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Department of Education

Region III
Division of Mabalacat City
Mabalacat Community High School

4th Periodical Test in TLE 10 (ICT-Techanical Drafting)

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in the space provided for before each number.

1. This is commonly known as the physical equipment that makes up the computer system.
A. Hardware B. Mouse C. Printer D. Software
2. It is the brain of the computer where most of the “computing” takes place.
A. CPU B. Disk Drive C. Hardware D. Monitor
3. This is the main purpose of the left mouse button.
A. To execute a command C. To serve as abort button
B. To repeat the last command D. To serve as pick button
4. The set of programs, and other related applications associated with a computer system.
A. Disk Drive B. Hardware C. Printer D. Software
5. Of the following softwares, which is not an application software?
A. Adobe Photoshop C. Flash
B. AutoCAD D. Windows 8
6. Which of the following options is not a type of workspaces?
A. 2D Drafting & Annotation C. 3D Modeling
B. My workspace D. AutoCAD Classic
7. Which of the function keys can be used for activating the Osnap Mode?
A. F3 B. F5 C. F9 D. F8
8. Which of the keyboard keys must be pressed to execute a command or to accept an Auto CAD default?
A. F2 and Enter C. Enter and Esc
B. Enter and Space bar D. Esc and Space bar
9. With a hot grip you can perform these editing tasks
A. Move B. Offset C. Rotate D. Scale
10. Which of the following is important in setting the FILLET command?
A. Angle B. Base point C. Distance D. Radius
11. What is the default file extension of an AutoCAD drawing?
A. Dwg B. Dwf C. Dws D. Dwt
12. Which keystrokes will UNDO a command?
A. Alt+U B. Alt+Z C. Control+U D. Control+Z
13. Which of the following is necessary in setting the fillet command?
B. Angle B. Base point C. Distance D. Radius
14. From which direction does AutoCAD start measuring angles
A. 3 o'clock B. 9 o'clock C. 6 o'clock D. 12 o'clock
15. When drawing in 2D, what axis do you NOT work with?
A. Z B. X C. Y D. N
16. Is 300 degrees the same as -60 degrees in a drawing?
A. YES B. NO C. It depends on your drawing. D. It depends on where is the mouse.
17. What should you pay close attention to when learning AutoCAD?
A. The toolbar B. Tool Icon C. The Command Line D. Mouse Pointer
18. Polar coordinates are used mostly for drawing_____________.
A. Angled Lines B. Curved Lines C. Vertical Lines D. Horizontal Lines
19. How many AutoCAD objects are in a rectangle?
A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1
20. If you draw a line at 270 degrees it will point ___
A. Left B. Down C. Up D. Right
21. How long is a line from 1,4 to 4,4?
A. 3 Units B. 4 Units C. 2 Units D. 1 Unit
22. What is the best way of drawing a rectangle?
A. Using the Line Command B. Using the Polyline Command C. Using the Rectangle Command D. None
23. Objects are rotated around the ____
A. Bottom of the Object B. Center C. Base point D. Corner
24. The fillet command creates ____
A. Round Corners B. Angled Corners C. Sharp Corners D. Both Round and Sharp Corners.
25. Panning allows you to ____
A. Move around the drawing at the same scale
B. See all of the drawing at once
C. Close in on a small area
D. Do nothing
For item numbers 26 – 35, refer to the given figures below. Write the letter that represents the AUTOCAD BUTTON that corresponds the following
description. LETTERS ONLY.


26. Creates concentric circles, parallel lines, and parallel curves.

27. Rounds and fillets the edges of objects.
28. Trims objects to meet the edges of other objects.
29. Creates a mirrored copy of selected objects.
30. Creates an equilateral closed polyline.
31. Copies objects a specified distance in a specified direction.
32. Removes objects from a drawing
33. Used to draw circles.
34. Creates straight line segments.
35. Rotates objects around a base point.

For item numbers 36 –45, refer to the given figures below. Choose the letter that represents the AUTOCAD. LETTERS ONLY.

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

36. A. Line B. Circle C. Rotate D. Offset

37. A. Line B. Polygon C. Circle D. Offset
38. A. Fillet B. Polygon C. Rotate D. Circle
39. A. Rotate B. Copy C. Mirror D. Offset
40. A. Erase B. Rotate C. Copy D. Offset
41. A. Offset B. Polygon C. Rotate D. Copy
42. A. Fillet B. Polygon C. Mirror D. Offset
43. A. Fillet B. Trim C. Rotate D. Offset
44. A. Erase B. Mirror C. Trim D. Offset
45. A. Fillet B. Trim C. Rotate D. Erase

46-50. Enumerate the steps in Erasing an Object.

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