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Applicant No.
(For Office Use Only)



Please read the Notes for Applicants and Personal Data Collection Statement on the last page before completing the application form.

Post Applied For 申請職位 : (職位編號 Reference: )

Division(s) You Applied For(if applicable)


I. Personal Particulars 個人資料

Title Surname Given Name

稱謂﹕ 英文姓氏 ﹕ 英文名字 ﹕
Name in Chinese (If applicable) Date of Birth
中文姓名(如適用)﹕ 出生日期 ﹕
H.K.I.D No. / Passport No. Nationality
香港身分證 / 護照號碼 ﹕ 國籍 ﹕
Correspondence Address
通訊地址 ﹕
Contact Phone No. (Residential) (Mobile)
聯絡電話(住所) ﹕ (流動電話) ﹕
Fax No. (If Any) Email Address
傳真號碼(如適用) ﹕ 電郵地址 ﹕

II. Education and Training (Please provide details in descending chronological order)

Date (Month/Year)
Qualification Obtained Date of Award
日期 (月/年) School/College/University or Training
(with classification if any) (Month/Year)
Organization Attended
From To 獲取的學歷或資格 頒授日期
曾就讀的學校/學院/大學/訓練機構 請詳列學科等級(如適用) (月/年)
由 至

Results of Open Examination 公開考試的成績:

Best result in Chinese Language Subject: (i) HK Certificate of Education Examination
中文科最佳成績 : 香港中學會考

(ii) HK Advanced Level Examination (A-Level/AS-Level)
香港高級程度會考 (高級程度 / 高級補充程度)

Best result in English Language Subject: (iii) HK Certificate of Education Examination (Syllabus A)
英文科最佳成績 : 香港中學會考 (課程甲)

(iv) HK Certificate of Education Examination (Syllabus B)
香港中學會考 (課程乙)

Results of Open Examination 公開考試的成績:
(v) HK Advanced Level Examination (A-level/AS-level)
香港高級程度會考 (高級程度 / 高級補充程度)

(vi) IELTS, if taken
思試(IELTS), 如已獲取

Best result in Mathematics Subject: (vii) HK Certificate of Education Examination
數學科最佳成績 : 香港中學會考

III. Professional Membership (if applicable) (Please provide details in descending chronological order)
專業資格 (如適用) (請先列出最近期獲取的專業資格)

Date of Award
Channel of Award
Name of Issuing Authority Qualification/Membership Obtained (Month/Year)
(e.g. examination)
頒發機構(全名) 獲取的專業資格 頒授日期 (月/
獲取途徑 (如考試等)

IV. Employment History (Please provide full details of employment record, in descending chronological
order) 就業詳情 (請提供截至目前為止的全部就業詳情,並先列出最近期的工作) :

Position Held and Date (Month/Year)
Full Time/ Period
Name of Organization Nature of Work 日期(月/年) Reasonfor leaving
Part Time 工作年期
機構名稱 職位及 離職原因
全職/兼職 主要職責 From To Years Months
由 至 年 月

全職工作總年數 Total full-time employment (years) _________

V. Other Information 其他資料

Please provide any other information which you consider relevant and helpful to your application, e.g. particular skills. 可提供

The ERB is an equal opportunity employer. Applicant with a disability may also indicate his/her nature of degree of disability
here to facilitate interview and other arrangements (optional).僱員再培訓局是一個推行平等機會的僱主。如適用,申請人可

Please delete as appropriate *請刪去不適用者 HRA05(H) Jan 2010/HRA P. 2

Present/Last Salary HK$ (Per Month) Month Incremental Date (If Applicable)
現職或近職薪酬﹕ 港幣 (每月) × 月 增薪日期(如適用)﹕
(Please specify if salary is not paid
on per month basis) (Per hour / Per day)
(如並非以月薪支付薪酬請另註明) (時薪/日薪)
Allowance HK$ (Per Month) Month Contract-end Gratuity, if any
津貼 (如適用) ﹕ 港幣 (每月) × 月 約滿酬金(如適用)﹕

(Total Sum of Salary, Allowance and

Expected Salary HK$ Gratuity Per Annum) Notice Period Required
期望薪酬 ﹕ 港幣 (每年薪金、津貼及約滿酬金總和) 現職離職通知期﹕
How did you learn about this vacant position (e.g. name of newspaper and website)

VI. Declaration 聲明

I declare that the information given above is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I will produce the original
copies of all identification and qualification documents as required by the ERB for further processing of this application. I
understand that if I knowingly supply false information or withhold any material information in this application, the ERB shall
have the right to rescind any verbal/written offer of appointment and I shall render myself liable to dismissal if I am eventually
appointed by the ERB.

Signature of Applicant Date

申請人簽署 日期

Notes for Applicant 申請人須知

1. Please ensure that all parts in the form are completed and the information is accurate. You should also attach full curriculum vitae
if requested in the advertisement. 申請人須填妥申請書各項,並提供正確資料。如招聘廣告註明,申請人須隨本申請書附上
2. Short-listed candidates will be notified in due course for further assessment. The Employees Retraining Board will not
acknowledge receipt of application. If you do not hear from us within 6 weeks, you may consider that your application has been
unsuccessful on this occasion. 申請人如初步入選,將獲另行通知。僱員再培訓局將不會發出申請書收據。如你在 6 個星期內

Personal Data Collection Statement 收集個人資料聲明

1. Except for items clearly marked as optional, the personal data requested in this form and any other additional information as
may be requested in the job advertisement are to enable the Employees Retraining Board to assess if the applicant is qualified
and suitable for the job in terms of qualification, training, experience, and any other requirements specified for the job. The
Employees Retraining Board will be unable to process the application if the information requested is not provided, incomplete
or it is unclear from the information/documents provided that the applicant meets the minimum requirement for the post
2. The personal data provided in this form will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes by the
Employees Retraining Board. It may be provided to other organizations authorized to process the information for the purpose
of employment with the Employees Retraining Board. Information on unsuccessful candidates will normally be destroyed 6
months after the advertisement.

Please delete as appropriate *請刪去不適用者 HRA05(H) Jan 2010/HRA P. 3

未獲取錄申請人的資料將於招聘廣告刊登日期後 6 個月全部銷毀。

3. You are advised to make a photocopy of the completed application form for your own reference.

4. If you wish to have access to and/or to request correction of your personal data or enquiries on recruitment matters, please
write to Manager (HR & Admin), Employees Retraining Board, 43/F Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai,
Hong Kong.
申請人如欲更改或查詢個人資料,或查詢與招聘有關的事宜,請以書面向香港灣仔皇后大道東 183 號合和中心 43 樓

- 完 E nd -

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