Research Project Part 2

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Valerie Gonzalez

March 12, 2018

English 1T

Research Notes for Annotated Bibliography

Directions Part 2: ​After researching the topics and focus questions you want to try to answer to
help you develop your essay, complete the following ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY notes
for your research.

Source 1

Title: ​Family reunification drives child migration from Latin America

Source of Text:​ Vanderbilt University
Database or URL for source:
Scholarly or Popular Source? ​Scholarly
This text describes that having a parent or close family member in the United States is a
pull factor for children to migrate to the United States. The parent or close family member most
likely arrived to the U.S. in the same way that these children will. Countless of children decide to
go on this dangerous journey to the U.S. in hopes to be reunited with their parent or close family
member and to escape the violence and poverty in their countries. Due to the immigration laws,
these children willingly go on these journeys because there is no other possible way for them to
be reunited with their families. There is also no guarantee that a child will be granted permission
to stay in the U.S, even if they have families living in the United States. Through the U.S.
anti-trafficking laws Central American children are granted removal hearings but they are speedy
and based on their responses and do not promise every child permission to reside in the U.S.
These laws do not apply for children who enter the U.S from bordering countries. This site
argues that if immigration and refugee protection worked well for children and offered them
legal visas to reunify with their families, then we could expect low levels of unauthorized entry.
The immigration system is cold and does not protect these unaccompanied minors. A last key
argument from this site is that children that enter the U.S that have a close family member in the
U.S. should be eligible for protection. It’s unthinkable to think that a child would have to go
through that journey only to be turned back to their countries and away from their families again.
This source responds to my focus question, “what is the relationship between family separation
and the increase in migration of unaccompanied minors?” This source shows that the increase in
migration of unaccompanied minors is connected to family reunification. Most of the time these
children are left behind while their parents make the journey first because there isn’t enough
money or resources for them to go together. These children do not want to feel alone and
continue to live in the middle of all the violence and so they make the journey. This source helps
me show why I agree with Luiselli’s argument that unaccompanied minors should be treated as
refugees and offered asylum or other options other than deportation. This source answers
Luiselli’s first question in her book and it adds on to the answers children have given her. This
particular source gave me ideas that Luiselli’s book didn’t. Based on this source, a claim I will
use in my essay is “unaccompanied minors that have a parent or responsible guardian in the U.S.
should never be turned back to their home countries.” I believe having a guardian here should
help these children cases but sadly it doesn’t. My thesis is still being revised but I know I am in
agreement with Luiselli’s argument so this will connect to my thesis.
Other questions or topics this source connects to:​ Statistically, how many children are denied
permission to stay in the U.S with their families?

Source 2

Title: ​3 Major Causes of Poverty in El Salvador

Source of Text: ​The Borgen Project
Database or URL for source: ​
Scholarly or Popular Source? ​Popular source (organization working to bring U.S. political
attention to global poverty)
This source is short but it describes the three major causes of poverty in El Salvador
which are an unproductive economy, crime, and climate change. El Salvador’s economy has
remained constant meaning there is lack of activity, growth, and development, especially in the
agricultural sector. Salvadorian coffee crops exports decreased and many rural areas are
experiencing extreme poverty. There are groups like the International Fund for Agricultural
Development that are offering their help. However, this economy’s crash has significantly
affected the youth population because their is a lack of jobs. Readers can infer that these levels of
poverty can make adolescents turn to crime and gang activity. This source says, “by 2014, the
cost of crime increased to 4 billion US dollars, 16 percent of El Salvador’s GDP” which makes
up most of the country’s funds. Lastly, climate change contributes to the poverty seen in El
Salvador because as temperatures rise, the crop yield is expected to drop.
This source responds to my focus question, “what is the relationship between poverty and
the increase of children migration?” I feel like Luiselli mentions poverty as a push factor but she
isn’t very specific. I want my essay to include a variety of “push factors” because my only strong
argument so far is violence. This site helps me create a claim that I didn’t know how to support
before reading this and it supports my thesis that unaccompanied minors should be granted

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