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First and foremost we would like to express our thanks

to Almighty ALLAH because of his love and strength that He has given to us to finish this
(INTERNSHIP) industrial Training as a Trainee Engineer.
We do thank for His blessings to our daily life, good health, healthy mind and good ideas.
Industrial Training is a golden opportunity for learning and self development. We consider
our self very lucky and honored to have so many wonderful people lead us through in
completion of this Training.
Special thanks to Mr. Muntazir Mehdy who has given us to opportunity for industrial
Besides that, we wish to express our indebted gratitude and special thanks to our Internship
Supervisor "Zulfaqar Ahmed (Foreman) Thermal power Station Muzaffargarh" who in spite
of being extraordinarily busy with his duties, took time out to hear, guide and keep us on the
correct path and allowing us to carry out our Industrial Training work at their esteemed
organization and extending during the training

Internship Supervisor:
Zulfaqar Ahmed(foreman)
Thermal power station muzaffargarh

The thermal power station as indicate from its name that “thermal” mean “heat” energy is
used to generate electric power. In such a power plant chemical energy may be produced by
either furnace oil or gas. Oil or gas is burnt to produce chemical energy. This heat energy is
use to boil the water and produces steam .So high pressure and temperature steam is used to
rotate the turbine blades.

This steam has a temperature of round about 540 °C and pressure of 140 kg/cm². When this
steam strikes with turbines blades it loses its energy. The temperature drops to 420°C and
pressure about 40 to 50 kg/cm².The steam after performing useful work is then condensed to
make it useful in the next cycle. This cycle is called Rankin cycle. The turbine is coupled
with the rotor of generator. Mostly synchronous generators are used because excitation
phenomena are easy in this case.
The generator rotates with 3000 rpm and generate electricity according to law of
electromagnetic induction. When conductors are placed in changing magnetic flux then
voltage is inducing in that conductor. Commercial electric utility power stations are most
usually constructed on a very large scale and designed for continuous operation.
Electric power plants typically use three phase or individual phase electrical generators to
produce alternating current (AC) electric power at a frequency of 50Hz or 60Hz depending
on its location on the world. Other large companies or institutions may have their own usually
smaller power plants to supply heating or electricity to their facilities especially if heat or
stem is created any way for other purposes

Table of contents

1.1classification of power
1.1.2 non-
1.2 Types of power
1.4 Types of
1.4.1 Neuclear
1.4.2 Thermal
1.4.3 Chemical
1.4.4 Radiant
1.4.5 Gravitational potential energy
1.4.6 kinetic energy
1.6 Thermal Power station Muzaffar Garh :(Genco-
1.7 Phase_1(unit
1.8 Phase_2(unit
1.9 Main
1.10 Hydraulic

1.11 Fuel& oil
1.12 Start-up
1.13 Electrical
Components of Power
2.1 Boiler (steam
2.1.1 Types of
(i) Fire Tube
(ii) Water Tube Boiler……………………………………………..
2.2 The features of water tube
2.3 Applications of water tube
2.4 Main Parts of
2.4.1 Force Draft Fan
2.4.2 Air Pre-
2.5 Cooling

2.6 Boiler
2.7 Steam
2.7.1 HP (High Pressure)
2.7.2 IP (Intermediate Pressure)
2.7.3 LP (Low Pressure)
2.8 Turbine
2.9 Furnace Safeguard Supervisory System (FSSS)………………23…...
2.10 Decanting Area…………………………………………….24
2.11 Fuel Oil Tanks………………………………………………24
2.11.1 First Lift Pump……………………………………………..24
2.11.2 Main Heaters…………………………………………………25
2.11.3 Second Lift
2.12.1 Working Principle of
Structure of
3.1 Organzation
3.1.1 Social benefit…………………………………………………27
3.2.1 Mechanical
1. Turbine hall…………………………………………………………
2.Pump house………………………………………………………….
3.Boiler house………………………………………………………..
3.2.2 Electrical
2.Transformer windings………………………………………………..
3.Electrical motor
3.2.3 Control
Electrical System in thermal power
4.1 Electrical
4.1.3 Rotor
4.1.4 Rotor
4.1.5 Water Parameters in Gas
4.2.2 Stator
4.2.3 Stator
4.2.4 Water Parameters in Heat

4.3 Prime
4.4 Exciter Unit……………………………………………………..42
4.5 Cooling system of Generator……………………………………43
4.5.1 DM water for cooling in
4.5.2 Hydrogen systems for cooling in
4.5.3 Carbon dioxide system for cooling in generator………………45
4.6 Protections of
4.6.1 Generator
4.6.2 Generator stator thermal
4.6.3 Generator stator fault
4.6.4 Ground fault
4.6.5 Generator rotor field
4.6.6 Generator loss of
4.6.7 Unbalanced
4.6.8 Loss of
4.6.9 over
4.6.12. Abnormal
4.6.13 Generator breaker failure

4.7.1 VA Rating of
4.7.2 Generator
4.7.3 Unit
4.7.4 Unit Auxiliary
4.7.5 Standby
4.7.6 Cooling Of
1. Natural Oil
2. Forced Oil
3. Internal
4.7.7 Transformer
1)Transformer Instantaneous Over Current
2) Transformer Differential
3) Transformer Gas
Chapter 5
5.1 Switch
5.2 Switch

5.4 Equipment Used In Switch
5.4.1 Bus
5.4.1 Types of Bus
5.4.4 PT (Potential
5.4.5 CT (Current
5.4.6 Surge
Future Recommendations about this

Power Plant
A power plant is assembly of systems or subsystems to generate electricity, power with
economy and requirements. The power plant itself must be useful economically and
environmental friendly to the society.

While the stress is on energy efficient system regards conventional power systems viz., to
increase the system conversion efficiency the supreme goal is to develop, design, and
manufacturer the non-conventional power generating systems in coming decades preferably
after 2050 AD which are conducive to society as well as having feasible energy conversion
efficiency and non-friendly to pollution, keeping in view the pollution act. The subject as a
whole can be also stated as modern power plants for power electricity generation in 21st
century. The word modern means pertaining to time. At present due to energy crisis the first
goal is to conserve energy for future while the second step is to develop alternative energy
systems including direct energy conversion devices, with the devotion, dedication and
determination remembering the phrase, “Delve and Delve Again till wade into”.

1.1 Classification of Power Plants

i. Conventional
ii. Non-conventional
1.1.1 Conventional
 Steam Engines Power Plants
 Steam Turbine Power Plants
 Diesel Power Plants
 Gas Turbine Power Plants
 Hydro-Electric Power Plants
 Nuclear Power Plants

1.2.1 Non-conventional
(i) Fuel-cells Power Plants
(ii) Photovoltaic solar cells Power System
(iii) MHD Power Plants
(iv) Fusion Reactor NPP Power System
(v) Biogas, Biomass Energy Power system
(vi) Geothermal Energy
(vii) Wind Energy Power System
A power plant may be defined as a machine or assembly of equipment that generates and
delivers a flow of mechanical or electrical energy. The main equipment for the generation of
electric power is generator.
When coupling it to a prime mover runs the generator, the electricity is generating.

1.2 Type of power plants
i. Steam power plant
ii. Diesel power plant
i. Gas turbine power plant
iii. Nuclear power plant
iv. Hydroelectric power plant
The Steam Power Plant, Diesel Power Plant, Gas Turbine Power Plant and Nuclear Power
Plants are called Thermal Power Plant, because these convert heat into electric energy.
1.3 Energy
Energy is the capacity for doing work, generating heat, and emitting light. The equation for
work is the force, which is the mass time the gravity times the distance. Heat is the ability to
change the temperature of an object or phase of a substance.
For example, heat changes a solid into a liquid or a liquid into a vapor. Heat is part of the
definition of energy. Another part of the definition of energy is radiation, which is the light
and energy emitted in the form of waves traveling at the speed of light. Energy is measured in
units of calorie, quad, and joule. A kilocalorie is the amount of energy or heat required to rise
the temperature of 1 kilogram of water from 14.5°C to 15.5°C. The quad unit is used to
measure energy needed for big countries. The final measurement of energy is joules.
Energy is an essential input for economic Development and improving quality of life.
India’s per capita consumption of Commercial Energy (viz., coal, petroleum and electricity)
is only one-eighth of the Global Average and will increase with growth in Gross Domestic
Production (GDP) and improvement in standard of living. Commercial Energy accounts for a
little over half of the total energy used in the Country, the rest coming from non-commercial
resources like cow-dung, fuel wood and agricultural waste. Though the share of these non-
commercial sources has been coming down, consumption has increased almost double since
1953. These renewable, non-commercial sources have been used extensively for hundreds of
years but in a primitive and ineffective way. Indiscriminate use of non-commercial energy
sources is leading to an energy crisis in the rural areas. Seventh Plan laid emphasis on the
development and accelerated utilization of renewable energy sources in rural and urban areas.
A major Policy of the Government is directed towards increasing the use of coal in household
and of electricity in transport sector in order to reduce dependence on oil, which is becoming
scarce gradually.

