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Resistive Circuit Alternating Current Questions... about:reader?url=

Resistive Circuit Alternating

Current Questions and Answers
by Manish
4 minutes

This set of Basic Electrical Engineering Multiple Choice

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Alternating
Current in a Resistive Circuit”.

1. The instantaneous voltage is a product of the resistance

and the _____________ current in a resistive circuit.
a) Instantaneous
b) Average
c) RMS
d) Peak
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Answer: a
Explanation: The instantaneous voltage is a product of the
instantaneous current and the resistance in the circuit.

2. Find the value of the instantaneous voltage if the

resistance is 2 ohm and the instantaneous current in the
circuit is 5A.
a) 5V
b) 2V

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Resistive Circuit Alternating Current Questions... about:reader?url=

c) 10V
d) 2.5V
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Answer: c
Explanation: We know that,
v=iR, substituting the given values from the question, we
get v=10V.

3. The power for a purely resistive circuit is zero when?

a) Current is zero
b) Voltage is zero
c) Both current and voltage are zero
d) Either current or voltage is zero
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Answer: d
Explanation: The power in a resistive circuit is the product
of the voltage, current and the cosine of the phase angle.
Hence if either voltage or current is zero, the power is zero.

4. If the maximum voltage in the circuit is 10V and the

resistance is 5 ohm, calculate the maximum current in the
a) 1A
b) 2A
c) 3A
d) 4A
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Answer: b
Explanation: We know that:

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Resistive Circuit Alternating Current Questions... about:reader?url=

Substituting the given values from the question, we get


5. Calculate the resistance in the circuit if the rms voltage is

20V and the rms current is 2A.
a) 2 ohm
b) 5 ohm
c) 10 ohm
d) 20 ohm
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Answer: c
Explanation: We know that:
Substituting the given values from the question, we get
R=10 ohm.

6. The correct expression for the instantaneous current in a

resistive circuit is?
a) i=Vm(sint)/R
b) i=Vm(cost)/R
c) i=V(sint)/R
d) i=V(cost)/R
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Answer: a
Explanation: The instantaneous voltage can be written in
terms of the maximum voltage in the following manner:
Since i=v/R, we can write, i=Vm(sint)/R.

7. Can ohm’s law be applied in an ac circuit?

a) Yes

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b) No
c) Depends on the rms current
d) Depends on the rms voltage
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Answer: a
Explanation: Ohm’s law can be applied in ac as well as dc
circuits. It can be applied in ac circuits because the
condition V=IR holds true even in ac circuits.

8. What is the current found by finding the current in n

equidistant regions and dividing by n?
a) RMS current
b) Average current
c) Instantaneous current
d) Total current
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Answer: b
Explanation: The average value of current is the sum of all
the currents divided by the number of currents.

9. What is the effective value of current?

a) RMS current
b) Average current
c) Instantaneous current
d) Total current
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Answer: a
Explanation: Effective current is also known as the effective
current. RMS stands for Root Mean Square. This value of
current is obtained by squaring all the current values,

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Resistive Circuit Alternating Current Questions... about:reader?url=

finding the average and then finding the square root.

10. Find the average value of current when the current that
are equidistant are 4A, 5A and 6A.
a) 5A
b) 6A
c) 15A
d) 10A
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Answer: a
Explanation: The average value of current is the sum of all
the currents divided by the number of currents. Therefore
average current= (5+4+6)/3=5A.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Basic Electrical Engineering.

To practice all areas of Basic Electrical Engineering, here is

complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and

5 of 5 3/19/18, 9:06 AM
Inductive Circuit Alternating Current Questions... about:reader?url=

Inductive Circuit Alternating

Current Questions and Answers
by Manish
3-4 minutes

This set of Basic Electrical Engineering Multiple Choice

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Alternating
Current in an Inductive Circuit”.

1. In case of Inductive circuit, Frequency is

______________ to the inductance.
a) Directly proportional
b) Inversely proportional
c) Unrelated
d) Much greater than
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Answer: a
Explanation: The formula for frequency in an inductive
circuit is:
Therefore: XL is directly proportional to f.

