンジョウニケン]@two views of nihilism and eternalism.
斷惑 [ダンワク]@destruction of delusion.
斷惡證理 [ダンナクショウリ]@eliminate evil and actualize the truth.
斷愛欲 [ダンアイヨク]@to eliminate attached love and desire.
斷滅 [ダンメツ]@get rid of, remove, do away with; be deprived of; lose.
斷結 [ダンケツ]@sever the binding of the afflictions.
斷絶 [ダンゼツ]@sever, cut off, separate from.
斷縛 [ダンバク]@eliminate affliction.
斷肉 [ダンニク]@(term) abstention from eating meat.
斷腸 [ダンチョウ]@cutting one's intestines.
斷見 [ダンケン]@(term) "nihilism.
斷諸煩惱念處 [ダンショボンノウネンショ]@(term) mindfulness of the elimination
of afflictions.
斷證 [ダンショウ]@to eliminate [evil] and actualize [the truth].
斷頭 [ダントウ]@(term) grave offenses.
方 [ホウ]@make even.
方丈 [ホウジョウ]@front room, or parlor room of a monastery.(foreign) Literally a
square zhang 丈, which is one hundred square Chinese feet.
方丈室 [ホウジョウシツ]@abbot's quarters.
方便 [ホウベン]@(term) expedient means.
方便假門 [ホウベンケモン]@provisional approach of expedient means.
方便到彼岸 [ホウベントウヒガン]@(term) perfection of expedient means.
方便化土 [ホウベンケド]@land of expedient transformation.
方便化身土 [ホウベンケシンド]@expedient land of the transformation body.
方便品 [ホウベンボン]@(title) Chapter on Expedient Means.
方便善 [ホウベンゼン]@virtue based on present effort.
方便因 [ホウベンイン]@the environmental or adaptive cause.
方便壞 [ホウベンエ]@destruction of mistaken (biased) thought through expedient
方便妄語 [ホウベンモウゴ]@falsehood carried out by deception.
方便智 [ホウベンチ]@expedient wisdom.
方便殺 [ホウベンセツ]@expedient killing.
方便殺生 [ホウベンセッショウ]@expedient killing.
方便波羅蜜 [ホウベンハラミツ]@(term) perfection of expedient means (up■ya-
p■ramit■, up■ya-kau■alya-p■ramit■).
方便波羅蜜菩薩 [ホウベンハラミツボサツ]@Perfection of Expedient Means
方便■ [ホウベンセツ]@expedient killing.
方便現涅槃 [ホウベンゲンネハン]@expedient manifestation of nirvana.
方便盜 [ホウベントウ]@stealing by deception.
方便罪 [ホウベンザイ]@designed crime.
方便道 [ホウベンドウ]@(term) path of expedient means.
方便門 [ホウベンモン]@(term) teaching through expedient means (dv■ra-bh■t■ni ;
Tib. thabs kyi sgo).
方典 [ホウデン]@vaipulya scriptures.
方口食 [ホウクジキ]@opportunism in obtaining a living.
方圓 [ホウエン]@partial, or limited, and perfect teachings.
方坐 [ホウザ]@sit straight.
方外 [ホウガイ]@life of a monk.
方外 [ホウゲ]@life of a monk.
方廣 [ホウコウ]@correct and extensive.
方廣大莊嚴經 [ホウコウダイショウゴンキョウ]@(title) Extensive Merriment.
方廣道人 [ホウコウドウニン]@heretical followers of Mah■y■na.
方會 [ホウエ]@(person) Fanghui.
方服 [ホウブク]@monk's robe.
方相 [ホウソウ]@square shape.
方等 [ホウドウ]@broadly put forth.
方等三昧 [ホウドウザンマイ]@(foreign) vaipulya sam■dhi.
方等三昧 [ホウトウザンマイ]@(foreign) vaipulya sam■dhi.
方等戒 [ホウドウカイ]@vaipulya precepts.
方等時 [ホウドウジ]@period of the expedient teaching.
方等時 [ホウトウジ]@period of the expedient teaching.
方等本起經 [ホウトウホンキキョウ]@(title) Fangdeng benqi jing.
方等檀持陀羅尼經 [ホウドウダンジダラニキョウ]@Pratyutpanna-buddha-
方等部 [ホウドラブ]@sutras taught during the expedient period.
方等陀羅尼經 [ホウトウダラニキョウ]@Pratyutpanna-buddha-sammukh■vasthita-
方策 [ホウサク]@Method, process.
方袍 [ホウボウ]@monk's robe.
方袍 [ホウホウ]@monk's robe.
方規 [ホウキ]@according to rule.
方詣 [ホウケイ]@direction.
方顯 [ホウゲン]@and then it became apparent.
於 [オ]@at, in, on, from, to, by, than.
施 [セ]@(term) charity.
施一切無畏陀羅尼經 [セイッサイムイダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of Bestowing
Complete Fearlessness.
施主 [セシュ]@almsgiver.
施僧 [セソウ]@give alms to the sa■gha.
施到彼岸 [セトウヒガン]@(term) perfection of giving.
施化 [セケ]@bestow the teachings.
施林 [セリン]@burial by discarding the corpse in the forest.
施權 [シゴン]@provisionally established.
施波羅蜜 [セハラミツ]@(term) perfection of giving (d■na-p■ramit■).
施無厭 [セムエン]@(temple) Sa■gh■r■ma.
施無畏 [セムイ]@bestower of fearlessness.
施羅 [セラ]@crag.
施與 [セヨ]@give.
施行 [セギョウ]@practice of charity.
施行 [セコウ]@practice of charity.
施行 [シギョウ]@practice of charity.
施行 [シコウ]@practice of charity.
施設 [セセツ]@postulate; hypothesize; make a metaphor.
施設論部 [セセツロンブ]@School of Karma.
施諸餓鬼飮食及水法■手印 [セショガキオンジキキュウスイホウヘイシュイン]
@Distributions of Food and Water to Hungry Ghosts.
施護 [セゴ]@(person) D■nap■la.
施身方便 [セシンホウベン]@giving of self (to the Tath■gata).
施開廢 [セカイハイ]@bestowing, opening, and abrogating.
施食 [セジキ]@alms of food.
施餓鬼會 [セガキエ]@Feeding-hungry-ghosts meeting.
■達 [ゲダツ]@moon.
旃丹 [センタン]@(place) China.
旃達羅伐摩 [センダラバツマ]@(person) Candravarma.
旃達羅婆伽 [センダラバガ]@Candrabh■g■.
旃陀羅 [センダラ]@(term) butcher's occupation.
旅裝 [リョソウ]@(monks or nuns) travelling outfit.
旋 [セン]@go around, turn, spin, revolve, move in an orbit.
旋火輪 [センカリン]@fire-wheel.
旌 [ショウ]@award, present, complement.
族 [ゾク]@(term) clan, a tribe, a family (anvaya).
无 [ム]@(xref) not, no, none (無).
无 [ブ]@(xref) not, no, none (無).
■ [キ]@since, when.
■ [ケ]@since, when.
■已 [キイ]@previously, already.
■成 [キジョウ]@When it was completed.
■是恁■ [キゼインモ]@already like this.
日 [ニチ]@day; sun.
日 [ヒ]@day; sun.
日光 [ニッコウ]@sunlight.
日光菩薩 [ニッコウボサツ]@S■ryaprabha.
日出論者 [ニッシュツロンシャ]@(school) Sautr■ntika.
日域 [ニチイキ]@sunny land.
日域 [ジチイキ]@sunny land.
日天 [ニッテン]@sun-ruler.
日天 [ニチテン]@sun-ruler.
日天子 [ニッテンシ]@sun-ruler.
日天衆 [ニッテンシュ]@retinue of Indra.
日宮 [ニチグウ]@sun-palace.
日宮天子 [ニチグウテンシ]@S■rya.
日想 [ニッソウ]@meditation on the setting sun.
日想觀 [ニッソウカン]@meditation on the setting sun.
日星宿 [ニッショウシュク]@suns, stars, and constellations.
日曜 [ニチヨウ]@■ditya, the sun.
日月燈明佛 [ニチゲツトウミョウブツ]@Buddha with the brilliance of the sun, moon,
and lamps.
日本 [ニッポン]@Japan.
日本 [ニホン]@Japan.
日本書紀 [ニホンショキ]@Chronicles of Japan.
日照 [ニッショウ]@(person) Div■kara.
日用事 [ニチユウ ノ ジ]@affairs of everyday life.
日禺中 [ヒノグウチュウ]@10 a■..
日種 [ニッシュ]@sun-seed.
日精摩尼 [ニッショウマニ]@(foreign) crystal-clear ma■i.
日蓮 [ニチレン]@Nichiren.
日蓮宗 [ニチレンシュウ]@(school) Nichiren sh■.
日藏 [ニチゾウ]@sun-store.
日藏經 [ニチゾウキョウ]@(title) Sun-Store Sutra.
日觀 [ニッカン]@meditation on the setting sun.
日觀 [ニチカン]@meditation on the setting sun.
日輪 [ニチリン]@the round sun.
日輪觀 [ニチリンカン]@meditation on the setting sun.
日迦他 [ニカタ]@(term) affair, event.
日遏他 [ニアッタ]@(term) affair, event.
旦 [タン]@dawn.
旦望 [タンモウ]@new moon and full moon.
旦過僧 [タンガソウ]@itinerant monk.
旦那 [ダンナ]@(foreign) d■na-pati.
旨 [シ]@intention.
旨歸 [シキ]@purport.
早參 [ソウサン]@early assembly.
早帝梨 [ソウテイリ]@demon.
早粥 [ソウシュク]@breakfast congee.
早課 [ソウカ]@morning devotions.
旬 [ジュン]@ten day period.
旬單 [ジュンタン]@ten day account.
昇天 [ショウテン]@ascend to heaven.
昇降 [ショウコウ]@rise and fall.
明 [ミョウ]@(term) illumination (prabh■.
明主 [ミョウシュ]@wise and honest ruler.
明了 [ミョウリョウ]@clarify.
明光心 [ミョウコウシン]@illuminated mind.
明利 [ミョウリ]@(term) acuity.
明友 [ミョウユウ]@Prabh■karamitra.
明度無極 [ミモウドムゴク]@perfection of wisdom.
明得 [ミョウトク]@bright attainment.
明心菩提 [ミョウシンボダイ]@(foreign) enlightenment of mental enlightenment,
study, and increase in knowledge and in the prajñ■p■ramit■..
明星 [ミョウジョウ]@Venus.
明暗 [ミョウアン]@light and darkness.
明曠疏 [ミョウコウショ]@Mingkuang's Commentary.
明月珠 [ミョウガツシュ]@bright-moon pearl.
明月院 [ミョウゲツイン]@(temple) Meigetsu-in.
明淨 [ミョウジョウ]@bright and pure.
明王 [ミョウオウ]@deity.
明珠 [ミョウジュ]@bright pearl.
明珠 [ミョウシュ]@bright pearl.
明藏 [ミンゾウ]@Ming Canon.
明處 [ミョウショ]@fields of knowledge.
明行足 [ミョウギョウソク]@perfected in wisdom and action.
明達 [ミョウタツ]@illuminating and penetrating.
明■ [ミョウロウ]@(person) My■ngnang.
明闇 [ミョウアン]@light and darkness.
明顯 [ミョウケン]@clear; obvious; apparent.
昏 [コン]@darkness, obscurity, vagueness.
昏昏 [コンコン]@darkened, obscured, covered, blocked.
昏昧 [コンマイ]@dark, obscure.
昏迷 [コンメイ]@delusion, confusion..
昏鐘 [コンショウ]@bell at dusk.
昏鼓 [コンク]@drum at dusk.
易 [エキ]@change, to transform.
易 [イ]@change, to transform.
易了 [イリョウ]@easy to understand.
昔 [シャク]@ancient; formerly.
昔 [セキ]@ancient; formerly.
昔哩 [シャリ]@success, good fortune, virtuous.
昔圓 [シャクエン]@older perfect doctrine.
星 [ショウ]@star.
星 [セイ]@star.
星占法 [ショウセンホウ]@astrology.
星宿 [ショウシュク]@constellations.
星宿劫 [ショウシュクゴウ]@eon of the constellations.
映湖 [エイコ]@(person) Y■ngho.
昧 [マイ]@dark, dim, unclear, obscure.
昭 [ショウ]@Clear, clearly.
昭玄寺 [ショウゲンジ]@bureau for nuns.
昭玄曹 [ショウゲンソウ]@bureau for nuns.
是 [ゼ]@yes, correct.
是心是佛 [ゼシンゼブツ]@this mind is Buddha.
是故 [ゼコ]@therefore, so.
是處非處力 [ゼショヒショリキ]@power to distinguish right from wrong.
是非 [ゼヒ]@yes and no.
時 [ジ]@time.
時宗 [ジシュウ]@(school) Time School.
時教 [ジキョウ]@classification of doctrine based upon time period.
時至 [ジシ]@arriving well; arriving in a timely fashion.
時處無礙 [ジショムゲ]@(term) no obstruction in time and place.
時起 [ジキ]@(name) K■lod■yin.
時量 [ジリョウ]@accumulation of time.
時量無■ [ジリョウムゲン]@passing of time, with no break or interruption.
晉山 [シンサン]@(term) arrival for installation.
晉山 [シンザン]@(term) arrival for installation.
晉水 [シンスイ]@(person) Jinshui.
晝夜 [チュウヤ]@day and night.
晝暗林 [チュウアンリン]@cemetery.
晩課 [バンカ]@afternoon devotions.
普 [フ]@widely, generally, universally.
普佛 [フブツ]@(term) universal Buddha.(term) buddha-plenary.
普化 [フケ]@(person) Puhua.
普去 [フコ]@free from disease.
普同塔 [フドウトウ]@(term) columbarium.
普幻 [フゲン]@(person) Pohwan.
普■ [フヘン]@pervade universally.
普■ [フトク]@(person) Pod■k.
普愚 [フグ]@(person) Pou.
普慈國尊 [フジコクソン]@(person) Pojakukchon.
普明 [フミョウ]@Universal radiance.
普曜經 [フヨウキョウ]@(title) Lalitavistara.
普法 [フホウ]@universal teachings that are appropriate for the blind and ignorant
beings of the third level 三階 capacity.
普照 [フショウ]@the posthumous title of the Korean master Chinul.
普熏 [フクン]@universally fragrant.
普爲乘教 [フイジョウキョウ]@teaching that encompasses all vehicles.
普現吉祥 [フゲンキチジョウ]@■r■ya■as.
普眼 [フゲン]@pervasive vision, universal eyes.
普覺 [フカク]@Pervasive (Universal) Enlightenment.
普賢 [フゲン]@(person) Samantabhadra.
普賢境界 [フゲンキョウカイ]@(term) Realm of Samantabhadra.
普賢菩薩行願讚 [フゲンボサツギョウガンサン]@(title) King of Aspirations to Good
普賢菩薩陀羅尼經 [フゲンボサツダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of
普賢行願讚 [フゲンギョウガンサン]@(title) Puxian xingyuan zan.
普遍 [フヘン]@pervade universally.
普遍光明■淨熾盛如意寶印心無能勝大明王大隨求陀羅尼經 [フヘンコウミョウシ
グダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the Great Protectress, Queen of Mantras.
普門品 [フモンボン]@(title) Chapter of the Universal Gate.
普雨 [フウ]@(person) Pou.
普香 [フコウ]@(name) Samantagandha.
景■傳燈■ [キョウトクデントウロク]@(title) Record of the Transmission of the
Lamp Published in the Jingde Era.
景■國師 [ケイトクコクシ]@(person) Ky■ngt■k kuksa.
景閑 [キョウカン]@(person) Ky■nghan.
智 [チ]@wisdom.
智儼 [チゲン]@(person) Zhiyan.
智光 [チコウ]@light of wisdom.
智光滅一切業障陀羅尼經 [チコウメツイッサイギョウショウダラニキョウ]
@(title) Zhiguang mie yiqie yezhang tuoluoni jing.
智分 [チブン]@wisdom, knowledge, intelligence.
智到彼岸 [チトウヒガン]@(term) perfection of omniscience.
智周 [チシュウ]@(person) Zhizhou.
智嚴 [チゴン]@(person) Chi■m.
智■菩薩 [チゾウボサツ]@bodhisattva superior in wisdom (chiefly beneficial to self).
智度論 [チトロン]@(title) Mah■prajñ■p■ramit■-■■stra.
智悲 [チヒ]@wisdom and compassion.
智慧 [チエ]@(term) wisdom.
智慧力 [チエキョク]@power of (the Buddha's) wisdom.
智慧方便 [チエホウベン]@insight and techniques.
智慧第一 [チエダイイチ]@greatest in wisdom.
智昇 [チショウ]@Zhisheng.
智波羅蜜 [チハラミツ]@perfection of omniscience.
智海 [チカイ]@wisdom ocean.
智淵 [チエン]@Chien.
智火 [チカ]@wisdom-flame.
智炬陀羅尼經 [チコダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the Lamp of Knowledge.
智用 [チヨウ]@function of wisdom.
智相 [チソウ]@mark of awareness; mark of discriminating knowledge.
智眼 [チゲン]@(term) eye of wisdom.
智礙 [チゲ]@(term) hindrance of wisdom.
智稱 [チショウ]@(person) Chiching.
智積 [チシャク]@accumulate wisdom.
智■滅 [チエンメツ]@(term) Cessation (nirv■na) attained by the full understanding of
dependent origination.
智者 [チシャ]@(term) learned person, a worthy, a scholar (pandita).
智自在所依眞如 [チジザイショエシンニョ]@thusness as the basis of all unimpeded
智色 [チシキ]@corporeal aspects of wisdom.
智藏 [チゾウ]@(person) Zhizang, at least three of whom are mentioned in reference
智行 [チギョウ]@wisdom and its associated practices.
智■ [チギン]@(person) Chi■n.
智■ [チセン]@(person) Chis■n.
智論 [チロン]@Zhilun.
智證 [チショウ]@(person) Chij■ng.
智識 [チシキ]@discriminating wisdom.
智通 [チツウ]@(person) Chits■.
智達 [チダツ]@(person) Chidatsu.
智障 [チショウ]@hindrance of wisdom.
智■ [チギ]@(person) Zhiyi.
智體 [チタイ]@essence of wisdom.
智鳳 [チホウ]@(person) Chih■.
暖 [ダン]@warm.
暖寮 [ナンリョウ]@presents at a monastery.
暖寮 [ノンリョウ]@presents at a monastery.
暖寺 [ナンジ]@presents at a monastery.
暖寺 [ノンジ]@presents at a monastery.
暖寺 [ダンジ]@presents at a monastery.
暖席 [ナンセキ]@presents at a monastery.
暖席 [ノンセキ]@presents at a monastery.
暖洞 [ダントウ]@presents at a monastery.
暖洞 [ナントウ]@presents at a monastery.
暖洞 [ノントウ]@presents at a monastery.
暖洞 [ナントウ]@presents at a monastery.
暗 [アン]@darkness.
暗中明 [アンチュウメイ]@light in the darkness.
暗中有明 [アンチュウウメイ]@light in the darkness.
暗昏昏 [アンコンコン]@completely dark.
暗昏昏地 [アンコンコンチ]@completely dark.
暗禪 [アンゼン]@an unenlightened, pretentious Chan master.
暗蔽 [アンベイ]@darkness, blindness, obscuration.
暗證 [アンショウ]@an unenlightened, pretentious Chan master.
暗證禪師 [アンショウノゼンジアンショウノゼンジ]@an unenlightened, pretentious
Chan master.
暗鈍障 [アンドンショウ]@(term) hindrances of dullness.
暴流 [ボウル]@flow of a violent stream or river.
曇延 [ドンエン]@(person) Tanyan.
曇摩蜜多 [ドンマミッタ]@(person) Dharmamitra.
曇摩迦 [タンマカ]@Loke■varar■ja.
曇摩迦留 [タンマカル]@Dharmak■ra Bodhisattva.
曇摩迦羅 [タンマカラ]@Dharmak■ra Bodhisattva.
曇無■律 [ドンムトクリツ]@(title) Dharmagupta Vinaya.
曇無讖 [ドンムセン]@(person) Dharmak■ema.
曇■ [タンマ]@name; noun.
曉 [ギョウ]@awaken.
曉了 [ギョウリョウ]@awaken.
曉公 [ギョウコウ]@(person) Hyogong.
曚昧 [モウマイ]@ignorance of the mind.
曜 [ヨウ]@shine.
曜母 [ヨウモ]@(term) Gr■ha-m■t■k■.
曠 [コウ]@very clear and precise.
曠劫 [コウゴウ]@long time.
曦陽山 [ギヨウサン]@(school) H■iyang san school.
曩提迦葉 [ノウダイカショウ]@Nad■-K■■yapa.
曩■ [ノウガ]@(foreign) n■ga.
曰 [エツ]@say, to speak.
曲 [コク]@bend, be bent, warped, twisted.
曲 [ゴク]@bend, be bent, warped, twisted.
曲 [キョク]@bend, be bent, warped, twisted.
曲女城 [キョクニョジョウ]@(place) Kany■kubja.
曲■ [キョクロク]@monks chair.
曲成 [キョクセイ]@perfect fully without any oversight.
曲祿 [キョウロク]@monks chair.
曲■ [キョクセツ]@An incorrect opinion or view. A biased or prejudiced argument.
曲■ [キョクロク]@monks chair.
曲齒 [キョウシ]@(name) K■■adant■.
更 [コウ]@still more, further.
更藥 [コウヤク]@early morning medicines.
曷 [カツ]@Why? How? When?.
曷利拏 [カリナ]@deer.
曷■多 [カラタ]@purport.
曹國 [ソウコク]@(place) Kebudhana.
曹洞宗 [ソウトウシュウ]@(school) Caodong zong.
曹溪宗 [ソウケイシュウ]@(school) Chogye chong.
曹溪眞覺國師語■ [ソウケイシンカクコクシゴロク]@(title) Teaching Record of the
National Teacher Chingak.
曼庵 [マンアン]@(person) Manam.
曼憺羅 [マンタラ]@(term) mantra.
曼殊師利菩薩呪藏中一字呪王經 [マンジュシリボサツジュゾウチュウイチジジュ
オウキョウ]@(title) One-Syllable King of Spells from the Bodhisattvapi■aka of
曼殊沙華 [マンジュシャケ]@Mañj■■aka.
曼殊顏 [マンジュガン]@Mañj■■aka.
曼荼羅 [マンダラ]@ma■■ala.
曼荼羅集 [マンダラシュウ]@(title) Compendium of Ma■■alas.
曾 [ソウ]@already, past.
最上乘論 [サイジョウジョウロン]@(title) Choesangs■ng-ron.
最上大乘金剛大教寶王經 [サイジョウダイジョウコンゴウダイキョウホウオウキ
ョウ]@(title) Vajragarbharatnar■ja-tantra.
最上祕密那拏天經 [サイジョウヒミツナナテンキョウ]@(title) King of Ritual
Procedures for the God Na■a.
最勝 [サイショウ]@most excellent, greatest, best.
最勝會 [サイショウエ]@(title) ritual for the Sutra of Golden Light.
最勝子 [サイショウシ]@(person) jinaputra.
最勝眞如 [サイショウシンニョ]@superiority of thusness over all else.
最吶 [サイトツ]@(person) Choenul.
最後生 [サイゴショウ]@final rebirth.
最後身 [サイゴシン]@(term) final body.
最正覺 [サイショウカク]@most true awakening.
最澄 [サイチョウ]@(person) Saich■.
最無比經 [サイムヒキョウ]@(title) Supreme Incomparable Sutra.
最自在 [サイジザイ]@greatest freedom.
會 [エ]@combine, unite.
會三歸一 [エサンキイチ]@unite three into one.
會下 [エカ]@junior members of an assembly.
會下 [エゲ]@junior members of an assembly.
會式 [エシキ]@manners.
會得 [エトク]@comprehend, understand.
會本 [エホン]@combined text.
會繹 [エヤク]@understand and explain.
會衆 [エシュウ]@assemble a group.
會通 [エツウ]@reconcile and unite various (conflicting) doctrines into a pervasive and
inclusive understanding.
月 [コクゲツ]@moon.
月 [ツキ]@moon.
月 [ガツ]@moon.
月上轉輪聖王 [ゲツジョウテンリンショウオウ]@The Wheel-Turning Sage King
Above the Moon.
月光 [ガッコウ]@Moonlight-the name of a bodhisattva.
月光 [ゲッコウ]@Moonlight-the name of a bodhisattva.
月光兒 [カッコウジ]@Candraprabha.
月光太子 [ガッコウタイシ]@Prince Moonlight.
月光童子 [ガッコウドウジ]@Candraprabha.
月光童子經 [ガッコウドウシキョウ]@(title) Sutra on Prince Moonlight.
月光菩薩 [ゲツコウボサツ]@Moonlight Bodhisattva.
月兎 [ツキノウサギ]@rabbit in the moon.
月六齋 [ゲツロクサイ]@six days of purification in the month.
月冑 [ゲツチュウ]@Candravarma.
月分 [ゲツフン]@Candrabh■g■.
月壇 [ゲツダン]@moonlit altar.
月天 [ガッテン]@Candradeva.
月天 [ゲッテン]@Candradeva.
月婆首那 [ガツバシュナ]@(person) Upa■■nya.
月宮 [ガツグ]@moon-palace.
月宮天子 [ガツグテンシ]@(name) Candra.
月忌 [ガッキ]@monthly day of remembrance.
月愛三昧 [ガツアイザンマイ]@(foreign) moon-loving sam■dhi.
月愛珠 [ガツアイシュ]@moon-love pearl.
月支 [ガッシ]@Tokharestan.
月支國 [ゲツシコク]@Tokharestan.
月明 [ゲツミョウ]@moons shining.
月明菩薩 [ガツミョウボサツ]@Moon-shining Bodhisattva.
月曜 [ガツヨウ]@(term) s■ma, the moon.
月氏 [ゲッシ]@Tokharestan.
月燈三昧 [ガットウサンマイ]@(foreign) moon-lamp sam■dhi.
月燈三昧經 [ゲツトウサンマイキョウ]@(title) King of Sam■dhi.
月王 [ゲツオウ]@moon-king.
月眉 [ガツミ]@moon eyebrows.
月種 [ガッシュ]@descendants of the moon.
月精 [ガッショウ]@moon essence jewel.
月精摩尼 [ガッショウマニ]@moon essence jewel.
月統 [ガットウ]@descendants of the moon.
月藏 [ゲツゾウ]@moon-store.
月輦 [ガツレン]@moon chariot.
月輪 [ガチリン]@the moon.
月輪 [ガツリン]@the moon.
月輪三昧 [ガツリンザンマイ]@moon-wheel sam■dhi.
月輪觀 [ガチリンカン]@moon contemplation.
月輪觀 [ガツリンカン]@moon contemplation.
月面佛 [ガチメンブツ]@moon-face Buddha.
月鼠 [ツキノネズミ]@moon rat.
有 [ウ]@(term) being, existence.
有 [ユウ]@(term) being, existence.
有一 [ウイチ]@(person) Yuil.
有主僧不處分房 [ウシュソウフショブンボウ]@solicitation for the donation of a big
有主物 [ウシュモツ]@personal property.
有作 [ウサ]@(term) conditioned.
有作四諦 [ウサシタイ]@four constructed (established, created) noble truths.
有分 [ウブン]@has discriminated aspects.
有分別 [ウフンベツ]@discrimination of existence.
有取 [ウシュ]@(term) having attachment (sa-up■d■na).
有取識 [ウシュシキ]@(term) attached consciousness.
有善多 [ウゼンタ]@Ujjayanta.
有垢 [ウク]@possess, contain, or be attached to defilement.
有垢眞如 [ウクシンニョ]@defiled thusness.
有學 [ウガク]@(term) stage of learning.
有宗 [ウシュウ]@Sarv■stiv■din.
有寶 [ウホウ]@possessing jewels.
有對 [ウタイ]@(term) existence of a solid object that occupies space and can act as an
obstruction (pratigha).
有心 [ウシン]@possessing mind.
有性 [ウショウ]@existent, existence.
有情 [ウジョウ]@(term) sentient being (sattva).
有情居 [ウジョウコ]@nine abodes of being.
有情居 [ウジョウゴ]@nine abodes of being.
有想 [ウソウ]@have thoughts.
有意 [ウイ]@possessing mind.
有愛 [ウアイ]@attachment to existence.
有愛住地 [ウアイジュウジ]@hypostasis of attachment to objects in the formless
有愛數 [ウアイシュ]@factors of attachment in the realms of existence.
有愛數住地 [ウアイシュジュウジ]@hypostases for the emotive afflictions in the three
有愧 [ウギ]@shame for one's faults.
有手 [ウシュ]@having hands.
有支 [ウシ]@members of existence.
有教 [ウキョウ]@teaching that the self is empty but dharmas exist.
有施 [ウセ]@(name) D■navat.
有時 [ウジ]@at one time.
有暴流 [ウボウル]@raging current of attachment to existence.
有染心 [ウゼンシン]@defiled mind.
有根身 [ウコンジン]@body with senses.
有法無我宗 [ウホウムガシュウ]@elements are real but the self is not real.
有流 [ウル]@having outflow--to be afflicted, contaminated, worldly, goal-oriented.
有流善 [ウルゼン]@impure goodness.
有海 [ウカイ]@sea of existence.
有漏 [ウロ]@(term) contaminated.(term) outflow.
有漏世界 [ウロノセカイ]@contaminated world.
有漏善 [ウロゼン]@(term) contaminated goodness.
有漏善法 [ウロゼンポウ]@contaminated wholesome phenomena.
有漏淨土 [ウロノジョウド]@contaminated pure land.
有漏路 [ウロジ]@contaminated way.
有漏道 [ウロドウ]@contaminated way.
有漏集諦 [ウロシュウタイ]@(term) contaminated truth of arising.
有漏麁重 [ウロソジュウ]@debilitating hindrances from remnant contamination.
有漏■重 [ウロソジュウ]@debilitating hindrances from inherent contamination.
有炯 [ウキョウ]@(person) Yuhy■ng.
有無 [ウム]@existence and non-existence; being and non-being.
有無二見 [ウムノニケン]@two views of existence and non-existence.
有無二見 [ウムニケン]@two views of existence and non-existence.
有無二邊 [ウムノニヘン]@two extremes of belief in existence and belief in non-
有無邪見 [ウムノジャケン]@mistaken views of existence and non-existence.
有爲 [ウイ]@(term) compounded.(term) created.
有爲果 [ウイカ]@effects of conditioned actions.
有爲法 [ウイホウ]@various manifest phenomena that are created as the synthesis of
causes and conditions.(term) conditioned existence.
有爲生死 [ウイショウジ]@conditioned birth and death.
有爲空 [ウイクウ]@emptiness of compounded phenomena.
有爲解■ [ウイゲダツ]@Conditioned liberation.
有爲轉變 [ウイテンペン]@permutations of the changing world.
有生 [ウショウ]@take a life.
有界 [ウカイ]@realm of existence.
有異 [ウイ]@have differences; be differentiated.
有相 [ウソウ]@having characteristics.
有相宗 [ウソウシュウ]@teachings that acknowledge the existence of characteristics.
有相教 [ウソウキョウ]@teaching that acknowledges the existence of characteristics.
有空 [ウクウ]@existence and emptiness.
有空不二 [ウクウフニ]@existence and emptiness are not two different things.
有空中 [ウクウチュウ]@existence, emptiness, and the middle approach.
有空中三時 [ウクウチュウノサンジ]@three periods of the teaching of existence,
emptiness, and the middle approach.
有■ [ウエン]@(term) possessing the objects of consciousness (s■lambana).
有色 [ウシキ]@having form, having shape.
有行般 [ウギョウハツ]@nirvana with practice.
有行般涅槃 [ウギョウハツ]@attainer of nirvana with practice.
有行般涅槃 [ネハン]@attainer of nirvana with practice.
有表業 [ウヒョウゴウ]@manifest activities.
有覆 [ウフク]@an obstruction, obstacle, hindrance.
有覆無記 [ウフクムキ]@(term) impedimentary moral indeterminacy (or "neutrality");
defiled neutrality.
有見 [ウケン]@visibility; visible.
有覺分別相 [ウカクフンベツソウ]@discursively imagined character.
有解 [ウゲ]@understanding phenomena to be existent.
有識 [ウシキ]@possessing consciousness.
有識 [ユウショク]@possessing consciousness.
有識身 [ウシキシン]@body with consciousness.
有財施 [ウザイセ]@bestower of fearlessness.
有財釋 [ウザイシャク]@compound words that are possessive.
有貪 [ウトン]@affliction of desire in the form and formless realms.
有身見 [ウシンケン]@(term) view of attachment to self.
有軍 [ウグン]@military; martial.
有輪 [ウリン]@wheel of existence.
有邊 [ウヘン]@extreme of existence.
有部 [ウブ]@(school) Existence School.
有部宗 [ウブシュウ]@Sarv■stiv■din.
有部律 [ウブリツ]@(title) Sarv■stiv■da Vinaya.
有量 [ウリョウ]@be conceptualized.
有間 [ウケン]@interrupted.
有靈 [ウリョウ]@having luminosity.
有頂 [ウチョウ]@highest level of material existence.
有頂天 [ウチョウテン]@highest heaven; peak heaven.
有頂惑 [ウチョウワク]@delusions at the highest level of awareness in the conditioned
有餘 [ウヨ]@existence of remainder.
有餘土 [ウヨド]@land of remainder.
有餘師 [ウヨシ]@remaining masters.
有餘授記 [ウヨジュキ]@prediction with remainder.
有餘涅槃 [ウヨネハン]@(term) nirv■na with remainder.
有餘■ [ウヨノセツ]@something further to say.
有體 [ウタイ]@substantial; having substance.
有體施設假 [ウタイセセツケ]@factual hypothesis.
有點 [ウテン]@possessing defilement.
服 [フク]@wear.
服鷹 [フクヨウ]@keep in one's heart.
朝參 [チョウサン]@early assembly.
朝座 [あさザ]@morning service.
朝梵 [チョウボン]@chanting the scriptures in the morning.
朝食 [チョウシキ]@breakfast; to have breakfast.
期剋印 [キコクイン]@impression of dominance.
木 [モク]@wood.
木上座 [ボクジョウザ]@wooden elder.
木■褒折娜 [ボッカホウセナ]@face towel.
木佛 [モクブツ]@wooden buddha.
木叉 [モクシャ]@liberation.
木叉提婆 [モクシャダイバ]@(person) Mok■adeva.
木叉■多 [ボクシャギクタ]@(person) Mok■agupta.
木底 [モクテイ]@liberation.
木律僧 [モクリツソウ]@monk of wooden precepts.
木得羅 [モクドクラ]@(term) m■dra.
木揩牙 [キカイガ]@toothpick.
木星 [モクセイ]@Jupiter.
木曜 [モクヨウ]@Jupiter.
木■子 [モクゲンシ]@soapberry.
木■子 [モッカンス]@soapberry.
木■子 [ムクロジ]@soapberry.
木瓜林 [モクカリン]@(place) Urvilv■k■syapa.
木蛇 [モクジャ]@liberation.
木頭 [モクズ]@blockhead.
木食 [モクジキ]@fruitarian.
木香 [モクコウ]@aromatic tree.
木馬 [モクバ]@wooden horse.
木魚 [モクギョ]@wooden fish.
未 [イマダ]@not yet; not.
未 [ミ]@not yet; not.
未了因 [ミリョウイン]@causes not yet completed; unripened karma.
未來 [ミライ]@future.
未分 [ミブン]@not distinguished.
未受具人 [ミジュグニン]@a practitioner not yet ordained.
未嘗 [ミジョウ]@there has never been (a case of).
未度人 [ミドニン]@person not yet liberated.
未建立 [ミケンリュウ]@not yet established.
未敷蓮華 [ミフレンゲ]@half-open lotus.
未曾有 [ミソウウ]@(term) unprecedented.
未曾有正法經 [ミゾウショウボウキョウ]@(title) Weicengyouzhengfa jing.
未曾有法 [ミソウウホウ]@never before experienced; unprecedented; rare, unusual.
未曾有經 [ミソウウキョウ]@never before experienced; unprecedented.
未曾經 [ミソウキョウ]@(title) Weiceng jing.
未有 [ミウ]@non-existent; has never been; not yet existent.
未然 [ミネン]@not yet so; not yet occurred.
未生善 [ミショウゼン]@the good character not yet evolved.
未生怨 [ミショウオン]@Aj■ta■atru.
未知 [ミチ]@does not (yet) know.
未知當知根 [ミチトウチコン]@faculty of the power for learning (the Four Noble
未至 [ミシ]@preparatory.
未至定 [ミシジョウ]@(xref) preparatory practice done prior to the entry into the first
concentration 初禪定.
未遂罪 [ミズイザイ]@an unconsummated offense.
未開顯 [ミカイケン]@unrevealed truth.
未離欲 [ミリヨク]@(term) not yet free from desire.
未離欲聖者 [ミリヨクショウシャ]@Sages who are not yet free from desire.
未顯眞實 [ミケンシンジツ]@unrevealed truth.
末 [バツ]@branch.
末 [マツ]@branch.
末世 [マッセ]@(term) future generation(s) (pa■cima-k■la).
末伽 [マガ]@path.
末伽梨 [マガリ]@Maskari Go■■l■putra.
末伽梨拘■梨 [マガリクシャリ]@(person) Maskari Go■■l■putra.
末■梨劬奢離 [マキャリクシャリ]@(person) Maskari Go■■l■putra.
末利 [マリ]@jasmine.
末利夫人 [マリブニン]@Jasmine Wife.
末利室羅 [マリシラ]@(person) M■lya■r■.
末剌■ [マラナン]@death.
末吐羅國 [マトラコク]@(place) Mathur■.
末嗟羅 [マサラ]@stinginess.
末奴沙 [マヌシャ]@(term) manu■ya.
末寺 [マツジ]@branch temple.
末尼 [マニ]@(foreign) ma■i.
末尼教 [マニキョウ]@(school) Manicheaism.
末底 [マテイ]@wisdom.
末底僧訶 [マテイソウカ]@lion of wisdom.
末後 [マツゴ]@finally.
末捺南 [マダナン]@reverence.
末栗者 [マリシャ]@pepper.
末法 [マッポウ]@(term) latter dharma.
末田 [マデン]@(person) Madhy■ntika.
末田地 [マデンチ]@(person) Madhy■ntika.
末田地那 [マデンチナ]@(person) Madhy■ntika.
末睇提舍 [マテイダイシャ]@Central Kingdom.
末■曷剌他 [マドアラタ]@(person) Manoratha.
末羅 [マラ]@Malla.
末羅■弭 [マラチミ]@(name) V■r■h■.
末羅王經 [マラオウキョウ]@Sutra of King Malla.
末羅遊 [マラユ]@(place) Malayu.
末羅鋼多 [マラコウタ]@emerald.
末迦■賀邏■ [マカタガラダ]@Marka■a-hrada.
末那 [マナ]@(term) manas.
末那識 [マナシキ]@(term) manas.
末陀 [マダ]@madya.
本 [ホン]@root, source, origin, essence, basis.
本不生際 [ホンプショウザイ]@ultimate truth of non-production.
本事 [ホンジ]@accounts of the past lives of disciples of the Buddha.
本事經 [ホンジキョウ]@the accounts of past lives of the Buddha's disciples.
本佛 [ホンブツ]@original buddha.
本來 [ホンライ]@original.
本來成佛 [ホンライジョウブツ]@original Buddhahood.
本來法爾 [ホンライホウニ]@originally so; originally thsu.
本來無一物 [ホンライムイチモツ]@originally not a single thing.
本來空 [ホンライクウ]@fundamentally empty.
本來自性■淨涅槃 [ホンライジショウショウジョウネハン]@nirv■na of the
originally pure self-nature.
本來面目 [ホンライメンモク]@one's "original face" or "true nature.
本分 [ホンブン]@(term) original Share.
本分人 [ホンブンニン]@(term) original share person.
本印 [ホンイン]@basic impression.
本地 [ホンジ]@original state.
本地 [ホンチ]@original state.
本地垂迹 [ホンジスイジャク]@manifestation from the original state.
本地身 [ホンジシン]@original body.
本地門 [ホンジモン]@fundamental aspect.
本尊 [ホンゾン]@main object of veneration.
本師 [ホンシ]@original teacher.
本心 [ホンシン]@fundamental mind.
本性 [ホンショウ]@(term) original nature.(term) inherent nature.
本性住 [ホンショウジュウ]@abiding of the original nature.
本性住種 [ホンショウジュウシュ]@abiding of the original nature.
本性住種姓 [ホンショウジュウシュショウ]@seeds in the store consciousness which
are already present at birth as the result of the activities of prior lifetimes.
本性住種性 [ホンショウジュウシュショウ]@immanent abiding original good seed-
本惑 [ホンワク]@fundamental afflictions.
本拏哩迦 [ホンダリカ]@white lotus flower.
本據 [ホンコ]@original data source.
本教 [ホンキョウ]@original teaching.
本明 [ホンミョウ]@original luminosity.
本時 [ホンジ]@original time.
本智 [ホンチ]@original wisdom.
本書 [ホンジョ]@basic text.
本有 [ホンウ]@originally existent.
本有 [ホンヌ]@originally existent.
本有修生 [ホンウシュショ]@originally existent and produced by cultivation.
本有修生 [ッ]@originally existent and produced by cultivation.
本有家 [ホンウケ]@adherents to philosophical position of original existence (of
本有種子 [ホンウシュ]@innate seeds.
本有種子 [ッジ]@innate seeds.
本末 [ホンマツ]@roots and branches.
本末相依 [ホンマツソウエ]@mutual dependence of (fundamental) roots and
(phenomenal) branches.
本末究竟等 [ホンマツキュウキョウドウ]@c omplete, fundamental whole.
本業瓔珞經疏 [ホンギョウヨウラクキョウソ]@(title) Benye yingluo jing shou.
本業經 [ホンギョウキョウ]@(title) Benye jing.
本母 [ホンモ]@original matrix.
本淨 [ホンジョウ]@intrinsically pure.
本濟 [ホンサイ]@(person) Benji.
本生 [ホンショウ]@accounts of the Buddha's lives.
本生經 [ホンショウキョウ]@scriptures containing stories of the Buddha's previous
本生經 [ホンジョウギョウ]@scriptures containing stories of the Buddha's previous
本生■ [ホンジョウセツ]@stories of the Buddha's previous lives.
本生鬘 [ホンショウマン]@versified incarnation stories.
本■ [ホンエン]@life stories.
本■ [ホンネン]@life stories.
本處 [ホンショ]@original location.
本行經 [ホンギョウキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Collection of the Original Acts of the
本行集經 [ホンギョウジュウキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Collection of the Original
Acts of the Buddha.
本覺 [ホンガク]@(term) original enlightenment, innate enlightenment.
本覺眞如 [ホンガクシンニョ]@thusness of intrinsic enlightenment.
本誓 [ホンゼイ]@original vow.
本識 [ホンジキ]@(term) base consciousness.
本質 [ホンゼツ]@archetypes.
本身 [ホンシン]@original body.
本身盧舍那 [ホンシンルシャナ]@Vairocana the original body.
本迹 [ホンジャク]@original and traces.
本迹二門 [ホンジャクニモン]@two aspects of original and derivative.
本門 [ホンモン]@fundamental part.
本際 [ホンザイ]@original reality; the original essence of all things.
本際■玄 [ホンサイコゲン]@empty mystery of the original state.
本隨 [ホンズイ]@Primary and secondary.
本隨二惑 [ホンズイニワク]@two categories of affliction of affliction of primary and
本願 [ホンガン]@vows.
本願一實大道 [ホンガンイチジツダイドウ]@single true great way of the vows.
本高迹下 [ホンコウシャクゲ]@the originally great manifesting itself as something
本高迹下 [ホンコウジャクゲ]@the originally great manifesting itself as something
朱 [シュ]@red.
朱利 [シュリ]@thief.
朱利槃特 [シュリパンドク]@(person) C■■a-panthaka.
朱利草 [シュリソウ]@robber-grass.
朱羅波梨迦羅 [シュラハリカラ]@ragged clothes.
朽穢 [クエ]@rotten, defiled, unclean.
李園 [リエン]@plum grove.
李通玄 [リツウゲン]@(person) Li Tongxuan.
杖 [ジョウ]@staff.
杖林 [ジョウリン]@(place) Ya■■ivana.
杜口 [トク]@close-mouthed.
杜口大士 [トクダイシ]@close-mouthed bodhisattva.
杜多 [ズダ]@discipline.
杜多 [トタ]@discipline.
杜底 [トチ]@messenger.
杜荼 [トダ]@discipline.
杜順 [ドジュン]@(person) Dushun.
束蘆 [ソクロ]@bundle of rushes.
杯■ [ハイコウ]@divination using pearls and shells.
東 [ヒガシ]@east.
東勝身洲 [トウショウシンシュウ]@(term) continent of P■rva-videha■.
東司 [トウス]@toilet.
東密 [トウミツ]@eastern esotericism.
東寺 [トウジ]@(temple) T■ji.
東山 [トウザン]@Eastern Mountain.
東方 [トウホウ]@eastern.
東方最勝燈王陀羅尼經 [トウホウサイショウトウオウダラニキョウ]@(title)
Dh■ra■■ of the Eastern, Foremost King of Brightness.
東曼陀羅 [トウマンダラ]@eastern mandala.
東福寺 [トウフクジ]@(temple) T■fukuji.
東震 [トウシン]@East Asia.
松廣寺 [ショウコウジ]@(temple) S■nggwangsa.
板 [バン]@seats of trainees in a Chan meditation hall.
析 [シャク]@break.
析空 [シャククウ]@(term) analytical emptiness.
析空觀 [シャククウカン]@meditational practice of analyzing things to be empty of
枕溟 [チンミョウ]@(person) Ch'immy■ng.
林 [リン]@forest; grove.
林微尼 [リンミニ]@(place) Lumbin■.
林毘尼 [リンビニ]@(place) Lumbin■.
林葬 [リンソウ]@disposal of the body of the corpse in the forest.
果 [カ]@the result aspect of karma.
果人 [カニン]@fruit-obtainers.
果位 [カイ]@stage of realization.
果佛性 [カブッショウ]@fruition of the buddha-nature.
果倶有 [カグウ]@Simultaneity of seeds and their manifestations.
果分 [カブン]@fruition aspect of practice--buddhahood.
果分不可■ [カブンフカセツ]@(foreign) As contrasted to the concept of
yinfenkeshuo 因分可■.
果分可■ [カブンカセツ]@the perfection of the effect aspect (i.e., the Buddha-realm
as the "effect") is something that can be explained.
果利 [カリ]@benefits of realization.
果唯識 [カユイシキ]@consciousness-only in in the fruits or results of Buddhahood.
果地 [カジ]@stage of realization.
果地萬■ [カジマントク]@infinite merit possessed by the Buddha.
果報 [カホウ]@retribution.
果報土 [カホウド]@realm of reward.
果報相續 [カホウソウゾク]@continuation of karmic retribution.
果報識 [カホウシキ]@maturing consciousness.
果■ [カトク]@merit contained in the result.
果性 [カショウ]@(term) result nature.
果相 [カソウ]@mark of effect.
枝末不覺 [シマツフカク]@secondary non-enlightenment.
枝末惑 [シマツワク]@(term) secondary afflictions.
枝末法輪 [シマツホウリン]@derivative dharma-wheel.
枝末煩惱 [シマツボンノウ]@derivative afflictions; secondary afflictions.
某 [ボウ]@certain..(person or thing).
某甲 [ボウコウ]@someone or another.
染 [ゼン]@defiled, polluted, infected.
染品 [ゼンボン]@category of defilement.
染因 [ゼンイン]@cause of defilement.
染幻 [ゼンゲン]@defiled illusion.
染心 [ゼンシン]@defiled mind, stained mind.
染惱 [ネンノウ]@pollute, defile, afflict.
染愛 [ゼンアイ]@defiled love.
染數 [ゼンシュ]@defiled habituation.
染業 [ゼンゴウ]@defiled activity; defiled karma.
染汚 [ゼンマ]@stain or taint.
染■ [ゼンマ]@defilement.
染法 [ゼンボウ]@polluted phenomena; impure dharma(s).
染淨 [ゼンジョウ]@defilement and purity.
染淨垢 [ゼンジョウク]@pure and impure defilements.
染淨心 [ゼンジョウシン]@the effect, evil or good.
染相 [ゼンソウ]@marks of defilement.
染習 [ゼンシュウ]@defiled habituation.
染著 [ゼンチョ]@(term) defiled attachment.
染覆 [ゼンプク]@defile; pollute.
柔軟 [ニュウナン]@flexible, pliant, gentle, soft, mild.
柔軟音 [ニュウナンオン]@(xref) soft, gentle tone of voice spoken by the Buddha,
which is one of his eight kinds of voice 八音.
柘迦羅 [シャカラ]@(foreign) cakra.
柯羅邏 [カララ]@first of the five periods of human pregnancy.
柳宿 [リュウシュク]@(term) A■le■■.
栢庵 [ハクアン]@(person) Paegam.
栴檀 [センタン]@(term) sandalwood.(term) candana.
栴檀林 [センダンリン]@literally, a forest of incense.
栴檀香 [センタンコウ]@fragrance of sandalwood.
栴檀香身陀羅尼經 [センタンコウシンダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the
Sandalwood Limb.
根 [コン]@(term) faculty.
根來寺 [ネゴロジ]@(temple) Negoroji.
根塵 [コンジン]@cognitive faculties and their objects.
根後二智 [コンゴニチ]@fundamental wisdom and subsequently attained wisdom.
根本 [コンホン]@root, origin, basis.
根本智 [コンポンチ]@(term) innately possessed wisdom; fundamental wisdom.
根本業不相應染 [コンポンゴウフソウオウゼン]@defilement in which the mind is
not associated with fundamental karma.
根本法輪 [コンポンホウリン]@original dharma-wheel; fundamental dharma-wheel.
根本無明 [コンポンムミョウ]@(term) innate ignorance.
根本煩惱 [コンポンボンノウ]@six primary afflictions.
根本識 [コンポンシキ]@(term) source consciousness.(term) root consciousness.
根機 [コンキ]@one's basic religious capacity.
根缺 [コンケツ]@defective in (religious) faculty.
根門 [コンモン]@gates of the faculties.
根香 [コンコウ]@aromatic tree.
格 [キャク]@ascertain.
格義 [キャクギ]@matching the meanings.
格言 [キャクゴン]@Wise sayings.
案 [アン]@desk, table, stand.
案山 [アンザン]@Opposing Mountain.
桐裡山 [トウリサン]@(school) Tongni san school.
梁朝傅大師頌金剛經 [リョウチョウフダイシジュコンゴウキョウ]@(title)
Liangzhao fu dashi song jingang jing.
梁武帝 [リョウブテイ]@Emperor Wu of the Liang dynasty.
梗澁 [キョウジュウ]@bitter, difficult, tough.
條 [ジョウ]@reason, theme, logic, circumstances.
條條 [ジョウジョウ]@each piece, each part, each section, every clause.
條理 [ジョウリ]@Reason, logic.
梨波多 [リバタ]@(xref) Revata, see 離婆多.
梨耶 [リヤ]@store consciousness.
梨耶識 [リヤシキ]@store consciousness.
梵 [ボン]@(term) brahman.
梵唄 [ボンバイ]@song or verse praising the virtues of the Buddha.
梵天 [ボンテン]@(term) brahma heaven.
梵天勸請 [ボンテンカンショウ]@encouragement from Brahm■.
梵天王 [ボンテンノウ]@great brahman heaven.
梵字 [ボンジ]@Indic writing.
梵志 [ボンシ]@br■hman.
梵志 [ボンジ]@br■hman.
梵日 [ボンニチ]@(person) P■mil.
梵王 [ボンオウ]@King of the Brahma Heaven.
梵相 [ボンソウ]@(person) Bons■.
梵網 [ボンモウ]@(term) Brahma's Net.
梵網戒品 [ボンモウカイホン]@Chapter of the Precepts of Brahma's Net.
梵網戒本疏 [ボンモウカイホンショ]@(title) Commentary on the Book of the
Precepts in the Sutra of Brahma's Net.
梵網戒疏 [ボンモウカイショ]@Commentary on the Book of the Bodhisattva Precepts.
梵網法藏疏 [ボンモウホウゾウショ]@Fazang's Commentary on the Sutra of
Brahma's Net.
梵網經 [ボンモウキョウ]@(title) Sutra of Brahma's Net.
梵網經疏 [ボンモウキョウショ]@Commentary on the Sutra of Brahma's Net.
梵網經菩薩心地品 [ボンモウキョウボサツシンジホン]@(title) Sutra of Brahma's
梵網經菩薩戒本疏 [ボンモウキョウボサツカイホンショ]@(title) Commentary to
the Chapter on the Bodhisattva Precepts in the Sutra of Brahma's Net.
梵網經菩薩戒本私記 [ボンモウキョウボサツカイホンシキ]@(title) Commentary
on the Chapter of the Bodhisattva Precepts in the Sutra of Brahma's Net.
梵網菩薩戒經義疏 [ボンモウボサツカイキョウギショ]@(title) Commentary on the
Doctrine of the Sutra of the Bodhisattva Precepts of Brahma's Net.
梵衆天 [ボンシュテン]@heaven of the followers of Brahma.
梵行 [ボンギョウ]@(term) pure practices.
梵覽摩 [ボンランマ]@great brahman heaven.
梵輔天 [ボンホテン]@heaven of the attendants and ministers of Brahm■.
梵音 [ボンノン]@Brahma's voice.
梵音師 [ボンオンシ]@Master of sacred words.
梵響 [ボンキョウ]@pure sound; the Buddha's voice.
棄 [キ]@throw away, let go of, release.
棄墮 [キダ]@rules of forfeiture of the things that a monk or nun possesses
棄嫌 [キケン]@cast off doubt.
棒喝 [ボウカツ]@(term) stick and shout.
森羅 [シンラ]@many things arranged together, or connected together.
森羅萬像 [シンラバンショウ]@All of the numberless things in existence.
植 [ショク]@to plant.
植 [ジキ]@to plant.
椽 [テン]@rafters.
楊 [ヨウ]@willow.
楊岐 [ヨウギ]@(person) Yangqi.
楊枝 [ヨウジ]@willow twigs.
楊柳觀音 [ヨウリュウカンノン]@Avalokite■vara with the willow branch.
楊葉 [ヨウショウ]@willow-leaves.
楚 [ソ]@state of Chu.
楚江王 [ソコウオウ]@king of the river of pain.
楞伽 [リョウガ]@(place) La■k■.
楞伽師資記 [リョウガシジキ]@(title) Lengjia shizi ji.
楞伽阿跋佗羅寶經 [リョウカアハツタラホウキョウ]@(title) La■k■vat■ra-s■tra.
楞伽阿跋多羅寶經 [リョウカアハツタラホウキョウ]@(title) La■k■vat■ra-s■tra.
楞嚴經 [リョウゴンキョウ]@(title) Lengyan jing.
業 [ゴウ]@activity, action, function.
業力 [ゴウリキ]@power of karma; karmic momentum.
業厄 [ゴウヤク]@karmic constraints.
業受 [ゴウジュ]@reception of karma.
業因 [ゴウイン]@karma-cause.
業垢 [ゴウゴウ]@karmic defilement.
業報 [ゴッポウ]@karmic retribution.
業報 [ゴウホウ]@karmic retribution.
業報身 [ゴウホウシン]@body of karmic retribution.
業塵 [ゴウジン]@karmic defilement.
業壽 [ゴウジュ]@length of life as determined by karma.
業天 [ゴウテン]@karmic heaven.
業幻 [ゴウゲン]@karmic illusion.
業影 [ゴウヨウ]@karma shadow.
業性 [ゴウショウ]@essence of karma.
業性 [ゴッショウ]@essence of karma.
業惱 [ゴウノウ]@karmic affliction.
業感 [ゴウカン]@experience.
業智 [ゴウチ]@(term) Karma and prajñ■.
業有 [ゴウウ]@karmic existence.
業果 [ゴウカ]@karmic fruits.
業果 [ゴッカ]@karmic fruits.
業果報 [ゴウカホウ]@consequences of karma.
業染汚 [ゴウゼンマ]@(term) defilement of activity.
業比量 [ゴウヒリョウ]@inference from action.
業海 [ゴウカイ]@ocean of karma.
業火 [ゴウカ]@karmic fires.
業用 [ゴヨウ]@function, activity, action.
業田 [ゴウデン]@field of karma.
業病 [ゴウビョウ]@karmic illness.
業相 [ゴウソウ]@expression of karma.
業秤 [ゴウビョウ]@scales of karma.
業秤 [ゴウノハカリ]@scales of karma.
業種 [ゴウシュ]@seeds of karma.
業簿 [ゴウボ]@tally of karma.
業結 [ゴウケツ]@karmic bonds.
