Letters From Springfield Bishop Mitchell Rozanski, St. Mary's Pastor Frank Lawlor On St. Mary's High School Grant

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To: Families and Friends of St. Mary's High School

From: Father Frank AU

Re: Resurrection

Dated: Easter 2018

Attached is a copy of a memo which I received last evening from Bishop Rozanski. It is great
news. The Bishop has offered to give us a one-time grant of $300,000 that will be used to
support our high school- I have of course accepted the offer.

Despite the suspicions and rhetoric of the past few weeks Bishop Rozanski has always been a
great supporter of Catholic education and he and his staff have worked tirelessly with us over the
past few weeks to find a way to STM". I am very grateful to Bishop Mitch and thank him
for all of his support.
While this grant is a wonderful gift, challenges remain! On behalf of the school I have made
some cofirmitments to the diocese that may not be easy to meet. I am confident however that the
energy and spirit that has been generated over the past month will enable us to prove to students
and families in this area that St. Mary's High School is the place to be.

I am very grateful to all of you for your enthusiasm and support. These have indeed been trying
times but as we enter into the Holy Triduum I hope that you will join with me in prayers of
thanksgiving. At Easter we are awestruck by the Resurrection of Christ, this year we can also
celebrate the resurrection of St. Mary's High School.

God Bless you and Happy Easter.

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March 28,2018

TO: Fr. Frank Lawlor

FROM: Most. Rev. MitchellT. Rozanski

CC: Sr. M. Andrea Ciszewski, FSSJ, Mr. William LaBroad, Mr. Mark Dupont

RE: Grant for St. Mary Parish High School

Father, I want to thank you for arranging my meeting on Saturday with your Finance and Parish Councils,
along with your Parish School Board. I certainly witnessed a great commitment to the parish and its
educational mission. At the same time I know that these have been difficult weeks as you strived to be a
faithful and prudent steward of the parish's resources. For this I am especially grateful for your
leadership and insights.

Having given this matter much thought and prayer, I propose the following offer to the St. Mary Parish

The Diocese of Springfield will provide a one-year, non-renewable educational assistance grant of
5300,000, to be used to support St. Mary Parish High School, Westfield in FY19. This would be in
addition to funds normally allocated for tuition assistance and from the Foundation.

There are stipulations. First, I recommend you re-constitute your Parish School board based on the
recommendation made but under your sole authority as pastor,

Consistent with the proposal that you, Fr. Lawlor, have presented, we would expect an incoming
freshmen class to have an enrollment of 20 students, with a requirement that all future incoming
freshman classes meet or exceed an enrollment of 30 students.

With regard to fundraising, it is important that all funds collected for St. Mary's Parish schools are held
within proper parish school accounts. This includes funds raised in recent weeks by outside groups.

Finally, that the parish councils [pastoral, finance and school board] be made aware of the estimated
$SSS,0OO of unpaid lay employee pension contributions for the period of 2011 forward and commit to
resuming payment on all future contributions, as well as work with the Diocesan Finance Office to
establish a plan to address past unpaid pension contributions.

Father, I know that you and your parish community face many challenges ahead, but by providing this
one-year assistance, I do so in recognition that the parish community appears fully committed to this
effort and trust that they will be faithful to the promises and commitments they have made. I know that
you are committed to keeping all parties apprised of these efforts, for that I am most appreciative.

Wishing you and the entire St. Mary's parish family a blessed Easter Triduum I

76 Eulror SrRrEr. Posr Orrrce Box 1730. SpRrrucrrEro, MRssRcnusrr-rs 01102-1730. (413) 452-0803

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