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Teacher: Jamie Scholl

Observer: Carrissa Miller

Date: Monday, November 6, 2017, 9:30-10:30

Formal/Informal: Indicator(s): 9:30-10:30

Notes on Lesson:

● Reading CLO: I will be able to use the writing process to plan my writing for my Accessing Books around the World
informative paragraph (posted on the board is a paragraph according graphic organizer example)
● Writing CLO: not posted or gone over
● 24S are present
● 24 out of 24 S have an article and a paragraph writing accordion graphic organizer
● 10 S at their desks are actively on task, 10 S at their desk are not on task (7 are talking- at 3 different tables, 2 are drawing, 1
has head down)
● 3 students are at the back table
● Posted on the board is a resource for students to refer to as they fill in their graphic organizer, I don’t observe any students
using it
● S in small group- it makes them late
● T- yes it says that it makes them late so we can make that our topic sentence (T writes the sentence on a white board for the
students to copy)
● S comes up to T- I’m done
● T- let me take a look, yes it talks about____ but we also need to include why the librarian is so special
● S- this librarian is different from other librarians because this librarian delivers books to the village
● T- yes so maybe include a sentence here about how this librarian is special because she delivers books. Maybe we should
change this topic sentence a little because, it’s not wrong, but your whole thing is not about the librarian
● T back to group- so in yours you said it's hard for them to get books because they have to use elephants. Can you tell me a little
more about that? Sorry--- I'm looking at the time and we have to stop for today
● T- class class
● S- yes yes (all S respond)
● T- when I say go I need you to put these papers back into your reading folder
● T counts down from 10
● T- ___ if you can go to beat the teacher (S put up a point for teacher)
● T- I have 3 questions posted on the board (questions are also posted in Spanish). What challenges did you face as you planned
● S- something that was hard for me was the last 2 the last details and the explaining because the first one I got it fast but the
second one I had some trouble Commented [1]: When they tell you this, probe a little
deeper and wither you or another student open it up for
● T- so you found the first evidence from the text but then you had trouble finding the second one next steps.
● S- so I would like to build off of ____, I had my details but I had trouble explaining that detail
● T- so I'm tracking and I don't see everyone tracking the speaker. Check your bodies and make sure you are facing the speaker.
What were you successful at?
● S- what I did well was my topic sentence
● S- one thing I did well was doing my detail
● T- how is this plan that you started today going to help you as a writer tomorrow?
● S- I think it will help me by when I go to write it it will be in order
● 18 S are tracking the students who are speaking
● T- did we meet our objective? One more time read our goal for today (S does). Thumbs up or thumbs down, did we do our job
● Most S put thumbs up, a few sideways Commented [2]: What was their reasoning?
● T- we went over just a little bit into our writing time, so my paper passers who are you? My new paper passers if you could
come over (2 S walk toward the teacher desk). As soon as you get this new paper you need to put your name and date on the
● Some S write their name and date right away, others just put their name
● T positive narrates 3S and walks around the class making sure S follow directions
● T- ready to go 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. ____ if you could go to beat the teacher (S puts a point up for the teacher). Pencils down eyes on
me (T positively narrates 5S- 1 S reminds his partner). On your desk you have your next paragraph you are supposed to write
for me for our smart goal, so if I could have 1 person read to me what we are supposed to write about today, everybody else is
pointing with their pencil lead, pencil eraser, or finger
● S begins reading, 20 S followed directions
● T- what are you writing about
● S- your field trip
● T- how many details are you writing about
● S- 2 Commented [3]: As students say this is there a way
● T- what else do you need we can post it as a resource for them to use?