2. If the current and voltage are 90 degree out of phase, the

power factor will be?
a) 0

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b) Infinity
c) 1
d) Insufficient information provided
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Answer: a
Explanation: The power factor is the cosine of the angle in
between the voltage and the current. If the angle between
the voltage and current is 90, then cos90=0. Hence, the
power factor is zero.

3. If the power factor is 10 and the value of inductive

reactance is 20 ohm, calculate the resistance in the circuit.
a) 1 ohm
b) 2 ohm
c) 3 ohm
d) 4 ohm
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Answer: b
Explanation: We know that:
From the given question, we find that the resistance in the
circuit is 2 ohm.

4. What is the unit for inductive reactance?

a) Henry
b) Ohm
c) Farad
d) Volts
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Answer: b

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Explanation: Inductive reactance is nothing but the

impedance. Impedance is the AC equivalent of resistance,
hence the unit for inductive reactance is ohm.

5. If the current in a coil having a constant inductance of L

henrys grows at a uniform rate, what is the value of the
average current?
a) I
b) I/2
c) I/4
d) 0
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Answer: b
Explanation: The average current is the average of the
current which flows in the inductor. Hence it is I/2.

6. Find the average current in an inductor if the total current

in the inductor is 26A.
a) 10A
b) 26A
c) 13A
d) 5A
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Answer: c
Explanation: Average current= I/2.
Substituting the value of I from the equation, average
current= 13A.

7. Calculate the emf induced in an inductor if the inductance

is 10H and the current is 2A in 4s.
a) 2.5V

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b) 1.5V
c) 3.5V
d) 5V
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Answer: a
Explanation: The expression for emf in an inductive circuit
emf= LI/2t
Substituting the values from the given question, we get
emf= 2.5V.

8. Calculate the current in an inductor if the energy stored is

160J and the inductance is 20H.
a) 1A
b) 2A
c) 3A
d) 4A
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Answer: d
Explanation: The expression for energy in an inductor is:
W= LI2/2t
Substituting the values from the given question, we get

9. Find the time taken for the current in an inductor to

change to 2A from 0A if the power in the inductor is 5W.
The value of inductance is 10H.
a) 1s
b) 2s
c) 3s

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d) 4s
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Answer: d
Explanation: The expression for power in an inductive
circuit is:
P= LI2/2
Substituting the values from the given question, we get

10. An induced emf is said to be?

a) Inductive
b) Capacitive
c) Resistive
d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: a
Explanation: Any circuit in which a change of current is
accompanied by a change of flux, and therefore by an
induced emf, is said to be inductive.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Basic Electrical Engineering.

To practice all areas of Basic Electrical Engineering, here is

complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and

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Basic Electrical Engineering Question Papers about:reader?url=

Basic Electrical Engineering

Question Papers
by Manish
3-4 minutes

This set of Basic Electrical Engineering Question Paper

focuses on “Current and Voltage in an Inductive Circuit”.

1. Inductor does not allow sudden changes in?

a) Voltage
b) Current
c) Resistance
d) Inductance
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Answer: b
Explanation: The inductor does not allow sudden changes
in current because if current changes in the inductor occur
in zero time, the voltage becomes zero which is not

2. In case of Inductive circuit, Frequency is

______________ to the current.
a) Directly proportional
b) Inversely proportional
c) Unrelated

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d) Much greater than

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Answer: b
Explanation: Inductance is inversely proportional to current
since, as the inductance increases, current decreases.

3. If the resistance in a circuit is 2 ohm and the inductive

resistance is 20 ohm, calculate the power factor.
a) 10
b) 20
c) 30
d) 40
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Answer: a
Explanation: We know that:
From the given question, we find that the power factor is 10.

4. If the power factor is 10 and the resistance is 2 ohm,

calculate the inductive reactance.
a) 10 ohm
b) 20 ohm
c) 30 ohm
d) 40 ohm
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Answer: b
Explanation: We know that:
From the given question, we find that the inductive
reactance is 20 ohm.