1.4 Types of Energy

There are various types of energy which, they include nuclear, electrical, thermal, chemical,
and radiant energy. In addition, gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy that
combines to produce mechanical energy.
1.4.1 Nuclear energy
Nuclear energy produces heat by fission on nuclei, which is generated by heat
engines. Nuclear energy is the world’s largest source of emission-free energy. There are two
processes in Nuclear energy fission and fusion. In fission, the nuclei of uranium or plutonium
atoms are split with the release of energy. In fusion, energy is released when small nuclei
combine or fuse. The fission process is used in all present nuclear power plants, because
fusion cannot be controlled. Nuclear energy is used to heat steam engines. A Nuclear power
plant is a steam engine using uranium as its fuel, and it suffers from low efficiency.
Electricity powers most factories and homes in our world.
Some things like flashlights and Game Boys use electricity that is stored in batteries
as chemical energy. Other items use electricity that comes from an electrical plug in a wall
socket. Electricity is the conduction or transfer of energy from one place to another. The
electricity is the flow of energy.
Atoms have electrons circling then, some being loosely attached. When electrons
move among the atoms of matter, a current of electricity is created.
1.4.2 Thermal energy
Thermal energy is kinetic and potential energy, but it is associated with the random
motion of atoms in an object. The kinetic and potential energy associated with this random
microscopic motion is called thermal energy.
A great amount of thermal energy(Heat) is stored in the world’s oceans. Each day, the
oceans absorb enough heat from the sun to equa
l the energy contained in 250 billion barrels of oil (Ocean Thermal
Energy Conversion Systems).
1.4.3 Chemical energy
Chemical energy is a form of energy that comes from chemical reactions, in which the
chemical reaction is a process of oxidation. Potential energy is released when a chemical
reaction occurs, which is called chemical energy. A car battery is a good example,
because the chemical reaction produces voltage and current to start the car.
When a plant goes through a process of photosynthesis, what
the plant is left with more chemical energy than the water and carbon dioxide. Chemical
energy is used in science labs to make medicine and to product power from gas.

1.4.4 Radiant energy

Radiant energy exists in a range of wavelengths that extends from ra
dio waves that many be thousands of meters long to gamma rays with wavelengths as short as
a million-millionth (10–12) of a meter. Radiant energy is converted to chemical energy by the
process of photosynthesis.

1.4.5 Gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy

The next two types of energy go hand and hand, gravitational potential energy and kinetic
energy. The term energy is motivated by the fact that potential energy and kinetic energy are
different aspects of the same thing, mechanical energy.

Potential energy exists whenever an object which has mass has a position within a force
field. The potential energy of an object in this case is given by the relation

PE = mgh,
where PE is energy in joules, m is the mass of the object, g is the gravitational acceleration,
and h is the height of the object goes.

1.4.6 Kinetic energy

Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. An object in motion, whether it be vertical or
horizontal motion, has kinetic energy. There are different forms of kinetic energy vibration,
which is the energy due to vibration motion, rotational, which is the energy due to rotational
motion, and transnational, which is the energy due to motion from one location to the other.
The equation for kinetic energy is ½ mv2, where m is the mass and v is the velocity. This
equation shows that the kinetic energy of an object is directly proportional to the square of its
1.5 Power
Power is the rate doing work, which equals energy per time. Energy is thus required to
produce power. We need energy to run power plants to generate electricity.
We need power to run our appliances, and heat our homes. Without energy we would not
have electricity. The units of power are watts, joules per second, and horsepower, where;
1 Watt = 1 joule per second
1 Kilowatt = 1,000 Watt
1 Megawatt = 1,000 kilowatts
Electricity is the most convenient and versatile form of energy. Demand
for it, therefore, has been growing at a rate faster than other forms of
energy. Power industry too has recorded a phenomenal rate of growth both
in terms of its volume and technological sophistication over the last few
decades. Electricity plays a crucial role in both industrial and agricultural
sectors and, therefore, consumption of electricity in the country is an
indicator of productivity and growth. In view of this, power development
has been given high-priority in development program.
1.6 Thermal Power Station MuzaffarGarh :( Genco-III)
Thermal Power Station Pakistan is located at MuzaffarGarh, Punjab,
Its coordinates are:
Latitude= 30.106226868747, Longitude=71.168832778931.

This infrastructure is of TYPE Gas Power Plant with a design capacity of 1370 MW. It has 6
unit(s). The first unit was commissioned in 1993 and the last in 1995. It is operated by
Pakistan Electric Power Company (PEPCO).

Figure1.1: Thermal power plant

These units made by RUSIA & CHINA Amid sand dunes of area known as Rakh Khanpur at
a distance of 6 km. from Muzaffar Garh City, is located Thermal Power Complex. A few
years back nobody perceived that such a
Desert would yield green trees, more than 1,500 families would be residing here and a Power
Station will turn into a huge Power Complex.
Thermal Power plant now, with the day and night efforts of foreign as well as Pakistani
engineers, technicians and workers, the complex has grown to the realities with three sky-
high chimneys, being highest concrete structure in Pakistan and visible from the bridge of
River Chenab, which is flowing to the east of the site at distance of 8 kilometers. In
September, 1987 contract of supply and erection of a 3x210 MW capacity.
Thermal Power Station 1,134 acres of government land initially about 230 acres’ land for the
Power Station and 164 acres for residential colony was leveled and subsequently construction
was started.
Later on contracts with Chinese firm, M/s. CMEC, were signed for three units in two stages -
Two Units each of 210 MW and one unit of 320 MW. In this way a power complex emerged
which is going to be the biggest of all Thermal Stations in Pakistan with the possibility of
construction of two more units. Presently, the total generation capability of three phases is
envisaged as 1,370 MW.
1.7 Phase -1 (Units 1, 2 & 3)
This phase consists of three steam units each capable of generating 210 MW electricity. The
supplier started delivery of equipment to site in January, 1989, and after pre-assembly of
equipment at Site, erection started in July, 1990.Unit No. 1 was commissioned in September,
1993 and Unit No. 2 in March, 1994.
1.8 Phase-II (Units 4, 5 & 6)
It consists of two units of 210 MW each having equipment similar to Phase-I. Turbines are
placed longitudinally in main building. Outdoor boilers exhaust of two units is connected to
one stack.

1.9 Main Building
It contains the turbine hall having a span of 45 meters and detractor bay, 12 meters wide. The
steam turbines which drive generators are of three stages condensing type arranged
transversely to the axis of turbine hall.
The operational platform is at elevation 12.6 meters and a maintenance bay at ground floor
near Unit No. 1. The power plant is designed on the block principle: boiler-turbine-generator-
unit transformer.
The fuel gas exhaust section of two units is connected with a 200-meter-high stack, outer
section of which is a 195-meter high concrete shell.

1.10 Hydraulic Structures

The cooling water used in condensers is re-circulated in closed cycle with inducted draft
cooling tower. The water is being cooled for each unit in two cooling towers each consisting
of eight fans. Two cooling towers carry 27,500 Cu m/h circulating water for condensers of
one unit.

1.11 Fuel & Oil Facilities

Fuel oil facilities are constructed for decanting, oil storage, preparation and supply of fuel to
boiler nozzles. It also includes HSD storage as well as oil facilities for reception, storage,
purification and centralized delivery of turbine oil and insulating oil to power plant.
1.12 Startup Boiler
One startup boiler using diesel oil as fuel with steam output of 50 t/h is provided to meet
steam requirement for initial start of unit as well as a backup of power plant auxiliaries. A
separate stack of 30-meter high has been constructed for it. Power Plant auxiliaries are fed at
6.6 KV.

1.13 Electrical Part

The electricity generated at 15.75 KV is brought out from Unit transformer at 220 KV and
fed to the National Grid via a switchyard.
Chapter 2
Components of Power Plant

2.1 Boiler (steam generator)

It is a closed vessel in which water, under pressure is converted into steam. A boiler is always
designed to absorb maximum amount of heat released in the process of combustion. This heat
is transferred to the boiler by all three modes of heat transfer conduction, convection and

radiation. A boiler is an enclosed vessel that provides a means for combustion heat to be
transferred to water until it becomes heated water or steam. The hot water or steam under
pressure is then useable for transferring the heat to a process.
Water is a useful and inexpensive medium for transferring heat to a process. When water at
atmospheric pressure is boiled into steam its volume increases about 1,600 times, producing a
force that is almost as explosive as gunpowder. This causes the boiler to be equipment that
must be treated with utmost care. The boiler system comprises of
a feed water system, steam system and fuel system.
The feed water system provides water to the boiler and regulates it automatically to meet the
steam demand. Various valves provide access for maintenance and repair. The steam system
collects and controls the steam produced in the boiler. Steam is directed through a piping
system to the point of use. Throughout the system, steam pressure is regulated
using valves and checked with steam pressure gauges.
The fuel system includes all equipment used to provide fuel to generate the necessary heat.
The equipment required in the fuel system depends on the type of fuel used in the system.
The water supplied to the boiler that is converted into steam is called feed water.

2.1.1 Types of boilers

i. Fire-Tube Boilers
ii. Water Tube Boiler

(1) Fire-Tube Boilers

In a fire tube boiler, hot gases pass through the tubes and boiler feed water in the shell side is
converted into steam. Fire tube boilers are generally used for relatively small.

Figure 2.1 fire-tube boiler

(2) Water Tube Boiler

In a water tube boiler, boiler feed water flow through the tubes and enters the boiler drum.
The circulated water is heated by the combustion gas and converted into steam at the vapor
space in the drum. These boilers are selected when the steam demand as well as steam
pressure requirements are high as in the case of process cum power boiler power boilers.
Most modern water boiler tube designs are within the capacity range 4,500 –120,000 kg/hour
of steam at very high pressures. Many water tube boilers are of packaged construction if oil
and /or gas are to be used as fuel. Solid fuel fired water tube designs are available but
packaged designs are less common.