● S- a topic sentence
● T- what else
● S- you have to tell them what you learned
● T- you could tell them that yes. So you need your topic sentence and two details, what else do you need
● S- your explain why
● As T talks 19 out of 24 S are tracking the T
● T- any questions
● S- my question is can it be about anything
● T- anything on the field trip. Ok go ahead and get started
● 4 students start talking to each other, T positively narrates 1 student
● After 2 minutes, 15 out of 24 S have started
● S- Mrs. Scholl can we write more than 2
● T- you can definitely write more but you need at least 2
● 1 student gets a white board and moves to the floor but is focused and quiet
● T- ____ stay focused
● S complete this task from 9:43-10:02
● As S work T walks around and answers S questions
● O- can you tell me what you are working on?
● S- I’m working on the field trip and what I learned from that field trip.
● O- what are you supposed to do
● S- we are supposed to write 2 of our favorite things and what we liked. I'm writing about the butterflies and their eyes. They
● O- can you tell me what you are working on?
● S- I’m working on what my favorite thing for the field trip
● O- what are you supposed to do
● S- write about your favorite thing and have a topic sentence and a conclusion, and a detail, two details, and have an explain
● O- can you tell me what you are working on?
● S- we are working on writing a field trip
● O- what are you supposed to do
● S- we are supposed to write a topic sentence and a conclusion
● As S are working the T passes out a paper with blank Flee Maps on one side and writing prompts to choose from with areas to
complete tap and a circle map for brainstorming ideas
● After 10 minutes 20 out of 24 students are working (2 playing with materials, 2 just sitting at their seats)
● T- when you are finished, your name and date should be on your paper and all smart goals should be in a pile in the middle of
your table, then you can start reading the next thing we are going to do
● T- class class
● S- yes, yes
● T positively narrates 5 S
● T- I am only going to give you about 5 more minutes to finish this up, that means when the big hand is on the 12 you should be
done, so make sure your time is used wisely. We still need to keep it quiet for those who need to finish, so if you are done you
may find a book to quietly read Commented [4]: How could we increase the sense of
● 3 students who are done have their books out, 1 other is cleaning his desk urgency in completing the task and let student know
what to do next nonverbally?
● T- alright class class
● T positively narrates 3S as 19 out of 24 S track the T
● T- your time is up. When I say go, whether you are done or not, you need to put your paragraph in the center of your table. My
paper collectors will come and collect them and turn them into the turn in basket, if you are not collecting papers you need to
make sure you are ready point
● T positively narrates 6S
● T- ready to 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. ___ if you could go up to beat the teacher please. All of the old papers are away and names are on
the new paper, that is a point for you
● T positively narrates 3S and redirects 1 who are pointing to the new page in front of them
● S reads the first sentence on the paper
● T- a narrative story, so you are going to choose one of these, you are not doing all of them
● T has S read options
● 21 out of 23 S are following along
● T- I’m looking at one key word in that...narrative. If you are writing a narrative what does that mean? We've been writing
narratives but how should it sound?
● S- made up
● T- it’s fake, you are not telling me true facts. If you are making up a story what kind of words would you use in that story
● S- hmmmm
● T- I guess what I'm asking is what point of view would you tell it from? From someone else or about yourself
● S- write it from you
● T- so all of these options you are telling a story about you, so you are using the word I (I woke up and -uses all three of the
options as examples). The whole story should be about you so I want to see the word I in there. When I say go, I need
everybody to stand up, push in their chairs- 5 students begin to move T waits then restarts- when I say go, stand up, push in
your chairs, pencils at your desk, voice level 0
● 18 out of 24 S follow exact directions
● T- I saw a lot of people do this quickly and others who took their time, I also heard a lot of voices. Please sit back down
● T instructions S to redo the directions
● 23 out of 24 S follow directions correctly
● T- you know what's going to happen, make sure you don't run into the person next to you
● S act out TAP with the teacher- all S do
○ T- topic what are you writing about
○ A- audience who are we writing to/for
○ P-purpose what are you writing_____
● T- oh no you forgot the last one, P you said purpose and then we forgot the sentence. It should be P purpose why are you
writing this paper. So let’s try it again- all S do
● T- ok take a seat. (S is looking in book, T looks at S and positively narrates 2 other S which gets original S back on track).
When I say go, you are going to turn to the person next to you and tell them what option you are going to pick. I want the
person with the longest hair to go first. What are you supposed to talk about when I say go ___
● S- you are supposed to talk about what you are going to pick
● S- you are supposed to write about one of these
● T- you’re not actually writing
● S- we upposed to the person with the longest hair talks first then the person with the short hair about which option were going
to take
● T has S who didn’t answer correctly restate her answer
● 9 out of 11 students pairs talk about what option they picked (1 pair was off topic, 1 pair didn’t talk) Commented [5]: How could we keep them
● T positively narrates 2 S- so you should have just said what you picked. What you just said is your topic. So what ever you just accountable here?

said to your partner is what you need to write in this box. If you are choosing the last option, tell me who you are trading
places with. Go ahead and go write your sentence in
● 12 out of 24 S begin writing their sentence, some did not start because they did not understand the directions Commented [6]: How could we have made this clearer
● T- class class to students?

