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82 Active to passive Put the following into the passive voice. The agent should not be mentioned except in numbers 11 and 28. You should open the wine about three hours before you use it. Previous climbers had cut steps in the ice. Somebody had cleaned my shoes and brushed my suit. ‘We use this room only on special occasions. ‘You must not hammer nails into the walls without permission. In some districts farmers use pigs to find truffles. Someone switched on a light and opened the door. Somebody had slashed the picture with a knife. They are pulling down the old theatre. 10 Why didn't they mend the roof before it fell in? 11 The mob broke ail the shop windows in recent riots. 12 The librarian said that they were starting a new system because people were not returning books. 13 The police asked each of us about his movements on the night of the crime. 14 Someone will serve refreshments. 15 People must not leave bicycles in the hall. 16 Members may keep books for three weeks. After that they must return them. 17 The burglars had cut an enormous hole in the steel door. 18 ['ve bought a harp. They are delivering it this afternoon. (De not change the first sentence.) 19 Someone has already told him to report for duty at six. 20 They rang the church bells as a flood warning. 21 No one can do anything unless someone gives us more information. 22 People are spending far more money on food now than they spent ten years ago. 23 The organizers will exhibit the paintings till the end of the month. 24 They will say nothing more about the matter if someone returns the stolen gua. 25 It is high time someone told him to stop behaving like a child. 26 =A thief stole my dog and brought him back only when I offered £20 reward for him. 27 The judge gave him two weeks in which to pay the fine. 28 They make these artificial flowers of silk. wood ak we SB Active to passive PEG 302.6 te flowing ia the passive, meting the agent wee many ‘hese hee ian net and a diet objet make the induct hci set of te poste ve. “They ave her a eck Shenson cock ‘The gard her cera vib is oplae in the psie by should be past pace: They aded eaplving pine workers Thy hed ip tne works sald bo empliyed 1 Thay fed the sels a the a0 tice ay 2 Waewmck it 5 Compare cltes whch we have washed uth tes wich ay oie oy oe washed 4 He epee ufo shin the ob 5 They towed ber th eves wa 6 Listeang sek be oi ook 4 Tiina coda have ined tm people dat wear tht spe of dress ater hs det Ajaipaa seg bes 9 Theater bar te oops eon i eileen. 10 Ings td fo cay soe ibs poet agai are 1 st be we tt Te wns ith natch sick dipped in toed 12 An eonry since rccesded be tot 15 Destine so? 14 The nye gave fa he Get fis c's wi. 15 Berra ke hve dans. 16 They sed estar tes eaies by band. Nor they tar them by 1 Mos pepe epod ti 1 Sree sed tf the wok. 19 The Prine Minter wesw have epoed ie dy dock. 20 They recommended open ae isi te Segesed arn. (Ce tt) 21 The lore ofthe woisop wil ke 2 of en red 1D Aayooe wh te soled lige sad naderand bce insioctons, 84 Passive to active + PEG 302-6 ‘Torn the filling sentences into the active voice Where ao agent 4s mentioned one mst be supplies ‘Schocl notice: This door ast be kept sit Sane mat Bop tae dr che | Why don't you have year eyes tested? ( Seo 119) 2 This spd Limit is tobe intruced gradually 3 The rays are being lengthened a all the mia airports 4 Tes cow € oan and ot most ofthe Ronpitls an the cooairy patioats sce being walened with enpe of fn 5. Byron i sid to have ved on vizezar and potatoes 5 By tradition, any surgeon that ae caught by Bish ships amet be ‘feed tothe Queen. 7 This actice bas been altered. 8 The owners weat avray Ist March aad since thea their hoascboat ‘nas been oad continncwely by aquatese, (Le a conto toe and ‘om contmusty) 9. The damaged ship was being towed into barbour when the towne broke et an optician wo 10. Hive a pot m and then you won't ae to climb wp all these 11 Lact yeor a prot of two aulion pouase wae mode inthe ft ix months but tis mas cancelled by a loss of seventeen milion pounds ‘hich was made in he second six moat, 12 Evening dese willbe worn 13 The chp war pot into quarantine cad pascengers aad crew were facie to land 14 Someone wil have tobe found 1 take her place 15. He wae aude to surender his poespot. 