2.2 The features of water tube boiler

i. Forced, induced and balanced draft provisions help to improve combustion
ii. Less tolerance for water quality calls for water treatment plant.
iii. Higher thermal efficiency levels are possible. Chain-grate or traveling grate
stoker. Coal is fed onto one end of a moving steel grate. As the grate moves along
the length of the furnace, the coal burns before dropping off at the end as ash.
Some degree of skill is required, particularly when setting up the grate, air
dampers and baffles, to ensure clean combustion leaving the minimum of burnt
carbon in the ash.

The coal-feed hopper runs along the entire coal-feed end of the furnace. A coal gate is used
to control the rate at which coal is fed into the furnace by controlling the thickness of the fuel
bed. Coal must uniform in size as large lumps will not burn out completely by the time they
reach the end of the grate.

2.3 Applications of water tube boiler

The ability of water tube boilers to generate superheated steam makes these boilers
particularly attractive in applications that require dry, high-pressure, high-energy steam,
including steam turbine power generation Owing to their superb working properties;

Figure 2.2 water tube boiler

the use of water tube boilers is highly preferred in the following major areas:
 Variety of process applications in industries
 Chemical processing divisions
 Pulp and paper manufacturing plants
 Refining units
Besides, they are frequently employed in power generation plants where large quantities of
steam (ranging up to 500 kg/s) have high pressures approximately 16 mega Pascal’s(160 bar)
and high temperatures reaching up to 550°C are generally required.

Boiler Parameters:

Boiler Manufacturer Russia

Boiler Capacity 670TPH

Rated Working Pressure 130kg/cm2

Type of Boiler Water tube Wilcox & Babcock

Type Boiler

Fuel Fired Furnace Oil, Diesel and Natural Gas

Rated Working Temperature 545

Boiler efficiency (Burn oil) 90.26%

Boiler efficiency (Burn gas) 85%

Table 2.1: Boiler Parameter

2.4 Main Parts of Boiler
The boiler consists of following main parts:
i. Force Draft Fan (FDF)
ii. Burners
iii. Furnace
iv. Up Rise Tube
v. Down Comer Tube
vi. Water Tube
vii. Super Heater
viii. Gas Recirculation Fan (GRCF)
ix. Re-Heater
x. Induced Draft Fan (IDF)
xi. Air Pre-Heater
xii. Chimney
xiii. Boiler Drum
xiv. Economizer
2.4.1 Force Draft Fan (FDF)
The force draft fan sucks the air from atmosphere which is used in the furnace for burning.
The air from the atmosphere is passed through the filter to remove the dust and other particles
from the air. The air from the FDF is then fed to the regenerative heaters.
The motor of FDF Has following specification:
Rated Voltage 6.6 KV
Connection Of Stator/Rotor Y
No.Of Phases 3
Rated Frequency 50 Hz
Rated Speed 747 RPM
OutPut 1000KW
Power Factor 0.85
Table2.2: FDF Motor Specifications

2.4.2 Air Pre-Heater

The purpose of the air pre-heater is to recover heat from the boiler flue gas which increases
the thermal efficiency of the boiler by reducing the useful heat lost in the flue gas. As a
consequence, the fuel gases are also sent to the fuel gas stack (or chimney) at a lower
temperature, allowing simplified design of the ducting and the flue gas stack. It also allows
control over the temperature of gases leaving the stack.

2.4.3 Economizer
Flue gases from large boilers are typically 450-650°F. Stack economizer recover
some of this heat for pre-heating water. The water is most often used for boiler make-up
water are some other need that coincides with boiler operation. Stack economizers should be
considered as an efficiency measure when large amounts of make-up water are used (i.e. not
all condensate is return to the boiler or large amount of livestream are used in the process so
there is no condensate to return) or there is a simultaneous need for large quantity of hot

water for some other use. The savings potential is based on existing stack temperature, the
volume of make-up water needed and the hours of operation.

Cooling Towers
Cooling towers are heat removal devices used to transform process waste heat to the
atmosphere. Cooling tower may either use the evaporation of water to remove process heat
and cool the working fluid to near the wet-bulb air temperature or relay solely on air to cool
the working fluid to dry–bulb air temperature. Common application includes
cooling the circulating water used in oil refiner, chemical plants and power station.
2.6 Boiler Protection
 Fuel protection
 Gas pressure protection
 Diesel oil protection
 Furnace oil protection
 FD fan trip
 ID fan trip
 Regenerative air pre-heating trip
 Drum level high
 Drum level low
 Re-Heat steam pressure drop
 Furnace pressure low
 Furnace flame out
 Natural gas pressure high
2.7 Steam Turbine
Turbine is used to convert the heat energy into mechanical energy. Turbine used in T.P.S
Muzaffargarh is impulse-reaction steam turbine. The load requirement is controlled by the
steam flow through a governing valve. Maximum steam at full load is 670t/h.
When the load at generator is suddenly decreased then the rpm
(frequency) of the generator is increased and to decrease the frequency we lower down the
steam flow which decreases the speed and maintains the frequency. If load is suddenly
increased rotor speed becomes slower, to increase the speed, steam flow is increased.

(i) HP turbine
(ii) IP turbine
(iii) (LP turbine
2.7.1 HP (High Pressure) Turbine
First of all, steam from boiler comes into the HP turbine. Steam in the HP turbine is called
live steam or main steam. Rotor blades diameter of this part of turbine is smallest of the other
parts of the turbine. Inlet steam temperature of the HP turbine is 540 °C and pressure is
130bar. Outlet steam temperature of the HP turbine is 290°C and pressure is 15bar. HP
turbine has total of 12 stages including one is governing stage.

2.7.2 IP (Intermediate Pressure) Turbine
Steam comes into IP turbine from HP turbine via re-heaters. The steam pressure in this
section of turbine is 14bar and temperature is 540°C. This part has total of 10 pressure stages.
2.7.3 LP (Low Pressure) Turbine
The outgoing steam of the IP turbine entered into the LP turbine. Steam from the LP turbine
goes into the condenser.

Maximum load 210MW

Live steam pressure 132bar
Live steam temperature 538°C
Rated speed 3000rpm
HP cycle exhaust temperature 310°C
HP cycle exhaust pressure 24bar
Re-Heat steam temperature 538°C
Re-Heat steam pressure 14bar

Table 2.3: Steam Turbine Specification

2.8 Turbine Protection

 Lube oil pressure (low & high)
 Vacuum drop
 Live steam temperature drop
 Axial shift displacement
 Gas cooling pump tripping
 HP heater level high
 All FWP trip high vibration tripping
 Trip unit by switch/emergency
2.9 Furnace Safeguard Supervisory System (FSSS)
The FSSS station consists of the following parts
i. Decanting area
ii. Fuel oil tank
iii. First lift pump
iv. Main heater
v. Second lift pump
vi. Diesel pumps
2.10 Decanting Area
The furnace oil that is used as a fuel in the burners of the boiler furnace to produce the steam
is transported to the TPS through two ways.

i. Oil tankers
ii. Train
For unloading of the fuel from oil tankers and train there is separate unloading or de-canting
station for each. The unload fuel oil is initially stored in the underground reservoir; from
there it is filled in the main storage tanks. 02 pumps are used to fill the main storage tanks
from the oil tankers decanting area. One of them is active (on load) and other is standby.

2.11 Fuel Oil Tanks

From the decanting area the furnace oil is filled in the storage tanks. From there it is supplied
to the burners of the boiler furnace after proper heating.
Usually one storage tank is called service tank, from there furnace oil is supplied to the units.
The furnace oil is filled in the other tanks first and then filled in the service tank through
recirculation pumps (RCP). The oil in the tanks is kept heated at the temperature 75-80°C
cm. There are total 06 storage tanks for furnace oil each having a Volume of 20,000 hence
each can store 2,00,00,000 litter. There are two diesel oil storage tanks each having capacity
of 1000 ton.

2.11.1 First Lift Pump

First lift pump takes the furnace oil from the service tank and supplied to the main heaters.
There are total 04 first lift pumps which are operated according to unit load conditions. The
specification of first lift pump motor is as follows.

Connection Star
Power 55KW
Power factor 0.9
Efficiency 90%
Voltage 230/400V
Speed 2950rpm
Current 177/102A
Table 2.4: 3-Phase 50Hz Induction Motor

2.11.2 Main Heaters

There are 04 main heaters each is connected to the respective first lift pump. The main
heaters heat the furnace oil through the steam which comes from the boiler. Steam is used to
heat the oil in recirculation heaters. The steam follows through the pipes which heats the oil
outside the tube.

2.11.3 Second Lift Pump

Second lift pumps take the furnace oil from the main heater and supply to boiler of the units.
There are 04 second lift pumps which are operated according to the unit load conditions. The
temperature of oil that is supplied to the boiler is 105-120°C.The specification of second lift
pump motor is as:
3 phase 50Hz induction motor:
i. Power 250KW
ii. Voltage 6.6KV
iii. Speed 2950rpm
iv. Current 252A
2.12 Generator
The generator is a device which converts the mechanical energy into electrical energy.
2.12.1 Working Principle of Generator
The working principle of generator is based on the Faraday's law of electromagnetic
induction, which states that:
"The electromotive force is always produced in conductor which is placed in the magnetic
field when there is a relative motion between conductor and the magnetic field”.
If the output electrical energy is AC, it is called alternator. If the output electrical energy is
DC, it is called DC generator. In fact, there is no difference between alternator and DC
generator except the way the output is obtained from the generator. In alternator the AC
supply is produced in the armature and supply is obtained through slip rings where as in the
DC generator are generated AC supply is obtained from the armature through the spilt rings
or commentator which converts the AC into DC. The following three things are necessary for
generation of electrical energy.
i. Magnetic field
ii. Conductor
iii. Relative motion between conductor and magnetic field
In the small generator the magnetic field is being produced in the stator and the
electromotive force is produced in the rotor through Faraday's law of electromagnetic
induction. The electromagnetic are used in the generator to produce the magnetic field. In the
large generator the magnetic field is produced by the electromagnetic in the rotor and the
electromagnetic force is produced in the stator. the output is taken from the rotor, the rotor
must have high insulation due to high voltage induction and it must have heavy insulation
which may increase the size of rotor, and require more power for the prime mover to rotate to
this heavy rotor.

