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Commutation Process - DC
Machines Questions and Answers
by Manish
6-8 minutes

This set of DC Machines Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Commutation Process -1”.

1. Commutation is delayed due to __________

a) Leakage reactance
b) Effect of armature reaction
c) Leakage reactance and armature reaction
d) Because of other factors
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Answer: c
Explanation: The leakage inductance Lc of the coil
undergoing commutation has induced in it reactance
voltage Lc (dic/dt) which opposes the change in current
thereby delaying commutation. The effect of armature
reaction causes shift in MNA, delaying the whole
commutation process ultimately.

2. Why brushes shifting method is not employed in practical

a) Expensive

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b) Construction problems
c) Causes demagnetization
d) Used practically
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Answer: c
Explanation: Brushes are located at GNA’s, a small voltage
is induced in the commutating coil. It opposes current
commutation as the commutating coil is cutting the flux
which has the same sign as that of the pole being left
behind. It could be partially remedied by shifting the
brushes towards MNA but that causes direct
demagnetization and is therefore not employed in practice.

3. Which are the methods for getting an ideal commutation?

a) Resistance commutation
b) Voltage commutation
c) Current commutation
d) Resistance and voltage commutation
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Answer: d
Explanation: Adding resistance between commutator
segments and brushes, thus, reducing L/R and
consequently getting faster commutation is one of the
method. In voltage commutation we, introduce narrow poles
called as interpoles to fasten the process.

4. In resistance commutation method we add resistance

between __________________
a) Brushes and external circuit
b) Commutator and armature winding

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c) At field winding
d) Commutator and brush
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Answer: d
Explanation: High contact resistance between commutator
segments and brushes, achieved by using carbon brushes,
adds resistance to the circuit of the commutating coil
thereby reducing the time constant (L/R) of the current
transient (ic(t)), helping it to change faster in the desired

5. What is the effect on time constant of transient current,

as a result of resistance commutation?
a) Remains same
b) Decreases
c) Increases
d) Increases then decreases
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Answer: d
Explanation: We add high contact resistance between
commutator segments and brushes thus, it adds resistance
to the circuit of the commutating coil thereby reducing the
time constant (L/R) of the current transient (ic(t)), helping it
to change faster in the desired direction.

6. Which voltage is neutralized in voltage commutation

a) Armature
b) Reactance
c) Field

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d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: b
Explanation: To speed up the commutation process, the
reactance voltage must be neutralized by injecting a
suitable polarity dynamical (speed) voltage into the
commutating coil. In order that this injection is restricted to
commutating coils, narrow interpoles are provided in the
interpolar region.

7. Interpoles are excited with ____________

a) Armature current
b) Field current
c) Separate supply
d) Mains current
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Answer: a
Explanation: These interpoles apply a local correction to the
air-gap flux density wave such that a pip of appropriate flux
density exists over the commutating coil to induce in it a
voltage of the same sign as that of coil current after
commutation. Hence, they are excited with armature

8. Interpoles are excited by keeping them in ____________

with armature.
a) Series
b) Parallel
c) Anywhere
d) Not kept with armature

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Answer: a
Explanation: In voltage commutation method we use
interpoles to speed up the commutation process. For
neutralization of reactance voltage at all loads, the
interpoles must be excited by armature current by
connecting them in series with armature.

9. Polarity of interpoles is one pole ahead in the direction of

armature rotation in _____________
a) Motor
b) Generator
c) Always ahead
d) Always behind
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Answer: b
Explanation: polarity of an interpole is that of the main pole
ahead in the direction of armature rotation for the
generating mode and that of the main pole left behind with
respect to the direction of rotation for motoring mode.

10. What is the size of interpolar air gap compare to main

pole air gap?
a) Small
b) Same
c) More
d) Can be of any size
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Answer: c
Explanation: The interpolar air-gap is kept larger than that

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of the main pole so that their magnetic circuit is linear

resulting in cancellation of the reactance voltage (a linear
derivative term) at all loads. Large air-gap results in greater
amount of leakage flux which is accommodated by tapering
the interpoles with a wider base.

