Annexe 1: Introductory Formulas Collateral Circumstances

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Introductory Formulas and Collateral Circumstances

Public Speeches (arranged according to main theme and alphabetically by author’s last name)

1. Human and Civil Rights: Racial, Gender, Professional and Sexual Discrimination
Collateral Circumstances
Speaker Date of Combination
Nr. Speech Introductory Place Time Issues Persons
Crt. Delivery Formulas
Title of Speech Other
1. Susan B. Anthony: 1873
On Women’s Right * *
to Vote
2. Stokely Oct. 1965
Carmichael: Black *
3. Carrie Chapman Nov. 1917
Catt: Address to the *
US Congress

4. Carrie Chapman 7 Sep. 1916

Catt: The Crisis *
5. Margaret Chase 1 June 1950
Smith: Declaration * *
of Conscience
6. Cesar Estrada 10 Mar. 1968 place + issues
Chavez: Speech on * * * + persons
Ending His 25 Day
7. Mary Church 10 Oct. 1906 place + time
Terrell: What It * *
Means to Be
Colored in Capital
of the US
8. Clarence Leward August 1924
Darrow: Mercy for * *
Leopold and Loele
9. Eugene Victor Debs: 18 Sep. 1918 issues +
1918 Statement to * * * persons
the Court
10. Frederick Douglass: 4 July 1852
The Hypocrisy of * *
American Slavery
11. Crystal Eastman: Sep.-Oct. time + issues
Now We Can Begin 1920 * * * + persons
12. Mary Fisher: A 19 Aug. 1992
Whisper of AIDS *
13. Emma Goldman: 9 July 1917 issues +
Address to the Jury * * * persons

14. Elizabeth Gurley 2 Feb. 1953
Flynn: Statement at *
the Smith Act Trial
15. Patrick Henry: 23 Mar. 1775
Liberty or Death *
16. Anita Faye Hill: 11 Oct. 1991
Statement to the * *
Senate Judiciary

The brackets represent the speaker’s indirect or implicit references to the item under consideration.
17. Anna Howard 21 Jun. 1915 place + time
Shaw: The * * * + issues
18. Lyndon Baines 15 Mar. 1965 issues +
Johnson: We Shall * * * persons
19. Barbara Charline 25 July 1974 time + issues
Jordan: Statement * * * * + persons
on the Articles of
20. John Fitzgerald 11 June 1963 (time) +
Kennedy: Civil * (*) * * issues +
Rights Address persons
21. Robert Francis 4 Apr. 1968 issues +
Kennedy: Remarks on
the Assassination of
* * (*) (persons)
Martin Luther King Jr.
22. Edward Moore 3 Oct. 1983
Kennedy: Truth and *
Tolerance in
23. Martin Luther King 4 Apr. 1967 place +
Jr.: A Time to Break * (*) * (issues) +
Silence persons
24. Martin Luther King 28 Aug. 1963 time + issues
Jr.: I Have a Dream (*) * * + persons
25. Martin Luther King 3 Apr. 1968
Jr.: I’ve Been to the * *
26. Robert Marion La 6 Oct. 1917
Follette: Free * *
Speech in Wartime
27. John Llewellyn 3 Sep. 1937 issues +
Lewis: The Rights of * (*) (persons)
28. Abraham Lincoln: 22 Feb. 1861 place + issues
Address in the * * *
Independence Hall
29. Abraham Lincoln: 11 Apr. 1865 issues +
Last Public Address * * persons
30. Abraham Lincoln: 19 Nov. 1863 (time) +
The Gettysburg (*) * * issues +
Address persons
31. Malcolm X: The 3 April 1964 issues +
Ballot or the Bullet * * (*) (persons)
32. Malcolm X: 10 Nov. 1963 issues +
Message to the * * persons
33. Hillary Diane 5 Sep. 1993 issues +
Rodham Clinton: * * * persons
Women’s Rights Are
Human Rights
34. Franklin Delano 6 Dec. 1941 time + issues
Roosevelt: The Four * * *
35. Anna Eleanor 9 Dec. 1948.
Roosevelt: Adopting * *
the Declaration of
Human Rights
36. Anna Eleanor 28 Dec. 1948 place + issues
Roosevelt: The * *
Struggle for Human
37. Mario Savio: Sproul 2 Dec. 1964
Hall Sit-in Speech *
38. Elizabeth Cady 1868 issues+
Stanton: The * * persons
Destructive Male
39. Shirley Anita St. 10 Aug. 1970
Hill Chisholm: For * *
the Equal Rights