Structure of Industry

3.1 Organization Structure

Management of the company consists of the (CEO) and senior managers responsible for
technical, financial and human resource functions. Board of Directors of the company is
appointed by the Government of Pakistan. Since the unbundling of WAPDA in 1998 and
incorporation of GENCOs, DISCOs and NTDC, PEPCO has exercised control over all the

unbundled power sector companies. In effect, WAPDA unbundling has meant separation of
power wing of WAPDA and handing it over to PEPCO. Thermal power generation,
transmission and distribution activities of WAPDA were given in control of PEPCO as
corporate entities. However, minimal corporate autonomy was exercised by any of the
corporate entities. Modern corporate management practices have not emerged pending full
corporatization of these entities. Public sector governance mechanisms such as compliance to
PPRA regulations for procurement, Planning Commission procedures for development
expenditure, Auditor General and Public Accounts Committee for audit and parliamentary
oversight are applicable to activities of the company as long as it remains in state ownership.
The company is subject to SECP regulations as applicable to unlisted public companies. Role
of BOD, Financial accounting and external audit are key areas governed by SECP.

3.1.1 Social Benefits

The power demand in the country is continuously rising due to increase in economic
activities in the agricultural and industrial sectors. The fast urbanization has also increased
the demand for electricity in the households.
The households are using a greater number of electrical gadgets and appliances than ever
before increase in standard of living, an indicator of well-being resulting from higher per-
capital disposable income. The increased quantum of Electricity from the Plant will be used
for farm mechanization. The much needed requirements for tube wells electrification will be
adequately met which will not only provide additional water for irrigation but as well as
reduce the ground water reservoir level. The reclamation of land will increase the cropped
areas and also production. The availability of motive power will provide incentive for the
establishment of industries based on local raw materials, creating gainful employment
opportunities to increasing the work force. This is envisaged to considerably alleviate
disguised unemployment on the farms. Provision of the basic infrastructure facility of
electricity in rural areas will go a long way to check large scale migration of rural labor force
to urban centers. The requirements of power demand for accelerated village’s rural
electrification program will also be adequately met. In the overall analysis, the improvement
in ecological environments coupled with higher production is envisaged to bring about
substantial economic gains for the people living around the project area.

3.2 Departments

Electrical Chemical Maintinance Control
departmen department department Room
hall Winding Watertreatment
departmen department
Transformer Motor Genrator
winding winding winding Figure3.1:structure of
Boiler house
3.2.1 Mechanical Department
1.Turbine hall
The turbine hall, generating hall or turbine building is a building or room in any steam cycle
or hydroelectric power plant which houses a number of components vital to the generation of
electricity from the steam that comes from the boiler, or from the water coming from the
The components in the turbine hall typically are the turbines and electric generators, and in
The case of steam cycle plants, moisture and re-heaters. A turbine hall is typically extremely
loud, and in the case of steam cycle plants, hot. In nuclear power plants, boiling water
reactors present unique challenges since the steam going through the turbines is radioactive.
This means that the turbine hall has to be slightly contained and much unique maintenance
must be performed. A typical plant will house one high pressure turbine and two low pressure

2.Pump House
Pumping stations are facilities including pumps and equipment for pumping fluids from one
place to another. They are used for a variety of infrastructure systems, such as the supply of
water to canals, the drainage of low-lying land, and the removal of sewage to processing
sites. A pumping station is, by definition, an integral part of a pumped storage
hydroelectricity installation which is work on water for cooling.
3.Boiler House
In boiler department there is water tube boiler and maintenance of the boiler is done.
3.2.2 Electrical Department
In electrical department house or room are given below as.

1) Windings Department
The conducting material used for the windings depends upon the application, but in all cases
the individual turns must be electrically insulated from each other to ensure that the current
travels throughout every turn. For small power and signal transformers, in which currents are

low and the potential difference between adjacent turns is small, the coils are often wound
from enameled magnet wire, such as forever wire. Larger power transformers operating at
high voltages may be wound with copper rectangular strip conductors insulated by oil-
impregnated paper and blocks of pressboard.

2) Transformer Windings
Large power transformers use multiple-stranded conductors as well, since even at low power
frequencies non-uniform distribution of current would otherwise exist in high-current
windings. Each strand is individually insulated, and the strands are arranged so that at certain
points in the winding, or throughout the whole winding, each portion occupies different
relative positions in the complete conductor.
Power-frequency transformers may have taps at intermediate points on the winding, usually
on the higher voltage winding side, for voltage adjustment. A center-tapped transformer is
often used in the output stage of an audio power amplifier in a push-pull circuit. Modulation
transformers in AM transmitters are very similar. Dry-type transformer winding insulation
systems can be either of standard open-wound 'dip-and-bake' construction or of higher quality
designs that include vacuum pressure and encapsulation processes. In the VPI process, a
combination of heat, vacuum and pressure is used to thoroughly seal, bind, and eliminate
entrained air voids in the winding polyester resin insulation coat layer, thus increasing
resistance to corona. VPE windings are similar to VPI windings but provide more protection
against environmental effects, such as from water, dirt or corrosive ambient, by multiple dips
including typically in terms of final epoxy coat.

3) Electric Motor Windings

Windings are wires that are laid in coils, usually wrapped around a laminated soft iron
magnetic core so as to form magnetic poles when energized with current. Electric machines
come in two basic magnet Field pole configurations salient-pole machine and no salient-pole
machine. In the salient-pole machine the poles. Magnetic field is produced by a winding
wound around the pole below the pole face. In the no salient-pole, or distributed field, or
round-rotor, machine, the winding is distributed in pole face slots. A shaded-pole motor has a
winding around part of the pole that delays the phase of the magnetic field for that pole.
Some motors have conductors which consist of thicker metal, such as bars or sheets of metal,
usually copper, although sometimes aluminum is used. These are usually powered by
electromagnetic induction.

3.2.3 Control Room

A control room, operations center, or operations control center (OCC) is a room serving as a
central space where a large physical facility or physically dispersed service can be monitored
and controlled. A control room's purpose is production control, and serves as a central space
where a large physical facility or physically dispersed service can be monitored and
controlled. Central control rooms came into general use in factories during the 1920s.Control
rooms for vital facilities are typically tightly secured and inaccessible to the general public.
Multiple electronic displays and control panels are usually present, and there may also be a
large wall-sized display area visible from all locations within the space.Some control rooms
are themselves under continuous video surveillance and recording, for security and personnel
accountability purposes. Many control rooms are manned on a "24/7/365" basis, and may
have multiple people on duty at all times (such as implementation of a "two-man rule"), to
ensure continuous vigilance. Other special purpose control room spaces may be temporarily
set up for special projects (such as an oceanographic exploration mission), and closed or
dismantled once the project is concluded.
Control rooms are usually equipped with elaborate fire suppression and security systems to
safeguard their contents and occupants, and to ensure continued operation in emergencies. In
hazardous environments, the control room may also serve as an area of refuge for personnel
trapped onsite. The rooms are typically crammed with equipment, mounted in multi-function
rack mount cabinets to allow updating. The dense concentration of equipment often requires
special electrical uninterruptible power supply (UPS) feeds and air conditioning.

Figure3.2:Control Room
Due to the nature of the sensitive equipment inside control room
cabinets, it is useful to ensure the use of "T-rated" fire stops, that are
massive and thick enough to resist heat transmission to the insideof
the control room. It is also common to place control rooms under
positive pressure ventilation to prevent smoke or toxic gases from
entering. If used, gaseousfire suppressants must occupy the space that
is to be protected for a minimum period of time to be sure a fire can
be completely extinguished. Openings in such spaces must, therefore,
be kept to a minimum to prevent the escape of the suppression gas. A
mobile control room is designated as particularly in high risk
facilities, such as a nuclear power station or a petrochemical facility.
It can provide a guaranteed life support for the anticipated safety



Electrical System in thermal power plant

4.1 Electrical Systems

Without having knowledge about electrical equipment Power g
eneration from the power plant is difficult to understand. Hence it is
necessary to have an idea about role of electrical equipment.
The purpose of this chapter is introduced to the electrical equipments
used in power plant. The main electrical equipment’sare as follows.

i. Generator and generator cooling

ii. Transformers and their cooling
iii. Bus bar
iv. Exciters
v. Reactors
vi. Circuit breakers
vii. Switch board
viii. Control room equipment
4.1.1 Generator
The generator is a device which converts the mechanical energy into
electrical energy. In a generator EMF is produced by the movement of a
coil in a magnetic field. The current produced by the EMF. Interacts with
the field to produce a mechanical force opposing and against which the
essential movement has to be maintained. The electrical power is produced
therefore from the mechanical power supplied.

