Achievement Test in Science 5

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Achievement Test in Science 5


DRIECTION: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. Connects the cervix and the vaginal opening.

a.vagina b. uterus c. urethra
2. Provides a place for a developing embryo.
a. ovum b. uterus c.urethra
3. It is located insidethe penis, which serves as the passageway of the urne and semen.
a. urethra b. penis c. fimbria
4. It is called as sex cells.
a. vagina b. gametes c. fallopian tube
5. It is necessary for the survival of an organism.
a. fimbria b. fallopian tube c. reproduction
6. Recieves the ovum from the ovary.
a. Fimbria b. uterus c. vagina
7. It is called as egg cell.
a. urethra b. ovum c. gametes
8. The passage way of the egg cell from the ovary to the uterus.
a. estrogen b. fallopian tube c. progesterone
9. Deposits the semen to the reproductive part of the female
a. uterus b. vagina c. penis
10. Causes the lining of the uterus to thicken in preperation for the growth of the fertilized egg.
a. Estrogen b. progesteron c. estrogen and progesterone
11. Which of the following will be attracted to magnet?
a. Copper b. gold c. iron d. silver
12. Which refer to the path of an electric current?
a. circuit b. route c. series d. wire
13. Which will create static electricity?
a. Using a battery
b. Rubbing two things together
c. Using the elctricity in a wire
d. Static electricity cannot be created
14. Which is a good insulator of electricity?
a. alumnium foil b. copper wire wire d. plastic
15. Sarah was trying to make a circuit for her science project. If she wants to make the electricity go all the
way around the circuit, what type of circuit should she make?
a. closed circuit circuit c. parallel circuit d. series circuit
16. what is produced when an object vibrates?
a. Sound b.electricity c. light d.fluid
17. Which uses electric energy to move?
a. Electric fan b. electric stove c. light bulb d. light switch
18. When electric circuit flows through wires into our homes, we have...
a. Static electricity b.current electricity c. electric charges d. flowing electricity
19. When electric circuit flows through the metal filament of a light bulb, electric energy is converted to
a. Heat only
b. Light energy only
c. Heat and light energy
d. Light and motion energy
20. Why does the bulb light up?
a. The bulb becomes hot
b. Electricity moves form the bulb to the dry cell
c. Electricity moves through a complete circuit
d. The elecricity iscollected in the wire that heats up the bulb
21. What are the two main energy resources?
a. Wind and solar
b. Chemical and nuclear
c. Solar and geothermal
d. Gethermanl and biomass
22. What will happen if part of the circuit is not properly connected?
a. Electricity will flow
b. Electrons will continue to flow
c. Electricity will flow to the applicance
d. No electricity will flow to through the wire
23. Why isn’t static electricity utilized to power our home appliances
a. It brings about several sparks and shocks to the device
b. It is more expensive to use than current electricity
c. It is more dangerous touse in our appliances
d. It is not a continous source of electric power
24. What results when extra electrons collect and stay in an object for a period of time?
a. Static electricity c. Free electricity
b. Current electricity d.Dangerous electricity
25. How do we describe a conductor of electricity? It is a material that ...
a. Allows the free electrons to flow easily through it
b. Has extra free electrons on its surface
c. Has no free electrons that can move freely
d. Prevents the surplus electrons from moving out the wire
26. Why water considered the uniserval solvent?
a. Water can dissolve many kinds of substances
b. Water is very difficult to purify
c. Water undergoes a cycle
d. Water is a renewable resource
27. Most of the water that goes into the atmosphere comes from seas and oceans. Why is rain water tsteless
and not salty?
a. Salts and other minerals stay in air during evaoration
b. Rain water that contains salts falls backs to the ocean
c. When water evaporates, salt is left behind
d. Salt becomes tasteless during condensation
28. Why is water considered a renewable resource?
a. water undergoes cycle
b. there is abundant supply of water underground
c. Water can be pruified even though it gets polluted
d. The amount of surface water does not change
29. Why do we experience precipitation?
a. Because of differences in temperatures
b. Because water always undergoes condensation
c. Because water is always in liquid form
d. Because water is a renewable resource
30. Which ice crystal is formed when water vapor freezes directly into ice without passing the liquid state?
a. Sleet b. hail c. frost d. dew
31. Which of the following precesses can give the purest water form?
a. Evaporation b. filtration c. decantation d. distillation
32. How can you help in water conservation?
a. take a bath using a shower head
b. clean the car with a hose of running water
c. water the plants every morning
d. clean the toilet using laundry water
33. Which refers to the specific condition of the atmoshpere at a given time?
a. Climate b. temperature c. weather d. humidity
34. What are the scientists who study weather and climate called?
a. Biologists b. geologists c. meteorologist d. botanists
35. Which is the best thing to do during a typhoon?
a. Play outside with friends
b. Go out and swim in the river
c. Listen to the latest new
d. Join friends who are playing in the rain
36. Which of the following storm signal describe a wind speed of at least 100km/h?
a. Storm signal no. 1
b. Storm signal no. 2
c. Storm signal no. 3
d. Storm signal no. 4
37. Which form of precipitation comes in liquid form?
a. Hail b. fog c. rain d. snow
38. What is the common precipitation in the Philippines?
a. Snow c. hail
b. Rain d. sleet
39. When does a land breeze occur?
a. During the day b. when there is storm
b. At nightime d. pollutants
40. What are the tiny droplets of water suspended in the atmosphere called?
a. Air b. gases c. clouds d. pollutants
41. The PAGASA has just raised typhoon signal number three in Metro Manila and neighboring Northern
Luzon provinces. What does this mean?
a. Winds up to60 kph ma be expected in the locality.
b. Winds from 60 to 100 kph may be expected in the locality
c. Winds with a speed of 100 to 185 kph are expected in the area in at least 18 hours
