Bridge Design by Mam Madhekar

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Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 eS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wa : _Gaiciges: toy ee --ittbak Any bKindwance. Tis _andems_ Pails ten lagd Hair, ewihhs aie tinea S Vaxmer- Seon? hod csassed over to Lanka = eo Anat AY Tas + o Invent med _-heclomniquies + 2 _larePrewermnent of _compienucticnal nmetroda. Odvaoces fry ++ Ay Th! TEKS experimental —~-searecin ca) stcito lorBdiges« Used -- Whes 0A HAD Wo. ae by) Garder ge \O~n . ag B22 Bo; gs ders goto 9+ 32-7 f —Merterials. a aad ° H-T steel. _Ctlighh_ tensile). Commcagted —_streas-_yeieved strands) + . = 7 fam (28: © E= 204x105 Moa a e Gh \ = 9 2 * CUTS). w COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE | Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 @ 1 C Ref’ Raima» fy $2). + Fore __catle Fee wo Go : -- 6113 i | 2 slip ab Oracko-wages xe (2 T 1 } = Amn: | Ce +—{ { Uae Ns trardss ede wits } sing A CA strand) = 190 rn | AC 41 wie = 100 ~ 7692 weed \s W432 = Weg. ae wd = BAS wen 7 Cdiaof1 wire). sone. x BS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 B) _sheothing: _C details: by Macufactirer): 2 Madseria\ “Ay pee: Bright _~nnetat. Inomex diacot a a cu Sr Ney ern es po ee he: = Brym. (iO 6 TT) cosles = \ acca cttht = 2-4 ween + \b=o0'3 f[ -cod. + K Corobble coeff) — 6-003 |r. & { COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE { Wallesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 | | L { Permissilble _shresses: _CORcrete ' © Cl qrle2 CiRCI8)2 CPs-8) | Conn press she: produced dire to_loadiing sper Cin: = Ceconiinesive, siyys Dn comers) ss j 2 Ol ya poem’ Mole Slress Rp cOacse. cu as se} icm CO_comprasve stras b aaa, To ColeT2)+ C cid. 7:22 + No teasile stress Ts. poem ited ~m COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 A Pc stmuichive aed its comsittuent memboes SOLA be cheeted Soc fadluxe coacdiians: So Permanent Dts +. CG@= girders G = _supexrmpased D:L: Pai Civciuding tempach)- Failure csaditians TD ob Gn Uthrnake soo of Cv2sG +296 +256) ---Uncker navreak ORATMon + nd di) ClsG-+ 2SG + 2-S5@) --- under exe, ___enpasare cryccififoms . : G = D-L-0oF precowr -faotpadtin 5 howd walls» ‘ 5 § cs «| Sec ecMigns 5 ae: Dit casses effents opposite Ao -Vhose of LL 5 the Sectfons shail OR. ok { OR cancrals Ca:@ failured + > The sestfon _shautd be so prsportficadk & COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 00. + 20)- => Sal caloce® of —Utcite shrecgptts: CAND: ~--forc UR secon 5-er 0 ® seefon. | { heat % Toxsica: Re AR. pg. 2k. AA RAQ\ Nase = rm Leave (QO wn Clecmanm ca On ecolh sfde- : {Non Wicks, - eni= zi ©) = Sa | Also, wi KC oe crHexiqn Ph Wile _Yed uma, _ailo= (nid Syonan Suppo Aograids tre Pie, OF Milo-wi saorre. a Hhug ho ake < \31-5°_| hy os | [? + £ ute sog_L Lp iese | i ' oe | plese —BYN—k— BY —K#— 3 —*— _ Bw e COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 Caen 12 3 i 3: = 458 Dl ys \oart22 yen: = wWidtin CleyY) = 2h) = 206244. = 43)-244,— ae aa. aoe | Aes ‘T = Br worn: ( UD) seelkon, @ 0-21: jn2 = 6% Il 46QR — 681442 wen. ‘Wl ufidth = + 2Ch). as + (2 *68 74.8): = 2621496 wro Seatics @ ast" hoa > \\ASP = BABI Wenn colfon C® aaL’ Aro~uidy = 2S. COKABE So= Side, WHOS is dlautaties of sofSt- afidth + a comarag - 4 Sid A + — O— Ads =— 6875 wen. Cor 4 1H) Ait sidthy oll = soffit Ghd @ Got) ey COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE aS Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 — 2% 62: 1S pra) =. 4175 — 68-15 ¥2. = HOG 2a 46371 5° 2 . " AID sof oidth @_o2L. = 47115 — 2% (500- 362:'50) = _ ASAD). Aan. ‘ ° = 41S — 2x C sao — 29375). = 4362: SO ween. Nd NK ‘ : = 2095— 5 OO— 225). | = 4225 we Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 oe COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE a e. Y : : - Cie. © Suppocts). Rilo Width. Isoo | soft slasthe =200: aie x ¥ SOP Gidtths, + eTe pth = |S0O mo- »WO-OF yi = do = 2 Rilo width — Chamges | @ soffit: SdH | cls ce | Riloasidtts Clyren).| oatdes- Ss OOLs Vol : Oa: ee ae AG371:S0: OAL > o SL AD 2026 | AN@Ge7ss: As9o. O'2L» oR 2621S0- L\262-SO: es 04 293-78. AEGRIS. AQIS. OAL 5 O61 225°0 Asano —--__ Fille’ spa So \so- Filieb Bastion = | ISO 260 COmP\enor AG = \SOQ rn. @B Rlowttn @ o4t fo YW o-4S-0'S x wWhuidtt @ end. Wellesly Road, Shivajinager, Pune -411 005 | eS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE | GS Orbs» oR Bia -44 26 56. \isexid® | (8 szsxt weisxd VAaLDOTLA Goa iB B9S-82. | too xid® ipamose teas 18 & COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 ereere reece enna So\F ie Bone ander: A of cls = 31S wot Bia Slaves = 18-284 Kl. 2 | Wlo-wideniroy - = 220+ 62 «19> 2, cls A CorALy = 153-75 x10 3% Berets Se ee eee = 066687 yn? GAL = O° 66687X 25° 1ere i = A667 2 kr C dure to silo widening), ' | | | OAL He + B 0:90 = ldo: esi bas Oden f -}—— exch Jergan oa 6 osl _Cprecast| girder) “eection “enciNs canwtaRt Cudi dure to_alo-widening = 0 i =U —\6 suppsf_-}9 nicks pan + ee COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wy Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 = = 249 pl 2 _ = Co l2s); G07. H er t Tn gerexals BM= Ce) -W9® ow? — 479-24(C 30)? = TOSSE. | Section K Bm = Ce) we Cnegledting Chen) GO 91H OY Bhangs) Sip Pave Orol a-o oo: 9.048. 