Bitnami WordPress Installer

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3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

Bitnami Documentation Pages (/) > Windows / Linux / MacOS (/installer/) >
Application Stacks (/installer/apps/) > WordPress (/installer/apps/wordpress/)

Bitnami WordPress Installer

NOTE: Before running the commands shown on this page, you should load the Bitnami
stack environment by executing the installdir/use_APPNAME script (Linux and Mac OS
X) or by clicking the shortcut in the Start Menu under "Start -> Bitnami APPNAME
Stack -> Application console" (Windows). Learn more

NOTE: When running the commands shown on this page, replace the installdir
placeholder with the full installation directory for your Bitnami stack.

Wordpress is the world's most popular blogging and content management platform.
Powerful yet simple, everyone from students to global corporations use it to build beautiful,
functional websites. 1/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

Try the OS X VM for Mac ( (beta

version). This new product makes it really easy to run this application on your Mac with
just a few clicks. No VirtualBox needed! Find here (/installer/get-started-osx-vm/)
further information on this.

First Steps With The Bitnami WordPress Stack

Welcome to your new Bitnami application! Here are a few questions (and answers!) you
might need when first starting with your application.

What Are The System Requirements?

Before you download and install your application, check that your system meets these
requirements (/installer/faq#what-are-the-system-requirements-for-native-installers).

How Do I Install The Bitnami WordPress Stack?

Windows, OS X and Linux installer
Download the executable file for the Bitnami WordPress Stack from the Bitnami
website (

Run the downloaded file:

On Linux, give the installer executable permissions and run the installation file
in the console.
On other platforms, double-click the installer and follow the instructions shown.

Check the FAQ instructions on how to download and install a Bitnami Stack
(/installer/faq#how-to-download-and-install-a-bitnami-stack) for more details.

The application will be installed to the following default directories:

Operating System Directory

Windows C:\Bitnami\APPNAME-VERSION

Mac OS X /Applications/APPNAME-VERSION

Linux /opt/APPNAME-VERSION (running as root user)

OS X VM 2/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

Download the OS X VM file for the Bitnami WordPress Stack from the Bitnami
website (
Begin the installation process by double-clicking the image file and dragging the
WordPress OS X VM icon to the Applications folder.
Launch the VM by double-clicking the icon in the Applications folder.

What Credentials Do I Need?

You need application credentials, consisting of a username and password. These
credentials allow you to log in to your new Bitnami application.

What Is The Administrator Username Set For Me To Log In To The

Application For The First Time?
For Windows, Linux and OS X installers, the username was configured by you when
you first installed the application.
For OS X VMs, the username can be obtained by clicking the Bitnami badge at the
bottom right corner of the application welcome page.

What Is The Administrator Password?

For Windows, Linux and OS X installers, the password was configured by you when
you first installed the application.
For OS X VMs, the password can be obtained by clicking the Bitnami badge at the
bottom right corner of the application welcome page.

How To Start Or Stop The Services?


Bitnami native installers include a graphical tool to manage services. This tool is named on Linux and is located in the installation directory. To use this tool,
double-click the file and then use the graphical interface to start, stop or restart services.
Server log messages can be checked in the "Server Events" tab. 3/64
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The native installer also includes a command-line script to start, stop and restart
applications, named This script can be found in the installation directory and
accepts the options start, stop, restart, and status. To use it, log in to the server console
and execute it following the examples below:

Call it without any service names to start all services:

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo installdir/ start

Use it to restart a specific service only by passing the service name as argument - for
example, mysql, postgresql or apache: 4/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo installdir/ restart mysql

$ sudo installdir/ restart postgresql
$ sudo installdir/ restart apache

Obtain current status of all services:

$ installdir/ status

The list of available services varies depending on the required components for each

Mac OS X
Bitnami native installers include a graphical tool to manage services. This tool is named
manager-osx on Mac OS X and is located in the installation directory. To use this tool,
double-click the file and then use the graphical interface to start, stop or restart services.
Server log messages can be checked in the "Server Events" tab.

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The native installer also includes a command-line script to start, stop and restart
applications, named This script can be found in the installation directory and
accepts the options start, stop, restart, and status. To use it, log in to the server console
and execute it following the examples below:

Call it without any service names to start all services:

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo installdir/ start

Use it to restart a specific service only by passing the service name as argument - for
example, mysql or apache: 6/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo installdir/ restart mysql

$ sudo installdir/ restart apache

Obtain current status of all services:

$ installdir/ status

The list of available services varies depending on the required components for each

NOTE: If you are using the stack manager for Mac OS X-VM, please check the
following blog post (
us-what-you-think.html) to learn how to manage services from its graphical tool.

Bitnami native installers include a graphical tool to manage services. This tool is named
manager-windows.exe on Windows and is located in the installation directory. To use this
tool, double-click the file and then use the graphical interface to start, stop or restart
services. Server log messages can be checked in the "Server Events" tab.

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The Windows native installer creates shortcuts to start and stop services created in the
Start Menu, under "Programs -> Bitnami APPNAME Stack -> Bitnami Service". Servers
can also be managed from the Windows "Services" control panel. Services are named
using the format APPNAMESERVICENAME, where APPNAME is a placeholder for the

application name and SERVICENAME is a placeholder for the service name. For example,
the native installer for the Bitnami WordPress Stack installs services named
wordpressApache and wordpressMySQL.

These services will be automatically started during boot. To modify this behaviour, refer to
the section on disabling services on Windows (/installer/windows-

How To Change The WordPress Domain Name?

If you are using WordPress v3.3.1-5 or higher, only specify your domain name in the
installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-config.php file. Edit and replace the following lines as
shown, remembering to replace the DOMAIN placeholder with the actual domain name 8/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

you wish to use:

define('WP_SITEURL', 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/');

define('WP_HOME', 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/');


define('WP_SITEURL', 'http://DOMAIN/');
define('WP_HOME', 'http://DOMAIN/');

NOTE: Your domain name should be correctly propagated for this to work. You can
verify the new DNS record by using the Global DNS Propagation Checker
( and entering your domain name into the search field.

