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the parasite was finally established. The above

parasites can be successfully reared on 5. oleae
developed both on potato sprouts and Nerium
Duration of Life-Cycle of oleander (DeBach 1964, Blumberg and Swirski
Three Parasitic Hymenoptera 1977, Viggiani 1978).
on Saissetia oleae (Bernard) The study was carried out at 23±1°C,
65-70% R.H. and 12 hours of artificial light per
Growing on Two Different day. For each species, 3 potato sprouts and
Host Plants' three plants of Nerium oleander in pots infested
with S.oleae were placed in each 60x30x40
cm cage. The host insects were oviposited in
M.V. MACROPODI by adult parasites introduced into the cages and
left there for two days. The number of emerg-
ing adult parasites in each cage was recorded
The Olive Institute of Corfu daily (a total number of adults emerged per
49100 Corfu, Greece cage varied from 23 to 195) and the time taken
for 50% emergence was calculated from the
correlation equation by plotting the cumulative
In this work the duration of the life-cycle of percentage of adults emerged against time. The
Metaphycus helvolus (Comp.) (parasite mainly time taken for 50% of the population of each
on the third stage), Metaphycus affinis Stanley parasite to complete development (i.e. from
(Comp.) (parasite mainly on the third stage) egg to adult emergence) (TDso) on S. oleae
and Metaphycus lounsburyi (How.) (parasite developed on each host plant, is given in Table
mainly on the fourth stage) (Hymenoptera: En- 1. For M. helvolus the mean duration time of
cyrtidae) on S. oleae, developed on different the life cycle was estimated to be 19.4 days on
substrates, i.e. potato sprouts and plants of scales developed on potato sprouts and 15.1
Nerium oleander, under laboratory conditions days on scales developed on N. oleander. For
was determined. Among the Hymenoptera M. affinis Stanley the relevant estimates were
parasitizing S. oleae on Corfu, M. helvolus and 18.8 days and 23.4 days, respectively, while
M. lounsburyi are of particular importance forM. lounsburyi the estimates were 21.3 and
(Stratopoulou and Kapatos 1984, Argyriou and 18.6 days, respectively. For M. helvolus and
Katsoyannos 1976). M. affinis Stanley was in- M. lounsburyi the duration of the life cycle was
troduced in Corfu in 1976 and despite the fact shorter when the host insect developed on
that the population of S. oleae in the release Nerium plants than on potato sprouts. For M.
area was practically eliminated from other fac- affinis Stanley the reverse was true. These dif-
tors shortly after the release of the parasite, ferences show the effect of the host of S. oleae
there is evidence (Macropodi unpublished) that on the time of development of the parasites,

TABLE 1. Mean duration lime (in days) of the life-cycle (i.e. from egg to emerging adult) of M. helvolus, M. lounsbouryi
and M. affinis Stanley on 5. oleae developed on two different host-plants, i.e. potato sprouts and N. oleander.


Host plant M. helvolus M. aff. Stanley M. lounsbouryi

Sol. tuberosum 19.4±3.1 18.8±4.4 21.3+ 1.3

N. oleander 15.1±5.2 23.3±9.2 19.1 + 10.1

Days for 50% of parasites to complete development.

possibly reflecting the differences of the scale

insect developed on different hosts as food
Received for publication December 10, 1985. quality for the parasites.
64 ENTOMOLOGIA HELLENICA Vol. 3, No. 2 (December 1985)

Acknowledgment Διάρκεια του Βιολογικού Κύκλου

I wish to thank G. Carvounis, Director of the Olive
των Παρασιτικών Υμενοπτέρων
Institute, for providing facilities and E. Kapatos for Metaphycus helvolus Compere, M.
crilisism on the manuscript. Thanks arc also expres­ lounsburyi Howard καί M. affinis
sed to M. Riga for examining the samples. Stanley Compere σε Saissetia oleae
Bernard που Αναπτύχθηκε σε Δύο
References Διαφορετικά Φυτά Ξενιστές.
Argyriou, L.C. and P. Katsoyannos. 1976. Establishment MB. ΜΑΚΡΟΠΟΔΗ
and spreading of Metaphycus helvolus Compere, para­
site of Saissetia oleae (Olivier) in Corfu. In Greek,
Ann. Phytopath. Inst. Benaki 11:215 - 224. Ινστιτούτο Εληάς Κέρκυρας
Blumberg, D. and E. Swirski. 1977. Mass breading of two
species of Saissetia (Horn. Coccidae) for propagation of
their parasitoids. Entomophaga 22 (2): 147-150. ΠΕΡΙΑΗΨΗ
Blumberg, D. and E. Swirski. 1977. Release and recovery
of Metaphycus spp. (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) im­ Σ τ η ν ε ρ γ α σ ί α αυτή μ ε τ ρ ή θ η κ ε σε 2 3 ± 1 ° C η
ported for the control of the Mediterranean black scale, διάρκεια τ ο υ β ι ο λ ο γ ι κ ο ύ κ ύ κ λ ο υ τριών
Saissetia oleae (Oliv.), in Israel. Phytoparasitica 5 (2): π α ρ α σ ί τ ω ν του λ ε κ α ν ί ο υ τ η ς ε λ η ά ς , Sais­
setia oleae (Bernard) που ε κ τ ρ ά φ η κ ε σε δύο
DeBach, P. 1964. Biological Control of Insect Pests and
Weeds. Chapman and Hall pp. 844. δ ι α φ ο ρ ε τ ι κ ά υ π ο σ τ ρ ώ μ α τ α : φύτρα πατάτας
Stratopoulou, E.T. and E.T. Kapatos. 1984. Preliminary και β λ α σ τ ο ύ ς π ι κ ρ ο δ ά φ ν η ς , Nerium olean­
results for the evaluation of the action of Saissetia oleae der. Σε λ ε κ ά ν ι ο που α ν α π τ ύ χ θ η κ ε σε
parasites in Corfu. Entomologia Hellenica 2: 3-9. π α τ ά τ α , η δ ι ά ρ κ ε ι α του β ι ο λ ο γ ι κ ο ύ κύκλου
Viggiani, G. 1978. Il vecchio ed il nuovo sulla Saissetia
oleae. "Informatore Agrario" Verona, XXXIV (25). των Μ. helvolus, Μ. affinis Stanley και Μ.
lounsburyi ήταν 19,4 ημέρες, 18,8 η μ έ ρ ε ς και
21,3 η μ έ ρ ε ς , α ν τ ί σ τ ο ι χ α . Σε λ ε κ ά ν ι ο που
KEY WORDS: Saissetia oleae, Metaphycus α ν α π τ ύ χ θ η κ ε σε Nerium oleander η διάρκεια
helvolus, Metaphycus lounsburyi, Metaphycus ήταν 15,1 ημέρες, 23,3 η μ έ ρ ε ς Kat 19,1
affinis Stanley, Life-cycle duration ημέρες, α ν τ ί σ τ ο ι χ α .

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