193417 Q.080 67167 | o-ring | 9 aisg.m, 0-120: RSIS «| O-1as, 69 +92 78'84 Kn\rn. pacer Rennes aol ; —3\-330 fl + 4 7 7 oun | ater-ogo: oar} a'3rn. ou 5644.Ss0 [283-556 \2s3-ss6. aL A\Z-ASO considering sverhangg- p04 8422-7190: oS. | 83)> STO. eS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE WZ Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 ACdle) = yt2xlé1 612 = 100'032 ew: A CRectang\e) = _(0r9x16:672) = IS Kn os Each support RD = 100-032 +15 =11S0.36 kn. => BM @® oat = RNY CoAL) — ACAIDx% 2 CoA), — AC Reck) Co-aL+ 0/49). = (\\s-0%6x (2) — 1032) y CB) — E 16: = 892+ dae \asrn sector BM Chore), o-oo 61S: (6 672x0-9%XG-45) COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 citi @) Kents: 1S % 300 \ Fox two Kero: CQ = 2S |r, = CO: 271SXO'D)U2 ¥ Bp 25. | = Se Kalin. | = S*6IS_ lenin, ia \ a in ®_ Rai are. - + Briann. | | ie ve & = 82S = 28 Certyy Is: = = \s'47 kw lone Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 oh COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wy oo se 2ANO Klos 2893°040 270\: 490: Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 oe COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE | ZF Ap aoe oro 4 i \rou { (3.500 | CO:2sL) (sv) CoB), Beau QO (3750: T1950 ena ses f | L ase : Seeeeees ie ! Coral) | (02sL) * 31S) —e 4S ¢ 37 SO oh Lh Srsea. {2 AS So Rilo— width at-Co-2sl) ! = 2 + Uy. = 22st 2¥ S\seEr- = 328+ \26 Yr. cD di = x Rilo oviclty — S80 ven. | chi old = S00 wen CEE): cls Ak el o Nol oF for pl = as x2-74 = blr bd. \ Won | il er COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE AA Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 2 Wt of cx aK a ole = bass es zk lf 925 t. dad SSL. ohidtts of dha pienegpan = 225 ‘neem: a = 7 ca de. t fe = (0'225¥2A29) x25" = ANGER ke a. o:slL- oidth= 22 Anon + aren of cls = 2:54 We 2. clead ot — (o-20S5y¥- 2:54 DX 25 = \4- 2288 kn 28 \- — He. Ls oe —— K— FSH # — rors i . ABR lea. sates Section Bera. Cknpe). O-0L G70: ast 6244+ OL, \2Ar 86. ol. (66:20 7 \R8:2s. Oss). 2030 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 Yotal _@-m: dAiwe +o D Gq MD) BM due 40 axito= Usicleating, . E GB dure 40_Kerlos walling 5 wecgedts + | BM dure to DL: Cum). Did 6 AO Se Ee Ne OW) BM dure 10__cynes- dfaptswaspm, S-3'93. — 615 + we 0-0 ( 3-761 Sara: 24 +196 LUE MVE 62:4 B\6l'Og0 966290 BHVBATAD 4 g NAPE ZO LAKE: S644 .SSO (728 +440 (OBO AD A WB \2% + pede + 166-20: ZAIS+ 450 2267-699 BS oA, 92, 6 if Ba BAP2+ 790 2593-040: ye, + SYB016 DANS 33°10: \ tar 570. 20\*4g0: 4 Total DL BM, Choyvs). G-OL hee = 42-441 a4 ABER OB AG = AANA +006. OL RM hDO = _7829+230 Pp oS erties - 10231-063 ora WES PeeSAG, — \6S7+4S6 0: \WAR An ADAG. —. \2\42 «(36 ie a ey COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wa ‘Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 mp calototion Ge _D-L: Shear’ ¢ ae Ty ri US = FRR4 atl, 78-84 lores, C See rrr oy am OVO — oO , | |253+556 Kn: ection sineot CKN)+ fekaetl C-78-84x0°3+ 12S3-ss). VAR 2-6O Ke OlL \2S3'Ss6 — CO9+01% 39). 4.6102 brs 18 24. a2. {(2S53'Ss6 — BRA c9O+6 =, 703! S6. KEN* oA = (253'Ss6— T1884 Co S+3) = 41304. kn o-AL = (2S3:SS6— 18:84 COS+12) = 296/52 ku. o.SL. = |253-S$S56-12-24 (O94 1S)- = GO: Ah COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE | Wa ‘Wellesty Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 \o612 ase epee (2 oe ee S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune -411 005 Ad — 3 (eres, “ _ . ‘ 3 eS Ag faerie he Bi Bed i = = (.3:336b Arlee) = [gqs6. Ad a= Ly ax4\68 — 6+ AC Rectasce) ~ 16612 %o' 3 — \S-o- ection. neo, Ces): Aan. C\\S: 026—|\S) = (00/036. ¢ Rectoog\e. ott Qis-036) —C1St AY): = Clls-036) —Cist 43-164). aa. | —" c\s-036) — CIS. AL + Ao). i +936) — : 12 = “Olof OD! = lls:03 6-Clst Ait A2 +A) = \Ws-026— Cist 43: 764+ 3126 *+18-Is6)- = 6256. oak = 00: COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 } Shear dure +o _lbextos, wilirs | : i | me a wn: I L= dom. | ond WESO f DANO. KN ves, | aaa | i ee BEYER BEON9° + 383-19) section: Weak CEN: ¢ OrolL BESO" ol B20) (5221 216°99" O-3L. \44°60: oa 2130" Orsi O-o: J Nv seorkan. sronk : 2. om | | . co 036 “sO . 7 Oru DA6:08" 20°R1 f 62712 + 2 sa} [ole +62 — O21 OS'S6 + 20-81 + I-o\2 4 2690] J72+2e2 OAL ANMOA, fel 4+ 6.256 + |4a-60 6D) -046, oral 22652. + FNS + 4-0 + 220} B\S:37 ost Geo ty ANS er OO AKO AS. & COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE ‘Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 oH On Posts OF loads! On LD foc Bm. > Lm CIN kN) Placed sHeak he Sealt on, Ou | ASHE 9 Ks. Load @-Hre secon, | Che: Od GAL fron suppont, O-2L Place RW Navn. ood at the sasion | Cre. at O01 Crown suppor _ I ol. Place SH ake. load ate-the eure é Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 e COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE ay Class “A! Loadirg: ——— Tor one Bm, @* ection | Posttfoa oF Loads 00 | “Fras Su ppy%y | Tip tec 8m: | D Oro. Lope _ CNA) load placed - NOW MEGAK+H He _seatfon. i 14 2) ne | Plane ABE 114 Hi: lood ot | tre _seatfon Cleat _o1L) i -Seatica CE 0-21) OL { Place MBF Aku load @ the | & COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 AS = O's. 6+30 Jo ths = yaultiply Liem. by, CAn\2) LL: _coansidex AS Now OR vw Joss fe 5) lass AA: Chor Spams “12 mn)’ critanl> {7o 179 ho 119 |20 (20 80 ———— oa ogre. AM @ G-ol Dreypatte opto, = {19 x 03 x C125). 33 ku wn, Crna loool T's placed near -Vre Seefcn Under coral dexrdHory, S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE t wb): . Wellesly ie ‘Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 5 ee! (06) C Bure: Place 1S5_OkN load @ the _swerion): For TOR! 27m . Ww . 4+ _ bs ee 27 2563 Qa-sk D4. 13-06. Ines4. hy = 2-7. ed m= 2563. | 5 = 9642. \3-s8 a = 2258 7 , yy = 2-121 J t he = \'306 Leg he = Isa. _| i yy a 2! OM @ orl fawn suppres (10x 9 64) + (20% 3°69) = 2186s + (Rox 1-388) = BEGRX |r 2460: 25> kare: COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 MMA _ Crd oa RUt-—®) — 6x24 — A 30. fa) AR ty BOA, GAs 6 A463 48 — 9:2 — hm he hs — ns. by, ae 26-95 \o-S8: 143, 1531 Ws Diyas m= set) F = 66 (yy = Bale : he tae yc he aig [ = = 6-668 bay ee, ee WO Cl6E6I) + 1200 6-668) + (ROxX.2:390)- = ARIS -06 ‘errs, aoe ae ae ee COM) ran: focts-ral - = 3815-06 \Wws — 4A29|+ 943 known COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE ‘Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 TMA: acdinaie oF (LD Ch). = ox2) = 62: | 62 — NW LWy= S- 34h | Se ae —l50,.. Wo eee ia zt roe \ese 44a 23h 89S) ny = 5-44 hg = 63.0, = 55 Ws = | 4. = es he = A323 te he = 3 vat oe { hy = 268 ! LC BM) “ax @ 03 janeseremnersece = (90% 229 +C Lox B-202)4 CROX 2685), AF33+ 04 Kr, Facoyed 8M = SG6+ 42 Kner, | | COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wallesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 20 i= 4: S48. y20 2 mm = hi Wo S37. 