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Summative Assessment | English 6

Overview: In groups of three or with partners, students will conduct an end of unit interview
compiling all that we have learned and explored about identity and what it means to be a part of
a community. Students will develop a list of questions to ask their interviewee and eventually
write a 5-8 sentence blurb about their partner. The blurb will go on the bottom of their partners’
portrait, and it will describe some aspect about their life that the interviewer learned and
admired/found interesting, as well as the skill/characteristic/lesson the interviewee learned from
their featured community that they can bring in to the other communities they are a part of. Each
student will have a parent, friend, etc. take a black and white photo of them in their environment
in a way that represents their personality.

Part I: Develop questions

1. Students will develop questions to ask one another in their interviews as a group, or we
will brainstorm a class list together. I will either guide students toward the following
questions, or give them the questions in addition to those they develop:
1. How has this community shaped you?
2. What is one skill/characteristic/lesson you have gained from this community that
you could use to contribute positively toward other communities you are a part
3. What is an aspect of your identity that you show in this community that you do
not show at school?
Part II: Interview (in class)

Part III: Photography & Blurb (first person)

Part IV: Gallery Walk & Share (last day of unit)

2. Discussion question: What is one thing you learned about your partner that you admire?
OR What is the skill/lesson/characteristic your partner has learned from their other
community that they could use to positively impact our classroom community?

*Eventually I will take the projects and make a “Humans of Rm. ____” wall in our
classroom. Imagine something like the photo below, but with photos students have taken
of themselves in their specific communities with a first person “blurb” written by their
interviewer summing up what that person learned about what their interviewee has to
offer to the communities they enter.
Part V: Self Reflection
 I will develop questions that show me the students have mastered the following
 Students will understand that empathy is essential to the success of
positive, productive communities. (U2)
 Students will understand that diversity can strengthen a community. (U3)
 Students will value diversity in their classroom (A1)

For Rubric Creation:

Students will be graded on the following (this is a loose overview):
1. The list of questions they develop
2. Interview script (with responses)
3. Photo (of themselves)
4. Headshot Blurb (5-8 sentences)
5. Gallery Walk & Discussion—somehow grade what they choose to share with the class
about their partner/their part in the discussion that day (maybe only do this through the
6. Self-Reflection

This assessment will assess the following objectives:

COGNITIVE (Know & Understand)
1. Students will understand that they are shaped by the communities they belong to.
2. Students will understand that empathy is essential to the success of positive, productive
3. Students will understand that diversity can strengthen a community.
4. Students will understand that people choose which aspects of their identity to share.
5. Students will understand that asking questions is a way to learn about people.
6. Students will explain how their communities have shaped them as individuals.
7. Students will describe how empathy has strengthened a specific community they are a
part of.
8. Students will explain how diversity strengthens a community.
9. Students will compare and contrast who they are in separate communities.
10. Students will develop questions that allows them to learn more about their peers.
AFFECTIVE (to feel/value) &/or NON-COGNITIVE
11. Students will value diversity in their communities.
12. Students will be able to show empathy.
Student Handout:

Summative Assessment | English 6

Throughout this unit we have been talking about the meaning of community and how to
build ours. For this project you are going to put all of your knowledge together in a practical way!
YOU will become Brandon Stanton for the day and interview one of your classmates. You are going to
find out what makes your partner(s) “tick”, what’s unique about them, and how they contribute
meaningful to the other communities in their life.
In groups of three or with a partner, you will conduct an end of unit interview that compiles
all we have learned and explored about identity and what it means to be a part of a community. You
1. Develop a list of interview questions to ask your partner.
2. Interview your partner! (while keeping a script of your conversation)
3. Take a black & white photo of your partner that represents their role in another
community outside of school.
4. Write a 5-8 sentence blurb about your partner from their perspective (first person), like
Brandon Stanton does in the readings we’ve explored from Humans of New York. The
blurb will go on the bottom of your partners’ portrait, and it will describe some aspect
about their life that you learned about and admired/found interesting, as well as the
skill/characteristic/lesson your partner has gained from their featured community that
they can bring in to the other communities they are a part of (like our class!).
5. Participate in a Gallery Walk of the photos and blurbs on ______ (date)
6. Complete a self-reflection about the experience of learning about the life of your

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