11. Formula for cancellation of reactance voltage on an

average basis using interpoles ________
a) 2[Bi(av)liva] Nc = Lc (dic/dt) = Lc (2lc/tc)
b) [Bi(av)liva] Nc = Lc (dic/dt) = Lc (2lc/tc)
c) 2[Bi(av)liva] Nc = Lc (dic/dt) = Lc (lc/tc)
d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: a
Explanation: 2[Bi(av)liva] Nc = Lc (dic/dt) = Lc (2lc/tc).
With Bi determined by above equation, the ampere-turns
needed to cancel the armature reaction ampere-turns and
then to create the necessary flux density are given by, ATi =
ATa (peak)+(Bi/µ0 )lgi

12. For a given 4-pole machine, carrying armature current

56.82 A, with 846 conductors. The mean flux density in the
air gap under the interpoles is 0.5 Wb/m2 on full load and
radial gap length is 0.3 cm. Ampere-turns required for an
interpole is ____________
a) 3198
b) 2099
c) 4198
d) 6297
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Answer: c
Explanation: Required ampere-turns are given by ATi = ATa
(peak) +(Bi/µ0 )lgi . Substituting the
ATi =[(56.82*846)/ (2*2*4 )] +(0.5/4π*10-7 )* 0.3*10-2
=4198. Turns can be found by dividing with armature

13. A 440 V, 4-pole, 25 kW, dc generator has a wave-

connected armature winding with 846 conductors. The
mean flux density in the air-gap under the interpoles is 0.5
Wb/m2 on full load and the radial gap length is 0.3 cm.
Number of turns required on each interpole is _________
a) 74
b) 84
c) 64
d) 54
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Answer: a
Explanation: Corresponding value of ampere-turns for an
ATi = ATa (peak) +(Bi/µ0) lgi.
= Ia* Z/2*A*P + (Bi/µ0) lgi.
Assuming Ia = Iline Ia = 25*103/440= 56.82 A.
ATi = [(56.82*846)/ (2*2*4)] +(0.5/4π*10-7 )* 0.3*10-2
Ni= 4198/56.82= 74.

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To practice all areas of DC Machines, here is complete set

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of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

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DC Machines Interview Questions and Answers ... about:reader?url=

DC Machines Interview Questions

and Answers for Experienced
by Manish
6-8 minutes

This set of DC Machines Interview Questions and Answers

for Experienced people focuses on “Commutation Process
– 2”.

1. To achieve spark less commutation brushes of a DC

generator are placed ________
a) just ahead of magnetic neutral axis
b) in magnetic neutral axis
c) just behind the magnetic neutral axis
d) can be placed anywhere
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Answer: a
Explanation: Brushes collect the current due to the induced
emf in the armature coils. When a brush is at any particular
commutator segment, it shorts out that particular coil and
draws current from the rest of the coils and fed to the
commutator. To achieve all positive outcomes, we place
them just ahead of MNS.

2. If in the DC machine, the reversal of current in the coil is

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faster than ideal or linear commutation then the

commutation is said to be __________ commutation.
a) Retarded
b) Curvilinear
c) Accelerated
d) Under
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Answer: c
Explanation: Speed of the commutation is dependable on
change in an induced current direction. When reversal of
current in coil is faster then, obviously change of coils are
taking place at faster rate. Thus, commutation is said to be
accelerated commutation.

3. For a DC machine, in a commutator ________

a) Copper is harder than mica
b) Mica and copper are equally hard
c) Mica is harder than copper
d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: c
Explanation: Due to its mechanical strength and insulating
properties mica is a satisfactory material. However, mica is
much harder than the copper segments, so during
manufacturing it requires to under-cut the mica by sawing
slots between the adjacent segments of the commutator.

4. The insulating material used between the commutator

segments is normally _______
a) Graphite

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b) Paper
c) Air gap
d) Mica
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Answer: d
Explanations: Each conducting segment of the commutator
is insulated from adjacent segments. Mica is a good electric
insulator and good thermal conductor as well. Its
applications in electric fields are derived from its unique
mechanical properties. Thus, it allows mica to be ductile
enough for its appropriate space of application.

5. Why interpoles are tapered in a DC machine?

a) Simpler design
b) Reduction in the weight
c) Increase in acceleration of commutation
d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: c
Explanation: To speed up the commutation process, the
reactance voltage must be neutralized by injecting a
suitable polarity dynamical (speed) voltage into the
commutating coil. In order that this injection is restricted to
commutating coils, narrow interpoles are provided in the
interpolar region.