2 BIge VS8 SS = ie ee 8: 1662 leas. dé. 30 b= 4: sag: bs sh gists Wo Siz |S oes ke s:leq. { yn 72.0 hy = Ar6o 4. — Gro 4 BM Mae = (19% 23:11) 4 Ceo x Lo 516)+ (Bo K 3°60). = S646 +02 (OMrrax) Factoved = S64 6ro2 112 = 62sS\- 177 Kno. SS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 \oad ate Ryle? Foc \ 79k! leading 5 place (See acai te £ och5 @ asv). : \sinud ihe Wy 4 hes sha. g—— \ | Raye actinale OF UD = \SxXIS — +50: fo i ee esi = yu Nog o> Sy \s Was lose: ane so \S 6a Vv ae 3-36. eq by he ee oa) 2s bee Sete: | Fn ee ale aoe oc Ceca bq Gael e Is COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinager, Pune - 411 005 Nat CA) To Grd (GM) yeas G@ OOL: {A AL es. = 7 ee Bia oe Other Wada ==: ASS. orgin: : O-oL- Ss WN4%. 079 K\N26 — — lis: 495 fom. 27 hy | loam. aed fe ‘his 018: || bie eee ae Max. ordTmate ot LD — BLT o0 o 27 — ho he ie ce a 25-8 2s 13s ee we hos 27.) ha = 9+\5. ) he= ose J hs =e =. 6& = 54 ye se hq = |e2s & COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 | 1 - COM) wean @_O\L (3) Fron comerof® | cont | foes ER een : ae | =. 1089-46 kann: | factored OM — NSIURID ke. | i cD. BMY R B® OL Com) farn coateraf | | pea IF, i a" T ae oe ge 8 | aT —~ | | | S\ 113 Z\A7- SIR 62s\.-11>. §609.« 354 2890-238 6609: 241 & COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005, Chithet hatha) — > 614. Chsths) = |-39.¢. Cse) = 225-18 kar: Foctored CSE) @ G-OL = G28: 928 ker (™ N79 _t7o_t79_ 20 120 80. iz 7 24S 44 = a & Sha She hy ves od TO ie ee 27 25°62 22°S8- Ay, (9-06 ls4, (sg rp =O 854. } jne> = 6 hn = 0: 1S : he = 58S. Vesta. h4=9- 7993 hy = 0458, 14. consider, oe CSF) @ ao = M10C 69+2-214)+ (oox 12294 C80x0/455). = 29-02 we Fades SF = 7129-62 xh) = R014 ww By Maso! Brod veactons+ Vertiak RA @ loi. Cet. 8). BOYN GB = WNOCS+ 4.374. 742-4 8-79)+ 29 Clo-94-+ + (80x 1642) \246) | DONG = _Ano0Rb6o+ 2808+ 131 | N@. = 271 we. N A= 7129.00 Ke | Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 Ce COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE LH hy = 0-7. \ hs = 6495. | o-Bo- | he =0-6S4 ho = 0:38 af / W =OsSSa [2-414 My. Grist. | hq =0'S07. | 4 SEG os) | OD) Mage SE @_9-41L C Wr SSromn le Fe: 179, (79 NE Io 120 \20 go fel > (37 21S 152.396. as i he hee Wn. : \ 6a Ges. orl BG Bie eee = ea eee hs_= _0-3As, = Ya = 045% Sev he = 028 f 0°62 hg = 0407 Srp G15 ve Csp) @ oa. = & Grex 201) + C20 x 0°62) C8ox0-1SS) — 49900" vai \ Factosed SE @ o-AL ee A ae og 8 oe _—_ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE ‘Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 __CI D_@_oor WG Na ee qe ce 69- 43 3073030 W] fee. he fs the =t t 1j1 = a Von oe is ee | BO 28: LAs ac Bs los Fe We. = 0-817, ho = 0 =Ig6. i S a652 he = 0-614, t he = 0-'S)): ) i-CSE)@ G-oL. = W4Cl96)+ 68(2-668). = 404-864 kes: Facdored SE @ ao | AOA BEA M1 12S- @ _O1L. = aD. = + Aq2 Kate 2 ee ec COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE wy Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 eee op Wes ce ges egg ae 228 es. Iss los 3s: | 1 hoa 0-8 ns = 0-617] | ne = 0:16 he = 0-Si7 = \rR68 | = se hy = O49. } he asst) CSE) @ O21 = C-21% o-Is)+ C4 * 156) + C88 x 1868). = 300-814 kn» Fadored Ee Port = BOOB X42 = & 38-416 kn ow $e Cars): ae Boe GR 6B 1 a im 412/30 | 30/30 | Hi oy “oh hs he my | + piriTt ee) a Od. _—— A aio ine Laas = oo: =s tp = or ee feos, “p= 0159 hg = O66. he = 0190- Z = 0350 a7 = 4 ee he. a \ge—s\Ss- \os. Os Gs: x = f hs = orsiz. 7 =03\7 Za \r4ee- \| ne = a-4i7. he — oats — o COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 Fe @® gst isu) form let! 27 27 Wr Ne se 68 ge GR. | t hye 10.112. | he [sq 20 | FO HA 3D N24 30 { — oe ; —s 1S We to. : hia ane, yn = 0-257: 1 os ~_ re _ hss he _ Ww ne \S \ae 96. °° 6S as as. \ 1 = | (nae os. hs = 0-317} | =o = OG) ng = O-« Zo yp = OUND { ‘eg as 0167.) ‘-CSE) @ os = O171x 0 75)4+C Wax a-96) 4+ C68 ¥0-6677 = \24: S936. L, Footoxed eC ast. ] — \rlosx \24, 5936. = \S\+ Ans kn: rT & COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 | spon of _ = = 39m: @ moo Loogitidinak ‘oceans Cn) = 2 ——| . ¢ — 4 . e sohR i Gaur rol) — AIS yn, Rilo-widtth ad Ans soatfen = 9: Sym. ole St shios = 2VIS— 6: = Ar 27Svm: 2 Spasing oF larg iticinol, Joeman Cpd= | C{c of — xis of bow girder = 4:275¥0. «| Equivalent WAHROF Lorgtdinal earns C216). =x p:_Cetfectve width of bridge dew). __| =~ 2% 427 . : = SS | onal BOE _ cme schema, Be C — Ate : oO y2SL5O:'SL90-1SL. and rol) oe = ~ Mao 48 ya Lerma ituickinad _toeamn _: X= sectfag(@ od 9:6) Cie cxass= cliaphacgrn cls): 4 215 — T T —t—T] Oo sve. | cae | V\w- | Usy.- Hh i Sn. A + COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 Greack hole 15 section. 40:225)+ Cl-s-g-2-0:2) —2.C $x0-3x015) Cas — 0415) io —2 (4x 0-4 "3315 Pom, A215 Wr Yorxsianal_ Thoin Ae : ‘P-2t3 \4 acdc tact#) tn 3. I. 4.(3-9m5)™ 4:271S= 2% 0-225 fe S$ 4:2718-2¥ 4225 : @ 2. on ' _ 20S-0:2-0'35, 7 ' o22s- Tp = (620156) / Ca@rgaste \3: 125+: = ). & COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 = TYorsicaa\ SPOxA ror AHER* ec torte) ZECAxj)™ SS 2ECtre). Le = Cid, '-G_ - o-49s. & onal {Lo = 0128634. “ert |. --- Longitudinal Sear: ae 0.37 wrest | = == x.0$s-bemnn de anes aetlan. + Lowgitudima\ loa | voy j= 06 wt lan == + cross bean. ies { 0226944 0-27. | | = | oo ele | Cinis Nature. should be neowy © 1): Refi PE Roue, Pg: Be) pruses tosicnal propertiea of bide chen ee Joma attFnoss eo 4 --- sorsh + Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 ee COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE I Ad . f a Nided irsto__$"_equas_seopments- Niee looundouies ale Know Go standerd _pasittens of loads positions are” cOosidexed: Al deflectians Ore Actual deflection ak each of tte 3 std &™ Positions = CKD X. Ang, deflection: Zen -towlenal stiffness. . —p fee O AN of colix S a COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE | Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 My = w -. stIn(_BT a 2 2a) f Hse: sm(ST \ a Se ols | 5 ~--Girve, f py. Fec__O <4 <\> eee © The “hramsroire _asidtis 2b is divided mio 8 equat parts ard the 9 houurdarics- Pas it Hho cnedfe, fer K=O C-~ na horwicnak sii tfiness) + By Mourell's tec oracal “Vhesssevand : + ee m Sar Se) °. ~A, 2 The SAS : " ee _AfPRremt feoon the 9 std. pasitfons. Dis oeler4 tipell the nodes CHD cromepcsls equiva’ ‘ Fral unit acd distiloution carts: fer es ©= 04S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE ey Gord & = OF79 \Q"AEsly Road, Shivainagar, Pune -411 005 Kel = Kor Cet= koa & = 07916 5 le me OES, COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE wy Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune ~411 005 =) Class “ORL 2ubeseds \ePi- sides @p P 2:2.4)2: 133 ofp ote -8 —3e =e -_ lo b Bo b, 4 4 24 (ois 289 eet | jis, -— 062715 : Afstamce of ! un. ! Md ine. Mnecnused ; | > keto, Clanrance U2") + Me Te oat LL ecc5omtsscity of this’. Ny Sra Pe =o1l0375. Us Co’) | 1 oog7e | SIE ¥¢2'los50) — p-agg0. 