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Thursday, 29 March 2018

Small Business Minister Applauds While Monash Small

Businesses Suffer
In State Parliament, Member for South Eastern Metropolitan Region Inga Peulich MLC slammed
the Andrews Labor Government for its mind-boggling decision to tear up all school cleaning
contracts throwing hundreds of small businesses to the wall.

Ms Peulich questioned the commitment of Phillip Dalidakis, Labor Minister for Small Business, to
small business cleaning companies throughout the City of Monash.

The Small Business Minister, Phillip Dalidakis argued that the 800 cleaning contractors who clean
Victorian schools did not come under his portfolio, passing the buck to the Education Minister.

Ms Peulich said it was deplorable that the Minister endorsed the sacking of the school cleaners due
to the ‘vast array of rorting’ going on by small cleaning contractors in the City of Monash.

“At a time when 21 Labor Ministers and MPs have been caught rorting taxpayer money to fund
their election campaigns, it is startling that Labor is pointing the finger at hard working Monash
family businesses,” Ms Peulich said.

“While the Andrews Government wants all school cleaning small businesses in the City of Monash
terminated for the misdeeds of a few, not even one Labor MP will lose their job.”

“How a Minister, who supposedly represents small business, willfully watches over 800 of them
close their doors and then makes a mockery of their hard work is mind-boggling,” Ms Peulich said.

Ms Peulich called on the Andrews Labor Government to reverse its decision before it takes effect
on 1 July, 2018.


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