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whence, for some positive ρ depending only on |/'(0)| r and M,

G' exists in D(0,p)°. There is a sequence {cn}n€N such that for


W in D(Q,p)°, G(W) = Y^cnWn (= z). The recursive formulae


for the sequence {cn}n€N show \bn\ < \cn\ , η € N. Thus the series

(5.3.44) converges if \w\ < p:


5.3.45 Example. If f(z) = e2, then / € E, /' = /, and /' is never zero.

Although / is locally infective it is not globally infective: for η in Z, e ηπ% = 1.


Chapter 5. Locally Holomorphic Functions

5.3.46 Exercise. If 0 < r < \a\, for some L in Η (D(a,r)°), eL(z) = z.

[Hint: The function L in 2.4.21 serves.]

The condition f'(a) φ 0 plays a central role in the Proof of the major

part of the Open Mapping Theorem, 5.3.39. There is a refinement that

deals with the circumstance: / is not a constant function, but f (a) = 0.

5.3.47 Theorem. If / e Η(Ω), a is in Ω, and / is not a constant


H[iV(a)], AND ALL Ζ IN N(a) f(z) = f(a) + [g(z)]m. FURTHERMORE, FOR

some b and a positive r, g[N(a)] = D(b,r)° = V, g\N(a), is injective,

AND FOR SOME h IN H(V), h °g\N(a)(z) = Z.

Proof. For some m in N and some N(a), if ζ € N(a), then

f(z) = f(a) + (z-aY


d^ /(a) + (z - a)mk{z)

к' к'

and k\N( уф 0. Hence — € H[iV(a)], and for some h, h' = —. If ζ € N(a),

then {/c(z) · exp[—h(z)]} = exp[—h] [k' — kh'] = 0. Hence, for some

constant Μ =f \M\eie, kexp(-h) = Μ on N(a). Since

\M\™ exp

if g(z) d^ (z - a)k(z), then f(z) = f(a) + [g(z)]m. Moreover, g(a) = 0 and

g'(a) = k(a) φ 0. Π

5.3.48 Theorem. (Morera) If U e 0(C), a e t/, / e C([/,C), and for

EACH 2-SIMPLEX σ CONTAINED IN t/ \ {a}, / f dz = 0, THEN / € H(t/).

[ 5.3.49 Note. The open set U need not be connected, e.g., the

conclusion is valid if U =f D(0,1)°UD(3,1)° =f UUD(3,1)°.]

Proof. If r > 0 and ги € D(b,r)° С t/, the hypothesis implies (even when

b = a) that the formula F(w) = f dz unambiguously defines an F in


cD(6,r)° Moreover5 FTC implies F' exists throughout D(b,r)° and F' = /.

Hence F € Η (£>(&,r)°), and thus F' (= /) € Η (£>(a,r)°). D

5.3.50 Example. The hypothesis / € C(i/, C) in 5.3.48 cannot be

omitted. Indeed, if

1.0 otherwise

Section 5.3. Basic Holomorphy 225

and σ is 2-simplex contained in С \ {0}, then / f dz = 0. Nevertheless

there is no entire function g such that g\ , . , = /.

Another aspect of holomorphy is highlighted by contrast in

5.3.51 Example. For each к in N, the function

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