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Volume 14 Number 1 15245 Shady Grove Road, Suite 130 • Rockville, MD 20850 Winter 2007

Copper Removal
from Cooling Tower

Trasar® Technology –
A Review and Comparison

Concentration and Feeding

Copper Removal from Cooling Tower Blowdowns
Dave Christophersen and Chris Howell, Crown Solutions, Inc.

Discharge of industrial non-contact as better detection limits are realized than the water supplied to a facility as
cooling water (cooling tower blow- and technologies (physical and chemi- raw water or potable drinking water to
down) to waterways has been, and cal) advance to allow the reduction of protect the water that we drink, and
continues to be, performed world- the various targeted constituents. In the ecosystem of the receiving water.
wide. Several local, state, and federal addition, greater environmental pres-
agencies administer the compliance sure brought on by politics (local, state, One constituent that is being targeted
programs necessary to insure that and federal) and technical require- on a more regular basis is copper in
the integrity of the public waterways ments continue to make discharge to non-contact cooling water blowdown.
are maintained. Discharge limits a waterway more and more difficult. Copper occurs naturally in the makeup
for the constituents in the water used by industrial facilities and
discharged water Metals in the discharged water have also is introduced into the non-contact
continue to be always been a concern and are even cooling water (water used to cool a
lowered more so today. Potable water stan- process without coming in direct con-
dards are now requiring much lower tact with that process) as a result of
metals concentrations in the water corrosion by-products from the indus-
that we drink due to potential health trial cooling system components.
risks. Therefore, the water dis- Additionally, to minimize water usage
charged into surface water in a non-contact cooling system, the
receiving bodies must best acceptable operations and engi-
be as clean, and neering practice are to concentrate
sometimes the non-contact cooling water as
cleaner, much as possible by minimizing blow-
down to save on water and treatment
chemical costs. This practice elevates
that concentration of any impurities
in the non-contact cooling water,
and in particular for this
discussion, the copper
Treatment Options d. Membrane process utilizing microfiltration (MF),
ultrafiltration (UF), or reverse osmosis (RO). RO would
Treatment of industrial wastewater is a common practice.
not typically be used for primary metals removal
For some facilities, the wastewater treated is primarily pro- because it is not tolerant to total suspended solids
cess wastewater from the production of the end product (TSS). MF and UF would be used for TSS reduction
manufactured at the facility. The cooling tower blowdown followed by RO for total dissolved solids (TDS)
may be a small portion of the overall hydraulic or constitu- reduction if wastewater reuse is desired.
ent loading of the wastewater treatment plant. Membrane Technologies
Several membrane technologies are available to use for
In other facilities, the only “wastewater” is the cooling
industrial water preparation and wastewater recycling. Typi-
tower blowdown and as such, the blowdown water is
cal membrane processes for solids removal include micro-
permitted for discharge as “non-contact” cooling water.
filtration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF). Major designs
The discharged water must meet the discharge limits set include spiral wound, hollow fiber, and tubular membranes.
fourth in the National Pollution Discharge Elimination Spiral wound membranes are relatively inexpensive and
System (NPDES) permit. may tolerate oils with the correct membrane type, as long
as total solids are low. Hollow fiber designs for UF and MF
Manufacturing facilities must meet compliance of the dis-
are a popular configuration used today on surface water and
charge permit and periodically the permit parameters are water reuse applications due to the ability to manage rela-
re-evaluated to insure compliance with local, state, and tively tough waters at a reasonable cost and with a small
federal requirements. If the compliance parameters for dis- footprint. One-inch tubular designs can tolerate high sol-
charge are changed, the facility may be required to install ids and high levels of emulsified oil concentrations. Smaller
a wastewater treatment strategy or wastewater treatment diameter ¼ to ½-inch tubular modular designs have lower
plant (WWTP) to comply with the discharge limits. capital costs than one-inch tubes, but have more limitations
than the one-inch tubes.
The options for metals removals from cooling
tower blowdown are: Pore size can be used to define the type of membrane.
Membrane pore sizes are commonly expressed as nominal,
1. Change the operation of the cooling system by reducing
which means that a membrane with a specified nominal
the cycles of concentration and thereby reducing the
pore size or Molecular Weight Cutoff (MWCO) would be
concentration of metals in the blowdown. This option may
expected to remove 90% of material that size. The largest
not be allowed if the facility also has a hydraulic and/or
pores in these membranes are likely larger than the nominal
volumetric limit assigned to its NPDES. This practice
pore size. Variations in pore size occur depending upon the
does not minimize natural resources, as it most likely will
membrane type and manufacturer.
require more sourced makeup water and a greater volume
of water discharged to the environment. Microfiltration ranges in size from approximately 0.05mm
2. Install a biological process that addresses the metals of to 1.0mm. Ultrafiltration is a tighter membrane and is in
concern. These processes can be expensive and very site- the micron range of approximately 0.005 - 0.1mm. UF is
specific, and typically are less resistant to upsets if a toxic typically expressed in terms of molecular weight cutoff and
component is introduced into the system that affects the ranges from 1,000 atomic mass unites (Daltons) for a very
biology of the process. tight UF membrane to approximately 500,000 Daltons for
3. Install a physical/chemical treatment process whereby a very open UF membrane. By convention, for MWCO it
the metals are removed by adding treatment chemicals is assumed that the molecules are a polysaccharide of that
and allowing the precipitated metals to be removed by molecular weight; so actual filtration effectiveness varies
clarification and/or filtration. This type of process can be according to the specific chemistry of the molecule. There
further broken down as follows: is some overlap between the stated ranges for MF and UF,
so a membrane with a pore size that might be considered
a. Traditional clarifiers and media filtration
to be a loose UF membrane might also be considered to
b. Electrocoagulation and media filtration be a tight MF membrane, depending on the industry or
c. Filtration and ion exchange manufacturer.

