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Date: 9-14-2017 Class: P1 Lesson:

Teacher/s: /

Learning Objectives:
Welcome the students show new vocabulary

Key Vocabularies:
Hello What’s your name?
I’m Danny. My name is Mike.
Listen, point, count, talk, ask, answer
Key Sentence Structures:
Make a dialogue
Hello everyone
What’s your name?
Im Danny
How are you today?
Im good
Preparation/materials needed:
white board, markers, flash cards (laminated), word cards (laminated)

Warm Up(10m)SWBAT: Get to know each other, sing a song to warm up

It’s the first class for the students. Introduce yourself and your teaching partner, get to know
your students. You may have to give them English names if they don’t have.
Greet each student individually by saying: Hi, my name is …. What’s your name? How are you?
Tell your new students your classroom rules.
Song: “I’m the music man” Once all students are seated and ready, get them stand up and sing a
song, let them follow the music and do actions.
Activity 1 (15m) SWBAT: learn TL and V through the story
Objective: to introduce themselves
Practice: Hello What’s your name? I’m Danny. My name is Mike.
Game/Speaking: get the kids in front of the class and do dialogues

Activity 2 (15m) SWBAT: practice actions for the TL and V through a dialogue
Set Up: Hold up each flashcard, say the word and have students repeat x 3 (normal, soft, loud)
Model: Using target language Listen, point, count, talk, ask, answer

Activity 3 (10m) SWBAT: Individual V practice. Draw/Write

Review: animal vocabularies.
Do: Teacher asks students to draw and write the characters they learned in order.
Things needed: paper, crayons, pencils
Wrap (10m) SWBAT: Individual TL & V practice. Move/Sing

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