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Country KPMG equivalent qualification for GCSEs KPMG equivalent qualification for A-levels KPMG equivalent qualification for

KPMG equivalent qualification for degree

Australia Year 10/Junior/Secondary Certificate Year 12 Certificate/TES/TER/TEE Bachelor degree

New Zealand Higher School Certificate/Sixth form certificate University entrance certificate Bachelor degree
India Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Indian School Certificate (Standard XII) Bachelor degree
Pakistan Intermediate / Higher Secondary Certificate Bachelor degree

Singapore GCE Ordinary Level GCE A-Level Bachelor degree

Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education
(HKDSE)/ Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination
Hong Kong Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) (HKALE) - Advanced Level) Bachelor degree
Tot Nghiep Pho Thong Trung Hoc / Upper
Vietnam Lower Secondary School Secondary School Graduation Diploma The Tot Nghiep Dai Hoc / Bachelor degree
Cambodia Diploma of upper secondary education National Entrance Examination Bachelor degree
Thailand Certificate of Lower Secondary Education (Maw 3) Certificate of Secondary Education (Maw 6) Bachelor degree
Malaysia SPM (Malaysia Certificate of Education) Malaysian Higher School Certificate (STPM) Bachelor degree
Bangladesh Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC)/Intermediate N/A Bachelor degree
Attestat o (Polnom) Srednem Obshchem Obrazovanii
Russia (Certificate of Secondary Education) Unified National Examinations Bakalavr

Turkey Devlet Lise Diplomasi / Lise Bitirme Diplomasi University entrance examinations (YGS and LYS) Lisans Diplomasi
Senior Secondary School Certificate of UMPTN (Entrance Examination to State
Indonesia Completion Universities) The Sarjana Satu
Israel High School Graduate Diploma/Matriculation Certificate Bachelor degree
Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shomeisho (Upper Secondary School
Japan Leaving Certificate) Preliminary entrance examination Bachelor degree
Sri Lanka Gerneral Certificate of Education (GCE) / Ordinary level Advanced Level Bachelor degree
South Korea High School Diploma Bachelor degree
Taiwan Seior High School Diploma University Entrance Exams Bachelor degree
China Senior high school qualifications College Entrance Examinations (Gaokao) Xueshi / Bachelor degree

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