● S- yes yes (75% S)

● T positively narrates 5S and redirects 3
● T- in the next box it says audience. Who can tell me who are you writing this to? It’s tricky because it doesn't tell you. ___
who are you writing this to
● S- to you
● T- how do you know
● S doesn’t answer
● T- it doesn’t say teacher, how do you know
● S- because you are the one who gave me the paper
● T- that is true but how do you know it's me and not someone else
● S- because it doesn't say in the choices
Great job utilizing positive narration as a tool for classroom management.
Great job having questions at the end of your reading lesson to close with the CLO.
Nice job of utilizing No-Opt Out when a student’s answer was not correct.

Reflections on Observation/Goal:
● The lesson I observed you on in reading students were using an accordion graphic organizer to plan their writing and in
writing students were choosing a topic to write about and analyzing that prompt. How do you think it went?
➢ The reading was difficult because they are all writing about something different so it’s hard to do a class lesson, so I
can walk around and talk to individually but not really something whole class. I modeled with my graphic organizer
but they weren’t really using mine. I feel like text evidence is still a tough concept for them so they end up just
copying the text instead of making it their own.
➢ The smart goal I can’t provide direction on so it is what it is. The TAPing it out I feel like getting them up moving
was good and then sitting back down to pick their own topic they were motivated and liked the topics but filling in
the box about what they were choosing was something different
● As you reflect on the observation, how did it compare to what you had planned?
➢ At last minutes I decided to throw in the smart goal but I figured I had enough time to get it done
➢ The reading part I knew was going to be a struggle because EL has planned days for revising so I wasn’t surprised
there were misconceptions
➢ The writing went pretty well because they got excited about the topics they could choose from, they remembered
how to use a Circle Map
● What are your hunches about what caused students misunderstandings when it came to TAP?
➢ In the past I have them highlight in the paragraph what the topic is so it was new for them to have to write it out
➢ Modeled picking one myself showing if I picked this one this is how would I write it out, then students would know
exactly what I should write in it
● How did you make the decisions about the length of time students spent on each activity?
➢ For reading I tried to end at reading time, I went a little over because I was working with language learners and I
wasn't at a good stopping point with them
➢ The writing smart goal I informally walked around to look at how far everyone was and give them as much time as
they needed but when it got around 20 minutes I stopped it so we could fit in the writing lesson
■ Timer up and next steps posted
● How can we ensure students' understanding of the task they are given?
➢ Modeling
➢ Posting steps
➢ Timer
➢ Objectives
● What are you learning that you don’t want to forget when planning your next lessons?
➢ Having steps posted
➢ Timer, because I also am bad at tracking time
● What will help you maintain the focus for your learning?
➢ Having people come into my room
➢ Adding it to my lesson plan, add into power points
● What difference is this going to make for your students?
➢ Having steps posted will keep them on track, less learning time will be wasted, voice level volume will decrease
● What difference is this going to make for you?
➢ I won't have to repeat directions
➢ The pace will be brisk

Planning for Future Goal:

● What value do you see in checks for understanding?
➢ It’s an informal way to see if students understand the lesson, what they are supposed to be doing so that immediate
feedback can be given, stopping and reteaching
● When you think about checks for understanding, what does that mean to you?
➢ Exit tickets
➢ Fist to five
➢ Thumbs up thumbs down
➢ Walking around and observing
➢ Turn and talk to a partner
➢ Questioning and student responses
● What might be some of the connections of this goal to the standards/LEAP?
➢ Academic language
➢ Quality over quantity, but quantity in more students doing it
➢ Having students explain their thinking relates to I.2
➢ Clarify concepts relates to differentiation
➢ Questioning levels goes to differentiation and rigor
● What are some ways we could increase the checks for understanding throughout the lesson?
➢ Increase the number of students who are responding and how they respond
● How might your actions enhance student learning?
➢ By talking to each other they might understand the topic better because they are hearing it from different perspectives
and give each other feedback which could fix misunderstanding faster
➢ Making the answer in complete sentences with the because
● What can data could be collected to help you achieve this goal?
➢ How many students are responding to questioning (tally marking with responses)
● What might be some of the specific things about this conversation that were helpful?
➢ Starting to write steps
➢ Helpful to know checks for understanding are surface level
➢ Objectives need to posted and referred to
➢ Timer
➢ Looking through the LEAP framework while making lesson plans will help ensure I am effective in my practice
● What difference will this make for your students?
➢ It helps because then misunderstanding can be addressed in the moment so a deeper level of understanding is
➢ It keeps them accountable for their thinking
● What difference will this make for you?
➢ When the unit tests come more things will be addressed early on instead of surprising me

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