21 Comments : Betty & Barney Hill's Story Is A Complete Fantasy - Says Dr. Simon (Click On Track #21)

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Betty & Barney Hill's story is a complete fantasy - says Dr. Simon (click on track #21) Share Reddit Post
u/Blood_And_Fire ● Feb 13, 2016, 5:59 AM


ABC_AlwaysBeCoding • Feb 13, 2016, 10:18 AM

Project Blue Book on the Hill case and the nearly simultaneous military radar blips of a UFO:

Blood_And_Fire • Feb 13, 2016, 4:18 PM

I have the scanned radar reports that show nothing happened. There's no evidence of something on radar.

CaerBannog • Feb 13, 2016, 8:01 PM

Phil Klass has no credibility at all.

ABC_AlwaysBeCoding • Feb 13, 2016, 7:09 PM

It is extremely difficult for me to read anything output by Philip Klass because it has always been extremely apparent to me that he commits the worst
scientific offense- he has a foregone conclusion in mind before examining the evidence, which causes a strong confirmation bias in the evidence he
chooses to examine, the evidence he selects, and the conclusions he publicizes. As a "debunker," he is NOT interested in the truth- He is interested in
promoting the de facto idea that anyone raising any kind of UFO story is at best extremely mistaken and at worst mentally unstable or a liar. And he
does this because he has ANOTHER bias- he has to maintain his career as a "debunker."
When you have a worldview like that, then that's what you'll tend to see in the world, that's the kind of person that would be drawn to you and that's the
kind of evidence you'd be limited to.
If I ever experienced anything of the sort, Philip Klass is literally the last person I'd want to talk to about it, because he's just going to think I'm crazy or
lying and that's just about the thing in the world that angers me the most.
Sorry, but if you want to be an honest evaluator of evidence, you MUST be open-minded and MUST NOT have a foregone conclusion in mind. And
most definitely, you MUST NOT be trying to maintain a career as a "disprover of a conclusion."
How can you take anything ever produced by that guy, seriously? Serious question.
Has he EVER been confronted with ANY evidence that he has thrown up his hands to and said "Yep... that is pretty strong evidence and nope, I have no
idea what could explain that"... He has not, to my knowledge, and that makes him deeply intellectually suspect.

ABC_AlwaysBeCoding • Feb 14, 2016, 10:08 AM

PLEASE do not downvote this guy. His opinion and evidence has just as much a right to be here as anyone's. Downvoting just for disagreeing is literal

moot_mute • Feb 13, 2016, 11:44 AM

The Kelly Cahill abduction in Australia mentioned in the first new X-Files episode is very compelling and worth close scrutiny. There were witnesses in other
cars at the scene who didn't know each other but years later independently corroborated each other. It's quite shocking.

[deleted] • Feb 13, 2016, 7:12 AM

And what do you think of that, Blood_And_Fire? The guy is obviously overlaying his worldview over his clinical practice because that's what he thinks the
intelligent, logical response is, whereas the possibility that life from elsewhere could be visiting here and taking an interest in the natives is totally off-the-charts
impossible to him the same way it would have been impossible for the people in Plato's cave to to have an understanding that there was a whole world
outside their dark cave, full of living entities who are living in a totally separate 'reality'. He says "sure I believe they had this experience and saw a UFO" but
after that he can't accept the possibility that it was anything other than some singular incident of temporary psychosis(because we all know how great
psychiatry and their diagnoses and treatments were back then).
He's a person doing what people do, taking in external stimuli and overlaying his existing understanding/beliefs onto it in order to judge it. He doesn't actually
give any reason beyond that and doesn't note any particular reason why he thinks this can't have happened other than his belief that it couldn't have possibly
happened. There's a story from an old military pilot who was flying across the ocean and saw some "UFOs"(unexplainable mysterious craft) flying around in
front of him and then following alongside him, he says he and his copilot stared at this thing until it left them and then he went back into the passenger
compartment to ask them if they'd seen anything strange - he thought the people back on the ground would think he was crazy, and he happened to have a
psychiatrist on board with him who he knew; when he asked the psychiatrist if he had seen anything out of the ordinary, the psychiatrist responded "yeah, I
saw it, it was a UFO. But I didn't look at it for long because I don't believe in such things". Some people wouldn't believe it even if they see it(I'm one of those
people, I have seen them 4 times in my life, twice as a child and twice as an adult, when I was a child I just didn't spend any time thinking about it after it went
away because it was simply outside the realm of my understanding - it surpassed my mental capabilities - and as an adult, I saw these things clear as day
moving in ways no natural object or airplane could and even as it was happening I thought "no, this can't be happening, these can't actually be UFOs" - I then
thought "well it was just one, it could have been anything, maybe I'll see another and then I'll believe it" - then another one appeared and zipped around the
sky making right angle turns and changing altitudes - and I still came away thinking "that can't be true") - I thought about taking video of it as it was happening
in the sky above my yard, but I was stuck in such incredulous disbelief and awe that I just didn't. I knew that even if I did, it wouldn't turn out well on my cell
phone camera and would just end up looking like some lights zipping around in the sky, if they even showed up on the camera at all at the heights they were
at. I knew that even if I took video, no one would believe it anyway and people like you would just ignore it and think "hoax" if it was good and "chinese
lanterns" if it wasn't good.
People do that because their worldview, training, and all of their existing beliefs tell them it simply can't be "that". They convince themselves it was nothing and
don't think of it again, going on with their lives as if nothing of any importance happened - exactly the same way a religious person will simply ignore all of the
glaringly obvious contradictions in his or her own 'holy book' that was supposedly written by a perfect omnipotent god being - because his beliefs about what's
right and proper dictate that those contradictions can't exist and if they do then they don't matter.
He's an old-time psych. doctor, what would you expect? All the physicists in the world would have told you that quantum mechanics was totally
insane/fantasy/delusional nonsense at one point in time too, that doesn't make it true or meaningful, it's just representative of their limited understanding of the
world and ignorance of the knowledge that has yet to be discovered or widely known/accepted by 'science'. There was a time not long ago where doctors like
the one you linked to here would put you in an insane asylum for believing in germs causing disease - tiny invisible forms of life, "alien" to humanity and our
minds until Pasteur came along, alien/'foreign' life forms that are all around us all the time making us sick or hurting us/shaping our lives, etc. It means nothing,
that's just the boundary of his understanding of the world and Betty & Barney Hill's experiences went beyond it - so he couldn't accept it as possibly real. It's
not that he determined it wasn't real after careful consideration or investigation, it's that he determined it wasn't real "because that's not possible".

suexian • Feb 13, 2016, 11:38 AM

I find the recordings of their testimonies under hypnosis very compelling.

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