業綱 [ゴウコウ]@net of karma.
業■ [ゴウエン]@karmic conditions.
業縛 [ゴウバク]@karmic bonds.
業繩 [ゴウジョウ]@karmic bonds.
業■ [ゴウケ]@karmic fetters.
業■苦相 [ゴウケクソウ]@marks of suffering in karmic bondage.
業羂 [ゴウケン]@karmic web.
業自在等所依眞如 [ゴウジザイトウショエシンニョ]@thusness as the basis of all
sovereign activity and all power. The above are the 別教 group from the 唯識論 10.
Another group.
業苦 [ゴウク]@karmic suffering.
業苦 [ゴック]@karmic suffering.
業處 [ゴッショ]@field of karma.
業行 [ゴウギョウ]@karmic activity.
業識 [ゴウシキ]@activity consciousness.
業賊 [ゴウゾク]@karma the thief.
業輪 [ゴウリン]@wheel of karma.
業通 [ゴウツウ]@karmic abilities.
業道 [ゴウドウ]@path of karma.
業道神 [ゴウドウジン]@gods of the karmic paths.
業鏡 [ゴウキョウ]@mirror of karma.
業障 [ゴウショウ]@(term) hindrance of karma.
業障除 [ゴウショウジョ]@removal of karmic hindrances.
業風 [ゴウフウ]@wind of karma.
業食 [ゴウジキ]@karmic nutrition.
業餘 [ゴウヨ]@karmic remainder.
業體 [ゴウタイ]@essence of karma.
業魔 [ゴウマ]@karmic demons.
極 [ゴク]@very.
極位 [ゴクイ]@final stage.
極光淨天 [ゴクコウジョウテン]@heaven of the most brilliant purity.
極喜地 [ゴクキジ]@(term) stage of joy.
極地 [ゴクチ]@ultimate stage.
極妙 [ゴクミョウ]@most marvelous.
極尊 [ゴクソン]@most revered.
極微 [ゴクミ]@atom, particle.
極惡 [ゴクアク]@extreme evil; grave offenses.
極果 [ゴクカ]@ultimate result.
極樂 [ゴクガク]@ultimate bliss.
極樂世界 [ゴクラクセカイ]@realm of ultimate bliss.
極樂化生 [ゴクラクノケショウ]@birth by transformation into the Pure Land of
極樂國土 [ゴクラクコクト]@land of ultimate bliss.
極樂淨土 [ゴクラクジョウド]@pure land of ultimate bliss.
極歡喜 [ゴクカンキ]@ultimate bliss.
極歡喜住 [ゴクカンキジュウ]@stage of total bliss.
極歡喜地 [ゴクカンキチ]@ground of ultimate bliss.
極熱地獄 [ゴクネツジゴク]@hottest hell.
極略色 [ゴクリャクシキ]@smallest perceivable matter.
極聖 [ゴクショウ]@greatest sage.
極臈 [キョクロウ]@eldest monk.
極臭 [ゴクシュウ]@extremely powerful odor.
極致 [ゴクチ]@utmost.
極覺 [ゴッカク]@utmost enlightenment.
極難勝地 [ゴクナンショウジ]@stage of difficult progress.
極靜 [ゴクジョウ]@utmost quiescence.
極香臭 [ゴクコウシュウ]@extremely powerful odor.
榮 [ヨウ]@flourish, to grow, to become popular.
榮西 [エイサイ]@(person) Eisai.
槃■ [バンサ]@Kumbh■■■a.
槃蓋 [ハンカイ]@dew receivers.
槃陀迦 [ハンダカ]@Panthaka.
樂 [ラク]@ease, comfort.
樂受 [ガクジュ]@(term) sensation of pleasure.
樂根 [ラクコン]@faculty of pleasure.
樂眞 [ラクシン]@(person) Nakchin.
樂着 [ギョウジャク]@be attached to the enjoyment of objects, or to conditions of
樂神 [ガクシン]@music spirit; heavenly musician; divine music master.
樂著 [ギョウジャク]@to enjoy and be attached to.
樂著 [ラクジャク]@to enjoy and be attached to.
樂■ [ギョウセツ]@unimpeded eloquence, describing the buddhas unhindered and
relaxed ability to expound the dharma.
樂變化天 [ラクヘンゲテン ギョウヘンゲテン]@heaven of the automatic reception
of one's sensual desires.
樂集 [ラクシュウ]@joyful accumulation.
樓 [ロウ]@a multi-floored high palace or castle.
樓夷亙羅佛 [ルイセンラブツ]@Loke■varar■ja.
樓至佛 [ルシブツ]@(name) Rudita Buddha.
樓閣 [ロウカク]@tower; raised pavilion.
標 [ヒョウ]@(term) explaining (uddi■ati).
標句 [ヒョウコウ]@topic heading.
標幟 [ヒョウジ]@mark, a sign.
標擧 [ヒョウキョ]@extol.
標記 [ヒョウキ]@mark.
標趣 [ヒョウシュ]@profess, advocate.
樞要 [スウヨウ]@key point.
機 [キ]@key, main point, pivotal point to something.
機先 [キセン]@state of things before they demonstrate themselves in their activity.
機感 [キカン]@response to capacity.
機教 [キキョウ]@ripeness of the faculties of sentient beings matched with the
teachings of the Buddha..
機■ [キエン]@motive, opportunity.
機要 [キヨウ]@important or pivotal point.
機誼 [キギ]@function of the mind to be in accord with goodness.
機類 [キルイ]@variation in the faculties and abilities of sentient beings.
樹下坐 [ジュゲザ]@dwelling at the foot of a tree.
樹林 [ジュリン]@tree groves; forests.
■ [ケツ]@nail.
機根 [キコン]@capacity, ability.
■ [コウ]@sideways, horizontal, as opposed to vertical.
■出 [オウシュツ]@the across or short way escape from mortality.
■計 [オウケ]@mistaken thought, mistaken conceptualization.
檀 [タン]@(term) giving.(term) donation.
檀 [ダン]@(term) giving.(term) donation.
檀主 [ダンシュ]@lord of alms.
檀家 [ダンカ]@parishioner.
檀家 [ダンケ]@parishioner.
檀拏 [タンナ]@(term) da■■a.
檀施 [ダンセ]@lord of alms.
檀林 [ダンリン]@literally, a forest of incense.
檀波羅蜜 [ダンハラミツ]@(term) perfection of giving.
檀荼 [ダンダ]@(foreign) da■■a.
檀越 [ダンオツ]@(term) d■napati.
檀那 [ダンナ]@supporter of a Buddhist temple.
檀陀 [ダンダ]@(foreign) Transcription of the Sanskrit.Pali da■■a.
檢校 [ケンギョウ]@(term) inspector.
檢點 [ケンテン]@checkpoint.
櫛 [シツ]@lot, ballot, ticket.
欄 [ラン]@railing; baluster.
欄楯 [ランジュン]@railing(s).
權 [ゴン]@expedient. Provisional teaching(s).
權利 [ケンリ]@rights.
權化 [ゴンゲ]@temporary transformation.
權大乘 [ゴンダイジョウ]@the provisional mah■y■na.
權實 [ゴンジツ]@expedient and true.
權實二智 [ゴンジツニチ]@(term) two kinds of wisdom.
權應 [ゴンオウ]@expedient response.
權應形 [ゴンオウギョウ]@expedient response body.
權智 [ゴンチ]@(term) expedient wisdom.
權現 [ゴンゲン]@temporary manifestation.
權者 [ゴンジャ]@provisional manifestation.
權者 [ゴンザ]@provisional manifestation.
欠 [ケツ]@deficient.
次 [シ]@next, the following.
次第 [シダイ]@order, precedence.
次第■ [シダイエン]@(term) antecedent causality.
欣 [ゴン]@desire, hope for wish for, long for.
欣上 [コンジョウ]@to long for higher things; to desire spiritual things.
欣上厭下 [コンジョウエンゲ]@to long for better things (states of mind, etc.) and
weary of the baser things.
欣樂 [ゴンギョウ]@to seek after with pleasure.
欣求淨土 [ゴングジョウド]@to aspire to rebirth in the pure land.
欲 [ヨク]@desire, to long for, to wish.
欲取 [ヨクシュ]@cling to one's desires.
欲想 [ヨクソウ]@(term) lust.
欲愛 [ヨクアイ]@ordinary human love springing from desire.
欲愛住地 [ヨクアイジュウジ]@hypostasis of attachment to objects in the desire realm.
欲暴流 [ヨクボウル]@raging current of desire.
欲樂 [ヨクギョウ]@pleasure.
欲樂 [ヨクラク]@pleasure.
欲死 [ヨクシ]@to desire death.
欲求 [ヨクグ]@desire, craving, aspiration.
欲漏 [ヨクロ]@contamination, or "outflow" of the desire realm.
欲界 [ヨクカイ]@desire realm.
欲界五趣地 [ヨクカイゴシュチ]@(term) desire realm with the five destinies.
欲界住地 [ヨクカイジュウジ]@hypostasis of attachment to objects in the desire
欲界六天 [ヨクカイロクテン]@six heavens of the desire realm.
欲界惑 [ヨッカイワク]@afflictions of the desire realm.
欲界■ [ヨクカイケ]@fetters of the desire realm.
欲邪行 [ヨクジャギョウ]@indulging in sexual misconduct.
欺 [ギ]@(term) deception.
歌利 [カリ]@(term) kali.
歌利王 [カリオウ]@(term) kalinga-raja.
歌樂神 [カガクジン]@music spirit.
歌神 [カジン]@music spirit.
歌舞 [カブ]@song and dance.
歌舞觀聽 [カブカンチョウ]@viewing of theatrical performances and listening to
歌詠 [カエイ]@s■ma-veda-sa■hit■.
歎 [タン]@admiration, applause, praising.
歎法 [タンポウ]@praise the dharma.
歡 [カン]@be happy.
歡喜 [カンキ]@happiness, joy, bliss.
歡喜國 [カンキコク]@land of great joy.
歡喜地 [カンキジ]@(term) stage of joy.
歡樂 [カンラク]@to totally enjoy.
止 [シ]@stop, to finish, to end.
止住 [シジュウ]@calm abiding.
止作二持 [シサニジ]@two observances of doing and not-doing.
止息 [シソク]@bring about the cessation of suffering.
止惡 [シアク]@stopping evil.
止惡生善 [シアクショウゼン]@prevent evil and generate good, terminating evil and
pursuing good.
止惡門 [シアクモン]@practices of preventing evil.
止持 [シジ]@moral discipline of refraining from evil behavior.
止持戒 [シジカイ]@observing the precepts of stopping [evil activity].
止持門 [シジモン]@precepts of prohibition.
止滅 [シメツ]@cessation; stop.
止犯 [シボン]@crimes of omission.
止病 [シビョウ]@"sickness" (imbalance) of overly emphasizing stabilizing meditation.
止觀 [シカン]@cessation and observation.
止觀二門 [シカンニモン]@both cessation and clear observation.
止觀倶行 [シカングギョウ]@(foreign) practice both ■amatha and vipa■yan■ side by
止觀和尚 [シカンワショウ]@Zhiguan.
止觀宗 [シカンシュウ]@school of calming and insight.
止觀捨 [シカンシャ]@indifference to calming and insight.
止觀玄文 [シカンゲンモン]@(title) Zhiguan xuanwen.
止觀論 [シカンロン]@(title) Zhiguanlun.
止觀輔行傳弘決 [シカンブコウデンコウケチ]@(title) Zhiguan fuxing zhuan
止觀門 [シカンモン]@cessation and clear observation.
止觀雙運 [シカンソウウン]@the dual functioning of calm and insight.
正 [ショウ]@(term) exact, right, correct.
正中 [ショウチュウ]@noon.
正位 [ショウイ]@group of the determined.
正位前 [ショウイゼン]@prior to a precise position.
正使 [ショウシ]@substance of the defilements.
正依經 [ショウエノキョウ]@canonical scriptures.
正信 [ショウシン]@correct faith.
正傳 [ショウデン]@correct transmission of the Buddha-dharma from teacher to
正像末 [ショウゾウマツ]@true, semblance, and degenerating.
正勤 [ショウゴン]@correct effort.
正受 [ショウジュ]@(term) Sam■dhi, mental unity.
正命 [ショウミョウ]@(term) right livelihood.
正因 [ショウイン]@(term) direct cause.
正因佛性 [ショウインブッショウ]@buddha-nature of direct cause.The true cause of
正地部 [ショウチブ]@Mah■■■saka school.
正報 [ショウボウ]@direct retribution.
正士 [ショウジ]@bodhisattva.
正定 [ショウジョウ]@(term) right concentration.
正定聚 [ショウジョウシュ]@beings who are certain to attain enlightenment.
正心住 [ショウシンジュウ]@(term) abiding of correct mind.
正念 [ショウネン]@(term) correct mindfulness, correct thought.
正思 [ショウシ]@correct thought.
正思惟 [ショウシユイ]@(term) correct thought.
正思惟力 [ショウシユイリキ]@mind determined for enlightenment that is produced
from correct deliberation.
正思擇 [ショウシタク]@correct thought; correct analysis.
正思量 [ショウシリョウ]@correct thinking.
正性 [ショウショウ]@correct(ed) nature.
正性定聚 [ショウショウジョウシュ]@group which is predestined to follow correct
practices and attain the fruits of liberation.
正性離生 [ショウショウリショウ]@correct nature free from the arising (of
正憶念 [ショウオクネン]@memorize correctly.
正方便 [ショウホウベン]@correct expedient means.
正日 [ショウニチ]@funeral day.
正明 [ショウミョウ]@directly clarify; correctly prove.
正智 [ショウチ]@correct wisdom.
正月 [ショウツキ]@the first month of the year.
正東 [ショウトウ]@true east.
正果 [ショウカ]@correct retribution; true reward.
正業 [ショウゴウ]@(term) right behavior.
正法 [ショウボウ]@true principle, true reality, true dharma.
正法依 [ショウボウエ]@basis of the true dharma.
正法念處經 [ショウボウネンショキョウ]@(title) Zhengfa nianchu jing.
正法炬 [ショウホウコ]@torch of the true dharma.
正法華經 [ショウホウケキョウ]@(title) Lotus Sutra.
正法藏 [ショウボウゾウ]@obtained by all saints.
正流菩薩 [ショウルボサツ]@(name) Amogha-dar■ana.
正理派 [ショウリハ]@logician.
正生 [ショウショウ]@reality of the present life, of the present existence.
正目 [ショウモク]@correct title.
正直 [ショウジキ]@straight, correct.
正知 [ショウチ]@know well.
正知力 [ショウチリキ]@introspection.
正示 [ショウジ]@directly show; directly clarify.
正等覺 [ショウトウカク]@correct peerless enlightenment.
正等覺無畏 [ショウトウガクムイ]@fearlessness with respect to asserting that I am
completely and perfectly enlightened with respect to all phenomena.
正精進 [ショウショウジン]@correct effort.
正純密教 [セイジュンミッキョウ]@pure esoterism.
正義 [ショウギ]@traditional or accepted viewpoint of one school or sect.
正至 [ショウジ]@arriving well; arriving in a timely fashion.
正行 [ショウギョウ]@correct practices.
正行眞如 [ショウギョウシンニョ]@suchness of correct practices.
正見 [ショウケン]@(term) right view, correct view.
正覺 [ショウガク]@(term) correct awakening.
正觀 [ショウカン]@(term) correct observation.
正解 [ショウゲ]@correct understanding.
正語 [ショウゴ]@correct speech.
正語道支 [ショウゴドウシ]@Correct speech.
正■ [ショウセツ]@correct teaching.
正遍知 [ショウヘンチ]@correct peerless enlightenment.
正道 [ショウドウ]@correct path.
正量部 [ショウリョウブ]@(term) school of Correct Logic.
此 [シ]@this, here.
此世 [シセ]@this world.
此世他世樂禪 [シセタセラクゼン]@meditation on the way to bring joy to all people
both in this life and hereafter.
此土耳根利 [シドニコンリ]@clarity of hearing.
此岸 [シガン]@this shore.
此生 [シショウ]@this life.
■ [ブ]@step.
■他 [ブタ]@buddha.
■夜 [サイヤ]@new year's eve.
歴代三寶紀 [レキダイサンボウキ]@(title) Lidai sanbao ji.
歴代法寶記 [レキダイホウボウキ]@(title) Lidai fabao ji.
歸 [キ]@return (to one's original place).
歸依 [キエ]@trust in absolutely.
歸依佛 [キエブツ]@taking the buddha as refuge.
歸依方便 [キエホウベン]@trust (in the Triratna).
歸命 [キミョウ]@(term) namas.
歸性 [キショウ]@returning from conditioned appearances to the original nature of true
歸敬 [キキョウ]@turn in reverence.
歸敬序 [キキョウジョ]@an invocation, dedication.
歸正 [キショウ]@rely on what is correct.
歸謬論證派 [キビュウロンショウハ]@(school) Pr■sa■gika.
歸趣 [キシュ]@conclusion, destination, refuge, way.
死 [シ]@die.
死亡 [シモウ]@dead and gone.
死刀 [シトウ]@sword of death.
死屍 [シシ]@a corpse.
死山 [シセン]@hill of death.
死海 [シカイ]@ocean of mortality.
死王 [シオウ]@M■ra, Yama.
死生 [シショウ]@death and rebirth.
死畏 [シイ]@fear of death.
死相 [シソウ]@mark of death.
死苦 [シク]@suffering of death.
死賊 [シゾク]@the robber, death.
死門 [シモン]@gate of death.
死關 [シカン]@gate of death.
死靈 [シリョウ]@spirit of the dead.
死靈 [シレイ]@spirit of the dead.
死風 [シフウ]@wind of death.
死魔 [シマ]@demon of death.
殊 [シュ]@kill, to exterminate.
殊勝 [シュショウ]@(term) especially excellent (vi■esa, vi■ista, pran■ta).
殊勝妙顔 [シュショウミョウガン]@Exceptionally Beautiful Face.
殊妙 [シュミョウ]@extraordinarily wonderful.
殊常 [シュジョウ]@extraordinary.
殊稱 [シュショウ]@another name.
殖 [ショク]@plant.
殖種 [ショクシュ]@plant seeds.
殘氣 [ザンゲ]@remaining habit energies.
殘習 [ザンシュウ]@remaining habit energies.
殺 [サツ]@kill, murder.
殺 [セツ]@kill, murder.
殺人 [せツニン]@murder.
殺具 [セツグ]@instruments of killing.
殺和尚 [サツワショウ]@killing a monk.
殺戒 [セッカイ]@precept (forbidding) killing.
殺業 [セツゴウ]@deed of killing; karma of killing.
殺母 [セツモ]@killing one's mother.
殺父 [セップ]@killing one's father.
殺生 [サツショウ]@taking of life.
殺生具 [セッショウグ]@lethal weapons.
殺生戒 [セッショウカイ]@precept forbidding the taking of life.
殺畜生 [セツチクショウ]@killing animals.
殺者 [セッシャ]@the slayer.
殺聖人 [サツショウジン]@killing an arhat.
殺賊 [セツゾク]@killer of thieves.
殺阿闍梨 [サツアジャリ]@killing one's teacher.
殼居 [カクキョ]@to dwell in a husk.
殼居者 [カッキョシャ]@one who dwells in a husk.
殿 [テン]@palace.
殿主 [デンス]@temple warden.
殿主 [デンシュ]@temple warden.
殿司 [デンス]@temple warden.
毀 [キ]@defame, vilify, destroy.
毀他 [キタ]@to disparage others.
毀禁 [キキン]@break commandments.
毀謗 [キホウ]@slander.
毀謗 [キボウ]@slander.
毀謗三寶戒 [キホウサンボウカイ]@precept forbidding the slander of the three
■他 [キタ]@to disparage others.
毅旻 [キミン]@(person) ■imin.
母 [モ]@mother, mama.
母那摩奴沙 [ボナマヌシャ]@human corpse.
母陀摩奴沙 [ボダマヌシャ]@human corpse.
母陀羅 [モダラ]@(term) mudr■.
毒 [ドク]@poison.
毒箭 [ドクセン]@poisoned arrow.
比 [ヒ]@compare, contrast.
比丘 [ビク]@monk.(term) menacer of demons.(term) begging knight.(term) pure in the
比丘三千威儀經 [ビクサンゼンイギキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Three Thousand
Regulations for Bhik■us.
比丘尼 [ビクニ]@(term) nun.
比丘尼戒 [ビクニカイ]@nuns precepts.
比丘會 [ビクエ]@assembly of monks.
比利陀婆遮 [ヒリダバシャ]@Pilinda-vatsa.
比叡山 [ヒエイザン]@(place) Hieizan.
比■迦倶舍 [ヒタカクシャ]@store of the canon.
比呼 [ヒコ]@monk.
比呼 [ビコ]@monk.
比呼尼 [ヒコニ]@nun.
比喩 [ヒユ]@(term) metaphor.
比多 [ヒタ]@father.
比摘迦 [ヒテカ]@collection.
比摩寺 [ヒマジ]@(temple) Bimosi.
比智 [ヒチ]@particular wisdom.
比知 [ヒチ]@inference, deduction.
比羅娑落 [ヒラサラク]@P■lus■ragiri.
比羅娑落山 [ヒラサラクサン]@P■lus■ragiri.
比耆陀羨那 [ヒギダセンナ]@Vi■uddhasi■ha.
比蘇寺 [ヒソデラ]@(temple) Hisodera.
比那 [ヒナ]@low hill.
比那多 [ヒナタ]@low hill.
比量 [ヒリョウ]@reasoning, inference, deduction, presumption.
比量相違 [ヒリョウソウイ]@contradictory logic.
■佛畧 [ビブツリャク]@greatly extended.
■尼藏 [ビニゾウ]@vinaya collection.
■戌陀僧訶 [ビジュツダソウカ]@Vi■uddhasi■ha.
■盧遮那 [ビルシャナ]@Vairocana.
■那 [ビナ]@low hill.
毘 [ビ]@(foreign) Transcription of Sanskrit vi sound.
毘世 [ビセイ]@(school) Vai■e■ika.
毘佛略 [ヒブツリャク]@(term) vaipulya.
毘倶胝 [ビグチ]@(name) Bhruku■i.
毘吠 [ビベイ]@merchant caste.
毘奈耶 [ビナヤ]@(term) vinaya.
毘奈耶經 [ピダイヤキョウ]@(title) Vinaya Sutra.
毘婆尸 [ビバシ]@(name) Pali Vipassin, Sanskrit Vipa■yin.
毘婆尸佛 [ビバシブツ]@Vipa■yin.
毘婆尸佛經 [ビバシブツキョウ]@(title) Sutra of Vipa■yin Buddha.
毘婆沙 [ビバシャ]@(term) vibh■s■.
毘婆沙論 [ビバシャロン]@(title) Vibh■s■-■■stra.
毘婆舍那 [ビバシャナ]@(term) vipa■yan■.
毘尼 [ビニ]@(term) vinaya.
毘尼摩得伽 [ビニマトッカ]@Mother of the Sarv■stiv■da Vinaya.
毘尼藏 [ビニゾウ]@(term) vinaya-pi■aka.
毘摩羅詰 [ビマラキツ]@Vimalak■rti.
毘摩質多羅 [ビマシッタラ]@Vimalacitra.
毘曇 [ビドン]@(foreign) abhidharma.
毘曇宗 [ビドンシュウ]@(school) Abhidharma School.
毘梨耶 [ビリヤ]@(term) v■rya.
毘沙門 [ビシャモン]@Vai■rava■a.
毘琉璃 [ビルリ]@(term) vai■■rya.
毘留愽叉 [ビルハクシャ]@(name) Vir■p■k■a.
毘盧舍那佛 [ビロシャナブツ]@(term) vairocana Buddha.
毘盧遮那 [ビルシャナ]@Mah■vairocana Buddha.
毘盧遮那佛 [ビロシャナブツ]@Mah■vairocana.
毘■舍那 [ビパシャナ]@analytical meditation; observing meditation.
毘羯羅 [ビカラ]@(name) Vikar■la.
毘耶 [ビヤ]@(place) Vai■■li.
毘耶■梨那 [ビヤキョリナ]@(term) prediction of future buddhahood.
毘耶窟 [ビヤクツ]@room at Vai■■li.
毘舍 [ビシャ]@(term) vai■ya.
毘舍離 [ビシャリ]@Vai■■l■.
毘舍離國 [ビシャリコク]@(place) Vai■■l■.
毘舍離城 [ビシャリジョウ]@Vai■■l■.
毘舍離城結集 [ビシャリジョウケツジュウ]@second Buddhist Council, held at
毘藍婆 [ビランバ]@(name) Vilamb■.
毘訶羅 [ビカラ]@buddhist temple; monastery, nunnery.
毘遮羅 [ビシャラ]@to investigate, inquire.
毘那多迦 [ビナタカ]@(place) Vinataka.
毘那耶 [ビナヤ]@(term) vinaya.
毘鉢舍那 [ビバッシャナ]@(term) vipa■yan■.
毛 [モウ]@hair, feathers.
毛孔 [モウク]@pore.
毛孔 [モウコウ]@pore.
毛病 [モウビョウ]@flaw.
毛繩 [モウジョウ]@hair rope.
毛輪 [モウリン]@hair circles.
毛道 [モウドウ]@ignorant fool.
毛道凡夫 [モウドウボンブ]@ignorant fool.
毛道生 [モウドウショウ]@ignorant people.
毛頭 [モウジュウ]@ignorant fool.
毛頭 [モウトウ]@ignorant fool.
毛頭 [モウズ]@ignorant fool.
毛■伽羅子 [モウダガラシ]@Mudgalaputra.
毫 [ゴウ]@Long, very fine hair.
毫釐 [ゴウリ]@very tiny bit; a hair's breadth.
毫釐千里 [ゴウリセンリ]@the least divergence in the beginning will lead many miles
氣 [キ]@life-force.
水 [スイ]@water, river(s), seas or oceans.
水上泡 [スイジョウホウ]@bubble on the water.
水中月 [スイチュウノツキ]@moon in the water.
水乳 [スイニュウ]@water and milk.
水器 [スイキ]@water vessel.
水■ [スイノウ]@water bag.
水圓 [スイエン]@water globule.
水塵 [スイジン]@dust in the water.
水壇 [スイダン]@water altar.
水大 [スイダイ]@water element.
水天 [スイテン]@(term) water god; river god.(term) god of the oceans and rivers.
水天供 [スイテング]@offerings to Varu■a.
水天法 [スイテンホウ]@offerings to Varu■a.
水定 [スイジョウ]@water concentration.
水想 [スイソウ]@water meditation.
水晶 [スイショウ]@crystal.
水曜 [スイヨウ]@Mercury.
水月 [スイゲツ]@a reflection of the moon in the water.
水月 [スイガツ]@a reflection of the moon in the water.
水月觀音 [スイガツカンノン]@Guanyin gazing at the moon in the water.
水月觀音 [スイゲツカンノン]@Guanyin gazing at the moon in the water.
水梭花 [スイサカ]@fish.
水沫泡■ [スイマツホウエン]@foam, bubbles, and flame.
水波 [スイハ]@water and waves.
水淨 [スイジョウ]@cleansed by water.
水滿 [スイマン]@Jal■mbara.
水潦鶴 [スイロウカク]@snow goose.
水災 [スイサイ]@destruction caused by water.
水燈 [スイトウ]@water lantern.
水玉 [スイギョク]@water crystal.
水王 [スイオウ]@(name) Varu■a.
水田衣 [スイデンエ]@monk's robe.
水白鶴 [スイビャクカク]@snow goose.
水白鷺 [スイビャクロ]@snow goose.
水相觀 [スイソウカン]@water meditation.
水神 [スイジン]@water-god; river god.
水精 [スイショウ]@crystal.
水羅 [スイラ]@gauze filter.
水老鶴 [スイロウカク]@snow goose.
水葬 [スイソウ]@water burial.
水藏 [スイゾウ]@Water Store.
水觀 [スイカン]@water meditation.
水輪 [スイリン]@water wheel.
水輪三昧 [スイリンザンマイ]@water wheel concentration.
水陸會 [スイリクエ]@festival of water and land.
水陸齋 [スイリクサイ]@festival of water and land.
水頭 [スイジュウ]@waterman.
水風火災 [スイフウカサイ]@the catastrophes of flood, wind, and fire.
水鵝 [スイガ]@(term) ha■sa.
氷■羅 [ヒョウケイラ]@(person) Pi■gala.
永 [エイ]@forever.
永 [ヨウ]@forever.
永乙 [ヨウイツ]@(person) Y■ng■l.
永乙慧■ [ヨウイツエシン]@(person) Y■ng■l hyesim.
永出 [ヨウシュツ]@leaving forever.
永嘉 [ヨウカ]@(person) Yongjia.
永嘉證道歌 [ヨウカショウドウカ]@(title) Song of Enlightenment.
永嘉集 [ヨウカシュウ]@(title) Yongjia ji.
永寂 [ヨウジャク]@permanently stilled.
永平寺 [エイヘイジ]@(temple) Eiheiji.
永廻 [ヨウエ]@(person) Y■nghoe.
永斷 [ヨウダン]@permanently eliminate.
永無 [ヨウム]@definitely non-existent.
永生 [ヨウショウ]@eternal life.
永離 [ヨウリ]@to be permanently freed from.
求 [グ]@(term) seek, to search for, to look for, wish for, pray for, ask for (m■gyate,
求不得苦 [グフトクク]@(term) suffering of not-getting.
求名 [グミョウ]@seek fame.
求名菩薩 [グミョウボサツ]@Fame Seeker Bodhisattva.
求寂 [グジャク]@novice monk.
求得 [グトク]@seek and attain.
求求羅 [ククラ]@Persian incense.
求福 [グフク]@seek merit; seek good fortune.
求籤 [グセン]@divination with bamboo sticks.
求索 [グサク]@to seek out.
求道 [グドウ]@seek (practice for, strive for) enlightenment.
求道人 [グドウニン]@religious practitioner.
求道心 [グドウシン]@mind intent on seeking enlightenment.
求道者 [グドウシャ]@religious practitioner.
求那 [グナ]@(term) Transcription of the Sanskrit gu■a.
求那毘地 [グナビジ]@(person) Gu■av■ddhi.
求那跋摩 [グナバマ]@Gu■avarman.
求那跋陀羅 [グナバッダラ]@(person) Gu■abhadra.
汗 [ウ]@sweat.
汗栗太 [カリタ]@citta, mind, mental, thought, heart.
汗栗■ [カリダ]@citta, mind, mental, thought, heart.
汗栗駄 [カンリダ]@heart.
汗蒸僧 [カンジョウソウ]@(person) Hanch■ngs■ng.
■ [オ]@impurity.
■栗駄 [ウリダ]@heart.
汚 [オ]@stain, to dirty, to defile, pollute.
汚家 [ワケ]@defile a household.
汚染 [ワゼン]@taint.
汝 [ニョ]@you.
汝意云何 [ニョイウンカ]@what do you think?.
汝等 [ニョトウ]@(term) you (plural), you guys (m■rsa).
江天寺 [コウテンジ]@(temple) Jiangtiansi.
江湖 [コウコ]@Jiangxi and Hunan.
江西 [コウゼイ]@(person) Jiangxi.
決 [ケツ]@decide, settle, judge, fix agree upon, resolve, arrange, determine.
決了 [ケツリョウ]@decide resolutely.
決凝 [ケツギョウ]@(person) Ky■r■ng.
決定 [ケツジョウ]@decidedly, undoubtedly.
決定信 [ケツジョウシン]@unshakable faith, firm faith.
決定心 [ケツジョウシン]@mind of certainty.
決定種性 [ケツジョウシュショウ]@having predetermined capacity of spiritual
決定菩薩 [ケツジョウボサツ]@bodhisattvas who are determined to attain
決定藏論 [ケツジョウゾウロン]@(title) Juedingzang lun.
決意 [ケツイ]@resolution.
決擇 [ケッチャク]@firm decision, decision and selection.
決擇分 [ケッチャクブン]@causes of selection.
汾陽無■禪師語■ [フンヨウムトクゼンシゴロク]@(title) Fenyang wudechanshi
沈 [ジン]@sink, be submerged, to disappear, be lost, destroyed, weaken, decline.
沈冥 [チンメイ]@submerged in ignorance.
沈淪 [チンリン]@sink, be submerged.
■ [ジン]@sink, be submerged, to disappear, be lost, destroyed, weaken, decline.
■香 [ジンコウ]@fragment aloe-wood.
沒 [モツ]@sink, be submerged,.
沒力伽羅子 [モリガラシ]@(person) Maudgaly■yana.
沒■憾摩 [モラカンマ]@br■hman.
沒曳達利瑟致 [モエイタリシチ]@illusory views.
沒特伽羅子 [モドガラシ]@(person) Maudgaly■yana.
沒生 [モツショウ]@perish and be reborn.
沓婆 [トウバ]@(person) Dravya Mallaputra.
沓婆摩羅 [トウバマラ]@(person) Dravya Mallaputra.
沖 [チュウ]@Empty, void.
沙劫 [シャコウ]@eons numberless as the sands of the Ganges.
沙多婆漢那 [シャタバカンナ]@(person) S■tav■hana.
沙尼 [シャニ]@(term) novice nun.
沙彌 [シャミ]@novice monk.
沙彌尼 [シャミニ]@(term) novice nun.
沙心 [シャシン]@countless factors of the mind.
沙波訶 [シャハカ]@hail!.
沙磨 [シャマ]@S■ma-veda-sa■hit■.
沙羅 [シャラ]@s■la tree.
沙門 [シャモン]@(term) transcription of the Pali sama■a and the Sanskrit ■rama■a.
沙門果 [シャモンカ]@effects of religious practice.
没 [ボツ]@sink, be submerged, drown.
河 [カワ]@river.
河沙 [ガシャ]@sands of the Ganges.
河神小婢 [カジンショウヒ]@river god as slave.
河葬 [カソウ]@river burial.
河迦葉 [カカショウ]@combined translation.transcription of the name of Nad■-
油頭 [ユズ]@monastery cook.
油頭 [ユジュウ]@monastery cook.
治 [ジ]@govern, to rule, to manage, to control, to direct, to regulate, to put in order.
治國天 [チコクテン]@(name) Dh■tr■■■ra.
治地住 [ジチジュウ]@abiding of nurturing.
治斷 [ジダン]@quell, extirpate, sever, subdue.
治道 [ジドウ]@path of overcoming of afflictions.
況 [キョウ]@still more, even (still) less.
況餘 [キョウヨ]@how much more so with other cases....
法 [ホウ]@phenomenon; element; constituent; factor.
法上部 [ホウジョウブ]@(school) Dharmottar■y■■.
法主 [ホウシュ]@religious head.
法主 [ホッシュ]@religious head.
法主 [ホッス]@religious head.
法乳 [ホウニュウ]@dharma-milk.
法事 [ホウジ]@services.
法位 [ホウイ]@condition or process in which all dharmas (existences, things, mental
states) are established.
法住 [ホウジュウ]@thusness as the abode of all things.
法住記 [ホウジュウキ]@(title) Nandimitr■vad■na.
法供養 [ホウクヨウ]@offerings of the dharma.
法兄弟 [ホウキョウダイ]@brother dharma disciples.
法入 [ホウニュウ]@the field of conceptualization.
法具 [ホウグ]@articles for worship.
法利 [ホウリ]@benefits of the dharma.
法劍 [ホウケン]@dharma-sword.
法力 [ホウリキ]@strength of suchness within.
法務 [ホウム]@administrator for monastic affairs.
法勝寺 [ホッショウジ]@(temple) Hossh■ji.
法化 [ホウケ]@dharma transformation.
法匠 [ホウショウ]@dharma craftsman.
法印 [ホウイン]@dharma-seal.
法卷 [ホウカン]@dharma-scrolls.
法句經 [ホックキョウ]@(title) Dharma-phrase sutra.
法名 [ホウミョウ]@dharma-name.
法味 [ホウミ]@flavor of the dharma.
法喜 [ホウキ]@bliss of the dharma.
法喩 [ホウユ]@Principle and example.
法嗣 [ホウジ]@dharma heir.
法器 [ホウキ]@(term) dharma-vessel.
法城 [ホウジョウ]@dharma citadel.
法域 [ホウイキ]@realm of dharma.
法執 [ホウシュウ]@(term) attachment to (the reality of) dharmas.
法執分別 [ホウシュウフンベツ]@Discrimination in terms of attachment to
法堂 [ホウドウ]@dharma-hall, teaching hall.
法夏 [ホウゲ]@dharma summer.
法如如 [ホウニョニョ]@all things are absolute reality just as they are.
法子 [ハッス]@dharma child.
法子 [ホウシ]@dharma child.
法子 [ホッシ]@dharma child.
法孫 [ホウソン]@dharma-grandson.
法定 [ホウジョウ]@it is determined as normal.
法寶 [ホウホウ]@(term) dharma treasure.
法寶處 [ホウホウショ]@Dharmak■ra Bodhisattva.
法將 [ホウショウ]@the general of the dharma.
法尼 [ホウニ]@nun.
法師 [ホウシ]@teacher of the dharma.
法師 [ホッシ]@teacher of the dharma.
法師十■ [ホッシジュットク]@(term) ten virtues of a teacher of the dharma.
法式 [ホッシキ]@ritual.
法式 [ホウシキ]@ritual.
法弟 [ホウテイ]@Buddhist disciple.
法弟 [ホッテイ]@Buddhist disciple.
法念住 [ホウネンジュウ]@mindful abode of dharmas.
法念處 [ホウネンジョ]@(term) mindfulness of (the selflessness of) phenomena.
法性 [ホウショウ]@original essence of all being.
法性宗 [ホウショウシュウ]@(school) Dharma-nature school..
法性平等 [ホウショウビョウドウ]@equality of the nature of reality.
法恩 [ホウオン]@(person) H■on.
法愛 [ホウアイ]@love, or be attached to the dharma (teaching).
法慳 [ホウケン]@stinginess with dharma assets.
法我 [ホウガ]@belief that all dharmas (objective elements) have inherent existence.
法我見 [ホウガケン]@(xref) view that all dharmas 法 have inherent existence.
法救 [ホック]@(person) Dharmatr■ta.
法教 [ホウキョウ]@Buddhist teaching.
法數 [ホウスウ]@categories of Buddhist concepts.
法數 [ホッスウ]@categories of Buddhist concepts.
法施 [ホウセ]@giving dharma teachings, gift of teaching.
法施 [ホッセ]@giving dharma teachings, gift of teaching.
法明 [ホウミョウ]@Dharma radiance.
法智 [ホウチ]@(term) dharma-wisdom.
法會 [ホウエ]@Buddhist service, an assembly for the purpose of reading the scriptures.
法會社 [ホウエシャ]@monastery.
法有 [ホウウ]@dharmas exist.
法有我無宗 [ホウウガムシュウ]@the teaching that phenomena exist but the self does
法服 [ホウフク]@monk's or nun's clothes.
法朗 [ホウロウ]@(person) P■mnang.
法未自在障 [ホウミジザイショウ]@(term) hindrance of non-attainment of
sovereignty in regard to phenomena.
法本 [ホウボン]@dharma-source.
法桓 [ホウカン]@(person) P■phwan.
法樂 [ホウラク]@enjoyment of the truth, of enlightenment.
法殿 [ホウデン]@teaching hall.
法比量 [ホウヒリョウ]@inference from recognized law.
法滅 [ホウメツ]@disappearance of the dharma.
法無別眞如 [ホウムベツシンニョ]@objective indifferentiation of thusness.
法無去來宗 [ホウムコライシュウ]@the doctrinal position that holds that dharmas are
without past and future.
法無我 [ホウムガ]@phenomena (dharmas) are devoid of an inherent nature.
法無礙 [ホウムゲ]@no impediment in regard to the dharma.
法無礙智 [ホウムゲチ]@wisdom of no impediment in regard to the dharma.
法照 [ホウショウ]@(person) Fazhao.
法爾 [ホウニ]@according to rule.
法王 [ホウオウ]@king of the dharma--the Buddha.
法王子 [ホウオウジ]@prince of the dharma.
法王子住 [ホウオウシジュウ]@(term) abiding of the dharma-prince.
法界 [ホッカイ]@dharma-realm.(term) dharma-realm.(term) reality-realm.
法界圓融 [ホッカイエンニュウ]@perfect interpenetration of the reality realm.
法界圖記叢髓■ [ホッカイズキソウズイロク]@(title) P■pkye toji chongsu-rok.
法界性 [ホッカイショウ]@original nature of the reality-realm.
法界海慧 [ホッカイカイエ]@equanimous, vast wisdom that observes the reality-
法界無礙智 [ホッカイムゲチ]@unimpeded understanding of the whole Buddha-realm.
法界無量 [ホッカイムリョウ]@unfathomability of the dharmadh■tu.
法界■起 [ホッカイエンギ]@dependent co-arising from the dharma-realm.
法界身 [ホッカイシン]@body of dharma realm.
法相 [ホッソウ]@characteristics of phenomena.
法相宗 [ホッソウシュウ]@(school) Dharma-character.
法相教 [ホッソウキョウ]@(term) teaching of the phenomenal appearances of
法眼 [ホウゲン]@dharma-eye.
法眼淨 [ホウゲンジョウ]@see the truth clearly.
法秀 [ホウシュウ]@Dharmamitra.
法積 [ホウシャク]@Dharmak■ra Bodhisattva.
法空 [ホウクウ]@(term) emptiness of dharmas.
法空智品 [ホウクウチホン]@class of the wisdom of emptiness of phenomena.
法空眞如 [ホウクウシンニョ]@suchness perceived through the emptiness of
法空觀 [ホウクウカン]@observing dharmas as empty.
法經 [ホウキョウ]@(person) Fajing.
法經■ [ホウキョウロク]@Fajing's Catalogue.(title) Catalog of Scriptures.
法■ [ホウエン]@causes and conditions that accord with the buddhadharma.
法縛 [ホウバク]@attachment to dharma.
法繼 [ホウケイ]@(person) Faji.
法脈 [ホウミャク]@dharma-lineage.
法臘 [ホウロウ]@buddhist year.
法臣 [ホウシン]@ministers of the dharma.
法自在 [ホウジザイ]@sovereign in regard to the dharma.
法自相相違因 [ホウジソウソウイイン]@reason is contrary to the truth of the
法舍利 [ホウシャリ]@relics of the dharma body.
法舟 [ノリノフネ]@vessel of the dharma.
法舟 [ホウシュウ]@vessel of the dharma.
法船 [ホウセン]@vessel of the dharma.
法芽 [ホウガ]@sprout of the dharma.
法芽 [ホウゲ]@sprout of the dharma.
法苑 [ホウオン]@garden of the dharma.
法苑 [ホウエン]@garden of the dharma.
法苑珠林 [ホウオンシュリン]@(title) Fayuan zhulin.
法華 [ホッケ]@dharma-flower.
法華一乘 [ホウケイチジョウ]@doctrine of the single vehicle.
法華一實 [ホッケイチジツ]@(title) single truth of the Lotus Sutra.
法華三昧 [ホッケザンマイ]@dharma-flower absorption.
法華三部經 [ホッケサンブキョウ]@(title) three parts of the Lotus Sutra.
法華八年 [ホッケハチネン]@eight years of the Lotus teachings.
法華宗 [ホウケシュウ]@(school) Lotus Sutra School.
法華宗要 [ホッケシュウヨウ]@(title) Doctrinal Essentials of the Nirvana Sutra.
法華玄義 [ホッケゲンギ]@Profound Meaning of the Lotus Sutra.
法華玄論 [ホッケゲンロン]@(title) Fahua xuan lun.
法華玄論略述 [ホッケゲンロンリャクジュツ]@(title) Hokke genron yakujutsu.
法華玄贊 [ホッケゲンサン]@(title) Fahua xuanzan.
法華經 [ホッケキョウ]@(title) Lotus Sutra, of which there are two translations:.
法華經傳記 [ホッケキョウデンキ]@(title) Fahua jing chuan ji.
法華義疏 [ホッケギソ]@(title) Fahua yishou.
法華論 [ホッケロン]@(title) Fahua lun.
法藏 [ホウゾウ]@(term) dharma-treasure.
法藏比丘 [ホウゾウビク]@Bhik■u Dharmakara.
法藏菩薩 [ホウゾウボサツ]@Dharmak■ra Bodhisattva.
法藏部 [ホウゾウブ]@(school) Dharmagupta sect.
法藥 [ホウヤク]@medicine of the dharma.
法蘊 [ホウウン]@collection of the teachings.
法蘭 [ホウラン]@(person) Gobharana.
法處 [ホウショ]@field of concepts.
法號 [ホウゴウ]@ordination name.
法螺 [ホラ]@conch of the dharma.
法螺 [ホウラ]@conch of the dharma.
法行 [ホウギョウ]@action, practice, according to reality.
法衣 [ホウエ]@(term) sacerdotal robes.
法衣 [ホウイ]@(term) sacerdotal robes.
法要 [ホウヨウ]@summary of the dharma.
法見 [ホウケン]@view of dharma.
法見 [ホッケン]@view of dharma.
法觀經 [ホウカンキョウ]@(title) Faguan jing.
法語 [ホウゴ]@(term) dharma-talk.
法諱 [ホウキ]@dharma name.
法護 [ホウゴ]@(person) Dharmarak■a.
法豐 [ホウブ]@Dharmak■ema.
法財 [ホウザイ]@dharma assets.
法起寺 [ホキキジ]@(temple) Hokkiji.
法起菩薩 [ホウキボサツ]@(name) Dharmodgata.
法身 [ホウシン]@(term) reality body.(term) truth body.
法身佛 [ホッシンブツ]@dharma body Buddha.
法身化生 [ホッシンノケショウ]@birth by transformation done by the dharma body.
法身大士 [ホッシンダイシ]@bodhisattva who has attained the realization of
法身流轉 [ホッシンルデン]@transmigration of the dharma body.
法身舍利 [ホッシンシャリ]@relics of the dharma body.
法身菩薩 [ホッシンボサツ]@bodhisattva who has attained the realization of
法身藏 [ホッシンゾウ]@(foreign) the storehouse of the dharmak■ya obtained by all
法身觀 [ホッシンカン]@contemplation of the dharma body.
法身體性 [ホッシンタイショウ]@essential nature of the dharma body.
法輪 [ホウリン]@(term) wheel of the dharma.
法鈴 [ホウリョウ]@dharma-bell.
法門 [ホウモン]@(term) dharma-gate.
法門家 [ホウモンケ]@dharma-family.
法門寺 [ホウモンジ]@Dharma Gate Temple.
法陀羅尼 [ホウダラニ]@formula for retaining words.
法隆寺 [ホウリュウジ]@(temple) Falong si.
法隆寺伽藍■起■流記資材帳 [ホウリュウジカランエンギナラビニルキシサイチ
ョウ]@(title) A Composite Register of the History and Materials of the H■ry■ Temple
法隆寺流記 [ホウリュウジルキ]@(title) Register of the Materials of the H■ry■
法隆寺資材帳 [ホウリュウジシザイチョウ]@Register of the Materials of the H■ry■
Temple Complex.
法集別行■節要■入私記 [ホウシュウベツギョウロクセチヨウヒョウニュウシキ]
@(title) Excerpts from the Dharma Collection and Special Practice Record with Personal
法集要頌經 [ホウシュウヨウショウキョウ]@(title) Faji yaosong jing.
法雨 [ホウウ]@dharma rain.
法雲 [ホウウン]@dharma-cloud.
法雲地 [ホウウンジ]@(term) stage of the dharma-cloud.(term) dharma-megh■.
法音 [ホウオン]@dharma voice.
法願 [ホウガン]@Fayuan.
法顯 [ホウガン]@Faxian.
法體 [ホッタイ]@essence of all things.
法體 [ホウタイ]@essence of all things.
法鼓 [ホック]@dharma drum.
法鼓 [ホウク]@dharma drum.
法鼓 [ホウコ]@dharma drum.
法■ [ホウロウ]@(person) P■mnang.
泝 [ソ]@go upstream, go against the flow.
泡 [ホウ]@a water bubble.
波■尼 [ハニニ]@(person) P■■ini.
波倫 [ハリン]@(name) Sad■prarud■ta.
波■尼 [ハニニ]@(person) P■■ini.
波利質多 [ハリシチタ]@p■rij■ta tree.
波卑 [ハヒ]@(name) the demon p■p■yan.
波卑夜 [ハヒヤ]@(name) the demon P■p■yan..
波叉 [ハシャ]@(name) Vir■p■k■a.
波■利弗 [ハタリフツ]@P■■aliputra.
波■梨耶 [ハタリヤ]@P■■aliputra.
波■羅 [ハタラ]@(foreign) p■■ala.
波■羅國 [ハタラコク]@(place) P■■aliputra.
波■釐 [ハタリ]@(place) P■■aliputra.
波■釐子 [ハタリシ]@P■■aliputra.
波■釐子城 [ハタリシジョウ]@P■■aliputra.
波■弭多 [ハラミタ]@(foreign) p■ramit■.
波夜提 [ハヤダイ]@crimes requiring expiation.
波夷羅 [ハイラ]@(name) Pajra.
波奢 [バシャ]@P■r■va.
波奴 [ハド]@moon.
波婆利 [ハバリ]@(temple) Pravar■.
波尼 [ハニ]@water.
波崙 [ハリン]@(name) Sad■prarud■ta.
波帝 [ハテイ]@master.
波■ [ハニ]@water.
波拘盧 [バクロ]@Bakkula.
波斯 [ハシ]@Persia.
波斯匿 [ハシノク]@(person) Prasenajit.
波斯匿王 [ハシノクオウ]@(person) King Prasenajit of Kosala.
波旬 [ハジュン]@(term) p■p■yas.
波旬踰 [ハジュンユ]@(term) p■p■yas.
波栗多首婆 [ハリタシュバ]@(term) heaven of lesser purity.
波栗■縛 [ハリシバ]@(person) P■r■va, or P■r■vika.
波栗濕縛 [バリシバ]@P■r■va.
波樓那 [バロナ]@hurricane.
波浪 [ハロウ]@waves.
波演那 [ハエンナ]@courtyard.
波羅 [ハラ]@(term) worldling.
波羅利弗多羅 [ハラリフタラ]@P■■aliputra.
波羅夷 [ハライ]@(term) grave offenses.
波羅夷四喩 [ハライシユ]@four metaphors for unpardonable crimes.
波羅奈 [ハラナ]@V■r■■as■.
波羅奈國 [ハラナコク]@(place) V■r■■as■.
波羅奈斯 [ハラナシ]@V■r■■as■.
波羅市迦 [ハラシカ]@(term) grave offenses.
波羅底提舍尼 [ハラテイダイシャニ]@repenting crimes to others.
波羅提提舍尼 [ハラダイダイシャニ]@offenses which are to be confessed.
波羅提木叉 [ハラダイモクシャ]@code of vinaya precepts.
波羅提毘 [ハラダイビ]@earth.
波羅提毘木叉 [ハラダイビモクシャ]@code of vinaya precepts.
波羅提舍尼 [ハラダイシャニハラダイシャニ]@explanation of the confession of sins.
波羅末陀 [ハラマダ]@ultimate truth.
波羅梯毘 [ハラダイビ]@earth.
波羅舍尼 [ハラシャニ]@explanation of the confession of sins.
波羅蜜 [ハラミツ]@perfection.
波羅蜜多 [ハラミッタ]@(term) p■ramit■.
波羅賀磨 [ハラガマ]@great brahman heaven.
波羅赴 [ハラフ]@primordial.
波羅越 [ハラオツ]@dove.
波羅迦頗蜜多羅 [ヒラケハミッタラ]@(person) Prabh■karamitra.
波羅門 [バラモン]@br■hman.
波羅闍已迦 [ハラシャイカ]@(term) grave offenses.
波耶 [ハヤ]@water.
波胝提舍尼 [パチダイシャニ]@repenting crimes to others.
波若 [ハニャ]@(term) prajñ■.
波衍那 [ハエンナ]@courtyard.
波謎羅 [ハメイラ]@Pamirs.
波逸提 [ハイツダイ]@crimes which require expiation.
波那娑 [ハナシャ]@breadfruit.
波闍波提 [ハトハダイ]@(person) Praj■pati.
波陀劫 [ハダコウ]@good eon.
波離 [ハリ]@(person) Up■li.
波■ [ハビ]@(term) p■p■yan.
波頭摩 [ハズマ]@red lotus flower.
泥伐散娜 [ナイバサンダ]@garment.
泥團 [ナイダン]@mud.
泥婆娑 [ニバサ]@garment.
泥梨 [ナイリ]@joyless hell.
泥梨耶 [ナイリヤ]@joyless hell.
泥梨迦 [ナイリカ]@joyless hell.
泥■ [ナイオン]@(term) nirv■na.
泥犁 [デイリ]@joyless hell.
泥盧鉢羅 [ナイロハラ]@blue lotus.
泥盧鉢羅 [デイロハラ]@blue lotus.
泥縛些那 [ナイバシャナ]@garment.
泥縛多 [ニバタ]@celestials.
泥羅浮陀 [ニラブダ]@bursting blains.
泥薩祇波逸底迦 [ニサツギハイツテイカ]@rules of forfeiture of the things that a
monk or nun possesses superfluously.
泥黎 [ナイリ]@hell or purgatory.
注 [チュウ]@to write a commentary.
注荼半托迦 [チュウダハンタカ]@(person) C■■apanthaka.
注荼半託迦 [チュウダハンタクカ]@(name) C■■apantbaka.
泰澄 [タイチョウ]@(person) Taich■ ..
泰然 [タイゼン]@calm, composed.
洛叉 [ラクシャ]@(term) lak■a, which is an ancient Indian numerical amount,
equivalent to 100,000.
洞山良价禪師語■ [ドウサン]@(title) Dongshan liangjie chanshi yulu.
洞山良价禪師語■ [リョウカイ]@(title) Dongshan liangjie chanshi yulu.
洞山良价禪師語■ [ゼンシ]@(title) Dongshan liangjie chanshi yulu.
洞山良价禪師語■ [ゴロク]@(title) Dongshan liangjie chanshi yulu.
洩瑟知林 [エイシチリン]@(place) Ya■■ivana.
洪基 [コウキ]@(person) Honggi.
洪陟 [コウチョク]@(person) Hongch'■k (fl. 830).
活 [カツ]@be lively, full of life.
活路 [カツロ]@living path.
派 [ハ]@(term) branch.(term) faction.
流 [ル]@a current, a flow, a stream.
流來 [ルライ]@continual passage of deluded samsaric existence from the beginningless
past up to the present.
流傳 [ルデン]@transmit, disseminate.
流布 [ルフ]@disseminate to the world.
流彌■ [ルミジ]@(place) Lumbin■.
流氏佛 [ルシブツ]@Rudita Buddha.
流浪 [ルロウ]@wander aimlessly.
流轉 [ルテン]@continuity.
流通 [ルヅウ]@transmission and spreading of the Buddha's teachings.
流通分 [ルヅウブン]@dissemination section.
浮休 [フキュウ]@(person) Puhyu.
浮圖 [フズ]@(term) buddha.
浮塵 [フジン]@floating dust.
浮屠 [フト]@(term) buddha 佛..
浮庵 [フアン]@(person) Puam.
浮想 [フソウ]@floating thoughts.
浮調 [フチョウ]@(person) Fudiao.
浴 [ヨク]@to bathe.
浴室 [ヨクシツ]@bathhouse.
海 [ウミ]@ocean; sea.
海 [カイ]@ocean; sea.
海印三昧 [カイインサンマイ]@(term) ocean seal sam■dhi.
海印寺 [カイインジ]@(temple) Haeinsa.
海■ [カイトク]@virtues as vast as an ocean.
海會 [カイエ]@temple, a monastery.
海東 [カイトウ]@East of the sea.
海東高僧傳 [カイトウコウソウデン]@(title) Lives of Eminent Korean Monks.
海■ [カイリン]@(person) Haerin.
海■ [カイショウ]@full-sleeved gown.
海麟 [カイリン]@(person) Haerin.
涅 [ネ]@(foreign) Transcription for the Sanskrit nir.
涅槃 [ネハン]@(term) nirvana.
涅槃宗 [ネハンシュウ]@(school) Nirv■na Sutra School.
涅槃宗要 [ネハンシュウヨウ]@(title) Essentials of the Nirv■na Sutra.
涅槃寂靜 [ネハンジャクジョウ]@nirvana is perfect tranquility.
涅槃會 [ネハンエ]@dharma assembly given on the 15th day of the second month, the
day of ■■kyamuni's entry into nirv■na.
涅槃經 [ネハンギョウ]@(title) Nirvana Sutra.
涅疊般那 [ネジョウハンナ]@(term) cremation.
消 [ショウ]@wipe away.
消伏毒害經 [ショウフクドクガイキョウ]@(title) Xiaofu duhai jing.
消竭 [ショウケツ]@remove, eliminate, extinguish.
消釋 [ショウシャク]@solve and explain.
