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Question 1

One point of strength in my performance of the capstone project the last semester is the soul of the leadership that I had
which made me able to manage the group and run it without any problems among the members due to difference in
opinions or proposals. Also I added to the team the soul of competence so that every member was doing his best to
reach our final goal which is an excellent project based on the scientific methods.

One point in my performance which has to be improved is working according to the calendar. I always had work to do
and I rarely finished my capstone work on time although I was the leader. It was a common problem in my group and
that was due to the incapability to organize time between study, capstone, competitions, other projects, outer
examinations and entertainment. It didn’t affect us very much in the previous semester because the semester was long
but this semester is short and it had to be solved quickly. I managed to solve this problem by using a calendar app and I
will input all the events (exams, competitions, projects) during this semester that will include a progress bar and
checkpoints so everything is working perfectly. Besides, I am using a to-do list app so I write the tasks which I have to
daily and check whether I finished them or not.

Question 2

- Our capstone challenge is to improve the scientific and technological environment to increase the industrial and
agricultural bases of Egypt. We have to introduce technology and innovation that could lead to the reduction of
cost in any industrial process (input, processing or output). But how to reduce the cost? I could make the same
thing with bad materials that are cheap and thus I reduced the cost. No, this isn’t a reduction in the cost, the real
reduction is making the same output with the same efficiency and quality using cheaper or less materials. We
mentioned many problems in my group. Two of them were:

1. Developing the process of manufacturing cars because it requires many machines which are so expensive
and the main input material used is iron and we know that cars are expensive and in Egypt there is almost no
factory for manufacturing car due to the enormous cost.
2. Expensive cost of the solar cells and its maintenance. We could develop a new solar cell of different
substance such as muscovite that could absorb more solar energy or doesn’t waste some of the converted

I prefer to work on solar cells because energy is the backbone of industry, thus it is a more important problem.
We also studied solar cells during the capstone of grade 10 so we have a good background on solar cells. Also
developing the manufacture of cars is very complicated.

Question 3

The facts are:

1. (In iron industry, large amounts of energy are required, and we often burn coal or garbage to produce this energy.)
2. (The iron industry produces large quantities of carbon oxides.)
Facts are things which are real and happen in real life

The speculation is: (In the future the majority of the energy needed for iron production will come from solar energy.)

Speculation is something which is not real, it may be fiction, it may happen in the future, or it is a proposal but it is not
happening now.

Question 4

Ohmic circuits and resistors are essential concepts in physics. Resistors could be used in the circuit to reduce the current
in a specific section of the circuit and thus using less electricity and thus a reduction in the cost. Every appliance in the
circuit requires a specific amount of current and voltage. Resistors could be used to adjust that. We could benefit from
the connection of resistors or devices (so we could connect it in parallel or in series to reach the max current or the max
voltage that we need) and thus using less electricity by only adjusting the connection. Resistors could also be used to
protect the appliances from damage so if a surge (a sudden increase in current or voltage) happened, it will be absorbed
by the resistor or if the surge is very big , the resistor will burn making an open circuit so that the appliances will stay safe
and nothing expensive will be damaged.

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