0057p Woée1s 4 aag7e [eo 194} To 'BO6P | e } CM Ts mob be calculated). 2-095 —# Raed 5 a oF Or 087p: M=0-081x 1-06875. SPA" | Set Seek] M = 6-O865687S. | [o9a4, [ovote | | + oF ey COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE a Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 Sr Clossren reson Placa} ait. Sreeedintieen _eccecrsstity or let =| ide: Pp p P Oo i | ,0:1037s ( O ogee. sigh agape OF e 2= Wheeled Placed _UStHo. Sef Right - ide 5 e OMIS NS | 1-01 \031S5-¥n. tt — - ae) ae b. “ar = 4 1 + - ss | odue ole gue || ao. 6 iS | | ' 4 4 x cle Vsm---pot bom, ~ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wa Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 @- Lass TA’ + _cenbally Placed! C 2am) F e. Lge. Cee 06 Ore | Ee a i . eee —b -3b =e = 3° b & 3b b 7 = 4 \ + : ae # ee = } 21315 \ { 2.1395) iT 2NS1S m 2071S. | 0262. d \.O6875. ages Clogs “A's Cige 4s Oarig)i Gs \0 687 sme. Fosse ol gl J OG 2. ——}_§_+ o-S6\e. tar | 0625. 0-262 Soot Chan uns), Tre aby Froom prts R20 4g ey oe so ee Te i TT I | | ] D 6246P CIAP O-ShlP aaRP osélP BISA 0-246, O sod oSgs OTR ~ OS9S O-dos: LAOS. asa COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005, ig fiat it al t oni o8si0r p-—oT2P- 5 | Oo corm saree . aalaap (06 (o:9\9), 0) Sere se ars No! Yight_ side: —t]4 -b]2 bg bla ape “4. 2 | Loo ik | T T 1 eel | | | losiae | | i as O Oo omep O3ISIp' (0356). | oteP C Tosti — ca O32) o-mee “| Gee (30) COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Soe WEFeSTH+( 1o/2), Wollesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 ous: aP > peel \o! COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE ‘Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 ai OR (2loodd). class A-C4 \sad), | >) | Go CK. ®._ [1 997P| Ve7P | wire. | ageep | 3-6ISP. | 4.3549. nods 4 & CD loggss | o-gas | 110605" . - | pla Elen) Fay \ S loods + : ° a C | Loading Rilo4 Roo pa Class TOR, 1060S \-o60S* cha A: \O@Bes \rogss . class: ‘A! ovens: Max coeff = | 988s. == (47-0) = \:(973S fe: la-qasy/, ww laws ©. To * i" — Lm 8 Use by 207+ TRNeos ing 1 site USF by 207) COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 > Ryestress after. Losces% c Cates oF Jasses Bastic Shacteatag * — Col Wr) t\Acia): Ces. |S. \ % Le | o's < x Sergi» wmodiwar ratio = Es — 204x107 = 6.296 Ec Sooo{3s. oO = 0-Sx6-896xG ONG? SHrEs 1M conceete | 2 = Vee Me Nlwent, = SmPa. [lo ba4 bea, Qieep of concrete: CRef, \ACiR 9g. 1G" Tarte 2), Assunre 80+ maturthy ak the edoe of AH ’ Creep stain pe jomea- sinot | ONG) Stress MA _cOecree = BerrPa, Es = 2-407 Ni wnt pal Asse to C2oamie®) x CS + bas*) %_ 37 MF, \Q¢ imma, 5 [avers Mea. 40 Se COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE ae Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 | Nora cab, groups = ion Yo Atstdcte Trans soft: =6 083940 0815 = ahh. ee Vo Fmd chosge sf angle Ce): 4 Y= arr +O aac = 2% 2eBBOENS’ YR co C ame oo = op, SB = C4r6o\2. 110 > R= distance of prints reouwcres ee Cees: a . a = oe charge of ie CG). pine RL), ee Found ory t: OA: . | . oF BEC). 6 - | g 02937. C9019. 3084). : Co3m: c é 0027187. eae oe "02797 Frovre&)- ee jo = O00143 Co a, | Galaga Ca010 388 ~ 0101398) ‘Fram BED | a = Grwldsa7=0-01542 =G'0294 { given), 0:0204, To fred k+ Curobble crefficioot)- | is K =o '002L. Hessen teense mrss t | Oo Be) o | O-OL Core) O'0@xX03 =a0-6003. O\L C3-3yx). 01003%3-3 =9-009g | O°2L C63¥8). -~= O-O18g. | 0:3 C33). 6-0219. Oo 4b Cla3my. 0-0 269g, OSL Cis:3 ym). = 00489. Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 ee COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wy —p > find + _C coeftigeat of fiction). 0-0 :2s/ wad CS) | secthan 8 yr CaSsxo)- O°0 CBB) Oo. oO. 0-0 Cody o-00l4. Bsmck OAL C3:3 98) O-0 184 aRsng 4 OO CE) oO: O-9L CO:3y5). 9xn6% | or (aang. | o-nagg. | aesad” | o-geep. O _ O2L (63). | 9-089: qasne | orgy i O:3L- (9-3 | 9-0279. | asxia? | o-mesh. WAL Clrreawo. 69-0369. | pasna> | o-9s6; osi_Cis- 2. | 9 0459.| 735x167] a-o4al a COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE & Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 ay stress Oe Hi _ Ss she Toores. stress ots _Ony sertien see idee os eaticn e X s = \400 o-0 CBE) \ro Teoma sis 1400. O-OL CaO:3¥n)- 0-953 \ EZ OAL C225) Oa: 986 (>80:R0. . O-2L_ CG} 029744 \263:94. Q-dL (S-3v0). o-36S4 \35\-s6 Oral Clon). oO: 9s67 (339-38: OSL Cl\s'3), O-DA4R} \327-24, eee ae dete —dpha sp L. i = xs OS L SoeL TCO ao) ASK. yy y roy OCA 4ac0q 2 Ul MOOD PRD 2 a Se 09Ssz = Elbe eee aly 8 5 acoo, SBA -HeMG = ecpa agp = ui 3 AED zi the bat atta Q% Tsi€oe) ws : we Hs}0 HO ape ayo wot | se c oO: te oe 1 “TPT seb ype aA we Re 47g) x S Os elec i bE ee a yk a BES) wont K 2 als e ° dep, PA] | @) 18 E sh ° : wy sy Sys e FP pucgelr |S 2 3@ : ‘omel) Led Spee 7 lay a i . st Seer «= dilssenyo TBIRB) ~| LA axe) Gerba -diis 4 telece\ |-obyE | qQwuelN OKVS7) FA ® 5 remap dis yI~exo = GS) > ETON » [ 9 =38 FIP T Pa ® 4 _ay tee) = Gy gy - 95 15) E24 Ss 4 +d LP belay = os: sc ney 42 ee COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE a Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 WD-Slip_ fox d-al 40 gi —At -_ Che). = oS Sialiiie 6 soe}; = 228060" + S\ip fon _G-ol 49 1-ol oo 2272e66 2-04 x05" Sa ieWE res. ee Cort GiD_ slip Rew rex 49 (Co2L). = yf 2926+ 22 x EL Z GOOF. 1243225 - slip Fram Gt) jo Cort). a= \24. 