d. Winds with a speed greater than 185 kph are expected to hit the area in at least 12 hours
42. When a weather disturbance threatens low lying coastal areas, which of the following should the
residents consider as the best strategy to ensure safety?
a. Seek shelter in the basement of their house
b. Hide under sturdy furniture
c. Go up the top of their houses
d. Evacuate to a higher, safer place
43. Which of the following is typically described by fair skies and light winds?
a. Eye of a hurricane
b. Eye wall of a hurricane
c. Center of a typhoon
d. Tail end of a typhoon
44. What condition/s may cause a severe thunderstorm?
a. Strong surface winds c. frequent sharp flashes of lightning
b. Heavy downpour of rain d. all of the choices given
45. You observed a funnel like shaped cloud with its tube directed downward. What does this indicate?
a. Sharp flashes of lightning will dart across the sky
b. Loud roars of thunder will be heard
c. A tornado is approaching
d. A strong typhoon is coming
46. The average weather condition of an area over a long period of time.
a. Climate b. weather c. sea breeze d. cloud
47. The day to day condition of the atmosphere in a certain area.
a. Land breeze b. sea breeze c. climate d. weater
48. A scientist that preicts the weather.
a. Biologist b. meteorologists c. weatherologist d. geologists
49. The government agency that gives official weather prediction.
a. Weather forecast b. PAGASA C.PHIVOLCS
50. A prediction of what particular condition of the atmoshphere will be.
a. Forecast b. PAGASA c. weather forecast d.
51. The breeze that occurs during day time.
a. Land breeze b. sea breeze c. sand breeze d. wind breeze
52. The breeze that occurs during night time.
a. Land breeze b. sea breeze c. sand breeze d. wind breeze
53. The moisture that falls from the atmoshphere to the ground.
a. Evaporation b. condensation c. precipitation d. transpiration
54. The movement of air around the earth.
a. Wind b. rain c. hail d. cloud
55. Mass of condensed water vapor in the atmosphere.
a. Wind b. rain c. sleet d. cloud
56. At what angle is Earth’s axis tilted?
a. 23.4° b. 24.3° c. 34.3° d. 32.4°
57. Which is the hottest layer of the sun?
a. Readiation zone b. convection zone c. core d. atmosphere
58. What do you call the point in Earth’s orbit where it closes to the sun?
a. Orbit b. perihilion c. aphelion d. rotation
59. Which of the following is not caused by excessive exposure to the sun?
a. Dehydration b. sunburn c. heatstroke d. asthma
60. What is the position of the sun when the shadow cst by an object is the shortest?
a. Directly above the object
b. On the left side of the object
c. On the right side of the object
d. Below the object
61. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Radiation zone b. convection zone c. corona d. core
62. How can you protect your skin from over exposure to sunlight?
a. Look at the sun directly
b. Drink plenty of water
c. Apply sunscreen
d. Wear a sleeveless shirt and a pair of shorts
63. Which part of the layer of the sun is very visible during a solar eclipse?
a. Chromosphere b. photosphere c. heliosphere d. corona
64. What causes the difference in climate or seasons in different regions or parts of Earth?
a. Tilt or Earth’s axis
b. Sun’s distance from Earth
c. Earth’s smaller size than the sun
d. Earth’s rotation on its axis
65. Which of the following is not true about the sun?
a. The sun provides the energy plants need to make food
b. The sun;s position in the sky affects the lenght of shadow of an object
c. The sun revolves around the sun
d. The sun has both beneficial and harmful effects on living things
66. What happens to water when it is heated by the sun?
a. Water flows from place to place
b. Water moves to the lower part of the soil
c. Water changes into water vapor
d. Water changes into a solid precipitation like frost
67. Which of the following animals hibernate during winter?
a. Cats and dogs
b. Parrots and eagles
c. Penguins and dolphins
d. Chipmunks and bears
68. What is the role of the sun in the water cycle?
a. Because of heat, water changes to gas, then back to liquid as temperature in the atmoshere drops
b. Becasuse of the rays of the sun, water is warmed and organisms are killed
c. Because of the sun’s movement, water is deposited to the seas and oceans
d. Becasue of the sun’s roatation, water is pruified through filtration
69. Which part of the sun has the hightest temperature?
a. Core b. chromosphere c. corona d. prominence
70. Which of the following refer tothe tremondous explosions that occur on the surface of the sun ejecting
electrons, ions and atoms into space?
a. Solar winds b. solar flares c. prominences d. sunspots
71. How many planets are ther in the solar system?
a. 8 b. 9 c. 10 d. 7
72. How long does it take for light from the sun to reach the Earth?
a. 1 minute b. 8 minutes c. instantenous d. 24 hours
73. How old is the solar system?
a. 5000 years b.5 million years c. 5 billion years d. 500 billion years
74. Where would you find the solar system?
a. In space b. in the air c. in the clouds d. in the atmosphere
75. What causes the Earth day and night?
a. Revolution of the moon
b. Tilting the Earth’s axis
c. Rotation of the earth on its axis
d. Revoluiton of the Earth around the sun
76 . Which of the following will be attracted to magnet?
a. Copper B. Gold C. iron d. Silver
77. Which refers to the path of an electric current?
a. Circuit B. Route C. Series D. wire
78. Which of the following is a physical property?
a. Elasticity
b. combustibility
c. brittleness
d. luster
79.. Which of the following is a physical property?
a. Flammability
b. ability to burn
c. ability to rust
d. compressibility
80. Axl drops three different kinds of balls of the same size and measures the height to which the
balls bounce. What could he be testing?
a. That bounciness depends on the size of the ball
b. That bounciness depends on the material a ball is made of
c. That balls of different sizes will always bounce to the same height
d. That any kind of ball has the ability to bounce
81 Which material is ductile?
a. Iron
b. Paper
c. carbon
d. d. copper
82. Which material is porous?
a. Aluminium
b. sand
c. copper
d. wood
83. What property of a rubber band does Zabrina use when she plays with a slingshot?
a. Bounciness
b. malleability
c. elasticity
d. Fluidity