The generator is the most important unitof the power generation circuit. It
converts the mechanical energy imparted to the turbine by the steam into
electrical energy which is then further transmitted and distributed tothe
consumers by the use of power grids.


Figure 4.1:Generators

At thermal power MuzaffarGarh, a three phase cylindrical rotor turbo

enerator is used.Like all rotating machines, a turbo generator works
according to Faraday’s Law. In simplified form, this law states that if
there is relative motion between a conductor and a magnetic field, an
alternating EMF is generated across the conductor.
The basic principle of generation in a power plant can be summarized
i. A magnetic field is created on the rotor of the generator using
an exciter unit.
ii. An external driving forceis applied on the rotor using a prime
iii. As the rotor rotates, due to Faraday’s Law, a voltage is
induced in the windings on the stator.

iv. The frequency of the induced voltage is synchronized with
the speed of rotation.
A synchronous machine has two mechanical parts a rotor and a stator.
There are also two Electrical parts to the machine a field source and
an armature winding. The field source of a synchronous machine is on
the rotor, and it creates the magnetic field. The armature Winding of a
synchronous machine is on the stator.
This winding has voltage induced in it by the field and the rotor

4.1.2 Rotor
Rotors are most generally made from solid forgings of alloy steel. The
forgings must be homogeneous and flawless. Test pieces are cut from
the circumference and the ends to provide information about the
mechanical qualities and the microstructure of the material. A
chemical analysis of the test pieces is subsequently made.
One of the most important examinations is the ultrasonic test, which
will discover internal faults such as cracks and fissures. This will
usually render the older practice of trepanning along the axis

Figure 4.2:Rotor

The rotor forging is planned and milledto form the teeth. About two-
thirds of the rotor pole-pitch is slotted, leaving one-third unspotted (or
slotted to a lesser depth) for the pole centre. The rotating element of the

synchronous machine is known as the rotor, which is alarge electromagnet
nested within the stator.


The shaft that runs through the turbines is coupled to the rotor. The
speed of the shaft is 3000 rpm. It is of the cylindrical rotor type with
two poles, with the field coils supplied from the main exciter.To
remove the inherent asymmetry due to winding slots, additional
weight is removed from the rotor to improve the mechanical balance
of the rotor.The total weight comes to 72tonnes Wedges are provided
on the slots to prevent the windings from flying out during operation.
The rotor core is not laminated, since providing mechanical support at
speeds of 3000 rpm is difficult and uneconomical. The outer diameter
of the rotor is 5.9 m, and it is direct hydrogen cooled. The conductors
are made of hollow copper strands to admit the H2.
4.1.3 Rotor Winding
The normal rotor winding is of silver-bearing copper.The heat
developed in the conductor's causes them to expand,while the
centrifugal force presses them heavily against the slot wedges,
imposing a strong frictional resistance to expansion. Ordinary copper
softens when hot, and may be subject to plastic deformation. As a
result, when the machine is stopped and the copper coals, it contracts
to a shorter length than originally.The phenomenon of copper
shortening can be overcome by preheating the rotor before starting up.
With new machines the use of silver bearing copper, having a much
higher yield paint, mitigates the trouble. Concentric multi-turn coils,
accommodated in a slot number that is a multiple of four (. 20, 24, 28
or 32), are used, the slot -pitch being chosen to avoid undesirable
harmonics in the waveform of the gap density. The slots are radial and
the coils formed of flat strip with separators between turns. The coils
may be performed.The insulation is usually mica nit, but bonded
asbestos and glass fabric have Both been used. As much copper (or, in
some cases, aluminum alloy) as possible is accommodated in the rotor
slots, the depth and width of the slots being limited by the stresses at
the roots of the teeth , and by the hoop stresses
In the end retaining rings.The allowable current depends on cling and
expansion. Comparatively high temperature-rises are allowed: the
hot-spot temperature may reach 1400C.

Type QFSN-210-2
Rated capacity 246MVA
Rated outpu 210MW
Rated voltage 15.75KV
Rated current 9056A
Rated speed 3000rpm
Rated frequency 50Hz
Phase 3
Connection of stator winding 2-Y
Insulation class F
Power factor 0.85
Excitation voltage 289v
Excitation current 18.67A
Maximum inlet water temperature 50°C
for stator winding
Table 4.1: Turbine Generator Water Hydrogen Cooled

4.1.4 Rotor Cooling

The rotor cooling is done by H2 gas. Hydrogen is used forthe
following purposes:
i.Its heat exchange capability is much better than other gases.
ii.It is very lighter than other gases so do not overload the rotor.
iii.Its preparation is very easy and cheap.
Hydrogen gas is filled in the generator and maintained at a pressure of
4Kg/cm2. It takes all the heat of the rotor and cools the rotor winding
and gets warmed it. For the cooling ofthe gas there are four gas cooler
inside the generator on each corner.

Circulating water of the cooling tower is used in the gas cooler for
hydrogen cooling. Hydrogen gas is explosive if it is combined with
oxygen under pressure so too avoid any leakage of gas and entrance
of air inside the generator the rotor assembly is sealed by the seal oil
pressure is at least0.7Kg/cm2more than hydrogen gas inside the
generator. When the generator is turned off for a long time for
maintenance purpose hydrogen is released from the generator in the
air using special method.Method involves that firstly fill the generator
with CO2which release the hydrogen in the air and then in the end air
is filled in the generator and CO2is released in the air. This method is
adopted because if hydrogen is released using air instead of CO2then
it can
causeexplosion due to oxygen in the air which will meet hydrogen
under pressure in the generator. After maintenance hydrogen gas is
refilled in the generator using the reverse process as described above.
4.1.5 Water Parameters in Gas Cooler
i.Rated temperature of cold water at inlet 32°C
ii.Minimum temperature of cold water 15°C
iii.Maximum water pressure 3Kg/cm2
iv.Number of gas cooler 04
v.Rated water flow in on gas cooler 76.5m3/h

4.2 Stator
Large stator housings comprise a series of annular rings flame-cut
from steel plate, joined by tubes and longitudinal bars, and carrying
ribs to take the stator core laminations. A simple stator housing
requiring two end plates and four intermediate plates, held apart by tie
bars. The core stampings are built up in the frame, the end plates
places in position, and the whole stator clamped together by bolts.
The frame is then covered with sheet steel.

Figure 4.3:Stator

4.2.1 Core
The active part of the stator consists of segmental laminations of low
loss alloy steel. The slots, ventilation holes and dovetails or dovetail
keyholes, are punched out in one operation. The stamping is rather
complicated on account of the number of holes andslots that have to
be produced. The use of cold-rolled grain-oriented steel sheet has
ilities in machines as well as in transformers, most particularly in two
pole machines where the major loss occursin the annular part of the
core external to the slotting. Here the flux direction is
mainlycircumferential, and by cutting the core-plate sectors in such a
way that the preferred flux direction is at right-angles to their central
radial axis a substantial
reduction in core-loss can be secured. It is of great importance that the
assembled stator laminations are uniformly compressed during and
after building, and that the slots are accurately located.
The core plates are assembled between end plates with fingers
projecting between theslots to support the flanks of the teeth.

The end plates arealmost invariably of non-magnetic material, for this
greatly reduces stray load loss. The end packets of core plates may be
stepped to a larger bore for the same reason.
4.2.2 Stator Winding
The windings of two- pole machines are comparatively
straightforward. The number of slots must be a multiple of 3 (or 6 if
two parallel circuits are required). Single-layer concentric or two
layer short-pitched windings may be used. The single-layer concentric
winding is readily clamped in the overhang, but causes a higher load
loss because the end connections run parallel to the stator end-plates.
Chording is not possible so that Flux harmonics have full effect. The
two-layer winding is more common, chorded to about a 5/6 pitch
which practically eliminates 5th and 7th harmonics from the open-
circuit EMF wave. The end windings are packed, and clamped or tied
with glass cord.It is the invariable practice with two-layer windings to
make the coils as half turns and to join the ends. The conductors must
always be transposed to reduce eddy-current losses.

4.2.3 Stator Cooling

The stator of the turbo generator is cooled by distillated or de-
mineralized water. For this purpose a special plant is installed which
prepares the de-mineralized water for the stator cooling. This demy
water is also used for cooling system of the thirstier converts the
water is passed through the hollow conductor of stator winding for its
cooling. The demy water is necessary for the cooling of the stator
winding because raw water is not a pure insulator which may cause
the flow of leakage current when passed through stator winding. The
demo water plant removes the impurities and minerals of the raw
water and make it good insulator whose resistivity is taken at a
minimum level of 200KΩ.cm. The demy water that process through
the stator winding absorbs the heat of stator winding makes it cool
and becomes hot itself.


The demywater then passes through heat exchanger (coolers) where
its temperature is decreased by the circulating water coming from the
cooling towers. This demywater is also passed through the
mechanical and magnetic filters before passing through stator winding
and thirstier converts.
4.2.4 Water Parameters in Heat Exchangers
i.Rated temperature of cooled water at inlet 32°C
ii.Minimum temperature of cold water 15°C
iii.Number of gas heat exchangers 02
iv.Rated water flow in on heat exchanger 150m3 /h
4.3 Prime Mover
The mechanical assembly that provides rotational motion to the
generator is known as its prime mover. For the turbo generator under
consideration, a set of steam turbines isused as the prime mover. They
are driven by steam at high pressure and temperature. In effect, the
turbine converts the thermal energy of superheated steam into
rotational energy at the turbine shaft.
4.4 Exciter Unit
To supply the field of the synchronous generator, an exciter unit must
be used. The function of the exciter is to inject reactive power into the
system and maintain a stable terminal voltage against load
fluctuations. This is what provides the power factor control between
the generator and the system.
There are two options.
i.Static Excitation
ii.Brushless Excitation

Static excitation has very good response to fluctuations in terminal

voltage, , but the presence of brushes make its long term maintenance
very costly.