How To Change The Interface Language?

Bitnami WordPress has already installed English and Spanish translations currently. To
change the WordPress language, follow the steps below:

Change Language Using The WordPress Administration Panel

If the language you wish to use is already available in WordPress, follow these steps:

Log in to the WordPress administration panel.

Click on the "Settings -> General" tab located in the menu on the left.

Scroll down until "Site Language" and select the one you prefer and click ."Save

Changes". 9/64
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Change Language Manually

If the language you wish to use is not available in WordPress, you must first install the
necessary translation files:

Download the translation files for your language from

Once you have downloaded the files, copy the .po and .mo files into the
installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/languages directory. If this directory
does not exist, create it manually as follows:

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo mkdir installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/languages

Log in to the WordPress administration panel.

Click on the "Settings -> General" tab located in the menu on the left. 10/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

Scroll down until "Site Language". The newly-installed language should now appear
in the list. Select it and click "Save Changes".


Restart the web server using these instructions.

How To Access The Administration Panel?

Access the administration panel by browsing to http://localhost/wp-admin/.

How To Reset The WordPress Admin Password
From The Command Line?
Use the command below to reset the administrator password from the command line.
Remember to replace the NEWPASSWORD placeholder with your desired password.

$ mysql -u root -p bitnami_wordpress -e "UPDATE wp_users SET user_pass=MD5('NE

WPASSWORD') WHERE ID='1';" 11/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

How To Disable The WordPress Cron Script?

The wp-cron.php script will run once a user visits your site. If you get a lot of traffic, this
could be a problem. This cron task is really necessary when you make updates in the blog.
You can move this cron script to a system cron task to help lower resource usage on the

Disable the wp-cron.php script in the installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-config.php file.

The location is important - add the line below just before the database settings:

define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true);

Then, add the cron task to the system. For example, this cron task will run the wp-cron.php
process every hour. You can add it using the following command:

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo crontab -e
0 * * * * su daemon -s /bin/sh -c "cd installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/; inst
alldir/php/bin/php -q wp-cron.php"

How To Enable Multi-Site Support?
Use the Bitnami WordPress Multisite Stack (

How To Configure Outbound Email Settings?

You can install or enable the "WP Mail SMTP" plugin from the WordPress administration
page. Follow these steps to activate this plugin.

Log in to the WordPress administration panel.

Navigate to "Plugins" and click the "Activate" option for the "WP-Mail-SMTP" plugin. 12/64
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Go to the "Settings -> WP Mail SMTP" panel and the "Settings" tab to configure the 

SMTP settings of your email provider. Select "Other SMTP" as the mailer. 13/64
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Here is an example of configuring WordPress to use a Gmail account. Replace

USERNAME and PASSWORD with your Gmail account username and password
SMTP Host:
SMTP Port: 587

Encryption: Use TLS encryption.
Authentication: On
SMTP Username:

SMTP Password: PASSWORD 14/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer


If you are using a different provider, remember to replace these values with the valid
data for your SMTP provider.

Click "Save Settings" to save the changes.
Send a test email using the "Email Test" tab to ensure that everything is working


To configure the application to use other third-party SMTP services for outgoing email,
such as SendGrid or Mandrill, refer to the FAQ (/installer/faq#use_external_smtp_title).

Troubleshooting Gmail SMTP Issues

If you are using Gmail as the outbound email server and you are not able to send email
correctly, Google may be blocking sign-in attempts from your apps or devices. Depending
on whether or not you use Google Apps, the steps to correct this will differ. 15/64
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For Google Apps users

If you are a Google Apps user, you will need your administrator to allow users to change
the policy for less secure apps. If you are a Google Apps administrator, follow these steps:

Browse to the Google Apps administration panel (

Click on "Security" and then "Basic settings".

Look for the section "Less secure apps" and then click on "Go to settings for less
secure apps".

Select "Allow users to manage their access to less secure apps".

For other Google users

If you do not use Google Apps, follow the steps in the following sections, depending on
whether 2-step verification has been enabled on the account or not.

If 2-step verification has not been enabled on the account, follow these steps:

Browse to the "Less secure apps" page

( and log in using the
account you are having problems with. This option is typically required by many
popular email clients, such as Outlook and Thunderbird, and should not be
considered unsafe.

Select the "Turn on" option.


(/images/img/apps/common/google-security-a7ea177d.png) 16/64
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If 2-step verification has been enabled on the account, you have to generate an app
password. Follow these steps:

Browse to the "App passwords" page


Click "Select app" and choose the app you're using.

Click "Select device" and choose the device you're using.

Click the "Generate" button.

Enter the app password on your device.

Click the "Done" button.

Here are other options you may try:

Browse to the web version of Gmail ( and sign in to your

account. Once you're signed in, try to enable access for the application again.

Browse to the "Unlock Captcha" function page

( and sign in with your
Gmail username and password.

Disable IMAP from the Gmail web server interface and enable it again.



How To Install A Plugin On WordPress?

You can install any plugin or theme from the WordPress administration panel.

Browse to the "Plugins -> Install Plugins" menu item and then click the "Add New"
button to search for plugins. 17/64
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Once you find a plugin, click the "Install Now" button to download and install it.


Once the plugin is installed, activate it from the "Install Plugins" page. You can also
deactivate it later if you wish.

(/images/img/apps/wordpress/wordpress-install-plugins-3-a7a770d9.png) 18/64
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When using the native installer, it is necessary to install a FTP server and specify your FTP


For more information about installing and managing plugins, such as Full API Access, refer
to the WordPress documentation (

How To Install The All-In-One WP Migration Plugin?
The following steps assume that

You are using the Bitnami WordPress Stack (not the WordPress Multisite) and
You are able to log in to the WordPress dashboard by visiting http://localhost/wp-

Follow these steps:

Log in to your WordPress dashboard.