16 This ramonr mt have en stared by ot opponents 17 My paintings are to be exhibited for the Sst time by New Arts Galery 418 Thi ciate theory has aor been proved tobe flee 10 The car whch was blown over the ci esterday fo be salvaged today. 20 The house where the dead cane was fnad is bing guarded by the police fo prevent st Som being entered andthe evsdence aterfeed win 5 Indirect speech: statements 1 Students are asked to assume that these sentences are spoken and Teported on different days. This will mean that a sentence such as: He said, 'l am coming tomorrow,’ will become: He said that he was coming ‘he next day, and so on. This applies to all the exercises on indirect speech in this book. 2 With indirect speech, when the person addressed is mentioned, tell is more usual than say to as an introductory verb. For example: He toid me that he was going away the next day is more usual than He said to me that he was going away the next day. Put the following into indirect speech. ‘T have something to show you.’ I said to her. ‘Nothing grows in my garden. It never gets any sun," she said. ‘Tm going away tomorrow. mother." he said. ‘I've been in London for a month but so far I haven't had time to visit the Tower.’ said Rupert. ‘Tt isn't so foggy today as it was yesterday,’ I remarked. "The new underpass is being officially opened the day after tomorrow,’ said the BBC announcer. 7 ‘We have moved into our new flat. We don't like it nearly so much as our last one," said my aunt. 8 ‘We have a lift but very offen it doesn't work.’ they said. 9 ‘From one of the windows of my flat I can see the Eiffel Tower.’ he said. LO T've no idea what the time is but I'll dial 8081 and find out.' said his daughter. 1 He said, "My wife has just been made a judge." 12. Tl come with you as soon as I am ready." she replied. 13 ‘Thave a German lesson this afternoon and I haven't done my homework yet.’ said the small boy. 4 Tf you let the iron get too hot you will scorch your clothes,’ I warned ‘her. Bee au LS. "You haven't given me quite enough. The bill is for £14 and you've paid me only £13.’ he pointed out. Jndicet speech 16 Aum sid, ‘Eugishmen make good tusbands because dey are nearly aways willng to hep in te house 17 Mary answered. ike men to be well but I don ke them 1 be too domesticated [peter teas f keep out ofthe kitchen Allogetier. Men look sly in aprons anyway" 18 Motoring seport: The new Ros Royoe suns vo quily that all you can Hear the ticking of We clock ‘Managing director of the Rots Royee compaxy: In that case wel fave fo do someting about the ck 19 Tdoa't know what fo do wi all my plums. 1 suppose FM nave 10 sme jam. The fovble is at aoue oft eats at abc 548. 20 "We lke working oa Sundays becatse we got double pay. explained she badder 21 He sad. ‘Lam quite 2 good cook and I do all my ov washing and Tizect spose ‘Pot the follwing mo indirect speech, being careful fo avid ambiguity: 1 coulda get into the ose because Thad fost my key, 60 T had to eakea window he said) 2 "The miro there so that you can see yourself when you are "ie iasiciess tld him. 53. Tioroe ro it the day before yesterday. T wonder why he hasnt sung up! she snd. 4 Tbe ground ry on he day ofthe race, my ows might win? ssid the owner 5 "Yul eter dow down, These’ spent ee se sid 0 me. Gseasase) 6 TeTom wants seats, he'd etter apply eal" she said. 7 "We waked 50 miles lastnight co see the Minister and protest about ow cenls being raised. He was very polite and promised to do What he could fr us sid one ofthe temas 8 "They should put wate ighis here. otherwise there! be mone accidents she sid. 9 "Tes time we began taining foc our nest match, the coach said to tem 10 “Tryou teve tome at six, you shouldbe hereby nine” be said to me 11 Ti aite this aernon if wil be foo Wet to play the mech 32 TET press my ear against the wall, can hear what the people inthe eat at are sayings he said, Tandieot speech 136 "Were your boys happy there?" ~ "Yes, they were’ eskd fer ad ee hap thrash ad hate 15 "How long has it been a mixed school” 16 ‘Do you lke the headmaster” 17 ‘shea scientist or an ats graduate?” 