32.0 2BARQS 06094 Worn. GY). stip Tron Cort) to Corby, = f ys Booo x 218}, G = %6S40- ie \ies 36549 = 0119. Wan 2-04x10° Z dip— (o: a =, 2046 (& wn f yevise Vi P= Aiegtarrn. ‘Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 ey COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE I 3000 ein gi) \ is Qe Ate “yer fe | \\_ Je 7/8 \ 8 $ a Sore +A re & S| \|s g | a Sf Sere iS (@ A a ‘aa fa moe i} io @ pale ee 30 ss BE # Crrrsy _€ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 CD) O-oL am 3 eS SS Get orgs % ~ 430 A A+ Ee = ip “42092 — G2 tern 204 x1? ci) oro. _ + OL: ! A= a SEY SPAR. 3000} — 373280. tli = 2723890 1 BS we. 2-04 xIcP aA} +o 924+ Aa pf SBAS+ 3649 y 3000 ‘ =, 269 640: slip — 269 649 = N90 een 2-04 MOF ea ese Ae BEA} 24°22. x 2000} = 181860. x Mp = 181360 = 0-89) we a“ 2-04 X\a> aw Osi Ao o4lLe rea {AaB y4 2000 } = 108780 Sip = \o&7&O_ = 9:SBB wre. 2A Kae COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE ‘Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 WW o4ql +0 sit Ana 5x Boao X aoa =, 26l20: lip = 2620 _ = ol we, 2-04 X05 Sy Total stip Tyran BE +o OSL. Corin C183) + Ci329-+ Co 89D+C 0-533) ( Col th 4962 eres. “6 eres Revise _Siip= diagrorwnn. Tota avea- OQ2 *- 860: a \ogs got. a6leo )- = \O2g72 Vip = 1\9\2872 = 4-965 wm 2B4ARQS oe Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE & ey Tar = Lepmipaeyagsliog) = dis) oe Bpes|oo\ & COFS9¢) HOz960) -o0b0.6) “+ OvI\ HPP D fs i ahre| xJoope kh) Pen Sle a=] ‘gost XCSTH rp) + pone XC eh oy 61) + L ae] 7} 7 +H 900 x(Sribteeaw )/+/00e XGebsip gees ee on | i" Ho» | | a 759 nH 7.0 ao ey P et Leel|/——~1_| dc koe +e | i 8¢ BOE Seve Phir] 9st \s¢) ores 79} 99 buie9e\ | jeshoganp |. ae-aBe\ @) ody) Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE \APO-Z ISHED TAM OC MAY BIg =F Seer = apseqere) (oapere) +COev Ley ) + (9er9s t = “4 doge Cea FR eg + /904 TErrT Tr 4 ood 5a5erbciew) fr ome XGetrapstags ) + xi (obe A+ FOXY POHL ope Xo peecg J+ ieheg x63) BS \¢|—- hina si sites re pa 4 Pe Ure See bh by 239 Reed REE 9sis@ $9 4 3:03 egecy ~ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE vy a le v ¢ | Siena tw vv £ O9og 4 OS StS\ “LONGSTS 4-Og9¢\@ +02 x SEN SE-B) pee T(O9pe ¥ gE ae Wellegly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 Lz] bz +e Sayer ) th be Ly Lexi Grab Es5) +-000c X (eeeerecet ) + ove XGEZERE be poacD YAOL ASO ep 7E9 | | a¢9 As9] __19-9 Ad ‘WBpre1)) Roce! ap 1 ¢ eee —__se61 ostie nee vere se; 6¢2\ ssis4 B49 te-8L os Les Pk regjosel | L CEE ORI w \Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE & TBM Lys a Myer COLes WIDE Fh “9LOS\\\ J 99) 95 “$00610G F0s968R +OzbeKe hOB » } | le axiot 99, AE 0-089 0-0219 0-063 0-0459, | veya sesnel SS { 1 garee| 400, Inalemalne esr seisinasion a4 29-38)t221- | | T T T 240.88 [2A0* i. 7 +32 |\20\150) B+S4- | | if | £ ¢ | WY a | i “101344. (\01. 2.44) | | Boece [Class fo Elaste shosenmg ='S" (2S). vase | {232° (2496 66. ‘lag = shoveang alesse ig PMs 196--*S76+ t Chara). i | COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 { a VRT+936 Wise W207. | age 236+ [24S e260" = Weg OS meal 161 S56 3. | (os [tor lias lyat_| tteq_fives [ie T24 | 404 | Doq| +984) -164 | '244) +284 > Lo: due fo 4 Qsep oF Concrete = _3\r212 MPa shrtnrog, OF cance = S| MPa. Tota kc: = B2'0)0 MPa | > Stras afler fmol asses COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE WF ‘Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 e fst Tyan sofft4s cable. center = 0-465 x0. Car ee). =0:\63¥n - --Gorn 9:2 49 0-sL cist: fravn sofSt to cable ceatert O BE = 0150 mm, = 0-351 ---frown 9:3t 2 OSL : AS: Bean A 40 cat! LONE @ Be = \03S5wm. =0: 2895 wo “fecaco_eal epost 5 OQ= 01492 ---foam ob to ast i dist than __ssffit to _counle center: @® Bea 132° = 0'S3) Yo. fan ot to OSL © = 0168 form o3l +o ose Coble Have T1 cAfsh- Brown soft 40 Causle, oper: Qveenr~ @ _925L = 0-3rm. = 6071S mM. --fove 0-2L +o 0-71SL. clistance frown AGE HO cae, canter: =0-01Syn_. --farn 6'(L +40 OSL. 20 =0-3, fern OL +0 ost. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE wy Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 I CO dist Frown, soft AO 0 a 66.07 5) Cable cont "| | ee. | : ie ¢ Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 ee COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE RG Tatle_of _Ecce, Sch section. Cin cove), Aistomce etO cGc aed cas + ob ciifRrent 1 268.S6 2. B63 04 635-04 | t } | BiVS6! g20°89 | Barog | B04 | | | | L 3 i 718.| a\sa-qe \Qeso.) 1836 | R20 (e205 et vs vga. | | COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE | | boenspn Th ESthtiewn Siioes 54 Cat Afferent __sectSoos)* BS Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 she Okc _O-01.+ Tri 4 \ yD Torah Yo-of shands = 12x 2 =24 Carle Q2eup T 2catolen _: eacis ovis 12 Prands)- YO? werd Zo p= 18-89 xla® wre. TUbotiovn = 12655 0108 vs? Groupe NO frou strvics —datnies conufider, : oStrs jt oS Catko-oU = \\89°6\6 MY. P= Stes mo: £ shocds xX areaof ore shad } ( “P= Wee. Clee 2A loo LP = 2Bss}xioFn- ee eee ee eee ic 3820625 XO? P= 6747 N |e Cod. yA ~ Beadirg ire pee) g Zi EC Sch x ie Se COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wa ‘Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 Pe _ O8ssjx\aS) y (9-07) CD _BroW__pyeshrens? Ot 9-0L)! Ue {B83 I08 sthws @ top = -1/0S66. N)aw? CT). » Pe = (2-8ss\sao®) ¥ (699-07) — \r4@l7. Nw Cb \B/6SS x08 Coy SUmmn ary! 1 Ink «Ate ~— 0747 MPa Cc) « +09 = —\6s66 MPa om): 2 _bottows VAG IT Pax CoD. pee: t = 1107-404 mPa. 22 P= \loq 4aq x C2ax100) + Pa 2-6: x1oS 22 ~ 26577 xo® = 0-695 Mee A 3820' &S Kio” akG@oU:e = €939-0] Wn: “PQ — (2:6577x108) x(495-0D. — 09835 MPa De 3-89 x10 Pe — (26517 x10) X C6997) — [3606 MPa. | To \Bt 6Ss x\o8 Wrermmany cane yrcup Ti FIral Pres hreask | e Diveck reas = O°69S N\ vt C)- ai aes = —0'9235 Nixon CT): e Bote yn = 36 06 MPa Cc). & COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 stras @ o-ol: Tnittad Pp yestyesss CcatAe Craues Ts Ws Tr, Ws Vv, Mr) +! a é : or 0747 10 S66. rah ate | orég0 wee eee oO | o-6a4. 