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RON 5 6 7 8 9 10 ADAM PAUL LAXALT /Attomey General CAROLINE BATEMAN Chief Deputy Attomey General Nevada Bar No. 12281 Bureau of Gaming & Government Affairs 555 E, Washington Ave., Ste. 3900 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 Telephone: (702) 486-2625 Facsimile: (702) 486-3773 Email: BEFORE THE NEVADA STATE ATHLETIC COMMISSION COMPLAINT FOR IN THE MATTER OF: ) ) DISCIPLINARY ACTION ) ) SAUL “CANELO” ALVAREZ Robert Bennett, Executive Director for the Athletic Commission of the Department of Business and Industry, State of Nevada, complains for disciplinary action against Saul “Canelo” Alvarez (Alvarez) as follows: JURISDICTION 1. At alll times relevant to the Complaint, Alvarez was an unarmed combatant and professional boxing contestant, 2. As an unarmed combatant and professional contestant, Alvarez was subject to the provisions of Chapter 467 of the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS), and of Chapter 467 of the Nevada Administrative Code (NAC). 3. Pursuant to NRS Chapter 467, the Nevada State Athletic Commission (Commission) is vested with the sole discretion, management, control and jurisdiction over contests, exhibitions and contestants of unarmed combat, which includes boxing. 4. Pursuant to NAC 467.922, the Executive Director or a Commissioner may institute disciplinary proceedings against any person associated with unarmed combat in Nevada by filing a complaint with the Commission. Page 1 of 8 10. 11 12, 13, 14, FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS On February 6, 2018, Golden Boy Promotions, LLC, (GBP) submitted a program permit request to the Commission to promote a professional boxing event on May 5, 2018, featuring a main event contest between Alvarez and Gennady Gennadyevich Golovkin (GGG) at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. On February 14, 2018, at a public meeting, the Commission granted the requested: program permit to GBP for the May 5, 2018, boxing event. On February 17, 2018, Alvarez voluntarily submitted to an out-of-competition urinalysis; (February 17th Urinalysis) by the Voluntary Anti-Doping Association (VADA) and provided a specimen sample for testing to a Doping Control Officer (DCO) from VADA's| authorized collection authority, Clearidium. On February 20, 2018, Alvarez voluntarily submitted to an out-of-competition urinalysis (February 20th Urinalysis) by VADA and provided a specimen sample for testing to a’ DCO from Clearidium. The Sports Medicine Research and Testing Laboratory (SMRTL) conducted the testing on the February 17th Urinalysis and the February 20th Urinalysis (together, the Urinalyses). SMRTL is a laboratory that is approved and accredited by the World Anti- Doping Agency (WADA). The Urinalyses both reflected the presence of Clenbuterol. Clenbuterol is a prohibited anabolic agent, both in-competition and out-of-competition, pursuant to the 2018 WADA Prohibited List. The presence of Clenbuterol in Alvarez’s Urinalyses specimen samples constitute anti-doping violations. Alvarez's utilization, ingestion, and/or consumption of Clenbuterol, whether intentional or not, constitutes an anti-doping violation. By his administration or use of Clenbuterol, and/or by allowing Clenbuterol to enter his| system, Alvarez engaged in conduct that reflected discredit to unarmed combat and he| is guilty of foul or unsportsmanlike conduct that was detrimental to a contest. Page 2 of 8 CoN oan on 10 1 18 19 20 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 15, VIOLATIONS AND AUTHORIZED DISCIPLINE Section 26 of LCB File No. R062-16 governs disciplinary actions by the Commission for the presence of prohibited substances in a contestant’s sample and it provides: 1. Except as otherwise provided in this section and section 40 of this regulation, if a test of a sample or specimen of an unarmed combatant by a laboratory approved by the Commission pursuant to subsection 3 of section 25 of this regulation or a laboratory approved and accredited by the World Anti-Doping Agency identifies the presence of a prohibited substance or its metabolites or markers in the sample or specimen, the unarmed combatant has committed an anti-doping violation and is subject to disciplinary action by the Commission. A violation of this subsection is established by any of the following: (a) The presence of any quantity of a prohibited substance or its metabolites or markers in the A sample of an unarmed combatant if the unarmed combatant waives analysis of his or her B sample and the B sample is not analyzed (b) If the B sample of an unarmed combatant is analyzed, the analysis of the B sample confirms the presence of any quantity of the prohibited substance or its metabolites or markers as found in the A sample of the unarmed combatant. (c) If the B sample of an unarmed combatant is split