Select the "Plugins -> Installed Plugins" option.
Find the plugin named "All-in-One WP Migration" and select "Activate" to activate it. 19/64
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NOTE: If you are using a version of the Bitnami WordPress Stack lower than
v4.0, the "All-in-One WP Migration" plugin is not pre-installed. You must manually
install the plugin first following these instructions.

The plugin will now be installed.

How To Install WP-DBManager?

If you install WP-DBManager you will need to create the
installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/backup-db directory. To do it, you must

connect to your machine through SSH, and run this command:

$ mkdir installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/backup-db

Once you have done it, you must add the htaccess example provided by the plugin into the
htaccess.conf file and you must create an empty .htaccess file in the backup-db directory
to pass the plugin checks. To do it, run the commands below: 20/64
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$ echo '<Directory "installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/backup-db">' >

> installdir/apps/wordpress/conf/htaccess.conf
$ cat installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wp-dbmanager/htacces
s.txt >> installdir/apps/wordpress/conf/htaccess.conf
$ echo '</Directory>' >> installdir/apps/wordpress/conf/htaccess.conf
$ touch installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/backup-db/.htaccess

Finally, once you activate the plugin in your WordPress dashboard, you must ensure that in
the plugin DB Option the mysql and mysqldump paths are correct. For example, use the
paths installdir/mysql/bin/mysql and installdir/mysql/bin/mysqldump.

How To Install The Accelerated Mobile Pages

(AMP) Plugin In WordPress?
Install the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) plugin via the WordPress dashboard and run a
scan of your WordPress installation, as follows:

Log in to your WordPress dashboard.

Select the "Plugins -> Add New" option.
Type "amp" in the search box.
Install the "AMP" plugin by clicking the "Install Now" button.

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Click the "Activate plugin" link.


You can verify that the plugin is working by adding /amp prefix to any WordPress post
URL, as shown below:

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3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer


Read more about the Accelerated Mobile Pages project (

NOTE: As of this writing, the AMP plugin only works for WordPress posts and not

How To Enable CORS In WordPress?

Edit the WordPress configuration file for Apache (installdir/apps/wordpress/conf/httpd-
app.conf) and add the following line inside the Directory directive

<Directory installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/>
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

Enable other methods or headers for other directories (e.g

installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-admin): 23/64
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<Directory installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-admin>
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "\*"
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, OPTIONS, POST"
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "origin, x-requested-with, content-typ
e, accept"

If the request is an OPTIONS request, the script exits with either access control headers
sent, or a 403 response if the origin is not allowed. By default, only the server where the
application is hosted is allowed (see installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-
includes/http.php). For other request methods, you will receive a return value.

How To Enable Installed Plugins?

Bitnami WordPress Stack comes with the following plugins preinstalled but disabled:

All in One Seo Pack
All in One WP Migration
Google Analytics for WordPress

Simple tags
WordPress MU Domain Mapping

Bitnami WordPress Stack v4.5.1-0 removed several plugins, such as "Contact Form", "WP
Touch" and "Google XML Sitemaps". The functionality previously provided by those plugins
is now included in the Jetpack plugin in form of switchable features.

All the installed plugins are disabled by default. To enable them follow the instructions

Log in to the WordPress dashboard.

Browse to the "Plugins" menu item. 24/64
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Look for the plugin you want to activate and click the "Activate" link that appears
below the plugin name.


To enable several plugins at once, follow the instructions below:

Select the checkboxes of the plugins to be enabled.

Click the dropdown that says "Bulk Actions", select "Activate" and click on the "Apply"
button next to the dropdown.

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How To Create A Full Backup Of WordPress?
The Bitnami WordPress Stack is self-contained and the simplest option for performing a 

backup is to copy or compress the Bitnami stack installation directory. To do so in a safe
manner, you will need to stop all servers, so this method may not be appropriate if you
have people accessing the application continuously.

NOTE: If you want to create only a database backup, refer to these instructions for
MySQL (/installer/components/mysql#how-to-create-a-database-backup) and
PostgreSQL (/installer/components/postgresql#how-to-create-a-database-backup).

Backup On Linux And Mac OS X 26/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

Follow these steps:

Change to the directory in which you wish to save your backup.

$ cd /your/directory

Stop all servers.

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo installdir/ stop

Create a compressed file with the stack contents.

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo tar -pczvf application-backup.tar.gz installdir

Start all servers.

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below. 

$ sudo installdir/ start

Download or transfer the application-backup.tar.gz file to a safe location.

You should now download or transfer the application-backup.tar.gz file to a safe location.

Backup On Windows 27/64
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Follow these steps:

Stop all servers using the shortcuts in the Start Menu or the graphical manager tool.

Create a compressed file with the stack contents. You can use a graphical tool like 7-
Zip or WinZip or just right-click the folder, click "Send to", and select the
"Compressed (zipped) folder" option.

Download or transfer the compressed file to a safe location.

Start all servers using the shortcuts in the Start Menu or the graphical manager tool.

Restore On Linux And Mac OS X

Follow these steps:

Change to the directory containing your backup:

$ cd /your/directory

Stop all servers.

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo installdir/ stop

Move the current stack to a different location:

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo mv installdir /tmp/bitnami-backup

Uncompress the backup file to the original directory: 28/64
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Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo tar -pxzvf application-backup.tar.gz -C /

Start all servers.

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo installdir/ start

IMPORTANT: When restoring, remember to maintain the original permissions for the
files and folders. For example, if you originally installed the stack as the root user on
Linux, make sure that the restored files are owned by root as well.

Restore On Windows
Change to the directory containing your backup:

$ cd /your/directory

Stop all servers using the shortcuts in the Start Menu or the graphical manager tool.

Uninstall the previous services by executing the following command: 

$ serviceinstall.bat

Create a safe folder named Backups in the desktop and move the current stack to it.
Remember to replace PATH with the right location of your folder:

$ move installdir \PATH\Backups 29/64
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Uncompress the backup file using a tool like 7-Zip or Winzip or just double-click the
.zip file to uncompress it, and move it to the original directory.
Install services by running the following commands from an elevated command

$ cd installdir
$ serviceinstall.bat INSTALL

Start all servers using the shortcuts in the Start Menu or the graphical manager tool.