2. Inaugural Speeches and Keynote Addresses

Collateral Circumstances
Speaker Date of Combination
Nr. Speech Introductory Place Time Issues Persons
Crt. Delivery Formulas
Title of Speech Other
1. Mario Mathew 17 July 1984 issues +
Cuomo: 1984 DNC * * * persons
2. Geraldine Anne 19 July 1984
Ferraro: Vice- * *
Acceptance Speech
3. Gerald Rudolph 9 Aug. 1974 time + issues
Ford: Address on * * * * + persons
Taking the Oath of
4. Elizabeth Glasner: 14 July 1992
1992 DNC Address *
5. Barry Morris 16 July 1964
Goldwater: * *
Acceptance Address
6. Hubert Horatio 14 July 1948 (issues) +
Humphrey: 1948 * (*) * persons
DNC Address
7. Jesse Louis 17 July 1984 (place) +
Jackson: 1984 DNC * (*) (*) (*) * (time) +
Address (issues) +
8. Jesse Louis 19 July 1988 place + time
Jackson: 1988 DNC * * * + persons
9. Barbara Charline 12 July 1976 time +
Jordan: 1976 DNC * * * persons
Keynote Address
10. John Fitzgerald 20 Jan. 1961 time + issues
Kennedy: Inaugural * * * (*) + (persons)
11. Ted Kennedy: 1980 12 July 1980
DNC Address * *
12. Abraham Lincoln: 4 Mar. 1865
Second Inaugural * *
13. Ronald Wilson 20 Jan. 1981 issues +
Reagan: First * * * persons
Inaugural Address
14. Dorothy Ann Willis 18 July 1988 place +
Richards: 1988 * * * persons
DNC Keynote
15. Franklin Delano 4 Mar. 1933 time + issues
Roosevelt: First * * *
Inaugural Address
16. Theodore Roosevelt: 4 Mar. 1905
Inaugural Address * *
17. Adlai Ewing 26 July 1952
Stevenson: * (*)
Acceptance Address
18. George 30 Apr. 1789
Washington: First * *
Inaugural Address
19. Thomas Woodrow 4 Mar. 1913
Wilson: First *
Inaugural Address

3. Farewell Addresses and Renunciation Speeches

Collateral Circumstances
Speaker Date of Combination
Nr. Speech Introductory Place Time Issues Persons
Crt. Delivery Formulas
Title of Speech Other
1. Bill Clinton: 19 Jan.2001 time + issues
Farewell Address to * * * * + persons
the Nation
2. Dwight David 17 Jan. 1961
Eisenhower: * *
Farewell Address
3. Henry Louis (“Lou”) 4 July 1939 issues +
Gehrig: Farewell to * * * persons
Baseball Address
4. Lyndon Baines 31 Mar. 1968
Johnson: On *
Vietnam and Not
Seeking Reelection
(a.k.a. Renunciation
5. (General) Douglas 19 Apr. 1951
MacArthur: * *
Farewell Address to
6. Richard Milhous 8 Aug. 1974 (time)+
Nixon: Resignation * (*) (*) (*) (issues) +
Speech (persons)