18 "How may cldren ere thee in the school” 19 How big ae the classes?” 20 "Are the classes streamed?” 21 ‘Whats the academic standard Eke? 22 an arn wis the schol anytime” 25 "Wht instruments can the cildrea Lara” 26 ‘Is there school orchestra” 27 ‘Do they act plays” 28 "What sort of plas have they done?” 29 "What games do they play” 50 “Are the playing Belds near the school” SI‘ they taneht to swim’ 52 ‘Can the ehiéren gt dinner at school?” 33 ‘Ts the food good” 34 “Is there a Parent-Teacher Association” 435 "How ofien does it meet” 136: "Were your own boys happy atthe schol?” v4 Bossy te wey, Sih i he Bu gous ala wie. 15 et ag ee ne mee See ee ete wo EMSS a cess oe mt amchanged ) Indirect speech 114 Can you road he lst ine on the chart” the oclist asked ber. 15 “Did they uaderstand what you sed to them?” be asked me. 16 ‘Are you being attended to, sic” said the shop assistant. 17 “Wall you go on strike when the others do? the shop steward asked him. "18 "Do you sce what I see, Mary” sui the young man. 19 “Who left the banana skin on the font doorstep” said my mother. 20 Have you goue completely mad?’ I asked. ‘Do you want to blow ws all pt 21 "Why ie your house co fll of antiques” che asked. "Was your fther a collector” 22 ‘Are you leaving today or tomorrow morning” ssid hs secretary 23 How firs” Laid, ad how loag wil it take me to get there?” 24 Could I speak to Mrs Pit sud the caller, "Tan afraid she's out. said the a pair gir Could I take « massage” 25 ‘Are you somy for what you did? the mother asked the ite boy, 26 Are yom going fo see him of at the station” [asked ber 27 "Would you mind fT looked inside your bag, Madam” said the policeman 28 "someone fl at your feet foaming atthe mouth would you know what to do? sai We isrvctr in Fist Aid 29 "Why do you think it may be dangerous he acked hr. 430 ‘Do'youLaow that the shoes youre wearing aren apr? T asked tin 90 Indirect speech: commands, requests. advice expressed by object + infinitive Indirect commands, requests, ete. are normally expressed by tell, order, ask, beg, advise, remind, warn, etc., with the person addressed and the infinitive. Change the following direct commands into indirect commands using this construction. Remember that the person addressed is often not mentioned in a direct command: He said, 'Go away’, but must be mentioned in an indirect command: He told me (Tom/us/them, ete.) to go away. 'Switch off the TV," he said to her. 'Shut the door, Tom,’ she said. ‘Lend me your pen for 2 moment,! I said to Mary. ‘Don't wateh late-night horror movies,’ I wamed them. ‘Don't believe everything you hear, he wamed me. ‘Please Gill up this form,’ the secretary said. ‘Don't hurry," I said. ‘Don't touch that switch, Mary.’ I said. ea AW eee Indirect speech ‘Open the safe!’ the raiders ordered the bank clerk "Please do as I say.’ he begged me. ‘Help your mother, Peter.’ Mr Pitt said ‘Don't make too much noise, children,’ he said. ‘Do whatever you like.” she said to us. ‘Don't miss your train,’ she warned them, ‘Read it before you sign it’ he said to his client. ‘Do sing it again,” he said ‘Don't put your hands near the bars,’ the zoo keeper wamed us. ‘Buy a new car.’ I advised him ‘Don't drive too fast.’ she begged him. ‘Don't lean your bicycles against my windows. boys.’ said the shopkeeper "Come to the cinema with me,’ he asked her. ‘Cook it in butter.’ T advised her ‘Don't touch the gates, madam.’ said the lift operator. ‘Don't argue with me.’ the teacher said to the boy. ‘Pull as hard as you can,’ he said to him. "Send for the Fire Brigade,’ the manager said to the porter. ‘Don't lend her anything." he advised us. "Make a list of what you want,” she told us. ‘Look at the paper." he said to her. "Stand clear of the doors.’ a voice wamed the people on the platform. "See if you can find any mushrooms, children,” she said. ‘Don't go alone.” I warned her. ‘Pay at the cash desk.’ the shop assistant said to the customer. ‘The notice said, ‘Leave this space clear.’ "Remember to write to your mother.’ I said to them. “Think well before you answer,’ the detective warned her

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