涵■堂得通和尚語■ [カンコドウトクツウオウショウゴロク]@(title) Record of
the Teachings of the Reverend Hamh■ T■ktong.
涵■得通 [カンコトクツウ]@(person) Hamh■ T■ktong.
淡 [タン]@light (color, flavor); faint (light, hope); passing, fleeting.
淨 [ジョウ]@clear, clean, pure.
淨信 [ジョウシン]@pure faith.
淨勝意樂地 [ジョウショウイギョウジ]@stage of pure excellent bliss.
淨國 [ジョウコク]@pure land.
淨土 [ジョウト]@(term) Pure land (sukh■vat■).
淨土三經 [ジョウトサンギョウ]@three principal texts of the Pure Land tradition.
淨土三部經 [ジョウドサンブキョウ]@three principal texts of the Pure Land tradition.
淨土十疑論 [ジョウトジュウギロン]@(title) Jingtu shiyi lun.
淨土宗 [ジョウトシュウ]@(school) Pure Land.
淨土往生論 [ジョウドオウジョウロン]@Treatise on the Rebirth in the Pure Land.
淨土生無生論 [ジョウトショウムショウロン]@(title) Jingtu sheng wusheng lun.
淨土眞宗 [ジョウドシンシュウ]@(school) True Pure Land School.
淨土論 [ジョウドロン]@Treatise on the Pure Land.
淨土門 [ジョウドモン]@The teaching of Pure Land Buddhism.
淨域寺 [ジョウイキジ]@(temple) The Jingyu si temple in Changan.
淨妙 [ジョウミョウ]@(term) pure.
淨居 [ジョウゴ]@pure abode, a pure state of mind.
淨居天 [ジョウゴテン]@palace of Mahe■vara.
淨影疏 [ジョウヨウショ]@(title) Jingying's Commentary [on the Awakening of Faith].
淨■ [ジョウトク]@virtue of purity.
淨心 [ジョウシン]@pure mind.
淨心地 [ジョウシンチ]@stage of pure mind.
淨心戒觀法 [ジョウシンカイカンホウ]@(title) Jingxin jieguan fa.
淨志 [ジョウシ]@(foreign) Chinese translation of the Pali sama■a and the Sanskrit
淨戒 [ジョウカイ]@pure precepts.
淨業障經 [ジョウゴウショウキョウ]@(title) Jing yezhang jing.
淨極 [ジョウゴク]@perfectly pure.
淨法 [ジョウホウ]@pure rules, pure state, pure principle.pure dharmas.
淨法 [ジョウボウ]@pure rules, pure state, pure principle.pure dharmas.
淨眼 [ジョウゲン]@pure eye, or pure vision of the Buddha which sees through
淨■ [ジョウエン]@pure conditions.
淨色 [ジョウシキ]@(term) pure material existence (r■pa pras■da).
淨華 [ジョウケ]@pure flowers.
淨藏 [ジョウゾウ]@Pure Treasure.
淨行 [ジョウギョウ]@practices (behavior) of purity.
淨諸業障 [ジョウショゴウショウ]@Purifier of All Karmic Hindrances.
淨身 [ジョウシン]@purify the body.
淨飯王 [ジョウハンオウ]@pure rice king.
淨飯王子 [ジョウハンオウシ]@"son of King Suddhodhana"--■■kyamuni Buddha.
淫 [イン]@Loose, free, unbounded.
深 [シン]@profound, deep, unfathomable--especially in reference to a teaching.
深妙理 [シンミョウリ]@profound and wonderful principle.
深密 [シンミツ]@(term) deep or profound teaching (sa■dhi).
深淺 [シンセン]@deep and shallow.
深蜜經 [シンミッキョウ]@(title) Sa■dhinirmocana-s■tra.
深遠 [シンオン]@profound.
深遠 [ジンノン]@profound.
淳 [ジュン]@simple; unadorned.
淳淨 [ジュンジョウ]@pure, clear, unadulterated.
淳祐 [ジュンユウ]@(person) Shunny■.
混沌 [コントン]@(term) primordial chaos.
混融 [コンユウ]@be blended together.
■凉 [セイリョウ]@pure and serene.
■凉 [ショウリョウ]@pure and serene.
■學 [ショウガク]@(person) Ch■nghak.
■河 [ショウカ]@(place) Va■ksu.
■泰國 [ショウタイコク]@Land of Purity and Peace.
■涼 [ショウリョウ]@(person) national Teacher Qingliang, Chinese Chan monk.
■淨 [ショウジョウ]@(term) pure.(term) purification.
■淨世界 [ショウジョウセカイ]@pure realms of existence.
■淨品 [ショウジョウホン]@category of purity.
■淨慧 [ショウジョウエ]@pure Wisdom.
■淨果 [ショウジョウカ]@pure fruits; pure effects.
■淨法界 [ショウジョウホッカイ]@(term) pure dharma realm.
■淨法身毘盧遮那心地法門成就一切陀羅尼三種悉地 [ショウジョウホウシンビル
Accomplishing All Dh■ra■■s and the Three Siddhis through the Dharma-Gate of the
Mental Ground of Vairocana, the Pure Dharma-Body.
■淨淨禪 [ショウジョウジョウゼン]@meditation on perfect purity in the termination
of all delusion and distress and the obtaining of perfect enlightenment.
■淨眞如 [ショウジョウシンニョ]@suchness of purity.
■淨蓮華明王央倶捨 [ショウジョウレンゲミョウオウオウグシャ]@(name)
■淨觀 [ショウジョウカン]@contemplation on purity.
■辯 [ショウベン]@(person) Bh■vaviveka.
淺智 [センチ]@shallow kind of wisdom.
渇 [カツ]@thirst, desire, longing.
渇仰 [カツゴウ]@To hope for.
渉 [ショウ]@have a relationship with.
測 [ソク]@know by calculation.
測度 [ソクド]@conjecture, to surmise, infer, guess, suppose, speculate, fathom.
測量 [ソクリョウ]@fathom, to measure, to estimate.
■伽 [カツカ]@rhinoceros.
湛 [タン]@fill, be filled (to the brim).
湛然 [タンゼン]@as if filled to the brim with water.
湯藥 [トウヤク]@dispenser.
湯藥寮 [トウヤクリョウ]@(term) dispensary.
湯頭 [トウジュウ]@hot water manager.
源 [ゲン]@spring, a fount.
準 [ジュン]@to use as a standard; take as a standard.
溝港 [コウコウ]@an early translation for the term "stream-enterer.
溪嵐拾葉集 [ケイランシュウヨウシュウ]@(title) Collection of Leaves Gathered in
Tempestuous Brooks.
溪月軒 [ケイゲツケン]@(person) Kyew■lh■n.
溶佛 [ヨウブツ]@(term) bathing the buddha.
溶頭 [ヨウトウ]@(term) bath steward.
滅 [メツ]@finish, end, cease, wipe out, negate, annihilate.(term) nihilism.
滅定 [メツジョウ]@state of concentration that reaches total cessation of mental
滅度 [メツド]@(term) nirv■na (parinirv■na).
滅盡三摩鉢底 [メツジンサンマパッテイ]@concentration of total cessation of
滅盡定 [メツジンジョウ]@(term) concentration of cessation.(term) concentration of
extinguishing feeling and perception.
滅盡定起 [メツジンジョウキ]@the arising of the concentration of total cessation.
滅罪 [メツザイ]@erase the karmic seeds of one's crimes.
滅聖諦 [メツショウタイ]@noble truth of the cessation of suffering.
滅諍 [メツジョウ]@settling disputes.
滅諍法 [メツジョウホウ]@rules for settling disputes.
滅諦 [メツタイ]@noble truth of the cessation of suffering.
滅道畏 [メツドウイ]@fear in regard to the noble truths of cessation and the path.
滋 [ジ]@more and more.
滯礙 [タイゲ]@Obstruction, hindrance.
滿字 [マンジ]@(term) full word.
滿月 [マンゲツ]@(term) a full moon (candra-a■■u).
滿業 [マンゴウ]@(term) particularizing karma.
滿■ [マンエン]@fulfillment of conditions.
滿荼 [マンダ]@site.
滿足 [マンゾク]@fulfillment (of a desire or aim).
滿願 [マンガン]@(person) P■r■a 富留那.
漆桶 [シッツウ]@(term) lacquer bucket.
漉水■ [ロクスイノウ]@(term) water filter.
漏 [ロ]@(term) leak.
漏已盡 [ロイジン]@defilements already exhausted.
漏水 [ロスイ]@leaking water.
漏盡 [ロジン]@exhaustion of outflow.
漏盡智 [ロジンチ]@wisdom of the arhats and bodhisattvas that destroys all affliction.
漏盡比丘 [ロジンビク]@practitioner.
漏盡通 [ロジンツウ]@supernatural power of the complete extinction of afflictions.
漏盡阿羅漢 [ロジンアラカン]@ascendancy to the stage of arhat, which implies the
elimination of all afflictions.
漏麁重 [ロソジュウ]@debilitating hindrances of simple contamination.
漏■重 [ロソジュウ]@debilitating hindrances of simple contamination.
演 [エン]@to give a Buddhist sermon.
演暢 [エンチョウ]@to explain clearly, to expound, teach, propogate.
演祕 [エンビ]@(title) Yanmi.
演義 [エンギ]@draw out and explain the meaning or the real gist.
演■ [エンゼツ]@explain a teaching.
漢 [カン]@China.
漢天種 [カンテンシュ]@C■nadeva gotra.
漢永 [カンヨウ]@(person) Hany■ng.
漫漫 [コクマンマン]@endless.
漸 [ゼン]@gradually.
漸修 [ゼンシュ]@(term) gradual practice.
漸捨 [ゼンシャ]@gradually abandon (ignorance).
漸教 [ゼンギョウ]@(term) gradual teaching.
漸次 [ゼンジ]@(term) gradual advancement.
漸漸 [ゼンゼン]@gradually; by stages; by degrees.
潔 [ケツ]@(term) clear pure.
潔淨 [ケツジョウ]@pure; purify.
潛 [セン]@hide away, secret oneself.
潛伏 [センフク]@Concealment, hiding, incubation.
潤 [ジュン]@moisten, to fatten, to enrich, to benefit, to adorn.
潤 [ニュン]@moisten, to fatten, to enrich, to benefit, to adorn.
潤澤 [ジュンタャク]@to enrich with.
潤生 [ニュンジョウ]@nourishment or "watering" of (by?) the afflictions.
潤生 [ニンジョウ]@nourishment or "watering" of (by?) the afflictions.
潤生業 [ニンジョウノゴウ]@karma produced from nourishment.
澄 [チョウ]@Clear.
澄圓 [チョウエン]@(person) Chingw■n.
澄淨 [チョウジョウ]@(term) clarify.
澄觀 [チョウカン]@(person) Chengguan.
澡■ [ソウヘイ]@pitcher, flask.
澡豆 [ソウズ]@soap.
澡豆 [ソウトウ]@soap.
澳那 [オクナ*]@Khotan.
濁 [ジョク]@muddy, turbid, impure, unclear.
濁亂 [ジョクラン]@disordered, muddled, confused.
濃 [ノウ]@thick, deep, dark.
濕 [シツ]@dampness, moisture.
濕生 [シツショウ]@(That which is) born from moisture.
濕■ [シビ]@■ivi.
濟 [サイ]@cross over, to give over.
濟 [セイ]@cross over, to give over.
濟度 [サイド]@aid and liberate.
灌佛經 [カンブツキョウ]@Sutra on Consecrating and Washing Buddha Images.
灌洗佛形像經 [カンセンブツギョウゾウキョウ]@Sutra on Consecrating and
Washing Buddha Images.
灌頂 [カンジョウ]@(term) sprinkling water on the head; consecration.
灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘呪經 [カンジョウシチマンニセンジンノウゴビクジュキ
ョウ]@(title) Guanding qiwanerjian shenwang hu biqiu zhou jing;.
灌頂住 [カンジョウジュウ]@(term) abiding of sprinkling water on the head.
灌頂經 [カンジョウキョウ]@(title) Sutra of Consecration.
火 [カ]@fire.
火 [ヒ]@fire.
火一切處 [カイッサイショ]@universal conflagration.
火伴 [コバン]@fire tender.
火伴 [コハン]@fire tender.
火伴 [カハン]@fire tender.
火佃 [コデン]@fire-caretaker.
火佃 [カデン]@fire-caretaker.
火供 [カキョウ]@(foreign) homa.
火供養法 [カキョウヨウホウ]@(foreign) homa.
火光 [カコウ]@firelight.
火光三昧 [カコウザンマイ]@flame concentration.
火光定 [カコウジョウ]@flame concentration.
火印 [ヒノイン]@(foreign) fire mudr■.
火印 [カイン]@(foreign) fire mudr■.
火坑 [カキョウ]@fiery pit.
火坑 [カコウ]@fiery pit.
火塗 [カズ]@fiery destiny.
火壇 [カダン]@fire altar.
火夜 [ハヤ]@call, invoke.
火大 [カダイ]@fire element.
火天 [カテン]@fire deities.
火宅 [カタク]@burning house.
火宅 [ヒノイエ]@burning house.
火宅僧 [カタクソウ]@monk in a burning house.
火定 [カジョウ]@fire concentration.
火客 [カカク]@fire-caretaker.
火客 [コカ]@fire-caretaker.
火客 [コカク]@fire-caretaker.
火客 [カキャク]@fire-caretaker.
火帳 [コチョウ]@kitchen account.
火■星君 [カトクセイクン]@ruler of Mars.
火■星君 [コテシンキン]@ruler of Mars.
火星 [カセイ]@Mars.
火星曜 [カショウヨウ]@A■g■raka, Mars.
火曜 [カヨウ]@Mars.
火法 [カホウ]@(foreign) homa.
火浣布袈裟 [カカンプノケサ]@non-inflammable robe.
火淨 [カジョウ]@purified by fire.
火湯 [カトウ]@hell of liquid fire.
火災 [カサイ]@destruction caused by fire.
火焚地獄 [カボンジゴク]@scorching hell.
火■三昧 [カエンザンマイ]@burning concentration.
火燧 [カスイ]@fire-starter.
火燧 [カツイ]@fire-starter.
火爐 [カロ]@fire altar.
火版 [カハン]@fire board.
火版 [コハン]@fire board.
火版 [コバン]@fire board.
火狗 [カク]@fiery dogs.
火珠 [カシュ]@ruby.
火生三昧 [カショウザンマイ]@fire-generating concentration.
火界 [カカイ]@fire, element of fire.
火界咒 [カカイジュ]@(foreign) fire dh■ra■■.
火界定 [カカイジョウ]@meditation on the final conflagration.
火神 [カシン]@fire deities.
火祠法 [カシホウ]@vedic fire sacrifices.
火祭 [カサイ]@(foreign) homa.
火種居士 [カシュコジ]@Brahmans.
火羅 [カラ]@Hora.
火聚 [カジュ]@accumulated fires.
火聚佛頂 [カジュブッチョウ]@Tejor■■i-cakravartt■.
火舍 [カシャ]@type of censer.
火葬 [カソウ]@cremation.
火蛇 [カジャ]@fire serpents.
火血刀 [カケツトウ]@fire, blood, and knife.
火車 [カシャ]@fiery chariot.
火車 [ヒノクルマ]@fiery chariot.
火輪 [カリン]@fire-wheel.
火輪印 [カリンイン]@(foreign) fire wheel mudr■.
火辨 [カベン]@Citrabh■na.
火道 [カドウ]@fiery destiny.
火鈴 [カレイ]@fire-bell.
火鈴 [コレイ]@fire-bell.
火鈴 [コリン]@fire-bell.
火鑪 [カロ]@fire altar.
火院 [カイン]@fire court.
火頂山 [カチョウサン]@fire peak.
火頭 [カジュウ]@monastery cook.
火頭 [コジュウ]@monastery cook.
火頭 [カズ]@monastery cook.
火頭金剛 [カトウコンゴウ]@fiery headed vajra.
火食 [カジキ]@burnt offerings.
灰 [カイ]@ash.
灰人 [ケニン]@ash-man.
灰河 [ケガ]@river of lava.
灰身滅智 [ケッシンメッチ]@extinction of body and mind--all defilements.
灼然 [シャクネン]@clear, obvious;.
災 [サイ]@calamity, misfortune, woe, evil, curse.
炎熱地獄 [エンネツジゴク]@scorching hot hell.
烏仗那國 [オジョウナコク]@(place) Udy■na;.
烏尸國 [オシコク]@(place) U■a (U■■ra).
烏波髻施■ [オパケイセニ]@Upake■■n■.
烏波髻施尼 [オパケイセニ]@Upake■■n■.
烏藍婆 [オランバ]@ullambana.
烏陀夷 [オダイ]@(person) Ud■yin.
焚 [フン]@burn, to cook.
焚燒 [フンショウ]@set fire to.
無 [ム]@without, none, not; lacking; nonexistent.
無一物 [ムイチモツ;]@not a single thing.
無一物 [いちもつなし]@not a single thing.
無三毒 [ムサンドク]@lacking the three poisons.
無上 [ムジョウ]@most, best, greatest.
無上乘 [ムジョウジョウ]@(term) peerless vehicle.
無上依經 [ムジョウエキョウ]@(title) Wushangyi jing;.
無上士 [ムジョウシ]@unsurpassed person--the Buddha.
無上慧 [ムジョウエ]@(term) unsurpassed wisdom.
無上正■智 [ムジョウショウヘンチ]@unsurpassed correct universal wisdom.
無上正眞道 [ムジョウショウシンドウ]@peerless correct true enlightenment.
無上正等正覺 [ムジョウショウトウショウカク]@unsurpassed correct
無上正等菩提 [ムジョウジョウドウボダイ]@(term) peerless correct perfect
無上正等覺 [ムジョウジョウドウガク]@(term) peerless correct perfect
無上正覺 [ムジョウショウカク]@unsurpassed correct enlightenment.
無上正遍智 [ムジョウショウヘンチ]@(term) Unsurpassed correct universal wisdom.
無上法王 [ムジョウホウオウ]@(term) unsurpassed king of the dharma.
無上菩提 [ムジョウボダイ]@attainment of a passionless condition and of supreme
perfect enlightenment.
無上覺 [ムジョウカク]@unsurpassed enlightenment.
無上道 [ムジョウドウ]@The supreme way;.
無不然 [ムフネン]@that which should not be thus.
無事 [ブジ]@no phenomena.
無事 [ムジ]@no phenomena.
無二 [ムニ]@(term) non-duality.
無二平等最上瑜伽大教王經 [ムニビョウトウサイジョウユカダイキョウオウキョ
ウ]@(title) Triumphant Yoga of the Nonduality of Sameness, Great King of Tantras.
無住處涅槃 [ムジュウショネハン]@nirvana of no-abiding.
無作 [ムサ]@uncreated, unconditioned, non-established, unconstructed.
無作四諦 [ムサシタイ]@(term) four unconstructed noble truths.
無作戒 [ムサカイ]@unexpressed precepts.
無信女 [ムシンニョ]@faithless women.
無倒 [ムトウ]@no perversion, no inversion.
無價 [ムゲ]@priceless; invaluable.
無價 [ムカ]@priceless; invaluable.
無價之寶 [ムカのホウ]@priceless treasure.
無分別 [ムフンベツ]@without discrimination; without differentiation.
無分別智 [ムフンベツチ]@(term) non-discriminating wisdom.
無別 [ムベツ]@no discrimination;.
無別眞如 [ムベツシンニョ]@subjective indifferentiation of thusness.
無加行無功用無相住 [ムケコウムクヨウムソウジュウ]@bodhisattva's markless
stage of no preparatory practices and no efficacy.
無動 [ムドウ]@unmoving; immovable.
無動使者 [ムドウシシャ]@messengers of Ak■obhya.
無動尊 [ムドウソン]@Acala.
無勝 [ムショウ]@unconquerable.
無厚 [ムコウ]@not substantial.
無厭寺 [ムエンジ]@(temple) Sa■gh■r■ma.
無厭足 [ムエンソク]@unsatisfied, dissatisfaction, insatiability.
無名 [ムミョウ]@no name; nameless.
無因 [ムイン]@nonexistence of cause.
無垢 [ムク]@(term) undefiled.(term) immaculate.
無垢光 [ムクコウ]@unblemished light.
無垢地 [ムクジ]@undefiled stage.
無垢忍 [ムクニン]@stainless tolerance.
無垢淨光大陀羅尼經 [ムクジョウコウダイダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the
Pure Immaculate Light.
無垢淨光經 [ムクジョウコウキョウ]@(title) Wúgòujìnggu■ng dàtuóluóní j■ng.
無堪任性 [ムカンニンショウ]@inability.
無妄 [ムモウ]@no delusion.
無始 [ムジ]@(term) beginningless.
無始時 [ムシジ]@beginningless time.
無始時來 [ムシジライ]@from beginningless time.
無始無明 [ムシムミョウ]@(term) Beginningless ignorance;.
無字寶篋經 [ムジホウキョウキョウ]@(title) Wuzi baoqie jing;.
無學 [ムガク]@(term) no-more-learning.
無學人田 [ムガクニンデン]@field of merit of post-learners.
無學位 [ムガクイ]@stage of no more learning.
無學果 [ムガクカ]@stage of no more learning.
無學聖人 [ムガクショウニン]@post-learning arhats.
無學自超 [ムガクジチョウ]@Muhak Chach'o.
無定 [ムジョウ]@not decided, not determined, indeterminate.
無寄 [ムキ]@(person) Mugi.
無實 [ムジツ]@insubstantial, not concrete;.
無屈撓 [ムクツドウ]@"Without limit.
無差別 [ムシャベツ]@lack of distinction; lack of discrimination.
無差別 [ムサベツ]@lack of distinction; lack of discrimination.
無師智 [ムシチ]@untaught wisdom.
無常 [ムジョウ]@(term) impermanence.
無常修 [ムジョウシュ]@cultivation of impermanence.
無常苦 [ムジョウク]@suffering caused by impermanence.
無形 [ムギョウ]@immaterial.
無性 [ムショウ]@(term) no self-nature (nihsvabh■vatva, nihsvbh■va).
無患子 [ムゲンシ]@soapberry.
無惠 [ムエ]@No wisdom;.
無惡 [ムアク]@no evil.
無想事 [ムソウジ]@condition of no-mind.
無想天 [ムソウテン]@(term) no thought heaven.
無想定 [ムソウジョウ]@(term) non-conceptual concentration.
無想論 [ムソウロン]@(title) Wu-hsiang lun.
無愧 [ムギ]@unscrupulousness.lack of conscience.heedlessness of blame.
無慚 [ムザン]@(term) shamelessness.
無慚外道 [ムザンゲドウ]@(school) Saivites (followers of ■iva).
無慧 [ムエ]@no wisdom.
無我 [ムガ]@lack of existence of an inherent self, soul, or ego, usually translated into
English as "no-self.
無我修 [ムガシュ]@cultivation of selflessness.
無我立我 [ムガリュウガ]@to posit a self when there is no self.
無所住 [ムショジュウ]@no place to abide.
無所得 [ムショトク]@nothing to be attained.
無所有 [ムショウ]@no object to possess.
無所有空 [ムショウクウ]@ungraspable emptiness.
無所有處 [ムショウショ]@meditative state in which nothing exists whatsoever.
無所有處地 [ムショウショジ]@(term) realm of nothingness.
無所著 [ムショジャク]@no attachment; nothing to be attached to.
無攝受眞如 [ムショウジュシンニョ]@the independence or self-containedness of
無數 [ムシュ]@countless, infinite.
無數大劫 [ムシュダイコウ]@an incalculably long great kalpa.
無量壽院 [ムリョウジュイン]@(temple) Mury■juin.
無方 [ムホウ]@no special place.
無明 [ムミョウ]@(term) ignorance.
無明住地 [ムミョウ]@innate ignorance; latent ignorance; ignorance as hypostasis;
hypostatic ignorance.
無明住地 [ジュウチ]@innate ignorance; latent ignorance; ignorance as hypostasis;
hypostatic ignorance.
無明暴流 [ムミョウボウル]@raging current of ignorance.
無明業相 [ムミョウゴウソウ]@(term) (subtle) mark of karma.
無明業相 [ムミョウゴッソウ]@(term) (subtle) mark of karma.
無明氣 [ムミョウキ]@habit energies of ignorance.
無明漏 [ムミョウロ]@(term) outflow of ignorance.
無明熏習 [ムミョウクンジュウ]@perfumation by ignorance.
無智 [ムチ]@ignorance; lack of awareness; lack of wisdom; lack of the ability to
properly discriminate.
無智 [ムノチ]@ignorance; lack of awareness; lack of wisdom; lack of the ability to
properly discriminate.
無智 [チナシ]@ignorance; lack of awareness; lack of wisdom; lack of the ability to
properly discriminate.
無有 [ムウ]@non-existent;.
無染 [ムゼン]@undefiled; unpolluted.
無染汚心 [ムゼンマシン]@undefiled mind.
無染淨眞如 [ムゼンジョウシンニョ]@non-difference of impurity and purity in
無根重罪謗他 [ムコンジュウザイホウタ]@denunciation of a good monk without due
無條件 [ムジョウケン]@Unconditioned.
無極 [ムゴク]@limitless.
無極 [ムキョク]@limitless.
無死 [ムシ]@immortality; deathless, undying.
無比 [ムヒ]@incomparable.
無比法 [ムビホウ]@(term) incomparable dharma.
無沒 [ムモツ]@non-perishing; continuity.
無沒想 [ムモッソウ]@conceptions of non-perishing.
無沒識 [ムモツシキ]@consciousness with no loss; non-disappearing consciousness.
無没識 [ムモツシキ]@consciousness with no loss; non-disappearing consciousness.
無流 [ムル]@(term) uncontaminated.
無流心 [ムルシン]@(term) mind of no-outflow;.
無涯 [ムガイ]@(term) limitless.
無滅 [ムメツ]@(term) unceasing, unextinguished, unextinguishable (aniruddha).
無漏 [ムロ]@contaminated.
無漏智 [ムロチ]@(term) uncontaminated wisdom;.(term) no-outflow wisdom.
無漏有學 [ムロウガク]@undefiled learners.
無漏根 [ムロコン]@uncontaminated faculties.
無漏法 [ムロホウ]@dharmas (elements, events) that are free from outflow--that is, free
from taint.
無漏無明 [ムロムミョウ]@undefiled ignorance.
無漏種子 [ムロシュジ]@(term) Undefiled seeds.(term) seeds of no-outflow.
無漏集諦 [ムロシュウタイ]@uncontaminated noble truth of arising.
無漏靜慮 [ムロウジョウロ]@uncontaminated meditation.
無然 [ムネン]@should not be.
無煩天 [ムボンテン]@(term) heaven of no anxiety.
無熱天 [ムネツテン]@(term) heaven of no heat.
無爲 [ムイ]@(term) unconditioned.(term) uncreated.
無爲戒 [ムイカイ]@unconditioned precepts.
無爲法 [ムイホウ]@(term) Eternal, absolute conditions separated from arising,
changing and ceasing (asa■skrta-dharm■h).
無爲解■ [ムイゲダツ]@Unconditioned liberation.
無爲逆行 [ムギャクギョウ]@(term) not resenting.
無物 [ムモツ]@no thing.
無犯 [ムボン]@no fault; no crime.
無生 [ムショウ]@(term) unborn.
無生四眞諦 [ムショウシシンタイ]@unarisen four noble truths.
無生心 [ムショウシン]@unarisen mind.
無生忍 [ムショウニン]@(term) cognizance of non-arising.
無生悔 [ムショウケ]@unborn repentance.
無生智 [ムショウチ]@unarisen wisdom.
無生法 [ムショウボウ]@state of the non-arising of dharmas;.
無生法忍 [ムショウボウニン]@clear cognition of the unproduced nature of all
無生觀 [ムショウカン]@meditation on non-production.
無用 [ムユウ]@no function; no activity.
無畏 [ムイ]@fearlessness, courage.
無畏三藏禪要 [ムイサンゾウゼンヨウ]@(title) Tripi■aka Master ■ubh■s Guide to
無畏山 [ムイセン]@(place) Abhayagiri.
無畏捨 [ムイシャ]@bestower of fearlessness.
無畏施 [ムイセ]@bestower of fearlessness.
無畏陀羅尼經 [ムイダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of Dispelling Fear.
無病 [ムビョウ]@free from disease.
無癡 [ムチ]@(term) no delusion.
無癡亂 [ムチラン]@not confused.
無盡 [ムジン]@inexhaustible; limitless; endless.
無盡功■藏 [ムジンクドクゾウ]@(term) inexhaustible treasury of merit.
無盡意 [ムジンイ]@(name) Ak■ayamati.
無盡藏 [ムジンゾウ]@(term) inexhaustible storehouse;.
無相 [ムソウ]@devoid of marks, characteristics, attributes.
無相加行障 [ムソウケギョウショウ]@(term) hindrance of formless preparatory
無相思塵論 [ムソウシジンロン]@(title) Wuxiang sichen lun;.
無相慧 [ムソウエ]@markless wisdom.
無相方便地 [ムソウホウベンジ]@(term) stage of markless expedient means.
無相論 [ムソロン]@(title) Wuxiang lun;.
無瞋 [ムシン]@(term) no-enmity; non-hatred.
無瞋恚 [ムシンニ]@free From Anger.
無礙 [ムゲ]@(term) unobstructed.(term) unhindered.
無礙智 [ムゲチ]@unimpeded wisdom;.
無礙道 [ムゲドウ]@path of no-obstruction.
無窮 [ムグウ]@inexhaustible.
無端 [ムタン]@bottomless, beginningless, originless.
無等 [ムトウ]@unequalled.
無等乘 [ムトウジョウ]@(term) peerless vehicle.
無等學 [ムトウガク]@unequalled study.
無等等 [ムトウドウ]@unequalled.
無結 [ムケチ]@be unbound;.
無■ [ムエン]@unconditioned; unconditional.
無■坐具淨 [ムエンザグジョウ]@using a mat without a border.
無縛解■ [ムバクゲダツ]@unbound emancipation.
無罪 [ムザイ]@not guilty.
無罪樹 [ムザイジュ]@tree of sinlessness.
無能勝 [ムノウショウ]@unconquerable.
無能勝幡王如來莊嚴陀羅尼經 [ムノウショウホンオウニョライショウゴンダラニ
キョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of [the Tath■gatas Ornament, the Invincible] Ring-Adorned
無能見 [ムノウケン]@(name) Durdhar■a.
無自性 [ムジショウ]@lacking in self-nature.
無艱難 [ムカンナン]@no suffering and distress.
無色定 [ムシキジョウ]@concentrations of the formless realm.
無色界 [ムシキカイ]@(term) formless realm.
無色界住地 [ムシキカイジュウジ]@hypostasis of attachment to objects in the
formless realm.
無色界定 [ムシキカイジョウ]@concentrations of the formless realm.
無色蘊 [ムシキウン]@formless aggregate(s).
無色解■定 [ムシキゲダツジョウ]@concentrations of liberation from form.
無著 [ムジャク]@(person) Asa■ga.
無著行 [ムジャクギョウ]@unimpeded The seventh of the ten practices.
無衣子 [ムエシ]@(person) Mu■ija.
無表戒 [ムヒョウカイ]@unexpressed precepts.
無表色 [ムヒョウシキ]@unmanifest form.
無覆 [ムフク]@unhindered, unobstructed, undefiled, pure.
無覆無記 [ムフクムキ]@(term) undefiled neutral; non-impedimentary moral
無覺 [ムカク]@unconscious.
無覺分別相 [ムカクフンベツソウ]@non-discursively imagined character of existence.
無解 [ムゲ]@no understanding; lack of understanding.
無記 [ムキ]@moral indeterminacy (or "neutrality") in karma.
無記心 [ムキノシン]@a morally indeterminate state of mind; morally neutral state of
無記性 [ムキショウ]@morally indeterminate quality.
無記業 [ムキゴウ]@indeterminate activity.
無記法 [ムキホウ]@(xref) morally indeterminate elements, which are neither good 善
nor evil 惡.
無■ [ムセツ]@speechless; ineffable.
無識身 [ムシキシン]@body without consciousness.
無財 [ムザイ]@lacking possessions.
無貧 [ムヒン]@no craving.
無貪 [ムトン]@(term) non-craving; not coveting.
無起法忍 [ムキホウニン]@patience based on the realization of the non-arising of
無退 [ムタイ]@non-retrogression; non-backsliding.
無造 [ムゾウ]@uncreated.
無過 [ムカ]@unsurpassed.
無遮 [ムシャ]@non-differentiation.
無遮大會 [ムシャダイエ]@great equal assembly.
無遮平等 [ムシャビョウドウ]@non-discriminated equality.
無遮會 [ムシャエ]@dharma-assembly of equality.
無邊 [ムヘン]@(term) without limit (ananta).
無邊行 [ムヘンギョウ]@unlimited Practice;.
無酒 [ムシュ]@demigods, non-god.
無量 [ムリョウ]@uncountable, incalculable, inconceivable, unquantifiable.
無量光佛 [ムリョウコウブツ]@(name) Amit■yus.
無量光天 [ムリョウコウテン]@(term) heaven of unlimited light.
無量力 [ムリョウリキ]@Immeasurable Power--the name of a bodhisattva.
無量力神通無動者 [ムリョウリキジンツウムドウシャ]@■ry■calan■tha.
無量功■陀羅尼經 [ムリョウクトクダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of
Immeasurable Merit.
無量壽 [ムリョウジュ]@immeasurable life, limitless life.
無量壽佛 [ムリョウジュブツ]@(term) Buddha of Immeasurable Life.
無量壽經 [ムリョウジュキョウ]@(title) Sutra of Infinite Life.
無量壽經優波提舍 [ムリョウジュキョウウパダイシャ]@Treatise on the Sutra of
Limitless Life.
無量壽經優波提舍經論 [ムリョウジュキョウウパダイシャキョウロン]@Treatise
on the Sutra of Limitless Life.
無量壽經優波提舍願生偈 [ムリョウジュキョウウパダイシャガンショウゲ]
@Treatise on the Sutra of Limitless Life.
無量壽經論 [ムリョウジュキョウロン]@Treatise on the Sutra of Limitless Life.
無量智 [ムリョウチ]@(term) incalculable wisdom;.
無量淨天 [ムリョウジョウテン]@(term) heaven of infinite purity.
無量■浄平等覺經 [ムリョウショウジョウビョウドウカクキョウ]@Sutra of
Immeasurable Life.
無量■浄經 [ムリョウショウジョウキョウ]@Sutra of Immeasurable Life.
無量義 [ムリョウギ]@immeasurable meanings;.
無量義經 [ムリョウギキョウ]@Sutra of Immeasurable Meanings.
無門關 [ムモンカン]@(title) Gateless Barrier.
無間 [ムゲン]@at once, immediately, instantaneously.
無間地獄 [ムゲンジゴク]@unremitting hell.
無間生習氣 [ムケンショウジッケ]@instantaneously produced habit energies.
無間道 [ムげンドウ]@(term) path of no interruption.
無障 [ムショウ]@no hindrance; no obstruction.
無難 [ブナン]@no difficulty.
無雲天 [ムウンテン]@(term) cloudless heaven.
無■倒性 [ムテントウショウ]@unmistaken nature.
無餘 [ムヨ]@nothing left; no remainder.
無餘授記 [ムヨジュキ]@prediction without remainder.
無餘涅槃 [ムヨネハン]@(term) nirv■na without remainder.
無體隨情假 [ムタイズイジョウケ]@non-substantial hypothesis.
焦山規約 [ショウサンキヤク]@(term) The Jiaoshan code of rules.
焦種 [ショウシュ]@person who has burnt the seeds of the possibility of awakening;.
■慧地 [エンエジ]@(term) stage of burning wisdom.
■慧心 [エンエシン]@mind of glowing wisdom.
■水 [エンスイ]@shimmering waters.
■熾 [エンジキ]@burning brightly.
■鬘得迦 [エンマントカ]@(name) Yam■ntaka.
然 [ゼン]@in this way, in that way.
然 [ネン]@in this way, in that way.
然後 [ネンゴ]@after that.
然燈 [ネントウ]@D■mpa■kara Buddha.
然燈佛 [ネントウブツ]@(name) D■pa■kara Buddha.
煉 [レン]@forge metal;.
■芻 [ビッシュ]@monk.
煖 [ダン]@warm, warmth, heat;.
煖位 [ナンイ]@(term) stage of warmth.
煖法 [ナンホウ]@dharmas that are at the level of warmth.
■ [ナン]@basic quality, or "element" of heat that is found in fire.
煙滅 [エンメツ]@dying out, or disappearance of smoke.
■ [セツ]@to kill.
■人 [セツニン]@(xref) see 殺人.
■戒 [セッカイ]@precept (forbidding) killing.
■業 [セツゴウ]@deed of killing.
■生具 [セッショウグ]@lethal weapons.
■畜生 [セツチクショウ]@killing animals.
照 [ショウ]@illumine, reflect, shine on.
照了 [ショウリョウ]@manifest.
照寂 [ショウジャク]@luminous and quiescent.
照寂慧 [ショウジャクエ]@wisdom of illumination and quiescence.
照曜 [ショウヨウ]@shine on, shed light on, illuminate.
照理 [ショウリ]@to illuminate the principle.
照臨 [ショウリン]@illuminate the surrounding area from a high place.
照見 [ショウケン]@shed light on, illuminate.
煩亂 [ボンラン]@cause confusion, disorder, affliction, trouble.
煩勞 [ボンロウ]@affliction, difficulty, suffering.
煩惱 [ボンノウ]@(term) defilement(s), afflictions.
煩惱上品 [ボンノウジョウホン]@most virulent afflictions.
煩惱力 [ボンノウリキ]@power of affliction(s); momentum of affliction(s).
煩惱品 [ボンノウボン]@category of affliction;.
煩惱垢 [ボンノウク]@(term) stain of afflictions.
煩惱濁 [ボンノウジョク]@impurity of afflictions.
煩惱相應無明 [ボンノウソウオウムミョウ]@(term) ignorance associated with the
煩惱礙 [ボンノウゲ]@obstructions of affliction; afflictive obstructions.
煩惱種 [ボンノウシュ]@seeds of affliction.
煩惱纏 [ボンノウデン]@entangling afflictions; binding afflictions.
煩惱障 [ボンノウショウ]@(term) afflictive hindrances, hindrances due to affliction.
熊耳 [ユウジ]@(place) Mt. Xionger.
熏 [クン]@impregnate; suffuse; perfumate, permeate.
熏成 [クンジョウ]@to perfumate.
熏習 [クンジュ]@(term) perfumate; permeate; impregnate.
熏習力 [クンジュウリキ]@power of impressions; power of perfumation.
熙彦 [キゲン]@(person) H■i■n.
熟 [ジュク]@experienced, apt, mature, accustomed to.
熟因 [ジュクイン]@causes of retribution.
熟變 [ジュクヘン]@Transformation in accordance with the fruition of karma.
熱 [ネツ]@(term) heat (fever, mania, passion) of the external world (u■■a, tapa).
熱惱 [ネツノウ]@passionate anxieties.
熾然 [シネン]@burning lamp;.
熾盛 [シジョウ]@flourish, thrive, blaze, bloom.
燃 [ネン]@burn, blaze, glow.
燃指 [ネンシ]@burning fingers.
燃燈 [ネントウ]@D■pa■kara Buddha.
燒 [ショウ]@burn.
燕居 [エンキョ]@be relaxed;.
燕捺利 [エンナリ]@(name) Indr■■■,.
爍訖帝 [シャッキッテイ]@spear.
爐頭 [ロジュウ]@fire tender.
爛圓 [ランエン]@(person) Nanw■n.
爪 [ソウ]@claws.
爪上土 [ソウジョウノツチ]@a toenail's amount of dirt.
爪土 [ソウド]@a toenail's amount of dirt.
爪塔 [ソウトウ]@nail reliquary.
爪淨 [ソウジョウ]@cleaned with the nails.
爲 [イ]@that which is created or conditioned--karma, karmic.
父 [チチ]@father.
父城 [フジョウ]@paternal city.
父母 [フボ]@father and mother.
父母 [ブモ]@father and mother.
爾 [ニ]@so, like that, like this, thus.
爾 [ジ]@so, like that, like this, thus.
爾 [ナンジ]@so, like that, like this, thus.
爾時世尊 [ニジセソン]@at that time, the world-honored one.
片 [ヘン]@piece.
牙 [ガ]@tooth.
牙菩薩 [ゲボサツ]@teeth-bearing bodhisattva.
牛 [ウシ]@ox.
牛 [ゴ]@ox.
牛■ [ギュウシ]@(person) Gav■■pati.
牛子 [ゴシ]@calf.
牛屎 [ゴキ]@cow dung.
牛戒 [ゴカイ]@discipline of cow-like wandering.
牛檀栴檀 [ゴダンセンダン]@ox-head sandalwood.
牛檀香 [ゴダンコウ]@ox-head sandalwood.
牛毛塵 [ゴモウジン]@amount of dust that can rest on the top of a cow's hair.
牛狗 [ギュウク]@ascetic practice of living like an animal.
牛王 [ギュウオウ]@king of the herd.
牛王 [ゴオウ]@king of the herd.
牛王尊者 [ゴオウソンジャ]@Gav■■pati.
牛皮 [ゴヒ]@ox-hide.
牛相 [ゴソウ]@Gav■■pati.
牛糞 [ギュウフン]@cow-dung.
牛糞 [ゴフン]@cow-dung.
牛糞種 [ゴフンシュ]@cow-dung seed.
牛羊心眼 [ゴヨウシンゲン]@the insight of cattle and sheep.
牛羊眼 [ゴヨウゲン]@the insight of cattle and sheep.
牛角 [ゴカク]@ox horns.
牛角一觸 [ゴカクイッソク]@one touch with its horn.
牛角娑羅林 [ゴカクシャラリン]@ox horns ■■la grove.
牛跡 [ゴシャク]@Gav■■pati.
牛跡比丘 [ゴシャクビク]@(person) Gav■■pati.
牛車 [ゴシャ]@ox cart.
牛車 [ウシノクルマ]@ox cart.
牛頭 [ゴズ]@ox head.
牛頭山 [ゴズサン]@Oxhead Mountain.
牛頭栴檀 [ゴズセンダン]@ox-head sandalwood.
牛驢二乳 [ゴロニニュウ]@milk of cow and ass.
牛■加持 [ゴコウケジ]@cow bezoar aid.
牟 [ム]@ox.
牟呼洛 [ムコラ]@mahoraga.
牟娑 [ムシャ]@cornelian.
牟尼 [ムニ]@(term) saint.
牟尼王 [ムニオウ]@king of the monks.
牟陀羅 [ムダラ]@(term) mudr■.
牢 [ロウ]@pen.
牢宜 [ロウギ]@(person) Laoyi.
牢籠 [ロウロウ]@pen, cage.
牧羊山人 [ボクヨウセンニン]@(person) Mogyangsanin.
物 [モツ]@thing;.
物 [ブツ]@thing;.
物外 [モツゲ]@absolute realm, which transcends the world of individual existence.
物故 [モッコ]@death;.
物施 [ブッセ]@giving things.
物理 [モツリ]@principles of things.
物類 [モツルイ]@things of like kind.
牽 [ケン]@pull, lead, draw, bring about, induce.
牽引 [ケンイン]@pull, draw.
牽引因 [ケンインイン]@inductive causes.
牽引業 [ケンインゴウ]@directive karma.
牽生 [ケンショウ]@subtly produced (karma) or unmanifestly produced karma.
牽生業 [ケンショウゴウ]@directive karma.
■ [ケン]@castrated man.
■度 [ケンド]@aggregate, collection, cluster.
■■ [ケントク]@Ka■■haka.
■渉駒 [コンショウク]@(name) Ka■■haka a■var■ja.
■闥婆 [コンダツバ]@(foreign) gandharva.
■陟 [コンチョク]@(name) Ka■■haka.
■駄羅國 [コンダラコク]@(place) Gandh■ra.
犢子 [トクシ]@calf.
犢子部 [トクシブ]@(school) V■ts■putr■y■■.
犯 [ボン]@commit crimes.
犯戒 [ボンカイ]@transgress the precepts.
犯■戒 [ボンセツカイ]@transgress the precept against killing.
犯罪 [ボンザイ]@commit crimes.
犯重 [ボンジュウ]@commit a grave offense.
狂 [キョウ]@crazy.
狂心 [キョウシン]@insane; insanity.
狂愚 [キョウグ]@fool.
狂慧 [キョウエ]@mad wisdom.
狂象 [キョウゾウ]@mad elephant.
狐 [キツネ]@fox.
狗 [イヌ]@dog.
狗心 [クシン]@dog's mind.
狹 [キョウ]@narrow; cramped; restricted.
猊下 [ゲイカ]@an honorific title attached to the name of a priest of high rank.
猛利 [ミョウリ]@fierce, ferocious, strong, powerful.
猛利癡 [モウリチ]@powerful delusion.
猛利瞋 [モウリシン]@strong anger; powerful anger.
猛利貪 [モウリトン]@powerful thirst; strong desire.
猛利貪欲 [モウリトンヨク]@Intense desire.
猶 [ユ]@yet, like, similar to;.
猶如 [ユニョ]@well...; just like, the same as.
猶豫 [ユヨ]@postponement, grace, extension, reprieve, delay.
猷 [ユウ]@path, way, method.
獅子 [シシ]@lion.
獅子山 [シシザン]@(school) Saja san.
獨彰境 [ドクショウキョウ]@images only, illusory perception.
獨柯多 [ドクカタ]@(minor) misdeeds.
獨生 [ドクショウ]@worldling.
獨空 [ドククウ]@viewpoint that all phenomena are nothing but emptiness.
獨立論證派 [ドクリツロンショウハ]@(school) Sv■trantika.
獨股杵 [ドクコショ]@(xref) type of vajra-mallet 金剛杵 wielded by heavenly beings.
獨行 [ドクギョウ]@functioning independently.
獨行無明 [ドクギョウムミョウ]@(term) independently functioning ignorance.
獨覺 [ドクガク]@(term) pratyekabuddha.
獨頭 [ドクズ]@independent.
獨頭戒取 [ドクトウカイシュ]@exclusivist attachment to the precepts.
獲得 [カクトク]@attain to.
獲得 [ギャクトク]@attain to.
玄 [ゲン]@deep, profound, mysterious, occult, esoteric.
玄奘 [ゲンジョウ]@(person) Xuanzang.
玄奘三藏 [ゲンジョウサンゾウ]@(person) "Tripitaka Master" Xuanzang sanzang.
玄妙 [ゲンミョウ]@subtle, profound, mysterious.
玄宗 [ゲンシュウ]@profound doctrine.
玄應 [ゲンオウ]@profound resonance.
玄景 [ゲンケイ]@(person) Xuanjing.
玄暢 [ゲンチョウ]@(person) Xuanchang.
玄曦 [ゲンギ]@sun.
玄朗 [ゲンロウ]@(person) Xuanlang.
玄沙 [ゲンシャ]@(person) Xuansha.
玄猷 [ゲンユウ]@arcane path.
玄玄 [ゲンゲン]@mystery within mystery.
玄■ [ゲンホウ]@(person) Genb■.
玄理 [ゲンリ]@unfathomably deep principle of the Way.
玄■ [ゲンオン]@(person) Xuanwan.
玄範 [ゲンパン]@(person) Xuanfan.
玄義 [ゲンギ]@profound meaning.
玄覽 [ゲンラン]@be absorbed in the deepest part of one's mind and not see the myriad
玄賓 [ゲンヒン]@(person) Genbin.
玄贊 [ゲンサン]@(title) Xuanzan.
玄道 [ゲンドウ]@profound way.
玄鏡 [ゲンキョウ]@(title) Xuanjing.
玄門 [ゲンモン]@profound approach.
玄風 [ゲンプウ]@profound teaching style.
玄高 [ゲンコウ]@(person) Xuangao.
率爾 [ソツニ]@mind "as it is.
玉 [タマ]@gem.
玉佛 [ギョクブツ]@jade Buddha.
玉樹 [ギョクジュ]@jeweled trees.
玉泉玉花兩宗 [ギョクセンギョッカリョウシュウ]@Two schools of the Jade
Fountain and Jade Flower.
王 [オイボトケ]@king.
王 [オウ]@king.
王三昧 [オウザンマイ]@(foreign) royal sam■dhi.
王仙 [オウセン]@royal sage.
王古 [オウコ]@(person) Wanggu.
王師 [オウシ]@royal preceptor.
王數 [オウシュ]@mind as a whole and its various factors.
王曷邏閣伐彈那 [オウカラカクバダンナ]@R■jyavardhana.
王法 [オウボウ]@law of the king.
王法正理經 [オウホウショウリキョウ]@(title) Sutra of [Maitreya's] Correct
Principles of Royal Rule.
王法牢獄 [オウホウロウゴク]@earthly laws and punisments.
王法經 [オウボウキョウ]@Sutra on Royal Law.
王舍城 [オウシャジョウ]@(place) R■jag■ha.
王舍城結集 [オウシャジョウケツジュウ]@(term) council at R■jag■ha;.
珂但尼 [カタンニ]@not food proper; not under the formal definition of a meal; a snack.
珊底羅 [サンテイラ]@(name) ■a■■ila.
珍寶 [チンボウ]@jewels.
■卦 [コウカ]@divining blocks.
珠 [シュ]@pearl.
珠花鬘 [シュケマン]@garland made of beads and flowers.
現 [ゲン]@manifestation, appearance.
現事 [ゲンジ]@direct awareness.
現前 [ゲンゼン]@be manifested.
現前僧 [ゲンゼンソウ]@resident monks.nuns.
現前僧物 [ゲンゼンソウモツ]@property of the resident sa■gha.
現前地 [ゲンゼンチ]@(term) stage of directly becoming apparent.
現前心 [ゲンゼンシン]@mind of the open way.
現前毘尼 [ゲンゼンビニ]@direct testimony.
現前現前物 [ゲンゼンゲンゼンモツ]@personal belongings of each monk or nun.
現化 [ゲンケ]@incarnation, manifestation, transformation.
現在 [ゲンザイ]@present, right now.
現在前 [ゲンザイゼン]@be manifest in the present situation.
現在行 [ゲンザイギョウ]@currently active; presently active.
現報 [ゲンポウ]@present retribution.
現實 [ゲンジツ]@actuality.
現常 [ゲンジョウ]@present constant.
現形 [ゲンギョウ]@avatar.
現當 [ゲントウ]@present world and future world..
現相 [ゲンソウ]@manifest characteristic.
現縛 [ゲンバク]@Presently manifested affliction.
現般 [ゲンハツ]@attainer of nirvana directly within the desire realm.
現色 [ゲンシキ]@manifest form.
現色不相應染 [ゲンシキフソウオウゼン]@defilement in which the mind is not
associated with manifest form.
現行 [ゲンギョウ]@manifestly functioning.
現行煩惱 [ゲンギョウボンノウ]@afflictions in their state of manifest activity.
現行種子 [ゲンギョウシュシ]@Active seeds.
現觀 [ゲンカン]@clearly observe reality; clear contemplation.
現觀智諦現觀 [ゲンカンチタイゲンカン]@uncontaminated wisdom that observes the
essence of suchness.
現證 [ゲンショウ]@realization.
現起 [ゲンキ]@be manifest, actualized, active, present.
現起光 [ゲンキコウ]@arisen light.
現身 [ゲンシン]@avatar.
現通假實宗 [ゲンツウケジツシュウ]@The teaching that the present has both
provisional and real dharmas..
現重 [ゲンジュウ]@manifest heaviness.
現量 [ゲンリョウ]@(term) be seen clearly (pratyaksam).
理 [リ]@(term) principle;.
理事 [リジ]@"principle and phenomena.
理事無礙 [リジムゲ]@(term) no obstruction between principle and phenomena.
理事無礙十門 [リジムゲジュウモン]@(term) ten aspects of non-obstruction between
principle and phenomena.
理佛性 [リブツショウ]@Buddha-nature as the principle or cause of awakening.
理唯識 [リユイシキ]@consciousness-only in in principles.
理實 [リジツ]@truth, reality.
理性 [リショウ]@unchanging principle or original nature as the cause of awakening;.
理性院 [リショウイン]@(temple) Rish■in.
理教 [リキョウ]@teaching of non-discrimination between principle and phenomena.
理智 [リチ]@(xref) Principle 理 and wisdom 智.
理智五法 [リチゴホウ]@five categories of essential wisdom.
理法界 [リホッカイ]@view of the dharma realm as the perception of all things in the
universe as true thusness.
理護摩 [リゴマ]@internal fire ritual.
理趣 [リシュ]@appearance of the true principle.
理門 [リモン]@certain theoretical approach;.
理障 [リショウ]@hindrances of principle or noumenal hindrances.
理體 [リタイ]@essence of myriad existences.
琉璃 [ルリ]@emerald, lapis lazuli.
瑕 [カ]@Flaw, mistake, shortcoming, error, crime.
瑜伽 [ユガ]@(term) yoga, indicating a condition of stilling of the mind and accordance
with the principle of reality.
瑜伽師 [ユガシ]@meditation-master, yoga-practitioner.
瑜伽師地論 [ユガシジロン]@(title) Yog■c■ra-bh■mi-■■stra.
瑜伽師地論釋 [ユガシジロンシャク]@(title) Explanation of the Stages of Yoga
Practice Treatise.
瑜伽行派 [ユガギョウハ]@(school) Yog■c■ra.
瑜伽論 [ユガロン]@(title) Yuqie lun.
瑜伽論記 [ユガロンキ]@(title) Yuqielun ji;.
瑜伽論釋 [ユガロンシャク]@(title) Yuqielun shi.
瑜伽集要救阿難陀羅尼■口軌儀經 [ユガシュウヨウキュウアナンダラニエンクキ
ギキョウ]@Conditions and Causes Which Gave Rise to the Teaching to ■nanda
Concerning the Essentials of the Yoga [Tradition] on Distribution of Food to Burning
瑜伽集要■口施食儀軌 [ユカシュウヨウエンクセシキギキ]@(title) Ritual
Procedures from the Yoga Collection for Feeding the Searing Mouths.
瑜伽集要■口施食起教阿難陀■由 [ユガシュウヨウエンクセジキキキョウアナン
ダエンユ]@Conditions and Causes Which Gave Rise to the Teaching to ■nanda
Concerning the Essentials of the Yoga [Tradition] on Distribution of Food to Burning
瑞 [ズイ]@(term) good omens.
瑞州洞山良价禪師語■ [ズイシュウドウサンリョウガイゼンシゴロク]@(title)
Ruizhou Zongshan Liangjie chanshi yulu;.
瑟匿 [シチニョク]@Chighn■n.
瑠璃 [ルリ]@(term) lapis lazuli.
瑪瑙 [メドウ]@cornelian.
瓔珞 [ヨウラク]@necklace of precious stones.
瓔珞經 [ヨウラクキョウ]@(title) Yingluo jing.
瓜 [カ]@gourd.
瓦 [カワラ]@tile.
瓦器金器 [ガキコンキ]@earthen vessel and gold vessel.
瓦師 [ガシ]@potter.
■ [カメビョウ]@water-bottle.
甄陀羅 [ケンタラ]@(foreign) One of the alternative transcriptions of ki■nara.
甕形鬼 [オウギョウキ]@Jar-shaped demon.
甘 [カン]@(term) sweetness.
甘丹 [カンタン]@Dgahldan.
甘山寺 [カンセンジ]@(temple) Kamsan-sa Monastery.
甘珠爾 [カンジュウル]@(term) K■` gyur.
甘菩 [カンボ]@(place) Kamboja.
甘菩國 [カンボコク]@(place) Kamboja.
甘菩遮 [カンボシャ]@(place) Kamboja.
甘蔗王 [カンショオウ]@Sugar-Cane King.
甘酒 [カンシュ]@sweet alcoholic beverages.
甘露 [カンロ]@nectar.
甘露法 [カンロホウ]@nectar-like dharma.
甘露法界 [カンロホウカイ]@nature of the dharma, which is like sweet nectar.
甘露法雨 [カンロホウウ]@sweet dharma-rain.
甘露滅 [カンロメツ]@nirvana nectar.
甘露王 [カンロオウ]@king of immortaliy.
甘露經陀羅尼呪 [カンロキョウダラニジュ]@(title) Ambrosia Dh■ra■■.
甘露門 [カンロモン]@gate of nectar.
甘露陀羅尼呪 [カンロダラニジュ]@(title) Ambrosia Dh■ra■■.
甘露飯 [カンロハン]@Nectar Rice King.
甚希有經 [シンケウキョウ]@(title) Sutra on Most Rarified Existence.
甚深 [ジンジン]@incredibly profound.
甚深教 [シンシンキョウ]@extremely profound teaching.
生 [ショウ]@(term) arising.(term) production.
生上 [ショウジョウ]@be reborn into a higher level of existence.
生上地 [ショウジョウチ]@to be reborn into a higher realm of existence.