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5. An induced emf is said to be ___________

a) Inductive
b) Capacitive
c) Resistive
d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: a
Explanation: Any circuit in which a change of current is
accompanied by a change of flux, and therefore by an
induced emf, is said to be inductive.

6. In a pure inductive circuit, the power factor is?

a) Maximum
b) Minimum
c) 0
d) Infinity
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Answer: c
Explanation: In a pure inductive circuit, current is lagging by
90 degrees from the voltage. The power factor is the cosine
of the angle in between the voltage and the current. If the
angle between the voltage and current is 90, then cos90=0.
Hence, the power factor is zero.

7. Among the following, which is the right formula for

a) L=emf*t/I
b) L=emf/t*I
c) L=emf*I/t
d) L=emf*t*I

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Answer: a
Explanation: The average emf induced is proportional to the
current per unit time, the constant of proportionality being L.
Hence emf=LI/t. Making L the subject of the formula, we
get: L=emf*t/I.

8. Among the following, which is the right formula for

a) L=NΦ/t
b) L=NΦt
c) L=N/Φt
d) L=NΦ2t
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Answer: a
Explanation: The average emf induced in a coil is L=NΦ/t.

9. If the current in a coil having a constant inductance of L

henrys grows at a uniform rate, what is the value of the
average current?
a) I
b) I/2
c) I/4
d) 0
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Answer: b
Explanation: The average current is the average of the
current which flows in the inductor. Hence it is I/2.

10. Find the average current in an inductor if the total

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current in the inductor is 30A.

a) 10A
b) 26A
c) 15A
d) 5A
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Answer: c
Explanation: Average current= I/2.
Substituting the value of I from the equation, average
current= 13A.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Basic Electrical Engineering.

To practice all questions papers on Basic Electrical

Engineering, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice
Questions and Answers.

5 of 5 3/19/18, 9:06 AM
Inductive Circuit Mechanical Analogy Questions... about:reader?url=

Inductive Circuit Mechanical

Analogy Questions and Answers
by Manish
3-4 minutes

This set of Basic Electrical Engineering Multiple Choice

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Mechanical
Analogy of an Inductive Circuit”.

1. What is the value of current in an inductive circuit when

there is no applied voltage?
a) Minimum
c) Maximum
c) Zero
d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: b
Explanation: The current in an inductive circuit is maximum
when there is no voltage applied because the coils of the
inductor store electric flux.

2. What is the current in an inductive circuit when the

applied voltage is maximum?
a) Infinity
c) Maximum

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c) Zero
d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: c
Explanation:The current in an inductive circuit is zero or
minimum when the value of the applied voltage is

3. In an inductive circuit, the voltage_______ the current?

a) Leads
b) Lags
c) Is greater than
d) Is less then
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Answer: a
Explanation: In a pure inductive circuit the voltage leads the
current and the current lags the voltage by a phase
difference of 90 degrees.

4. In an inductive circuit, the current________ the voltage?

a) Leads
b) Lags
c) Is greater than
d) Is less then
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Answer: b
Explanation: In a pure inductive circuit the voltage leads the
current and the current lags the voltage by a phase
difference of 90 degrees.

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5. Inductor does not allow sudden changes in?

a) Voltage
b) Current
c) Resistance
d) Inductance
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Answer: b
Explanation: The inductor does not allow sudden changes
in current because if current changes in the inductor occurs
in zero time, the voltage becomes zero which is not

6. In case of Inductive circuit, Frequency is

______________ to the current.
a) Directly proportional
b) Inversely proportional
c) Unrelated
d) Much greater than
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Answer: b
Explanation: Inductance is inversely proportional to current
since, as the inductance increases, current decreases.

7. In a pure inductive circuit, the power factor is?

a) Maximum
b) Minimum
c) 0
d) Infinity
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Answer: c

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Explanation: In a pure inductive circuit, current is lagging by

90 degrees from the voltage. The power factor is the cosine
of the angle in between the voltage and the current. If the
angle between the voltage and current is 90, then cos90=0.
Hence, the power factor is zero.