6. The main function of interpoles in a loaded DC machine

is to minimize _______between the brushes and the
a) Friction

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b) Sparking
c) Current
d) Wear and tear
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Answer: b
Explanation: Interpoles are introduced in a DC machine in
order to speed up the commutation process, sp that
sparking will be minimised. As, sparking arises at end of
commutation period when commutation is not completed in
given time.

7. Which of the following is different component?

a) Commutating poles
b) Compoles
c) Interpoles
d) Compensating winding
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Answer: d
Explanation: Interpoles are located in interpolar region in a
DC machine, called as interpoles. They raise up the speed
of voltage commutation. So, they are also called as
commutating poles. Compensating winding though used for
reducing armature reaction, performs different function
compare to interpoles.

8. How many coils under an adjoining pole pairs is/are

connected between adjacent commutator segments in lap
a) 1/2
b) 2

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c) 1
d) 1/4
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Answer: c
Explanation: No. of parallel paths in a lap winding are equal
to P (No. of poles). Thus for 1 pole pir there will be exact 1
coil, connected to adjacent commutator segments in lap
winding. In wave winding there will be half coils connected
between adjacent commutator segments.

9. In wave winding, P/2 coils are connected under the

influence of “x” pole-pairs which connect adjacent
segments. X is ____
a) P
b) P/2
c) 2P
d) P/4
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Answer: b
Explanation: One coil each under an adjoining pole-pair is
connected between adjacent commutator segments in a lap
wound DC armature, while in a wave-wound armature the
only difference is that P/2 coils under the influence of P/2
pole-pairs are connected between adjacent segments.

10. The process of current reversal takes place when the

coil is passing through the interpolar region.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The process of current reversal called
commutation takes place when the coil is passing through
the interpolar region (q-axis) and during this period the coil
is shorted via the commutator segments by the brush
located (electrically) in the interpolar region.

11. How many coil sets undergo commutation

simultaneously in a wave winding?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 4
d) 3
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Answer: b
Explanation: Commutation takes place simultaneously for P
coils in a lap-wound machine (it has P brushes) and two coil
sets of P/2 coils each in a wave-wound machine (electrically
it has two brushes independent of P).

12. Which coil is shorted in commutation process?

a) Coil under north pole
b) Coil under south pole
c) Coil lying in an interpolar region
d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: c
Explanation: During the commutation period, the coil is
shorted via the commutator segments by the brush. These
brushes are located in interpolar regions electrically, and

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magnetically in neutral region. Thus, interpolar coil gets


13. Ideal commutation can be shown graphically by

a) Straight line passing through origin
b) Straight line not passing through origin but with +ve slope
c) Straight line not passing through origin but with -ve slope
d) Curve increasing towards +ve t axis
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Answer: c
Explanation: Ideal Commutation (also called straight-line
commutation) is that in which the current of the
commutating coils changes linearly from + Ic to – Ic in the
commutation period. Thus, it will form a straight line with -ve

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To practice all areas of DC Machines for Interviews, here is

complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and

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Excitation Methods - DC Machines

Questions and Answers
by Manish
7-8 minutes

This set of DC Machines Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Methods of Excitation”.

1. Which winding has large number of turns?

a) Shunt field
b) Series field
c) Both have same number of turns
d) Depends on requirement
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Answer: a
Explanation: The shunt field winding is provided with a large
number (hundreds or even thousands) of turns of thin wire
and is excited from a voltage source. The series field
winding has a few turns of thick wire and is excited from
armature current by placing it in series with armature.

2. Which winding contains wire with higher thickness?

a) Shunt field
b) Series field
c) Both have same number of turns

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d) Depends on requirement
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Answer: b
Explanation: Series field winding is used when wire is thick.
Thus, by making minimum number of turns it can be used
to excite a DC machine. For a given field current, control of
this field is achieved by means of a diverter, a low
resistance connected in parallel to series winding.

