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Second Moment Method for Evaluating Human Health Risks from

Groundwater Contaminated by Trichloroethylene

Timothy L. Jacobs,1 John M. Warmerdam,1 Miguel A. Medina,1 and Warren T. Pive9
'Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708-0287; 2National Institute of Environmental
Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 USA

chemicals (8). A diverse human population

Poilutants n grou ter aquifers may constitute a significat human ha risk A large v-ra includes males, females, children, and elder-
amonghuman populations experiencing theisautelevel
donin.sponsemayresult....Vaub4y and duration ly individuals with different genetic charac-
*of~P~:.V.p.....a. .....cacnoei oof.a
nant k a;:strhlroethye (Ta)can be presented by a distrih*nfisa..c bc':n!o ......e......
teristics and varying states of health. Support
for including
f variability in safe doses comes
doses. Spatialvutiabilny an squxfi6erharacceristic and
_co raaponptrametenrequires from a study by Portier and Kaplan (9). In
t use a od to qutify varability in a econntra. A sc- this study, variability in safe doses was
ond moetim d is used to" evluate the probabit of exceeding safe'doselevel for a ancta obtained by defining the variables in a phys-
mianated The name ofth'method stems fioin the fact that i on is n iologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK)
.the. first and secodJmoen soft:he rando vaiabe ihti ehd,tepoaiiyi
model for methylene chloride in probabilis-
fnucsou of the viability of ........ .i....j
conceanon(whacknapam abihyahydr....................
r.. ...

tic terms. PBPK models describe physiologi-

geologicnDef suhah$mr.odciiy a h aiblt mpaea h
population In this manner, the severity of the health isk pose b a cot aed d uand cal and metabolic functions and processes
that affect the distribution of chemicals and
the evaluatiio apprp quifer dii aire a ftionof their metabolites in different organs and tis-
contaminant concesatratmons andhuman health risks The apMlic.uty aniiadnlimitatioas eoftis sues. An important component of the car-
.. .... ..
cinogenic mechanism of methylene chloride
is metabolic activation by glutathione S-
t:icha roethyene. Leans HealthPenn:a 1 H4 866A470 (1996 transferase. In human populations, there
exists considerable variability in the rate
coefficients for the enzyme-mediated metab-
Prioritizing the remediation of contaminated solute transport process and the variability olism of methylene chloride, thereby result-
aquifers has very large economic and human of safe dose levels for a diverse population. ing in varying biological concentrations of
health implications. When carcinogenic con- TCE is a volatile, nonflammable chlo- reactive metabolites in tissues and organs. In
taminants are present in groundwater, rinated aliphatic hydrocarbon used exten- this study, it was shown that as the variance
human health risks must be estimated sively as a metal degreasing solvent. The in metabolic rate parameters increased the
because the water may be used for drinking, International Agency for Research on mean or average safe dose remained about
washing food, and bathing. Contaminants Cancer (IARC) has listed TCE as a Group the same; however, the variance in safe
may enter groundwater as a result of burial 3 carcinogen in humans (1). The classifi- exposure doses increased (9). These results
or deep-well injection of hazardous wastes cation is based on inadequate evidence of suggest that safe doses in a diverse human