1208 O22 Ww O-61S Olé Qe) ded. Cc 062 ass\ =o-162 wt: | p-pog | —oasg oda | ©. Res Wika mes O SO15 a DM ak top = Aiveot + 40° 3169 — AGL wer 2271) MPa Cc). OM oe Gotten: —- ciibects 2 ‘hetisnan, | = 3769 42-074 = -S'844 MPa Ce). : a ee COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE WI | Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 _ ane Credo aa 0:26 | | ] WN “62D Las | 6.204 3 0: 6230 oso —ooos: | i 1 SOE 028 | —o-3s2_ a ary | | | a Norah stress- BAD | 1+ BRE \roy | | | +Resuttast strases @ ort Cdueto frat as oo CD aktop= direct +top i = %AQB— [BRE = 2:099 Ni lw? 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BAD 2084, tale, “CoLALL+ Titel pyeshresjcane --Aowwt extst, Ghee LL comers QnbHOk prshrus 1s alreody oxex| Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005, [rite une poo ae ee sores GS ey COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Ly CD ep irose _srasietreroe _boy_ssletct ir oft sical + __ MMIb = 0:9 x dio x As xfp. =z Oogy C&2! cB “ane C132 X\90) x87 0. = AB 3012 x10! 19 Heen: curs) con \W-BO1w xo” kK Jee Ud = B2S0 5 SOFFHAE Widths ok O-OL= 4TIS. | Fs camtilew S ei id COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE ee ae Wellesly Read, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 \ = 5 @s0-ans) = \731:50 | cil) gunna ee = \28hso k > 7Chilex)- COeacrere Mult = 916x bx dis x fie Corr yeclargulase fee = me sections) Mult + Fond separatty for co) Ri Width of 4 sie Cis) = Sa0.C at 0:94). os =f osx . as Cb) Deck! | eck Slab —the = 200 n+ | de —~(-82>-R25 — 282 = 23-+22S..vern— Total — decie— atiddh = Owen: i 4G _caciieter_om_enaks side (2€1289 2 __}_ te OMS of cleok sha to face Mat Calcmadion, BE — Cers0 -2x (281-50) ge — $15 wer: | RAB- QIdth = Csoox2) = \o0o- BF =10)1 <. eok ee = 4618 wen: see Rec Tee weawn 4 | Mott = 0:\16 lo: dish te + 2 CoRpCBf-t0)+ dio) jes ke ya Fer: ¥ for _slato 1 be LIM Colas’ = x08 x C569 = loo0) (823: R25 = 200 )X 260 x25 = 12633 x10! Worn, =fiesze- iso kan | $3 Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 ey COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wy CO. camtP\evex straight poston: CiWlar+o slato oF CA&mstant thickness): = 2x COR) CBF—'6). Cd EN ct x few. sth. s\ = Iso CRF 5) — 2% 1289'SQ = 9595. Ae 2 y CoB)XC Ss): 12S — \se so a a AS. SS. = FAA, io Niven sai = #0. fSeeacs ee} © 2 . i 7 ool C \so. SO Tame | Mult: = 2,4 0-8 % CBP b)» Cdio~ £)) Eek. COP) — 283-50 — 257 Ab — g2 1 nae an ise . (do~ tg) = 2% {1 orsg | =6s7-188 t= aa. thr-of Alot part: oO S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Read, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 s + oO FY \lets- 4 ono -bhK. Slag l OP Cask side- 4so a -~- poo he Ot: i). a Ah 2 yo82%C BF) -Cdo— 45). tb fek $ 2-Filets. om Caos side- COPD = Zf 900 } = \800: he = ONG this — Asova = 7S: BF-bY — total aatdtnof lle ans oreside- =— 2 (ASO) = FSO ven ( Malt = 2x08 x (1800). {823-825 (200%) f x 1S5¢33. = 1406x103 _Nwen [ess oes ea] —© Toral alfinate Strengtts Cure) — Ca\80-92) +C (2639 ‘Is9)-+C 5399-08 + $-C189+ 6RS)A+-C446'039) DAR BOR vec, es w COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 —_— fo We MR, boy D__Yleldtrg OF sieel = 1B DOl-B KO, ™. Camalnirg of COccyse = 24448-6233 barn. eenign + COl\Ls O2Ls5 O3L5 AAROSL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wollesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 —____—— Le és COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesiy Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 2 Abt —_ |Catole Grarp | wao-of | dist of | vingrnent @ No. toads. | Prox top tere Govern, \ 2 ANV2 %@\3- 4 24 29)-60 Br~BQR. 4. 2 24 26. | 20456. a 24, Laos. | 2A\20: 4 24 84a | 02 Ss 24 622: (soir i \ La: \A\900. Total: es 4068-4 Udist: of CG-of steel CCG Frome - \a2 Ab = \4+96\8'4 — (065-24 We. dist: -frascn boston = \sgo— \e6s- 2g- = AS471 en- =Aa\- S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wa Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 couse Grap | No of sheds! cist fan | nosrnecst Ne Cca\:2)- tee Coned.| _@ toe. Coola), Coal:2X Cal) \ 4 \A\I 4g. 33899. 716— 2 24 \2a6 - 39, 22.087 216 a 14 Al. 93. 1497-16. 4 24 lo aa-gg, 25019 -6— Ss 24, BEV93, 261-16 ah oa l42s. (7190 ‘Total \22 ve \s6142-80. Ge ominRcia\ — \Senagegg \a2- = \\82-45 wm. CG Frovn botiom= [sao — We14 = B\2Ss Wm. OSidtS of sites = 362-50 ern, S COLLEGE OF oe et PUNE ‘Wellesly Road, ettafoner Pore 7 eS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wy ‘Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 ase Group) Noof | dist reve | Mennect @ | No stracds: Ase_Corn). Asp: C Cove): CoS) | Coar2% col 3), \ QA A\2-Ag. 228359 16. 2 24 \22693 22027+ 76 5 24 (\8>s0- Qo. A 24 {Wasa 267-00. 24. DEB. 2a\\ 6 4. | l4oas. | 46350. > \ \dos. \n\o00:- \86. 238349 -S2 C&: — So . 16 dist. from otlorn = soo —\28 14 = 218-s4 Were ONidtts of ara lo= 2939S wen S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 saa masa - 6B COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 2. 24 {226+ 33. 32081:16. 2 24, \\a1-s0 28500. 4 24, \A\o+s0- 263.00: | 24: AGP. 22\\2 & cae (42 763.50. = \o. \42<5 \q\0o. \86. 238349 -S2, Cist-of Ca Sar top= 228349'S2 _ gi 4s \S6- Liss Width of wile = 22S wes: S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE =~ Lcramiskeme atime meting a Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 & eo COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Qy Desian WM: Ciecis: Pg, 20): “eto sad tase naman A Pee stnectire Gerd 4S Constant sncemnloers (ke atinnnatke Load of Cvs sq ~ camdittan: seetSon| C1> cid). | _ cit. 1256 *#—___} —G ——_-———_ + O-OL | -d\.qy -6:15. | G-O —48: AS, COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Le BM: Caries Trysaekses, Shivajinagar, Pune -411 005 a Xs : 2s56. CB kre): | = 9-76) | — 19- | a30-2y3) 366129 (932: 6\SO-& 28-44. ASO- (129, ¢ BSR: 2267-63 ASBS +38} 851+ 259.04. S\ZE-OR4 : 27a\e 43. 'A.Q279R {16 » | +-— SS Oe Se ee oe Tet cova ~- : ~ OL |—Agr as | I9'1S22. | 420-3\B. — 49R- (VS: ies 203-°6S 1S22-SR- | 6iIsa- FBS (2393S | 2 1629-14 ee +88 \. BL | GAsq4+22) ASBS+ 38: | \BEA\r0 DRALO+ 6S AL a S\26-O8 [458719403 32396-0323) sl \UB00' Bll S4a2 38: | lgs23-428., 23727-2228 i Check “> atk every seca Matt meats Toe Total em, ¢ ods eel \25@+4 254+ 258) ’ Mule {8301 +80 Kure > — 438 18s Kengron "OK S 70 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 heat corassponding to Destgan Bem + S section. | [254 26G 2'S@. “Total sheat I | CKND- j 7 . [W829 93. 