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For the first five slides: These humble suggestions are made to be considered if found worthy, Mam.

I’ve heard so much about you = I’ve been told a lot about you! / People have spoken to me about you! /
I’ve been told many things concerning you!

It’s good to have you here! = It’s nice to have here! / It’s a pleasure to have you here! /It’s great to have
you here!

Have we met before? = Have you seen me before?

It’s good to see you again! = Happy to meet you again! / It’s good to be back!

How are you getting on? = How are you doing? / How are you?

Thanks for asking, I’m fine, how are you? = Greeting - How are you? / How are you? I'm great, thanks /
I'm fine, and you? / I'm ok/good/fine.

Sorry, I didn’t catch that? = Pardon / Come again /Could you say that again? / I didn’t hear or
understand that / Couldn’t grasp your point exactly.

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