into the subsurface or migration into the carcinogenicity in humans and limited evi- population may be uncertain and are better
subsurface from surface impoundments. dence of carcinogenicity in experimental represented probabiistically.
Because remediation is usually a long-term animal studies. A review of other acute and Groundwater contaminant concentra-
and expensive process, it is important to chronic toxic effects of TCE is detailed in a tions at pumping well locations vary as a
develop methods to determine which conta- technical report by the Agency for Toxic result of imposed hydraulic transients.
minated aquifers pose the greatest health Substances and Disease Registry (2). Furthermore, natural groundwater systems
risks. In some cases, containment rather than In developing water quality standards for are rarely uniform and homogeneous. For a
remediation may be the most appropriate groundwater, the U.S. Environmental particular contaminated aquifer, values of
strategy. In this paper the term remediation Protection Agency (EPA) uses ambient water transport parameters such as hydraulic con-
includes all processes, technologies, and quality standards that have been developed ductivity, dispersivity, and sorption coeffi-
water management strategies that reduce for surface waters such as lakes, streams, cients to soil surfaces can vary significantly
contaminant concentrations in groundwater rivers, and ponds. For TCE, the EPA has from location to location. Due to this sub-
aquifers. In addition to setting priorities for established a life-time exposure standard of 5 surface heterogeneity, stochastic models are
remediation, it is important to estimate pg/l (3 ) and the World Health required to describe solute transport uncer-
health risks to determine and evaluate the Organization (WHO) has established a
effectiveness of methods and technologies short-term exposure standard of 70 g/ for Address correspondence to T.L. Jacobs, Department
that are either available or are being consid- exposures greater than 14 days but less than of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke
ered to remediate contaminated aquifers. In 12 months (4). University, Box 90287, Durham, NC 27708-0287
this paper, the human health risk under con- Methods for quantifying cancer risks as Field data used in this artide were provided by the
sideration is the probability of cancer as a a result of lifetime low-level exposure to U.S. Air Force under contract F08635-92-C-0009 to
result of life-time exposure to trichloroethyl- chemical carcinogens (5-7) calculate either M. A. Medina and T. L. Jacobs, Duke University,
ene (TCE) in drinking water from ground- a single or a narrow range of safe doses for a to develop an advisory system for modeling and
water aquifers. Using data on TCE concen- very low risk of cancer, usually one in a decision-making under conditions of uncertainty.
trations measured in a contaminated aquifer, million. For individual members of a Base, Several site visits were conducted at Hill Air Force
a method is described for estimating carcino- diverse human population, however, a wide B. Stauffer Utah, coordinated by project officers Thomas
and Thomas P. de Venoge, Armstrong
genic risks by incorporating the uncertainties range of outcomes is usually observed as a Laboratory, Tyndall AFB, Florida.
associated with the groundwater flow and result of life-time exposure to carcinogenic Recieved 1 August 1995; accepted 24 April 1996.