生住滅 [ショウジュウメツ]@arising, abiding, ceasing.
生住異滅 [ショウジュウイメツ]@arising, abiding, changing and extinction of all
生佛 [ショウブツ]@sentient being and Buddha.
生佛一如 [ショウブツイチニョ]@sentient beings and buddha are of the same essence.
生佛一體 [ショウブツイチタイ]@sentient beings and buddha are of the same essence.
生佛不二 [ショウブツフニ]@sentient beings and buddha are of the same essence.
生佛不■不滅 [ショウブツフゾウフメツ]@sentient beings and buddhas neither
increase nor decrease.
生佛假名 [ショウブツノケミョウ]@sentient being and Buddha are provisional terms.
生佛假名 [ショウブツケミョウ]@sentient being and Buddha are provisional terms.
生和合淨 [ショウワゴウジョウ]@after eating, drinking unchurned milk that is
somewhere between the states of milk and curd.
生因 [ショウイン]@the producing cause.
生報 [ショウホウ]@retribution in the next rebirth.
生天 [ショウテン]@to be born in a heaven.
生差別 [ショウシャベツ]@distinctions in modes of rebirth.
生已 [ショウイ]@be fully arisen.
生得 [ショウトク]@obtained in the process of being born.
生得住地 [ショウトクジュウジ]@innate hypostasis (of affliction).
生忍 [ショウニン]@the forbearance of sentient beings.
生支 [ショウシ]@penis.
生時 [ショウジ]@time of birth; time of rebirth.
生有 [ショウウ]@state of birth.
生業 [ショウゴウ]@(term) particularizing karma.
生死 [ショウシ]@(term) life-and-death.
生死 [ショウジ]@(term) life-and-death.
生死 [セイシ]@(term) life-and-death.
生死■涅槃 [ショウジソクネハン]@sa■s■ra is no different from nirv■■a.
生死園 [ショウジオン]@garden of birth and death.
生死大海 [ショウジノダイカイ]@great ocean of birth and death.
生死岸 [ショウジガン]@this shore of birth and death.
生死解■ [ショウジゲダツ]@liberation from birth and death.
生死輪 [ショウジリン]@wheel of birth and death.
生死際 [ショウジサイ]@realm of birth and death.
生法 [ショウボウ]@dharma of life.
生滅 [ショウメツ]@arising and ceasing.
生滅去來 [ショウメツコライ]@arising and ceasing, going and coming.
生滅心 [ショウメツシン]@arising and ceasing mind.
生滅相 [ショウメツソウ]@arising and ceasing aspect of the mind.
生滅門 [ショウメツモン]@arising and ceasing aspect.
生無性 [ショウムショウ]@non-nature of arising.
生生 [ショウショウ]@continued rebirth.
生生世世 [ショウショウセゼ]@continous life, death and rebirth through numberless
eons of time.
生疑 [ショウギ]@to have doubts; be unsure.
生盲 [ショウモウ]@(term) blind from birth.
生眞如 [ショウシンニョ]@suchness of arising.
生礙 [ショウゲ]@to create obstructions.
生空 [ショウクウ]@inherently empty.
生經 [ショウキョウ]@(title) J■taka-s■tra.
生■ [ショウエン]@various causes which contribute to a things coming into being.
生老病死 [ショウロウビョウシ]@birth, aging, sickness, and death.
生老病死苦 [ショウロウビョウシク]@suffering of birth, age, sickness, death.
生般 [ショウハン]@rebirth into nirvana.
生般涅槃 [ショウハツネハン]@entry into nirvana after rebirth in the form realm.
生色 [ショウシキ]@natural colour.
生苦 [ショウク]@arising of suffering; generation of suffering.suffering of being born.
生薑 [ショウギョウ]@fresh ginger.
生處 [ショウショ]@locus for the arising of something.
生貴住 [ショウキジュウ]@(term) abiding of producing virtues.
生起 [ショウキ]@(term) arising.(term) production.
生起相違 [ショウキソウイ]@contradictions in production.
生起識 [ショウキシキ]@active consciousnesses, arisen consciousnesses.
生身 [ショウシン]@earthly body.
生身 [ショウジン]@earthly body.
生靈 [イキスダマ]@spirit of the living.
生靈 [イキズタマ]@spirit of the living.
生靈 [イキリョウ]@spirit of the living.
生靈 [セイレイ]@spirit of the living.
用 [ヨウ]@use, make use of.
用大 [ヨウダイ]@greatness of function.
用滅 [ユウメツ]@cessation of function.
用聲 [ヨウショウ]@spread a report, cry out.
田 [デン]@field.
田相衣 [デンソウエ]@patch-robe.
田衣 [デンエ]@patch-robe.
田頭 [デンジュウ]@(term) fields overseer.
由 [ユ]@through, using, by means of.
由乾陀山王 [ユガンダセンオウ]@(name) Yuga■dhara.
由延 [ユエン]@(term) yojana.
由旬 [ユジュン]@(term) yojana.
甲 [カン]@armor, shell, crust.
甲幹 [コウカン]@official name of a monk in charge of cleaning.
申 [シン]@extend.
申毒 [シンドク]@(place) Sindhu.
申河 [シンカ]@(place) Hira■yavat■.
男 [ナン]@male.
男女 [ナンニョ]@man and woman.
男根 [ダンコン]@faculty of masculinity.
界 [カイ]@(term) world, realm.
界■ [カイダイ]@within the world.
界■ [カイナイ]@within the world.
界分別觀 [カイフンベツカン]@meditation on worldly discrimination.
界外 [カイゲ]@(title) outside the gate (as in the Lotus Sutra s parable of the burning
畏 [イ]@be afraid.
畔彈南 [バンダンナン]@obeisance.
畔睇 [バンダイ]@obeisance.
留 [ル]@stop, stay, keep, detain, remain.
留拏 [ルナ]@castrated man.
留拏 [ルドラ]@castrated man.
留礙 [ルゲ]@(term) hinder.(term) stop up..
畜 [チク]@store, stock up, save, put aside, keep, accumulate, gather.
畜生 [チクショウ]@rebirth as an animal.
畜生道 [チクショウドウ]@rebirth as an animal.
畢 [ヒツ]@finish, conclude.
畢帝黎 [ヒテイライ]@hungry ghost.
畢竟 [ヒッキョウ]@absolute.
畢竟不生 [ヒッキョウフショウ]@absolute non-arising.
畢蘭陀筏蹉 [ヒリンダバシャ]@Pilinda-vatsa.
畢那■蹉 [ヒナバシャ]@Pilinda-vatsa.
畢鄰陀婆蹉 [ヒリンダバシャ]@Pilinda-vatsa.
畢陵伽婆蹉 [ヒツリョウカバサ]@(name) Pilinda-vatsa.
畢陵伽筏蹉 [ヒリョウカバシャ]@Pilinda-vatsa.
略 [リャク]@grasp, handle.
略七階佛名經 [リャクシチカイブツミョウキョウ]@(title) Lueqijie foming jing.
略傳 [リャクデン]@short memorial-stele biography.
略標 [リャクヒョウ]@brief indication.
略釋新華嚴經修行次第決疑論 [リャクシャクシンケゴンキョウシュコウシダイケ
チギロン]@(title) Lueshi xin Huayan jing xiuxing cidi jueyi lun.
畫石 [ガシャク]@painting of a rock.
異 [イ]@differ, to be different.
異執 [イシュウ]@differing attachments.
異性 [イショウ]@differ.
異本 [イホン]@variant edition.
異熟 [イジュク]@(term) maturation; retribution.
異熟性 [イジュクショウ]@having the nature of "result of maturation".
異熟愚 [イジュクグ]@ignorance in regard to how karma matures.
異熟果 [イジュクカ]@result of maturation.
異熟無記 [イジュクムキ]@[non-impedimentary] morally indeterminate (or "neutral")
hindrances of heterogeneous result.
異熟識 [イジュクシキ]@consciousness that is result of maturation; maturing
異生 [イショウ]@(term) worldling.(term) ordinary person.
異生二乘 [イショウニジョウ]@Unenlightened sentient beings and adherents of the
two vehicles.
異生性 [イショウショウ]@worldling-nature.
異生性障 [イショウショウショウ]@hindrances affecting the unenlightened.
異相 [イソウ]@(term) difference, differentiation, changing.
異部宗輪論 [イブシュウリンロン]@(title) Treatise of the Wheel of the Different
Divisions of the Tenets.
異類 [イルイ]@different type of being.
當 [トウ]@should be, granted, deserve.
當來 [トウライ]@(term) future.
當來佛 [トウライブツ]@(term) future Buddha.
當常 [トウジョウ]@future constant.
當情 [トウジョウ]@common sense, habituated thought.
當情現相 [トウジョウゲンソウ]@deludedly cognized world.
當生 [トウショウ]@next life.
當生愛 [トウショウアイ]@feeling of attachment toward the coming life.
當行 [トウギョウ]@should go.
■良耶舍 [コウリョウヤシャ]@(person) K■laya■as.
疎 [ソ]@penetrate, pierce, pass through.
疎所■ [ソショエン]@the true nature of the object that gives rise to the objective
aspect of consciousness.
疏 [ショ]@write a commentary.
疏抄 [ショショウ]@commentaries and notes attached to a scriptural text.
疏記會本 [ショキエホン]@combined text of the commentary and expository notes.
疑 [ギ]@(term) doubt; uncertainty.
疑團 [ギダン]@solidification of doubt at the bottom of one's mind.
疑悔 [ギカイ]@doubts and regrets.
疑情 [ギジョウ]@feelings of doubt.
疑惑 [ギワク]@doubts and perplexities.
疑經 [ギキョウ]@(term) scriptures of doubtful authenticity.
疑網 [ギモウ]@(term) web of doubt.
疥 [カイ]@scabs; scabby.
疲 [ヒ]@to tire.
疾 [シツ]@sickness, illness, disease.
疾病 [シツビョウ]@sickness, disease.
病 [ビョウ]@get sick, be sick, suffer from.
病倦 [ビョウケン]@tire of, to give up on.
病死 [ビョウシ]@sickness and death.
痰 [タン]@mucous, phlegm.
瘡 [ソウ]@tumor, boil, abscess, which needs to be treated by a skillful doctor.
療痔病經 [リョウジビョウキョウ]@(title) Sutra on Relieving Piles.
癡 [チ]@(term) Delusion, ignorance.
癡愛 [チアイ]@folly and desire.
癩 [ライ]@leprosy.
癰 [ヨウ]@tumor, or boil.
登 [トウ]@climb, ascend to a high place.
登天 [トウテン]@ascend to heaven.
發 [ホツ]@arise, to appear.
發 [ハツ]@arise, to appear.
發光地 [ホツコウチ]@stage of the emission of light.
發動 [ハツドウ]@initiative, first motion.
發得 [ホットク]@produce, or gain wisdom, meditative concentration, etc.
發心 [ホッシン]@arousal of mind.
發心住 [ホッシンジュウ]@"abiding of awakening operation.
發心修行章 [ホッシンシュギョウショウ]@(title) Palsim suhaeng chang.
發心菩提 [ホッシンボダイ]@enlightenment of resolve on supreme bodhi.
發心菩薩 [ホッシン]@bodhisattvas who have arisen the aspiration for enlightenment.
發心菩薩 [ボサツ]@bodhisattvas who have arisen the aspiration for enlightenment.
發心薩■ [ホッシンサツタ]@bodhisattvas who have aroused the aspiration for
發揚 [ホツヨウ]@make known.
發揮 [ホッキ]@spreading of the teachings.
發明 [ホツミョウ]@enlighten, to clarify.
發業 [ホツゴウ]@produce karma, generate activity.
發菩提心 [ホツボダイシン]@arouse the mind (thought) of intention to achieve
發菩提心方便 [ホツボダイシンホウベン]@vowing to devote the mind to bodhi.
發言慰問 [ホツゴンイモン]@asking about welfare.speaking softly.
發起 [ホッキ]@begin.
發趣 [ホツシュ]@unfold a clear destiny.
發趣位 [ホッシュイ]@starting point of practice.
發願 [ホツガン]@arouse the vow.
白 [ハク]@white.
白 [ビャク]@white.
白佛 [ビャクブツ]@address the buddha.
白傘佛頂 [ビャクサンブッチョウ]@white canopy over the Buddha's head.
白四羯磨 [ビャクシコンマ]@ceremony before four monks.
白坡 [ビャクハ]@(person) Paekp'a.
白報 [ビャクホウ]@good retribution.
白報 [ビャッポウ]@good retribution.
白寶口鈔 [ビャクホウクショウ]@(title) Record of the Precious Spoken Tradition.
白居易 [ビャクキョイ]@(person) Bo juyi.
白心 [ビャクシン]@pure heart.
白拈 [ビャクネン]@daytime robber.
白月 [ハクゲツ]@bright time of the moon.
白月 [ビャクゲツ]@bright time of the moon.
白月 [ビャクガツ]@bright time of the moon.
白椎 [ビャクツイ]@announcement hammer.
白業 [ビャクゴウ]@white karma.
白槌 [ビャクツイ]@an announcement.
白檀 [ビャクダン]@white sandalwood.
白毫 [ビャクゴウ]@curl between the eyebrows.
白水城 [ビャクスイジョウ]@Isfijab.
白牛 [ビャクゴ]@white ox.
白牛 [ビャクギュウ]@white ox.
白牛無角 [ビャクゴムカク]@hornless white ox.
白眞 [ビャクシン]@speak the truth.
白繖佛頂 [ビャクサンブッチョウ]@white canopy over the Buddha's head.
白蓮 [ビャクレン]@white lotus.
白蓮之交 [ビャクレンシキョウ]@the white lotus society.
白蓮教 [ビャクレンキョウ]@White Lotus Society.
白蓮社 [ビャクレンシャ]@the white lotus society.
白蓮花 [ビャクレンゲ]@white lotus flower.
白蓮菜 [ビャクレンサイ]@white lotus vegetarians.
白蓮華 [ビャクレンゲ]@white lotus.
白蓮華座 [ビャクレンゲザ]@white lotus throne.
白蓮華社 [ビャクレンゲシャ]@the white lotus society.
白處觀音 [ビャクショカンノン]@White-robed Avalokite■vara.
白衣 [ビャクエ]@white clothes.
白衣觀音 [ビャクエカンノン]@white-robed Avalokite■vara.
白象 [ビャクゾウ]@white elephant.
白贊 [ビャクサン]@utter praises.
白足 [ビャクソク]@bare feet.
白足和尚 [ビャクソクワショウ]@bare footed reverend.
白道 [ビャクドウ]@white path.
白隱 [ハクイン]@(person) Hakuin.
白雲 [ハクウン]@(person) Paegun.
白雲和尚語■ [ハクウンオウショウゴロク]@(title) Paegun hwasang ■rok;.
白雲宗 [ハクウンシュウ]@White Cloud School.
白飯王 [ビャクボンオウ]@■uklôdana-r■ja.
白馬寺 [ハクバジ]@White Horse Temple.
白鵠 [ビャクコク]@swan.
白鷺池 [ビャクロチ]@White Heron Lake.
白■ [ビャクコク]@good and evil (activity).
百 [ヒャク]@hundred.
百丈懷海 [ヒャクジョウエカイ]@(person) Baizhang Huaihai.
百不會 [ヒャクフエ]@to be completely unaware.
百不知 [ヒャクフチ]@to be completely unaware.
百二十八根本煩惱 [ヒャクニジュウハチコンポンボンノウ]@(term) one hundred
twenty-eight fundamental afflictions.
百二十八煩惱 [ヒャクニジュウハチボンノウ]@one hundred and twenty-eight kinds
of afflictions.
百八 [ヒャクハチ]@one hundred and eight.
百八丸 [ヒャクハチガン]@108 beads.
百八尊 [ヒャクハッソン]@108 honored ones.
百八數珠 [ヒャクハチノズジュヒャクハチノジュズ]@rosary of 108 beads.
百八煩惱 [ヒャクハチボンノウ]@108 afflictions.
百八結業 [ヒャクハチケツゴウ]@108 bounds of karma.
百八鐘 [ヒャクハチショウ]@108 tolls of the bell.
百八鐘 [ヒャクハチノカネ]@108 tolls of the bell.
百句譬喩經 [ヒャククヒユキョウ]@Scripture of the 100 Parables.
百味 [ヒャクミ]@one hundred flavors.
百喩經 [ヒャクユキョウ]@Scripture of the 100 Parables.
百喩集 [ヒャクユシュウ]@Scripture of the 100 Parables.
百四十不共法 [ヒャクシジュウフグウホウ]@140 distinctive characteristics.
百四煩惱 [ヒャクシボンノウ]@104 afflictions.
百塔寺 [ヒャクトウジ]@(temple) Baita si.
百字論 [ヒャクジロン]@(title) Ak■ara■ataka.
百本疏主 [ヒャクホンショシュ]@lord of the hundred commentaries.
百本論師 [ヒャクホンロンジ]@lord of the hundred commentaries.
百杖 [ヒャクジョウ]@(person) Baizhang.
百法 [ヒャッポウ]@one hundred dharmas.
百法明門論 [ヒャクホウミョウモンロン]@(title) Baifa mingmen lun.
百法論 [ヒャッポウロン]@Treatise on the Hundred Dharmas.
百界 [ヒャッカイ]@hundred realms.
百目 [ヒャクモク]@hundred eyes.
百福 [ヒャップク]@hundred fortunes.
百福 [ヒャクフク]@hundred fortunes.
百萬 [ヒャクマン]@a million.
百萬遍 [ヒャクマンベン]@a million recitations.
百葉華 [ヒャクヨウケ]@hundred petaled flower.
百衆學 [ヒャクシュガク]@(term) hundred ■ik■■kara■■ya.
百衲衣 [ヒャクソウエ]@hundred patch robe.
百譬經 [ヒャクヒキョウ]@Scripture of the 100 Parables.
百非 [ヒャクヒ]@(term) one hundred negations.
百骸調適 [ヒャクガイチョウテキ]@every part of the body in perfect condition.
皆 [カイ]@everyone, all, the whole, every.
皇 [コウ]@ruler, emperor, prince, sovereign.
皇 [オウ]@ruler, emperor, prince, sovereign.
皐帝 [コウタイ]@(name) Kunt■.
皮衣 [ヒエ]@leather clothes.
皮衣 [カワゴロモ]@leather clothes.
皮袋 [ヒタイ]@leather sack.
盂蘭 [ウラン]@ullambana.
盂蘭盆 [ウラボン]@ullambana.
盂蘭盆經 [ウランボンキョウ]@(title) Yulanpen jing.
盂蘭盆經疏 [ウランボンキョウソ]@(title) Yulanpen jing shou.
盈滿 [ヨウマン]@filled to the brim; replete.
益 [エキ]@increase, profit, benefit.
益信 [ヤクシン]@(person) Yakushin, Ekishin.
益信 [エキシン]@(person) Yakushin, Ekishin.
盛 [ジョウ]@serve, fill, help up, hold, contain.
盜僧物 [トウソウモツ]@stealing the property of the sa■gha.
盜心 [トウシン]@the intention to steal; consciousness of stealing.
盜戒 [トウカイ]@precepts regarding stealing.
盜罪 [トウザイ]@the crime of stealing.
盜重物 [トウジュウモツ]@steal valuable goods.
盡 [ジン]@exhaust.
盡所有 [ジンショウ]@totality of phenomena.
盡所有性 [ジンショウショウ]@totality of existent phenomena.
盡捨墮 [ジンシャダ]@rules of forfeiture of the things that a monk or nun possesses
盡智 [ジンチ]@eradication wisdom.
監溶 [ケンヨウ]@(term) bath supervisor.
盤根錯節 [バンコンサクセチ]@a tree with the roots all twisted up and the knots all
pushing into each other.
盤石劫 [バンジャクコウ]@dusting a rock [eon].
盤蓋 [バンカイ]@dew receivers.
盧倶多婆■部 [ルグタバタブ]@(school) Lokottara-v■da.
盧舍那 [ロシャナ]@Vairocana.
盧舍那佛 [ロシャナブツ]@(term) Vairocana Buddha.
盧迦委斯諦 [ルカイシタイ]@lord, blessed one, world-honored one.
盧遮那 [ルシャナ]@Vairocana.
盧遮那佛 [ルシャナブツ]@Vairocana Buddha.
目 [モク]@(term) eye.
目乾連 [モッカンレン]@Maudgaly■yana.
目伽略 [モガリャク]@(person) Maudgaly■yana.
目■ [モキャ]@mouth.
目多 [モクタ]@liberation.
目多伽 [モクタガ]@biographical stories.
目娑 [モシャ]@cornelian.
目想 [モクソウ]@mental images derived from what one has seen with the eyes.
目支鄰陀 [モクシリンダ]@(name) Mucilinda.
目■連 [モッケンレン]@Maudgaly■yana.
目眞鄰陀 [モクシンリンダ]@(name) Mucilinda.
目竭嵐 [モカラン]@mallet, mace.
目脂鄰陀 [モクシリンダ]@(name) Mucilinda.
目足 [モクソク]@eyes and feet.
目足仙 [モクソクセン]@(person) Ak■ap■da.
目連 [モクレン]@(person) Maudgaly■yana.
盲 [モウ]@blind, blindness.
盲 [ボウ]@blind, blindness.
直下 [ジキゲ]@directly, immediately, right here, just like that.
直往 [ジキオウ]@directly proceeding.
直心 [ジキシン]@mind characterized by straight forwardness.
直指人心 [ジキシニンシン]@directly pointing to people's minds.
直■ [ジキテツ]@monk's garment.
直■ [ジキセツ]@explain directly.
直道 [ジキドウ]@straight path.
相 [ソウ]@characteristic.
相似 [ソウジ]@resemblance.
相似覺 [ソウジカク]@semblance enlightenment.
相依 [ソウエ]@existence based on mutual dependence.
相入無礙 [ソウニュウムゲ]@(term) no obstruction in mutual entry.
相分 [ソウブン]@(term) objective aspect.
相分別 [ソウフンベツ]@discrimination of characteristics.
相■ [ソウソク]@union of two phenomena.
相■無礙 [ソウソクムゲ]@(term) no obstruction in mutual identity.
相反 [ソウホン]@contradictory.
相合 [ソウゴウ]@combine.
相名 [ソウミョウ]@characteristics and names.
相名五法 [ソウミョウゴホウ]@five categories of name and form.
相名分別 [ソウミョウフンベツ]@discrimination of names and characteristics.
相名分別眞如正智 [ソウミョウフンベツシンニョショウチ]@characteristics,
names, discrimination, corrective wisdom, and thusness.
相唯識 [ソウユイシキ]@(term) characteristic of Consciousness-only.
相因 [ソウイン]@characteristic of cause.
相因分別相 [ソウインフンベツソウ]@mutually caused imaginary character of
相大 [ソウダイ]@(term) greatness of the attributes.
相好 [ソウゴウ]@primary and secondary marks of the Buddha's body.
相好莊嚴 [ソウゴウショウゴン]@adorned by excellent characteristics.
相宗 [ソウシュウ]@doctrine of characteristics.
相對 [ソウタイ]@as opposed to.
相待 [ソウダイ]@interdependence.
相想 [ソウソウ]@characteristics (marks) and perception.
相想倶絶宗 [ソウソウグゼツシュウ]@doctrine that rejects both marks and their
相感 [ソウカン]@to affect each other.
相應 [ソウオウ]@(term) association; to be associated with; to be concomitant with.
相應法 [ソウオウホウ]@associated dharmas (phenomena).
相應無明 [ソウオウムミョウ]@Ignorance concomitant with the afflictions.
相應縛 [ソウオウバク]@binding defilements that arise concomitant with each thought.
相承 [ソウショウ]@transmission of the teaching from master to disciple.
相承 [ソウジョウ]@transmission of the teaching from master to disciple.
相攝 [ソウショウ]@include each other.
相染 [ソウゼン]@phenomenal impurity.
相比量 [ソウヒリョウ]@inference from appearance.
相無性 [ソウムショウ]@non-nature of marks.
相生 [ソウショウ]@produce each other.
相當 [ソウトウ]@to correspond; to be appropriate.
相眞如 [ソウシンニョ]@suchness of characteristics.
相縛 [ソウバク]@attachment by the mind to the objects in the six realms.
相續 [ソウゾク]@(term) continuity.
相續力 [ソウゾクリキ]@Momentum.
相續心 [ソウゾクシン]@stream of mind.
相續無常 [ソウゾクムジョウ]@continous impermanence.
相續相 [ソウゾクソウ]@mark of continuity; aspect of continuity.
相續識 [ソウゾクシキ]@continuing consciousness.
相論疏 [ソウロンショ]@(title) Lak■a■a■■ka.
相貌 [ソウミョウ]@looks, features, form, shape, character.
相違 [ソウ]@opposing.
相違因 [ソウイイン]@causes of contradiction or conflict.
相違釋 [ソウイシャク]@compound words that are composed of two different
相順 [ソウジュン]@mutual accordance.
相顯 [ソウケン]@manifestation of marks.
相顯現分別 [ソウケンゲンフンベツ]@discrimination of the manifestation of marks.
看 [カン]@look at, to view.
看經 [カンキョウ]@read and study the scriptures.
看經派 [カンキョウハ]@textual study track.
看話 [カンワ]@observing the key phrase.
看話決疑論 [カンワケツギロン]@(title) Resolving Doubts About Observing the
眛 [マイ]@totally obscure.
眞 [シン]@true, actual, real.
眞一 [シンイチ]@true one.
眞丹 [シンタン]@(place) China.
眞人 [シンニン]@true man.
眞人 [シンジン]@true man.
眞人 [マヒト]@true man.
眞佛子 [シンブツシ]@true sons of the buddha.
眞俊 [シンシュン]@(person) Shinshun.
眞假 [シンケ]@real and the provisional.
眞如 [シンニョ]@(term) true thusness.(term) suchness.
眞如世間 [シンニョセケン]@thusness (suchness) and the mundane world.
眞如心 [シンニョシン]@mind of true thusness.
眞如性起 [シンニョショウキ]@The arising of all phenomena dependent upon or due
to tathat■.
眞如智 [シンニョチ]@insight into suchness;.wisdom that perceives suchness.
眞如正智 [シンニョショウチ]@thusness and corrective wisdom.
眞如法界 [シンニョホウカイ]@dharma-realm of suchness.
眞如無爲 [シンニョムイ]@suchness.
眞如相 [シンニョソウ]@marks of suchness.
眞如門 [シンニョモン]@thusness aspect.
眞妄 [シンモウ]@truth and falsity.
眞妄交徹 [シンモウコウテツ]@interpenetration of the true and the false.
眞寂 [シンジャク]@(person) Shinjaku.
眞寂寺 [シンジャクジ]@(temple) Zhenji si.
眞實 [シンジツ]@true form of something, the way it is.
眞實心 [シンジツシン]@true mind.
眞實愚 [シンジツグ]@folly regarding reality.
眞實法 [シンジツホウ]@real dharma.
眞實相 [シンジッソウ]@true, authentic marks.
眞實經 [シンジツキョウ]@(title) Zhenshi jing.
眞實義 [シンジツギ]@(term) true meaning, real meaning (artha).
眞實義愚 [シンジツギグ]@folly regarding reality.
眞實行 [シンジツギョウ]@practicing reality attaining to the true principle.
眞實言 [シンジツゴン]@true speech.
眞實語 [シンジツゴ]@true words.
眞常 [シンジョウ]@real and eternal; the true constant.
眞影 [シンエイ]@true shape, true form.
眞心 [シンシン]@true mind.
眞心 [シンジン]@true mind.
眞心直■ [シンシンジキセツ]@(title) Straight Talk on the True Mind.
眞性 [シンショウ]@true nature.
眞成 [シンジョウ]@truly.
眞智 [シンチ]@true wisdom.
眞法戒 [シンホウカイ]@precepts of the true teaching.
眞法界 [シンホウカイ]@the true realm of dharma.
眞濟 [シンセイ]@(person) Shinzei, Shinsei.
眞濟 [シンゼイ]@(person) Shinzei, Shinsei.
眞然 [シンネン]@(person) Shinzen, Shinnen.
眞然 [シンゼン]@(person) Shinzen, Shinnen.
眞照 [シンショウ]@(person) Shinsh■.
眞珠 [シンジュ]@(term) pearl.
眞相 [シンソウ]@truth.
眞紹(禪統) [シンショウ]@(person) Shinsh■.
眞興王 [シンコウオウ]@(person) Chinh■ng Wang.
眞表 [シンヒョウ]@(person) Chinpyo.
眞覺 [シンカク]@true awareness.
眞覺國師 [シンカクコクシ]@(person) Chingak Kuksa.
眞覺自相 [シンカクジソウ]@characteristics peculiar to true enlightenment.
眞觀 [シンカン]@correct contemplation.
眞言 [シンゴン]@true word.
眞言宗 [シンゴンシュウ]@True Word School.
眞訣 [シンケツ]@most profound meaning of true reality.
眞諦 [シンタイ]@(term) absolute truth.(term) holy truth.
眞識 [シンシキ]@true consciousness; real consciousness.
眞身 [シンシン]@(term) true body.
眞達羅 [シンダラ]@(name) Kinnara.
眞那 [シンナ]@(place) China.
眞陀羅 [シンタラ]@(foreign) ki■nara.
眞際 [シンサイ]@truth, reality.
眞際大師 [シンサイダイシ]@(person) Zhenji dashi.
眞際大師從■ [シンサイダイシジュウシン]@Zhenji dashi congshen.
眞際禪師 [シンサイゼンシ]@(person) Zhenji chanshi.
眞雅 [シンガ]@(person) Shinga.
眞靜 [シンジョウ]@(person) Chinj■ng.
眠 [ミン]@sleep.
眠伏 [ミンブク*]@slumber in concealment.
眷屬 [ケンゾク]@followers, adherents.
眼 [ガン]@(term) eye.(term) sight.
眼 [ゲン]@(term) eye.(term) sight.
眼光 [ゲンコウ]@glint of the eye.
眼力 [ゲンリキ]@insight.
眼根 [ゲンコン]@(term) one of the five (or six) sense faculties (cak■ur-indriya).
眼目 [ゲンモク]@eyeball.
眼花 [ゲンケ]@flowers in the eyes.
着 [ジャク]@wear, to put on.
着 [チャク]@wear, to put on.
着衣 [チャクエ]@put on clothes.
睡 [スイ]@sleep.
睡位 [スイイ]@state of dormancy.
睡眠 [スイミン]@(term) drowsiness.
睹史多天 [トシタテン]@Tu■ita Heaven.
瞋 [シン]@(term) hatred, antipathy.
瞋不受悔 [シンフジュカイ]@to hold one's anger and not accept another's apologies.
瞋不受悔戒 [シンフジュカイケ]@precept forbidding the holding of anger and not
accepting the apologies of others.
瞋不受謝戒 [シンフジュシャカイ]@precept forbidding the holding of resentments
and not accepting the apologies of others.
瞋心不受悔 [シンシンフジュケ]@holding on to one's anger and not accepting another
person's repentance.
瞋心不受悔戒 [シンシンフジュケカイ]@precept forbidding the holding of
resentments and not accepting the apologies of others.
瞋恚 [シンイ]@(term) anger.
瞋恨 [シンコン]@grudge.
瞋打結恨 [シンチョウケッコン]@exacerbating one's anger into a grudge.
瞋打結恨戒 [シンチョウケッコンカイ]@which [prohibits] the lashing out in anger
and formation of grudges.
瞋殺 [シンせツ]@kill by anger.
瞻 [セン]@look.
瞻奉 [センブ]@to pay respects to.
瞻波 [センバ]@admonitions of improper behavior.
瞻波國 [センハコク]@(place) Camp■.
瞿伽尼 [クガニ]@(place) God■n■ya.
瞿史羅 [グシラ]@(person) Gho■ira.
瞿摩夷 [グマイ]@cow dung.
瞿耶尼 [クヤニ]@(place) God■n■ya.
瞿薩憺那 [グサツタンナ*]@Khotan.
瞿陀尼 [クダニ]@(place) God■n■ya.
矢 [シ]@arrow.
矢石 [シシャク]@arrow and stone.
知 [チ]@know; understand; cognize.
知一切衆生智 [チイッサイシュショウチ]@understanding of omniscience re all living
知世間 [チセケン]@knower of the world.
知事 [チジ]@officer.
知人 [チニン]@know people as individuals.
知他心通 [チタシンツウ]@knowledge of other's minds.
知利滿臺 [チリマンダイ]@(person) C■■a-panthaka.
知客 [チキャク]@greeter.
知山 [チサン]@grounds prefect.
知本際 [チホンザイ]@Ajñ■ta-Kau■■inya.
知殿 [チデン]@temple warden.
知礙 [チゲ]@obstruction of knowing.
知者 [チシャ]@(subjective) knower.
知自 [チジ]@know oneself.
知藏 [チゾウ]@(term) canon prefect.
知衆 [チシュ]@know the various classes of people.
知見 [チケン]@seeing with wisdom.
知見力 [チケンリキ]@power of insight.
知覺 [チカク]@guess.
知訥 [チトツ]@(person) Chinul.
知識 [チシキ]@consciousness, awareness.
知足 [チソク]@be aware that one has had enough--to be satisfied.
知足天 [チソクテン]@Tu■ita Heaven.
知道者 [チドウシャ]@knower of the way.
矩■檀底 [クタダンテイ]@(name) K■■adant■.
矩奢 [クシャ]@fortuitous grass.
矩奢■羅補羅 [クシャカラプラ]@Ku■■grapura.
矩摩羅 [クマラ]@prince.
短 [タン]@short.
短促 [タンソク]@short time; fleeting.
短褂 [タンケ]@short gown.
石 [イシ]@stone, rock.
石友 [セキユウ]@(person) S■ku.
石壁經 [セキヘキキョウ]@stone carved sutras.
石女 [セキニョ]@barren woman.
石女 [セキジョ]@barren woman.
石女 [シャクニョ]@barren woman.
石女兒 [シャクニョジ]@child of a barren woman.
石榴 [ジャクロ]@pomegranate.
石藏 [セキゾウ]@emerald.
石霜 [セキソウ]@(xref) reference to either Shíshu■ng qìngzh■ 石霜慶諸 or
Shíshu■ng ch■yuán 石霜楚圓.
石霜慶諸 [セキソウキョウショ]@(person) Shíshu■ng qìngzh■.
石霜楚圓 [セキソウソエン]@(person) Shishuang chuyuan.
石■ [セキテン]@(person) S■kch■n.
破 [ハ]@refute, disprove, negate, solve.
破僧 [ハソウ]@destroy the harmony of the sa■gha.
破僧違諫 [ハソウイカン]@(foreign) violation of the sa■gha community.
破和合僧 [ハワゴウソウ]@destroy the harmony of the sa■gha.
破壞 [ハカイ]@break down.
破有 [ハウ]@(foreign) destroy the bonds of existence--sa■s■ra.
破有法王 [ハウホウオウ]@(foreign) king of the dharma who destroys the bonds of
existence in the three realms--sa■s■ra..
破法 [ハホウ]@to attack, violate, or slander the dharma.
破相教 [ハソウキョウ]@(term) teaching that refutes phenomenal appearances.
破羯磨轉法輪僧 [ハコンマテンホウリンソウ]@subverting or disrupting monks.
破邪 [ハジャ]@refute error.
■■ [シャコ]@precious gem derived from the shell of a shellfish.
碍解 [ゲゲ]@understanding-obstruction.
碎 [サイ]@smash into tiny bits, pound, grind, pulverize.
碧岩■ [ヘキガンロク]@(title) Biyan lu.
碧巖 [ヘキガン]@(person) Py■gam.
碧巖■ [ヘキガンロク]@(title) Blue Cliff Record.
碧巖集 [ヘキガンシュウ]@(title) Biyan ji.
碼碯 [メノウ]@cornelian.
磨 [マ]@polish.
磨灑 [マシャ]@beans.
磬 [ケイ]@stone chime.
礙 [ゲ]@obstruct, disturb, hamper, impede, hinder, block off.
礙解 [ゲゲ]@obstructions to [correct] understanding.
示 [ジ]@(term) show to someone else (para-dar■ana).
示教 [ジキョウ]@instruct; teach.
示現 [ジゲン]@physical manifestation.
示相答 [ジソウトウ]@reply by signs.
社得迦 [シャタカ]@stories of previous lives.
社得迦摩羅 [シャタカマラ]@versified incarnation stories.
祀 [シ]@festival, celebration.
祀 [ジ]@festival, celebration.
祇園精舍 [ギオンショウジャ]@(place) Jetavana An■thapi■■ada-■r■ma.
祇夜 [ギヤ]@verses contained in the scriptures which repeat the substance of the prose
祇樹 [ギジュ]@Jetavana An■thapindada-■r■ma.
祇■寺 [ギオンジ]@(temple) Qiyuansi.
祇陀太子 [ギタタイシ]@(person) prince Jeta.
祇陀林 [ギダリン]@Jetavana An■thapindada-■r■ma.
祈 [キ]@pray.
祐 [ユウ]@Help, assistance--from a god or a buddha..
祕 [ヒ]@secret, hidden, profound.
祕密 [ヒミツ]@(term) Secret.(term) occult.(term) esoteric.(term) hidden.
祕密三昧大教王經 [ヒミツサンマイダイキョウオウキョウ]@(title)
祕密名儀軌 [ヒミツミョウギキ]@(title) Mimiming yigui.
祕密曼荼羅 [ヒミツマンダラ]@esoteric mandala.
祕密相經 [ヒミツソウキョウ]@(title) Mimixiang jing.
祕藏 [ヒゾウ]@secret store.
祕藏寶鑰 [ヒゾウホウヤク]@(title) Gilded Key to the Secret Vault.
祕蜜藏 [ヒミツゾウ]@(term) secret (dharma) store.
祕要 [ヒヨウ]@The mysterious crux.
祖堂 [ソドウ]@(term) ancestor's hall.
祖宗 [ソシュウ]@patriarchal teaching.
祖宗 [ソソウ]@patriarchal teaching.
祖師 [ソシ]@deacon.
祝■ [シュクトウ]@prayer tablet.
祝聖 [シュクシン]@offer a prayer for the longevity and good health of the king or
神 [ジン]@supernatural; supernatural function.
神力 [ジンリキ]@supernatural powers.
神咒 [ジンシュ]@(foreign) One Chinese translation for mantra or dh■ra■■.
神境通 [ジンキョウツウ]@power of unimpeded bodily action.
神智 [ジンチ]@divine wisdom, supernatural wisdom.
神會 [ジンネ]@(person) Shenhui.
神行 [ジンギョウ]@(person) Sinhaeng.
神講寺 [ジンゴウジ]@(temple) Jing■ji.
神變 [ジンぺン]@supernatural transformation(s); supernatural power(s); magical
神足通 [ジンソクツウ]@supernatural power of unimpeded bodily function.
神通 [ジンズウ]@excellent wisdom.
神通光 [ジンズウギョウ]@supernatural light.
神通第一 [ジンツウダイイチ]@first in the degree of attainment occult powers.
神通遊戲經 [ジンツウユキキョウ]@(title) Shentong youxi jing.
祠祀 [シシ]@(term) religious ritual.
祠祭鬼 [シサイキ]@(foreign) Chinese translation of the Sanskrit term yak■a 夜叉.
祭 [サイ]@sacrifice or make offerings to one's ancestors.
禀 [ホン]@natural endowment, inherent, inborn..
禁 [ゴン]@prohibition, ban.
禁惡 [ゴンアク]@prevent evil; stop wrongdoing.
禁戒 [ゴンカイ]@precept(s), commandment(s), instructions, regulations.
禁毘羅 [ゴンビラ]@crocodile.
禁足 [ゴンショク]@no walking.
禍福 [カフク]@misfortune and fortune; fate, destiny.
福 [フク]@fortune, blessing.
福亮 [フクリョウ]@(person) Fuliang.
福伽羅 [フクカラ]@personal identity.
福先寺 [フクセンジ]@(temple) Fuxian si.
福分 [フクブン]@the part of the path to enlightenment that is based on merit.
福■ [フクトク]@beneficial practices.
福慧 [フクエ]@good actions and wisdom.
福方丈 [フクホウジョウ]@(term) assistant abbot.
福智 [フクチ]@virtue and wisdom.
福業 [フクゴウ]@meritorious activity.
福生天 [フクショウテン]@(term) heaven of merit production.
福田 [フクデン]@(term) field of blessings; field of merit.
福聚 [フクシュ]@(term) accumulated blessings.
■婆達多 [テイバダツタ]@Devadatta.
禪 [ゼン]@(term) meditation.
禪三昧 [ゼンザンマイ]@meditation and concentration.
禪僧 [ゼンソウ]@Chan monk.
禪到彼岸 [ゼントウヒガン]@(term) perfection of concentration.
禪圖 [ゼンズ]@(title) Chan Chart.
禪學 [ゼンガク]@discipline of meditation.
禪宗 [ゼンシュウ]@meditational school.
禪宗永嘉集 [ゼンシュウヨウカシュウ]@(title) Chanzong yongjia ji.
禪宗永嘉集科註■誼 [ゼンシュウヨウカシュウカチュウセツギ]@(title) Annotated
Redaction of the Text and Commentaries to the Compilation of Yung-chia of the Chan
禪定 [ゼンジョウ]@(term) meditation.(term) concentration.
禪家龜鑑 [ゼンケキカン]@(title) S■nga kwigam.
禪師 [ゼンジ]@meditation master.
禪師 [ゼンシ]@meditation master.
禪■ [ゼンエツ]@bliss.
禪林寺 [ゼンリンジ]@(temple) Zenrinji.
禪法 [ゼンホウ]@path of meditation.
禪波羅蜜 [ゼンハラミツ]@perfection of concentration.stillness of mind.
禪淨雙修 [ゼンジョウソウシュ]@combined practice of Chan and Pure Land.
禪源諸詮集都序 [ゼンゲンショセンシュウトジョ]@(title) Preface to the Collection
of Chan Sources.
禪經修行方便 [ゼンキョウシュギョウホウベン]@(title) Sutra of the Expedient
Practices of Meditation.
禪那 [ゼンナ]@(term) dhy■na.
禪門拈頌集 [ゼンモンネンショウシュウ]@(title) Compilation of Examinations of
and Verses on Ancient Precedents.
禮 [ライ]@ceremony, ritual.
禮拜 [ライハイ]@worship.
禮拜門 [ライハイモン]@worship of the image of Amit■bha.
禹行 [ウギョウ]@(person) Uhaeng.
禾 [カ]@grain, millet.
禿 [トク]@bald.
禿人 [トクニン]@baldie--a monk or nun.
禿奴 [トクヌ]@baldie--a monk or nun.
禿居士 [カブロコジ]@baldie--a monk or nun.
禿居士 [トクコジ]@baldie--a monk or nun.
禿居士 [トクコジ]@baldie--a monk or nun.
秀演 [スエン]@(person) Suy■n.
秀能 [シュウノウ]@Shen and Neng.
私 [シ]@myself, I, me.
私多 [シタ]@(place) S■t■.
私婆■ [シバタ]@(person) Vasi■tha.
私陀 [シダ]@(place) S■t■.
秉拂 [ヒンポツ]@(term) taking the whisk.
秉炬 [ヒンコ]@(term) holding the torch.
秉炬 [ヘイコ]@(term) holding the torch.
科 [カ]@gist, outline, main points.
科文 [カモン]@break a sutra or treatise down into small sections for exegesis and
秘 [ヒ]@spiritual, marvelous.
秣兔羅 [バトラ]@(place) Madhur■.
稀飯 [キハン]@(term) congee.
稟 [ホン]@endowment.
種 [シュ]@(term) seed.
種姓 [シュショウ]@family.
種子 [シュシ]@seeds.
種子 [シュジ]@seeds.
種子六義 [シュシロクギ]@(term) six characteristics of seeds:.
種子識 [シュシシキ]@(term) seed consciousness.
種性 [シュショウ]@(term) seed nature.
種智 [シュチ]@perfect buddha-wisdom that fully knows every single thing in existence.
種知 [シュチ]@comprehensive knowledge of particular things.
種種 [シュシュ]@various, diverse, varied.
種種事 [シュシュジ]@various phenomena.
種種事功■ [シュシュジクドク]@meritorious virtues of various phenomena.
種種智 [シュジュチ]@knowledge of all realms; knowledge of all objective things;
種種相 [シュシュソウ]@various forms of; various aspects of.
種種知 [シュシュチ]@the knowledge that correctly discriminates all distinct
種種觀 [シュシュカン]@Vipa■yin.
種識 [シュシキ]@seed consciousness.
稱 [ショウ]@praise, admire.
稱友 [ショウユウ]@(person) Ya■omitra.
稱名 [ショウミョウ]@invoke the name.
稱法 [ショウホウ]@accord with the dharma.
稱理 [ショウリ]@accord with reality.
稱讚七佛名號功■經 [ショウサンシチブツミョウゴウクトクキョウ]@(xref) An
alternative title for the 受持七佛名號所生功■經.
稱讚大乘功■經 [ショウサンダイジョウクトクキョウ]@(title) Sutra on the Merit of
Extolling Mah■y■na.
稱讚如來功■神呪經 [ショウサンニョライクドクシンジュキョウ]@(title)
Chengzan rulai gongde shenzhou jing.
稱讚淨土佛攝受經 [ショウサンジョウトブツショウジュキョウ]@(title) Sutra In
Praise of the Pure Land.
稱量 [ショウリョウ]@determine.
稱體裁衣 [ショウタイサイエ]@cut the garments according to the body.
稻田衣 [トウデンエ]@monk's robe.
稽 [ケイ]@think [考].
稽式 [ケイシキ]@model.
稽首 [ケイシュ]@worship by bowing one's head to the Buddha's feet.
穀酒 [コクシュ]@grain alcohol.
積 [セキ]@to accumulate; to pile up.
積聚 [シャクジュ]@gathering of various elements to create one thing.
積集 [シャクシュウ]@gather.
穢 [エ]@defile, stain, pollute.
穢 [アイ]@defile, stain, pollute.
穢土 [エド]@the defiled world, secular world.
穢欲 [エヨク]@polluted desire.
究 [キュウ]@go to the end of.
究槃荼 [キュウバンダ]@Kumbh■■■a.
究竟 [キュウキョウ]@unsurpassed, final; ultimate.
究竟一乘寶性論 [キュウキョウイチジョウホウショウロン]@(title)
究竟位 [クキョウイ]@fruit of Buddhahood.
究竟佛 [クキョウブツ]@ultimate buddha.
究竟■ [クキョウソク]@stage of complete enlightenment.
究竟大悲經 [クキョウダイヒキョウ]@Scripture on Ultimate Great Compassion.
究竟樂 [クキョウラク]@perfect bliss.
究竟法身 [クキョウホッシン]@perfect dharma-body.
究竟涅槃 [クキョウネハン]@(term) final nirvana.
究竟覺 [クキョウカク]@(term) ultimate enlightenment.
究竟道 [クキョウドウ]@ultimate path.
空 [クウ]@(term) emptiness.
空一切處 [クウイッサイショ]@emptiness everywhere.
空三昧 [クウザンマイ]@(foreign) sam■dhi of emptiness.
空也 [クウヤ]@(person) K■ya, K■ya.
空也 [コウヤ]@(person) K■ya, K■ya.
空假中 [クウゲチュウ]@emptiness, existence, and the mean.
空劫 [クウゴウ]@aeons of nothingness.
空劫 [クウコウ]@aeons of nothingness.
空勤修念住 [クウゴンシュネンジュウ]@base of mindfulness of the cultivation of
空却 [クウキャク]@annihilating.
空■是色 [クウソクゼシキ]@(term) emptiness is form.
空如來藏 [クウニョライゾウ]@tath■gatagarbha which is itself empty.
空寂 [ジャク]@void and tranquil.
空居天 [クウゴテン]@gods of the sky.
空■處 [クウヘンショ]@emptiness everywhere.
空性 [クウショウ]@emptiness.
空教 [キョウ]@teaching of emptiness.
空有 [クウウ]@empty and existent.
空法 [クウホウ]@the dharma of emptiness.
空無 [クウム]@emptiness.
空無我 [ムガ]@emptiness and no-self.
空無邊處 [クウムヘンショ]@nature of limitless space.
空無邊處地 [クウムヘンショチ]@realm of infinite space.
空王 [クウオウ]@king of emptiness.
空理 [クウリ]@principle of emptiness.
空界 [クウカイ]@space.
空相 [クウソウ]@mark of emptiness.
空相 [クウゾウ]@mark of emptiness.
空眞如 [クウシンニョ]@empty aspect of thusness.
空空 [クウクウ]@emptiness of emptiness.
空華 [ケ]@(term) sky-flowers.
空處 [ショ]@first stage of the formless realm.
空見 [クウケン]@view of emptiness.
空觀 [クウガン]@(term) observing emptiness.
空解 [クウゲ]@understanding of emptiness.
空解■門 [クウゲダツモン]@liberation through emptiness.
空輪 [クウリン]@wheels of space.
空門 [クウモン]@teaching of emptiness.
突吉羅 [トキラ]@(minor) misdeeds; misdemeanors.
突瑟几理多 [トシキリタ]@(minor) misdeeds.
突膝吉栗多 [トシキリタ]@(minor) misdeeds.
■ [ソツ]@(term) st■pa.
■吐羅 [ソットラ]@serious crime.
■吐羅底也 [ソトラテイヤ]@serious crime.
窮生死陰 [キュウショウシオン]@aggregate that endures throughout transmigration.
窶具■ [クグラ]@Persian incense.
窺基 [キキ]@(person) Kuiji.
竊 [セツ]@to steal.
立 [リュウ]@establish, to make, to posit, to put into place, to set up.
立因 [リュウイン]@upholding or establishing cause.
立我 [リュウガ]@to posit a self.
立教 [リッキョウ]@establish a school.
立正 [リッショウ]@establishing the correct dharma.
立法 [リュウホウ]@manifesting the correct principle.
立破 [リュウハ]@establish and refute (a doctrine).
立義 [リュウギ]@establish the meaning of; posit the significance of.
立義分 [リュウギブン]@section on positing the meaning.
立量 [リュウリョウ]@state a proposition.
站板 [タンバン]@(term) stopping board.
竟 [キョウ]@finish, end.
章 [ショウ]@sentence, article, composition, chapter.
童子 [ドウジ]@prince.
童子 [ワラワ]@prince.
童眞住 [ドウシンジュウ]@(term) abiding of the true child.
竪 [ジュ]@cause; bring about [on].
竪出 [シュシュツ]@the long way of escape from mortality.
竪出 [ジュシュツ]@the long way of escape from mortality.
竪望 [シュモウ]@temporally.
竭 [ケツ]@exhaust, complete.
端正 [タンショウ]@correct, upright posture, especially while practicing meditation.
竹 [タケ]@bamboobamboo grove.
竹林 [チクリン]@bamboo grove.
竹林寺 [チクリンジ]@(temple) Chikurinji.
竹林精舍 [チクリンショウジャ]@(place) Ve■uvana-vih■ra.
竹苑 [チクエン]@Ve■uvana monastery.
竺 [ジク]@India.
竺佛念 [ジクブツネン]@(person) Zhu fonian.
竺土 [チクト]@India.
竺曇摩羅察 [チクタンマラサ]@(person) Indu-dharmarak■a.
竺法力 [ジクホウリキ]@(person) Dharmabala.
竺法蘭 [ジクホウラン]@(person) Gobharana.
竺法護 [ジクホウゴ]@(person) (230?-316) Dharmarak■a.
竺經 [チクキョウ]@Indian scriptures.
竺葉摩騰 [チクショウマトウ]@(person) K■■yapa M■ta■ga.
竿 [カン]@staff.
笈多 [ギュウタ]@(person) Gupta.
第一 [ダイイチ]@best, greatest, first.
第一次結集 [ダイイチシケツジュウ]@first council.
第一結集 [ダイイチケツジュウ]@First Council.
第一義空 [ダイイチギクウ]@emptiness in its cardinal meaning.
第一義諦 [ダイイチギタイ]@(term) absolute truth.
第七 [ダイシチ]@seventh.
第七識 [ダイシチシキ]@seventh (manas) consciousness.
第三心 [ダイサンシン]@third of three progressive contemplations of emptiness.
第三手 [ダイサンシュ]@third hand.
第三篇 [ダイサンヘン]@third rank of offenses in the vinaya.
第三結集 [ダイサンケケツジュウ]@(term) Third Buddhist Council.
第三聚 [ダイサンシュ]@the third group of offenses.
第九識 [ダイクシキ]@ninth consciousness.
第二執識 [ダイニ]@second attached consciousness.
第二執識 [シュウシキ]@second attached consciousness.
第二果 [ダイニカ]@(term) second attainment of the ■r■vaka path.
第二篇 [ダイニヘン]@the second category of violations of the vinaya.
第二結集 [ダイニケツジュウ]@(term) second Buddhist Council.
第二集 [ダイニシュウ]@Second Buddhist Council.
第二集法藏 [ダイニシュウホウゾウ]@Second Buddhist Council.
第二頭 [ダイニトウ]@second head.
第五篇 [ダイゴヘン]@fifth rank of offenses (in the vinaya).
第八識 [ダイハッシキ]@eighth consciousness.
第十八願 [ダイジュウハチガン]@eighteenth vow.
第四結集 [ダイシケチシュウ]@fourth Buddhist Council.
等 [トウ]@and so forth, et cetera, and, the like.
等一切佛 [トウイッサイブツ]@equal to all buddhas.
等分 [トウブン]@the factors that make things similar to each other.
等同 [トウドウ]@be the same.
等持 [トウジ]@sam■dhi.
等施 [トウセ]@bestowed equally or universally.
等智 [トウチ]@(term) worldly wisdom.
等正覺 [トウショウカク]@perfect supreme enlightenment.
等活地獄 [トウカツジゴク]@hell of the repetition of painful life.
等流 [トウル]@concordance; continuity of sameness; derived from the same
source.similar species.
等流心 [トウルジン]@mind retaining similar tendencies before and after karmic
等流果 [トウルカ]@(term) homogenous production; related results; similarity in the
等流異熟 [トウルイジュク]@maturation (of causes) of the same type.
等無間 [トウムケン]@in continuous succession without break.
等無間■ [トウムケンエン]@(term) causation through similar and immediately
antecedent conditions.
等至 [トウシ]@(term) sam■patti.
等覺 [トウガク]@(term) equal enlightenment.
等起 [トウキ]@appear.
等起善 [トウキゼン]@manifest physical activities and verbal expressions that are
based on virtuous mental functions.
筏喩 [バツユ]@(term) parable of the raft.
筏蘇蜜■羅 [バッソミッタラ]@Vasumitra.
答 [トウ]@answer.
算數 [サンジュ]@count.
管得 [カントク]@experience.
節 [セツ]@joint, knuckle.
節 [セチ]@joint, knuckle.
範 [ハン]@rule, law.
範圍 [ハンイ]@limit.
範宴 [ハンエン]@(person) Hannen.
篇 [ヘン]@an article.
篇 [ヒン]@an article.
篇聚 [ヒンジュ]@two kinds of classifications of precepts.
篇聚 [ヘンジュ]@two kinds of classifications of precepts.
篇門 [ヒンモン]@classification of precepts.
篇門 [ヘンモン]@classification of precepts.
篤 [トク]@warm, hearty.
簡 [ケン]@to choose, to examine, determine.
簡別 [ケンベツ]@to discriminate.
簡擇 [ケンチャク]@to select, choose, distinguish.
簡言 [ケンゴン]@to delimit, clarify, select, for the sake of clearing away error in a
rational argument.
籌 [チュウ]@small stake or stick.
籤 [セン]@lot, ballot, ticket.
米頭 [ベイジュウ]@monk in charge of the rice.
粗惡 [ソアク]@serious crime.
粗罪 [ソザイ]@serious crime.
粗過 [ソカ]@serious crime.
粥 [カユ]@(term) congee.
粥 [シュク]@(term) congee.
精勤 [ショウゴン]@to endeavor.
精明 [ショウミョウ]@Exact, lucid, explicit, distinct;.
精神 [ショウジン セイシン]@mind; spirit.
精舍 [ショウジャ]@temple, monastery,.
精詳 [ショウショウ]@Minute, detailed, exact.
精進 [ショウジン]@(term) effort.(term) vigor.(term) diligence.
精進到彼岸 [ショウシントウヒガン]@The perfection of effort.
精進根 [ショウジンコン]@faculty of zeal.
精進波羅蜜 [ショウジンハラミツ]@The perfection of effort.
精進波羅蜜多 [ショウジンハラミッタ]@the perfection of effort.
■帽地 [サンボウチ]@perfect awareness.
糞 [フン]@dung, excrement, shit.
糞穢 [フンエ]@excrement; shit; sewage.
糟酒 [ソウシュ]@unrefined alcoholic beverages.
糲竭節 [ライカセツ]@staff.
紀哩■ [キリダ]@citta, mind, mental, thought, heart.
約 [アク]@concerning...; seen from such-and-such a standpoint.