Hence, brushless excitation is used here. Although slow in response, it

is economical and efficient for high MW systems. The exciter unit is

mounted on the same shaft as the generator rotor and rotates at
3000rpm. It consists of 5 parts.
4.5 Cooling system of Generator
i. DM water
ii. Hydrogen
iii. Carbon Dioxide
iv. Instrument Air
v. Nitrogen
4.5.1 DM water for cooling in generator
The primary water system supplies DM water for cooling of the
hollow stator windings. The name distinguishes it from the secondary
coolant (raw water). The primary water is circulated in a closed
circuit and dissipates the absorbed heat to the secondary cooling
water in the primary water coolers. The PW system consists of a tank
on top of the generator, with nitrogen preventing any contact of the
water with air. From the tank, the water is pumped by the Primary
Water pump to the coolers, which cools the water from 60o C to 30-
40o C. It is always kept at a pressure lower than the H2 pressure to
prevent water leakage into the generator. This is then filtered
magnetically and split into two part
Path I
Flow path I cools the stator windings.
Path II
Flow path II cools the phase connectors and the bushings. After
cooling, the heated water returns to the PW tank atop the generator.
The following parameters of the Primarywater must be continuously
If the temperature of water rises above 60 C, the generator has to be
If the flow is less than
i. 1.33 m3/hr in the terminals
ii. 48 m3/hrin thewindings The generator has to be tripped
4.5.2 Hydrogen systems for cooling in generator
Except the stator windings, the generator is entirely hydrogen cooled.
Hydrogen is used for the following reasons:
i.Inherently better heat transfer characteristic (14 times).
ii.Better heat transfer with higher hydrogen pressure.
iii.Less windageand friction losses than air.
iv.Suppression of partial discharge with increased hydrogen pressure.
v.Significant increase of the breakdown voltage of generator
The air tight casing contains 98% pure H2 at an optimum pressure of
3.5 kg, circulated in a closed circuit by a multi stage axial-flow fan
arranged on the rotor at the turbine end. The maximum pressure that
the casing can withstand is 5kg. The purity must be kept on the high
side because a hydrogen-air mixture between 4-75% is extremely
The hydrogen splits into three flow paths
Flow path I is directed into the rotor at the turbine end below the fan
hub for cooling of the turbine end half of the rotor.
Flow path II is directed from the coolers to the individual frame
compartments for cooling of the stator core.
Flow path III is directed to the stator end winding space at the exciter
end through guide ducts in the frame for cooling of the exciter end
half of the rotor and of thecore end portions. After cooling, the hot
hydrogen collects in the air gap, from where it is sucked out by a 5
stage compressor. From the compressor, the hydrogen is allowed to
pass through a 3 stage cooler at the turbine end. Special ceilings are
provided at the turbine and generator ends to prevent mixing hot and
cold hydrogen.

4.5.3 Carbon dioxide system for cooling in generator

CO2 is required whenever the generator has to be opened for
inspection. Being inert and heavy, it can easily displace the hydrogen
without reacting with it. If hydrogen in the generator were to be
purged with air, this would encroach upon both the upper and lower

explosive limit due to combustible nature of a hydrogen/oxygen
mixture. The hydrogen inside the casing is taken outfrom the top,
while CO2 is inducted from below. CO2 purity meters decide how
much CO2 has to be introduced. Once all the hydrogen has been
removed, instrument air is injected from the top while CO2 is drained
from the bottom. Once the entire generator is filled with instrument
air, it is ready to be opened similarly, when reassembling, the air is
first purged with CO2, and then this CO2 is displaced by hydrogen to
eliminate any chances of an explosive mixture forming.
4.6 Protections of Generator
In the power plant, the generator is one of the most expensive pieces
of equipment; therefore, electrical faults must be identified and
cleared in due time (Estevez, 2009). Synchronous generator
protection requires consideration of harmful abnormal operating
conditions more than that of any other power system element. A
simplified functionality of a synchronous generator can be described
as follows: An electromagnetic field is developed by circulating direct
current through loops of wire wound around stacks of magnetic steel
laminations. These are called field poles, and they are mounted on the
perimeter of the rotor. The rotor is attached to the turbine shaft, and
rotates at a fixed speed. When the rotor turns, it causes the field poles
(the electromagnets) to rotate and move past the conductors mounted
in the stator. This, in turn, causes a voltage to be induced in the
generator stator windings that are connected to the output terminals
(Faraday’s law of induction).
4.6.1 Generator grounding
It is common practice to ground all types of generators through some
form of external impedance. The purpose of this grounding is to limit
the thermal and mechanical stresses and fault damage in the machine,
To limit transient overvoltage during faults and to provide a means for
detecting ground faults within the machine.
The most common grounding method for large generators is high
resistance grounding. In this method, a distribution transformer is
connected between the generator neutral and ground and a resistor is
connected across the secondary. For a single phase to ground fault at
the machine terminals, the primary fault current will be limited to a
value in the range of about 3-25 A. In some cases, the distribution
transformer is omitted and a resistance of high value is connected
directly between the generator neutral and ground.The resistor size is
selected to limit ground -fault current to the range of 3-25 A. While
this method of grounding is commonly used in Europe,the physical
size of the resistors, the required resistor insulation level and the cost
may preclude its use.

4.6.2 Generator stator thermal protection

Thermal protection for the generator stator winding may be provided
for generator overload. Most generators are supplied with a number of
temperature sensors to monitor the stator winding temperature. These
sensors are usually resistance temperature detectors (RTD) or
thermocouples (TC). These sensors are used to continuously monitor
the stator winding. The sensors may be connected for alarm
purposes.In some applications, a current measurement is combined
with a timing function to establish a thermal image of the stator
winding temperature.

4.6.3 Generator stator fault protection

Generator faults can cause severe and costly damage to insulation,
windings and the core; they can also produce severe mechanical
tensional shock to shaft and couplings. Fault current can continue to
flow for many seconds after the generator is tripped from the system
and the field disconnected because of trapped flux within the
machine, thereby increasing the amount of fault damage. The
differential relay is commonly used as primary protection for phase
fault of generator stator windings. This function is mostly completely
selective and can be used with very short tripping times. Differential
relays will detect three phase fault, phase to phase fault and double
phase to ground faults. Differential relays will not detect turn to turn
faults in the same phase since there is no difference in the current
entering and leaving the phase winding.

4.6.4 Ground fault protection

Differential relays will not provide ground fault protection on high
impedance grounded machines where primary fault current levels are
limited to 3-25 A. For high impedance grounding generators the
most widely used protective scheme is a time delay over voltage relay
connected across the grounding impedance to sense zero sequence
voltage; a time over current relay with instantaneous element or an
over voltage relay across open delta connected VTs on the line end
terminals, may be used as backup protection. The conventional
protection to detect stator ground fault in high impedance grounding
systems only provides sensible protection to about 95% of the stator.
This is because the failure in the remaining 5% of the winding near
the neutral will not cause enough residual voltage and current of 60
Hz to operate these relays. For larger and more important machines, it
is considered important to protect the entire generator stator winding
with an additional ground fault protection system so as to cover 100%
of the winding. There are several methods used as a means of
detecting faults near the stator neutral:
i.Third harmonic voltage at the neutral.
ii.Third harmonic voltage at the terminals.

iii.Third harmonic differential between neutral and terminals.

iv.Sub-harmonic voltage signal injection and the neutral.
4.6.5 Generator rotor field protection
The field circuit of a generator is an ungrounded system. A single
ground fault will not generally affect the operation of a generator,
however, if a second ground fault occurs, a portion of the field
winding will be short-circuited, thereby producing unbalanced air gap
fluxes in the machine. These unbalanced fluxes may cause rotor
vibration that can quickly damage the machine; also, unbalanced rotor