84. Which of the following statement is false?

a. The uses of matter depend on its properties.
b. A single object may have different uses.
c. Different objects can be used to do a single task.
d. Solids are more useful than liquids or gases.
85. Which of the following is NOT true about plants?
a. Plants get water and other nutrients from the soil through their roots.
b. The stem transports light energy to the different parts of the plant.
c. Air gets into the plant through the openings in the leaves.
d. Sunlight is one of the primary requirements of plants.
86. Which plant is likely to grow healthier than the rest?
a. A plant grown in a garden and watered regularly
b. A plant on top of a refrigerator and watered regularly
c. A plant grown in a garden but left unattended for one whole week
d. A plant inside a dark room
87. Which is NOT a basic plant need?
a. water
b. air
c. sunlight
d. fertilizer
88. Which of the following involves a physical change?
a. Decomposition
b. sublimation
c. corrosion
d. rusting
89. Which of the following involves a chemical change?
a. Photosynthesis
b. evaporation
c. deposition
d. condensation
90. Substance A completely dissolves in substance B. Which of the following is true?
a. Substance A chemically reacts with substance B
b. Substance A physically interacts with substance B
c. Substance A does not retain its properties
d. Substance is formed
91. Why can decomposition be harmful?
a. The process of decomposition returns materials to the soil.
b. Decomposition does not require the use of oxygen.
c. Moisture hastens the decomposition process.
d. A decomposing object releases some gases that pollute the air.