約教 [アクキョウ]@seeing from the viewpoint of a particular doctrine..
約淨天 [ヤクジョウテン]@(term) heaven of lesser purity.
紅衣 [クエ]@(term) abbot's robe.
納衣 [ノウエ]@patchwork garment.
純 [ジュン]@pure, unadulterated.
純密 [ジュンミツ]@pure esoterism.
純陀 [ジュンタ]@(person) Cunda.
紛然 [フンネン]@be in trouble.
紛紜 [フンウン]@Out of order.
素 [ソ]@simple, unadorned. Purity, simplicity.
素怛纜 [ソタンラン]@sutra.
素憺纜 [ソタラン]@(term) An old transliteration of the Sanskrit s■tra.
素懷 [ソカイ]@one's original intent.
索 [サク]@rope, a cord.
索隱 [サクオン]@seek the occult.
紫磨金 [シマゴン]@pure gold with a violet tinge.
紫磨金身 [シマゴンシン]@golden Buddha-body tinged with violet.
累 [ルイ]@fetters.
細 [サイ]@subtle, delicate, small, minute.
細惑現行障 [サイワクゲンギョウショウ]@(term) subtle hindrances regarding
manifest activity.
細滑欲 [サイカツヨク]@sexual attraction to softness, or smoothness.
細滑欲 [サイコツヨク]@sexual attraction to softness, or smoothness.
細相 [サイソウ]@subtle marks; subtle characteristics.
細輕相識 [サイキョウソウシキ]@rarefied, or pliant aspect of the store consciousness,.
紺蒲 [カンボ]@(place) Kamboja.
終南大師 [シュウナンダイシ]@(person) Zhongnan Dashi.
終日 [シュウジツ]@all day; the whole day.
終生 [シュウショウ]@final production.
終而復始 [シュウジフクシ]@finish and start over again.
結 [ケツ]@tie up, join together, link.
結使 [ケッシ]@affliction; defilement.
結制 [ケッセイ]@stay with resolve in the meditation retreat.
結夏 [ケッカ]@beginning of the summer meditation retreat.
結恨 [ケッコン]@to form a grudge; hold a resentment.
結戒 [ケッカイ]@systematize the precepts.
結生 [ケッショウ]@conception.linking of rebirth; moment of linking.
結生相續 [ケッショウソウゾク]@linking of rebirths; conception; continuity of
結界 [ケッカイ]@fixing the boundary, a certain area.
結社 [ケチシャ]@community dedicated to a common goal in religious practice.
結經 [ケチキョウ]@buddhist council.
結縛 [ケツバク]@condition of bondage due to affliction.
結罪 [ケツザイ]@commission of an offense; the consummation of a crime.
結跏 [ケッカ]@lotus position.
結跏趺坐 [ケッカフザ]@(term) lotus Position.
結過 [ケッカ]@completion of an offense; the commission of a crime.
結重 [ケツジュウ]@commission of a grave offense.
結集 [ケツジュウ]@buddhist council which is held to settle questions of orthodoxy.
給孤獨 [ギツコドク]@(person) An■thapindika.
統 [トウ]@govern, rule, control.
統紀 [トウキ]@chronicle.
絶 [ゼツ]@cut off, to sever, interrupt, finish, be done with, end, stop, put a stop to,
exhaust, end, die.
絶慮 [ゼツリョ]@end false discrimination.
絶戯論智 [ゼツケロンチ]@the wisdom that is free from conceptual play.
絶戲論智 [ゼツキロンチ]@wisdom that is free from conceptual elaboration.
絶觀論 [ゼッカンロン]@Treatise on the Transcendence of Cognition.
經 [キョウ]@scripture.(term) Chinese translation of the Sanskrit term s■tra.
經典 [キョウテン]@scripture.
經典結集 [キョウテンケツジュウ]@Buddhist council held to settle disagreements
regarding orthodoxy.
經堂 [キョウドウ]@(term) sutra hall.
經宗 [キョウシュウ]@main doctrinal theme of a particular scripture.
經家 [キョウケ]@primary audience of the teaching of a scripture.
經師 [キョウジ]@master of the scriptures.
經師 [キョウシ]@master of the scriptures.
經庫 [キョウコ]@sutra repository.
經律異相 [キョウリツイソウ]@(title) Jinglu yixiang.
經教 [キョウキョウ]@teaching of the scriptures.
經旨 [キョウシ]@the meaning of the scriptures.
經樓 [キョウロウ]@sutra room.
經權 [キョウゴン]@the constant and the expedient.
經法 [キョウホウ]@scriptures of the law.
經源 [キョウゲン]@(person) Ky■gen.
經目 [キョウモク]@title of a scripture.
經緯 [キョウイ]@Horizontal and vertical.
經藏 [キョウゾウ]@sutra repository.
經行 [キンヒン]@walk around.
經論 [キョウロン]@sutras and ■■stras.
經部 [キョウブ]@(school) Sautr■ntika sect.
經部宗 [キョウブシュウ]@(school) Sautr■ntika.
經量部 [キョウリョウブ]@(school) Sautr■ntika.
綜理衆經目■ [ソウリシュウキョウモクロク]@(title) Comprehensive Catalog of
■豆 [リョクズ]@kidney beans.
■豆 [ロクズ]@kidney beans.
■豆 [リョクトウ]@kidney beans.
維摩 [ユイマ]@(person) transcription of the name Vimalak■rti,.
維摩堂 [ユイマドウ]@Yuimad■.
維摩會 [ユイマエ]@(term) ritual for the Vimalak■rti-nirde■a-s■tra.
維摩經文疏 [ユイマギョウブンソ]@(title) Commentary on the Passages of the
Vimalak■rti Sutra.
維摩經玄疏 [ユイマギョウゲンソ]@(title) Profound Commentary on the Vimalak■rti
維摩經略疏 [ユイマギョウリャクソ]@(title) Weimo jing lue shou.
維摩經疏 [ユイマギョウソ]@(title) Weimo jing shu.
維摩詰經 [ユイマキツキョウ]@(title) Vimalak■rti-nirde■a-s■tra.
維衞 [イエイ]@Vipa■yin.
綱要 [コウヨウ]@An outline of a doctrine, text, etc..
綺語 [キゴ]@smooth, fancy talk that is used to conceal the truth.
綺飾 [キショク]@decorate ornately.
緇門警訓 [シモンケイクン]@(title) Zimen jingxun.
緊拏羅 [キンナラ]@(foreign) One of the alternative transcriptions of ki■nara.
緊捺洛 [キンナラク]@(foreign) one of the alternative transcriptions of ki■nara.
緊擔路 [キンタンロ]@(foreign) One of the alternative transcriptions of ki■nara.
緊要 [キンヨウ]@Most important, most essential.
緊那羅 [キンナラ]@ki■nara.
■ [エン]@indirect causes; conditions.
■事 [エンジ]@things and affairs as conditions--as karma.
■他依止我見 [エンタエシガケン]@other-dependent view of self.
■取生有 [エンシュショウウ]@Conditioned by grasping, being arises.
■因 [エンイン]@(term) contributory cause.
■影 [エンヨウ]@(term) objective images.
■心 [エンシン]@contingent mind, or conditioned mind.
■慮 [エンリョ]@thought, conceptualization that is based on, or conditioned by the six
■會 [エンエ]@coming together of various conditions.
■有 [エンウ]@dependently-arisen existence.
■業 [エンゴウ]@dependent origination and karma--the Buddhist teachings.
■氣 [エンキ]@conditioned energy.
■法 [エンホウ]@conditioned dharmas.
■生 [エンショウ]@produced by causal conditions.
■相 [エンソウ]@cognition of objects; marks of conditions.
■行 [エンギョウ]@conditioned activity; dependent origination and karma.
■行生識 [エンギョウショウシキ]@conditioned by karmic formation, consciousness
■覺 [エンガク]@enlightened by contemplation on dependent arising.
■諦 [エンタイ]@in reference to the noble truths.
■識 [エンジキ]@(term) causal consciousness.
■起 [エンギ]@dependent origination, conditioned genesis, dependent co-arising, etc..
■起因分 [エンギインブン]@causal viewpoint of conditioned arising.
■起流記資材帳 [エンキルキシサイチョウ]@A Record of History and Material
■起經 [エンキキョウ]@(title) Sutra on Conditioned Arising.
■起聖道經 [エンキショウドウキョウ]@(title) Sutra of ■rya Teachings on
Conditioned Arising.
■銷 [エンショウ]@erasure of conditions.
練根 [レンコン]@polish one's abilities.
練若 [レンニャ]@forest.
縒摩吠陀 [サマハイダ]@S■ma-veda-sa■hit■.
縛 [バク]@binding, bonds, fetters; therefore, affliction or defilement.
縛■拏 [バクロナ]@(name) Varu■a.
縛日羅 [バジラ]@(term) vajra.
縛日羅播多羅 [バクニラハタラ]@(name) V■rabhadra.
縛矩羅 [バクラ]@Bakkula.
縱廣 [ショウコウ]@length and breadth.
總 [ソウ]@(term) overall, in general, generally speaking; generic (pi■■a-artha).
總別 [ソウベツ]@general and specific aspects.
總別二業 [ソウベツニゴウ]@two karmas of generalizing and particularizing.
總名 [ソウミョウ]@general (generic) name or term for something.
總報 [ソウホウ]@(term) species retribution.
總括 [ソウカツ]@comprehensively include.
總持 [ソウジ]@hold to the good, trying not to give rise to evil.
總持寶光明經 [ソウジホウコウミョウキョウ]@(title) Zongchi baoguangming jing.
總擧 [ソウキョ]@to bring general attention to.
總業 [ソウゴウ]@generalizing karma.
總標 [ソウヒョウ]@general outline.
總相 [ソウソウ]@general characteristics.
總結 [ソウケチ]@summary.
總■ [ソウセツ]@generally speaking.
總釋 [ソウシャク]@a general explanation.
繁縛 [ハンバク]@be entangled.
繋屬 [ケゾク]@bound on.
繋屬於心 [ケイゾクオシン]@belonging to the (aggregate of consciousness) mind.
繋心一處 [ケイシンイッショ]@harness the mind to a single point.
繋縛 [ケバク]@fetters.
繕摩 [センマ]@birth.
繩 [ジョウ]@rope (made of straw or hemp).
繩床 [ジョウショウ]@hammock.
■ [ケイ]@be tied, tethered, attached. Another term for defilement.
■屬 [ケイゾク]@be bound up, fastened, tethered.
■縛 [ケバク]@bind up.
■辭 [ケイジ]@(title) Xici.
纂要 [サンヨウ]@collected essentials.
續傳燈■ [ゾクデントウロク]@(title) Transmission of the Lamp.
續古今譯經圖紀 [ゾクコゴンヤクキョウズキ]@(title) Xu gujin yijing tuji tu-chi.
續華嚴經略疏刊定記 [ゾクケゴンキョウリャクソカンジョウキ]@(title) Xu
Huayan jing lue shou kan ding ji.
續高僧傳 [ゾクコウソウデン]@(title) Continuation of The Biographies of Eminent
纏 [テン]@(xref) afflictions in an active, manifest 現行 state.
纏垢 [デンク]@Active, manifest defilements.
纏隨眠 [デンズイミン]@active entanglement and latency.
纒 [テン]@afflictions in an active, manifest state.
缺 [ケツ]@be deficient.
缺 [ケツ]@deficient.
缺 [ケン]@deficient.
■ [ハツ]@begging bowl.
■礙 [ケゲ]@covering, veil, obscuration.
■礙 [ケイゲ]@covering, veil, obscuration.
罪 [ザイ]@sin, crime, offense, fault, blame, misconduct.
罪報 [ザイホウ]@retribution for evil acts.
罪業 [ザイゴウ]@(term) crime.(term) sin.
罪福 [ザイフク]@punishment and reward, evil karma and good karma.
罪輕重 [ザイキョウジュウ]@the seriousness of a crime.
罰 [バツ]@crime, offense.
罵 [メ]@scolding; abusing.
罵意經 [メキョウ]@(title) Mayi jing.
■賓 [ケイヒン]@(place) Ka■m■ra.
■賓國 [ケイヒンコク]@(place) Ka■m■ra.
■那尸棄 [ケイナシキ]@■ikhin.
羅 [ラ]@a net.
羅刹 [ラセツ]@(term) a r■k■asa.
羅刹女 [ラセツニョ]@(term) r■k■as■.
羅刹娑 [ラセツシャ]@(foreign) r■k■asa.
羅怙羅 [ラ*ラ]@(name) R■hula.
羅漢 [ラカン]@(foreign) luohan.
羅漢殿 [ラカンテン]@(term) hall of the 16 arhats.
羅■曜 [ラゴヨウ]@R■hu, the spirit that causes eclipses.
羅■羅 [ラゴラ]@(person) R■hula.
羅■羅多 [ラゴラタ]@(person) R■hulata.
羅網 [ラモウ]@net(s).
羅■ [ラゴク]@refined silk gauze.
羅須倫 [ラシュリン]@titan.
羈 [キ]@to tie, tether, bind.
羊 [ヨウ]@sheep, goat.
羊乘 [ヨウジョウ]@goat cart.
羊毛塵 [ヨウモウジン]@speck of dust on the hair of a sheep.
羊石 [ヨウセキ]@karma.
羊車 [ヨウシャ]@goat cart.
美音 [ビオン]@Beautiful Sound.
美音天 [ビオンテン]@Sarasvat■.
美音天 [ミオンデン]@Sarasvat■.
群 [グン]@a group, a bunch, a flock.
群品 [グンボン]@All kinds of sentient beings.
群有 [グンウ]@all existence.
群盲 [グンモウ]@blind masses.
義 [ギ]@affair, object, thing, substance.
義士 [ギシ]@righteous monk(s).
義天 [ギテン]@(person) ■ich'■n.
義學 [ギガク]@doctrinal study.
義沾 [ギセン]@(person) ■ich■m.
義淨 [ギジョウ]@(person) Yijing.
義淵 [ギエン]@(person) Gien.
義湘 [ギショウ]@(person) ■isang.
義理 [ギリ]@reason, principle.
義趣 [ギシュ]@the gist, meaning, import.
義邊 [ギヘン]@a meaning from a certain perspective.
義門 [ギモン]@a particular doctrinal approach.
羯摩 [カツマ]@karman.
羯磨 [カツマ]@deed, action, activity.
羯磨 [コンマ]@deed, action, activity.
羯磨師 [カツマシ]@reciting preceptor.
羯磨師 [コンマシ]@reciting preceptor.
羯磨杵 [カツマショ]@(foreign) cross-shaped vajra.
羯磨阿闍梨 [ケツマアジャリ]@(term) reciting preceptor.
羯磨阿闍梨 [コンマアジャリ]@(term) reciting preceptor.
羯磨阿闍梨 [ケモアジャリ]@(term) reciting preceptor.
羯磨阿闍■ [ケツマアジャリ]@reciting preceptor.
羯磨阿闍黎 [ケツマアジャライ]@reciting preceptor.
羯■那 [カチナ]@garment of merits.
羯羅微 [コンラミ]@fire-eater.
羯羅藍 [カララン]@first fetal stage.
羯諾耶 [カダクヤ]@a type of spear.
羯諾野 [カダクヤ]@a type of spear.
羸 [ルイ]@weak, powerless, energyless.
羸劣 [ルイレツ]@weak, lacking power.
■底 [センテイ]@bear, endure, stand, put up with.
■提 [センダイ]@bear, endure, stand, put up with.
■提波羅蜜多 [サンダイハラミッタ]@(term) patience.
習 [シュウ]@(xref) an abbreviation for 習氣, habit energies.
習因 [シュウイン]@(term) habit cause.
習忍 [シュウニン]@The practice of the tolerances, initiated in the Path of Seeing.
習成 [シュウジョウ]@proclivities (seeds) which are cultivated in the present lifetime.
習成種姓 [シュウジョウシュショウ]@(xref) Proclivities (seeds 種子) which are
cultivated in the present lifetime.
習成種子 [シュウジョウシュシ]@Seeds developed through the habituation that occurs
in the present lifetime.
習所成種姓 [シュウショジョウシュショウ]@proclivities (seeds) which are
cultivated in the present lifetime.
習所成種性 [シュウショジョウシュショウ]@seed-nature developed from
習果 [シュウカ]@effects that are directly conditioned from their causes.
習氣 [ジッケ]@(term) habit energies.
習種子 [シュウシュシ]@habituated seeds.
習種性 [シュウシュショウ]@proclivity acquired by practice..
翕 [キュウ]@To arise, to occur.
翕 [コウ]@To arise, to occur.
翠微 [スイビ]@(person) Ch'wimi.
翰醒 [カンショウ]@(person) Hans■ng.
翳 [エイ]@partially blind.
■翔 [コウショウ]@soar.
翻 [ホン]@opposite, opposing.
翻經 [ホンギョウ]@to translate the Buddhist scriptures.
翻經院 [ホンキョウイン]@a translation center.
翻譯名義集 [ホンヤクミョウギシュウ]@Compilation of Translated Buddhist Terms.
翼 [ヨク]@assist.
翼從 [ヨクジュウ]@assist.
老 [ロウ]@(term) old age, decay (jar■).
老古錐 [ロウコスイ]@old awl.
老和尚 [ロウワショウ]@(term) retired abbot.
老子 [ロウシ]@(person) Laozi.
老子化胡經 [ロウシケコキョウ]@(title) Sutra on the Conversion of the Barbarians.
老宿 [ロウシュク]@long disciplined.
老■槌 [ロウリュウツイ]@old pestle.
老死 [ロウシ]@old age and death.
老苦 [ロウク]@suffering of old age.
老迦葉 [ロウカショウ]@(person) P■ra■a-k■■yapa.
考 [コウ]@think, plan, reflect on.
考察研究 [コウサツケンキュウ]@M■m■■sa.
耆 [キ]@old; old man.
耆婆 [キバ]@(person) Jivaka.
耆年 [ギネン]@elder.
耆闍崛山 [ギシャクッセン]@(place) G■dhrak■■a.
而安 [ジアン]@(person) Ian.
■ [ネン]@weak, feeble.
■中上 [ネンチュウジョウ]@inferior, middling, and superior.
耳 [ニ]@ear.
耳根 [ニコン]@(term) auditory faculty.
耳識 [ニシキ]@(term) auditory consciousness.
耳輪 [ニリン]@earring.
耶 [ヤ]@(foreign) transliteration of the ya sound into Chinese.
耶舍 [ヤシャ]@(person) Ya■a.
耶見 [ヤケン]@mistaken views.
耶輸陀羅 [ヤシュダラ]@(person) Yo■adhar■.
耽源 [トンゲン]@Danyuan.
耽著 [トンジャク]@(term) addiction.
聖 [ショウ]@sage, a saint.
聖主 [ショウス]@holy lord.
聖主 [ショウジュ]@holy lord.
聖人 [ショウニン]@(term) saint.(term) holy man.
聖位 [ショウイ]@station of sagehood.
聖住山 [ショウジュウザン]@(school) S■ngju san.
聖佛母小字般若波羅蜜多經 [ショウブツモショウジハンニャクヒラミツタキョウ]
@(title) Perfection of Wisdom of the Little Mother Syllables.
聖佛母般若波羅蜜多經 [ショウブツモハンニャハラミツタキョウ]@(title)
Perfection of Wisdom of the Sacred Buddha-Mothers.
聖僧 [ショウソウ]@holy monk.
聖八道 [ショウハチドウ]@holy eightfold path.
聖冑 [ショウチュウ]@(person) ■ryavarman.
聖凡 [ショウボン]@(Enlightened) sage and (unenlightened) worldling.
聖地 [ショウチ]@stage of enlightenment.
聖多羅菩薩一百八名陀羅尼經 [ショウタラボサイッピャクハチミョウダラニキョ
ウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the One Hundred and Eight Names of Saint T■r■.
聖大總持王經 [ショウダイソウジオウキョウ]@(title) Great Holy Dh■ra■■.
聖天 [ショウデン]@(person) ■ryadeva.
聖天 [ショウテン]@(person) ■ryadeva.
聖寶 [ショウホウ]@(person) Sh■b■.
聖■太子 [ショウトクタイシ]@(person) Sh■toku Taishi.
聖■太子傳古今目■抄 [ショウトクタイシデンココンモクロクショウ]@(title)
Catalogue of Ancient and Modern Prince Sh■toku Biographies.
聖■太子傳暦 [ショウトクタイシデンリャク]@Biography of Prince Sh■toku.
聖■太子傳私記 [ショウトクタイシデンシキ]@(title) Private Record of the Prince
Sh■toku Biographies.
聖■太子繪傳 [ショウトクタイシエデン]@(title) The Pictorial Biographies of Prince
聖意 [ショウイ]@sagely intention.
聖持世陀羅尼經 [ショウジセダラニキョウ]@(title) Vasudh■r■-s■dhana.
聖提婆 [ショウダイバ]@(person) ■ryadeva.
聖救度佛母二十一種禮讚經 [ショウキュウトブツモニジュウイチシュライサンキ
ョウ]@(title) Twenty-One Hymns to the Rescuer Saint T■r■, Mother of Buddhas.
聖教 [ショウギョウ]@sagely teaching(s); holy teaching(s).
聖智 [ショウチ]@sagely wisdom.
聖曜母陀羅尼經 [ショウヨウモダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the Sacred Planet
聖最勝陀羅尼經 [ショウサイショウダラニキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Sagely and
Most Excellent Dh■ra■■.
聖果 [ショウカ]@(term) sagehood.
聖法 [ショウホウ]@correct teaching, true dharma.
聖理 [ショウリ]@holy principle; sagely truth.
聖種性 [ショウシュショウ]@sagely seed-nature.
聖者 [ショウジャ]@(term) sage.
聖胎 [ショウタイ]@womb of the sages.
聖胎 [セイタイ]@womb of the sages.
聖莊嚴陀羅尼經 [ショウショウゴンダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the Sacred
聖衆 [ショウジュ]@sacred multitudes.
聖觀自在菩薩一百八名經 [ショウカンジザイボサツイチヒャクハチミョウキョウ]
@(title) Sutra of the One Hundred and Eight Names of the Sacred Bodhisattva who
Contemplates Freely.
聖觀自在菩薩梵讚 [ショウカンジザイボサツボンサン]@(title) Sanskrit Eulogy to
the Sacred Bodhisattva of Spontaneous Contemplation.
聖言 [ショウゴン]@words of the buddha.
聖諦 [ショウタイ]@(term) holy truth(s).
聖諦智 [ショウタイチ]@wisdom of the holy truths.
聖護院 [ショウゴイン]@(temple) Sh■goin.
聖軍 [ショウグン]@(person) ■ryasena.
聖迹 [ショウシャク]@footprints of the Buddha.
聖道 [ショウドウ]@(term) sagely paths.
聖量 [ショウリョウ]@holy teachings and logic, or inference.
聖閻曼■迦威怒王立成大神驗念誦法 [ショウエンマンタッカイヌオウリュウジョ
ウダイジンケンネンジュホウ]@(title) Method for Recitation and Establishing
Supernatural Effects through Sacred Yam■ntaka, the Indignant King.
聚 [シュ]@(term) cluster.(term) aggregate.
聚落 [シュウラク]@village, town.
聚落 [ジュラク]@village, town.
聚集 [ジュジュ]@(term) cluster.(term) aggregate.(term) composite.
聞 [モン]@hear, to listen.
聞名 [モンミョウ]@hear about a Buddha, especially Amit■bha Buddha.
聞名見佛願 [モンミョウケンブツガン]@promise that one will hear the Buddha's
name and see his form.
聞思 [モンシ]@two kinds of wisdom of hearing and thinking.
聞思修 [モンシシュ]@hearing, thinking and practicing.
聞思修三慧 [ブンシシュサンエ]@three wisdoms of hearing, contemplating, and
聞惠 [ブンエ]@Wisdom [attained by] hearing.
聞慧 [ブンエ]@(term) wisdom [attained through] hearing.
聞持 [モンジ]@hear the Buddhist teaching and retain it fully in the memory without
聞聲 [モンショウ]@listen to sounds; hear sounds.
聞聲悟道 [モンショウゴドウ]@awaken to enlightenment by hearing sounds.
聞■ [ブンセツ]@as I have heard.
聞香 [ブンコウ]@smell an odor.
聯 [レン]@link, join, put together.
聰 [ソウ]@Wise, sharp, quick.
聰悟 [ソウゴ]@wise, sharp, quick.
聲 [ショウ]@voice, words, speech, sound.
聲入 [ショウニュウ]@field of sound.
聲境 [ショウキョウ]@(term) sound.
聲字實相義 [ショウジジツソウギ]@(title) Meaning and sound.word.reality.
聲明 [ショウミョウ]@linguistic and grammatical studies.
聲王經 [ショウオウキョウ]@(title) Sound King Sutra.
聲界 [ショウカイ]@constituent of sound.
聲聞 [ショウモン]@(term) ■r■vaka.(term) voice-hearer, disciple.
聲聞乘 [ショウブンジョウ]@(term) vehicle of the Buddhist disciples.
聲聞塔 [ショウモントウ]@(foreign) ■r■vaka-st■pa.
聲聞戒 [ショウモンカイ]@■r■vaka precepts.
聲聞藏 [ショウモンゾウ]@■r■vaka, or H■nay■na canon.
聲處 [ショウショ]@field of sound.
聲覺二乘 [ショウカクニジョウ]@(foreign) two vehicles of ■r■vaka and
聽 [チョウ]@listen very well.
聽受 [チョウジュ]@to listen and receive.
聽戒 [チョウカイ]@listen to the teachings on the precepts.
聽法 [チョウボウ]@listen to the teaching.
聽法衆 [チョウホウシュ]@the audience of a sermon.
聽衣 [チョウエ]@optional garments.
聾 [ロウ]@deaf.
肅 [シュク]@respectful, reverential.
肅■ [シュクショウ]@purge, clean up.
肇公 [チョウコウ]@(person) Zhaokong.
肇論 [チョウロン]@(title) Zhaolun.
肉 [ニク]@flesh.
肉團心 [ニクダンシン]@corporeal mind; physical heart.
肉心 [ニクシン]@physical heart.
肉眼 [ニクゲン]@(term) earthly vision.
肉色 [ニクイロ]@flesh-colored.
肉菩薩 [ニクボサツ]@physical bodhisattva.
肉身 [ニクシン]@physical body.
肉食 [ニクジキ]@meat-eating.
肉食 [ニクショク]@meat-eating.
肉髻 [ニクケイ]@tuft, excrescence.
肉髻 [ニッケイ]@tuft, excrescence.
肉髻 [ニッケイ]@tuft, excrescence.
肝 [カン]@liver.
肝心 [カンシン]@essential, important, fundamental.
肥 [ヒ]@fat.
肩 [ゲン]@shoulder.
肩下 [ケンゲ]@shoulder to shoulder.
肩次 [ケンジ]@shoulder to shoulder.
肯 [コウ]@affirm, assent, consent.
肯定 [コウテイ]@Affirmation, consent, agreement.
育王寺 [イクオウジ]@A■oka Monastery.
背 [ハイ]@harbor animosity.
背向 [ハイイコウ]@facing backwards.
胎 [タイ]@womb, uterus.
胎生 [タイショウ]@viviparous.
胎藏界 [タイゾウカイ]@womb-container world.
胎藏界五佛 [タイゾウカイゴブツ]@(foreign) five buddhas of the garbhadh■tu.
胞胎 [ホウタイ]@womb, uterus.
胡豆 [コズ]@kidney beans.
胸 [キョウ]@chest, breast.
胸字 [キョウジ]@(xref) swastika 卍 on the Buddha's chest.
能 [ノウ]@(xref) subject (主) or subjective aspect as opposed to object(ive).
能作 [ノウサ]@subject of an action.
能取 [ノウシュ]@knowing.
能取所取 [ノウシュショシュ]@cognizing subject and the cognized object.
能對治 [ノウタイジ]@(term) counteractive agent(s).
能所 [ノウショ]@subject and object.
能所差別 [ノウショシャベツ]@discrimination of subject and object.
能持 [ノウジ]@to maintain, observe, uphold.
能施太子 [ノウセタイシ]@princely almsgiver.
能歸 [ノウキ]@dependence.
能淨一切眼疾病陀羅尼經 [ノウジョウイチサイゲンシツビョウダラニキョウ]
@(title) Dh■ra■■ for Cleansing the Eye of All Maladies.
能生 [ノウショウ]@that which has the nature of production.
能生因 [ノウショウイン]@the cause that is able to produce all sense and perceptions.
能知 [ノウチ]@can be known; knowable.the act of knowing.
能破 [ノウハ]@invalid proposition.
能立 [ノウリュウ]@valid proposition.
能■ [ノウエン]@subject which cognizes the object.
能聞 [ノウモン]@agent of hearing.
能見 [ノウケン]@perception; subjective perception.
能見心不相應染 [ノウケンシンフソウオウゼン]@defilement in which the mind is
not associated with the subjectively viewing mind.
能見相 [ノウケンソウ]@(subtle) mark of the subjective perceiver.
能觀 [ノウカン]@subject.
能觀所觀 [ノウカンショカン]@observer and the observed.
能解 [ノウゲ]@able to understand; capable of apprhending.
能詮 [ノウセン]@that which is expressed in words.
能詮■ [ノウセンキョウ]@the doctrines which teach.
能識 [ノウシキ]@operation of knowing.
能遍計 [ノウヘンゲ]@(term) subjective discrimination.
能遍計心 [ノウヘンゲシン]@the mind that is able to imagine.
能防 [ノウボウ]@ability to prevent.
脂帝 [シタイ]@tumulus.
脂難 [シナン]@(place) China.
脅尊者 [キョウソンジャ]@(person) P■r■va.
脇侍 [キョウジ]@flanking-Attendant.
脇侍 [ワキジ]@flanking-Attendant.
脈 [ミャク]@vein, artery.
脈絡 [ミャクラク]@flow of the veins.
脩 [シュ]@handle, deal with, practice, enact, do.
■ [ダツ]@release.(foreign) Liberation, nirv■na.
■落 [ダツラク]@escape and let go of.
■體 [ダッタイ]@actual, frank, candid, unexaggerated.
脯剌拏 [フラナ]@(person) P■ra■a-k■■yapa.
腐爛食藥 [フランジキヤク]@purgatives.
腦 [ノウ]@brain.
腸 [チョウ]@intestines.
腹 [フク]@lower stomach, the abdomen.
膚 [フ]@surface, edge, outer layer.
膿爛 [ドウラン]@infected, sore, inflamed, oozing.
臣民 [シンミン]@subjects.
臥 [ガ]@lie down, to rest.
臨 [リン]@approach.
臨兵鬪者皆陳列在前 [リンヒョウトウシャカイチンレツザイゼン]@nine words.
臨命終 [リンミョウシュウ]@approach the end of one's life.
臨命終時 [リンミョウシュウジ]@reach the final moment of life.
臨時 [リンジ]@Temporary, special, extraordinary, provisional.
臨濟宗 [リンザイシュウ]@(school) Linji zong.
臨濟義玄 [リンザイギゲン]@(person) Linji Yixuan.
臨濟■ [リンザイロク]@(title) Record of Linji.
臨終 [リンシュウ]@come to the end of one's life.
臨終正念 [リンシュウショウネン]@hold the proper state of mindfulness at the
moment of death.
臨門 [リンモン]@face the gate.
自 [ジ]@self, oneself.
自乘果 [ジジョウカ]@results of the practices of each vehicle.
自他 [ジタ]@self and other.
自他平等 [ジタビョウドウ]@equality of self and other in their original nature.
自作自受 [ジサジジュ]@self-creation and self-reception.
自依止我見 [ジエシガケン]@individually-based view of self.
自分 [ジブン]@an original state or condition.
自利 [ジリ]@self-benefiting, purpose of self.
自利利他 [ジリリタ]@benefiting oneself and others.
自利戒 [ジリカイ]@precepts for the improvement of one's own spiritual condition.
自力 [ジリキ]@(term) self-power.
自受 [ジジュ]@receive by oneself.
自受法樂 [ジジュホウラク]@the bliss of enlightenment that the buddha enjoys
自受用 [ジジュユウ]@receive and experience.
自受用身 [ジジュヨウシン]@(term) personal enjoyment body.
自在 [ジザイ]@freedom, sovereignty, omnipotence.
自在天 [ジザイテン]@the god mahe■vara.
自在天外道 [ジギイテンゲドウ]@■ivaites.
自地 [ジジ]@this stage; their own stage; one's own level.
自坐 [ジザ]@ascetic practice of sitting naked in public.
自妄語 [ジモウゴ]@false speech spoken through one's own mouth.
自婬 [ジイン]@personal sexual misconduct.
自己 [ジコ]@oneself, ego.
自心 [ジシン]@one's own mind.
自心現量 [ジシンゲンリョウ]@Merely to be perceived by one's own mind.
自性 [ジショウ]@own-nature.
自性三寶 [ジショウサンボウ]@self-nature of the three treasures.
自性住佛性 [ジショウジュウブッショウ]@buddha-nature found in all living beings.
自性分別 [ジショウブンベツ]@discrimination of self-nature.
自性妄想 [ジショウモウソウ]@false notion of a self-nature.
自性戒 [ジショウカイ]@self nature precepts.
自性本源戒 [ジショウホンゲンカイ]@precepts of the original source of the self-
自性■淨 [ジショウショウジョウ]@(term) original purity.
自性■淨藏 [ジショウショウジョウゾウ]@storehouse of the pure Buddha-nature.
自性無記 [ジショウムキ]@karmic neutrality of the qualities of objects in the natural
world, such as the color, smell, sound and taste of the trees, rivers and moutains.
自性禪 [ジショウゼン]@meditation on the original nature of things.
自性身 [ジショウシン]@(term) self-nature body.
自恣 [ジシ]@self-indulgence.
自恣日 [ジシノヒ]@last day of the meditation retreat.
自恣日 [ジシニチ]@last day of the meditation retreat.
自愛 [ジアイ]@self-love.
自慳 [ジケン]@being stingy on one's own.
自成 [ジジョウ]@self-established; self-evident; naturally completed.
自戒 [ジカイ]@to observe the precepts.
自截 [ジセツ]@to cut off from oneself.
自損損他 [ジソンソンタ]@damaging oneself and damaging others.
自擧 [ジキョ]@to receive attention to oneself; to be noticed.
自殺 [ジセツ]@commit suicide; kill by one's own hand.
自殺 [ジサツ]@commit suicide; kill by one's own hand.
自然 [ジネン]@spontaneously, automatically, naturally.
自然 [シゼン]@spontaneously, automatically, naturally.
自然在前 [ジネンザイゼン]@naturally manifest; naturally appear before one.
自然慈 [ジネンジ]@spontaneous compassion.
自然慧 [ジネンエ]@Natural wisdom.
自然智 [ジネンチ]@(term) natural wisdom.
自然本智 [ジネンホンチ]@Innate wisdom.
自然生 [ジネンショウ]@view that the production of things has its own substance.
自■ [ジセツ]@suicide; performing the act of killing by oneself.
自生 [ジショウ]@production from self.
自由 [ジユ]@self-established.
自由自在 [ジユジザイ]@free, unfettered, liberated.
自盜 [ジトウ]@to steal by one's own hand.
自相 [ジソウ]@(term) defining characteristic.
自瞋 [ジシン]@self-rage; one's own anger.
自知 [ジチ]@know for oneself.
自行化他 [ジギョウケタ]@to practice oneself and teach others.
自見 [ジケン]@self-view.pride, arrogance.
自覺聖智 [ジカクショウチ]@self-realizing holy wisdom.
自言毘尼 [ジゴンビニ]@voluntary confession.
自許 [ジコ]@one's own approval; one's own authority.
自■ [ジセツ]@explain on one's own accord, without the prompt of a question.
自■經 [ジセツキョウ]@(term) ud■na.
自謙 [ジケン]@Self-satisfaction.
自證 [ジショウ]@self-authenticating.
自證分 [ジショウブン]@(term) self-witnessing aspect; self-authenticating aspect.
自讚 [ジサン]@(term) self-praise.
自讚毀他 [ジサンキタ]@praising oneself and disparaging others.
自讚■他 [ジサンキタ]@praising oneself and disparaging others.
自超 [ジチョウ]@(person) Chach'o.
自身 [ジシン]@self, person, personality.
自遣 [ジケン]@self-negating.
自餓 [ジガ]@ascetic practice of starvation.
自餘 [ジヨ]@others.
自體 [ジタイ]@self, oneself, itself; basis of personal existence.
自體分 [ジタイブン]@self-witnessing (or self-authenticating) aspect.
自體愛 [ジタイアイ]@attachment to a self essence.
自高 [ジコウ]@raise oneself up; to praise oneself.
自高自擧 [ジコウジキョ]@to be proud of oneself, viewing oneself as being superior
(in intelligence, bearing, appearance) to one's associates.
至 [シ]@greatest, the best, the ultimate.
至一切處 [シイッサイショ]@arriving in all places.
至人 [シジン]@perfected person.
至人 [シニン]@perfected person.
至得果佛性 [シトクカブッショウ]@buddha-nature as finally actualized.
至■ [シトク]@Jñ■nagupta.
至心 [シシン]@pay close attention.
至心信樂 [シシンシンギョウ]@to believe in, and wish from the bottom of one's heart
for rebirth in Amit■bha's Pure Land.
至教 [シキョウ]@perfect teaching.
至沙 [シシャ]@Ti■ya.
至理 [シリ]@ultimate principle.
至相大師 [シソウダイシ]@(person) Zhixiang dashi.
至相寺 [シソウジ]@(temple) Zhixiang si.
至眞 [シシン]@perfect truth.
至細 [シサイ]@extremely small; subtle, minute.
至縛羅 [シバラ]@mendicant's garment.
至言 [シゴン]@perfect words.
至那 [シナ]@(place) China.
致 [チ]@cause, to bring about.
致怪 [チケ]@consider strange; be considered as strange.
臺 [ダイ]@tower, stand, pedestal.
臻 [シン]@utmost, the highest.
與 [ヨ]@take part in, be implicated in, support.
與奪 [ヨダツ]@posit and refute.
與女人粗語 [ヨニョニンソゴ]@indecent talk with a woman.
興 [コウ]@raise, give rise to, produce, generate.
興福寺 [コウフクジ]@K■fuku Temple.
興隆寺 [コウリュウジ]@(temple) K■ry■ji.
舊譯 [グヤク]@old standard.
舊譯新譯 [グヤクシンヤク]@old and new standards for the translation of Indic
scriptures into Chinese.
舌 [ゼツ]@tongue, the organ of taste.
舌根 [ゼツコン]@(term) one of the five (or six) faculties (jihv■-indriya).
舌識 [ゼッシキ]@taste consciousness.
舍 [シャ]@(xref) cast off, throw away (捨).
舍利 [シャリ]@(term) body.
舍利塔 [シャリトウ]@tumuli.
舍利婆婆 [シャリババ]@mustard seed.
舍利子 [シャリシ]@(person) ■■riputra.
舍利弗子 [シャリホツシ]@(person) ■■riputra.
舍利沙 [シャリシャ]@acacia sirissa.
舍勒 [シャロク]@inner garment.
舍■迦 [シャタカ]@inner garment.
舍■摩拏 [シャラマナ]@monk.
舍城 [シャジョウ]@(place) ■r■vast■.
舍婆提 [シャバダイ]@(place) ■r■vast■.
舍摩 [シャマ]@calm.
舍磨奢那 [シャマシャナ]@cemetery.
舍羅婆迦 [シャラバカ]@direct disciple.
舍舍迦 [シャシャカ]@rabbit.
舍衞 [シャエ]@(place) ■r■vast■.
舍衞國 [シャエイコク]@■r■vast■.
舍衞城 [シャエイジョウ]@(place) Skt. ■r■vast■, Pali s■vatth■, S■vatth■.
舍那身 [シャナシン]@body of Vairocana.
舍頭諫 [シャズカン]@(person) ■■rd■la-kar■a.
舒 [ジョ]@stretch out, extend, unroll, unfurl, expand.
舒手 [ジョシュ]@extend the hands; reach out (to help).
舒手惠施 [ジョシュエセ]@reach out and extend blessings.
舞踏 [マイトウ]@stomping.
般■ [ハンタ]@eunuch.
般涅槃 [ハツネハン]@(term) parinirv■na.
般特 [ハントク]@(person) C■■apanthaka.
般羅底木叉 [ハラテイモクシャ]@code of vinaya precepts.
般羅■帝 [ハラギャテイ]@(term) p■ragate.
般若 [ハンニャ]@(term) wisdom.
般若三昧 [ハンニャザンマイ]@(term) prajñ■-sam■dhi.
般若到彼岸 [ハンニャトウヒガン]@(term) perfection of wisdom.
般若多羅 [ハンニャタラ]@(person) Prajñ■t■ra.
般若心經 [ハンニャシンギョウ]@(title) Heart Sutra.
般若波羅蜜 [ハンニャハラミツ]@perfection of wisdom.
般若波羅蜜多 [ハンニャハラミッタ]@(term) prajñ■-p■ramit■.
般若波羅蜜多心經 [ハンニャハラミッタシンギョウ]@(title) Heart Sutra.
般若流支 [ハンニャルシ]@(person) Prajñ■ruci.
般若經 [ハンニャキョウ]@(title) Prajñ■p■ramit■-s■tra.
般若跋摩 [ハンニャバツマ]@(person) Panyabalma.
般荼迦 [ハンダカ]@eunuch.
般遮羅國 [ハンシャラコク]@(place) Pañc■la.
般陀 [ハンダ]@(person) C■■a-panthaka.
良 [リョウ]@good, excellent, virtuous, skillful.
良 [ロウ]@good, excellent, virtuous, skillful.
良日 [リョウニチ]@good day.
良由 [ロウユ]@for exactly this reason, precisely because of.
良福田 [ロウフクデン]@field of blessings.
良醫 [リョウイ]@(term) good doctor.
良順 [リョウジュン]@(person) Yangsun.
艱難 [カンナン]@suffering and distress.
色 [シキ]@(term) form.
色像 [シキゾウ]@material image, image.
色光 [シキコウ]@halo from a Buddha's body.
色光明 [シキコウミョウ]@physical light.
色入 [シキニュウ]@field of visible form.
色■是空 [シキソクゼクウ]@(term) form is emptiness.
色塵 [シキジン]@(term) form objects.
色境 [シキキョウ]@(term) color.
色心 [シキシン]@form and mind.
色愛住地 [シキアイジュウジ]@hypostasis of attachment to things in the form realm.
色有 [シキウ]@material existence.
色欲 [シキヨク]@sexual attraction to color.
色法 [シキホウ]@(term) material existence.
色泡 [シキホウ]@bubble of form.
色無礙 [シキムゲ]@having form but being unimpeded.
色界 [シキカイ]@(term) form realm.
色界住地 [シキカイジュウジ]@hypostasis of attachment to things in the form realm..
色界十七天 [シキカイジュウシチテン]@(term) seventeen dhy■na heavens of the
form realm.
色界四禪天 [シキカイシゼンテン]@four meditation heavens of the form realm.
色相 [シキソウ]@marks of materiality.
色相 [シキノソウ]@marks of materiality.
色究竟天 [シキクキョウテン]@(term) heaven of the most rarefied form.
色空外道 [シキクウゲドウ]@non-Buddhists who deny materiality.
色聲 [シキショウ]@form and sound.
色自在地 [シキジザイチ]@(term) stage of unimpeded form.
色蘊 [シキウン]@(term) aggregate of form.
色處 [シキショ]@(term) field of visible form.
色衆 [シキシュ]@cluster of form.
色諦 [シキタイ]@the truth of material existence.
色身 [シキシン]@material body.
色頂 [シキチョウ]@(term) heaven of the most rarefied form.
芙蓉 [フヨウ]@(person) Puyong.
芥子 [ケシ]@mustard seed.
芥子 [カイシ]@mustard seed.
芥子劫 [ケシゴウ]@mustard-seed eon.
芥子劫 [カイシゴウ]@mustard-seed eon.
芥子劫 [ケシコウ]@mustard-seed eon.
芬利 [フンリ]@great white lotus.
芬陀 [フンダ]@white lotus flower.
花 [ハナ]@flower.
花 [ケ]@flower.
花宮 [ケキュウ]@(place) Kusumapura.
花果 [ケカ]@flowers and fruits.
花筥 [ケコ]@flower basket.
花籠 [ケロウ]@flower basket.
花鬘 [ケマン]@flower garland.
苑 [オン]@corral, stable, yard, pen (for raising livestock, etc.).
若 [ニャク]@and, if, as if, supposing.
若坦 [ニャタン]@(person) Yakt'an.
若干 [ニャクカン]@various, multifarious.
若爾 [ニャクニ]@if that is the case; if so.
若那 [ニャクナ]@wisdom.
苦 [ク]@sorrow, suffering, affliction, pain, anxiety, uncomfortableness.
苦下 [クゲ]@within the condition of suffering.
苦事 [クジ]@disatisfactory situation.
苦因 [クイン]@causes of suffering.
苦患 [クゲン]@suffering, affliction, distress.
苦惱 [クノウ]@(term) suffering, distress (Skt. du■kha; Pali dukkha).
苦果 [クカ]@painful rewards.
苦根 [クコン]@faculty of suffering (or pain).
苦樂覺 [クラクカク]@awareness of pain and pleasure.
苦節 [クセツ]@practice austerities.
苦聖諦 [クショウタイ]@noble truth of suffering.
苦苦 [クク]@ordinary suffering, concrete suffering, physical suffering.
苦行 [クギョウ]@(term) austerities.
苦行林 [クギョウリン]@forest inhabited by world-renunciant religious practitioners.
苦行者 [クギョウシャ]@practitioner of austerities.
苦諦 [クタイ]@truth of suffering.
苦障 [クショウ]@obstruction of asceticism.
苦集滅道 [クシュウメツドウ]@suffering, origination, cessation, path.
■芻 [ビッシュ]@monk.
■芻尼 [ビッシュニ]@(term) nun.
茶房 [チャボウ]@boys in the temple.
茶毘 [チャビ]@Cremation of a corpse, especially of a Buddhist monk or nun.
草縛 [ソウバク]@to be tied up by grass.
草繋比丘 [ソウケビク]@(term) monk tangled up in the grass.
草■ [ソウケ]@tied up in the grass.
草■比丘 [ソウケビク]@(term) monk tangled up in the grass.
草衣 [ソウエ]@(person) Ch'o■i.
草覆地毘尼 [ソウフクチビニ]@covering the ground with straw.
草酒 [ソウシュ]@wines.
荊溪湛然 [キョウケイタンネン]@(person) Jingqi Zhanran.
荒神 [コウジン]@wild deity.
荒野 [コウヤ]@wild fields; forest; solitude; quiet place.
荒陵寺御手印■起 [アラハカデラ]@(title) History of the Arahaka Temple Tein.
荒陵寺御手印■起 [ゴテイネンギ]@(title) History of the Arahaka Temple Tein.
荼毘 [ダビ]@cremation.
莊 [ソウ]@Strong, able-bodied, healthy.
莊 [ショウ]@Strong, able-bodied, healthy.
莊嚴 [ショウゴン]@sublime, impressive, magnificent, majestic.
莊嚴地 [ショウゴンチ]@adorned ground; adorned land.
莊嚴王陀羅尼呪經 [ショウゴンオウダラニジュキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the
Lords Arrangement.
莊嚴經論 [ショウゴンキョウロン]@(title) Zhuangyanjing lun.
莊嚴論 [ショウゴンロン]@(title) Zhuangyan lun.
莊子 [ソウシ]@(person) Zhuangzi.
莫 [マク]@No, not, there is not [無].
莫 [モ]@No, not, there is not [無].
菩提 [ボダイ]@(term) enlightenment.
菩提分 [ボダイブン]@factors of enlightenment.
菩提分法 [ボダイブンポウ]@factors of enlightenment.
菩提分法 [ボダイブンボウ]@factors of enlightenment.
菩提場所■一字頂輪王經 [ボダイジョウショセツイチジチョウリンオウキョウ]
@(title) Sutra of the One-Syllable Wheel-Turning Ruler Spoken at the Seat of
菩提場莊嚴陀羅尼經 [ボダイジョウショウゴンダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of
the Adorned Place of Bodhi.
菩提心 [ボダイシン]@aspiration for enlightenment.
菩提心戒 [ボダイシンカイ]@precepts of the enlightened mind.
菩提樹 [ボダイジュ]@(term) bodhi-tree.
菩提樹神 [ボダイジュシン]@(name) Bodhidruma.
菩提流支 [ボダイルシ]@(person) Bodhiruci.
菩提留支 [ボダイルシ]@(person) Bodhiruci.
菩提薩■ [ボダイサッタ]@bodhisattva.
菩提資糧論 [ボダイシリョウロン]@(title) Bodhisambh■ra-■■stra.
菩提資量論 [ボダイシリョウロン]@(title) Bodhisambh■ra-■■stra.
菩提達磨 [ボダイタツマ]@(person) Bodhidharma.
菩提金剛 [ボダイコンゴウ]@(person) An eponym of Vajrabodhi 金剛智.
菩提陀羅尼經 [ボダイダラニキョウ]@(title) Puti tuoluoni jing.
菩提障 [ボダイショウ]@obstruction to bodhi.
菩薩 [ボサツ]@(term) bodhisattva.
菩薩三聚戒 [ボサツサンジュカイ]@three groups of Mahayana precepts.
菩薩住 [ボサツジュウ]@bodhisattva's stages.
菩薩像 [ボサツゾウ]@bodhisattva image.
菩薩十二種住 [ボサツジュウニシュジュウ]@(term) Twelve kinds of stages.
菩薩十戒 [ボサツジッカイ]@ten bodhisattva precepts.
菩薩善戒經 [ボサツゼンカイキョウ]@Good Precepts of the Bodhisattvas.
菩薩心地品 [ボサツシンチホン]@(title) Chapter of the Bodhisattvas' Mental States.
菩薩性 [ボサツショウ]@bodhisattva nature.
菩薩戒 [ボサツカイ]@bodhisattva precepts.
菩薩戒本 [ボサツカイホン]@(title) On Conferring Bodhisattva Vinaya.
菩薩戒疏 [ボサツカイショ]@Commentary on the Bodhisattva Precepts.
菩薩戒經疏 [ボサツカイキョウショ]@Commentary on the Sutra of Bodhisattva
菩薩戒經義疏 [ボサツカイキョウギショ]@(title) Commentary on the Sutra of the
Doctrine of the Bodhisattva Precepts.
菩薩戒經義記 [ボサツカイキョウギキ]@(title) Notes on the Sutra on Doctrine of the
Bodhisattva Precepts.
菩薩戒義疏 [ボサツカイギショ]@(title) Commentary on the Doctrine of the
Bodhisattva Precepts.
菩薩戒義記 [ボサツカイギキ]@Notes on the Doctrine of the Bodhisattva Precepts.
菩薩戒羯磨文 [ボサツカイケツマブン]@(title) Elaboration of On Conferring
Bodhisattva Vinaya.
菩薩摩訶薩 [ボサツマカサツ]@(term) bodhisattva-mah■sattva.
菩薩本業瓔珞經 [ボサツホンゴウヨウラクキョウ]@(title) Pusa benye yingluojing.
菩薩瓔珞本業經 [ボサツヨウラクホンゴウキョウ]@(title) Pusa yingluo benye jing.
菩薩瓔珞經 [ボサツヨウラクキョウ]@(title) Pusa yingluo jing.
菩薩盡地 [ボサツジンジ]@stage of the completion of the bodhisattva path.
菩薩種性 [ボサツシュショウ]@bodhisattva nature.
菩薩藏 [ボサツゾウ]@bodhisattva, or Mah■yan■ canon.
菩薩行 [ボサツギョウ]@practices of the bodhisattva.
菩薩行願 [ボサツギョウガン]@vows of the bodhisattva.
華 [ハナ]@flower.
華 [ケ]@flower.
華光如來 [ケコウニョライ]@Flower Light Tath■gata.
華嚴 [ケゴン]@(term) flower adornment.
華嚴一乘教義分齊章 [ケゴンイチジョウキョウギブンザイショウ]@(title) Huayan
yisheng jiao fenqi zhang.
華嚴一乘法界圖 [ケゴンイチジョウホッカイズ]@(title) Chart of the Dharma-world
of the Single Vehicle of the Huayan.
華嚴五十要問答 [ケゴンゴジュウヨウモントウ]@(title) Hua-yen wu-shih yao wen-
華嚴五教章 [ケゴンゴキョウショウ]@(title) Essay on the Five Teachings of Hua-yen.
華嚴孔目章 [ケゴンクモクショウ]@(title) Huayan kongmu zhang.
華嚴宗 [ケゴンシュウ]@(school) Huayan zong.
華嚴宗章疏■因明■ [ケゴンシュウショウソビョウインミョウロク]@(title)
Kegonsh■ sh■sho by■ immy■roku.
華嚴探玄記 [ケゴンタンゲンキ]@Record of the Search for the Profundities of the
Huayan Sutra.
華嚴法界玄鏡 [ケゴンホッカイゲンキョウ]@(title) Huayan fajie xuanjing.
華嚴疏主 [ケゴンショシュ]@Huayan Commentator.
華嚴經 [ケゴンキョウ]@Flower Adornment Sutra.
華嚴經傳記 [ケゴンキョウデンキ]@(title) Huayan jing zhuanji.
華嚴經■章門等離孔目章 [ケゴンキョウナイショウモントウリクモクショウ]
@(title) Huayan jingnei zhangmen dengza kongmu zhang.
華嚴經心陀羅尼 [ケゴンキョウシンダラニ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the Essence of the
華嚴經探玄記 [ケゴンギョウタンゲンキ]@Record of the Search for the Profundities
of the Huayan Sutra.
華嚴經疏 [ケゴンキョウショ]@Commentary on the Huayan Sutra.
華嚴經義海百門 [ケゴンキョウギカイヒャクモン]@(title) Huayanjing yihai bomen.
華嚴菩薩 [ケゴンボサツ]@Huayan Bodhisattva.
華嚴論節要 [ケゴンロンセツヨウ]@(title) Essentials of the Hua-yen lun.
華嚴遊心法界記 [ケゴンユシンホッカイキ]@(title) Huayan youxin fajie ji.
華水 [ケスイ]@flower of the water.
華積陀羅尼神呪經 [ケシャクダラニシンジュキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the
Flower Heap.
華蓋 [カガイ]@floral canopy.
華蓋 [ケガイ]@floral canopy.
華齒 [ケシ]@(name) Pu■pa-dant■.
菴摩洛迦 [アンマラクカ]@mango.
菴摩羅 [アンマラ]@pure.
菴摩羅迦 [アンマラカ]@mango.
萬 [マン]@ten thousand.
萬像 [バンショウ]@myriad phenomena.
萬像 [マンゾウ]@myriad phenomena.
萬劫 [マンゴウ]@ten thousand eons.
萬卷 [マンガン]@(person) Mangan.
萬善同歸集 [マンゼンドウキシュウ]@(title) Wanshan tonggui ji.
萬■ [マンドク]@myriad attributes; myriad virtues.
萬恒 [マンゴウ*]@(person) Manhang.
萬法王 [マンホウオウ]@king of a myriad dharmas.
萬物 [マンモツ]@all things.
萬頃 [マンケイ]@vast area.
落在 [ラクザイ]@a fallen existence.
落髮 [ラクハツ]@shave one's head.
葉衣觀自在菩薩經 [ヨウエカンジザイボサツキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of Leaf-Clad
著 [チョ]@make known, to express, clarify.
著我 [ジャクガ]@attachment to self.
著我障 [ジャクガショウ]@hindrance of the attachment to self.
著語 [ジャクゴ]@criticism or critique.
著語言 [ジャクゴゴン]@attachment to language.
葛叉 [カツサ]@finality.
葛藤 [カットウ]@arrowroot vines and wisteria vines.
蒙 [モウ]@conceal.
蒙且 [モウシャ]@(person) Mongch'a.
蒲 [ホ]@cereals, fish, and flesh.
蓄 [チク]@store up, to gather.
蓄積 [チクシャク]@accumulate.
蓄金銀寶 [チクコンギンホウ]@accumulation of gold, silver and jewelry.
蓋 [カイ]@cover, hide, conceal.
蓬 [ホウ]@Mugwort or raspberry found growing sporadically among hemp.
蓮宗 [レンシュウ]@(school) Amit■bha-Lotus School.
蓮律 [レンリツ]@(person) Y■nyul.
蓮池 [レンチ]@lotus-pond.
蓮船道人 [レンセンドウニン]@(person) Y■ns■ntoin.
蓮花座 [レンゲザ]@lotus seat.
蓮花臺 [レンゲダイ]@lotus pedestal.
蓮華 [レンゲ]@lotus flower.
蓮華三昧 [レンゲザンマイ]@(term) lotus-sam■dhi.
蓮華上世界 [レンゲジョウセイカイ]@world on the lotus blossom.