winding and rotor body temperatures caused by uneven rotor winding
currents can cause similar damaging vibrations. The probability of the
second ground occurring is greater than the first, since the first ground
a ground reference for voltages induced in the field by stator
transients, thereby increasing the stress to ground at other points on
the field winding. A voltage relay isused to detect overvoltage in the
winding produced by a ground fault. On a brushless excitation
system, continuous monitoring for field ground is not possible with
conventional field ground relays since the generator field connections
are contained in the rotating element. One method used is the addition
of a pilot brush or brushes to gain access to the rotating field parts.
The pilot brush can be periodically dropped to monitor the system.
The ground check can be done automatically by a sequencing timer
and control, or manually by the operator.
4.6.6 Generator loss of field
When a synchronous generator loses excitation it will over speed and
operate as an induction generator. It will continue to supply some
power to the system and will receive its excitation from the system in
the form of VAR. During this condition, the stator currents will be
increased and, since the generator has lost synchronism, there can be
high levels of current induced in the rotor that can cause dangerous
overheating of the stator windings and the rotor within a very short
time. The most widely applied method for loss of field protection is the
use of distance relays to
sense thevariation of impedance as viewed from the generator terminals.
Both the active and reactive part of the impedance must be evaluated.
4.6.7 Unbalanced currents
Generator unbalanced currents produce negative phase sequence
components of current which induce a double frequency current in the
surface of the rotor, the retaining rings, the slot wedges and in the
field winding. These rotor currents can cause high and dangerous
temperatures in a very short time.Negative sequence protection
consists of a time over current relay which is responsive to negative
sequence currents, protecting the machines before their specific limits
are reached
4.6.8 Loss of synchronism
When a generator loses synchronism, the resulting high peak currents
and off-frequency operation cause winding stresses pulsating torques,
and mechanical resonances that are potentially damaging to the
generator and turbine generator shaft. The conventional method for
loss of synchronism protection is an impedance relay that analyzes the
variation in apparent impedance as viewed at the terminals of the
system element.
4.6.9 over excitation
Over excitation of a generator will occur whenever the ratio of the
voltage to frequency (volts/hertz) applied to the terminals of the equi
pment exceeds 1.05 per uniton the generator base. When these
volts/hertz (V/Hz) ratios are exceeded, saturation of the magnetic core
of the generator can occur and stray flux can be induced in non
laminated components which are not designed to carry flux and can
also cause excessive inter laminar voltages between laminations at the
ends of thecore. The field current in the generator can also be
excessive. This can cause severe overheating in the generator and
eventual breakdown in the insulation. Volts/Hz (over excitation)
protection is a function that measures both voltage magnitude and
frequency over a broad range of frequency and determines the
Volts/Hz relationship in the generator.
4.6.10 Motoring
Motoring of a generator (reverse power) occurs when the energy
supply 49
to the prime mover is cut off while the generator is still online. When
this occurs, the generator will act as a synchronous motor and drive
the prime mover. Motoring causes many undesirable conditions. For
example, in a steam turbine, the rotation of the turbine rotor and
blades in a steam environment causes idling or windage losses.
Windage loss energy is dissipated as heat. This can cause severe
thermal stresses in the turbine parts. Reverse power protection is a
power relay set to look into the machine and is, therefore, used on
most units. Although listed along with generator protection functions,
reverse power protection is actually designed for the protection of the
steam turbine.

4.6.11 Overvoltage
Generator overvoltage may occur without necessarily exceeding the
V/Hz limits of the machine. Upon load rejection, the speed may
increase and cause a proportional rise in voltage. Under this condition
on a V/Hz basis, the over excitation may not be excessive but the
sustained voltage magnitude may be above permissible limits.
Overvoltage conditions can also occur due to voltage regulator
failure. Protection for generator overvoltage is provided with an
overvoltage relay.
4.6.12. Abnormal frequencies
Both the generator and the turbine are limited in the degree of
abnormal frequency operation that can be tolerated. The turbine is
usually considered to be more restrictive than the generator at reduced
frequencies because of possible mechanical resonances in the many
stages of the turbine blades. Departure from rated speeds will bring
stimulus frequencies closer to one or more of the natural frequencies
of the various blades resulting in an increase in vibratory stresses. As
vibratory stresses increase, damage is accumulated that may lead to
cracking of some parts of the blade structure.Primary under-frequency
protection for steam turbine generators is provided by
the implementation of automatic load shedding programs on the
power system.
These load shedding programs should be designed so that for the
maximum possible overload condition, sufficient load is shed to
quickly restore system frequency to near normal. Backup protection
for under-
frequency conditions should be provided by the use of one under
frequencyrelay on each generator.
4.6.13 Generator breaker failure protection
When the protective relays detect an internal fault or an abnormal
operating condition, they will attempt to trip the generator and at the
same time initiate the breaker-failure timer.If a breaker does not clear
the fault or abnormal condition in a specified time, the timer will trip
the necessary breakers to remove the generator from the system that
to initiate the breaker-failure timer, a protective relay must operate
and a
current detector or a breaker a switch must indicate that the breaker
has failed to open. Breaker-failure schemes are connected to energize
a hand-reset lockout relay which will trip the necessary backup

4.7 Transformer
A transformer is an electrical apparatus designed to convert
alternating current from one voltage to another. It can be designed to
"step up" or "step down" voltages and works on the parameters of
transformers, including, varying the turn ratio with tap changers, the
limitations of transformers and sources of heat. Although transformers
can vary, from a miniature high-frequency audio transformer to a
large power transformer, the operating parameters are still the same.
These can be divided into eight groups and are posted on the
nameplate of any transformer of significant size.VA rating, cooling,
transformer rating, frequency, voltage, phase, connections, and taps.
In a power plant, transformers are vital in stepping down or stepping
up voltage to suitable levels to supply various LT and HT drives.

They range from a few MVA to several hundreds of MVA in rating
Magnetic induction principle. A transformer has no moving parts and
is a completely static solid state device, which insures, under normal
operating conditions, a long and trouble-free life. It consists, in its
simplest form, of two or more coils of insulated wire wound on a
laminated steel core. When voltage is introduced to one coil, called
the primary, it magnetizes the iron core. A voltage is then induced in
the other coil, called the secondary or output coil.
The change of voltage (or voltage ratio) between the primary and
secondary depends on the turns ratio of the two coils. One of the main
reasons for the popularity of alternating current systems is the ease
with which ac voltage and current levels can be transformed. Large
amounts of power can be transmitted
from a generating station at high voltage and comparatively low
current levels. These are changed to lower voltages and higher
currents in the locality where the power is tobe used.This module will
examine the general operating principles and main.
4.7.1 VA Rating of Transformer
Every transformer has a maximum output current that it can deliver at
its standard output voltage. This VA rating (KVA or MVA for large
power transformers) is dependent on the ambient temperature or
cooling provided. Exceeding the VA rating will cause over-heating of
the core and windings and subsequent damage.
4.7.2 Generator Transformer
The generating transformer is connected to generator at one end
and the switch yard on the other. It converts the generating voltage of
21KV to transmitting voltage of 400KV. The function of generating
transformer is for stepping up the voltage for transmitting the power
to the grid.


Figure 4.4:Generator Transformers

4.7.3 Unit Transformer

The unit transformer is tapped off from the connection of the main
generator to thetransformer. It is energized only when the generator is
in service and supplies loads which are important for operation of the
unit. It is a 21KV/11.5 KV transformer.Need for Unit
Transformer:The primary use of the UT is to feed the HT switchgears
and motors.
4.7.4 Unit Auxiliary Transformer
Power plant is provided with Unit Auxiliary Transformers (UAT)
connected to the generator terminals through Isolated Phase Bus Duct
(IPBD). Unit AuxiliaryTransformers provides electrical power to
power plant distribution buses by stepping down the voltage from
11kV to
3.3kV.Need for Unit Auxiliary Transformer
i.The purpose of Unit auxiliary Transformer is to feed power to
generator auxiliaries of that unit.
ii .It also supplies the high voltage switchgear.
i.The important characteristics of a unit auxiliary transformer are:
ii.These transformers are used a stepping down transformer with high
voltage side being tapped from the unit transformer secondary.
iii.To make sure that the switchboard is maintained at an adequate
voltage level at full load the open circuit ratio of the transformer is
selected to have low voltage slightly above the nominal value of 11
kV, i.e. 11.5kV.
iv.On-load tap changing mechanism is provided to Unit auxiliary
v.They are usually Delta (HV side) and Star(LV side) connected
transformers. The neutral of the star point is connected to earth
through resistor to limit the fault current during ground faults and to
protect the transformer.
vi.The transformers are usually provided with Air Force Oil Force (A
FOF) cooling.
vii.Rated KVA of Unit Auxiliary Transformers is approximately 15%
of the generating rating.
viii.Usually these transformers are outdoor transformers
ix.Two Unit Auxiliary Transformers is present for every generating
unit for reliability.
4.7.5 Standby Transformer
A standby transformer is used as a backup transformer to supply
power to the station. It is a 400KVby 11 KV step down
transformer.Need for standby transformer.A standby transformer
supplies the load to the unit when there is a fault in the generating
transformer .It takes power from the grid and steps it at 400KV and
steps it down to 11KV and supplies it to the station.
i.It is a small capacity transformer used only when the generator
transformer trips.
ii.As it almost always runs on light load losses are not given much
iii.No load losses must be kept to a minimum.
iv.As the standby transformer is of low capacity it cannot support to
units together so Interconnection is done to avoid such a situation.

v.On load tap changers are present at the secondary to maintain the
voltage at the same level as grid voltage varies a lot.
4.7.6 Cooling Of Transformer
i.Natural Oil Cooling.
ii. Forced Oil Cooling
iii.Internal Cooling
1. Natural Oil Cooling
The oil in the ducts, and at the surface;of the coils and cores, takes tip
heat by conduction, and rises cool oil from the bottom of the tank
rising to take its place. A continuous circulation of oil is completed by
the heated oil flowing to the tank sides (where cooling to the ambient
air occurs) and falling again to the bottom of the tank. Oil has a large
coefficient of volume expansion with increase of temperature, and a
substantial circulation is readily obtained so long as the cooling ducts
in the cores and coils are not unduly restricted. Onfull load with
continuous operation, the greatest temperature-rise wills probably he
in the coils. The maximum oil temperature may be about 10° less than
the coil oil temperature another 15° less. The best dissipater of
external heat is a plain blacked tank. But to dissipate the loss in a
large transformer a plain tank would have an excessively large surface
area and cubic capacity, and would require a great quantity of oil.
Both space and oil are expensive.
2. Forced Oil Cooling
When forced cooling becomes necessary in large high-voltage oil
immersed transformers. The choice of the method of cooling will
depend largely upon the conditions obtaining at the site. Air-blast
cooling can be used, a hollow-wailed tank being provided for the
transformer and oil, the cooling air being blown through the hollow