4. National Security and War-Related Themes

Collateral Circumstances
Speaker Date of Combination
Nr. Speech Introductory Place Time Issues Persons
Crt. Delivery Formulas
Title of Speech Other
1. William Jennings 8 Aug. 1900
Brian: Against * *
2. George W. Bush: 20 Sep. 2001 (place) +
After September * (*) (*) * * (time) +
11(a.k.a. Freedom and issues +
Fear Are at War) persons
3. George Bush: 17 Jan. 1991
Announcing War *
against Iraq
4. George W. Bush: 11 Sep. 2001 (time) +
9/11 Address Delivered
to the Nation
* (*) * * issues +
5. George W. Bush: 17 Mar. 2003 issues +
President’s Address * * * persons
to the Nation –
Ultimatum to
Saddam Hussein
6. Neville 1 Sep. 1939 time +
Chamberlain: On * (*) (issues)
the Nazi Invasion of
7. Winston Churchill: 13 May 1940 time + issues
Blood, Sweat and * *
8. Winston Churchill: 18 June 1940
Their Finest Hour *
9. Winston Churchill: 4 June 1940 issues +
We Shall Fight on * * persons
the Beaches
10. William Jefferson 23 Apr. 1995 issues +
Clinton: Oklahoma * * * persons
Bombing Memorial
11. Eugene Victor Debs: 23 May 1908 place +
The Issue * * persons
12. Dwight David 8 Dec. 1953
Eisenhower: Atoms * *
for Peace
13. Gerald R. Ford: A 23 Apr. 1975 place +
War That Is * * persons
14. Harold Ickes: What 18 May 1941
Is an American? *
15. John Fitzgerald 22 Oct 1962 issues +
Kennedy: Cuban * * * persons
Missile Crisis Address
to the Nation
16. Richard Milhous 30 Apr. 1970 time + issues
Nixon: Cambodian * (*) *
Incursion Address
17. Richard Milhous 3 Nov. 1969
Nixon: The Great * *
Silent Majority
18. Franklin Delano 8 Dec. 1941 time + issues
Roosevelt: Pearl * * * * + persons
Harbor Address to
the Nation
19. Franklin Delano 11 Dec. 1941 time + issues
Roosevelt: US * * *
Declaration of War
on Germany
20 Franklin Delano 29 Dec. 1940
Roosevelt: The Great
Arsenal of Democracy
* *
21. George Washington 15 Mar. 1783
Prevents the Revolt * *
of His Officers
22. Eliezer (“Ellie”) 12 Apr. 1999 time +
Wiesel: The Perils * * * persons
of Indifference + anticipatory
23. Thomas Woodrow 2 Apr. 1917
Wilson: War * *

5. Morality and Religion

Collateral Circumstances
Speaker Date of Combination
Nr. Speech Introductory Place Time Issues Persons
Crt. Delivery Formulas
Title of Speech Other
1. Bill Clinton: I Am 11 Dec. 1998 issues +
Profoundly Sorry * * * persons
2. Bill Clinton: Speech 11 Sep. 1998 place + time
at the Annual White
House Prayer Breakfast
* * *
for Clergy Following His
Testimony and Address
to the Nation on the
Monica Lewinsky Affair
(a.k.a. I Have Sinned)
3. Mario Mathew 13 Sep. 1984 place +
Cuomo: Religious * * * persons
Belief and Public
4. Richard Gephardt: 19 Dec. 1998 issues +
Life Imitates Farce * * * persons
5. Margaret Higgins March 1925
Sanger: The * *
Children’s Era
6. Margaret Higgins 1921-1922
Sanger: The Morality *
of Birth Control
7. Edward Moore 25 July 1969
Kennedy: * *
8. John Fitzgerald 12 Sep. 1960 issues +
Kennedy: Houston * * * persons
Association Address
9. Richard Milhous 23 Sep. 1952
Nixon: Checkers * (*)
10. Condoleezza Rice: 14 June 2006 place +
Remarks at the Southern
Baptist Convention
* * * persons
Annual Meeting