How To Upgrade WordPress?

It is strongly recommended to create a backup before starting the update process. If you
have important data, create and try to restore a backup to ensure that everything works

You can update WordPress easily from its administration panel, as follows:

Log in to WordPress using the administrator account.

Select the "Dashboard -> Updates" menu item.



Review the resulting page to see if WordPress needs an update. If an update is

available, you can install it by clicking the "Update Now" button. 30/64
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How To Enable HTTPS Support With SSL

NOTE: The steps below assume that you are using a custom domain name and that
you have already configured the custom domain name to point to your cloud server.

Bitnami images come with SSL support already pre-configured and with a dummy
certificate in place. Although this dummy certificate is fine for testing and development
purposes, you will usually want to use a valid SSL certificate for production use. You can
either generate this on your own (explained here) or you can purchase one from a
commercial certificate authority.

Once you obtain the certificate and certificate key files, you will need to update your server
to use them. Follow these steps to activate SSL support:

Use the table below to identify the correct locations for your certificate and 

configuration files.

Variable Value

Current application URL https://[custom-domain]/

Example: or https://my-

Apache configuration file installdir/apache2/conf/bitnami/bitnami.conf 31/64
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Variable Value

Certificate file installdir/apache2/conf/server.crt

Certificate key file installdir/apache2/conf/server.key

CA certificate bundle file

(if present)

Copy your SSL certificate and certificate key file to the specified locations.

NOTE: If you use different names for your certificate and key files, you should
reconfigure the SSLCertificateFile and SSLCertificateKeyFile directives in the
corresponding Apache configuration file to reflect the correct file names.

If your certificate authority has also provided you with a PEM-encoded Certificate
Authority (CA) bundle, you must copy it to the correct location in the previous table.
Then, modify the Apache configuration file to include the following line below the
SSLCertificateKeyFile directive. Choose the correct directive based on your scenario
and Apache version:

Variable Value

Apache configuration file installdir/apache2/conf/bitnami/bitnami.conf

Directive to include (Apache SSLCACertificateFile

v2.4.8+) "installdir/apache2/conf/server-ca.crt"

Directive to include (Apache SSLCertificateChainFile
< v2.4.8) "installdir/apache2/conf/server-ca.crt"

NOTE: If you use a different name for your CA certificate bundle, you should
reconfigure the SSLCertificateChainFile or SSLCACertificateFile directives in the
corresponding Apache configuration file to reflect the correct file name.

Once you have copied all the server certificate files, you may make them readable by
the root user only with the following commands: 32/64
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Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo chown root:root installdir/apache2/conf/server*

$ sudo chmod 600 installdir/apache2/conf/server*

Open port 443 in the server firewall. Refer to the FAQ (/installer/faq#how-to-open-
the-server-ports-for-remote-access) for more information.

Restart the Apache server.

You should now be able to access your application using an HTTPS URL.

How To Create An SSL Certificate?

OpenSSL is required to create an SSL certificate. A certificate request can then be sent to
a certificate authority (CA) to get it signed into a certificate, or if you have your own
certificate authority, you may sign it yourself, or you can use a self-signed certificate
(because you just want a test certificate or because you are setting up your own CA).

Follow the steps below for your platform.

Linux And Mac OS X

NOTE: OpenSSL will typically already be installed on Linux and Mac OS X. If not
installed, install it manually using your operating system's package manager.

Follow the steps below:

Generate a new private key:

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo openssl genrsa -out installdir/apache2/conf/server.key 2048 33/64
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Create a certificate:

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo openssl req -new -key installdir/apache2/conf/server.key -out inst


IMPORTANT: Enter the server domain name when the above command asks for
the "Common Name".

Send cert.csr to the certificate authority. When the certificate authority completes
their checks (and probably received payment from you), they will hand over your new
certificate to you.

Until the certificate is received, create a temporary self-signed certificate:

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo openssl x509 -in installdir/apache2/conf/cert.csr -out installdir/

apache2/conf/server.crt -req -signkey installdir/apache2/conf/server.key

-days 365

Back up your private key in a safe location after generating a password-protected
version as follows:

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo openssl rsa -des3 -in installdir/apache2/conf/server.key -out priv

key.pem 34/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

Note that if you use this encrypted key in the Apache configuration file, it will be
necessary to enter the password manually every time Apache starts. Regenerate the
key without password protection from this file as follows:

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo openssl rsa -in privkey.pem -out installdir/apache2/conf/



NOTE: OpenSSL is not typically installed on Windows. Before following the steps
below, download and install a binary distribution of OpenSSL

Follow the steps below once OpenSSL is installed:

Set the OPENSSL_CONF environment variable to the location of your OpenSSL

configuration file. Typically, this file is located in the bin/ subdirectory of your
OpenSSL installation directory. Replace the OPENSSL-DIRECTORY placeholder in
the command below with the correct location.


Change to the bin/ sub-directory of the OpenSSL installation directory. Replace the
OPENSSL-DIRECTORY placeholder in the command below with the correct location. 


Generate a new private key:

$ openssl genrsa -out installdir/apache2/conf/server.key 2048

Create a certificate: 35/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

$ openssl req -new -key installdir/apache2/conf/server.key -out installdi


IMPORTANT: Enter the server domain name when the above command asks for
the "Common Name".

Send cert.csr to the certificate authority. When the certificate authority completes
their checks (and probably received payment from you), they will hand over your new
certificate to you.

Until the certificate is received, create a temporary self-signed certificate:

$ openssl x509 -in installdir/apache2/conf/cert.csr -out installdir/apach

e2/conf/server.crt -req -signkey installdir/apache2/conf/server.key -days

Back up your private key in a safe location after generating a password-protected

version as follows:

$ openssl rsa -des3 -in installdir/apache2/conf/server.key -out privkey.p


Note that if you use this encrypted key in the Apache configuration file, it will be
necessary to enter the password manually every time Apache starts. Regenerate the

key without password protection from this file as follows:

$ openssl rsa -in privkey.pem -out installdir/apache2/conf/server.key

Find more information about certificates at


How To Force HTTPS Redirection?