6ST BAG NBO 29. | | OAL \o18. 32 6 20S50° 1 DBESS+ A4, Q33- | ‘sPatoe | \€qn-e 94 | 2091. ee B\GrRO. 2A RIALS O-4L | B04: | joie | feane | 20S87+ so Qs} iw eames usa | \a4a.24 | (2496 le. | | | or en, eg Fac C8MD vean @® _0:3L -Hre_ loads are : 7 eagueen = The last cave GF Above. Able. shouts etal NOOR Oe eID, QOL ==7O'SL Load “pas iasoo £ p S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 a Ah COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE QJ Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 CDG -— permoreat DL: = BLof lowe _gisder-+ Y—diapiragsns, : Bilo~ Wid eniegy - ca = Kexto: csaiteg, Od come dW. Q = shear disse to fee Caritts Mrpack), oe gf section | CD, CO. |__£ Py | j-2sG: box-girdee) Y- dia: silo-idenwg, ool | \1@2-60 20.8) Le O06 | 629-308 OAL | 946-08 | 208) 56272. A278:9S3 O2L | 199°S6 20:8) | 28-012. Saqroag. OL | 473-04 aH 6256. 608-088 O-4L | 236-s2. Tete | ars _ Bods see o-st 0-0 aN 0-0: 2 Bag. section | sG. | 264. Q. _2:SQ. Q-OL | 26\S0 j Joa, D223 +32 23201 82 OL | 28920 } TR. 20:\4R_ PoS0199, oot | a6e0 | anak. [acq 642 | 1g6q10, ol | 144-60 289.9. | sas. 14! 14RWR7, OAL 1230 * \44e60: | 482164 1206: 62 c-sh 00 6 | 04 g2s-a7. l j we COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE | SF Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 Section TVoterl SECKEND. | Ch2sG 4 286+ 25@Q) | [Design shear). G-oL AGS: (228° O-\L BIOS: O:2L | F\AI NAR: O-3L | QRS: \2B_ oA \6ss" 80% O-S1 D™A41208- € 1 Posies of Ub Gor vnreve( Wal SE oka | eohcs & -fsc rox am, Ts dfflerent: Ford co. wm: Te- Gor pasiten GE \oadls “Rg _nrac® SF and 2 Seciicn.| 12sG | 9sG | 2-5G, .Tersl Bry | i { Ciro) | zing BM “Ol Raq Ot oO R244 | ¢ Owe A2SO- \1123°9, 6152! 68> 276+ | 7620-9. 2\52-60 \os8O-9S. Isis -aq | Odi |g99a98. 4139-10 (3396.92 21S30-0)._, Oat p W299) 413014) AAR 39 2OsB2. 89. ~—§ QO St_| 80-59 Agang (2286-3 20s14-a9. | | s & C sinecur+ 7 eS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE a Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 Oi = Sac am eee Cawle Crap No: 4: | seeecermusnasrotnsc nar nsttine ore Title: OOL OL G21 | O3L | oat jos! ® \WoTs lade \idle | Us4e 66. (18s CMa). 404 S04) 384, 164) 244 284 | Fate CEN). |2657+ 2699+ /2740 | 2770-0 2199+ og2R. 77, | 77. | 162. 23 t22, Fstne. [aa- | ave | | (28 | of Zle & al = Nes Cetra critey Stool Wes o Fawe = ctyes XA: we COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE | ZF Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 fee Cathie Gosup NO:2+ | He O-OL | ole | o2t | OS oA | OSL loss [133+ Ll4se \\s6+ 2+ ass (iC 8 B42 | 804 — “SING 292+ 66 |G 378 s 13 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 Cale Grace Word ————_= Tite: 6-0L loan O22 | OrdL a4 | oS! D_ tone G-O2\I_ 0-065). 6-0304) @ Se 5205 3/47 \a4\ | | THO G09 9-06 6-03. Q) Bal stras. | . . s | . ‘ "i 25264, 864) (196. 32g. S94, CRefi Tarte: cableGroupMha yf © Fevce cen): 2602. 2655 271 | a+ 27g1+__oe19-— +206: ("336 | *84 | 087. | 93. | 026, (6) F-sine. 2A4. |. | Ble | 20 | 356 | 350 ft A= 24°00 = 24.00 Wren, COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 \ rOkG | a O42. ¢ jose WR. | 44 | sar | Its 422. AGA | 464 S64 | 264 | B04, | + 9684s | 2747+ 976s! 2782 M4 ale, O14. | 434, Be | | | \o- ZAI. a SS EEE eee Az 24y\00 = 2490 wrr?, COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE 14 Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 Y Able SC No, ae T T Sie. |oedt | eet | et Ord1 ott | ost | | | 1 | @)_|_-tdnG- 91626 0: (082 G-as4_| @| s&s 92S 617 30g. I Qe TAS O16 610% G-0s4 t ‘ | | @ _ Fnal (49+ LOR | ae Mts the stress. 99. \@ | 67a] 486] ig2 | 774 ©) Foxe. Cen), 2519-2594. 2662. | 2739+ | 2767- Longs. S316 | 922) o1 66. 637, Ass: Fs | | i © E-Sin& ACY | 28 \aefe ' A \ge.| 242. | ora. oe) eee ee ee 24AMOQ— 2400 vroree Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 So COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE : | ZF : O-3b | sat OSL. Al 12; 244 6 26s\- 269% | 2726+ 2196 QR\) 22, + FBR D6. “286 | o2s +312 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE = Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 > Ss a i . 4 CAR Cate Crap No. ESTING Ce8VGhLoolL: \ TWAS 2 2. 66. 2A +20. 4. BA\> 612: S AQ +|36 a 30:66 Total = 1880: 032 Kes: NU = 46172 9128 «n-(4) ( --- 125649664 F = 1280-038 mCb). sas GQ) @ ove. (BF sing) + SE durto caulttomate doods Crck _SE)- Nea = sty = A612 128 — \880'038 = 2193-69 kn. 8 On. ve € CBOCL e's Uscroaked jn Ptexuxe. Nica = o°6 76d \ CHET o-Bfep xf b = 2*xS00 = [960 Coral ilo aidth) qd = 1500 wie. Pe = 0246 [re fe = 9243s. Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune -411 005, BS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE PF Ft = 42 la: oT ip = coonpresNe _stress_ok coohsidal Oris dure to prestress Cina) section Poor: Resuttant chruses @ ool 4242037: Ausre-to “Pool preshress ® A Crop = 2-097 MPa, = 629+ S28: oChatter\= S401] MPa, ae @_ sv'eoh veg sshbege( ) = 810'4- Occur Whthtr frst 4 vents | (asses) Rs ATA, 2S ee eae L ie oitthoan Sayer ‘ 4-540! yy Bfepshoud toe “totes dwreto’ : phos} A oaca ft fara! pres 62D'S2R |sso | Be S304 IR = \2866. 2, Rep = 2-074 \:3866 | ¢ = 24926 MPa, \ Check 4% cm M_Flex ure | Py NCO = 0°67 X1000% 1500 | CVa2)e FO.8X 24826 , X \e42) Vico = 2456x108 Vico = 2456) 3S kn: Cres Neti Bertie 2 = Vico Ni cane possi 2719309. e 76 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 Cunenac\ces 19 Prevuse).. {ta = shect POL = SF Cnet) miei titercte \oads. Cilou- Ves) = 2797209 — 2ASErRS. = SSGr et hs - Pasvide shear RLE+ Ganaan®anto vests “HA Ee Shar Ss) Check 2% Fae Nina: CRE \RCIRs Po.9S Jannove = ron SE! He 4 0°8x\sS00: = fador x bxdb. =~db= (200 wes oro = Ref Tanie 6) mow shear Shress: CARCAR Py aT) Fec Ww cen crete > non Shean chess | ==:_Ac4h Meo. ZQO- Maae = 4 Car 2 a> =, BEWKHABSB Kr S280 rae. Now: ok. DHLABRD 2713209 kn. 2% _SOcifeary need rot __ve_vextsed. Pyaat Chek?» Cracicod M -Ftexure CyRe: pg 23)+ me Vor = 0037 bdo. | fx. 8) sc} BU Mae ook tages = N= SE @oot = 4673-102 h- aC 5 Ne a Me stippact |). This chen © appymr =O. Cissy OO oeNev ho —> co | | vet THs means tHhak stippore secifen hosOoO chebr I yests0n" C91 LEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE 4 Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 BS = @ ots able Grase Sa: Esine Ck) @ oir. \ BAe80- 2 \AQ-d42 & \S9- as6 4 232°923. 