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Valerie Gonzalez

March 29, 2018


Final Reflection 9:
Directions Part 1: Using your notes and the pictures you may have taken during the tour,
answer the questions below to the best of your ability. Be specific.
1. List 4 new facts you found interesting about the history of murals, murals in the Mission
and/or public art and public art law in San Francisco from Patricia Rose’s presentation and mural
● I found it interesting that the murals in San Francisco were inspired by painters like
Diego Rivera and I love the connection Patricia Rose made with Mexican painters and
the muralists in the Mission district.
● It’s interesting that male muralists wanted to show the struggles and setbacks that them
and their people faced.
● I thought it was unique how the first group of female muralists called themselves
“Mujeres Muralistas” and that their paintings represented the importance of family and
● It’s cool to think that the mission district community comes together to create murals
which are ultimately political statements as Patricia Rose stated.

2. Based upon the presentation and tour, what do you think is the value of murals and public art,
especially in communities like the Mission?
Based on the presentation and tour, I realize that there is actually a lot of history and
thought put into creating murals. I use to take art for granted but after Rose’s presentation, I was
intrigued by the history of art and I plan on returning to Mission District with my family. What I
truly value from the murals in the Mission is what each represents individually, for example one
painting I saw represented the times during the Salvadoran war and a fairly new painting
defended DACA recipients. I have a new and profound for public art because they show what
some words cannot describe.

3. What was one mural or mural message that stood out to you and why? Describe either the
mural itself or explain the theme or message that you found important in any of the murals you
The mural that stood out to me was a mural created by a young Salvadoran guy on the
Taqueria San Francisco's building. It stood out to me because of its size, precise detail, and it
only consisted of shades of blue, white, black, and some red. I loved how the muralist included
what seemed to be like different scenes and people. On one side, there was a mother with her
arm around her little boy and she had tears running down her face and in the center there was
what appeared to be a person battling a police officer. And on the other side, there were women
praying. The message this mural gave me was struggle for survival and it showed me that one
can be creative in the way they show it, without including words.

4. In the spring, we will be reading Cathy Arellano’s book, Salvation on the Mission. It is a book
about her growing up in the Mission and her memories about her family and friends growing up
in the Mission. Based upon the observations you made, as well as what you learned from
Patricia’s tour through Balmy Alley and 24th Street, what do you think might be the PURPOSE
or IMPORTANCE of Arellano’s book, especially in today’s changing climate in San Francisco?
After learning about the history of the murals in the Mission and going on a tour through
Balmy Alley and 24th Street, I think it would of been amazing to grow up there. The history of
Hispanic people is painted on those walls and growing up there would've meant living in the
middle of a lot of political statements. I think the purpose of Arellano’s book will be to show
readers that throughout history, this has been the home to a large percentage of Hispanics and
that it’s welcoming to all people, except people who wish to remove these people from their
homes. I think it will stress that undocumented or not, all these people belong here and have
created a life for themselves in the Mission community like in all areas of the U.S.

Directions Part 2: As you consider the occupations suggested by your MBTI (Myers-Briggs
Type Indicator) and SII (Strong Interest Inventory), reflect on how each one fits with your
own interests and personality.

1. What did you learn about yourself from the assessment results?
Through the MBTI results, I learned that I am warm, sympathetic, personable, loyal,
energetic, and organized which all describe me pretty well, except I’m not as organized as I
should be. But what shocked me about these results was how it knew that I focus on the needs of
others and that I am not great with conflict. I was very happy to see that registered nurse was on
my top ten strongest occupations because that is my dream career.

2. What are some strengths and challenges with your MBTI type?
I think my greatest strengths as a ESFJ are being helpful, personable, and loyal while my
challenges are being uncomfortable with conflict and being often uncomfortable with impersonal
analysis. I feel these strengths and challenges are very accurate.

3. How might you use this information in exploring majors, universities, careers, and future
learning experiences?
After confirming through this assessment that I am very personable and helpful I feel like
a career as a nurse would be ideal for me. This assessment and the graduates I talked to also
made me consider being a counselor because I enjoy helping others but that is something to

4. Please note the names of the USF graduate students you with whom you met and explain what
you found the most meaningful during your USF/Puente Career Session.
The USF graduate students I met with were Abby Costello and Andrea (I can’t remember
her last name) and they were very sweet and welcoming. They were also well informed about
MBTI and SII assessments because they took the assessments too. They told me that my results
for the MBTI are unique because my results ranged from moderate to slight meaning I could
easily be a little bit of both in areas like thinking and feeling. But what I found most meaningful
from this Puente Career Session was the help I received to understand my results, and the
questions I was able to ask them about majors and transfering. They also advised me to know my
interests and skills because I can always come back to them when re thinking majors and careers.

5. Upload the PDF copies of your MBTI and SII results to your portfolio.

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