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Lesson Plan Title: Chemical Reactions in Societies

Date: TBD (2 days)

Subject: Science 10 Grade: 10
Topic: Chemical Reactions
Essential Question: How do chemical reactions and the rates of a number of chemical reactions impact
you? Society? Other Cultures?

YouTube Video: 6 Chemical Reactions that Changed History

Stage 1- Desired Results – you may use student friendly language

What do they need to understand, know, and/or able to do?
Students will need to understand the implications of chemical reactions and how they matter in society.
Students will have to look into other cultures and how they use chemical reactions in different ways. They will
then need to understand how to express chemical reactions using words.

Broad Areas of Learning:

Sense of Self, Community and Place: Students will learn directly from a First Nations Elder to determine the
importance of chemical reactions and oral traditions. They will also be given the opportunity to discuss in
groups the usage of chemical reactions in other cultures or societies based on their own knowledge and

Cross-Curricular Competencies:
Developing Social Responsibility: Students will be given the chance to learn from others and collaborate with
other people that have different perspectives.

SCI10-CR1: Explore the properties of chemical reactions, including the role of energy change and applications
of acids and bases.
SCI10-CR3: Represent chemical reactions and conservation of mass symbolically using models, word and
skeleton equations and balanced chemical equations.

PGP Goals:
4.3 the capacity to engage in program planning to shape “lived curriculum” that brings learner needs, subject
matter, and contextual variables together in developmentally

Stage 2- Assessment
Assessment FOR Learning (formative) Assess the students during the learning to help determine next steps.
Following the presentation and video, we will have a class discussion about what was learned.
The class will break into smaller groups to have discussions about chemical reactions and their uses from their
own perspectives. I will circulate the room to hear what students are discussing, ask questions, and monitor
their learning.
Students will present their fictional chemical equation stories in front of the class and I will assess them
immediately and provide feedback based on if their story effectively explains the reaction. Corrections will be
allowed immediately to ensure the students understanding.

Assessment OF Learning (summative) Assess the students after learning to evaluate what they have learned.
There will be no summative assessment for this lesson.

Stage 3- Learning Plan

Motivational/Anticipatory Set (introducing topic while engaging the students)

YouTube Video: 6 Chemical Reactions that Changed History

Main Procedures/Strategies:
 Oral History of Chemical Reactions through FNIM elders
o A First Nations elder will be brought in to discuss how chemical reactions have been used in
their culture and using oral history to pass down knowledge
o We will also be teaching the students the proper way to welcome and thank an Elder for
sharing their knowledge
o Students will be given the opportunity to ask questions and discuss with the elder further
o Main point is for the students to understand how chemical reactions are used in different
cultures and the differing perspective that individuals can have on reactions
 Group Discussion
o In smaller groups, students will be able to share their perspectives on how chemical reactions
are used in society and other cultures
o Provide lead questions to get discussion going if need be: Do all cultures use the same
chemical reactions?
 Using Word Equations
o Explain and display how to represent chemical equations using words
o When would this be used?
 Chemical Equation Stories
o In pairs, students will be given a random chemical equation
o Students will be asked to create a fictional story that explains the chemical reaction in a
creative way
o Provide example if needed

o For students with anxiety or EAL students who are not comfortable with speaking in front of the class,
the student will be allowed to write their ideas/stories down to be shared. Technology can also be
used to read out loud the students words.
o Students will be provided with a printed-out summary of the stories to reference if needed.
o With the permission of the elder, their talk will be recorded for students who were unable to take
their own notes or focus for the entire time (I.e., my student with ADHD in my class)
o Subtitles will be used for the video for EAL students
o Students will present their stories in front of the class for immediate feedback and to compile a list of
the common reactions as a creative way to try and remember the reactions.

Closing of lesson:
We will have a discussion regarding how students think that chemical reactions impact them differently than
others. How different societies view chemicals and their uses? Any cultural variation?

Example Story:

Equation: H + O  H2O

“One day, Hydrogen was walking down the street when he tripped on broken concrete and fell flat on his
face. Full of embarrassment, Hydrogen rolled over to get up and saw a dark shadow looking over him blocking
the sun from his view. A hand reached out for his and helped him up off the ground. Hydrogen was in awe as
Oxygen became fully visible in front of him. It was an instant connection as they held hands for an awkward
amount of time gazing into each other’s eyes. They walked away together connected at the hip and soon
became known as Water by their friends and family.”

M. Wilkinson ’16 *Adapted from Understanding by Design (McTighe and Wiggins, 1998)

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