Membrane Material membrane, leaving behind suspended solids and particulates
There are several different materials used to manufacture larger than the membrane MWCO. Filtered water then
membranes. The membrane material, the actual chemis- travels in a spiral to the filtrate core tube at the center of the
try, and how the membrane is made vary by manufacturer. membrane module from where it can be transported out of
Some materials that are used include polysulfone (PS), the membrane module as UF filtrate.
polyethersulfone (PES), polyacrylonitrile (PAN), poly-
vinylidene fluoride (PVDF), polypropylene (PP), polytet- The solids that are filtered out of the water by the
rafluoroethylene (PTFE), and ceramics. membrane are removed by means of a cross-flow velocity
that continuously scours the membrane surface. To
The membranes differ in their hydrophilic nature, tolerance maintain a cross-flow velocity at the recommended levels,
to oil, chlorine tolerance, applicable pH range, chemical a proportion of water that enters the system as feed leaves
cleaning, strength, and cost. as concentrate. To achieve high water recovery, roughly
half of this water is recycled to the feed stream, with a
PS and PES are popular for suspended solids filtration blowdown stream used to remove solids from the system.
because the material is highly hydrophilic which allows for Most spiral wound membrane systems cannot be physically
high flux rate, has good cleanability, and has relatively high backwashed; therefore, over time, the membranes become
resistance to organic fouling. It is also chlorine tolerant to fouled and the feed pressure increases. At a certain feed
200 mg/L free chlorine or pressure set point, chemical
higher. They are not good for clean-in-place (CIP) is
oily water and can be brittle performed. This can occur as
without proper support. The discharged water often as every few weeks to
several months, depending
PAN also has high hydro- must meet the discharge on the feedwater quality.
philicity and is a good choice
for oily water. It is relatively limits set fourth in Hollow Fiber UF and MF
low cost, but is brittle and Hollow fiber membrane
has some chemical resis- the National Pollution systems for filtration have
tance restrictions. gained wide acceptance in
Discharge Elimination surface water treatment for
PVDF is not as hydrophyllic
as PAN, but is also accept- System (NPDES) permit. potable water production. For
potable water applications,
able for use with oily waters.
hollow fiber membrane
It is stronger than PAN and
systems can guarantee
more chemically resistant.
removal of bacteria and
PP is less hydrophilic than PS, PES, PAN, and PVDF and is single cell organisms such as giardia and cryptosporidium,
also not tolerant of chlorine. It is low cost and has high pH because the integrity of the membrane system can be
tolerance. PTFE is even less hydrophilic than PP. verified with integrity tests of the membranes in the field.
Integrity testing is performed by applying air pressure to
Ceramics offer high chemical and thermal tolerance, but the membrane and monitoring for pressure loss, as well
generally are expensive. as visually looking for air bubbles. Extensive application
of hollow fiber UF and MF for potable water production
Spiral Wound UF has led to the reduction in costs of this technology to the
Spiral wound UF membranes are made from flat sheet point where it is cost competitive with conventional water
membranes rolled into a spiral around a permeate core tube. treatment and spiral wound membrane UF systems for RO
These membranes are commonly made of polysulfone. The pretreatment. Industrial applications include wastewater
membrane modules are similar to spiral wound RO modules recycle after primary or secondary treatment, metals removal,
and are popularly housed in 8-inch diameter pressure vessels. raw water clarification, and RO pretreatment.
Feedwater, pressurized to approximately 20-100psi, is fed to
one end of the spiral wound membrane module. Feedwater Hollow fiber membranes used for filtration in industrial
travels across the feed spacer and is forced through the water treatment may either be UF or MF membranes. The