Add the following to the top of the installdir/apps/wordpress/conf/httpd-prefix.conf file: 36/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule ^/(.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R,L]

After modifying the Apache configuration files:

Open port 443 in the server firewall. Refer to the FAQ (/installer/faq#how-to-open-
the-server-ports-for-remote-access) for more information.

Restart Apache to apply the changes.

How To Debug Apache Errors?

Once Apache starts, it will create two log files at installdir/apache2/logs/access_log and
installdir/apache2/logs/error_log respectively.

The access_log file is used to track client requests. When a client requests a
document from the server, Apache records several parameters associated with the
request in this file, such as: the IP address of the client, the document requested, the
HTTP status code, and the current time.

The error_log file is used to record important events. This file includes error
messages, startup messages, and any other significant events in the life cycle of the
server. This is the first place to look when you run into a problem when using

If no error is found, you will see a message similar to:

Syntax OK 

Updating The IP Address Or Hostname

WordPress requires updating the IP address/domain name if the machine IP
address/domain name changes. The bnconfig tool also has an option which updates the IP
address, called --machine_hostname (use --help to check if that option is available for your
application). Note that this tool changes the URL to http://NEW_DOMAIN/wordpress. 37/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo installdir/apps/wordpress/bnconfig --machine_hostname NEW_DOMAIN

If you have configured your machine to use a static domain name or IP address, you
should rename or remove the installdir/apps/wordpress/bnconfig file.

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo mv installdir/apps/wordpress/bnconfig installdir/apps/wordpress/bnconfi


NOTE: Be sure that your domain is propagated. Otherwise, this will not work. You can
verify the new DNS record by using the Global DNS Propagation Checker
( and entering your domain name into the search field.

You can also change your hostname by modifying it in your hosts file. Enter the new
hostname using your preferred editor.

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo nano /etc/hosts

Add a new line with the IP address and the new hostname. Here's an example.
Remember to replace the IP-ADDRESS and DOMAIN placeholders with the correct
IP address and domain name.

3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

How To Find The Database Credentials?

Database username: root.
Database password: The password entered during the installation process.

How To Connect To The MySQL Database?

You can connect to the MySQL database from the same computer where it is installed with
the mysql client tool.

$ mysql -u root -p

You will be prompted to enter the root user password. This is the same as the application
password (/installer/faq#how-to-find-application-credentials).

How To Debug Errors In Your Database?

The main log file is created at installdir/mysql/data/mysqld.log on the MySQL database
server host.

How To Change The MySQL Root Password?

You can modify the MySQL password using the following command at the shell prompt.

Replace the NEW_PASSWORD placeholder with the actual password you wish to set.

$ installdir/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -p -u root password NEW_PASSWORD 

How To Reset The MySQL Root Password?

If you don't remember your MySQL root password, you can follow the steps below to reset
it to a new value:

Create a file in /home/bitnami/mysql-init with the content shown below (replace

NEW_PASSWORD with the password you wish to use): 39/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('NEW_PASSWORD') WHERE User='roo


If your stack ships MySQL v5.7.x, use the following content instead of that shown

UPDATE mysql.user SET authentication_string=PASSWORD('NEW_PASSWORD') WHE

RE User='root';

TIP: Check the MySQL version with the command

installdir/mysql/bin/mysqladmin --version or installdir/mysql/bin/mysqld --version.

Stop the MySQL server:

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo installdir/ stop mysql

Start MySQL with the following command:

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the 

Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo installdir/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe --pid-file=installdir/mysql/data/ --datadir=installdir/mysql/data --init-file=/home/bitnami/mysq
l-init 2> /dev/null &

Restart the MySQL server: 40/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo installdir/ restart mysql

Remove the script:

$ rm /home/bitnami/mysql-init

How To Change The MySQL Root Password In

You can modify the MySQL password using the following command at the shell prompt.
Replace the NEW_PASSWORD placeholder with the actual password you wish to set.

installdir\mysql\bin\mysqladmin.exe -p -u root password NEW_PASSWORD

How To Reset The MySQL Root Password In

If you don't remember your MySQL root password, you can follow the steps below to reset

it to a new value:

Stop the MySQL server using the graphic manager tool. Refer to the how to start or
stop the services section. 

Check the MySQL version:

installdir\mysql\bin\mysqladmin.exe –version

Create a file named mysql-init.txt with the content shown below depending on your
MySQL version (replace NEW_PASSWORD with the password you wish to use):
MySQL 5.6.x or earlier:


WHERE User='root';
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

MySQL 5.7.x or later:


Start MySQL server with the following command. Remember to replace PATH with
the location in which you have saved the mysql-init.txt file:

installdir " installdir\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe" --defaults-file=" installd

ir\mysql\my.ini" --init-file="\PATH\mysql-init.txt" --console

The --init file option is used by the server for executing the content of the mysql-
init.txt file at startup, it will change each root account password.
The --defaults-file option is specified since you have installed MySQL using the
Bitnami installer.
The --console option (optional) has been added in order to show the server
output at the console window rather than in the log file.

After some minutes, hit Ctrl-C to force the shutdown.

Restart the MySQL server from the graphic manager tool.
After the server has restarted successfully, delete the mysql-init.txt file.

How To Access PhpMyAdmin?

You should be able to access phpMyAdmin directly, by browsing to


The username is root for phpMyAdmin, and the password is the one specified by you

during the installation process.

How To Modify PHP Settings?

The PHP configuration file allows you to configure the modules enabled, the email settings
or the size of the upload files. It is located at installdir/php/etc/php.ini.

