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Newspaper article
December 8th 6LR ELA Course


 GLO 2- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and
respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts.
o 2.3- identify key characteristics of a variety of forms or genres of oral, print and other
media texts

 GLO 4- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and
artistry of communication.

o SLO 4.1- use paragraph structures in expository and narrative texts

At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
1. Write a newspaper article
2. Identify the necessary parts of a newspaper article
 PAT Exemplar Situation and 5 W’s
 PAT Planning page
 Extra Support page (4)


 Write structure of newspaper on the board
 Write questions to consider on board while planning
 Write the writing process steps on the board
 Write instructions for when finished on the board
Introduction Time
 What is the purpose of a newspaper article? To inform! Does that mean we have to
make it super entertaining? No- the purpose is to share information and tell people
about it. 10 min
 Remember we are writing a news article- would we end our article by saying-
Thanks this is Miss Hass reporting? No because that’s not in the newspaper
Body Time
Structure of a 1) What is the structure of a newspaper? (upside down
Newspaper triangle)
2) What parts do we need to have in our newspaper
10 min
 (headline, byline, lead paragraph, additional info,
3) What sort of writing do we want in our article? Casual
(informal)- like here’s how it happened,
Parts to consider 1) What are some other things to think about as we write 10 min
while writing and as we plan
 What perspectives are they asking me to write
 How will I organize the information given to me?
 How can I make sure I follow the news article
 Which information is MOST important?
2) What steps should we take when we are writing?
 Plan
 Write
 Edit
 Write
Writing Time 1) Go over the exemplar and the formatting.
 Situation is described here, information is here
 This is the planning page that you get in the PAT, min
make sure you use it!
2) Students may start planning, then writing, then edit
Finishing up 1) If they finish- they need to edit and make changes. They
may use the dictionary to correct spelling.
2) If they finish they can do silent reading OR share and get min
feedback from another classmate who is finished

Conclusion Time
 Students who are finished will self-reflect on one thing they did well and one
thing they could improve
 Give warning at 10 that there is 15 minutes left. At 10:12 give students
5 min
warning to finish up there sentence. If they are finished they can hand it in, if
not it will go in a different pile so they can work on it later. After students are
cleaned up they can get snack
 Formative
o Written articles
o Observations during discussion and of planning and writing pages

Additional Notes:

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