3. Which winding have higher resistance?

a) Shunt field
b) Series field
c) Both have same number of turns
d) Depends on requirement
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Answer: a
Explanation: The shunt field winding is provided with a large
number (hundreds or even thousands) of turns of thin wire
and is excited from a voltage source. The field winding,
therefore, has a high resistance and carries a small amount
of current. It is usually excited in parallel with armature

4. Which is more practical method used in control of series

a) Diverter
b) Tappings
c) Switch relay
d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: b
Explanation: For a given field current, control of series field
is achieved by means of a diverter, a low resistance
connected in parallel to series winding. A more practical
way of a series field control is changing the number of turns
of the winding by suitable tappings which are brought out
for control purpose.

5. In compound excitation, which winding/s is/are excited?

a) Shunt
b) Series
c) Both
d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: c
Explanation: In compound excitation, both series and shunt
windings are connected to the armature. For compound
excitation both of these windings are excited. Two types are
cumulative excitation and differential excitation.

6. In which type of excitation air gap flux increases with

armature current?
a) Differential compound
b) Cumulative compound
c) Differential and Cumulative
d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: b
Explanation: In compound excitation both shunt and series
field are excited. If the two field aid each other (their

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ampere-turn is additive), the excited is called cumulative

compound. The shunt field is much stronger than the series
field. The air gap flux increases with armature current.

7. In differential compound excited machine, what is the

variation in air gap flux per pole with respect to armature
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains constant
d) Always varies
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Answer: b
Explanation: If the two fields oppose each other, the
excitation is called differential compound. The air gap
flux/pole decreases with armature current. The series field
is so designed that the increase or decrease in flux/pole is
to a limited extent.

8. Which winding in compound excitation is responsible for

change in air gap flux per pole?
a) Series
b) Parallel
c) Interconnected
d) No coil is responsible
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Answer: a
Explanation: In a compound excited machine, both series
and parallel windings are connected with armature circuit.
The series winding is specially designed for increasing or

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decreasing flux per pole in DC machine up to certain extent.

9. How short shunt and long shunt compound winding is

a) Mechanical considerations
b) Switch reversal
c) Performance
d) Mechanical considerations and switch reversal
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Answer: d
Explanation: In long shunt compound, the shunt field is
connected across terminals. In short shunt compound, the
shunt field is connected directly across the armature. There
is no significant difference in machine performance for the
two types of connections. The choice between them
depends upon mechanical consideration or the reversing

10. If a DC compound machine connected as a motor is

about to use as a generator, we reverse the series field
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: If a dc compound machine connected as a
generator is run as a motor, the series field connections
must be reversed as the armature current reverses. The
motoring action as cumulative/ differential would then be
preserved (same as in the generator). This equally applies

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vice versa – motor to generator.

11. For a long-shunt compound motoring, which of the

following equation is correct?
a) Vt= Ea+ Ia(Ra+ Rse)
b) Vt= Ea– Ia(Ra+ Rse)
c) Vt= Ea+ Ia(Ra– Rse)
d) Vt= -Ea+ Ia(Ra+ Rse)
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Answer: a
Explanation: For a long shunt compound motor Rse is
connected in series with armature, while in short shunt
compound motors Rse is connected in series with terminal
voltage. IL is supplied through the terminals which split into
If and Ia.

12. Vt= Ea– Ia(Ra+ Rse) is the equation for

a) Short shunt compound motoring mode
b) Short shunt compound generating mode
c) long shunt compound motoring mode
d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: b
Explanation: In a DC machine, for a long shunt compound
motor Rse is connected in series with armature, while in
short shunt compound motors Rse is connected in series
with terminal voltage. IL is supplied to the terminals which is
equal to Ia – If.

13. How shunt field is controlled?

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a) Diverter resistor in parallel

b) Tapped field winding
c) Series regulating resistance
d) Other methods
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Answer: c
Control of Excitation: 1) Shunt field: by a series regulating
resistance.2) Series field: For small armature by a diverter
resistance connected in parallel with series field. For large
armature by tapped field winding so the winding turns can
be changed.

14. The generator is called flat compounded if

a) The series field ampere turns are such as to produce the
same voltage at rated load as at no load
b) The series field turns are such as that the no load
voltage is smaller than the rated load voltage
c) The rated voltage is less than the no load voltage
d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: a
Explanation: According to the operating characteristics of a
DC compound generator, if series field mmf produces same
voltage at rated load as that of no load then it is called as
flat compounded generator.

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