into two bottles, the analysis of the second bottle confirms the presence of any quantity of the prohibited substance or its metabolites or markers as found in the first bottle 2. It is the duty of each unarmed combatant to ensure that no prohibited substance enters his or her body, and an unarmed combatant is responsible for the presence of any prohibited substance or its metabolites or markers found to be present in his or her sample or specimen. To establish a violation of this section, it is not necessary to establish that the unarmed combatant intentionally, knowingly or negligently used a prohibited substance or that the unarmed combatant is otherwise at fault for the presence of the prohibited substance or its metabolites or markers found to be present in his or her sample or specimen 3. Anunarmed combatant does not violate the provisions of this section if: (a) The quantity of the prohibited substance or its metabolites or markers found to be present in his or her sample or specimen does not exceed the threshold established in the Prohibited List for the prohibited substance or its metabolites or markers. (b) The special criteria in the Prohibited List for the evaluation of a prohibited substance that can be produced endogenously indicate that the presence of the prohibited substance or its metabolites or markers found to be present in the sample or specimen of the unarmed Page 3 of 8 combatant is not the result of his or her use of a prohibited substance. 1 4. Except as otherwise provided in sections 33 to 36, inclusive, of this 2 regulation, an unarmed combatant who violates any provision of this section: 3 4 (a) Is ineligible to engage in unarmed combat in this State for a period of at least 9 months but not more than 24 months, as determined by the 5 Commission. 6 (b) Will be fined by the Commission in an amount equal to at least 15 percent but not more than 30 percent of his or her purse. 7 8 5. Asused in this section 9 (a) “A sample” means the primary sample or specimen used to test for the presence of a prohibited substance. 10 (b) "B sample” means the sample or specimen used to confirm or 4 invalidate the presence of a prohibited substance in the A sample. 16. Section 27 of LCB File No. R062-16 governs disciplinary actions by the Commission for the utilization, application, ingestion, injection, or consumption of a prohibited substance or method and it provides: 1. Except as otherwise provided in section 40 of this regulation, an unarmed combatant who utilizes, applies, ingests, injects or consumes by any means, or attempts to utilize, apply, ingest, inject or consume by any means, a prohibited substance or prohibited method, whether successful or not, commits an anti- doping violation and is subject to disciplinary action by the Commission. 18 2. It is the duty of each unarmed combatant to ensure that no prohibited 19 substance enters his or her body, and that no prohibited method is used. To 20 establish a violation of this section, it is not necessary to establish that the unarmed combatant intentionally, knowingly or negligently used a prohibited at substance or prohibited method or that the unarmed combatant is otherwise at fault for the use or attempted use presence of the prohibited substance or a 22 prohibited method. 23 3. Except as otherwise provided in sections 33 to 36, inclusive, of this 24 regulation, an unarmed combatant who violates any provision of this section: 25 {a) Is ineligible to engage in unarmed combat in this State for a period of at least 9 months but not more than 24 months, as determined by the 26 Commission. 27 (b) Will be fined by the Commission in an amount equal to at least 15 28 percent but not more than 30 percent of his or her purse. Page 4 of 8 47. 18. 19. Pursuant to Section 18 of LCB File No. RO62-16, the Commission adopts by reference| the most recent version of the WADA Prohibited List. Nevada Administrative Code 467.885, as amended by Section 121 of LCB File No. R062-16, governs grounds for disciplinary action and it provides, in pertinent part: The Commission may suspend or revoke the license, approval, registration or sanctioning of, impose a ban on participation in unarmed combat in this State for a certain period against, otherwise discipline, or take any combination of such actions against a person licensed, approved, registered or sanctioned by the Commission or otherwise associated with unarmed combat in this State who has, in the judgment of the Commission: 1. Violated the laws of Nevada or the United States, except for minor traffic Violations. The Commission may determine that a person licensed, approved, registered or sanctioned by the Commission or otherwise associated with unarmed combat in this State has violated the laws of Nevada or the United States, whether or not the person has been convicted of, or entered a plea of guilty, guilty but mentally ill or nolo contendere to such a violation. 