I.D. of fibers is typically 0.5 mm (0.02 inch) – 1.2 mm (commonly 10-25 psi), and there is no recirculation stream
(0.047 inch) diameter. Up to several thousand hollow fibers that would require extra pumping power.
are bundled into a membrane element. At either one or
both ends of the membrane element, the fibers are cast in Over time, the physical backwash will not remove some
epoxy. Based upon membrane design, feedwater can either of the membrane fouling. Most membrane systems allow
be fed to the inside of the fibers, with filtrate leaving from the feed pressure to gradually increase to approximately
the outside of the fibers (inside-out), or else feedwater can 20-30 psi and then perform a clean-inplace (CIP). CIP fre-
be directed to the outside of the fibers with filtrate leaving quency varies from 7 days to several months. A good target
from the inside of the fibers (outside-in). is every one to two months. Another approach is to use a
Chemically Enhanced Backwash (CEB), where, on a fre-
A UF system can be set up with membrane modules arranged
quent basis, chemicals are injected with the backwash water
in parallel or blocks as shown in Figure 1.
to clean the membrane and maintain system performance at
Figure 1: UF System low pressure without going off-line for a CIP. CEB chemi-
cals are usually sodium hypochlorite, caustic, or acid. Much
of the success of the hollow fiber filtration process is estab-
lishing an effective backwash and CEB program.

The backwash and CEB strategy should minimize backwash

water losses while effectively returning the trans membrane
pressure (TMP) back to where it was at the start of the pre-
vious cycle. A good target recovery rate calculated as (filtrate
volume/total volume including flushes) × 100, is 92 – 95 %
with dead-end flow operation.

Flushing and backwash commonly use filtrate water. Some-

times it may be necessary to use other sources or better water
sources for this operation due to fouling that can occur when
the filtrate from the machine to be cleaned is not chemi-
cally compatible with the CEB chemicals. The flushing and
backwash cycles allow the following options:

Hollow Fiber Modes of Cross-Flow

For higher solids waters or back-end treatment of waste-
Operation: Dead-end or waters, the membrane may be set up to operate in a cross-
flow mode. What could be a rapid buildup of solids at the
Cross-flow membrane surface is overcome by continuously removing a
Dead-End Flow small portion of the flow from the dirty feedwater side of
For relatively cleaner waters such as front-end treatment, the membrane. This wastewater along with the water lost in
hollow fiber systems are commonly operated in a dead- flushes and backwashes can lower the overall recovery rate
end mode. All of the feedwater is directed across the down to the 80 – 90 % range. In both the dead-end flow
membrane, leaving the filtered particles behind on the or the cross-flow, strategies can be incorporated to capture,
membrane. Particulates are removed from the membrane treat, and reapply the backwash water to the front end of
surface by means of a physical backwash that forces the the membrane filtration process to improve actual overall
particulates out of the membrane pores and away from the system recovery rate.
surface of the membranes. The backwash may occur every
20 minutes to every few hours, depending on the system Forward flush, backwash, and chemically enhanced backwash
and the feedwater source. With the system operating in strategies are similarly applied whether the system is operated
a dead-end mode, operating pressures are generally low in the dead-end or cross-flow mode, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Dead-End vs. Cross-Flow Filtration flux rate. Concentration of solids at the surface occurs in
a dynamic state, but its effect is similar to the filter cake
Dead-End Membrane Filtration build-up at the separation surface in conventional filtra-
tion. The TMP builds and the unit will go into the back-
wash cleaning cycle. This is established by service cycle
time. Excessive TMP must be avoided to prevent damage
to the membranes.
Feed Side
Actual desirable flux rates depend upon the membrane
manufacturer, flow path, membrane material, water charac-
Filtrate teristics, and water temperature. Some starting point guide-
Flow Direction
lines are shown in Table
1. The high-end flux rates
are for relatively clean Greater
All solids are left behind on the surface. feedwaters with turbidi-
ties of less than 1 NTU
or total suspended solids
Cross-Flow Membrane Filtration of less than 1 mg/L. The
low-end flux rates are pressure
Feed Flow Direction
for dirtier waters with
turbidities of 15 NTU brought on
or greater, and total sus-
Feed Side pended solids of 20 mg/
L or greater.
by politics
Modified-Batch for and technical
Filtrate Flow Direction
Hollow Fiber
For oily wastes or rela- requirements
Solids are removed with a side-stream bleed, tively dirty back-end
and surface fouling is reduced waters, the treatment continue
may be set up in a modi-
fied-batch treatment. to make
Table 1: Starting Point Guidelines
With this method, a
Water Source Hollow Fiber Flux Rate (GFD)
City water or pretreated surface water 70 – 90
batch tank supplies the discharge to
Well water 65 – 90 UF with the cross-flow
Raw surface water
Sea water
58 – 70
45 – 70
recycle stream return- a waterway
ing to batch tank along
Cooling tower blowdown and tertiary
32 – 50 with new wastewater. A
Treated industrial wastewater 20 – 55 small concentrate stream
more and
is wasted. The flow to the
The performance and economics of filtration depend upon
hollow fiber UF mod- more difficult.
the rate at which water flows through the membrane. This
ule is changed back and
is the flux rate and is expressed in gallons per square foot
forth from top-end feed
of membrane surface area per day (GFD). The system is set
up to operate at a fixed flux rate or filtrate flow rate by the to bottom-end feed on regular cycles. As one end of the
use of a variable frequency drive (VFD) on the supply or fibers foul, the filtrate actually will provide an online back-
feed pump. Any accumulation of retained material at the wash of the fouled end because of the pressure differences
surface will reduce the effective filtration rate and create created within the module. After a period of time when the
the need for higher supply pressure to maintain the set TMP builds to a point, a CIP is performed.