866 Volume 104, Number 8, August 1996 * Environmental Health Perspectives

Articles Second moment method for evaluating health risks

tainty. For these models, parameters describ- where Pf is defined as the probability that the convolution integral of Equation 2 may
ing the transport process are represented by contaminant concentrations exceed the safe be solved directly using any appropriate
distribution functions with prescribed dose. The subscript off indicates that this is numerical integration technique.
means and variances. Therefore, calculated a probability of failure, e.g., contaminant
contaminant concentrations at pumping concentrations in groundwater exceed safe Aquifer and Contaminant
wells are described probabilistically. exposure doses. Lettingf1(r) andf1(c) define Characteristics
the distribution of safe doses and the distrib- The contaminated aquifer used in this study
Second Moment Formulation ution of contaminant concentrations, respec- is designated as Operational Unit 3 (OU3)
The second moment formulation is com- tively, the probability that contaminant con- and is located at Hill Air Force Base (AFB)
monly used by structural engineers to eval- centrations exceed the safe dose is defined as near Ogden, Utah (8). There are four hydro-
uate the probability of failure of structural 00 geological components of the aquifer; how-
elements such as beams under variable P F=(C)fC(C)dC
| (2) ever, simulations were only required for the
loading conditions (10). In the analysis of one contaminated shallow water table aquifer
beam failure under variable loading condi- where Fr(C) is the cumulative distribution directly beneath Hill AFB. The contaminat-
tions, probability distribution functions are function of fr(r) evaluated at C Figure 1 ed area of the shallow aquifer consists of
required to describe the variability in beam illustrates Equation 2. 50% lacustrine clay and 50% lacustrine
load-carrying capacity and to describe the The method is simplified if the func- sands. The thickness of the shallow aquifer is
variability in beam loading. In this study, tions for fr(r) and f1(c) are normally distrib- between 100 to 200 feet. Hydraulic conduc-
the second moment formulation is used to uted. In this case, the probability that conta- tivities range from a low of 106 ft/day to a
determine if the distribution of concentra- minant concentrations exceed the safe dose high of 102 ft/day. The average storage coef-
tions of TCE in a contaminated aquifer can be stated in terms of the means, Pr and ficient is estimated to be 0.2 with a range of
exceeds the distribution of safe doses in a py and variances, (ar and (a, of the normally 0.01-0.3 and the average retardation factor
diverse human population (10-12). In this distributed random variables and takes for TCE is 11.8 with a range of 4.5-28. In
manner, carcinogenic health risks posed by advantage of the characteristics of the stan- this study, hydraulic conductivity is modeled
drinking groundwater from a contaminat- dard normal distribution. Using reduced as a spatially varying random variable. A plan
ed pumping well can be estimated. variates of the standard normal distribution, view of Hill AFB is shown in Figure 2,
In this analysis, the concentration of a a safety index (c) is derived. Geometrically, showing the north-south orientation of the
contaminant (C; e.g., TCE in pg/l) within , is defined as the shortest distance from the contaminant plume and primary direction of
the subsurface is modeled as a random vari- origin of the reduced variates to the limit flow in the contaminated aquifer.
able with a known mean, variance, and dis- state where the safe dose concentration is
tribution. Variable safe doses are also mod- equal to the pollutant concentration. Model Simulations
eled as a random variable (1) with known Mathematically, , is defined as To illustrate the methodology presented in
mean, variance, and distribution. At any Equations 1 through 4 for evaluating the
time, the safe dose level should be greater Rr R health risks of a contaminated aquifer,
than the concentration of contaminant a r +a TCE transport behavior was analyzed with
encountered. That is R> C. Similarly, if R c (3) a two-dimensional (2-D) finite difference
< C, the contaminant concentration contaminant transport model based on the
exceeds the safe dose. As a probability, this Using the safety index, the probability that method of characteristics (MOC) (12,13).
event is expressed as contaminant concentrations will exceed the This model has been modified to run suc-
safe dose reduces to cessive Monte Carlo simulations to account
Pf =R< C) (1) for subsurface heterogeneity (12,14,15). In
the development of model transport equa-
tions, the units given in the definitions for
P = 1-<zD ]r_ variables and parameters in groundwater
flow and contaminant transport equations
Ca (4) have been written in the basic units of
length (L), time (t) and mass (M). The
U where D (.) represents the standard normal model is composed of a coupled groundwa-
S distribution function. ter flow and contaminant transport model.
I.0 The approach presented in Equations 1 The 2-D groundwater flow is given as
through 4 is often called the second moment
formulation (10,11). The name stems from dh
Concentration (micrograms per liter) the fact that the model requires only the dis- S +W(x,y,t)
tribution means and standard deviations that t dt
Figure 1. Graphical representation of the second are functions of the first and second d F dhl dF dhl
moment method. fc(C) represents the distribution moments of the distributions. Equations 3
function of contaminant concentrations in
groundwater from a pumping well located in the and 4 are useful only if both distributions are
dx [x dx dy aY [dy Y]
contaminant plume. FR(C) is the cumulative distri- normally distributed or are assumed to be
bution function for safe doses for this contami- normally distributed. If the data are found to where St is the storage coefficient or storativi-
nant for a diverse human population. The area of be other than normally distributed, an alter- ty of the aquifer (dimensionless), h is
overlap of these two distribution functions is the native solution strategy must be used. One hydraulic head (L), W(x,y,t) is the volume
probability that contaminant concentrations in method is to transform the true distribution flux per unit area of the source term (positive
groundwater exceed safe dose concentrations.
This probability, Pf, is computed by the convolu- into an equivalent normal distribution using for outflow and negative for inflow; L t-l),
tion integral of Equation 2. the Rosenblatt transform (10). Alternatively, and K xx and Kyy are the x:- and yy-diagonal

Environmental Health Perspectives * Volume 104, Number 8, August 1996 867

Articles * Jacobs et al.

where S is contaminant concentration

j /
Primary direction
of flow
\.... .. .. . .. ..