8. What is the power in a pure inductive circuit?

a) Maximum
b) Minimum
c) 0
d) Infinity
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Answer: c
Explanation: The power in a pure inductive circuit is zero
because the phase angle is zero, due to which the power
factor is zero and hence the power is zero.

9. What is the unit for inductive reactance?

a) Henry
b) Ohm
c) Farad
d) Volts
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Answer: b
Explanation: Inductive reactance is nothing but the
impedance. Impedance is the AC equivalent of resistance,
hence the unit for inductive reactance is ohm.

10. If the current in a coil having a constant inductance of L

henrys grows at a uniform rate, what is the value of the
average current?

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a) I
b) I/2
c) I/4
d) 0
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Answer: b
Explanation: The average current is the average of the
current which flows in the inductor. Hence it is I/2.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Basic Electrical Engineering.

To practice all areas of Basic Electrical Engineering, here is

complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and

5 of 5 3/19/18, 9:06 AM
Resistance & Inductance in Series Questions an... about:reader?url=

Resistance & Inductance in Series

Questions and Answers
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Basic Electrical Engineering Multiple Choice

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Resistance and
Inductance in Series”.

1. A resistance of 7 ohm is connected in series with an

inductance of 31.8mH. The circuit is connected to a 100V
50Hz sinusoidal supply. Calculate the current in the circuit.
a) 2.2A
b) 4.2A
c) 6.2A
d) 8.2A
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Answer: d
Explanation: XL=2*pi*f*L= 10ohm. Therefore the total
impedance =sqrt(R2+XL2)=12.2ohm.
V=IZ, therefore 100/12.2= 8.2A.

2. A resistance of 7 ohm is connected in series with an

inductance of 31.8mH. The circuit is connected to a 100V
50Hz sinusoidal supply. Calculate the phase difference.

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a) -55.1
b) 55.1
c) 66.1
d) -66.1
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Answer: a
Explanation: φ=tan-1(XL/R)=55.1
Since this is an inductive circuit, the current will lag, hence
φ= -55.1.

3. A resistance of 7 ohm is connected in series with an

inductance of 31.8mH. The circuit is connected to a 100V
50Hz sinusoidal supply. Calculate the voltage across the
a) 31.8V
b) 57.4V
c) 67.3V
d) 78.2V
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Answer: b
Explanation: XL=2*pi*f*L= 10ohm. Therefore the total
impedance =sqrt(R2+XL2)=12.2ohm.
V=IZ, therefore 100/12.2= 8.2A.
Voltage across resistor= 8.2*7=57.4V.

4. A resistance of 7 ohm is connected in series with an

inductance of 31.8mH. The circuit is connected to a 100V
50Hz sinusoidal supply. Calculate the voltage across the
a) 57.4V

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b) 42.6V
c) 65.2V
d) 76.2V
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Answer: b
Explanation: XL=2*pi*f*L= 10ohm. Therefore the total
impedance =sqrt(R2+XL2)=12.2ohm.
V=IZ, therefore 100/12.2= 8.2A.
Voltage across resistor= 8.2*7=57.4V.
Voltage across inductor =100-VR= 42.6V.

5. A resistance of 7 ohm is connected in series with an

inductance of 31.8mH. The circuit is connected to a x V
50Hz sinusoidal supply. The current in the circuit is 8.2A.
Calculate the value of x.
a) 10V
b) 50V
c) 100V
d) 120V
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Answer: c
Explanation: XL=2*pi*f*L= 10ohm. Therefore the total
impedance =sqrt(R2+XL2)=12.2ohm.
V=IZ, Therefore V=12.2*8.2=100V.

6. Which, among the following, is the correct expression for

a) φ=tan-1 (XL/R)
b) φ=tan-1 (R/XL)
c) φ=tan-1 (XL*R)

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d) φ=cos-1 (XL/R)
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Answer: a
Explanation: Form the impedance triangle, we get tanφ=
Hence φ=tan-1 (XL/R).