92. How does eutrophication harm the environment?

a. Phosphorus and oxygen get into lakes and other bodies of water.
b. Plants grow on the surface of water.
c. Aquatic organisms do not get enough oxygen from the water.
d. Sunlight makes the plants on the water surface bloom.
93. Noah donates his toy to an orphanage. Which of the 5R’s of waste management is Noah
a. Reuse
b. refuse
c. recycle
d. recover
94. Dana uses washable diapers instead of disposable diapers. In what way can this help to the
a. Washable diapers are made of nonbiodegradable materials.
b. The use of washable diapers reduces the amount of waste that needs to be discarded.
c. Disposable diapers can be carefully segregated.
d. Disposable diapers cannot be repeatedly used.
95. Which material is biodegradable?
a. plastic container
b. leftover food
c. broken glass
d. styropor
96. Why should vegetables be wrapped in plastic before keeping them in the crisper refrigerator
a. The crisper compartment has a high temperature.
b. Vegetables can freeze inside the refrigerator.
c. Microbial growth is prevented or decreased because there is little available oxygen inside the
d. Light cannot penetrate the crisper.
97. How do we know that chemical changes happen during photosynthesis?
a. Sunlight provides the energy that is needed for the process of photosynthesis to occur.
b. Food in the form of starch is produced.
c. Leaves are mostly green.
d. Plants do not grow well without water.
98. Therese needs to walk a distance of 60 meters from her home to school. If she needs to be in
school in a minute, how fast at least should she walk?
a. 4 m/s
b. 3 m/s
c. 2 m/s
d. 1 m/s
99. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. cactus
b. sampaguita
c. fern
d. gumamela
100. How does the leaf of sugarcane differ from that of a mango tree?
a. A sugarcane leaf has no vascular system.
b. A sugarcane leaf has parallel veins.
c. A sugarcane leaf has netted veins.
d. A sugarcane leaf is green.

101. What would be the basis for classifying tomato, eggplant, and squash in one group?
a. They have leaves that have parallel veins.
b. They bear seedless fruits.
c. They are flowering plants.
d. They have no vascular system.
102. Which among the group is NOT a seedless plant?
a. hornworts
b. club mosses
c. ferns
d. horsetails
103. Produces male sex hormone testosterone.
a. epididymis
b. scrotum
c. testes
d. urethra
104. It stores sperm.
a. vagina
b. prostate gland
c. vas deferens
d. uterus
105. Serves as passageway for menstrual flow.
a. vagina
b. cervix
c. uterus
d. ovaries
106. Controls the functions of several body organs through the hormones it secretes.
a. pituitary gland
b. Cowper’s gland
c. prostate gland
d. both a and b

107 Attachment of the fertilized ovum into the uterine lining.

a. ovulation
b. maturation
c. menstruation
d. implantation
108. What waste leaves your body when you exhale?
a. salt
b. nitrogen
c. carbon dioxide
d. urea
109. Which organ system is responsible for ensuring the continuity of generation of offspring?
a. digestive system
b. respiratory system
c. reproductive system
d. nervous system
110. Which hormone is responsible for the development of the male secondary sexual traits?
a. estrogen
b. insulin
c. progesterone
d. testosterone
111. In which organ of the male reproductive system are sperm cells stored before they are released?
a. epididymis
b. prostate gland
c. vas deferens
d. urethra
112. Which of the following parts of the female reproductive system is also called the birth canal?
a. oviduct
b. ovary
c. uterus
d. vagina

113. Which of the following connect the ovaries to the uterus?

a. oviduct
b. vas deferens
c. follicles
d. hormones
114. Which of the following shows the correct path followed by the sperm cell as it travels along the
male reproductive system?
a. epididymis---testis---vas deferens---urethra
b. testis---epididymis---vas deferens---urethra
c. urethra---vas deferens---epididymis---testis
d. vas deferens---epididymis---testis---urethra
115. What is true about the egg cell?
a. It is smaller than the sperm cell.
b. It develops in the oviduct of a female.
c. It contains only half the number of genetic materials of s diploid cell.
d. Females produce egg cells throughout their lifetime.
116.Which of the part and function pair is correct?
a. fallopian tube---connects the testes and the penis.
b. prostate gland--- egg cell production site
c. uterus---houses the developing fetus
d. vas deferens--- where sperm cells develop
117. Tubal ligation is one artificial way of family planning. It is done to prevent. It us done to prevent
mature egg cells from travelling to the uterus. What part of the female reproductive system is clamped,
blocked, or severed in this process?
a. fallopian tube
b. ovary
c. uterus
d. vagina
118. If a normal human haploid cell contains 23 chromosomes or genetic materials. How many
chromosomes does a diploid cell contain?
a. 11.5
b. 23
c. 46
d. 92
119. Which of the following animals are able to give birth to live young?
a. birds
b. spiders
c. mammals
d. fishes

