3hca Minutes Meeting March

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General Meeting

March 6, 2018

Joanne Kirkland, Vice President called meeting to order at: 7:02pm

Member introductions for new person: Barbara Remus

Explanation of “DRAFT” minutes

Members Attending: Joanne Kirkland, Linda Bolstad, Kristine Brownscombe, Stephanie Smith,
Art Kaehn, Kassy Merritt, Val Merritt, Niels, Nielsen, Chelsea Brownscombe, Ruth Burzek

Adoption of Agenda:

 Motion made to accept by Linda Bolstad. Seconded by Nels Nielsen. Discussion. All in
favor. Accepted.
 Anything new to be added now.

Adoption of minutes from Feb.6/18 : Discussion. Motion made by Niels Nielsen. Seconded by
Linda Bolstad. Accepted.

Treasurers Report:

 Discussion.
o Pat Suter unable to attend.
o Discussion. Kristine Brownscombe had question. Art Kaehn explained.
o Volunteers with no enumeration are not covered under WCB. Stated by Niels
Nielsen. Brought up by Art Kaehn. Kristine Brownscombe stated then directors
can’t help as they can’t be paid. Art Kaehn stated Hall pays minimum amount to
 Art Kaehn said that Association needs to look into it.
 Art Kaehn stated it might be a good idea to bring it up at Regional District
o Motion to accept by Niels Nielsen. Seconded by Linda Bolstad. All in favor.
Old Business:

 Response to the Revised Endowment Fund (Construction of picnic tables)

o Sherry Halls got a response from a new response for 6 picnic tables, a couple big
tables, ring etc.
o Now we need volunteers.
o Get wood hopefully from Dunkley.
 Purchase of Laptop
o Pat Suter still doesn’t have it.
o Putting it through Costco.
 Insurance
o Porter & McMillan for this year again.
 Dropped to $6,944 for part. In total $9,744
 Covered by Regional District Grant.
o Other company came in too late with quote.
 Logo Contest
o Kristine Brownscombe spoke to it.
 What do we want to do with it? Need to know more details before
putting contest out
 Art Kaehn said in 1990 he thinks there was another one.
 Kristine Brownscombe said through a Director’s Meeting we should be
deciding stipulations. Agreed.
 Emergency Preparedness (Anita deDrew/Micheal Higgins)
o Art Kaehn spoke on meeting for March 12th, 6:30pm-8pm at Community Hall.
o Bruce Parrin also to be there.
o Emergency Preparedness packet and paper will be discussed. Also possibly
discuss fire smart.
o Joanne Kirkland said to spread information in community.
 Fall Fair
o Kristine Brownscombe stated her, Cory Vernon and Kassy Merritt are looking for
more volunteers
o Looking for a theme.
o Quite possibly same DJ
o Kassy Merritt working on activities
 Is there going to be more than just schooling.
 Joanne Kirkland said they have applied for two grants. Couldn’t
say at this point.
 Hoping to get people from Quesnel and Prince George.
o Sounds system: what we can do
 Hill Riders looking into their own.
o What kind of draw? Juggler: Kassy Merritt might know someone
o Membership Drive: Start in August at Fall Fair (info. & maybe a card for
membership) 6 months for good standing (thoughts)
o Art Kaehn to do the Parade.
o Kristine Brownscombe feels President should contact Dunkley for donation.
o Letters handed out. Anyone who gets something should bring it hall meeting.
 Anyone interested in donating Artwork, quilts etc that would be great.
 Endridge
o Joanne Kirkland: Jay Morrison not available to come to this meeting but they are
still planning to do the big meeting, just don’t know when at this time.
o Gas companies fund a big percent of our Fire hall. Art Kaehn said about 80%
from Enbridge. Niels Nielsen said it comes from property taxes.
 Co-op Grant
o Joanne Kirkland with Art Kaehn’s help sent in grant upped to $75,000.
o We have to have donated service from community, volunteer help.
o Company was really good with sending stuff with grant.
 Canada Post Grant
o Working on for use for young people up to 21 years of age.
o Fitness Exercise Trail is the thought.
o They max out at $5,000 but may be able to go to $15,000. Funding coming next
Fall so work would start next year.
o Art Kaehn feels it would be complementary with the playground grant.

Committee Reports:

 Hixon Senior’s Society: Niels Nielsen

o Thurs. 1-4pm.
o Numbers are down due to weather and road conditions.
o They would like to expand it with new people.
 Hixon Hill Riders: Stephanie Smith
o Last 2 weekends volunteers served lunch and coffee to fire hall while they did
their course. Were promised donation for it.
 4-H Club
o No one here to state
 Building Committee
o Cory Vernon’s report on lights
 Niels Nielsen spoke on it. Approx. $95 for 2 pk. Of 30 ft. 1,000 lumens at
Costco online.
 Niels Nielsen has plug in lights that would come on at night, Christmas
lights that could be put on a timer that he has.
Kristine Brownscombe said we should put a motion in that we need to
use hall money from fund raising to put in permanent lights.
o Gerald Thompson needs a big thank you for clearing the snow so well around the

New Business:

 Linda Bolstad – Gardening Workshop

o Saturday, April 14,2018
o At her place. 2 master gardeners coming.
o There will be a lunch and the event is free.
o Pertinent to backyard gardeners. Informal.
o Working on resources for people to take home etc.
o Give her a call ahead if coming.
o No kids.
o She is hoping it will develop into at the end of summer using the hall kitchen to
learn how to can.
o Joanne Kirkland stated the community association is about the community and
about bringing the community together and is community orientated. So
community events are good to be stated at meetings.
o Joanne Kirkland said it is not a problem insurance wise as long as it is free to use
the kitchen to can at the hall.
 Hixon Hill Riders Spring Garage Sale
o Stephanie Smith: $10 table rental to go to hall. Wondering if other income from
lunch and raffle prizes could be used as fundraiser for club. Wondering if there
would be room to share this time. Want to make sure hall is available April 7 th,
2018 first Saturday of the month. Joanne Kirkland not sure one day, two days or
what. Hall is available for that date.
 Kristine Brownscombe thinks we should do a calendar board for the public to see what
is going on.

Next Meeting Date: April 3rd , 2018

Adjournment: Motion by Niels Nielsen. Seconded by Kristine Brownscombe.

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