7. For an RL circuit, the phase angle is always ________

a) Positive
b) Negative
c) 0
d) 90
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Answer: b
Explanation: For a series resistance and inductance circuit
the phase angle is always a negative value because the
current will always lag the voltage.

8. What is φ in terms of voltage?

a) φ=cos-1V/VR
b) φ=cos-1V*VR
c) φ=cos-1VR/V
d) φ=tan-1V/VR
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Answer: c
Explanation: Form the voltage triangle, we get cosφ= VR/V.
Hence φ=cos-1VR/V.

9. An RL network is one which consists of?

a) Resistor and capacitor in parallel

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b) Resistor and capacitor in series

c) Resistor and inductor in parallel
d) Resistor and inductor in series
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Answer: d
Explanation: An R-L network is a network which consists of
a resistor which is connected in series to an inductor.

10. At DC, inductor acts as ___________

a) Open circuit
b) Short circuit
c) Resistor
d) Inductor
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Answer: b
Explanation: At DC, the inductor acts as short circuit
because the inductive resistance is zero. The frequency of
a DC circuit is 0. The inductive resistance=(2*pi*f*L).
Therefore, if the frequency is 0, the inductive resistance is
zero and it acts as an short circuit.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Basic Electrical Engineering.

To practice all areas of Basic Electrical Engineering, here is

complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and

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Basic Electrical Engineering Problems - Sanfoundry about:reader?url=

Basic Electrical Engineering

Problems - Sanfoundry
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Basic Electrical Engineering Problems focuses

on “Alternating Current in a Capacitive Circuit”.

1. What is the relation between current and voltage in a

a) I=1/C*integral(Vdt)
b) I=CdV/dt
c) I=1/CdV/dt
d) I=Ct
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Answer: b
Explanation: Current=rate of change of charge=> I=dQ/dt.
Q=CV, hence I=CdQ/dt.

2. Calculate the current in the capacitor having 2V supply

voltage and 3F capacitance in 2seconds.
a) 2A
b) 5A
c) 6A
d) 3A

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Answer: d
Explanation: Q is directly proportional to V. The constant of
proportionality in this case is C, that is, the capacitance.
Hence Q=CV.
I=Q/t= 6/2=3A.

3. If 2V is supplied to a 3F capacitor, calculate the chance

stored in the capacitor.
a) 1.5C
b) 6C
c) 2C
d) 3C
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Answer: b
Explanation: Q is directly proportional to V. The constant of
proportionality in this case is C, that is, the capacitance.
Hence Q=CV.

4. Which among the following expressions relate charge,

voltage and capacitance of a capacitor?
a) Q=C/V
b) Q=V/C
c) Q=CV
d) C=Q2V
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Answer: c
Explanation: Q is directly proportional to V. The constant of

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proportionality in this case is C, that is, the capacitance.

Hence Q=CV.

5. What happens to the current flow in a fully charged

a) Current flow stops
b) Current flow doubles
c) Current flow becomes half its original value
d) Current flow becomes one-fourth its original value
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Answer: a
Explanation: When a capacitor is fully charged, it does not
store any more charge. There is no change in charge with
time. Current is the rate of change of charge, hence it
becomes zero, or stops.

6. For high frequencies of alternating current, capacitor acts

a) Open circuit
b) Short circuit
c) Amplifier
d) Rectifier
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Answer: b
Explanation: Capacitive impedance is inversely proportional
to frequency. Hence at very high frequencies, the
impedance is almost equal to zero, hence it acts as a short
circuit and there is no voltage across it.

7. For very low frequencies of alternating current, capacitor

acts as?

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a) Open circuit
b) Short circuit
c) Amplifier
d) Rectifier
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Answer: a
Explanation: Capacitive impedance is inversely proportional
to frequency. Hence at very low frequencies the impedance
is almost infinity and hence acts as an open circuit and no
current flows through it.