120. Which among the following organisms undergo asexual reproduction?

a. hydra
b. dragonflies
c. frogs
d. shrimps
121. Which is a disadvantage of sexual reproduction?
a. It results in low diversity.
b. It requires more energy from the parents.
c. It produces too many offspring who are weak.
d. It easily exposes the offspring to diseases that can kill them all.
122. Which is true about external fertilization?
a. It happens inside the main body cavity.
b. It does not require the union of gametes.
c. It produces exact copies of parents.
d. It requires more than one egg exposed to many sperm cells.
123. Which is an advantage of internal fertilization?
a. It produces greater species diversity.
b. It requires less energy from the parents.
c. The young are allowed to develop in the safety of the uterus.
d. It can be performed even without a male or female partner.
124. Male reproductive organ: stamen::female reproductive organ ___________________?
a. anther
b. carpel
c. stigma
d. style

125. The breakdown of rock material in its current location. This is a definition of...
a. Erosion
b. Weathering
c. Transportation
d. Deposition
126. What is the process by which rock fragments are broken loose called?
a. In Situ
b. Weathering
c. Deposition
d. Erosion
127. Which one of these things is not an agent of weathering?
a. Glacier
b. Wind
c. Precipitation
d. Soil
128. Which type of weathering involves the outer layers of rock peeling off due to the rock expanding as
it is heated and contracting as it cools?
a. Hydration
b. Mechanical Weathering
c. Oxidation
d. Tree Root Action
129. Which one of these processes is not a chemical weathering process?
a. Carbonation
b. Hydration
c. Oxidation
d. Chelation
130. Certain minerals within certain rocks absorb water. As they absorb water the rock expands and this
can exert a pressure. Over many years this can lead to the weathering of the rock. What is the name
given to this type of chemical weathering?
a. Carbonation
b. Hydration
c. Hydrolysis
d. Chelation
131. Which group of rocks are changed by exposure to extreme heat or pressure?
a. Igneous rocks
b. Sedimentary rocks
c. Metamorphic rocks
d. None of the above
132. What is the name given to the group of weathering processes associated with the action of
a. Tree root action
b. The action of burrowing animals
c. Chemical Weathering
d. Biological Weathering
133. Which type of rock is formed by the cooling of lava or magma?
a. Sedimentary Rock
b. Metamorphic Rock
c. Igneous Rock
d. All of the above
134. Which of the following rocks are examples of igneous rocks?
a. Chalk
b. Granite
c. Basalt
d. Clay
135. Which layer of the earth supports vegetation?
a. crust
b. Mantle
c. Outer core
d. Inner core
136. Which of the following is the Earth’s innermost layer?
a. crust
b. Mantle
c. Outer core
d. Inner core
137. What boundary separates the crust from the mantle?
a. Maha
b. Moho
c. Mojo
d. Moha
138. Which rock is made from shells and skeletons of sea animals?
a. sandstone
b. limestone
c. obsidian
d. slate
139. From which of the following do igneous rocks from?
a. Metamorphic rocks
b. sedimentary rocks
c. sediments
d. magma
140. What kind of eclipse may occur when Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon?
a. total eclipse
b. lunar eclipse
c. solar eclipse
d. partial eclipse
141. Why is the moon called Earth’s satellite?
a. It travels around the sun.
b. It has its own satellite.
c. it travels around Earth.
d. It is a heavenly body.
142. Which is true about the moon?
a. It casts its own light on Earth.
b. It reflects light from the sun.
c. It reflects light from the other planets in the solar system.
d. It reflects light from comets and asteroids.
143. When does an eclipse occur?
a. When the Moon, Sun, and Earth form a straight line.
b. When the Moon, Sun, and Earth form a right angle.
c. When the Sun and Earth revolve around the Moon’s orbit.
d. When the Moon, Sun, and Earth form a curved line.
144. What are stars?
a. They are big chunks of rocks.
b. They are hot balls of gases.
c. They are dust particles in space.
d. They pieces of ice in the solar system.

145. Which of the following is TRUE?

a. Magnets attract pieces of paper.
b. Magnets can be used to generate electricity.
c. Magnets can only pull and not push.
d. Magnets cannot be used in generators.

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