For example, to modify the default upload limit for PHP, update the PHP configuration file
following these instructions. 42/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

After modifying the PHP configuration file, restart both Apache and PHP-FPM for the
changes to take effect:

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo installdir/ restart apache

$ sudo installdir/ restart php-fpm

How To Modify The Allowed Limit For Uploaded

Modify the following options in the installdir/php/etc/php.ini file to increase the allowed size
for uploads:

; Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept.

post_max_size = 16M

; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.

upload_max_filesize = 16M

Restart PHP-FPM and Apache for the changes to take effect.

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the 

Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo installdir/ restart apache

$ sudo installdir/ restart php-fpm

How To Enforce WordPress Security?

How To Detect Malicious Software On A WordPress Installation? 43/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

Install the Wordfence Security plugin via the WordPress dashboard and run a scan of your
WordPress installation, as follows:

Log in to your WordPress dashboard.

Select the "Plugins -> Add New" option.
Type "wordfence" in the search box.
Install the "Wordfence Security" plugin by clicking the "Install Now" button.


Click the "Activate plugin" link. A new entry should now appear in the left navigation

Feedback 44/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer


Click the "Wordfence" menu item and then the "Start a Wordfence Scan" option.
Wait until the scan ends.


(/images/img/apps/wordpress/wordpress-wordfence-3-0093bfc9.png) 45/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

How To Re-Enable The XML-RPC Pingback

A pingback is a special type of comment that is created when you link to another blog post
and it is a functionality of the WordPress XML-RPC module.

IMPORTANT: Since the Bitnami WordPress Stack 4.4.2-3, the pingback feature in the
XML-RPC module has been disabled.

Other XML-RPC features continue working as before so you can still publish content in
your WordPress blog/website from Web clients or smartphone apps.

In order to enable it again, edit the WordPress configuration file (located at

installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-config.php) and remove the last two filters related to
XML-RPC and pingback. Specifically these lines:

// remove x-pingback HTTP header

add_filter('wp_headers', function($headers) {
return $headers;
// disable pingbacks
add_filter( 'xmlrpc_methods', function( $methods ) {
unset( $methods[''] );

return $methods;

Why Is Pingback Functionality Disabled By Default?

WordPress implements an interface to use the XML-RPC protocol. This allows features
like remote publishing from Web clients, smartphone apps and more. You can find more
info in the WordPress Codex XML-RPC Page (

The XML-RPC feature of WordPress is known to be susceptible to two types of attacks:

A brute force amplification attack on your WordPress installation. Read more about it
at this Sucuri blog post about DDoS attacks on WordPress 46/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack on other WordPress installations
abusing the pingback feature. Read more about it at this Sucuri blog post about
DDoS attacks on WordPress (

If most of the entries in your logs come from the same IP address, it's likely your site is
either under a brute force amplification attack or being used to launch a pingback attack
towards a different site. If the entries come from different IP addresses, your site is
probably the victim of a pingback attack.

Please keep in mind that none of these attacks are related to a security issue, but are the
result of abusing pingbacks and the XML-RPC mechanism.

The DDoS attack became more popular after WordPress version 3.5 was released with the
pingback feature enabled by default.

Current countermeasures:

Since Bitnami WordPress Stack 4.4, the brute force amplification attack is no longer
exploitable, although a common brute force attack is still possible.
Since Bitnami WordPress Stack 4.4.2-3, the pingback feature has been disabled.
This means a malicious agent won't be able to use your WordPress to perform DDoS
attacks on other instances.
We also ship the Jetpack plugin, which can help protect a site against Brute Force

attacks thanks to the Protect module. You can find more information at Jetpack
website ( The plugin is inactive by

default, you should enable it using the WordPress admin panel.

Even with these actions, you will still be vulnerable to common brute force attacks using
the XML-RPC module.

Apart from these, there are at least two more countermeasures you can apply, although
each one has their own drawbacks:

Enable mod_security: The mod_security Apache module supplies an array of request

filtering and other security features to the Apache HTTP server. 47/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

Disable XML-RPC: It will avoid both types of attacks but smartphone apps, remote
publishing and some plugins won't work. You can find more information at this blog
post about disabling XML-RPC in WordPress
Block the offending IP addresses: This should be considered a fragile, short-term

Troubleshooting WordPress
I Cannot Access My WordPress Application
First, check that the URL is correct and the servers are running. If the server has recently
restarted, the domain name and IP address could have changed. Check in the server
administration panel that you are trying to access the correct URL.

To check if the servers are running, connect to the remote machines

(/installer/faq#connect_ssh) and run the following commands:

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo installdir/ status

$ sudo installdir/ restart

If the servers are not running, check the web and database servers log files.

WordPress Cannot Load Images Or CSS
This usually happens when the server's IP address changes. WordPress saves the IP
address or the domain name in the database so if the IP address changes, it is necessary
to update the database as well. 48/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer


Use the MySQL command-line client to change the exact field in the database:

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo mysql -u root -p -e "USE bitnami_wordpress; UPDATE wp_options SET optio 

n_value='http://localhost:PORT/wordpress/' WHERE option_name='siteurl' OR opti


WordPress Tries To Contact External Sites When I Log In. What Can I
WordPress tries to contact external resources such as
(, (,
( or ( 49/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

Most of these connections are performed to feed the widgets in the dashboard and are
completely harmless. To prevent them, remove the widgets by selecting the "Screen
Options" menu in the top right corner:


Then, deselect all the widgets:

Feedback 50/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer


Note some external connections may still be seen when WordPress or its plugins check for

The Plugin I Installed Is Not Working

Bitnami Wordpress is configured taking security in mind. It means that permissions for the
configuration files are tied up. While Wordpress will work with most of plugins out there
(and most popular ones), some plugins require further configuration or have issues with

permissions (e.g. WP Super Cache).

If you are having permission issues while installing, activating or updating a plugin, log into 

your server and execute the following command:

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo chmod g+w installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-config.php

Please retrieve the previous permissions configuration after activating the plugin. 51/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo chmod g-w installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-config.php

Since Bitnami WordPress Stack 4.5-1, we ship WordPress with the latest version of PHP7.
WordPress Core already supports PHP7 but some plugins may not support it yet. If you
experience any issue with plugins related to this, check that the plugin you are installing
already supports PHP7 or needs to be updated.