6. National and International Social, Economic, Political and Military Affairs

Collateral Circumstances
Speaker Date of Combination
Nr. Speech Introductory Place Time Issues Persons
Crt. Delivery Formulas
Title of Speech Other
1. Tony Blair: Address 26 Nov. 1998 place + issues
to Irish Parliament * * *
2. Tony Blair: Speech 18 July 2003
to the US Congress * *
3. Jimmy Earl Carter: 15 July 1979 time +
A Crisis of * * * persons
4. Russel Conwell: 1900-1925 illustration
Acres of Diamonds (personal
5. Lyndon Baines 27 Nov. 1963
Johnson: Let Us * *
6. Lyndon Baines 22 May 1964 place + time
Johnson: The Great * * * * + persons
7. Edward Moore 12 Aug. 1980
Kennedy: The * *
Cause Endures
8. John F. Kennedy: 12 Sep. 1962 place + time
We Choose to Go to * * * * + issues
the Moon
9. Huey Pierce Long: 23 Feb. 1934
Every Man a King * *
10. Huey Pierce Long: 7 Mar. 1935 time + issues
Share Our Wealth * * * + persons
11. (General) Douglas 12 May 1962 place + issues +
MacArthur: Duty, * * * * persons+
Honor, Country story
12. George Cartlett 5 Jun. 1947 place + time
Marshall: The * * * * * + issues +
Marshall Plan persons
13. Ronald Wilson 27 Oct. 1964
Reagan: A Time for * *
Choosing (a.k.a. The
14. Ronald Wilson 12 June 1987 place + time
Reagan: Brandenburg
Gate Address
* * * * + persons

15. Ronald Wilson 8 Mar. 1983 place + time

Reagan: The Evil * * * * + persons
16. Franklin Delano 23 Sep. 1932
Roosevelt: *
Commonwealth Club
17. Franklin Delano 12 Mar. 1933 issues +
Roosevelt: First * * * persons
Fireside Chat
18. Theodore Roosevelt: 14 Apr. 1906 time + issues
The Man with the * * * + persons
19. Margaret Thatcher: 20 Sep.1988 place +
Britain and Europe * * (*) persons
(a.k.a. The Bruges
20. Margaret Thatcher: 28 May 1991 time + issues
Principles and Policies
* * * * + persons
21. Margaret Thatcher: 12 Oct. 1990 issues +
Leader’s Speech * * * persons
22. Margaret Thatcher: 18 June 1991 place +
The International * * * persons
Economy and the
New World Order
23. Margaret Thatcher: 22 Nov. 1990
Vote of No *
24. Harry S. Truman: 12 Mar. 1947
The Truman * *
25. Joseph N. Welch: 9 June 1954 (issues) +
Have You No Sense * (*) * persons
of Decency?
26. Thomas Woodrow 6 Sep. 1919
Wilson: For the *
League of Nations
27. Thomas Woodrow 8 Jan. 1918
Wilson: The 14 Points * *
7. Miscellaneous Themes
Collateral Circumstances
Speaker Date of Combination
Nr. Speech Introductory Place Time Issues Persons
Crt. Delivery Formulas
Title of Speech Other
1. Spiro Theodore 13 Nov. 1969 issues +
Agnew: Television * * * persons
News Coverage
2. Barbara Pierce 1 June 1990 place + time
Bush: 1990 * * *
Wellesley College
3. Jimmy Carter: 2 Dec. 1977 time + issues
Tribute to Hubert * * * * + persons
4. Gerald Rudolph 8 Sep. 1974
Ford: National * *
Address Pardoning
Richard N. Nixon
5. Al Gore Concedes 13 Dec. 2000
the 2000 Election * *
6. John Fitzgerald 10 June 1963 place +
Kennedy: American * * * persons
7. Edward Moore 8 June 1968 issues +
Kennedy: Eulogy for
Robert Francis Kennedy
* * * (persons)

8. Edward Moore 23 July 1999

Kennedy: Tribute to * *
John F. Kennedy Jr.
9. Ursula Le Guin: A 22 May 1983 (issues) +
Left-Handed (*) * persons
10. Newton Norman 9 May 1961 (time) +
Minow: Television * (*) (*) (*) (issues) +
and the Public (persons)
11. Ronald Wilson 28 Jan. 1986 time + issues
Reagan: Shuttle * * * * + persons
Disaster Address
12. Ronald Wilson 6 June 1984 (place) +
Reagan: 40th (*) (*) * * (time) +
Anniversary of the issues +
D-Day Address persons

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