蓮華坐 [レンゲザ]@(term) lotus position.
蓮華座 [レンゲザ]@lotus seat.
蓮華眼陀羅尼經 [レンケゲンダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the Lotus Eye.
蓮華經 [レンゲキョウ]@(title) Lotus Sutra.
蓮華臺 [レンゲダイ]@(term) lotus-pedestal.
蓮華藏世界 [レンゲゾウセイカイ]@(term) lotus-treasury world.
蔑 [ベツ]@to take lightly; look down on.
蔑他 [ベッタ]@despise others.
藏王權現 [ザオウゴンゲン]@(name) Zao gongen.
藏王權現 [ゾウオウゴンゲン]@(name) Zao gongen.
蕩 [トウ]@To cleanse, to clarify.
蕩然 [トウネン]@The condition of not being unitary.
薄 [ハク]@light, insipid.
薄伽梵 [バガボン]@(term) holy one;.(term) world-honored one.
薄弱 [ハクジャク*]@slight; insipid.
薄拘羅 [バックラ]@(person) Vakkula.
薄福少■ [ハクフクショウトク]@shallow in merit and weak in virtue.
薄羅 [バクラ]@Bakkula.
薜舍■ [ビシャキャ]@second month.
薜舍■ [ベイシャキャ]@second month.
薦取 [センシュ]@to take all to oneself.
薦得 [セントク]@to seize the mat.
薩不荅羅的捺 [サツフトウラチャクナ]@Seven treasures.
薩偸羅 [サツチュウラ]@serious crime.
薩■ [サッタ]@(term) sattva.
薩婆 [サツバ]@(term) sarva.
薩婆多 [サツバタ]@Sarv■stiv■da.
薩婆多毘尼 [サッパタビニ]@Mother of the Sarv■stiv■da Vinaya.
薩婆多部 [サツバタブ]@(school) Sarv■stiv■da.
薩婆多部毘尼摩得勒伽 [サッパタブビニマトクロッカ]@(title) Mother of the
Sarv■stiv■da Vinaya.
薩婆帝婆 [サツバタイバ]@Sarv■stiv■din.
薩婆阿私底婆地 [サツバアシテイバチ]@Sarv■stiv■din.
薩曇芥陀利經 [サッダンケダリキョウ]@Sutra of the Lotus Blossom of the Fine
薩波多 [サツバタ]@Sarv■stiv■din.
薩羅婆縛底 [サラババクテイ]@Sarasvat■.
薩羅酸底 [サラサンテイ]@Sarasvat■.
薩般若 [サツバンニャ]@(term) sarvajñ■.
薩般若多 [サツバンニャタ]@(term) sarvajñat■.
薩薄 [サツバ]@(term) sabh■.
薩衞 [サツエイ]@Sarv■stiv■din.
薩迦耶 [サッカヤ]@view of self.
薩迦耶見 [サッカヤケン]@view of self.
薩達刺摩 [サツダツセマ]@wonderful law.
薩達摩 [サッダツマ]@wonderful law.
薩陀波崙 [サツダハリン]@(name) Sad■prarud■ta.
■ [クン]@(term) perfumate, permeate, impregnate; suffuse.
■女 [クンニョ]@nun.
■成 [クンジョウ]@The accomplishment of perfumation.
■發 [クンホツ]@The action of permeation by defiled or pure dharmas into the
■習 [クンシュウ]@perfumation, impregnation.
■陸香 [クンロクコウ]@aromatic tree.
薹衣 [タイイ]@clothes of a Buddhist monk.
薹衣 [タイオウジ]@monk's clothes.
藍婆 [ランバ]@to be bound, trapped, ensnared.
藏 [ゾウ]@matrix, embryo, store.
藏識 [ゾウシキ]@(term) storehouse consciousness.(term) container consciousness.
藥 [ヤク]@medicines, healing herbs, drugs.
藥叉 [ヤクシャ]@spirits of the dead.
藥師七佛供養儀軌如意王經 [ヤクシシチブツクヨウギキニョイオウキョウ]
@(title) Ritual Procedure for Making Offerings to the Seven Healing-Master Buddhas,
the Wish-Fulfilling Kings.
藥師如來 [ヤクシニョライ]@Medicine tath■gata.
藥師本願功■經 [ヤクシホンガンクトクキョウ]@(title) Abbreviated title of the
Yaoshi liuliguang rulai benyuan gongde jing.
藥師本願經 [ヤクシホンガンキョウ]@(title) Yaoshi b■nyuan jing.
藥師琉璃光如來本願功■經 [ヤクシリュウリコウニョライホンガンクトクキョウ]
@(title) Original Vows of the Medicine-Master Tath■gata of Lapis Light.
藥師琉璃光如來本願功悳經 [ヤクシリュウリコウニョライホンガンクトクキョウ]
@(title) Original Vows of the Medicine-Master Tath■gata of Lapis Light.
藥師瑠璃光七佛本願功悳經 [ヤクシルリコウシチブツホンガンクトクキョウ]
@(title) Original Vows of the Seven Medicine-Master Buddhas of Lapis Light.
藥樹 [ヤクジュ]@A medicinal tree.
藥王 [ヤクオウ]@Medicine King.
藥酒 [ヤクシュ]@herbal alcohol.
蘇伐刺 [ソバチセキ]@gold.
蘇利也波羅皮遮那 [ソリヤハラヒシャナ]@S■rya-prabh■sana.
蘇利耶 [ソリヤ]@day; sun.
蘇■纜 [ソタラン]@(term) s■tra.
蘇婆呼童子請問經 [ソバコドウシショウモンキョウ]@(title) Tantra of the Questions
of Sub■hu.
蘇悉地儀軌契印圖 [ソシツチギキカイインズ]@(title) Mudr■s for the Susiddhi
Ritual Procedure.
蘇悉地羯羅供養法 [ソシツチケツラキョウヨウホウ]@(title) Suxidijieluo gongyang
蘇悉地羯羅經 [ソシッチカラキョウ]@(title) Tantra of Uncanny Success [in All
蘇樓波 [ソロハ]@subtle form.
蘇油 [ソユ]@an oil that is extracted from butter.
蘇蜜 [ソミツ]@refined butter.
蘇訶■帝 [ソカバタイ]@realm of ultimate bliss.
蘇達拏 [ソダナ]@Sudana.
蘇達梨舍那 [ソダリシャナ]@(place) Sudar■a■a.
蘇頻陀 [ソビンダ]@(name) Subinda.
蘊 [ウン]@(term) skandha. Something accumulated.
蘊界 [ウンカイ]@reference to the five skandhas and eighteen realms.
蘊界處 [ウンカイショ]@reference to the five skandhas, eighteen realms, and twelve
蘊處界三科 [ウンショカイサンカ]@(foreign) three categories of the five skandhas,
twelve loci, and eighteen realms.
蘭 [ラン]@epidendrum.
蘭若 [ランニャ]@forest; solitude; quiet place.
蘭若 [ランニヤ]@forest; solitude; quiet place.
虎 [トラ]@tiger.
虎耳 [コニ]@(person) ■■rd■la-kar■a.
虎虎婆 [ココバ]@moaning.
處 [ショ]@(term) locus; a ground.
處不退 [ショフタイ]@non-backsliding in terms of location.
處世佛 [ショセブツ]@(name) Laukika Buddha.
處明 [ショミョウ]@(person) Ch'■my■ng.
處處 [ショショ]@here and there.
處處解■ [ショショゲダツ]@liberation in every place.
■ [コ]@(term) Void.(term) empty.
■假 [コケ]@vacuous and contingent.
■假不實 [コケフジツ]@vacuous, contingent, and unreal.
■僞 [キョギ]@false, fake, inauthentic.
■僞 [コギ]@false, fake, inauthentic.
■妄 [コモウ]@(term) Falsehood.
■妄分別 [コモウフンベツ]@false discrimination.
■妄語 [コモウゴ]@false speech.
■無 [コム]@(term) nothingness.
■知 [コチ]@false knowledge.
■空 [コクウ]@(term) (empty) space.
■空無爲 [コクウムイ]@(term) absolute space.
■空界 [コクウカイ]@realm of space.
■空藏菩薩問七佛陀羅尼呪經 [コクウゾウボサツモンシチブツダラニジュキョウ]
@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the Space-Store Bodhisattva's Questions to Seven Buddhas.
■空藏菩薩能滿諸願最勝心陀羅尼求聞持法 [コクウゾウボサツノウマンショガン
サイショウシンダラニグモンジホウ]@(title) Method of the Victorious, Essential
Dhar■■i for Having Wishes Heard by Space-Store, the Bodhisattva Who Can Fulfill
■誑語 [コオウゴ]@false speech.
■謬 [コビュウ]@(term) false.
號 [ゴウ]@mark, a sign, a designation.
號叫地獄 [ゴウキョウジゴク]@(term) Raurava-naraka■, the hell of screaming.
虫 [チュウ]@bug.
虹 [コウ]@a rainbow.
蛇奴 [ダド]@Snake Servant.
蜀本 [ショクホン]@Shuben.
融 [ユウ]@(term) melt.(term) fuse.(term) interpenetrate.(term) interpenetration.
融攝 [ユウショウ]@interfused, interpenetrated.
螢 [ケイ]@a firefly;.
螺 [ラ]@wine-cup; goblet.
螺酌 [ラシャク]@wine-cup; goblet.
血 [チ]@blood.
血書 [ケッショ]@writing with the blood.
血氣 [ケッキ]@Animal desires.
血汚池 [ケツウチ]@pool of blood.
血海 [ケッカイ]@sea of blood.
血盆經 [ケツボンキョウ]@Blood Pool Scripture.
血脈 [ケツミャク]@blood vessel.
血脉 [ケツミャク]@arteries and veins.
血途 [ケツズ]@rebirth as an animal.
衆 [シュウ]@many, a great number, a myriad.
衆事 [シュジ]@various phenomena; a myriad circumstances.
衆僧 [シュソウ]@group of monks.
衆具 [シュグ]@all kinds of tools and implements used in the monastery.
衆合地獄 [シュゴウジゴク]@(term) Sa■gh■ta-naraka■.
衆同分 [シュウドウブン]@commonality of sentient beings.
衆多 [シュタ]@numerous; plentiful.
衆學 [シュガク]@bad manners which are to be trained.
衆徒 [シュウト]@general name for a Buddhist priest.
衆生 [シュウジョウ]@(term) sentient being(s).
衆生執 [シュウジョウシュウ]@(term) attachment to sentient being-hood.
衆生多少 [シュショウタショウ]@the number of living beings.
衆生忍 [シュジョウニン]@patience towards all under all circumstances.
衆生根 [シュジョウコン]@capacities of sentient beings.
衆生濁 [シュジョウジョク]@impurity of sentient beinghood.
衆生濁 [シュジョウダク]@impurity of sentient beinghood.
衆生界 [シュウジョウカイ]@realm of sentient beings, as distinguished from the realm
of the Buddhas.
衆疾 [シュシツ]@all who are in pain.
衆經目■ [シュウキョウモクロク]@(title) Catalog of Scriptures.
衆■ [シュエン]@a myriad conditions.
衆■和合 [シュエンワゴウ]@the mutual coalescing of a myriad conditions.
衆苦 [シュク]@various kinds of suffering.
衆行 [シュギョウ]@myriad practices; countless practices.
衆賢 [シュウゲン]@(person) Sa■ghabhadra.
行 [ギョウ]@(term) volition.(term) practice.
行 [コウ]@(term) volition.(term) practice.
行 [アン]@(term) volition.(term) practice.
行不退 [ギョウフタイ]@non-backsliding in terms of accordant practice.
行人 [ギョウニン]@traveler.
行人 [アンジン]@traveler.
行住坐■ [ギョウジュウザガ]@walking, standing, sitting, lying down.
行住坐臥 [ギョウジュウザガ]@walking, standing, sitting, lying down.
行佛性 [ギョウブツショウ]@Buddha-nature acquired through practice.
行供養 [ギョウクヨウ]@to make offerings.
行信 [ギョウシン]@(person) Gy■shin.
行僧 [ギョウソウ]@wandering monk.
行儀 [ギョウギ]@rules of action.
行化 [ギョウケ]@go and teach.
行厠 [ギョウシ]@go to the toiler.
行唯識 [ギョウユイシキ]@consciousness-only in meditation and practice.
行善 [ギョウゼン]@the prosecution of good.
行善障生 [ギョウゼンショウショウ]@when one practices goodness, the hindrances
行基 [ギョウギ]@(person) Gy■gi.
行婬 [ギョウイン]@to engage in sexual excesses.
行尊 [ギョウソン]@(person) Gy■son.
行履 [アンリ]@continuous activity.
行■ [ギョウトク]@practice of virtue.
行捨 [ギョウシャ]@(term) equanimity, indifference.
行智見 [ギョウチケン]@the insight carried out along with correct practices.
行李 [アンリ]@baggage that one carries on a journey.
行果 [ギョウカ]@activity and effect.
行業 [ギョウゴウ]@(term) action.
行樹 [ギョウジュ]@rows of trees.
行樹 [ゴウジュ]@rows of trees.
行相 [ギョウソウ]@operation, function, activity.
行者 [アンジャ]@practitioner.
行者 [ギョウジャ]@practitioner.
行脚 [アンギャ]@wandering monk.
行苦 [ギョウク]@suffering induced by the changes that occur in conditioned existence.
行菩薩道 [ギョウボサツドウ]@following the path of the bodhisattva.
行蘊 [コウウン]@(term) aggregate of volition (dispositions, karmic formations).(term)
will.(term) intention.(term) habituation.
行處 [コウショ]@locus of mental functioning.
行賀 [ギョウガ]@(person) Gy■ga.
行跡 [ギョウセキ]@behavior, practices, activity.
衍 [エン]@vehicle.
衍字 [エンジ]@mistakenly inserted and.or unnecessary word.
術 [ジュツ]@technique, skill, art, craft.
衞世師 [エイセイシ]@(school) Vai■e■ika.
衞護 [エイゴ]@To guard and protect.
衣 [イ]@clothes, outer garments.
衣 [エ]@clothes, outer garments.
衣寳 [エホウ]@pearl in the garment.
衣座室 [エザシツ]@robe, seat, and room.
衣珠 [エシュ]@pearl in the garment.
衣珠 [エジュ]@pearl in the garment.
衣珠 [コロモノタマ]@pearl in the garment.
衣裏繋珠 [エリケイジュ]@the jewel hidden under one's cloak.
衣■ [エコク]@towel.
衣■ [エカイ]@towel.
衣那 [エナ]@umbilical cord.
衣鉢 [エハツイフ]@robe and bowl.
衣鉢 [イホ]@robe and bowl.
衣鉢 [イハツ]@robe and bowl.
衣鉢 [エハチ]@robe and bowl.
衣食具足 [エシキグソク]@sufficient food and clothing.
表 [ヒョウ]@face, outside, surface, outward appearance, external form.
表制集 [ヒョウセイシュウ]@Collected Documents.
表員 [ヒョウイン]@(person) P'yow■n.
表白 [ヒョウビャク]@[For the Buddha] to explain matters clearly to the audience.
表示 [ヒョウジ]@indicate, show, explain.
表體 [ヒョウタイ]@to indicate the subject (of the discussion).
衰 [スイ]@decline, wane, weaken, abate, decay, wither, waste away.
衰患 [スイカン]@weakness, disease, debilitation, troubles.
衰惱 [スイノウ]@distress, suffering, anguish, debilitation.
衲子 [ソウス]@Buddhist monk or nun.
袈裟 [ケサ]@monk's robe.
被 [ヒ]@to incur.
裁縫女 [サイホウニョ]@seamstress.
裏 [リ]@back, within, inside.
補剌拏迦葉波 [フラナカショウパ]@(person) P■ra■a-k■■yapa.
補澀波 [ホジュウハ]@flower.
補特伽羅 [フトガラ]@individual, individual existence.
補特伽羅無我 [フトガラムガ]@non-existence of a enduring self.
補瑟■迦 [ホシチチョウカ]@esoteric ritual for prosperity.
補盧沙 [フルシャ]@soul.
補羯姿 [ポカッシ]@scavenger caste.
補處 [フショ]@the next Buddha.
裟竭龍王 [サカツリュウオウ]@(name) S■gara.
裴休 [ハイキュウ]@(person) Pei Xiu.
裴玄證 [ハイゲンショウ]@(person) Peixuan zheng.
裴相國 [ハイソウコク]@"Minister Pei" of the Tang.
裸形外道 [ラギョウゲドウ]@(term) shameless Heretics.
褊 [ヘン]@small area.
褒 [ホウ]@praise, respect, admire.
西 [サイ]@west.
西主 [ニシノアルジ]@lord of the west.
西乾 [サイケン]@(place) India.
西■迦 [サイニカ]@military.
西光 [ニシノヒカリ]@western light.
西刹 [サイセツ]@land.
西域 [サイイキ]@western regions.
西域 [セイイキ]@western regions.
西域求法高僧傳 [サイイキグホウコウソウデン]@(title) Biographies of Eminent
Monks who Sought the Dharma in the Western Regions.
西域記 [サイイキキ]@Record of Travels to the Western Regions.
西天 [サイテン]@Western Heaven.
西山 [セイザン]@Respectful title of the Chos■n S■n monk Hyuj■ng.
西山住部 [セイセンジュウブ]@(school) Apara■ail■■.
西序 [セイジョ]@western group.
西方 [サイホウ]@western direction.
西方淨土 [サイホウジョウド]@pure land of the western direction.
西明 [サイミョウ]@(person) Ximing.
西明法師 [サイミョウホウシ]@(person) Ximing fashi.
西曼陀羅 [サイマンダラ]@western mandala.
西河 [セイガ]@(person) Xihe.
西淨 [セイジョウ]@latrine, or washroom.
西淨 [セイチン]@latrine, or washroom.
西牛貨洲 [サイゴケシュウ]@(term) Avaragod■n■ya.
西班 [セイバン]@western group.
西瞿耶尼 [サイクヤニ]@(term) Avaragod■n■ya.
西瞿陀尼 [サイクダニ]@(term) Avaragod■n■ya.
西瞿陀尼 [キイクダニ]@(term) Avaragod■n■ya.
西藏 [セイゾウ]@(term) tibet.
西藏佛教 [セイゾウブッキョウ]@(school) Tibetan Buddhism.
要 [ヨウ]@important, essential, necessary.
要略念誦經 [ヨウリャクネンショウキョウ]@(title) Sutra abridged for Recitation.
要門 [ヨウモン]@essential gate; essential method, practice.
要須 [ヨウス]@first you must....
覆 [フク]@(term) concealing, hypocrisy (mrak■a).
覆俗諦 [フクゾクタイ]@conventional truth.
覆翳 [フクエイ]@to cover, obscure, darken, impair.
覆藏 [フクゾウ]@concealing.
覆諦 [フクタイ]@conventional truth.
覆障 [フクショウ]@obstruction, hindrance, affliction, error.
見 [ケン]@see, to discern.
見一切住地 [ケンイッサイジュウジ]@hypostasis serving as single basis for all views.
見一處 [ケンイッショ]@single basis for views; afflictions that are seen at a single
point; cognitive afflictions.
見一處住地 [ケンイッショジュウジ]@unenlightened view of assuming a single basis.
見佛 [ケンブツ]@see the buddha.
見修 [ケンシュ]@seeing and cultivation.
見修所斷 [ケンシュショダン]@[The afflictions] that are eliminated in the path of
seeing and the path of cultivation.
見修煩惱 [ケンシュボンノウ]@afflictions removed during the path of insight and path
of cultivation.
見倒 [ケンドウ]@wrong views or theories.
見分 [ケンブン]@(term) subjective view; seeing part.
見取 [ケンシュ]@(term) attachment to views.
見取見 [ケンジュケン]@(term) attachment to one's own view.
見和敬 [ケンワキョウ]@reverent harmony in doctrinal unity in views and
見寶塔 [ケンポウトウ]@(foreign) Beholding the jeweled st■pa.
見得 [ケントク]@apprehending in observation.
見得心 [ケントクシン]@mind that sees and apprehends.
見心 [ケンシン]@see one's own mind.
見思惑 [ケンジワク]@two kinds of affliction developed from view and deliberation.
見性 [ケンショウ]@see the (buddha-)nature.
見性成佛 [ケンショウジョウブツ]@see one's own nature and (directly) accomplish
見惑 [ケンワク]@afflictions eliminated in the path of seeing.
見惑 [ケンアク]@afflictions eliminated in the path of seeing.
見愛二煩惱 [ケンアイニボンノウ]@two kinds of afflictions of views and emotions.
見愛煩惱 [ケンアイボンノウ]@afflictions of views and emotions.
見愛煩惱 [ケンナイボンノウ]@afflictions of views and emotions.
見我慢 [ケンガマン]@views of self and pride.
見所斷 [ケンショダン]@cut off in the Path of Seeing.
見所斷惑 [ケンショダンワク]@afflictions that are eliminated in the path of seeing.
見斷 [ケンダン]@eliminated in the path of seeing.
見暴流 [ケンボウル]@(term) raging current of (false) views.
見淨 [ケンジョウ]@purity of views.
見濁 [ケンジョク]@impurity of views.
見煩惱 [ケンボンノウ]@afflictions that are related to views, or conceptual reifications.
見相 [ケンソウ]@mark of seeing; (subtle) mark of the subjective perceiver.
見眞 [ケンシン]@see the truth.
見網 [ケンモウ]@net of views.
見縛 [ケンパク]@bond of created views.
見者 [ケンシャ]@(subjective) seer.
見聖跡 [ケンショウセキ]@seeing the traces of the sages.
見聖迹 [ケンショウシャク]@seeing the traces of the sages.
見聞 [ケンモン]@seeing or hearing.
見聞覺知 [ケンモンカクチ]@seeing, hearing, cognition, and knowing.
見色 [ケンシキ]@see color.
見色 [シキヲミル]@see color.
見著二法 [ケンジャクニホウ]@two afflictions of views and emotions.
見解 [ケンゲ]@(term) opinion, view..
見諍 [ケンジョウ]@wrangling over views.
見諦 [ケンタイ]@see the truth.
見迹 [ケンセキ]@seeing the hoofprints of the ox.
見道 [ケンドウ]@(term) path of seeing, path of insight.
見道所斷 [ケンドウショダン]@cut off in the Path of Seeing.
規 [キ]@compass.
規律 [キリツ]@Order, discipline, rules, regulations.
規機 [キキ]@to fathom a sentient being's capacity.
規約 [キヤク]@(term) code of rules.
覓 [ベキ]@search for.
親 [シン]@feeling of intimacy, affection.
親所■ [シンショエン]@a close object appearing within the object that arouses the
mental functioning of the subject.
親教 [シンキョウ]@"(One) intimate with the teachings.
親教師 [シンキョウシ]@teacher who imparts the precepts and.or intimately guides the
親近 [シンゴン]@become familiar (intimate) with; become close.
親造 [シンゾウ]@personally create; intimately create.
覺 [カク]@wisdom of enlightenment.
覺 [ガク]@wisdom of enlightenment.
覺分 [カクブン]@(term) bodhy-anga.
覺名 [カクミョウ]@(person) Buddhaya■as.
覺城 [カクジョウ]@place where the Buddha attained full enlightenment.
覺如 [カクニョ]@Kakunyo.
覺察 [カクサツ]@to analyze phenomena in detail.
覺性 [カクショウ]@enlightened nature.
覺悟 [カクゴ]@(term) awaken.(term) enlightenment.
覺明 [カクミョウ]@enlightened illumination.
覺有情 [カクウジョウ]@enlightened, but having feelings.
覺根 [カクコン]@five sensory organs: eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin.
覺樹 [カクジュ]@(term) bodhi tree.
覺照 [カクショウ]@enlightening illumination.
覺王 [カクオウ]@king of enlightenment.
覺皇寺 [カクコウジ]@(place) Kakhwangsa.
覺相 [カクソウ]@marks of enlightenment.
覺知 [カクチ]@awaken to or understand.
覺者 [カクシャ]@"Awakened one," "enlightened one.
覺自相 [カクジソウ]@peculiar marks of enlightenment.
覺親 [カクシン]@(person) Buddhamitra.
覺觀 [カクカン]@"Coarse apprehension" and "fine analysis.
覺護 [カクゴ]@(person) Buddhagupta.
覺鑁 [カクバン]@(person) Kakuban.
覺鑁 [カクバン]@(person) Kakuban.
覺雲 [カクウン]@(person) Kakun.
覽 [ラン]@see, look.
觀 [カン]@"analytical meditation" or "observation meditation.
觀世自在 [カンセジザイ]@Avalokite■vara Bodhisattva.
觀世音 [カンゼオン]@(term) bodhisattva Avalokite■vara, whose name is interpreted as
"The One who Observes the Sounds of the World.
觀世音經 [カンセイオンキョウ]@(title) Guanshiyin jing.
觀世音菩薩普門品 [カンゼオンボサツフモンボン]@(title) Kuan-shih-yin pu-sa pu-
觀住 [カンジュウ]@basis of meditation.
觀喜地 [カンギジ]@(term) stage of observing joy.
觀喜行 [カンギギョウ]@Joyful service.
觀察 [カンサツ]@stare at.
觀察法忍 [カンザツホウニン]@imperturbable examination of or meditation in the law
or of all things. Also.
觀察門 [カンザツモン]@meditating on the glories of the Pure Land.
觀心 [カンジン カンシン]@observe the mind.
觀心寺 [カンシンジ]@(temple) Kanshinji.
觀想法 [カンソウホウ]@(term) visualisation protocol.
觀所■■論 [カンショエンエンロン]@(title) Treatise on Contemplating Objective
觀朝 [カンチョウ]@(person) Kanch■.
觀法 [カンホウ]@contemplating the nature.
觀無量壽佛經疏 [カンムリョウジュブツキョウショ]@(title) Commentary on the
Sutra on Contemplation of the Buddha of Immeasurable Life:.
觀無量壽經 [カンムリョウジュキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Meditation on the Buddha
of Immeasurable Life.
觀無量壽經義疏 [カンムリョウジュキョウギショ]@(title) Commentary to the Sutra
of the Contemplation on the Buddha of Immeasurable Life.
觀經 [カンギョウ]@Meditation Sutra.
觀罪性空 [カンザイショウクウ]@Meditation on the emptiness of the nature of crimes.
觀自在 [カンジザイ]@Avalokite■vara Bodhisattva.
觀自在菩薩 [カンジザイボサツ]@Avalokite■vara Bodhisattva.
觀自在菩薩化身襄麌哩曳童女銷伏毒害陀羅尼經 [カンジザイボサツケシンジョウ
グリエイドウニョショウブクドクガイダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the Jungle
Girl [who Eradicates Injury from Poisoning, an Incarnation of the Bodhisattva who
Perceives Freely].
觀自在菩薩母陀羅尼經 [カンジザイボサツモダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the
Bodhisattva Mother who Heeds the Worlds Sounds.
觀自在菩薩■普賢陀羅尼經 [カンジザイボサツセツフケンダラニキョウ]@(title)
Dh■ra■■ of the Universally Virtuous One, Spoken by the Bodhisattva of Spontaneous
觀自在■普賢經 [カンジザイセツフケンキョウ]@(title) Guanzizai shuo puxian jing.
觀藥王藥上二菩薩經 [カンヤクオウヤクジョウニボサツキョウ]@(title)
Visualisation of the Two Bodhisattvas, the King of Medicine and the Superior Physician.
觀行 [カンギョウ]@method of practice of observing the mind.
觀話 [カンワ]@observe the head phrase.
觀賢 [カンゲン]@(person) Kangen.
觀門 [カンモン]@contemplation on an objective thing or principle.
觀音 [カンノン]@(name) Guanyin.
觀音經 [カンノンギョウ]@(title) Chapter of the Universal Gate of Avalokite■vara
角 [カク]@horn, antlers, tentacle.
角立 [カクリツ]@a standout.
角鹽淨 [カクエンジョウ]@preserving salt in a horn.
解 [ゲ]@(term) liberation.
解 [カイ]@(term) liberation.
解放 [ゲホウ]@be free from.
解深密經 [ゲジンミッキョウ]@(title) Sutra on Understanding Profound and Esoteric
Doctrine; Sutra of the Explication of the Underlying Meaning.
解深密經疏 [ゲシンミツキョウソ]@(title) Commentary on the Sa■dhinirmocana-
解空第一 [ゲクウダイイチ]@Most eminent in the grasp of the truth of emptiness.
解節經 [ゲセッキョウ]@(title) Jiejie jing.
解縛 [ゲバク]@untie the bonds.
解■ [ゲダツ]@(term) salvation.(term) liberation.
解■分 [ゲダツブン]@causes of liberation.
解■天 [ゲダツテン]@(person) Mok■adeva.
解■忍 [ゲダツニン]@forbearance of liberation.
解■智 [ゲダツチ]@wisdom of liberation.
解■義 [ゲダツギ]@principle of emancipation.
解■身 [ゲダツシン]@body of liberation.
解■道 [ゲダツドウ]@(term) path of liberation.
解■門 [ゲダツモン]@(term) gate of liberation.
解■障 [ゲダツショウ]@hindrances to liberation.
解行發心 [カイギョウホッシン]@the resolve to understand and to practice.
解■ [ゲセツ]@expound, explain, preach, interpret.
解■ [カイセツ]@expound, explain, preach, interpret.
解釋 [ゲシャク]@explain; elaborate; exegete; explicate.
解題號 [ゲダイゴウ]@explication of the title.
觸 [ソク]@(term) contact, touch.
觸事面墻 [ソクジメンジョウ]@Whatever matter one engages in, s.he runs into a wall.
觸境 [ソクキョウ]@(term) objects of touch (sprastavya).
觸目 [ソクモク]@everything that the eyes touch upon.
觸金剛 [ソクコンゴウ]@Ucchu■ma.
言 [ゴン]@(term) words.
言亡慮■之空 [ゴンモウリョゼツのクウ]@emptiness, which cuts off speech and
言依 [ゴンエ]@dependent on language.
言殺 [ゴンせツ]@killing by speech.
言■ [ゴンセツ]@killing by speech.
言答 [ゴントウ]@reply by words.
言詞 [ゴンジ]@words, language, speech.
言詮 [ゴンセン]@explain the scriptures.
言語 [ゴンゴ]@(term) language.(term) words.
言語道斷 [ゴンゴドウダン]@cutting off the path of language; going beyond the means
of intellection.
言語道斷 [ゲンゴドウダン]@cutting off the path of language; going beyond the means
of intellection.
言語音聲欲 [ゴンゴオンショウヨク]@sexual attraction to voice.
言■ [ゴンゼツ]@(term) speech.
言■戲論 [ゴンセツキロン]@intellectual play of language.
言論 [ゴンロン]@offer an argument.
言遣言 [ゴンケンゴン]@words do away with words.
計 [ゲ]@calculate, estimate, consider, think about, reckon, imagine.
計 [ケイ]@calculate, estimate, consider, think about, reckon, imagine.
計名字 [ケイミョウジ]@to impute names.
計名字相 [ケミョウジソウ]@(coarse) mark of conceptualizing names.
計度 [ケイタク]@discriminate, conceptualize, imagine.
計度分別 [ケイタクフンベツ]@conceptualize about all kind of various matters in past,
present and future.
計度末底山王 [ケイトマテイセンオウ]@(name) Ketumat■.
計著 [ケジャク]@to speculate about and attach to.
計計 [ケイケイ]@continued speculation; various imaginings.
計設尼 [ケイセニ]@Ke■■n■.
計都曜 [ケイトヨウ]@Ketu, a comet.
詐 [サ]@lie, deceive.
訓 [クン]@Instruct, advise, admonish, guide, lead, counsel.
詔 [ショウ]@Decree, imperial edict.
評 [ヒョウ]@arrange, to criticize, comment on.
■謗 [センボウ]@To badmouth, insult, abuse, criticize..
訖利多 [キリタ]@heart.
託 [タク]@trust, entrust with, depend upon.
託境 [タクキョウ]@Connection to, or reliance on objects.
託境界 [タクキョウカイ]@Reliance on the objective realm.
託生 [タクショウ]@to incarnate.
託生 [タク]@to incarnate.
託生 [ョウ]@to incarnate.
記 [キ]@(term) prediction.
記別 [キベツ]@bestow a prediction of enlightenment; to predict that someone will
attain buddhahood.
記憶 [キオク]@memory, remembrance, recollection.
記■ [キセツ]@(term) prediction of future buddhahood.
訛 [カ]@error, mistake.
訛 [ガ]@error, mistake.
訣 [ケツ]@Branch off, split, part from.
訥 [トツ]@stammer, stutter.
訥多 [トッタ]@(term) messenger or envoy.
訥帝 [トッタイ]@(term) female messenger, go-between or consort.
訪 [ホウ]@question, inquire, ask about, ask for.
設 [セツ]@set up, establish, arrange, institute, spread, suppose.
設利羅 [シャリラ]@(term) ■ar■ra.
設賞迦 [セツショウカ]@moon-king.
設邏哥 [セツラカ]@bamboo nameplate.
許 [コ]@permit, approve, allow, authorize, acknowledge.
許可 [コカ]@permit, approve, accept.
訶 [カ]@(transcription) Transcription of Sanskrit ha sound.
訶婆 [ハバ]@call, invoke.
診 [シン]@look, to see, to reflect upon.
註維摩詰論 [チュウユイマキツロン]@(title) Zhu Weimojie jing.
註華嚴法界觀門 [チュウケゴンホッカイカンモン]@(title) Zhu Huayan fajie
註華嚴法界觀門頌 [チュウケゴンホウカイカンモンジュ]@(title) Zhu huayan fajie
guanmen song.
註華嚴經題法界觀門頌 [チュウケゴンキョウダイホッカイカンモンジュ]@(title)
Zhu huayanjing ti fajie guanmen song.
詞 [シ]@speech; words.
詣 [ケイ]@reach to, arrive at.
試因■經 [シインネンキョウ]@Sutra on Testing the Causes and Conditions (of
詩 [シ]@poem, poems, poetry.
詮 [セン]@explain (in detail).
詰 [キツ]@reprove, rebuke, censor, accuse, blame, scold, upbraid.
話頭 [ワトウ]@head phrase.
該 [ガイ]@combine, embrace, include.
該羅 [ガイラ]@collect all together without leaving or missing anything.
認 [ニン]@witness, discern, authorize, recognize.
認識 [ニンシキ]@Cognition, understanding.
誑 [キョウ]@(term) deceit.
誑 [コウ]@(term) deceit.
誓 [セイ]@(term) oath.(term) vow.
誓水 [セイスイ]@vow water.
誕禮 [タンライ]@(person) Danli.
誘 [ユウ]@teach and guide.
語 [ゴ]@(term) speak.(term) speech.
語密 [ゴミツ]@esoteric speech.
語言 [ゴゴン]@say, speak, explain.
誠 [セイ]@(term) sincere.
誠 [ジョウ]@(term) sincere.
誡 [カイ]@admonish.
誡初心學人文 [カイショシンガクニンモン]@(title) Admonitions for Beginning
誤 [ゴ]@(term) err.(term) mistake.
誥 [コウ]@enjoin, to order, to inform a superior.
誦 [ショウ]@(term) recite.(term) chant.
誦 [ジュ]@(term) recite.(term) chant.
誦名 [ショウミョウ]@chant the name.
誦學 [ショウガク]@recite and study (the scriptures).
誦戒 [ジュカイ]@recitation of the precepts.
誦珠 [ジュズ]@rosary.
誨 [カイ]@(term) teach.(term) instruct.
■ [セツ]@(term) explain.(term) theory.
■一切有部 [セイッサイウブ]@(school) Sarv■stiv■da.
■他罪過戒 [セツタザイカカイ]@precept forbidding speaking of the faults of others.
■假部 [セッケブ]@(school) Prajñ■ptivadina■.
■出世部 [セツシュッセブ]@(school) Lokottarav■dina■.
■同法人過戒 [セツドウホウニンカカイ]@precept forbidding speaking of the faults
of one's fellow practitioners.
■四衆名■犯過戒 [セツシシュミョウトクボンカカイ]@precept forbidding speaking
of the faults of the four groups of renunciant practitioners.
■四衆過 [セツシシュカ]@accuse the four groups of Buddhist practitioners of faults.
■四衆過戒 [セツシシュウカカイ]@precept forbidding speaking of the faults of the
four groups of renunciant practitioners.
■在家出家菩薩戒 [セツザイケシュツケボサツカイ]@precept forbidding speaking of
the faults of the four groups of renunciant practitioners.
■法 [セッポウ]@(foreign) Exposition of the teachings (dharma).
■法第一 [セッポウ]@Most eminent in ability to explain the dharma.
■法第一 [ダイイチ]@Most eminent in ability to explain the dharma.
■過 [セッカ]@accuse others of their faults.
■過戒 [セッカカイ]@precept forbidding speaking of the faults of the four groups of
renunciant practitioners.
■非 [セツヒ]@confession.
課 [カ]@chapter, a section, a lesson.
誹 [ヒ]@slander, badmouth, ridicule.
誹謗 [ヒホウ]@(term) slander, badmouth, defame (apav■daka).
誹謗戒 [ヒホウカイ]@precept forbidding the slander [of the three treasures].
誹謗正法 [ヒホウショウボウ]@slander the true dharma.
誼 [ギ]@right, correct.
調 [チョウ]@check, investigate.
調伏 [ジョウフク]@(term) regulate, correct, adjust, soothe, quell (nigraha).
調婆達多 [チョウバダツタ]@Devadatta.
調御 [ジョウギョ]@tame, to control.
調柔 [ジョウニュウ]@be flexible and adaptable.
調柔地 [チョウジュウチ]@(term) stage of gentle harmony.
諂 [テン]@(term) flattery; guile.
諂曲 [テンゴク]@deceit; flattery.
談 [ダン]@discourse (upon).
請 [ショウ]@ask.
諍 [ソウ]@quarrel, dispute, argue, remonstrate.
論 [ロン]@(term) treatise.(term) theory.
論師 [ロンジ]@treatise master.
論師 [ロンシ]@treatise master.
論式 [ロンシキ]@(title) V■da-vidh■na.
論義第一 [ロンギダイイチ]@Most eminent in explicating the inner meaning of the
論■ [ロンセツ]@to discuss.
論議 [ロンギ]@discussions of the doctrine.
諠雜 [ケンゾウ]@noise; clamor, bustle.
諦 [タイ]@(term) truth.
諦句 [タイコウ]@true words.
諦■ [タイエン]@truths and dependency.
諦聽 [タイチョウ]@listen carefully.
諮問 [シモン]@question, inquiry, investigation, examination.
諮詢 [シジュン]@consult, to question, to ask.
諱 [キ]@Posthumous (canonical) name.
諷 [フウ]@chant.
諷誦 [フジュ]@recite (chant) the scriptures.
諷頌 [フジュ]@recitation of the scriptures. To chant the scriptures melodiously.
諸 [ショ]@many, all, various, the various.
諸佛力 [ショブツリキ]@power of the buddhas.
諸佛境界攝眞實經 [ショブツキョウカイショウシンジツキョウ]@(title) Reality
Assembly of the Attained Realm of the Buddhas.
諸佛心印陀羅尼經 [ショブツシンインダラニキョウ]@(title) Zhufo xinyin tuoluoni
諸佛心陀羅尼經 [ショブツシンダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the Essence of the
諸佛母經 [ショブツモキョウ]@(title) Zhufomu jing.
諸佛要集論 [ショブツヨウシュウロン]@(title) Zhufo yaoji jing.
諸佛集會陀羅尼經 [ショブツシュウエダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the
Endowment of All Buddhas.
諸尊 [ショソン]@various deities.
諸尊圖像 [ショソンズゾウ]@(title) Iconography of the Venerables.
諸山長老 [ショサンチョウロウ]@elders of neighboring monasteries.
諸星母陀羅尼經 [ショショウモダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the Planet
諸根 [ショコン]@faculties, or organs.
諸樂 [ショラク]@all kinds of enjoyment; all kinds of bliss.
諸法 [ショホウ]@(term) all dharmas.
諸法但名宗 [ショホウダンミョウシュウ]@teaching that all dharmas are only names.
諸法實相 [ショホウジッウ]@true marks of all dharmas.all things are ultimately
real.the variety of phenomenal things expresses the real state of the universal and ultimate
諸法無我 [ショホウムガ]@all things lack inherent identity.
諸行 [ショギョウ]@conditioned phenomena.
諸行無常 [ショコウムジョウ]@all things are in a state of incessant change.
諸見 [ショケン]@various views; all views.
諸識 [ショシキ]@various kinds of consciousness.
諸門 [ショモン]@All aspects.
諸難 [ショナン]@all kinds of difficulty; all kinds of suffering.
諸龍力 [ショリュウリキ]@(foreign) power of the n■gas.
諾矩羅 [ナククラ]@(name) Nakula.
謀 [ボウ]@Plan, devise, scheme.
謀 [ム]@Plan, devise, scheme.
謂 [イ]@say, to speak, to tell, to relate, to explain.
謗 [ホウ]@slander, to speak ill of.
謗三寳 [ホウサンホウ]@slandering the three treasures.
謗三寶 [ホウサンボウ]@slandering the three treasures.
謗三寶戒 [ホウサンボウカイ]@precept forbidding the slander of the three treasures.
謗亂正法戒 [ホウランショウボウカイ]@precept forbidding the slander of the true
謗毀 [ホウキ]@blame, accuse, carp, criticize.
謗毀戒 [ホウキカイ]@precept against blaming others.
謗法 [ボウホウ]@slander the dharma.
謗法 [ホウボウ]@slander the dharma.
謗菩薩法戒 [ホウボサツホウカイ]@precept forbidding the slander of the
bodhisattva's dharma.
謙益 [ケンエキ]@(person) Ky■mik.
講圓覺經發辭 [コウエンガクキョウホツジ]@(title) Kang W■ngakky■ng palsa.
講堂 [コウドウ]@lecture hall.
講師 [コウシ]@lecturer.
講師 [コウジ]@lecturer.
講開示 [コウカイジ]@explanation (at a lecture).
謨賀那 [ボガナ*]@completer.
謫 [チャク]@Condemn, blame, censure, charge, accuse, criticize.
謫 [タク]@Condemn, blame, censure, charge, accuse, criticize.
謬 [ビュウ]@an error, mistake.
謬 [ムウ]@an error, mistake.
證 [ショウ]@(term) realization, actualization.(term) witness.
證不退 [ショウフタイ]@non-backsliding in terms of mindfulness.
證俊 [ショウシュン]@(person) Ch■ngjun.
證境 [ショウキョウ]@realization realm.
證得 [ショウトク]@gain, to get, acquire. To realize, to perfect, consummate.
證成 [ショウジョウ]@complete, perfect, consummate.
證成道理 [ショウジョウドウリ]@make perfect sense in one's explanation of a matter.
證涅槃 [ショウネハン]@attain nirvana; realize nirvana.
證發心 [ショウホッシン]@the resolve for realization.
證自證分 [ショウジショウブン]@(term) rewitnessing aspect.
證見 [ショウケン]@fully actualized view of reality.
證驗 [ショウゲン]@bear witness.
譏 [キ]@blame.
譏嫌 [キゲン]@(term) contempt.
譏嫌名 [キゲンミョウ]@a name that has been slandered.
識 [シキ]@(term) consciousness.
識匿 [シキニョク]@Chighn■n.
識無邊處 [シキムヘンショ]@(term) vijñ■na-anantya-■yatana, the abode of limitless
識無邊處地 [シキムヘンショチ]@realm of infinite perception.
識物 [シキモツ]@conscious beings.
識眞如 [シキシンニョ]@suchness of consciousness, referring to the fact that all
conditioned phenomena are nothing but consciousness.
識蘊 [シキウン]@(term) sixth consciousness.
識變無爲 [シキヘンムイ]@(term) conceptualized unconditioned.
識身足論 [シキシンソクロン]@(title) Shishenzu lun.
譬喩 [ヒユ]@(term) parable.
譬喩部 [ヒユブ]@(school) Sautr■ntika.
譯 [ヤク]@reason, an explanation.
議 [ギ]@speak, converse, discuss, consult, hold a discussion, have a conference.
議職 [ギシキ]@(term) consultation on ranks.
護 [ゴ]@(term) protect.
護主 [ゴシュ]@guard, watchman.
護國 [ゴコク]@protect the state.
護國品 [ゴコクホン]@the chapter on protecting the state.
護念 [ゴネン]@mindfulness; mental stability.
護持 [ゴジ]@(term) protect and maintain (anup■lan■).
護持■ [ゴジソウ]@guardian monk.
護摩 [ゴマ]@burning.
護摩木 [ゴマギ]@wood for the fire ritual.
護明 [ゴミョウ]@(person) Prabh■p■la.
護明菩薩 [ゴミョウボサツ]@light-protecting bodhisattva.
護法 [ゴホウ]@protect the dharma.
護理方丈 [ゴリホウジョウ]@(term) deputy abbot.
護魔 [ゴマ]@(foreign) homa.
譽 [ヨ]@praise, to laud.
讀 [ドク]@read.
讀師 [ドクシ]@reader.
讀師 [トクシ]@reader.
讀經 [ドクキョウ]@to read the scriptures.
讀經 [ドキョウ]@to read the scriptures.
讀誦 [ドクジュ]@(term) oral reading of the scriptures (v■cyam■na, sv■dhy■ya).
變 [ヘン]@(term) evolve.
變作 [ヘンサ]@make, or do a transformation.
變化 [ヘンゲ]@(term) transformation of things (nirm■■a).
變化土 [ヘンゲド]@land of transformation.
變化女 [ヘンげニョ]@female transformation body.
變化無記 [ヘンゲムキ]@fruits of the transformations of supernormal powers as being
of indeterminate (or "neutral") moral quality.
變化身 [ヘンゲシン]@(term) transformation body.
變壞 [ヘンネ]@change, decay-resulting in suffering.
變易 [ベンヤク]@change, to transform.
變易生死 [ベンイショウジ]@(term) miraculous sa■s■ra , inconceivable
變現 [ヘンゲン]@(term) transformation and manifestation of form (pratih■rya).
變異 [ヘンイ]@change, become different.
變鳥 [ヘンチョウ]@miraculous birds, or transformed birds.
讓 [ジョウ]@yield, resign, cede.
讚 [サン]@praise, admire; extol.
讚他 [サンタ]@to praise others.
讚嘆 [サンタン]@praise, extol.
讚嘆 [サンダン]@praise, extol.
讚嘆供養 [サンタンクヨウ]@extol and make offerings.
讚嘆殺 [サンダンせツ]@killing because of being praised for it.
讚己 [サンコ]@to be praised oneself.
讚歎 [ザンダン]@praise, admiration.
讚歎殺 [サンタンセツ]@killing because of being praised for it.
讚歎門 [サンダンモン]@invoking the name of Amit■bha.
讚毀 [サンキ]@praise and disparagement.
讚詠 [サンエイ]@to praise; extol; adulate.
讚誦 [サンショウ]@Maudgaly■yana.
谷 [タニ]@valley.
谿丹 [ケイタン]@Khotan.
豆 [コクズ]@beans.
豈 [キ]@what, why, how in the world, how could it possibly...?.
豈 [カイ]@what, why, how in the world, how could it possibly...?.
豐 [ホウ]@Rich, abundant, plentiful.
豐儉 [ホウケン]@plenty and poverty.
豐浦寺 [とうゆらでら]@Toyura Temple.
象 [ショウ]@resemble, to imitate, pattern after, symbolize.
象 [ゾウ]@resemble, to imitate, pattern after, symbolize.
象堅山 [ショウケンサン]@P■lus■ragiri.
豪 [ゴウ]@Strong, great, powerful, excellent, outstanding.
豪勢 [ゴウセイ]@(term) domineering spirit.
豫 [ヨ]@I, myself, the writer.
貝 [バイ]@shell.
貝支迦 [バイシカ]@solitary.
貞元釋教■略出 [テイゲンシャクキョウロクリャクシュツ]@(title) Zhenyuan
xinding shijiao mulu Zhenyuan xinding shijiao mulu.
負 [フ]@negative, minus.
財 [ザイ]@money, wealth, assets, property, possessions.
財供養 [ザイクヨウ]@offerings of goods.
財物 [ザイモツ]@one's wealth, possessions, property.
財産 [ザイサン]@property.
貧 [ヒン]@be poor, in poverty, without possessions.
貧匱 [ビンキ]@to be made to suffer; to receive harm.
貧苦 [ヒング]@to suffer in poverty.
貧道 [ヒンドウ]@first person pronoun for a monk or nun.
貨 [カ]@valuables.
貪 [トン]@(term) greed, craving.
貪光 [トンコウ]@light of greed.
貪嗔癡 [トンシンチ]@craving, ill-will, and ignorance.
貪愛 [トンアイ]@(term) desire.(term) craving.(term) covetousness.(term) attachment.
貪欲 [トンヨク]@(term) desire.(term) covetousness.(term) greed.
貪瞋痴 [トンジンチ]@greed, ill-will, and delusion.
貪瞋癡 [トンジンチ]@greed, hatred and delusion.
貪著 [トンジャク]@to crave and be attached to.
貫 [カン]@go through, penetrate, implicate.
貫主 [カンジュ]@head; prelate.
貫主 [カンズ]@head; prelate.
責 [セキ]@upbraid.
貴 [キ]@valuable, important, excellent, good, virtuous.
貶 [ヘン]@condemn.
費 [ヒ]@spend, expend, lay out.
費而隱 [ヒジイン]@fill many functions yet remain inconspicuous.
賀野■哩■ [ガヤコリバ]@(name) Hayagr■va.
資 [シ]@property, wealth, possessions.
資福 [シフク]@accumulate merit.
資糧 [シリョウ]@(term) preparation.(term) accumulation.
資糧位 [シリョウイ]@(term) stage of accumulation; stage of equipment.
資糧道 [シリョウドウ]@(term) path of accumulation; path of preparation; path of
資■ [シエン]@external supportive conditions.
賊 [ゾク]@thief, a robber, brigand, criminal.
賊媒 [ゾクバイ]@the thieving media.
■乃以室折羅 [シャナイイシセツラ*]@(name) ■anai■cara.
■羯羅 [シャカラ*]@(foreign) cakra.
賓 [ヒン]@visitor, a guest.
賓伽羅 [ビンガラ]@(person) Pi■gala.
賓度盧頗羅墮 [ピンドロハラダ]@An alternative transcription for Pi■■olabbaradv■ja.
賓荼波多 [ピンダパタ]@food given as alms.
賓頭盧跋羅墮闍 [ヒントウロハツラダシャ]@(name) Pi■■olabbaradv■ja.
賓頭羅伽 [ビントウラガ]@(person) Pi■gala.
賢 [ケン]@intelligent, bright, smart.
賢冑部 [ケンチュウブ]@(school) Bhadray■n■y■■.
賢劫 [ケンゴウ]@present age.
賢劫一佛 [ケンゴイチブツ]@(foreign) One of the Buddhas of the auspicious (bhadra)
賢善 [ケンゼン]@worthy.
賢善首 [ケンゼンシュ]@Chief Worthy.
賢寂 [ケンジャク]@Devak■ema.
賢授 [ケンジュ]@(person) Bhadradatta.
賢聖 [ケンショウ]@wise person.
賢豆 [ケンド]@India.
賢頭 [ケントウ]@(place) Sindhu.
賢首 [ケンシュ]@(person) Xianshou.
賢首宗 [ゲンジュシュウ]@(school) School of Xianshou.
賣姓 [マイショウ]@(person) Vakkula.
質 [ゼツ]@disposition, nature, quality, personality.
質■羅婆拏 [シッタラバナ]@(person) Citrabh■na.
質多羅 [シッタラ]@Citr■.
質怛羅 [シッチタラ]@Citr■.
質朴 [シツボク]@(foreign) mahoraga.
質直 [シツジキ]@honest, upright, straightforward.
質碍 [ゼツゲ]@material obstruction.
質礙 [ゼツゲ]@material obstruction.
■瑜 [ライユ]@(person) Raiyu.
贊寧 [サンネイ]@(person) Zanning.
贍部洲 [センブシュウ]@(term) Jamb■-dvipa.
贖 [ショク]@atone for; expiate (sins).
贖 [ゾク]@atone for; expiate (sins).
赤珠 [シャクシュ]@Ruby.
赤肉團 [シャクニクダン]@lump of red flesh.
赤色 [シャクシキ]@red color.
赤鬼 [アカオニ]@red demons.
赫奕 [カクエキ]@bright, shining.
赫奕 [カクヤク]@bright, shining.
赫■ [カクエキ]@bright, shining, effervescent.
赫■ [カクヤク]@bright, shining, effervescent.
赴火 [フカ]@ascetic practice of self-immolation.
起 [キ]@arise, to awaken, to initiate, to begin, to arouse.
起信 [キシン]@to arouse faith; awaken faith.
起信論 [キシンロン]@(title) Awakening of Mah■y■na Faith.
起信論別記 [キシンロンベツキ]@(title) Taes■ng kisillon py■lgi.
起信論曇延疏 [キシンロンドンエンショ]@Tanyan's Commentary to the Awakening
of Faith.
起信論疏 [キシンロンソ]@(title) Commentary on the Awakening of Faith.
起信論疏筆削記 [キシンロンソヒツシャッキ]@(title) Qixinlun shou bi xueji.
起信論義疏 [キシンロンギショ]@Commentary on the Awakening of Faith.
起信論義記 [キシンロンギキ]@(title) Qixinlun yiji.
起信論記 [キシンロンキ]@(title) Taes■ng kisillon py■lgi.
起動 [キドウ]@move, activate, set into motion.
起念 [キネン]@give rise to thought.
起業 [キゴウ]@produce karma.
起業相 [ギゴッソウ]@[coarse] mark of producing karma.
起相 [キソウ]@mark of arising.
起著 [キジャク]@arising of attachment; to give rise to attachments.
超 [チョウ]@leap over, pass over, surpass, transcend.
超名相 [チョウミョウソウ]@transcend name and form.
超度 [チョウド]@transcend, overcome.
超群 [チョウグン]@beyond the herd.
超越 [チョウエツ]@(term) transcend.
超越三昧 [チョウエツザンマイ]@(term) transcending sam■dhi (samatikrama-utpatti).
超過 [チョウカ]@exceed, go beyond, transcend.
越 [エツ]@to cross over.
越三界 [オツサンガイ]@Beyond the Threefold World.
越毘尼 [オツビニ]@(minor) misdeeds.
趙州 [チョウシュウ]@(person) Zhaozhou.
趙州從■ [ジョウシュウジュウシン]@(person) Zhaozhou congshen.
趣 [シュ]@destination, destiny.
趣向 [シュコウ]@proceed towards, become.
趣寂 [シュジャク]@enter into extinction.
足 [ソク]@leg, foot.
足上戒取 [ショクジョウカイシュ]@inverted view of attachment to the precepts.
趺坐 [フザ]@(term) lotus position.
跋折■■陀迦 [ハツセツラウダカ]@Indestructible water.
跋折羅 [バシャラ]@(term) vajra.
跋折羅■訶婆 [ハツセツラタカバ]@Vajrah■sa.
跋提 [バツダイ]@(person) Bhadrika.
跋日羅 [ハジラ]@(term) vajra.
跋渠 [ばく]@(term) varga.
跋羅吸摩 [ハツラキュウマ]@great brahman heaven.
跋耆子 [バツギシ]@(person) Vajjiputta.
跋耆族 [ハツキゾク]@(school) Vajjiputtaka.
跋闍子 [バジャシ]@Vajjiputta.
跋闍羅波膩 [ハジャラハジ]@(name) Vajrap■■i.
跋陀婆羅 [バッダバラ]@(name) Bhadrap■la.
跋陀羅 [ハツタラ]@(term) bhadra.
跋難陀 [バツナンダ]@(name) Upandanda.
跏座 [カザ]@(term) lotus position.
跏趺 [カフ]@(term) lotus position.
跡 [シャク]@traces; tracks.
路 [ロ]@road, path, wayfare, highway.
路迦憊 [ロカビ]@knower of the worlds.
路迦那他 [ロカナタ]@lord, blessed one, world-honoured one.
路邊生 [ロヘンショウ]@(person) C■■a-panthaka.
跳出 [チョウシュツ]@transcend, go beyond.
踐 [セン]@To tread on, to step, to trample.
踰繕那 [ユゼンナ]@(term) yojana.
踰膳那 [ユゼンナ]@(term) A transcription of the Sanskrit and Pali yojana, an ancient
Indian measure of distance.
踰闍 [ユシャ]@Ayodhy■.
踰闍十五 [ユジャジュウゴ]@fifteen [chapters] taught at Ayodhy■.
踰闍那 [ユジャナ]@(term) yojana.
蹇特 [ケントク]@Ka■■haka.
躄 [チュウ]@crippled.
躍 [ヤク]@To dance, leap about, jump up.
身 [シン]@the body, especially in contrast to the mind.
身三 [シンサン]@Three bodily sins.
身光 [シンコウ]@an aura.