The heat removed from the inner walls of the tank can be raised to
five or six times that dissipated naturally, so that very large
transformers can be cooled in this way.A cheap method of forced
cooling where a natural head of water is obtainable is the use of a
cooling coil, consisting of tubes through which cold water is

circulated, inserted in the top of the tank. This method has, however,
the disadvantage that it introduces into the tank a, system containing
water under a head greater than that of the oil. Any leakage will,
therefore, be from the water to the oil, so that there is a risk of
contaminating the oil and reducing its insulating value.
Fins are placed on the copper cooling tubes to assist in the conduction
of heat from the oil, since heat passes three times as rapidly from the
copper to the cooling water from the oil to the copper tubing. The
inlet and outlet pipes are lagged to avoid water from the ambient air
condensing on them and getting into the oil. For large installations the
best cooling system appears to be that in which oil is circulated by
pump from the top of the transformer tank to a cooling plant,
returning when cold to the bottom of the tank. When the cooling
medium is water, this has the advantage that the oil can be arranged to
work at a higher static head than the water, so that any leakage will be
in the direction of oil to water. The system is suitable for application
to banks of transformers but for reliability not more than, say three
tanks should be connected in one cooling pump circuit Until recently
all large units employed oil circulating systems, but considerable
advances have been made towards increasing the size of self-cooled
units by special radiators.
It is possible to build entirely self-cooled units up to 40000 KVA with
the advantage of eliminating breakdown risks due to auxiliary
pumping equipment. The addition of an air-blast system to circulate
cooling air over the radiators permits the increase of size to about
75000 KVA. Although an auxiliary fan is involved is still capable of
half-load operation should the air blast fail.

A temperature device can be used to bring the fan into action when
the oil temperature reaches a desired limit; this improves the overall
efficiency at small loads. Tank less, air insulated. Transformers have
been built up to 1500 KVA, but larger sizes require forced air
3. Internal Cooling
The heating of the coils depends on their thermal conductivity, which
is itself a function
i. The thickness of the winding, and
ii. The external insulation.
A coil design, which allows the copper heat to flow radically out-
wards with little cross insulation in the path of the flow, leads to
economical rating in that a high current density can be employed for a
given temperature rise without sacrifice of efficiency. The strip-on-
edge winding, consisting of a single layer of copper of rectangular
section wound on edge on a Bakelite cylinder with one edge bare and
in contact
with oil, dissipates heat most effectively. In some designs the flow of
heat can be so much improved that the transformer output entails a
larger size of tank. With cores, ageing is not to be feared when
modern steels are used and correctly handled, but heating and cooling,
with the accompanying expansion and contraction, lead sometimes to
a loosening of the core construction. Owing to the laminated nature of
the cores, and the presence (on the surfaces of the plates) of oxide
films and paper, varnish, etc., the flow of heat in cores is almost
wholly towards the edges. On account of the rather greater exposure
of iron to the oil in shell-type transformers, these are better than the
core-type as regards the cooling of the iron. On the other hand, the
exposed coils of the core type will cool more readily than those of the
shell type.
4.7.7Transformer protection
 Transformer Instantaneous Over-Current Protection
 Transformer Differential Protection
 Transformer Gas Relay
 Transformer Thermal Overload
 Transformer Ground Fault Protection
1)Transformer Instantaneous Over-Current Protection
Instantaneous over-current is usually the result of fault conditions in
which current flow will greatly exceed normal. These faults (phase to
phase, phase to ground) can be in the form of inter-winding faults
or winding to core/case faults. Catastrophic damage associated with
large fault currents can occur without this type of protection. These
types of faults can be rapidly detected by differential protection
schemes. In these situations, fast acting electromagnetic relays will be
used to trip the affected transformer.
2) Transformer Differential Protection
Similar to bus protections, transformers are protected by differential
relays. Inter-windingfaults (short circuits) and ground faults within
power transformers can be detected by this protection scheme. Failure
to detect these faults and quickly isolate the transformer may cause
serious damage to the device. Remember that a differential relay is
basically an instantaneous over current relay that operates on the
difference of current flowing into and out of the protected zone. For
transformers the differential protection is basically the same as that
for a bus but there are certain differences that we will look more
closely at. These differences are a direct result of three characteristics
or a transformer.
i.A transformer has a turns ratio so the current in is not really equal to
the current out. The current transformers are not likely exactly
matched to the transformer turns ratio so there will always be an
unbalance current in the operating coil of a transformer differential
ii.Transformers require magnetizing current. There will be a small
current flow in the transformer primary even if the secondary is open
iii.A transformer has an inrush current. There is a time period after a
transformer is energized until the magnetic field in the core in
alternating symmetrically. The size and the length of this inrush
depend on the residual field in the core and
the point in the ac cycle the transformer is re-energized. In large
transformers in might be ten or twenty times the full-load current
initially and it might take several minutes to reduce to negligible
The value of the operate current has to be a certain set percentage
higher than the current flowing in the restraint coils. For this reason
transformer differential relays are said to percentage differential

When the transformer is first energized, there will not be any current
flowing in CT2. The CT1 secondary current I1S flows through both
the restraint and operate coils and prevents operation unless the
current is very high. The restraint coils also prevent relay operation
due to tap changes, where the ratio of transformer input to output
current can continuously vary. When transformers are first energized
there is over-fluxing (saturation) of the core and the large inrush
energizing current has a distorted waveform. This waveform is
described as having high second harmonic content. The transformer
differential relays make use of this known fact and add in extra
restraint when it detects this second harmonic. This extra feature
prevents the transformer from tripping due to magnetizing current
when being energized, but does not add any time delay. Because the
differential relay will not operate with load current or faults outside
the protected zones (through faults), it can be set to operate at a low
value of current thereby giving rapid operation when a fault occurs.
There is no need to time delay the operation of the relay and therefore
a fast acting type of relay can be used.

3) Transformer Gas Relay

The transformer gas relay is a protective device installed on the top of
oil-filled transformers. It performs two functions. It detects the slow
accumulation of gases, providing an alarm after a given amount of gas
has been collected. Also, it responds to a sudden pressure change that
accompanies a high rate of gas production (from a major internal
fault), promptly initiating disconnection of the transformer.

Chapter 5
5.1 SwitchYard

Switch yard Is the Area In which the components Are connected with
The all feeders.
5.2 Switch Gears
Switch gear Is the area in which components are connected with one
5.3 Bay
Area Under switch yard is called Bay.
5.4 Equipment Used In Switch Yard.....
 Bus bar
Circuit breakers  Isolators
Current transformer
Potential transformer
Lightening Arrestor
Earthling system
Bus tile
5.4.1 Bus bar
UsedTo interconnect the loads and sources Of electrical power.
It Connects incoming and outgoing transmission lines.
Also Connect generator and main transformer in power plant.
Material used:Copper or Aluminum.
Size of bus Bar to determine maximum amount of current passed. of Bus Bar
Rigid bus bars:Used For low,medium and high voltages
Strain bus bars:Used for high voltages
Insulated Phase bus bars:Used for medium voltages.
Sulphur hexa fluoride Bus bar:Used for medium and high voltage

5.4.2.Circuit Breakers:
A Circuit breaker is an automatically-Operated electrical switch
designed to protect An electrical circuit from damage caused by
overload or short circuit.Its Function is to interrupt continuity, to
immediately discontinue electrical flow.In switchyard High Capacity
Circuit Breakers Are used.It Works on on-load.In400/220KV
Substation Power Grid There is SF6 Circuit breaker system

Figure 5.1: Circuit breaker

5.4.3 Isolator
Isolator switch Is used To ensure that an electrical Circuit is Completely
de energized For service or maintenance.It Works on no load.


Figure 5.2:Isolators
5.4.4 PT (Potential Transformer)
Potential transformer is a simple step down transformer used for
instrumentation purpose in the switchyard. It works on the principle
of mutual induction. Its winding diagram is given below.
5.4.5 CT (Current Transformer)
Current transformer is also used for the instrumentation purpose in the
switch yard. It gives the voltage with respect to current passes through
the conductor its winding diagram is given below.It has only single
winding. It works on the principle of clamp meter in which when
current passes through the conductor the magnetic field is developed
around it, that field induced into the single winding of CT and it gives
the output voltages.

5.4.6 Surge Arrestors.

Surge arrestors are simply the lightning arrestors used for the
protection of system against lightning fault.

This report has introduced the new technologies applied in labor-
saving systems that as a thermal power plant supervisory and control
systems aim to be economical while maintaining a high degree of
reliability and that also facilitate the work of operators and
maintenance engineers. The systems discussed are the first to meet the
need for a remote centralized supervisory, control system and result
from a successful fusion of the latest digital control equipment and
transmission systems, computer technology and the excellent
operational skills built up by electric power company.


Future Recommendations about this industry

ii. More theoretical knowledge about power generation, protection

system, and power equipment’s should be learnt before going for
internship. Hence students must complete the related courses to their
internship before joining the program.
ii. Taking the courses before the internship helps the students to
understand the topic much better.
iii.They should introduce creativity into the work.


[2]TrisectorLjungström Air Pre-heater
[5]"Power Plant Cooling Towers Like Big Milk BottlePopular
Mechanics, February 1930
[9]V.K. Mehta &Pohit Mehta, “Principles of Power system”, 4th
Revised Edition.



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