8. Capacitor preferred when there is high alternating current

frequency in the circuits is?
a) Electrolyte capacitor
b) Mica capacitor
c) Air capacitor
d) Glass capacitor
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Answer: b
Explanation: Mica capacitors are preferred for high
frequency circuits because they have low ohmic losses and
less reactance.

9. If a 2F capacitor has 1C charge, calculate the voltage

across its terminals.
a) 0.5V
b) 2V
c) 1.5V
d) 1V
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Answer: b
Explanation: Q is directly proportional to V. The constant of
proportionality in this case is C, that is, the capacitance.
Hence C/Q=V.

10. What is the voltage across a capacitor at the time of

switching, that is, when t=0?
a) Infinity
b) 0V
c) Cannot be determined
d) 1V
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Answer: b
Explanation: At the time of switching, when t=0, the
capacitor acts as a short circuit. The voltage across a short
is always equal to zero hence the voltage across the
capacitor is equal to zero.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Basic Electrical Engineering.

To practice all areas of Basic Electrical Engineering

Problems, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice
Questions and Answers.

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Basic Electrical Engineering Assessment Questions about:reader?url=

Basic Electrical Engineering

Assessment Questions
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Basic Electrical Engineering Assessment

Questions and Answers focuses on “Current and Voltage in
a Capacitive Circuit”.

1. What happens to the voltage in a capacitive circuit when

the frequency increases?
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains the same
d) Becomes zero
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Answer: b
Explanation: The capacitive reactance decreases as the
frequency increases since they are in-versely proportional.
The voltage is directly proportional to the capacitive
reactance, hence it de-creases.

2. When voltage across a capacitor increases, what

happens to the charge stored in it?
a) Increases

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b) Decreases
c) Becomes zero
d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: a
Explanation: When voltage across a capacitor increases,
the charge stored in it also increases be-cause charge is
directly proportional to voltage, capacitance being the
constant of proportionality.

3. What happens to the current flow in a fully charged

a) Current flow stops
b) Current flow doubles
c) Current flow becomes half its original value
d) Current flow becomes one-fourth its original value
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Answer: a
Explanation: When a capacitor is fully charged, it does not
store any more charge.There is no change in charge with
time. Current is the rate of change of charge, hence it
becomes zero, or stops.

4. What is the correct formula for capacitive reactance?

a) Xc=1/(2*f*pi*C)
b) Xc=(2*f*pi*C)
c) Xc=1/(f*pi*C)
d) Xc=I/(2*f*pi*C)
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Answer: a

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Explanation: The capacitive reactance Xc is the reciprocal

of the product of the angular velocity and the capacitance.
The angular velocity=2*pi*f, therefore Xc=1/(2*f*pi*C).

5. Calculate the capacitance of a capacitor that stores

80microC of charge and has a voltage of 4V.
a) 20F
b) 20microF
c) 10F
d) 10microF
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Answer: b
Explanation: Q is directly proportional to V. The constant of
proportionality in this case is C, that is, the capacitance.
Hence C=Q/V.

6. What happens to the current in a capacitive circuit when

the frequency increases?
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains the same
d) Becomes zero
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Answer: a
Explanation: The capacitive reactance decreases as the
frequency increases since they are in-versely proportional.
The current is inversely proportional to the capacitive
reactance, hence it in-creases.

7. Calculate the current in the capacitor having 2V supply

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voltage and 3F capacitance in 2seconds.

a) 2A
b) 5A
c) 6A
d) 3A
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Answer: d
Explanation: Q is directly proportional to V. The constant of
proportionality in this case is C, that is, the capacitance.
Hence Q=CV.
I=Q/t= 6/2=3A.

8. If 2V is supplied to a 3F capacitor, calculate the charge

stored in the capacitor.
a) 1.5C
b) 6C
c) 2C
d) 3C
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Answer: b
Explanation: Q is directly proportional to V. The constant of
proportionality in this case is C, that is, the capacitance.
Hence Q=CV.