身分 [シンブン]@parts of the body.
身分 [ミブン]@parts of the body.
身口意 [シンクイ]@Bodily actions, speech, and thought.
身命 [シンミョウ]@body and life.
身和敬 [シンワキョウ]@reverent harmony in bodily unity in form of worship.
身如意通 [シンニョイツウ]@The supernatural power of unimpeded bodily action,
which implies such things as the ability to fly, the ability to make oneself invisible, etc.
身子 [シンシ]@(person) ■■riputra.
身心 [シンシン]@(term) body and mind.
身念處 [シンネンジョ]@(term) mindfulness of body.
身根 [シンコン]@(term) one of the five (or six) faculties (k■ya-indriya).
身業 [シンゴウ]@(term) deeds.
身毒 [シンドク]@India.
身毛上靡相 [シンモウジョウミソウ]@hairs on his body point upward.
身相 [シンソウ]@the special characteristics of a body.
身見 [シンケン]@(term) the view of the existence of a self.
身證 [シンショウ]@experiencing (in, with) one's body.
身識 [シンシキ]@bodily consciousness.
身身 [シンシン]@various bodies; various persons.
身通 [シンツウ]@The supernatural power of unimpeded bodily function, which
includes such abilities as flying and invisibility.
身邊二見 [シンヘンニケン]@The two deluded views of attachment to self and
attachment to extremes.
車也 [シャヤ]@(term) ch■ya.(term) Shadow.
車匿 [シャノク]@(person) Chandaka.
車渠 [シャゴ]@Agate.
車軸 [シャジク]@hub of a wheel.
軌 [キ]@a rule of law, pattern, a principle; an example.
軌持 [キジ]@rules, principles.
軌範師 [キハンシ]@(foreign) ■c■rya.
軌經 [キキョウ]@Standard Sutra.
軍持 [グンジ]@pitcher; flask.
軍持 [クンチ]@pitcher; flask.
軍荼 [グンダ]@hole for the fire altar.
軸 [ジク]@a roller for a scroll.
載 [サイ]@ride (on a vehicle).
輒取 [チョウシュ]@to snatch quickly.
輕 [キョウ]@light (not heavy), little, trifling.
輕垢 [キョウク]@(minor) misdeeds.
輕垢罪 [キョウクザイ]@light crimes.
輕安 [キョウアン]@(term) pliancy, serenity.
輕慢 [キョウマン]@disdain.
輕慢他人 [キョウマンタニン]@to despise others.
輕慢心 [キョウマンシン]@the mental state of disdain for others.
輕捷 [キョウショウ]@spirits of the dead.
輕罪 [キョウザイ]@Light crime.
輕蔑 [ケイベツ]@look down on; take lightly; despise.
輕蔑心 [キョウベツシン]@scornful, arrogant mentality, in which one looks down on
輕重 [キョウジュウ]@lightness and heaviness.
輕非 [キョウヒ]@light crimes; minor wrongdoings.
輝 [キ]@light, bright, luminous.
輪 [リン]@wheel.
輪廻 [リンネ]@(term) transmigration (sa■s■ra).
輪王 [リンオウ]@wheel-turning king.
輪王寺 [リンノウジ]@(temple) Rinn■ji.
輪蓋 [リンカイ]@dew receivers.
輪藏 [リンゾウ]@scripture repository.
輪轉 [リンテン]@turn like a wheel.
輿 [ヨ]@palanquin, a bier.
轉 [テン]@(term) revolve, to turn (pravrtti, pravartaka).transform, evolve, change,
轉世 [テンセ]@attainer of nirvana from within the desire realm.
轉依 [テンエ]@(term) transformation of the basis.
轉勝 [テンショウ]@transform or change into something better.
轉想 [テンソウ]@transition of mental states.
轉授 [テンジュ]@to turn over and impart; to transmit.
轉授諸衆生 [テンジュショシュショウ]@to impart to all sentient beings.
轉相 [テンソウ]@marks of transformation; characteristics of transformation.
轉經 [テンキョウ]@to read the scriptures.
轉識 [テンジキ]@(term) transforming consciousness, karmic consciousness, evolving
consciousness, forthcoming consciousness.
轉識得智 [テンシキトクチ]@transforming consciousness and gaining wisdom.
轉識論 [テンシキロン]@(title) Treatise on the Transformation of Consciousness.
轉變 [テンペン]@transform; transformation, evolution.
轉輪 [テンリン]@turn (a wheel).
轉輪王 [テンリンオウ]@wheel-turning king.
轉輪聖王 [テンリンショウオウ]@(term) wheel turning sage king.
轉轉 [テンテン]@pass from hand to hand.
辟 [ヒャク]@example; for example.
辟支佛 [ビャクシブツ]@solitary realizer.
辟支佛身 [ビャクシブッシン]@(term) pratyekabuddha-body.
辧 [ベン]@treat, deal with, handle, manage.
辧得 [ベントク]@manage, to handle.
辧肯 [ベンコウ]@Discern, discriminate, know, understand.
辧道 [ベンドウ]@apprehend the way.
辨 [ベン]@discern, discriminate, know, understand.
辨中邊論 [ベンチュウヘンロン]@(title) Bian zhongbian lun.
辨中邊論述記 [ベンチュウヘンロンジュッキ]@(title) Commentary on the
辨圓 [ベンエン]@(person) Bennen.
辨相 [ベンソウ]@discernment of marks.
辨長 [ベンチョウ]@(person) Bench■.
辨阿 [ベンア]@(person) Bena.
辭典 [ジテン]@dictionary.
辯中邊論疏 [ベンチュウヘンロンショ]@(title) Commentary on the Madhy■nta-
辯中邊論述記 [ベンチュウヘンロンジュツキ]@(title) Commentary on the
辯中邊論頌 [ベンチュウヘンロンショウ]@(title) Bian zhongbian lun song.
辯天 [ベンテン]@Sarasvat■.
辯才 [ベンサイ]@eloquence.
辯才天 [ベンサイテン]@Sarasvat■.
辯才天 [ベンザイテン]@Sarasvat■.
辯正論 [ベンショウロン]@(title) Bianzheng lun.
辯無礙解 [ベンムゲゲ]@specific perfect understanding of confidence.
辯顯密二教論 [ベンケンミツニキョウロン]@(title) Comparing Exoteric and Esoteric
辰那弗多羅 [ジンナフタラ]@Jinaputra.
辱 [ニク]@shame, disgrace, dishonor.
辱 [ジョク]@shame, disgrace, dishonor.
迅猛風 [シンモウフ]@hurricane.
近事男 [ゴンジナン]@laymen, male lay believers.
近因 [コンイン]@(term) immediate or direct cause.
近方便 [コンホウベン]@expedient means that bring one close to the Path of Seeing.
近■ [ゴンエン]@immediate cause.
迦多衍尼子 [カタエンニシ]@(person) K■ty■yan■putra.
迦奢 [カシャ]@splendor.
迦尸 [カーシー]@(place) K■■■.
迦尸國 [カシコク]@(place) K■■i.
迦才 [カザイ]@Jia Cai.
迦摩羅 [カマラ]@yellow sickness-apparently some kind of fever.
迦旃延 [カセンネン]@(person) K■ty■yana.
迦旃延子 [ケセンエンシ]@(person) K■ty■yan■putra.
迦旃延阿毘曇 [カセンネンアビドン]@(title) K■ty■yana abhidharma.
迦智山 [カチサン]@(school) Kaji san.
迦末羅 [カマラ]@yellow sickness--apparently some kind of fever.
迦栴延 [カセンエン]@K■ty■yana.
迦樓羅 [カルラ]@(term) griffin.
迦樓那 [カルナ]@(term) karu■■.
迦樓陀夷 [カロウダイ]@(name) K■lod■yin.
迦比羅 [カヒラ]@(person) Kapila.
迦毘摩羅 [カビモラ]@(person) Kapimala.
迦毘摩羅 [カビマラ]@(person) Kapimala.
迦毘羅 [カビラ]@(person) Kapila.
迦毘羅國 [カビラコク]@(place) Kapilavastu.
迦毘羅衞 [カピラエ]@(place) Kapilavastu.
迦沙 [カシャ]@brownish color; the Buddhist surplice.
迦理迦 [ケリケ]@(name) K■lika.
迦留羅 [カルラ]@(foreign) garu■a.
迦留陀夷 [カルウダイ]@(name) K■lod■yin.
迦盧 [カル]@(name) K■lod■yin.
迦■那 [カチナ]@garment of merits.
迦膩色迦王 [カニシカオウ]@(person) Kani■ka.
迦葉 [カショウ]@(person) K■■yapa.
迦葉仙人■醫女人經 [カショウセンニンセツイジョニンキョウ]@(title) Sutra on
Obstetrics Spoken by the Sage K■■yapa.
迦葉摩騰 [カショウマトウ]@(person) K■■yapa M■ta■ga.
迦葉結集法藏 [カショウケチシュウホウゾウ]@(term) tripi■aka Compiled at the
Council of Mah■k■■yapa.
迦諾迦伐蹉 [ケダクケバチサ]@(name) Kanakavatsa.
迦諾迦牟尼 [カナカムニ]@(name) Kanakamuni.
迦諾迦跋釐墮闍 [ケダクケハツリタジャ]@(name) Kanakabharadv■ja.
迦路娜 [カロダ]@(name) K■lod■yin.
迦那提婆 [カナダイバ]@(person) K■■adeva.
迦那陀 [カナダ]@(person) Ka■■da.
迦陵頻伽 [カリョウビンガ]@(term) the kavali■ka.
■夜 [タイヤ]@night of arrival.
述記 [ジュッキ]@(title) Shouji.
迴向 [カイコウ]@return (transfer) one's merit to another.
迴向方便 [エコウホウベン]@demitting the good produced by the above eight
methods, to others, universally, past, present, and future.
迴向輪經 [カイコウリンキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Revolving Wheel.
迴向門 [エコウモン]@Transferring one's own accumulated merit to all sentient beings.
迷 [メイ]@(term) doubt.(term) delusion.
迷亂 [メイラン]@confusion in the mind due to afflictions.
迷事 [メイジ]@to be in error in regard to concrete events.
迷事惑 [メイジワク]@delusion in regard to concrete affairs.
迷事煩惱 [メイジボンノウ]@afflictions derived from confusion in regard to
迷人 [メイニン]@person who has lost their way.
迷企羅 [メイキラ]@(name) Mihira.
迷倒 [メイトウ]@inverted and confused.
迷執 [メイシュウ]@(term) mistaken attachment.
迷妄 [メイモウ]@confusion, craziness, fantasy, delusion.
迷悟 [メイゴ]@delusion and enlightenment.
迷悶 [メイモン]@deluded anguish.
迷惑 [メイワク]@delusion, confusion, perplexity, doubt.
迷斷 [メイダン]@severing of delusion.
迷方 [メイホウ]@confused in regard to direction.
迷理惑 [メイリノワク]@afflictions of error in regard to principles of reality.
迹 [シャク]@footsteps, tracks, traces, impressions, marks.
追 [ツイ]@chase.
追善 [ツイゼン]@pursue goodness.
追悔 [ツイカイ]@(term) regret.
追薦 [ツイセン]@pursue the making of offerings.
追薦 [ツイゼン]@pursue the making of offerings.
退 [タイ]@to retrogress; backslide; regress.
退墮 [タイダ]@regress and fall.
退大 [タイダイ]@to retrogress from the great vehicle.
退失 [タイシツ]@relapse.fall back; regress.
退居和尚 [タイキョワショウ]@(term) retired abbot.
退屈 [タイクツ]@backslide.
退心 [タイシン]@retrogressing mind.
退沒 [タイモツ]@fall down; fall away.
退法相 [タイホウソウ]@the aspect of backsliding from the dharma.
退法阿羅漢 [タイホウアラカン]@(term) arhat who backslides in the dharma.
退菩提心 [タイボダイシン]@retrogress from the mind of enlightenment.
退轉 [タイテン]@backslide; to fall back to a lower level of religious practice.
退還 [タイゲン]@backslide.
送婆 [ソウバ]@(name) ■ambara.
逆 [ギャク]@disobey, rebel, oppose.
逆流 [ギャクリュウ]@resisting the flow (of sa■s■ra).
逆流 [ギャクル]@resisting the flow (of sa■s■ra).
逆罪 [ギャクザイ]@heinous crime.
逆順 [ギャクジュン]@Offensive and pleasing.
透 [トウ]@Permeate, penetrate.
透■ [トウダツ]@liberation.
逐物爲己逐己爲物 [チクモツイコチクコイモツ]@Since oneself and all things are
not different, when one pursues things s.he finds the self.
逐語譯 [チクゴヤク]@literal, word for word translation.
途 [ト]@road, a path, a journey.
這 [シャ]@go to meet, to greet.
通 [ツウ]@pass, pass through, penetrate, permeate.
通佛教 [ツウブッキョウ]@"interpenetrated Buddhism.
通別 [ツウベツ]@Shared and distinct.
通利 [ツウリ]@to penetrate unobstructed through affairs.
通塞 [ツウソク]@pass through (the Way) smoothly, or to be stopped, restricted.
通局 [ツウコク]@"universal and partial.
通相 [ツウソウ]@from the perspective of sameness.
通■ [ツウエン]@pervasively connected.
通習氣 [ツウジッケ]@habit energies that function without specific limitations.
通論 [ツウロン]@a general theory or explanation.
通逹 [ツウダツ]@To penetrate, permeate.
通達 [ツウダツ]@penetrate, pervade, pierce, permeate.
通達位 [ツウダツイ]@stage of proficiency.
通門 [ツウモン]@Shared approach.
逝多林 [セイタリン]@(place) Jetavana.
逝多苑 [セイタエン]@(place) Jetavana.
速 [ソク]@rapidly.
速成 [ソクジョウ]@accomplish rapidly.
速疾 [ソクシツ]@rapid, speedy, prompt, fast, quick.
速疾立驗魔醯首羅天■阿尾奢法 [ソクシツリュウケンマケシュラテンセツアビシ
ャホウ]@(title) A Rapidly Established Effect: the Abhic■ra Method Explained by
速通 [ソクツウ]@sharp spiritual faculties.
造 [ゾウ]@make, to create.
造像量度經 [ゾウゾウリョウドキョウ]@(title) Utterances on Image-making and
造寺 [ゾウジ]@temple building.
造業 [ゾウゴウ]@perform actions; create karma.
連續 [レンゾク]@continue; continuity.
逮慧三昧經 [タイエサンマイキョウ]@(title) Daihui sanmei jing.
進 [シン]@progress, advance.
進止 [シンシ]@Conduct, behavior.
逼 [ヒキ]@annoy, hinder, harass.
逼惱 [ヒツノウ]@be harassed, disturbed, or oppressed.
逼迫 [ヒッパク]@pressure and constraint.
遇■■ [グバニ]@(place) God■n■ya.
遊乾陀羅 [ユガンダラ]@(place) Yuga■dhara.
遊心安樂道 [ユシンアンラクドウ]@(title) Yusim allak to.
遊戯 [ユゲ]@play, sport, frolic.
遊戯 [ユウゲ]@play, sport, frolic.
遊戲 [ユゲ]@play, frolic, sport, romp.
遊氣 [ユキ]@roaming pneumas.
遊行 [ユウコウ]@journey.
遊行 [ユギョウ]@journey.
運 [ウン]@Fate, luck, destiny.
運命 [ウンメイ]@(term) fate.
運水搬柴 [ウンスイハンサイ]@(term) carry water and haul firewood.
運用 [ウンヨウ]@(term) function.
運轉 [ウンテン]@revolve.
遍 [ヘン]@everywhere; all pervasive.
遍一切處 [ヘンイチサイショ]@pervade all places, as does limitless space.
遍收 [ヘンシュウ]@(term) mutual inclusion.
遍淨天 [ヘンジョウテン]@(term) heaven of universal purity.
遍滿 [ヘンマン]@extend, spread, prevail, pervade, fill.
遍照 [ヘンジョウ]@universally illumine.
遍照尊 [ヘンショウソン]@Mah■vairocana Tath■gata.
遍照王如來 [ヘンショウオウニョライ]@Mah■vairocana Tath■gata.
遍行 [ヘンギョウ]@omnipresent; pervasively operating.
遍行眞如 [ヘンギョウシンニョ]@universality of thusness.
遍計 [ヘンゲ]@imagination, conceptualization.
遍計所執 [ヘンゲショシュウ]@attachment by pervasive imagination.
遍計所執性 [ヘンゲショシュウショウ]@nature of existence produced from
attachment to all-pervasive discrimination.
過 [カ]@go past, go beyond, to exceed.
過去 [カコ]@(term) past.
過去七佛 [カコシチブツ]@seven buddhas of the past.
過咎 [カキュウ]@faults and errors.
過失 [カシツ]@error, mistake.
過度人道經 [カドニンドウキョウ]@(title) Sutra of Immeasurable Life.
過恒沙 [カゴウシャ]@more than the number of grains of sand in the Ganges river.
過患 [カゲン]@faults and distress; affliction.
過惡 [カアク]@(term) errors.
過慢 [カマン]@(term) pride in regarding oneself as superior to equals and equal to
superiors (ati-m■na).
過量房 [カリョウボウ]@construction of a house without a patron or donor.
遏伽 [アカ]@ceremonial water; scented water.
遐跡 [ゲシャク]@distant traces.
道 [ドウ]@way, path, method, enlightenment..
道世 [ドウセ]@(person) Daoshi (?-683).
道人 [ドウニン]@(person) Toin.
道俗 [ドウゾク]@(foreign) worlds of nirv■na and sa■s■ra.
道信 [ドウシン]@(person) Daoxin.
道允 [ドウイン]@(person) Toyun.
道元 [ドウガン]@(person) D■gen.
道分 [ドウブン]@the enlightenment part of the path.
道力 [ドウリキ]@power generated through the practice of a certain path.
道器 [ドウキ]@vessel of the Way.
道場 [ドウジョウ]@(term) site of enlightenment.(term) place of enlightenment.
道士 [ドウシ]@Daoists.
道安 [ドウアン]@(person) Daoan.
道宣 [ドウセン]@(person) Daoxuan.
道寵 [ドウチュウ]@(person) Daochong (dates unclear).
道希 [ドウキ]@(person) Bodhiruci.
道得 [ドウトク]@really have (enlightenment) in such a way that one naturally
expresses its attainment.
道憲 [ドウケン]@(person) Toh■n.
道昌 [ドウショウ]@(person) D■sh■.
道昭 [ドウショウ]@(person) D■sh■.
道果 [ドウカ]@the path and its realization.
道樹 [ドウジュ]@(term) bodhi-tree.
道江 [ドウコウ]@(person) Daojiang.
道理 [ドウリ]@(term) way, course, a reason (naya, yukta, ny■ya).
道理相違 [ドウリソウイ]@contradiction against proper reason.
道生 [ドウショウ]@(person) Daosheng.
道眼 [ドウゲン]@eye of the Way.
道■ [ドウエン]@causes and conditions of Buddhahood.
道義 [ドウギ]@(person) To■i.
道聖諦 [ドウショウタイ]@noble truth of the Way.
道藏 [ドウゾウ]@(person) Tojang.
道諦 [ドウタイ]@truth of the Way.
道通 [ドウツウ]@power of the way.
道鏡 [ドウキョウ]@(person) D■ky■.
道非道 [ドウヒドウ]@the Way and the non-Way.
道非道智見 [ドウヒドウチケン]@the insight that discerns what is the true path and
what is not the true path.
道風 [ドウフ]@guidance that one religious practitioner gives to another.
道高魔盛 [ドウコウマジョウ]@when the Way is raised, the demons are aroused.
達 [タツ]@penetrate, to pierce, to pass through.
達 [ダツ]@penetrate, to pierce, to pass through.
達摩 [ダルマ]@(term) dharma.
達摩 [タツマ]@(term) dharma.
達摩多羅 [タツマタラ]@(person) Dharmatr■ta.
達摩多羅禪經 [ダルマタラゼンキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Contemplation of
達摩笈多 [タツマキュウタ]@(person) transliteration of the name of Dharmagupta,.
達梨舍那 [ダツリシャナ]@to see; a view.
達磨多羅禪經 [ダツマタラゼンギョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Contemplation of
達磨宗 [タルマシュウ]@the school of Bodhidharma.
達羅弭荼 [ダラミダ]@(place) Dr■vi■a.
達羅毘荼 [ダラビダ]@(place) Dr■vi■a.
達■喇嘛 [ダツライラマ]@(term) Dalai Lama.
達輪機 [ダツリンキ]@to fully perceive the workings of transmigration and the
capacities of sentient beings.
違 [イ]@different, to differ.
違境 [イキョウ]@things in the external world that are disagreeable to oneself.
違失 [イシツ]@error, mistake.
違拒 [イキョ]@refuse, reject, rebuff.
違諍 [イジョウ]@differences in view; arguments, disagreements.
違順 [イジュン]@agreeable and disagreeable.
遠 [オン]@distant, in time or space.
遠因 [オンイン]@(term) distant or indirect cause.
遠行地 [オンギョウチ]@(term) stage of far-reaching.
遠離 [オンリ]@be distantly separated.
遠離行 [オンリギョウ]@practices of detachment.
遣 [ケン]@send away, chase away, banish.
遣相證性識 [ケンソウショウショウシキ]@consciousness of expelling phenomena
and apprehending true nature.
遣■存實識 [ケンコゾンジツシキ]@"consciousness of expelling the unreal and living
in the real.
遮 [シャ]@prohibit, intercept, check, restrain, avoid.
遮伽羅 [シャカラ]@(foreign) cakra.
遮文茶 [シャブンチャ]@(name) C■mu■■■.
遮止 [シャシ]@keep distance from.
遮罪 [シャザイ]@enforced crime.
遮迦羅 [シャカラ]@(foreign) cakra.
遮迦越羅 [シャカオツラ]@cakravart■-r■ja.
遲 [チ]@late.
遲熟 [チジュク]@mature slowly.
遲通 [チズウ]@slow penetration.
遲鈍 [チドン]@slow, sluggish, inert, dull.
遵 [ジュン]@Follow, accord with, obey, learn.
遶 [ニョウ]@circle.
遶三匝 [ニョウサンソウ]@"circle (circumambulate) three times.
遷 [セン]@Move, transition, change, go away.
遷流 [センル]@transient.
選賢 [センケン]@(term) selection of a worthy.
遺 [ユイ]@leave behind, to save.
遺言 [ユイゴン]@will, testament.
還 [ゲン]@return.
還下地生 [ゲンゲチショウ]@rebirth into a higher stage of existence.
還歸 [ゲンキ]@to return (to the beginning).
還滅 [ゲンメツ]@return to extinction.
邇 [ジ]@Close, be close, come close, near.
邇 [ニ]@Close, be close, come close, near.
邇言 [ジゲン]@Ordinary language.
邊 [ヘン]@outer edge, border, extreme limit; extent.
邊執見 [ヘンシュウケン]@(term) attachment to extremes.
邊罪 [ヘンザイ]@extreme crimes; grave offenses.
邊見 [ヘンケン]@(term) extreme view.
邊際 [ヘンザイ]@limit, boundary.
那 [ナ]@(transcription) transliteration of Sanskrit sound na.
那他 [ナタ]@river.
那伽 [ナガ]@(foreign) n■ga.
那伽犀那 [ナガサイナ]@(name) N■gasena.
那伽閼剌樹那 [ナガアラジュナ]@N■g■rjuna.
那先 [ナセン]@(person) N■gasena.
那利羅 [ナリラ]@coconut.
那利薊羅 [ナリケイラ]@coconut.
那含 [ナゴン]@non-returner.
那婆 [ナバ]@variegated flowers.
那婆摩利 [ナバマリ]@variegated flowers.
那尊耶舍 [ナソンヤシャ]@(person) Pu■yaya■as.
那提 [ナダイ]@(term) transcription of the Sanksrit nad■, meaning river, or stream.
那提迦葉 [ナダイカショウ]@(person) Nad■-K■■yapa.
那摩 [ナマ]@name; noun.
那爛陀寺 [ナランダジ]@(temple) N■landa temple, a renowned Indian center of
Buddhist learning.
那爛■ [ナランダ]@N■landa.
那由他 [ナユタ]@(term) nayuta.
那箇 [ナコ]@which one, who?.
那羅延 [ナラエン]@(name) N■r■ya■a.
那羅延天 [ナラエンテン]@N■r■ya■a.
那羅延金剛 [ナラエンコンゴウ]@vajra-wielding guardian spirits.
那耶 [ナヤ]@(term) translation of the Sanskrit naya, which has such meanings as
"truth," "vehicle," and "way.
那落 [ナラク]@(term) naraka.(term) hell.(term) purgatory.
那連提耶舍 [ナレンテイヤシャ]@(person) Narendraya■as.
邦土 [ホウト]@dirt, filth.
邪 [ジャ]@(term) mistaken.(term) evil.
邪人法 [ジャニンホウ]@(term) violating human norms.
邪倒見 [ジャトウケン]@mistaken views.
邪偽 [ジャギ]@false and counterfeit.
邪僞 [ジャギ]@deceit, dishonesty, treachery.
邪取 [ジャシュ]@mistaken grasping.
邪命 [ジャミョウ]@(term) wrong (evil) livelihood.
邪命外道 [ジャミョウゲドウ]@evil life heresy.
邪命■法 [ジャミョウセッポウ]@evil teachings.
邪執 [ジャシュウ]@mistaken attachment.
邪婬 [ジャイン]@improper sexual behavior.
邪定性聚 [ジャジョウショウシュ]@those whose nature is determined for evil.
邪定聚 [ジャジョウジュ]@beings predetermined for evil.
邪心 [ジャシン]@wrong thoughts.
邪慢 [ジャマン]@pride in regarding oneself as possessing virtues, such as wisdom and
enlightenment, although lacking them.
邪方 [ジャホウ]@wrong direction.
邪智 [ジャチ]@mistaken wisdom.
邪欲 [ジャヨク]@evil desires.
邪正 [ジャショウ]@(Morally) wrong and right.
邪法 [ジャホウ]@mistaken dharma; evil teachings.
邪網 [ジャモウ]@net of heresy , net of evil doctrine.
邪行 [ジャギョウ]@(term) mistaken behavior.
邪行眞如 [ジャギョウシンニョ]@suchness of evil behavior.
邪行障 [ジャギョウショウ]@(term) hindrances of errant behavior.
邪見 [ジャケン]@(term) Erroneous view.(term) evil view.
邪見邪■戒 [ジャケンジャセツカイ]@precept forbidding wrong views and wrong
邪論 [ジャロン]@erroneous theories, evil theories, heterodox theories.
邪道 [ジャドウ]@mistaken path.
邪魔 [ジャマ]@evil demons.
部 [ブ]@in Buddhism, usually a branch of a certain doctrinal sect.
部多 [ブタ]@become; being; existing.
部派 [ブハ]@sect, or branch of a religious tradition.
部派佛教 [ブハブッキョウ]@schismatic Buddhism.Nik■ya Buddhism.
都 [ト]@all, the whole.
都率天 [トシュツテン]@(term) Tu■ita Heaven.
都邑聚落念處 [トユウシュラクネンショ]@(term) mindfulness of positive the local
■波駄耶 [ウパダヤ]@(term) up■dh■ya, meaning "preceptor,.
■波髻設尼 [ウパケイツニ]@Upake■■n■.
■陀夷 [ウダイ]@Ud■yin.
鄭道傳 [ジョウドウデン]@(person) Ch■ng Toj■n.
鄰■ [リンコ]@atom, particle.
鄰近釋 [リンコンシャク]@adverbial compound words.
酌 [シャク]@ladle; scoop; wine glass.
酒量 [シュリョウ]@amount of liquor.
■酒 [コシュ]@sale or purchase of alcohol.
■酒戒 [コシュカイ]@precept (forbidding) dealing in alcohol.
醉 [スイ]@drunk.
醍醐 [ダイコ]@cream.
醍醐寺 [ダイゴジ]@(temple) Daigoji.
醫 [イ]@heal, to treat.
醫方明 [イホウミョウ]@medical studies.
醯都費陀 [ケイトヒダ]@clarification of causes.
采女 [サイニョ]@lady-in-waiting.
釋 [シャク]@explain, to interpret.
釋名 [シャクミョウ]@explanation of terminology.
釋子 [シャクシ]@literally, "child of the Buddha.
釋家 [シャクケ]@Buddhist monk or nun.
釋提桓因 [シャクダイカンイン]@(person) ■akrodev■n■m Indrah.
釋摩訶衍論 [シャクマカエンロン]@(title) Explanation of the Treatise on Mahayana.
釋梵護世 [シャクボンゴゼ]@■akra Heaven, Brahma Heaven, and World-protecting
King's Heaven.
釋氏 [シャクシ]@Buddhist monk or nun.
釋氏稽古略 [シャクシケイコリャク]@(title) An Outline of Historical Researches into
the ■■kya Family Lineage.
釋禪波羅蜜次第法門 [シャクゼンハラミツシダイホウモン]@(title) Shichan
boluomi cidi famen.
釋論 [シャクロン]@a treatise that explicates a sutra.
釋迦 [シャカ]@(name) ■■kya.
釋迦婆 [シャッカバ]@Indra.
釋迦提婆 [シャクカダイバ]@transcription of ■akra Dev■n■m-indra.
釋迦提桓因陀羅 [シャクカダイカンインダラ]@■akra Dev■n■m-Indra.
釋迦牟尼 [シャカムニ]@(name) ■■kyamuni.
釋迦牟尼佛 [シャクカムニブツ]@■■kyamuni Buddha.
釋迦牟尼佛成道在菩提樹降魔讚 [シャカムニブツジョウドウザイボダイジュゴウ
マサン]@(title) Hymn to ■akyam■■is Path to Buddhahood Under the Bodhi Tree, and
His Triumph over M■ra.
釋門歸敬儀 [シャクモンキキョウギ]@(title) Shimen guijingyi.
重 [ジュウ]@(foreign) zhòng for meanings related to heaviness; chóng for meanings
related to piling up..
重喜 [ジュウキ]@(person) Upananda.
重姓 [ジュウショウ]@(person) Vakkula.
重戒 [ジュウカイ]@grave precepts.
重業 [ジュウゴウ]@heavy karma.
重物 [ジュウモツ]@valuable object; the worth of an object.
重現前 [ジュウゲンゼン]@to re-manifest.
重現無礙 [ジュウゲンムゲ]@(term) no obstruction in multiple manifestations.
重禁 [ジュウキン]@gravely forbidden.
重罪 [ジュウザイ]@grave crime; heavy sin.
重逆 [ジュウギャク]@grave crimes and heinous crimes.
重遠 [ジュウオン]@(person) Chungw■n.
重非 [ジュウヒ]@grave crimes; major wrongdoings.
重頌 [ジュウジュ]@(term) geya.
野叉 [ヤシャ]@spirits of the dead.
野葬 [ヤソウ]@forest funeral.
量 [リョウ]@measure, fathom, gauge, surmise, think about, consider.
量不定 [リョウフジョウ]@no fixed amount.
量弟子 [リョウダイシ]@School of Correct Logic.
量智 [リョウチ]@discriminating wisdom.
量有 [リョウウ]@that which exists based upon one's knowledge, or cognitionHaimaka.
金 [コン]@gold.
金三麥宗 [コンサンミャクシュウ]@(person) K■m sammaek chong.
金丹 [キンタン]@gold elixir.
金丹玉液 [コンタンギョクヤク]@golden elixirs and jade ambrosia.
金光 [コンコウ]@golden light.
金光明 [キンコウミョウ]@golden light.
金光明 [コンコウミョウ]@golden light.
金光明最勝王經 [コンコウミョウサイショウオウキョウ]@(title) Jinguangming
zuishengwang jing.
金光明經 [コンコウミョウキョウ]@(title) Suvarna-prabh■sa-(uttama)-s■tra.
金光明經玄義 [コンコウミョウキョウゲンギ]@(title) Jin guangming jing xuanyi.
金剛 [コンゴウ]@adamantine; diamond-like; indestructible.
金剛三昧 [コンゴウザンマイ]@adamantine absorption; indestructible concentration;
diamond-like sam■dhi.
金剛三昧本性■淨不壞不滅經 [コンゴウサンマイホンショウショウジョウフエフ
メツキョウ]@(title) Jingang sanmei benxing qingjing buhuai bumie jing.
金剛三昧經 [コンゴウサンマイキョウ]@(title) Vajrasam■dhi-s■tra.
金剛三昧經論 [コンゴウサンマイキョウロン]@(title) commentary on the K■mgang
金剛上味陀羅尼經 [コンゴウジョウミダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the
Adamantine Essence.
金剛乘 [コンゴウジョウ]@adamantine vehicle, or diamond vehicle.
金剛使者 [コンゴウシシャ]@Vajrakum■ra.
金剛力士 [コンゴウリキシ]@Vajra-warriors.
金剛喩 [コンゴウユ]@adamantine, diamond-like.
金剛喩定 [コンゴウユジョウ]@(term) diamond-like sam■dhi, adamantine absorption.
金剛場莊嚴般若波羅蜜多教中一分 [コンゴウジョウショウゴンハンニャハラミツ
タキョウチュウイチブン]@(title) Tantra of the Vajra Essence Ornament (A Part of the
Prajñ■paramit■ Doctrine).
金剛如來拳 [コンゴウニョライケン]@adamantine fists.
金剛子 [コンゴウシ]@Vajjiputta.
金剛山 [コンゴウサン]@Diamond Mountain.
金剛山 [コンゴウザン]@Diamond Mountain.
金剛山 [コンゴウセン]@Diamond Mountain.
金剛心 [コンゴウシン]@(term) adamantine mind.
金剛心位 [コンゴウシンイ]@stage of the adamantine absorption.
金剛慧 [コンゴウエ]@adamantine wisdom.
金剛手 [コンゴウシュ]@Vajrap■■i.
金剛手菩薩降伏一切部多大教王經 [コンゴウシュボサツゴブクイッサイブタダイ
キョウオウキョウ]@(title) Vajrapa■i Bodhisattv■s Exorcist of the Bh■tas: Great King
of Tantras.
金剛拳 [コンゴウケン]@adamantine fists.
金剛摧碎陀羅尼 [コンゴウザイサイダラニ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ of the Vajra
金剛智 [コンゴウチ]@adamantine wisdom, or diamond-like wisdom.
金剛杵 [コンゴウショ]@indestructible mallet.
金剛■ [コンゴウケツ]@dagger-like spike.
金剛水 [コンゴウスイ]@indestructible water.
金剛界五佛 [コンゴウカイゴブツ]@(foreign) five buddhas of the vajradh■tu.
金剛皮 [コンゴウヒ]@diamond skin.
金剛祕密善門陀羅尼呪經 [コンゴウヒミツゼンモンダラニジュキョウ]@(title)
The Jingang mimi shanmen tuoluonizhou jing.
金剛神 [コンゴウジン]@vajra spirits.
金剛童子 [コンゴウドウジ]@Vajrakum■ra.
金剛經 [コンゴウキョウ]@(title) Diamond Sutra.
金剛經疏論纂要 [コンゴウキョウソロンサンヨウ]@(title) Jingang jing shoulun
金剛經解義 [コンゴウキョウカイギ]@(title) Jingang jing jieyi.
金剛經註 [コンゴウキョウチュウ]@(title) Commentary to the Diamond Sutra.
金剛般若波羅蜜經 [コンゴウハンニャハラミツキョウ]@(title) Diamond Sutra.
金剛般若波羅蜜經五家解■誼 [コンゴウハンニャハラミツキョウゴケカイセツギ]
@(title) Redacted Commentaries of Five Masters on the Diamond Sutra.
金剛般若經 [コンゴウハンニャキョウ]@(title) Jingang panruo boluomi jing.
金剛薩■ [コンゴウサッタ]@Vajrasattva.
金剛藏 [コンゴウゾウ]@Vajragarbha bodhisattva.(term) diamond store.
金剛誓水 [コンゴウセイスイ]@indestructible water.
金剛身 [コンゴウシン]@diamond body, adamantine body.
金剛部母 [コンゴウブモ]@mother of the Vajra group.
金剛針 [コンゴウシン]@straight vajra.
金剛門 [コンゴウモン]@diamond gate.
金剛阿闍梨 [コンゴウアジャリ]@(term) diamond master, preceptor, hierophant.
金剛頂 [コンゴウチョウ]@adamantine apex.
金剛頂大瑜伽祕密心地法門義訣 [コンゴウチョウダイユカヒミツシンチホウモン
ギケツ]@(title) The Jingangding dayujia mimi xin di famen yijue.
金剛頂宗 [コンゴウチョウシュウ]@(school) Jingangding zong.Kong■ch■ sh■.
金剛頂瑜伽中略出念誦經 [コンゴウチョウユガチュウリャクジュツネンショウキ
ョウ]@(title) Sutra for Recitation Abridged from the Vajra■ekhara Yoga.
金剛頂瑜伽中發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心論 [コンゴウチョウユカチュウホツアノク
タラサンミョウサンボダイシンロン]@(title) Treatise on Stirring the
Anuttarasamyaksa■bodhicitta in the Vajra■ekhara Yoga.
金剛頂瑜伽金剛薩■五祕密修行念誦儀軌 [コンゴウチョウユカコンゴウサツタゴ
ヒミツシュギョウネンショウギキ]@(title) Recitation Manual for the Cultivation of
the Five Mysteries of Vajrasattva, from the Vajra■ekhara Yoga.
金剛頂經 [コンゴウチョウキョウ]@(title) Vajra■ekhara-s■tra.
金剛頂經一字頂輪王瑜伽一切時處念誦成佛儀軌 [コンゴウチョウキョウイチジチ
ョウリンオウユカイチサイジショネンショウジョウブツギキ]@(title) Ritual
Procedure of Becoming Buddha through Recitation, Anytime, Anywhere, by the Yoga of
the One-syllable Wheel-Turning Ruler from the Vajra■ekhara.
金剛頂經瑜伽十八會指歸 [コンゴウチョウキョウユカジュウハチエシキ]@(title)
Synopsis of the Eighteen Assemblies in the Vajra■ekhara Yoga.
金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩法一品 [コンゴウチョウキョウユカブンシュシリボサ
ツホウイチホン]@(title) A Chapter of the Mañju■r■ Method from the Vajra■ekhara
金剛體 [コンゴウタイ]@adamantine body.
金口 [コンク]@(term) golden mouth.
金地 [コンジ]@monastery.
金地國 [コンジコク]@(place) Suvar■abh■mi.
金堂 [コンドウ]@golden hall.
金山 [キンザン]@gold mountain.
金山 [コンザン]@gold mountain.
金山 [コンセン]@gold mountain.
金山王 [コンセンノウ]@king of the diamond mountains.
金峯山 [キンプセン■]@Gold Peak Mountains.
金峯山 [キンブセン]@Gold Peak Mountains.
金峰山寺 [キンプセンジ]@(temple) Kinpusenji.
金峰山寺 [キンブセンジ]@(temple) Kinpusenji.
金星 [キンセイ]@Venus.
金曜 [コンヨウ]@Sukra, Venus.
金棺 [コンカン]@gold coffin.
金毘■ [コンビラ]@crocodile.
金毘羅 [コンピラ]@crocodile.
金毛獅子 [キンモウノシシ]@golden-haired lion.
金水 [コンスイ]@golden water.
金沙 [コンシャ]@golden sand.
金波羅 [コンバラ]@crocodile.
金泥 [コンナイ]@(name) Ka■■haka a■var■ja.
金潭 [コンタン]@(person) K■mdam.
金田 [コンデン]@monastery.
金翅鳥 [コンジチョウ]@(foreign) garu■a.
金翅鳥王經 [コンジチョウオウキョウ]@(title) The Jinchiniaowang jing.
金胎 [コンタイ]@garbhadh■tu and vajradh■tu.
金色 [コンジキ]@gold colored.
金色女 [コンジキニョ]@golden-hued woman.
金色尊者 [コンジキソンジャ]@Golden-hued K■■yapa.
金色衣 [コンジキエ]@golden robe.
金色迦葉 [コンジキカショウ]@Golden-hued K■■yapa.
金襴衣 [キンランエ]@golden robe.
金襴袈裟 [キンランケサ]@golden robe.
金言 [キンゴン]@golden words.
金言 [キンゲン]@golden words.
金言 [コンゴン]@golden words.
金蹄 [コンタイ]@(name) Ka■■haka a■var■ja.
金身 [コンシン]@golden body.
金■ [コンク]@golden body.
金輪 [コンリン]@metal wheel, gold wheel.
金輪王 [キンリンオウ]@gold wheel-turning sage king.
金輪王 [コンリンノウ]@gold wheel-turning sage king.
金針 [キンシン]@straight vajra.
金鈴 [コンリョウ]@vajra bell.
金銀淨 [コンゴンジョウ]@accepting gold and silver.
金閣寺 [キンカクジ]@Temple of the Golden Pavilion.
金鷄 [キンケイ]@golden fowl.
金鼓 [コンク]@metal drum, also crocodile's mouth.
金鼓經 [コンクキョウ]@(title) Jingu jing.
金龜 [キンキ]@golden tortoise.
釣召 [チョウジョウ]@■kar■a■■.
鈍 [ドン]@dull (knife edge, etc).
鈍根 [ドンコン]@(term) dull faculties.
鈔 [ショウ]@summary of the contents of a large book.
鈔 [ソウ]@summary of the contents of a large book.
鉢 [ハツ]@bowl.
鉢 [ハチ]@bowl.
鉢位 [ハツイ]@order for seats at the table for Chan monks.
鉢位 [ホイ]@order for seats at the table for Chan monks.
鉢利婆剌拏 [ハリバラナ]@self-indulgence.
鉢利部 [ハリブ]@primordial.
鉢和羅 [ハワラ]@self-indulgence.
鉢喇底提舍那 [ハラテイダイシャナ]@repenting crimes to others.
鉢喇底木叉 [ハラテイモクシャ]@code of vinaya precepts.
鉢器 [ハチキ]@begging bowl.
鉢塞莫 [ハソマ]@rosary.
鉢底 [ハテイ]@master.
鉢羅笈菩提山 [ハラキュウボダイサン]@(place) Pr■gbodhi.
鉢羅若 [ハラニャ]@(term) prajñ■.
鉤召 [コウジョウ]@hooking and catching.
銀 [ギン]@silver.
銀輪 [ゴンリン]@silver wheel.
銀輪王 [ギンリンノウ]@silver wheel-turning sage king.
銀輪王 [ゴンリンノウ]@silver wheel-turning sage king.
銅輪 [ドウリン]@copper wheel.
銅輪王 [ドウリンオウ]@copper wheel-turning sage king.
銷 [ショウ]@melt, dissolve, fuse, cast (iron).
銷金 [ショウキン]@smelt gold.
鋭 [エイ]@Sharp, alert, strong, able.
鋭利 [エイリ]@sharp faculties.
■ [ロク]@record.
錠光佛 [ジョウコウブツ]@(name) D■pa■kara Buddha.
錫杖 [シャクジョウ]@monk's staff.
錫杖師 [シャクジョウシ]@Shaker of the rings on the metal staff, or crozier.
錬 [レン]@temper.
錯 [サク]@mix, to put together.
錯亂 [サクラン]@confused, mixed up, complicated.
錯綜 [サクソウ]@Complication, confusion.
錯行列 [サクコウレツ]@go in circular rows, round and round.
■ [レン]@forge, temper (metal).
鍛 [タン]@forge, temper (metal).
鍼艾 [シンガイ]@acupuncture and moxibustion.
鎔 [ヨウ]@Fuse, melt, smelt.
鎭 [チン]@calm, quiet, still.
鎭護國家三部經 [チンゴコクケサンブキョウ]@three state protecting scriptures.
鏗鏘 [コウソウ]@tinkling of jade or metal pendants.
鏡 [キョウ]@mirror.
鏡中像 [キョウチュウノゾウ]@images reflected in a mirror.
鏡中像 [キョウチュウゾウ]@images reflected in a mirror.
鐃 [ドウ]@Abundant, rich, plentiful.
鐃益 [ドウヤク]@(term) aid or benefit people (pala, anugraha, upak■ra).
鐃益行 [ドウエキギョウ]@(term) beneficial service.
鐘板 [ショウバン]@(term) bell and board.
鐘樓 [ショウロウ]@bell tower, belfry.
鐘鼓 [ショウコ]@(term) bell and drum.
鐵輪 [テツリン]@iron wheel.
鐵輪王 [テツリンオウ]@iron wheel-turning sage king.
鐵輪王 [テツリンノウ]@iron wheel-turning sage king.
鑑 [カン]@precedent teachings of former masters.
鑛 [コウ]@Ore.
鑛金 [コウキン]@Gold ore; metal ore.
鑷子 [セッス]@pincers.
鑽 [サン]@bore, drill; a drill, awl.
鑽水求酥 [サンスイグソ]@churning water to get curd.
鑽火 [サンカ]@to make a fire by rubbing two sticks together.
長 [チョウ]@long, (of space or time).
長 [ジョウ]@long, (of space or time).
長吏 [チョウリ]@head administrator of a temple.
長壽 [チョウジュ]@long life.
長壽天 [チョウジュテン]@long-lived celestials.
長夜 [ジョウヤ]@long time.
長時 [ジョウジ]@constantly.
長時 [チョウジ]@constantly.
長時瞋 [ジョウジシン]@continuous anger.
長汀子 [チョウテイシ]@(person) Changtingzi.
長河 [チョウガ]@long river.
長生 [チョウショウ]@long life.
長空 [チョウクウ]@vast sky.
長老 [チョウロウ]@venerable, as for instance, a term of respect for an elder monk.
長者 [チョウジャ]@head monk.
長者 [チョウシャ]@head monk.
長行 [ジョウゴウ]@prose sentences.
長袍 [チョウホウ]@full-sleeved gown.
長褂 [チョウケ]@long gown.
長谷寺 [ハセデラ]@(temple) Hasedera.
長跪 [ジョウキ]@kneeling; to kneel down for a long time.
長阿含經 [ジョウアゴンキョウ]@(title) Longer ■gama-sutra.
長齋 [チョウサイ]@extended fast.
長齋 [ジョウサイ]@extended fast.
門 [モン]@viewpoint, standpoint, method.
門丞 [モンジョウ]@gate gods.
門侶 [モンリョ]@disciple.
門師 [モンシ]@preceptor.
門徒 [モント]@disciple.
門戸 [モンコ]@gate; door.
門派 [モンパ]@the tradition of a particular school.
門流 [モンリュウ]@the tradition of a particular school.
門■ [モンジョウ]@visiting card.
門神 [モンジン]@gate gods.
門跡 [モンセキ]@gate tracks.
門跡 [モンゼキ]@gate tracks.
門頭 [モントウ]@gatekeeper.
閉尸 [ヘイシ]@third of the eight stages of the human fetus.
開 [カイ]@(term) clarify, unfold, uncover, explain in detail (prak■■ana).
開元釋教■ [カイゲンシャクキョウロク]@(title) Record of ■■kyamuni's Teachings
Compiled During the Kaiyuan period.
開光 [カイコウ]@opening the eye.
開光明 [カイコウミョウ]@opening the glint of the eye.
開化 [カイケ]@guide, teach, edify, or transform sentient beings.
開悟 [カイゴ]@uncover enlightenment.
開成 [カイジョウ]@(person) Kaij■.
開敷 [カイフ]@spread flowers.
開敷華王如來 [カイフケオウニョライ]@(name) Sa■kusumitar■ja Tath■gata.
開明 [カイメイ]@opening the eye.
開明 [カイミョウ]@opening the eye.
開法 [カイホウ]@begin to expound the dharma.
開甘露門 [カイカンロモン]@opening the nectar-gate.
開發 [カイホツ]@enlighten others.
開眼 [カイゲン]@opening the eye.
開眼 [カイガン]@opening the eye.
開眼供養 [カイゲンクヨウ]@offering of opening the eye.
開眼光 [カイゲンコウ]@opening the eye.
開示 [カイジ]@elucidate the teachings.
開遮 [カイシャ]@approval and disapproval in terms of moral discipline.
開闡 [カイセン]@to open and make clear.
開顯圓 [カイケンエン]@manifestly perfect (teaching).
閏 [ジュン]@A household.
閏 [ねや]@A household.
閑 [カン]@leisure, relaxation.
閑居 [カンキョ]@to abide in peaceful and quite environ.
閑居 [ゲンゴ]@to abide in peaceful and quite environ.
閑曠 [ゲンコウ]@(term) (Skt. abhyavak■■a; Tib. mngon par skabs yod pa).
閑林 [カンリン ゲンリン]@quiet forest.
閑習 [カンシュウ]@learn.
■寮房 [ゲンリョウボウ]@(term) apartment for retired monks.
間 [ケン]@space, opening, gap, place.
間 [ケン]@space, opening, gap, place.
間斷 [ケンダン]@interruption, interval.
閣維 [カクイ]@cremation.
閲叉 [エツシャ]@spirits of the dead.
閹人 [エンニン]@eunuch.
閻摩羅王 [エンマラオウ]@Yama-r■ja.
閻浮提 [エンブダイ]@(term) Jambu-dv■pa.
閻浮檀金 [エンブタンコン]@gold produced from the river running through the groves
of the jambu trees.
閼伽 [アガ]@purified water.
闇 [アン]@(transcription) am.
闇相 [アンソウ]@condition of dullness of the mind.
闇蔽 [アンヘイ]@Darkness, obscuration.
闍多伽 [ジャタカ]@(term) j■taka, the accounts in the scriptures of the past lives of the
闍夜多 [ジャヤタ]@(person) Jayata.
闍崛山 [ジャクッサン]@(school) Sagul san school.
闍■ [ジャリ]@(foreign) ■c■rya.
闍維 [ジャユイ]@(term) jh■peti, meaning "cremation.
闍那崛多 [ジャナクッタ]@(person) Jñ■nagupta.
闍那耶舍 [ジャナヤシャ]@(person) Jñ■naya■as.
闕 [ケツ]@be short, lacking, faulty.
關 [カン]@frontier pass or gate.
闡提羅 [センダイラ]@a neuter human.
闡鐸迦 [センタカ]@(person) Chandaka.
防 [ボウ]@protect.
防那 [ボウナ]@seamstress.
防難 [ボウナン]@ward off calamity.
防非 [ボウヒ]@(term) avoidance of wrongdoing.
防非止惡 [ボウヒシアク]@warding off negative phenomena and stopping evil action.
阿 [ア]@(transcription) short Sanskrit a, and the long Sanskrit ■.
阿■樓■ [アドウロウダ]@(person) Aniruddha.
阿世耶 [アセヤ]@willingness, inclination.
阿也怛那 [アヤタンナ]@sense base.
阿他婆吠陀 [アタバハイダ]@(title) Atharvaveda.
阿伐羅勢羅 [アバツラセラ]@(school) Apara-■aila.
阿伽 [アカ]@ceremonial water; scented water.
阿伽 [アガ]@ceremonial water; scented water.
阿伽■ [アカロ]@fragment aloe-wood.
阿伽坏 [アカツキ]@bowl for ceremonial water.
阿伽樓 [アカロウ]@fragment aloe-wood.
阿伽羅伽 [アカラカ]@Mars.
阿伽陀 [アガダ]@free from disease.
阿伽陀 [アカダ]@free from disease.
阿修倫 [アシュリン]@titan.
阿修羅 [アシュラ]@titan.
阿僧伽 [アソウガ]@Asa■ga.
阿僧祇 [アソウギ]@(term) incalculable.
阿僧祇劫 [アソウギコウ]@an incalculably long eon.
阿■■迦 [アニラカ]@fresh ginger.
阿利沙 [アリシャ]@connected with the sages.
阿利羅跋提 [アリラバツダイ]@(place) Ajitavat■.
阿利耶 [アリヤ]@store-[consciousness].
阿■利 [アタリ]@(place) A■■li.
阿■■ [アタタ]@chattering teeth.
阿■■迦 [アタバカ]@(name) ■■avika.
阿■婆拘 [アタバク]@(name) ■■avika.
阿■薄倶 [アタクグ]@(name) ■■avika.
阿■釐 [アタリ]@(place) A■■li.
阿含 [アゴン]@(term) transcription of the Pali nik■ya, and Sanskrit ■gama, a term
which has the basic meaning of "come.(term) orally transmitted scripture.
阿含時 [アゴンジ]@■gama period.
阿含經 [アゴンキョウ]@(title) ■gama sutras.
阿周陀那 [アシュウダナ]@Arjuna.
阿呼 [アコ]@amazing!.
阿呼地獄 [アコチゴク]@groaning hell.
阿■多羅 [アリタラ]@(name) ■rya-t■r■.
阿■多羅陀羅尼阿■力經 [アリタラダラニアロリキキョウ]@(title) (■ryat■r■-
阿■耶多羅 [アリヤタラ]@(name) ■rya-t■r■.
阿嗜多 [アジタ]@unconquerable.
阿地目多 [アチモクタ]@resolve.
阿地瞿多 [アジクタ]@(person) Atigupta.
阿失麗沙 [アシツレイシャ]@(term) A■le■■.
阿夷■ [アイタ]@unconquerable.
阿夷羅和帝 [アイラワダイ]@(place) Ajiravat■.
阿奢也 [アシャヤ]@willingness, inclination.
阿奢■逝■ [アシャラセイタ]@Acala.
阿奢理兒 [アシャリア]@rare; amazing.
阿奢理貳 [アジャリニ]@rare; amazing.
阿奢羅 [アシャラ]@(name) Acala.
阿奴謨柁 [アヌモタ]@gratitude.
阿奴邏陀 [アヌラダ]@scorpio(?).
阿娑弭 [アシャミ]@unequalled.
阿娑摩補多 [アシャマフタ]@not finished.
阿娑縛抄 [アサバクショウ]@(title) Anthology of A, Sa and Va.
阿字 [アジ]@letter a.
阿密哩多 [アミリタ]@nectar of immortality.
阿尸羅婆那 [アシラバナ]@(term) Abhijit.
阿尼盧陀 [アニロタ]@Aniruddha, one of the Buddha's ten principal disciples.
阿師 [アシ]@monk.
阿底哩 [アテイリ]@(name) Atri.
阿■多 [アユタ]@(term) ayuta.
阿彌 [アミ]@(name) Amit■bha.
阿彌都檀那 [アミトダンナ]@(person) Am■todana.
阿彌陀 [アミダ]@Buddha of Limitless Light (or Life).
阿彌陀佛五十菩薩像 [アミダブツゴジュウボサツゾウ]@images of the fifty-two
bodhisattva attendants of Amit■bha.
阿彌陀婆 [アミタバ]@Buddha of Limitless Light (or Life).
阿彌陀■斯 [アミダソウシ]@Buddha of Limitless Light (or Life).
阿彌陀檀那 [アミダダンナ]@(person) Am■todana.
阿彌陀經 [アミダキョウ]@(title) Smaller Sukh■vat■-vy■ha.
阿彌陀經疏 [アミダキョウショ]@(title) Commentary on the Amit■bha Sutra.
阿彌陀鼓音聲王陀羅尼經 [アミタコオンショウオウダラニキョウ]@(title)
Dh■ra■■ S■tra of the King of the Sound of Amit■bha's Drum.
阿恃多 [アジタ]@unconquerable.
阿恃多伐底 [アジタバッテイ]@(place) Ajitavat■.
阿恕伽 [アジョカ]@(person) A■oka.
阿惟越政 [アユイオッショウ]@non-retrogression.
阿惟越致 [アユイオッチ]@no backsliding.
阿折羅 [アセツラ]@(person) ■c■ra.
阿拏 [アナ]@infinitesimal.
阿提目多 [アダイモクタ]@resolve.
阿提目多伽 [アダイモクタカ]@resolve.
阿■陀 [アケイダ]@free from disease.
阿摩 [アマ]@mother.
阿摩勒 [アマロク]@(term) undefiled.(term) pure.(term) immaculate.
阿摩提 [アマダイ]@(name) Abhetri.
阿摩洛迦 [アマラカ]@mango.
阿摩■■ [アマタタ]@mother and father.
阿摩羅 [アンモラ]@pure.
阿施 [アセ]@purport.
阿末羅 [アマラ]@pure.
阿梨呵 [アリカ]@(foreign) arhat.
阿梨斯那 [アリシナ]@(person) ■ryasena.
阿梨耶 [アリヤ]@noble.
阿梨耶伐摩 [アリヤバツマ]@(person) ■ryavarman.
阿梨耶斯那 [アリヤシナ]@(person) ■ryasena.
阿梨耶識 [アリヤシキ]@(term) storehouse consciousness.
阿樓陀 [アロウタ]@Aniruddha.
阿比羅提國 [アビラダイコク]@(place) Abhirata.
阿■ [アビ]@relentless.
阿■達磨 [アビダツマ]@abhidharma.
阿■遮羅 [アビシャラ]@hungry ghost.
阿毘 [アビ]@about.
阿毘曇 [アビドン]@study and investigation of the buddha-dharma.
阿毘至 [アビシ]@relentless.