4 a 280-240 ( Torn = $29: 639 kw Fern (256+ 286-k2-S®) > Nu @ ote = 3907-722 kN: C4) CEsine) $29. 699 C4) ae A a anal _Seod | Joy. — Nu- “2 Ce-sing) = 39057123 —829-699 18-024 - =>) chook 4 % Vico = ttimate sincar yvesfsionce of | cAn crete» Rec esctookeh _seetion: roo = e ML + o- Bice x FE. b= (2¥ 421-25) = a= PF = R62.SO_ wen \soo eaant 42) wnt, Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 St Res ittcrete Ancaas G8 Oe OtL dueta troy Ah COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE a Preshres 3s O:274 G2-25- \ 624-85. aaa | ae pls. S7k-(S \ Pofip = 0-27443 457 lt x = 272) mr. 233 0 S65] Lace = 061% od Cre 9 -efep xf» = O64 CR62:50) x Is00 x J Cra o8x BTA xa = 2468x108 0 (61+ 866 Yu. = Onek 2% Not = 0-037 b= $62sQ vem: fck = 3S MA i. wren + (06S: 29 Vent GOT): Me Ss = Co37 [re +o-8-Fpt ) Sl Met, ak 4Ne econ COL) ~ Vog4 arian Y= Up Co teawile! F\oer iS to ee yrs conmiderd) + Ref: Po: 24:1RC- ) slecston here S daam’t MEAan Seven duete presress- COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE AS ein! reac MOREE ENBE TUR NSE! ear 2s Yio = B1B+ |S ven. | ee ea eee, \ Jb? 81B+\S >> ores Cdanueto = ar airs. \Xasses)* @ Gri bet £ a : = omARA Chop) & Qratag (inttown). | 0214 6s} Ly y 0274 E295. -|SO0 | aige| | mmm ho SSID 4 x [nee ATES. | = Shyeis~P~CAc - IBNS. > BS t Tt 8 6s}. =fpe = . s} 4 oxen He Ree 2Ga Risen Wiaeos ¢ eM — Coa | RE +o efor x z Mi = f4o 12S O 8x 81689 yx \24'5. ior Fes 83 Mi = \\354 +306 Krvn, ea Nee = 07037 b-db- fee (Me) ye \™ b= ox 9s. REO: won [Tiggsim : | COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 Moy: Shenr Or at 1 = 3909-4 kos Cheniggss) pandiicg. BM ak Ol\lL — 12976-58 kuyn- oo NC duset MaxonUeen SE: Fes4 = 0-077 REFZIL 9 5,. BS { (\\284 -396 XBS a ane se SE ens Cknyn / kus) Le e eNom = (188810? ++ > ganas Sia BRo06-loS- CRD Mar BM, Ot oll = (2293212 Korn i Ss) = 2a \Ic dure to WnoeAracurn B14) Nica = 0-027) YX 862%5a KX RIB RI sf 3s \Oés: 23. th C384 So6nd® \ y agcs, qaxic: 23g [ia xia 7 iisg = ACEH SSS qo), 3-532 1062.4 5?- UL ; VW 26GR-en 3724 - los kn ct) New fos tog Fae. - = CrRets: 924), Nov fo. S62EO% \SOO jas. yo: Sas—ostr = VES Om KN) = 765+ 393 fue ’ - Nev) and View GES-393) ko 76 S394 be Sepa Ssh COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wollesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 Io = SF +Hhok can we Carvied ley, carociete: _ TN - D Neo = 2161 660 ay = : -\os). | in = : ~ los). { | Ba c&s No is No rest eed courccl’ OF cOncKete): Wuncrcaked section | Jour Cs e dire to cltonate toads) = DIZ OVA Kes: | Cshean 4 oe vesfsied ). i fo SWear -ta ce _yesi'sted by shear QF = Now-Neo = 3078024 — 2167+ R66 BlOr \S8 Ke fs Provide ean #8. C apeasnanan that Dia. \ ke Sheak+ | Cineck D*% JAandce + = fader %. bxdle- \200 = {a BEL SOX BAyBPS ACSA: JO) = hOqanye te: 4sS4. Wynne? Son SS ADauye BSB 024 kn - SS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE IP Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 Po Sechon new Foot oe -yexe ised. So COLLEGE « OF ENGINEERING, PUNE ae S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 S R/E®S Chefs lac \&: Pg. 24 sf Lael), Asy = Nave - = (y=v) Sv O87. dt. So PaO of shear RIF ORRNED Ohecgy cHre Qecoett trof ~ rmeroicek: 9g Ne O87: fy: dk « Asy CNU-No), Oa. Urmieg (99 ere, effect CREO teaIan Vde > dt& = \Sx0- lan =1400 ven Wat i CANS) - Sechica, chlo Cure) G-al $22 R2¢ O-\L IN6s-29.. \\Rq-as. oI 281-4 Oat &o'se. \QB\r4 fo Ak = aveater of Go &G) = 1490 ves S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE | | Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 Otters, ( hear c 4 Y, . Section _| Clu-No) en O-al (AGTR-\28\— -2S (clés 0-028 | 3674 ket: | | OAL Dlorse- | | o2k U2). 265 | On3L 922-3) { Oral BZ-00. | O'sl 258-00 ace i cortidor p= O87. Ty dibs _Asv | Ri2-= UR037- CVuNe) | hove roa 18S 4 | | Cv?) Ee = Or | Ms = 201 06 VY O-87xAlSxl490 x Asv_)\ Nuwe ). gnsden_sos4#o 4_Asv } | ENowic 1 « (ieee VueVe = S10-1SR xlo2 N: | Dpax—_4% *¥ren. { Gls fa G22) ere, Rise ay NN 66 oe > Pasvide Glé= stipes @ Mo wn clr ee ee do A | xen. oF shear RINE preded [ran ‘soo % 2G0\-06 = R297 6 BAB were al ey COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE wy Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 CiQ_ fromm _9 AL 4s 0:2. at o- vs SE (vue Ve} = 1-2 6s Ke) For Rilo SN = 86-8 ween: a. ov yo om, | : Ve) = Provide Tor 16 @ oct, Chea Of sreax RIE previded.| van = 1R21'B \8 weed, ev. GF35) “to _O"4L- @oals, CVyurvwe= BOO kn: Prvido Hie @ nade: Onen provided = 182-7 wend [ae QO. _ OAL tO. os’ @ asl, Nou-ve}— 258 kn: Pres ee = 27 a 2? ora A ® . 4 ~rneter- = (O00 wre. C_ (800/200) = S Nos AC 4&8) = SO? 265 weeds Se ie tad = Oo 265 = 25\- 225 weed | eo aren of Bio @ iso we cle. C_Yert| +X): AS$0O —~ 2 baw. so ~-AYea= 1x18: 54 — 549.4 Vrs So COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE | ‘Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005, RIE prstided: | C wore? [ord \ Olek \R27+ BAB A972 di 236s: 4\ ABTBR OL \&27-R\ A oa Ware waane o-st _S2260: SA9-12: ¢ = ‘saa hea. cOmmecions ane prided foro | ve { row. mr Deis of ele: | O-ok OAL | ie o2L, | Qk Orau | Ord. aa | O4l ne. € a2 ee COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE a ‘Wellesly Road, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 Expected Exteasians + —_—_——— Tacirs, stvess dict x stress. before SNP (ae, 14900 2I\ox1a3- | eso | ae Seso | eo \D80-R2 4\42 460: \263-74. A03\ 220 3000. \as\-seé. | AQS4 620. Oa SOOO | ISS ae | ONS ia o-s\ 1sao \a27- 34 \Q9Io\o- z\S:30%Yn. 2OR\4- 738: Oe” 6s . TT srr | Q'0obt oh | o2t gail oA | pee I + pot a 30 + +36 | spin ote om e@ +s indtecte cectfons: utter Jacking siyess. {5_calculoted. 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