9. A 30 microF capacitor is connected across a 400V, 50Hz

supply. Calculate the capacitive reac-tance.
a) 102 ohm
b) 123.4 ohm

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c) 106.2 ohm
d) 143.2 ohm
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Answer: c
Explanation: We know that: Xc=1/(2*f*pi*C).
Substituting the values from the given question, we get Xc=
106.2 ohm.

10. A 30 microF capacitor is connected across a 400V,

50Hz supply. Calculate the current.
a) 6.67A
b) 3.77A
c) 5.65A
d) 2.33A
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Answer: b
Explanation: We know that: Xc=1/(2*f*pi*C).
Substituting the values from the given question, we get Xc=
106.2 ohm.
I=V/Xc, hence I= 3.77A.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Basic Electrical Engineering.

To practice all areas of Basic Electrical Engineering

Assessment Questions, here is complete set of 1000+
Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

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Resistance & Capacitance in Series Questions a... about:reader?url=

Resistance & Capacitance in

Series Questions and Answers
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Basic Electrical Engineering Multiple Choice

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Resistance and
Capacitance in Series”.

1. In an RC series circuit ________

a) Applied voltage lags capacitor voltage
b) Applied voltage leads capacitor voltage
c) Current and voltage are in phase
d) Applied voltage and capacitive voltage are in phase
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Answer: b
Explanation: In an RC circuit, the applied voltage leads the
current in the circuit, hence the applied voltage leads the
capacitive voltage.

2. Which, among the following is the correct expression for

a) φ=tan-1(Xc/R)
b) φ=tan-1 (R/Xc)
c) φ=tan-1 (Xc*R)

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d) φ=cos-1 (Xc/R)
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Answer: a
Explanation: Form the impedance triangle, we get tanφ=
Hence φ=tan-1 (Xc/R).

3. For an RC circuit, the phase angle is always ________

a) Positive
b) Negative
c) 0
d) 90
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Answer: a
Explanation: For a series resistance and capacitance
circuit, the phase angle is always a positive value because
the current will always leads the voltage.

4. What is φ in terms of voltage?

a) φ=cos-1V/VR
b) φ=cos-1V*VR
c) φ=cos-1VR/V
d) φ=tan-1V/VR
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Answer: c
Explanation: Form the voltage triangle, we get cosφ= VR/V.
Hence φ=cos-1VR/V.

5. An RC network is one which consists of?

a) Resistor and capacitor in parallel

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b) Resistor and capacitor in series

c) Resistor and inductor in parallel
d) Resistor and inductor in series
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Answer: b
Explanation: An R-C network is a network which consists of
a resistor which is connected in series to a capacitor.

6. At DC, capacitor acts as?

a) Open circuit
b) Short circuit
c) Resistor
d) Inductor
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Answer: a
Explanation: At DC, the inductor acts as short circuit
because the capacitive resistance is infinity. The frequency
of a DC circuit is 0. The capacitive resistance=1/(2*pi*f*C).
Therefore, if the frequency is 0, the capacitive resistance is
infinity and it acts as an open circuit.

7. In an RC series circuit, when the switch is closed and the

circuit is complete, what is the response?
a) Response does not vary with time
b) Decays with time
c) Increases with time
d) First increases, then decreases
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Answer: b
Explanation: In an RC series circuit, the response decays

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with time because according to the equation, there is an

exponential decrease in the response.

8. The expression for current in an RC circuit is?

a) i=(V/R)e(t/RC)
b) i=(V/R)e(-t/RC)
c) i=(V/R)/e(t/RC)
d) i=(V/R)/e(-t/RC)
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Answer: b
Explanation: The particular solution of the current equation
is zero. Hence, the expression for the current in an RC
circuit is:

9. An 8microF capacitor is connected in series with a 0.5

megaohm resistor. The DC voltage supply is 200V.
Calculate the initial charging current.
a) 100 microA
b) 500 microA
c) 400 microA
d) 1000microA
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Answer: c
Explanation: In a series RC circuit, the initial charging
current is:
I=V/R= 200/(0.5*106)= 400*10-6 A= 400 microA.