阿毘跋致 [アビバッチ]@(term) avaivartika.(term) non-backsliding.
阿毘達磨 [アビタツマ]@(term) abhidharma.
阿毘達磨倶舍論 [アビタツマクシャロン]@(title) Abhidharma Storehouse Treatise.
阿毘達磨倶舍論本頌 [アビダツマグシャロンホンショウ]@(title) Treasury of
Abhidharma, verses.
阿毘達磨倶舍釋論 [アビダツマクシャシャクロン]@(title) Param■rtha's translation
of the Abhidharmako■a-bh■sya [Abhidharma Storehouse Treatise].
阿毘達磨品類足論 [アヒダツマホンルイソクロン]@(title) The Abhidharma-
阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論 [アビダツマダイビバシャロン]@Treatise of the Great
Commentary on the Abhidharma.
阿毘達磨法蘊足論 [アビダツマホウウンソクロン]@(title) Treatise on Dharmas and
Skandhas according to the Abhidharma Path.
阿毘達磨界身足論 [アビダツマカイシンソクロン]@(title) The Apidamo jieshenzu
阿毘達磨發智論 [アビタツマホツチロン]@Treatise on the Arising of Wisdom
through the Abhidharma.
阿毘達磨藏顯宗論 [アビダツマゾウケンシュウロン]@(title) Revealing the Tenets of
the Abhidharma Treasury.
阿毘達磨識身足論 [アビダツマシキシンソクロン]@(title) Discourse on
Consciousness Body.
阿毘達磨集異門足論 [アビダツマシュウイモンソクロン]@(title) Collection of
Different Aspects of the Abhidharma Path Treatise.
阿毘達磨集論 [アビタツマシュウロン]@(title) (Mah■y■n■bhidharma-samuccaya).
阿毘達磨順正理論 [アヒタツマジュンショウリロン]@(title) Apidamo shunzhengli
阿毘遮羅 [アビシャラ]@hungry ghost.
阿氏多 [アシタ]@(name) Ajita.
阿波波 [アハハ]@sound of shivering tongues.
阿波陀那 [アパダナ]@parables; hagiography.
阿波陀那 [アハダナ]@parables; hagiography.
阿泥■豆 [アニドウド]@(person) Aniruddha.
阿泥■多 [アニロタ]@(person) Aniruddha.
阿泥婁■ [アニルダ]@(person) Aniruddha.
阿泥底耶 [アナイテイヤ]@(person) Aniruddha.
阿泥律陀 [アナイリツタ]@(person) Aniruddha.
阿泥慮豆 [アナイリョド]@(person) Aniruddha.
阿泥樓豆 [アナイロウド]@(person) Aniruddha.
阿泥樓陀 [アナイロウダ]@(person) Aniruddha.
阿泥樓■ [アナイロウダ]@(person) Aniruddha.
阿泥盧豆 [アナイルド]@(person) Aniruddha.
阿泥盧陀 [アナイルダ]@(person) Aniruddha.
阿浮地獄 [アフチゴク]@groaning hell.
阿浮多達磨 [アブダダツマ]@(term) adbhuta-dharma.
阿浮達磨 [アブタツマ]@(term) abdhuta-dharma.
阿浮陀達磨 [アブダダツマ]@(term) Never before experienced; unprecedented; rare--a
transliteration of the Sanskrit adbhuta-dharma).
阿■縛窶沙 [アシバクシャ]@(person) A■vaghosa.
阿濕喝■婆 [アシカケイバ]@emerald.
阿濕波 [アシュウハ]@a■vaka.
阿濕縛伐多 [アシュウバクバッタ]@(person) A■vajit.
阿濕縛窶沙 [アシバクシャ]@(person) A■vaghosa.
阿濕縛羯拏 [アシツバクケツナ]@(place) A■vakar■a.
阿牟伽■■ [アムガバシャ]@(name) Amoghap■■a.
阿特多伐底 [アトタバテイ]@(place) Ajitavat■.
阿犁耶 [アリヤ]@noble.
阿瑜遮 [アユシャ]@(place) Ayodhy■.
阿由他 [アユタ]@ten million.
阿由多 [アユタ]@(term) ayuta.
阿畏遮迦 [アイシャカ]@esoteric ritual for exorcising.
阿目■ [アモクキャ]@Amoghavajra.
阿目■跋折羅 [アモクキャバセラ]@(person) Amoghavajra.
阿目佶跋折羅 [アモクキツハセラ]@Amoghavajra-bodhisattva.
阿祇■ [アギニ]@Agni.
阿祇利 [アシリ]@(foreign) ■c■rya.
阿祇尼 [アギニ]@Agni.
阿私陀 [アシダ]@Asita.
阿竭多 [アカタ]@(name) Agastya.
阿竭多仙 [アカタセン]@(name) Agastya.
阿竭陀 [アカツダ]@free from disease.
阿素洛 [アソラク]@(foreign) asura.
阿素羅 [アソラ]@titan.
阿維羅提 [アユイラダイ]@(name) Abhirati.
阿練若 [アレンニャ]@forest.
阿練茹 [アレンニョ]@forest; solitude; quiet place.
阿縛盧枳低濕伐邏 [アバクロシテイシバラ]@(name) Avalokite■vara.
阿羅伽 [アラカ]@desire.
阿羅彌 [アラミ]@gardens.
阿羅漢 [アラカン]@(term) arhat.
阿羅漢向 [アラカンコウ]@enterer into the stage of a foe-destroyer.
阿羅漢果 [アラカンカ]@(term) state of full attainment of arhatship.
阿羅磨 [アラマ]@gardens.
阿羯■灑 [アケラサイ]@inviter.
阿羯沙尼 [アカシャニ]@■kar■a■■.
阿耆多 [アギタ]@ajita.
阿耆多翅舍欽婆羅 [アキタシシャキンバラ]@(name) Ajita-ke■a-kambala.
阿耆尼 [アギニ]@(name) Agni.
阿耆毘伽 [アギビカ]@evil livelihood heretics.
阿耆達 [アギタツ]@(person) Agnidatta.
阿耆陀 [アギダ]@(person) Agnidatta.
阿耨 [アノク]@infinitesimal.
阿耨多羅 [アノクタラ]@unsurpassed.
阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 [アノクタラサンミャクサンボダイ]@(term) anuttar■-sa■yak-
sa■bodhi.(term) supreme correct enlightenment.
阿耨多羅三貘三菩提 [アノクタラサンミャクサンボタイ]@(term) anuttar■-sa■yak-
阿耨達 [アノクダツ]@Anavatapta.
阿耶怛那 [アヤタンナ]@sense base.
阿耶■哩婆 [アヤカリバ]@(name) Hayagr■va.
阿耶■■婆 [アヤカリバ]@(name) Hayagr■va.
阿育 [アイク]@(person) A■oka.
阿育王 [アイクオウ]@(person) A■oka.
阿舍■ [アシャリ]@(foreign) ■c■rya.
阿舒迦 [アジョカ]@(person) A■oka.
阿若■陳如 [アニャク]@(person) ■jñ■ta-kau■■inya.
阿菟 [アツ]@infinitesimal.
阿菟 [アト]@infinitesimal.
阿菩提 [アボダイ]@(xref) An abbreviation of 阿耨多羅三貘三菩提.
阿落刹婆 [アラクセツバ]@demons.
阿落迦婆 [アラカバ]@demons.
阿藍■ [アランマ]@gardens.
阿蘇羅 [アソラ]@titan.
阿蘭拏 [アランナ]@forest; solitude; quiet place.
阿蘭攘 [アランノウ]@forest; solitude; quiet place.
阿蘭若 [アランニャ]@forest; solitude; quiet place.
阿蘭若念處 [アランニャネンショ]@(term) mindfulness of the monastery.
阿蘭若迦 [アランニャカ]@forest-dwelling religious mendicant..
阿蘭那 [アランナ]@woods" or "wilderness.
阿裟摩娑摩 [アサマサマ]@unequalled.
阿裟磨娑摩 [アサマサマ]@unequalled.
阿詣羅 [アケラ]@(name) A■giras.
阿■他 [アセツタ]@tree of sinlessness.
阿■耶 [アラヤ]@store.
阿■耶識 [アラヤシキ]@(term) store consciousness.(term) eighth consciousness.
阿跋■爾多 [アパリジタ]@(name) Apar■jita.
阿跋耶祇釐 [アバヤギリ]@(place) Abhayagiri.
阿跌哩 [アテリ]@(name) Atri.
阿路巴 [アロハ]@silver.
阿踰闍 [アユト]@(place) Ayodhy■.
阿踰陀 [アユダ]@(place) Ayodhy■.
阿軫帝也 [アシンタイヤ]@inconceivable.
阿輸伽 [アシュカ]@(person) A■oka.
阿輸迦 [アシュカ]@(person) A■oka.
阿迦奢 [アカシャ]@space.
阿逸 [アイツ]@Ajita.
阿逸多 [アイッタ]@Ajita.
阿達婆■陀 [アダバヒダ]@(title) Atharvaveda.
阿遮利耶 [アシャリヤ]@(foreign) ■c■rya.
阿遮■ [アシャラ]@(name) Acala.
阿遮樓 [アシャロ]@(name) Acala.
阿遮羅 [アシャラ]@(name) Acala.
阿那 [アナ]@inhalation.
阿那他賓低 [アナタピンテイ]@(person) An■thapi■■ada.
阿那含 [アナゴン]@(term) non-returner.
阿那含果 [アナゴンカ]@the stage of the "non-returner", abider in the fruit of a never
阿那婆婁吉低輸 [アナバルキッテイシュ]@(name) Avalokite■vara.
阿那婆答多 [アナバトウタ]@Anavatapta.
阿那婆達多 [アナバダツタ]@(name) Anavatapta.
阿那律 [アナリツ]@no cessation.(person) Aniruddha.
阿那波那 [アナハナ]@expiration and inspiration.
阿那籬■■ [アナリラバク]@untainted.
阿那藪■■ [アナスラバク]@untainted.
阿那阿波那 [アナアパナ]@expiration and inspiration.
阿那陀擯荼駄 [アナタビンダダ]@(person) An■thapindada.
阿鉢■市多 [アハリシタ]@(name) Apar■jita.
阿鉢■瞿陀尼 [アハツリクダニ]@(place) God■n■ya.
阿鉢底鉢喇底提舍那 [アハテイハラテイダイシャナ]@confession.
阿■佛經 [アシュクブツキョウ]@(title) Sutra of Ak■obhya.
阿■婆 [アシュクバ]@(name) Ak■obhya.
阿■■ [アシュクヒ]@Ak■obhya-buddha.
阿闍世 [アジャセ]@(person) Aj■ta■atru.
阿闍世王 [アジャセイオウ]@(person) Aj■ta■atru.
阿闍多設咄路 [アジャタセットロ]@Aj■ta■atru.
阿闍梨 [アジャリ]@teacher, master, or preceptor.(term) ■c■rya.
阿闍梨灌頂 [アジャリカンチョウ]@coronation of a master.
阿闍貰 [アジャセ]@Aj■ta■atru.
阿闥波陀 [アタバダ]@(title) Atharvaveda.
阿陀 [アダ]@name of a medicine.
阿陀那 [アダナ]@appropriation.
阿陀那識 [アダナシキ]@appropriating consciousness; clinging consciousness.
阿離耶 [アリヤ]@noble.
阿離耶暮■薩婆悉底婆■ [アリヤボラサツバシツテイバタ]@Sarv■stiv■din.
阿難分別經 [アナンブンベツキョウ]@(title) Anan fenbie jing.
阿難律 [アナンリツ]@Aniruddha.
阿難犯婬 [アナンボンイン]@■nanda's violation of the precept regarding sexual
阿難陀 [アナンタ]@(person) ■nanda.
阿難陀目怯尼呵離陀鄰尼經 [アナンダモクコウニカリタリンニキョウ]@(title)
Anantuo muqieni heli tuolinni jing.
阿■跋致 [アビバッチ]@non-retrogression.(term) avaivartika.
阿須羅 [アシュラ]@(term) Sanskrit asura. A type of demi-god, translated by some with
the Greek notion of Titan.
阿鳩羅加羅 [アクラカラ]@disturbing.
阿■提 [アマダイ]@(name) Abhetri.
阿黎沙 [アレイシャ]@connected with the sages.
阿黎耶 [アリヤ]@store-[consciousness].
阿黎耶識 [アラヤシキ]@(foreign) ■laya consciousness.
阿鼻 [アビ]@(term) av■ci.
阿鼻地獄 [アビジゴク]@(term) av■ci hell.
阿鼻旨 [アビシ]@unremitting hell.
陀毘羅 [ダビラ]@(place) Dr■vi■a.
陀毘荼 [ダビダ]@(place) Dr■vi■a.
陀羅尼 [ダラニ]@(term) dh■ra■■.
陀羅尼門 [ダラニモン]@dh■ra■■ teachings.
陀羅尼集經 [ダラニジュウキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ Collection Scripture.
陀那婆 [ダナバ]@(name) D■navat.
陀那識 [ダナシキ]@appropriating consciousness.
陀那鉢底 [ダナバテイ]@almsgiver.
附 [フ]@append.
附囑 [フショク]@entrust to.
附囑 [フゾク]@entrust to.
降 [ゴウ]@overcome, defeat, subdue, force into submission.
降三世明王 [ゴウザンゼミョウオウ]@conqueror of the three worlds.
降伏 [ゴウブク]@using one's power to force others into submission.
降誕 [ゴウタン]@birth of a buddha or bodhisattva.
降龍 [コウリュウ]@(term) subduer of dragons.
降龍鉢 [コウリュウ(ノ)ハツ]@bowl used to subdue dragons.
限 [ゲン]@limit, restrict, confine.
院 [イン]@walled-in, separately enclosed building, usually on the temple grounds.
院■道行雜作衣 [インナイドウギョウゾウサエ]@monks garment ordinarily worn in
the monastery.
陣言 [ジンゴン]@say, speak.
陣那 [ジンナ]@(person) Sanskrit Dign■ga, Pali Dinnaga.
除 [ジョ]@except for.
除一切疾病陀羅尼經 [ジョイチサイシツビョウダラニキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ for
Healing All Diseases.
除女 [ジョニョ]@nun.
除滅 [ジョメツ]@get rid of.
除煩惱禪 [ジョボンノウゼン]@meditation on ridding all sufferers from the miseries
of passion and delusion.
除疑 [ジョギ]@remove doubt.
陰 [イン]@(term) aggregate.
陰 [オン]@(term) aggregate.
陰入 [オンニュウ]@aggregates and fields.
陳 [チン]@tell, explain, set forth.
陵他 [リョウタ]@despise others.
陵蔑 [リョウベツ]@disparage, look down on; despise.
陶練 [トウレン]@polish, to become proficient at something be repeatedly practicing.
陷墜 [カンツイ]@fall into.
陽 [ヨウ]@(foreign) yang principle of existence.
隆寛 [リュウカン]@(person) Ry■kan.
隋天台智者大師別傳 [ズイテンダイチシャダイシベツデン]@(title) Sui Tiantai
Zhizhe dashi biezhuan.
隋遠 [ズイオン]@Yuan of the Sui.
階降 [カイコウ]@order, precedence.
隔 [カク]@be separated, separate from.
隔 [キャク]@be separated, separate from.
際 [サイ]@time, occasion, when.
際醒 [サイショウ]@Jixing.
際醒徹悟 [サイショウテツゴ]@Jixing Chewu.
障 [ショウ]@(term) hindrance.
障心 [ショウシン]@to obstruct the mind.
障治 [ショウジ]@subdue the obstructions to enlightenment.
障治相違 [ショウジソウイ]@conflict experienced in the course of overcoming
afflictions when one's practice is impure.
障碍 [ショウゲ]@Obstruction, hindrance.
障礙 [ショウゲ]@obstruction, hindrance.
障隔 [ショウキャク]@obstruction, interference, blockage.
障隔 [ショウカク]@obstruction, interference, blockage.
障體 [ショウタイ]@essence of the hindrances.
隨 [ズイ]@in accordance with.
隨分 [ズイブン]@according to one's ability.
隨分覺 [ズイブンカク]@approximate enlightenment.
隨力 [ズイリキ]@according to one's power.
隨喜 [ズイキ]@rejoice in gratitude.
隨喜方便 [ズイキホウベン]@rejoicing (in all good).
隨喜殺 [ズイキセツ]@joy regarding killing; killing motivated by enjoyment.
隨宜 [ズイギ]@to teach in direct response to the needs and abilities of the audience.
隨宜■法 [ズイギセッポウ]@teach (the dharma) appropriately.
隨引 [ズイイン]@Evocation.
隨情 [ズイジョウ]@according to discriminations; according to delusion.
隨惑 [ズイワク]@(term) secondary afflictions.
隨意 [ズイイ]@following the mind.
隨意事 [ズイイジ]@self-indulgence.
隨意淨 [ズイイジョウ]@confirming a monastic act in an incomplete assembly.
隨成 [ズイジョウ]@be accomplished in accordance with.
隨戒 [ズイカイ]@follow the precepts.
隨所願心 [ズイショガンシン]@according to one's wish.
隨手 [ズイシュ]@Continuing after.
隨方 [ズイホウ]@according to.
隨機 [ズイキ]@according with faculties.
隨求■得大自在陀羅尼神呪經 [ズイグソクトクダイジザイダラニジンシュキョウ]
@(title) Dh■ra■■ Incantation of the Protectress Who Grants Great Freedom.
隨波逐浪 [ズイハチクロウ]@one wave following another (what is this?).
隨流 [ズイル]@continued, continuing, attached, linked, connected.
隨煩惱 [ズイボンノウ]@(term) secondary afflictions.
隨用 [ズイヨウ]@go along with and use.
隨眠 [ズイメン]@(term) disposition, tendency, inclination, propensity.(term) dormant
隨■ [ズイエン]@accord with conditions.
隨■眞如 [ズイエンシンニョ]@conditioned thusness.
隨■轉變 [ズイエンテンぺン]@transform according to causes and conditions.
隨處 [ズイショ]@according to the situation; in all situations.
隨行 [ズイギョウ]@complete (undefiled) accordance with reality.
隨身 [ズイシン]@through the body.
隨轉 [ズイテン]@that which comes into being attached to, accompanying, or according
to something else.
隨逐 [ズイチク]@follow from behind.
隨順 [ズイジュン]@(term) follow.(term) accord with.
隨順平等善根 [ズイジュンビョウドウゼンコン]@stage of practicing the virtues of
the middle path of noncontamination, and seeing that good and evil are not two.
隨順等觀一切衆生 [ズイジュンドウカンイッサイシュウジョウ]@stage where one
sees that the good and evil actions of all sentient beings are not different.
隨順義人 [ズイジュンギニン]@the one who accords with righteousness.
隨順解■ [ズイジュンゲダツ]@code of vinaya precepts.
隨類生 [ズイルイショウ]@rebirth according to class.
隱 [オン]@hidden, concealed, mysterious, secret, private.
隱伏 [オンブク]@conceal oneself.
隱劣顯勝識 [オンレツケンショウシキ]@consciousness of covering the inferior
(mental functions) and manifesting the superior.
隱密 [オンミツ]@secret, hidden, occult, unmanifest.
隱密門 [オンミツモン]@secret teaching.
隱庵 [オンアン]@(person) ■nam.
隱敝 [オンペイ]@cover, conceal.
隱沒 [オンモツ]@disappear, vanish.
隱術 [オンジュツ]@occult abilities; esoteric arts.
隱顯無礙 [オンケンムゲ]@(term) no obstruction between concealment and disclosure.
雅 [ガ]@really, truly.
雅音 [ガオン]@pure sounds.
集 [シュウ]@gather.
集古今佛道論衡 [シュウココンブツドウロンコウ]@(title) Ji gujin fadao lunheng.
集法藏 [シュウホウゾウ]@Buddhist council held for clarifying concerns about
集滅 [シュウメツ]@two noble truths of arising and cessation.
集聖諦 [シュウショウタイ]@noble truth of the arising of suffering.
集諦 [ジュウタイ]@noble Truth of the arising of suffering.
集諦 [ジッタイ]@noble Truth of the arising of suffering.
雑部密教 [ゾウブミッキョウ]@miscellaneous esoterism.
雖 [スイ]@even if, even though, although.
雖然 [スイネン]@Although, notwithstanding, however.
雙傳 [ソウデン]@dharma collective.
雙林傅大士 [ソウリンフダイシ]@(person) Shuanglin Fu Dashi.
雜 [ゾウ]@discrimination.
雜住 [ゾウジュウ]@to be fettered to a notion of soul, or ego.
雜修 [ザツシュ]@miscellaneous or varied practice.
雜修 [ゾウシュ]@miscellaneous or varied practice.
雜密 [ゾウミツ]@miscellaneous esoterism.
雜染 [ゾウゼン]@"defiled.
雜碑衣 [ゾウヒエ]@ragged clothes.
雜穢 [ゾウエ]@(term) insignificant, small, mean, lowly (k■udra.
雜色 [ゾウシキ]@variegated coloring.
雜阿含經 [ゾウアゴンギョウ]@(title) Sa■yukt■gama.
雜阿毘曇婆沙 [ゾウアビドンバシャ]@(title) Sa■yukt■bhidharma-h■daya-■■stra.
雜阿毘曇毘婆沙 [ゾウアビドンビバシャ]@(title) Sa■yukt■bhidharma-h■daya-
雜阿毘曇經 [ゾウアビドンキョウ]@(title) Sa■yukt■bhidharma-h■daya-■■stra.
雜阿毘達磨論 [ゾウアビダツマロン]@(title) Sa■yukt■bhidharma-h■daya-■■stra.
雜集論 [ゾウジュウロン]@Exegesis on the Collection of Mah■y■na Abhidharma.
雜類 [ザツルイ]@various types.
雜類 [ゾウルイ]@various types.
■胤部 [ケイインブ]@(school) Kaukku■ik■■ (Gokulik■).
離 [リ]@transcendence, separation, removal (esp. of afflictions or deluded
離喜妙樂地 [リキミョウラクジ]@realm of separation from ordinary enjoyment in
favor of sublime bliss.
離垢 [リク]@separate, or be separated from defilement.
離垢地 [リクジ]@(term) stage of freedom from defilement.
離垢■淨 [リクショウジョウ]@separate oneself from defilement and attain purity.
離婆多 [リバタ]@(person) Revata.
離微 [リビ]@transcendence and subtlety.
離微 [リミ]@transcendence and subtlety.
離念 [リネン]@to be free from thought.
離性 [リショウ]@free from nature.
離染 [リゼン]@freedom from defilement.
離波多 [リバタ]@Revata.
離生喜樂地 [リショウキラクジ]@realm of enjoyment after death.
離相 [リソウ]@to entertain no from marks.
離縛 [リバク]@freedom from bondage.
離■ [リケ]@free oneself from the binding of the afflictions.
離言 [リゴン]@free from language; removed from words.
離言眞如 [リゴンシンニョ]@thusness as removed from language.
離邊 [リヘン]@free from extremes.
離間語 [リケンゴ]@backbiting; equivocation.
離邪 [リジャ]@to remove oneself from evil.
難 [ナン]@hard, difficult, grievous, troublesome. To regard as difficult.
難免 [ナンメン]@difficult to avoid.
難勝地 [ナンショウジ]@stage of overcoming difficulty.
難執持 [ナンシュウジ]@(name) Durdhar■a.
難得 [ナントク]@(term) stage of difficult attainment.
難思 [ナンジ]@imponderable, beyond thought.
難拏 [ナンナ]@Da■da.
難提蜜多羅 [ナンダイミツタラ]@(person) Nandimitra.
難提迦葉 [ナンダイカショウ]@One of several transcriptions of the name of Nad■-
難禪 [ナンゼン]@meditation on the difficulties of certain dhy■na conditions.
難處 [ナンショ]@difficult circumstances.
難行 [ナンギョウ]@difficult to (put into) practice.
難行苦行 [ナンギョウクギョウ]@difficult and painful practices.
難行道 [ナンギョウドウ]@path of difficult practice.
難解 [ナンゲ]@difficult to comprehend.
難言 [ナンゴン]@to voice a difficulty.
難量 [ナンリョウ]@difficult to fathom.
難陀 [ナンダ]@(person) Nanda.
難降伏 [ナンコウフク]@(name) Durdhar■a.
難顯 [ナンケン]@difficult to show; hard to disclose.
雨 [アメ]@rain.
雨乞 [あめごい]@pray for rain.
雨時 [ウジ]@rainy season.
雨華 [ウケ]@rain of flowers.
雪下集 [セツゲシュウ]@(title) S■lhajip.
雪乳 [セツニュウ]@(person) S■ryu.
雪山王 [セツセンオウ]@(name) Him■laya-girir■ja.
雪山部 [セッセンブ]@(school) Haimavat■■.
雪岑 [セッシン]@(person) S■ljam.
雪峰義存 [セツホウギソン]@(person) Xuefeng Yicun.
雪竇 [セッチョウ]@(person) S■ldu.
雲凝 [ウンギョウ]@the gathering of clouds.
雲布 [ウンフ]@spread out like clouds in the sky.
雲自在燈王 [ウンジザイトウオウ]@(name) Dundubhisvara-r■ja.
雲華尊者 [ウンケソンシャ]@Venerable from Yunhua.
雲蓋守智 [ウンガイシュチ]@(person) Yungai shouzhi.
雲門 [ウンモン]@(person) Yunmen (d. 949); the popular name of Wenyan 文偃, a
major Tang period master of the Chan movement.
雲門匡眞禪師廣■ [ウンモンキョウシンゼンシコウロク]@(title) Extensive Record
of Yunmen Kuangzhen.
雲門廣■ [ウンモンコウロク]@(title) Yunmen guanglu.
雲默 [ウンモク]@(person) Unmuk.
霄 [ショウ]@Heaven, sky.
霄壤 [ショウジョウ]@Heaven and earth.
震 [シン]@To shake, excite, terrify.
震應 [シンオウ]@(person) Chin■ng.
震言 [シンゴン]@(person) Chin■n.
震鐘 [シンショウ]@(person) Chinjong.
靈山寺 [リョウゼンジ]@(temple) Ry■zenji.
靈山寺 [レイゼンジ]@(temple) Ry■zenji.
露 [ロ]@dew.
露地 [ロジ]@dew-laden ground, outdoors, outside.
露盤 [ロバン]@dew receivers.
靈 [リョウ]@spirit (of the dead).
靈像 [リョウゾウ]@spiritual images.
靈儀 [レイギ]@mortuary tablet.
靈場 [レイジョウ]@miraculously efficacious site.
靈宅 [リョウタク]@numinous abode.
靈山 [リョウゼン]@(place) Vulture Peak.
靈明 [レイメイ]@spiritual luminosity.
靈知 [リョウチ]@inconceivable wisdom.
靈知 [レイチ]@inconceivable wisdom.
靈祐 [リョウユウ]@(person) Lingyu.
靈禽 [リョウキン]@spiritual bird; ghost bird.
靈裕 [レイユウ]@(person) Lingyu.
靈觀 [レイカン]@(person) Y■nggwan.
靈驗 [リョウケン]@spiritual efficacy.
靈鷲山 [リョウジュセン]@(place) Vulture Peak.
■ [ショウ]@blue.
■丘沙門 [ショウクシャモン]@(person) Ch'■nggu samun.
■光 [ショウコウ]@blue light.
■原行思 [セイゲンギョウシ]@Qingyuan Xingsi.
■心 [セイシン]@still mind.
■河 [ショウカ]@(place) Va■ksu.
■目 [ショウモク]@(person) Pi■gala.
■色 [ショウシキ]@blue-colored.
■蓮 [ショウレン]@blue lotus.
■蓮 [セイレン]@blue lotus.
■藏 [ショウゾウ]@blue collection.
■面金剛 [ショウメンコンゴウ]@blue-faced vajra.
■頭 [ショウトウ]@blue-headed [Avalokite■vara].
■頸觀自在菩薩心陀羅尼經 [ショウケイカンジザイボサツシンダラニキョウ]
@(title) Dh■ra■■ of Blue-Headed Avalokite■vara.
■頸觀音 [ショウキョウカンノン]@blue-necked Avalokite■vara.
■龍 [セイリュウ]@blue dragon.
靜 [ジョウ]@still, motionless. Quiet, silent, serene, peaceful.
靜坐 [セイザ]@"Quiet sitting.
靜安寺 [ジョウアンジ]@Bubbling Well Monastery.
靜志 [ジョウシ]@(foreign) sama■a.
靜慧 [ジョウエ]@wisdom based on tranquility.
靜慮 [ジョウリョ]@(term) concentration.(term) meditation.
靜慮到彼岸 [ジョウロトウヒガン]@The perfection of concentration.
靜慮波羅蜜 [ジョウリョハラミツ]@The perfection of concentration.stillness of mind.
靜慮波羅蜜多 [ジョウリョハラミッタ]@the perfection of concentration.stillness of
靜眞 [ジョウシン]@(person) Ch■ngjin.
靜觀 [ジョウカン]@(person) Ch■nggwan.
非 [ヒ]@no, not, is not, not to be.
非一非異 [ヒイチヒイ]@neither identical nor different.
非人 [ヒニン]@non-humans.
非六生 [ヒロクショウ]@not arising from the sixth consciousness.
非分 [ヒブン]@undeserved.
非器 [ヒキ]@not a [proper] vessel.
非天 [ヒテン]@demigods, non-god.
非學非無學智 [ヒガクヒムガクチ]@Defiled wisdom.
非安立 [ヒアンリュウ]@not established, not posited.
非安立眞如 [ヒアンリュウシンニョ]@the unposited teaching of suchness.
非安立眞實 [ヒアンリュウシンジツ]@(term) unposited reality.
非安立諦 [ヒアンリュウタイ]@(term) un-posited reality.
非實 [ヒジツ]@not real; not actual; not truly existent.
非常 [ヒジョウ]@impermanence.
非律 [ヒリツ]@not precepts.
非情 [ヒジョウ]@non-sentient.
非想 [ヒソウ]@locus of neither thought nor no thought.
非想天 [ヒソウテン]@neither thought nor no-thought heaven.
非想處 [ヒソウショ]@(foreign) Abbreviation of feixiang feifeixiangchu 非想非非想處.
非想非非想 [ヒソウヒヒソウ]@state of neither thought nor no-thought.
非想非非想天 [ヒソウヒヒソウテン]@neither thought nor no-thought heaven.
非想非非想處 [ヒソウヒヒソウショ]@(term) neither-thought-nor-no-thought
非想非非想處地 [ヒソウヒヒソウジョジ]@(term) realm of neither perception nor
非所斷 [ヒショダン]@those [afflictions] which are not eliminated.
非擇滅無爲 [ヒチャクメツムイ]@(term) non-analytical cessation.
非時 [ヒジ]@improper time.
非時食 [ヒジジキ]@eating at the inappropriate time.
非有 [ヒウ]@does not exist.
非有非空 [ヒウヒクウ]@neither existent nor empty.
非梵行 [ヒボンギョウ]@impure behavior.
非樂修 [ヒラクシュ]@cultivation of non-joy.
非法 [ヒホウ]@non-dharma; not the dharma.
非無門 [ヒムモン]@the teaching that negates (attachment to) non-existence.
非理 [ヒリ]@unreasonable; not sensible.
非生非滅 [ヒショウヒメツ]@neither produced nor extinguished.
非福行 [ヒフクギョウ]@Unwholesome activity, bad karma.
非色 [ヒシキ]@formless.
非色非心 [ヒシキヒシン]@neither form nor mubd.
非變異 [ヒヘンイ]@(term) unchanging (ananyath■).
非■非白業 [ヒコクヒビャクゴウ]@karma that is neither good nor evil.
■吠 [ヒベイ]@merchant caste.
■婆尸 [ヒバシ]@Vipa■yin.
■陀梨山王 [ヒダリセンオウ]@(name) Vaidhar■.
韋提希 [イダイケ]@(person) Vaideh■.
韋陀 [イダ]@Veda.
韋驛天神 [イエキテンジン]@(name) Skanda.
韓龍雲 [カンリュウウン]@(person) Han Yongun.
音 [オン]@sound, music, tone, voice.
音教 [オンキョウ]@the teaching of the dharma through listening and hearing.
音樂天 [オンガクテン]@a heavenly music master.
音聲 [オンショウ]@sound, noise.
頂 [チョウ]@head, top of the head.
頂三昧 [チョウサンマイ]@peak sam■dhi.
頂戴 [チョウダイ]@carry on top of the head.
頂禪 [チョウゼン]@(term) peak meditation.
頂禮 [チョウライ]@(term) pay homage to.
頂禮佛足 [チョウライブッソク]@bowing one's head to the feet of the Buddha.
順 [ジュン]@go with; to accord with.
順不苦不樂受業 [ジュンフクフラクジュゴウ]@karma that is received as the result of
pursuit of behaviors that bring neither pleasure nor pain.
順境 [ジュンキョウ]@objects that are agreeable to oneself.
順心 [ジュンシン]@obedient mind.
順忍 [ジュンニン]@tolerance of accordance.
順樂受業 [ジュンラクジュゴウ]@karma that is received from the pursuit of behavior
that brings pleasure.
順決擇分 [ジュンケッチャクブン]@(term) causes (of liberation) from according with
selection (nirvedha-bh■g■ya).
順流 [ジュンル]@acquiescing to the flow (of sa■s■ra).
順苦受業 [ジュンクジュゴウ]@karma received through the pursuit of behavior that
brings pain.
順解■分 [ジュンゲダツブン]@causes that lead to liberation.
順道 [ジュンドウ]@(person) Sundo.
順違 [ジュンイ]@according with and opposing.
須 [シュ]@(transcription) Transliteration of foreign sounds su.
須 [ス]@(transcription) Transliteration of foreign sounds su.
須彌山 [シュミセン]@(foreign) Sumeru.
須彌盧山王 [シュミルセンオウ]@(name) Sumeru.
須彌頂 [シュミチョウ]@summit of Mt. Sumeru.
須摩提 [シュマダイ]@realm of ultimate bliss.
須現 [シュゲン]@necessary manifestation.
須臾 [スユ]@an instant, a moment, a split-second.
須菩提 [シュボダイ]@(person) Sub■ti.
須達多 [シュダッタ]@(person) Sudatta.
須達拏 [シュダナ]@Sud■na.
須闍陀 [シュジャタ]@Suj■ta.
須阿提 [シュアダイ]@realm of ultimate bliss.
須陀■ [シュダオン]@stream-enterer.(term) srota-■panna.(term) stream-winner.(term)
頌 [ジュ]@praise, laud.
頌古 [ショウコ]@attach one's own verse to an "ancient precedent,".
預 [ヨ]@previously, beforehand.
預流 [ヨル]@(term) stream-enterer.
預流向 [ヨルコウ]@one who is entering into the stage of stream-winner.
預流果 [ヨルカ]@one who has fully attained the stages of the stream-enterer.
頑 [ガン]@dogged determination.
頑空 [ガンクウ]@only emptiness.
頓 [トン]@(term) sudden.
頓悟 [トンゴ]@sudden enlightenment.
頓斷 [トンダン]@suddenly eliminate large amounts of afflictions in a single instant.
頓機 [トンキ]@one who is capable of sudden awakening.
頓■ [トンエン]@simultaneous apprehension of objects; simultaneous conditioning.
頓證 [トンショウ]@actualize enlightenment immediately and directly without passing
through numerous stages.
頗勒窶拏 [ハロクナ]@February-March.
頗梨 [ハリ]@crystal.
頗羅墮 [ハラダ]@(name) Bharadv■ja.
頗胝迦 [ハテイカ]@(term) spa■ik■, which means crystal 水晶.
領 [リョウ]@throat, a collar--thus: to lead, guide, direct, have control of.
領受 [リョウジュ]@hold on to something as if it was one's own.
領納 [リョウノウ]@reception of pleasure and pain.
■■羅 [アニラ]@(name) Anila.
■浮陀 [アブダ]@tumors, blains.
■浮陀達磨 [アブダダツマ]@Never before experienced.
頡麗伐多 [ケツライバチタ]@Revata.
頭 [トウ]@head.
頭光 [ズコウ]@halo.
頭光 [トウコウ]@halo.
頭數 [トウシュ]@head count.
頭者 [トウシャ]@■ir■■aka.
頭角 [トウカク]@head.
頭陀 [ズダ]@austerities.
頭陀行 [ズダギョウ]@ascetics.
頭面 [ズメン]@head.
頭面作禮 [ズメンサライ]@bowing with the head.
頭面接足禮 [トウメンショウソクライ]@bowing one's head to the feet [of the
頭面禮 [ズメンライ]@bowing one's head to the feet of the buddha.
頭面禮足 [ズメンライソク]@bowing the head to [the Buddha's] feet.
頭頭 [トウトウ]@every single thing.
頻婆娑羅王 [ビンバシャラオウ]@(person) King Bimbis■ra.
頻婆沙羅 [ビンバシャラ]@(person) Bimbis■ra.
頻尼波羅 [ヒンニハラ]@slingshot spear.
題 [ダイ]@forehead, brow, head.
題名 [ダイミョウ]@title of a text.
額沙荼 [ガクシャダ]@fourth month.
額部曇 [アブドン]@second of eight stages of the human fetus.
額■ [ガクヒ]@(person) A■vajit.
願 [ガン]@decide what one will seek after and long for its attainment.
願佛 [ガンブツ]@Buddha manifest as the original desire to save all sentient beings.
願到彼岸 [ガントウヒガン]@(term) perfection of the vow.
願力 [ガンリキ]@power of one's vow.
願智 [ガンチ]@(term) wish-knowledge.
願波羅蜜 [ガンハラミツ]@perfection of the vow.
願波羅蜜多 [ガンハラミッタ]@perfection of the vow.
願生偈 [ガンショウゲ]@Verses on the Vow for Rebirth.
■ [テン]@overturn, invert; be inverted, upside-down.
■倒 [テンドウ]@(term) inverted.
■倒夢想 [テンドウムソウ]@perverted mind.
類 [ルイ]@kind, variety, class, species, genus.
類智 [ルイチ]@knowledge of particular things that works at removing the afflictions of
the form realm and formless realm.
■■ [マンカン]@Proud, arrogant.
顧眄 [コメン]@turn and catch a glimpse of.
顧眄 [コベン]@turn and catch a glimpse of.
顧視 [コシ]@reviewing and inspecting.
顯 [ケン]@express clearly.
顯了 [ケンリョウ]@be clear, obvious, plainly expressed.
顯了■ [ケンリョウセツ]@clear explanation.
顯出 [ケンシュツ]@show, manifest, display, reveal.
顯密 [ガンミツ]@manifest and hidden.
顯密圓通成佛心要集 [ケンミツエンツウジョウブツシンヨウシュウ]@Collection
of Essentials for Becoming a Buddha Through the Perfect Penetration of the Exoteric and
顯性教 [ケンショウキョウ]@(term) teaching that reveals the nature.
顯揚 [ケンヨウ]@spread abroad, extol, exalt, praise, commend, acclaim.
顯揚聖教論 [ケンヨウショウキョウロン]@(title) Acclamation of the Scriptural
顯揚聖教論頌 [ガンヨウショウキョウロンジュ]@(title) Exposition of the ■rya
Teachings, Verse Treatise.
顯揚論 [ケンヨウロン]@(title) Treatise of Acclamation of the Sagely Teaching.
顯教 [ケンキョウ]@manifest teaching; expressed teaching.
顯教 [ケンギョウ]@manifest teaching; expressed teaching.
顯正論 [ケンショウロン]@(title) Exposition of the Correct.
顯無邊佛土功■經 [ガンムヘンブツトクトクキョウ]@(title) Xian wubian fotu
gongde jing.
顯現 [ケンゲン]@manifestation.
顯發 [ケンホツ]@appear, be revealed, be discovered, emerge.
顯眞 [ケンシン]@Kenshin.
顯示 [ケンジ]@reveal, express, show, manifest, disclose.
顯義 [ケンギ]@explain the meaning; express the doctrine.
顯聖 [ケンショウ]@avatar.
顯色 [ガンシキ]@color.
顯識論 [ケンシキロン]@(title) Hsien-shih lun.
顯露 [ケンロ]@express, manifest.
顯露教 [ケンロキョウ]@express teaching.
顯靈 [ケンリョウ]@avatar.
風 [フウ]@usage, habits, custom. Manner, style, tradition, taste.
風月 [フウゲツ]@bright moon and cool breezes.
風水 [フスイ]@geomancy.
風相 [フソウ]@marks of the wind.
風輪 [フリン]@wind-wheel.
飄鼓 [ヒョウコ]@be moved by the wind.
飛潛走植 [ヒセンソウショク]@Birds, fish, animals and plants.
飛錫 [ヒシャク]@(person) Feixi.
飛錫 [ヒセキ]@(person) Feixi.
食 [シキ]@eat.
食 [ショク]@eat.
食吐悲苦聲 [シキトヒクショウ]@(foreign) garu■a.
食堂 [シキドウ]@refectory, dining hall.
食欲 [ジキヨク]@taste desire.
食物 [ジキモツ]@to eat things.
食米齋宗 [シキマイサイシュウ]@(school) Vai■e■ika.
食花 [ジキケ]@flower-eater.
食香 [シキコウ]@perfume eater.
飮 [イン]@drink.
飮 [オン]@drink.
飮光 [オンコウ]@drinker of light.
飮光部 [オンコウブ]@(school) K■■yap■ya.
飮酒 [オンジュ]@consumption of alcohol.
飮酒戒 [オンジュカイ]@precept (forbidding) the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
飮食 [オンジキ]@drinks and foods.
飯 [コクハン]@food.
飯食 [ボンジキ]@food.
飯食 [ハンショク]@food.
飲食 [オンジキ]@drink and food.
飾 [シキ]@decorate.
飾 [ショク]@decorate.
養 [ヨウ]@nourish.
養因 [ヨウイン]@nourishing or strengthening cause.
養息香 [ヨウソクコウ]@evening meditation period.
餌 [ジ]@Food, feed, bait (for animals).
餓 [ガ]@starve.
餓鬼 [ガキ]@(term) hungry ghost.
餓鬼道 [ガキドウ]@The rebirth into the existence of hungry ghost.
餘 [ヨ]@leftover, remainder, remnant.
餘境 [ヨキョウ]@other objects; the remaining objects.
餘殘 [ヨザン]@residue; residual.
餘經 [ヨキョウ]@other scriptures.
餘習 [ヨシュウ]@remaining habit energies.
餘處 [ヨショ]@another place.
饒王佛 [ニョウオウブツ]@Loke■varar■ja.
饒益 [ニョウヤク]@benefits, rewards.
饒益有情戒 [ニョウエキウジョウカイ]@precepts aimed at the improvement of the
situation of sentient beings.
饕餮 [トウテツ]@intense desire.
首 [シュ]@head, neck, hair.
首楞嚴 [シュリョウゴン]@(term) ■■ra■gama.
首楞嚴三昧經 [シュリョウゴンサンマイキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Concentration
of Heroic Progress.
首楞嚴經 [シュリョウゴンキョウ]@(title) Shou lengyan jing The ■■ra■gama-s■tra.
首楞嚴義疏注經 [シュリョウゴンギソチュウキョウ]@(title) Shoulengyan yishu zhu
首陀羅 [シュダラ]@■■dra.
香 [コウ]@scent, incense.
香儀 [コウギ]@donations received as gratuities.
香境 [コウコウ]@(term) odor.
香山王 [コウセンオウ]@(name) Gandham■dana-girir■ja.
香板 [コウバン]@(term) incense board.
香氣 [コウキ]@fragrance.
香水 [コウスイ]@fragrant water that is used for offerings to the Buddha.
香水海 [コウスイカイ]@(term) fragrant ocean.
香油 [コウユ]@donations.
香海 [コウカイ]@fragrant ocean.
香火 [コウカ]@donations.
香爐 [コウロ]@censer.
香物 [コウモツ]@strong-smelling things.
香神 [コウジン]@perfume spirit.
香臭 [コウシュウ]@odors.
香語 [コウゴ]@(term) incense talk.
香象 [コウゾウ]@form of perfume.
香象菩薩 [コウゾウボサツ]@Gandhahastin.
香錢 [コウセン]@offerings received from pilgrims and visitors.
香陰 [コウオン]@(foreign) gandharva.
邪■ [ジャセツ]@incorrect teaching; evil teaching.
馬勝 [メショウ]@(person) a■vajitA■vajit.
馬祖道一 [バソドウイチ]@(person) Mazu Daoyi.
馬祖道一禪師廣■ [バソドウイチゼンシコウロク]@(title) Extensive Record of the
Chan Master Mazu Daoyi.
馬耳 [マニ]@(place) A■vakar■a.
馬耳山王 [マニセンオウ]@(name) A■vakar■a.
馬頭 [バトウ]@(name) Hayagr■va.
馬頭 [メズ]@(name) Hayagr■va.
馬頭觀音心陀羅尼 [バマトウカンオンシンダラニ]@(title) (Hayagr■va-vidy■).
馬鳴 [メミョウ]@A■vagho■a.
馬鳴大士 [メミョウダイシ]@A■vagho■a.
馬鳴菩薩 [メミョウボサツ]@A■vagho■a Bodhisattva.
馬鳴菩薩讚 [メミョウボサツサン]@(title) Buddhacarita.
馬鳴讚 [メミョウサン]@(title) Buddhacarita.
馳 [チ]@to chase after.
駈鳥沙彌 [クチョウシャミ]@(foreign) ■r■ma■eras who are 7-13 years old.
騎賊馬逐賊 [キゾクバチクゾク]@Riding the thief's horse, chasing the thief.
騎賊馬逐賊 [ぞくばにのってぞくをおう]@Riding the thief's horse, chasing the thief.
驕 [キョウ]@Be proud, arrogant, boastful.
驗 [ケン]@test.
骨 [コツ]@bone(s).
髓 [ズイ]@marrow, pith.
體 [タイ]@essence, substance, original constitute.
體具 [タイグ]@inherent.
體大 [タイダイ]@(term) greatness of essence.
體比量 [タイヒリョ]@inference from the corporeal.
體比量 [ッ]@inference from the corporeal.
體毘履 [タイビリ]@(school) Sthavir■■.
體澄 [タイチョウ]@(person) Chejing.
體用 [タイユウ]@(term) essence-function.
體用 [タイヨウ]@(term) essence-function.
體用無礙 [タイヨウムゲ]@(term) no obstruction between essence and function.
體空 [タイ]@(term) essential emptiness.
體空觀 [タイカン]@apprehension of the essential emptiness of existence.
體義 [タイギ]@essence and aspects; substance and connotations.
高 [コウ]@high, tall, exalted, aged, high-priced, a high note, of high quality.
高僧 [コウソウ]@(term) eminent monk.
高士 [コウシ]@man (scholar, knight) of excellence.
高峰 [コウホウ]@Kobong.
高擧 [コウキョ]@floating of the mind.
高空 [コウクウ]@(person) Upa■■nya.
髻設尼 [ケイセニ]@Ke■■n■.
鬥亂衆僧 [トウランシュソウ]@destroy the harmony of the sa■gha.
鬥諍 [トウソウ]@dissension; wrangling.
鬮 [クジ]@lot, ballot, ticket.
鬱多世羅部 [ウッタセラブ]@(school) Uttara-■ailav■din.
鬱多羅僧 [ウツタラソウ]@seven-piece garment.
鬱多羅僧衣 [ウッタラソウエ]@upper, or outer robe.
鬱多羅迦神 [ウッタラカシン]@Great Radiant Celestial.
鬱瑟尼沙 [ウッシツニシャ]@tuft, excrescence.
鬼 [キ]@demon, ghost, spirit.
鬼子母神 [キシモジン]@(name) H■rit■.
鬼神 [キジン]@spirit, ghost.
鬼神 [キシン]@spirit, ghost.
魂 [コン]@spiritual or heavenly part of the soul.
魄 [ハク]@soul.
魍魎 [モウリョウ]@shadowy phantom.
魔 [マ]@evil demon.
魔光 [マコウ]@Mara's light.
魔外 [マゲ]@evil demons and heretics.
魔業 [マゴウ]@evil karma.
魔王 [マオウ]@M■ra King.
魔羅 [マラ]@m■ra; the god of death.
魔醯首羅 [マケイシュラ]@(term) Mahe■vara.
魔醯首羅■阿尾奢法 [マケシュラセツアビシャホウ]@(title) The Moxi shouluo
shuo aweishe fa.
鮮 [セン]@vivid, clear, bright.
鰥■ [カンリ]@widower and widow.
鰲巖 [ゴガン]@(person) Oam.
鳥 [チョウ]@bird.
鳥樞沙摩明王 [チョウスウシャマミョウオウ]@Ucchusma.
鳥芻沙摩明王 [チョウスシャマミョウオウ]@Ucchu■ma.
鳥跡空文 [チョウシャククウモン]@the patterns traced by birds in the empty sky.
鳩摩羅 [クマラ]@prince.
鳩摩羅什 [クマラジュウ]@(person) Kum■raj■va.
鳩摩羅多 [クモラタ]@(person) Kum■rata.
鳩摩羅多 [クマラタ]@(person) Kum■rata.
鳩槃荼 [クハンダ]@Kumbh■■■a.
鳩槃荼 [クバンダ]@Kumbh■■■a.
鳩滿拏 [クマンナ]@Kumbh■■■a.
鳳林山 [ホウリンザン]@(school) Pongnim san.
鴦哦■迦 [アンガラカ]@Mars.
鵝珠 [ガシュ]@goose and the gem.
鵠林 [コウリン]@■■la Forest; Crane Forest.
鵠林 [コクリン]@■■la Forest; Crane Forest.
鵤莊 [いかるがのしょう]@(place) Ikaruga Manor.
鶴勒那 [カクロクナ]@(person) Haklena.
鶴林 [ガクリン]@(place) Crane Forest.
鷄胤部 [ケイインブ]@(school) Kurku■ika, Kaukku■ika, Gokulika.
鷲山 [ジュセン]@Eagle Peak; Vulture Peak.
鷲峰山 [ジュホウサン]@Vulture Peak.
鷲嶺 [ジュリョウ]@(place) Vulture Peak.
鸚 [ヨウ]@parrot.
鸚鵡 [オウム]@the parrot.
鹹 [カン]@salty; bitter.
鹽官齊安 [エンカンセイアン]@(person) Yanguan Qian.
鹿 [ロク]@deer, stag.
鹿喜 [ロクキ]@rejoicing deer.
鹿苑 [ロクオン]@(foreign) An abbreviation of luyeyuan 鹿野苑.
鹿苑寺 [ロクオンジ]@Deer Park Temple.
鹿苑時 [ロクオンジ]@Deer Park period.
鹿野苑 [ロクヤオン]@(place) Deer Park.
麁 [ソ]@rough, coarse, rude, unrefined.
麁相 [ソソウ]@coarse marks; crude characteristics.
麁罪 [ソザイ]@crude crime.
麁色 [ソシキ]@gross form.
麁語 [ソゴ]@coarse speech.
麁重 [ソジュウ]@debilitating afflictions.
麁重相 [ソジュウソウ]@debilitating afflictions.
麁重相識 [ソジュウソウシキ]@the sluggish, or dense aspect of the store
麁重縛 [ソジュウバク]@the afflictive binding of inability and inflexibility.
麁重障 [ソジュウショウ]@Dense hindrances.
■ [ソ]@rough, coarse, rude, unrefined.
■分別 [ソフンベツ]@coarse discrimination.
■執 [ソシュウ]@coarse attachment.
■相 [ソソウ]@coarse marks.
■細 [ソサイ]@coarsness and subtlety.
■罪 [ソザイ]@crude crime; gross crimes.
■色 [ソシキ]@gross form.
■語 [ソゴ]@coarse speech.
■重 [ソジュウ]@incapacitating afflictions.
■顯 [ソケン]@coarse appearance; coarse manifestation.
■酒 [メンシュ]@alcoholic beverages made from wheat or barley.
麻 [マ]@hemp.
麻谷寶徹 [マコクホウテツ]@(person) Magu Baoche.
■ [マ]@a question mark. How? Why?.
■ [モ]@a question mark. How? Why?.
■莫枳 [ママキ]@(name) M■mak■.
■賀 [マガ]@great.
■■鷄 [ママケイ]@(name) M■mak■.
■檗山斷際禪師傳心法要 [オウバクサンダンサイゼンシデンシンホウヨウ]@(title)
Huangboshan duanji chanshi zhuanxin fayao.
■檗山斷際禪師宛陵■ [オウバクセンダンサイゼンシエンリョウロク]@(title)
Huangboshan duanji chanshi wanling lu.
■檗希運 [オウバクキウン]@(person) Huangbo Xiyun.
■金 [オウゴン]@yellow gold.
■門 [コウモン]@eunuch.
■面瞿曇 [オウメングドン]@Yellow-faced Gautama.
■面老子 [コウメンロウシ]@The Yellow Faced Old Master.
■ [コク]@black.
■上 [コクジョウ]@(name) K■lod■yin.
■優陀夷 [コクウダイ]@(name) K■lod■yin.
■山 [コクサン]@black mountain.
■曜 [コクヨウ]@(name) K■lod■yin.
■業 [コクゴウ]@evil karma.
■漆桶 [コクシッツウ]@(term) bucket of black lacquer.
■漫漫 [コクマンマン]@endless darkness.
■漫漫地 [コクマンマンジ]@complete darkness; endless darkness.
■白 [コクビャク]@evil karma and good karma.
■白業 [コクビャクゴウ]@evil karma and good karma.
■繩地獄 [コクジョウジゴク]@hell in which beings are restrained with iron chains.
■色 [コクシキ]@black color.
■蜂 [コクホウ]@black bee.
■闇女 [コクアンニョ]@dark sister.
■齒 [コクシ]@(name) Maku■a.
默然 [モクネン]@(term) to be silent (t■sn■mbh■va).
默然而聽 [モクネンジチョウ]@To be silent and listen.
點 [テン]@a dot, a spot, a speck.
點心 [テンジン]@temple meal.
點頭 [テントウ]@to bow.
黨 [トウ]@Friends, associates, comrades.
鼎鎬 [テイコウ]@(person) Ch■ngho.
鼓音佛 [クオンブツ]@Divyadundubhimega-nirgho■a.
鼓音如來 [クオンニョライ]@(name) Divyadundubhi meghanirgho■a.
鼓音王 [クオンオウ]@Divyadundubhimeganirgho■a.
鼓音聲王經 [クオンジョウオウキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ S■tra the King of Sound of
the Drum.
鼓音聲經 [クオンジョウキョウ]@(title) Dh■ra■■ S■tra of the Sound of the Drum.
鼓頭 [コトウ]@drum striker.
鼻奈耶 [ビナヤ]@Vinaya.
鼻奈耶廣律 [ビナヤコウリツ]@(title) Extensive Vinaya.
鼻奈耶律 [ビナヤリツ]@(title) Vinaya.
鼻奈耶戒因■經 [ビナヤカイインエンキョウ]@(title) Sutra of the Causes and
Conditions of the Vinaya.
鼻奈耶經 [ビナヤキョウ]@(title) Sutra on Vinaya.
鼻根 [ビコン]@(term) olfactory faculty.
鼻溜波阿叉 [ビリュウハアシャ]@(name) Vir■p■k■a.
鼻祖 [ビソ]@a patriarch who founds a sect or school.
鼻訶羅 [ビカラ]@buddhist temple; monastery, nunnery.
齊 [セイ]@adjust, to line up, to straighten up, to put in line, to equalize.
齊 [サイ]@adjust, to line up, to straighten up, to put in line, to equalize.
齊等 [ザイトウ]@equal, the same, equivalent.
齋 [サイ]@(term) purify.
齋 [シ]@(term) purify.
齋日 [サイジツ]@days of purification.
齋日 [サイニチ]@days of purification.
齋法 [サイホウ]@(term) (uposadha) maintenance of moral discipline.
齋襯 [サイシン]@feast gifts.
齎持 [セイジ]@To carry.
龍 [リュウ]@snake-shaped demigod who brings clouds and rain.
龍城 [リュウジョウ]@(person) Yongs■ng.
龍彌■ [リュウミジ]@(place) Lumbin■.
龍樹 [リュウジュ]@(person) N■g■rjuna.
龍王 [リュウオウ]@a dragon-king.
龍田寺 [リュウデンジ]@(temple) Lungtian si.
龍神 [リュウジン]@dragon spirits.
龍穴庵 [リュウケツアン]@(temple) Yonghy■l'am.
龍腦香 [リュウノウコウ]@(term) camphor.
龍象 [リュウゾウ]@superior (in insight) monk.
■居士 [ホウキョシ]@layman Pang.
■翁 [ホウオウ]@(person) Páng w■ng.
■蘊 [ホウオン]@(person) Páng yùn.
龕室 [カンシツ]@stone niche in which a buddha-image is placed.
龜■ [キジ]@(place) Kuche.
龜山 [キセン]@(person) Kwisan.
龜谷 [キコク]@(person) Kugok.

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