We also provide the latest version of WordPress, bundled with the latest version of PHP
5.6 that will avoid possible compatibility issues with plugins not prepared for PHP7. This
version should be considered as legacy, WordPress recommends to move to PHP7.

WordPress Enters Into Maintenance Mode After Upgrading Or Activating

A Plugin. What Can I Do?
As mentioned before, Bitnami Wordpress is configured taking security in mind. It means
that permissions for directories and files are strongly tied up. In the unlikely case that
WordPress enters into Maintenance mode after upgrading or activating a plugin, you can
try to disable all the plugins in the MySQL database named bitnami_wordpress by
connecting to MySQL and running the SQL sentence below:

UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = 'a:0:{}' WHERE option_name = 'active_plug

You can connect to the bitnami_wordpress database using the user bn_wordpress and the
random password located in the installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-config.php file
running the command below:

$ mysql -u bn_wordpress -p bitnami_wordpress;

After that, restart all the services for changes to take effect running the command below
and try to connect to your website again: 52/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo installdir/ restart

If you want to activate the plugin that caused you the issue, you need to upgrade it first and
then connect to your server via SSH and execute:

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo chown -R bitnami:daemon installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content

$ sudo chmod -R g+w installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content

After that, you should be able to activate the plugin from the WordPress Admin Panel.

How To Install Several WordPress Modules On The

Same Stack?
It's easy to install more than one WordPress module on a Bitnami stack. Download it from
the Bitnami website (, and install it using --

wordpress_instance_name NEW_BLOG_NAME option.

First, download the module, and then run the download file with a special parameter. 


shell> ./bitnami-wordpress-VERSION-module-windows-installer.exe --wordpress_in

stance_name NEW_BLOG_NAME

Linux 53/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo chmod a+x

$ sudo ./ --wordpress_
instance_name NEW_BLOG_NAME

Mac OS X

$ hdiutil mount bitnami-wordpress-VERSION-module-osx-x86_64-installer.dmg

$ /Volumes/WordPress\ Module\ VERSION/BitNami\ WordPress\
MacOS/ --wordpress_instance_name NEW_BLOG_NAME

Once you have the module installed, you will be able to access it through

How To Optimize A Default Bitnami WordPress

Web application performance problems are not easy to fix properly. The responsiveness of
your application at a given moment depends on many factors: the application code,
installed plugins, AWS load, server type, caching mechanism, etc.

The most common reason for performance issues is lack of any caching. Turning it on,
which for most Bitnami stacks is not that difficult, dramatically improve the server


IMPORTANT: To apply each cache plugin, it is assumed that your WordPress instance
is already running at the domain root URL, such as at or Please use the bnconfig tool to accomplish this.

W3 Total Cache
Follow these steps: 54/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

Download the plugin from

Once downloaded, in most cases, enabling "Page Caching" with the "disk" option
should be enough.


During installation, W3 Total Cache may display an error stating that some Apache
modules are not detected on the server, when they are in fact installed. This error is a
known bug in the W3 Total Cache plugin (
detected-) and may be safely ignored.


If you have problems configuring W3 Total Cache, try to enable "Debug mode". Browse to
the W3 Total Cache admin and select at least the "Page Cache" option in the "Debug"
section. Then, browse to one of your Web pages and check the source code. There should
be debugging information at the end, which you can use to check if caching works

If WordPress is installed at the /wordpress path, there may be a conflict between the
permalink rewrites and the ones added by the W3 Total Cache plugin. To resolve this,
ensure that all the Rewrite entries are removed or commented out in the
installdir/apps/wordpress/conf/httpd-app.conf file.

WP Super Cache
Follow these steps:

Download the plugin from
Upload this directory to your plugins directory. It will create a
installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/ directory.
If you are using WordPress MU or WordPress Multisite, activate it "network wide".
Browse to "Settings -> WP Super Cache" and enable caching.

Using mod_rewrite Caching 55/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

To enable this option, modify the file at installdir/apps/wordpress/conf/htaccess.conf with

the content that the application displays when you click the "Update Mod_rewrite rules"
link. Update your htaccess.conf file so it looks like this:

<Directory "installdir/apps/wordpress/conf/">
# BEGIN WPSuperCache
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
# END WPSuperCache

Also add these lines to the bottom of the file:

<Directory "installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/cache">
# BEGIN supercache
<IfModule mod_mime.c>
<FilesMatch "\.html\.gz$">
ForceType text/html
FileETag None
AddEncoding gzip .gz
AddType text/html .gz

<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.gz$ no-gzip

<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header set Cache-Control 'max-age=3, must-revalidate'
<IfModule mod_expires.c>
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType text/html A3
</IfModule> `` # END supercache
</Directory> 56/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer


If you have problems configuring WP Super Cache, try to enable "Debug mode". Browse to
the WP Super Cache settings, click on "Debug" and enable the "debugging" option. One
you have saved the changes, you will find the current log file at the top of the web page.

Prior installation

If you have WP-Cache installed already, please disable it. Edit wp-config.php and make
sure that the WP_CACHE and WPCACHEHOME defines are deleted. Remove the files
installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/wp-cache-config.php and
installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/advanced-cache.php. These will be recreated
when you install this plugin.

Quick Cache
Follow these steps:

Download the plugin from

Install it in the normal manner and activate it.

Permission issues

You might see the following errors:

Permissions: Please check permissions on /wp-content/cache . Quick Cache needs

write-access to this directory. Permissions need to be 755 or higher.
Permissions: Please check permissions on /wp-config.php . Quick Cache needs wr
ite-access to this file. Permissions need to be 755 or higher. 

This arises because the default ownership of the application files is usually set to the
bitnami user and daemon group, so users can edit the files directly as the bitnami user and
the Web server is also able to read them. In this case, when the Web server needs to be
able to modify any files or directories, it becomes necessary give write permissions to the
group too.