2. Violated any provision of this chapter. 3. Provided false or misleading information to the Commission or a representative of the Commission. 4. Failed or refused to comply with a valid request of a representative of the Commission. 5. Engaged in conduct at any time or place which is deemed by the Commission to reflect discredit to unarmed combat. Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 467.158 governs penalties in lieu of, or in addition to, other disciplinary action and it provides, in pertinent part: 2. If disciplinary action is taken against a person pursuant to this chapter, including, but not limited to, a hearing for the revocation of alicense, and the disciplinary action relates to (2) The preparation for a contest or an exhibition of unarmed combat; or (b) The occurrence of a contest or an exhibition of unarmed combat; or (c) Any other action taken in conjunction with a contest or an exhibition of unarmed combat, the Commission may prescribe a penalty pursuant to subsection 3. 3. A penalty prescribed by the Commission pursuant to subsection Page 5 of 8 (a) Must not exceed $250,000 or 100 percent of the share of the purse to which the holder of the license is entitled for the contest or exhibition, whichever amount is greater; and (b) May be imposed in addition to or in lieu of any other disciplinary action that is taken against the person by the Commission. person by the commission pursuant to this chapter, the Commission may impose a ban from participation in unarmed combat in this State for a certain period, including a lifetime ban from participation in unarmed combat in this State. 5. The authority of the Commission to take disciplinary action against a person pursuant to this chapter must not be construed to be limited to those persons who are licensed by the Commission. Such authority extends to any person 1 involved in or associated with unarmed combat in this State who violates any provision of this chapter. 2 3 4 5 6 4. In addition to any other disciplinary action that is taken against 7 8 9 0 6. If disciplinary action is taken against a person pursuant to this, S chapter, the commission may require the person against whom A such action is taken to pay the costs of the proceeding, 2 including investigative costs and attorney's fees a 20. _NRS 467.110 governs suspensions, revocations and other disciplining of contestants Ef 16 and it provides, in pertinent part: “47 The Commission may suspend or revoke the license of, otherwise discipline, or take any combination of such actions against any 18 contestant, promoter, ring official or other participant who, in the judgment of the Commission: 19 20 (c) Is guilty of an act or conduct that is detrimental to a contest or 21 exhibition of unarmed combat, including, but not limited to, any foul or unsportsmanlike conduct’ in connection with a contest or 22 exhibition of unarmed combat. 23 RELIEF SOUGHT 24 21. Based upon the allegations contained herein, the Executive Director prays for relief as 25 follows: 26 ‘A. That the Commission impose a period of ineligibility against Alvarez pursuant to| 27 NRS 467.110, NRS 467.158, NAC 467.885, and/or Sections 26 and/or 27 of| 28 LCB File No. RO62-16; Page 6 of 8 1 B, That Alvarez pay the applicable costs of the disciplinary proceeding, including investigative costs, attorney's fees, and/or drug testing fees; C. That Alvarez provide the Commission with his negative urine tests for prohibited drugs, through a drugs of abuse panel and a steroid and diuretics panel, upon filing his next application for an unarmed combatant’s license; and DATED this 27th day of March, 2018, FOR THE NEVADA STATE ATHLETIC COMMISSION, DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY, STATE OF NEVADA BERT BENNETT Executive Director 2 3 4 5 6 D. For such other and further relief as the Commission may deem just and proper. 7 8 9 0 SUBMITTED BY: ‘ADAM PAUL LAXALT Attomey General By: /s/ Caroline Bateman CAROLINE BATEMAN Chief Deputy Attorney General Page 7 of 8 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certiy that on the _&7”* day of March, 2018, | served the COMPLAINT FOR| DISCIPLINARY ACTION by depositing a copy of the same in the United States mail, properly addressed, postage prepaid, CERTIFIED and REGULAR MAIL addressed as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 ‘Saul “Canelo” Alvarez 8 16531 Zumaque St. 7 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92607 e Certified Mail No. 7014 2870 OOOL 6494 S3%b 9 and 0 Ricardo P. Cestero, Esq. Greenberg Glusker Fields Claman & Machtinger LLP 1900 Avenue of the Stars, 21st Floor 4 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Certified Mail Ni An — da ee Athletic Commission's Office 7OL4 2870 OOOL 8494 5984 Page 8 of 8

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