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You can find the area, A, of a circle using the formula A = pr 2 , where r is
the radius.

A = pr 2

Common approximations for

p are 3.14 and 22

Do You Understand? Do You Know How?

1. Essential Question   How can the area For 4–7, use 3.14 for p.
formula for a circle be used to solve problems?
4. What is the area of a circle with a radius of
8 inches?

5. What is the radius of a circle with an area of

28.26 square feet?
2. Be Precise  Is an area calculation exact when you
use 3.14 or 22
7 as a value for p? Explain.  MP.6

6. What is the area of a circle with a circumference

of 25.12 meters?

3. Use Structure  If you know the diameter of a

circle, how can you find the area? MP.7 7. The diameter of a pizza is 12 inches. What is
its area?

12 in.

452 8-6 
Solve Problems Involving Area of a Circle Go Online | PearsonRealize.com

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