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Magal Weinberg

Written Expression

Professor Feldman

16 January, 2018

My First Amendment Right

Censorship is wrong; really, really wrong… in most cases. In many instances it violates

citizens’ first amendment right to free speech. Censorship is most terrible when it unnecessarily

censors ideas; like when it is put in place to purposefully stop people from examining and

questioning social norms. Sure, you may think something is polluting your child's mind, but is it?

Maybe it’s widening your child’s view of the world; an open mind is a healthy one. There are

certain points in a child’s life where they need to be able to see things from an adult point of

view, and open their mind to more serious, graphic, and “real” things (this should be up to the

parent to decide when their child is mature enough). There is no distinct line for what things

should be censored and what shouldn't. Everything is subjective and contextual, blanket

statements on censorship are generally insensitive, ignorant, ridiculous, and overall stupid. Each

point made on censorship (both for and against) should be at least somewhat specific.

Hateful speech is harmful, but even hate speech protests should not be censored (unless

violent acts occur, violence on public news networks should have viewer discretion with a

warning), all points of view should be seen and known, even the ridiculous ones. I must add, hate

speech or any speech that encourages acts of violence or any illegal acts in general, should be

censored. Slander is different because it is false accusation without proof of guilt, it is not simply

opinion and should therefore be censored (i.e. blatant accusations without any evidence of truth).
Cyberbullying doesn’t really exist. Cyberbullying actions such as revenge pornography

are already illegal in the United States. The only cyberbullying that really does exist can be

prevented, you can report harmful and harassing posts. If someone sends you a harmful message

you can report and block them. The solution to cyberbullying is to be more aware of your actions

online, and know what you can do to prevent harassment aimed towards you (i.e. know the risks

of your actions online and that while not always but most of the time harassment is received in

return of an action). It is your choice to feel offended or harassed at statements not directed

towards you.

Keep in mind that all social media have measures in place to prevent cyberbullying, but

as is, cyberbullying does not exist unless you allow it to. If someone sends you a harmful dm,

block and report them; if someone posts something harmful towards you, if it is not already

flagged, do so and be on your way. ​You as a person choose what you do on the internet, and it’s

no one’s job but yours to know the risks of roaming it​. As an international entity, laws created by

governments to enforce their own peoples (on the internet) do not affect the people of other

nations. The notion that this is possible is wrong. There are applications a parent can use to

prevent cyberbullying to and from their children, and that area needs no improvement.

The internet does not deserve to be censored, in a world full of rules and laws and

restrictions, for many, this is the only free place left. Leave it up to parents to decide what their

child is able to do on the internet. As Americans, we deserve the right to free speech and

expression, a censorship of these rights is both legally and morally wrong. “Congress shall make

no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or

abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to

assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

In the case of The Slants (an Asian-American rock band), the American Patent and

Trademark Office prevented from getting a trademark for their band name on the grounds that it

was racist and may disparage an ethnic group. Meanwhile, another 800 trademarks including the

word ​slant​ have been given registration, making them the only people to have ever been denied a

trademark registration for the word slant. Suggesting that anyone can trademark the word except

Asian Americans. This case went to the Supreme Court and The Slants won the case, earning

themselves registration for their band name. This is another example of unnecessary censorship,

and an opinion give during the case stated that “A law found to discriminate based on viewpoint

is an ‘egregious form of content discrimination,’ which is ‘presumptively unconstitutional.’ … A

law that can be directed against speech found offensive to some portion of the public can be

turned against minority and dissenting views to the detriment of all. The First Amendment does

not entrust that power to the government’s benevolence. Instead, our reliance must be on the

substantial safeguards of free and open discussion in a democratic society.”

I think that the only solution to this abuse of power and censorship is a better education

for children and people of all ages on censorship and what free speech really means. On what we

really do have the right to do and what we don’t. More articles (similar to this) on censorship

should be printed and seen by the general population. The problem isn’t necessarily the

censorship itself but the misunderstanding of censorship, its abuse, and its negative effects.

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