Copper Removal from Cooling Tower Blowdowns Continued

Membrane Life • Evaluate the effectiveness and reliability of the

The life expectancy of membranes depends upon many fac-
• Determine chemistry requirements, if any, of the UF
tors including design flux rate, material, water characteris-
tics, operational design and implementation, and cleaning
• Determine reliable flux rates
frequency. As a rule, back-end treatment where wastewater
contains metals, organics, and oils will reduce the life expec- • Determine necessary backwash frequencies, flow
rates, and durations
tancy. Typical life expectancy in years is shown in Table 2.
• Determine chemically enhanced backwash strategies
Table 2: Membrane Life Expectancy (Years)
• Develop budgetary costs for full-scale operation
Front-end Water Back-end Water
Spiral wound 3-6 2-3
Hollow Fiber 3-8 1-4
Test CIP effectiveness
Tubular 3-8 2-5 There are many challenges faced with this technology,
including variations of influent water quality, temperature
Filtrate Water Quality changes, high TOC water, microbiological effects, and oth-
Both UF and MF will remove suspended particles, algae, ers. Conducting a UF or MF pilot test requires monitor-
and bacteria. UF will also remove viruses. Table 3 shows the ing of several parameters and making effective adjustments
expected filtrate water quality from MF and UF systems to determine if a full-scale system will be effective and to
on raw water clarification and compares with multi-media determine how to design it properly.
filtration. MF will generally provide a 15- minute silt den-
The pilot system has supervisory control and data acquisi-
sity index (SDI15) of less than 3 for surface or well waters.
tion (SCADA) capability where operating data is automati-
UF commonly achieves an SDI15 below 2. The lower SDI
cally acquired and stored. Manual data logging is also advis-
indicates a diminished potential for downstream reverse
able to backup the electronically stored data and to check
osmosis fouling where an RO machine is part of the treat-
the sensor transmitters.
ment process. The removal of suspended solids prevents
fouling and blockage of the RO brine spacer. Biofouling of Case Study
RO membranes will be less likely with the removal of bac-
A world-class leader in the production of industrial gases
teria by a MF or UF membrane process used in front of the
corporation owns and operates air separation units (ASU’s)
RO. Wastewaters containing oils and surfactants and high
all over the world. Air separation requires significant quanti-
TOC’s that are filtered by MF or UF will commonly result
ties of energy and as a result, heat is generated in the process
in higher turbidities and higher SDI’s than surface or well
that must be removed. Liquid oxygen ASU that supports
waters. a specialty gas pipeline that extends throughout the Gulf
Coast in Texas was faced with a reduction in the NPDES
Table 3. Filtrate Water Quality on Surface or Well Waters
permitted concentration of copper in their discharge. The
Water Quality Multimedia MF UF facility utilizes two large non-contact cooling systems to
Turbidity 0.1 – 2 NTU < 0.1 NTU < 0.1 NTU
reject the heat from the process to atmosphere by utilizing
SDI15 3 - Filter Blinding < 3 <2
mechanical drift cooling towers. The majority of the piping
in the cooling systems is carbon steel and the tube and shell
Pilot Testing
heat exchangers are constructed of carbon steel shells with
Wastewater is unique to the facility and processes used at yellow metal (Admiralty brass and copper) tubes.
the facility. Due to the high variability in the wastewater, it
is highly recommended that pilot testing be conducted to Makeup water for the facility is sourced from the local
verify the treatment process. Pilot testing can be conducted river water and canal water supply system. Makeup water is
as a laboratory scale bench top test or as an onsite test with untreated when it arrives at the boundary limit of the facil-
a pilot process that can be scaled up for a full size applica- ity. The makeup water is high in silt and natural organics. An
tion. This protects the customer, as well as the equipment upflow, fluidized bed, continuous backwashing sand filter is
vendor/contractor, by insuring confident results with little used to filter the makeup water to the non-contact cooling
or no surprises when the project is completed. The purpose system. Coagulation chemistry is added upstream of the filter
for pilot testing includes the following: to improve the suspended solids removal of the non-contact

