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Casalnuovo !

Jenae Casalnuovo
Dr. Margaret Golden
EDUC 4185
11 March 2018
Education Philosophy Statement

When my students walk into our classroom — our communal learning space — first and
foremost, it is crucial to me that they feel safe. Second to this feeling of safety, in my eyes, are
the feelings of inspiration and creativity. I want my classroom to embody the possibilities my
students wish to create in this world, be it a room in which all beings are treated equitably, a
maker’s space where even children can venture to the moon, or a time machine that carries us
through the folds of our nation’s history with a realistic lens.
In order to achieve this dream, I implement a behavioral management system that focuses
on the positives. Rather than pointing out and thus exacerbating misbehavior, I draw out and
comment on the behavior I wish to see. If this does not work, I offer firm but kind redirections. If
redirections are not sufficient, I meet privately with the student (once the initial emotions and
reactions have diffused) to reflect on the incident and collaborate on goals to avoid this situation
in the future. I integrate social-emotional learning, as self-knowledge is just as important as
content knowledge. I utilize moments of mindfulness, the art of gratitude, and chances for
contemplation whenever possible. I take time every day to build our intrapersonal and
interpersonal relationships through Community Circles and team-building exercises.
Instructionally, I employ Management, Involvement, Feedback, and Focus (MIFF)
strategies to engage and validate all students. I celebrate mistakes, especially my own, as an ode
to the learning that our failures bring us. I show my own love and excitement for the subject
matter to motivate my students to find this in their own studies. I use assessments not only to
provide feedback about the progress of my students’ comprehension, but also the efficacy of my
instructional practices to then inform my future teaching. I stand behind Dr. Thomas W.
Malone’s theory of intrinsically motivating instruction, as well as Dr. Howard Gardner’s theory
of multiple intelligences. With the marriage of these two theories, I aim to guide students toward
finding their own meaning in the Common Core standards, while simultaneously honoring their
individual strengths and talents.
Casalnuovo !2

I believe in the innate goodness of youth. I believe in their wisdom, their resilience, and
their deep understanding of universal truths. I believe in the restorative powers of education. I
believe in its ability to open doors and create new worlds in areas where there once appeared to
be no hope. I believe in the responsibility of educators to do everything in their power to advance
the personhood of their students, whatever that may look like. Through my words and actions, I
intend on conveying to my students that I have no doubt about their propensity for achievement
and excellence.

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