10. While discharging, what happens to the current in the

capacitive circuit?
a) Decreases linearly

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b) Increases linearly
c) Decreases exponentially
d) Increases exponentially
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Answer: c
Explanation: The equation for the value of current in a
discharging capacitive circuit is:
I=I0*e-t/RC. From this equation, we can see that the current
is exponentially decreasing since e is raised to a negative

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Basic Electrical Engineering.

To practice all areas of Basic Electrical Engineering, here is

complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and

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RLC Circuit Alternating Current Questions and ... about:reader?url=

RLC Circuit Alternating Current

Questions and Answers
by Manish
4 minutes

This set of Basic Electrical Engineering Multiple Choice

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Alternating
Current in an RLC Circuit”.

1. Find the total voltage applied in a series RLC circuit when

i=3mA, VL=30V, VC=18V and R=1000 ohms.
a) 3.95V
b) 51V
c) 32.67V
d) 6.67V
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Answer: b
Explanation: Total voltage= VR+VL+VC.
VR=1000*3*10-3=3V. Therefore, total voltage=

2. In an RLC circuit, which of the following is always used

as a vector reference?
a) Voltage
b) Resistance

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c) Impedance
d) Current
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Answer: a
Explanation: In an RLC circuit, the voltage is always used
as a reference and according to the phase of the voltage,
the phase of the other parameters is decided.

3. In an RLC circuit, the power factor is always

a) Positive
b) Negative
c) Depends on the circuit
d) Zero
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Answer: c
Explanation: In an RLC series circuit, the power factor
depends on the number of resistors and inductors in the
circuit, hence it depends on the circuit.

4. In an RLC series phasor, we start drawing the phasor

from which quantity?
a) Voltage
b) Resistance
c) Impedance
d) Current
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Answer: d
Explanation: In an RLC series phasor diagram, we start
drawing the phasor from the quantity which is common to all

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RLC Circuit Alternating Current Questions and ... about:reader?url=

three components, that is the current.

5. What is the correct expression for the phase angle in an

RLC series circuit?
a) φ=tan-1(XL-XC)/R
b) φ=tan-1 (XL+XC)/R
c) φ=tan(XL-XC)/R
d) φ=tan-1 (XL-XC)
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Answer: a
Explanation: from the impedance triangle we get tanφ=(XL-
Hence φ=tan-1 (XL-XC)/R.

6. When is tanφ positive?

a) When inductive reactance is less than capacitive
b) When inductive reactance is greater than capacitive
c) When inductive reactance is equal to capacitive
d) When inductive reactance is zero
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Answer: a
Explanation: tanφ is positive when inductive reactance is
greater than capacitive reactance because current will lag
the voltage.

7. When is tanφ negative?

a) When inductive reactance is less than capacitive

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b) When inductive reactance is greater than capacitive

c) When inductive reactance is equal to capacitive
d) When inductive reactance is zero
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Answer: c
Explanation: tanφ is positive when inductive reactance is
less than capacitive reactance because current will lead the

8. When is current in phase with the voltage?

a) When XL>XC
b) When XL<XC
c) When XL=XC
d) When XC=infinity
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Answer: c
Explanation: The current is in phase with the voltage when
the capacitive reactance is in phase with the inductive

9. What is resonance condition?

a) When XL>XC
b) When XL<XC
c) When XL=XC
d) When XC=infinity
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Answer: c
Explanation: The current is in phase with the voltage when

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RLC Circuit Alternating Current Questions and ... about:reader?url=

the capacitive reactance is in phase with the inductive

reactance. This is known as resonance condition.

10. What is the frequency in resonance condition?

a) Minimum
b) Maximum
c) Cannot be determined
d) Zero
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Answer: b
Explanation: At resonance condition, the frequency is
maximum since the inductive reactance is equal to the
capacitive reactance and the voltage and current are in

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Basic Electrical Engineering.

To practice all areas of Basic Electrical Engineering, here is

complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and

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