cooling system makeup. The filtered makeup water is added • Prefabricated metal building to keep all equipment out
to the cooling tower sumps based on automatic level control, of the weather: 30’ × 30’ × 12’ high.
and treatment chemicals are added to the recirculated non- • Adequate lighting, heat, and ventilation for this building
contact cooling water to minimize corrosion, deposition, and included.
microbiological activity. Automatic blowdown of the non-
• An 8-inch slab with housekeeping pads for all
contact cooling water gravity drains to two small retention
equipment and tanks: 30’ × 30’ × 8” thick. Civil
ponds prior to discharge to the public water way. Average Engineering will be required to determine if this slab is
blowdown volume is 100 gallons per minute (GPM). adequate for the ground built on. The Civil Engineering
is provided in this scope.
The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission
(TNRCC) communicated a copper discharge limit of 17 • All interconnecting piping between cooling towers,
existing equalization tank, all equipment in the building,
µg/L (ppb) to the facility. The owner of the facility had
and the drain to pond number 1 located at the northeast
installed a traditional physical/chemical copper removal corner of the South Cooling Tower is included.
system (clarifier/media filtration) at another facility two
years prior. Although this system was effective at reducing • All electrical connections to include equipment, 480V
to 120V transformer, breakers and electrical distribution
the copper concentrations to the desired discharge concen-
equipment, building lights, heat, and vents is included.
trations, it requires a high degree of manpower and chemi-
cal addition to operate. Two alternative technologies were • All associated equipment for the project to include 2
compared to the already proven physical/chemical technol- (two) 70 GPM UF Filters, to operate individually or in
ogy to determine if a lower cost, better operating system parallel, all required pumps, clarifier, tanks, chemical feed
equipment, control package, softener and CIP system.
could be used. The two alternative technologies were selec-
tive ion exchange and ultrafiltration (UF). Estimates for • Project Management and Engineering to supervise the
installed ion exchange and ultrafiltration systems, as well as entire construction effort.
their projected operating costs, were compared against the
The system had the requirements for inlet water quality and
known cost of the existing physical/chemical system. The
was guaranteed to provide the indicated performance as
ultrafiltration system demonstrated the lowest installed cost
shown in Table 4.
with the lowest operating costs.
Table 4: System Requirements
A small-scale pilot study was conducted on the ion exchange
strategy and a larger scale pilot study was conducted uti- Treatment Plant Influent Water Quality
lizing the UF technology. The UF pilot was operated for Filter system maximum rated flow U.S. GPM 140 GPM
240 hours at an average flowrate of 18.7 GPM. It was Average Feed TSS 50-100 mg/L
originally thought that by adjusting the non-contact cool- Average Feed Turbidity 20-80 NTU
ing water blowdown to the minimum solubility of copper Average Feed Total Copper residual (EPA Methodology) 250 µg/L
that the UF membrane would remove particulate copper Average Feed Dissolved Solids < 1,500 µS
and achieve the required copper removal. The pilot dem- UF Filter Average Flux Rate 52 GFD
onstrated that this technique resulted in premature foul- Average UF Unit Recovery > 95%
ing of the UF membrane due to carbonate scaling of the Average Unit Trans-membrane pressure (TPM) 6-8 psig
Average UF Permeate TSS < 2.0 mg/L
membrane caused by exceeding the concentration indices
Average UF Permeate Turbidity < 0.5 NTU
for calcium carbonate. Therefore, trithiocarbonate (TTC)
Average UF Permeate Total Copper Residual
was dosed to the UF feedwater to help precipitate the (EPA Methodology) < 15 µg/L
copper for removal by the UF membrane. This strategy Treatment Plant Effluent Performance Guarantee
worked very well and allowed a membrane flux rate of Filter system maximum rated flow U.S. GPM 140 gpm
53 GFD to be realized. The UF membrane utilized for the UF Filter Average Flux 52 GFD
pilot was a 500 square foot, inside-out, polysulfone ultrafil- UF Unit Recovery > 93%
tration membrane. UF Unit Trans-membrane pressure (TMP) 6-8 psig
UF Permeate TSS < 2.0 mg/L
After the successful pilot, a full-scale process was specified UF Permeate Turbidity < 0.5 NTU
and awarded as a design/build contract. The general scope of UF Permeate Total Copper Residual (EPA Methodology) < 15µg/L Cu
supply was as follows: HydraCap membrane life expectancy 3 years

Overall recovery of the process was optimized by
directing the backwash from the UF system to
a storage tank to allow for additional processing
of the backwash through an inclined plate clari-
fier. The clarified effluent from the inclined plate
clarifier was directed back to the UF equalization
tank for additional processing by the UF machines.
Clarifier sludge was be collected in a filter press
and disposed of by the owner. The Pilot Hollow
Fiber UF System and the Ultrafiltration Skid are
shown in Figures 3 – 5.

Had the economics warranted, a RO process could

have been placed downstream of the UF system
and the cooling tower blowdown water could have
been reclaimed back as to the cooling tower as
cooling tower makeup. The process flow for the
system is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 4: 2 × 70 GPM Ultrafiltration Skid and Control Panel

The case study system has been operational since late
2004. Hurricane Rita caused damage to the facility,
which caused it to be shut down for several months
while repairs were made. The UF system did not sus-
tain any physical damage as a result of the hurricane
and was operational when the facility was placed back
in service.

In conclusion, MF and UF systems can be very effec-

tive economical processes to meet cooling discharge
compliance requirements and provide better results
than other treatment methods.

Chris Howell is the Sales Manager and Director of

New Business Development, Design/Build Division
for CROWN Solutions, Inc. Dave Christophersen
is a partner in CROWN Solutions, Inc. and is their
Technical Support Manager. Chris and Dave can be
reached at [937] 890-4075.


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