DD Palestine Fellowship

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The Dream Defenders have led three delegations to Palestine of Black and Brown US-based community
organizers and cultural workers. Delegates have been given the opportunity to witness the occupation up
close, learn alongside Palestinian freedom fighters and bring this information back to the US in order to
advance the Palestinian liberation struggle and an internationalist vision for justice in our US-based work.

DD Palestine is a part of a resurgence of internationalism within local movements for justice in alignment
with leaders of the Black Radical Tradition, including Dr. Angela Davis, Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King
and Dr. Cornell West. We see solidarity with Palestine as an international issue that impacts our struggle
for freedom in the US.

In this moment, we need deeper alliances across various anti-war, anti-militarization and anti-white
supremacist movements. We have had the opportunity to travel to Mexico, Palestine and Brazil. Much of
our international work has been focused on building Black and Palestinian solidarity and as we take this
work to the next level, we hope to expand our ability to build relationships across the world. Under the
Trump administration, it should be clear that the only way forward is internationalism.

To continue to shape our work building an internationalist liberation movement, we are launching the DD
Palestine Fellowship. We are looking for a young leader who can help us take our work to the next level.
The fellow will be tasked with bringing former delegates together to strategize on projects and
campaigns to build a strong US-based movement for international liberation.

• Extensive knowledge of the Palestinian struggle for self-determination and international politics
• Experience in grassroots community organizing and campaign development with a particular
focus on anti-war/anti-militarism
• The ability to communicate clearly and strategically about Palestine

• Coordinate our network of past delegates, including:
o Building relationships and maintaining close contact with core leadership
o Sharing resources
o Organizing regular political education sessions and other peer to peer learning
o Facilitating monthly meetings
• Research, develop and execute campaign and projects
• Coordinate social media and communications efforts related to Palestine under the direction of
the Dream Defenders Communications Director
The fellowship will run from May 15, 2018 – November 30, 2018 with possibilities for renewal. The fellow
will dedicate 10-15 hours/week to the fellowship and will receive a monthly stipend of $1,000.

Send a resume + cover letter to aabuznaid@dreamdefenders.org by April 23.


The Dream Defenders are a statewide, Florida-based youth organization focused on building power in
Black, Latinx, immigrant and working class communities and in solidarity with oppressed peoples around
the world. We are a socialist, feminist, abolitionist and internationalist organization.

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