1 in= 1.14 mile

sorbed to soil/solid surfaces (L3 L73), C is
contaminant concentration (M L73), pB is
bulk density (M L-3), e is porosity (dimen-
sionless), and D. and D are the hydrody-
namic dispersion components, (L2r)
In the complete description of contami-
nant transport in the subsurface, model
equations begin by including terms for trans-
port by convection and dispersion and a
term for contaminant degradation. The term
for TCE degradation (16) has been omitted
from the contaminant transport equation for
the Hill AFB aquifer because the rate of con-
taminant dispersive flow for this aquifer is
much greater than the rate of degradation.
Because of this situation, degradation of
TCE will have a negligible impact on
changes in TCE concentrations as a function
of time and location within the aquifer. In
the development of contaminant transport
models, it is important to emphasize that
model equations for a specific aquifer must
first include terms for degradation of the
contaminant by chemical and biological
mechanisms along with terms describing the
hydrodynamics of the aquifer. If it is deter-
mined that the rate of hydrodynamic trans-
port is much greater than the rate of contam-
inant degradation, degradation terms can be
omitted from the contaminant transport
equation. If the rates of degradation and
hydrodynamic transport are of comparable
magnitude, terms describing contaminant
degradation must be included.
TCE is weakldy sorbed to organic matter
in soils and the sorption process can be
approximated by a linear Freundlich
isotherm, S = KJC, where K~is the equilib-
rium sorption coefficient (L3 M3) (17).
Without data on longitudinal and trans-
verse dispersivities, the dispersion coeffi-
cient is approximated as a scalar constant.
area designated as the area of MOC
Figure 2. Schematic of Hill AFB, Utah. The boundaries of the boxed
simulation represent the boundaries of the TCE contaminant plume at Hill AFB. MOC is the representation
With these modifications, the contaminant
for the method of characteristics, the method used to approximate contaminant transport in this study. transport equation is given as
The groundwater flows approximately west, a direction that is perpendicular to the north-south orienta-
tion of the runway.

Rf?dC =-d [D d] + .~D dC]

components of the saturated hydraulic con- principal axes of the aquifer are aligned
ductivity tensor (L t -).
Equation 5 is solved to determine the
with those of the
are then used to
model. The velocity fields
solve the contaminant _VdC
x Ydy (8)
spatial-time characteristics of hydraulic transport model. The 2-D contaminant
conductivity that are used to obtain transport equation for a saturated porous

groundwater flow velocities using Darcy's media is given as where, for equilibrium sorption, the dimen-
law. Darcy's law describes groundwater sionless retardation factor, Rf is defined as
flow through the porous structure of the
d±(C +.P s)= D

subsurface, and the 2-D version is given as R~~~

dt dx xxdxJ

V =K -h;and, V = K -h (9)
x xx dx y- U d'y (6)

For the contaminate'd aquifer in this

where Vand Vrepresent the xand ycom-

-VdC -VdC example, the distribution function for safe
dx Y dy
ponents of the velocity vector when the doses of TCE will be represented as a nor-

868 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Volume 104, Number 8, August 1996 Environmental Health Perspectives