Execute the commands below: 57/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo chown -R bitnami:daemon installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/cac

$ sudo find installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/cache -type f -exec ch
mod 664 {} \;
$ sudo find installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/cache -type d -exec ch
mod 775 {} \;
$ sudo chown bitnami:daemon installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-config.php
$ sudo chmod g+w installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-config.php

This plugin uses the Minify engine to combine and compress JS and CSS files to improve
page load time. There are several plugins for the same purpose: Minify
(, WP Minify
( or Better WordPress Minify
( You can install one of them and it should
improve your page load time. In all cases it is necessary to have WordPress running in the
root URL.

How To Configure Varnish For WordPress?

NOTE: The steps below assume that WordPress is already running at the root URL of
the server, such as at 

Follow these steps:

Log in to the server console using SSH.

Backup the Varnish configuration file:

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below. 58/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

$ sudo cp installdir/varnish/etc/varnish/default.vcl installdir/varnish/e


Add the WordPress-specific Varnish configuration by executing the following

For Varnish < 4.0:

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load
the Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the
commands below.

$ sudo cp wordpress.vcl installdir/varnish/etc/varnish/default.vcl

$ sudo sed -i 's/port\s*=\s*"[^"]*"/port = "80"/g' installdir/varnis

For Varnish >= 4.0:

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load
the Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the
commands below.

$ sudo cp wordpress.v4 installdir/varnish/etc/varnish/default.vcl
$ sudo sed -i 's/port\s*=\s*"[^"]*"/port = "80"/g' installdir/varnis


Restart Varnish:

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo installdir/ restart varnish 59/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

Open port 81 in the server firewall (/installer/faq#open_firewall).

Check if your website is being served properly by Varnish on port 81 by adding :81 to
the domain name in your browser - for example, There
is also a Web page to check Varnish status and obtain information about the
configuration, at

If Varnish is working correctly, switch the Apache and Varnish ports and activate
Varnish on port 80:

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below.

$ sudo sed -i 's/^\s*Listen .*$/Listen 81/g' installdir/apache2/conf/http

$ sudo sed -i 's/\:80/\:81/g' installdir/apache2/conf/bitnami/bitnami.con
$ sudo sed -i 's/at port.*"/at port 81"/g' installdir/apache2/scripts/ct
$ sudo sed -i 's/\:80/\:81/g' installdir/apps/*/conf/httpd-vhosts.conf
$ sudo sed -i 's/=80/=81/g' installdir/properties.ini
$ sudo sed -i 's/port\s*=\s*"[^"]*"/port = "81"/g' installdir/varnish/et

$ sudo sed -i 's/VARNISH_PORT=.*$/VARNISH_PORT=80/g' installdir/varnish/s
$ sudo installdir/ restart

Remove the firewall rule for port 81 (/installer/faq#close_firewall).

Download the different files used in the example as a reference:

wordpress.vcl (/downloads/components/varnish/wordpress.vcl)
wordpress.v4 (/downloads/components/varnish/wordpress.v4) 60/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

How To Move WordPress To A Different URL Path

On The Same Domain?
By default, WordPress is available at the domain or IP address root URL, such as
http://localhost or To move WordPress to a different path on the same
domain or IP address, such as http://localhost/blog or, follow
these steps:

Log in to the server console using SSH (/installer/faq#how-to-connect-to-the-server-

Edit the installdir/apps/wordpress/conf/httpd-prefix.conf file and find the lines below:

#Alias /wordpress/ "installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/"

#Alias /wordpress "installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs"

Uncomment and update the Alias directives to reflect the new path. For example, to
move WordPress to the /blog path, update the file to look like this:

Alias /blog/ "installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/"

Alias /blog "installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs"

Look for the lines below in the file installdir/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-config.php file:

define('WP_SITEURL', 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/');

define('WP_HOME', 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/');

Modify them to reflect the new path, as below:

define('WP_SITEURL', 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/blog'); 

define('WP_HOME', 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/blog');

Restart Apache:

Note: Only use sudo if the stack was installed as root. Remember to load the
Bitnami stack environment (instructions) before running the commands below. 61/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

$ sudo installdir/ restart apache

How To Use The WP-CLI Command Line Tool?

WP-CLI is the command-line interface for WordPress. You can update plugins, configure
multisite installs and much more, without using a Web browser. It is already included with
the Bitnami solution so you can start using it easily. In order to check that everything is
working properly, you can run the info command:

$ installdir/apps/apps/wordpress/bin/wp cli info

NOTE: The wp utility is also included in the system path so you can run the command
without specifying the whole path to the file.

Related Guides
Migrate Data From One WordPress Instance to Another (/installer/how-to/migrate-
Troubleshoot WordPress Issues (/installer/how-to/troubleshoot-wordpress-issues)


Bitnami Documentation
How to find application credentials? (/general/faq#find_credentials)
How to connect to the server through SSH? (/general/faq#connect_ssh)
How to upload files to the server with SFTP? (/general/faq#upload_files)
How to open the server ports for remote access? (/general/faq#open_firewall)
How to configure your application to use a third-party SMTP service for outgoing email?
How to block a suspicious IP address? (/general/faq#block_suspicious_ip) 62/64
3/29/2018 Bitnami WordPress Installer

Platform Documentation
Google Cloud Platform (/google)
AWS Cloud (/aws)
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic (/oracle)
Microsoft Azure (/azure)
Bitnami Cloud Hosting (/bch)
CenturyLink Cloud (/centurylink)
1&1 Cloud Platform (/1and1)
Huawei Cloud (/huawei)
Windows / Linux / MacOS (/installer)
Virtual Machines (/virtual-machine)
Containers (/containers)
Kubernetes (/kubernetes)

General Documentation
Bitnami Application Stacks (/general/apps)
Bitnami Infrastructure Stacks (/general/infrastructure)
How-To Guides (/general/how-to)
Bitnami Components (/general/components)
Security Notices (/general/security)

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