Articles * Second moment method for evaluatin.q health risks

mal distribution with a mean of 70 pg/l, the

WHO 14-day short-term exposure standard
(3), and a standard deviation of 20 pg/l.
The variance was selected arbitrarily. The
bell-shaped normal distribution function
using this mean and variance has a high
peak with narrow width and deeply
descending sides on either side of the mean.
The EPA life-time exposure standard of 5
pg/l could have been chosen, but the main
purpose of this study is to demonstrate how
the health risks of a contaminated aquifer
can be estimated. From genetic studies,
there is support for representing safe doses
by a normal distribution (18), but with the 4-5000 |t 'w|'/|g
second moment method, other types of dis-
tributions can be easily accommodated.
A 38 x 39 node grid was superimposed
on the area of contamination within the
aquifer. The distance between nodes was 250
feet in either direction. Input data on hydro-
geological and contaminant concentration
characteristics were obtained from engineer-
ing reports by JMM Consulting Engineers, 2000
1000 _ 1 1 1 _|_ e
Inc. (19). Permeability testing, soil boring, a
geological survey, and groundwater sampling
and analyses were used to determine ground-
water flow and contaminant transport
behavior for the contaminated aquifer.
In this study, the hydraulic conductivity 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
was modeled as a random variable described
by a normal distribution function. The ini- X (feet)
tial distribution function for the hydraulic Figure 3. Mean concentration contours for TCE at Hill AFB (pg/I). The area of MOC simulation, the boxed
conductivity was determined from hydrody- area shown in Figure 2, is 9500 x 9500 feet. The contaminant plume shows two peaks, one at the top mid-
namic data from the contaminated aquifer. dle of this area of simulation with a maximum contaminant concentration of 26 pg/l and one to the right of
This initial distribution function was altered the middle of the area of simulation with a maximum of 12 pg/I. The shape of the contour indicates that it
(optimized) using Bayesian updating to is spreading in a direction that corresponds to the westerly direction of groundwater flow.
obtain a distribution function that best
approximated transport behavior for this posed by a contaminant plume. Hydraulic magnitude of the health risk for a contami-
particular aquifer (12,14,15,19). With this conductivity is modeled as a normally dis- nated aquifer and to use this information in
updated distribution function, 100 realiza- tributed random variable. The initial distrib- setting priorities for deanup. For the aquifer
tions of the hydraulic conductivity field ution function for the hydraulic conductivi- used in this study, the probability of exceed-
were generated using a Sequential Gaussian ty is optimized to approximate the transport ing safe dose concentrations is very high
Simulation (SGSIM) routine from the characteristics of the aquifer. The optimized within the contaminant plume, as shown in
Geostatistical Software Library (20). The distribution is used in the contaminant Figure 4. This result is obtained because the
100 realizations of the hydraulic conductivi- transport model to produce a contaminant distribution function for contaminant con-
ty were entered sequentially into the conta- distribution with known mean and variance centration significantly overlapped the
minant transport model producing his- for each location within the contaminated cumulative distribution function for safe
tograms of contaminant concentration at aquifer. Safe dose concentrations have been doses. Although the risk dissipates rapidly
each node point. Contours of the mean con- modeled as a normal distribution with towards the boundaries of the plume, the
taminant concentration are shown in known mean and variance. These two distri- results show that the risks are not insignifi-
Figure 3. Similarly, contours depicting the butions are integrated, using the second cant outside the plume boundaries.
probability of exceeding the safe dose con- moment method, to estimate the probability In addition, the method presented in
centration (Pf) that were generated using of exceeding the safe dose at any location this work provides a framework to compare
the second moment method given by within the boundaries of the study area. In and evaluate the performance of different
Equation 4 are shown in Figure 4. These this manner, the variability of hydraulic remediation strategies and could be used as
contour plots include the main flow direc- parameters affecting pollutant concentra- an initial screening tool in aquifer cleanup
tion of the aquifer and show the decrease in tions in groundwater and natural variability planning. In this manner, remediation tech-
pollutant concentration and risk (Pf ) as the of response to pollutant exposure in a nologies can be evaluated and ranked as to
distance from the waste site increases. human population are incorporated into the their effectiveness in reducing contaminant
evaluation of the health risks of the contami- concentrations below safe doses associated
Discussion nated aquifer. As such, this method makes it with prescribed disease incidence rates. By
The second moment method presents a dif- possible for the engineer or health scientist evaluating remediation performance in this
ferent approach to assessing the health risk in the field to rapidly assess the potential manner, a sound basis is established for

Environmental Health Perspectives * Volume 104, Number 8, August 1996 869

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